maya March 18

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Published by Simpi Saikia on behalf of Asomiya MAYA, Printed at Labanya Printing Press, G.S. Road, CK Hazarika Path, Tarun Nagar, Guwahati-781005

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Vol -1 Issue 3

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Asomiya MAYA Editorial Board Chief Patron: ZUBEEN GARG Publisher: SIMPI SAIKIA Chief Editor: ROBSON BARUA Editor: BITOPAN BORAH Associate Editor: SEKHAR JYOTI BAISHYA

D.T.P.: POLI HAZARIKA Advertisement and Circulation Manager: DIGANTA SARMA 9365475794 Bureau Chief : BHASKAR SADHONIDER

Head Office A.T. Road, Tarajan Near Ganga Bibah Bhawan Jorhat 785001 Ph : 8135914094 Branch Office Red Media, House No-2, Byelane-2, Rajgarh Road Guwahati 781003. Ph : 7002118771




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The Dangerous Dogs Act










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! Life is beautiful, just f@ing beautiful






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I am apologising 2 every one who's sentiments are hurt because of the chaos around my memoir and ordinary life. I hereby regret & decide to with draw my book -Nawazuddin Sidduqui tweet, (sic)''ď ­ ď ­


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