b* creative Magazine Issue 8 September 2010

Page 1

contents* *con-tents [kon-tents]: the material, including text and images, that constitutes this publication document.

contents* *con-tents [kon-tents]: the material, including text and images, that constitutes this publication document.

Editor’s Note A while ago we posted a very interesting piece of work on our Facebook Fan Page that stimulated a lot of talk about sketching and doodling. The piece itself was done by an artist we have featured in this month’s issue, an artist with a very unique and interesting style - Andrea Joseph. Her drawing of two converse sneakers amongst a million doodles and sketches evoked in us a feeling of longing for the good old days, when digital drawing was but a distant dream. It reminded us that even in this day and age, creating something with your own bare hands without the help of technology truly is gratifying. And so the “sketch and doodle” issue was born! This month we have collected an amazing array of work by artists who still use pen and paper (okay, so maybe it’s not always a pen they use, but you get the drift). There are sketches and doodles of all sorts, with themes from life drawing to the completely abstract. The artists we have chosen to interview all have their own little twist on how they create their masterpieces and we think you’ll be very impressed with their efforts. A recurring tool we’ve seen used by many people whose work we’ve showcased in this issue seems to be the Moleskine notebook, something we simply had to find out more about. If you’ve ever bought one of the legendary Moleskines you will have received a little history pamphlet with it that is rather inspirational. To quickly summarise, Moleskine is the celebrated notebook used by European artists and thinkers for the past two centuries, from Van Gough to Picasso, from Ernest Hemingway to Bruce Chatwin. A simple black rectangle with rounded corners, an elastic page-holder, and an internal expandable pocket: a nameless object with a spare perfection all its own, produced for over a century by a small French bookbinder that supplied the stationery shops of Paris, where the artistic and literary avant-gardes of the world browsed and bought them. A trusted and handy travel companion, the notebook held invaluable sketches, notes, stories, and ideas that would one day become famous paintings or the pages of beloved books. In the mid-1980s, these notebooks became increasingly scarce, and then vanished entirely. In his book The Songlines Chatwin tells the story of the little black notebook: in 1986, the man-

ufacturer, a small family-owned company in the French city of Tours, went out of business. “Le vrai moleskine n’est plus,” are the lapidary words he puts into the mouth of the owner of the stationery shop in the Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, where he usually purchased his notebooks. Chatwin set about buying up all the notebooks that he could find before his departure for Australia, but there were still not enough. In 1997, a small Milanese publisher brought the legendary notebook back to life, and selected this name with a literary pedigree to revive an extraordinary tradition. Following in Chatwin’s footsteps, Moleskine notebooks have resumed their travels, providing an indispensable complement to the new and portable technology of today. Capturing reality in movement, glimpsing and recording details, inscribing the unique nature of experience on paper: Moleskine notebook is a battery that stores ideas and feelings, releasing its energy over time. Not long ago, something called the Moleskine Exchange began. It’s a project where several artists, each with their own Moleskine notebook, draw something on two facing pages of their book. They then send their book onto the next artist (a predetermined list is established in advance) and receive a book from another artist. They draw something on two facing pages and send the book onwards. This process is repeated until the artist receives his/her original Moleskine notebook. Talk about inspiration and history in the making! Many Moleskine Exchange programs are being conducted as I write this note and I urge you to begin your own, or join one. We’re thinking about starting a b* creative Moleskine exchange very soon. So to sum up – this month is all about natural! It’s about loosening your wrists and letting your imagination flow. It’s about not worrying if the lines are correct and if the colours match. It’s about putting pen to paper even if your concentrating on something else (my personal favourite time to doodle is when I’m talking on the phone). You’ll notice our illustrator Robine Va’auli really went out of his way this month, not only to sketch our cover, but to draw each one of us. How awesome! So until next time dear friends and readers, don’t forget to: Imagine. Believe. Create. Achieve.

Title: Sketching Photos

Sketch by Robin Va’auli

inspiration* 1.

Wednesday Sep 1, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Sep 2, 2010 5.

3. 4.



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Friday Sep 3, 2010 7.



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Saturday Sep 4, 2010





inspiration* 12.

*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Sunday Sep 5, 2010


Monday Sep 6, 2010




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

15. “Discipline in art is a fundamental struggle to understand oneself, as much as to understand what one is drawing.� - Henry Moore

Tuesday Sep 7, 2010


featuring* *fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

Featuring: Andrea Joseph began then. I’ve always been hyper creative. For as long as I can remember. 4. What sort of education have you had? Bog standard UK comprehensive school. No illustration education. I’m self taught. 5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be? Ah, this is too hard. I dunno. My friend always says it has a deep deep sadness to it. I like that.

6. How do you go about creating a piece of work? Where do you draw your inspiration from? Everywhere. Inspiration comes from everywhere. Music. Art. The weather. 1. Name, surname and place of resi- A pair of shoes on the floor. The cat. dence. Everything and everywhere. Andrea Joseph. Derbyshire, UK. As for how I go about it. I just sit 2. What sparked your passion for il- down in the chair and draw. I do like lustration/ graphic design / art? to be alone to draw. I get too disNothing specifically. tracted if there are people around. So I like solitude. 3. How creative were you as a child? Yes, my passion for drawing certainly 7. Tell us your philosophy on creativ-



*fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

ity. touched in some way by your work. I have no conscious philosophy. I just Nothing better than that. like to draw. 10. What is your advice for aspiring 8. Whose work do you admire and creatives? why? Follow your own path. Let your drawI am more influenced and inspired by ing (or whatever field you are in) tell music, as opposed to visual artists. I you where to go, and what to do, am a huge music fan, so it’s people next. Let it all unfold in front of your like Paul Weller and Neil Young who I eyes. It’s the most interesting trip. admire most. Saying that, my favourite artists include Peter Blake and I love the Pre Raphaelites. I’m also a fan of children’s book illustration. The good ones. There’s a lot of crap out there. 9. What has been your greatest achievement so far? Hmmmm. I don’t know. I was very pleased to be granted the award for excellence at Bologna Children’s Book Fair last year, and to have my work exhibited alongside one of my favourite book illustrators Shaun Tan. I think my greatest achievement is my blog, though. I feel proud of my drawing blog. And the following that it has gathered. There’s nothing better than knowing that people have been

w: http://andreajoseph24.blogspot.com/ f: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreajoseph/



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Wednesday Sep 8, 2010





*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Sep 9, 2010


“Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.� - Salvador Dali




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Sep 10, 2010



Buustamon @ The Dieline Swedish design agency Summer has devised the concept and design for the bottle labels of Swedish ski lodge Buustamons Fjällgård that also houses a small exclusive distillery in their cellar. Buustamons Fjällgård is a rather lonely place on the west side of the mountain of ski resort Åre in north of Sweden. It opened 1952 as a lodge and restaurant, but since 2000 they also have a small distill-


ery in the cellar. Summer homed in on the theme of Buustamon Fjällgård as a final outpost, just as in the world of fantasy and fairytale, with the inn located where the road ends, offering the traveller one last opportunity of refreshment before setting forth on the great adventure. Each bottle carries three labels: a flavour label, a Buustamon Bränneri (distillery) label and a reverse label. All labels are applied manually at the distillery and stamped with the batch number. There was a time when people climbed mountains, crossed deserts and oceans without artificial fibres, weather forecasts, satnav and rescue services. There was a time when an adventure was an adventure, a voyage into the unknown and uncertain. Out into the white patches on the map, along unsounded coasts and up to unconquered peaks. Among wild God-knows-what animals in caves, oceans and primeval forests. Buustamon’s Aqua Vitae (Water of Life) is distilled as a tribute to those dauntless travellers. - Salih Kucukaga for The Dieline


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.





Saturday Sep 11, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Sunday Sep 12, 2010

“A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.� - Paul Klee

28. 29.



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.



@ The Dieline

“Healthy Hot Chocolate on your mind. Experimental identity project for Hot Chocolate Cafe. Without any big focus on the name or typeface, the illustration becomes a dominant part of the identity and are the most reconizable element.� Designed by Jeksel. - Andrew Gibbs for The Dieline


Monday Sep 13, 2010


featuring* *fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

Featuring: Mattias Adolfsson 1. Name, surname and place of residence. Mattias Adolfsson, Sigtuna Sweden 2. What sparked your passion for illustration/ graphic design / art? Nothing sparked I just drifted towards it, I studied quite a lot of other things before majoring (technology, architecture)

get inspiration from the nature around me 7. Tell us your philosophy on creativity. If you’re mind is empty start drawing anyway

8. Whose work do you admire and why? I’m a big admirer of the late Frank Zappa, not only for his music but also for his humor 3. How creative were you as a and intelligence. child? Nothing as I though as spe9. What has been your greatcial at the time, I was probably est achievement so far? amongst the best at drawing My greatest achievement this while at school but I didn’t give far is to have survived the last it much heed at the time. three years in the Illustration field, I just got a grant from the 4. What sort of education have Swedish Arts Grants Commityou had? tee so I expect to survive for at I have a Major in Graphic deleast one year more. sign, not much focus on Illustration while at college, it was 10. What is your advice for focused mainly at design aspiring creatives? It’s nice to be important but it’s 5. If you could describe your even more important to be nice. work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be? Detailed, clean and pale 6. How do you go about creating a piece of work? Where do you draw your inspiration from? I get most of my inspiration from what I read and hear, I also


w: http://mattiasa.blogspot.com e: mattiasadolfsson@gmail.com


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Tuesday Sep 14, 2010




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

33. “Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic.” - Keith Haring

Wednesday Sep 15, 2010 34.

Thursday Sep 16, 2010



“Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic.” - Keith Haring


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Good Ol’ Sailor Vodka @ The Dieline


Now this is how you do plastic Petainer. Together we have bottle Vodka! produced a container which is environmentally friendly, has “Sweden’s first vodka in PET high levels of clarity and great bottle. It’s also one of the first shelf appeal, whilst at the same vodka made of organically time is easy to manufacture in grown, Swedish barley. The high volumes. We wanted to new Swedish eco-vodka is exploit the phenomenon of PET distilled four times and has a in the best possible way. The clean, fruity nose with some goal was to design would be spicy aftertaste and released in integrated with the bottle.” a Swedish-made PET packaging for minimal environmenDesigned by Mattias Brodén tal impact. We have worked closely with Technologists at - Andrew Gibbs for The Dieline


Friday Sep 17, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Saturday Sep 18, 2010

It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character. - Camille Pissarro



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Sunday Sep 19, 2010


41. “I usually use quick sketches that I accumulated from the figure drawing classes I once instructed.� - Frank Bruno



inspiration* 42.

Monday Sep 20, 2010


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Tuesday Sep 21, 2010


featuring* *fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

Featuring: Robert Scholten draw for hours. Stuff like making my own comics, characters, superheroes. 4. What sort of education have you had? A diploma in Graphic Arts and a Masters in Fine Arts. 5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be? Fantastical, layered, kinetic. 6. How do you go about creating a piece of work? Where do you draw your inspiration from? I start rough and concentrate on more abstract concepts – composition, concept, design... lots of thumbnails! After I think

1. Name, surname and place of residence. Robert Scholten – Melbourne, Australia. 2. What sparked your passion for illustration/ graphic design / art? I think it’s the usual story of being obsessed with drawing for as long as you can remember. And when you become involved in image-making, you naturally go down theses illustration/graphic design/art paths that involve images and communication. 3. How creative were you as a child? Very! I’m an only child, and would just



*fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

one of my ideas is going somewhere I try to refine it. And usually during this process little connections might occur that reinforce the overall concept. 7. Tell us your philosophy on creativity. Creativity is like a good pair of jeans – it’s best used when used a lot! 8. Whose work do you admire and why? Tough question. But I’ll pick Picasso. Because – especially during early Cubist years - he was able to channel the feeling of the age, examine the way we perceive things, and redefine art in the process. The other thing I like his utter playfulness. He would just grab any medium and push it, develop new techniques. I think when looking at his work you can feel his intensity but also his passion and love of creating. And last, I love his work ethic. The man was a machine! 9. What has been your greatest achievement so far? To be honest, I don’t know. I’ve got a great wife, been able to travel, work on great projects. I’ve got a zen-like approach... each day is great, and as long as I’m able to draw, I’m fortunate. 10. What is your advice for aspiring creatives? Work a lot, learn a lot, do your thing and be happy! w: http://robowhat.blogspot.com/ w: www.robobop.com


inspiration* 44.

Wednesday Sep 22, 2010 45.


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.



@ The Dieline Spanish graphic designer, Clara Roma designed this for Malondro. “Malondro is a family winery located in Cornudella de Montsant. It is the result of the union between two families that share the same devotion to the land and wine.” “So the solution that we propose for the labels was a design and artistic free lines that remind us the same, to the folksy, something made with care and dedication. The rounded lines and bonds represent the grapes and the

vineyards while we suggest that union between families. The order of wines from younger to older is: Latria, Xabec, Besllum, Malondro Blanc, Malondro, Coelum.” - Andrew Gibbs for The Dieline

Thursday Sep 23, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Sep 24, 2010 47.


“Even drawing gray hair at all is difficult to render in black and white.� - Alison Bechdel




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Saturday Sep 25, 2010 50.


“I have been drawing all my life.� - Dick Bruna


inspiration* 52.

Natura Girl @ The Dieline “Nature Girl uses all natural, organically grown and wildcrafted ingredients, carefully cultivated on small family-run organic farms from all regions of the

Sunday Sep 26, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

world to provide you with products that protect and nurture your skin and your health while also protecting the environment. We do not use any synthetic fragrances, synthetic dyes or animal testing. All of our nut, seed plant and flower oil are cold pressed and refined using old fashioned methods such as paper filters and natural clays, and our essential oils are organic or ethically wildcrafted and steam distilled.� - Salih Kucukaga for The Dieline


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Monday Sep 27, 2010


featuring* *fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

Featuring: Paul Heaston 1. Name, surname and place of residence. Paul Heaston, San Antonio, Texas

Fine Arts from Montana State University in Bozeman.

5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what 2. What sparked your passion would they be? for illustration/ graphic design Focused, detailed, engaged / art? My mother always drew, and 6. How do you go about crehad art on the walls, so I supating a piece of work? Where pose my interest in art is a do you draw your inspiration natural extension of her interfrom? ests. For years she had a print I’m fond of this Chuck Close of Picasso’s “Three Musicians” quote: “Inspiration is for amahanging in the living room. teurs. I just get to work.” I can’t sit around and wait for the 3. How creative were you as a appropriate moment to make child? art—I make myself work. I drew constantly, and was always encouraged to do so. 7. Tell us your philosophy on My drawing always followed creativity. my other interests—when I It’s similar to the idea expressed became interested in whales, in that Chuck Close quote on I drew them over and over. inspiration. I had an old proWhen I got into comic books, fessor once tell me (and I’m I had to master the figure and paraphrasing) that everybody anatomy, and learn about has a thousand lousy paintings hatching. When I was obin them, and the quicker you sessed with dinosaurs, I had to get rid of them (ie paint them) master drawing dinosaurs, etc. the quicker you can get to the good ones. In my experience 4. What sort of education at least, I have found this to be have you had? completely true. You can’t think I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts really long and hard and then from the University of Texas at produce a good work of art. San Antonio and a Master of You’ve got to go ahead and just



*fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

make something. And then make something else. The good news is, once in a while you will come out with something really good, and that will become more and more frequent the more you make. The thousand lousy works aren’t all consecutive.

side of the street heading east, then turned around and did the south side of the street heading back west. I really enjoy that the investment of time and the limitations I placed on myself paid off in a work I’m proud of. I’m also proud of being a correspondent for UrbanSketchers. com, and being part of such a 8. Whose work do you admire fantastic community that shares and why? such amazing world fro all over As a painter I will always say the world. Velazquez first and everyone else second. I love Chuck 10. What is your advice for Close, Wayne Thiebaud, John aspiring creatives? Singer Sargent and Alice Neel Working on anything is better as well. As an illustrator/drafts- than working on nothing. In man, I’m fond of Robert Crumb, the past I’ve worried too much David Macauley, Mateo Pericoli, about finding the right kind of and Heinrich Kley among many content to draw or paint. others. In fact, I think your content, or your subjects, or your style will 9. What has been your great- eventually find you, so long as est achievement so far? you keep working. Hesitation I don’t know about great, but is a dangerous habit to have as my favorite piece I think I’ve an artist, and it comes from too done so far is my Bozeman much deliberation, which is ofsketchbook project “Every ten really just fear. I’m remindBuilding in Downtown Bozeed of another quote by Jasper man.” Over the course of Johns which I’ll paraphrase: the about 7 or 8 months I drew, in creative process “is not a deliborder, every building on Main erate one, but a helpless one.” Street in Bozeman, Montana between Grand and Rouse Avenues. I started with the north w: http://paulheaston.blogspot.com/ e: info@paulheaston.com


inspiration* 55.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2010



*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

58. “Drawing is . . . not an exercise of particular dexterity, but above all a means of expressing intimate feelings and moods.� - Henri Matisse



Wednesday Sep 29, 2010




*in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


Thursday Sep 30, 2010



1. http://frog-vamp.deviantart.com/art/ doodle-sketching-002-15733049 2. http://www.behance.net/gallery/HipHop-Portrait-Sketches/263498 3. http://kidnotorious.deviantart.com/art/ Arkham-Riot-sketch-card-159179162 4. http://ryanbnjmn.deviantart.com/art/ Batman-Con-sketch-98986107 5. http://wya.deviantart.com/art/Cardboard-doodle-118867774 6. http://heathencomics.deviantart.com/ art/Batman-Sketch-173811960 7. http://www.behance.net/gallery/Moleskine-2/273095 8. http://sharmz.deviantart.com/art/Biroeye-doodle-126728533 9. http://zhuzhu.deviantart.com/art/BWSKETCH-02-156686229 10. http://theirison.deviantart.com/art/ Con-Sketch-Super-Con-160822502 11. http://tarrzan.deviantart.com/art/Creature-sketch-67036902 12. http://mikechoi.deviantart.com/art/ Death-Sketch-62961314 13. http://www.behance.net/gallery/HipHop-Portrait-Sketches/263498 14. http://stevensanchez.deviantart.com/ art/Deidara-SKetch-83050432 15. http://shoulderblades.deviantart.com/ art/doodle-1-117925582 16. http://thesublime514.deviantart.com/ art/Doodle-1-45183415 17. http://www.behance.net/gallery/Moleskine-2/273095 18. http://blueabyss17404.deviantart. com/art/doodle-174963390


19. http://dropsofjupiter88.deviantart.com/ art/Doodle-110863729 20. http://00ratboy.deviantart.com/art/ Doodle-8798240 21. http://humming-fli.deviantart.com/art/ Doodle-61239147 22. http://www.thedieline.com/ blog/2010/9/10/buustamon.html 23. http://kerenweezer.deviantart.com/art/ Doodle-71111427 24. http://kialeo90.deviantart.com/art/ doodle-68448204 25. http://pencilbutt.deviantart.com/art/ Doodle-69682598 26. http://zawy.deviantart.com/art/doodle-10517743 27. http://razzledazzle.deviantart.com/art/ Doodle-59471175 28. http://tweeny.deviantart.com/art/doodle-with-red-24670508 29. http://aeterne.deviantart.com/art/geisha-sketch-170671556 30. http://www.thedieline.com/ blog/2010/8/30/chocobrain.html 31. http://toonrama.deviantart.com/art/ Hand-sketch-48181817 32. http://reiq.deviantart.com/art/HoneyBunny-Sketch-76457427 33. http://deathofrats.deviantart.com/art/ marker-doodle-151728623 34. http://caramelaw.deviantart.com/art/ NaDOoDle-38342143 35. http://eonlegend.deviantart.com/art/ Paramore-doodle-180433863 36. http://www.thedieline.com/ blog/2010/9/21/good-ol-sailor-vodka.html


37. http://angel-blue.deviantart.com/art/ phone-doodle-36789257 38. http://kaminary-san.deviantart.com/ art/Sailor-moon-pen-sketch-110148257 39. http://zhoupeng.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-5-167724235 40. http://zahirahneonpink.deviantart.com/ art/simply-sketch-72995160 41. http://kaminary-san.deviantart.com/ art/Sketch-4-173370468 42. http://insipid11.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-008-52567072 43. http://matteoscalera.deviantart.com/ art/sketch-97-137851663 44. http://matteoscalera.deviantart.com/ art/sketch-128-142290553 45. http://www.behance.net/gallery/ Sketchbook--2008/184331 46. http://wine.thedieline.com/ blog/2010/9/28/malondro.html 47. http://jeffsimpsonkh.deviantart.com/ art/Sketch-13734133 48. http://www.behance.net/gallery/ Sketchbook-Dump-2003-2009/411725 49. http://vyrl.deviantart.com/art/ Sketch-130882530 50. http://flowerzzxu.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-151700368 51. http://lolita-art.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-88826178 52. http://www.thedieline.com/ blog/2010/9/27/natura-girl.html 53. http://www.behance.net/gallery/ SKETCHBOOK-II/219674 54. http://giljimbo.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-83901147

55. http://genzoman.deviantart.com/art/ Sketch-dump-1-140305532 56. http://www.behance.net/gallery/ Sketchbook/132643 57. http://passinglife.deviantart.com/art/ sketch-for-painting-82151820 58. http://alanrobinson.deviantart.com/art/ skull-sketch-94155793 59. http://kidnotorious.deviantart.com/art/ Sweeney-Todd-sketch-card-161743342 60. http://shojojim.deviantart.com/art/ Stevie-Doodle-103223386 61. http://www.behance.net/gallery/Theblack-notebook-of-illustrations/386347 62. http://biz02.deviantart.com/art/tabletsketch-2-40943526 Featuring Andrea Joseph http://andreajoseph24.blogspot.com/ Mattias Adolfsson http://mattiasa.blogspot.com/ Robert Scholten http://robowhat.blogspot.com/ http://www.robobop.com/ Paul Heaston http://paulheaston.blogspot.com/


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