B arts Company Manager Job Role B arts is looking to appoint a company manager, whose primary focus will be to support the successful delivery of the B arts’ Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisational programme
2018 – 2021 starting April 2018.
This person will be an integral part of the team, supporting the Project Leads in contract management, monitoring data, organising and scheduling artists and resources in order to deliver the B arts programme of work.
£20,000 plus NI and pension p/t 0.8 days (4 days per week)
Fixed term (4 years April 2018 to Dec 2020) with a 3 month probationary period.
Annual leave entitlement: 20 days (pro rata) paid holiday per annum together with paid statutory and bank holidays.
Line Management: The company manager reports on a day-to-day basis to the Executive Director and works closely with the B arts core team of 4 (Executive Director, Artistic Director, and two Creative Producers)
Tasks and responsibilities Under the direction of the core team the company manager will be expected to;
• monitor the progress of the B arts programme to ensure it is proceeding according to the milestones and objectives
• keep clear and accessible records inc narrative, data and financial
• maintain all appropriate records necessary for reporting progress to the Arts Council England and to the B arts Board of Trustees and other funders
• set up and maintain administrative systems as needed
• organise and ensure that the monitoring as required by the commissioners, is completed by the creative teams, including ACE Audience Finder survey reporting
• support the B arts project workers in the management, retrieval and use of data ( eg contact details, managing email address books, sign in sheets for sessions etc) and B arts Impact Framework
• support volunteer placements across B arts programme
• liaise with project artists regarding contracting, travel, accommodation
• co-ordinate the creative programme eg scheduling, venue booking, refreshments, travel plans and so on
• maintain good relations with sub- contractors, hire companies and materials suppliers and book hires, purchase materials etc as directed
• assist the project leads in budget planning and financial controls