Search and Governance Committee Minutes 1 November 2010

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AT A MEETING of the SEARCH & GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE held in the College on MONDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2010 at 5.30 pm. Present J G MOORLEY in the Chair B Allen P Fisk A Isherwood E Lugg and A Townsend. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk). 1

Declarations of Interest J G Moorley declared an interest in his proposed re-nomination as a Member of the Board.


Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2010 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to P Fisk being removed from Minute 3 – Declarations of Interest. With regard to Minute 5 – Safeguarding Training - the Principal reported that following investigation it was apparent that most other Colleges trained Governors to at least Level 1. She also informed the Committee that it was likely that the next Ofsted framework review would remove the obligation.


Review of Membership The Committee considered a report on the following issues – Teaching staff nomination Renewal of membership – J G Moorley The Committee also discussed the need to assign S Owen to membership of the Committees. The Chair undertook to speak to him about any preferences he might have. Resolved 1.


That as we consider J G Moorley to have the appropriate skills and commitment to the College we recommend to the Corporate Board that he be reappointed as a Governor for a further 4 year term of office commencing on 25 February 2011. That the commencement of the procedure to appoint a teaching staff representative be noted.

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Strategic Options Review Procedure The Chair referred to the discussion at the Finance & General Purposes Committee on 25 October 2010 regarding the need to introduce a Strategic Review procedure. The Finance & General Purposes Committee had considered a paper by the College following the presentation by the Skills Funding Agency at the Board meeting held on 11 October 2010. It was considered that the procedure was required to look at matters other than reductions in expenditure though it was acknowledged that there may be scope for further reductions. Issues to be considered would for example be collaboration with other Colleges, schools and the Local Authority and shared services. Resolved That the establishment of a Strategic Options Review Committee should be supported with membership similar to that of the Search & Governance Committee and that the matter be discussed further at the next meeting of the Corporate Board on 15 November 2010.


Date of Next Meeting The Committee noted that its next meeting will be held on 7 February 2011.

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