Mummys Market Shopping Magazine May 2020

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Award-Winning Brands! May_Mag Cover.indd 1

22/5/20 4:19 PM



Bab9Safe Waterproof Mattress Protector - Cooling:

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Special waterproof shield ventilates by allowing air molecules to pass through while


trapping bigger

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water molecules - Helps prolong mattress lifespan


'I Cot / co-sleeper

Bab9Safe Latex NewborH PiHow

0 firn & flat Mattr� that fits srutgly


0 fitted sheets

0 Waterproof protectors

• Arn chair ( great for nursU19-!)

- Designed with a dimple to reduce pressure on

• Chang,ing, tab Le

baby's skull to prevent flathead while back­

'I "Baby Monitor


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- Recommended for daytime naps with adult

Good to Have, ---­


Sttddy Pillow • °BUMpers

"Baby Pillow

G BabySafe carries this product


Bab9Safe Latex Bambm1ie Pillow

- A buddy pillow that brings comfort to baby - Soundless & lightweight - Does not disintegrate,

Bab9Safe Latex Mattre{{ - Allergen-free - Comfortable and firm - Self-ventilating

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- Recommended for daytime use with adult supervision

- Customisable

SG-cordlife_May20_MummysMarket_MagazineAd_210x280mm_Output.pdf 1 12/5/2020 下午2:11









This One Decision Can Safeguard the Future Health Of Your Family While anticipating the birth of your child, expectant parents have many decisions to make such as choosing your O&G doctor, your preferred delivery hospital and even whether to engage a confinement nanny. But more importantly, do you understand enough to make that one medical decision that holds the key to your baby’s health? This is deciding whether you should do cord blood banking for your child. Opting to store your child’s umbilical cord stem cells is something your child will be grateful for in the future, especially in this age when health issues are often unexpected and unpredictable.

What Is Cord Blood?

Cord blood, also known as “placental blood”, is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a baby and after the umbilical cord is clamped. Cord blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) which are responsible for replenishing blood and regenerating the immune system.

Why Should I Store My Baby’s Cord Blood?

In recent years, cord blood banking has become an essential part of birth planning, as there is only one chance to save your baby’s cord blood: at birth. Choosing to store your baby’s cord blood is a form of biological insurance for your entire family, as this guarantees readily-available medical resources for your family exclusively in the years to come and offers you a peace of mind with just one decision.

Cord blood by the numbers 1



The first cord blood transplant occurred in 1988. More than 30 years later, researchers and physicians have continued to learn more about current and potential uses to help the body heal itself.

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Can be used as part of a stem cell transplant to help rebuild the immune system and can be used to treat over 80 types of diseases2 like leukaemia, lymphoma and thalassaemia, as well as metabolic and immune disorders.



Cord blood has been used in more than 40,000 stem cell transplants worldwide to help rebuild healthy blood and immune systems. More than 500 families have used their newborn stem cells stored with Cordlife for regenerative uses or as part of a stem cell transplant.

27/5/20 4:16 PM

Over 80% of cord blood usage for regenerative medicine

Up to 75% chance of genetic match for siblings

Regenerative medicine could be a game-changer. More

Full siblings have up to a 75% chance of being a partial genetic

than 80% of the cord blood used by families has been for

match. Using stem cells from cord blood instead of bone

regenerative medicine applications like Autism Spectrum

marrow minimises the risk of Graft vs Host Disease (GvHD)

Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Type 1 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s

for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient

disease, spinal cord injury and many more . Clinical trials

are the same individual) as compared to unrelated

are one of the key driving forces in medical breakthroughs

donor transplants. GvHD is a condition where the

and they represent hope for families with conditions

transplanted tissue cells (the graft) sees the patient’s

that have no known cure.

own tissue (the host) as foreign and attacks them.


An increasing number of parents are also choosing to store their baby’s cord lining. Cord lining is a sheet-like membrane from the umbilical cord that contains a high concentration of 2 types of stem cells, namely Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Cells (CLECs). They are the ‘muscle-forming’ and ‘skin-forming’ building blocks in the human body which have shown great potential in aiding the repair of injured tissues and organs. Cord lining stem cells also have immune-modulating characteristics, therefore matching of stem cells between the donor and the patient is not required, making them suitable for both your baby and other members of the family. By storing a combination of HSCs, MSCs and CLECs, you are availing your children and family to be part of a medical revolution with access to the growing applications of stem cells and the therapeutic potential they hold.

DID YOU KNOW? Autism was once thought to be incurable A recent clinical trial held by Dr Joanne Kurtzberg of Duke University had groundbreaking results in using umbilical cord blood infusion as a treatment for autism. The trial revealed significant improvements in social communication and expressive language in all 25 children who enrolled in the first 6 months of post-infusion4.

6 FACTORS EVERY NEW PARENT SHOULD CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A FAMILY CORD BLOOD BANK Cord blood banking is a long-term investment for your family’s future and parents should consider the following factors that can help you choose a trusted family cord blood bank.

Long-Standing Establishment As there is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood at birth, it’s important to do it with the right partner. Choose a family cord blood bank that has a long-standing establishment as it assures parents that their baby’s precious life-saving stem cells are stored with a trusted and reliable partner who will be with them for the long haul. A helpful tip will be to go with the largest family cord blood bank in Singapore, as they have over 19 years of experience under their belt. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, an independent resource and non-profit foundation, has also ranked the Top 10 Family Cord Blood Banks worldwide, and a quick search can tell you if any of these are in Singapore.

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27/5/20 4:16 PM

International Accreditations

Transplant Track Record

Besides choosing an established family cord blood bank, it’s also important that your chosen family cord blood bank has been accredited by international bodies such as American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT).

Another important consideration factor is whether your chosen family cord blood bank has a proven transplant track record. This is an indication that the family cord blood bank is experienced in successfully releasing cord blood stem cells for transplants. It also confirms that the cord blood stem cells stored under their care are in accordance with the highest standards and remains viable for transplantation.

It also ensures that your child’s cord blood stem cells will remain viable should the need for transplantation ever arise. There are only six family cord blood banks worldwide that are internationally dual certified by both AABB and FACT. Do your research and one of these six would be a family cord blood bank worth considering.

Fully-owned Processing and Storage Facility Proper protocols go into ensuring the viability of your child’s cord blood stem cells which is why it’s also important to choose a family cord blood bank that has full ownership over their processing and storage facilities. This means that they maintain direct control over critical services, quality, licensing and accreditations which assures parents of the well-being of their child’s cord blood that are stored under the bank’s care. This also provides the family cord blood bank with immediate access to resources in the event of an emergency. Till date, Cordlife has over 19 years of experience with a fully-owned facility and extensive laboratory management expertise.

Additional Service Offerings Besides storing cord blood stem cells, check if your chosen family cord blood bank offers additional services as it would give you access to more medical options for your child and family members. Cordlife is a patented technology provider in the processing and storage of cord lining cells, which contains 2 types of cells found in the umbilical cord lining – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Cells (CLECs). By storing a combination of cells, it increases your child and family’s medical options for possible therapeutic and regenerative applications in the future, especially for conditions that currently have no known cure.

Scan the QR code to find out more about the lifesaving benefits of cord blood banking.

Cordlife is now available for virtual appointments. Scan the QR code to speak to their friendly consultants!

Financial Stability As stem cell transplants or therapies may take place now or later in life, choosing a family cord blood bank with a sound, transparent and sustainable financial status is vital as it ensures that the family cord blood bank will be one that you can trust to be with you for the long haul. Public-listed companies offer financial transparency for increased assurance. Some other factors to take note of also include the family cord blood bank’s processing technology, customer service and enrolment process, just to name a few.

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Diseases and Disorders that have been in Clin-

ical Trials with Cord Blood or Cord Tissue Cells 1

Based on statistics provided by Cord Blood

Re g i st r y. ht t p s://w w w.cor d blo o d .com / b e nefits-cord-blood.

page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation website. en/diseases#trial. Accessed July 20, 2018. 4


For the full list of treatable diseases and refer-

ences, please refer to sg/treatable-diseases.

Murias M, Major S, Compton S, Buttinger J, Sun

JM, Kurtzberg J, Dawson G. Electrophysiological Biomarkers Predict Clinical Improvement in an Open‐Label Trial Assessing Efficacy of Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood for Treatment of Autism. Stem Cells Journals. 2017; 6(5):1332-1339.

27/5/20 4:16 PM

Reduce itch with every shower

ABOUT BIODERMA BIODERMA is a NAOS brand that is inspired by life and driven by the heart. We have been passionate about serving skin biology for 40 years. A company with a purpose, we aim to build a sustainable future, keen to preserve the human being and its environment. Our innovations and participation is dermatological breakthroughs to improve skin health have made us pioneering experts in dermatological care.

Our Expertise: Skin Biology Working alongside healthcare professionals from across the globe, our products are designed to preserve healthy skin and provide tailored responses suited to every dysfunction. Sensitive and reactive skin, dry to atopic skin, acne-prone skin‌ We help all skin types to strengthen themselves, whatever their sensitivity or environment. Designed to be practical and easy to use, our products take care of your skin and support it each day, for visible, lasting efficacy without compromising on respect for you skin.

Care first.

Bioderma_May_Ad.indd 1

23/5/20 12:34 AM

HOW MANY CALORIES TO EAT DURING PREGNANCY Congratulations, you’re pregnant! But is it time to eat for two?

The first question that’s popping up in your mind is how much more you would need to eat to ensure that your baby is well. Contrary to the popular belief (myth actually!), you do not need to ‘eat for two.’ Your baby is around the size of a pea during the first trimester and you’re gobbling down food, assuming it’s the best thing you’re doing for your baby – NOT! There are a few simple diet rules you need to follow during different stages of your pregnancy. The Count of Calories During Pregnancy As miraculous as it may be, there’s actually a lot of math (and science for that matter) involved in pregnancy nutrition. Thanks to all the focus on weight loss, the foods that we consume

How Much Calories...indd 1

today are valued in terms of calories. Of course, this depends on your physical activity and your state of health.

the right form of calories required in pregnancy diet, here we’ve bought you a list of foods you can add to your daily meals.

The base rule to follow calorie intake during pregnancy is to add around 200 to 300 extra calories a day during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Must-Have Foods

During the second trimester of pregnancy, most practitioners suggest an intake of 350 extra calories a day. Finally, you need to eat around 500 extra calories a day in the third trimester. Obviously, these ‘calories’ aren’t available just like that, so you may need to concentrate on the food you’re taking to ensure that you’re taking the right form of calories. To make sure you include


They are a rich source of important vitamins and minerals that your baby needs to develop during the pregnancy period. Choose from apples, bananas, oranges, grapes and other fruits.


You may need to get all the calcium you can during this crucial stage of development. Consuming milk and milk products is a better option as opposed to supplemental forms of calcium.


Lean meats and pulses

are excellent sources of proteins, and are a must during pregnancy.


Add more of green leafy veggies to ensure you get lots of iron - this helps prevent anaemia during pregnancy.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Fruits and vegetables, when taken in their raw form, are the best for a pregnancy diet since they are healthy and contain loads of fiber. These keep your digestive system properly functioning and prevent constipation, which is common during pregnancy. It is a good idea to create a diet chart for your meals and stick to that during your pregnancy period. Seek opinion from a certified medical professional and get a nutritionist to create a tailormade diet plan for you as per your requirements.

23/5/20 12:36 AM

MilkBooster Crunchies by Cookie4Milk

Chocolate Macadamia Oatmeal Crunch Yummy & Delicious Crispy Cookies With Key ingredients that can help to boost milk supply

Improved Formula with Virgin Coconut Oil for Extra Boost


Made with organic Flour, Oats and Flaxseed

100% Natural Ingredients

No Artificial Preservatives

No Nasties


Cookie4milk Cookie4milk LACTATION COOKIES Delicious Cookies formulated to Boost your Breast Milk Supply







Cookie4milk is also available at Kiddy Palace, Mothercare, Motherswork, Redmart, Lazada, Qoo10, Shopee and

Cookie4Milk_May.indd 1

23/5/20 12:39 AM

8 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S EYES Most parents often delay their child's first eye screening as they feel that their child would not be able to read the alphabets during the visual acuity test. But did you know that a trained paediatric optometrist can check on your child's vision without your child saying a single word? The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends timely vision screening in infancy and childhood for early detection and treatment, before it affects a child's learning and development 1 . However, there are many myths and misinformation on the topic of children's eye health that could cloud your judgement when it comes to scheduling an eye screening for your child. Let’s take a look at 8 common myths and the truths behind them to help you see things a little clearer.


My child can only have an eye check when he/she is literate and verbal

The truth: Paediatric optometrists are equipped with special tools that enable them to examine the visual ability of a child without the need to have much verbal feedback at all. It is important to evaluate and monitor your child’s eye health as his/her eyes are constantly developing and changing as he/she grows2 . In fact, it is essential to have your child’s first eye check when he/she turns 6 months old 1 , followed by an annual eye exam.


Being exposed to sunlight can damage my child’s eyes

The truth: Long-term sun exposure without proper eye protection can increase the risk of eye disease. However, various studies have claimed that sun exposure is important and necessary for normal visual development 5. Research has shown that young children who have lesser sun exposure may be at higher risk of developing myopia or short-sightedness. To ensure healthy vision for your child, avoid outdoor playtime during the hottest time of the day between 11am and 4pm. When outdoors, make sure that your child has proper eye protection such as sunglasses or a cap.


My child is still young. He/she should not wear spectacles because that will cause his/her eyesight to deteriorate

The truth: A refractive error will continually progress regardless of whether you wear spectacles or not. However, if your child chooses not to wear spectacles even though it is prescribed, your child may end up straining his/her eyes to see better and this can cause myopia to increase faster. If your child is suffering from severe myopia or astigmatism at a very young age, not correcting the refraction errors with spectacles could lead to irreversible amblyopia or lazy eyes6.


Myopia will not cause blindness

The truth: Myopia requires early intervention as it can be a complex condition that is associated with major eye diseases. If your child has high myopia, some complications include an increased risk in glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration in adulthood, and these can be vision threatening which may eventually lead to blindness6,7.

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Short-sightedness is inherited and no prevention can be done

The truth: Studies have shown familial link in children with parents who have short-sightedness (myopia). Having one myopic parent increases the child’s risk of turning myopic by 2-3 times, whereas if both parents are myopic, the risk increases by up to 6 times3. Although myopia is inheritable, it does not necessarily mean that all children with myopic parents will be affected. The environment that they usually spend their time is also a major factor. Experts recommend that children should take regular breaks in between near work such as reading or writing, and spend more time outdoors to help reduce myopia onset4.


If my child has myopia and/or astigmatism, he/she can be treated easily by a pair of spectacles or contact lenses

The truth: Although your child can be functionally treated with optical aids such as spectacles or contact lenses to help them to see as per normal vision, the risk of visual impairment is strongly related to the elongation of the eye ball and refractive power in eye. This means your child is still at risk of myopia-related diseases6. Such vision problems are easily preventable with annual eye exams to facilitate early detection and treatment. Parents should also introduce good eye habits like taking regular breaks to slow down the progression of the current level of myopia.


Refractive surgery (e.g. LASIK) is easily available so my child’s eyes can still be corrected to normal

The truth: Refractive surgery changes the front part (cornea) of your child’s eyes only to help him/her to see well, while the length of his/ her eyes remains as elongated6. Therefore, your child’s risks of myopia complications remain the same as someone with or without refractive surgery.


Vision loss only happens to adults

The truth: : Amblyopia (lazy eye) occurs when vision in one eye is reduced because the eye and brain loses the coordination to work properly. A child with amblyopia may have a pair of normal-looking eyes, but this eye condition may result in vision loss if it goes undetected and untreated 5. Strabismus (crossed eyes) and undetected refractive errors (myopia, astigmatism, etc.) are some examples which can lead to amblyopia and possibly cause vision loss in a child.

23/5/20 12:48 AM

DOES MY 6-MONTH-OLD BABY REALLY NEED AN EYE EXAM? Absolutely. Paediatric eye screening is just as important as regular visits to your paediatrician to facilitate early detection and treatment of eye conditions that may impede his/her learning and development. Suitable for children from as young as 6 months to 6 years old, EyescreenTM is a speedy, safe and non-invasive way to screen your child’s eyes for over 10 common vision conditions such as myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia (lazy eye), allowing effective treatment to be administered as early as possible. For parents who worry if this screening may be too stressful for your child, you'll be glad to know that the entire process does not require any physical contact with your child or eyedrops to dilate the pupils. In fact, the screening process is as simple as taking a photo! A paediatric optometrist will take a snapshot of the child's eyes using an automated photoscreening machine which can detect the presence of common vision conditions. Thereafter, an assessment of the child's eye health and development will also be conducted. Should any eye anomaly be detected, the child will be referred to an ophthalmologist for further assessment or treatment.

At A Glance


• PAEDIATRIC VISION SCREENING Suitable for children from as young as 6 months to 6 years of age.

"Highly recommend this eye screening service as it has a variety of eye tests conducted. Both my children received very good information on the condition of their eyes as well as advice on screen time. Referral was also provided by the eye screening specialist to obtain prescription to correct my daughter’s eyesight as well as reminder to bring my son back next year for revisit." Mdm Chia, 36, with 2 children aged 6 and 3 years old

• COMPREHENSIVE AND PAINLESS TEST An eye examination that does not require physical contact or dilating eye drops. Suitable for fussy or uncooperative children. • PHOTOSCREENING TECHNOLOGY A safe and low level of infrared light is used to conduct this screening. • DETECTS MORE THAN 10 COMMON CHILDHOOD VISION CONDITIONS

"My kid enjoyed the process so much! The eye check was engaging, fun & easy! The paediatric optometrist gave us so many useful tips on how to maintain good eye health, and customised her advice based on my kid's eye test results." Mdm Goh, 35, with a 4-year-old child

Amblyopia (lazy eye), Anisocoria (unequal size of the pupils), Astigmatism, Childhood Cataracts, Epiblepharon (developmental eyelid anomaly), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Myopia (short-sightedness), Ptosis (drooping eyelids), Strabismus/Pseudostrabismus (crossed eyes/ false appearance of having crossed eyes), Stereopsis (ability to perceive depth, or see in 3D)*, Colour Vision Deficiency*.

EyescreenTM is a service proudly brought to you by Cordlife Technologies Pte Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cordlife Group Limited.

• INSTANT RESULTS Screening results will be shared immediately, followed by a comprehensive screening report which will be sent via email. Hardcopy reports are also available upon request.

For more information, visit or contact 6238 0808

• REFERRAL TO OPHTHAMOLOGIST Further assessment or treatment may be required if an eye anomaly is detected. *For children aged 3 years & above

References: 1

Infant Vision: Birth to 24 Months of Age. American


Childhood eye myths. Mount Elizabeth website.


Mutti D, Mitchell L, Moeschberger M, Jones L, Zadnik


Rose KA, Morgan IG, Ip J, Kifley A, Huynh S, Smith W,

Optometric Association.

K. Parental Myopia, Near Work, School Achieve-

Mitchell P. Outdoor activity reduces the prevalence of



ment, and Children’s Refractive Error. Investigative

myopia in children. Opthalmology. 2008 Aug;115(8):

Opthalmology & Visual Science. December 2002; 43(12):



3633-3640. 5

Seven myths about children’s eyes. American Acad-


Debunking Myths. Singapore National Eye Centre


Can myopia lead to blindness? All About Vision


Other Resources

emy of Ophthalmology website.



Education. BHVI website.







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23/5/20 12:48 AM

WHAT’S REALLY IN MY INFANT FORMULA? The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. In circumstances where breastfeeding may not be possible, infant formula is the next best alternative. There are countless choices in the market, and each claim to include the best ingredients in their products. This makes understanding the differences between brands and choosing the right infant formula for your child a challenging proposition. While most parents would focus on the amount of DHA and ARA in infant formula brands, few stop to consider what forms the bulk of infant formula – the milk (or lack thereof)!


It is not uncommon to find skimmed milk or whey listed as the first ingredient, indicating that they are present in order of higher percentages than the other ingredients in the formula milk. What is skimmed milk and whey, and why do the various infant formula brands use these ingredients as the base ingredient in their formula milk? Skimmed milk is made by removing the natural milk fats from whole milk (also known as full cream milk). By removing the natural milk fats from whole milk, skimmed milk contains little to no fat. In addition, vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin D that are fat-soluble are also lost due to the removal of the natural milk fats and must be added back into the skimmed milk after the skimming process. Natural whole milk contains two types of naturally occurring proteins; casein and whey. To make whey, the casein proteins and natural milk fats are removed from whole milk.


Other common ingredients used in formula milk include Corn Starch, Glucose, Sucrose and Corn Syrup. These ingredients are cheap and serve useful purposes from the manufacturer’s point of view, such as being a source of easy-to-digest carbohydrates, as a sweetener or helping to thicken the milk formula. In addition, most Corn Starch, Glucose and Corn Syrup are made from GMO corn. Corn Starch is commonly added as a source of carbohydrates and as a thickener for infant formula. It is also used to keep your baby feeling fuller for longer, as corn starch is a complex carbohydrate that is harder to digest than sugars.

Glucose and sucrose are simple sugars that are commonly made from the starches in corn and sugar cane. Corn syrup is produced in a similar way to how corn-based glucose syrup is produced. Glucose and Corn Syrup are also much sweeter than Lactose, which is a naturally occurring sugar in breastmilk and cow’s milk.


Unfortunately, most infant formula brands choose palm oil as the primary fat source (the first vegetable fat) due to its low cost and the palmitic acid found within. Being cheap and relatively easy to grow, the cultivation of palm oil has led to detrimental impacts on the environment. Not only is it a leading contributor to deforestation and wildlife displacement on a massive scale, but this oil may also have harmful effects on your child. One of the negative effects of palm oil for children is constipation. Palm oil has been shown to combine with calcium to form hard, insoluble soaps in your child’s sensitive digestion system, which in turn leads to constipation with all the associated symptoms such as pain, lack of appetite and, of course, disrupted sleep for your child. Research has shown that babies who drink formulas without palm oil have softer stools, like that of breastfed babies.

What's Really Inside My Infant Formula.indd 1

26/5/20 10:48 AM

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11:03 AM

The Science Behind DHA, PDX^+GOS & BETA-GLUCAN

Children consuming milk fortified with DHA, PDX^ + GOS and Beta-Glucan have been shown to have fewer episodes of Acute Respiratory Infections compared to children consuming unfortified milk.

Frequency (%) of ARI

Less ARI over 6 months*


24% less

Number of ARI episodes Unfortified milk Milk Formula fortified with DHA, PDX^ +GOS and Beta-Glucan


If they did contract Acute Respiratory Infections, children consuming milk fortified with DHA, PDX^ + GOS and Beta-Glucan recovered faster.

Average duration in days of ARI for those who had ARIs



19% shorter duration

Unfortified milk Milk Formula fortified with DHA, PDX^ +GOS and Beta-Glucan

Learn more

^Polydextrose Yeast Beta-Glucan †Li F, Jin X, Liu B, Zhuang W, Scalabrin D. Follow-up Formula consumption in 3- to 4-Year-Olds and Respiratory Infections: An RCT. Pediatrics 2014;133:e1533-1540. Study is based on 3 servings per day. *ARI stands for Acute Respiratory Infections. This includes the common cold such as runny and stuffy nose, cough and sore-throat.

CAN I EXERCISE DURING PREGNANCY? Exercise is good for the body in order to remain fit and healthy. It is good and advisable for pregnant women to exercise their body, as it will help them to maintain some form. It will also help in building up their immune system and strengthen them in preparation for delivery.

HOW SOON SHOULD I START EXERCISING? There is no particular time when one can start exercising when pregnant. Some people without any health conditions or complication start exercising right from the day they notice they are pregnant to when they deliver. It is usually less stressful for people that have been exercising regularly before they become pregnant. They will just have to change their routine slightly to meet up with the changes in their body.

All these would be possible because exercise makes the muscles properly developed. For those that have been exercising regularly before pregnancy, they can continue the process of exercising during pregnancy, but reduce the intensity.

Exercise activities are part of pre-natal care when you regularly go for checkup. They do commence as early as it is discovered that the woman is pregnant.

SUITABLE PREGNANCY EXERCISES For pregnant women, you can take part in any exercise activity. But you should ensure to do them with ease and not to do them in excess and, hence, run the risk of losing your pregnancy. The kind of exercise activities recommended for pregnant women, which will be safe for them and keep them in good shape, including swimming, walking, indoor cycling, stretching exercise and yoga.


Also, there are special classes of aerobic exercise with instructors for pregnant women. You can register for these classes with a qualified instructor. It is also advised that pregnant women should engage in outdoor activities so they can be able to engage in activity that will enable them to stretch their limbs. There might also be exercise classes for couples when they attend pre-natal care. This is very good for bonding in the period of pregnancy. Light jogging is also advised especially if the woman has been jogging before she became pregnant.

WHEN YOU SHOULD NOT EXERCISE There are complications or issues involved in pregnancy where exercising may not be recommended. In such conditions, exercising might be harmful and hazardous. The conditions include: • When you have medical problems such as heart conditions, asthma, and diabetes. • When you have experienced miscarriage more than once.

Can I Exercise During Pregnancy_.indd 1

• •

• •

• • • •

Experience chest pain. Abdominal pains or contractions in your lower pelvic. Have a headache especially after each section of exercise. Have virginal bleeding. Have an irregular heartbeat. Experience sudden swellings in your joints especially your ankles.

When the woman has bleeding issues. When the woman had experienced premature birth on an early occasion. When the woman has weak cervix You should consult your obstetrician or physician about the kind of exercise that will be suitable for you at each stage of your pregnancy.

EXERCISES YOU SHOULD AVOID There are some kinds of exercises that are not suitable for pregnant women as they may cause complications in the pregnancy. These exercises include: •

Exercises that may involve holding your breath for a period of time • Exercise activities that have a high risk of falling such as diving and riding. • Contact sport that is very physical such as football, volleyball and so on. • Sporting activities that involve running and jumping such as athletics events • Avoid exercising in hot and humid conditions and an environment. • Avoid exercises that involve heavy lifting.

26/5/20 11:05 AM

20 kg



Royal Kiddy London-Singapore




26/5/20 3:07 PM

MOTHERHOOD DURING COVID-19 How To Enhance Your Child’s Well-Being

How can I protect my newborn from Covid-19? To boost your baby’s immunity, breastfeeding specialist Dr Wong recommends initiating breastfeeding as soon as possible, within the first two weeks of birth. Breast milk consists of the best antibodies, hormones, oligosaccharides and natural probiotics to support good immunity and healthy guts for your newborn. The intestinal flora (beneficial bacteria) in breast milk also protects against pathogens and strengthens intestinal maturation. Dr Wong also recommends practising frequent handwashing before and after touching your baby, or whenever you return home from outdoors. It is also advisable to increase cleaning for your infant’s toys and surfaces at home during this period.

How long should I breastfeed my child for it to be beneficial? Some mothers may choose to breastfeed for a few weeks while others may choose to breastfeed for up to two years. Deciding on how long to breastfeed your child is a personal decision, and understanding the benefits of breast milk at various stages of your child’s life could help you decide how long you should breastfeed for.


Your first breast milk, also known as colostrum, has a high concentration of antibodies and other immune properties that protects your newborn against illnesses like diarrhoea, ear infection or respiratory infections.


The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusively breastfeeding your baby until they are at least 6 months old, as breast milk provides optimal nutrition for your baby for the first six months of life. Your breast milk composition also changes according to the baby’s changing needs during the first few months.

First Two Weeks

First Six Months

Beyond the first milk, breast milk comprises of complete micronutrients with the exact combination of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals for your baby’s needs. Breast milk is easily digestible and supports your newborn’s gastrointestinal health. It contains all nutrients essential for growth. Its unique lipid structure of sn-2 palmitate, in particular eases digestion and is unlikely to bind to calcium forming insoluble (or undigestible) calcium soap. A2 β-caesin Helps to Support Gastrointestinal Well-Being

sn-2 Helps to

Nutrient Absorption

Strong Bones

Restful Sleep

Happy Tummy

Soft Stools

Beyond 6 months, breast milk alone will no longer be able to Beyond Six Months provide all the nutrition required for growth and development, and your child’s diet has to be supplemented with complementary foods like formula or solids. Most babies will start to show signs of weaning, usually around the 6-month mark, but mothers can introduce appropriate forms of solids to infants at any time after 4 completed months and before the end of 6 completed months.


The Health Promotion Board (HPB) recommends breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months, and if possible to continue until their infant is 2 years old, or for as long as they feel comfortable with it. Breast milk continues to be beneficial even past the newborn stage as an easily digestible source of nutrition for your child.

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Reduce flatulence

Reduce gastrointestinal discomfort

Dr Wong also shares that in breast milk, the beta-casein is of the A2 type which reduces flatulence and relieves gastrointestinal discomfort, and may reduce crying caused by wind.

BREASTFEEDING SPECIALIST, DR WONG BOH BOI. Dr Wong Boh Boi has over 30 years of experience in lactation consultancy, antenatal and baby care, specialising in nursing, lactation, midwifery, childcare and enhancing brain development in babies.

26/5/20 11:09 AM

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26/5/20 11:10 AM

tcm in pregnancy >>

Unlike Western Medicine, TCM does not identify pregnancy as a phase with altered human physiology with its unique vulnerabilities.


Between 15% and 50% of women use some form of herbs in pregnancy.

the pregnancy concept in tcm

understanding tcm

The practice of TCM originates from the writings of HuangDi NeiJin more than two thousand years ago. It remains a cornerstone of healthcare in modern China. In fact, the philosophies underpinning TCM has interwoven into the cultural DNA of Chinese people all over the world, shaping their lifestyles, disease prevention, and sickness management. The bedrock of TCM is to achieve homeostasis, or physiological balance, of the Yin and Yang. The Yin-Yang philosophy encompasses the entire natural world, both large and small. The ebbs and wanes of the Yin-Yang opposing forces presides the health of man, as man interacts with the environment. The Yin-Yang forces conduct through the Qi and Blood energy, along meridians that organizes the organ systems of man. TCM promotes the holistic approach to maintain equilibrium by the use of natural medicine.

use of herbs Many pregnant women use herbs or complementary therapies to have more energy, to feel well, and to strengthen the body to cope with the pregnancy. The widespread belief is that Chinese herbs being natural are mild and harmless, and should not have the noxious effects of western processed medications. This is far from true as ingested herbs have potent and unintended effects. The ancient Shennong’s Herbal Classic asserts that toxic herbs are those that effect a cure, and non-toxic herbs restore deficiencies. All herbs are invariably toxic, and excessive doses of even a “weak” herb can cause

TCM In Pregnancy.indd 1

extensive injury. The classic TCM pharmacopoeia warns against the dispensing of many individual herbs and medicinal material that are poisonous, that may cause miscarriage and injure the pregnancy. These include animal products (e.g. scorpion, beetle, toad, leeches, and centipedes), heavy metals (e.g. arsenic, mercury, and lead) and many other purgative, invigorating, and harsh plants. The common Chinese medications used during pregnancy are ones like BaZhen Tang, Si-Wu Tang, AnTai-Yin, compound powder like Dang-Gui-Saho-Yao-San, and single herbs like Ginseng and Huanglian. The expert TCM practitioner has to master the functions

and characteristics of hundreds of herbs. He has also to understand how these herbs interact when combined – either to synergize, to antagonize, or equilibrate the desired effect. Herbal concoction is to exert its impact on different patient eco-systems, which are intrinsically different according to gender, age, genetics, and lifestyles. If a TCM prescription that involves more than three herbal products and aspires to be curative, its formulation according to the classical methodology will be arduous. Countless man-hours and innumerable patient encounters were consumed to derive effective decoction, with many misses along the way. Chinese

Pregnancy ill health is similarly managed as in the non-pregnant women, by stabilizing the Yin-Yang balance, using herbs and acupuncture that manipulate the Qi movements. There is a weak appreciation of the interaction between the growing fetus and the pregnant mother. The pregnant mother and the fetus are managed as one. TCM textbooks only discuss few pregnancy related conditions like threatened miscarriage and fetal mal-presentation. Pregnancy-related disorders are not considered unique conditions; they are treated according to the presenting complaints, such as abdominal pain, leg swelling, headaches and so forth. herb prescribing is more of an art, resting on the experience of the master herbalist. To meddle with herbs while inexperienced is dangerous. Natural herbs may have more than one function, and their potency varies according to where they are harvested. Some natural herbs have opposing functions depending on their chemical state. The preparation of the herbs changes their properties. Thankfully, the safety of using herbs is improving fast when modern TCM practice applied the latest technologies.

26/5/20 11:12 AM

1. KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAN: The best way to prevent acne when you are pregnant or otherwise is by keeping the skin as clean as you can. Use a mild and soap-free cleanser twice in a day to wash your face. You can wash your face once in the morning after you have woken up and then at night before you go to bed. Wash your face properly with the cleanser and rinse off any residual soap. Pat dry gently but do not rub your skin. Also take care to wash and clean the area near your hairline and your jawline, as these are the two areas where pores get clogged the most.

Those blisters will not go. Yes, when you are pregnant your acne will only worsen! You could have acne during pregnancy due to the changes in the body, including fluctuations in hormonal levels. The overworked hormones can lead to an acne breakout, especially if you had experienced the problem before you were pregnant. In some cases, acne can become severe during pregnancy. In the first trimester, your hormone levels go through an upheaval. As the levels of your hormones increase, your body secretes more oil than usual. As a result, you suffer from acne outbursts.

MOST COMMON CAUSES OF PREGNANCY ACNE 1. HORMONAL IMBALANCE: The biggest reason for acne outburst while you are pregnant is shifting of the hormonal levels. During the start of your first trimester, i.e. around the sixth week of your pregnancy, your hormone levels hit an all-time high. Progesterone is the main hormone. It makes your glands produce more natural oil or sebum, which causes the acne breakout. The excess oil that your glands produce at this time block the pores of your skin. As a result, bacteria build up in the pores and result in infection, leading to acne breakout. 2. FLUID RETENTION: While you are pregnant, your body will begin to retain fluids. All the additional fluid that your body will retain will contain toxins, which can lead to an acne breakout. 3. PRONE TO ACNE BREAKOUTS: If your skin is predisposed to acne, you are most likely to suffer from acne breakouts in pregnancy. Also, if you have always had acne just before the start of your menstrual period, you are more likely to experience that when you are pregnant.

Pregnancy Acne.indd 1

Oily and greasy hair can also cause an acne breakout. Therefore, use a good shampoo to wash your hair. To avoid any residual oils from touching your skin, change and wash your pillow cases, towels and any scarves or hats that you use regularly.


2. DO NOT POKE: When you are pregnant, your skin becomes extra sensitive, and even the slightest rubbing and scrubbing can cause an injury. Regular scrubbing also strips the natural layer of moisture.

breakouts. Use an oil free moisturizer formulated for acne prone skin. It will reduce the irritation that often accompanies with acne.

4. READ THE INGREDIENTS LIST: When your skin loses its natural moisture, Before you buy any product to use on it will send out a signal to your oil glands your skin, read the labels and understand the ingredients. Certain products are to produce more oils to make up for the lost moisture. As a result, the oil glands in meant exclusively for those with acne prone skin. For instance, products that your body will start producing more oils, which can further clog your skin and lead are labeled as oil-free, non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic are ideal for those with oily skin ACNE MEDICATIONS SAFE and scalp. DURING PREGNANCY: Such products keep the Drugs containing zinc sulfate, erythromycin, azelaic skin and scalp oil free so acid and clindamycin are generally prescribed that you do not have any for use during pregnancy to treat acne. They are breakouts. considered safe as they are meant for external use and need to be applied topically. 5. AVOID THE SUN: So consult your doctor and get a prescription before Over-exposure to the sun using acne medication during pregnancy, as this is a not only increases the acne matter of safety for you and your growing baby. but also damages your skin. Being out in the sun Do not self-medicate but take care of for a long time increases your skin. That will help you the risk of skin cancer. avoid or deal with acne. It can also highlight the pigmentation and spots on your skin that are a common feature in pregnancy. Also, make to acne breakouts. sure that the sunscreen you are using is made for oil and acne-prone skin. 3. KEEP YOUR SKIN MOISTURIZED: 6. A HEALTHY AND It is important to keep your skin properly BALANCED DIET: moisturized if you want to avoid acne

Instead of sugar, go for alternatives such as jaggery or honey that will give you the sweet taste, but not the harmful effects of sugar. And instead of having refined grains, switch to whole grains. Also avoid fried or baked foods as they are loaded with unhealthy or saturated fats that make the skin vulnerable to pimples. Include nuts such as walnuts and almonds, fresh fruits and vegetables from a variety of color combinations, so that you get the best of nutrients. Concentrate on fruits and vegetables that are green, yellow, orange and red in color. 7. INCREASE VITAMIN A INTAKE: Vitamin A will help to keep your skin healthy and prevent the outbreak of acne. While you do need a good amount of vitamin A during pregnancy, an excess of this vitamin can have an adverse effect on your unborn baby. To maintain a healthy balance of vitamin A in your body, get your dose from natural food sources of such as carrots, fish, milk, and eggs. 8. STAY HYDRATED: It is extremely important to stay properly hydrated, especially since pregnant women get dehydrated easily. Make sure that you drink at least eight to ten glasses of water each day. You can also add some fresh fruit or vegetable juices, healthy smoothies, and milkshakes to your fluid intake.

26/5/20 11:13 AM


All Freebies_May.indd 1

26/5/20 12:57 PM

S E I B A B N I C I L To CO emedies

Natural R oothe Your Colicky Baby S

Since nobody knows the exact cause of colic, the only remedy is to try and comfort your baby until the colic has passed. The good news is that most babies outgrow colic by the time they are 3 to 4 months old.



During the first few weeks of bringing your baby home, your baby may suddenly burst into a distressing cry that goes on for hours for no apparent reason. Is this excessive crying accompanied by clenched fists and a reddened face? And does it seem impossible to soothe your crying baby? Then you might be dealing with colic.

While it may be distressing to hear your baby cry, colic is very common and affects up to 30% of infants during the first few months of birth. In most cases, colic comes and goes away on its own with no ill effect on your baby.

Colic is a common condition that causes a healthy baby to cry for hours for no apparent reason, even after feeding, changing or soothing. This excessive crying is not an indication of any health issues, and colic is neither harmful nor dangerous to your baby.

Even today, there are no known causes of colic. However, some experts have theorised that colicky behaviour could arise from overstimulation of a baby’s senses, digestion problems or even food allergies. The first step in dealing

with colic is to rule out other possible causes of discomfort. If you notice any of the following symptoms accompanying your baby’s intense crying, call your doctor right away.

Fever Low energy level loose stools blood in stool Throwing up Losing weight not gaining weight For peace of mind, schedule a paediatrician visit for the doctor to determine that you are indeed dealing with colic.

Normal crying vs. colic While crying may indicate many things, this distressing pattern of excessive crying is easily identified by the rule of 3 pattern crying for more than 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. It usually occurs at the same time of the day, often in the early evening. Unlike normal crying, colicky babies often appear distressed or in pain, and it is very difficult to soothe them. You may also notice the following signs:

Face may redden Limbs are tightened, arched back, clenched hands High-pitched crying or screaming unable to soothe them

TRY THE ‘COLIC’ CARRY This method may help relieve gas and stomach discomfort for your little ones. Lay your baby face-down with her tummy on your forearm and cradle the head using your hand. Gently rub your baby’s back a few times and the light pressure on the tummy may help relieve uncomfortable gas.

Soothe with Sound and Motion You can soothe a crying baby with rhythmic noises from a white noise machine, as it reminds them of the womb. Babies also tend to be comforted by their mother’s voice, so try repeating words like ‘shh’ or ‘ahh’ to calm your baby. Studies have also shown that swinging or rocking motions are very effective to calm a crying baby and even induce sleep, as it mimics the gentle movements experienced in the womb. Try cradling your baby in your arms and walking around, or you can even use a rocking chair. It helps to swaddle your baby so that they feel an additional sense of security and comfort during this stressful period.

Choose a Bottle That Helps Your Baby Swallow Less Air Colicky babies tend to have a lot of gas build-up in their tummy because they swallow too much air from crying. When you are bottle-feeding, switch to a 100% vacuum free bottle for air-free feeding to reduce any excessive air.

Colicky Baby.indd 1

26/5/20 11:32 AM

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Dr Brown-Isa Uchi.indd 1

28/5/20 12:22 PM



onfinement, that’s the one-month period of time after birth whereby mummy has to stay at home and rest.


According to belief, traditional confinement methods need to be followed by mums in order for them to be in good health. Some of them hold true… For the era where they originated from.

MYTH #1 Avoid showering/ bathing!

However, times have changed and our levels of hygiene and medical help have advanced so far that traditional postnatal confinement rules aren’t followed so strictly anymore. Mummies should also learn about what to avoid during their confinement for the sake of their health.

This practice is believed to have its origins in a cold country where it was too cold to bathe or even wash hands. In Singapore though, clean hot water is readily available, along with modern-day conveniences like hairdryers, so it’s not necessary for mums to avoid taking a shower completely. In fact, mums should shower regularly in order to lower the risk of infection. Besides, Singapore is a very humid country where we perspire a lot – which could lead to rashes making it even more uncomfortable for mums. Mums are encouraged to buy and use confinement herbal baths for their health benefits. Ensure that you’re dry as quickly as possible after you’re done.

As mentioned, Singapore is a really hot country, so having the fan or air-con on might be needed for the more scorching days. The perspiration from mums isn’t hygienic for baby when breastfeeding, but both baby and mum shouldn’t be directly exposed to the fan or air-con. If there’s a need to use the air-con, make sure that it’s around 25 degrees and that the humidity level is kept to around 50-60%. A more cooling environment might even help prevent heat rash.

MYTH #3 You need to stay indoors!

MYTH #2 No airconditioning or fans!

The idea that you’re required to stay indoors was to promote rest and to avoid over-exerting yourself while you’re recovering. But if you’re going crazy from staying inside and you feel like you’re strong enough to go out, you should. Having a change of scenery does wonders for your mind, and it’ll make you feel like you’re not cooped up at home. A quick walk outside will also help to improve your blood circulation and a bit of exercise will make you feel much better too! If you’re going to a place with air-con such as the supermarket, wear a jacker or cardigan to keep yourself warm.

A special diet isn’t necessary – you just need to drink enough water to quench your thirst, and ensure that you’ve got a nourishing and well-balanced diet that’ll keep your body and breastmilk full of nutrients.

MYTH #4.5 You can only eat liver and meat!


Special diet!

Your nutritional needs are a lot higher after giving birth because your body is making up for the recent blood loss during delivery and the demands of breastfeeding. It’s important to take in a well-balanced diet instead of specific food types, especially since you’re breastfeeding. For vegetarians, iron or vitamin supplements can help you satisfy these nutritional needs.

This is just plain untrue – hydrating yourself with fluids is important, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Don’t MYTH #5 worry if you find yourself frequently visiting the toilet because your kidneys produce more urine a few weeks after No plain water! baby is born in order to remove any excess fluid accumulated during your pregnancy.



Postnatal Massages!

Avoid heavy household chores!

Postnatal massages do have a lot of benefits in them – it soothes aching muscles, improves blood circulation, and expels wind. As mums’ bodies are still recovering from giving birth, it can also help them slim down and regain some of their prepregnancy figure. Certain massages can also help with issues like engorgement.

For the first 2-3 weeks of confinement, you should rest your body as much as possible and not do any chores. Your body is considered to be at its weakest point after giving birth and your family members should be understanding enough to help out with the daily chores during that period, to make sure that you get enough rest.

24 Confinement Myths Busted.indd 1

26/5/20 11:35 AM

New mums lose a lot of bodily u id due to perspiration, lochia discharge and breastfeeding. It is thus hugely bene cial for new mums to take herbal tonic soup in addition to meals to replenish the uids lost and to help in recuperation. Consumption of nutritive herbs in the form of soup allows for easy absorption, helping the body to heal and recover faster. Hockhua offers a package of specially formulated Hockhua Postnatal Nutritional Herbal Soup Recipes forti ed with the goodness of 28 different ingredients to help new mums regain their lost energy and vitality. Available for purchase at all Hockhua Tonic outlets and


26/5/20 11:41 AM

Baby Speech Milestones

While this serves as a general guideline for your baby’s speech development, each child is different and picks up at their own pace. So don’t worry too much if your baby isn’t meeting the guideline. Speak to them more to encourage them! During your regular milestone visits, the doctor or nurses will perform the usual developmental checks to see if baby is hitting the requirements. Speech delays occur for many reasons, including hearing loss and developmental disorders. Depending on the circumstances, your doctor might refer your child to specialists if needed. In the meantime, continue talking to her about what you’re doing and where you’re going. Sing songs and read together. Teach her how to imitate actions such as clapping, listen to nursery songs with actions involved will help a lot too!

First 3 Months 3 - 6 Months

6 - 12 Months

12 - 18 Months

18 - 24 Months

26 Baby Speech Milestones.indd 1

This is the time baby is building social interaction – which is the foundation of language development. By the end of 3 months, baby might: • • • •

Make ‘cooing’ sounds Remain quiet or smile when you speak to her Respond to sounds and noises around her Eye gaze will follow a moving object

Baby will show an increase in babbling, she will start making some vowel sounds. By the end of 6 months, baby might: • • Make gurgling sounds when playing or when left alone • Babble and make a variety of sounds • Move her eyes in the direction of sounds • Be aware that some toys make sounds when moved • Pay attention to music This is the time when baby will start picking up sounds and words at lightning speed. Baby will respond to different sounds you make and might even start trying to imitate them. That is why it’s important for you to talk to baby as much as possible! By the end of 12 months, baby might: • • • •

Try to imitate sounds, say a few singular words, or shake her head Understand simple instructions like ‘sit’, ‘come here’ or ‘lie down’ Recognise words for common objects like ‘shoe’, ‘book’, ‘dog’ Turn and look in the direction of sound, wave hello and goodbye

Between this period, baby should be able to respond to her own name and understand simple requests like ‘can you throw this away?’ or ‘can you put this on the table?’. By the end of 18 months, baby might: • • •

Recognise familiar people and objects Follow simple directions accompanied by gestures Say as many as 8 – 10 single words

Once baby hits 18 months, you will notice an explosion of her vocab. She should be saying about 50 words by the time she is 2 years old. During this period, she will start putting two words together and try to form sentences.You can help her along by being descriptive. Instead of saying ‘where’s the ball?’ ask ‘where’s the big yellow ball?’ By the end of 24 months, baby might: • • •

Use simple phrases like ‘where is mummy?’, ‘more rice’ Follow simple commands and understand simple questions Speak at least 50 words

26/5/20 11:43 AM


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26/5/20 11:44 AM

CONFINEMENT TABOOS Unlike earlier generations, some new mothers prefer less restrictions and may even choose not to observe the traditional practices of the confinement period. However, there are mothers who still recognise the virtues of confinement, particularly the enforced rest and limited movement.


CONFINEMENT & BABY SHOWER During this period, a new mother must observe all confinement taboos and consume a special diet. Although each ethnic group has its own unique practices, their fundamental purpose is similar, which is to nurture the physical and emotional well-being of new mothers.

• 30 days of confinement, known as 坐月子. • No washing your hair for the entire confinement period. Some mothers get around this rule by using dry shampoo. • Avoiding exposure to “cool”elements such as cold water. Low temperatures from an air-conditioner or fan must be avoided too. • Bathing only with specially prepared warm water that is infused with herbs.

CHINESE CONFINEMENT DIET Your diet consists of dishes that will“warm”the body. These include ginger, sesame oil and a tonic soup for vitality. You are also not allowed to drink any water as it is consider “cooling”. Instead, red date tea is recommended to revitalise your health. The Chinese also believe that fish soups can help boost low milk supply. “Cooling”foods such as cold drinks, cucumber, cabbage and pineapple should be avoided. Also,“windy”foods such as onions and jackfruit are off limits as they are believed to cause colic in your baby. Cooking confinement dishes can be laborious to prepare. Some mothers choose to cater from Chinese confinement food caterers.

MALAY •42 to 44 days of confinement, known as pantang •Hiring a traditional masseuse (bidan) to massage the abdomen and bind the tummy with a special postnatal corset (bengkung). •Using hot stones on the abdomen to‘cleanse’the womb (menaikkan rahim).

MALAY CONFINEMENT DIET Malay new mums are encouraged to eat fresh fish such as snakehead fish to promote healing internally. Like the Chinese, consumption of “heaty”food is also encouraged and cooling food is avoided to restore balance within the body.

INDIAN •30 to 40 days of confinement, known as Jaappa. •Bathe only in warm water that has been boiled with neem leaves. It is believed the leaves are a natural antiseptic, and lukewarm water can. •Have a daily massage with special oil blends, such as mustard seed oil.

INDIAN CONFINEMENT DIET Like the Chinese and Malay confinement diet, all“cooling”foods are to be avoided, especially tomatoes, coconut and mutton. However, Indian mums are only allowed to consume chicken and shark fish cooked with herbs. Certain gourd vegetables such as lauki, tori and betel leaves are supposed to help boost milk supply. Because consuming plenty of garlic is encouraged, garlic milk is drunk during the course of confinement. Cooking can only be done with gingly oil. These foods are aimed at preventing“wind”from entering the body.

Confinement and Baby Shower.indd 1

BABY SHOWER During the confinement period, visiting is restricted to allow new mums to recover from childbirth and prevent your baby from being exposed to, or coming down with, any infection. Once the month (or so) is up, a celebration is held by presenting gifts to the mother. CHINESE: FULL MOON CELEBRATION Both mother and child are presented to friends and relatives to commemorate the baby’s first month of life and subsequently, longevity into adulthood. Guests will bring gifts in the form of money, jewellery or gold and receive in return a confectionery box as well as some red eggs which represent luck, happiness, harmony, unity and new life. MALAY: CUKUR RAMBUT (HAIR-SHAVING CEREMONY) The cukur rambut is considered a rite of passage for Malay babies. Close relatives and friends are invited to attend this celebration where a reading from the Quran is done to bless the new child. A lock of the baby’s hair is then snipped off by each elder or religious leader present and placed inside a bowl of water. The ceremony ends with the hair being buried in the ground. INDIAN: GODH BHARAI Unlike Chinese and Malay families, a new Indian baby celebrates his first year of life with a purification ritual called Mudan (head tonsuring). This ritual is believed to rid the child of his past life’s negativity and bestows upon the child a long life, better future and protects him from the evil eye.

26/5/20 11:46 AM



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26/5/20 11:48 AM

7 SLEEP TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR BABY’S SLEEP QUALITY Newborns sleep from 12 to 18 hours per day, and several studies have shown that it is vital to maintain sufficient quality sleep for healthy cognitive development in babies. Quality sleep is also linked to babies’ overall health and mental development, as well as their moods. Poor sleep infancy has also been linked to obesity as a child, and later on as an adult. Is your baby being cranky or fussier than usual? That is one of the first signs that your baby is sleep-deprived, which can be stressful for both parent and baby. Learn how to recognise some of the tell-tale signs that your baby is not getting quality sleep.

* Easily irritable or cranky in late afternoons * Wakes up groggy (falls asleep shortly after being woken up)

* Frequently falls asleep or longs to nap in the middle of the day * Falls asleep during short car rides

Ensuring that your baby gets sufficient quality sleep can greatly improve their mental health, mood and cognitive brain development







When asked if their babies have a bedtime, most parents will give generic answers like ‘after dinner’, or ‘after I rock him to sleep’. One of the determining factors of having quality sleep is to develop a sleep schedule for your baby, meaning a fixed sleep and waking time. Babies sleep for 2 to 5 hours at a stretch, so observing the cues when their baby is sleepy can help parents develop a sleep schedule based on their child’s behaviour and sleeping patterns. From birth to 4 months old, babies have a startle reflex that causes them to feel as if they are falling. This sensation causes jerking movements that wake them up. To help your little ones achieve a good night’s sleep, swaddle them in light and breathable fabric to reduce the jerking movements and help them sleep better. Swaddling also mimics the womb environment, creating a sense of security. Since babies have not developed a natural circadian rhythm, a bedtime routine can help them to unwind and signals the body that its bedtime. This also triggers the release of melatonin that makes them feel sleepy. The best routine is consistent and practised with love, and ranges from 20 to 45 minutes. An example of a bedtime routine could be dinner, followed by a change of diapers, putting on pyjamas, singing songs, and dimming the lights. Never rush through a routine, as your baby will be able to sense your nervous energy. Be sure to repeat the bedtime routine in order every night and your baby will soon learn that its bedtime.



A bedtime bath is great for helping your little ones fall asleep easier. However, this varies from baby to baby. Some babies may feel calmer and sleepy after a bath, while other babies may become more active. Parents may wish to include a bath into your bedtime routine, and see how your baby reacts to it before deciding if it’s a permanent addition to your baby’s bedtime routine. Bathing is a form of touch therapy that is great for strengthening bonding and security between parent and child while developing a baby’s sensory skills through their sense of smell and touch.



Babies tend to fall asleep in brightly-lit environments, like the living room, where parents can keep an eye on them during their downtime. Since they sleep on their backs facing upwards, the harsh glare of the ceiling light is often in their line of sight.



Once your baby falls asleep in your arms, avoid putting them in the crib immediately as they are still in the light sleep stage. Babies will enter deep sleep stage in 20-25 minutes after falling asleep, and this is a safe time to transfer them into the crib.



7 Sleep Tips.indd 1

Parents can also observe their babies eyelid movements. If there are still movements, they are likely to wake if they notice a change in the environment from their parents’ arms to the crib. Once your baby falls asleep in your arms, avoid putting them in the crib immediately as they are still in the light sleep stage. Babies will enter deep sleep stage in 20-25 minutes after falling asleep, and this is a safe time to transfer them into the crib. Parents can also observe their babies eyelid movements. If there are still movements, they are likely to wake if they notice a change in the environment from their parents’ arms to the crib.

26/5/20 11:49 AM

HOW MUCH MILK DOES A NEWBORN As a new mum, most things related to your


baby will be confusing. One of these things is how much to feed your newborn baby. Feeding your baby for the first time is as exhilarating as giving birth. Every aspect, from holding your baby correctly to feeding her the right amount of milk, is a cause for concern. When it comes to the quantity of milk that your newborn baby takes in, it is difficult to fix a measure. Every baby’s need is different, so you will have to respond to the same. While no one can specifically say how much milk newborn babies drink when you breastfeed, here are some approximate figures according to age of the baby:

Signs Your Baby Is Full:

The exact amount that your baby drinks each time cannot be measured. However, once she is satiated, she will show these signs: • Pushes out the nipple from the mouth. • Seem to be sleepy or dizzy. • Stays calm and looks around instead of holding on to you. • You will soon learn to observe these signs when your baby has her tummy full.

How Long You Should Feed?

This is also something that differs for all babies. Some factors which will impact the time taken for a feed are – the ease with which your milk flows, alertness of your baby while feeding and positioning of your baby. Here are some general guidelines that will help you understand how much milk to feed a newborn baby: • On the first few days, your baby will not be able to take in much milk at once. So the feeding sessions will be frequent and longer. They may stretch up to 40-45 minutes at a time and be barely an hour and a half apart.

How Much Milk Does A Newborn Need_V2.indd 1

• Once you have a smooth supply of breast milk and your baby has got into the habit of feeding, the sessions may last for 15-20 minutes. Also, they will be less frequent. • On an average, a newborn baby needs to be fed about 10 to 12 times a day. • Make sure to feed the baby long enough each time so that she can have the milk that comes in towards the end. This will be creamier and filling. With this milk, your baby will not only stay full for longer,but will also gain weight quickly.

26/5/20 11:57 AM

When To Feed Your Newborn?

This one is a tricky question. You may be asked to follow a time schedule for feeding, which can be every hour or so. But a better way to time your feeds is by observing your baby for signs that she is hungry and needs to be fed. These signs can be:

Reacting timely to your baby’s hunger signs will be the best course of action. If kept waiting for long, your baby may get irritated and weak. Also, the milk in your body is produced according to the demand of the baby. So, feeding frequently and when she is hungry will give signals to your system to produce more milk. A key to remember here is to ensure you feed your baby every two hours.

Moving the head from one side to other

Licking the lips

Puckering the lips as if to suck

Opening her mouth and searching for your breast

Signals Of Proper Feeding:

There are some signs that will tell you whether you are providing enough milk to your newborn or not:

Breasts will soften during feeds

The bowel movements will be smooth and the stool will be soft and yellowish instead of dark and grainy

How Much Milk Does A Newborn Need_V2.indd 2

Your baby will gain weight consistenly

She will wet about six diapers every day

On the other hand, if your baby is fussy and does not seem to gain weight as expected, then your feeds may be less than sufficient.

Learning about how much to feed a newborn baby may take some time. But you will always have people who can guide you. So do not worry and let her suck on to her heart’s content.

26/5/20 11:57 AM


Get your very own Smart Trike here!

Smart Trike_May.indd 1

26/5/20 12:25 PM

9 Ways

To Promote Baby’s Cognitive Development Cognitive development is essential for baby to promote active learning. It enables them understand perception, thoughts, memory, language and physical coordination. Most of baby’s cognitive development happens naturally as baby gets older, but you can play a big part in helping it along the way. Babies learn by doing things over and over, so play simple games with them and keep practising it!

Sing To Them Singing with baby encourages him to mimic and sing along with you. Let them listen to nursery rhymes and music in the house and car regularly. Throw in some actions too! Eventually, they will be able to start singing along by himself. This promotes memory and word identification.

Practice Counting Find opportunities to practice counting! Count the number of blocks he is playing with, the number of snacks in his bowl, count the levels when going up the lift. He may not respond immediately, but he’s absorbing it and one day he might just surprise you!

Get Out of The House! Make trips to the museums, carnivals, library or market to stimulate his curiosity and give him hands-on experience. Narrate your actions and activities with him and listen to his responses and actions. This is a great learning experience for him!

10 Ways To Promote Baby.indd 1

Identify Daily Noises Let your child identify noises he hears in his daily life. Birds chirping, the door opening, a car horn, the aeroplane. He will start to understand how sounds relate to objects in his everyday environment.

Practice Shapes and Colours Describe what you see to him. If it’s a ball, say ‘do you see that round red ball?’ or ‘that’s a yellow rectangle signage.

Play With Things Around The House Encourage your child to match the lids to containers, help to put away the laundry, play with shadows, identify his face when looking at the mirror. Everything is new to them! So don’t worry about them being bored, playing with everyday household objects is equally educational, fun and of course, free!

Practice The ABCs Help your child identify letters by singing the ABCs, reading books about the alphabet and playing with puzzles.

Give Him Choices By giving him options, it will help him feel more independent and learn how to make confident decisions that will affect his day. Try things like ‘do you want to wear pants or shorts today?’, ‘would you rather have the yoghurt or juice?’.

Introduce A Variety of Games Games like peek-a-boo, puzzle games and hide-and-seek encourages him to problem solve and increase creativity.

26/5/20 12:26 PM

An innovative pump that fits in the palm of your hand Get your Medela Freestyle NOW at

Portable: small size and re-chargeable battery allow you to pump almost anywhere Easy interaction with digital display, memory, timer and backlight More milk in less time with 2-Phase Expression technology and double pumping

Medela_May.indd 1

26/5/20 12:32 PM




12:39 PM

With Sphingomyelin and DHA. DHA supports brain and eye development.

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27/5/20 5:30 PM


27/5/20 5:30 PM


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BEST BRAND AWARDS 2020 presenting

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9:37 AM

$371OFF Quinny LDN Stroller


U.P: $799 Medela Freestyle Breastpump





U.P: $1,078.90 Graco 4Ever DLX Car Seat + Free High Back Car Cushion Protector

U.P: $799 Bumprider Connect Stroller

U.P: $19.80 Extra Nordic Premium Lactation Cookies

$288 U.P: $699 Unilove Touring Pram & Push Chair


$249 U.P: $499 Hamilton S1 Stroller


U.P: $304 Philips Avent 3 In 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer Bundle

$69 $79 U.P: $141.80 Yookidoo Gymotion Lay to Situp Playgym + Free Delivery

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For 2

U.P: $31.80 Cookie4Milk Milkbooster Crunchy Lactation Cookies (Bundle of 2)


Bebe Bamboo 100% Bamboo Kids Bath Towels/Hooded U.P: $118 Towels (4 Pcs)

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U.P: $219.80 Isa Uchi Sterilizer & Warmer Bundle + Free Delivery U.P: $138.90 PUKU Big Bath Tub with Stand


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U.P: $119 Ingenuity Baby Base 2 In 1 Seat

$89 U.P: $105 Parklon Double Sided PE Roll Playmat FP (123 Land)

Information is accurate as of the date of publication, Mummys Market Reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice.





Scan the QR code to view more exciting deals!

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6:29 PM


Toddler Finest

Tailormade Pro Double Breastpump

9-in-1 Convertible Baby Crib

Gorgeous Mum


MotherLove Baby Food Processor

Liki 5-in-1 S5 Premium Foldable Trike


Foldaway Rocking Bassinet (Crosby)

Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2 Stroller

Lollababy Non Contact Thermometer

Palabella Monstergim

Seaweed Snacks

3 in 1 Baby Carrier

New Launch.pdf



6:29 PM

Tommee Tippee Steam Electric Strilizer & Dryer


Jurassic Dinosaur Learning Plate

Sugar Bubble

Choeum Baby Series

Little Blossom

Organic Brown Puff Rice



1-4 m




5-9 months

3 4


Igley’s Maternity Panties Lunavie Maternity Support Belt

Annee Matthew Nursing Apparels Relieve your swollen and fatigue legs with these Superwoman Overnight Compression Socks! Its graduated compression knitting fabric helps increase balance in your blood circulation, reduce water retention, and tone your legs.

Sup erwoman Overnight Compression Socks



From nipple to base, the Dr.Brown’s™ Options+™ Wide-Neck Bottle offers a more natural bottle-feeding experience and eases the transition from breast to bottle and back again. Clinically proven to reduce colic, spit-up, burping and gas!

The Closer to Nature® milk storage bags are pre-sterilised and can hold 350ml of breastmilk. With a double-fastened seal at the top, lay it flat in freezer without worry. These bags can stand securely, so transfer milk easily without worry!

Pigeon Newborn Pure Protective Cream

Medela Purelan Nipple Cream

Princeton Double Layer Cooler Bag

The Mimosa Multi-Purpose Bamboo Muslin Swaddle is made with extra breathable bamboo muslin, so it’s super soft and perfect for newborn’s sensitive skin! Explore seven different ways to use it – swaddle, blanket, playmat, stroller cover, nursing cover, burp cloth and changing table mat.

Fiffy Mittens & Booties The Fiffy Mittens & Botties are made from soft and breathable fabric to bring the most comfortable wearing experience to your little one! Helps prevent your baby from scratching while delicate material is safe for baby’s skin. Machine and hand-washable.

Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bag The Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bag is a fashionable, yet neutral breast pump tote with 100% real leather shoulder straps and bag accents. With room for breast pump, pumping accessories, keys, laptop, phone, and more, this bag is ideal for the always-stylish mama!

Micuna Sweet Bear Co-Sleeping Cot Tiny Love Rocker Napp er

The Sweet Bear Baby Cot is designed and made in Spain with high-quality beech wood from sustainable forests. With its Patented Relax System, it facilitates better breathing caused by flu symptoms and also reduces baby wind accumulation after feeding.

Baby Hood Breathe Ezee Cosy Crib Australian-designed Breathe Eze Cosy Crib is the perfect sleeping pod for baby’s safe sleeping. Its firm fibre construction provides baby with a secure, safe and allergy resistant environment to cuddle and sleep.


Graco PNP Base Go Playp en

Royal Kiddy London 3 in 1 Night Angel Swinging Bedside Cot The Royal Kiddy London 3-in-1 Night Angel Baby Cot is the one and only baby cot with interchangeable baby cot to co-sleeper to baby swing! Super breathable, washable and compact for convenience!

Happ y Cot Musical Cot Mobile

Primo Babies Playmat

The Musical Mobile is a windup musical mobile that plays a soft tune. Attaches easily to most cots and cot beds, the endearing Sweet Bear or Noah’s Ark characters gently turn, providing comfort and endless joy to your little one.

The PUKU Anti-Dustmite Foam Mattress ensures baby’s safety and comfort. With high-density foam and ventilation holes for good air flow, this mattress stays soft and cooling for baby as it minimises trapped heat.

Puku Anti-Dustmite Foam Mattress

Baa Baa Sheepz Double Layer Bamboo Baby Blanket

Bebe Bamboo Miracle Shield Bamboo Quilted Mattress Protector Toddler Finest Baby Head Shaping Pillo w Designed by paediatricians, ToddlerFinest’s Baby Head-Shaping Pillow is made to prevent and correct flathead and torticollis. Ergonomic concave design with slightly-raised edges cradles baby’s head and distribute pressure evenly to supports neck, head & back alignment.

Provide maximum protection against dust mite and allergen with the award-winning Bebe Bamboo Miracle Shield Bamboo Quilted Mattress Protector! Hypoallergenic and 100% waterproof, this mattress protector will keep your baby’s mattress dry and promote comfortable and restful sleep.


For days when you’re rushed off your feet, Philips Avent baby bottle warmer warms your milk quickly and evenly in just 3 minutes! Easy to operate, it features a handy defrost setting and can also be used to warm baby food.

You will no longer need to worry about baby chewing on wet wipes with LEC Ma Fleur! Made from 100% food-based “Edible” ingredients, and free from nasty chemicals including alcohol, paraben & fragrance. Your baby’s skin will also stays clean & hydrated after use!

Moo Moo Ko w Reusable Diap ers

Puku Bathtub with Stand

Haenim 4G Classic UV Sterilizer

Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier You can have it all with Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier! The all-in-one, newborn ready carrier has all the carry positions. Omni 360 grows with your baby from week 1 to 48 months! Crossable shoulder straps give a personalized fit ensuring parents stay comfortable at all times!

Doona Convertible Car Seat Stroller

Royal Kiddy London 360 Prime Rotating Isofix Car Seat


Convert from a carseat to a stroller with just one click! Doona is the world’s first complete and fully integrated travel system, allowing you to move from car seat to stroller in seconds. The revolutionary car seat and stroller provides a safe and practical solution for parents on-the-go.

Evenflo Sibby Travel System

Pognae Step One Cotton Carrier

No more trying to fumble through long, endless fabric trying to ‘get it right’! Pognae Step One cotton Carrier is a wrap/ carrier hybrid to help you navigate through the earliest stages of parenting. It is also extremely easy and intuitive to wear and adjustable to fit both mums and dads!


Yookidoo Gymo tion Lay To Sit-Up A three-stage extra padded play gym that transforms into a supportive, upright, portable seat enabling baby to sit, play, and interact with the world while sitting upright! Equipped with over 20 developmental activities and plenty of toys, it also easily transits from a play gym to a soft, secure and supportive seat for upright sitting and playing!

Smart Trike STR7 8 in 1 Trike Smart Trike STR7 8-in-1 Folding Trike is a revolutionary new trike that is fully foldable down to 85% less of its original size making it both compact and portable in addition to other features. The 8 in 1 Folding Trike is designed for babies from 6 months and grows with the child. World ‘s most compact folding trike!

r a e B y n o T u k u P HighChair

Complies with top safety standards for a fun and enjoyable mealtime! The Tony Bear High Chair features 3 reclining seat angle, 6 adjustable height, 5-point safety harness, crotch support andadjustable footrest for maximised comfort. Cushion and food trays are conveniently removable, and it folds compact for easy storage!

Kiddylicious Maxi Wafer Rice wafers with subtle fruit and vegetable flavors, ideal for your baby’s developing taste buds! No artificial additives, added salt or sugar, and absolutely gluten free, they are mess free and ideal for when you’re out and about with your baby!


Annee Matthew Hands-Free Nursing Pumping Bra Made of high quality premium fabric, the band is also made longer for better comfort. Cups are stretchable up to K cup, comfortably accommodating the change in fullness of your breaststhroughout pregnancy! It’s a bra that lasts after multiple washes, while providing you with excellent support and comfort.

Heng Foh Tong Confinement Package

Princeton Fashion Diaper Bag Milano Series 2.0

Specifically designed to facilitate young & modern mothers to organize baby’s items into different compartments. Comfortably fits essentials such as baby bottles, flask, baby clothes, shoes, bibs, diapers, milk powders and more! You can now go hand-free with absolute convenience when you’re out with baby!


27/5/20 4:49 PM

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