AT A MEETING of the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE held in the College on MONDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2010 at 6.00 pm. Present E LUGG in the Chair A Armstrong P Ball A Isherwood and J G Moorley. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) S Ruddock (Directorate) and C Wray (HR Manager). 1
Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interest made prior to the consideration of business.
Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2010 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. With regard to Minute 10 – Safeguarding Training - the Principal reported that following investigation it was apparent that most other Colleges trained Governors to at least Level 1. She also informed the Committee that it was likely that the next Ofsted framework review would remove the obligation.
Financial Improvement Plan The Committee considered a report summarising the success of the Financial Improvement Plan. Attached to the report were the Minutes of the final meeting of the specially convened Joint Consultative Committee held on 24 September 2010 to deal with FIP issues. The report detailed the following – Outturn report on the FIP Final JCC-FIP report Future scenarios for the FIP Pay award update Harmonising pay scales with the AoC national scales With regard to Future Scenarios for the FIP the Committee was informed of the decision of the Search & Governance Committee to support the establishment of a Strategic Options Review Committee and that the matter was to be discussed at the next Corporate Board meeting on 15 November 2010. It was noted that the proposed new committee should take account of welfare and employment issues.
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Resolved 1. 2. 3.
That the report be noted. That the proposal to establish a Strategic Options Review Committee be endorsed. That the aspiration to harmonise pay scales with those recommended by the AoC be part of the remit of the proposed Strategic Options Review Committee.
Employment and Welfare Matters The Committee noted a report on the following – Employment Law update National Minimum Wage increase The Equality Act 2010 Paternity Leave and Pay The Bribery Act 2010 Abolition of the default retirement age Agency Workers Regulations
Statistics on Key performance Indicators The Committee considered a report giving statistical data on KPIs including future targets. Resolved 1. 2. 3.
That the report be noted. That the Key Performance Indicators be endorsed subject to the removal of Staff Turnover. That ‘Capability’ be considered unsuitable as a KPI.
HR Operational Plan 2010/11 The Committee considered the HR Operational Plan for 2010/11. Resolved That the Operational Plan 2010/11 be endorsed.
Safeguarding The Committee considered a report on the following Safeguarding issues in the context of Human Resource – ISA Checks/Vetting Single Central Records Student Ambassadors Training
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Resolved 1. 2. 8
That the report be noted. That Governors be required to undergo training in relation to their role in safer recruitment.
Policies and Procedures The Committee noted a report identifying which policies and procedures were currently in place within the Quality Management System and those still in draft or awaiting approval. Those policies currently under review or to be introduced were – Performance Management Absence Ill Health Procedure Exit Interview Relationships work
Date of Next Meeting The Committee noted that its next meeting will be held on 7 February 2011.
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