Decision Day 2022
The Art of Jordan A look book
Editor’s Letter
“It’s a new season. A perfect opportunity to do something new, something bold, something beautiful!”
his season is both exciting and nerve wrecking for me at the same time. My Bunny Rabbit is about to embark on a new season in her life, and my prayer is that she embraces the beauty in it and truly live in the moment. Meanwhile, I am saddened by the thought that she will no longer meet me at
the edge of my bed with her daily chit chat that so preciously lulls me off to sleep. I am afraid that my phone will not ring at 3:45pm, like clockwork, and I will be faced with the reality that she is busy living her awesome new college life. One that I know so well and can only imagine how my mother felt as she too had to let me fly. Even as I write this my heart begins to flutter a bit and I can feel the lump rising in my throat as the reality starts to set in. Jordan is headed to college! Wow. But…I pulled one of my trusty techniques from my BFF (in my head), Mel Robbins, on managing fear. I refused to let my mind take me down that dark road of what if’s and sadness. Instead, I shift focus and begin to think of all the good things I remembered from my college experience. I also remind myself that her beauty and talents are a gift that God has given her to share with the world. I don’t want my fears to keep her from creating a life that she desires. I pray that as a mother, I have done my job of teaching her to follow her inner compass, to rely on her instincts and to stay spiritually connected to God. For only He will order her steps, and make smooth and perfect her path. In this sneak peek issue of Jordan’s Journal, we share a cute look book of her College Decision Day school of choice and a few highlights from the upcoming articles. In one of my favorite articles, “Face to Face,” Jordan connects with the camera and my love for artistic quotes. She has always been my muse (of late I have been calling myself an artist and owning my creative spirit), and when the camera comes out, it’s as if she breathes life into my vision.
Speaking of vision, creating Jordan’s Journal was an idea from my good friend, Nikita. If you know me, I believe in giving credit and sourcing my work. When she mentioned the idea, I thought it was only fitting given that Jordan launched and loves her very own magazine, entitled Untold. In addition, her passion for telling stories are the catalyst for this next journey. So let the journey began and welcome to Jordan’s Journal!
Rachel Ivy
De ci si
Here’s a sneak peek into her story, Jordan’s Journal, as she officially announces her College Decision!
Decision Day
“Before I go any fur ther, here is a transparent m o m e n t . I hav e n e v e r b e e n a g re a t t e s t taker, not to mention Math and I have a ver y dysfunc tional relationship. LOL! So when I saw that submission of SAT/ACT test scores were optional this year, I just knew that this was a bles sing in disguise . The L ord has found favor on Lil’ Ole Me!
However, I was NOT prepared for the drama that comes with that “Test- Optional Option!”
…Stay Tuned for more.
Face to Face Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy”.-Albert Einstein
Art According to Jordan Salvador Dali, a famous Spanish painter once said...”A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” Jordan is a true artist! She inspires others to live unapologetically and authentically,
creating space and opportunity for her friends to show up in the world armed with an arsenal of talents. In the words of Teddy P., “She is one of my latest, greatest, creations.” She is my muse and a masterpiece.
Rachel Ivy
The Art of Jordan
“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”Thomas Merton
Beauty Begins the Moment you decide to be yourself ”Coco Chanel
“One eye sees, the other feels.” Paul Klee
“The love of a father knows no distance.” Unknown Jordan, While New Orleans may seem far away, just know, I will always be there when you need me. Love, Your Dad