AT A MEETING of the CORPORATE BOARD held in the College on MONDAY 11 OCTOBER 2010 at 5.00 pm. Present J G MOORLEY in the Chair B Allen A Armstrong P Ball P Fisk J Heads C Holliday A Isherwood E Lugg R Milburn B Ollerenshaw S Owens A Townsend. Apologies for absence were received from N Cottrell B Guthrie C Middlemass and A Palmer. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) N Brewster N Davison and S Ruddock (Directorate) and K Sherry and L Monaghan from the Skills Funding Agency. There were 17 College Managers present for the presentation by the Skills Funding Agency. 1
Skills Funding Agency The Board received a presentation by L Monaghan and K Sherry from the Skills Funding Agency entitled “Future Scenarios – Facing up to the Challenges”. Introducing the presentation was a letter dated 14 July 2010 from David Hughes, National Director of Provider Services, Skills Funding Agency. The presentation sought to clarify the new role of the Agency and outlined the impact of future scenarios and their impact given the Coalition Government’s declared intentions. It then went on to describe what were considered to be future opportunities and how Colleges might react to them. The presentation was followed by a Question and Answer session.
Constitution of the Board The Board noted that Nicola Cottrell had been appointed to fill the vacancy for a Student governor.
Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interest made prior to the consideration of business.
Financial Improvement Plan and Pay Award 2010/11 The Board considered a report on the following – Outturn Report on the Financial Improvement Plan (FIP) Possible pay award on completion of FIP The principle of harmonising the College pay scale with the AoC recommended national scale.
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The Board noted that the savings outlined in the FIP had been achieved and details of how they had been achieved, mainly through a reduction in staffing costs. With regard to a pay award for 2010/11 and pay harmonisation in line with AoC recommended pay scales the Chair outlined the past policy of the Board in relation to pay awards including the non-payment of an award in 2008/9 and 2009/10 together with the reasons for proposing an award for 2010/11 despite the need for the FIP. The Board was reminded that the cost of the proposed award was included in the savings achieved through the FIP. The Board recognised the need to continue to monitor staffing costs especially in the light of the Government’s autumn comprehensive spending review. Resolved 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
That the outturn reductions report and achievement of the FIP target be approved. That an award of 1.7% be payable from 1 August 2010. That in order to acknowledge the impact of working under the FIP all staff be granted an additional 2 days leave for the 2010/11 year to be taken between Christmas and New Year 2010. That the harmonisation of College pay to AoC recommended levels be aspirational. That further consideration be given by the Finance & GP Committee to the continuation of the FIP Monitoring Group at its next meeting on 25 October 2010.
Committee Structure The Board considered a recommendation from its Chair that B Allen be added to the membership of the Remuneration Committee. Resolved That the recommendation be endorsed.
Investors in Careers Quality Award for Young People The Board considered a report providing information on the Investors in Careers Quality Award for Young People and seeking approval for the College to seek accreditation in order for the College to demonstrate its commitment to the delivery of high quality careers education and advice for young people. Resolved That the College be authorised to seek Investors in Careers Quality Award for Young People accreditation.
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College Play Scheme The Board considered a request to discontinue the holiday play scheme for 4 – 14 year olds. The scheme was initially run by volunteers but costs had increased disproportionally due to legislative changes and alternative sources of funding had not been found. Resolved That the request to discontinue the play scheme with effect from the end of term in December 2010.
Governor Training The Board noted that a training session will be held on 15 November 2010.
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