WRITER FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – commission for The Box Context The Box is a new collaboration between Stoke-on-Trent Libraries and B Arts aimed at 9-13 year olds and their families and funded by Arts Council England. Part-theatre piece, part digital workspace, it will tour libraries and other venues in Stoke-on-Trent over the next three years and will consist of two inter-related elements: The Box – a short theatre performance for one person at a time, based on an existing story that takes place in a specially-built environment. This will run on a drop-in basis during library opening hours. The Playbox – an area for reading and writing. Sofas, digital tools such as i-pads and print on demand will combine to enable participants to make their own creative responses and reflections on the story they have experienced. Young people will be able to stay and create for ten minutes or two hours. The aim is to attract young people into libraries, enable them to experience a high-quality arts activity based on ‘the power of the word’ and to reflect on it and shape their own artistic responses, and to start their lifelong reading journey and library habit. Stoke-on-Trent Libraries are working with local arts partner B Arts Ltd to manage the project. The target age-range is 9-13, with a wider accessibility for families. The Box may not be suitable for very young people (under-five). We are seeking a Young People’s Writer to contribute to making The Box, and to work alongside a Digital Media Artist and an Immersive Theatre Designer/Maker. The writer will: •
Decide on an existing story that all involved in The Box will use as a starting point (for example a ‘classic’, a myth or legend, or a novel or poem).
Script the story that takes place in The Box itself, and work with the creative team to realise this script.
Work with the creative team to create engaging creative activities for young people in the Playbox area.
Lead the creative response activities alongside library staff during 6 residency weeks in libraries in Year One of the project.
Train B Arts and library staff in year two to deliver the creative response activities.