Corporate Board Minutes 15 November 2010

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AT A MEETING of the CORPORATE BOARD held in the College on MONDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2010 at 6.00 pm Present J G MOORLEY in the Chair B Allen A Armstrong P Ball N Cottrell B Guthrie J Heads C Holliday A Isherwood E Lugg B Ollerenshaw S Owen A Palmer and A Townsend. Apologies for absence were received from N Baldry P Fisk and C Middlemass. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) N Brewster and N Davison (Directorate) and E Lamb (Head of Quality Improvement). 1

Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interest made prior to the consideration of business.


Strategic Options Review The Board considered a report on the need to replace the Financial Improvement Plan Monitoring Group with a Strategic Options Review procedure to deal with the impact of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review on College funding streams. The Review would look at the impact of the reducing sources of income on – The 3 Year Financial Forecast Achieving the strategic objectives in the 2010/13 Strategic Plan Maintaining Financial Health As it is almost certain that the modelling will demonstrate the need to reduce the College cost base a number of strategic options will need to be considered to minimise the impact of reduced resources on students and to improve value for money. This could range from merger to the sharing of services with other partners. The report detailed the scope of the review to be undertaken, proposed monitoring arrangements together with a timetable of required actions and the risks involved of not reacting in a timely manner. The Board discussed the need to preserve the integrity of the College and the area it serves whilst accepting that there could be substantial outside pressure for change. The Board considered that there was a need for a strategic review group and were of the opinion that the membership of the Search & Governance Committee whose membership consisted of the Chairs of all the Board’s Committees and was Chaired by the Chair of the Corporation were the best placed and experienced members to carry out the review.

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Resolved 1. 2. 3

That a Strategic Options Review be undertaken. That the task be delegated to the Search & Governance Committee with Directorate in attendance for that item of business.

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy The Board considered a report on a revised Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy. A further report was attached to the Policy document which detailed – Designated Persons for Safeguarding Recent training events Safeguarding referrals Student Risk Assessment Student Disciplinary matters Students feeling safe in College Liaison with external agencies The Board in discussing the reports recognised the need for stronger links with external offending agencies. RESOLVED That the Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy be endorsed.


Preparation for Inspection The Board received a presentation by Judith Hamer, Ofsted Lead Inspector – Leadership and Management/LSIS Consultant on how to prepare for an Ofsted Inspection. In receiving the presentation the Board had before it a copy of the Curriculum Review Report presented to the Standards Committee on 8 November 2010. Following the presentation the Board divided into 2 groups to consider questions which might be asked of Audit, Finance & GP, Personnel and Standards Committee members by the Inspectors. The Chair thanked Judith for her presentation and advice.


Date of Next Training meeting The Board noted that the next training session was to be held on 17 January 2011 on Policy Briefing and Financial/Value for Money Review.

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