Theodor Herzl Schools
Unique education for individual excellence
Primary School Message from the Head of Primary School : Hilary Goldberg Farewell to Kevin Lees Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3:
7 8 9 43 63
Our Jewish Life
Interactive Elements! Click on these badges to watch the Youtube videos that are embedded within the book! They will open in a separate window!
Lydia Currin
Colleen Liss
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New al Norm House of Resurr
ection: On Friday, 27 November, our Grade 1’s kind handed over ly gifts to Siphok azi Gxoyiya a representative from the House of Resurrection (Aids Haven). O ver the past te rm our Grade 1’ have busied them s selves with chor es and odd jobs around their ho mes to raise fund s to buy a gift fo a child less fortun r ate than themse lves.
“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.�
- Scott Hayden
Mrs Hilary Goldberg is the head of the Theodor Herzl Primary School. Hilary has been part of the Theodor Herzl family since her daughter started at our Pre-Primary in 2004. After a 13 year stint in corporate, she returned to teaching, joining Theodor Herzl in 2010, teaching grade 4. She was promoted to Head of Department focusing on wellbeing and discipline. Hilary and her husband, Alan, have two children, a daughter, Jodi who is currently studying medicine and a son, Daniel who is studying in the business field. Both Jodi and Daniel enjoyed all of their schooling at Theodor. She believes in education that is child-centered, valuesdriven and one that provides an environment where excellence in emotional, social, physical and cognitive spheres, is a definite outcome. The best version of every child’s unique excellence is allowed to flourish in this environment.
Hilary Goldberg Primary School Principal
PS Staff
Merle Baartzes, Lizzie Mtyatyeni, Chireen Stronach, Ruan Coetzee Colleen Liss, Candice Parkin, Rob Clarke, Heather Rijs, Lydia Currin, Tarryn Moodaley, Aimee Mitchley Lundi Theron, Brett Lehman, Ntombo Cinani, Maria Bigara, Sharon Waddell, Kirsty Segal, Melanie Osmond Lusanda Mpofu, Jeanine Marriott, Kaylee Oosthuizen, Sharon Weyer, Chantal Klackers, Penny Shaw, Craig Carter Petro Petratos, Janet Price, Felicity Austin Day, Lala Daile, Anne Bizinos, Robyn Botha, Jenny Furman
Goodbye to Kevin Lees! So Long Kevin! To bid farewell to our amazing head of 9 years has been exceptionally sad. Kevin arrived from St Georges and immediately shone in all he did. He was instrumental in building our school up to the dual stream in each grade. Kevin was approachable and embraced the Jewish ethos of our school wholeheartedly. He was involved in all spheres of life at Theodor, whether popping out to check on what was happening on a camp to sprinting up the wing during a girls versus teachers hockey match. It was an honour to teach both Christian and Sebastian and we wish them, together with Michelle a wonderful time in Johannesburg. Theodor’s loss in King David’s gain. Hilary Goldberg
sale Jeru
Mrs Shaw Luniko Abrahams, Natalie Akweyo, Christiaan Bothma, Stuart Clarke, Alakhe Gqoli, Zuri Gxolo, Broc Kruger, Uyamamela Magigaba, Yoshika Maharaj, Tasmiya Moosa, Amier Moosagie, Kukwando Ngqakayi, Sophia Nguyen, Hlumisa Nofemele, Nicholas Parkin, Zainab Paruk, Thianelle Wessels, Richard Xiao
rs Mrs Klacke Lidia An, Youssuf Ansari, Lumikuthi Baart, Lorenzo Bands, Milani Butau, Chloe Elliott, Elon Gxolo, Scarlett Ives, Annebelle Jurrius, Mason Kruger, Minanayashe Matiza, Masana Matukane, Lunje Mengu, Hlumela Mtshwane, Cristen Naidu, Zuthobe Ndala, Zac Oved, Angelica Philander, Gabriel Veress, Joshua Westerdale, Kungentando Mavela
Our ! y a D t 1s
Museum Outing
Grade 1 1st Asse
Grade 1 Percussion Band
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Worl Grade 1 Puppet
Mrs Marrio
Ayden Anderson, Blake Boggenpoel, Mako Chetsanga, Gia-Luve Dowd, Emma Fyvie, Kylie Hobson, Hannah Johnston, Jeremy Kohler, Indiphile Mde, Nizibone Mgedezi, Nambita Mnyaka, Caleb Moss, Carah Lee Muller, Joshua Naidoo, Asante Ncoyo, Chonga Njokweni, Zingce Nxiweni, Folaranmi Odufuwa, Gabriel Voultsos, Francois Wessels, Abigail Williamson
Mrs Weyer Ava Botha, Emily Bricknell, Dario Britz, Amy Cameron-White, Enrique Claassen, Judah Crone, Sokhana Martin, Lwazi Mavimbela, Asanti Mbandazayo, Cara Miltz, Alunambaliso Mlenzana, Aluta Mqopi, Mikuwo Ngonyama, Eshal Niazi, Azi Nongogo, Drew Paton, Joshua Pillay, Peo Ramasesane, Donna Schewitz, Warona Zwide
Mrs Bigara Troy Bisschoff, Giovanni Botha, Luke Changfoot, Owen De Hart, Yitesh Francis, Taylor Hawkins, Sisasakhe Jacob, Ungakum Magigaba, Thahla Magongo, Zayd Mansoor, Ewan Naidoo, Iyabukwa Nonxuba, Lonke Nyila, Riley Oosthuizen, Rourke Saporta, Sambesiwe Shwempe, Nabiha Soomar, Jano Van Rooyen, Daniel Vos
Mrs Wadde
Cameron Du Preez, Limyoli Gqoli, Baphiwe Kuzane, Lubabalo Lukashe, Liyabukwa Magigaba, Calum Mathewson, Khanya Matikinca, Ubaid Moosagie, Onke Moss, Alondwe Msimanga, Luniko Ngcelwane, Ave Nongogo, Neha Pillay, Luca Pumplun, Tamishka Reddy, Kate Whitehead, Amir William
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J ock en Percy Jock was oulik en hy is klein. Sy ma se naam is Jess en hulle is bruin. Jock was groot, sterk en slim. Jock is lief vir groen bome en hy wil altyd klim. Micah Davids JOCK EN SY VRIEND PERCY Jock is altyd sterk, En op sy lyf is daar ‘n groot merk.
Jock en
Hy is baie groot, En hy hou van wit brood. Jock kan slaap in die aand. Maar hy weet nie wat is 'n maand. Jock is baie dapper, En is altyd baie wakker. Kian Simpson
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die Bos veld Jock is 'n baie dapper Hy soe hond. k 'n vrie nd, hy Jock is ek wil g gelukkig root en , hy kry Jock ja sterk w g bokke 'n beste ees. , maar vriend. nie slan g e nie. Jock sie n 'n wild s Jock w as altyd bok lank voor Percy. dapper Jock be in die n skerm ag. die Hoe Percy w n ders, ie as baie mand hartsee anders r. Sim skiet ho o Maye m. kiso Frost
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Jock was ‘n held van die bosveld. Sy stertjie was kort En Jock van die bosveld was wat hy het geword. In die nag, hy het by die vuur gebly hy help Percy bokke jag, elke dag was daar meer! Vandag is hy onthou en hy onthou jou! Jade Meyer
Jock se avo ntuur Jock is ‘n dapp er hond Jock se . beste v riend is Jock is Percy F was ‘n itzpatric k lein bru Jock is k. in hond dapper jie. soos hy Hy wil o ma Jes ok sterk s.. en slim wees! Zaydaa n Japp ie
Daar w as ‘na o ulike bru Hy wil s in wolfie o dapp er soos met die sy ma D naam F rost. iplost w Hy was ees. spesiaa l want hy Daar w as ‘n m hou nie an, hy van vle was ba is nie. ie bang Maar F . rost he t hom n Die ma ie geva n het ja ng, Fro mmer g st was evoel. baie kle in. Groot w olve he t gekom Frost h vir die s et bang kape, gevoel. Maar h y was d apper e Die wo n het geh lve het uil. weggeh gebyt ardloop maar o ngelukk ig het d ie groo E n nou is tste wo lf hom Frost is dood. Seth G allant
Suspense Stories: The abandoned school on the hill
The abandoned school on the hill
Once, a few decades ago, there was a tragic accident, that was TO NEVER EVER BE SPOKEN ABOUT. The ones who spoke, or even mentioned about it, would be executed on the spot. The story starts off about a high school (a normal high school like any other) or should I say, not TOO NORMAL. This school was the home of bullying. Crazy horrible indescribable events took place here. One was the life of Haroon. He was walking home from school, until his class bullies showed up. He was followed back home, from where he just finished school. The bullies broke a window in his house and then kidnapped Haroon, as well as his family members. WHY did they take his family members? You may be asking. Well, it was so that his family members could see the death of their own child and sibilings. All tied to a rope. HOW did they kidnap the family? Simple, they knocked them out and shot their legs so they couldn’t move. They took the family to an area where none could survive the fall. They first untied Haroon, and then HE was the first to have his life ended. Nobody or nothing to save him, he screamed for mercy. He asked WHY? did they do it. Simple, answered one of them. Whispering in his ear, the last horrible things he heard were “you were born, and a mistake, we’re just fixing the world. There is no need for disgraces, correct?” Haroon’s last words were “you’ll regret this.” The bullies chuckled in a murderous tone. They dropped the boy to a huge fall, making sure he landed head first. They left the family to die of starvation and thirst, crying for help and praying was all they could do. A few days later the bullies went missing during a Maths class. There was a ghost with blood all over his body with a familiar look, it was Haroon. Had them hanging to chains, no escape whatsoever. In a Dark room, where not even a candle was lit. He tore them limb to limb showing no mercy at ALL. The school was eventually closed, no sign of reopening due to the shame of the children that made the school look bad.
One Saturday morning Ma woke up and texted her friends that they should go exercised soccer for the tryouts for Wednesday. They all got ready to go to play soccer that evening, they all met up at Lisa’s house and on their bikes they went to the nearest will.
Now, HOW do I know so much about this story? Simple as it is!! It’s because the narrator for the story, is Haroon, ME. It’s been 1000 years... and a new event has happened, but nobody knows about it. Haroon and The Bullies from the abandoned school on the hill, have been reincarnated. In this timeline they are amazing friends, yet they don’t know anything about the event 1000 years ago. One day at school they were learning history, and the topic was about the horrible event 1000 years ago. The rules have changed, so it’s only fine to teach people at School about this event. Some reason, Haroon and the bullies remembered this happening. Jaco, do you for some reason remember this? They asked their other friend John about this, he agreed. A few hours later they were walking home together, they all felt a shiver down their spine. In a few seconds they started having flashbacks, insane headaches, indescribable pain. They were all shook and confused. They heard a voice that said ‘you are their reincarnations.’ They didn’t think about it too hard, they said it was all in the past, and to move on. Till this day nobody knows who that man was, except for 1 person...
By Haroon
When they got there they saw a school. They decided to stay either way cause the next Park/hill they could go to was far away. They all started exercising and running up and down the hill. After 30 minutes they started passing the ball around in a circle.As done was a lot to pass it to Jim,Jim misses the ball and it went into a small crack in the abandoned school. They all decided to go inside together. Jim open the door and they all went inside.Jim starts shivering and get scared of the darkness,he tries to open the door but he can’t its locked,the door is locked.,they all start to panic and scream after 10 minutes they became calm again.They looked all over the school except the basement they all went in together and then they heard a man breathing heavily and a woman walking quietly,slowly ,creepily and heavy down the stairs .The kids they looked back and Shockley saw a small figure quickly run past them. They decided to follow the little figure into a big hall. As they went into a humongous creepy looking hall it smelled like someone was cooking breakfast. They decided to follow the smell and that took a long time but they went through tunnels and creepy looking pipes with spider webs and alot of dust but that lead them to a big room that had a kitchen a door leading to a bathroom and a bed. They didn’t think anything about it until they realised that the stove was hot which means someone was cooking the bed was freshly made with no dust which means someone was here no long ago so they children started looking for stuff but they found nothing. They suddenly hear the sound of the door close and lock and a little screaming in horror. They banged and banged but no one came. They spend 5 hours there until they hear a voice of a man coming closer and closer the try to hide but they couldn’t in fright they all hide in the bathroom and then suddenly they feel someone speaking and ask if it’s one of them but it wasn’t they turn around in horror to see a figure of a small girl standing there.
By Umtha
The abandoned school on the hill Alena,Milo,Lucas and Georgina were taking a walk along the hill. Alena then saw a run down school on top of the high, green hill. They then decided to walk up the hill into the school. It was dark and cold inside. Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs.The classroom door handle turned slowly. Everyone was scared.They then decided that they should leave,but while they were walking out, the door shut closed. It became as quiet as a viper. Alena said that they should walk up the stairs,so they did. There were books lying all over the floor,all the classrooms were a big mess. They walked into the laboratory and they saw liquids lying on the floor,they didn’t know what it was. They started to feel like they were trapped. Wandering through the school they felt like something was watching them.A shrill cry echoed in the distance. Georgina’s hair stood on end,a shiver raced down her spine and a lump came to her throat. They thought that someone else must of been in the building. Milo said they should go check if the door was open,so they did. Lucas started to pull the door open.It took forever to open,but eventually the door opened and they all ran out. All they wanted to do is run home.
By Saniya
The abandoned school on the hill There was a group of teenage friends, 4 boys and 4 girls, who went to the same high school. One night, they were having a small party in the house of one of the boys. It was after midnight and the talk soon turned to scary stories. The friends wanted to test their courage by going to a haunted location. They thought it would be fun to scare themselves by exploring a creepy place in the dark. For years, they had heard stories about an old abandoned school that lay on the outskirts of town. Everyone said it was haunted. so they drove out to the old schoolhouse and parked outside the grounds. The 8 friends decided that they would explore the school in pairs. The plan was for each pair to walk around the school anticlockwise. It would take about 10 minutes to circumnavigate the school. The first pair would start off and, When they returned, they would tell the others what they had seen. Then, it would be the turn of the second pair to walk around the school. The first pair, a boy and a girl, set off as the remaining 6 teenagers waited by the car. After a while, they began to grow impatient. It had been more than 20 minutes, and their friends had still not returned. After 30 minutes had passed since the first pair left, the others got tired of waiting. The next boy and girl decided to walk around the school and look for their friends. The others waited and waited, but the second pair failed to come back. The remaining teenagers couldn’t understand what was happening. They began to wonder if their friends were playing a joke on them. It had been almost an hour since the first pair had left. The third boy and girl pair nervously set off to try and find their missing friends. They never returned.The boy and girl who remained behind were very nervous. The girl began to cry and the boy tried to comfort her.
The abandoned school on the hill Max, Jake, and Blake lived close to the Abandoned School. And one day they were playing with their Dog Rex. And all of a sudden Rex ran out the gate and ran under the fence into the Abandoned School. Max, Jake, and Blake were very scared but the only way to get Rex back was to go inside The Abandoned School. Max and Blake were searching outside and Jake searched inside. They searched for hours and all of a sudden Jake heard a noise in the back of the classroom. Jake went closer and close and it was a...Big Figure and Jake got such a big fright that he passed out. And the Big Figure dragged Jake to the dungeon under the school. Max and Blake came inside the school and called out Jake,s name and there was no Response. Max looked at Blake and said it’s just you and me now. What are we going to do said, Blake? I don’t know but we will have to look for Jake. Max went all the way to the end of the hallway and opened a door and saw steps going DOWN.Max called Blake to come down the stairs with him. Max had his flashlight on and walked down the stairs.The stairs were cracking like there was no tomorrow.And they saw Jake laying on the ground Max said quickly lets get out of hear.But it was to late the BIG FIGURE was walking down the stairs and it was the janitor of the school.He switched on the lights and said what are you guys doing here.Max said we were looking for our dog.The janitor said then why didn’t you guys just ask I kept him with me the whole time since I saw him.Max said thank you so much and they went home and closed their gate and went inside..
Eventually, the boy said, “I’m going to look for the others. If I don’t come back after 30 minutes, go straight to the police.” After he left, the girl stood alone in the cold and the dark, weeping silently. She waited an hour, but nobody came back. She got into the car, turned the keys in the ignition and drove to the nearest police station.
Max,Jake and Blake were at home and they were watching Tv but all of a sudden Rex heard a sound next door he ran to the door and Max,Jake and Blake asked Rex what happend. Rex was scared.Max said there is only one way to see what happend its to go inside Mrs Rocks house Rex and Max went to Mrs Rocks house and rang the door bell.No one answered Rex opened the door with his head and Max Whisper to Rex why did you do that we cant go inside someones house without their permission .Rex just looked at Max and sneezed.So Max said to Rex,lets ask Mrs Rocks what happend. Max called Mrs Rocks and no one replied.
By Christian
By Kiash
The haunted House
The abandoned school on the hill
Once upon a time in 1875 there was a woman called Sheron, she hated Halloween because she was born in a circus and growing up people would throw tomatoes at her. The circus made her mentally ill. On Halloween there was this group of kids that threw eggs at her house so when they threw them it traumatized her. One day she fell into a wet cement and died, so her husband finished their house while she was covered in cement in the basement. When her husband died she haunted their house. One day there was a family of 6 that moved into the house. They did not have a lot of money, the mother worked at the dinner and the father worked at a construction site. The children went to a school called Thomas Jefferson High School and had lots of friends.The children told their parents that the house was being haunted and their parents didn’t believe them. Until one day the house started writing with blood on the walls, it said “ get out get out” but the parents thought it was the children playing a prank on them. Until the house started eating the parents one by one. The children were left all alone the same night the children went to sleep one of them could not sleep, from the noise down stairs to only find out that it was a ball bouncing up and down. They slowly walked down the stairs in fear and followed the ball. Then the house ate the child then there were three. The eldest child started beating the house up with the two other children until it walked up and chased the children to their dad’s construction site. That’s where they destroyed the house and the house spat out all the people it ate. It all ended happily ever after their dad got a promotion and the mother opened her own dinner.The End
Recently my friends and I went to a school but not just any school an abandoned school on the hill. It looked like nothing from afar but as soon as we opened the creecky gate it was so quiet and it was so dark you could hear a coin drop. As my friends and I held hands we were already startled by the entrance although we knew it looked creepy we still carried on. We entered the door and we were approached by the dusty passage, wait, what’s That noise? ,it sounds like a vibration its coming closer guys can you hear it”.I was shivering , my heart was beating fast and my palms were sweating . At that time there was no one insight I was walking on my tippy toes looking at every inch of the room looking for my friends, i saw a rat family staring at me but I ignored it .I bumped into something and I ran as fast as I could without even looking at what it was. I went into the nearest room I could find, then I could sense something breathing heavingly above my neck. Wait, what is it, it, it was ...
By Maphango
By Mange
I ran outside the closer I got to the gate the closer i could sense something , I heard foot steps but I had no idea where they were coming from. As I went back inside feeling safer i heard somethig but i wasn’t quite sure what it was so i listened but then I heard something drop. I went to have a quick look only to find it was the same rat family looking for a new home. Then I heard a even louder noise so I ran even faster to the gate .I was huffing and puffing and I was out of breath. As i stopped to cath my breath i heard giggles which starteled me a bit but then as I turned around it was my friends, they had pranked me.
The abandoned school
The Cave-Dwellers
Once there was a very evil guy his name is Sam. He tries to steal a very expensive sports car that John has .Sam hates John so much that he will take his whole life apart .Then Sam was getting out of control so John called his security and Sam beat all of them up .But John managed to escape .He was riding all over the place to hide then he found a place a abandoned school that he never thought was there so he decided to hide their for a few days until he found a place to stay .Sam looked all over for him but could not find John .John was so happy that Sam could not find him .John tried to find the owner of the abandoned school so he could buy the the place .He hired new security so he had 2 body guards and 10 security guards some of them by the back of the school and some of them by the the front and some of them inside the school and some by the CCTV footage room .Then Sam finds John then John thinks Sam is going to kill me then his security is beating up Sam and his bodyguards John is so happy that his security beat Sam and his me up .So then John called the police and now John can finally rest in peace because Sam is in jail .
One day I was walking with my friend, Antonio.We went walking on the beach and we saw a mysterious cave,the outside of the cave was a skull and the inside pitch black and was cold and leaky.We strolled in the cave as if nothing was going to happen but then all of a sudden,we saw a big,scary…
By Wesley
shadow.We were so shook over a shadow,I felt a little bit of urine drip down the left leg.In fear we ran deeper into the cave and we found three little broken half broken doors.The first door was written very very scary,the second door was written scary,and the last door was written not scary at all.Yep,you guessed it,We chose the “not scary at all door”.We walked in and saw nothing we walked further in and all of a sudden “BANG” the door shut closed behind us,Then… Small little creatures were nibbling on the tips of our shoes,I was so scared I felt a tear run down my face. Antonio was so scared he had an anxiety attack and he passed out. I struggled to carry him out but I managed to splash some sea water on his face.He asked “What happened.” I said” A life threatening experience.”
By Owethu
The Haunted School Once upon a time in 1999 there were two girls named Jordan and Becky.They were best friends. They always walked to school together morning they decided to walk a different street to see if they got to school quicker.Then Becky said: Did you hear that?! Jordan respond heard what? Becky said I heard footsteps and heard a high pitched sound of someone whistling.Jordan stood still and looked around.Then she said to Becky I only hear a kid bouncing a ball. They carried on walking and suddenly Jordan stood still like a mouse...Becky asked:are you okay?Jordan said what’s that creepy building on the hill?It’s an old school,everyone said it’s haunted and one kid went in and he said he heard doors banging and loud footsteps.Jordan said:he is properly making it up to scary people.I am pretty sure he is not lying, said Becky. Then Jordan heard a girl scream in a horrified voice in need of help.Jordan said lets go inside this “abandoned school’’. So they went into the abandoned building.Bang the girls were already getting scared and nervous.Jordan said let’s look in this room.It looks very odd.Does it look odd to you? asked Jordan. No not really but let’s investigate what’s behind the door said Becky. They opened the door and there were doll’s hanging from the ceiling then...they both had a bad feeling this was a trap … kreek Jordan said what was that! Becky said I think someone is coming! Jordan said; Hide!.Becky said : let’s jump out of that window over there.They both ran fast as they could and they jumped out the window.Then while they were running glass shattered.Both got home safely.
By Casey
The abandoned school on the hill There was once an abandoned school on the hill it was forgotten by its people. Cama, Intle and Saniya were playing near the abandoned school on the hill but then suddenly the bell rang! They were frightened but Cama said to them lthey should go in the school. But Saniya and Intle said no so Cama dragged them so they went, they climbed the hill until they reached to the top and there it was an abandoned school on a hill. They slowly opened the gate and went inside. Then they heard the gate close shut! They immediately ran inside the school. But when they were inside the school they heard two kids crying and screaming so they went to go look at the crying kids One of kids turned out to be Intle’s long lost big sister and the other was Saniya’s neighbor. They were shocked as they were going out the doors and windows went shut! Then there was the old voice they ran but as they ran the voice kept getting closer and closer to them. When the voice was close to them it was an odd figure. They ran and screamed but no one could hear them. They went into a classroom but the classroom was empty it only had a writing board the board had the word RUN!!! so they ran but there was the figure!! They ran into another classroom but Intle fell and broke her ankle so Cama had to drag her into the other classroom, Intle was in pain so she cried. Cama had to carry Intle on her back when they were running. The figure ran after them so Saniya got a bat and she hit the figure and it was out for a few minutes. There was a man and they ran to him and said there was a figure chasing them so the man told them to but they said the doors were closed, the man pushed the doors open then they all ran outside the school. They went down the hill which made them trip and roll down the instead. When they got down the hill they went to their houses and were all crying Intle’s mom and dad were very happy that they bought back her Big sister. So they went tot the police and they reported the abandoned school and the police said they were gonna burn the school and so they did. Everyone in the village rejoiced and they were happy and never went back up the hill.
By Intle
When mist appears... Who could have thought that something so simple could turn into something so bad. It started with a stupid dare this kid dared me to go in the abandoned school, i had something to prove but who knew that would change my life forever. I took a deep breath and i took my first step inside. Everything was silent...Bang! The door shut and i was parallelized with fear.I heard something, it was coming, suddenly it was so close i could hear its breathing. I didn’t even dare to look, all I did was run. My mind was only filed with worries now for i knew who took those breaths. I crawled down the corridor I have cried out all my tears. Why was i so stupid.I looked up and i was surprised to see a door with something written on it, I could barely read it , “Mrs right?” I went cold , some thing touched me I turned around she, she was there staring at me with her black eyes and pail skin. I saw specks of blood on her hands i am not the only one that has been her. i could see threw the window that mist has covered all sight of life only making this worse than it is. My legs were to num to run so crawled dragging myself with my arms to the nearest widow. I fell to the ground after escaping from a high window. I limed home with relief. I didn’t sleep that night as i sat up to get some water I saw something staring threw the window... she was there watching me. Its been like that ever since, I never felt safe again. You should also sleep with your curtains closed. So remember my last story didn’t go so well, I am here to fix that. See after the whole insidint it started getting worse I started seeing the teacher in other places to. I cant believe I am saying but I need to end it. The worst part is no one believed me , they all thought I was crazy , I guess i am doing this on my own. I tried to gain my courage to go in again but it was almost already painful to think of what would happen. Even the sight of it made me jump. Here I am the same place I escaped from, the same place I tried to prove something, The same place I cant forget. I was already numb from how scared I was but as I walked in I couldn’t feel anything. I creeped down the corridor minding my step. Each second felt like a hour and a minute felt like a life time. As I got to her office it felt like I couldn’t breath. What am I doing here . I do not even have a plan, I should just go before anything happens, but as those words came out my mouth the door creeped open... I knew this was the end tears came immediately from my eyes. With instinked I ran towards anything that could lead me outside. I came to a class room with windows I tried to climb threw one but they were to high. There must be some way I can end this. At that stage I tried everything. I do not understand is there really no way to stop this. I heard her foot steps, pitter patter pitter patter.Well okay know I am just sick of this, I am done running away from you.What do you want from me what do you think you are accomplishing from this I shouted.She stopped and looked at me for the first time she spoke, At this school is where my husband died, 1949 a bomb dropped on the school killing everyone so ever since I seek revenge on everyone who dares to mock or come in this school. My heart sank when I heard this. I am truly sorry for coming here like it was a joke I will leave immediately but only if you do not haunt me for something that happened to you. That night there was no teacher watching me and I wasn’t scared anymore.
By Adri
The abandoned school on the hill We were running down the hill as fast as we could, and then I woke up. My alarm was blaring, playing 80’s music so loudly it felt like my ears were going to pop. I heard my mom screaming at me to turn it off. Then I saw the time. I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth as fast as I could, rushed down stairs and grabbed a granola bar for breakfast as I dashed out the door to meet my friends at the bus stop. Thankfully, they were sitting there; Leo, Piper and Luke, my best friends. We were running late, thanks to me. We decided to take a shortcut, sprinting down an abandoned gravel road. Slowly, the road began to change, becoming a steep hill. Then, I saw the building, exactly as it was in my dream. The abandoned school on the hill. We started to debate whether to go through or around. Luke said that there might be ghosts in there, but Piper, being the nerd, said that ghosts don’t exist, or so we thought. Leo, however, was already at the door, begging us to come. As we were slowly hiking up the hill, I told them about my terrifying nightmare. Reluctantly, we kept walking. We broke through the door and slowly crept along the dark hallway with a creaky, wooden floor. We called out for Leo, but there was no answer. We searched all the classrooms together, but we found no one.. Leo is quite a joker, so I was expecting this, but I started to worry. Leo would usually have shown himself by now. Something was wrong. We kept searching until Luke said we should take a break. Piper and I liked the sound of that. We were already drenched in nervous sweat. The classroom we decided to stop in was cold and dark. It only had one flickering bulb with just enough light for us to see each other. We sat down for five minutes and then I said that we should carry on looking, but there were only two of us. Piper was missing. It was just Luke and me now. Luke, being paranoid, would look behind himself every five seconds, to check if anyone was following us, talking non-stop. Suddenly there was silence. I was all on my own, in the dark and eerie halls of the abandoned school on the hill. I kept pacing down the hall, searching every dark classroom there was, until I heard a voice. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. Then I saw him, my childhood friend who died in a car crash was standing in front of me. He kindly offered to help me find my other friends, but I was suspicious. Why was he here? How is he alive? Why hasn’t he aged? All these questions were worrying me. Then he told me something that offended me. He told me that I didn’t need them! That he was my only real friend. I got mad and grabbed him by the arm, but it didn’t feel like an arm, it felt more like… slime? Then I realized he wasn’t real, so I ran. I sprinted towards the cafeteria. On the table stood a single bag of flour. I grabbed the soggy, heavy bag for defence. He winced, like flour had hurt him before, and from all the ghost movies I’ve seen, I knew why he was afraid of it. I opened the bag and hurled it straight towards him. He disintegrated to the floor while letting out a loud screech. After that my heart was pounding. I searched the school for hours looking Leo, Piper and Luke. I finally found them in the basement, locked in the storage room. Luckily, the key was still in the door. I let them out and we made our way back to the entrance. Before leaving, I looked back and saw white, floury footprints slowly padding across the floor towards me. Then I heard the same voice from my childhood friend saying: “This isn’t over.” Next thing you know we were running down the hill as fast as we could!
By Ryan
The Bomb In the year 2023 there was man by the name of Jeff Jefferson. He had a suspicion that a world wide atomic bomb was soon going to explode. In the next two days he got as many supplies as he could store like food and water. The next morning he went down into his bunker. He waited for 3 days and for 3 nights until one morning, when he heard a huge bang, he made a bold choice to stay under for the day and go up the next morning.
A Forgotten Land A forgotten land, a forgotten village, that held a forgotten school that holds its own secrets. Ding dong, the bells ring. Flora picks up her book and walks to assembly, facing the floor trying to avoid any trouble. She stops. The voices nearby were gossiping and laughing at her, but she ignored still and she felt something warm and comforting surrounding her. There were soft voices that sounded oddly familiar, but she looked and saw no one. The warmth left like when you get out of the bath on a cold day.
The next morning he woke up and decided to see what happend the day before. He opened the bunker hatch and he looked into the vast distance and he saw nothing. The bomb took out everything including all population. He went to the kitchen to make some noodles and when the noodles were done he sat down and slowly started eating his stringy noodles. All of a sudden he heard a knock on his crooked door...
‘’Weird ’’ she said, confused. She walked to her seat, but before she had the chance to sit down someone had slammed her book to the ground. Whack! The pages where all crumbled and the beautifully illustrated cover was dirty and bent. It was Scarlet the white tabby cat, teacher’s pet and school bully.” What’s wrong Foxy? I did nothing! ”Scarlet sneered.
I answer the door and nobody was to be seen as i walk back inside “to eat my stringy noodles” something grabs my leg, its Dave. but i thought Dave died or maybe hes a ZOMBIE! I ran into my house and I locked the door. luckily i had prepared for this situation, i garbed my shotgun ran out the back and shot Dave in the head. I walked back inside to do some thinking, I thought “if Dave was a zombie would everyone else be too and could there be other survivors.
“Oh my, Foxy! Teacher’s pet ? You should know we aren’t like the humans, we are different. We are all pets”.
So i went from door to door searching and searching after days i found a man by the name of Oompa Loompa we found other people here and there and we had to take out a lot of zombies. we also found a guy called Zenox Bloom AKA professor Bloom “he was a scientist”, he and I have been working on cure but there was one problem, we have to catch a zombie without getting bitten. so me and Oompa Loompa started creating a trap. finally it was completed, we waited day and night when finnaly one fell for it. We brought him inside and gave it the cure and then this happend.
By Maisie
He turned to human and so we went curing everyone we could could at the end of it all only 200000 people remained so we had to repopulate the earth. So after all that I end up in my kitchen still eating my stringy noodles
By Morgan
“Nothing? Teachers pets should know better..” Flora replied angrily.
That afternoon at tea time, Flora was so puzzled,confused and sad. The book was one of the only things she had from her parents who had died when she was just a cub .SNIF,SNIF a rabbit was next to her her name was Becca ,Flora had no idea about what was going to happen next.
The Abandoned House on the hill. A forgotten land, a forgotten village, that held a forgotten school There were two grades, 6 boys, their names were Tshego, and Ayush they were best friends. One day they were in detention for talking too much when they were done, they walked cause their moms didn’t want to drive them back home they said that it was their punishment for talking and going to detention. While they were walking, they discovered that there was an easier way to walk to their houses when they saw the route, they decided to take it because it was better and faster to their houses. When they were halfway to their houses, they saw a dark and scary house on the left of them they were wondering in their heads what it was then a mysterious man that came up behind them, but it turned out that it was he was a man across the street. His name was Mr. Anderson and he was a friendly man and decided to take the route too and he said that the house was haunted. Ayush and Tshego said that it was just a joke and it’s not haunted Mr. Anderson said that it is really haunted the last family saw very strange things and legend has it that they never had come out the for one hundred and fifty years and they moved on Halloween they said back tomorrow is Halloween so they can go inside the house and prove that it is not haunted and to show you, Mr. Anderson, that you’re acting like a child. When they arrived back home, they ate went in their pyjamas and before they fell asleep, they called each other and talked about the fake haunted house when they finished with the call, they took a deep breath and fell asleep dreaming about the haunted house tomorrow. The next day a Saturday but it’s also Halloween. At 6 in the afternoon, they started to trick or treat, because they had to do it first so they could get candy first so they know they trick or treated so then they can go to the haunted house knowing they have candy. Finally, at 8 o’clock they walked out of their homes and they went up the hill to meet the haunted house. When they were in front of the haunted house they sighed deeply and said to each other, “We can do it!”. They finally opened the door and went inside. Tshego and Ayush went inside the house and it was very dark and they were really scared, they almost ran out the door, but then “ Tshego said no, we have to face our fears and be strong”. Ayush felt very confident after what Tshego said. They went up.
By Tshego
Sean Cairns, Taahir Carloo, Liam Domingo, Mikayla Edwards, Aiden Els, Katie Jay Ferrant, Matthew Goodall, Samuel Greef, Isabella Hagemann, Rachel Honeyball, David Horak, Yousha Jappie, ZaneJurris, Ukho Majali. Cinga Mayekiso, Elona Mcingana, Ongama Ncume, Anda Nongogo, Sameeha Peer, Khumo Rammutla, Sebastien Schmidt, Sienna Scribante, Nazmira Soomar.
Fun Day!
Gr 7 Camp
Primary School
Friendship Day!
Foundation Phase
Madison’s Mom!
Core Skills Achievers
Lit Quiz Team Xhosa Assembly
Lockdown Birthdays Our Work Spaces
Having Fun at Home
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My first lock down experie nce At first I was like “ohmigos h NO SCHO Then I realise OL!!” d we had to do online sc trying to get hool and I wa rid of naartjie s ok with that st ea ling monkeys about school . I was kind . Ok fast forw on the farm of busy so I wasn’t th ard a few we hoping to go at worried ek s, online scho back to scho ol was HARS ol. Again in schools open a few weeks H and I was . I actually wa I was PRAY tched the ne open. And fin ING they'd le ws every nigh ally they said t the t to see if the that the scho considerably schools woul ols would op nervous the d en !! ni I gh m ust admit I wa t before my confident. R first day, but YAN CAIRNS s in the end I was quite My feelings about Lockdo wn
When my M other told m e that school excited. was closed be cause of lock But.. then 1 down, I was month later so I started to fe and teachers el a little lone . Lockdown ly because I was very borin Aidan Miltz m issed my frien g even though ds I had sister I still felt lone ly
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Kai Bruinders Zara Dullabh Rachelle Soine
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oil ss ss with 1.fill gla ater in the gla g drops w in r r u lo o o c 2.p 10 food renza c tablet pen o p 4.add c the magic ha a fizzy causes d n a p fizzes u nts. ie renza c The co to the ingreid n io t c a re By Izzie
Coke e& d
ou ne What y coke mentos , where cleation to the u n d e s ll n cess ca happe tracted How it ly due to a pro the soda is at rocess called t p s in o is a – all xide is th It’s m bon dio explanation ide in the sod g for r a c e h x in t ir nd look . ... The bon dio Mentos n. All the car to the liquid a io in t a nucle – is squeezed that fizz t. u a way o
Coke & Mentos A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (also known as a soda geyser) is a reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints that causes the beverage to spray out of its container. The gas released by the candies creates an eruption that pushes most of the liquid up and out of the bottle. There are 3 simple steps. STEP 1 Drop the mentos in the coke then quickly close the cap of the bottle of coke. STEP 2 Shake the coke bottle up and down for a bit. STEP 3 Open the coke bottle then watch as the eruption takes place. By Brooklyn
e Experiment
Minut My Crazy Five You Will Need: 1.A Bowl 2.A Spoon 3.Water ing 4.Food Colour er 5.Pepp 6.Soap
Instructions: y Colour But to A Bowl 1.Pour Water In t Of Yellow (You Can Use An l w Bi Bo ny e Ti ing In Th 2.Pour A st) Food Colour w Yellow Works Be Whole Bowl Is A Glassy Yello e Th il nt e 3.Stir It U Onto The Surfac 4.Pour Pepper Soap On Your Finger Of s Of The Bowl 5.Put A Speck oves To The Side M er pp Pe e 6.Watch As Th the ace tension of down the surf water the surface k ea br to le into the Soap is ab the soap moves want to keep water, and so as But the water molecules still ay from the s. aw ge ck an ey pull ba tension ch ion going, so th the surface tens e pepper along with them. th soap, and take By Francis
By Ben
erim p x E e nc
Sugar Snake
You will need: 1. Metal tray 2. Sand 3. 10 grams of Bicarb onate of Soda 4. 40 grams of suga r 5. Lighter fluid 6. Lighter 7. Fire extinguisher Make a mixture of Meth the Bicarbonate of Soda and the sugar. od sand in a mount on Place metal tray. Make a sm all lighter fluid over the sand, enough to ma well in the sand. Pour ke mixture of Bicarbon ate of Soda and suga the sand wet. Add the r to the well in the san Light the flame and watch the snake gro w. Please be careful d. with the lighter. When the bicarbonate Reaction carbon dioxide gas of soda is heated to a certain temperat ure, is released. The pre ssure created from release of carbon dio the xide gas causes the snak gets it black colour be cause of the sugar be e to grow. The snake ing caramelised by the heat. By Antonio
what you n 10 ml of d eed: ish soap. 100 ml of co 400 ml of w ld water. Food colo hite vinegar. rin Baking sod g. a baking so slurry (fill a cup abo da u with wate , then fill the rest o t ½ with r) f the way 10 ml of ye a Empty 2 li st tre bottle How it ha p by adding pens a burst up li ll the ingredients it w ke a volcan ill rise up o By Wandis e
@ home experient Materials 1 Bicarbonate of soda 2 White vinegar 3 Glass bottle 4 Funnel 5 Balloon Then put the Method half way with vinegar. arbonate of Fill your glass bottle up bic the h wit up it fill and that place er balloon on to the funnel Aft it. ist tw the funnel and soda. Take the balloon off glass bottle and untwist the the balloon on the lid of it. Results and Conclusion white vinegar it of soda mixes with the When the bicarbonate balloon inflate the kes ma ich dioxide wh creates CO2 or carbon with the gas.
Book Reviews
e Bas h T f O t u O y Sta
It is a n by R.L Stine. catch at is a book writte t th s en rn m tu se d Ba an e s Stay Out Of Thr book awith a lot’s of twist t beware spoilers are children horro I’ll tell you a bit of the plot bu you off guard. ve been warned. are ahead so you ha sey Brewer who argaret and Ca r mom is on a trip M ds ki o tw t ei ou The story is ab ith their dad (Dr Brewer). Th b as a botanist at a left at home wwas recently fired from his jodad has been acting and their dad y. The kids notice that their e. They soon realise nearby universit d they decide to investigat ents with plants in tice a bit strange anis doing some weird experim overies. They no that their dad This leads to some strange discand has more than a the basement. becoming a bit herbaceous d appeared to bend that their dad is tall, treelike plant sighed an ing to them, calling green finger. “A ising its tendrils as if beckon toward them, ra them back.” it u haven’t read (it is) and if yo l “goosebumps” ht rig y or st od ca go pi It sounds like a It’s a really good book in ty d maybe follow you now, you must.e you reading all night long an. I give this book 4.5 style. It will leav s or should I say nightmaresnt). It’s a great mix of into your dream 4.5 plants out of 5 (a little hi out of 5 stars or r. rro science and ho
By Cama
s mis l! e w t oo Whaout sch ab
impy Kid W a f o y r a i D Kinneyrrent ff e J y b r e v Cabin Fe ause it helps me relate to the cu
ok bec I like this bo ation. tu si s u ir av n coro . n challenges me lockdow y family. sa e th h it w d Greg is face doors with m d staying in ould No School, an aracters. I w with fun ch ’s not the best t, o Pl l u yf la ause it as a p This book h half out of five stars bec a d an 3 , it rate ad before. book I’ve re n By Brookly
By Anton io e upon a Dork k Diaries - Onc
By Kaela
e Russell
By Rachel Rene
r. e main characte but she is also th e all part of wellok bo e th s te rra ell na ends ar Plot: Nikki Maxw her head Nikki and her best fri After she bumpss. g known fairy tale dodge ball durin e was hit by a ey and her crush, sh r te Af . er ev Zo how There is a twist d her best friends Chloe and e part of different fairy school Nikki ane mean girl Mckenzie all becoming the main character, Brandon and th through each fairy tale becom rland. Living through pe to tales. Nikki lives , Cinderella and Alice in Wonde and how to esca Sleeping Beauty e soon discovers how to move d loves looking pretty the fairy tales shle. Nikki is very fashionable anacter in that particular the next fairy ta she dresses as the main charwith her friends no one but in her dreamgh she is friendly an dpopular the dialog in her head. fairy tale. Althou noid she is as this is part of best in the series. The knows how parark was fun to read but not the onality wasnt as funny Once upon a do t too exciting and Nikki’s pers story line was nos. as in other book casue it is in grade 3-6 be ne yo an to ok d this bo I can recommeneveryday dilemas. r ou to e bl ta rela
By Emily
The daily R0.99
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ongo Tim
Saratoga, California ________ — Mond ________ ay, March ________ 18, 2013 www.bin ________ — 2 page gobongo.c s ________ om ________ ________ $2,50 ________ Since 19 ________ 86 Hurricane Maia plu nged into heart of th the e south of One resid Monday, Saratoga ent, Mrs the on Meyvees Mugwire shattering 11th of March 20 , “W 13, buildings everything e have lost this indus and lives , our cloth in trial tow photo alb n. This is ing, cows major hu ums. Our , and the 5th rricane to so pla n, Barry oc area in th ying in th wa e last cent cur in this hurricane e ocean when the s ury. At lea 1500 are struck an st believed d has still been fou dead from storm an nd no the ; d th t though. Ou we still have hope injured an ousands more ar , r e d missing Daisy, a pu prized possession . , rebred Ay began be rshire bu Hurricane ____________ llowing be ll, Maia was ____________ fore the hurricane warm, mo formed wh ____________ began. W ist air fro e firmly be that this m the wa en ocean wa By: Mika was a wa lieve rm ter yla Edwa rning sig disaster rds that repla rose and the cool n that a was immi ced it als air ne nt.” o warmed creating up, a cy Another clouds an cle, ending in sto citizen, Pe rm d wind sp etir Pahk Cheetla Na ee and caus een iasha Sm ing a hurri ds growing ith said, “T governme cane. he nt forthcomi has not been Swirling ng with pr bands of omised wind and assistance circled th rain . We are e sky and relying on church gr by 4pm a warning ou was issue us becaus ps and the Lord to d for a ca 2 hurrica teg e the gove he ne. By mi rnment ha lp failed, Am dnight, ov ory 1 000 00 s en.” er 0 building s had los power. Th t e hu rricane qu An overvie picked up Doctors W ick w shot of ly in ithout Bo Hurricane soon turn size and speed an rders have arrived to Maia. ed d ten hurricane into a category 5 injured. Th d to the sick and , the highe e WHO ar st possible rating for illnesses e advising a hurrica that can on arise ne, with of 300 km condition winds /h. s left by th due to the e hurrica ne. I ca Standing n see that here amids the organiz and comm t and deva ations unity grou station, th the debris this disas ps involv e palpable ter will be ed in . Trees ar despair is People aft su e upende the clean ar e mi ssing fro er Hurrica up proces ccessful in m houses d, roofs s. ne Maia tor through ev I be en flip lieve that, thought th ped over , cars are their tow e an e n. hu d ar rricane ha destroyed e sodden worst of s and many bu all are th ildings, it e dead bo brought littered ar has the peop dies ound, alr le of together eady rotti as one, an Saratoga ng. d that th donations e that have been flowi in will be used wise ng ly to rebu this city. ild ________
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one elong cycl ust this lif ane th of Aug am. Hurric On the 23 10 6: nd the e at arou ction and took plac the intera n. rmed from l depressio ca pi Katrina fo tro us of a previo Hurricane to t remainder en ev a similar in 1965. There was ane Betsy we lled Hurric ooks like Katrina, ca saying, “L e er w ls ia John ’s PR .City offic N calls a bullet.”re t hit us in dodged a , the bulle nd in fact eeping up t says. Burnett. “A er was cr at w it” Burnet he “T n percent of bull’s-eye.” vestigatio vering 80 in co e , th ty d ci an e ared, the plans, through th dden, all city had fe su e a th at of l th g as “And al e modelin e, and it w d all of th the big on reports, an This was cyclone g to pass. end.”The eh pr m was comin co Orleans, h to o mammot uding: New ey, almost to areas incl New Jers different , y ba an Cu m a, m e, affected pi, Alaba Tennesse io, Ohio, , Mississip ar na nt O sia , ui inia, Lo Bahamas West Virg ania, The es Kentucky, a, id k, or or Pennsylv Y Fl t 1 800 liv uth New States, So t and abou Virginia, rricane hi rn United Georgia, r the next dle, Easte ica. The hu story. Ove an er hi nh m S A U Pa a th in l Florid t, Katrina stern Nor l distastefu of Augus nada’s, Ea iest natura 5 The 27th Eastern Ca as the costl at about 11 ength. On and ranked ong winds thered str str ga y m el were lost m ste ther sy ith extre ea w w , e ne th , ca rri two days tegory 3 hu ned to a ca strengthe ful power e most level. w sea ne of th in ome o as belo w ec ed and b s li o tablish rop , it had et es n m o as o e uation , th tern ce w ac s n af n t ev se ea e re ex rl p Th en New O ive military e ur. Th water. per ho cord. In s. As th od and fect miles s on re ibute fo rebuild levee es. at an ef c storm ber, th to distr li to p m p ed te an su iz ep Atlanti S obil s beg s and 2nd of d crew oops m d fund On the uard tr nued an s contribute ional G ictims conti ie countr the Nat ev f o an s ic n hurr , doze of the ressed y prog recover
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by You
Recreating Art While browsi n challenges. It g the internet one day, I ca st ‘Tussen Kuns arted in Amsterdam wit me across these amazi en Quarantain n h e’(Between A an Instagram challenge g art like the Getty rt ca in Albany in Ne Los Angeles, the Pinchuk and Quarantine) Soon mu lled w York, follow se A ums rt C e n tr e in th ed. Now … Th eodor will join e Ukraine and the The Challen the challenge g ! Choose your e: favourite art work, Find ite the artwork ms w get involved!! ith those items. Take a p around your house and re hotograph, th cr e whole fam eate ily can - Heather Rij s
Adi Schmidt The Scream by Edvard Munch
Abigail Williamson Portrait of Ann by LS Lowry
Ahlume Booi Fruit Bowl by Pablo Picasso
Aidan Miltz Man in a Blue Cap by Jan van Eyck Aiden Els Sunrise by Claude Monet
Amy Cameron-White Child with a Dove by Pablo Picasso
Aria Fisher Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
Ava Botha Portrait of a man in a Red Turban by Jan van Eyck Ayden Anderson Self-Portrait by Rembrandt van Rijn
Brooklyn Murphy The Scream by Edvard Munch
Calum Mathewson Sitting in Front of My Portrait
Callan Crone Untitled by Barnett Newman
Caleb Moss The Scream by Edvard Munch
Cara Miltz Self-Portrait by Frida Kahlo
Cameron Paton Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer
Carlin Lehman Cat and Moon
Casey-Lee Brunette Frida Kahlo
Crystal van Tonder Almond Blossom by Vincent van Gogh
Daniel Naidoo
Dannique Gerber Boy with a Basket of Fruit by Caravaggio
Danny Baxter Jug, Curtain and Fruit Bowl by Paul Cezanne
Deshni Jeena Camille with a Small Dog by Claude Monet Elona Mcingana The Scream by Edvard Munch
Giovanni Botha The Scream by Edvard Munch Gabriel Voultos The Laughing Fool by Jacob Cornelisz van Oost
Heather Rijs Son of Man by Rene Magritte
Imange Lupondwana Portrait of a Man in a Red Hat by Unknown
Gia-Luve Dowd Flower Saint by Juan Wijngaard
Intle Peter Still Life with Decanter and Lemons on a Plate by Vincent van Gogh
Esona Mcingana Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Fiona Wu
Francis Lehman The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai
Jaii Rau Requiescat by Briton Riviere
Jeannie Cloeske Surprised Tiger in a Tropical Storm by Henri Rousseau Jeremy Kohler Self Portrait by Frida Kahlo
Jerusha Moodley Young Indian Girl by E Logannthan
Judah Crone Portrait of a Man by Antonello de Messina
Kaela Goodall Poor Liza by OA Kiprenski
Kai Bruinders The Touch by Michelangelo
Kaitlyn Baxter Still Life Apples and a Glass by Paul Cezanne
Katie Ferrant
Kellen Jones Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh
Kian Simpson Leopard by George Huggins
Kiash Francis Painting of Banana and Apple by Daniel C Chiriac
Matthew Goodall Still Life with Pitcher and Apples by Pablo Picasso
Luca Pumplun Lemons in a Blue Bowl by Anne Baudequin
Liam Naidoo
Lucas vd Merwe The Scream by Munch Maddie Muller Famous Meets Infamous by James Henry
Maisie Mathewson Illustration from Hearst’s by WT Benda
Taahir Carloo Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh Skye Ferguson Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
Milani Butau Girl with the Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
Nicholas Parkin The Scream by Edvard Munch
Ongama Ncuma Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress by Frieda Kahlo Natalie Akweyo
Reuben Jurrius Curtain, Jar and Fruit Bowl by Paul Cezanne
Scott Davidson Sydney Opera House
Rochelle Soine Sara Holding a Cat by Mary Cassatt
Ryan Cairns Fruit Bowl by BR Hicks Ruhi Doorgapershad The Scream by Edvard Munch
Ryan Mahieu Self-Portrait with Bandage by Vincent van Gogh
Sebastian Hill Whaam by Roy Lichtenstein
Sam Schwempe Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso
Saadhvi Mysore Painting by Tanu Prajapati
Yitesh Francis Still Life with Basket and Six Oranges by Vincent van Gogh
Sam Greeff Madonna and Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi
Sarah vd Merwe Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow by Mondrian
Sebastian Lees Lunch atop a Skyscraper by Unknown
Mika Kapp Fire Logs Print by MadhuRavi Paintings
Sophia Nguyen The Dancer by Renoir
Yaya Nonxuba Marooned by the Muse by Lorn Curry
Sisa Jacob El Desperado by Gustave Courbet
Shalin Jeena Man throwing Flowers by Banksy
Stuart Clarke Rocky by Leroy Neiman
Usi Nomvete Man in a Bowler Hat by Rene Margritte
Tamishka Reddy
Tshego Masisi St John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci
William Greenwood Still Life with Coffee Pot and Fruit by Erik Laubscher Wesley Steeneveld Still life with Pitcher and Fruit by Pablo Picasso
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Tu Bishvat
Jassinowsky trophy in Jewish Studies. Rabbi Baer Of to a student for their application and diligence Every year the Jassinowsky trophy is awarded of God.” The Teacher replied: “It is e servic the to way al gener Lublin: “Show me one Radosh once said to his teacher, the “seer” of another through prayer, another ng, learni For one way to serve God is through impossible to tell men what way they should take. heart draws him to and then his way what ve obser lly carefu . Everyone should red the subject of “how to through fasting, and still another through eating explo class a ning of the third term, the grade six judaic underwent a process of nt choose this way with all his strength.” In the begin stude each , mind in Lublin of “seer” g the teaching of the , their lifestyle and world the serve HaShem in their own special way”. Bearin of ok outlo how they express their individuality in their group, and through a e introspection whereby they took cognizance of involv to need s belief and goals , ideals realisation that their behaviour. The result….a class that came to the vements amongst themselves. The other were instrumental in the following achie each of ing rstand unde and rt suppo al their mutu following may relate to one or more students. prayers The observance of Shabbat in depth study of Torah. The observance of Daily The observance of kashrut dietary laws. The daily The mitzva of bringing peace between fellow men. six students, that we award the for touching the hearts of each of these Grade It is with a sense of deep gratitude to HAShem ved the way that his/her heart obser has nts stude these of one of 2020. For each and Mazal Tov... Jassinowsky Trophy to the Judaica Grade six class you of proud that way with all their strength.. We are very draws them to serve HaShem, and then chose
Jake Kolnick, Isabella Price & Ben Price
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Unique education for individual excellence
The school that turns dreamers & believers into tomorrow's leaders! Where Jewish heritage is celebrated and nurtured by all and the values inherent in the Judaic faith serve both to ground and to uplift.
Make a lasting impact on the success of the next generation and support the continued development of Theodor Herzl Schools. Buy a pillar in the perimeter wall and leave your family's name etched for all time on an elegant marble plaque. Payment options available and tax certificates can be issued.
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