Bailgun Mag #17

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Issue-17 Summer 2014

EDITORIAL Welcome to Bailgun issue #17 In this issue we flashback to Malmö and the Vert Attack-8 contest. Then we travel to California’s west coast to join a rowdy group of Swedish rampaging any and all skateable surfaces. Back in Germany, the Koloss Team is wreaks havoc on the DIY paradise in Kassel - the Kesselschmiede It´s back to California to check out some backyard pool sessions with Ozzie Ausband. Then we unravel the madness at the Vans Pool Party with some surprising results in the pro division. Next we light up some Colorado terrain and smoke out its underground inhabitants. Last, we cool off at the B-Team backyard ramp in California. Enjoy issue #17 Gerd

Contents - Issue #17 COVER Emilio Fernandez - fronside rock at WST Photography by Malmö Vert Attack-8 Page: 10 - 37 Spotcheck Page: 38 - 41 Hey Ho Let´s Go Tour Page: 44 - 83 Koloss & Friend Tour Page: 86 - 93 Blue Tile Obsession Session Page: 96 - 107 Vans Combi Pool Party Page: 110 - 129 The Recycler Ramp Page: 134 - 143 Interview FTC scene Page: 144 - 159 The B-Team Ramp Page: 160 - 165

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Vert Attack

-8Josh Rodriguez - fs invert over the channel

Photography by

Malmö It´s been said before and it´s all true: Malmö is one of the best skate-cities in Europe and hosts two of the bes t contests every year. So if you haven´t been to either the Vert Attack or Ultra Bowl contests, go, seriously, just buy a ticket now and go. Ultra Bowl is August 14-16th this year. The boys installed new Viking Blocks and tiles in the deep-end and in the kidney pool, so your brains will rattle and your trucks will lock in like never before. Vert Attack had some heavy hitters on the starter’s list: Alex Perelson, Ben Schroeder, Jimmy Wilkins, Darren Navarette, Henry Guiterrez, Anders Tellen, Peter Hewitt, Mimi Knoop, Sean Goff, Kevin Staab, Alana Smith, Alysha Bergado, Sam Beckett, Cory Juneau, Julz Lynn, Jeff Hedges, Josh Rodriguez, Giorgio Zattoni, Nicky Guerrero, Rich Lopez, Neal Hendrix, Espen Roed, Paul Luc Ronchetti, Matihas Sernklo and many others.

Alex Perelson - invert to fakie

Jimmy Wilkins traveling high and far on this head high alley oop ollie

Jimmy speedy fs feeble over the channel!!!, that´s right and the fucking channel isn´t even in sight anymore

Darren Naveratte - frontside heeler

Darren tweaks a typyical bs air

Corey Juneau - with a high speed fs boardslide that came from all the over the channel on the left side.

Jimmy Wilkins had everybodys jaw drop with his frontside ollies!! Over head high!! Even Swedish head high (which is high). He also broke out alley oops over the channel, high airs to disaster, and multiple flavors of 540°s. Alex Perelson shredded with style and stalled some rad inverts to fakie. Young gun Cory Juneau had some consistent lines and a good bag of tricks: fs-boardslides, nosegrinds and inverts all over the channel, high 540°´s, and eggs to fakie- all served with speed and style. Ben Schroeder had the crowd in awe with his gnarly approach to skating vert. Ollie to smith grinds, stalled inverts and grinds across the ramp were interspersed with some slams that shook the ramp but not the man. Its slippery slopes were the demise of manymainly shoulders...

Ben Schroeder about to destroy the coping in a split second with a smith grind over the channel.

Miska - Layback with proper hand positioning Ben - tall invert

Henry Gutierrez eyes his landing on that lien air

More: Peter Hewitt flew over the channel into lipslides at high speed, busted out high fs-tailgrabs and his trademark frontside grinds. Kevin Staab skated smooth with high BS and FS ollies and cool FS inverts. Nicky Guerrero was no stranger to this ramp and had picturebook sadplants, madonnas, nice airs, and liptricks including classic sweepers in his runs. Sam Beckett and Paul LucRonchetti were battling it out with fast, high and techical runs. You can tell how much fun Josh Rodriguez has by just looking in his face he did frontside inverts over the channel, high airs, egg-plants and more with style and a smile.

Kevin Staab - frontal invert

Danny Leon - front feebles the deepend corner Kevin wit a high bs air

Peter Hewitt flys a fs ollie over the channel to land in a lipslide

Anders Tellen - lien air

Anders with a strong invert

Nicky Guerrero - classic sweeper Photography by

Nicky - perfect sadplant

Alana Smith - high bs air check the boys in the background

The girls Destroyed the ramp. Alana Smith even entered the junior’s and the girl’s division. She finaled in both, won the girl’s, and took 5th place juniors. Rad!!! Alana did some high backside airs, kickflipped the channel and attempted 540°s. Mimi Koop executed eggplants, grinds and ollie nosegrinds. Julz Lynn was working the ramp with airs, standup grinds and inverts. Allysha Bergado did strong inverts, frontside and backside airs

Mimi Knoop - eggplant

Cheers - 5-0 Julz Lynn - bs air






_SPOTCHECK_ _So.CaL_ Bailguns favorite skatespots: Oceanside Alex Rd. Carlsbad Encinitas Washington Street Pala Mission Valley Y Encinitas Y Venice Beach Backyard Pools Huntigton Beach Vans Vans Combi Pool

For more info on parks check out some of the following sites: - -

Washington Street


Hey Ho Let´s Go Tour 2014 A

Swedish 50th Birthday celebration?... Skate trip in Cali! A group of 11 Viking skaters pillaged Southern California for two weeks to celebrate their quinquagenarian birthdays and 35-40 years (each) of riding a skateboard. Bailgun joined the group for a week to document some of the sessions and rad spots they came across on their tour. The Crew: Hans `Puttis´ Jacobson, Tony Janson, Mangus Nanneson, David Östlund, Nicklas Folkeson, Pelle Evertsson, Jörgen Brennicke, Johnny Sandberg, Ulle Lindberg, Jan Olsson Loften and Peter Törnestam. Then, suprise guest Per Holknekt just showed up out of nowhere to hang with the boys for a couple of days.

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was the headquarter for a week. The crew rented a house close to Stonesteps Beach- a perfect location to start the adventures on parks, pools and ramps in the area.

Johnny Sandberg - fs rocking at the Bible Bowl

Jim Gray going high speed on this grind to tailslide at the Bible Bowl.

Txus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen.

Nicklas Folkeson - grind

Pelle Evertsson - invert at Sloans


in no particluar order - Oceanside Alex Road - Huntington Beach Vans - Encinitas YMCA - Guaca Bowl - DC Ramp - Tony Hawks Ramp - Carsbald - Vista Backyard - Pala Square - Dan Drehobls - Bucky´s - Misson Valley YMCA - Encinitas Park - Sloans Ramp - Bible Bowl - Vans Combi Pool - Venice Beach - and then some

Jรถrgen Brennicke frontside air - Guaca Bowl

Kyle Berard ollie to truck from bowl to quarter


an amazing spotlist and crew, rad sessions and good times ensued. Spots were conquered, villages plundered such as a DIY backyard pool in Vista, the Guaca Bowl and Pala square. Kyle Berard, can skate anything and knows the right spots and is friendly to the Nordic peoples. Like any Nordic warrior would, Jan Olson and Johnny were hijacking the most runs and skating like it was their last day at every spot. After a day with tons of skating, pillaging, and plunder, we decided to light it all on fire and burn!‌ BBQ’d chicken and steaks. Thanks to Kyle and Sarah from Vista for the amazing day!

Jan Olsson Loften - grind - Guaca Bowl

Tony Magnusson has ollies wired

Bucky´s: Skating Bucky’s backyard pool was another amazing experience. The pool is ridiculously giant and simply dropping in on the shallow-end feels like a rollercoaster ride. Nothing to the Skandinavians: after a few runs, Tony Janson was doing all kinds of inverts and backside airs. Pelle Evertsson pulled nice handplants and lien to tails. Johnny grinded about every wall of the pool with his loose style, loose morals, and loose trucks. The native peoples: Tony Magunsson, Owen Nieder and Paul Wisniewski demonstrated the local giant pool customs to the infiltrators. Tony had super high ollies, airs, and frontside inverts. Paul stalled egg plants, fast plants and smith grinds over the hip from deep to shallow-end. Owen inverted like few can and did some nice backside and frontside airs. After the session... pizza. We had pizza. We take pizza!

Pelle lien to tail

Tony Janson, invert under the palmtrees

Paul Wisniewski - smith grind deep to shallow

Owen Nieder - stalled invert

Draining a pool is part of the game

Kyle Berard can skate anything - bs disaster in somebody´s former backyard

BBQ Time with the Berard´s. Good way to end a day of skating.

Johnny smith grinding the shallow end at Carlsbad skatepark.


boards with Professor Schmitt: On one of the last days we visited Paul Schmitt over at his woodshop to get some custom boards made for Puttis, Dave and Johnny. It was really cool to see the whole process from start to finish and Paul made the boys work on their own boards, cutting, sanding, painting, etc., for the full boardmaking experience. The woodshop is like Paul’s little lab with all the tools and machinery where he can experiment on boards and make custom boards in every possible shape. Later that day we met Paul again when he showed up at Bible Bowl and did some loud and speedy carve grinds.

Surf in the morning, skate the rest of the day - The Swedes at Stonesteps Beach, Encinitas.

Wallpaper for www.bailg

r your screen


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TxusMarkus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen. - Bean to tail over the hip


nice spring weekend Markus had the Koloss crew go on a little trip to a DIY spot in Kassel, the Kesselschmiede. It´s a rad spot with an outdoor DIY spot that is still growing with all kinds of transitions and obstacles (including a pizza oven) to shred. Indoors is a skatepark with a nice concrete bowl lined with pool coping and a wooden street area with something for everybody. After skating the outdoor spot till dark we went inside to skate the indoor bowl, eat pizza, and drink some beers until everybody either crashed in their sleeping bags or went to a nearby bar to get some more drinks and trouble. Thanks Mr. Wilson guys for the great sesh!

Tobi - wallride

Work before play

The crew

Blue Tile Obsession Session Three

pools in a day. That sounds like utter madness, but with Ozzie from Blue Tile Obsession it can be done. The Blue Tile Obsession is a website project by Ozzie Ausband that documents the backyard pool scene in Southern California and skate history in general. Ozzie teamed up with legendary photographer Ray `MRZ` Zimmerman to tell about the adventures of backyard pool skating. Ozzie lives (or lived, by the time you read this he has moved to SD) at the so called Ridiculous Pool: a perfect right hand kidney somewhere in San Bernadino. Why live in San Bernadino you might wonder? It seems far away from everything and slow paced. Enter: Google Satellite Maps. Now you see why it’s an interesting place... to a pool skater. Nearly every house in that area has a pool in their backyard and chances are pretty good that some of them are empty or waiting to be drained.

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Cam frontside grind

Txus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen.

Ozzie - Mute air

Shawn -lien to tail


met at Ozzi´s around noon, took a quick look at the Ridiculous Pool in his backyard that was waiting for us after skating some other spots, and hit the road. Crew: Ozzie, Riverside Shawn, Cam Dowse, Simon from OZ, Walt and Deven. The first pool was the `Gorilla Pool´ only a couple blocks from his house. Every pool is different, there are a million shapes and styles. This one featured a loveseat, a pocket on the left shallow end and stairs on the right. Justifiably, the Gorlilla got mo-murdered with Mute airs and fast lines by Ozzie, grinds and loveseat rocks by Cam, grinds by Simon, FS rocks in the shallow by Deven. On the schedule: more pools. We took of to the next pool 15 minutes down the road. Shaped entirely different, this guy was two pockets opposite of each other, the right one contained a loveseat. The deep end cupped a little water, but with some buckets to drain and old t-shirts to dry, we were skating in minutes. Riverside Shawn did lien to tails, Cam and Simon slash grinds, and Walt rock ´n rolled into the deepend. Best for Last: the Ridiculous Pool. This pool is just ridiculously good. It´s a right hand kidney with perfect transitions, nice bullnose coping and it also has some stairs on the left wall centered from deep to shallow as a curious (or deadly) obstacle to play with.

Simon deepend grind

Walt - R n´R

Deven front rock in the shallow end.


was a perfect way to finish off a rad day of skating. Cam did a highspeed lipslide as a last highlight of the day. Everyone went their separate ways, but all were grinning from a dream day of California backyard pool skating. Check out the Blue Tile Obsession blog: Thanks to Ozzie for taking us to all the pools and the great session.

Cam, Shawn, Ozzi, Simon, Walt, Deven

Ozzie - in his backyard

Chris Miller - head high frontside air all the way into the corner


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Vans Combi is the replica of the legendary Upland Combi Pool and The Vans Pool Party is highly anticipated by vert skaters every year. Practice sessions heat up about a month prior the contest. All the top pros, masters and ledgends were ready to battle it out on the tough concrete curves of the combi pool. On contest day the first practice heats started at 9am, This was gonna be a long day! The Masters did some rad shredding and showed that they´re still on top of the game. Darren Navarette made good use of the whole combi with high and tweaked bs airs, inverts, elguerials, lien heel-taps and his trademark backside handouts. Brian Patch was grinding mach 10 all over the combi, added some high stale fish airs, fs nosebones, loud bodyjars and stalled inverts for a well desevered 2nd place. Bruno Passos took 1st place with style and lines. He had some rad smith grinds through the corners of the square, monty grinds, bs tailslides, bs ollies and high stalefish airs in the mix.

Christian Hosoi - blasts a backside air in the corner

Pedro Barros - huge frontside air over the shallowend hip into the round pool.

Txus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen.

Anthony Hancock had perfect inverts dialed, this one goes to fakie.

Eric Nash - classic indy air

Josh Borden - Andrecht to fakie

Jimmy Wilkins did the highest ollies of the weekend and this one is alley oop


up were the legends with Hosoi taking 3rd place showing high bs airs straight up and down in the corner pocket of the square, corner grinds, lofty bs ollies, boardslides all with one of the best styles in skateboarding. 2nd place went to Jeff Grosso with the longest boardslides and 50/50s to fakie in the round. He also stalled rad inverts, did high airs , slapped a sweeper and then some. No surprise was 1st palce winner Chris Miller, In this pool, he is pretty much unbeatable – style, speed, hight, lines – everything! He did head high fs airs covering almost the whole flatwall of the square landing in the corner pocket – wow, also the best fastplants, high speed bs bluntslides, ollies to truck, divebombing indy airs... effortlessly!

Darren Navarette - tweaked backside air

Brian Patch was on fire - head high fs air

Cory Juneau - frontside air over the hip into the round

Chris Russell - what looks like a ollie to fakie goes to rock fakie with aloud smash in a split second.

Tristan Rennie - nosegrinding all the way through the corner..

And finally the pros. This one had some surprises, none of the top pros of the last years big fish made the finals – Rune Glifberg, Pedro Barros, Omar Hassan, Giorgio Zattoni... A whole new generatinon of young shredders are taking over – that was pretty impressive to witness. Cory Juneau took 3rd with high airs and ollies over the hip into the round, alley oop fs airs over the center hip into the round setting up for a bs 540°s and high speed fs boardslides and much more. Joshua Rodriguez skated with a smile on his face showing how much fun he had even in a contest situation like that. Joshua did high stalefish and lien airs in the round, egg 360° in the square, fs bluntslides and fs feebles around the square corners, all with style and speed. Tristan Rennie was on fire and ripped into 1st place with a deep bag of tricks and consistent lines using every part of the pool. Smashing disasters in every way, nosegrinds around the corner to nollie in, 540°s, fs bluntslides, high indy airs and fs ollies with a loose style and loose trucks! The Vans Pool Party is definitly a special contest, the atmosphere is great and Steve van Doren and family make the event stand out.

Pro 1. Tristan Rennie 2. Joshua Rodriguez 3. Cory Juneau

Legends 1. Chris Miller 2. Jeff Grosso 3. Christian Hosoi

Masters 1. Bruno Passos 2. Brian Patch 3. Darren Navarette

ThE ReCycLeR RamP

TxusBilly slashing Sparks the - frontside oververt invert at Faeledparken, Copenhagen.

Photo: Coburn Huff

Jerry Hahn - fakiebonk

Photo: Coburn Huff

The Recycler is “like the raddest mini ramp on top of the raddest mini ramp” and is one of the raddest miniramps in the States. Jerry Hahn and friends have been creating a backyard masterpiece for nearly five years and the recycling of ramps has no end. This ramp is steep, bowled, fast, and dangerous. Perfect. Coburn Huff was kind enough to take some photos and I caught up with Jerry on the phone to see just what is up with the ramp. Hi Jerry, give me some stats. Well, I am a Solar Thermal Energy technician and I turn 43 in May! We are having a Birthday party at the recycler. Are you going to hire a clown for the party? Well, last year we had a BBQ here and this random dude + son + wife came over, introduced himself, and started cooking food for everybody (100 people), for like, 3 hours. People asked me, “Dude, who is that cooking?” “I don’t know!” We didn’t have a clown, but we had a myster chef! How about this year a mystery pony for pony rides! Or a mystery man for mystery moustache rides! You gotta have something for the kids!

Interview: Lenore Sparks

So you live in Colorado (a dog obsessed state), yet you are a cat dude. Do you have a girlfriend? No. Exactly. No, just kidding. You got more pussy than most dudes: how many cats do you have? Modelo and Morticia (2). One is smart; one is tough. No cat camping. They freaked out when I took them camping. Sometimes people see the cat hair on my shirt and ask me what kind of dog I have. “Uh, it’s a cat.” [Disappointing sigh] Why do you grow fish? Do you feed the fish to your cats? They haven’t discovered them yet. Hopefully my friends and I will eat them. Billy taught me to kill them with a brick and gut them. My brother (Billy) sounds like a horrible person. Doesn’t his method make you sad? I am trying not to have those feelings for the fish. They are a special breed of Talapia. Rocky Mountain Talipia. What is the approximate size of the ramp and what are you adding this spring? We are going to bowl the upper ramp. It will become an Over-vert wave pocket.




Photos: Coburn Huff

Shawn Gonzales - fastplant

Photo: Coburn Huff

What is the plan, dude? Where are you going with this thing? I hear there is a vert ramp in the future. How about a mega ramp? Well I can’t go higher than the fence. So, to get a vert ramp someone’s gotta dig a hole. But then they will just pour concrete…. How do your neighbors feel about the ramp and the noise? Any complaints? I have two neighbors: one neighbor on each side, none behind. My right neighbor said, “Well, it is good to see someone in this neighborhood is crazier than we are!” The others are hermits, but hook up joints. They are into boating, so they are hardly in their lawn. You are lucky dude, cuz shit gets crazy loud at your ramp Well, it is not a “Sound Taco” like Bruce’s ramp. (Bruce’s ramp was amaze-ballz: a bowled mini with extensions, a death box, and plenty of pool coping, but the Shitty of Boulder made Bruce tear it down because of noise.) Were all of the recycled ramps given to you? Did you have to buy any of the parts? I got a vert ramp in Boulder from a guy who wanted to a put Skatelite on it. But his kid lost interest. So a pallet of Skatelite sat alone, still with metal bands. I had never seen new Skatelite in my life! We opened it up like the Arc of the covenant. Our deal was we had to dispose of the ramp, so we pulled it down with a truck. We also took all of the 2x6s, coping, steel, and burned the rotted wood.

It was a fucking lot of work. It’s always an ordeal to get a ramp, no one ever brings a ramp over. Most of the time I have to tear ‘em down before it gets here. I have to buy screws with big heads for the used skatelite: wide head- short length. They have sold out at all the local Ace’s! They are expensive, but I like building just as much as skating, so it’s worth it! The backyard scene in Colorado is pretty heavy. You write about it and support it with your website. What is the difference between a backyard ‘recycled as shit’ ramp and a world-class skatepark? (Arvada, Colorado is home to both) You won’t ever run into a fucking scooter kid. I think they are getting more accurate at hitting us, seriously. Do you ever go to skateparks? Which is your favorite? Hardly ever. Orcas Island is the best. The park itself is epic; the whole place is amazing. I love the ferry ride with whales and sea creatures floating around, camping, cliff jumping. TheFlows, bobsled course, excellent tranny everywhere It is a great use of space: it’s only ¼ of Arvada park, yet it flows, has a bobsled course and excellent tranny everywhere. You and I should take a trip, then. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I already know that your favorite beer, Modelo, is highly popular at the ramp. (Hint: bring beer) Chocolate-chip cookie dough, Ben and Jerry’s. Cookie dough will kill me. I was dating a girl that bought that shit in buckets, and I would eat by the spoonful. It would make my body lock up.

Joe Fernandez - fs nose grind transfer

Photo: Coburn Huff

Is it legal to light up spliffs in the yard? While skating? Do people tend to get ‘mad blunted’ while skating backyards in CO? I honestly have no fucking clue. No dispensaries are actually allowed in the city of Arvada. Nonetheless, most of the skaters, especially the ladies, are drinkers not stoners. Chelsea ran up to me the other day and said, “I am blacked out half the time I’m in your backyard! Wooo!”

Has ‘legalization’ changed life in Colorado? Moms are celebrating 420-Holiday now. My friend’s mom asked him to go to Estes Park on 420 to get spliffed for the first time in the woods. Really! Any shout outs? Greg helped the most, The Team Pain guys with building and for materials, Arvada army guys and gals, Dave Tuck (the reason I live in CO), Merk for help BIG TIME! Star struck by any visitors? Has the Hawk showed up? - --No Tony yet, but Andy Mac has been here! Curren Caples, Brad McClain, Elissa Steamer, Alex Sorgent, Lib Tec team, Danny Tuma, San Pedro crew, Life Blood, Blood Wizard teams, Cody and Steve, Chris Gregson. None of the Anti Hero guys will come over... I have no idea why. Their loss. Totally! Thanks Jerry for the interview, I really appreciate it! What are you doing tonight? We are premiering the Ragga Tucka video (a dedication video Jerry made to Dave Tuck, RIP) at Whiskey T’s house. See ya!

Sam Willis - backside tailslide nosegrab

Photo: Coburn Huff

Jaeson M Taylor D and the

FTC s Jaeson - Crail at Waterway Skatepark

Manzanares Dehart

scene Photo: by Taylor DeHart.

The Edora park was built more than ten years ago (2001), when I still lived in Denver. It was ahead of my time: it was the first park around to boast legit pool coping and tiles in the deep end, the snake run had large no-coping hips, and the ‘street’ area contained Euro-stairs. Where I merely carved, the locals adapted. Thrived. More than a decade later (and more accustomed to the clack of pool coping), I found a legion of young rippers that can skate with the best of them. Jaeson Manzanares and Taylor Dehart are among this tribe. When I first saw Jaeson terrorizing Terrell’s pool this April, the first thing that came to my mind was: does Sam Beckett have an illegitimate son, a tiny twin perhaps? Effortless style, bordering somnolent, and a classic trick-bag define Jaeson’s approach to pool skating (his favorite), and trailing behind him to document it all is Taylor. Taylor is the one-man show behind the blog, where he religiously documents the unusually gifted home grown talent from Fort Collins, Colorado (FTC). He too skates at a world-class level, but seems to prefer the lens in heated sessions.

Interview: Lenore Sparks

Jaeson Manzanares

Photo by Taylor DeHart.

Jaeson - fs air at Tuck’s.

Photo by Taylor DeHart.

Why are the skaters from FTC so gifted, especially in scary, giant transitions? TD: I would say it has to do with the DIY park we built with really tight trannies and also the Edora park. JM: Yes, I grew up near the Edora park. It’s still one of the best. Talented skateboarders and lens jockeys seem to cultivate in pockets of Colorado. Take for example the Colorado Springs line up: Atiba Jefferson, Keith Ladzinski, Rachel Reinhart, Jeremy ‘Fuzz’ Frankovich, Windsor James, Justin Shardy, just to name a few. Fort Collins is churning out a similar bunch of talent. This can be attributed to two main factors: 1) the city’s investment in excellent skateboard parks, and 2) Andy Weiss who started the skateshop the Skateboard Market, later sold so that Andy could pursue his non-profit: Launch Community Through Skateboarding. Andy has done so much for FTC skating that he deserves his own article. Just check out the Launch website and see for yourself. Taylor, what would add to the FTC scene? TD: Honestly, there isnt much that i would improve, I love this place so much. The only thing i could say is give us some damn lights at one of our parks and then we would be set.

What is your favorite spot? JM: Edora TD: Favorite spot without a doubt would be The Northside DIY park. A HUGE hanks to Sean Kelly on that end. Without him that park would have been a disaster. He motivated everyone to help and give as much free labor as we could get, and that’s why the park turned out so good. Most parks cost about 40$ a square foot; we got Northside for around 10$ a square foot because of all the locals coming and helping. It was the best summer of my life being able to volunteer at that place, now I skate it everyday. Plus, every summer we add something new. Most people that visit FTC go straight for the DIY park. What is your favorite color? JM: Orange TD: Blue Those are Broncos colors. They didn’t fare so well at the Superbowl, but South Park needs joke material, no? How old are you? JM: 16 TD: 23 Jaeson, who are your 5 favorite skaters? JM: Xavier Manzanares (the brother of Jaeson, who himself is INSANELY good at skateboarding), Raybourne, Jon Morgan, Frank Shaw, Kowalski

FS disaster at Edora, the park he grew up skating.

Photo by Taylor DeHart.

Jaeson, who are your 5 favorite skaters? JM: Xavier Manzanares (the brother of Jaeson, who himself is INSANELY good at skateboarding), Raybourne, Jon Morgan, Frank Shaw, Kowalski What is on your ipod? JM: Ghoul, Cannabis Corpse, Hank III Do you have any sponsors? JM: Bacon/Unheard guys flow me boards. Jaeson had a shitty summer last year. On his inaugural tour with the Unheard team, he broke his ankle two weeks in, then broke his wrist and afterwards broke his radius/ulna while wearing a wrist guard to protect the already busted appendage. However, all bad things come in threes, so perhaps this is his year to shine. He is still very young and will be going on tour again this summer to Montana with the Bacon dudes. Expect ripping and more ripping. To check out Jaeson and Taylor skating, go to the FTC blog and the Bailgun blog for video, an extended interview with Taylor, and even more photos. A giant shout out goes to Taylor and Jaeson for the interview, Unheard for supporting Jaeson, to Andy at Launch, and to FTC city parks for letting the kids skate. Postscript: Jaeson broke him arm and required surgery while trying to shoot some last minute photos for this article. Get better soon, buddy!

Taylor DeHart

Taylor DeHart - lien air transfer

Txus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen. Photo:

Taylor DeHart - fullpipe ride



e BeuLe www.FR E E BE UL E. c om

The B-Team Ramp Session


B-Team Ramp is a the perfect backyard ramp with a really cool crew and some rad sessions with a positive and relaxed atmosphere. The ramp is your modern vert ramp size with a tall roll in on the left side, and a brand new extension opposite. With Skatelite as surface, you have a pretty nice setup for your backyard – if your neighbors are cool. Evandro “Mancha” Menezes, the B-Team Ramp landlord, and some of the ramp locals are from Brazil and found a new home in the Vista area near San Diego where they built their version of a backyard dream. The session had Mancha, Lincoln Ueda, Bob Burnquist and some more guys shredding the ramp. Mancha owns the place and it shows in his skating, high lien airs, picture-book frontside inverts, fast monty grinds and more. Lincoln is just flying over the ramp from one corner to the other with perfect tweak airs well over your head and some occasional liptricks like lipslides at high speed or inverts thrown in for fun. Bob did some gnarly switch skating with crazy flip tricks mixed in. After the sun had set a great session was over and we left happy and sweaty. Photography by

Evandro Menezes - lien air on his ramp

Lincoln Ueda - tweak air

Evandro frontside invert


over 256 pages from the Bailgun Black B Available at



EDITORS Axel Torschmied - Lenore Sparks -

LAYOUT Hanne Wakker


WRITERS Lenore Sparks Eric Muesahm

PHOTOS Gerd Rieger - Axel Torschmied -

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGAPHERS Chris Sessions - Taylor DeHart - Coburn Huff -

OFFICE Bailgun Magazine Zumsandestr. 32 48145 M端nster Germany Production

Txus slashing the oververt at Faeledparken, Copenhagen.

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