Mummys Market Pregnancy & Baby Guide December 2021

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What Is My Child’s Skin Type? ER!




Discover Our Award-Winning Brands Q4-21_ Magazine Cover.indd 1

9/12/21 15:54

Very Sensitive Range

A little over protection is OK Schizandra

Helps protect from stresses outside Vegan formula

Minimalist formula: with less ingredients

Avocado Perseose® Reinforces skin barrier inside Natural surfactant for cleansing products

98% ingredients of natural origin*

*on the average

Li l ’ Crunchi es® Bakedsnackmadewi t hbeans Noart i fici alflavour& col ours Nopreservat i ves NonGMO


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q421 Editor's Note.indd 1

9/12/21 16:16

Gift Your Family A Lifetime of Health Protection with Cord Blood Banking During this festive season, apart from the cute baby toys and fully furnished nursery that you would be pampering your newborn with, the gift of cord blood banking may very well be the gift that keeps on giving. With the birth of your child, you have the unique opportunity to gift them a lifetime of health protection with cord blood banking. By choosing to store your baby’s precious umbilical cord stem cells, you can safeguard your child’s health in the long run as your baby will now have access to potential treatments in the fields of regenerative therapy.

What is cord blood banking

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting your baby’s cord blood and storing it in cryogenic tanks until a release is requested by the family. Cord blood is a rich source of lifesaving Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) which have the potential to differentiate into different types of cells as they are in their naïve and most primitive form. Therefore, these cells are faster in generating healthy cells and are also more tolerant to tissue mismatches which may happen in transplants involving a donor.

Why Should I Store My Baby’s Cord Blood With a single decision, you can now gift your child added health protection as cord blood can be used to treat over 80 diseases1 such as leukaemia, lymphoma and thalassaemia, just to name a few. Cord blood stem cells have also been used successfully in clinical trials to treat conditions that currently have no known cure, such as Cerebral Palsy, Type 1 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, thus bringing families a newfound sense of hope in improving their loved one’s quality of life.

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Choosing to store your baby’s cord blood guarantees a readily available supply of lifesaving stem cells for the whole family should the need ever arise, providing much assurance during a time-critical situation. An increasing number of parents are also choosing to store their baby’s cord lining due to its potential uses. Cord lining is a sheet-like membrane found in the outermost layer of the umbilical cord that contains a high concentration of 2 types of stem cells, namely Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs).

Cord lining stem cells are the ‘infrastructure-forming’ building blocks in the human body that have shown great potential in aiding the repair of injured tissues and organs. They also have immune-modulating characteristics, therefore matching of stem cells between the donor and the patient is not required, making them suitable for both your baby and other members of the family.

- Tissue repair (stroke, cardiovascular diseases, liver failure, COVID-192 and many more) - Immune modulation or reconstitution (Diabetes type 1 & 2, HIV, Crohn’s disease, COVID-192 and many more)

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- Skin wounds - Ocular surface disorders - Eyes with Persistent Corneal Epithelial Defect

By choosing to store a combination of HSCs, MSCs and CLEpSCs, you are availing your children and family to be part of a medical revolution with access to the growing applications of stem cells and the therapeutic potential they hold.

Should your child be eligible for the Baby Bonus Scheme, he/she will receive a baby bonus cash gift of $8,000. In addition, your child’s CDA can be used for various expenses such as education, healthcare and many more. What’s more, once you open your child’s CDA, he/she would automatically receive a First Step Grant of $3,000. A helpful tip would be to take advantage of the Government’s dollar-for-dollar matching scheme by topping up your child’s CDA, as this means that you would only be paying 50% of the cost for cord blood banking!

Q4-21 Cordlife Editorial.indd 1

Baby Bonus Scheme 7 Birth Order

Cash Gift

First Step Grant (No initial deposit required)*

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Can I use my child’s CDA (Child Development Account) for cord blood banking At Cordlife, you can pay for the packages through your child’s CDA. The CDA is part of the Baby Bonus Scheme which is designed to help parents defray the financial cost of raising a newborn-child during their early years. The Baby Bonus Scheme comprises of a cash gift, CDA First Step Grant and co-savings scheme for your child’s CDA.


Maximum Matching Contribution by Government in CDA


1st Child



Up to 3,000

Up to 14,000

2nd Child



Up to 6,000

Up to 17,000

3rd & 4th Child



Up to 9,000

Up to 22,000

5th Child & Higher



Up to 15,000

Up to 28,000

*Applicable for children born on or after 24 March 2016. #Applicable for children who are born on or after 1 Jan 2021. If the child is born before 1 Jan 2021, the maximum government co-matching is $3,000.

9/12/21 9:46 AM

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What Are The Benefits Of Storing My Baby’s Cor d Blood


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Autism was once thought to be untreatable

Up to 75% chance of genetic match for siblings

Over 80% of cord blood usage for regenerative medicine

Storing your baby’s cord blood can also benefit the whole family as siblings have up to a 75% chance of being a partial genetic match3. Using stem cells from cord blood also minimises the risk of Graft vs Host Disease (GvHD) for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient are the same individual) as compared to unrelated donor transplants. GvHD is a condition where the transplanted tissue cells (the graft) sees the patient’s own tissue (the host) as foreign and attacks them.

Regenerative medicine could be a game-changer. More than 80% of the cord blood transplants used by families have been for regenerative medicine applications like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Alzheimer’s and many more4. Clinical trials are one of the key driving forces to explore the effectiveness of umbilical cord blood as a source of treatment for conditions that currently have no known cure.

A recent clinical trial held by Dr Joanne Kurtzberg of Duke University had ground-breaking results when umbilical cord blood was used as a form of treatment for Autism. The trial revealed significant improvements in social communication and expressive language in all 25 children5.

Safe, quick and painless process for both mother and baby

Cord blood has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and repair the immune systems of patients with Autism to improve language and behaviour6. In 2019, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital also embarked on its first-ever clinical trial for the treatment of Autism in children using autologous umbilical cord blood reinfusion.

Collecting your baby’s cord blood is a safe and pain-free process for both mother and baby. After the birth of your baby, your OBGYN doctor will cut and clamp the umbilical cord, after which he/ she will begin the cord blood collection.


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Guaranteed match for autologous transplants Cord blood stem cells are a guaranteed match for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient are the same individual). As cord blood stem cells are more primitive and naïve in nature, they do not require stringent matching and have a greater ability to convert themselves into other types of cells that the body requires.

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What T o Consider When Choosing A Family C ord Blood Bank A family cord blood bank stores the cord blood unit for your family’s exclusive use, and it is usually released at no cost to the parents. Storing your baby’s cord blood guarantees a readily available medical resource for your child or family whenever the need arises in a time-critical situation. This will reduce the cost and time to conduct a national or international search for a matched donor. There is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood: minutes after birth. It is important to go with the right partner and parents should consider these 6 factors when choosing a family cord blood bank.

Long-standing Establishment

Choose a family cord blood bank that has a long-standing establishment as it assures parents that their baby’s precious lifesaving stem cells are stored with a trusted and reliable partner who will be with them for the long haul. A helpful tip will be to go with the largest family cord blood bank in Singapore, as they have over 20 years of experience under their belt. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, an independent resource and nonprofit foundation, has also ranked the Top 10 Family Cord Blood Banks worldwide, and a quick search can tell you if any of these are in Singapore. Another safe bet would be to consider how long the family cord blood bank has been around.

Q4-21 Cordlife Editorial.indd 2

Additional Service Offerings

Besides storing cord blood stem cells, check if your chosen family cord blood bank offers additional services as it would give you access to more medical options. One of the family cord blood banks in Singapore is also a patented technology provider in the processing and storage of cord lining stem cells, which contains 2 types of cells found in the umbilical cord lining – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs). By storing a combination of HSCs, MSCs and CLEpSCs, your family has more medical options for possible therapeutic and regenerative applications in the future, especially for conditions that currently have no known cure.


Selected family cord blood banks also offer automatic inclusion and registration in the GlobalCord Registry when you store your child’s cord lining stem cells with them. Onlyregistered cord lining units under GlobalCord Registry will be legally available for transplants and therapies.


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9/12/21 9:46 AM

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Fully-owned Processing and Storage Facility

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Financial Stability As stem cell transplants or therapies may take place now or later in life, choosing a family cord blood bank with a sound, transparent and sustainable financial status is vital as it ensures that the family cord blood bank will be one that you can trust to be with you for the long haul. SGX-listed companies do offer financial transparency for increased assurance. Some other factors to take note of also include the family cord blood bank’s processing technology, customer service and enrolment process, just to name a few.


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International Accreditations


Diseases Treated with Stem Cells and

their Potential Applications. Cordlife

Proper protocols go into ensuring the viability of your child’s cord blood stem cells which is why it’s also important to choose a family cord blood bank that has full ownership over their processing and storage facilities. This means that they maintain direct control over critical services, quality, licensing and accreditations which assures parents of the well-being of their child’s cord blood that are stored under the bank’s care. This also provides the family cord blood bank with immediate access to resources in the event of an emergency.

Scan here to secure your slot today!

There are only eight family cord blood banks worldwide that are internationally dual certified by international bodies such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) or Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). Consider family cord blood banks that have been accredited by AABB or FACT as these accreditations ensure that the family cord blood bank adheres to the highest quality standards when it comes to the handling, processing and storing of your baby’s cord blood through regular and rigorous audits.





Stem Cure,


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com/sg/treatable-diseases. Accessed


International 2021. 2021;0705:1-12.

Prevention, Stem

Scan here to downoad the information pack today!

*T&Cs apply

November 26, 2021.


Download Cordlife’s free comprehensive information pack to learn more about the lifesaving benefits of umbilical cord banking below!

Visit Cordlife at the “Knowledge Lounge powered by Cordlife” at Mummys Market Retail Store to find out more about the benefits of storing your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells and receive a special treat* on them!




Jawdat D, Saleh S, Sutton P, et al.

Chances of Finding an HLA-Matched Sibling:




ScienceDirect. 2009;15(10): 1342-1334.


Another important consideration is the proven transplant track record of your chosen family cord blood bank. A quick tip is to check if the family cord blood bank has released numerous cord blood units for clinical trials such as the ongoing trial conducted by KKH in Singapore for the treatment of Autism. This is an indication that the family cord blood bank is experienced in successfully releasing cord blood stem cells for transplants. It also confirms that the cord blood stem cells stored under their care are in accordance with the highest standards and remains viable for transplantation.

Diseases and Disorders that have

been in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood or Cord Tissue Cells page. Parent’s


Murias M, Major S, Compton S, et al.


Electrophysiological Biomarkers Predict


Clinical Improvement in an Open-Label

Dawson G, Sun JM, Baker J, et al. Phase




Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Umbilical



Baby Bonus Scheme page.

Ministry of Social and Family Development



Guide to Cord Blood Foundation page.

Trial Assessing Efficacy of Autologous



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Umbilical Cord Blood for Treatment

Infusion for Treatment of Children with


en/diseases#trial. Accessed November

of Autism. Stem Cells Journals. 2017;

Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Pediatr.

26, 2021



Supporting-Families/Pages/ Baby-Bonus-Scheme.aspx. Accessed November 26, 2021.

Q4-21 Cordlife Editorial.indd 3

9/12/21 9:46 AM

What is my child’s skin type?

A baby skin can determine the ‘health’ of their adult skin

To help parents better understand and support their child’s first 1000 days of skin life, Mustela’s research team has developed a unique knowledge of cutaneous physiology before the age of 2.

Let’s talk about very sensitive skin

It has been discovered that skin barrier function at birth is immature, more porous, and needs more protection from external influences in order to preserve its cellular capital. This cellular capital – unique for a whole life – with which the baby’s skin is endowed at birth, allows the skin to regenerate throughout life, is particularly vulnerable during the first 2 years of life.

Babies with very sensitive skin react instantly and temporarily to the slightest everyday stress, basically most stimuli that would not trigger irritation on normal skin.

At the same time, baby skin is less able to capture and retain water and therefore becomes dehydrated more easily and faster than adult skin. There are four types of skin with different characteristics that need to be identified by parents to better meet their specific needs: normal, dry, very sensitive and eczema-prone skin. Each skin type has its own physiological needs and its own variable ways to support them, depending on the context. Both the needs and support methods should be known by parents in order to help their child build a strong and healthy adult skin as he grows. With this discovery, we were able to design our Mustela products accordingly, using specific active ingredients which are perfectly suited for each type of skin.

What does very sensitive skin look like?

Very sensitive skin produces more pro-inflammatory factors and fewer anti-inflammatory factors than average. Consequently, the skin reddens with a tight, tingling or heating sensation. However, very sensitive skin can be soothed quickly, no matter what part of the body is affected. The baby’s skin may appear a little rough or dry during this condition, and the baby may show discomfort by crying or fidgeting.

Multiple factors trigger very sensitive skin’s reactions. They can be environmental (cold, pollution, UV rays, temperature changes, hard water), chemical (applying fragranced products, inappropriate pH, essential oils, too high concentration of surfactants, preservatives, high discrepancy with skin composition, a change from the usual product), psychological (stress, anger or tiredness), or mechanical (rubbing of clothes, Dad’s beard, finger marks etc.). Fragranced products should be avoided, and to calm the irritation and redness, it is important to choose soothing products which protect the skin barrier.

Our Solution?

Organic schizandra from “the giant pandas’ home”! This “five-flavour fruit” or schizandra berry is also used in Chinese medicine. The berry, which looks like a currant, is widespread in the temperate forests of southwestern China, an ecological region well-known for its beautiful landscapes and rich biodiversity. The berries are picked by hand by local inhabitants from surrounding villages – a guarantee that its harvesting has no environmental impact. We participate in the preservation of this region also called “Home to the giant pandas” - a true natural refuge for this endangered species. The dried berries are crushed and extracted by enzymatic hydrolysis. The drying takes place in China, where it is picked and the extraction takes place in France. Scan here for more information about the Very Sensitive Skin Range!

Ayden and Skyler have been using Mustela’s normal skin range since birth, from our favourite Vitamin Barrier Cream which effectively prevented nappy rash to the Hydra Bebe Facial Cream which presented as an amazing treatment for Skyler’s baby acne clustering on his cheeks at one point. Personally, I have been and still do enjoy Mustela’s Baby Oil for a non-greasy, healthy glow which doubles up as additional moisture for my dry and sensitive skin. As a result, we were extremely excited to try out Mustela’s Very Sensitive Skin Range having chanced upon it. The range works out great for my boys and me as we get to share the same products for the various needs of our individual skin types. With the humidity and various outdoor activities that Ayden and Skyler engage in, skin redness resulting in discomfort for them is usually inevitable. The Soothing Moisturising Body Lotion in particular has tremendously helped to soothe their skin each time and reduce redness. Despite being very light in texture, this range has also worked very well in holding up moisture in my otherwise extremely dry and tight skin. The added draw for me is that the whole range is fragrance-free; I am particular when it comes to fragrance in skincare. I skipped some good products because I find the fragrance not agreeable. I reckon the Very Sensitive Skin range is more than perfect in offering a light yet fool-proof barrier for the precious newborns’ skin, to rescue our sweaty toddlers from the skin irritations triggered by external stresses such as heat. Ultimately, it is also a little treat for Mummies to enjoy a more minimalistic skincare approach in our otherwise frenetic schedules!

STAY CONNECTED WITH MOTHERS LIKE YOU From Pregnancy, to Baby, communicate and share your concerns and excitement through Mummys Market community groups!

2020/2021/2022 @ SG MUMMYS

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1/12/21 16:49

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* Mead Johnson Nutrition Company’s claim is based in part on Value Sales data reported by Nielsen for the Children Nutrition Milk Formula category across measured off-premise retail channels in 27 countries for the 12 months ending June 2017. FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2 years old and above, 150-200mg DHA+EPA for children 4 years old and above, 200-250mg DHA+EPA for children 6-10 years old. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no. 91. FAO:Rome. ^ Zinc and Iron support your child’s natural defenses for children up to 6 years of age.

Let’s fuel the wonder.™

Pregnancy Tests In Singapore: Which Trimester And Costs Congratulations, you’ve gotten a positive on your pregnancy test kit, and you’re now a mum- and dad-tobe! In 9 months (give or take a few days), your baby boy or girl will be unleashed unto the world, and there’s definitely a lot to do and prepare in advance! But, for the moment, now what?

Schedule an appointment with an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, and listen to their advice on what you two should do during your pregnancy. One part of pregnancy that we’ll be looking at today will be the prenatal screenings and tests that you’ll have to do. There’ll be quite a bit of them, but you and your ob-gyn will be able to come up with a doable schedule.

Why Do Prenatal Screenings and Tests? These tests are performed during pregnancy to ensure the health of both mummy and her baby, and to find out if baby has any conditions, or the risk of them happening. If there are any conditions present and aren’t taken care of, mum and baby could be at risk. Each test allows your doctor to keep track of your pregnancy and ensure that you’re both healthy and doing well.

FIRST TRIMESTER TESTS 1. Blood Tests During your first pregnancy visit, your doctor should ask you to do a Full Blood Count test. It’s mainly done to check if you have anaemia or thalassaemia. Other blood tests that can be done are: Hepatitis B, Rubella immunity, syphilis, and HIV. Procedure: Blood sample will be drawn at the clinic Costs: Depending on your clinic charges


2. Dating Scan This ultrasound scan can be done from 6 to 12 weeks, and lets you know if your baby is in the right position, if you’re expecting more than one baby, which stage of pregnancy you’re in, and your expected due date. It also checks for any potential abnormalities in the structure of your baby’s bones and organs. Procedure: Ultrasound scan Costs: Depending on your doctor’s charges

1. Foetal Anomaly Screening Scan (FA Scan) This scan can be done from 18 to 21 weeks, and is a much more detailed ultrasound scan with the goal of examining your baby’s anatomy for major anomalies. They’ll focus on the brain, face, spine, heart, lungs, stomach, bowel, kidneys, limbs, genitalia, and umbilical cord. The growth of your baby, amount of amniotic fluid, placental position, and uterine blood flow are also assessed during this scan. Procedure: Blood sample will be drawn at the clinic Costs: Depending on your clinic charges 2. Glucose Screening This is usually done from 24 to 28 weeks, and checks for gestational diabetes – a condition that could develop during your pregnancy, and is usually temporary. As with all glucose tests, you’ll be required to fast for at least 8 hours. This test has been made compulsory at some hospitals (KKH and SGH). Your gynaecologist should advice you accordingly. Procedure: You’ll be asked to drink a glucose solution and blood sample will be drawn Cost: $20 - $40

#1.indd 1

3. One Stop Clinic for the Assessment of Risk (OSCAR) Usually done from 11 to 13 weeks, it’s also known as OSCAR. This is a first trimester option offered to all pregnant women as an earlier and more accurate method of screening for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular, Down’s Syndrome. Accuracy: 90% with 5% false positive Procedure: Ultrasound measurement of fetal NT (thickness of fluid-filled area behind fetal’s neck) and a blood sample will be drawn Costs: $340 - $380

4. Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT) There are 2 types of NIPT in Singapore – Harmony Test (can be done as early as 10 weeks) and Panorama Test (as early as 9 weeks). The tests analyse the DNA in a sample of your blood to predict the risk of Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) and two other genetic conditions, trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome). The 2 tests can also determine the gender of the fetus. Accuracy: 99% with 0.1% false positive Procedure: Blood sample will be drawn Costs: $1,200 - $1,400

THIRD TRIMESTER TESTS 1. 3D or 4D Scans These scans are more for parents to have as a keepsake of their unborn baby rather than for medical reasons. The 3D scan is a three dimensional photograph of the baby, whilst a 4D scan is a video of the baby. The best time to obtain a good picture of the baby’s face is between 26 – 32 weeks. Procedure: Ultrasound Scan

*Remember to check with your gynaecologist on which screening is most suitable for you.

2. Growth Scan This is usually done from 28 to 32 weeks, and checks the growth of your baby and its positioning for labour. The position of the umbilical cord and the amount of amniotic fluid is also taken into account. Procedure: Ultrasound scan Costs: Depending on your doctor’s charges

Costs: $250 - $350

1/12/21 17:12

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2/12/21 15:14

freebies ad q421.indd 1

8/12/21 16:16


✓ Steam sterilise ✓ Dry up to 6 baby bottles ✓ Store breast pump parts, pacifiers and more Available in Mummys Market Retail Store @ Raffles City Shopping Centre, Level 3!

Dr Brown's AD.indd 1

29/9/21 16:37

Exercise is good for the body in order to remain fit and healthy. It is good and advisable for pregnant women to exercise their body, as it will help them to maintain some form. It will also help in building up their immune system and strengthen them in preparation for delivery.

HOW SOON SHOULD I START EXERCISING? There is no particular time when one can start exercising when pregnant. Some people without any health conditions or complication start exercising right from the day they notice they are pregnant to when they deliver. It is usually less stressful for people that have been exercising regularly before they become pregnant. They will just have to change their routine slightly to meet up with the changes in their body.

All these would be possible because exercise makes the muscles properly developed. For those that have been exercising regularly before pregnancy, they can continue the process of exercising during pregnancy, but reduce the intensity.


Exercise activities are part of pre-natal care when you regularly go for checkup. They do commence as early as it is discovered that the woman is pregnant.

For pregnant women, you can take part in any exercise activity. But you should ensure to do them with ease and not to do them in excess and, hence, run the risk of losing your pregnancy. The kind of exercise activities recommended for pregnant women, which will be safe for them and keep them in good shape, including swimming, walking, indoor cycling, stretching exercise and yoga.

Also, there are special classes of aerobic exercise with instructors for pregnant women. You can register for these classes with a qualified instructor. It is also advised that pregnant women should engage in outdoor activities so they can be able to engage in activity that will enable them to stretch their limbs. There might also be exercise classes for couples when they attend pre-natal care. This is very good for bonding in the period of pregnancy. Light jogging is also advised especially if the woman has been jogging before she became pregnant.


There are some kinds of exercises that are not suitable for pregnant women as they may cause complications in the pregnancy. These exercises include: • • • • • •

#2 copy.indd 1

Exercises that may involve holding your breath for a period of time. Exercise activities that have a high risk of falling such as diving and riding. Contact sport that is very physical such as football, volleyball and so on. Sporting activities that involve running and jumping such as athletics events. Avoid exercising in hot and humid conditions and an environment. Avoid exercises that involve heavy lifting.

1/12/21 18:07

Gift your family A lifetime of health protection FAMIL CORD BLOYO BANKING D FOR JU ST

$99/month* *


GIVE YOUR BABY THE UPPER HAND IN HEALTH. During this season of giving, provide the gift of a lifetime by storing your baby’s precious lifesaving umbilical cord stem cells with the right partner today! *T&Cs apply.

1 2 3 4 5



r o n t f e e r e q uir e


Long-standing Establishment

Trusted and reliable family cord blood bank with over 20 years of experience and strong financial stability

Adherence to International Industry Standards

Be assured of quality and safety with us as we adhere to stringent protocols that are regularly audited according to international industry standards

Proven Transplant Track Record

Published record of successfully releasing 69 cord blood units for transplants or cellular therapy

Additional Service Offerings

Increase your family’s medical options in the future by storing your child’s umbilical cord lining

Fully-owned Processing and Storage Facility with over 20 years of Laboratory Management Experience Be assured of continuous stability and security through the generations

Visit "Knowledge Lounge powered by Cordlife" located at Mummys Market Retail Store and receive a special surprise* from us!

Making The Most of Your Pregnancy Have fun during your pregnancy! It might sound counterintuitive, what with “fun” and “pregnancy” being used in the same line, but there are things that you can only experience while you’re pregnant! Make the most of your time pregnant (but in a safe way) and you’ll look back on it with fond memories. Let us give you some ideas on the simple pleasures of pregnant life to help you feel as comfortable as possible throughout those 9 months!

TAKE PHOTOS It goes without saying in our photography obsessed world now… but take lots and lots of photos! It’ll be a bit hard when you’re not feeling your best, but trust me, your future self will be thanking you for documenting your pregnancy!

GO ON A BABYMOON Being parents of a newborn means that you won’t really have a lot of time to yourselves, so you should enjoy a final… CHILD-FREE holiday if you can! Try to plan your trip during your 2nd trimester, as it’s hopefully after your morning sickness and before you’re too ache-y and tired to travel during your 3rd.

BOND WITH YOUR PARENTS They know what you’re going through, because they’ve been through the exact same thing – and it’s great for them, and especially your mum, to share the experience that they’ve went through. It’ll definitely bring you closer, you’ll get some much needed insight as to what comes after baby is born, and it’ll allow them to reminisce about their memories when you were young.


I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed, but there’s a lot going in your body. There’s a new life that’s growing in you, your hormones are all over the place, you’re hungry but your appetite’s being messed with by nausea, you’re getting rashes in places you never knew you could get rashes in, your growing belly needs constant moisturising and scratching, and that’s just the tip of the pregnancy iceberg. So take it easy (I know it’s easier said than done), because stress is bad for both you and baby! Look on the brighter side of things, focus on the positives that you’re going through – forgive yourself for the things you say, do, or feel, and forgive others for the things that they do to annoy you because it’s usually never on purpose.


Plan a shopping trip with your mum, your MIL (to deepen your bonds and relationship with her, throw her some compliments here and there), or your besties. Focus on yourself, get some fancy maternity wear, sexy new maternity lingerie, cosmetics that are safe for pregnant use, comfy shoes or footwear, and whatever else you need!

KEEP THE FLAME ALIVE Plan a date night with your significant other once every two weeks – get out of the house and watch a movie, have dinner, or stay home, get some microwaveable popcorn plus ice-cream, and watch some movies that you two watched way back when you started out dating (nostalgia power!).

INVOLVE YOUR PARTNER Sometimes, your partner wants to help out, but they don’t really know how to – so it’s up to you to help guide them along. Ask them along when you’re heading for your ob-gyn appointments, let them know what you need (regardless of whether it’s a foot or shoulder rub or some time alone), get them to attend prenatal classes with you – it’s all for helping them to get a better understanding of what you’re going through.

BE A QUEEN Being pregnant is somewhat of a free pass on things that you can do and favours that you can ask from others, but remember: “with great power, there must also come great responsibility”. Exercise your pregnancy powers in moderation, lest you annoy your loved ones to no end. With that said, you can take all the guilt-free naps and eat all the ice-cream (unless you’re lactose intolerant) that you want! Visit a spa, get a pre-natal massage, give your hands and feet a treat with a manipedi, get the full royal treatment but remember to be a just and kind queen at the end of the day!

#3.indd 1

2/12/21 10:04

qiren preg q421.indd 1

10/12/21 10:07

Breastfeeding Tips For New Mums Important And Helpful Tips For A Breastfeeding Mom



It is always a good idea to try and breastfeed your newborn within the first hour of the delivery, especially if you have had a vaginal birth. If you can breastfeed your baby within that first hour after giving birth, it will help your uterus to contract. Not only that, but it will also provide your baby with that first valuable milk from your breast, called colostrum, and is considered to be the healthiest part of your breast milk.



In the beginning, as your newborn learns how to latch on to your nipples, it can get a little difficult for you to manage the sensation that you will feel in your breasts. If you do feel pain or discomfort, try to switch your breast or ease the nipple into your newborn’s mouth in such a way that it becomes less painful and a little more comfortable.



Breastfeeding can require a lot of practicing from both you and your newborn. While it seems that some mothers and their newborns can adapt to the new technique fairly easily, there are many who have trouble breastfeeding their newborns, as the little ones are not able to latch. If you find it difficult to breastfeed your newborn, do not give up yet. Try to keep changing your position, and your newborn’s position to see what works best for you. Do not give up and resort to pumping out your breast milk just yet, even if it seems that no amount of practice will help. The first few weeks are the hardest and often take the most time to help get into a routine.

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When you are a new mother, you will get a lot of breastfeeding tips and tricks from different people, including doctors, friends, parents, family and even strangers who you may meet at the mall or some other place, who will tell how to breastfeed your baby. One of the most common breastfeeding tips for new moms, which they receive from other people is to keep a watch on the clock and make sure that your newborn feeds for a specific amount of time at each feeding session. If you constantly look at the clock while feeding your baby, it can cause you a lot of stress if you realize that your baby is feeding less or more than what you have been told is normal. Once you get stressed while you are breastfeeding, it can have a negative impact on the flow of your milk and may make breastfeeding difficult. Instead of keeping a watch on time as to how long your newborn is feeding for, let your infant feed for as long as possible and till you do not feel that your breasts have become empty.


In today’s time and age, with so much stress and focus on breastfeeding, it is possible that you are sometimes too overwhelmed by the entire process and get confused. Remember that it is natural not to be able to breastfeed your baby from the start and that there are many mothers who are in the same boat as you. Instead of feeling guilty and telling yourself that you are not able to breastfeed your baby, ask for help from those who are qualified to make the entire process of breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable for both you and your newborn. Talk to your doctor before giving birth about various lactation experts who are good and whom you can consult to understand how you can breastfeed your baby properly.


Mommies, remember that unless you first take care of yourself, you will not be able to take the best care of your newborn. While it may sound very difficult especially as you will almost always be short on time, there are a few easy breastfeeding tips that you can still follow in your daily routine. Make sure that you stay hydrated at all times and have enough water and fluids throughout the day. To drink water whenever you feel like it, you can keep a jug of water and a glass near your bed and make it a point to drink a glass just before and after feeding your little one. You can also have a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable juices through the day if you do not wish to have only water. It is also very natural for you to feel hungry most of the time while you are breastfeeding and it is important not to be hungry, as it can affect the amount and quality of your breast milk and make you weak as well. Keep some easy snacks handy and place them around the area where you will be feeding your baby so that you can munch on some while you are breastfeeding. Make sure that while you are breastfeeding, you only have those snacks that are not too messy and that you can easily have with just one hand. Also, do not keep any warm or hot snacks or liquids near where you will be with your baby as it could lead to potential accidents and injuries, to both you and your baby. While it may not always be possible to sleep when your baby does, try and get some naps when your baby is sleeping, even if it means giving up on some chores around the house. Breastfeeding is one of the biggest gifts that only you can give your baby, but remember that it does require patience and practice, so stick in there and keep trying.

2/12/21 11:12

Find out more:



Your experience of motherhood is as unique as you are. That’s why the Medela breast pump range with new Flex TechnologyTM is designed to suit your breast shape, giving you more comfort and your baby more milk*. *compared to pumping with traditional breast shields

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29/9/21 16:41

Expecting a baby can be so exciting, yet overwhelming. As parents, your first priority is always to keep your children safe and healthy. You do what you feel is the best for them. And there is always so much to do, from getting yourself physically and mentally ready, to preparing the nursery with baby clothes and accessories, as well as keeping your home thoroughly clean and hygienic. Let OOMMI help you get ready!

Ensuring your bottles and utensils are safe and free of toxic chemicals.It’s better to be safe than sorry. Chemicals from normal dishwashing liquids may leach onto bottles when it’s not washed properly, contaminating milk for the baby. Sterilisers remove bad bacteria but not chemicals, choose a natural cleaner to avoid any accidental ingestion of harsh nasties and to prevent any skin irritants, eczema, allergic reactions etc. Babies have sensitive skin. It is always recommended to avoid harsh detergents and to always wash your newly bought baby clothes as they can be dirty and may contain residual dyes and chemicals from the manufacturing process. OOMMI Probiotics Baby Laundry liquid contains no Phosphate, Chlorine Bleach, Dyes, Ammonia Sulfate, Parfum & Parabens.



OOMMI PROBIOTICS MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER Being exposed to large quantities of chemicals for a long period can increase the risk of congenital disorders and future health problems. So opt for a safer, non-toxic alternative, free from harsh chemicals and fumes. The OOMMI Probiotics Multipurpose Cleaner spray can be your best helper when it comes to cleaning. An all-in-one natural probiotic solution that is safe and yet effective to clean any hard surfaces, such as leather, marble, glass, wood, ceramic, etc. Millions of live beneficial microbes in each spray create a healthy microbiome on surfaces, cleaning and protecting them for days. Probiotics easily break down biofilm and eliminate the harmful bacteria (e-coli and salmonella), yeast (that cause skin infections), fungi (that trigger urinary tract infections), and clear the viruses entrapped within.

Oommi_Q4-21.indd 2

2/12/21 15:08

OOMMI PREBIOTICS + PROBIOTICS A mother’s microbiome is a huge factor in what a baby’s microbiome will be made of. Natural birth babies get their first big dose of microbes at birth, while traveling through the birth canal, then pick up more while breastfeeding. Setting your baby up for a healthy start begins with helping them build a solid immune system. Consuming probiotics during pregnancy has been linked to various benefits including fewer pregnancy complications, reduced risk of allergies and eczema in babies, and improved metabolic health.

Have you ever struggled to remove baby milk vomit stains/ diaper leaks with nasty odours off your fabric surfaces such as mattresses, baby carrier, car seats, baby stroller etc? Try using a damp cloth (and a spray of OOMMI Multipurpose Cleaner if available) to remove any organic stains, followed by spraying OOOMMI Air and Fabric on the affected fabric surfaces to remove any lingering odour. The live beneficial microbes deep dive into the multiple layers of fabric to hunt for harmful bacteria, and neutralise the odour.


So consider opting for our safe and effective probiotics cleaners. OOMMI Probiotic cleaners remove organic contamination by breaking down microscopic dirt into tiny particles and digesting them as food. Unlike commercial cleaners, they are also able to penetrate surface biofilm to remove bad bacteria and leave beneficial microbes behind. The effects of probiotics are long lasting too, staying on surfaces and continuing to clean for days after applied. Not to mention our products are non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for use around children and pets. No nasty ingredients such as SLS/SLES, Parabens, Phthalates, Alcohol and Triclosan. All of OOMMI’s cleaning products are without preservatives to keep them baby safe. Customers are advised to finish using the products within 6 months, as the fresh apple scent may turn to more like apple cider, due to natural fermentation over time.

With OOMMI probiotic supplement and cleaners, you can now worry less and focus more on what’s important in life - quality time spent with your little one. Let OOMMI play a part in building up a healthier you, and a safer home for your family.

Oommi_Q4-21.indd 3

Get Your OOMMI Products & Learn More Here

2/12/21 15:08

I never knew the value of sleep, until I had a baby. Sleep seemed to be the most elusive thing with my newborn around. What was once an easy thing seemed to be next to impossible. I had sleepless nights for the first few months, while my baby was happily awake. It’s normal for some newborns to sleep up to 20 hours per day according to Scott Cohen, pediatrician and author of Eat Sleep Poop: A Common Sense Guide to Your Baby’s First Year. A newborn sleeps for 16-18 hours on an average. They sleep for a longer time during the day and stay awake through the night. Getting the baby to sleep is challenging, but being aware of sleep-related dynamics, might ease you and prepare you for those sleepless nights to come. Here’s how the newborn’s sleep is going to be like in the first month:



The newborn will sleep for 30 minutes to three hours at random times while feeding in between. You have to wake him up frequently for feeds. When newborns go to sleep, they slip into ‘active sleep’. This is similar to REM (rapid eye movement) sleep in adults, where they wake up quickly at the slightest of sounds. Babies are likely to sleep in this state for 25 minutes, and then transition to ‘quiet sleep’, which is a deep state of sleep. Unlike active sleep, newborns do not wake up quickly during quiet sleep.





The newborn is likely to sleep anywhere between 16-18 hours a day. Now that WEEK you are fairly acquainted with his feeding time and sleep pattern, you can let him sleep and wake him up for regular feeds.



Babies learn to fall asleep on their own by the third week. He will be more awake, and wakes up or cries whenever he is hungry or his clothes are soiled. You can keep track of his feed time, and that will make him sleep when he feels full.

By the fourth week newborns will sleep for 12 – 16 hours. But some baby’s sleep for nine hours while a few other babies might sleep for 19 hours in a day. You can try introducing a sleeping routine at this time.

Every baby has an individual rhythm, some babies sleep for hours, while others are up in an hour. Newborns are not ready for a strict sleep routine or schedule until they are six months old. Motherhood comes naturally to a woman. You will instinctively know when the baby is hungry or sleepy, or when he needs your warm touch. So, don’t lose your patience, instead keep trying at least for two months. We hope our tips will help you set a sleep routine for your baby. So, don’t worry about the sleepless nights – it’s just a passing phase. Let your baby slip into that deep slumber, while you can relax like a queen.

Article 5.indd 1

7/1/21 10:39 PM

qiren toddler.indd 1

13/12/21 10:42

Mothers’ Trusted Wellness Must-Haves! BRAND'S® knows the importance of doing your best in matters that you are passionate about and that are significant to you. Having the time and concentration to pursue your passion; whether is it spending time with your family or pursuing your hobby is important to your daily life.

Power up your day with BRAND’S®!

For more than 180 years, generations have trusted BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for its goodness Made of an extract of fine quality chicken hygienically processed under high temperatures and stringent checks Fat-free and cholesterol-free with no added preservatives

Brand’s Suntory Asia calculation based in part on data reported by NielsenIQ through its MArket Track Service for the Assence of Chicken segment for MAT period ending December 2020, for Singapore Modern Trade (© 2021 Nielsen Consumer LLC.) @brands_sg

NATURAL SKINCARE FOR EXPECTING MOMS WITH BIO OIL® SKINCARE OIL (NATURAL) During pregnancy, your hormones may cause many changes to your skin, and it differs for everyone.Some mothers may enjoy a pregnancy glow while others grapple with skin issues like melasma or breakouts. It is impossible to know how these hormones may affect your skin during pregnancy, hence many are switching to ‘clean’ and natural skincare to avoid harmful ingredients and irritants that may trigger sensitive skin. Be mindful when choosing skincare products during your pregnancy to ensure that they are kind to your skin in the long run.

A new pregnancy skincare product… Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) With over 1 million bottles sold in Singapore, Bio-Oil®’s award-winning Skincare Oil remains the best-selling stretch mark and scar product that has been specifically formulated to support your skin throughout your pregnancy journey. To meet the increasing demand for clean and natural pregnancy skincare products, Bio-Oil® launched a 100% natural alternative to their award-winning Skincare Oil - Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural). Formulated using 14 natural plant oils, and is free from preservatives, parabens, artificial colourants and fragrances, this new product is also suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Clinically proven to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars (including C-sect scars), Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural) is made using natural oils and proven to be as effective as its original product, which is a breakthrough for a natural product!

Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural) is recommended for: · Expecting mothers (to minimize the appearance of stretch marks, apply twice daily from the first trimester until after birth) · Post-pregnancy stretch marks (reduce the appearance of stretch marks) · Sensitive skin (anti-inflammatory and non-comedogenic formula) · Ageing skin (retains moisture to smooth and tone skin) · Uneven skin tone (improves appearance in both light and dark skin types)




Bio-Oil Skincvare Oil (Natural)

• Soybean • Sunflower Seed • Safflower Seed


Moisturizes and restores the skin barrier to improve skin texture

Bio Oil Q421.indd 2



• Jojoba Seed • Chia Seed • Pomegranate Seed • Inca Inchi

• Wheatgerm • Rosehip

• Chamomile • Lavender • Rosemary • Calendula • Patchouli

Lighten dark spots and brighten complexion to help improve stretch marks and fade scares

Regenerate the skin and prevent the formation of scars

Anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidant protection to soothe irritated or sensitive skin

14/12/21 14:45

Common Misconceptions about Stretch Marks Stretch marks are caused by tiny tears in your skin when it thins and stretches and it could appear anywhere on your body where your skin is likely to stretch, such as your hips, thighs, lower belly, arms and breasts. Learn how to separate fact from fiction when it comes to stretch marks.


“Only pregnant women develop stretch marks”

Stretch marks do not just affect pregnant women, it can develop for anyone when the skin is stretched too quickly, such as growth spurts during puberty or rapid weight gain. Even body-builders may develop stretch marks! Up to 90% of women will develop stretch marks during their pregnancy as their skin cannot keep up with how quickly their body is expanding.

The secret to preventing pregnancy stretch marks is by starting early. The saying “Prevention is better than cure” is very apt in this case. Keeping your skin well-moisturized will help maximize skin elasticity and reduce the formation of stretch marks. Regular application of a stretch mark product like Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural), should start as early as the first trimester and continue until after giving birth. On top of that, there are also useful tips to maintain your skin’s elasticity and minimize stretch marks developing: • Avoid long and hot showers that could dry out your skin • Stay hydrated and drink lots of water • Having a balanced diet that is rich in vitamin A (carrots, sweet potatoes), C (citrus fruits) and E (olive or sunflower oil) • Maintain a healthy weight gain according to your doctor’s instruction

If you are concerned with stretch marks during your pregnancy, keeping your skin hydrated is the best prevention. Regular application of Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural) from as early as your 1st trimester goes a long way in retaining your skin’s elasticity to minimize stretch marks.


“Stretch marks will disappear after giving birth”

This is a common misconception that if weight gain during pregnancy leads to stretch marks, then weight loss would reverse the effect. Stretch marks are scars that are formed from tiny tears in your skin and like any other scar, will take a long time to fade. The best way to minimize the formation of stretch marks is to keep your skin well-moisturized to boost skin elasticity.


“If my mother had stretch marks during her pregnancy, I will have it too”

Studies have shown that stretch marks are hereditary and if your mother or sister had them, you are more likely to get them too. The good news is that you are not alone, most women will get them during pregnancy. Just like wrinklesor dark circles, we can only do our best to prevent or minimize their appearance with a good skincare regime.

HOW TO APPLY? Massage the oil in a circular motion onto the areas prone to stretch marks until fully absorbed. Apply twice daily from the start of the 1st trimester until after birth. Do not apply on open wounds or broken skin.

Clinical trials* showed after 8 weeks of using Bio-Oil® Skincare Oil (Natural) • 100% of subjects saw improvements in the appearance of scars • 97% of subjects saw improvements in the appearance of stretch marks *proDERM, Germany, 2020


Skincare Oil (Natural) retails at S$10.50 for 25ml and $20.50 for 60ml and is available exclusively in Shopee.

For more information, please visit Bio-Oil®’s website or find them on Instagram or Facebook.

Bio Oil Q421.indd 3

14/12/21 14:45

Join our Facebook closed groups




made in SIngapore

for all mummies

to have a safe space

for open and candid conversations.

Raise your concerns, provide support or learn from other mummies 24/7 here, we don’t judge!

fb closed group q421.indd 1

13/12/21 10:57

pnsg june ad.indd 1

17/6/21 11:34




It’s only the first week!

Okay, no. Just… no. Don’t fiddle with or poke the stump of the umbilical cord because you think that it looks weird on baby. You might cause undue discomfort to baby or, even worse, cause it to get infected! The stump will dry up and fall off on its own, so don’t rush and pull it out!

Mums of newborns follow almost everything to the letter, and breastfeeding is one of them. You don’t need to suffer in an awkward position to breastfeed baby; all that does is make you ache a lot more than you already are aching, and might even cause you stress while you’re feeding.

Don’t come up with a feeding schedule for them yet. Baby’s first job is to eat a lot and grow a lot; although they may lose some weight in their first week due to shedding of ‘water weight’, they’ll quickly pile on the baby fats soon enough!


THINGS NEW PARENTS ARE NOT DOING QUITE RIGHT WITH THEIR NEWBORN BABY If you’re new to this whole being a mum or dad business and you’re losing your head over a ton of things to think about and figure out, don’t worry, we’ve all been there before! We’ve got to figure out feeding, car seats, sleeping areas, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, and that’s a big wrecker of nerves), having people visit, and all those are just a few things that’s concerning the baby! We haven’t even gotten to mum’s needs yet. Your first week with baby will definitely be tough, but you’re in this together with your spouse and you’ll pull through. Just imagine what they’ll be like when they’re older!



If you’re struggling or have any questions about caring for baby, check with your family and friends on how they took care of their own babies.

When you’re back from the hospital, your family and friends will definitely want to visit baby and you, but that’s actually not what you should do (at least not for the moment)!

An alternative would be to join Facebook groups specifically for mummies, such as SG Mummys, a closed group where Singaporean mums share tips and tricks, as well as having an open space for discussion and support.

#6.indd 1

Baby’s immune system is still developing, and they’re prone to falling sick because of germs – and the more people that visit you, the more germs they’ll bring with them.


One thing to remember for all social media posts – they only show the good moments! Don’t compare yourself to them. No one is perfect, and that definitely extends to parenting. Rest easy, because behind all those perfect photos are parents who are going through the exact same thing that you’re going through too.

2/12/21 15:05

FINGER PAINTING FUN! DIY Recipe Safe For Babies Homemade Edible Finger Paint is perfect for babies aged 6 – 18 months, toddlers and even older children who are very likely to place paint covered fingers into their mouths. This edible paint recipe is super easy to make and uses regular items you can find in your kitchen! It is safe for babies to put into their mouths (although you do not want to encourage them to do this) and not tasty to prevent them to want more. Most importantly, it is super easy to clean off and can be prepared in 15 minutes!

Development benefits of finger painting Creativity & Expression

Fine motor skills

Method 1) In a saucepan, mix the cornflour with enough cold water to make a paste. 2) Pour in 1 cup of boiling water and stir until there are no lumps. 3) Put the saucepan on the stove on medium heat and stir. The mixture will start to change, and you will notice some clear streaks forming in the mixture. Once you see this, turn off the heat and continue stirring. It will start to thicken into a custard-like consistency. 4) Spoon equal amounts into containers or cups and add the food colouring. 5) You can store in the fridge with cling wrap for up to 2 weeks.

from To get more colours mix: g, your basic colourin Cause & Effect

Hand-eye coordination & control


Exploring the senses & discovering new textures







Ingredients s 4 tablespoon of cornflour Cold water 1

ater cup boiling w

Liquid food colouring

To avoid a massive clean -up: Make sure baby isn’t wearing any fancy outfits. Topless is best! Lay plastic or newspapers on the floor. (consider covering up a large area) Have an old rug or cloth close to you to clean up in case any paint gets out of the ‘paint zone’.

PG 24 - Finger Painting Fun! DIY Recipe Safe For Babies.indd 1

9/12/21 15:17

Nurture the Exceptional


S-26® Gold Progress® with Sphingomyelin, DHA and 2’-FL. Scientifically formulated to support your child's brain development^ and immune system* ^DHA & ARA support brain & eye development *Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin A, C, and D support normal functioning of your child’s immune system

Wyeth Nutrition Sg @sgwyethnutrition

Q4 Awards Covers.indd 1

23/11/21 16:44

Q4 Awards Covers.indd 1

23/11/21 16:46

NE W BO RN DI AP ER S Bosomi is the No.1 Diaper brand

in Korea.

t with a baby’s sensitive Because diapers are in contac made their products with skin 24 hours a day, Bosomi has safer and softer diapers a mother’s dedication providing materials and upgraded for babies. With 100% U.S. cotton tects your baby’s skin to absorption power, Bosomi pro stay as fluffy as the clouds. er emits residue humidity in Bosomi’s 360-degree Air Cov y. The safety guard and leg the diaper to keep them fluff to the side and make diapers band keep urine from leaking ful bulges. Bosomi’s Double look better without the aw diapers comfortably fit your Stretching Cotton Band means t Urine Alert Line to let you baby’s size, with a convenien per. Offering advanced leak know when to change your dia ud-like comfort and stylish protection, Bosomi offers clo , comfy, and happy on life’s prints that keep your baby dry daily adventures.

CO NF IN EM EN T SU IT ES The Clover Suites is Singapore ’s Premium Boutique Post-partum Suite for confinem ent services. The Clover Suite experience off ers the best services you can find for new mothers, from dietitian-planned luxurious meals to post-post partum activities like never before. Located in a brand new four-story building in the posh Siglap Are a, The Clover Suites presents a contemporary, bou tique-inspired suite with 24/7 care for mothers wit h newborns. The Clover Suite features nin e low-density luxury rooms, a boutique spa for aes thetic body treatments, pre-natal and post-natal massa ges, a hair and beauty salon, and a premium cafe lou nge for guests.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 1

20/12/21 13:51

PO ST NATA L MA SS AG E ore (PNSG) aims to Post-Natal Massage Singap throughout motherhood. ease your body and mind g products that offer With careful choice of soothin ssage services help to extensive benefits, PNSG ma milk supply, relieve water treat engorgement and boost , and speed up womb retention, improve circulation . recovery - among many others thers at different stages of Understanding the needs of mo uited rejuvenating massages maternity, they offer well-s m, and even for years after for pregnancy until postpartu ng a new mother’s stress and birth! PNSG believes in relievi h the experienced hands assisting them to relax throug . ed and certified therapists of their professionally-train comfort of your home for a Enjoy PNSG’s massage in the ration after birth! comfortable and relaxing recupe

NA N OP TI PR O 3 Henri Nestlé, founder of Nestlé developed his first infant nutrition solution in 186 7 in Vevey, Switzerland. Today, he is celebrated as a pio neer of child nutrition, and his legacy of using the late st scientific research to improve lives is being contin ued. Nestlé NAN OPTIPRO growin g-up milk formulas have been developed over yea rs of experience to give children around the wo rld the best start in life – backed by scientific res earch and innovative development in Nestlé, Sw itzerland. With over 150 years of committed resear ch in the pursuit of precision and perfection in nut rition, NAN OPTIPRO’s range of toddler nutrition is our most scientifically advanced age-adapted formu la with the highest levels of 2’-FL.* Together with BIFIDUS BL Probiotics as well as Optimized gentle proteins, to build the right foundation for your child’s growth, support their immunity, and nourish their eve ry possible.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 2

20/12/21 13:51

LU X0 S+ ST RO LL ER comes revamped with The bestselling Luxos+ now ly satisfied mommy and even better features for a tru compact yet splendidly happy baby. Lightweight and u Luxos+ is the perfect stylish, the swanky new Bonbijo moms. baby stroller for chic, modern ° rotating wheels and added Its new 4-wheel drive with 360 hest journey for your precious suspension ensure the smoot and most comfortable haven. one while cocooned in a safe ipped with a luxurious highIt also comes thoughtfully equ impressive UV50+ protection quality canopy that boasts an radiation and the heat from to shelter your baby from UV at makes the Luxos+ baby harmful sun rays. However, wh ighs a mere 4.99kg! It is such stroller a winner is that it we lish stroller down the streets a breeze to maneuver this sty down easily with one hand and it is also engineered to fold ience you deserve. for the most hassle-free conven for the most Quality, Affordability and Style rs! the discerning mo

AL LO NG E FE ED IN G BO TT LE Simba, the world’s top fee ding bottle maker. Originating from Taiwan, has almost 30 years of experience in baby caring and nursing products. With outstanding product quality and performance, Simba is based on the spirit of “Humanity”, combining with innovative technology to continuously bring parents more modern baby care knowledge and create more quality and ideal products for babies and parents. We know exactly wh at new parents would need, constantly focusing on the functionality of the products in harmony wit h aesthetics and going beyond expectations. Your voi ces are heard: allongé PPSU Anti-Colic Feeding Bo ttle - the birth of the world’s top feeding bottle.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 3

20/12/21 13:51

W EL 10 0% BA MB OO HO OD ED TO iendly and high-quality Bebe Bamboo® offers eco-fr radable bamboo fabrics. baby home textiles using biodeg e for her four young Beginning from a mother’s lov e Bamboo® with softness, children, Meiyen founded Beb heart of the brand. comfort, and functionality at the luxuriously soft and Bebe Bamboo® Bath Towels are perfect for those with gentle on your child’s skin and de from 100% BAMBOO, sensitive skin and allergies. Ma ly grown without a natural fiber that is organical . SUPER Soft, SUPER pesticides and little to no water PER Absorbent! Smooth, SUPER Comfy and SU

OR GA NI C LI L CR UN CH IE S From cereals and purees, to juices and snacks for your growing child, GERBER® is not only nutritious, but also wholesome and safe for every little tiny tummy. Containing no artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners, GERBER® use s stringent Clean Field Farming® practices to deliver on our mission to give your little one the safest and highest quality organic cereals and snacks. Announcing our new GERBER members – GERBER Organic Lil Crunchies! These quality baked snacks are made wit h the natural goodness of rea l organic navy beans, special ly designed to be nutritionally and developmentally appropriate for toddlers and beyond. Availab le in two delicious flavours White Bean Hummus (45g) and White Cheddar Broccoli (45g). Made with carefully selected ingredients to meet GERBER ’s high quality standards, these baked snacks are made with real veggies (navy beans) and organic rice, plus they provide 2g of plant protein per ser ving. The GERBER Organic Lil’ Crunchies are baby-led friendl y snacks that can encourage your little one’s independence while exploring new textures and developing feeding skills.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 4

20/12/21 13:52

CI FI ER TO OT H- FR IE ND LY FL AT PA ifier reduces the risk of Dentistar’s Tooth-Friendly Pac more room for the tongue, developing an open bite. It has deformation. In contrast to which helps to avoid tongue tistar pacifier considers conventional pacifiers, the Den th and tongue, thus reduce the natural position of the tee . the risk of dental misalignment er is the only pacifier with Dentistar Tooth-Friendly Pacifi en helps minimise the gap betwe a patented dental-step, which at fl ra ext an h s. It is designed wit baby’s upper and lower incisor ies’ bab on re ssu to reduce the pre teat which is angled upwards, jaws and teeth. ed by a German dentist, made This medical pacifier is design at Germany. In a long-term study with medical-grade silicone in ed rm fi con y call , it was scientifi the University Witten/Herdecke the Dentistar pacifier has no d use o wh that 93% of children h er allows your baby to suck wit malocclusions. Dentistar pacifi ids avo s thu and breastfeeding, the same tongue movement as nipple confusion.

28 DAYS PO ST NATA L NU TR IT IO NA L HE RB AL SO UP RE CE IP ES Starting as a wholesaler of Am erican Ginseng imported from Canada, the four founde rs of Hockhua saw the need for traditional health pro ducts in the market and began importing quality bird’s nests. The first Hockhua Ginseng Bird’s Nest outlet ope ned in Hougang in 1989 as the brand continued to brin g in quality traditional medicines and remedies at rea sonable pricing. Consisting of 28 different herbal soups, Hockhua’s Postnatal Nutritional Recipes are specially formulated for the recuperation of new mothers throughout the confinement month. It is imp ortant for breastfeeding mothers to replenish plenty of water. Consumption of such herbal soups will not only greatly help with that, but also supply the necessary nut rition for the new mothers. Look forward to better blood circ ulation, nourishment and rejuvenation, strengthened ten don and bones, and more.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 5

20/12/21 13:52

CO RD BL OO D BA NK IN G a your baby’s cord blood is Did you know that storing rce sou rich a is d Cord bloo form of biological insurance? which are responsible for ls Cel m Ste ic oiet top of Haema y rating the immune system. The replenishing blood and regene es typ nt ere diff erentiate into the have the unique ability to diff d inly red blood cells, white bloo ma y, bod the of cells found in cells, and platelets. 2001, d bank in Singapore since Being the pioneer cord bloo ted rus ent e hav who ilies 71,000* fam Cordlife Singapore has over only the are y the , ition add In them. their baby’s cord blood with FACT cord blood bank by AABB & ited red acc ally tion rna inte l dua in Singapore! follows to only the best practices and Cordlife Singapore conforms and sing ces the collection to the pro very stringent protocols from lity qua a hed blis d. They have esta storage of your child’s cord bloo d bloo cord g asin rele ly rd of successful system and proven track reco the is re apo Sing e dlif Cor , from this units for transplants. Apart re and cord lining storage in Singapo al bilic um of r vide pro ve exclusi cord only the ks in the world, and is 1 of the only 2 cord blood ban ice. vide this serv blood bank in Singapore to pro *As of August 2021

NE W SW IN G MA XI TM Medela believes that your experie nce of motherhood is as unique as you are. Medel a breast pump range with new Flex™ Technology is designed to suit every mother’s breast shape, giving all mummies more comfort and all babies more mil k. Medela brings the iconic Sw ing Maxi Flex™ into the modern age with a con temporary and stylish redesigned Swing Maxi. Improv e your mobility thanks to the built-in rechargeable bat tery that lasts for up to 6 pumping sessions. And con tinue to benefit from Medela’s Flex™ technology tha t offers you flexibility and the comfortable, efficient pumping experience you deserve.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 6

20/12/21 13:53

TH E CO NC EN TR AT E LI QU ID LA UN DR Y FO R BA BY CL OT HI NG a father’s love for his babySWIPE was created from our children’s protectors children. As parents, we are h the best from their and we aim to provide them wit first day. ergent is so concentrated This eco-friendly laundry det g way. Made from nonthat a little goes a super lon premium-grade natural phosphate formulation with on stains and milk odor. surfactants, it cleans powerfully t for front loading washing Low suds formulation perfec ed for parents who love machine. Moisturiser is also add to hand wash.

GR OW IN G UP MI LK We are pleased to unveil our new improved formulation! Now with 4 x mo re DHA*, natural Sn-2 palmitate, no added sucrose & no palm oil! The best gift for your growing babies. Karihome Goat Milk Growing-Up Milk is specially for mulated to enhance the natural goodness of goat mil k. Mums will love the fact that babies will gain directly fro m its natural nutrition. It’s the best start for your precious little ones. And is best for your little one’s: Brain, eye and physical develo pment Overall mental functions Bone development Maintenance of a healthy digest ive system Defence system *Compared with previous form

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 7


20/12/21 13:53


nd of luxury baby play mats Little Wiwa® is a leading bra d with safety and style in designed in Australia. Founde are made using only nonmind, Little Wiwa® play mats safe choice for the little ones toxic materials making them a o are style-savvy. and also a delight for adults wh inspired by Scandinavian Designed in Australia and igns. of our best-selling original des aesthetics, The Natur is one and ry ene gre for ute to our love Honouring nature, and a trib h wit ny ma by d e to be love foliage, the Löv(Leaf) has com ce. spa any to s nes that brings calm fondness for a touch of flora ury, is a premium eco-friendly lux t ma y pla Every Little Wiwa® e abl rad deg bio and e abl % sustain sourced and crafted from 100 s ign des two ing tur fea , reversible TPU foam. These plush mats are stics imalist Scandinavian characteri and colours that capture min flip. to suit your mood with a simple k entire family in mind, the thic Designed and tailored with the fort com vides a safety guard and shock-absorbent cushioning pro y little adventurers even as the for tummy time support of our the to n y – all without an intrusio learn to crawl, walk and pla e décor. aesthetics of your existing hom

3G + UV ST ER IL IZ ER The founder of thelittleonesin mylife, Audrey Wong, has had a personal quest to fi nd good products for her own children. This has since lead to the formation of thelittleonesinmylife where she only brings in products that she has used personally for her children or herself. Made in Korea, the Haenim 3G+ UV Steriliser dries and sterilizes products with an inte rior viewing window - so you can watch your sterilizer in action! This UV Steriliser is lab tested and proven to pro vide 99.99% sterilization. With a practical one-touch sys tem, users can navigate a full range of services with just 4 buttons. It uses 9 UVC LED Lamps with a 5 yea rs warranty. It has a large capacity of fitting up to 16 bottles, saving time and electricity. With its storage fun ction, items will be sterile with auto sterilizing every 1 hou r for up to 8 hours. It is easy to maintain, hassle-free, and easy to clean - simply wipe with a clean damp cloth.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 8

20/12/21 13:54

BA BY CA RE KI DS L LE AR NI NG RE MO TE CO NT RO designers for maternal Babycare is a brand created by ntra of “high aesthetic, and child products. Their ma popular in more than 30 high quality, and high safety” is rld-renowned industrial countries globally. Gathering wo , and illustrators from the designers, graphic designers and other places, Babycare United States, Canada, Japan, for babies instead of the makes art the daily enjoyment seums. display in galleries and art mu Control comes with dual Babycare Kids Learning Remote and has numbers, music languages — English & Chinese train babies for hand and and animal sound. It helps to with soft flashing light to eye coordination. Also comes hout hurting their eyes. attract the baby’s attention wit ote Control is durable and Babycare Kids Learning Rem drop resistant.

ES SE NC E OF CH IC KE N Established in 1928, Lao Xie Zhe n has become a well-known brand amongst families. We pride ourselves on bringing only the best to our customers. Our value is your wellness. Lao Xie Zhen Premium Boiled Essence of Chicken has bee n voted the best chicken essence for 4 consecutive years in Singapore. The unique slow-boiling method, coupled with the usage of our advanced hydration technology ensures the complete extraction of nutrien ts. Rich in protein and collagen, it’s the best choice for mummies during pregnancy and postnatal care. It helps with the development of fetus growth, promotes postnatal milk secretion, and repairs body cells and tissues during recovery.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 9

20/12/21 13:54


by a working mother Baby Express was founded iting innovations at for working mothers. With exc s empowers modern affordable prices, Baby Expres oother breastfeeding mothers to have a longer and sm journey. Now Even Better your little ones tugging onto No more worries about having sing when you have to move your pump tubes! No more fus ds free when attached to a around while pumping! Go han and small, it fits perfectly hands free pumping bra! Light 6 parts to assemble, your into your diaper bag. Only onds. With anti-backflow pump is ready to go within sec e in contact with the motor. diaphragm, fluid does not com is safe for multiple users. It minimizes contamination and soft as a whisper, pumping It is also low in noise level, as your sleeping baby. can be done discreetly beside


Nourish your child with nutriti on and stimulation which play and important rol e in the developing brain and overall skill develo pment. With over 100 years of experience in pae diatric nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition has scient ifically formulated all new Enfagrow Pro A+ Stage 3. All new Enfagrow Pro A+ Stage 3 is specially formulated with a unique ble nd of MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) and 2’-FL that works with 360° DHA Plus to nourish your child’s mind and body, and strengthen their natural defenc es^ with Iron and Zinc. This new Enfagrow Pro A+ Sta ge 3 is also formulated with no added sucrose and pre biotic FOS, to promote growth of good Bifidus bacter ia to help maintain a healthy digestive system. ^Zinc and iron support your chil d’s natural defences for childre n up to 6 years of age.

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 10

20/12/21 13:54

DR . BR OW N’ S® BO TT LE ST ER IL IZ ER AN D DR YE R e, Dr. Brown’s continues Inspired by mums everywher ts that focus on great to innovate and develop produc d health for babies. Dr functionality for parents and goo able baby products that Brown’s strives to deliver the reli ite with mums and dads. have made us a proven favour and Dryer offers the total Dr Brown’s Electric Sterilizer dry up to six baby bottles package. Steam sterilise and ts, soothers, and teethers. at once, plus breast pump par bo sterilise and dry, plus Sterilise only, dry only, or com inates 99.9% of bacteria, store – it’s all 4 in one! Elim ses thrush. Contents stay mold and the yeast that cau the lid is unopened after sterilised for up to 24 hours if aning you can keep your the completion of the cycle – me with no contamination. The bottles and parts stored inside ture up to 95% of airborne two included HEPA filters cap air for superior drying. particles, ensuring purified

Z1 ST RO LL ER The new Hamilton stroller, Z1 is made up of top-quality anodised aluminium frame and premium fabric. It is so sturdy that it has individual sus pensions on all 4 wheels, allowing the stroller a smoot h ride over all terrain. Oversized storage basket for anything you need to tote. Z1 strollers feature an adjustabl e 3 points handlebar so parent s of varying heights can comfort ably use it. Your baby will be fully comfortable inside as you walk, with its spacious seat, adjustable 3 points back rest, ventilation mesh, and extendabl e anti-UV 50+ canopy protection against the harsh ultraviolet sun rays. The Z1 Stroller comes with 5 poi nts magnetic buckle harness system with an advanced ma gnetic buckle and a large ped al one-link brake system. These conform with EN 1888 safety standards which ensure the safety of your child. With the perfect combination of safe, stro ng, and simple, the Hamilton Z1 strollers offer ultimate eas e and safety. It features a compact fold and self-sta nding capability, convenien tly carried with a handheld strap, making using the underground, walking up the stairs, or into the car super easy! A stroller designed to last!

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 11

20/12/21 13:55


are a licensed Singapore Established since 2013. We EA16C8295 approved by confinement nanny agency r Confinement specialized the Ministry of Manpower. Sta ent nannies to postnatal in providing quality confinem confinement nannies are moms and newborns. Our ipped with an average of modern nannies who are equ n s are also trained at our ow 3 years of experience. Nannie rs hou 168 ning center for at least STAR confinement nanny trai before graduating. dern doing both traditional and mo As such, they are excellent in for ing car t-natal moms and confinement practices for pos are and g portive of breastfeedin newborns. All nannies are sup breastfeeding. Our nannies are able to guide new mothers on ns newborns, premature newbor very experienced in handling ms mo to s are also counselors and twins confinement. Nannie e confinement nannies are her s who are having baby blues, thu ir the g dlin parents stress of han to help take away the new and recuperate. t newborn while letting her res

CO NF IN EM EN T ME AL For today’s modern moms, Tia n Wei Signature is the ideal choice of confinement food caterer! As the leading confinement meal delivery ser vice that offers both fusion and traditional cuisines, Tia n Wei Signature believes that confinement food should be balanced, nutritious, breastfeeding-friendly, and stil l very much interesting and enjoyable! Specially curated by awardwinning Chef and reviewed by their in-house dietitian, expect a wide variety of traditional dishes that aid in easing postpartum recovery and breastfeeding, including Por k Trotter in Black Vinegar, Sesame Braised Chicken, and many more - all prepared with natural flavours and no MSG! You will also be served with herbal soup concoction s that focus on replenishing and nourishing blood, enhanc ing breast milk, increasing vitality, calming nerves, and aiding in recovery. In the last leg of your confinement , Japanese, Taiwanese and Mediterranean-inspired fusion confinement cuisines are added to your menu, bringing surprise and joy in celebrating the end of your confinement with Tian Wei Signature.

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20/12/21 13:55


t Hand Sanitiser and PURELL is America’s #1 Instan many people worldwide. of can be found in the pockets c innovation, PURELL’s Built on decades of scientifi ed antimicrobial germ kill formulation ensures advanc thing to the skin. while being very kind and soo that contains ingredients PURELL® hand sanitizer gel resources. Kills more than made from natural renewable ms. Scientifically advanced, 99.99% of most common ger outperforms other hand patent-pending formulation ludes a nourishing blend sanitizers ounce for ounce. Inc Clinically proven to help of four skin conditioners. g is harder on germs or maintain skin health. Nothin easier on hands.

LU NAVI E PO ST PA RT UM AB DO MI NA L BI ND ER As Malaysia’s first premium nursing lingerie brand, Lunavie strives to suppor t and empower mothers with exceptional and afford able products during their breastfeeding and motherho od journey. Our Premium Postpartum Abdominal Binder is an abdominal compression wra p designed to assist you in bringing your body back to its former beauty and proportion after child birth. It shrinks and firms your belly & waist instantly. So you look and feel better after delivery!

CI TR ON EL LA OI L a 100% natural insect Tian Long Citronella Oil is Don’t let those pests get in repellent and chemical-free. healthy home! Tian Long your way to a clean, safe and g citronella oil trusted by Citronella Oil is an award-winnin door use. Just a cap of oil homemakers for home and out and bacteria. to clean, sanitize and kill germs es are kept at bay as you Mozzies, ants, and cockroach g Citronella Oil in your diffuse the scents of Tian Lon Tian Long Citronella Oil is home. With family in mind, ients safe for young and formulated using natural ingred , the Tian Long Citronella old. A perfect household helper r daily use. Oil Spray Bottle is ideal for you

Q4-21 Awards Write Up.indd 13

20/12/21 13:56

Q4-21 Seminar AD.indd 1

1/12/21 2:28 PM



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9/7/21 10:58

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Christmas Page_1_OL.indd 1

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