Standards Committee Minutes 21 June 2010

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AT A MEETING of the STANDARDS COMMITTEE held in the College on MONDAY 21 JUNE 2010 at 6.00 pm. Present A TOWNSEND in the Chair J Heads A Isherwood B Ollerenshaw. An apology for absence was received from B Guthrie. Also in attendance L Oliver (Clerk) and N Brewster and N Davison (Directorate). 1

Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interest made prior to the commencement of business.


Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2010 were confirmed as correct record and signed by the Chair.


Learning Policy The Committee considered a report on progress towards the development of a Learning Policy which is being developed alongside the Assessment Policy, both of which will closely match the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework. The Committee was informed that it was intended to publish guidelines with the Policy and in that way the Policy would remain constant with the guidelines being reviewed on a regular basis. The Guidelines are to be structured to inform lecturers how to obtain consistency in practices. Learners are to be involved in developing and reviewing the guidelines as well as being able to influence the design of programmes. With regard to the Policy itself the Committee was informed that in bullet point 1 of paragraph 5.1 the assessment would be based on the known skills of the individual student.

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It was also recognised that bullet point 8 of paragraph 5.3 would need to have regard to Data Protection legislation. Resolved That the report be endorsed. 4

Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy for Young People The Committee noted a report on the Durham County Council Strategy for Information, Advice and Guidance for Young People. The guidance had been produced in accordance with the statutory obligations in the Education and Skills Act 2008. The Guidance document attached to the report was the second draft and was due to be discussed at the next County Durham 14-19 Policy Board in July 2010.


Projected Success Rates 2009/10 The Committee noted a report on projected success rates for 2009/10. The data in the report was based on monthly returns from curriculum managers and should therefore be close to the final year end result. With regard to paragraph 2 the Committee noted that the final sentence in paragraph 1 should read – The extrapolated benchmark used in the table makes no allowance for this eventuality. The Committee was informed that a further detailed report by curriculum area with comparative analysis over previous was being prepared and that the new management structure would enable enhanced data management. It was agreed that for the future comparison with the last published benchmark should be used and that retention figures be included.

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Equality & Diversity Data The Committee considered a report on student success taking into account issues of equality and diversity. The report analysed success rates by – Ethnicity Learning Difficulty Age Disadvantage

Disability Gender Support provided

With regard to the information provided under ‘Disadvantage’ the Committee noted that over the past 3 years the number of enrolments made by students from an ‘uplift ward’ had increased by 7%age points and by 7%. The Committee was also informed that the data would be included in the College Self Assessment Report and noted that the report substantiated that there was a clear closing of the achievement gap. Resolved 1. 2. 3. 7

That the report be noted. That future reports be improved by adding more comparative data. That the conclusion to be drawn from the report that support for adult learners needed strengthening be endorsed.

Quality Improvement Action Plan (QIAP) 2010 The Committee considered a report on the approach to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Quality Improvement Action Plan 2010. The report informed that the strategic priorities over the coming three years strengthen the focus of the quality improvement agenda with the target of reaching the top quartile nationally for success rates for all ages and levels. The target represents a fundamental step change in ambitions inevitably resulting in the College having to work much harder and manage its performance. Previous plans had tended to be a once a year event but the College now recognised that there had to be a change of approach and under that new approach the plan would be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

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The report described the new approach to the process which was in line with the Common Inspection Framework 2009 and included the use of a planning software system ‘Meld’ and exceptionally effective at improving the quality, integration and ‘SMARTness’ of action planning. In developing the strategy account had been taken of the fact that the high quality of learner observations was not reflected in success rates as Ofsted were now looking to learner progress and achievement. Resolved That the approaches taken and headline developments within the Quality Improvement Action Plan 2010 be endorsed. 8

Course Targets The Committee considered a report regarding progress in relation to setting course targets. Attached to the report was a template that identified targets including recruitment to course, retention, attendance and achievement which are to be regularly monitored by the Senior Leadership Management Team. The system has been designed to emphasise what is done in year and provide an opportunity to intercede and take corrective action. Resolved That the approach to course targets be endorsed.


Collaboration with Local Schools The Committee was provided with an update on progress with collaborative arrangements with local schools including management arrangements and curriculum development. Despite the new Government almost certainly abandoning the Building Schools for the Future initiative links with the local schools particularly in Spennymoor and Newton Aycliffe were continuing in an attempt to improve existing arrangements especially as qualifications gained continued to falsely reflect attainment levels.

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Higher Education Academic Standards Committee The Committee noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Higher Education Academic Standards Committee held on 7 May 2010. It had been agreed in those Minutes that the Committee should change its name to Higher Education Quality and Standards Committee and a copy of a paper detailing the Purpose, Membership, Role of Members, Documentation to be considered and meetings schedule was circulated with the Minutes.


Integrated Quality and Enhancement Review The Committee discussed a letter dated 2 June 2010 from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education commenting on the recent Developmental engagement in assessment at the College and the evaluation of the core themes, features of good practice and recommendations. Whilst a first draft of the assessment report has been undertaken with the main findings being discussed in the report the letter outlined areas of good practice in – Academic Standards Quality of learning opportunities Public information The Committee noted that the letter gave assurance of the good practices in the College and it was the College’s opinion that the inspection team had to search for faults and that there had been significant input by students. The Committee expressed concern that the final report could be genuinely effective and noted that an action plan would be prepared by the College Management Team following publication of the report.

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Community Learning and Employability The Committee noted a report providing an overview of the College’s work in the communities of south and west Durham. Attached to the report was a summary of the work done to improve employability in south and west Durham including – Localised delivery arrangements Working Neighbourhood funds Rural jobs fund Community Learning Centres Skills and Employment Centre adult Programmes Contracts with the Department of Works and Pensions With regard to Partnership Infrastructure the report informed that the former District based partnerships were to amalgamate into one strategic body which is underpinned by a network of Local Learning Partnerships with the new Area Action Partnerships supplementing the arrangements.


Date of Next Meeting The Committee noted that its next meeting will be held on 8 November 2010.

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