Mummys Market Pregnancy & Baby Guide June 2021

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Raising Four Kids


Cord Blood Banking








Daddy-Bb Bonding


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9/7/21 10:27













Editor's Note.indd 1

8/7/21 16:43

5 USEFUL TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF CORD BLOOD BANKING Cord blood, also known as “placental blood”, is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a baby and after the umbilical cord is cut after delivery. This is a rich source of lifesaving Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) which have the unique ability to regenerate into:

Red Blood Cells

White Blood Cells


Transports oxygen to all cells in the body.

Produces antibodies and fights infection.

Assists in blood clotting in the event of injury.

#1: OFFSET THE COST WITH CHILD DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT (CDA) Did you know that you can use your baby’s CDA to offset the cost of storing your baby’s cord blood? CDA is part of the Baby Bonus Scheme which is designed to help parents defray the financial cost of raising a newborn-child during their early years. The Baby Bonus Scheme comprises of a cash gift, CDA First Step Grant and co-savings scheme for your child’s CDA. Should your child be eligible for the Baby Bonus Scheme, he/she will receive a baby bonus cash gift of $8,000. In addition, your child will also qualify for CDA that can be used for various expenses such as education, healthcare and even cord blood banking!

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting your baby’s cord blood and storing it in cryogenic tanks until a release is requested by the family. Here are 5 tips that could help you get the most out of your decision to store your baby’s cord blood!

What’s more, once you open your child’s CDA, he/she would automatically receive a First Step Grant of $3,000. A helpful tip would be to take advantage of the Government’s dollar-for-dollar matching scheme by topping up your child’s CDA, as this means that you would only be paying 50% of the cost for cord blood banking!






Up to $3,000

Up to $14,000

2nd Child#



Up to $6,000

Up to $17,000

3rd & 4th Child



Up to $9,000

Up to $22,000

5th Child & Higher



Up to $15,000

Up to $28,000



1st Child

*Applicable for children born on or after 24 March 2016. # Applicable for children who are born on or after 1 Jan 2021. If the child is born before 1 Jan 2021, the maximum government co-matching is $3,000.

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9/7/21 11:12

#2: KNOW ALL THE BENEFITS By choosing to store your baby’s cord blood, your baby and his/ her family members can all stand to benefit from this decision as it guarantees a readily available supply of lifesaving stem cells for your family’s exclusive use should the need ever arise. Many do not realise that this one decision could offer a lifetime of protection for the whole family. TREATMENT OF OVER 80 DISEASES Cord blood can be used to treat over 80 diseases2 such as leukaemia, lymphoma and thalassaemia, just to name a few. Over 80% of the cord blood units used by families have been for regenerative medicine applications like autism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease and many more3. Clinical trials are one of the key driving forces in medical breakthroughs and it represents hope for families with conditions that have no known cure. OVER 40,000+ CONDUCTED TRANSPLANTS Cord blood has been used in more than 40,000 stem cell transplants worldwide to help rebuild healthy blood and immune systems, with over 10,000 autologous stem cells transplants performed in the U.S. in 20154. Based on Cordlife’s data, 65% of the released cord blood units were used for autologous treatments5. Did you know: Autologous stem cell transplants use a person’s own stem cells to treat certain non-genetic diseases and cancers without the risk of rejection. UP TO 75% CHANCE OF GENETIC MATCH FOR SIBLINGS6 Your baby’s cord blood is 100% guaranteed match for autologous treatments, but this is where cord blood banking can benefit the whole family. Siblings’ cord blood offers a higher potential for genetic matches and many families have benefited from using sibling’s stem cells for treatment since 19887. Did you know: Studies have shown that there is a 95% survival rate for transplants using related cord blood vs. 61% for unrelated cord blood8.


#3: CONSIDER IT AN INVESTMENT Let’s consider the cost of raising a child in Singapore and see how cord blood banking factors in. Here’s an estimate of the expenses you can expect over the years. Pregnancy & Delivery9 $15,000

Tuition & Enrichment


Medical Bills in the First Year (Paediatrician Check-Up & Vaccinations)12


Cord Blood Banking10

$250/year for 20 Years Postnatal (Confinement Nanny)12


Infant Care Arrangements12


Consumables In The First Year12

Education13 (Primary to University)



Insurance Coverage11 $42,000

With this one decision to store your baby’s cord blood stem cells, you will be gifting him/her the added protection for life at just a fraction of the total cost of raising a child. Parents can also factor it in as part of a well-rounded protection plan alongside vaccinations, health checks and even health insurance, making it a lifesaving investment for your child’s future.

#5: SELECT YOUR FAMILY CORD BLOOD BANK WISELY A family cord blood bank stores the cord blood unit for your family’s exclusive use, and it is usually released at no cost to the parents. This also guarantees a readily available medical resource for the whole family whenever the need arises in a time-critical situation and reduces the time and cost involved for a national or international search for a matched donor. Since it is going to be a long-term investment, it is important to go with the right partner and parents should consider these 6 factors before deciding on a family cord blood bank.

It is best to make this decision early (during your second trimester) so that you have enough time to discuss this with your family and to also do ample research on whether cord blood banking is for you and your family.


Deciding early also saves you the hassle of worrying about the logistics on your delivery day. There is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood: minutes after birth. Check this off your pregnancy to-do list early on so that you can focus on other preparations like decorating your nursery, planning your pregnancy announcement or baby shower and researching on prenatal classes.

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9/7/21 11:12


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LONG-STANDING ESTABLISHMENT Choose a family cord blood bank that has a long-standing establishment as it assures parents that their baby’s precious lifesaving stem cells are stored with a trusted and reliable partner who will be with them for the long haul. A helpful tip will be to go with the largest family cord blood bank in Singapore, as they have over 20 years of experience under their belt. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, an independent resource and non-profit foundation, has also ranked the Top 10 Family Cord Blood Banks worldwide, and a quick search can tell you if any of these are in Singapore. Another safe bet would be to consider how long the family cord blood bank has been around. Did you know? Cordlife just celebrated their 20th birthday in the month of May!

TRANSPLANT TRACK RECORD Another important consideration is the proven transplant track record of your chosen family cord blood bank. A quick tip is to check if the family cord blood bank has released numerous cord blood units for clinical trials such as the ongoing trial conducted by KKH in Singapore for the treatment of autism. This is an indication that the family cord blood bank is experienced in successfully releasing cord blood stem cells for transplants. It also confirms that the cord blood stem cells stored under their care are in accordance with the highest standards and remains viable for transplantation.

FULLY-OWNED PROCESSING AND STORAGE FACILITY Proper protocols go into ensuring the viability of your child’s cord blood stem cells which is why it’s also important to choose a family cord blood bank that has full ownership over their processing and storage facilities. This means that they maintain direct control over critical services, quality, licencing and accreditations which assures parents of the well-being of their child’s cord blood that are stored under the bank’s care. This also provides the family cord blood bank with immediate access to resources in the event of an emergency.

INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATIONS There are only eight family cord blood banks worldwide that are internationally dual certified by international bodies such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) or Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). Consider family cord blood banks that have been accredited by AABB or FACT as these accreditations ensure that the family cord blood bank adheres to the highest quality standards when it comes to the handling, processing and storing of your baby’s cord blood through regular and rigorous audits.

ADDITIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS Besides storing cord blood stem cells, check if your chosen family cord blood bank offers additional services as it would give you access to more medical options. One of the family cord blood banks in Singapore is also a patented technology provider in the processing and storage of cord lining stem cells, which contains 2 types of cells found in the umbilical cord lining – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs). By storing a combination of HSCs, MSCs and CLEpSCs, your family has more medical options for possible therapeutic and regenerative applications in the future, especially for conditions that currently have no known cure. Did you know: Cord lining stem cells are the ‘infrastructureforming’ building blocks in the human body with the potential to aid the repair of injured tissues and organs. They also have immune-modulating characteristics and do not require matching of stem cells between the donor and the patient, making them suitable for both your baby and family members.

FINANCIAL STABILITY As stem cell transplants or therapies may take place now or later in life, choosing a family cord blood bank with a sound, transparent and sustainable financial status is vital as it ensures that the family cord blood bank will be one that you can trust to be with you for the long haul. Public-listed companies offer financial transparency for increased assurance. Some other factors to take note of also include the family cord blood bank’s processing technology, customer service and enrolment process, just to name a few. Visit Cordlife at the “Knowledge Lounge powered by Cordlife” at Mummys Market Retail Store to find out more about the

References: 1

Baby Bonus Scheme page. Ministry of Social and Family Development website. Strong-and-Stable-Families/Supporting-Families/Pages/ Baby-Bonus-Scheme.aspx. Accessed June 6, 2021.


For the full list of treatable diseases and references, please refer to treatable-diseases.




D’Souza A, Lee S, Zhu X, Pasquini M. Current use and trends in hematopoietic cell transplantation in the United States. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. 2017;23(9):1417-1421.



Based on Cordlife’s cord blood release track record as of June 2021.


Jawdat D, Saleh S, Sutton P, Anazi H, Shubaili A, Tamim H, et al. Chances of Finding an HLA-Matched Sibling: The Saudi Experience. ScienceDirect. 2009;15(10): 1342-1334. 6

Cordlife-Advertorial_June21.indd 3

receive a special treat* on us!

Bizzetto R, Bonfim C, Rocha V, Socié G, Locatelli F, Chan K, et al. Outcomes after related and unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for hereditary bone marrow failure syndromes other than Fanconi anaemia. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. 2011;96(1): 134–141.

Diseases and Disorders that have been in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood or Cord Tissue Cells page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation website.


benefits of storing your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells and

Gluckman E, Ruggeri A, Rocha V, Baudoux E, Boo M, Kurtzberg J, et al. Family-directed umbilical cord blood banking. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. 2011;96(11): 1700–1707.

Fee Benchmarks and Bill Amount Information page. Ministry of Health website. sg/cost-financing/fee-benchmarks-and-bill-amountinformation. Accessed June 2, 2021.

Based on Cordlife’s cord blood banking package pricing as of June 2021.

11 Child insurance in Singapore – Which policy should you buy & how much does it cost? page. MoneySmart website. Accessed June 2, 2021.



How much does it cost to raise your newborn baby in the first year page. Dollars and Sense website. https:// Accessed June 2, 2021. 12

13 Family budgeting – A Breakdown of the Cost of Raising A Child in Singapore 2020 page. MoneyKinetics website. https:// Accessed June 2, 2021.

*T&Cs apply.

9/7/21 11:12

PREGNANCY BLOATING AND INGESTION Causes and How To Prevent Expectations & Concerns You can blame these not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms largely on the hormones your body is producing (what else is new?), specifically all the estrogen and progesterone. Your body’s making more of both now to relax the muscle tissue. Unfortunately, this causes your gastrointestinal tract to relax a little too much, leading to side effects like bloating, indigestion, constipation, stomachaches and, yes, all that horrific gas you’ve been having lately. But sadly, you can’t blame it all on the hormones. Believe it or not you could actually be adding to your own discomfort just by what you’re eating or what you wear.

Here’s a list of the most common causes of bloating and indigestion during pregnancy: Eating greasy, fatty, or highly seasoned foods

Eating too fast

Eating or drinking too much caffeine — chocolate, soda, coffee, or other drinks

Eating big meals

Lying down/not moving much after eating

Wearing restricting clothing

Try these tips to help cut back on the bloating:

Article 1.indd 1

Eat several small meals throughout the day

Pace yourself while eating and drink less during each meal

Drink water throughout the day and avoid caffeinated drinks

Try to avoid lying down following a meal.

But if you’re totally pooped, at least prop up your upper body with some pillows when you lie down!

If you’re still suffering, talk to your doctor immediately to see if maybe something else is to blame!

29/6/21 15:31



From Pregnancy, to Baby, communicate and share your concerns and excitement through Mummys Market community groups!


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29/6/21 15:13


Reasons To Love It! Known as the pregnancy line, the linea nigra is a long stripe of dark skin that run from the belly button to the pubic bone.

Here’s everything you need to know about it and reason to love it!

When does the line appear? It typically starts to show during the second trimester, although some will notice the line even earlier.

It's completely normal

It will dissappear shortly

Linea nigra is perfectly normal and completely harmless! It’s caused by pregnancy hormones – the same hormones that cause darkened nipples and melasma (skin discolouration and pigmentation issues).

While it is inevitable and unavoidable, don’t worry! For most women, this line will fade and disappear just a few months after giving birth. For some, it can be gone a few months after delivery, while others might find it takes a little longer to fade completely.

1 out of 4 pregnant women will get this. In fact, those with fairer or pale skin are less likely to get one compared to women with a darker skin tone. It’s just to do with your skin tone and how your body handles the different hormones. Either way, there’s nothing to worry about!

Old wives' tales after birth There’s a myth that claims the length of your pregnancy line indicates the sex of your baby. If it stops at the belly button, you’re having a girl. If it extends all the way to the breast, you’re having a boy. Is this true for you?

Article 2.indd 1

You can't avoid, but you can minimise it's appearance

By keeping your belly out of the sun can reduce the likelihood of it darkening. If you really must, apply some really good sunscreen! Some research links pregnancy lines to insufficient folic acids. Another reason to not forget taking your prenatal vitamins and folic pills!

29/6/21 15:33

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21/9/20 2:20 PM

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17/6/21 11:34


✓ Steam sterilise ✓ Dry up to 6 baby bottles ✓ Store breast pump parts, pacifiers and more Available in Mummys Market Retail Store @ Suntec Tower 4!

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12/4/21 12:09 AM

Caesarian Section (C-Section) C-section is a surgical childbirth. You will be required to stay longer in the hospital for recovery and will feel pain and discomfort at the surgical site. It may hurt to sit up and nurse your baby so seek help from medical staff, who will also teach you how to clean and care for your incision wound upon your return home.

Postpartum After Delivery Care

Episiotomy If you had a vaginal birth, you will either experience perineal tearing or an episiotomy (a procedure that widens the vagina opening for childbirth with a surgical cut that is then stitched with self-dissolving sutures). The wound may burn initially so use a pain relief spray prescribed by your doctor, or apply a cold compress to the area. Also, sitting on a soft cushion is recommended over an inflatable “donut” seat.


Baby Blues Baby blues are a normal hormonal reaction. You will feel emotional and sad. Mood swings after childbirth are not uncommon but should not be ignored. There are severe forms of postpartum depression so speak to your spouse before baby is born and educate him to look out for warning signals in you. Be self-vigilant as well and don’t be hesitant or afraid to voice your concerns if you notice little or no improvement in your mood.

Your body has undergone significant changes during your pregnancy, and while these are over, new changes will take place. The postpartum period, which starts right after childbirth till about eight weeks, is a time where the body begins to self-heal. Knowing what to expect can better prepare you for the physical and emotional changes that comes from post-pregnancy.

Vaginal Bleeding Vaginal bleeding is normal. Lochia is made up of blood, mucus and uterine tissue. As the uterus gets firmer and smaller, the amount of bleeding decreases. If you have very large clots coming out, soak a large maxi pad within an hour, develop a high fever, or if there’s a strange odour to your bleeding, seek medical treatment.

A healthy, happy mother equals a healthy, happy baby!

Hair Loss Bowel Movement Your first few bowel movements may be uncomfortable, especially if you had perineal tear or an episiotomy. A diet of fibre and lots of water can help soften the stool for easier passage. Pour warm water over your bottom or use a sitz bath to maintain personal hygiene and relieve pain or itching.

Article 3.indd 1

Kegel Exercises Due to excess weight and over stretching of the pelvic floor, some women may leak urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh over the next few months as the muscles are less taut than before. Kegel exercises can help you regain control over these muscles and reduce this problem. To perform such exercises and locate these muscles, simply imagine that you are withholding the flow of your urine.

You may experience massive hair loss from about the third to four month after delivery. This is only a temporary phase due to the decrease in oestrogen level. You can experiment with a new haircut, add texture or simply boost the volume of your hair at its roots with a good volumising mousse.

29/6/21 15:44

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Step-by-Step Selfcare Through Each Trimester of Your Pregnancy For first-time moms, pregnancy can be overwhelming as your body is going through immense physical changes. Learn how to look out for these common concerns that most mothers face in the different trimesters.

First Trimester Changes to your Skin Mothers may also experience several changes to their skin due to pregnancy hormonal changes, including common concerns like linea nigra, stretch marks and dark spots. To reduce the formation of pigmentation and stretch marks during your pregnancy, it is highly recommended that mothers start priming their skin from as early as the first trimester. The secret to preventing pregnancy stretch marks is to start early. Stretch marks are caused by tiny tears in your skin during pregnancy due to rapid weight gain, which thins and dries out your skin. Regular application of Bio-Oil Skincare Oil from the first trimester can maximize skin elasticity and reduce the formation of stretch marks, and/or reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks. Choosing an oil-based product like Bio-Oil Skincare Oil to help keep your skin hydrated and supple, thus making your skin able to stretch better without tearing (stretch marks).

Tenderness and Swelling in the Breast

Morning Sickness Nausea and vomiting can be experienced any time of the day and affects up to 80% of pregnant women. It could vary from mild to severe and it also could be different for your first or second child. Sip small amounts of fluid throughout the day such as water, 100% apple juice or ginger tea. Ginger is known to relieve nausea. Eat smaller amounts of food every one to two hours.

Heartburn Some expectant moms may experience heartburn discomfort during all three trimesters as your growing baby presses up against your stomach. Learn how to manage heartburn early on in your pregnancy. Avoid consuming these foods as they are known to trigger heartburn.

In your first trimester, your breasts may also feel fuller or heavier as your body pumps more blood to the area to prepare for breastfeeding. Wear a comfortable and supportive non-wired bra to take the pressure off your chest area.

Q2-21 Bio Oil.indd 1

9/7/21 10:20

Surge in Energy Your body is finally getting used to having a baby in your belly, and you start to feel your energy returning. You’ll experience fewer waves of fatigue, and your morning sickness may have subsided, and you start to feel like your old self again.

Second Trimester Melasma (Mask of Pregnancy)

Your newfound energy may leave you craving for more intense workouts but take note to avoid these activities as they are not safe during pregnancy. Always speak to your health care provider to check if exercising is safe for you.

Itchy Belly As the skin around the belly stretches, it causes small tears in the skin, which may itch as they heal. This is also the beginning of stretch marks which occurs when you gain weight in a short amount of time. Thinning skin tends to be dry which worsens the itch. Keeping your skin hydrated is a key step to soothing an itchy belly during pregnancy. Keep your belly area moisturized to soothe the itch caused by dry skin. Oil-based products like Bio-Oil Skincare Oil work better at locking moisture in the deeper layers of the skin to keep skin hydrated. Bio-Oil Skincare Oil also contains vitamins and plant extracts that act as calming and soothing agents for inflammatory skin conditions. It is also non-comedogenic, meaning it will not clog up pores, making it ideal to be used on the face too. Use a humidifier to keep the air moisturized to improve dry and itchy skin, especially if you sleep in an air-conditioned room. Avoid antibacterial or fragranced soaps as dry skin is usually sensitive, and these would trigger your skin even more as it strips your skin’s natural moisture barrier.

Q2-21 Bio Oil.indd 2

You may notice dark brownish patches appearing over your forehead, cheeks upper lip or nose. This pigmentation is common among pregnant women and is also known as the mask of pregnancy as it is triggered by increased melanin production due to hormonal changes. Apply pregnancy-safe sunscreen daily to prevent melasma from flaring up and prevent hyperpigmentation. Skincare products that contain plant extracts (lavender, calendula, rosemary and chamomile) such as Bio-Oil Skincare Oil helps improve the appearance of pigmentation marks. Minimize exposure to the sun during peak hours (10am – 2pm) as UV rays are a well-known melasma trigger.

Linea Nigra (Pregnancy Line) Don’t be alarmed when you notice an unusual vertical line that shows up on your belly in the second trimester. Linea nigra will gradually fade on its own a few months after your baby is born. Apply Bio-Oil Skincare Oil twice daily as it contains regenerating vitamins and plant extracts to treat linea nigra, stretch marks and even melasma. Avoiding sun exposure is one of the best ways to minimize the appearance of linea nigra and be sure to wear sunscreen whenever you expose your belly to the sun.

9/7/21 10:21

Third Trimester Stretch Marks As your tummy starts to get bigger, you may start to notice visible stretch marks during this trimester. Stretch marks may also appear on breasts, thighs and buttocks. Minimize the appearance of stretch marks with frequent application of Bio-Oil Skincare Oil. It is recommended that you apply it twice daily to areas prone to stretch marks. Avoid gaining weight too quickly. Work with your healthcare provider to find a diet and exercise plan that can help you gain weight at a doctor-approved pace to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Braxton Hicks (False Labour Contraction You may feel mild, irregular contractions that may occur more frequently as you approach your due date. Braxton Hicks: Labour contractions: Contractions are irregular Comes at regular and are usually weak and intervals (can be timed) don’t get stronger and do and last about 30 to 70 not increase in frequency. seconds. As time passes, they get stronger and the Stay hydrated. frequency increases. Dehydration is the most common cause Go for a walk. Braxton of Braxton Hicks. Stay Hicks often stop when hydrated by regularly you change position or consuming liquids get up and move. throughout the day.

Lower Back Pains Pregnancy Insomnia Interrupted sleep is very common in the third trimester due to various physical discomforts such as shortness of breath, your growing belly and increased urinary frequency. Create a calm and dark atmosphere in your room to help induce sleep as it encourages the natural production of melatonin – a hormone that promotes sleepiness.

This is pretty common in the third trimester as you’re carrying a lot of extra weight. You may also experience sciatic nerve pain as your growing baby puts pressure on your sciatic nerve, which may cause shooting pains that start in your lower back and radiate down to your legs. Do not sit for long periods. Stand up and walk around regularly to circulate your blood or vary your posture every 20 minutes to take the pressure off your spine.

The One Skincare Staple to Have During Your Pregnancy Journey & Beyond Whether you are dealing with postnatal stretch marks or hyperpigmentation, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil has been specifically formulated to support your skin throughout your pregnancy journey. It has been the trusted and ‘go-to’ product for millions of pregnant women globally for over 30 years. Made from vitamins and plant oil extracts, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil is clinically proven to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars (including C-sect scars). Pregnancy will definitely bring about changes to your skin due to all the hormonal changes that are occurring, and if you are bothered by stretch marks or pigmentation, the good news is that regular application of Bio-Oil Skincare Oil is a promising way to prevent them. Daily application from the start of your 1st trimester goes a long way in retaining your skin’s elasticity and will also help to relief itchy skin. If you’re reading this late in your pregnancy or even after your delivery, this oil can still benefit you! Although as the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”, regular application of Bio-Oil Skincare Oil has also shown to be able to reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks.

Q2-21 Bio Oil.indd 3

How to use

Massage the oil in a circular motion into the stretch marks, twice daily, for a minimum of three months. Vitamin A: improves skin’s elasticity, texture and tone Vitamin E: increases moisture content for soft and supple skin Calendula Oil: natural antioxidant to clarify and stimulate growth of new cells Rosemary Oil: mild antiseptic capabilities to reduce puffiness and swelling of the skin Chamomile Oil: anti-inflammatory and suitable for sensitive skin Lavender Oil: natural skin conditioner with calming and soothing properties For more information, visit

9/7/21 10:21

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8/7/21 15:40




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In the beginning, as your newborn learns how to latch on to your nipples, it can get a little difficult for you to manage the sensation that you will feel in your breasts. If you do feel pain or discomfort, try to switch your breast or ease the nipple into your newborn’s mouth in such a way that it becomes less painful and a little more comfortable.



Breastfeeding can require a lot of practicing from both you and your newborn. While it seems that some mothers and their newborns can adapt to the new technique fairly easily, there are many who have trouble breastfeeding their newborns, as the little ones are not able to latch. If you find it difficult to breastfeed your newborn, do not give up yet. Try to keep changing your position, and your newborn’s position to see what works best for you. Do not give up and resort to pumping out your breast milk just yet, even if it seems that no amount of practice will help. The first few weeks are the hardest and often take the most time to help get into a routine.

Article 4.indd 1


If you can breastfeed your baby within that first hour after giving birth, it will help your uterus to contract. Not only that, but it will also provide your baby with that first valuable milk from your breast, called colostrum, and is considered to be the healthiest part of your breast milk.


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It is always a good idea to try and breastfeed your newborn within the first hour of the delivery, especially if you have had a vaginal birth.

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Helpful Tips d n F tA n a




When you are a new mother, you will get a lot of breastfeeding tips and tricks from different people, including doctors, friends, parents, family and even strangers who you may meet at the mall or some other place, who will tell how to breastfeed your baby. One of the most common breastfeeding tips for new moms, which they receive from other people is to keep a watch on the clock and make sure that your newborn feeds for a specific amount of time at each feeding session. If you constantly look at the clock while feeding your baby, it can cause you a lot of stress if you realize that your baby is feeding less or more than what you have been told is normal. Once you get stressed while you are breastfeeding, it can have a negative impact on the flow of your milk and may make breastfeeding difficult. Instead of keeping a watch on time as to how long your newborn is feeding for, let your infant feed for as long as possible and till you do not feel that your breasts have become empty.



In today’s time and age, with so much stress and focus on breastfeeding, it is possible that you are sometimes too overwhelmed by the entire process and get confused. Remember that it is natural not to be able to breastfeed your baby from the start and that there are many mothers who are in the same boat as you. Instead of feeling guilty and telling yourself that you are not able to breastfeed your baby, ask for help from those who are qualified to make the entire process of breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable for both you and your newborn. Talk to your doctor before giving birth about various lactation experts who are good and whom you can consult to understand how you can breastfeed your baby properly.


Mommies, remember that unless you first take care of yourself, you will not be able to take the best care of your newborn. While it may sound very difficult especially as you will almost always be short on time, there are a few easy breastfeeding tips that you can still follow in your daily routine. Make sure that you stay hydrated at all times and have enough water and fluids throughout the day. To drink water whenever you feel like it, you can keep a jug of water and a glass near your bed and make it a point to drink a glass just before and after feeding your little one. You can also have a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable juices through the day if you do not wish to have only water. It is also very natural for you to feel hungry most of the time while you are breastfeeding and it is important not to be hungry, as it can affect the amount and quality of your breast milk and make you weak as well. Keep some easy snacks handy and place them around the area where you will be feeding your baby so that you can munch on some while you are breastfeeding. Make sure that while you are breastfeeding, you only have those snacks that are not too messy and that you can easily have with just one hand. Also, do not keep any warm or hot snacks or liquids near where you will be with your baby as it could lead to potential accidents and injuries, to both you and your baby. While it may not always be possible to sleep when your baby does, try and get some naps when your baby is sleeping, even if it means giving up on some chores around the house. Breastfeeding is one of the biggest gifts that only you can give your baby, but remember that it does require patience and practice, so stick in there and keep trying.

29/6/21 17:10

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5/7/21 14:46

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Here are some tips!

Leave little to the imagination or ambiguity. Your child is less likely to cross the line if your instructions are singlestep rules for them to understand and follow. Remember, they are still developing their cognitive and language capabilities, and every child develops at a different pace! Your language should be directive and close-ended, and not open-ended or open for misinterpretation. Let’s have a look at two instructions:

with your toys?” your toys.” The second instruction is direct, close-ended and impactful. It is more effective in getting your point across to your child. Not only will your child understand what you want quickly, they would also be able to know how firm you stand by these rules.

2. EXPLAIN WHAT, WHEN, WHY Once your child is able to understand simple instructions and grasp the concept of cause and consequence, it might be time to start explaining what you need them to do, when you need them to do it, and why you have set the rule. For or example, children might often fight you during teeth brushing time because it is an activity they might not enjoy. enjo Instead of entering into a shouting match with your child, explain what the activity involves. Demonstrate the act of brushing by brushing your teeth together with them. Explain when the activity is necessary and tell them why you have asked them to do so. You You might even show them a picture from Google of a boy with dental cavities and decaying teeth and explain that is a consequence of not brushing their teeth regularly!

Dr Annabelle.indd 2

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3. APPROPRIATE, CONGRUENT BODY LANGUAGE We’ve all heard about how the words we use contributes only a small percentage of how convincing a message is. This applies to children as well! When teaching or disciplining your child, maintain appropriate eye contact, speak with a firm voice, and have a neutral facial expression. Consider giving eye contact at their eye-level, which means that you must lower your body to match their gaze. This is done so as not to frighten or intimidate your child. Do not attempt to discipline them while laughing or smiling – if you don’t think that you would be convinced when someone does this to you, chances are, your child won’t as well. As long as whatever you say is congruent with your demeanour and actions, your child will understand that you’re serious about what you say. This makes them more likely to keep within the set boundaries.

4. REMAIN DECISIVE AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THE CONSEQUENCES In an ideal world, our children will never be upset. Especially not with us. However, know that it’s alright if your child is upset with you in the process of setting boundaries. They need to learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. They will not always agree with you in what you deem to be in their best interest, especially if it means reducing their TV or computer game time or having to eat their vegetables. Moreover, the experience can also help them learn how to cope with negative emotions in a healthy, rational way. These lessons you have for them are necessary and beneficial for them, so don’t feel bad for it.

9/7/21 10:51


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We know that our kids need limits and boundaries. But we also know that setting boundaries is the easy bit – enforcing them is a much harder task! It is uncomfortable for many parents to start putting boundaries into place, especially if you haven’t before! We love our kids and we would never want to see them upset over something we did. But setting limits for our children is not only necessary, but beneficial for them. It can has the added bonus of make our parenting journey a lot easier as our children grow up!

Don’t worry even if you feel they might be too young to be taught boundaries.

It can be tempting to withdraw whatever you’ve said or done but do know that empty threats are not the way to solve things, either. While they may make your child happy with you for now, empty threats just show your child that you are not serious about the boundaries. They might choose to defy these boundaries in the future.

5. RECOGNISE WHEN THEY HAVE STUCK BY THE BOUNDARIES YOU’VE SET TOO! This is a great way to show your child that you still love them even though they did something wrong! When they’ve done something good, praise them and acknowledge their efforts. Children love to be acknowledged and praised for something they did, especially when it’s from their parents! This makes them feel loved and cherished. They will thus be more motivated to stick to these boundaries in order to feel these positive feelings again. Positive reinforcement is a great strategy to maintain a child’s good behaviour.

6. HAVE DEVELOPMENTA APPROPRIATE EXPECTATIONS Understand what can be done at certain ages and what might be too advanced for your child. This prevents you from setting expectations that are too high and will save you lots of agony later. Look up what healthy expectations you can have for your child and use these as yardsticks for their growth. You can keep track of their progress and let them know about their improvement! This can also serve as motivation for them to continue sticking to your limits and exhibiting prosocial behaviour.

Dr Annabelle.indd 3

Learning about boundaries early in early childhood equips children with the necessary social skills to chart their way through life and navigate future relationships, such that they are less likely to do things that hurt others or make others uncomfortable. Children are all attempting to explore their environment at this stage, keenly observing their environments, imitating behaviours they observe, remembering the relationships of cause-and-effect and forming beliefs about rules based on what they see. Learning what is socially acceptable behaviour and what is not is an important life skill for parents to teach our young.

Next, comes the important question: how do we go about teaching children boundaries in a healthy way, such that they are able to learn and still understand that we still love them?

7. DON’T GIVE THEM TOO MUCH POWER AND CONTROL IN THE FAMILY Basically, try not to spoil your child. Children develop an inflated sense of influence and authority when they are given discretion or leeway to bend the rules (e.g. its ok not to go to sleep as long as I’m with dad…). The boundaries that you’ve set for them might get blurred in the process. They might feel emboldened to test the limits set and will be less inclined to stick to what you’ve told them. This effectively sets the stage for future parent-child conflicts and power struggles when they grow older. Worse still, if not curbed from young, it might become more challenging to place limits on your child as they enter adolescence, which is a stage highly associated with independence-seeking and identity-formation.

8. CONSISTENCY IS KEY! Consistency encourages compliance. By enforcing rules consistently, children quickly get a sense of the structure and the discipline expected of them, both of which are important elements for effective parenting. It would be easier for your children to know how to stay within the limits that you impose. Moreover, they would also know that you are serious about the boundaries, which helps teach them about being accountable for their actions even if you are not around to enforce them. Hopefully, this will make them think twice before they commit a (potential) transgression! Loving our children means teaching them the right, albeit difficult, lessons to better navigate life, values, and relationships. Teaching them appropriate behaviour happens to be one of these important lessons. We can start doing so in their childhood as they are keenly exploring their environment. Not only will an early head start help them in life, it will also make your parenting journey an easier one as time passes by!

9/7/21 10:51

Habits 16 Important To Help You Avoid Mum Burnout

Just For You Little one is running a fever and can’t attend childcare. It’s raining and you left your umbrella in the super market last week and you keep forgetting to get a new one. The baby is crying, your toddler has five shoes (none of them matching, all of them for his left foot) and calls from work have been going off the hook.








And it’s only 9:14 a.m. And while none of these things reach crisis-level per se—you are on the very real verge of mom burnout.




We have all been there. The truth is that being a mom today is HARD. Many of us live away from family, our schedules are packed full, and truthfully, life can just be overwhelming some days. It’s not that you don’t love your family—of course you do. I know you’re grateful for them every day. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. That tired feeling sits heavy on your bones. And there are many moments when you feel so close to burnout.

But take heart, mama. There are ways to fight it. By being intentional with your efforts, you can find ways to not only survive, but THRIVE.

Article 5.indd 1







1/7/21 12:30

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8/7/21 15:48

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8 Ways To Improve Daddy-Baby Bonding by For The Ba This One’s ial thing, but r babies is a spec ei th d an rs he adequate – een mot the loop and in The bond betw of t ou g in el fe ds help their wife it could leave da by, how can they ba r ei th to er e a tough wall t clos It might feel lik how can they ge )? gs in ed fe t gh late ni you think! (besides doing lot easier than a s it’ , ity al re to scale, but in your husband hover around to g in pt m te may be ready to swoop Hey Moms, it ur baby, at the yo ith w g in ct tera doing this will when they’re in lves. However, se em th om fr th ing comforted in and rescue bo ’t get used to be on w – by ba ur yo , and t on their own demoralise him work things ou em th t le . u by yo ba D st if ess for dad AN by him! So it’s be d growing proc an ng ni ar le a it’s em get closer , and it’ll help th is th ad re to d es are different, Get your husban ct with our babi ra te in s nt re pa we way of relating to baby. The way own delightful r ei th ve ha ly te and dads defini to babies!




Skin To Skin Contact

Play Games Be Silly

Dive In Solo


Take Baby Out For A Walk

Article 7.indd 1



Learn How To Massage Baby

Sing And Read To Baby


Diaper Duty


Household Chores With Baby

5/7/21 11:12

Freestyle Flex Every Mother’s top breast pump choice

Double Pump

Compact, light and quiet

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Up to 8 double pumping sessions

Lightweight, Comfortable Portable

Recharge on-the-go via USB

More milk in less time technology

App tracking with MyMedelaTM

29/6/21 15:22


Wage war against the common cold and other viruses with these cobat-and-conquer strategies. There are more than 200 viruses that have been identified as being responsible for the numerous varieties of cold and influenza around the world. Besides the common cold, cough, viral fever and other viral infections such as stomach flu are other ailments that can plague children with weaker immune systems or who already suffer from allergic disorders. The number of cold infection cases usually spikes during the rainy season. However, kids who are placed in regular childcare may also be more prone to catching the common cold throughout the year as they are exposed more frequently to the presence of other children, who may or may not be ill with a virus-borne infection too. The most common virus, which accounts for about a third of all infections, is the rhinovirus. The common cold, which is the most frequent of all viral infections, is caused by the rhinovirus that enters the body through the mouth or nose, and which goes on to infect the upper respiratory tract. The common cold is contagious as it is caught mainly by inhaling in the air which bears droplets sprayed by the infected person when he or she coughs, sneezes or talks. The common cold virus can also spread through hand to hand contact or sharing articles belonging to the infected person. The symptoms of the common cold and influenza are similar and include a runny or blocked nose, sore throat, headache, watery eyes, and a cough. Influenza sufferers however, tend to run a fever and have general aches and pains in muscles and joints.

Article 7.indd 1

As parents, it can be distressing to see and hear your child sneezing and coughing frequently, or experiencing discomfort because of accumulated mucous or phlegm that are clogging their airways. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has no cure for the rhinovirus, and neither will antibiotics help if the infection is caused by a virus instead of bacteria. Fortunately, a viral infection is self-limiting, which means the illness will normally run its course before literally burning out. Until then, you can help relieve the worst of your child’s symptoms with any of these countermeasures:

Increase their intake of fluids.

Make a saline water.

Water and chicken soup relieve symptoms, but avoid sweetened drinks and milk products.

Gargle to soothe sore throats by mixing a quarter teaspoon of salt with 240ml of water.

Steam inhalations are effective for alleviating breathing problems.

Get them to suck on lozenges to relieve a sore throat.

Put a few drops of menthol, eucalyptus, or peppermint oil in a basin of very hot water.

Zinc lozenges are more effective as zinc helps to stimulate the immune system, destroy viruses and reduces the risk of pneumonia.

Then cover your child’s head with a tower and get your little patient to inhale.

Useful To Note 1. Most non-prescription cough-cold remedies contain a combination of ingredients to relieve multiple symptoms. These combination products often contain antipyretics (to reduce fever) and analgesics (which relieve minor aches, pains, and headaches). 2. A decongestant is usually prescribed for clogged up phlegm or mucous while an antihistamine is more helpful for a runny nose, excessive sneezing and even relieving a rash or itch. 3. Although zinc and vitamin C are useful in easing the worst symptoms of the common cold, consuming large amounts of both over long periods can result in diarrhoea, nausea and stomach cramps. 4. For zinc to be especially beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold, any supplement is recommended to be taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.

5/7/21 14:23

Mr. David Naidu General Manager, FrieslandCampina SG

Dr. Petrina Wong Consultant Paediatrician

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Scan now to catch our expert guest panelists on World Digestive Health Day!

Ms. Bibi Chia Principal Dietitian

8/7/21 16:47

Nurture the Exceptional


S-26® Gold Progress® with Sphingomyelin, DHA and 2’-FL. Scientifically formulated to support your child's brain development^ and immune system* ^DHA & ARA support brain & eye development *Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin A, C, and D support normal functioning of your child’s immune system

Wyeth Nutrition Sg @sgwyethnutrition

Q2 Awards Covers.indd 1

8/7/21 16:34

Q2 Awards Covers.indd 1

8/7/21 16:40

NAN OPTIPRO 3 Henri Nestlé, founder of Nestlé developed his first infant nutrition solution in 1867 in Vevey, Switzerland. Today, he is celebrated as a pioneer of child nutrition, and his legacy of using the latest scientific research to improve lives is being continued. Backed by over 150 years of expertise, Nestlé’s researchers relentlessly pursue innovations in one of the largest nutrition centers in the world, with the passion to providing the best for all children and committed to manufacturing quality nutrition with the highest Swiss standards and perfection. Nestlé NAN OPTIPRO growing up milk formulae have been developed over years of experience to give children around the world the best start in life – backed by scientific research and innovative development in Nestlé, Switzerland. With over 150 years of committed research in the pursuit of precision and perfection in nutrition, NAN OPTIPRO’s range of toddler nutrition is one of the most scientifically advanced age-adapted formula, and now the highest level of 2’-FL^. Together with BIDIFUS BL Probiotics as well as Optimized gentle proteins, to build the right foundation for your child’s growth, support their immunity, and nourish their every possible.

NEWBORN DIAPERS Bosomi is the No.1 Diaper brand in Korea. Using 100% U.S cotton materials and the upgraded absorption power, the Bosomi diaper protects your baby’s skin to stay fluffy as the clouds. Bosomi has made their product with a mother’s dedication to providing safer and softer diapers for babies because diapers are in contact with baby’s sensitive skin 24 hours a day. Bosomi’s 360-degree Air Cover emits residue humidity in the diaper to keep them fluffy. The safety guard and leg band keep urine from leaking to the side and make diapers look better without the awful bulges. Bosomi’s Double Stretching Cotton Band means diapers comfortably fit your baby’s size, with a convenient Urine Alert Line to let you know when to change your diaper. Offering advanced leak protection, Bosomi offers cloud-like comfort and stylish prints that keep your baby dry, comfy, and happy on life’s daily adventures.

Awards Write Up.indd 1

9/7/21 09:58

CORD BLOOD BANKING Did you know that storing your baby’s cord blood is a form of biological insurance? Cord blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells which are responsible for replenishing blood and regenerating the immune system. They have the unique ability to differentiate into the different types of cells found in the body, mainly red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Being the pioneer cord blood bank in Singapore since 2001, Cordlife Singapore has over 68,000* families who have entrusted their baby’s cord blood with them. In addition, they are the only dual internationally accredited cord blood bank by AABB & FACT in Singapore! Cordlife Singapore conforms to only the best practices and follows very stringent protocols from the collection to the processing and storage of your child’s cord blood. They have established a quality system and proven track record of successfully releasing cord blood units for transplants. Apart from this, Cordlife Singapore is the exclusive provider of umbilical cord lining storage in Singapore and is 1 of the only 3 family cord blood banks in the world, and the only cord blood bank in Singapore to provide this service.

FEEDING BOTTLES Originating from Taiwan, Simba has almost 30 years of experience in baby caring and nursing products. With outstanding product quality and performance, Simba is based on the spirit of “Humanity”, combining with innovative technology to continuously bring parents more modern baby care knowledge and create more quality and ideal products for babies and parents. Simba’s Feeding Bottles are made of quality-selected FDA-standard food grade material. Made of premium PPSU, this BPA-free bottle is heat-resistant and tested to withstand a thousand times of repeated steam sterilisation. Lightweight and durable, its Germany-imported lead-free ink and SGS non-toxic tested design is safe to be in baby’s hands. Equipped with cross-hole mother’s touch anti-colic nipple for quality feeding.

Awards Write Up.indd 2

9/7/21 09:58

X1 PLUS TRAVEL SYSTEM Hamilton X1 PLUS is a German-design stroller that features an automatic folding system, MagicFold. It is the first of its kind and does not use any batteries, wires, chargers or electricity. The brainchild of a German engineer who is passionate about making life easier and more convenient for parents after witnessing his wife care for their first born. Other than it’s stylish appearance, the Hamilton X1 Plus is all for safety and comfort for your little one. It’s extended sun canopy with SPF 50+ protection, mesh system with climate cool technology ensures that your little one is well protected. With an easy brake system and 5 point safety harness system with an advanced magnetic buckle, your child is safely secured in the stroller. The magnetic buckle is easy for parents to open, yet completely childproof. The perfect combination of safe, strong, and simple. Its all wheels suspension, and fully reclinable backrest of 3 positions provides comfort, providing a fuss-free experience for both parents and baby. The Hamilton X1 Plus also comes with an adapter that connects to the Zeno Infant Car Seat, making it a travel system that provides ease and a fuss-free experience for you and your little one.

PREMIUM BOILED ESSENCE OF CHICKEN Established in 1928, Lao Xie Zhen has become a well-known brand amongst families. We pride ourselves on bringing only the best to our customers. Our value is your wellness. Lao Xie Zhen Premium Boiled Essence of Chicken has been voted the best chicken essence for 4 consecutive years in Singapore. The unique slow-boiling method, coupled with the usage of our advanced hydration technology ensures the complete extraction of nutrients. Rich in protein and collagen, it’s the best choice for mummies during pregnancy and postnatal care. It helps with the development of fetus growth, promotes postnatal milk secretion, and repairs body cells and tissues during recovery.

Awards Write Up.indd 3

9/7/21 09:58

GERBER ORGANIC CEREAL From cereals and purees, to juices and snacks for your growing child, GERBER® is not only nutritious, but also wholesome and safe for every little tiny tummy. Containing no artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners, GERBER® uses stringent Clean Field Farming® practices to deliver on our mission to give your little one the safest and highest quality organic cereals and snacks. Using only the finest, non-GMO ingredients obtained from trusted sources, GERBER offers a range of stage-appropriate nutrients to suit babies at different stages of growth. Imported from USA, made from natural grains with no artificial flavours, GERBER Premium Cereals are fortified with Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and six B Vitamins, creating spoonfuls of delightful experience for your babies’ developing palates!

SURFACE DISINFECTANT SPRAY PURELL is America’s #1 Instant Hand Sanitiser and can be found in the pockets of many people worldwide. Built on decades of scientific innovation, PURELL’s formulation ensures advanced antimicrobial germ kill while being very kind and soothing to the skin. Designed for convenience and ease of use, PURELL Professional Surface Disinfectant is a powerful one-step disinfectant and cleaner that brings a fresh citrus scent. Awarded the U.S. EPA Design for the Environment Certification (DfE), Purell Professional Surface Disinfectant kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, including cold & flu viruses. Formulated to accelerate the germ-killing time, this disinfectant is also compatible with both hard and soft surfaces. No rinse is required on food contact surfaces!

Awards Write Up.indd 4

9/7/21 09:58

CONFINEMENT PACKAGE For today’s modern moms, Tian Wei Signature is the ideal choice of confinement food caterer! As the leading confinement meal delivery service that offers both fusion and traditional cuisines, Tian Wei Signature believes that confinement food should be balanced, nutritious, lactation-friendly, and still very much interesting and enjoyable! Specially curated by award-winning Chef Eugene and reviewed by their inhouse dietitian, expect a wide variety of traditional dishes that aid in balancing your “Yin Yang” and “Qi”, including Pork Trotter in Black Vinegar, Sesame Braised Chicken, and many more - all prepared with natural flavours and no MSG! You will also be served with herbal soup concoctions that focus on replenishing and nourishing blood, enhancing breast milk, increasing vitality, calming nerves, and aiding in recovery. In the last leg of your confinement, Japanese, Taiwanese and Mediterranean-inspired fusion confinement cuisines are added to your menu, bringing surprise and joy in celebrating the end of your confinement with Tian Wei Signature.

BABY WET WIPES Inspired by moms everywhere, Dr. Brown’s continues to innovate and develop products that focus on great functionality for parents and good health for baby. Dr Brown’s strive to deliver the reliable baby products that have made us a proven favorite with moms and dads. Dr Brown’s Wet Wipes are made from natural fibre cotton, which is a plant fibre cotton that is soft and thick. This ensures that your little one’s skin will not be chafed. It also acts as a natural moisturizer, containing grapefruit extract, which is a skin protective antioxidant, keeping your little one’s skin moisturized and soft. These wipes are made of ultra-pure water that has been sterilised to the highest level of purity, ensuring that your little one’s skin is soft after using. The wipes also contain a natural antiseptic, Xylitol, made from natural ingredients that can inhibit bacterial growth on the skin. Dr Brown’s Wet Wipes are multifunctional, environmentally friendly and made from organic materials, a fuss and hassle-free wipe to clean all areas of your little one’s body and equipment!

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9/7/21 09:59

UV STERILISER BAG Baby Express was founded by a working mother for working mothers. With exciting innovations at affordable prices, Baby Express empowers modern mothers to have a longer and smoother breastfeeding journey. Baby Express UV Steriliser Bag helps to get rid of 99.9% of nasty germs in just 3 minutes! Newborns are vulnerable to infections by viruses and bacterias. It is important to sterilise all equipment that will come in contact with our little ones especially when we are having fun outdoors! Apart from its stylish appearance, Baby Express UV Steriliser Bag also acts as a functional sterilised storage that can be used for baby bottles, toys, clothing, electronic/plastic/ceramic products, and more. It is also made with high-quality material that prevents the UV rays from penetrating through or leaking out. Keep clean and sanitise on the go!

MILK BOTTLE & FRUVIT CLEANSER babySWIPE was created from a father’s love for his children. A subsidiary brand of SWIPE, Hong Kong’s No.1 cleaning brand since 1971. Since then, babySWIPE has been well loved by parents for their safe and non-toxic formulations. BabySWIPE Milk Bottle & Fruit Cleanser effectively removes germs on milk bottles and inhibits bacteria growth. It also removes germs, pesticides, and chemical residues on vegetables and fruits. Its easy rinse formulation is natural, non-phosphate, and uses premium-grade natural surfactants from the US. The BabySWIPE Milk Bottle & Fruit Cleanser is toxic-free and does not contain harsh chemicals, fragrances, and coloring agents!

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9/7/21 09:59

BAMBOO HOODED/KIDS BATH TOWELS Bebe Bamboo offers eco-friendly and high-quality baby home textiles using biodegradable bamboo fabrics. Beginning from a mother’s love for her four young children, Meiyen founded Bebe Bamboo with softness, comfort, and functionality at the heart of the brand. Bebe Bamboo’s Bamboo Hooded/Kids Bath Towels are gentle on your child’s skin, perfect for little ones with sensitive skin and allergies. This award-winning Bath Towel is one that will have your child look forward to bath time and using these luxuriously soft towels! Made from 100% Bamboo, it is super soft, smooth, comfortable, highly absorbent, quick-drying, and anti-bacterial.

POST-NATAL MASSAGE Post-Natal Massage Singapore (PNSG) aims to ease your body and mind throughout motherhood. With careful choice of soothing products that offer extensive benefits, PNSG massage services help to treat engorgement and boost milk supply, relieve water retention, improve circulation, and speed up womb recovery - among many others. Understanding the needs of mothers at different stages of maternity, they offer well-suited rejuvenating massages for pregnancy until postpartum, and even for years after birth! PNSG believes in relieving a new mother’s stress and assisting them to relax through the experienced hands of their professionally-trained and certified therapists. Enjoy PNSG’s massage in the comfort of your home for a comfortable and relaxing recuperation after birth!

Awards Write Up.indd 7

9/7/21 09:59

CONFINEMENT SUITES The Clover Suites is Singapore’s Premium Boutique Post-partum Suite for confinement services. The Clover Suite experience offers the best services you can find for new mothers, from dietitian-planned luxurious meals to postpostpartum activities like never before. Located in a brand new four-story building in the posh Siglap Area, The Clover Suites presents a contemporary, boutique-inspired suite with 24/7 care for mothers with newborns. The Clover Suite features nine low-density luxury rooms, a boutique spa for aesthetic body treatments, pre- and post-natal massages, a hair and beauty salon, and a premium cafe lounge for guests.

ORBIT CAR SEAT Bonbijou has evolved and grown ever since its introduction to Singapore as Bonbebe in 2007. To encapsulate the spirit of parenthood and the bond between parents and their children, Bonbijou is a combination of the French word bon (good) with bijou (precious). Every Bonbijou product is lovingly crafted for you and your child’s needs with three guiding pillars: Quality, Affordability, and Style, as Bonbijou believes that having a peace of mind, is priceless. Bonbijou Orbit car seat is the 3rd iteration of Bonbijou’s award-winning series of rotating car seats. Made with parents in mind, the Bonbijou Orbit Car Seat is designed to allow for the most hassle-free experience. Gone are the days of struggling to put your baby into the car seat! The Orbit’s 360° rotation function is buttery smooth and is an absolute breeze for parents to carry their babies in and out of the car. Simply turn the car seat to face the door for easy buckling and then rotate it back to the desired position. With extra thick seat padding and head support, his car seat is comfortable and sturdy for your little one from newborn all the way up to 36kg!

Awards Write Up.indd 8

9/7/21 09:59

ENFAGROW A+ GENTLEASE With over 100 years of experience in pediatric nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition has scientifically formulated Enfagrow A+ Gentlease Stage 3 with 360’ DHA Plus a unique blend of nutrients that are important for overall mental and physical development. Enfagrow A+ Gentlease Stage 3 is scientifically formulated with: - Partially hydrolysed proteins (PHP), smaller protein molecules derived from the protein hydrolysation process – the protein is partially broken down into smaller molecules, which are easier to digest and less allergenic*. - 360 DHA Plus : 2 servings per day to help meet the recommended daily DHA intake^. - Zinc & Iron : Help support your child’s natural defences**. *as compared to regular cow’s milk **Zinc and iron support your child’s natural defenses for children up to 6 years of age. ^FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2 years old and above, 150-200mg DHA+EPA for children 4 years old and above, 200-250mg DHA+EPA for children 6-10 years old. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no. 91. FAO:Rome.

LILLE VERDEN SIGNATUR GENERÖS Little Wiwa® is a leading play mat brand in Australia, crafting award-winning play mats for the minimalists since 2018. Every Little Wiwa® play mat is a premium eco-friendly luxury, sourced and created from 100% sustainable and biodegradable non-toxic TPU foam. Every Little Wiwa® Play Mat is a premium eco-friendly luxury, sourced and created from 100% sustainable and biodegradable non-toxic TPU foam. Most importantly, it is non-toxic; free from PVC, BPA, and toxic chemicals, making it the safe choice for babies, adults, and the environment. Waterproof and lightweight, Little Wiwa® Play Mat is an ease to clean whether it be accidental food spills or nappy boo-boos. Multifunctional from a nappychange station for the little ones to a lounging and exercise mat for adults. With its thick shock-absorbent cushioning, every Little Wiwa® Play Mat provides a safety guard and comfort for tummy time support of our little adventurers even as they learn to crawl, walk and play – all without an intrusion to the aesthetics of any existing home décor.

Awards Write Up.indd 9

9/7/21 09:59

MEDELA FLEX™ TECHNOLOGY Medela believes that your experience of motherhood is as unique as you are. Medela breast pump range with new Flex™ Technology is designed to suit every mother’s breast shape, giving all mummies more comfort and all babies more milk. Medela Flex™ Technology is the first breast pump shield designed to adapt to every mother’s shape - rotates 360°, includes four tunnel sizes and has a flexible rim. This ensures a more efficient and comfortable expression. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes and can change throughout the breastfeeding journey. The new 105° opening angle matches different shapes and sizes of breasts better, helping milk to flow more freely due to less compression of the breast. There are four different sizes to choose from, with 21mm and 24mm included - for mummies to find their perfect fit. Being a closed system, the Flex™ Technology has overflow protection that prevent milk entering the motor, creating flexibility for mothers to pump sitting in a position that works best for them. Studies have shown that when a mother is comfortable, she can produce up to 11% more milk! Developed following four clinical studies with the help of a team of research scientists and breastfeeding mums, the Flex™ Technology has shown to improve milk flow and provides easy, comfortable expression for all mothers.

MOULDED BRA As Malaysia’s first premium nursing lingerie brand, Lunavie strives to support and empower mothers with exceptional and affordable products during their breastfeeding and motherhood journey. Lunavie Convertible Moulded Nursing Bras are designed with moulded cups for better coverage and give a more stylish look. The unique feature of this nursing bra is that it comes with removable wire to provide better support and great comfort for daily wear. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes. These changes continue post birth and will affect your bra’s fit & comfort so Lunavie Convertible Moulded Nursing bra is specially designed to fit pre and post pregnancy stages.

Awards Write Up.indd 10

9/7/21 09:59

BUMP & GO TOY - DINOSAUR Babycare is a brand created by designers for maternal and child products. Their mantra of “high aesthetic, high quality, and high safety” is popular in more than 30 countries globally. Gathering world-renowned industrial designers, graphic designers, and illustrators from the United States, Canada, Japan, and other places, Babycare makes art the daily enjoyment for babies instead of the display in galleries and art museums. A developmentally appropriate toy is important for baby growth and development. The best would be one that is able to stimulate the senses of audio, visual and touch! Babycare’s Bump & Go Toys - Dinosaur is one that is made with the intention to promote the development of a baby’s senses! Babycare’s Bump & Go Toy Dinosaur comes with a dual-mode of education and crawling mode, having numbers, colors, alphabet, shape, animal sound, and soft lighting, you’ll have no problem capturing your baby’s attention!

HAENIM 3G+ UV STERILISER The founder of thelittleonesinmylife, Audrey Wong, has had a personal quest to find good products for her own children. This has since lead to the formation of thelittleonesinmylife where she only brings in products that she has used personally for her children or herself. Made in Korea, the Haenim 3G+ UV Steriliser dries and sterilizes products with an interior viewing window - so you can watch your sterilizer in action! This UV Steriliser is lab tested and proven to provide 99.99% sterilization. With a practical one-touch system, users can navigate a full range of services with just 4 buttons. It uses 9 UVC LED Lamps with 5 years warranty. It has a large capacity of fitting up to 16 bottles, saving time and electricity. With its storage function, items will be sterile with auto sterilizing every 1 hour for up to 8 hours. It is easy to maintain, hassle-free, and easy to clean simply wipe with a clean damp cloth.

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9/7/21 09:59

TLC BLEND Tian Long TLC Blend is a 100% natural anti-backterial blend of citronella, eucalyptus and peppermint oil for a refreshing and minty fragrance. This perfect combination keeps your home clean and for day to day usage. Other than keeping unwanted pests away, the Tian Long TLC blend also cleans, and kills germs! With citronella oil as one of the key ingredient in the blend, the blend helps to keep everyone in the household safe from mosquito bites at the same time. Just a cap of oil, you can clean, sanitize and kill germs and bacteria. As you diffuse the scents of TLC Blend in your home, mozzies, ants, and cockroaches are kept at bay!

28 DAYS POSTNATAL NUTRITIONAL HERBAL SOUP RECIPIES Starting as a wholesaler of American Ginseng imported from Canada, the four founders of Hockhua saw the need for traditional health products in the market and began importing quality bird’s nests. The first Hockhua Ginseng Bird’s Nest outlet opened in Hougang in 1989 as the brand continued to bring in quality traditional medicines and remedies at reasonable pricing. Consisting of 28 different herbal soups, Hockhua’s Postnatal Nutritional Recipes are specially formulated for the recuperation of new mothers throughout the confinement month. It is important for breastfeeding mothers to replenish plenty of water. Consumption of such herbal soups will not only greatly help with that, but also supply the necessary nutrition for the new mothers. Look forward to better blood circulation, nourishment and rejuvenation, strengthened tendon and bones, and more.

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9/7/21 10:00

CONFINEMENT NANNY Star Confinement specializes in providing quality confinement nannies to post-natal moms and newborns. Their confinement nannies are the modern nannies who are equipped with at least 5 years – 10 years of skills set and full experiences. As such, they are excellent in doing both traditional confinement practices and modern confinement practices for moms and caring for newborns. All nannies are supportive of breastfeeding and are able to guide new mothers on breastfeeding. The team of confinement nannies are can speak fluent Mandarin, English, Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Teochew, Malay, and even Japanese! From handling newborns, pre-mature newborns, and twins confinement, all of their nannies are very experienced. They are also counselors to moms who are having baby blues, thus confinement nannies are here to help, take away the new parents’ stress of handling their newborn while letting her rest and recuperate!

TOOTH FRIENDLY PACIFIER Dentistar’s Tooth-Friendly Paciffier reduces the risk of developing an open bite. It has more room for the tongue, which helps to avoid tongue deformation. In contrast to conventional pacifiers, the Dentistar pacifier considers the natural position of the teeth and tongue and can reduce the risk of dental misalignment. To help reduce the pressure on the jaw and teeth, Dentistar’s Tooth-Friendly Pacficer is also designed with an extra flat shaft. All materials used for the Tooth-Friendly Pacifier are 100% BPA-free. To provide the perfect support for the development of milk teeth and prevent misalignment, Dentistar Tooth-Friendly Pacifier is available in 4 sizes, offering maximum comfort for each growth stage of your little one!

ASSORTED MILK SWEETIES Karihome is an international brand shared by Orient EuroPharma (OEP) and Dairy Goat Co-operative (DGC). The brand was inspired by “Karitane,” a parenting service facility in New Zealand, whose vision is “to be the guardian of children’s health, help bring happiness and warmth to every family”. Karihome Milk Sweeties are made from milk powder & are suitable for toddlers who are able to chew. It is a nutritious & delicious treat for your child! They are not candies but tablets made from milk formula powder. They are rich in calcium & contain natural milk sugar and probiotics. There are no preservatives & no sucrose added in Karihome Milk Sweeties! Karihome Milk Sweeties are available in a variety of flavors such as blueberry, chocolate, strawberry, and yogurt!

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9/7/21 10:00

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9/7/21 10:55







Double the Size, Double the Variety New Store at Raffles City. Raffles City Shopping Centre, #03-04/05 | Monday to Sunday, 11am to 9pm Baby Ads.indd 1

9/7/21 10:58

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