Crossing Frontiers (temporary light installations) B arts and Newcastle Lanterns are looking to commission an artist to create two installations in Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire. These installations will look at the theme of flight across actual and imaginary frontiers. Flight' will explore the figurative and literal, the negative and positive components of flight through high quality, temporary, outdoor light installation. Our ambition is that this artistic exploration by professional artists and community members working together will create new stories and new pictures which accept change (flight of incoming residents from war-torn countries) while being rooted in specific cultural history of place (‘wakes weeks’ and the working-class heritage of pigeons). The two installations will be time limited (temporary) light installations, one in an overlooked ancient alleyway/ginnel of Newcastle under Lyme and one in a more residential area of the town. Light installations could be mains power, battery or solar powered. The installations will be co-created with the immediate local residents, business owners as we wish to investigate what engagement and actions are necessary to create feelings of ownership. We would wish to see that the artist has experience in working with community groups and working in a collaborative way with them. They will be installed in the run up to Midwinter Wakes, Sat 10 Dec 2016, a town centre lantern procession now in its 4th year, see and B Arts The lantern procession can offer a second floor workshop space in the town centre, if needed. There will be support from a technical stage manager, with permissions, installation and derig. Installation by Mon 5 Dec and take down on Sunday 18 Dec. Fee £3000 inclusive of VAT, travel and accommodation plus £600 materials. Please send: A statement of what you would propose, no more than one side of A4, including technical details. Max of 5 images of your previous work An up to date CV, including referees Deadline: 5pm MONDAY 31 OCTOBER 2016 Please email to FAO Hilary Hughes (Project Director)