Skills and Enterprise Committee Minutes 18 October 2010

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AT A MEETING of the SKILLS AND EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE held in the Skills and Employment Centre Spennymoor on MONDAY 18 OCTOBER 2010 at 3.30 pm. Present A ARMSTRONG in the Chair Bishop Auckland College A Armstrong and A Isherwood. Durham County Council Councillor N Foster G Williams and G Wood. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) N Brewster and N Davison (Directorate) and R Richardson (Head of Business Development and Enterprise). Apologies for absence were received from P Fisk and C Middlemass (Bishop Auckland College) and Councillor L Hovvels (Durham County Council). 1

Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interest made prior to the consideration of business.


Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2010 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. With regard to Minute 5 – Rural Diplomas – it was reported that to date funding had not been withdrawn. In relation to Minute 7 – with regard to opportunities for tradesmen – the County Council representatives stated that there was nothing further to report at the moment.


Finance Report The Committee received a report providing financial information on the following – Employer Responsive Learner Responsive Adult Programmes

Apprenticeships provision Technology curriculum provision Working links contracts

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The report informed that the outturn position would be as forecast with Adult Programmes being ahead of forecast. With regard to paragraph 4 – Use of Endowment Fund/Reserve Fund it was noted that the cost of restructuring that was to be financed by the fund was £106k against a forecast of £100k. 4

Adult Programmes – Performance Update The report informed the Committee of the performance of current contracts for Adult Provision together with a commentary on how the proposed new funding arrangements would work and transitional contracting arrangements with Working Links. With regard to the proposed new funding arrangements the report informed that whilst the timetable for introduction had already slipped current arrangements were being extended as a consequence. A list of possible tendering organisations was available with only organisations with turnover of £4m plus be approved. Payment would be related to jobs and retention of those jobs which was a cause for concern. A further update would be provided at the next meeting.


Work Based Learning – Performance Report The Committee considered a report on current Apprenticeship provision. The report provided commentary on the following – Contract performance for 2009/10 Contracts for 2010/11 Development of the Skills Centre Apprenticeship Recruitment Construction Skills Approved Centre Pre Apprenticeship Programme Curriculum Development Changes in funding Star radio Business Awards 2010 Official Opening Ceremony With regard to 2009/10 Apprenticeship contracts the report indicated income of £728,778 against a contract value of £859,834 with final details for the year being available towards the end of November. As regards 2010/11 provision the College had been informed by the SFA that funding allocation for the year was £914,464.

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In order for the College to maximise its provision it was suggested that a comprehensive advertising campaign be organised to engage employers and apprentices as well as exploring opportunities to work in partnership with other providers to ensure that it meets its Maximum Contract Values for Work Based Learning. With regard to the Official Opening the Committee discussed the wording to be displayed on the Plaque specifically in relation to the name of the Centre. Resolved 1. 2. 3.


That the changing climate arising from changes to Government funding be noted. That the proposed strategies for meeting Maximum Contract Values for Work be endorsed. That in time for the Official Opening the Centre be renamed – Skills and Enterprise Centre – with any other suggestions being submitted to the College as quickly as possible.

Apprenticeship Opportunities with North East Projects Graham Wood referred to new large scale building developments in the North East. As apprenticeship opportunities might become available he advised the Committee that more information may be available for report to the next meeting.


Date of Next Meeting The Committee noted that its next meeting will be held on 24 January 2011.

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