AT A MEETING of the CORPORATE BOARD held in the College on MONDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2010 at 6.00 pm. Present J G MOORLEY in the Chair B Allen A Armstrong P Fisk B Guthrie J Heads C Holliday A Isherwood E Lugg R Milburn B Ollerenshaw S Owens and A Townsend. Apologies for absence were received from P Ball N Baldry and C Middlemass. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) and N Brewster N Davison and S Ruddock (Directorate). 1.
Declarations of Interest B Allen and P Fisk declared an interest in Para. 9 of the Chief Executive’s Report – Leasing Arrangements for the former Business Training premises at Newton Aycliffe.
Appointment of Chair of Governors The Board was reminded that only one nomination had been received for Chair of Governors.
Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2010 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendments – In Minute 4(d) after ‘equality’ in paragraph 1 add ‘deprivation’ and In Minute 8 paragraph 5 add after ‘grades’ ‘and’.
Minutes of Committees The Board noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Skills and Employment Committee held on 19 July 2010.
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Chief Executive’s Overview Report The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive providing an update on a number of issues and an overview of other agenda items – Financial Improvement Plan (FIP) Strategic Plan Policy Changes New Direction for 16-19 Education Adult Funding School Leavers Careers Fair Business Training Services Newton Aycliffe Staff Conference Academic Board Attached to the report were appendices relating to the Strategic Plan Policy Changes New Direction for 16-19 Education With regard to the FIP the Board was informed that the number of redundancies required to meet the Plan (72 with a further 5 posts under review) had fallen well short of the 121 anticipated as savings in other areas had accrued. The full savings had been achieved including costs of £637k to implement the plan A further review of the structure would take place in the next financial year and consequently £50k had been included in the budget to meet any implementation costs. The Chair expressed the Board’s appreciation to all who had assisted in implementing the plan, including staff representatives, and it was agreed that letters be sent on behalf of the Board expressing those sentiments. With regard to the Academic Board the Board considered the recommendation that the Academic Board was no longer required as its responsibilities had now been included within the remit of the newly established Quality Leadership Group. Resolved 1. 2. 3.
That the report be noted. That letters of appreciation be sent by the Chair of the Corporate Board to all those playing a major role in achieving the savings required within the Financial Improvement Plan. That as the responsibilities of the Academic board had been subsumed into the remit of the Quality Leadership Group the Academic Board be dissolved.
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Three Year Financial Plan The Board considered a report informing them that the Three Year Financial Plan Return approved at the July meeting of the Board had been forwarded to the Skills Funding Agency. A copy of the return was attached to the report. With regard to Schedule 4 – Financial Health Grades (Column 9) the Board was reminded that it had agreed for 2010 to moderate ‘inadequate’ up to ‘satisfactory’ and for 2011 moderate ‘good’ down to ‘satisfactory’.
Financial Report to June 2010 The Board considered a report presenting the Financial Report to June 2010 and 11 months to date for approval. The report had previously been discussed by the Finance & GP Committee on 13 September 2010. The Board was informed that there had been no significant changes since the last report with the anticipated deficit of £390k before restructuring and within forecast.
Simplified Further Education and Skills Funding System and Methodology The Board considered a report providing a briefing on the consultation document ‘A Simplified Further Education and Skills Funding System and Methodology’. The document required a response by 14 October 2010. The Board was informed that the AoC would be responding but that the College would also respond direct. Resolved That the Chief Executive to be authorised to respond to the document and that comment be included on how it affected local conditions particularly with regard to deprivation factors and how that would affect the ability of all learners to compulsory contribution to course fees.
Enrolment Report 2010/11 The Board noted a report on progress towards enrolment targets for 2010/11. The Board noted that there was no more competition from local schools with 6th forms offering level 2 courses and that the College had set clear criteria for course entry as part of the strategy to improve success rates. Although some targets may not be met the College had always over achieved on funding targets.
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Success Rates for Young People and Adults 2009/10 The Board noted a report providing an update on success rates for 2009/10. Tabled at the meeting was a summary of Success, Retention and Achievement by Age Group and course duration. The report indicated that progress was being achieved, albeit slowly to narrowing the gap with National rates.
Employer Responsive Performance Report The Board noted a report on performance to date of Employer Responsive activities including Apprenticeships, Train to Gain, Distance Learning and the 6 Month Unemployed. With regard to the Apprenticeship contract the Board was informed that the College now acted as a job broker in that it recruited apprentices and then tried to find them employment.
Quality Assurance System Developments 2010/11 The Board considered a report on Quality Assurance Developments 2010/11. The Board was informed that the system was now intended to focus much more on learner progress through the introduction of a new area performance review process in 2010/11. Key changes in the lesson observation process included – Shorter notice of observation window Focus on learner participation and progress Provision of an evidence base for observation Obtaining of learners views Standardisation of grading criteria Far stronger emphasis on closing the loop between learning observations and outcomes The report also advised that the College meetings structure would be strengthened by the uniting 2 existing quality groups. Typical agenda for the new group will include – Audit of quality management systems Complaints and suggestions Self assessment HE quality issues Feedback from learner and employer surveys The proposed changes were still going through the consultation process. Page 4 of 5
Resolved That the proposed developments for improving the self assessment and quality assurance systems be endorsed. 13.
Proposed CPD Activities for the Corporate Board The Board considered a report presenting an outline of its proposed CPD activities for 2010/11. Resolved That the schedule of CPD activities for 201/11 be approved.
Discretionary Learner Support Fund 2010/11 The Board considered a report presenting a revised Discretionary Learner Support Fund Policy for 2010/11. Resolved That the Discretionary Learner Support Fund Policy for 2010/11 be endorsed.
Surplus Funds Investment Management Policy The Board was reminded of the use of Close Brothers for the investment of surplus funds and the arrangements by which authorisation to invest the funds was managed by the College and subsequent to that authority was requested to increase by 1 the number of staff able to manage those investments in line with the College’s Financial Regulations. The staff involved with the management of surplus funds would now be S Ruddock, L Heighton, J O’Donnell and E Devonport. The Board assured itself that appropriate checks were in place to avoid any risk of misappropriation of College funds. Resolved 1. 2.
That the new investment arrangements be endorsed and written into the Financial Regulations. That the Audit Committee be informed of the new arrangement.
Dates of Next Meetings The Board noted that a training day was planned for 11 October 2010 with the next Board meeting being held on 6 December 2010.
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