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Email: contact@bacemagazine.com for our media kit.
One of the most daunting parts about starting your health and wellness journey is that there are seemingly a million rules to follow to achieve the perfect results.
When Devon Redmond graduated from Dunbar Vocational High School, he had no idea what the next stop on his career path would be. He’d held jobs before, but didn’t consider any of them to be long-term career options. Then at age 25, a friend convinced him to try plumbing.
Transitioning to a new career can be challenging. But many who make the leap find reward in the outcomes.
EDITORIAL 04 As a mom to a graduating senior, the past six months have been an emotional rollercoaster.
Summer is all about soaking up the sun and getting some vitamin D after a long and cold winter.
The Hatchery Chicago is a hub of possibilities for local entrepreneurs.
What once was a very taboo subject has become a daily conversation.
Featuring 900 W Randolph/164 N Peoria.
A parenting perspective for the ages.
Bringing diversity to boardrooms: Keiana Barret and her passion for sustainable equity.
20 Trade vs College With the majority of high-school seniors focusing on college applications, I sat down with three industry exper ts to discuss trades and non-college career oppor tunities that they should also consider: Brian Brodeur (VP of Development, Onni Group), Miranda Olander (College and Career Persistence Counselor, Chicago Jesuit Academy), and Sean Glowacz (Community Development Manager, Power Construction).
Editor’s Note
A s a m o m t o a g ra d u a t i n g s e n i o r, t h e last six months have been an emotional r o l l e r c o a s t e r. S o m a n y t h i n g s h a v e challenged my mental health, and with so many things disrupting my day-to-day, my physical health suffered as well. I began to eat late from exhaustion and find comfor t in those foods that make my body cringe. The closer I got to Prom (I think I suffer from PTSD from my own prom), I found my anxiety kicking up at night. Did I order enough balloons? Should I have just found her another dress? Will the concrete, doors, 6|WWW.BACEMAGAZINE.COM
carpet, and windows be installed in time? Each day there was a new crisis, and it seemed like nothing was getting done. Not to mention, I still needed to squeeze work into my days. That is when I realized I had to get back to those things that keep me balanced; my quiet mornings and c o f fe e , j o u r n a l i n g , a n d r u n n i n g . As always, when you make a decision, the universe conspires i n y o u r f a v o r. I n m y q u i e t t i m e the next day, I read, “Be a Warrior, and not a worrier.” That was the motivation I needed to keep moving forward. The Lord dropped in
m y s p ir it t hat m y vi s ion s requ ire focu s . Anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed were just distractions. Most impor tantly, I remembered to extend myself some grace. And that’s when things star ted to move. This entire experience is why this issue is all about our mental and physical health. In construction, whether you are in the field or the office, life can seem overwhelming at times. The good thing is that each day, we get a new beginning. We can commit to doing something emotionally, physically, and mentally for our well-being. Our Face of B/ACE is all about working out and staying physically fit. We also have included some simple things that are just downright good f o r o u r m e n t a l h e a l t h . P l u s , m y Ed i to r ’s
Picks are all about my healthy favorites. N o w t h a t s u m m e r i s h e re , t h e re a re n o excuses. Decide today to do just one thing for you. Take a mental health break and just be in the present. Download Nike’s app for your next run, or connect with an old friend who can always make you laugh. Now let’s get moving!
Rachel Ivy Editor-In-Chief
Editor’s Picks
I know I may be late to the party, but I love this app because it pushes me to actually run.
“I Really Needed This Today” by Hoda Kotb wth Jane Lorenzini A quote a day, keeps the doctor away. I love this book because it is filled with so many good daily reminders that help keep life in perspective.
PROLON Your girl is a big fan of intermittent fasting, and when I want to reboot my system I like Prolon.
Mario’s Italian Ice; try coconut and pomegranate. Although Mario has great Italian ice, it is more about the feelings of summer. Spontaneous. Spur of the moment. Pop the kids in the car, open the roof and ride for a late-night treat!
MASSAGE CUSHION WITH HEAT I was at a vendor show, and this thing was amazing. I am adding it to my work chair for a daily massage.
Health & Wellness Enhance Your Health and Wellness Your Way One of the most daunting parts about starting your health and wellness journey is that there are seemingly a million rules to follow to achieve your perfect result. There are diets, exercise regimens, and nutrition rules. You name it—it exists. These restrictions make the whole process of trying to be a better you extra challenging and dissuading. Here’s the thing: Becoming a healthier you is about doing what’s best for your body, no one else’s. You must listen to your body and watch how it reacts to certain things. However, there are some universal tips that help everyone get fitter and healthier.
Create a Wellness Toolkit Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables Eating fruit is a great way to get a natural dose of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They help your body run smoothly and efficiently while curing that sweet tooth that can get us all in trouble. Fruits also reduce blood cholesterol and boost your immune system through Vitamin C and Zinc. Eating one orange can provide 163% of your daily Vitamin C.
Nutrition is one of the most important ways to maintain good health. But while taking care of your physical state can improve your mental and emotional health, eating isn’t everything. Your toolkit for wellness should be broad and allencompassing. It can include: • Daily exercise (even just a 10-minute walk around the neighborhood) • Relaxation (through yoga or even watching a movie) • Talking to friends and family (to unload your brain fog) • Talking to a healthcare professional • Journaling • Taking medication, vitamins, and other supplements
These are just a few starters to get you headed in the right direction for your wellness journey. Remember: This is your body and your journey—no one else’s.
Living and Breathing Design:
Nancy Peal Talks About Her Journey to Becoming One of Chicago’s Best Interior Designers Transitioning to a new career can be challenging. But many who make the leap find reward in the outcomes. We sat down with Nancy Peal, Senior Interior Designer in the Onni Real Estate group, to gain more insights on how she managed to pull that off.
HOW IT STARTED Nancy grew up in Indianapolis and studied communications at the University of Michigan. Her goal after that was to study law and become a child advocate. But that never felt right. “Ever since I remember, I’ve been tearing pages out of Architectural Digest,” she reminisced. With encouragement from her mom and a long-running passion in her hear t, she enrolled in the Harrington College of Design.
TRANSITIONING She admitted in a hear tbeat that “It was scar y.” But she constantly encouraged herself, worked harder than usual, and never settled for anything less than the best. She advises anyone transitioning not to lose sight of their end goal because that will be their greatest motivation. BUILDING HERSELF Over the years, she has worked as a furniture specialist in the Merchandise Mar t, star ted her own design business, and worked on design teams for several 13|WWW.BACEMAGAZINE.COM
Nancy Peal
Senior Interior Designer, Onni Real Estate Group
firms. She never stops learning, and even as a busy design executive, she still makes sure to soak up and save design inspirations however she can. This is how she keeps creating inspirational projects. Her favorite project was a gastroenterology center that she did under her business, Appeal Interiors. Creating a design that was a vital par t of the patient’s healing process was a rewarding experience for her. THINGS SHE WANTED TO SHARE Nancy says she loves the decision she made. She advises readers to appreciate what they have and don’t focus on things they don’t have or can’t do yet. Nancy believes Queen Latifah would have played her perfectly if her life were a movie. She also has a major crush on Travis Kelce, but no one should tell him.
Finding Purpose
hen Devon R e d m o n d graduated from Dunbar Vocational High School, he had no idea what the next stop on his career path would be. He’d held jobs before, but didn’t consider any of them to be long-term career options. Then at age 25, a friend convinced him to try plumbing. Redmond admits that he had never considered the trades before. But he was encouraged to pursue plumbing after seeing how it had enabled his friend to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and take care of his family. “I didn’t know what I was getting into. I was super green and didn’t have any experience in the field at all,” he says.
Things got off to a slow start for Redmond, who says he felt more like a laborer than a plumber in the beginning. “You come home and try to tell yourself that you’re a plumber, but you’re not doing any plumbing,” he says. But he eventually got his chance. Redmond recalls being in charge of a floor on a project as one of the first times he felt like a real plumber. “I felt like I was doing something,” he says. “It was important to the job, and it was on me to get things right.” Now that he’s working consistently in his field, Redmond says he’s enjoying the opportunity to learn a valuable skill that he can pass down to future generations of his family. He admits the last five years have taught him that there
is much more to plumbing than fixing clogged sinks and toilets. “I only pictured the kitchen and the bathroom, but there are so many other avenues,” he says. “It’s a skill that can carry you places,” he says. Redmond says he’s proud to be a plumber and encourages anyone who is thinking about getting into the trades to pursue it without hesitation. He says he’d love to see more people of color entering the field, and feels the information should be more readily available to people in the inner cities. “No one from the union is coming to our neighborhoods to tell people to come in and apply. I think the numbers [of people of color in the trades] would be way higher if more people knew,” he says.
Looking ahead, Redmond wants to be able to bring in much-needed resources to give young men in his community access to homework help and recreational activities. “There isn’t enough funding for after school programs and rec centers. Those things are needed,” he says.
COLLEGE OR TRADE? A Look Into The Uncelebrated Career Option
ith the majority of high-school seniors focusing on college applications, I sat down with three industry experts to discuss trades and non-college career opportunities that they should also give consideration: Brian Brodeur (VP of Development, Onni Group), Miranda Olander (College and Career Persistence Counselor, Chicago Jesuit Academy), and Sean Glowacz (Community Development Manager, Power Construction).
G e n e r a l l y, s t u d e n t s s h o u l d
schoolers to compare college
What is the impact of hiked college costs Although people now realize costly college on trade’s appeal? degrees aren’t a measure of
a n d t r a d e s . T h a n k f u l l y, t h e
a p p ea l i n g p a t h t h ey a l rea d y
n a r r a t i ve i s c h a n g i n g t h e s e
have a passion for. Even in
days. Some schools have career
experience or a guarantee
trades, there are different
co nve r s a t i o n s w i t h s t u d e n t s
of success, trades are still
f i e l d s , s o t h e y s h o u l d k n ow
and parents early on to help
viewed as a second option
what they want beforehand.
kids develop their interests and
for people who couldn’t
achieve their career goals.
get into college. This is a
In previous years, there weren’t
massive misconception
many oppor tunities for high-
because in trades, only committed people with a zeal for the jobs could last in the long term. Brian succinctly stated that in colleges, “... they teach you how to think or ask questions, but you actually don’t learn anything until you’re on the job.” In the end, anyone can be excellent in their chosen f ield with onsite experience, the right mentorship, and a willingness to learn.
How has the postCOVID workforce shortage changed the hiring process? Many companies have reconf igured most positions to allow people with less experience to gain hands-on training and grow into roles. However, it is also necessary for these companies to ensure that their culture is aligned to support their staff and help them overcome hurdles that might hinder their success in each role.
How do you approach a career in the trades? People looking to get into the trades space should aff iliate themselves with organizations like Communities Empowered Through Construction or people that already have the resources and connections necessary for them to break into the industry. It’s necessary for high school students to have conversations about their interests and career paths early. Parents, guardians, and school counselors should do their best to make these conversations happen. That way, highschool seniors can approach the ‘trade or college’ question with much more clarity and conf idence.
Listen to Trade Vs. College on Da Bluprint Podcast Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.
Ralph Marston
ON A BUDGET Summer is all about soaking up the sun and getting some much-needed vitamin D after a long and cold winter. When you think of summer, a beach or pool usually pops into mind, with the scents of sunscreen and strawberries creeping their way in. As much as summer can be about kicking back and relaxing in front of water, it can also be spent experiencing the great outdoors somewhere new. And before you start to worry about the limited disposable income you have, fear not. There are plenty of places you can travel in and around your state that are perfect for any budget. Starved Rock State Park Head to Illinois to experience gentle waterfalls, lush trees, and breath-taking rock structures at Starved Rock State Park. Open daily from sunrise to sunset, you can take in the stunning views made by Mother Earth. And if you’re there on the right day, after spending hours hiking in the sun, you can take your car to the drive-in movie theater to kick up your legs and rest with entertainment.
Blue Spring State Park Spend your time in Sunny Florida in the heart of Orange County while kicking back on a kayak and a leisure down the Blue Springs. With ample shade and sunlight, you can swim in the clear blue water, and if you’re lucky, you can enjoy the beauty of the wild manatees— respectfully, from afar.
Blue Spring State Park
Tongass National Forest Take in the breathtaking views of Alaska by hiking through the Tongass National Forest. You can take in mountains, lush fauna, and stunning waterfalls by following the trails. There is also so much wildlife to see that you could never catch in any other part of the United States. But of course, take precautions. During the morning, there’s a spectacular fog that settles at the top of the trees. And in the evening, you’ll catch some of the most colorful sunsets you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
Tongass National Forest
Enjoy A Picnic—Anywhere If you can’t make it to a breathtaking national or state park, there is plenty of gorgeous terrain right in your area. Just do some digging, and find the spot that’s perfect for a day getaway. Pack a picnic basket with your favorite snacks, drinks, and cutlery. Grab a blanket, take your favorite book, and of course, snag that camera for a perfect summer picnic.
Starved Rock
The Hatchery Chicago enables local entrepreneurs to build and grow successful food and beverage businesses and provides job training and placement programs, which in turn create sustainable economic growth and new job oppor tunities. The Hatchery Chicago was created in a joint venture between Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago and Allies for Community Business. It first opened its doors in 2019.
The facility offers 54 private kitchens and a large, shared kitchen for production, co-working and meeting space, and onsite business advising and wraparound suppor t for businesses. Since 2020, over 2000 hours of free shared kitchen time has been booked by community entrepreneurs, over 200 community members attended a class for free, and over 100 community members received their ServSafe Food Handler cer tification for free. The Hatchery Chicago is par tnering with Taste of Chicago once more for this year’s Garfield Park Community Eats. Visit the plaza on Saturday, July 2 from 12 – 4 PM for live music and free food from some of Chicago’s most innovative emerging brands.
IMPACT CULINARY TRAINING Impact Culinary Training is a program that operates out of The Hatchery Chicago in partnership with Rick Bayless of Frontera Restaurant to give young adults the skills and training needed to be successful kitchen staff in Chicagoland restaurants. The program directly addresses the high unemployment rates among young adults on Chicago’s West Side. The program is 12-weeks long, including 8-weeks of classroom work and 4-weeks of a paid internship at a Chicagoland restaurant. Over 81% of previous program graduates are currently working in Chicagoland restaurants. The next training cohort begins in August 2022, and they are intaking interest forms now at www.impactculinary.org.
GARFIELD PARK COMMUNITY The Garfield Park Neighborhood Market, now in its tenth season, is one of the most unique markets in Chicago. The Neighborhood Market features hyper-local produce grown in Garfield Park and hosts West Side businesses and many entrepreneurs operating out of The Hatchery food business incubator. All produce is grown by the Garfield Park Garden Network, a coalition of green spaces and community gardens. Gardeners pool harvested produce to sell at affordable prices, and the market accepts Link, Link match
incentives, WIC, and senior farmers market coupons. Many gardeners also sell value-added products such as pickles, salsas, jams, and jellies. Local businesses and entrepreneurs sell homemade bath and body products, prepared foods, and innovative food products. The Neighborhood Market originated in 2012 as part of a public space activation project at the Lake and Kedzie intersection on a vacant lot which is now the location of The Hatchery. Following the opening of The Hatchery in 2018, the Neighborhood Market began offering markets inside the facility during the winter months and outside on the plaza from June through October. The Garfield Park Neighborhood Market operates from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays, June through October, on The Hatchery plaza, located at 135 N. Kedzie. The Garfield Park Community Council (GPCC) organizes the Garfield Park Neighborhood Market with the Garfield Park Garden Network as part of its community wellness initiative. For more information about the Garfield Park Neighborhood Market, visit https://www.gpcommunitycouncil. org/programs/neighborhood-market.
Prioritizing your Mental Health What once was a very taboo subject has become a daily conversation: Mental Wellness. This health type was once skirted around and chastised, making those who struggled battle even more as outsiders. But the truth is, everyone has mental health issues, big or small, that should be talked about. Your mental health is your own and should be treated with as much care as your physical health. With nutrition, dieting, and exercise at the forefront, self-care should also be one of the most talked about topics for your overall wellness.
Stress and Anxiety
Everyone battles with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. While some loads may be larger than others, even the smallest battles can weigh on a person’s soul after time. As they say, you can sweep it under the rug but that doesn’t mean it goes away.
If you don’t practice self-care, especially managing stress and anxiety, it will affect both your mental health and physical health. A whopping 77% of Americans say they experience the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety. And 73% experience further psychological symptoms, according to the American Psychological Association.
Myths and Facts Myth: Everyone responds to stress the same way. Fact: No one experiences stress in the same way. Thus their mental health should be handled accordingly. Myth: There’s nothing you can do about anxiety. Fact: Anxiety can be handled in a myriad of ways. Examples include relaxing, meditation, exercise, medication, etc. Myth: You’ll always know when you’re stressed. Fact: Stress, when not handled immediately, can permeate through your whole day, week, and month. Just because you don’t have a stressful day does not mean that your body is not already handling stress.
“Self-care is for everyone. It has no age, gender, or size limit.” Self-Care Tips • • • • • • • • • •
Prioritize rest as much as you prioritize work. Journal or find another creative outlet. Talk to friends and family about your mental health. Relax through reading, gaming, watching movies and TV, etc. Limit screen time (too much of a good thing is never a good thing). Get outside to breathe fresh air and get vitamin D. Take a bath with candles and lavender bath soap. Eat your veggies and fruits. Exercise 10 minutes every day, even if it’s a walk around the neighborhood. Do what makes you happy. Don’t live your life for the approval of anyone else. 31|WWW.BACEMAGAZINE.COM
PROJECT ON THE HORIZON 900 W Randolph/164 N Peoria 900 W Randolph/164 N Peoria is a transformative 300-unit luxury multifamily development with 3,100 SF of retail and 147 parking spaces located in the heart of Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood. Designed by world-renowned architect, Morris Adjmi Architects, the project will feature 300 units, 80% of which will be market-rate and 20% of which will be affordable (at or below 50% AMI). Amenities include an expansive outdoor terrace with a pool, fire pits, and grills, a spacious fitness center, an indoor lounge and library with designated work-from-home spaces, and a children’s room. The height of 495’ (43-stories) allows for unencumbered views of Downtown Chicago in every direction, including Lake Michigan to the north and stunning sunsets to the west.
RAISING KIDS THE RIGHT WAY: A Look Into Parenting Styles And How They Affect Children Parenting styles have been a thing since the 60s when Diana Baumrid, a developmental psychologist, categorized them into four significant types. Most parents will not fall neatly into each category because different circumstances would probably make them act differently. However, knowing about these styles and how they affect your kids is still essential.
Types of Parenting Style There are seven known parenting styles, but only four are officially recognized. They are: A. Authoritarian: In this style, your word is the law, and the kids can’t question it for any reason. The downside is that when kids don’t know why they should or shouldn’t do something, they’re more likely to do it when parental control is taken away, e.g. in school, with their friends, etc. B. Permissive: Here, parents are much more lenient and want their kids to be comfortable.
This is great, but children need to understand that they can’t get everything they want. Kids with indulgent parents are more likely to become spoiled and lack selfcontrol.
Parenting Styles and Discipline
As much as there are exceptions in some situations when it comes to discipline, the authoritative parenting style wins hands-down. Research C. Authoritative: This style is has shown that although there considered the sweet spot. are similar levels of parentParents assert their authority over adolescent conflict in every kids but also allow the children parenting style, children with to ask questions and understand authoritative parents are more why certain decisions are made. likely to respond positively to Children who grow under this style authority than children raised are likely to be independent, have with other types. better social relationships, and respond well to authority. How do you know if your style is suitable for your kid? D. Neglectful: Parents using this style are indifferent to their Look beyond your home. You children’s needs. They take a can never really know how hands-off approach to parenting your approach to parenting is and are not available for their kids. shaping your child until you This style usually leads to kids see how they act and react to with low self-esteem. situations outside your control. Being more observant of little actions and mannerisms could give you more insight into what’s going on in their heads. Talking to their teachers could also help since teachers get to observe them in social situations for long periods. Conclusion With children, discipline is necessary. But so is love and attention. No matter the approach you choose for your kid, just make sure you have their well-being in mind.
VENDOR FAIR 2022 August 25, 2022
Malcolm X College | 1900 W. Jackson Blvd. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Doors Open at 9:30a.m.
A u g uVendor s t 2 5 , Fair, 202 2a full day of Join us for the 9th Annual Procurement M a l c o l m X C o l l e g e | 1 9 0 0 W. J a c k s o n workshops, discussions, and resources to help grow your business!
1 0 : 0 0 a . m . - 3 : 0 0 p . m. - Doors Open at 9:30 a. m.
FEAURED CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Join us for the 9th Annual Procurement Vendor Fair, where Vendors learn contracting Keynote Addressopportunities and resources to grow your business!
Opening Remarks Lori L. Lightfoot Mayor, City of Chicago
Deryl Mckissack President/CEO Mckissack & Mckissack
Welcome Aileen Velazquez Chief Procurement Officer Chicago Department of Procurement Services
SPEAK TO KEY STAFF FROM: City of Chicago Assist Agencies
Moderator of Financial Resources Melissa Conyears-Ervin Treasurer, City of Chicago
S P E A K T O K E Y S TA F F F R O M :
Cook County
City of Chicago
Agencies State ofAssist Illinois
City Sister Agencies Cook County State of Illinois Support Organizations Employment & Labor
City Sister Agencies
Support Organizations
Employment & Labor R E G I S T E R N O W AT W W W. C H I C A G O . G O V / 2 0 2 2 V e n d o r F a i r
Department of Procurement Services
Calumet Country Club Magazine:
coming Soon!!!
tarting a business is a daunting task. It gets more challenging if it’s a Minority-owned Business (MBE). I had a chat with Melvin Henley, President of PAC Leaders LLC,
a culture of educating clients and
initiating workforce development,
mentoring and training. Currently, most MBEs work WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE FOR
together on particular projects.
Nothing is wrong with this, but it will be inspiring to have stand-alone
to get more insights on building
Refuse limitations: It is common
minority businesses that can handle
a construction and contracting
to find people trying to box you in
projects from start to finish. New
management company in a largely
and expect you to follow the beaten
founders should aspire to a prime
homogenous industry.
path. But you don’t have to. If you
position in every industry they find
have large ambitions, make sure
themselves in
you have a strategic plan to achieve
them. With time, things will fall in
place. When you get tired of a flawed
He’ll choose influence over
system and know you can make
Provide value: Value should be your
dominance, and he believes the best
a change there. In Melvin’s case,
goal. With a valuable offer, you can
title for a book about him would be
he noticed the poor treatment
attract and work with anyone and
‘A Day In The Life, because each day
companies give their construction
everyone. The quality of your work
has been different, and these days
personnel and realized he could make
should be your definition, not your
have added to challenging months,
things different.
MBE status. Putting it in Melvin’s
rewarding years, and troublesome
words, “I don’t just want to be a part
decades to a now hopeful and more
He founded Project and Construction
of the MBE requirement and check
progressive life.
(PAC) Leaders to be, not just a
a box for someone. I want them to
contracting business, but leaders in
actually see the value in us and want
the construction industry. They have
to work with us.”
You can follow PAC Leaders on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also go to their website at https://www.pacleaders.construction/.
MAGAZINE - 2 3 / 1 6
Bringing Diversity to the Boardrooms: Keiana Barret and Her Passion for Sustainable Equity
It’s not easy being the first of anything. As the first Director of Diversity and Strategic Development at Sterling Bay, Keiana Barret sure has her work cut out for her. I had a chat with her about her passion for diversity and how she thrives in a primarily homogenous industry.
Before working at Sterling Bay, Keiana had over 20 years of experience in the DEIA sector. Her first exposure was at Rainbow Push Coalition under the tutelage of Rev. Jesse Jackson. TThis had a huge impact on her and made her want to ensure that “the despair that many of us (in the African- American community) face is not the period to our sentence. It’s simply a comma that this is followed by some triumphant opportunities.”
The end goal of diversity and inclusion is to create sustainable and systemic change that fosters an environment where young underrepresented people are given a banquet of options and a level playing field to compete. Incorporating equity into public policy is the key because it comes with enforcement which would make flouters more accountable for their actions.
How is Sterling Bay making inclusive changes?
The real estate company is making steady progress because they are willing to acknowledge the existing disparity in representation in their industry and open to fixing it through transformational projects and opportunities. Building pillars with measurable KPIs for their equity plan is necessary so they can measure, analyze and be accountable for their plan.
How can you achieve success in a homogenous industry?
Starting the day with affirmations is a great first step. Being the lone voice in an industry can get lonely. You can be in meetings where no one looks like you, and very few share your beliefs in diversity. But you should learn to appreciate your lone voice. It’s an opportunity to make a difference in an industry that would’ve kept making the same non-inclusive decisions over and over.
To increase your success, you have to be observant, artful in presenting your opinion, and a master at convincing people individually. Reading, steeping yourself in information, mindfulness, and always collaborating to build relationships are also essential. Keiana is sure Kerry Washington would’ve played her accurately if her life was a movie. And the movie would be titled ‘Mission Impossible.’ If it were a book, it would be nonfiction titled ‘The You In Us.’ She prefers white wine over red and is cheating on her favorite winery, Taber Hill, with Uncle Tito’s. Shhhh.
You can support our efforts to help vulnerable members of the construction community.
TODAY! Visit www.constructioncare.org to donate! Construction Cares provides underserved members of the construction industry with the training, financial, and emotional support they need to remain actively employed in the industry.
Phone: 312-989-3903 Fax: 312-989-3910 Address: 2532 W. Warren Blvd Chicago, IL 60612
The CEC is committed to the community. We believe that every community has qualified candidates who would love to be a part of the ongoing developments around them. We are constantly looking for potential candidates who are currently working in construction or have a desire to be in the industry. If you are looking to join our network, please complete our Online Application at www.communities4construction.com. 44|WWW.BACEMAGAZINE.COM