Student handbook 2013/14

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Step into a Brighter Future Student Handbook 2013/2014 Name:

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If found please return to: Bishop Auckland College Woodhouse Lane | Bishop Auckland County Durham DL14 6JZ

Student Handbook 13/14

Bishop Auckland College Woodhouse Lane Campus

Welcome Welcome to Bishop Auckland College and thank you for choosing to study with us. Whether you have just left school or are returning to study as an adult, our aim is to work with you to help you succeed. That means that we both need to play our part. The College will offer you the support of excellent and caring teachers, who may challenge you if they believe you are not giving of your best. We are confident that our package of support is second to none. We offer financial support for eligible students, free transport, academic and pastoral support; please make sure that you let us know how we can help you. It is important that you take advantage of everything that is on offer at Bishop Auckland College, and really enjoy becoming involved in College life. We offer a well equipped Learning Centre and an excellent range of facilities for recreation, sport and physical activities – do make use of them to help you develop a healthy lifestyle. In addition students and their families and friends are encouraged to make use of the hair and beauty services, complementary therapies, and the College Ambition restaurant which is open to the public, so take time out to enjoy the services.

Bishop Auckland College Spennymoor Campus

We also encourage all of our students to play a role in helping us to develop the College and improve further. You may wish to become a Student Representative, Ambassador or Governor, or you might even consider taking on a volunteering role with us. Training is provided for these roles and making a contribution in this way is great experience to help you prepare for employment or higher level study. Bishop Auckland College is absolutely committed to promoting diversity and equality of opportunity, and we maintain a culture where all students, staff and visitors feel respected and valued. Therefore it is important that everyone understands the need to behave in an adult and responsible manner. It is also important that if you observe inappropriate behaviour you feel comfortable about bringing it to the attention of a member of staff. Finally I do hope you enjoy your time here at Bishop Auckland College and that by working together you achieve your goals and aspirations. Natalie Davison | Principal/Chief Execuitve


Bishop Auckland College

Contents Areas

Page nos

Page nos

Vision, Mission & Values ..................... 3

Quality Matters ......................... 23 - 24

Student Code of Conduct ................... 4

Data Protection ................................... 24

Equality & Diversity ............................. 5

Personal Information ......................... 25

Bullying/Harassment ........................... 5

College Documents ............................ 26

Safeguarding ........................................... 6

Changes to Programmes .................. 26

Safeguarding e-safety .......................... 7

Every Learner Matters ....................... 27

Student ID cards .................................... 7

Student Union ..................................... 28

Student Support .................................... 8

Leisure Activities and Facilities ....... 28

Study Support ........................................ 8

Salons ..................................................... 30

Careers Advice & Guidance ................ 9

Health Promotion ............................... 31

Fees and Funding ....................... 10 - 11

Personal Property ............................... 32

Hone to College travel ...................... 12

Childcare Services .............................. 32

Attendance & Punctuality ................13

Where Can I Get Help? ..................... 33

Learner Involvement .......................... 13

Where Can I Buy ................................. 34

Catering ................................................. 14

Where Can I Obtain ........................... 34

Teaching & Learning Strategy ........ 15

Key Staff ................................................ 35

Exams & Assignments ............... 15 -16

Corporate Board Members ............... 36

Learning Resources/Library .............. 17 E-Learning ............................................. 18 Computing Facilities .......................... 18 Computing Code of Conduct .. 19 - 20 Health & Safety ......................... 21 - 22 Caring for the Environment ............. 23



Student Handbook 13/14

Vision, Mission and Values Vision

Bishop Auckland College aspires to be outstanding and to be first choice provider for vocational education and training in South and West Durham


To promote social inclusion, fulfil aspirations and develop the potential of individuals, communities and employers through excellence in teaching, learning and skills development.


The work of Bishop Auckland College will be guided and informed by our values and beliefs and these will shape our culture: Current Bishop Auckland College mission statement: To promote social inclusion, fulfil aspirations and develop the potential of individuals, communities and employers through excellence in teaching, learning and skills development • • • • • • •

To build successful futures by developing the skills of all individuals, communities and employers through excellence in teaching and learning To lead in the provision of knowledge and skills for work, in support of South Durham’s economic success Bishop Auckland College – inspiring individuals, employers and communities in South Durham to achieve their greatest potential through excellence in innovation, enterprise, teaching and learning To enhance the economic prosperity of young people, adults and employers through high quality, work-related education and training Excellence and innovation in teaching and learning will equip our learners with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a global labour market and inspire local communities and businesses to develop a competitive and highly skilled workforce” We believe education changes lives, so teaching and learning and the needs of our students are our priorities Working together with individuals, communities and employers to educate and develop successful and aspiring leaders of the future


Bishop Auckland College

Student Code of Conduct The core value of Bishop Auckland College is that we will maintain a culture of RESPECT at all times. Our expectations are the same as you will find in the workplace.

We expect you to: • • • • • • • • • • •

Show everyone respect and be considerate to others Attend all required College learning sessions punctually, listen and participate Switch off mobile devices in all teaching and learning areas unless authorised by a member of staff Play music with respect to others and without causing a disturbance Wear your College badge on its lanyard, with the photo on display at all times Keep the College tidy and use the bins Carry hot food and drinks in appropriate containers which are covered with lids; eat hot food in designated areas only and not in the corridors Smoke only in the designated area Observe the College Health and Safety Regulations and pay attention to your own and other peoples’ health and safety Use College computer facilities only to support your learning Safeguard the reputation of Bishop Auckland College by behaving appropriately inside and outside of College grounds and online

We do not accept: • • • • • • • •

Bullying or intimidating others Offensive and abusive language such as swearing Behaving in a way that is offensive to others Misuse of the College grounds including the car park or damaging College property Eating or smoking in non-designated areas Carrying, using or distributing alcohol or illegal substances or objects Spitting or discarding chewing gum on College premises Wearing hoodies and other head-wear that obscures the face

The College Disciplinary Procedure exists to ensure that serious breach of these guidelines are dealt with quickly and effectively so that some students are not disadvantaged by the behaviour of others. A copy of the Procedure, should you wish to refer to it, can be viewed in the Student Support Centre.


Student Handbook 13/14

Equality and Diversity Bishop Auckland College is committed to promoting diversity and equality of opportunity and is fully committed to the principle of equality for all. Every student is entitled to be treated fairly and with respect. Equal treatment is both a right and responsibility throughout the College. The College’s Equality and Diversity Policy provides a clear statement of our aims and values in promoting equality, diversity, opportunity for all and tackling discrimination and unacceptable behaviour. Copies of the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy are available on the College website and from the Student Support Centre. The College’s Single Equalities Scheme brings together a number of previously separate schemes and demonstrates the Colleges commitment to the values of the Equality Act 2010. The College actively works towards offering equality of opportunity to all learners and staff irrespective of gender, marital status, family responsibilities, caring status, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief, ethnic origin, disability, age or social background. Students, staff, governors and contractors have a right and responsibility to follow and promote equality and diversity. If you feel that you or anyone else has been unfairly treated you may contact your course tutor, any member of staff or the Student Support Centre. Alternatively you can complete a ‘Reporting Discriminatory Incidents’ Form which is available from the Student Support Centre.

Bullying/Harassment The College does not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment. If you are experiencing difficulty or distress as a result of someone else’s actions please contact your tutor or a member of the Student Support Team. If you have witnessed or experienced an incident involving discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief you can complete the ‘Reporting a Discriminatory Incident’ form available from either Student Support or Reception. A copy of the College’s Anti Bullying Policy is available from the Student Support Centre.


Bishop Auckland College

Safeguarding Safeguarding can be defined as ‘keeping safe from harm, such as illness, abuse or injury’. The College is committed to keeping all learners safe.

Designated people for Safeguarding students are: Jane Brown, Head of Student Services (Lead Designated Person) Richard Hinch, Director of Curriculum Elizabeth Lamb, Director of Quality Judith Layfield, Director of Industry Innovation and Skills Stephanie Nattrass, Head of Client Services

Additional contacts:

Jackie Bennett, Nursery Manager Claire Smith, Centre Manager, Spennymoor Campus If you need to report a concern please talk to your tutor, one of the designated safeguarding people listed or any member of staff – whoever you feel more comfortable talking to. If at any time you feel worried or uncomfortable please tell someone. If you need any help outside of College: or freephone 08001111 for advice, help or to report any internet crimes.


Student Handbook 13/14

Safeguarding e-safety The college is committed to ensuring the safety and well being of its learners. We particularly want your experiences to be positive, educationally meaningful and productive. Whether you are using a computer at home or at the College here are some useful tips that will help you keep safe online.

Top Ten Tips

1. Regularly change your password, don’t make it easy to guess and don’t share it with others. 2. Take care when using social networking sites; it’s always a good idea to set a profile to private. Think before you tweet and blog, remember in most cases content you post can be read by everyone. Never agree to meet up with a stranger you have met online. 3. Avoid email scams, if it’s too good to be true then it probably is. Never confirm you bank details via email and avoid opening attachments from unknown sources. 4. Protect your data – back it up and carry out regular virus scans. The College machines virus scan automatically but make sure you do this at home. Be careful when using memory sticks as they can easily be lost (make sure that they don’t contain sensitive data) or broken (make sure you have backups – in College save your work to your user area). 5. Make sure that your wireless network, if applicable, at home is secure. 6. Be careful when disclosing any personal details online e.g. address, date of birth 7. Invest in security software and keep your system software at home up to date. 8. When shopping online always use a reputable site, one that displays visible security features such as an https address or a yellow icon padlock. 9. Consider your health when using technology. Adjust your seating and take regular breaks. Remember too that constantly cranking up the volume on your MP3 player could cause long tern damage to your hearing. 10. If there are any incidents of cyber bullying please inform either your tutor or student support as soon as it happens.

Student ID cards Students are issued with a photo ID card. You must carry this at all times as it allows you access to college facilities, serves as your bus pass for using the college bus services and is also your Library card. Should you misplace or lose your card you should see Reception for assistance. There is no charge for Student ID cards but if it is lost and a replacement is required, then this will incur a charge.


Bishop Auckland College

Student Support Our aim is to help you to study with us and to achieve your learning goals. We are committed to providing sensitive and individualised support for all our students. The Student Support Team will try to help with any queries or problems you may have and if they cannot help they will try to find someone who can. Support is wide ranging and includes help with health issues, mentoring and anger management. A personal, confidential service is available and staff can help you access external agencies offering specialist advice and support on many topics including homelessness, pregnancy, drug/alcohol abuse etc and can act on your behalf if necessary. Support groups are available to students including Beyond the Bump (young parents and parents-to-be) and Young Carers. If you have a learning difficulty/disability or need assistance when taking an examination you are encouraged to discuss your needs with the Student Support Team as soon as possible to ensure that appropriate support is in place for you.

Study Support Bishop Auckland College is fully committed to helping you achieve on your chosen course and has a broad range of support available to you. Our Study Support Team can help to give you the best chance of success. Tell us about any particular learning needs you may have, for example: • Autism • Dyslexia • Mental health and wellbeing • Deaf or hard of hearing • Physical disabilities • Learning difficulties • Blind or partially sighted • Exam concessions • Specialist equipment • Reader, note-taker or prompt For further information on any of the above please contact the Study Support Coordinator via Student Support.


Student Handbook 13/14

Careers Advice and Guidance Supporting you in your steps to success

The Careers and Employability Advisers are based in the office behind Reception at the entrance to the College. Our services include:

Careers Advice and Guidance

Our experienced and highly qualified team of Advisers will support you at all stages of your learning and help you to progress into further or higher level study or employment. If you need help and advice to choose a career that is right for you book an appointment.

Seeking Employment

If you are seeking part time employment to support your studies or want to move into employment after you finish then speak to one of our Careers & Employability Advisers. We have lots of information on job vacancies and will help you to produce a CV, prepare for an interview and complete application forms.

Higher Education

Many College students progress to higher education and work closely with the Careers Team for help with degree choice, applications through UCAS and advice on Student Finance.

Career and Employability skills tutorials

As part of the College tutorial programme all students participate in our career and employability skills programme. Our Careers team cover a range of topics about the world of work, careers in your chosen subject area and help you to develop the skills with which to progress into employment and start a career right for you. Call at Reception to speak to an Adviser or to book an appointment.


Bishop Auckland College

Fees and Funding Student Funding and Transport

Bishop Auckland College is committed to assisting its students to meet their full potential. If finance is a barrier we may be able to help through our varied funding provision to assist with such things as essential course equipment and childcare costs.

Funding for Students aged 16 to 19 Student Bursary Package of up to £1200

Eligible students will receive these payments in 10 instalments payable into their personal accounts from September to June*. Payments are subject to attendance checks and strict adherence to the college’s absence reporting procedure. Refer to the relevant section of the handbook for further information on the absence reporting procedure.

College Allowance of £500

Eligible students will receive these payments in 10 instalments payable into their personal accounts from September to June*. Payments are subject to attendance checks and strict adherence to the college’s absence reporting procedure. Refer to the relevant section of the handbook for further information on the absence reporting procedure. *conditions apply-refer to the Learner Support Funds eligibility and guidance notes.

Essential Course Items

If you meet the eligibility criteria for the Student Bursary package or the College Allowance you will receive up to 100% funding towards associated equipment or uniforms if enrolled on certain courses. Please ask the Student Funding and Transport Officer for further information.

Childcare Costs

Did you know students aged under 20 who will have child care costs can apply for assistance to the governments ‘Care to Learn’ scheme. Application packs are available the Student Funding and Transport Officer or alternatively call the Learner Support helpline on 0800 121 8989 or visit for information.


Student Handbook 13/14 Funding for Students aged 19 and over Help with Childcare (Adults ages 20+)

We can assist Learners aged 20+ with childcare costs. Applications should be made to the Student Funding and Transport Officer and applications will be assessed on a first come first served basis. Eligible students can either receive 100% of their childcare costs. Childcare funding is for timetabled days during term time only. Funding for periods of absence-whether due to your own illness or your child’s will only be paid where students have strictly followed the college’s absence reporting procedure-please refer to the relevant section of the Student Handbook. Failure to do so will result in the charges being made the responsibility of the student. All funding is subject to adhering to our terms and conditions. For further details please call 01388 443032.

Essential Course Items

Eligible students will receive 100% funding towards associated equipment or uniforms if enrolled on certain courses. Please ask the Student Funding and Transport Officer for further information.

Additional Funding (Hardship)

The college has dedicated financial support for students that can demonstrate hardship. You should arrange to see the Student Funding and Transport Officer in confidence to discuss your situation. Funding for Students aged 24 and over accessing 24+ Advanced Learner Loans to fund their course

24+ Bursary Fund

Students can apply to the 24+ Bursary Fund where they are approved for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan. The 24+ Bursary Fund can support learners with hardship, equipment, books, childcare costs and learning support requirements. 24+ Learners undertaking a level 3/4 course cannot receive support from the Learner Support Fundonly the 24+ Bursary Fund.


Bishop Auckland College

Home to College Travel BAC Bus Services Bishop Auckland College provides a free student bus service for 16-19 year olds across the region in conjunction with local travel providers. Timetables are available from the reception area. All services arrive at the main campus by 8.50am and leave at 5pm. There are also connecting services from the main campus to the Spennymoor campus. To use this service, students should complete an application form available from Student Funding and Transport.

Travel for students aged 19+ 19+ students may be able to access the above services subject to making an application. Application forms are available from Student Funding and Transport. Students should present their college ID card to access buses. Access to buses will be refused otherwise. If you lose or misplace your card you should notify reception immediately. The College expects all students using College transport to behave responsibly and respectfully at all times. Failure to do so may result in further action.

Using your own transport BAC promotes car sharing where possible. The College has 5 mph speed limit in the car park. Please drive with care and maintain the speed limit. There are designated disabled car parking spaces clearly marked close to the College. Please leave these spaces for people who need them. Action will also be taken for any unauthorised parking. The College car park is monitored by security staff however we do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles.


Student Handbook 13/14

Attendance and Punctuality In order to gain the maximum benefit from your programme you should attend all sessions. If you do not attend, any financial assistance and your transport concession will be affected. Poor punctuality may affect any financial assistance provided by the College. Please do not arrange holidays, driving lessons or any other appointments at times when you should be in classes. In the case of illness or other unavoidable absence, please notify the Student Support Centre 01388 443051 or 01388 743168 by 11.30am on the first day of absence. You will be given a confirmation of notification number and the opportunity to be transferred to the tutor for your area or have a message forwarded on your behalf. An Attendance Adviser or Manager for your area will investigate poor or erratic attendance and offer help and advice where necessary. Where requested absence reports are sent to employers and managing agents of students on Employer Sponsored programmes. Being in College but not in class counts as absence.

Learner Involvement Students are invited to become involved in shaping their learning experience by contributing to a range of College committees, meetings, focus groups and the Corporate Board. If you are interested in being a Student Representative please contact Student Support on (01388) 443051 (Woodhouse Lane) or 01388 825181 (Spennymoor Campus)


Bishop Auckland College

Catering Catering Academy are the contract caterer that provide all the food on offer in both the main site and Spennymoor site. The Meeting Place is located at the main site of the College and provides: Breakfast - 8.30am - 10.45am Cooked and continental breakfasts Lunch - 11.30am - 1.30pm A selection of sandwiches, salad bar, hot meals with vegetarian option, desserts and hot and cold drinks are available Starbucks - 9.00am - 2.00pm Serving authentic specialty coffees, pastries , made to order sandwiches and Panini, Healthy Options As part of the College’s health promotion policy Catering Academy offer a number of dishes specially planned to provide a balanced and healthy diet. These healthy options are low in fat (especially saturated fat) and refined sugars and high in minerals, vitamins and fibre. The Ambition restaurant is located at the main site of the College Our restaurant is open throughout the Academic year subject to availability. The ambition: Restaurant is operated and run by our catering department students who offer special occasion meals and theme nights in addition to the more traditional restaurant meals. Please contact 01388 443085 for Information and booking.


Monday , Wednesday, Thursday 8.30am - 8.00pm Tuesday - 8.30am -5 .00pm Friday - 8.30am - 2.00pm Serving a selection of confectionery, hot and cold drinks, snacks, stationery, newspapers

Technology Block

Vending machines are available stocking, confectionary, hot drinks and soup and cold drinks

Spennymoor Campus

Catering Academy offer a CafĂŠ service available Monday to Friday serving breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks. For further information or any special requests please ring 01388 443013.


Student Handbook 13/14

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy The key priorities of the Strategy are to: • • • •

Ensure that all learners enjoy the best possible learning experience which meets their individual needs Listen to our learners, support them to take responsibility for their own learning and help them to become expert learners Develop a college culture whereby all teachers aspire to deliver good and outstanding lessons Champion the promotion of equal opportunities, diversity and social inclusion

Exams and Assignments You must arrive at the examination 15 minutes before the start time. It is compulsory that you bring photographic ID with you (ie College Card, new style Driving Licence, Passport) to confirm your identity. You must also bring relevant equipment in transparent pencil cases. Please be aware that only bottled water will be allowed into the examination venue – other drinks and food are prohibited. Electronic equipment including mobile phones and MP3 players should not be taken into the examination venue. If you do bring prohibited equipment into the exam venue you will be asked to switch it off if necessary and place it at the back of the room for the duration of the exam. The College takes no responsibility for any loss or damage. If you are found with prohibited items on your person during an examination, or you cause a disturbance, ie if your mobile phone rings, a report will be sent to the exam board and this could result in your examination becoming void. Coats, jackets, hoodies and headwear should not be worn during exams. Any religious/ medical reasons for wearing such items must be brought to your tutor’s attention at the beginning of your course. Please see your Course Tutor regarding special examination requirements. Appropriate behaviour must be followed during all exams.


Bishop Auckland College Information/Timetables

Each candidate will receive either an Examinations Board or College produced timetable or will be given the information via their tutor, excluding online tests, which confirms entry dates and time of examinations. For online tests a candidate list is posted in Reception and on the notice boards outside the Library every Friday. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the dates, times and venues of examinations and that you arrive on time.

Results and Certificates

These are sent in the post by the College directly to students. Examination results will not be given by telephone. Please make sure that you inform the College of any change of personal details ie address etc.


If you wish to appeal against the result of an externally marked examination please first discuss the matter with your Curriculum Manager. You may then need to contact Registry for further assistance. If you wish to appeal against results given for internally assessed assignments or examinations you should contact the relevant Curriculum Manager. If you are unable to do so directly, you may get in touch via Reception.


All work and assignments must be available for assessment by the specified date. Work submitted late will only be accepted if you can provide a valid reason. Your work will be assessed within a time planned by the course team and agreed with your lecturer.


Plagiarism is the wrongful claiming of someone else’s work, words, ideas or images as your own work. You must ensure that any assessment work you complete is your own and not the work of others eg your peers, downloaded from the internet, copied directly from books etc. Passing off someone else’s work as your own could lead to disqualification of the work and disciplinary action.


Student Handbook 13/14

Learning Resources including The Library Bishop Auckland College offers a wide range of learning resources to support your course of study. The Learning Centre at the Woodhouse Lane site is located in the centre of the first floor. All students have access to the facilities whether you are studying fulltime, part time, in the evening or at another site you are welcome to use the Learning Centre.

Opening times during Academic Term:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.00am - 6.30pm Tuesday 9.00am - 4.45pm Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm

Opening times during holiday periods: Monday - Friday

9.00am - 4.30pm*

* We may need to close for lunch, this will depend on staffing. In the Learning Centre you will find textbooks, newspapers, periodicals, e-books and videos/DVDS relevant to your course. There are also over 40 PCs with internet access. A small fine will be charged if your books are overdue so try to return them on time or renew them. You may be able to renew your books for a further 2 lending periods unless they have been requested by another borrower. You can renew over the telephone. There is also a children’s library situated in the Learning Centre which any student can use. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please ask a member of staff for help. If a book you require is on loan we can reserve it for you and you will be informed when it becomes available. The library catalogue can be used to locate any resources currently in stock within the Learning Centre. The Learning Centre provides study places for both group work and private study. Students are asked to bring their College Card with them to access all the resources in the Library and this card must be carried at all times.


Bishop Auckland College

E-learning The College uses a VLE (Moodle) which all students can have access to both in college and at home. Other e-learning packages such as Smartscreen and e-Books are available. If you have any problems using our e-learning materials, please get in touch with the e-learning team who are based in the Learning Centre. You will need an individual login to access Moodle, which you will be given during your Induction. The VLE provides a range of interactive learning resources, which complement lessons and other learning activities.

Computing facilities You are welcome to make use of the College computers for work associated with your course during times when you are not in classes. These are available in the Library and some of the IT suites. If a class is present in the room you may still use a machine, if it is free, with the permission of the lecturer present but not at times of assessment. Please be considerate and avoid doing anything which may disturb the other students in the room. Instructions on using the computer network will be given during induction and will also be available in computer rooms. You must have had basic instructions before attempting to use the computer network. If you have any problems with the computer system, please ask a member of staff for help.


Student Handbook 13/14

Computing Code of Conduct There are specific rules and standards of behaviour which you must conform to when using the College computers. These are set out in this Code of Conduct. If you contravene these rules then the College will take action using the Student Disciplinary Procedure. If in any doubt always ask permission first.

User Names and Passwords

As a registered student of the College you will be allocated your own user name and password to access the College computer network. You will need these whenever you use a computer. Protect your work by keeping your password secret. The College cannot safeguard your files if you let others know your password. Always use a password that others couldn’t easily guess. You are advised to use a strong password at least eight characters long. Change your password occasionally and right away if you suspect anyone else knows it. Do not attempt to discover anyone else’s password; doing this is a severe breach of College rules. You will have a storage space allocated on the system for your files and you will be able to save your work in this space. You will be responsible for managing this space and removing unwanted files or backups. The network area where your files are saved will be automatically backed up each evening so that loss of data should not occur but you must also take backup copies of your own files on a memory stick to avoid loss.

The College has anti-virus protection facilities in place. However, you must take precautions to prevent virus infection on your memory stick if you use it outside of the College. It is highly recommended that memory sticks used for College work are not used at home or at employers’ premises; if they are to be used then it should first be checked for viruses. Protect your work by regularly saving it. Remember to log out of a computer when you are finished or other students may be able to access your files.

Use of Computers

Use computer technology to support your studies. Do not use it to simply copy materials or assignments from others. Do not load your own software, games or other files which might breach this Code of Conduct. If in doubt seek permission before loading files. Loading malicious software (e.g. virus programs) or any material that is obscene or offensive in nature may be illegal and is a serious breach of College rules. You will be held responsible for the files found in your area. Do not attempt to take personal copies of College software. This is a serious breach of College rules and may break software licensing laws. Do not download any copyright files/ music/movies (eg MP3 files) from the Internet. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who has illegal files stored in their area.


Bishop Auckland College

Use of the Internet and e-mail

Access to the Internet is made available specifically to support your College studies. Do not use the College Internet to order goods or services. Do not pass personal details such as your name and address or arrange to meet anyone on the Internet or by e-mail. Do not send offensive messages to anyone whether inside or outside the College. This is a serious breach of College rules and may be a criminal offence. If you receive offensive messages you should report these to your tutor immediately.


Student Handbook 13/14

Health & Safety Good health and safety practice is the responsibility of everyone, whether at College or work placement, reasonable care should be taken for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or don’t do. (Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974) Please read the following health and safety information carefully. You will be given a form to sign confirming you have read and understood this information. The College Health & Safety Policy is a legally required document and sets out our commitment to maintaining a safe, healthy environment in which you can study and develop your skills. The College complies with health and safety legislation and promotes safe working practices in training and at work. Copies of the Policy are held at Reception or can be downloaded by a member of staff from the staff internet. The College promotes the safeguarding of learners by providing a safe learning environment at all of its sites. Working with computers If you are anxious about any health risk associated with working with a computer, please consult your lecturer. In the case of accident or injury If you receive an injury while on College premises, you should report it immediately to a member of staff or Reception and they will arrange for a First Aider to give assistance.

Once assistance has been given, details of the incident will then be recorded by the First Aider on the College accident report form.

Prescribed Medication

If you are taking prescribed medication you should ensure you have adequate supplies for the time you are in College and inform your tutors of your condition. This information can be vitally important in emergency situations.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

When the fire alarm sounds you should evacuate the building in a quiet manner using the nearest available exit and proceed to your designated assembly point outside the building. This will be identified at the beginning of your course. A fire action notice is also displayed in each room identifying the appropriate assembly point. On arrival at your assembly point you must stay within your group to enable staff to quickly check that everyone has been safely evacuated from the building. It is in your own interest to make yourself aware of the various exits from the building and the position of your assembly point.

If you discover a fire

Operate the nearest alarm call point, leave the building by the nearest exit and proceed to your assembly point.


Bishop Auckland College Suspect Packages

Any person discovering a suspect package on College premises should inform Reception immediately. Reception staff will inform the appropriate people and an investigation will be carried out. If after investigation, a suspect package is confirmed, the fire emergency procedure will be invoked and fire alarms sounded.

Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

No person is allowed on College premises in possession of any kind of firearm or dangerous weapon. Anyone seen or suspected of carrying a firearm or weapon must be reported immediately to Reception.

Protective Clothing and Footwear

Most workshops, salons and specialised areas of work require some form of personal protective clothing to be worn. If this applies to your area of study, no exception to the rule will be made. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone not conforming.

Lifting and Carrying

Always remember that whatever you are lifting or carrying, incorrect handling can cause back problems which can be very painful and long lasting. Always pay attention to correct lifting techniques. Stop and think before lifting, only lift and carry what you can easily manage, watch where you are going and ask for help if you cannot manage alone.

Machinery and Equipment

Beware of nipping, cutting, entanglement, ejected particles or components. Do not use any machine or equipment unless you have been trained to use it. Make


sure you are familiar with the controls and emergency stops and that all guards and safety devices are in place. Be careful with loose clothing, jewellery and long hair. Always report any defects to a member of staff.

Chemicals and Harmful Substances

There are regulations in force to control the use of nasty substances. These might vary from a small bottle of correction fluid up to bleaches and sprays used In hair and beauty salons. Learn to recognise the hazard warning signs or labels which inform you of the danger. Follow instructions on the product or as given by a member of staff. Before you use it, find out what to do if you spill it or have an accident with it. If anything does happen tell a member of staff immediately. Do not put any substance or liquid into any other container without a label stating what it is as this can endanger other people as well as yourself. Remember, always work safely.

Student Handbook 13/14

Caring for the Environment Bishop Auckland College cares about the environment in all its forms and recognises that concern for the environment should be an integral and fundamental part of the College operation. Further details of our commitment to protecting the environment are provided in the College Environmental & Sustainability Policy a copy of whichh can be made available upon request from Reception. Environmental Management is a corporate priority and fully integrated into the business of the College. We aim to continually review our environmental performance to minimise energy consumption and the use of materials which are harmful to the environment.

No Littering

The College Estates and Cleaning teams work very hard to ensure students learn in a clean and pleasant environment. All litter should be placed in the General Waste or Recycle bins around the College.

Quality Matters The College is registered to the Quality Management Systems Standard BS EN ISO 9001:2008, for all its education and training services. We aim to continually improve the service we provide for our students. To do this, we need the involvement of all students, and we will seek your help in the following ways:

Student Response Forms

We will ask for your comments on our services after you have settled into your course. Your responses are analysed and the results used to review and wherever possible, help improve our courses and services. A summary of all student responses is published each year.

Suggestion Scheme

We are constantly seeking ways in which we can continue to improve every aspect of our business. To do this we welcome your assistance. If you have any suggestions for improvement please complete a suggestion form and post it into one of the suggestion boxes located around the College, including; outside of Student Support, Learning Centre, Art Atrium and the Technology Atrium. Suggestion boxes can also be found in the College Nursery, Spennymoor Campus, as well as all of our Community Learning Centres.


Bishop Auckland College Your suggestion will be fully considered by the relevant operational manager(s), and we will contact you to inform you of the outcome. Each term a £20 gift voucher will be awarded to the person offering the most useful suggestion for improving our service.


If you have a complaint about any aspect of the College’s services, you should discuss it first with your tutor or an appropriate member of the College staff. If you do not wish to do this, or you are still not satisfied, then ask at Reception if you can record the complaint. Your complaint will then be investigated and we will contact you, to advise you of the action taken.

Data Protection The Data Protection Act 1998 requires the College to ensure that information about its students is collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. Bishop Auckland College collects information about all its students for various administrative, academic and health and safety reasons. The Learning Agreement completed and signed by yourself at enrolment, explains how your personal data can be used by Bishop Auckland College. The type of information held about you is likely to be: • Registration details • Information as completed on your Learning Agreement • academic details • GCSE passes, references, interests, school records, special requirements • Academic progress as a College student • Exam and course work marks, reports, attendance • Health issues • Disciplinary or complaints In the case of a medical or other emergency, personal information held about you may be given to medical staff. Under the Act you are entitled to access the information held about you. To obtain information you must request this in writing to the Quality Office. You will then be required to pay the appropriate fee and provide proof of identity as specified by the College. The information will then be provided to you within 40 calendar days. Please ask for further clarification or assistance should you require access to data held about you by the College.


Student Handbook 13/14

Personal Information The information contained on your Learning Agreement is extremely important to the College. Please ensure that you notify Reception or Student Support of any changes of name, address, telephone number, or employer, so that records can be amended accordingly. This will assist us should we need to contact you at home or at work in exceptional circumstances such as a class cancellation or send course information or examination results direct to you. At times we will be sending some important information to students by Text Messaging. It is vital that you inform Student Support or Reception of any change of mobile phone number. Your Course

The Right Course for You

It is important that you enrol on the right course. The College offers the opportunity for you to discuss and talk over your needs and aspirations with staff.


There will be an induction at the beginning of your course. This is to help you settle into College and to ensure you are placed on an appropriate course or programme. It will also give you the opportunity to evaluate any additional learning needs you may have and we will try to ensure that these are met. The induction programme will allow you to discuss any further concerns you may have with your tutor or staff in student support.

Changing Your Course

If you are thinking of changing your course in some way, you may wish to talk it over initially with your tutor or a member of the advice and guidance team in client services.

At the End of Your Course

It is your responsibility to ensure that course text books, library books and any other equipment belonging to College are returned before leaving your course. Please ensure that any monies owed to the College e.g. Library fines are returned on leaving. If you leave before the end of your course your College Card should be handed in promptly.

Leaving Your Course Early?

If you feel you are unable to finish your course or have reached a decision to leave, please let us know. Perhaps we could help sort out any difficulties you may be experiencing which are affecting your decision. Speak with your tutor in the first instance or, if you prefer, with the Manager for your area, Client Services or Student Support.


Bishop Auckland College

College Documents You may be interested in some of the documents published by the College including the Strategic Plan, Equality and Diversity Policy, Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Student Disciplinary Procedure and Anti-Bullying Policy. Copies of these documents can be requested from the Student Support Centre, Quality Office or Learning Centre. The agenda and minutes from College Corporation meetings are available for students to access in the Learning Centre.

Changes to Programmes Weather Conditions

In the case of extreme weather conditions, private and public transport difficulties may occur. It would be advisable in such conditions to contact the College (01388) 443000 to check your class has not been cancelled before setting out.

Absence of a Tutor

We will try to ensure all classes are taught by a subject specialist but there may be occasions, due to unforeseen circumstances, where this is not possible. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to cancel a class but should this occur, every effort will be made to contact you prior to the start of your lesson. It is imperative that you keep College informed of any change of telephone number or other contact details.


Student Handbook 13/14

Every Learner Matters Bishop Auckland College acknowledges the importance of the Government’s ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda and will continue to develop good practice in achieving the 5 outcomes for all its students. Some examples of how we are doing this are shown below:

Be Healthy • • • • • •

Healthy eating options are available Opportunities to take part in physical activities Health Promotion activities throughout College year Group tutorial sessions on health topics Illness/First Aid procedures and trained staff Sexual Health Clinic or advice ‘C’ Card Centre (condom distribution) and Chlamydia screening

Stay Safe • • • •

Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and procedures in place and all staff receive training Equality and Diversity promoted throughout College. Policy and Single Equalities Scheme in place Group tutorial sessions

Make a Positive Contribution • • • •

• •

Volunteering opportunities Citizenship awards Fundraising activities Students’ opinions are valued and sought in many ways including focus groups, student response forms, Student Council Anti-Bullying Policy Students’ rights and responsibilities are promoted

Achieve Economic Wellbeing • • • • • •

High quality, impartial information, advice and guidance Enterprise opportunities Group tutorial sessions on relevant issues Work placement opportunities Careers Education sessions Developing employability skills

Enjoy and Achieve • • • •

Interesting and enjoyable learning activities Individual tutorial support Visits, outings and work experience Support groups – Young Parents, Young Carers


Bishop Auckland College

Student Union You automatically become a member of Bishop Auckland College Student Union unless you express a wish not to do so. Student Support can supply you with information on how to apply for an NUS Extra Card which you can obtain on payment of ÂŁ12. This card allows you to receive discounts at various retail outlets, cinemas and some leisure activity centres. The Student Support team encourages students to elect an Executive Committee by secret ballot at an Annual General Meeting and to provide representatives to various College Committees, allowing the views of students to be more widely heard in College. It is envisaged that the Student Union Executive Committee will work closely with members of the Student Support team to provide social and sporting activities for students and welcomes ideas and suggestions from all students.

Leisure Activites and Facilities The student recreational area is available for students when they are not required in class.


We encourage students to take part in regular physical activities. If you are interested in a specific activity please speak to the Student Support Team about your interest. We will try our best to fulfill your requests and arrange activities at times suitable for you.

Gym Membership

If you have membership of the College gym this will entitle you to use the fitness suite at times shown on the timetable outside of the gym.


Student Handbook 13/14

The Adventure Starts Here... 29

Bishop Auckland College

Hairdressing, Beauty and Complementary Therapies Relax and leave the stress and strains of life behind you in the comfort of our salons. The salons offer a wide range of beauty and Complementary therapy treatments all at very affordable prices. Samples of the treatments on offer are eyelash tinting, facials and waxing. The hairdressing salons offer a wide range of hair treatments at competitive prices, including cut and blow dry, perming, colouring, shampoo and set, highlights and low lights. The salons at the Woodhouse Lane site operate 4 days and 2 evenings per week. All clients are welcome and we regularly have special offers and group discounts available. If you wish to have a hair colour or eyelash tint you will require a patch test 48 hours prior to appointment date. Please ask at Reception for further details. To make an appointment please contact (01388) 443000 or call into the Salon Reception at the Woodhouse Lane site. Discounts are available for students.


Student Handbook 13/14

Health Promotion The College recognises the importance of good health for all its members.Healthy food choices are available daily in the Meeting Place and awareness raising and health education campaigns are held across College. Bishop Auckland College Student Support Service and Sexual Health Clinic have been successful in gaining ‘You’re Welcome’ Status. You’re Welcome Status is a standard of quality awarded by the NHS (Department of Health) and recognises the commitment to make health services young people friendly. We are working closely with the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust to provide additional services for our students. A professionally staffed, sexual health clinic or advice sessions operate in College. The College is a registered ‘C’ Card Centre providing sexual health advice and condom distribution and offers Chlamydia screening. Contact Student Support for further information. Members of the Student Support Team will be pleased to help if you need more information on any health related topic.

Smoking in College

In accordance with recent legislation smoking will only be permitted in a designated area. Students smoking in non-designated areas will be disciplined. As a health promoting College we acknowledge the effect smoking has on health and will offer support in the following ways to help individuals who may wish to stop smoking: • Access to support groups for those wishing to give up smoking • Free access to Quitline • Access to information on all aspects of smoking • Group tutorials and awareness raising events

Alcohol & Drugs

The use of alcohol, drugs or solvents on College premises is not permitted and the College is required to co-operate with the Police in upholding the law and maintaining a safe environment for all students. Any student who takes drugs (other than those prescribed for medical purposes) or alcohol on College premises or who comes into College under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be suspended in accordance with the College Disciplinary Procedure. Students who have taken any alcohol/drugs will not be allowed to travel on the College buses.


Bishop Auckland College

Personal Property Please take care of your personal property as the College cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage sustained while on College premises. Any property you find should be handed in to Reception. If you have lost something please check if it has been handed in. You can leave your details with Reception who will then contact you if your property is subsequently found.

Childcare Services Nursery

The College has a large Nursery on its Woodhouse Lane site which is registered with Ofsted to care for children from 3 months to pre-school age all year round. The College provides places for the children of its students as a priority but it is essential to contact the Nursery as soon as possible if you require a place as some sessions become full very quickly. Please note that all visitors to the Nursery, including students and staff, must enter using the appropriate security system. This procedure operates to maintain our security measures and must not be breached.

Bishop Auckland College Nursery Find out more: 01388 443 123 32

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Where Can I Get Help? I have forgotten which room I have to go to


I have lost my College Card


I feel ill and need to go home

Student Support Centre

I have hurt myself

First Aider via Reception

I have lost or forgotten my locker key

Manager for your area

I have lost or found property


I have a personal problem

Student Support Centre or Tutor

Is financial assistance available?

Client Services

I have a problem with my work

Tutor or Manager for your area

I have a query about exam entry or results

Manager for your area or Registry

I have a suggestion or complaint


I have identified a health and Health and Safety Officer via safety hazard Reception I have identified a security problem

Estates Manager via Reception

I have changed my telephone number, address or name

Student Support or Reception

I would like to join the College Gym

Client Services


Bishop Auckland College

Where Can Buy? Food and drink The Meeting Place, CafĂŠ or Shop Newspapers Shop Personal care products

Student Support

Stationery Shop Personal items - hairspray, paper hankies, deodorant, greetings cards, postage stamps


Photocopying Learning Centre

Where Can Obtain? Change for vending machines

The Meeting Place or Shop

A locker Key

Tutor or Manager for your area

Community charge exemption certificates

Student Support

A timetable for the College buses Application forms for Finance Information on health topics

Client Services Client Services Student Support

Free condoms Student Support Chlamydia Screening Kit


Student Support

Student Handbook 13/14

Key Staff Natalie Davison Principal/Chief Executive Stewart Ruddock Vice Principal – Finance & Resources Richard Hinch Director of Curriculum Elizabeth Lamb Director of Quality Judith Layfield Director of Industry, Innovation & Skills Stephanie Nattrass Head of Client Services Jane Brown Head of Student Services Kevin Burns Head of Marketing and School Liaison Gill Hewitt Head of Planning & Data Management Clare Wray Head of HR Lynn Heighton Head of Finance Mark Atkinson IT Services Manager Kara Ovington Estates & Facilities Manager

Claire Smith Centre Manager - Spennymoor Campus Camilla Race Employer Responsive Manager Mike Jinks Learning Area Manager: Arts, Performing Arts, Music & Access to HE Anne Bainbridge Learning Area Manager: Functional & Key Skills, Skills for Life, ICT, Business Admin, Business Management Kim McLaughlin Learning Area Manager: Foundation Learning (Spennymoor Campus) Katy Graham Learning Area Leader: Sport, Public Services, Steps4Success & Prince’s Trust Sharron Tunstall Learning Area Manager: Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy Debbie Rewcastle Learning Area Manager: Childcare, Health & Social Care, Care, Counselling Trevor Alley Learning Area Manager: Technology (MVC, Brick Joinery, Plumbing, P&D, Electrical) Graeme Trevor Learning Area Manager: Catering, Enterprise, Travel & Tourism Elaine Laurie Skills in the Community Manager

If you wish to contact any of the above and are unable to do so directly, you may get in touch via Reception. Duty Manager The College operates a Duty Manager rota whereby members of the College Management Team are on duty at all times the College is open. The Duty Manager can be contacted via Reception.


Bishop Auckland College

Corporate Board Members The College committee structure operates on a number of levels headed by the College’s Board of Corporation which replaced the College’s Governing Body in April 1993. The Board of Corporation is the supreme decision-making body of the College with the following members each of whom are appointed for a 4-year term. Chair of the Corporation: Brian Allen Vice-Chair of the Corporation: Professor Alan Townsend General Members: Agnes Armstrong Neville Baldry Peter Fisk Paul Gillis Edwina Lugg Neil McMillan John Moorley Beatrice Ollerenshaw Simon Owens Andy Palmer Pamela Petty Jane Ruffer Dave Sanders Alan Townsend Staff Governors: Joanne Walton (non teaching staff); Margaret Pletts (teaching staff) Student Governors: Lucy Storey and Mark Cummings Principal/Chief Executive: Natalie Davison The Clerk to the Corporation: Mr John Banks Members of the Corporate Board can be contacted via the Principal’s office at Bishop Auckland College.


Bishop Auckland College Woodhouse Lane Campus

Bishop Auckland College Spennymoor Campus


LEARNING ZONE 01388 443018


NURSERY 01388 443018


REGISTRY/EXAMS 01388 443025


STUDENT SUPPORT 01388 443051

Term Dates 2 September - 25 October 2013 4 November - 20 December 2013 6 January - 14 February 2014 24 February - 4 April 2014 22 April - 23 May 2014 2 June - 18 July 2014

Bishop Auckland College Woodhouse Lane Bishop Auckland County Durham DL14 6JZ Please note that every effort has been made to ensure that the details in this publication are correct at the time of printing. However, it is possible that Bishop Auckland College may need to amend and alter details without prior notification. Many thanks to all the staff and students who contributed to the production of this publication.

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