Mummys Market Pregnancy & Baby Guide March 2022

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Editor's Note q122.indd 1

12/4/22 9:52 AM


EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW What is Cord Blood? Cord blood, also known as “placental blood”, is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a baby and after the umbilical cord is cut after delivery. Cord blood banking is the process of collecting your baby’s cord blood and storing it in cryogenic tanks until a release is requested by the family. Cord blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) with the lifesaving potential to differentiate into a series of cells found in the body.


Red Blood Cells

White Blood Cells


Transports oxygen to all cells in the body

Produces antibodies and fights infection

Assists in blood clotting in the event of injury


CORD BLOOD VS. CORD LINING CORD BLOOD • Rich in Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) • Replenishes blood and regenerates the immune system

CORD LINING • Rich in Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs) • Aids in the repair of injured tissues and organs • Immune-modulating characteristics (suitable for your baby and other family members)

By choosing to store both your baby’s cord blood and cord lining, you are availing your children and family of an exclusive & readily available source of HSCs, MSCs and CLEpSCs with growing applications in the fields of regenerative medicine & stem cell therapy.

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15/2/22 4:38 PM


Treatment of over 80 diseases

Cord blood can be used to treat over 80 types of diseases1 such as leukaemia, lymphoma, thalassemia and immune disorders. Clinical trials are also underway to use cord blood for the treatment of autism, cerebral palsy, Type 1 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury and many more². Clinical trials are one of the key driving forces in medical breakthroughs and it represents hope for families with conditions that have no known cure.

Guaranteed Match for Autologous transplants Cord blood stem cells are a guaranteed match for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient are the same individual). Based on Cordlife’s data, 65% of cord blood units stored with them were released for autologous treatment of non-genetic diseases and cancers without the risk of rejection3. In addition, should an autologous transplant be required, there is a lower risk of Graft vs Host disease (GvHD) when cord blood stem cells are used, as compared to bone marrow stem cells.

DID YOU KNOW? mm_cordlife_ad-2.indd 2

Readily Available Supply of HSCs Should a time-critical situation ever arise where cord blood stem cells are needed, parents have a readily available supply of HSCs for the family’s exclusive use. This will reduce the cost and time to conduct a national or international search for a matched donor. Unlike bone marrow which requires a perfect match between donor and patient, the probability of finding a match among family members using cord blood stem cells is higher. Furthermore, studies have also shown that there is a 95% survival rate for transplants using related cord blood as compared to 61% for unrelated cord blood4.

Cord Blood Stem Cells are Younger & Primitive Another unique ability of HSCs is that they are able to differentiate into different types of cells as they are in their naïve and most primitive form. Therefore, these cells are faster in generating healthy cells, and are also more tolerant to tissue mismatches which may happen in transplants involving a donor.

There is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood: minutes after birth. Cord blood collection is a safe and risk-free process for both mother & baby, and it doesn’t interfere with the birthing process – whether it is a c-section of vaginal delivery.

Increased Potential of Cord Blood for Autism & Cerebral Palsy With medical advancements, researchers are continuously looking into expanding and increasing the potential of umbilical cord blood stem cells for treatment. Such research has shown great developments in treating conditions like cerebral palsy, autism and many more. A 2017 study saw prominent improvements in brain connectivity and motor function skills after children with cerebral palsy received an infusion of their own umbilical cord blood5. More recently, a research study conducted in 2020 by renowned cord blood pioneer and expert Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg showed significant results in the use of autologous umbilical cord blood for the treatment of childhood autism6. In Singapore, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) is currently conducting a clinical trial for the treatment of autism using the child’s own cord blood stem cells that are stored with a family cord blood bank.


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As hospitals may not have a kit available on your delivery day, you may miss the only chance for collection. By deciding early, you don’t have to worry about the logistics on your delivery day!

15/2/22 4:38 PM





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As there is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood, it’s important to do it with the right partner. Choose a family cord blood bank that has a long-standing establishment as it assures parents that their baby’s precious lifesaving stem cells are stored with a trusted and reliable partner who will be with them for the long haul.


A helpful tip will be to go with the largest family cord blood bank in Singapore, as they have over 20 years of experience under their belt. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, an independent resource and non-profit foundation, has also ranked the Top 10 Family Cord Blood Banks worldwide, and a quick search can tell you if any of these are in Singapore.

INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATIONS Consider family cord blood banks that have been accredited by international bodies such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) or Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). These accreditations ensure that the family cord blood bank adheres to the highest quality standards when it comes to the handling, processing and storing of your baby’s cord blood through regular and rigorous audits. It also ensures that your child’s cord blood stem cells will remain viable should the need for transplantation ever arise. There are only eight family cord blood banks worldwide that are internationally dual certified by both AABB and FACT. Do your research and one of these eight would be a family cord blood bank worth considering.

Find out more about the life-saving benefits of cord blood banking here!


Watch a short educational series about umbilical cord banking here!

TRANSPLANT TRACK RECORD Another important consideration is the proven transplant track record of your chosen family cord blood bank. A quick tip is to check if the family cord blood bank has released numerous cord blood units for clinical trials such as the ongoing trial conducted by KKH in Singapore for the treatment of autism. This is an indication that the family cord blood bank is experienced in successfully releasing cord blood stem cells for transplants. It also confirms that the cord blood stem cells stored under their care are in accordance with the highest standards and remains viable for transplantation.

FULLY-OWNED PROCESSING AND STORAGE FACILITY Proper protocols go into ensuring the viability of your child’s cord blood stem cells which is why it’s also important to choose a family cord blood bank that has full ownership over their processing and storage facilities. This means that they maintain direct control over critical services, quality, licencing and accreditations which assures parents of the well-being of their child’s cord blood that are stored under the bank’s care. This also provides the family cord blood bank with immediate access to resources in the event of an emergency.

ADDITIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS Besides storing cord blood stem cells, check if your chosen family cord blood bank offers additional services as it would give you access to more medical options for your child and family members. One of the family cord blood banks in Singapore is also a patented technology provider in the processing and storage of cord lining cells, which contains 2 types of cells found in the umbilical cord lining – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs). By storing a combination of cells, it increases your child and family’s medical options for possible therapeutic and regenerative applications in the future, especially for conditions that currently have no known cure.

FINANCIAL STABILITY As stem cell transplants or therapies may take place now or later in life, choosing a family cord blood bank with a sound, transparent and sustainable financial status is vital as it ensures that the family cord blood bank will be one that you can trust to be with you for the long haul. Public-listed companies offer financial transparency for increased assurance. Some other factors to take note of also include the family cord blood bank’s processing technology, customer service and enrolment process, just to name a few.

e References:

1For the full list of treatable diseases and references, please refer to https://

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²Diseases and Disorders that have been in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood or Cord Tissue Cells page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation website. https://parentsguidecordblood. org/en/diseases#trial. Accessed March 3, 2021.

3Based on Cordlife’s cord blood release track record as of July 2021.

4Bizzetto R, Bonfim C, Rocha V, et al. Outcomes after related and unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for hereditary bone marrow failure syndromes other than Fanconi anemia. Haematologica. 2011; 96(1):134-141.

5Umbilical cord blood improves motor skills in some children with cerebral palsy page. Duke Department of Pediatrics website. umbilical-cord-blood-improves-motor-skills-some-children-cerebral-palsy. Accessed March 10, 2021.

6Results from the Duke ACT Study of Cord Blood for Autism: The Inside Scoop from Dr. Kurtzberg page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood website. Accessed March 3, 2021.

15/2/22 4:38 PM

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13/12/21 10:57


Spotting and bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy is common. Almost 50% of the pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding and panic. Do you think this is a miscarriage symptom? Or is there any possibility of having periods during pregnancy? Well, before you get startled, know that vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy is not something that should worry you. It is in fact a good sign to show that you are a pregnant.


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The bleeding may range from light bleeding or spotting to massive bleeding. Light spotting during pregnancy is not a matter of concern, but heavy bleeding can be an indication of a serious disorder. It is important to know the possible causes and undergo a check up to eradicate any complications.


Difference between Spotting and Bleeding?




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What Causes Spotting During Pregnancy?


Spotting and bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy is common. Almost 50% of the pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding and panic.

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Do you think this is a miscarriage symptom? Or is there any possibility of having periods during pregnancy? Well, before you get startled, know that vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy is not something that should worry you. It is in fact a good sign to show that you are a pregnant.

P re g n a n c y

The bleeding may range from light bleeding or spotting to massive bleeding. Light spotting during pregnancy is not a matter of concern, but heavy bleeding can be an indication of a serious disorder. It is important to know the possible causes and undergo a check up to eradicate any complications.

article 2 - spotting and bleeding.indd 2

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22/3/22 5:37 PM





internal pelvic exam/ pap smear


implantation bleeding

Vaginal infections can cause inflammation or irritation of the cervix

Implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall

sex The flow of blood to the cervical region increases

What Causes Bleeding During Pregnancy?

subchorionic hemorrhage

Cervical region will become tender because of the increased blood flow

Bleeding happens within the folds of the chorion and placenta which will stop by itself

nearing labour You will pass your mucus plug, a state where your cervix begins to dilate

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy. It is rarely a sign of a serious condition, since it can accompany many pregnancy complications. But, it can sometimes be a sign of serious condition too. Therefore, it is important to understand the possible causes and get a check up done.

1st trimester

2nd and 3rd trimester

ectopic pregnancy

placenta previa

In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, that is usually in the fallopian tube. You will usually notice cramping and a sharp pain in the lower abdominal region accompanied by dizziness, weakness and nausea.

This is the most common cause of bleeding during late pregnancy. In this condition, the placenta that usually connects the fetus to the womb will cover a part of the cervical opening. As a result, bleeding takes place.

molar pregnancy

placenta abruption

Molar pregnancy is a rare condition that results when the placenta becomes a cystic mass from a malformed embryo. This is a type of tumor that occurs because of pregnancy hormones and is not life threatening at all.

miscarriage If bleeding accompanies symptoms like cramping, lower abdominal pain and passage of tissue through the vagina, then there is a higher chance of miscarrying the baby. About 50% pregnant women who experience the symptoms along with vaginal bleeding, miscarry a baby.

What should you know? Light spotting is normal and nothing to be worried. Severe vaginal bleeding that soaks through the pad is a concern. Bleeding is not always a sign of miscarriage since some women suffer high bleeding still deliver healthy babies.

It is an early separation of placenta from the uterus and it leads to blood collection in the region between the placenta and uterus.

uterine rupture In rare conditions there will be an abnormal splitting of the uterus due to a scar from a prior C-section. It makes the fetus expel into the abdomen that can be quite dangerous for both the baby and the mother.

fetal vessel rupture The developing blood vessels of the fetus may cross the opening of the birth canal. These are known to be vasa previa and can be lethal to the baby as blood vessels can tear open and bleed severely. This condition is also accompanied by abnormal fetal heart rate. It is a very rare condition that happens in 1 out of 5000 pregnancies.

pre-term labor If the delivery time falls between week 20 to week 37, it is considered a pre-term labor. It is accompanied by cramping, regular contractions, built-in pelvic pressure and back pain. A few days before your body prepares for labor, you will pass your mucus plug where bleeding starts.

What should you do? The universal advice is you should not hesitate to consult your doctor. Use a pad as it helps you keep a track on how much you are spotting or bleeding. Examine the type of blood (whether it is brown, red, pink or full of clots). Bring all your issues to the doctor and do not indulge in sex or use a tampon when you are bleeding during pregnancy. Your doctor will check the vagina and may suggest you to go for an ultrasound scan. Vaginal and abdominal ultrasounds occur together to evaluate the reason. Your doctor may also perform a few regular tests like blood and urine. These tests would help check the hormonal levels of pregnancy.

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22/3/22 5:37 PM


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Air pollution is a major threat to human health. According to medical experts, an average adult breathes about 15m3 of air per day. Bad air quality can have many adverse effects on the entire body, including the heart, liver, lungs and respiratory system, etc. Are you sure that your home is safe from major air quality issues? They mainly contain dust, bugs and smell. However, that is not all. Indoor air can make you sick for the following reasons: fibers, odors, nanosize pollution particles, mold toxins, fine particles and chemicals, etc. As compared to Outdoor Air Pollution,there is a high chance of indoor harmful particles traveling to our lungs up to 1000 times - WHO.

“It’s Time to Make Sure Your Home’s Air Quality is Up to Par” A number of measures are usually used that can be applied to limit the effects of air pollution and protect the health of ourselves and our families, including disinfectant products. There are 2 categories which are traditional and alternatives. Traditional refers to chemicals such as Quaternary Ammonium Chloride, Sodium Hypochlorite etc. Alternative refers to essential oil, plant-based etc. Gentle Organics is dedicated to making your home a clean and eco-friendly living space for you and your loved ones. With that in mind, we provide a safer and more sustainable alternative to customers which is Organic Thymol-based Disinfectant. Main Ingredient: Thymol The main ingredient in Gentle Organics Hand Sanitiser and Disinfectant Spray which are formulated without alcohol and chemicals, keep your home free from harmful germs. What is Thymol? Thymol is found in thyme oil (oil derived from thyme, an herb with antimicrobial properties). Ancient Egyptians used it for embalming, Europeans used it to soothe blistered skin during the Black Death, and Blackfoot Native Americans used it to treat mouth and throat infections. When used properly as the active ingredient in a reputable household cleaner, thymol can kill 99.99 percent of household germs.

PG10-11 Gentle Organics Editorial.indd 2

18/3/22 3:15 PM

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The Benefits from Thymol - Nature’s Disinfectant 1) Intermediate Level Disinfectant - Kill germs and viruses as much as bleach but gentle on skin and safe for environment. Gentle Organics is tested and proved to kills 99.99% of harmful germs (e-coli, Salmonella, Shigella Nexeri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus Subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus, Aspergillus niger and Vibrio cholerae, etc.) in 15 secs & provides long-lasting protection up to 48 (Hand Sanitiser) and 60 hours (Disinfectant). 2) GRAS: Generally Recognised as Safe: No adverse effects on humans.

3) No known reaction such as skin sensitisation, asthma, eye, throat, nasal or respiratory irritation.

4) Non-toxic to animals, aquatic life and the environment as it biodegrades rapidly.

5) Food-safe: Does not harm the body when ingested.

7) Suitable for children with Sensitive Skin (i.e. dermatitis & eczema) Babies & children’s skin is more delicate as it tends to overreact to stresses that we can tolerate, such as environmental factors, chemical stresses etc. Eczema will cause dryness, itchiness and scaly patches on the skin. Thymol is a natural antiseptic & gentle on skin, which will not irritate or dry out the skin. 8) Lowest Toxicity - Category IV - Food-Safe, Rinse-free Gentle Organics uses a natural ingredient approved by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Thymol. Made with only organic ingredients, this disinfectant is non-toxic, suitable in cleaning children’s touch points and toys. 9) EPA-approved to kill Coronavirus An alternative disinfectant that has shown promising results thus far. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the EPA tested on the capabilities of Thymol - Kills a harder-to-kill pathogen than SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Thymol is the FIRST alternative disinfectant to be listed under the List N Disinfectants Use Against SAR-CoV-19.

Everyday home & personal care products such as cleaners, detergents and hand sanitisers are filled with harmful chemicals that are detrimental to both personal health and the environment. With that in mind, we prioritize creative bio-innovations in our products, continuously striving to bring in reliable and organic home & personal care products to integrate eco-sustainability into our everyday lives.

Scan the QR Code to Get Yours Now!

THANK YOU for choosing Gentle Organics products that keep your family safe and well-protected, all while protecting the environment at the same time.

PG10-11 Gentle Organics Editorial.indd 3

18/3/22 3:15 PM

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28/2/22 1:55 PM

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28/2/22 1:27 PM

Pregnancy Bloating And Indigestion: Causes And How To Prevent

Here’s a list of the most common causes of bloating and indigestion during pregnancy

Eating too fast/big meals

You can blame these not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms largely on the hormones your body is producing (what else is new?), specifically all the estrogen and progesterone. Your body’s making more of both now to relax the muscle tissue. Unfortunately, this causes your gastrointestinal tract to relax a little too much, leading to side effects like bloating, indigestion, constipation, stomachaches and, yes, all that horrific gas you’ve been having lately. But sadly, you can’t blame it *all* on the hormones. Believe it or not you could actually be adding to your own discomfort just by what you’re eating or what you wear.

Eating greasy, fatty, or highly seasoned foods

Try these tips to help cut back on the bloating! Eating or drinking too much caffeine—chocolate, soda,coffee, or other drinks

Pace yourself while eating and drink less during each meal Lying down/not moving much after eating

Eat several small meals throughout the day

Drink water throughout the day and avoid caffeinated drinks

Wearing restricting clothing Prop up your upper body with some pillows when you lie down

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Wear loose and comfy clothing

2/3/22 6:08 PM

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At Cookie Dealer, we are here to ensure that your breastfeeding journey will be a joyful process between you and your baby. With that in mind, our bakes are made with the finest ingredients and carefully produced in small batches to ensure freshness and quality.

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8/4/22 12:07 PM

Expecting a baby can be so exciting, yet overwhelming. As parents, your first priority is always to keep your children safe and healthy. You do what you feel is the best for them. And there is always so much to do, from getting yourself physically and mentally ready, to preparing the nursery with baby clothes and accessories, as well as keeping your home thoroughly clean and hygienic. Let OOMMI help you get ready!

Ensuring your bottles and utensils are safe and free of toxic chemicals.It’s better to be safe than sorry. Chemicals from normal dishwashing liquids may leach onto bottles when it’s not washed properly, contaminating milk for the baby. Sterilisers remove bad bacteria but not chemicals, choose a natural cleaner to avoid any accidental ingestion of harsh nasties and to prevent any skin irritants, eczema, allergic reactions etc. Babies have sensitive skin. It is always recommended to avoid harsh detergents and to always wash your newly bought baby clothes as they can be dirty and may contain residual dyes and chemicals from the manufacturing process. OOMMI Probiotics Baby Laundry liquid contains no Phosphate, Chlorine Bleach, Dyes, Ammonia Sulfate, Parfum & Parabens.



OOMMI PROBIOTICS MULTIPURPOSE CLEANER Being exposed to large quantities of chemicals for a long period can increase the risk of congenital disorders and future health problems. So opt for a safer, non-toxic alternative, free from harsh chemicals and fumes. The OOMMI Probiotics Multipurpose Cleaner spray can be your best helper when it comes to cleaning. An all-in-one natural probiotic solution that is safe and yet effective to clean any hard surfaces, such as leather, marble, glass, wood, ceramic, etc. Millions of live beneficial microbes in each spray create a healthy microbiome on surfaces, cleaning and protecting them for days. Probiotics easily break down biofilm and eliminate the harmful bacteria (e-coli and salmonella), yeast (that cause skin infections), fungi (that trigger urinary tract infections), and clear the viruses entrapped within.

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2/12/21 15:08

OOMMI PREBIOTICS + PROBIOTICS A mother’s microbiome is a huge factor in what a baby’s microbiome will be made of. Natural birth babies get their first big dose of microbes at birth, while traveling through the birth canal, then pick up more while breastfeeding. Setting your baby up for a healthy start begins with helping them build a solid immune system. Consuming probiotics during pregnancy has been linked to various benefits including fewer pregnancy complications, reduced risk of allergies and eczema in babies, and improved metabolic health.

Have you ever struggled to remove baby milk vomit stains/ diaper leaks with nasty odours off your fabric surfaces such as mattresses, baby carrier, car seats, baby stroller etc? Try using a damp cloth (and a spray of OOMMI Multipurpose Cleaner if available) to remove any organic stains, followed by spraying OOOMMI Air and Fabric on the affected fabric surfaces to remove any lingering odour. The live beneficial microbes deep dive into the multiple layers of fabric to hunt for harmful bacteria, and neutralise the odour.


So consider opting for our safe and effective probiotics cleaners. OOMMI Probiotic cleaners remove organic contamination by breaking down microscopic dirt into tiny particles and digesting them as food. Unlike commercial cleaners, they are also able to penetrate surface biofilm to remove bad bacteria and leave beneficial microbes behind. The effects of probiotics are long lasting too, staying on surfaces and continuing to clean for days after applied. Not to mention our products are non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for use around children and pets. No nasty ingredients such as SLS/SLES, Parabens, Phthalates, Alcohol and Triclosan. All of OOMMI’s cleaning products are without preservatives to keep them baby safe. Customers are advised to finish using the products within 6 months, as the fresh apple scent may turn to more like apple cider, due to natural fermentation over time.

With OOMMI probiotic supplement and cleaners, you can now worry less and focus more on what’s important in life - quality time spent with your little one. Let OOMMI play a part in building up a healthier you, and a safer home for your family.

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Get Your OOMMI Products & Learn More Here

2/12/21 15:08

There is no need to forego your favourite beauty routines now that you’re pregnant. The belief that pregnant mothers should stop the use of any products they use on their skin are generally untrue. If you’re wondering what you can or can’t do with your hair during this 9 months, here are a few things you should take note of!

Do DO: GO FOR A DEEP-CONDITIONING PRODUCT Dry hair tends to get drier during pregnancy, which means you might find your hair to be frizzier and more prone to breakage. If you get this, it’s a good time to go for a deep-conditioning treatment or hot oil treatment. Don’t overdo it though! Once a month should be enough. DO: OPT FOR SIMPLER AND SAFER SERVICES Root touch-ups and root-to-tip colour change are considered single-process colour. This means the dye is applied to the hair and scalp where the pores in your skin soak up the chemicals. For a safer alternative, try techniques where the colour is painted directly on the hair shaft. For example, highlights and streaking. Or just ask your hairdresser to avoid touching your hair roots. DO: GET A HAIR MASSAGE Pamper yourself! A hair and head massage can greatly improve your hair’s condition and it’s a great way to help you relax as well.

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Don’t DON’T: GO CRAZY WITH CHEMICAL TREATMENTS Hair dyes are generally not highly toxic and safe to use during pregnancy. Only a small amount of hair dye may be absorbed into the skin. Hence, this small amount is not considered harmful to the fetus. Try not to go overboard with the chemicals (like bleaching) either! During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes and it can affect the way your body reacts to these treatments. DON’T: DYE YOUR HAIR DURING THE FIRST TRIMESTER Yes, we mentioned above that it is generally safe to get some basic hair dye done during pregnancy. However, the first three months of your pregnancy is extremely sensitive. It is ideal to wait till you’ve passed the first trimester before making an appointment!

5/4/22 11:31 AM

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15/12/21 11:07


Family Bonding over Breakfast

Family experiences including family-friendly accommodation, travel light amenities and family dining experiences

Themed Family Suite - Treetop Room

Shangri-La Singapore is the first hotel on Orchard Road to have a dedicated program offering a range of luxury family experiences for families with young ones. Known as buds by Shangri-La which is an interactive play space located at the first floor of the hotel’s Tower Wing. Splash has also been added in 2020 to further elevate our family programming, taking guests on a new wave of adventure. buds by Shangri-La Spanning 1,872 square metres in total, buds by Shangri-La is an indoor play space featuring curated interactive installations. Themed activity spaces encourage fun while learning: Muddy, y Stage and Bake. y, Planning a party? buds offers party packages that promise omise hours of endless fun. Splash Let your kids’ imagination run wild in a 1,300 square metres space with specially designed aquatic amenities and six unique water play areas called Splash which will take families, including Moms and Dads, on a whole new wave of adventure. Buds Toddler Zone

Themed Family Suites and Deluxe Family Rooms The 9th floor of the Tower Wing is dedicated to families, complete plete with its own Family Concierge. Five Themed Family Suites and 19 Deluxe Family Rooms are found here,, suited for those with children 12 years old and below. Each of the Themed Family Suites measures 72 square quare metres and offers an immersive space for children to sleep and dine. At 38 square metres, the Deluxe e Family Rooms include built-in beds to provide children with sleeping space without reducing the room size. e. Shangri-La Singapore offers a range of exceptional childcare amenities from Stokke including car seats, strollers, travel cots and high chairs. For more information, please call +65 6737 3644 or email

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Themed Family Suite - Space Room

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8/4/22 4:08 PM


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All Natural Asian-Inspired Traditional Flavours As our babies grow, we want to introduce interesting flavours to expand their palate repertoire & where better to start than our time-honoured Asian heritage dishes? Jointly developed with Food Innovation & Research Centre (FIRC), these delicious & nutritious Bib Gourmet baby stews are proudly “Made in Singapore”. Bib Gourmet is also “Nutritionist-Approved” by Ms Jaclyn Reutens, a clinical & sports dietitian & the founder of Aptima Nutrition & Sports Consultants. Equipped with more than 20 years of experience, she is an expert in the nutrition & dietetics field. ♥ Yummy & Nutritious - Contains generous portions of meats, vege, mild spices & herbs to make it naturally tasty! The Hainanese beef stew contains 26% beef which is very generous compared to similar baby food pouches, giving this beef recipe a robust meaty flavour. ♥ Thoughtfully, Lovingly Created – Recipes developed with multiple tastings. Bits of carrot & radish are added into the ABC Stew & Beef Stew pouches respectively for taste & texture. Helps encourage chewing for weaning babies which is important for speech development. Lotus Root with Chicken Stew has tiny cubes of Huai Shan added for extra bite & nutrition. ♥ Sanitary Preparation - Prepared in a clean childcare specialist kitchen with no pork & lard. Packaged, sealed in a 4-layer thick, food grade aluminium pouch before going through heat sterilization process to remove all bacteria to make it safe for baby’s consumption.

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♥ Good Value - 160g of pure-ingredients-in-a-pouch can yield a 2-meals portion for a baby less than a year old, especially if you add baby’s carbs. Keep remainder sealed in a container in your fridge. Consume within the next 48 hours.

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♥ Versatile & Convenient Meals - Can be stirred into your baby’s porridge, gravy for carbs, a tasty bread dip or broth base. For older kids, add staples, chunky ingredients, sprinkle some salt/pepper or seaweed mix.

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Available in 3 Flavours: ABC Stew (7+ mths vegan), Hainanese Beef Stew (8+ mths), Lotus Root with Chicken & Huai Shan (12+ mths)

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Scan To Buy Now

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Bib Gourmet is created for budding baby gourmets going through their weaning journeys. Made with premium ingredients with no nasties, it tastes great & is affordable — #madewithlove just like mommy’s own cooking! With Bib Gourmet, mums can spend less time in the kitchen & more precious quality time with their little ones! ♥ Buy Online: Tel : 67027008

8/4/22 4:08 PM

Baby Speech Milestones

While this serves as a general guideline for your baby’s speech development, each child is different and picks up at their own pace. So don’t worry too much if your baby isn’t meeting the guideline. Speak to them more to encourage them! During your regular milestone visits, the doctor or nurses will perform the usual developmental checks to see if baby is hitting the requirements. Speech delays occur for many reasons, including hearing loss and developmental disorders. Depending on the circumstances, your doctor might refer your child to specialists if needed. In the meantime, continue talking to her about what you’re doing and where you’re going. Sing songs and read together. Teach her how to imitate actions such as clapping, listen to nursery songs with actions involved will help a lot too!

First 3 Months 3 - 6 Months

6 - 12 Months

12 - 18 Months

18 - 24 Months

Baby Speech Milestones.indd 1

This is the time baby is building social interaction – which is the foundation of language development. By the end of 3 months, baby might: • • • •

Make ‘cooing’ sounds Remain quiet or smile when you speak to her Respond to sounds and noises around her Eye gaze will follow a moving object

Baby will show an increase in babbling, she will start making some vowel sounds. By the end of 6 months, baby might: • • Make gurgling sounds when playing or when left alone • Babble and make a variety of sounds • Move her eyes in the direction of sounds • Be aware that some toys make sounds when moved • Pay attention to music This is the time when baby will start picking up sounds and words at lightning speed. Baby will respond to different sounds you make and might even start trying to imitate them. That is why it’s important for you to talk to baby as much as possible! By the end of 12 months, baby might: • • • •

Try to imitate sounds, say a few singular words, or shake her head Understand simple instructions like ‘sit’, ‘come here’ or ‘lie down’ Recognise words for common objects like ‘shoe’, ‘book’, ‘dog’ Turn and look in the direction of sound, wave hello and goodbye

Between this period, baby should be able to respond to her own name and understand simple requests like ‘can you throw this away?’ or ‘can you put this on the table?’. By the end of 18 months, baby might: • • •

Recognise familiar people and objects Follow simple directions accompanied by gestures Say as many as 8 – 10 single words

Once baby hits 18 months, you will notice an explosion of her vocab. She should be saying about 50 words by the time she is 2 years old. During this period, she will start putting two words together and try to form sentences.You can help her along by being descriptive. Instead of saying ‘where’s the ball?’ ask ‘where’s the big yellow ball?’ By the end of 24 months, baby might: • • •

Use simple phrases like ‘where is mummy?’, ‘more rice’ Follow simple commands and understand simple questions Speak at least 50 words

21/9/20 2:55 PM

freebies ad q122.indd 1

11/4/22 4:20 PM

STAY CONNECTED WITH MOTHERS LIKE YOU From Pregnancy, to Baby, communicate and share your concerns and excitement through Mummys Market community groups!

2020/2021/2022 @ SG MUMMYS

mm Community Page.indd 1



1/12/21 16:49

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23/2/22 17:35

Editor's Note q122.indd 1

12/4/22 1:49 PM

Editor's Note q122.indd 1

12/4/22 1:50 PM

Medela believes that your experience of motherhood is as unique as you are. Medela breast pump range with new Flex™Technology is designed to suit every mother’s breast shape, giving all mummies more comfort and all babies more milk. The new Swing Maxi (2.0) is a compact and easy to use double electric breast pump with improved mobility to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. A SC


Medela Swing Maxi 2.0 Did you know that storing your baby’s cord blood is a form of biological insurance? Cord blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells which are responsible for replenishing blood and regenerating the immune system. They have the unique ability to differentiate into the different types of cells found in the body, mainly red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Being the pioneer cord blood bank in Singapore since 2001, Cordlife Singapore has over 71,000* families who have entrusted their baby’s cord blood with them. In addition, they are the only dual internationally accredited cord blood bank by AABB & FACT in Singapore!



Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 1

Cordlife Singapore conforms to only the best practices and follows very stringent protocols from the collection to the processing and storage of your child’s cord blood. They have established a quality system and proven track record of successfully releasing cord blood units for transplants. Apart from this, Cordlife Singapore is the exclusive provider of umbilical cord lining storage in Singapore and is 1 of the only 2 cord blood banks in the world, and the only cord blood bank in Singapore to provide this service. *As of August 2021

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11/4/22 3:48 PM

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Henri Nestlé, founder of Nestlé developed his first infant nutrition solution in 1867 in Vevey, Switzerland. Today, he is celebrated as a pioneer of child nutrition, and his legacy of using the latest scientific research to improve lives is being continued. Nestlé NAN OPTIPRO growing-up milk formulas have been developed over years of experience to give children around the world the best start in life – backed by scientific research and innovative development in Nestlé, Switzerland. With over 150 years of committed research in the pursuit of precision and perfection in nutrition, NAN OPTIPRO’s range of toddler nutrition is our most scientifically advanced age-adapted formula with Immunity Guardians and highest levels of 2’-FL. Together with BIFIDUS BL Probiotics as well as Optimized gentle proteins, to build the right foundation for your child’s growth, support their immunity, and nourish their every possible.

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NAN OPTIPRO 3 (850G) Tian Wei Signature is the ideal confinement food caterer for today’s modern mothers. As an award-winning caterer in Singapore to offer both traditional and modern fusion confinement menus, Tian Wei Signature believes confinement food must be interesting, enjoyable, and nutritious. Specially curated by award-winning Chef Eugene and certified in-house dietitian Eunice Tan, expect a wide variety of traditional Chinese and fusion confinement cuisine that support you in postpartum recovery and breastfeeding.



Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 2

On top of modern medical science, their traditional Chinese confinement dishes are planned based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, which aids in balancing your “Yin Yang” and “Qi”. You will also be served by herbal soup concoctions that focus on replenishing and nourishing blood, enhancing breast milk, increasing vitality, calming nerves and aiding in recovery. In the last leg of your confinement, Japanese, Western, and Mediterranean-inspired fusion confinement cuisine are added to your menu, bringing joy in celebrating the end of your confinement with Tian Wei Signature.

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11/4/22 3:48 PM



Baby Express was founded by a working mother for working mothers. With exciting innovations at affordable prices, Baby Express empowers modern mothers to have a longer and smoother breastfeeding journey. Sanitise on the go with Baby Express UV Steriliser Bag! In just 3 minutes, you can get rid of up to 99.9% of those nasty germs and bacteria! Multi-purpose usage; sterilise and store baby bottles, toys, clothing and even your daily essentials like your mobile phone. The Baby Express UV Steriliser Bag is made with high quality material that prevents the UV ray from penetrating through. Content can be kept sterile for up to 4 hours, without opening of the bag.



UV Steriliser Bag

The new Hamilton stroller, Z1 is made up of top-quality anodised aluminium frame and premium fabric. It is so sturdy that it has individual suspensions on all 4 wheels, allowing the stroller a smooth ride over all terrain. Oversized storage basket for anything you need to tote. Z1 strollers feature an adjustable 3 points handlebar so parents of varying heights can comfortably use it. Your baby will be fully comfortable inside as you walk, with its spacious seat, adjustable 3 points back rest, ventilation mesh, and extendable anti-UV 50+ canopy protection against the harsh ultraviolet sun rays.

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Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 3

Conforms with EN 1888 safety standards, ensuring your child’s safety with brand new 5 points magnetic buckle harness system and large pedal one-link brake system. A 5-point safety harness system with advanced magnetic buckle and an easy brake system, the Hamilton Z1 strollers offer ultimate ease and safety. The perfect combination of safe, strong and simple. It features a compact fold and self-standing capability, conveniently carried with hand held strap, making using the underground, walking up the stairs or into the car super easy! A stroller designed to last!

Z1 Stroller

11/4/22 3:48 PM

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In 2019, Little BB Love was created. Our products are thoughtfully-crafted, certified safe for babies’ use, and made from sensationally soft fabric, to ensure exceptional quality, fashionable style, practical convenience for parents and maximum comfort for babies. We are a team based in Singapore who aim to bring you premium quality baby and toddler clothing at wallet-friendly prices. As parents ourselves, we fully appreciate the importance of well-designed baby clothes in everyday parenting.

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At Little BB Love, we bring you a wide range of baby and toddler clothes for both boys and girls. Our apparels are crafted from some of the finest material to ensure the items in your hands are of exceptional quality and feel sensationally soft and comfortable, making them perfect for your little darling or as a gift to celebrate the arrival of your friend’s baby! We carry curated brands and product lines from across the world that have been thoughtfully sourced and carefully selected. Our organic cotton products are made from OCS 100-certified organic cotton, to ensure the best safety and comfort for your baby.




Little BB Love Matching Sets Feeding Friend is on a mission to ensure you’re prioritising self care and enjoy creating a raw connection with your baby. Mums, you deserve to feed your baby in comfort and with confidence, anytime and anywhere. Feeding Friend is here to support you, as a mum, by offering practical feeding products that suit the lifestyle of today’s mums. Feeding Friend is the only truly portable (did we say smallest on the market?!) nursing pillow suitable for on-the-go parenting.



Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 4

Feeding Friend is a specialised, self-inflating nursing pillow that instantly reduces the strain on your arms, wrists, neck, back and shoulders. It provides flexible comfort to you whilst feeding your baby in a cradling position. It is possibly the most versatile and compact nursing pillow you can find! It not only provides supports for direct latching, but even bottle feeding as well. Its unique wedge shape allows you to use it flat or at your preferred angle. With this angle, you can even nurse your baby up till toddlerhood. Best of all, the internal lining is waterproof and can be cleaned easily, so no more worries about milk spillage or baby’s regurgitation soiling your nursing pillow.Nursing on the go can never be more convenient!

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11/4/22 3:49 PM



Postnatal Massage Singapore (PNSG) offers authentic Javanese postnatal massage that helps mothers with effective recovery, lactation and body toning. In addition to treating engorgements, reducing water retention, and expelling excess wind from the mothers’ body, proper postnatal massages during confinement can improve blood circulation and help to boost breast milk supply. Understanding the needs of mothers at different stages of maternity, they offer well-suited rejuvenating massages for pregnancy until postpartum, and even for years after birth! PNSG believes in relieving a new mother’s stress and assisting them to relax through the experienced hands of their professionallytrained and certified therapists. Enjoy PNSG’s massage in the comfort of your home for a comfortable and relaxing recuperation after birth! Benefits of Postnatal Massage: - Relieve water retention and tone body - Improve lactation and womb recovery - Promote relaxation and reduce stress

Book your soothing postnatal massage from only $638 for 5 sessions today!


Prenatal and Postnatal Massage

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From cereals and purees, to juices and snacks for your growing child, GERBER® is not only nutritious, but also wholesome and safe for every little tiny tummy. GERBER® uses stringent Clean Field Farming® practices to deliver on our mission to give your little one the safest and highest quality baby food with no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.


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Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 5

A solid start. Gerber Premium Cereal is an ideal way to give babies their first-ever bite of solid foods. Mix fully cooked cereal with breastmilk or infant formula and introduce the baby’s tiny tummy to something new. And when the baby gets bigger? We have a wide range of advanced cereals with textures and flavours that meet their needs at every age. Just two servings of Gerber’s infant cereal meet your baby’s daily iron needs.

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11/4/22 3:49 PM

Little Wiwa® is a leading play mat brand in Australia, crafting award-winning play mats for the minimalists since 2018. Every Little Wiwa® play mat is a premium eco-friendly luxury, sourced and created from 100% sustainable and biodegradable non-toxic TPU foam. Homed globally with over 30,000 minimalist style lovers, they continue to receive growing support from the eco-conscious community, who seek only the safest options for their children and environment.

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Fit to pave a royalty’s path, the Herringbone collection is a marriage of visually rich and enchanting Herringbone and Chevron patterns, in shades of cool grey. Our Herringbone is a mixture of white and natural grey, with subtle green undertones. Our intricate Herringbone collection is paired with Dusk on its flip side resembling the period of twilight before the sun rises. These plush mats are reversible, featuring two designs and colours that capture minimalist Scandinavian characteristics to suit your mood with a simple flip. The thick shock-absorbent cushioning provides a safety guard and comfort for tummy time support of your little adventurers even as they learn to crawl, walk and play!

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Starting as a wholesaler of American Ginseng imported from Canada, the four founders of Hockhua saw the need for traditional health products in the market and began importing quality bird’s nests. The first Hockhua Ginseng Bird’s Nest outlet opened in Hougang in 1989 as the brand continued to bring in quality traditional medicines and remedies at reasonable pricing. Hockhua’s Fei Tu Snow Jelly with Red Dates uses specially selected Hashima from the Jilin Province, China. It is made using modern cooking methods, yet maintaining its traditional flavour to give you a delicious and refreshing tonic. Fei Tu Snow Jelly with Red Dates consists of cane sugar, dried longan, red dates, hashima and water.



Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 6

It has a good nourishing effect for the weak and postpartum, promotes the metabolism of human skin tissues and keeps the skin shiny and tender. Fei Tu Snow Jelly with Red Dates improves human immune function and resist fatigue.

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11/4/22 3:49 PM



Mead Johnson is the only global company focused primarily on child nutrition. That singular devotion has made the flagship “Enfa” line the leading children nutrition milk formula brand in the world. Today, Mead Johnson develops and markets safe, high quality and innovative products that are trusted by millions of parents and healthcare professionals around the world. With over 100 years of experience in pediatric nutrition, Mead Johnson has scientifically formulated Enfagrow Pro A+ with a unique blend ofnutrients that are important for overall mental and physical development. Choose Enfagrow Pro A+, scientifically formulated with a unique blend of MFGM and 2’-FL that works with 360° DHA Plus to nourish your child’s mind and heart, and strengthen their natural defences^ with Iron and Zinc. ^Contains Zinc and Iron to support your child’s natural defences for children up to 6 years of age.


Enfagrow Pro A+ Stage 3

Inspired by mums everywhere, Dr. Brown’s continues to innovate and develop products that focus on great functionality for parents and good health for babies. Dr Brown’s strives to deliver the reliable baby products that have made us a proven favourite with mums and dads.

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Dr Brown’s Electric Sterilizer and Dryer offers the total package. Steam sterilise and dry up to six baby bottles at once, plus breast pump parts, soothers, and teethers.

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Sterilise only, dry only, or combo sterilise and dry, plus store – it’s all 4 in one! Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria, mold and the yeast that causes thrush. Contents stay sterilised for up to 24 hours if the lid is unopened after the completion of the cycle – meaning you can keep your bottles and parts stored inside with no contamination. The two included HEPA filters capture up to 95% of airborne particles, ensuring purified air for superior drying.

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Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 7

and Dryer

11/4/22 3:49 PM


babySWIPE was created from a father’s love for his children. A subsidiary brand of SWIPE, Hong Kong’s popular household brand since 1971. Since then, babySWIPE has been well loved by parents in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore and New Zealand. Embarking on the shores of Singapore in 2019, babySWIPE is one of the fasting growing baby brand amongst parents for their cleaning efficacy and non-toxic formulations.


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babySWIPE Milk Bottle Brush is a brush like no others. Made from US patented sponge that specialises in anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, mold and odor prevention without chemicals. 360º rotary brush for easy cleaning all-round without scratching. Detachable handle for portability and sponge-only replacement. Able to withstand high heat for boiling, steaming and UV sterilisers. Clean all bottles from milk bottles, water bottles, thermal flasks, tall glasses and more.



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Milk Bottle Brush Set Haenim’s goal is to always ensure the safety and comfort of the whole family. Originating from Korea, Haenim is a brand dedicated to providing premium quality UV sterilisers with cutting-edge technology and recently had been focusing on developing breast pumps as well. Through years of research and development, UV sterilisers from Haenim have been one of the best-sellers in the market, they are consistently lab-proven to eliminate 99.9% of harmful bacteria and continues to offer more innovative functions for safety and convenience.



Haenim UV Sterilisers dries and disinfects your essentials thoroughly. With a practical one-touch system, users can navigate a full range of functions with just 4 buttons. It utilises 9 UVC LED lamps for optimal disinfection. It has a large capacity which can fit up to 16 bottles saving time and energy. With its storage function, items will be disinfected with auto sterilising every 1 hour for up to 8 hours. It is easy to maintain, hassle-free, and easy to clean - simply wipe with a clean damp cloth.

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Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 8


11/4/22 3:49 PM



Bio-Oil Skincare Oil was the first oil of its kind to undergo clinical trials and proven to help improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks. It was from the success of these trials that doctors and pharmacists around the world recommend the product. Today, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil is the world’s leading scars and stretch marks product with over 400 Skincare awards to its name. Bio-Oil Skincare Oil has been the trusted ‘go-to’ product for millions of pregnant women globally for over 30 years. Made from vitamins and plant oil extracts, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil is clinically proven and specially formulated to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars (including C-sect scars) that may arise during your pregnancy to postnatal. Bio-Oil Skincare Oil contains: • Vitamin A: improves skin’s elasticity, texture and tone • Vitamin E: increases moisture content for soft and supple skin • Calendula Oil: natural antioxidant to clarify and stimulate growth of new cells • Rosemary Oil: mild antiseptic capabilities to reduce puffiness and swelling of the skin • Chamomile Oil: anti-inflammatory and suitable for sensitive skin • Lavender Oil: natural skin conditioner with calming and soothing properties


Bio-Oil Skincare Oil


Imtidad is committed to find a reliable domestic helper for your loving family. Embracing the principle of “Treasure Quality Time with Your Loved Ones” and with the current Singapore fast-paced busy working lifestyle, they truly understand the daily challenges faced by working parents in order to achieve an ideal work and family balance. They are committed to assist parents with newborn or young kids who needs an extra help at home handling household chores so that parents are able to spend quality time with their children.

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PROFESSIONAL, HONEST & CUSTOMIZED SERVICES Imtidad believes that each client has different set of expectations and therefore, they take time to understand your requirements so that they can deliver the BEST suited domestic helper for your loving family.

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BUILDING EXCELLENT LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Imitdad strives to build excellent long term relationships with their clients so as to fully understand the clients’ requirements and supporting them throughout.



Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 9

HOME TRAINING & COUNSELLING Imtidad truly emphasize on the importance of proper training of our domestic helpers even after deployment to clients’ homes.

Maid Agency

11/4/22 3:49 PM

Facing low milk supply? Let ReLacto, award-winning lactation meal delivery service in Singapore help you with this! Breastfeeding mothers need additional calories and an adequate amount of essential nutrients to be well-nourished as they breastfeed. However, most mothers resume their pre-pregnancy diet after their confinement ends while still continuing to breastfeed – which can be due to their lack of time to plan and maintain a breastfeeding-friendly diet. This can cause issues like low milk supply and risk of malnutrition for mothers. Not to mention babies may also be missing out on essential nutrients to promote development when they are not getting sufficient, nutritious breast milk from mothers. ReLacto offers the first-of-its-kind lactation meal delivery service in Singapore. Serving mothers a nutritious menu planned with lactation-friendly ingredients, ReLacto’s meals are curated by their in-house dietitian and award-winning chef to support mothers’ daily needs and their babies’ development. They keep their menu nourishing and interesting with over 100 lactation-friendly and healing dishes prepared in fusion and Chinese style, and served with unique daily lactation drinks.



28 Days Lactation Meal London Weight Management is Singapore’s leading slimming expert. Established in 2000, London Weight Management is an award-winning slimming brand with over two decades of proven results, for women who want to lose weight and reshape their silhouettes effortlessly. Serving solely women, London Weight Management’s slimming expertise remains highly sought after in the industry through continuous innovation and breakthrough technology. N HE RE !


ing Treatment Award-Winning Slimm

Only Organic is the No 1 premium organic baby food brand from New Zealand with the mission of feeding the purest of foods to babies around the world. We focus on making recipes only from organic ingredients with no artificial additives, preservatives, sugar or salt. We are able to achieve this by sourcing from the best certified organic farms and making our baby food right in our very own factory. Introducing your baby to savoury meals is a very exciting stage in the weaning journey. Let them have their first taste of meats with our Savoury Range, designed to whet the appetites of little ones at their various eating stages. From pureed, to fork-mashed, to chunkier textures we’ve got you covered from 6 months all the way to kindy with our Savoury Range! All our recipes are developed by parents and approved by our nutritionist - to give your little ones the very best during their weaning journey. Every single batch is tested and analysed to make sure it meets our strict standards.

Q1-22 Awards Write Up.indd 10


Savoury Meal Pouches


11/4/22 3:49 PM


Oral Care

Training Bottles

Richell Baby Singapore

richell ad q122.indd 1



11/4/22 3:41 PM

PG 44 Easy Meals You Can Try With Your Child.pdf



2:27 PM


pinch of salt and pepper for taste

2 slices of bread

2 tablespoon of milk

2 Eggs


1 teaspoon salt and pepper

3 tablespoon plain flour

1 cup (100g) grated cheddar cheese

4 tablespoon butter (unsalted)

1/2 cup (125ml) milk


2 cups (250g) elbow macaroni

Toast two slices of bread (1 minute on each side)

Heat the pan on medium heat and pour in the egg mixture.

Add milk, eggs, salt and pepper in a bowl and beat well until frothy.

Spoon eggs on toast and serve warm.









Boil a large pot of water for the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain the pasta and leave it aside.

In a large pot, melt the butter over low heat.

Add in milk, salt and pepper until the sauce starts to thicken.

Add cheese in by the handful, and wait for it to melt before adding in another handful.

Pour in cooked pasta and stir well until sauce coats the pasta. Serve warm.




1 2

Preheat oven to 190°C and grease or line 12-hole muffin tray.a






In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.



In a big mixing bowl, add all the dry ingred ients flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

1/2 cup (125ml) milk

1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter (melted)

1 tablespoon baking powder

In a smaller bow mix all the wet ingredl,ien - milk, butter and eggs. ts

5 Gently mix in the mashe bananas and walnuts. d

4 overripe bananas (mashed)


Pour the wet mixture into the dry batter and fold together until batter becomes lumpy.

6 Using a spoon, eve distribute the batter nly o the muffin tray, fillingint eac h cup about 3/4 full.


Serve immediately. 1 very ripe banana

1 cup of milk

1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 Eggs

1/2 cup (g) Walnuts (Chopped)

Bake for 10 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow it to cool on a cooling rack. Enjoy!

PG 44 Easy Meals You Can Try With Your Child.pdf



2:27 PM


pinch of salt and pepper for taste

2 slices of bread

2 tablespoon of milk

2 Eggs


1 teaspoon salt and pepper

3 tablespoon plain flour

1 cup (100g) grated cheddar cheese

4 tablespoon butter (unsalted)

1/2 cup (125ml) milk


2 cups (250g) elbow macaroni

Toast two slices of bread (1 minute on each side)

Heat the pan on medium heat and pour in the egg mixture.

Add milk, eggs, salt and pepper in a bowl and beat well until frothy.

Spoon eggs on toast and serve warm.









Boil a large pot of water for the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain the pasta and leave it aside.

In a large pot, melt the butter over low heat.

Add in milk, salt and pepper until the sauce starts to thicken.

Add cheese in by the handful, and wait for it to melt before adding in another handful.

Pour in cooked pasta and stir well until sauce coats the pasta. Serve warm.




1 2

Preheat oven to 190°C and grease or line 12-hole muffin tray.a






In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.



In a big mixing bowl, add all the dry ingred ients flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

1/2 cup (125ml) milk

1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter (melted)

1 tablespoon baking powder

In a smaller bow mix all the wet ingredl,ien - milk, butter and eggs. ts

5 Gently mix in the mashe bananas and walnuts. d

4 overripe bananas (mashed)


Pour the wet mixture into the dry batter and fold together until batter becomes lumpy.

6 Using a spoon, eve distribute the batter nly o the muffin tray, fillingint eac h cup about 3/4 full.


Serve immediately. 1 very ripe banana

1 cup of milk

1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 Eggs

1/2 cup (g) Walnuts (Chopped)

Bake for 10 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow it to cool on a cooling rack. Enjoy!

qiren toddler q122.indd 1

28/2/22 3:25 PM

Retail Ads.pdf 1 4/7/2022 4:47:34 PM









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Cover_April 2022 (UPDATED 12 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

12/4/22 10:38 AM

Hamilton R1 MagicFold Stroller + Free $80 Mummys Market Voucher

Joie SMA Baggi 4WD Stroller (Chromium)

U.P: $499


Joie Muze LX Travel System W/Juva Carseat

Joie Litetrax 4 S W/ Rain Cover



U.P: $399

Joie Aire Twin Stroller W/ Rain Cover

U.P: $399



Bonbijou Lux Stroller (Grey) + Free Snug Stroller Cushion + Rain Cover

U.P: $528.90

$399 Chicco Goody Stroller

U.P: $500


Combi Mechacal Handy S (PP)

U.P: $319


U.P: $599

$399 Inglesina Zippy Light Stroller

U.P: $299


U.P: $519

Joie Tourist Stroller with Raincover + Adapter + Travel Bag (Signature Series)

Hamilton X1 Plus Stroller + Free $100 Mummys Market Voucher

U.P: $699


U.P: $450



Hamilton Z1 Stroller + Free Wheeled Board With Sit + Multipurpose Stroller Hook (White) + Mosquito Net (Black)

U.P: $699

Royal Kiddy London 360 Onyx Stroller

U.P: $349




In-store Exclusive Babyzen Stroller Range

GB Pockit+ All Terrain Y Stroller

Evenflo Pivot Travel System with Infant Car seat






For Mummys Market VIP

Stroller & Car Seat (UPDATED 12 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

U.P: $449

U.P: $429

U.P: $549

U.P: $599


Mimosa Tablemate Stroller (Rose Gold)

U.P: $499 $499



Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stoller

U.P: $499

Ergobaby Metro Compact City Stroller EU + Free Raincover + Stroller Bag + Stroller Bar

* with purchase of any Ergobaby Carrier

Nachuraru Breeze Stroller Hybrid

Tavo Innospin Stroller + Free Travel Bag & Cup Holder




U.P: $399

U.P: $269

U.P: $399

U.P: $829

Mimosa Cabin City + Backpack Stroller- Extended Canopy (Rose Gold)

Easywalker Mini Buggy XS Stroller

Jette Jimmy Stroller

Evenflo Zippon Plus Stroller

Combi Miracle Turn Elegant I + Free La Qpit Baby Carrier worth $289


Recaro Easylife Stroller Black Frame



U.P: $270


U.P: $599

U.P: $189

Chicco Trolleyme Stroller (Stone)

U.P: $449

Lascal M1 Buggy Stroller (Black)

U.P: $899

Easywalker Mini Buggy Go Stroller

U.P: $449


Online Exclusive Aprica Nano Smart Plus (Red)

U.P: $429

$32175 Bonbijou Luxos+ Light Weight Stroller (Grey) + Free Nursing Backpack + Multi Purpose Harness + Snug Stroller Cushion

U.P: $758.80


12/4/22 3:47 PM

Britax Gravity II Stroller + B-Safe Gen2 Infant Car Seat (with base) + Adaptor + Free Tomy Disney Soft Mini Mobile Mickey and Friends (worth $28.90)

Baby Trend Ally 35 Infant Carseat

U.P: $169


Snapkis Transformers 0-4 Carseat

Joie Tilt Carseat (Group 0+/1)



U.P: $259

U.P: $229

U.P: $1,148

$899 Combi Joytrip EG Carseat (Navy Blue)

U.P: $319


Royal Kiddy London 360 Beyond Rotating ISOFIX Car Seat

U.P: $533


Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix Carseat Racing Red

U.P: $486


Koopers Lucafix Carseat

U.P: $469


Sparcokids Child Car seat Sk700 Group 1+2+3 (9-36kg) - Black/Red

U.P: $599


Hamilton CABRIO Foldable Carseat + Free Travel Bag Worth $79

Snapkis Revolvefix 0-4 Carseat (Grey/Melange/Black)

Joie Every Stage Carseat (Group 0+/1/2/3)



U.P: $599

U.P: $429


Bonbijou Guardian Carseat (Grey) + Free Seat Belt Pillow + Cling Shade + Animal Mobile Phone


Maxi Cosi CabrioFix i-Size + Free PURA Stainless Steel Feeding/Drinking Bottle worth $79.80

Joie Spin 360 Carseat



Cybex Sirona Z i-Size Plus Carseat Deep Black + Base Z Black

GB Uni All Carseat

U.P: $1,118


U.P: $429



Apramo All Stage Child Carseat (Satin Silver)

U.P: $599

U.P: $436.70

U.P: $459

U.P: $559

Joie Elevate Carseat

U.P: $229


Joie i-Spin 360 Carseat


U.P: $799


U.P: $799


Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Carseat (Moonstone USA)

U.P: $432


Royal Kiddy London 360 Prime Isofix Carseat Zipper Edition (Prime Z)

Cybex Cloud Z i-Size Plus Infant Carseat (Soho Grey)

Britax Highpoint Backless Booster

Recaro Young Sport Hero Prime Mat Black Car Seat

Chicco Kidfit Zip Air Plus B.Seat Q Collection US






U.P: $799

Nachuraru Serenity Car seat

U.P: $379


Stroller & Car Seat (UPDATED 12 APRIL)_OL.indd 2

U.P: $639


U.P: $399

Britax Allegiance US Convertible Car Seat

Evenflo Gold Revolve 360 Carseat



U.P: $499

U.P: $639

U.P: $594

Bonbijou Orbit Carseat (Black/Grey) + Free Ultra Mat + Seat Belt Pillow + Cling Pop Open Shade-lion + Rear Mirror

U.P: $767.60


U.P: $382.50

Sparcokids SK500i Child Carseat with Isofix Support Leg

U.P: $999


12/4/22 3:47 PM

Allura (Black Ink)

U.P: $179


Baby Trend Trend-E Nursery Center Playpen - Doodle Dots

U.P: $129



Happy Cot Happy Dream 4-in-1 Convertible Baby Cot - White w/ Foam Mattress

U.P: $398


Bonbijou 4-in-1 Cozy Bassinet + Free 2” Anti Dustmite Foam Mattress & Munchkin Sit & Soak Tub U.P: $537.90


Bonbijou Rocker With Toys (Tesselated Triangles)

U.P: $169

Baby Beannie Fiber Pillow & Bolsters

U.P: $15.90-$26.90



U.P: $199



Bonfri S5 Rock and Relax Bassinet

U.P: $339


U.P: $99


21 - 30 April Baa Baa Sheepz & Friends Entire Range

Bonbijou Snug Cocoon Nest Grey

U.P: $129


Cots & Bedding (UPDATED 12 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

Kubbie Sleep

U.P: $249


Bonbijou Osito 5 in 1 Baby Cot + Free Anti Dust-mite Foam Mattress W/hole + Mom Breast Feeding Pillow

Babysafe Bedding Accessories


$42 Bundle of 2



U.P: $559


Toddler Finest 100% Organic Cotton Jersey Knit Fitted Crib Mattress Sheets (2 pk)

Promo Valid Till 1 May Only Childhome Evolux Bouncer

$35 Bundle of 2


U.P: $47.96





Promo Valid Till Chicco 1 May Only Baby Hug 4in1 4moms U.P: $476 MamaRoo 4.0 - Grey Classic + Free Newborn Insert (Little Lunar)

U.P: $85.80

U.P: $89.90

U.P: $501.50

Happy Cot Happy Sheep 5-in-1 Convertible Baby Cot (White) w/ Foam Mattress


Baby Beannie High Density Foam Mattress (Small) + Free fitted sheet worth $45

U.P: $868

Chicco Lullaby Zip Playard


U.P: $599

Bebe Bamboo Award Winning Miracle Shield Bebe Bamboo Quilted Mattress Protector

Babyhood Riya Cot 5in1 + Breathe EZE TM Standard Cot Mattress Cot

U.P: $717.90


Royal Kiddy London 5 in 1 Night Angel Baby Cot Premium



Allura 120 (Flowers Forever)

Happy Cot Bedding Set

U.P: $109


Bebe Bamboo Dream BB Pillow + Bolster Pillow Size 1

U.P: $41



U.P: $239

Little Zebra Entire Range *Not applicable for casing


12/4/22 3:30 PM

Medela Freestyle Flex Breastpump

Choice 1

U.P: $699


Bundle worth $337.20

or Choice 2

$100 MM Voucher

Medela Solo Single Electric Pump

Choice 1

U.P: $329


Bundle worth $253.70

or Choice 2

$30 MM Voucher

Dr Brown’s Narrow/Wide Neck Bottle (120ml/240ml /150ml270ml)

Simple Wishes Handsfree Bra (Black/Pink)

U.P: $59.90


Annee Matthew Maternity Dress (Selected Designs) *Online Exclusive *Instore Selected Range* Range* Selected Range* Range*

50%Off 25%Off

Medela Purelan Nipple Cream 2.0, 7g

Igleys Pro Feed Seamless Nursing Bra



U.P: $14.90


Feeding Friend Nursing Pillow

U.P: $88


New Launch Pigeon Softouch Nursing Bottle T-ester Series + Free Natural Botanical Baby Travel Water Gel 45ml for every TWO (2) T-ester Bottle purchased

U.P: $159


Bundle of 4

Princeton Milano 2.0 Series + Free Waterproof Changing Mat & Lifetime Warranty

U.P: $109


Feeding & Maternity (UPDATED 11 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

Haenim 3G+ Smartview UV Sterilizer + Free Lifeplus Electric Baby Bottle Brush (worth $79) * First 50 Customers Only

In-store Only Baby Express Breastfeeding Bundle

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature 36pk Milk Storage Bags 350ml





U.P: $488

U.P: $19.90ea Bundle of 2

$358 Haenim 4G+ Smartview UV Sterilizer + Free Lifeplus Electric Baby Bottle Brush (worth $79) * First 50 Customers Only

Pigeon Newborn Feeding Set (PP)

U.P: $58.10


U.P: $588

New Launch Haenim NexusFit™ 7X Breast Pump

U.P: $498


$2190-$2290 $408 $15


* Selected Regular Price Items


U.P: $30.90

U.P: $28.90-$31.90


U.P: $497.50

In-store x Online Trade in Medela Storage Bottle x2 (150ml/250ml)

In-store x Online Trade in

Vaild Till 1 May Only Bravado Nursing Wear Range Off

Spectra S1+ Breastpump +Topup $99 for $300+ worth of bundle

Pigeon Breastfeeding Essential Set

U.P: $50


Dr Brown’s Wide Neck Newborn Feeding Bundle

U.P: $146.50


Mustela Maternity/Baby Skincare



* Selected Regular Price Items

Medela Breastfeeding Starter Pack

U.P: $133.60


Dr Brown’s 2-in-1 InstaFeed Bottle Warmer & Sterilizer

U.P: $69



New Launch Isa Uchi 4 in 1 Sterilizer with Dryer

Philips Avent Newborn Premium Bottle Set

Vaild Till 3 May Only Lavie Massage Roller



U.P: $299

U.P: $169


U.P: $27.90

Retail Exclusive Hegen PCTOTM Complete Starter Kit PPSU (SG Exclusive Plus) + Free Bottle Brush

Lunavie Maternity Support Belt

Igleys Steamless Microfiber Maternity Panties



Philips Avent Natural Smooth Newborn Starter Set

Pigeon Gomini Breastfeeding Set

Spectra Dual Compact Double Pump





U.P: $69


Vaild Till 1 May Only Theraline Comfort Maternity Cushion

U.P: $119

$89 Philips Avent Breastfeeding Set

U.P: $445.80


U.P: $29


U.P: $260.60

Lansinoh Essential Bundle

U.P: $56.70


U.P: $18

U.P: $522.50

New Launch Medela Silicone Breastmilk Collector + Free Purelan Nipple Cream 7g

U.P: $169

$119 Retail Exclusive Hegen PCTOTM Express Store Feed Starter Kit + Free Hegen PCTOTM 60ml/2oz Feeding Bottle PPSU


Pureen Madame Maternity Pad 20’s

U.P: $9.60


12/4/22 10:54 AM

Ergobaby 360 Cool Mesh Carriers (Carbon Grey)

U.P: $319

$139 Pure Baby 99% Pure Water Wet Wipes Carton Deal (80s/10pack)

U.P: $35.99

$1499 Mustela Baby Skincare Range


*on selected regular priced items

Ergobaby Omni 360 Cool Air Mesh Carrier (Carbon Grey/ Pink DigiCam)

U.P: $339


Joie Savvy Carrier (Butterscotch/Hunter /Marina/Pepper

Pognae Step One - Air Mesh UV Protection Baby Carrier

Bebear Brilliant AX Baby Carrier (Blue)




U.P: $249

Bebe Bamboo 100% Bamboo Hooded Towels/ Kids Bath Towel

$68 BabySWIPE Essentials Bundle

Tollyjoy Antimite Dust Liquid Detergent Refill x6

- Disinfectant Cleanser 500ml - Sanitizer 400ml - Laundry Detergent 1L - Milk Bottle & Fruit Cleanser 650ml - Disinfectant Floor Cleaner 1L

U.P: $51



U.P: $80


Bundle of 2

Rivadouce Skincare Range

U.P: $84.50

Bambo Nature Newborn Tape Diapers (28pcs/pack)

Dr Brown’s Baby Wet Wipes Multi-Functional (25s)

*on selected regular priced items






Bioderma Baby Skincare Range

Pigeon Natural Botanical Baby Head & Body Wash 200ml & Gel 200ml & Oil Set

U.P: $23.70



Bonbijou Bath Tub With Stand

Toddler Finest 100% Bamboo Organic Hooded Bath Towel



U.P: $144.60


Online Exclusive Mamypoko Diaper Clearance: Size M,XL,XXL



Carton of 3

Vaild Till 21 - 30 Apr Only Crok Crok Frok & Baa Baa Sheepz All Range

Milton & Purell All Range

Dr Brown’s Nose & Face Wipes, (30pcs/12-pack) UP: $106.80

Philips Avent Ultra Air Soother (Night Time) SCF376/10

Vaild Till 1 May Only Shnuggle Bathtub with Stand



LEC Hand & Mouth Wet Wipes Carton (15x80’s) + Free My Melody Reusable Lid Cover + Hand & Mouth Wet Wipes 80s worth$13.85

Bebe Bamboo 100% Bamboo Washcloth 5pcs (Box of 2)

U.P: $95.20

U.P: $49.90



U.P: $74.25

$4490 Vaild Till 30 Apr Only Gentle Organics Hand Sanitizer & Disinfectant

Mustela Newborn Essential Set With Nursing Comfort Balm + Free Travel Pack


*on selected regular priced items

32 packs

Bundle of 4

U.P: $129

BabySWIPE Concentrated Liquid Laundry for Baby Clothing (5 x 1.8L Pouch Packs)

U.P: $69.40



U.P: $50

U.P: $86.40

*Promo Valid 21 Apr-3 May*

Bosomi Premium Real Cotton Tape NB (50pcs/ pack)

Embe Babies 2-Way Swaddle

Pigeon Baby Wipes 80 Sheets 100% Pure Water Carton (24packs)

Bundle of 4


Tula Entire Range




U.P: $149.90

U.P: $94.90

U.P: $177.90

U.P: $154.80

U.P: $118

Vaild Till 1 May Only Skip Hop Moby Smart Sling 3-Stage Tub

Baby Patent Baby Bathtub Scale (White)

U.P: $168

Pigeon Liquid Cleanser Refill 650ml (12packs)

Bundle of 6

U.P: $79.90


Hana Baby Organic Wrap

Pureen Liquid Cleanser 600ml (No Favour/Mint/ Orange) x3


Vaild Till 1 May Only Nuby Dr Talbot’s Infrared Thermometer without Handle

U.P: $149

U.P: $13.90


U.P: $50


Dentistar Tooth-friendly Flat Pacifier with Protective Cap (Various Designs)

Ergobaby Swaddler

U.P: $49

U.P: $139.80

Princeton Baby Full Body Support Cushion - Soft & Comfort

U.P: $30

$20 Offspring Diapers & Skincare



Newborn & Carriers (UPDATED 12 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

12/4/22 3:34 PM

Taf Toys Mini Moon/ Cheeky Chick Rattle

U.P: $8.90



K’s Kids Feed The Whale

Hape Bell Rattle



U.P: $14.90


LeapFrog Scout’s Learning Lights Remote Deluxe

U.P: $14.90

Taf Toys Pram Mobile (Moon)

U.P: $29.90

92 $23 15% OFF


U.P: $24.90

for 2

Vtech Toot Toot Bulldozer

U.P: $19.90



Babycare Pull Back Car

(Deer/Bear) U.P: $16.90



Fisher Price Infant Butterfly Shape Sorter

Promo till 8 May Only LeapFrog Pull Along Butterfly Book

U.P: $14.90



U.P: $26.90



Play Doh Foodie Favourites (Taco Tea Time Set)

Lamazo Clip & Go Bullseye

Marcus & Marcus Silicone Bath Toys (Submarine)




U.P: $9.90

Sophie La Girafe Soft Maracas Rattle

U.P: $19.90



U.P: $19

U.P: $13.90

Hape Swimmer Teddy Wind-Up Toy

Paw Patrol Rescue Racer Vehicle (Assorted)



U.P: $19.90


U.P: $12.90


Hape Fix-It Tool Box

U.P: $29.90



Mideer 3 in 1 Kids Storybook Torch

U.P: $24.90

$1992 Fisher Price Infant Eco Rock-A-Stack

U.P: $19.90


Wow Toys Tommy Tug Boat (Bath Toy)

U.P: $29.90

$2392 Promo till 8 May Only Tomy Disney Mickey Kerotto Mini Piano

U.P: $31.90

$2290 Toobs Insect

U.P: $19.90


Hape Blues Harmonica

Peppa Pig Chutes and Ladders

Vigo Preschool Hippo Spinner




U.P: $24.90


U.P: $29.90


U.P: $19.90

and more!

Fisher Price Busy Activity Walker

U.P: $99.90



Promo till 8 May Only LeapFrog Speak And Learn Puppy

U.P: $75.90



Promo till 8 May Only Tomy Disney Suya Suya Melody (Baby Mickey)

U.P: $69

$3990 Fisher Price Settle & Sleep Projection Soother

U.P: $99.90



and more!

Playgro Ball Activity Nest Playgym

Skip Hop Doubleplay Reversible Playmat

Parklon PE Roll Playmat (100x150cm)

Taf Toys All Around Me Playgym





Sophie La Giraffe Sophiesticated Maracas Set

Skip Hop Explore & More Let’s Roll Activity Table

Manhattan Toy Beau The Very Large Bunny

Yookidoo Stack N Spray Tub Fountain





U.P: $168

U.P: $59.90


U.P: $199

U.P: $149.90

Trunki Peppa Pig Ride-On-Luggage Family Car (Red) + Free Mystery GWP worth U.P: $44.90 $39.90 for selected designs 92


Childhome Baby Walker (Wood)

U.P: $149


U.P: $89


U.P: $79.90

U.P: $129.90

U.P: $58.90

Manhattan Toy Toy Ribbit Waffle Maker

Jjobi UV LED Toy Sterilization Storage Box



U.P: $64.90


U.P: $265

LeapFrog Safari Learning Station

Skip Hop Celestial Dreams Activity Gym

Manhattan Toy Lego Ninjago/ Iconic




U.P: $159

U.P: $199


U.P: $49.90

Fisher Price Sanrio Baby Gym

U.P: $149.90

$7990 Promo till 8 May Only Skip Hop Silver Lining Cloud Activity Center

U.P: $299

$23920 Baby Alive Snackin Lily Blonde

U.P: $41.90

$3352 Parklon Bumper Playmat PURE Cotton Owl Cloud Bebe (L15)

U.P: $338

$28730 and more!

Promotions available in-store & online.

Information is accurate as date of publication, Mummys Market Reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice.

Expanded Toy Range (UPDATED 12 APRIL).indd 1

12/4/22 10:59 AM

Yamatoya Tatameru Foldable Baby Chair

Little Freddie Baby Food Range

Peachy Baby Food Range


*on selected regular price items

*on selected regular price items


U.P: $209

Skip Hop Easy-Prep Store & Starter Set


Joie Mimzy Snacker (Alphabet)

Dr Brown’s Toddler Feeding Bundle

Baby Care 5pcs Kids Tableware Set




U.P: $179

U.P: $68.50


Marcus & Marcus Baby Food Dispenser

U.P: $19.90


Beaba Babycook Solo 4in1 Baby Food Maker - Rose Gold/ White Silver

$259 20%


Isa Uchi I-Smart Baby Food Processor

#ohmymats Reusable Colouring & Dining Place Mat - Small (Various Design)

U.P: $19.95


Oommi Health Supplements (Prebiotic + Probiotic or Koso Enzyme + Free Oommi Cleansers x2

U.P: $199


Bonbijou Regen Highchair (Turtle Green)

U.P: $323.90


U.P: $150


Skip Hop Zoo Insulated Food Jar - Narwhal/ Unicorn



And More!

Per Box

Babycare Monster Sippy Cup Range

U.P: $32.90


U.P: $53.90

U.P: $330

Marcus & Marcus Toddler First Self Feeding Set

U.P: $99.90

New Launch Babymoov Nutribaby + Loft White

U.P: $34.90

*on selected regular price items



Haakaa Silicone Sippy Straw Cup

U.P: $25.90


U.P: $429


Philips Avent 4 in 1 Healthy Baby Food Processor Steamer Blender

U.P: $259


Scooters & Trikes Bebe Bamboo Apparel Range

U.P: $65.70


Baby’s Dream Garden Apparel Range

Bundle of 3

Anak & I Jeanette Tassels Onesie (Blue/Jonathan Cactus Overalls/ Casper Yellow Overalls/Dawn Tulip Pink Ribbed Onesie


U.P: $129



$99 $139 U.P: $149


*on selected regular price items

U.P: $30-$32

Online Exclusive Scoot & Ride Online Exclusive Highway Kick 1 Radio Flyer (Lemon) Ride 2 Glide U.P: $169

Vespa GTS Mini Electric Ride On

Online Exclusive River Baby 360 Foldable Tricycle (Blue/Red)

X’posure 2 pcs Girls Boxer Shorts U.P: $11.80

$10 For 2

U.P: $199

Nuby Snekz Sock & Shoe

U.P: $19.90


Little BB Love Entire Range



Watercolors UV & Thermal Swimsuit


*on selected regular price items


21 to 30 April Only Baa Baa Sheepz Pyjamas Range

Lagom Kids Apparel Range

*on selected regular price items

Mother’s Choice Newborn Baby 5pcs Layette Gift

U.P: $31.90

Skip Hop Zoo Kids Rolling Luggage

U.P: $69.90


U.P: $32.90


*on selected regular price items




*on selected regular price items

Raph & Remy Entire Range

Mini Mono Entire Range

Attipas Socks Shoe

Simple Life Apparels Range

*on selected regular price items




Ki Et La Baby Sunglasses



Bebe Bamboo Socks 5 Pairs

U.P: $29.80


*on selected regular price items


Pairs of 5 Promotions available in-store & online.

Information is accurate as date of publication, Mummys Market Reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice.

Weaning & Apparels (UPDATED 11 APRIL)_OL.indd 1

12/4/22 10:57 AM

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