Bajan Sun Magazine July/ August 2015 Edition

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N I K I TA “KARMA NAI “ WA R R I N G T O N T he T he T he T he

E ntr epr en eur W r iter E ntertain er Model

The “New” Flow take off Entrepreneurship “The Real Deal”

Love & Lifework: Couples Working It


B a r b ad i an

Fashion Designers Kadooment Photos


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"Bajan Sun Online Magazine” is a publication geared towards the advancement of Small Businesses through affordable Marketing. | | @BajanSunOnline


Editor’s Note E

ntrepreneurs are forward thinkers. They cultivate new ideas and inspire those around them to use innovation to discover new opportunities for new products, services or intellectual solutions. Entrepreneurs show initiative that is selfmotivated based on their inner vision and drive to take action. For businesses, having such inspiration and energy can keep fellow employees motivated and willing to meet organizational goals. The entrepreneurial spirit can assist companies to weave together a seamless workflow between and among various

company departments. The entrepreneurial spirit also encourages self-pride and recognition for each individual’s contribution to a corporate end product. In the long run, such a spirit breathes necessary vitality into long-term organizational life-spans. If you are considering starting an entrepreneurial business, or expanding your leadership capabilities in your current business, take a look at our advertising services. Bajan Sun Marketing is a great method of exposure and easy to incorporate into any marketing plan.

Raeann Beckles

Ph o t o C r ed i t : Steve Hernandez

Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and products. Email: Visit us on Facebook:

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Norma T. Hollis America’s Leading Authentic Voice DoctorŽ Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit Fay G. Parris RN, RM, BSc Nursing Education, MEd. Administration, MSc. Nursing-Clinical Nurse Specialist (Gerontology) Nursing Instructor, BCC

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe Author. Thought Leader. Social Entrepreneur, Organization and Leadership Development Solutionist

Dr. Andrew Forde

Office is located in the Pine Medical Centre, Suite 3, 3rd Ave, Belleville, St Michael, Barbados. Telephone (246) 429 5863 Email:

Denise J Charles Author of How to Have Mind Blowing Sex Without Losing Your Brain and Your Baby is Coming Now Push. | | @BajanSunOnline



Publisher The BIM

Judy Beckles

Charmaine J. Forde

HR Specialist, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, Disability Sports Co-ordinator (Special Olympics & Paralympics)

Liberal Arts Major at Community College of Philadelphia and a Soldiers Angel volunteer

Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge Personal Trainer, Physique Pro Fitness Consultant

Hallam Hope Lisa White CPDT-KA The Dog Trainer

Public Relations, ICT, Tutor

Mariposa Reina Writer, Poet, Performer, Teacher | | @BajanSunOnline


Productive Habits of Successful Young Entrepreneurs




Harrison’s Cave Barbados


Destination Barbados




Nia Goddard


Pineapple the store


Zero Cool Apparel


Dannyele Leslie

44-46 & 48 50-51 52

Kesica Brewster

Things To Consider When Choosing A Car Building Self-Confidence: First Steps


Cleopatra's Canvas


Bodybuilder: Clement Shamboko


Making Time For Exercise


August Vacation and Your Child With Special Needs


Watch Your Step: Prevention Of Falls In The Elderly


10 Easy Tricks For Flawless Skin

72 74-75 77 78-85

Skin Guru: ERYTHRASMA What is Stress? Entrepreneurship “The Real Deal” MAIN-FEATURE Nikita Karma Nai Warrington | | @BajanSunOnline



Love and Lifework: Couples Working It


Recession Solutions - The Wisdom of the Ant


The “New” Flow take off


Helping Every Small Business Succeed on the Web


Understanding Social Ads


Who’s The Boss In The Bedroom


In The Spotlight - Sonia Gooding Ifill


Get the Best From Your Team


Summer Tips For Your Dogs


The First Rum


Chicken and Potato Roti


Chef - Jamal Small


The Bartender - Antonio Busby


The Art of Bartending Seminar


Barbados Crop Over Festival


Dear Aunt: Arnold F Ward

140-141 & 143 The Barbados Agency for Micro Enterprise Development Ltd. (FundAccess) | | @BajanSunOnline

145 Poetry: Crop Over Celebration 146-148

“Emotions of A” | | @BajanSunOnline


A r t & Cre a t i v e D i re c t o r : F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Editor: Ra e a n n B e c kl e s Design & Layout: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Graphic Designer: F r a n kl y n Pa r r i s Q u a n t a n o Pa r r i s Tr a c y G re e n i d g e Advertising Sales: Q ua nt a no Pa r r i s Ta s h a n n a Pa r r i s Photographers: Zi c o Mi l l e r Clyde Barnette Shaun Graham | | @BajanSunOnline


Productive Habits of Successful Young Entrepreneurs


ntrepreneurship isn't for the faint at heart. Founders must forge their own path, gather resources and take on huge financial risks – all in the hopes of avoiding the fate that 80 to 90 percent of startups suffer: failure. So to be successful, entrepreneurs really have beaten the odds – especially young entrepreneurs. Starting with almost no wealth, network or business experience, many create more success in a few years than most people do in their entire lifetime. To understand what they do differently, we interviewed several young entrepreneurs, rather than focus on generic insights or basic hacks, we looked at unique, concrete habits you can immediately adopt in your life and business that can have a game-changing impact.

shaped one day at a time, and it's never as far away as we think. --Co-founder Jesse Lear of V.I.P. Waste Services

Take an adventure walk every weekend to connect the dots. Every weekend, I go on a long hike in a place that I’ve never been before. I do the research in advance and sometimes, I drive as far as an hour away. My hikes are anywhere between one and four hours long. I take an old-school composition notebook with me, and I let the thoughts come; I don’t force anything.

Create a regimented schedule.

The habit helps to relieve stress and unpack the ideas from the week. It's kind of like meditation. By constantly evaluating ideas and how they fit into your business, you can slowly render them into reality and watch your imagination unfold.

My overarching goal is to be consistent in my schedule, and as a result, I live a lifestyle that allows me to maximize the amount of work I get done. I believe this type of prioritization has made a huge impact on how quickly Fueled has grown.

As an added benefit, research in the new field of inactivity studies shows that moving around daily is critical to health. In fact, sitting for an hour is worse than smoking two cigarettes, according to another study.

My dinner ends at 11 p.m., and I always have a solid work session afterwards until 3:30 a.m. Setting aside a block of time in my schedule for uninterrupted productive creation is vital to my work process. It’s when I answer emails and do my thinking around bigger ideas without any distractions. Then I go to bed every day at exactly 4:00 a.m. and typically wake up without an alarm clock.

--Founder Ryan Kania of Advocates for World Health

Other people might want to focus on other areas, like family, but a consistent schedule is key. --Founder Rameet Chawla of Fueled

Ask yourself this question before going to bed. Every night before bed, I think about this question: If I live every day the same way I did today, what kind of future would that create? It forces me to constantly evaluate whether or not my actions are lining up with my priorities. The future is

Take a hot-cold contrast shower every morning. My most unique personal habit is the hot-cold contrast shower. I've done it every morning, no matter where I’ve lived or what hotel I'm staying in, for 14 years. By doing 30 seconds of ice cold water, followed by 30 seconds of hot, then 30 seconds of cold water (always ending with cold water), I gain the energy and clarity to start my day feeling refreshed. To get started in this habit do a normal shower. Then crank the water as cold as it goes for 30 seconds. Then crank as hot as you can stand it for 30 seconds. Then ice cold for 30 seconds (this cold-hot-cold is one cycle). I'd start with one cycle for the first time. If it's too much, try it on the legs first. (That's what my girlfriend does; she also thinks I'm crazy.) --Founder Phil Dumontet of Dashed | | @BajanSunOnline

Reflect on critical open questions through different lenses. Most of the technologies we've ended up inventing and developing, and most of the strategies we've ended up pursuing, have been borne by a long cultivation of an open question, followed by the nurturing of a slow hunch. I am able to tolerate open questions for months, or years. Open questions could include queries about how to find a cofounder for your business idea when people have their own interests and projects to work on or how to sell your new product to an entity that is typically averse to risk (Answers: Work with them on their projects to show your worth and tempt them with interesting questions; show how to dramatically reduce a risk they already bear.) Usually, the simple answers that come quickly do not satisfy me. But instead of giving up or forgetting it, I work at the problem each day from different angles, under different lenses -- which can include but are not limited to: looking at extremes, considering what essential assumptions are and how to test them, and discovering how a different industry might solve a problem. Eventually I find some real traction with an idea that seems novel and has a good chance of working. --Co-founder Danielle Fong of LightSail Energy

Set three specific goals weekly and monthly -- and ignore everything else. There are a million things you can do to improve your business. The problem is, if you try to fix or improve them all at once, you end up not making much progress in any of them. You need to be relentless in following your goals. At least once a day, I find myself asking, "Is what I’m working on directly helping one of the three goals?" It's easy to distract

yourself with tasks that aren't critical. You just need to stay on top of it. This helps us accomplish big things quickly. To hold ourselves accountable and stay on the same page, we have weekly meeting on Fridays. During these meetings, our company sets the goals for the upcoming week and see where we are on the previous week’s goals. It's a lot easier to say "what went wrong this week" then "what went wrong this quarter" --Co-founder Patrick Ambron of BrandYourself

Make lots of lists as soon as you get to the office. My habit is that I create lists for everything for one hour as soon as soon I get to the office every morning or the day before at the end of the day. I record these lists in Notes on my iPad, computer, and iPhone. I also use Gmail Tasks so I can link my lists to emails. It forces me to think through my day, my week, my year, and my long term plan before beginning to execute. This improves my organization and clarity. In the past, I got caught up with the day-to-day details, and I took my mind off of the big goals. There is a great YouTube video that I love, which inspired me to start the habit. --Founder Jonathon Nostrant Of ivee

Forming the right habits is critical to success as an entrepreneur. In fact, 40 percent of our daily behaviors happen automatically as a result of our habits according to researchers at Duke University. So, if you choose the right behaviors to turn into habits, you’ve just supercharged a large portion of your day. | | @BajanSunOnline


How AUTHENTIC Are You By Norma T. Hollis


hether through keynotes, half-day workshops, multi-day seminars or coaching programs, Norma T. Hollis’ transformative presentations are designed to challenge management, staff and entrepreneurs to create Authenticity within themselves and their organizations. Norma has helped hundreds of individuals discover their ‘authentic’ voices resulting in greater communication effectiveness. After 11 years of authenticity research, Norma created a unique diagnostic tool that measures personal authenticity and identifies critical communication gaps. Member of: National Speaker's Association Creator of: The Authenticity Assessment

Authentic You Norma’s journey to find her own authenticity has taken her through a series of personal experiences that set the stage for discoveries that would change her life and position her as an expert in the field of Authenticity. As a result of Norma’s tumultuous journey to Authentic Wellness, something that took her decades to achieve, she has an infectious passion that inspires others to embrace their own authenticity. Norma has turned her experiences and authenticity research into an extraordinary ‘Authentic Wellness’ program, helping others achieve authentic wellness and experience the joy of living an authentic life. | | @BajanSunOnline

Authentic Wellness means you recognize that your well-being consists of several elements including: Your mental well-being Your physical well-being Your emotional well-being When one of these elements is out of balance, you become ‘out of alignment’ with yourself, often resulting in energy loss, worry, depression, anxiety, disease and illness. Norma’s ‘Authentic Wellness’ program will help you become the Authentic You by walking you through nine steps to wellness. Norma’s unique methodology is designed to align your body, mind and emotions so you can achieve optimum health for optimum success. Authenticity in the Workplace

The Authenticity trend is happening because consumers are demanding it. Make sure your company and management style reflects the mindset of the 21st century: Authenticity. Understanding this challenging topic requires a speaker who is cutting-edge, thought-provoking, informative and compelling. Norma T. Hollis possesses these abilities, resulting in powerful and transforming events. Combining her warm, engaging style with fun techniques and memorable metaphors, Norma will show your group how to: Create an Authentic workplace where genuineness and originality is rewarded Use Authenticity to sell products and services consumers actually want to buy Counteract stereotypical corporate attitudes and information hindering productivity Measure Authenticity success against traditional business goals | | @BajanSunOnline

Harrison's Cave


xplore One of Barbados’ Greatest Wonders

At the heart of Barbados lies one of its greatest wonders, Harrison’s Cave. Located in the central uplands of the island, this breathtakingly beautiful, crystallized limestone cavern is a testament to nature’s mastery. Flowing streams, deep pools of crystal clear water and towering columns characterize this living cave. Gaze in wonder at the white flow stones and in awe at the beauty of the speleothems which adorn the cave. Be sure to make Harrison’s Cave your first stop while in Barbados and Unearth the Adventure!

Travel deep beneath the earth and explore the

wonders of nature. Hear the rushing of the streams and see the calm glassy pools. Be amazed by the different shapes and sizes of the stalactites and stalagmites and delight in the delicate flowstone formations. See the early explorers’ entrance and experience some of their adventure. Travelling by tram, you will be directed by knowledgeable tour guides who will point out the various structures as well as the new formations which are continually growing in this living cave. At select points you can disembark from the tram for a closer look. Our focus is to ensure that you have a memorable experience. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 History of the Harrison's Cave

Cave Facts

Harrison’s Cave is named for Thomas Harrison, who owned much of the land in the area in the early 1700s. In 1733, Harrison established a school that is today’s Harrison College. It’s not clear whether Mr. Harrison ever entered the cave that bears his name — but others certainly did.

Active: Carrying water

During the 18th and 19th centuries, several expeditions ventured into Harrison’s Cave, none of which got very far. Because the natural entrances to Harrison’s Cave were hard to get to, and the cave’s inside passages presented many challenges, the cave remained an unexplored mystery until 1970. Rediscovered and mapped in 1974 by Ole Sorensen, an engineer and cave adventurer from Denmark. He was assisted by Tony Mason and Allison Thornhill, two young men from Barbados. After 1974 the Barbados government started developing Harrison’s Cave as a show cave and attraction, by excavating shafts and tunnels that could accommodate trams. The cave was opened to the public in 1981.

Calcite: A transparent mineral in the spar form, which often looks white in caves. Also Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which constitutes the majority of cave minerals Carbonic acid: Forms when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water as H2CO3. It is an important agent in karst processes as it dissolves limestone and dolomite to form caves. Column: The downward growth of a stalactite which joins an upwardly growing stalagmite results in a column. Curtain: As a drip proceeds down the slope of a ceiling, it leaves a trail of calcite before it eventually falls away to the floor. Where it breaks away a stalactite forms. Eventually the calcite trail builds to a thin curtain (or drapery), giving it a characteristic “bacon-slice” texture, due to the variation of trace elements in the water over time. Dissolution: The process by which rock is chemically dissolved by acid groundwater. Duck: A short section of flooded passage, with sufficient airspace to breath. Flowstone: This is a very common form resembling a frozen waterfall. It occurs where of water flows in thin films over surfaces, the increased surface area of water allows the greater escape of carbon dioxide, resulting in calcite being precipitated. Formations: Also speleothems or mineral formations. Fossil: Opposite of active, a fossil cave or cave passage no longer carrying water. A better term is Relict.

Groundwater: In general use this is subsurface water, whether above or below the water table. Strictly, however, groundwater refers only to water that lies below the water table, in the saturated or phreatic zone.

The entrance to the cave is through the Boyce Tunnel, named in honour of equipment operator Noel Boyce, the first member of the construction team to break through the bedrock and into the natural passageways of Harrison’s Cave. Harrison’s Cave is a massive stream cave system at least 2.3 kilometres long. The interior temperature is an average 27 degrees Celsius Its largest cavern, the Great Hall measures 15 metres/ 50 feet high. It is an active cave as it carries water. The stalagmites in the cave are growing by less than the thickness of a piece of paper each year — but that’s very fast in geological | | @BajanSunOnline




here are many things to do in Barbados! But, we recommend embarking on an exciting Bajan Island Tour. Our tours allow you to fully explore the exotic coral island, with excellent beaches, rolling hills and many deep ridges, completed with a fascinating distribution of flora and fauna. Among the anomalies that make this island unique is the phenomenal formation of The two land masses that form this truly amazing island

paradise. Bajan Island Tours has put together a series of outdoor adventure tours that we like to call “the best of the best” – experiences that allow you to explore the wonders, feel the thrills, and surrender completely to the unparalleled grandeur of Barbados! We guarantee that each and every one of our packages will show you the “roots” of Barbados. So, come on down and experience the exhilarating, romantic, and adrenalinepumping variety of Barbados Island Tours which we offer amid this breathtaking island wonderland! There is so much to learn about Barbados! Where do you start? This section will give you a good base of information to get a feel of the island, what we are about and where we came from. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUSTL 2015 As of mid 2000, the population of Barbados was recorded at some 274,540. The diverse ancestry of the island attributes to its current unique cultural blend which includes Arawak Indians, British settlers, European Indentured Slaves, African Slaves and East Indians. Overall, the people of Barbados (or Bajans as we are known) are quite friendly; so fitting in with locals will lend itself quite easily to your peace of mind.

Barbados is an island of the Lesser Antilles, 21 miles in length, as much as 14 miles in width and divided into 11 parishes. It is located at 13.4N, 15.4W. The island is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic Ocean and 100 kilometers east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea. Barbados is relatively flat with the exception of one major high point, Mount Hillaby, which measures approximately 1,115 feet or some 343 metres above sea level. The west coast of Barbados offers calm, clear water which is quite conducive to your many beach activities; while the east coast opens up beautifully to crashing waves and an environment that is more suited to sun bathing, walking, jogging, surfing and even meditation.

The Tourism Industry in Barbados is impetus for the economic development on the island as it has impacted significantly on the lives of all Barbadians. It is a very vital aspect of the economy of Barbados and it is always within our best interest to ensure that your comfort and safety is first and foremost. Despite this, we still strongly recommend you exercise caution with regards to your valuables and even frequenting certain areas.

Barbados is awash with history, the arts, nightlife, fine dining, and even luxury living. Getting around the island is a ‘breeze’ (pun intended) as options are somewhat endless when it comes to your choice of transportation. The people of Barbados are quite helpful when it comes to giving assistance with regards to making your way around the island. The main language of Barbados is English but bajan dialect (broken English) is widely spoken as it is almost a natural way of life. We can’t promise you that you will always be able to make complete sense of what the people of Barbados have to say; but, we recommend you give it a listen and even a try, as it will only augur well to adding a ‘sunshine feel’ to your stay on the island. | | @BajanSunOnline

By Raeann Beckles


leganceDAVIDA’s CEO and Founder, Gabrielle Davida has solely been operating and managing EleganceDAVIDA for over a year. But, who is EleganceDAVIDA? If one was to simply peruse through the many photos floating around on social media, one can conclude that EleganceDAVIDA is all about Virgin Hair, Fashion and Accessories. Though a relatively new business EleganceDAVIDA is steadily becoming renowned as Barbados' most luxurious virgin hair

Boutique. What’s more is that, with pristine quality and an eye for excellent hair detail, it has steadily accrued a reputation for flawless hair and amazing customer service. EleganceDAVIDA’s hair is collected from donors across the world and delivered to Barbados where EleganceDAVIDA’s clients are currently based. EleganceDAVIDA’s hair line includes; Brazilian, Peruvian, Indian, Mongolian, Cambodian, Eurasian, Filipino, Malaysian, Eurasian and more rare textures by request! | | @BajanSunOnline


Q&A with EleganceDAVIDA’s CEO and Founder –

A: I must say that EleganceDAVIDA has indeed been

Gabrielle Davida:

BLESSED. Our inaugural "Face of Davida" campaign,

Q: What would you say are some of your greatest challenges as an entrepreneur?

featuring the first ever endorsed Caucasian extensions Face in Barbados - the lovely top model Shannon Harris, was a highlight of my first business year. The photos and

A: The greatest challenge as an entrepreneur would be

accompanying video by the talented KeDrew Media

the scarcity of financial security options, and the

team went viral on Facebook and Instagram. The

bureaucracy involved with procurement of such. Also, of

successful campaign broke longstanding beauty barriers

course, the long hours and sacrifice involved. But, it is

and cemented EleganceDAVIDA as an upcoming

all worth it in the end!

bastion of supreme quality and exemplary service. The

Q: How have you dealt with your business challenges

exclusive endorsement of Miss Barbados World 2014

or how do you propose to deal with those challenges?

Zoe Trotman and Miss Fitness Barbados 2014 Melina

A: Organisation and a positive mindset! That is the key! As I mentioned before, long hours and sacrifice is part of the game of entrepreneurship if you wish to succeed. So you have to learn how to organise your life around your

business, and even though it can be challenging, keep focused on the pros and achievements you have conquered so far. I find it extremely helpful to keep an active daily planner and also, keep positive and uplifting persons around you. You need that encouraging energy on the more difficult days.

LebLanc purchasing my company's hair, was another feather in the cap. Also, as I hosted events such as Girlfriends Expo 2014 and 2015, my company's hair has been able to have wide exposure on and off the stage. EleganceDAVIDA is also the FIRST and ONLY hair

company in Barbados to be shown in the internationally renowned beauty magazine Elle, via the gorgeous Ms. Barbados World 2014 Zoe Trotman! The ultimate achievement however, is the personal satisfaction of my awesome customers and everyone who has come into contact with our beautiful hair and brand. Knowing that

Q: What are some of your achievements within your

only the best comes from EleganceDAVIDA and the


smiles that brings, truly warms my heart and keeps me constantly raising the bar to provide an exceptional level of product and service. | | @BajanSunOnline

Q: What role has technology played in developing your business? A: Technology plays a key role in my business as my business is an online entity. Social media is the crux of advertisement; as you can connect with your target audience in real-time, receive feedback and show them your product and services in interactive ways. Q: How useful is technology to the Entrepreneur? A: As stated above, technology allows the entrepreneur to reach their core audience swiftly and also allows the audience to leave feedback [Calls/WhatsApp messages/ "likes"/comments.] All of which are extremely useful information for your business' progression. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Q: What is a must have (in terms of technology) for

can look out for us on TV and YouTube in the near fu-

any Entrepreneur in any field?

ture. It's ridiculously fun, and super informative - guar-

A: A must have would be a Smartphone and a Laptop. The smartphone doesn’t have to be the absolute latest technology but it MUST be able to support all of the current social media apps and messaging services; thereby allowing you to connect with your customer base in a variety of interesting and informative ways. The laptop will assist with heavier administrative tasks

and will come in handy for more storage etc. Those would be my top two tech tools for any business to have in the 21st century.

anteed awesome watch for the entire family! With regard to event hosting, which is one of my absolute loves, I have several upcoming events and projects; it will continue to be a GREAT year. Q: What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years? A: In the next five years, hopefully EleganceDAVIDA will be a global beauty phenomenon, perpetually encouraging women to be fearless, intelligent, beautiful and sophisticated! I also wish to continue to achieve higher heights as an individual. There's so much more

Q: What are you up to currently? A: Many things are in store! One of which, is my new show RIZE! We interviewed several of the island's top and upcoming artistes, entrepreneurs and fashion moguls! The first season was wrapped up recently, so you

that awaits! The key in Life is to never stop growing and exploring. I’m excited to take the next level business-wise and Life-wise. The sky is the limit and I know with God's help, the huge support of my customers, family and friends - I’m well on my way! | | @BajanSunOnline

"Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don't give up� these words by Rachel Corrie resonates in the mind of Nia Goddard daily. Nia is an aspiring make-up artist. She developed a love for fashion in her early teens and started experimenting with make-up and enjoyed applying it for others and seeing the transformation more so than wearing it. . | | @BajanSunOnline




By Deborah Macollin

he often use her sisters as "guinea pigs". As

regarding information about what they should and

she got older and skills became more

should not expect

developed she started doing it as a favor for friends and family who would give her the opportunity to

As an aspiring make-up artist, her greatest

enhance her skills. Nia has been styling hair longer

challenge is obtaining her certification. She has

than she's been doing make up, sometimes when

been unable to do so because it is presently out of

asked to do hair for an occasion she offers to do

her reach financially. She realized no matter how

make-up as well, providing a total make over. She

talented you are people want to see papers proving

works with her sister, local designer and owner of

that you have the necessary training. But, it’s

Melange Image, EDM republic "an online video

something she's working towards in order to be

mag" for EDM events across the region and

certified as a professional make-up artist. She

mentors aspiring models.

Nia's role as mentor

subscribes to various make-up tutorials on social

includes styling hair and make up for photo-shoots,

media to keep abreast of trends and techniques in

fashion shows, promotions etc. and provide them

the industry.

with basic information about the industry especially | | @BajanSunOnline

Though confident with her work, Nia's marketing is minimal not only because of lack of certification, but this enterprising young lady is in

the process of sourcing a variety of stock to meet the needs of present clients. She posts photos of her work on her personal social media sites Facebook and Instagram mostly for the feedback of the viewers as a kind of pat on the back that her work is up to standards. As an entrepreneur Nia believes that any kind of smart device is essential, to have quick access to your email, social media sites, contacts as well as being able to market on

the go. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 She's currently working on a portfolio for both hair and make-up as a package and will be creating a Facebook and Instagram page to showcase her work. Within the next five years, Nia Goddard will become a certified make-up artist, being able to do what she enjoys every day and making a life for

her son is her ultimate goal. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline



nyone believing a store has to be run from a

By Deborah Macollin

building in order to be successful has not met

Shadawn Grant owner of Pineapple the store. She creates her own product line for males and females


By: Raeann Beckles

ages 16 – 35 and markets on Instagram. Pineapple was a nickname given to her and she also has an obsessive

love for unique fashion, thus the uniqueness of her product line. As a sole trader she basically manages everything herself, but will be going into partnership with her cousin Xavier Bajamin in order to expand the business. So far the clientele has been mostly female providing from shorts, joggers, body suits, button up shirts, t-shirts, and two piece matching sets to skirt suits.

The role of owner of this business may sound simple to the man on the street, but daily Shadawn creates designs, price them, takes orders from clients, assist them in choosing the style and color of the item they are considering ordering, record that order, inform the seamstress on orders to be filled and then see that it’s made in a timely fashion. For summer Pineapple’s owner has been fixated on swimsuits for the ladies and will also expand to include shoes and other branded

clothing. | | @BajanSunOnline


Presently Pineapple’s services are seasonal, as the line is opened till June-August, November - January as well as the month of April. By the end of year, the store will be in a walk in store and will be open throughout the year. At Pineapple Designs, customers are satisfied, not only because of the affordable prices, but also the research Shadawn puts into her designs and the timely manner the items are ready.

This unique business is not without its challenges, but this positive Entrepreneur believes in finding solutions

as soon as the challenge arises. She believes that she learnt the art of smart spending especially since she started the business on her own using her personal savings. The hardest part of this was making the capital available work for her purposes. Another challenge she found was finding staff that were as goal oriented as herself, that knew the benefit of good time management as opposed to working at their own pace thus creating negative feedback from customers due to late deliveries. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 The positive feedback on the products and customer service has been very encouraging especially from the overseas clients. Shadawn (though not alluding to the location) is satisfied that the walk in store will definitely enhance business and is extremely satisfied with the location, customers can be measured or browse and purchase items. Technology in this business is an absolute must as Shadawn multitasks, communicating through direct messages with her huge following of 1577 persons on Instagram and on Whats app with those that prefer the direct personal approach. Technology keeps this business running smoothly. The smart phone, laptop and sewing machines are the most essential pieces of technology to this internet based business. Though

these various media inventory is made, emails are sent, marketing is done via broadcasts, uploading photos and orders made. Along with technology she sees transportation, good sized organized work space and positive hardworking employees as an absolute necessity to Pineapple’s success. Shadawn Grant’s vision for the next five years includes at least three branches of Pineapple walk in stores in three different countries. This Entrepreneur had her dreams but realized she had to start somewhere so she set her goals and put her all into the fruition of her dream. Good luck from us at Bajan Sun Magazine on your chosen path. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

S. G. Kryashonz Gabrielle K. Bushell, the CEO of Swexy Gabby Kryashonz. studied Cosmetology with Dionne Inniss then furthered her studies with the

Phone: 246 268 6032 / 4234414 BBPIN: 2ACFE832

Welfare to Work Program in 2007, where she


received a certificate in Beauty Therapy.

Instagram: @swexy_gabby_nails

She currently has a Home Based Business, and

Facebook: SwexyDeVille

a location in Bridgetown as well. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


By Deborah Macollin


elissa Waterman also known as Lyn Reid has always had a passion for fashion from a very

young age and so as time went by she decided to take that passion, turn it into a hobby, and then later into a career. She's a former SMS student, a BCC drop out and the mother of two. But, she never let that deter her from making the best use of her God given ability. To date

she has released one official collection which is her collaboration Swimwear collection with the local brand called OdBoih and is set to release her 2015/2016 Fall/ Winter Collection later this year which will also mark the rebirth (so-to-speak) of Zero Cool Apparel. | | @BajanSunOnline

Zero Cool Apparel has been in operation under this

very useful as she continues to build her brand and

name for at least one year, but sole trader Melissa

expand the clientele. At present the Barbados Youth

Waterman’s experience in this field spans five years. She

Business Trust is assisting with expansion of the

is presently marketing the brand name through the

business/ brand and operations.

releasing of different clothing collections and liaisons with other business entities. Services range from the design and making of Swimwear, Lingerie, Clothing (from casual to formal wear), to Personal Styling. She also makes Men’s button down shirts and jackets and Ladies wear: underwear and lingerie, evening gowns, business/ work wear and casual clothing. These services are provided on a weekly basis. Garment making is the most commonly requested service which goes hand in hand with Personal Styling services for her clients, which range from 4 to 45 years old and all from the lower and upper middle class.

Technology is of extreme importance in this business venture, 80% of clientele located ZCA through the social media network profiles created. Facilitated by the use of smart phone technology people are online almost constantly, making the viewing of Melissa’s work easily accessible to everyone.

Clients can easily reach her

whether it’s via one of the said Social Media Networks;

Whatsapp or Viber. Technology according to Melissa basically speeds everything up, cuts costs, increases productivity and decreases human error. She believes no entrepreneur should have to think twice before considering the use of technology for his/her business.

Business is not all cool though, the greatest challenge

All Entrepreneurs should

have Internet access and

this young entrepreneur faces includes being able to find

mobile smart technology to foster easy communication

reliable fabric and notion suppliers locally. But, she is

and relationships building with clientele allowing them

currently liaising with international suppliers in various

to enjoy the personal attention that most clients desire.

locations. The new relationships created will also be | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015

The biggest achievements to date is the launch of “Risque�, the swimwear collection recently released in collaboration with the local brand OdBoih as well as the increased clientele and the loyal clients who return and give referrals to persons who become new clients. In the next 5 years Melissa envisions Zero Cool Apparel growing exponentially as a regionally and internationally

known and bought clothing brand; forming and building great partnerships with other business entities along the way. "I represent the average woman. She's confident and knows how to bring it, serve it and keep them wanting more in an attractive, fashionable and stylish way. And so, that's what the ZCA brand also represents." | | @BajanSunOnline

"Opportunity knocks but once whether it comes with its value stamped on it or whether it comes in disguise." Dannyele Teneel Leslie – Life Philosophy PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce | | @BajanSunOnline


PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce

Dannyele Leslie By: Raeann Beckles


nspired by Wendy Fitzwilliam Miss Trinidad and

fact that your true potential will not only be revealed but

Tobago and Miss Universe 1998, Dannyele Teneel

tested and you will emerge a greater individual for

Leslie began her journey within the pageantry industry. Some 11 years later, as Dannyele reflects back to her first inspiration, she quite warmly shared: “My first inspiration would have to be Wendy Fitzwilliam Miss Trinidad and Tobago and Miss Universe 1998. Not only is she from the Caribbean, eloquent, intelligent and poised but she sings as well! One of my other loves!”

having accepted the challenge.” Dannyele considers herself a young woman who has used opportunities to her advantage, and as a means of achieving greater self-development. Knowing that her success within the pageantry and modelling industries cannot be acquired singlehandedly; when asked ‘Did you have a trainer or mentor upon entering the modeling

But, as the conversation continued, Dannyele who is

industry? If yes, what lessons or skills have you learnt

now signed to Casting Barbados revealed, that she never

from the individual that has contributed to your success

really had aspirations of becoming a model/pageant girl.

since?’ - this is what Dannyele had to say: “Much of my

She shared further, “everything I do in life is governed

success in the pageant arena would have to be attributed

by my life philosophy. Often times, great, positive, life

to my hard working chaperone and coach Vaneta Mack

changing opportunities present themselves to us,

Trotman of the Holetown Festival Committee. Not only

sometimes masked as hard work which unfortunately

was her advice constructive but indelible. From her I

may be a deterrent to some. I believe that we must learn

have learnt that being a "queen" isn't simply your reward


on coronation night, but it's the way you walk and talk,






insurmountable they may seem and be reassured in the

being pleasant not only on the eyes but at heart. | | @BajanSunOnline


PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce

In many, if not all of my shows I was always "the little one"; here again, my coach always emphasized the need to be queen like; to work with the package I was given regardless of how small it is, creating lasting impressions by letting personality, confidence and consistency win the hearts of those I came into contact with.” In reflection Dannyele shared further that her first modelling experience was with Betty West, in her annual fashion show and thereafter her Grand Kadooment costumes. Dannyele revealed that the experience was character building, you learn one of life's harsh realities 'rejection' and the tact of dusting yourself off and trying again, with more vigor and a smile of course! “I have learnt how to embrace and love my individuality. Consolation also rests in the fact that "what is for a man he gets" so I never get too giddy headed or overly disappointed when something doesn't go as I'd like.” This was Dannyele’s response when asked: ‘Did you learn any valuable lessons from your first encounter as a model? If yes, how has it served you in your modeling career since?’ Since then, Dannyele’s talent has taken her across the Caribbean to: Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Tortola, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Guyana. What is more interesting is that, Dannyele have done promotions, ad and print campaigns for: Jeans World, Seven Seas, Sprite, Bon Aqua Bottled Water, Pinehill Dairy, Banks Amber Ale, Barbados Yellow Pages Barbados/Grenada, Banks Beer Crop Over Campaign, Digicel Barbados/Antigua and Cave Shepherd Easter and Christmas Campaigns. This obviously vastly experienced Dannyele today, has been able to capture titles on three (nationally, regionally and internationally) influential levels. As such, she currently the: 2004 Alexandra School Pageant - 1st Runner-up with the Best Introduction and Talent, Miss Barbados World 2006 - 1st Runner Up, Miss Holetown 2009, Miss Jaycees 2009 - 1st Runner Up, Miss Caribbean World 2010 - 1st Runner Up, Miss Caribbean Culture 2011 - 3rd Runner Up , Miss Carival Barbados 2013 and Miss Jamzone International 2014 - 1st Runner Up. Let’s chat a bit more with Dannyele in our Q&A Segment to uncover what sets her apart, the advice she would give to upcoming talents, who she admires, the designer’s clothing she has worn and would recommend, and where she intends to go both personally and professionally. | | @BajanSunOnline

Q&A with Pageant Queen Dannyele Leslie:

Q: How has pageantry helped you personally and professionally? A: Pageantry has aided greatly in my personal and professional development by allowing me to mold my behaviours in and outside of the work place, so that I am able to interact with people from all walks of life and always present the best of Dannyele Teneel Leslie. Q: As a model what social campaigns have you lead/spearheaded? A: I work directly with the Holetown Festival Committee and specifically with the coaching and mentoring of the delegates. We make it a point to deliver classes in etiquette along with visits to homes for the elderly or children's PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce

homes. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Q: What sets you apart as a model? A: I really believe it is my easy going nature and pleasant

Q: Which designers clothing have you worn and would


personality. Nicknamed 'Miss Sunshine' by many I thrive on

A: I love local designers Nefetari Caddle, Lester Welch and

positivity and I believe that to be an asset in whatever you do


in life.

Daresque. However, I very much like to be hands on with

Q: Who do you admire within the modeling industry (Locally, Regionally, and Internationally?) A: I generally admire how the industry is slowly moving






what I wear. So I often 'sketch' my own designs and head over to my seamstress Annie Carter. Q: What is next for you professionally and personally?

away from a cliche type 'beautiful' into something that is

A: Ultimately, the next chapter of my life rests with my life

more diverse and essentially REAL. Lupita Nyong'o comes to

philosophy. To place this in perspective, it is my aspiration to

mind as a major face of this transition.

continue into a Master’s program with a concentration in

Q: What advice would you give to upcoming models?

International Relations. I believe that my current job has been an ‘opportunity’; a stepping stone to my ultimate career goal,

A: Stay true to yourself and never let society dictate what you

of becoming a diplomat, as it has allowed me to network and

should be. Define who you are. Also be guided by the fact

engage with the right people. Whatever the outcome may be,

that God completes His masterpieces in His time, so stay

I give God all thanks in the way he has directed and steered

positive even when things seem to falter.

my life thus far. I say this to say, whatever He has planned for me next I believe will be nothing short of brilliant!

PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline










the Trinidad and Tobago Music Association Biennial

(Violinist, Pianist, and Vocalist) and Music

Music Festival; and is the proud holder of a First Class

Educator; Kesica Brewster embodies the passion and

Honors B.A. Linguistics with Music (2010) from the

certification of her chosen craft. As a Music Teacher at

University of the West Indies. All of which are highly

Tehilla Music School (a family business) in collaboration

commendable accolades. It is evident from these

with her mom Shurlyn Brewster (BA): Founder, CEO,

achievements that Kesica has committed to a path which

Music Teacher and brother Mark Brewster (BMus, MA):

takes her passion beyond a hobby, into a professional

Music Teacher; Kesica reflects the advice she gives:

arena with her certification.

‘Never stop practicing, never stop learning’. These six words ‘Never stop practicing, never stop learning’, can be seen in Kesica’s pursuit of certification. To date, Kesica has studied Linguistics and Music at the University of the West Indies (Piano and Pan); Music at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (Violin); received her Dip ABRSM in Piano performance from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music; and at the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music acquired Grade 8 Piano performance, Grade 8 Violin Performance and Grade 8 Recorder Performance. To compliment her academic path, Kesica has too been the recipient of numerous awards including; Official certification from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music with her Dip ABRSM Music Performance (Piano) (2010); and the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs - Youth in Music Award (20-29 years) in 2007. She also has under her belt; (2012) First Place Violin Performance Open

Class; and (2008) Second Place Music Composition from | | @BajanSunOnline

As one would expect, Kesica have not only successfully

performances?’; Kesica indicated “performing as the



lead first violinist (Concert Master) of the then National

entertainment business, but have had the distinct

Sinfonia Orchestra of Trinidad and Tobago in concerts

pleasure of performing with the National Sinfonia

and shows all over Trinidad and Tobago.” More

Orchestra of T&T (with various visiting soloist); Solo;

interestingly, “Extremely warm and receptive” are the



words given by Kesica to describe the crowd’s response

Renaissance Productions Company; the University of

when she performs. With her biggest supporters being

Trinidad and Tobago String Ensemble; P4cm Spoken

her family, Kesica’s inspiration comes from her Faith

word artists (Jakie Hill, Hilton GF Soldier, Preston Perry

and from excellent musicians with whom she interact.

and Janette Mcgee) and numerous Gospel Artists in

Given that Kesica is a Violinist, Pianist and Vocalist, her

Trinidad and Tobago. But before, going further forward

purpose for each role though complementing each other,

with what Kesica is doing now and intends to do, it is

also varies. As a Violinist Kesica’s performs as part of

always fascinating to take a look back to our early

an ensemble (orchestra), for charity, for ministry, and at


private functions. As a Vocalist, she has performed for









charity and ministry and as a pianist she has performed As such, for Kesica, her interest in music was sparked at

as part of bands for charity, ministry and at private

the age of four by her mother, who as she shared started

functions. This music lover has a peculiar, passion for

her and her two brothers along that path. Now with 15

the Gospel and Classical Genres. A passion which she

years of performing experience under her belt, Kesica

also shares and provides as a music teacher. As a music

has not only performed in Trinidad and Tobago, her

teacher, Kesica offers music lessons on various

home; but have also performed in England, Wales and

instruments (Pan, Piano, Recorder, Violin, Flute) and

France. When asked: ‘What are your most memorable

music for events (Piano/keyboard, Violin, Pan, Flute). | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY /AUGUST 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY /AUGUST 2015 With her clientele being mainly students within Trinidad and Tobago, one can undoubtedly expect to be taught from one of Trinidad and Tobago’s most talented. What is more is that, as a music teacher Kesica offers her services as often as there is demand; in addition to her weekly music classes. For any teacher, the success of your students is a reward in itself. Therefore, for Kesica she can humbly boast the exceedingly high pass rate of students in graded examinations governed by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and the Trinity College of London. Kudos to Kesica!

Q: What's your greatest challenge performing and how have you overcome it or intend to overcome it? A: Stage fright. I still feel anxious when going to perform but I remind myself of my personal mantra #1 and I just do it!

Q: Do you believe that you have achieved your goals or do you think that you have more to accomplish? A: I am content with the achievement that I have had thus far, but there is always place for more growth.

Q&A with Music Teacher and Performer (Violinist, Pianist and Vocalist) Kesica Brewster: Q: What are your plans for 2015? Q: What inspires you most about your genre of music?



Numerical expansion, launching officially the leg of violin and Jazz piano tutelage

Gospel: That it is able to touch lives and lead other people to have a relationship with God.

Providing more music services for events and all types of functions

Classical music: That it is able to connect people form different walks of life, bringing new, fresh meaning and interpretation to pieces of musical art written long ago.

Q: Which artists are you super excited and hopeful of one day performing with (future collaborations)? A: I would love to partner with Fred Hammond and Ty Tribbett one day.

Q: What would you say to young aspiring female entertainers/dancers? A: You name is your brand. Wear it well.

Q: Where do you see yourself musically/in dance between the next 3 to 5 years? A: Excelling in excellence on my instruments and in greater collaboration with artists outside of Trinidad and Tobago. As a teacher I want to be growing wider and broader in the amount of students enrolled as well as the continuance of student pass rate successes at graded examinations.

Q: Outside of music what other things would you like your followers/fans/supporters to know about you? A: I am an avid hair enthusiast and DIY’er.

Q: What is your personal mantra (the thing you live by, or motivates you the most)? A: I have two of them: A verse from the bible: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” An Old adage: If you want what you never had, you must do what you never did. | | @BajanSunOnline



f you have confirmed that a vehicle is indeed a ne-

Answer the following questions to help decide which

cessity, you need to make some decisions about the

kind of vehicle is right for you:

type of car you want to drive. This should be the easy part, certainly the most fun. Yet many buyers feel insecure right up to the moment they enter a showroom. Who can blame them? With so many models available and new ones arriving all the time it's difficult keeping up with the changes, let alone making a decision. It all comes down to research, which is something you can do on your own, thanks to the power of the Internet. The amount of information available is staggering, pro-

vided you know where to look.

How many people will you be transporting?

What size of vehicle do you want?

Will you be transporting perishables, or large objects?

Which safety features do you want?

Do you want an automatic or manual transmission?

Is owning a high-end vehicle important to you? Perhaps you would rather put the extra money towards savings or investments. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Decide on the make, model, year, horsepower, gas

she trades this car for a new one and she gets $8,500 for

mileage, and options to suit your type of driving. For

her trade-in. The result: her car costs her in depreciation

example, a small compact car may be easiest to park and

$17,000 - $8,500 = $8,500 over four years, or $2,125 a

maneuver, if you do mostly city driving. If you spend


much of your time on the highway, gas mileage and horsepower are higher priorities. Consider how much you can afford and how much you will be willing to pay for your vehicle. Setting your maximum price will help keep you on budget.

Calculate how much the vehicle will cost, including any payments you may have to make, taxes, interest, fees, as well as daily operating expenses (gas and parking). You will have to estimate costs for maintenance, such as oil changes, filters, batteries, tires, antifreeze, tune-ups and any repairs that may be needed. The cost of insurance varies a lot depending on the make, year, model and even the color of the car, as well as

To have a rough idea what the model you are planning to buy will worth in, say, four years from now, look up the current trade-in value of a four-year-old car of the same model.

Reliability is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a car. Not all cars are the same. Some models are proven to be very reliable, others are known for constant problems. If it is a used car, the original warranty coverage is probably over and you want the model that is more reliable. There is a number of resources where you can check reliability ratings of certain models. MSN Autos - follow the link “Used cars�.

driver's experience and many other factors. I definitely

J.D. Power and Associates - they offer new and used car

recommended to get insurance quotes before buying a car.


You will also need to determine fixed yearly costs (insurance premiums and registration fees). Some cars hold value well, while others depreciate very quickly. If you want to keep your car only for a few years and then trade it in, consider a model that will not drop in value too quickly over your ownership period. I'll give you a real-life example: Person A buys a new $90 SUV. In four years, as the situation changes, he decides to trade it for a minivan. When he visits a dealer, he finds out that his 4-year old SUV only worth close to $33,000. The result: his SUV costs him in the lost value $90,000 - 33,000 = $57,000 over four years, or $14,250 a year. Shernell B buys a small new car for $17. In four years | | @BajanSunOnline

Building Self-Confidence: First Steps By Dr Adrian Daisley


uilding confidence is very much essential in one’s life. If you are not confident it can cause a lot of discomfort and may even prove detrimental to your career and life. A confident person usually stands tall, is proud about himself/herself and is happy in life. He/she can smile and has no doubts whatsoever regarding his capabilities. There are scores of causes for which people want to build confidence. It could range from being able to talk in public to make one’s life more happy and satisfied. Lacking confidence can be harmful in many ways. It can limit your risk taking ability. Thereby, a person never tries out anything new and ends up stagnant at his/her position. It could also cause huge personal problems in your life. It is to overcome such problems that many people wish to build up self confidence. A person might be completely aware about how to boost his confidence, but when low on self-esteem; will never be able to

implement them. The very ideas that might boost his confidence can’t be implemented because he/she lacks the confidence! Start with small steps like having a smile on your face. A smile breaks down many walls. People around you react well and also like to be with you. Smiling also sets many positive emotions in your body and mind. Also another important thing is to shun the criticism that is not relevant. All of us would like to feel better about ourselves. Unfortunately, some do it by criticizing others. This is not fair. One should judge oneself entirely based on the work and deeds one performs, the goal he/she achieves and the character he/she sticks to. You have to progress because of what you are and not because other people don’t. Never compare yourself with anyone else. | | @BajanSunOnline

JAN 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline


CEOs Elijah Knight and Sabrina Clinton presented their annual Ms. Caribbean Gemz Beauty Pageant on June 27, 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline



he Ms Caribbean Gemz beauty pageant is open

confidence, style and enthusiasm from the opening

to women between the ages of 21-35 giving

dance routine to the depiction of their heritage outfit

equal opportunity to represent their country. Each

then ended the competition with elegance in their

contestant must be of Caribbean descent (by birth or

orange evening gown. The Caribbean Gemz pageant

parental descent). The Miss Caribbean Gemz pageant

also included a carnival segment with costumes from

has opened many doors and opportunities for our 2014

Detailz Mas Band and an elegant fashion show with

pageant queen, Marsha Thompson. Caribbean Gemz

clothing by VIP Custom Designs.

along with Marsha have supported many events throughout the year such as children’s fashion shows, feed the needy campaigns, as well as sickle cell and breast cancer awareness fundraising events.

We're proud to announce our winners 2nd runner up Amina Marshall representing Barbados, 1st runner up Colette Stapleton representing St Kitts and Nevis and our overall winner Ms. Caribbean Gemz Katherine

Held at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple the pageant

Jennings from the lovely island of Puerto Rico. We

consisted of contestants from Barbados, Guyana,

look forward to having these beautiful young ladies

Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St Kitts and Nevis and Trinidad

represent us throughout the year.

and Tobago. Each contestant brought their grace,

Visit us at | | @BajanSunOnline


Physique Pro Fitness By: Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge


hysique Pro Fitness Consultancy (PPFC) is a per sonal training business which was established in the year 1999 and caters to everyone from the professional person to the average housewife. Since the demand for this type of business is high Trainer - Jerome Greenidge sought to differentiate himself from all the other trainers plying their trade. As such, Jerome committed himself to studying the most popular training concepts and testing them on his clients to determine which ones worked most effectively. After a couple years of combining concepts and experimenting, Jerome created his own training style which can be modified to fit any body type. Most of his clients see him on average two or three times a week at their home or office, as his business goes where ever the client is interested in being trained. Needless to say, most of Jerome’s clients train at home. Given his passion to share knowledge, Jerome educates his clients on not only proper nutrition but how to train on their own with minimum equipment, which is always a hit as his clients wouldn't have to further expense themselves. The service Jerome and by extension PPCF offers covers everything from when to train, target setting and constant assessments to see what works and what is not working.

Over the years Jerome have found that consistency is the main reason people stop training. In response to this, Jerome has devised a strategy which works and works well. The workouts in this strategy take no longer than 5 to 8 minutes, with minimum equipment requirement. What is more is that, the results from this method have been nothing short of outstanding and Jerome’s clients love it. Short intense workouts work great especially when combined with adequate nutrition. More importantly, this method has been such a hit that his clients have encouraged him to do a fitness app which is called the ‘8 Min Burn’, carded to be released August 2014. All in all Jerome ensures that his clients are happy and see results quickly. In his words “it doesn't matter if my clients are vacationing in France or staying in a beach house on the east coast. If they or the general population want a workout or tips on everything from how to acquire muscle, lose weight or get stronger, they can do so by visiting this facebook link: provenphysique.” Jerome is looking forward to hearing from you soon so that he can help you achieve your best ‘bod’ ever! | | @BajanSunOnline


Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to feel more energized?

I will train you in your gym, apartment, or home.

For $45-$55 Bds per training session - I will coach you on proper technique and give you the right type of nutritional counselling to make sure you reach your goals.

I'm here to help you look better than ever and feel your greatest.

Have you been working towards your goals with little to no success?

Tel: 246 830 3893

Contact me today and take a step in the right direction.


Clement Shamboko I

nspired by Austrian-American actor, model, producer, director, activist, businessman, investor, writer, philanthropist, former professional bodybuilder and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger; Zambian Clement Shamboko of Lusaka Zambia began his journey as a fitness competitor. Clement’s love and pursuit of bodybuilding began some eight years ago, and has augmented beyond a hobby into a professional pursuit. To date, Clement has entered numerous competitions where he has secured the titles of: Mr. Zambia 2012, and Mr. Southern Africa, which he sees as his greatest achievements. However, Clement’s competitive scope included the likes of Mr. Tourism, Mr. Chawama; a title

By Raeann Beckles

he has held for three years, Mr. Iron Man and the Africa Olympia competitions. As one would expect being a holder of such titles require a peculiar training and dietary regime. Therefore, for Clement, he weight trains five days per week, excluding Saturdays and Sundays which he have qualified rest days. When it comes to his diet, Clement consumes eight egg whites, with rice in the morning and at lunch he eats chicken breast with baked chips, and salads and flushes it all down with a protein shake. For dinner, Clement eats steak, brown rice and recharges with a protein shake. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Clement though very passionate about bodybuilding as a sport, have like many other bodybuilders within the Caribbean faced the plight of limited to zero sponsorship. It is evident that these challenges are not specific to any one region, but is experienced throughout different parts of the world. However, Clement despite not having a sponsor; sponsor’s himself, because he simply loves the sport. Going forward, Clement envisages perfecting his physic, and would be very pleased and excited to take his passion to the Caribbean and internationally. As he shared, “that would be a dream come true.” We wish Clement all success as he continues to soar. | | @BajanSunOnline



hen you're young your body seems to take

care of itself. You can eat whatever you want

without gaining weight. You have an endless supply of energy. Your blood pressure and cholesterol are on target. You feel great. Then, gradually, things start to change. Your weight creeps up, your joints get achy, your blood pressure rises, and your cholesterol levels goes through the roof. All of a sudden, you have real problems - blocked arteries, an underactive thyroid, severe arthritis, maybe even depression. With a regular exercise program, it all could have been prevented. I know that you're busy. Maybe you have a full - or part time job, a family to feed, a house to clean, aging parents to look after, and countless meetings. You do it all. But, you also know that you're overweight and out of shape and that you should do something about it.

be things that seem more important than getting in a workout. But nothing is more important than your health - not work, not cleaning the bathroom, not surfing the internet and certainly not that juicy TV movie. The longer you wait to get started, the harder it will get - and the bigger your problems are going to be. Even with the busiest schedule, it's possible to find time for exercise. I'm living proof! How do men and women over 40 like me find time for exercise when we're juggling a million things? We don’t. We MAKE time. In other words, we carve time out of our hectic schedules because we know the importance of staying in shape and the consequences of not doing so. For the best ways to accomplish this call me at 1-246239-7184 or connect via Facebook "Physique Pro Fitness Consultancy.

It's easy to make excuses. At times there are going to | | @BajanSunOnline

JUNE 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


AUGUST VACATION AND YOUR CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS vacation is usually a time when parents J uly/August can let schedules go and relax. The arrival of this vacation is exciting, but it also comes with a sense of dread, significant stress and anxiety. It means a change in routine, excruciating amounts of down time, travel, visiting family and friends, outdoor outings, barbecues, too much noise, too much food etc. etc. Here are some coping mechanisms and ways to use this vacation as a learning opportunity for your child with special needs. I hope these are helpful to you! Set and Stick to A Schedule and Keep Routines in Place Taking a few minutes to plan out the day or week can be the secret to a successful vacation. Whenever possible, maintain as much routine as possible. For example, keep consistent bedtimes and wake up times even when there is no school, and also try to keep similar limits set during school Keep up the Learning Learning does not have to stop just because school is out. This is a great opportunity to incorporate authentic learning experiences. Additionally, it is important to build time into your child’s daily or weekly schedule to research experiment and investigate a topic that interests your child. Choose activities that play to your child’s strengths not just their preferences.

By Judy Beckles

teachers and therapists for activities that you can do with your child over the holidays. This can help you establish a routine and can also help you see and understand, first hand, what your child has been working on and whether they can generalize skills. Try to Schedule Help If possible try to schedule extra help to assist you during the vacation time. You can seek out special education teacher aides or assistants that work for a school district and are also on vacation. This help can also take the form of a “mother’s helper” someone to come along with you to activities and gatherings. I understand that many parents feel very guilty about this, but it is usually preferable to your child to not be put in a situation that would be overwhelming or difficult for them. Keep Expectations Reasonable Try not to get frustrated if the occasions do not go as planned. Additionally, instead of setting many goals for your child with special needs set one goal or family project that you can all work on together.

Set up Play Groups and/or Social Skill Groups It can be a great time to get involved with other families who have children with special needs. This can also be a good networking opportunity for parents. Get Activities from School Personnel Before the school year ends, it is a good idea to ask | | @BajanSunOnline

Watch Your Step Prevention Of Falls In The Elderly By Fay G Parris


nlike popular thinking falls in the elderly are not

the bones, they become weak and fragile causing them

just as a result of getting older, falls are greatly

to break easily, a common occurrence in conditions such

impacted by environmental and nutritional factors. How

as osteoporosis. Fear of falling is common in persons

the home and the things around the elderly are

who have had previous falls before and become over

organized and their diet dictates potential for falls. Some

cautious when moving around e.g. walking around too

persons neglect the fact that attitudes to falls contribute

gingerly interferes with body’s ability to interpret it

to falls.

surroundings and respond effectively. Caution is

The elderly and their caregivers sometimes become too careful not wanting to walk around, sitting or remaining in bed all day, afraid to venture outdoors and walking too cautiously. All of these unnecessary precautions inhibit the body’s ability to strengthen its bones and muscles due to lack of exercise and sunlight. Exercise helps to strengthen both bones and muscle while exposure to sunlight helps the body to produce Vitamin D instrumental in the absorption of calcium used in the

structure of bones. Without the presence of calcium in







counterproductive. Falls in the elderly can be prevented. Falls is one of the major problem areas for the elderly as having a fall is not only embarrassing but it can lead to other medical, functional and financial problems. A fall is usually an unplanned action, where the individual comes to rest on the floor and can occur with or without the loss of consciousness. | | @BajanSunOnline


Elderly women are at greater risk than men for a fall.

therefore persons must take the necessary steps to

As aging occurs a woman’s gait becomes narrower thus

prevent falls. Medications used to treat these conditions

impacting on their ability to balance. It is also noted that

may also make the elderly drowsy and increase their

the older the person is, the greater the risk for falling

risk for falls. Diuretic medications e.g. Lasix, may make

due to normal ageing changes and common disease

the need to pass urine so urgent that the elderly may

conditions that occur with ageing. Some factors that can

hurry or wet themselves on the way to the bathroom

lead to falls in the elderly are:

thus also increasing the risk for falls.

Confusion/memory loss

Complications of falls

Decrease vision- an older person experiences problems

Common complication of falls among the elderly may

adjusting the pupil of eyes when moving from dark

range from mild tissue injury/bruise to more severe

areas to light, blurring the vision. They also experience

fractures, brain injury or even death. Types of fractures

problems with glare making it difficult to see with

commonly experienced are hip, forearm and skull. Falls

bright lights. Altered depth perception cause the elderly

can also lead to loss of independent functioning, a major

persons not to see how deep things are, for example,

crippling event for elderly. Falls can also produce large

estimating how deep a step is. Decrease near vision

bills (financial cost) for doctors’ visits, physiotherapy,

making the elderly unable to respond appropriately to

and assistive devices e.g. walkers, canes, wheelchairs.

close obstacles in their path. Decrease night vision creates issues at night time. Decrease peripheral vision narrows their ability to see objects not directly in front of them. Conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts also impact on their ability to see clearly and respond to objects in front of them. Decrease hearing - an older adult can experience difficulty understanding speech especially after a stroke. The elderly may have difficulty hearing high pitched sounds so they are unable to respond effectively to shouts of danger, screeching of car breaks etc. Excessive wax in the ears is a common occurrence that inhibits response from the eardrum and limit hearing. Nerves, muscles and bone changes impact on the ability to quickly recognize danger and respond appropriately. Illness conditions such hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and any type of arthritis causes changes in these areas | | @BajanSunOnline




ne of our biggest beauty pet peeves is when a celebrity tells us that the secret to her perfect skin is that she “drinks lots of water.”Yeah, right.We know you’ve got a literal army of skin care gurus on speed dial for whenever the first hint of a clogged pore appears on your pristine face.

of moisturizer on your face, neck, and decolleté. If you’re worried about fine lines or dullness, Czech suggests incorporating creams that contain vitamins A and C, which will help soothe skin and promote cell turnover. Her faves: Environ Evenescence CBoost and Ionzyme C-Quence.

1). Keep It Simple

2). Party Prep

Czech is a big fan of sticking to the skin care basics of cleanse, tone, and moisturize. Her ideal routine consists of a pared-down morning plan and doing the majority of your treatments at night. “Nighttime is the most important time to hydrate because it’s your healing period — skin is able to absorb more moisture at night,” she says. Splash your face with water in the a.m., and apply a moisturizer. At night, use your cleanser and toner, then follow-up with a healthy dose

Going out and need to refresh your skin? Try this trick: Grab a piece of cotton gauze and dampen it with toner or mineral water, press it to the skin, lightly pulling it taut, then quickly release. This should happen in a vigorous motion, focusing on the forehead, eyes and nasal folds. Czech calls it the sponge technique because you are expanding the skin when you press, so that when you release, your pores absorb the moisture and create a temporarily plumped effect. | | @BajanSunOnline

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3). Skip The Makeup Remover

Keep your skin care simple by ditching the makeup remover in favor of a cleanser that does double-duty. Czech loves Fresh Soy Cleanser because it gets off even the toughest makeup, without stripping your skin of its natural oils. 4). A Banana A Day… Keeps your skin glowing! Since they’re full of potassium and magnesium, bananas help regulate your digestive system, which in turn makes your skin glow. In addition to eating them as a daily snack, Czech loves to make this at-home treatment: Mash up a banana and stir in some flax seed oil and ground oatmeal to make a paste. Slather it on your skin and let dry, then tissue it off to reveal hydrated, calm, nourished skin. 5). Easy On The Exfoliation “I’m not crazy about scrubs because clients abuse them,” says Czech. “They go crazy with them and it results in tons of broken capillaries. If you just use a cleanser and washcloth to wash your face every night, that’s enough exfoliation.” | | @BajanSunOnline

6). Banish Blemishes

8). Eye-Opening Treatments

When rogue pimples pop up, Czech turns to Protective Nourishment’s Pumpkin Peel to treat them. The pumpkin in the mask reacts to your skin’s natural enzymes to help dissolve blemishes, instead of drying them out. Czech dabs it on pimples as an overnight spot treatment and says it “works the fastest in my experience on breakouts and blemishes.”

If puffy eyes are a problem, Czech recommends putting a cold (damp) tea bag on closed eyes for 10 minutes. Tea is a diruetic, so it draws the water out and reduces puff. You can also put cucumber slices on your eyes — they have de-puffing properties and will create a temporary lightening effect. According to Czech, there’s unfortunately no real cure for dark circles. “Your eye area is the thinnest part of your facial skin, and the darkness is caused by veins. It’s something you are born with and can’t really alter. You can make sure it doesn’t get any worse by getting enough sleep and finding time each day, to relax.”

7). Make Your Own Makeup Skip the pricy tinted moisturizers and make your own instead. Czech combines a few drops of an oil-based foundation with a moisturizer to create a customblended tinted moisturizer. She likes Babor Age Conceal Foundation and Nude Moisture Balance. Since the foundation has an oil base, Czech says it will keep skin dewy and not show any imperfections. “Skin looks unhealthy with a powder finish. Dewy always looks younger and healthier,” she says.

9). Reduce Redness If dry, irritated skin has given you a flaky, flared-up look, Czech says she swears by Bag Balm to help get rid of redness. “It’s perfect for your nose, feet, eyelids — any dry spots or even eczema. It has lanolin in it, so it protects your skin from oxygenation and helps it heal.” | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 10). Show Your Lips Some Love Czech says it’s important not to forget about your lips. As they flake and get drier, it creates a kind of callus on your lip and nothing will be able to penetrate the skin to heal it. Keep your pout in tip -top shape with a DIY lip exfoliator — combine coconut oil or Vaseline with a scoop of sugar and rub it on your lips. Sugar is a natural humectant and will help keep moisture within the skin long after you wipe it off. If your lips have already started cracking, Czech says to add a drop of honey to the cracks to help heal and soothe.



By Dr. Andrew Forde

rythrasma is an eruption that occurs in the skin folds and is caused by Corynebacterium

minutissimum. Rashes located in skin folds like the groins, armpits, under the breasts or abdominal folds are referred to as an intertrigo. This condition occurs predominantly in obese individuals who reside in warm humid climates. The causative bacterium is unique as it produces chemicals, which fluoresce coral pink under a woods light (the same light used to detect body fluids in CSI). Well defined brown, patches with a fine scaly, wrinkled surface are seen in the body folds. Fortunately there are no symptoms.

The condition responds to topical imidazole creams and to fucidic acid. Oral eythromycin and josalid also work well. | | @BajanSunOnline


Global Import Export Distribution Crop.


By: Juanita Cumberbatch


tress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing

environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help push us into action; it

can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective.

and because of that they may define stress differently. People feel little stress when they have the time, experience and resources to manage a situation. They feel great stress when they think they can't handle the demands put upon them. Stress is therefore a negative experience. And it is not an unavoidable consequence of an event: It depends a lot on people's perceptions of a

As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives. In adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it. There have been many different definitions of what stress is, depending on whose addressing it. What complicates this is that we all feel that we know what stress is, as it is something we have all experienced. A definition should therefore be obvious...except that it is not. Different people experience different aspects of stress

situation and their real ability to cope with it. Without stress, life would be dull and unexciting. Stress adds flavor, challenge and opportunity to life. Too much stress, however, can seriously affect your physical, spiritual and mental well-being. A major challenge in today's stress-filled world is to make the

stress in your life work for you instead of against you. During a stressful situation, the brain signals the release of stress hormones. These chemical substances trigger a series of responses that gives the body extra energy: blood-sugar levels rise, the heartbeat and blood pressure increases. The muscles tense for action. The blood supply is diverted away from the stomach to the hand and foot to help the body deal with the situation at

hand. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Stress is with us all the time. It comes from mental or

hypertension, diabetes and cancer. The list of diseases

emotional activity, as well as physical activity. It is

linked to stress is almost endless, and includes asthma,

unique and personal to each of us. So personal, that what

allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, ulcerative colitis

may be relaxing to one person may be stressful to

and migraine headaches, among many others.

another. For example, if you are an executive who likes to keep busy all the time, or someone who is constantly

An important distinction that needs to be made here is

on the go, "taking it easy" at the beach on a beautiful day

that any of these chronic illnesses can be made harder to

may feel extremely frustrating, nonproductive and

bear by a stress-laden situation or an emotionally

upsetting. You may be emotionally distressed from

inadequate response on the part of the person. On the

"doing nothing."

other hand, it is no longer possible to credit older theories that specific emotional experiences or reactions actually

Too much emotional stress can cause physical illness,

cause these various diseases. On the whole, it seems most

such as high blood pressure, ulcers or even heart disease.

likely that stress plays a non-specific role in disease by

Physical stress from work or exercise is not likely to

throwing off the body's natural ability to heal itself.

cause such ailments. The important issue is learning how our bodies respond to these demands. When stress becomes prolonged or

particularly frustrating, it can become harmful - causing distress or "bad stress." Recognizing the early signs of distress and then doing something about them can make an important difference in the quality of your life and may actually influence your survival. Stress and Disease Because the stress response affects our physiological (the way our bodies response) and emotional responses, it is possible that stress can change frustration into physical illness, but the exact ways by which this occurs are not known. In some situations, as with tension headaches or upset stomachs, the connections appear fairly clear. On the other hand, both headaches and bellyaches can occur with no emotional provocation whatsoever. The causes are even less clear when it comes to more chronic and serious conditions, such as heart disease, | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline




ow my first article on Entrepreneurship. I feel so blessed to be able to share some tidbits on my journey in the entrepreneurship world. Time is a very splendid thing and so is timing. When I was in High School I was the guy who would always think of how to make money. My desire to make money was really all about survival; my family never had a lot of money and to tell the truth neither did I. I soon realized that I had to find inventive ways of making money. To that end, I started a newspaper route, did gardening and raised chickens to make sure I could have good food and some money to spend. All this took place when I was around eleven years old. My aunt supported my efforts but I would soon learn that others resented my efforts and would try to destroy my entrepreneurship spirit; that story is in my book entitled: “The Real Deal” School really gave me the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship without even realizing the word existed. When I was in school, agricultural science, craft, technical drawing, and woodwork were classes that really allowed one to merge theory with practice in the field. Learning about soil, components of soil, irrigation, the cover crop process and these rudiments really gave me the urge to test things out when the opportunity presented itself. In the area of woodwork, craft and technical drawing I learned how to prepare my ideas, draw plans, use machinery to bring the vision to reality and digging for clay along with learning how to treat cow skin and make belts were the order of the educational process. One year I remember my teacher talking about recognizing signs of fertility in soil, and his main idea was if you passed a field and the grass was green and really smelled good, that was a sign the field needed to be ploughed , irrigated and seeds planted. The opportunity presented itself one day when my aunt realized that the field next to our house was overrun

with green grass filled with the smell of opportunity. Being a young boy, it was not my place to ask questions so I asked her to find out who owned the land and if we could use it to plant crops. We were given the go-ahead with a little plot next to the house and soon I was taking my education to the next level. Now keep in mind that in school one also had the opportunity to plant things and learn from the experience but this opportunity was my first step in monetizing my pocket money. Lettuce, carrots, cabbage, eggplant and other vegetables were among the first crops that we planted. The smell, taste, touch and view was so fantastic I could not believe how big the cabbage and lettuce looked and yes that fertile smell was all in the mix. The first crop had been sprung and the supermarket awaited our delivery along with other neighbors who wanted to support the sales. Yes, my first real deal entrepreneurship idea had sprung. My aunt Esther was elated and soon we expanded the endeavor to the other side of the house where the results were the same. There were times when we would have to let the land rest so we planted partial crops sometimes and rolled over each opportunity. Later that year I expanded into the road side canteen, raised chickens and started my first delivery of newspapers for the Nation News; then the Island’s number one newspaper. In closing I want to convey to the reader than entrepreneurship starts with an idea that must be followed with practical application. Learning without doing cannot empower your journey to success. Whatever idea you have write it down, lay the plan and get started. Aubry Padmore, Author, Speaker, Coach visiting or log onto “The REal Book Talk” Thursdays 8pm, EST | | @BajanSunOnline


PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce | | @BajanSunOnline




t’s not very often you get up close and personal with a triple threat personality; that oozes the essence of Presence and Power, Talent and Art as well as, Humility and Originality. These are but a few words to describe Dominican born, Nikita Karma Nai Warrington. While most may not know her within her three elements, the Karma Nai flavor she exudes, leaves no doubt of her versatility and success in each. As part owner and Managing Director of Blush Lingerie in collaboration with her mother; Karma Nai has successfully operated and managed Blush Lingerie for just over two years. As she so proudly shared “Blush Lingerie is a retail store which specializes in female intimate apparel. This is inclusive of underwear, negligee, lingerie, and outfit solutions such as invisible bra straps, etc.” What’s more is that without barriers or discrimination, Blush Lingerie caters to every single adult female in Barbados. From a 30C to 56DD, a size small to a size 18, the preference of seamless to cotton, etc., Blush Lingerie does it all, and for all women in Barbados, regardless of age, size, shape or preference. In addition to the sale of the intimate apparel, Blush Lingerie also offers delivery services to their customers, along with free bra sizing and online special orders. Being intimately involved in her business, Karma Nai handles both the retail and the sale of merchandise from

her store. When asked, ‘What would you say are some of your greatest challenges as an entrepreneur?’ Karma Nai quite candidly shared: “My major problem has always been with naysayers. I believe in our economy, we need to encourage entrepreneurship in as many areas as possible and not deter it once there is a feasible structure and plan of execution in place.” But, hands-on and focused as she is, Karma Nai, sought to treat with her challenges by just buckling down and doing what she had to do for herself. She shared: “I had to believe in my ability to execute the plan that I had created, whether it was successful in the end or not. I had to employ the mentality that it would be a learning experience, regardless of failure or success.” But with the challenges comes the achievements once consistency and commitment is employed. For Karma Nai, she was most thrilled to share her achievements when that questions arose. In her own words she recounted: “Wow. Achievement Number One is simply having had a functioning business for two years and hoping for many more to come. I love being able to provide my customers with a service that makes them feel good about themselves. Women are notorious for indecision, but they are also notorious for consistency and commitment to specific products and brands. My greatest achievement then, has to be having provided customers who are usually considered difficult with the products and services that they have committed to, for two solid years. J”

79 | | @BajanSunOnline

PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce

Kudos to Karma Nai!

could hear what I was capable of. I became a rap

So when Karma Nai, is not busy managing and

addict when I realized hip-hop/rap definitely had

operating all aspects of her business, she is fulfilling

more room for lyrical content.” This was the response

one or two other roles with ‘Class’ and ‘Sass’. As a

given by Karma Nai when asked: ‘What sparked your

lover of music since the age seven there about; and a

interest in music and more specifically your genre of

writer of music and performer for almost 10 years;


Karma Nai, has unquestionably made her mark

Hip Hop Festival Barbados; Love, Poetry and Song at

within the Barbados music and entertainment

the Barbados Museum; Honey Jam Barbados as well


as Honey Jazz, are among the events where Karma Nai has performed. But, it is her performance, at

Hip Hop has become Karma Nai’s genre of choice as

Honey Jam Barbados which she credits as her most

it affords her more room for lyrical expression and

memorable performance. She warmly shared: “The



entire experience is created to make an artist feel

performer. “I was just always a writer, and at some

comfortable, and that brings out a better performance.

point I decided I wanted to write songs. That pushed

What is more is that, Honey Jam is all about female

me to actually sing/rap them, so that other people

empowerment, and I am ALL about that! Woohoo!”




as | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Trying not to be bias, Karma Nai reflected on the crowd’s response to her various performances and stated: “I love my crowd, I love my art, and when they feel that, they respond to me. It’s almost always positive, and I will remain eternally grateful for that.” Throughout her music career, Karma Nai, has had the delight of performing locally with Danny Reid, Strat Carter, and the Honey Jam ladies but hopes to one day perform with Kristen Walker who she refers to as ‘A Beast’ (in her craft), Teff, and Kanye West; whom she loves.

really began as a model. However, she is mostly a print model, and have been associated with a number of different efforts over the years; of which fashion shows at UWI (Cave Hill) as well as Animekon, were among the top events. As a print model, Karma Nai can be seen in the November 2014-March 2015 edition of Living Barbados wearing the Naga collection from John Hardy, available at Diamonds International. Having advanced as an entrepreneur, an entertainer and a model, it is always interesting to take a look back at when it all started.

It is important within the music to know yourself. The music industry internationally is highly competitive and saturated with talent that seems to pop up overnight. For Karma Nai, her stability, confidence and support does not only comes from her mom and friends who she loves and cherishes so dearly; but it also comes from within. Karma Nai shared her self-assuring personal mantra: “I’m the only person that I ever measure myself up against. I’m never concerned with others, what they think, or what they expect of me. I move at my own pace, and I only ever expect the absolute best at every stage of my own growth. The people whose careers I follow are people who break barriers and live their dreams: Eminem, Bob Marley, Kanye West, Rihanna, MC Lyte, to name a few.” When asked: ‘What would you say to young aspiring female entertainers?’ Karma Nai humbly but firmly shared: “First and foremost, know yourself. There’s a lot out there that can make you question yourself, your morals, your values. You need to know and believe in yourself. Second, practice, research and constant learning never go out of style. Know your genre, know your skillset, and always look to expand your knowledge base. Last, but by no means least, RESPECT YOURSELF.” In her capacity as a model which she has been doing for approximately 10 years, Karma Nai credits her love for music for also taking her down this path. Reflecting, Karma Nai shared that as an artist she had to do photoshoots for her social media and media platforms, and that’s where she PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce | | @BajanSunOnline

PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce | | @BajanSunOnline


As such, when she was asked: ‘What was your first modeling experience and how was it?’ - Karma Nai happily shared: “Wow. I don’t even think I remember what the first one was! I definitely remember two of my favourite shoots outside of anything music related that have stayed with me. The first was working with Renee Ifill from Next To Natural makeup and photographer Brian Elcock for a Christmas ad, and I had to blow glitter. It was super creative and, of course, I learned that glitter is hella difficult to get off!!! The second was with Alyssa Godard from Melange Image, and Brian Elcock was also the photographer on that shoot. The swimsuits Alyssa made fit perfectly, and I just had to buy one afterward. The makeup was done by Colour Coded, and it was exotic!!!” Karma Nai continued stating: “The most important thing I’ve learned is that you’re there the complete or add to someone else’s design. Modeling isn’t about YOU. It’s about you taking direction and becoming the muse for someone else. I think that is the single most important thing there is to learn about modeling. It’s very much like acting in the sense that you become someone else, you take on a role.” What’s more is that, Modeling taught her discipline and how important it is to play a role in the development of someone else’s dream. She stated further it’s always flattering to be chosen by someone as their muse, and humbling to see the finished product. With her heart set on continuing on her path of success as a model, Karma Nai particularly holds great respect and admiration for Kari McCarthy-Miller and Shahaida Lynch. She loves Selita Ebanks and; although she may be considered one of the Top Female Music Artistes in the world, she sees Rihanna as a BOSS model. For those who look up to her and have aspirations of one day becoming a model, Karma Nai’s advice is simple: “Definitely to learn to take direction, and even moreso to know what you will and won’t do as a model!!!” | | @BajanSunOnline

Q&A with Nikita “Karma Nai” Warrington:

T he T he T he T he

E ntr epr en eur W r iter E ntertain er Model

PHOTO BY: Mark Boyce

Q: What role has technology played in developing

an online store. Technology has provided me the

your business?

opportunity to be more flexible with my time

A: Social media! Lol. It is simply an amazing tool. In attracting clients from all walks of life, I have found it an irreplaceable part of my marketing and targeting. We tend to forget that technology extends to the change from a traditional desktop to a laptop that can fit in my handbag. It is seriously a very important and functional asset to the entrepreneur. As a matter of fact, just recently, I made the decision to close my storefront at the end of May and make Blush Lingerie

management and still provide a service to my customers. Q: How useful is technology to the Entrepreneur? A: Technology is a necessity in today’s market. From advertising to record-keeping to sales and marketing. It’s something we should explore and use in the development of our strategies and business plans, and it is unquestionably an indispensable tool. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Q: What is a must have (in terms of technology) for any Entrepreneur in any field? A: Any kind of Tablet or lightweight laptop, a manageable data plan, and a phone that allows you to turn it into a hotspot. Really!!! Q: What services can make your tasks easier to execute. A: I think Microsoft Excel is my absolute favourite tool, with relation to record-keeping and allowing me to provide a consistent service because of great notekeeping. In addition to that, the opportunity to make my store a complete online store has offered more flexibility with the times I can provide my service. Q: What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years. A: Consistency. I’d like to be still providing a necessary service that my customers are pleased with. I’d like to have another company or 3. I’d like to have set a foundation that aspiring entrepreneurs can model their businesses after. Q: What is next for Karma Nai Warrington professionally and personally? A: The world of art is unlimited! Personally, anything that propels my growth. Professionally, anything that solidifies my foundation as a professional.

Music isn’t an art form in which there are limits. Q: From where does your inspiration come for your songs/music/dance? A: I believe there’s inspiration in everything. It’s just a matter of finding something that you feel connected to, and channeling that through lyrics into a song. Q: As a model how do you keep fit (nutrition and training)? A: Exercise is essential. I weight train and I toss in the occasional run. Mostly, it’s about how and what I eat. No pasta, no bread. A lot of proteins and discipline!!! It’s much easier to stay fit if you make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle than it is to crash diet. Q: What sets you apart as a model? A: It used to be my hair! Now that so many other women have ventured out and are wearing short blonde hair, I believe it’s my reputation with regards to my attitude toward my work. I show up to work until the dream is achieved. My goal is to fulfil the role I was chosen for, and complete the task at hand.

Q: Outside of music what other things would you like your followers/fans/supporters to know about you? A: Omelets are my absolute favourite food; my favourite colour is black; my favourite author is Sidney Sheldon; and I’m a sports fanatic!!! Q: What's your greatest challenge performing and how have you overcome it or intend to overcome it? A: Stage lights. Those things are BRIGHT!!! When I first began performing, it was at smaller stages and shows, so the lighting wasn’t professional. I always had a clear sight of the crowd, and could always see my friends and supporters, so that made it easier. The first time I performed with professional lighting and I couldn’t see anyone, it was terrifying. I got over it eventually by focusing more on stage performance and usage, so that I simply had no time to be looking for anything or anyone in the crowd until my performance was over. Q: Where do you see yourself musically/in dance between the next 3 to 5 years? A: Happily embedded. Songwriter. Performer. I’ll even attempt to learn production in another 5 years. | | @BajanSunOnline

Love and Lifework: Couples Working It By Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe “And for love’s sake, each mistake, you forgave; and soon both of us learned to trust, not run away, it was no time to play, we build it up… You didn’t turn away, when the sky went gray. Somehow we managed, we had to stick together. You didn’t bat an eye, when I made you cry, we knew down the line, we would make it better. And for love’s sake, each mistake, you forgave, and soon both of us learned to trust, not run away, it was no time to play, we build it up… And now it’s solid, solid as a rock, that’s what this love is, that’s what we’ve got. Solid, Solid as a rock, and nothing’s changed it, the thrill is still hot, hot, hot!”

Singing duo, husband and wife Ashford and Simpson penned these lyrics years ago, and this couple continues to share love and a mutual passion when it comes to lifework, gracing stages with their unique harmonious melodies. Whether due to shared career interests and an

intentional wealth-building blueprint, striving for more control over leisure hours, or strategizing with the future in mind so that there will be ample quality time to nurture children, both newlyweds and the long-time married are seeking ways to couple love and lifework, no pun intended. Copreneurs are growing in numbers, and more couples are choosing to fully share life’s journey in all aspects of their lives. Yes, when considered separately, love and business are indeed challenging, and the potential for success while a mystery, is within the grasp of any couple who dares go there. Take Jamaicans Eric and Claudette Hammond, both share backgrounds in engineering, and the couple work side-by-side running the highly successful Hammond and Associates Engineering Firm in Plantation, Florida. Virgin Islander Dion Parsons, co-founder of the 21st Century Band which plays mesmerizing Caribbean Jazz all around the world is managed by his wife Nicole. Mitzi and Howard Allen, partners who run HAMAfilms Antigua, share both love and filmmaking. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Is it possible to mesh love and lifework and keep the flames in the marital bedroom hot? Without a doubt the answer is a resounding, YES. But as with all relationships, the question becomes is the couple willing to do the work. Spiritual food for thought, the only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary. My point, couples who opt to work in business together will have to establish a plan to navigate the seas of enterprise together, and also agree on family and work boundaries to ensure that the ebb and flow of the business tide does not spill over into the boudoir, extinguishing the passion that sparked the desire to get married in the first place.

C. Identify the situations that cause you stress and then create strategies to cope that do not include taking it out on each other. Ask more questions, and pass less judgment.

Dr. Patrick Handley, President of the Insight Institute commented at Sleeping With Your Business, “Marriages are difficult enough without working alongside your spouse, day in and day out, as a business and career partner. Likewise, work relationships provide enough challenge without being married to your coworker. Couples who undertake both, partnering together in their businesses and marriages, undertake a special journey.”

E. Share moments to celebrate the accomplishments and successes of your spouse, and relish this journey.

D. Define how business and household responsibilities will be shared. Assign different spaces to the business and the boudoir, in other words do not make the nightly bedroom pillow talk all about the business’s balance sheet. Work on your spirit of negotiation and compromise as a couple, and remember you are each other’s dream champion.

Challenges that a couple face commonly are fostered by gender differences; communication styles, conflict resolution and teamwork skill deficits, and ultimately personal feelings about self. When couples start to disrespect each other, neglect their own personal needs, fail to balance the business with other spheres of life, a recipe that can bust the business, and break up the boudoir’s intimate connection is being concocted. Want to make it work, consider these tips: A. Together, construct a solid plan for the family business, and clearly define the roles each of you will play in the business. Discuss expectations at the onset so that future misunderstandings can be avoided. B. Daily work on how you communicate with each other as a couple; keep mutual respect at the forefront. Check your body language, and do not make the assumption that you are communicating effectively. Respect each other’s viewpoint, stay focused on the issues, use your differences and varied strengths to the benefit of the business. Fully embrace the 80/20 rule, focus more on choosing joyfulness, and not hopelessness. | | @BajanSunOnline

Recession Solutions – The Wisdom of the Ant THE PRINCIPLE OF SAVING By Cheryl Outram


anaging a home or business can be a rather

At the proper seasons they collect their food - not in

challenging task at times. This becomes an

the summer to lay up for the winter; for they sleep

even greater challenge when a breadwinner, single-

during the winter, and eat not; and therefore such

parent or even both parents become unemployed or

hoards would be to them useless; but when the food

even when an unexpected event shatters the natural

necessary for them is most plentiful, then they collect

earning cycle or income stream. A wise man once

it for their consumption in the proper seasons. No

advised me to let savings be my biggest and most

insect is more laborious, not even the bee itself; and

serious debt by being my own debt collector. His

none is more fondly attached to or more careful of its

words of profound wisdom, though seemingly

young, than the ant. The principle of storing up as

oxymoronic, have transformed my thoughts and

was practice by Joseph in the time of famine is a

actions concerning this principle.

practice employed by many frugal housewives who would buy basic food items like sugar, flour, rice,

Though we are encouraged to “Go to the ant thou

potatoes and meat when possible in bulk supply.

sluggard” in Proverbs 6:6 many of us fail to store up

This would reduce the amount of trips to the grocer

our resources for the rainy day. The ant as discussed

which would often lead to unnecessary spending on

by Clarke’s Bible commentary is a remarkable

that must have item, as we browse the strategically

creature for foresight, industry, and economy.

merchandised shelves. | | @BajanSunOnline


Provision and Protection

prepare little cells to put their provisions in, and are

When the young are in their aurelia state, in which

so built as to secure them from rain; and if at any

they appear like a small grain of rice, they will bring

time their corn is wet, they bring it out and dry it, and

them out of their nests, and lay them near their holes,

bite off the ends of it, that it may not grow. Ants

for the benefit of the sun; and on the approach of

operate in colonies. They learn, build homes and

rain, carefully remove them, and deposit them in the


nest, the hole or entrance to which they will cover

industrial efforts. They practice division of labour

with a piece of thin stone or tile, to prevent the wet

and integrate specialisation into their survival

from getting in. They do not lay up any meat for

systems yet among varying species they may

winter; nor does Solomon assert it. He simply says

cooperate or compete depending on similarities,

that they provide their food in summer, and gather it

common goals or even physical characteristics.






in harvest; these are the most proper times for a stock to be laid in for their consumption; not in winter; for

The disciplines of saving, protecting and providing

no such thing appears in any of their nests, nor do

for our children and working as practiced by the ant

they need it, as they sleep during that season; but for

are sometimes puzzle pieces that we often struggle to

autumn, during which they wake and work. Spring,

fit together. In times of lack or when our creditors

summer, and autumn, they are incessant in their

come to collect we find ourselves buckling under our

labor; and their conduct affords a bright example to

inability to meet our commitments or daily


responsibilities to our children and loved ones. Sometimes the cascading pressure of it all makes us

The Power of Networking and Industry

feel as though there is no hope or way out. It is at

The snare of debt can be like a noose around a

these times that we should consider the ways of the

hangman’s neck. For the debtor; who, through his

ant, and be reminded of the practices of this small

slothfulness, has contracted debts, and uses no

and noble creature who patiently accomplishes life’s

industry to be in a capacity to pay them, proverbs

requirements by implementing practical principles

proposes the example of the ant, and sends us to it to

daily. These philosophies can guarantee Savings and



Storage, Provision and Protection and are maintained

“Consider her ways;” what diligence and industry it

and constantly supplied through industry which is the

uses in providing its food; which, though a small,

exchange of work or labour for money, goods or

weak, feeble creature, yet it will travel over flints and

services. Gradually integrating these principles into

stones, climb trees, enter into towers, barns, cellars,

our way of life and making them our lifestyles, can

places high and low, in search of food; never hinder,

give us the ultimate feeling of success and peace of

but help one another in carrying their burdens;





miniature | | @BajanSunOnline


DEC 2014

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Nerd Tech For PC Support N

erd Tech Specialists in IT Support for Small & Medium Sized Businesses

Do you want to improve your profit or reclaim your time? We will help you achieve your objectives through the best use of technology. By making sure you get the right IT support services to meet your needs, you and your business will benefit. Whether you have a one-off issue, require on-going computer maintenance or IT outsourcing, we can help. Our fully managed service even helps prevent problems before they occur, saving you time and money. Our advanced remote management technology enables us to potentially resolve your computer problems within minutes or we can provide face to face help and advice.

small businesses, removing all the usual worries and problems with your computers – and anything that communicates with, runs on, or connects to them. We recognize that you want your technology to “just work”, enabling you and your staff to perform your business tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. To achieve this we keep things simple, no blinding you with science, just common sense advice, guidance and delivery. Call us today Tel: Email: Follow us Like us on NerdTechBim

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Using The PC Support Group is like having your own dedicated IT support department ready to help at any time, but without the usual associated high costs. Nerd Tech uniquely combines the friendliness, flexibility, personal relationship and convenience of “the local one-man band” with the skills, technology and professionalism of large corporate IT operations. Using us is like having your own dedicated IT Support department, ready to help at any time, but without the usual associated high costs. What We Will Do For You We specialize in providing top quality IT support to | | @BajanSunOnline


The “NEW” Flow take off By Hallam Hope As it did when it first began operations, the “new” FLOW has re-dedicated itself to the very best customer service and pledged to take modern communications beyond Fiber To The Home, in the form of landline telephone service, broadband for residential and business customers, which includes “Cloud” services designed to streamline and assist companies become more competitive in their operations and a suite of entertainment products, including television programmes available to a citizen in any international city. The Fiber To The Home commitment is exciting news at a national and individual level. It means that as a services-based economy any tourist or business investor coming to the island for a short or long-term stay will be able to conduct business with the modern communications they are accustomed to in their country of birth. Or even better.


For Barbadians it means education of our children may be taken to a higher level, not only in reliable communications but through access to all the online learning tools available to a citizen in Washington, Berlin or Tokyo.

That’s because under the approved merger of Columbus Communications and Cable and Wireless (Caribbean) this tiny rock of 166 square miles is set to become the first country in the world to have access to Fiber To The Home (FTTH). And this, a full year, if not more, ahead of the original plan proposed when FLOW first arrived in Barbados.

Investors and entrepreneurs in a knowledge-based economy would be positioned to tap into a global market, while foreign investors may comfortably relocate a range of traditional or newly-emerging operations off shore, right here in Barbados.

arbados, despite continuing economic hardship, is likely to know by Christmas whether the country is poised for a new era of social and economic development.

FLOW, the name used by Columbus Communications, has now become the brand for modern telecommunications and best-of-breed customer service under another first for Bim. Barbados becomes the first regional country where the LIME brand disappears, to be replaced by the “new” FLOW.

It now remains for Government to develop a sustainable energy strategy which would see electricity costs reduced substantially. If married to the developments in telecommunications this lowering of energy costs for the consumer and investor would further encourage development of the local services sector, strengthen tourism and its myriad of related services and encourage manufacturing in new and traditional areas. | | @BajanSunOnline




f your Internet connection seems slow, the first

said, testing your Internet speed with any of the

step is to benchmark it using an Internet speed

services below should give a general idea of the kind

test. An Internet speed test can give you a fairly accurate indication of how much bandwidth is available to you at the current time. Internet speed tests are great for proving that you are, or are not, getting the bandwidth from your ISP that you're paying for. They can also help determine if bandwidth throttling is something your ISP is

of bandwidth you have available. ISP-Hosted Internet Speed Tests Testing your Internet speed between you and your Internet Service Provider is the best way to go if you're planning on making an argument to your ISP about your slow Internet connection. While it's possible that some of the other more

engaging in. Test your bandwidth with one or more of these free Internet speed test sites and then compare that information with the high-speed plan you've signed up for.

generic Internet speed tests further down my list are technically more accurate, it'll be a hard case to make to your ISP that your Internet service isn't as fast as it should be unless you can show the same with the bandwidth tests they provide.

Note: The best Internet speed test would be one between you and any given website you're using. That

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Helping Every Small Business Succeed on the Web W

ebsites made Cost Effective, Fast and Easy for All Businesses!

Today, any business, large or small, can use the web to get new customers through the door and grow. Across the globe, more and more people are connecting with local businesses online. Make sure they connect with yours with a professional website. Help customers find you easily and be where they are. It's easy. Really fast. So get your business online. HOW TO GET YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE

You know that your business needs a website, but taking your business online can be intimidating when you don’t have any experience with web design or development. Fortunately the process for getting your business online isn’t as complicated as it may first seem to be, and can be broken down into these simple steps: 1. Research and Register a Domain Name Ideally, you’ll find a suitable domain name for your business at the same time that you choose and register your business name. Use an online domain name registrar to search for and purchase the preferred domain name for your business as soon as possible. 2. Determine What Your Website Will Need to Do for Your Business Your website is a tool and should only exist if it provides some kind of value for your business. If all your website needs to do is provide basic company information and contact details, then a simple brochure-style website will suit your needs. However, if you need something more extensive that incorporates a blog, third-party plugins, or e-commerce functionality, then the scope of your website project will be much larger.

Make sure that you are very clear about what you need from your website – separating the “must haves” from the “nice to haves” – so you can make an informed decision about picking a website platform to suit those requirements, and to make sure that your website project stays within scope and on budget. 3. Decide Whether to Hire Help To create a website, you have two choices: you can do it yourself, or you can hire someone to do it for you. If you decide to build your website yourself, pre-designed themes for self-hosted WordPress sites and fully-hosted services such asSquarespace will allow you to do so with little or no knowledge of HTML or other coding languages. However, while the DIY route may be cost-effective, it can also be very time-consuming. If you would prefer to hire a web designer or developer instead, you have a number of options. On the less expensive end, you can hire a student. Having a student build your website should cost less than hiring an experienced web professional, but keep in mind that they may lack certain skills and their availability may be limited by academic commitments. Alternatively, you can also hire a freelance web professional, or if your websites requirements are extensive (and your budget can afford it), you may need to hire a web design agency for the most comprehensive set of resources, skills and services. See How to Design and Build Your Website for more information on how to make the best decision about who to hire to help you build your business’ website.Consider consulting with a web developer for qualified advice on what e -commerce solution will best suit your requirements. So if you’re looking for a online business, or want a chat about our services then email via | | @BajanSunOnline

Understanding Social Ads






through rates than normal web ads. Meanwhile,

advertising spending for the first time. Advertisers

Promoted Tweets have shown average engagement

spent $5.1 billion on social media advertising in 2013

rates of 1-3 percent—much higher than traditional

and this figure is expected to exceed $14 billion by

banner ads. It’s no wonder that by June of this year,

2018. In the third quarter of 2014, Facebook brought in

nearly 80% of US marketers were using promoted

$2.96 billion in advertising revenue, 66 percent of


which came from mobile ads. Twitter generated 85% of its total revenue from mobile advertising in the same quarter, representing about $320 million. Still not convinced of the value of social ads? On Facebook, desktop ads have 8.1x higher clickthrough rates and mobile ads have 9.1x higher click-

Social media advertising isn’t just a buzzword anymore. It’s a real, tangible driver of leads and sales, and marketing departments are increasing their social ad spend across the board in response. Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are filled with hundreds of millions of consumers. Why wouldn’t you

take advantage? PHOTO BY: CLYDE BARNETT | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 To help you make use of these valuable new advertising

acquisition and engagement campaigns. A best practice

tools, here is our beginner’s guide to social media

that we use at HootSuite in order to combat this, is to


rotate our ads every 3 to 5 days to keep our content

Twitter advertising Facebook advertising LinkedIn advertising StumbleUpon advertising General Tips for Social Media Advertising Earlier this year, Hootsuite’s CEO Ryan Holmes put together six ways to use social media ads to grow your business. Here are his tips for social media advertising:

fresh and engaging. 4. Use small samples to A/B test your social ads One of the great virtues of social ads is instant feedback. You can gauge the effectiveness of a sponsored post in minutes, and follow up with advanced

analytics reports. With all this available data, you should be sending out several “test” ads to small

1. Use free social media to beta-test your paid social

audiences, tracking the results, and then pushing


winning ads to larger groups. It’s cheaper and more

You’re likely already sending out multiple Tweets, Facebook Posts and LinkedIn Updates every day. Some of these messages will resonate with followers; others won’t. Track which ones are being clicked, shared and commented on. These high-performing messages make the best candidates for native social ads. 2. Take advantage of targeting features One of the major issues with traditional ads is inefficiency. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media advertising platforms offer very effective targeting capabilities to address that problem. From targeting social media managers on LinkedIn to Game of Thrones fans on Facebook, take advantage of this

very useful targeting for more efficiency in advertising. 3. Rotate ads frequently

effective. 5. Understand how ads are sold Different networks sell ads in different ways. On Twitter, companies pay on an engagement basis.

Facebook and LinkedIn offer the option of paying per impression. It’s critical to design Tweets and Posts accordingly. For example, since we pay Twitter each time users click on our ads, it’s important that people be genuinely interested in the content on the other side. The goal here is to drive genuine prospects to our site, not merely to attract views. 6. Design your ads with smartphones in mind Social media is consumed overwhelmingly on mobile devices. Twitter users spend 86 percent of their time on the service on mobile. Facebook users aren’t far behind

One of the biggest issues advertisers deal with on Facebook is ad fatigue. This means, when people start to see your ad too many times, they get bored of it and stop clicking. Unfortunately, when your click through rate starts to drop Facebook penalizes you, driving up your cost per click (CPC), and making likes, comments,

and click throughs more expensive. This affects both

at 68 percent. This means most social media ads are being viewed on mobile devices, as well. As a result, messages have to be optimized for viewing on small mobile screens. While this may seem like a pain, Twitter recently unveiled a feature enabling paid Tweets to be targeted by zip code, so it’s also a huge advantage. | | @BajanSunOnline




ome of us are fortunate to have made good

Now I know this may be a volatile topic in some

relationship choices.


As a result, we find






ourselves with a fairly amenable well-adjusted partner,

controlling, can border on abuse or may be dangerous.

with whom life is fairly comfortable. Others of us, for

If an individual feels physically or psychologically

whatever reason, may have found ourselves drawn to a

threatened, is physically hurt or is unable to function

stubborn individual who just likes to do things his or her

normally as a result of spousal control, then this is a

way. All things being equal, although there may be

serious red flag which indicates a need for intervention.

some underlying good qualities, which we see, we

In no way should we tolerate or trivialize such

nonetheless, recognize that our partner has some serious


control issues. A control freak tends to bully his or her way through a relationship. | | @BajanSunOnline

For others, the experience of control, while undesirable, may be livable. It may be seen as just a personality quirk of our partner, which we have resigned ourselves to living with. When this is the case, what are we expected to do when we witness such behavior spilling over into the bedroom? When our partner loves to control everything, how exactly does this pan out between the sheets? And how exactly does a controller behave in the sex department? Controllers generally: 

Want sex on demand Seek to manipulate in the area of sexual preferences including positions, use of sex toys, and the like Will only experiment with what they are comfortable with Expect partners to fulfill every sexual wish or fantasy; regardless of how uncomfortable the partner might feel Pout and sulk when sexually dissatisfied Are insensitive to spouse’s likes or dislikes when they differ from their own preferences or knowledge base Use sex to express dominance and control Lack empathy and do not embrace partner’s point of view on sexual matters Will try all the moves learnt on previous partners, while ignoring spouse’s individuality While these examples are not exhaustive by any means, our response to such behaviour is likely to be influenced by our own personality. Are we shy and retiring, a gogetter, a cussing confrontationist, a manipulator or a wise negotiator? Then there is our sexual style, which also influences what we want in bed, what we like and how we like it. These factors together are likely to have

an impact on what we do in such a relationship.

JULY/AUGUST 2015 The Submitter

the bedroom by countering with her own set of sexual

Those of us with submissive personalities or with submissive sexual tastes will likely enjoy our spouse’s role as a controller. We may derive a sexual thrill from giving in or in being dominated. Where this becomes problematic is where we always sacrifice who we are or what we prefer for the sake of giving in to our partner. This will be a challenging habit to break, especially if we derive our sexual energy and identity from playing such a role. The Passive/Aggressive

demands. While this may be hard for some men to swallow, there is, for example an entire group of men who LOVE to receive oral sex but who are indifferent about giving it. While assertiveness is great and should be commended, if both partners remain locked into an “I want” mode, then this becomes counterproductive. The Negotiator The negotiator understands very well that she has something, which her partner wants; and she intends

This individual understands the power of sex and uses

to give him. While she may love sex, however, she is unwilling to sacrifice

it as a weapon to respond



her sense of who she is


without active dialogue


and the pursuit of a

This is done by either

better relationship. At

withholding sex or by

the same time, she

simply going through the




understands that life is


seldom ideal and that


in relationships, we do

know like reading a


magazine or writing



everything we want,

the shopping list while

when we want it. So

he’s having a go at it) Because the passive/aggressive does not have the

nerve to vocalize his/her concerns about this aspect of the relationship, anger is channeled through the sex act itself.

she’s fairly realistic and does not expect relationship perfection; she is willing to bide her time as she actively pursues a middle ground. While admittedly, a controller is who he/she is because of an inherent unwillingness to compromise,

The Fighter

we also acknowledge that no individual is hopeless

This partner is attempting to hold on to who they are

and outside the scope for change. If beneath that

for dear life. While there may be a deep love for the

desire to control there is any real love and respect for

controlling spouse, there is also a deep resentment for

the offended partner, then loving, but firm, non-

the power balance. The result is a fair dose of overt

aggressive confrontation will be needed to move the

aggression as this partner seeks to assert who she is in

relationship forward. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


IN THE SPOTLIGHT By Charmaine J Forde

Sonia Gooding-Ifill “When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”

which were awaiting her in the Big Apple and the chance of a better life there. This fifty one year old who

attended Ellerslie Secondary

School , graduated from John Jay High School in Brooklyn,

― Alexander Graham Bell

and then received an Associates Degree in Business

When Sonia Gooding-Ifill left Barbados thirty five years ago to reside in New York, she was mixed emotion, and just like any typical teenager- being detached from people whom they really care about can be very overwhelming.

Management. After working for an Insurance Company for the past twenty nine years, she was laid off. Disappointed but not discouraged, she decided to start her own Business “Sonique’s Gift Boutique”; these unique gift baskets which includes clothes, accessories, shoes and inspirational gifts will give her a

Sonia flew to the Big Apple with her mother Ione, but leaving

chance to not only be creative but to be an inspiration to

her grandparents (who were her greater influences growing up),


and her close knit family members back home in Westbury New Road, Barbados, was very difficult for her. However, her grandmother constantly reminded her of the opportunities

I asked Sonia how was she coping after her lay off and she had this to say “I am a full believer that when life hands you lemons you have to make lemonade, I would like to inspire others and let them know that even if you are unemployed or whatever you are going through there is always hope and not to be discouraged. God always know what is best for us even when we don’t see it ourselves and everything is just temporary in this life even our troubles.” This proud mother of two sons and a loving husband has no desire to sit back and be low spirited; she is currently studying wedding and events planning online and is hoping to graduate soon. Sonia Gooding Ifill- I salute you for finding inspiration through disappointment along with using your talents to inspire others. Charmaine J. Forde is a continuing Education Student at Community College of Philadelphia and Soldier’s Angel. | | @BajanSunOnline

Get the Best From Your Team B

eing CEO of a business that helps Rum Shop owners achieve operational and financial goals is an exciting adventure. But to achieve this feat, you need a team of very passionate individuals that can transfer their enthusiasm and commitment, along with their expertise and skills, to the client in order to produce outstanding results.

goals, that doesn’t mean we aren’t immune from going in different directions to accomplish those milestones. Because of this, the team needs to be aligned and buy into a single direction. Five people working together and charging in the same direction will succeed more often and frequently than if we were disjointed and doing our own thing.

Being a service-based company, there isn’t a shiny product we can display, but instead, our “shiny product” is our knowledge, skills, confidence and capabilities: For our consulting company to be on point, our team always has to be on point.

To accomplish this, our team needs to be in constant alignment and direction.

After three years going strong as a startup, here are six lessons I learned on how to get the best from your team. Lesson 1: Work with people who are passionate about the cause, not about the money. Why say passionate about the “cause” instead of passionate about the “company?” Because we are a bunch of motivated and inspired individuals bonded by a common cause, which is to improve the restaurant industry -- one restaurant at a time. Everything else we do is meant to support that cause. The reason for our company formation is to become recognizable to the industry, the reason for a website is to create a “home” where our clients are welcome and get to know us and our expertise and the reason for participating in various social-media outlets is to provide content to validate that expertise. But at the end of the day (and behind all the business-type activity) our true passion lies with our clients and putting our heart and soul into their restaurant. You need to define your cause, attract people who are equally dedicated to it and don’t lose sight of what you are trying to achieve. Lesson 2: Drive team alignment. Even though we believe in accomplishing the same | | @BajanSunOnline


A parallel to team alignment with direction is team alignment with how we do things. To be consistent -with both our internal and client facing processes -- we need to have a complete understanding and clarity on how we all will operate and get work done. Either written or verbal processes need to be adopted and followed.

yourself do you have unnecessary red tape? If so, cut it.

Lesson 3: Cut out the unnecessary “red tape.”

If you don’t have people challenging the way things are done, if you are stifling creativity and inventiveness and if you are not allowing dissent, then you’re not going to have an engaged team. As a leader, you need to encourage diversity with thinking and approach, especially with people who have tremendous amounts of experience and a wide-ranging pallet of skills and talents. As long as the feedback is professional, has the cause in mind and will benefit our team and clients, I say, bring it on.

Initially, I had this notion that we needed to act like a big company and do everything a huge corporation would do. I then realized the following: We are not a big company; Neither I nor the team could create or sustain many complex procedures; Having many overwhelming procedures is actually less efficient; If you are a small startup or just a small company, ask

Lesson 4: Ensure the team is providing you candid but constructive feedback. We do not have a shy team when it comes to expressing opinions and concerns. (Which by the way, I love.)

Lesson 5: Pace your team.

Set targets and goals in small quantities that are attainable and not overwhelming. Then sprinkle in more goals and targets as your team completes them. You’ll know when you set too many goals because some will start to lay dormant with no action. If you are laying out reasonable goals for your team, and they are simply not doing what they are supposed to, then you may have other issues on your hands. Lesson 6: Keep communication constant and centralized. One of the most important elements to a team is constant communication. Whether that is e-mail, phone meetings, in-person meetings or Skype, having open channels of communication is crucial to a company's success. Another component to your strategy should be utilizing a centralized communication hub. We use Basecamp, an app that provides us various tools to stay organized. Having this structure is extremely helpful when files, events, brainstorming sessions, tasks and other items build up. | | @BajanSunOnline

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Bajan Association of Rum Shops Promoting Barbados & Working to Save Our Rum Shops, their Cultural Input & Heritage Call (246) 245-6629 Email: Website: Facebook: BajanRumShops

Physique Pro Fitness Consultancy Tel:1-246-239-7184 Email : Facebook: ProvenPhysique | | @BajanSunOnline



ummer time is very hot and humid, we humans get miserable and cranky, so imagine what your poor dog goes through. Here are some tips to help make their life cooler and more comfortable.

times. If your dog likes to play in the water and knock the bowl/bucket over, then secure the bowl to the wall, fence, door, you can use a rope, wire, etc to tie it off.

Shade – is obvious, but the sun shifts position during the day. What is shady in the morning, will be blistering hot in the afternoon. So make sure your dog has shade at all times during the day, even if this means having more than one shady area to shelter under.

NO Shaving – of your dog’s coat if he has a double coat! This double coat acts as an insulator, by trapping the cool air and keeps the dog’s body cool in the heat. Your dog should be shedding / molting at this time, so brush frequently to remove all the dead undercoat hair, keep their coats unmatted and detangled. Air can then circulate between the hairs of the topcoat keeping your dog cool, while the topcoat keeps the skin protected from the sun, mosquitoes and flies.

Water – LOTS of fresh, clean water available at all | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline


Walking & Exercise – ONLY walk and exercise your

keep your dog’s mind busy and occupied, but can

dog in the cooler hours of the day, better yet, do so at

keep him cool as well.


Remember, dogs don’t sweat and keep cool by

Hot Roads – Asphalt, concrete and sand can get very hot and scorch your dog’s paws. Do the hand test, if you cannot hold the back of your hand down on the road for 5 seconds, then it’s too hot

for your dog’s paws. The pads of your dog’s paw is much like the bottom of our feet, we can’t walk on the hot road barefoot without it burning. Walk on the

panting. Signs of Heatstroke: Excessive or exaggerated panting

High Fever


Unresponsive to surroundings


Dark Red Gums

Staring / anxious expression



Rapid heartbeat


Warm / dry skin

grass instead. Cars – You might think that by parking in the shade and leaving the windows down a crack is ok, but temperatures in cars can soar very quickly (in 10 minutes) which can lead to dehydration, brain damage

What to Do? Give your dog cool water – NOT cold water, which may make him vomit. Sponge him down with a cool wet towel.

or even death.

Soak him in a tub of cool water and keep a fan on him.

Other Options: Pool - Get a pool that your dog can go wading in or even lie down in the water to keep cool. Or you can

If your dog's gums are grayish, his tongue is blue, or he is unconscious, call your veterinarian immediately!

cut a drum vertically in half, put on the ground lengthways, prop it into position with bricks or rocks, and fill at least 6 inches, depending on the size of your

dog. Ice in water – You can put ice in a bowl of water to keep the water cool, a lot of dogs like to crunch down on ice too. Do NOT give your dog ice water if he is extremely hot or had vigorous exercise, since this can be a shock to his system. Frozen treats – You can stuff Kongs or toys with different layers of treats and freeze, this will not only | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


The First Rum


um originated when the spread of sugar-cane

molasses, left over from sugar refinement, could be



turned into alcohol. . Thus the word rum is an

proliferated in the 17th and 18th centuries, many of

abbreviation of Rumbullion meaning “uproar.” Another

which installed a copper-pot still to produce a clear

explanation suggested the word “rum” would derive its

spirit from the molasses, and which brought many

origin simply the termination of the Latin word

Naval ships to the area where their long association was

saccharum (sugar). Taffia words or kill-devil (in) were

first established, replacing the ships rations of beer and

also used …




water with the longer -lasting and sweeter alternative of rum. Their styles vary enormously from the darker, caramelised rums, flavoured rums, overproof, spiced and the traditional white, gold and premium rums. Originally from Asia, sugar cane has been spread by the Arabs in the 17th and 18th century and introduced to the Americas by the Spanish in 1493 during the second

Regardless of the original source, the name was already in common use by 1654, when the General Court of Connecticut ordered the confiscations of “whatsoever Barbados liquors, commonly called rum, kill devil and the like” Medicinal properties of rum

voyage of Christopher Columbus, on the occasion of the

Its supposed medicinal properties made it a mandatory

first European settlement in America on the island of

component of rations on board ships of the time. It was


therefore initially reserved for blacks, and other buccaneers buccaneers of the New World, rum was also

The first rum

used on the coast of Africa as a bargaining chip in the

However, the first written mention of the existence of

slave trade. At the end of the seventeenth century, the

rum dates back to before the arrival of the Americas and

French use the word “rum” to refer cane alcohol. As a

Labat comes from the English-speaking island of

beverage, it is spreading in Europe and North America

Barbados in 1688. But it seems that the “rum” (place of


manufacture of rum) have existed on this island since

The “grog” (rum diluted with water) was invented in

1627. When the first distillation of rum began, it began

1731 to reduce the problems associated with alcohol on

in the Caribbean when plantation slaves realized that

board these ships.




century. | | @BajanSunOnline




Have a delicious taste of history while sampling local rum and mouth-watering LOCAL CUSINE on the TOUR. Join us ON the Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour! for a look back in time at the rum history, culture and heritage in Barbados. Hear stories of Old Bars, making of Rum, learning local traditions and more. It’s the Real McCoy!



246.844.7008 | | @BajanSunOnline


trictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - a very special Morning tour of The Rum Shop Culture & Barbadian Heritage. As the name suggests this tour is strictly local and seeks to provide visitors with a truly Authentic Barbados Experience. As such, this tour exposes our guests to Traditional Rum Shops, Traditional Bajan (people), Traditional Food and Local Beverages. But even more, our 'visiting friends' have the opportunity to be part of our Culture, and Heritage. The tour incorporates on bus fun activities, games and competitions. While the tour is fun it is also educational and informative, allowing for a fun learning environment. This being said, our tour begins with a visit to the facilities of the world's oldest Rum and pioneer of fine liquor: Mount Gay Visitors Centre. Following this, our tour proceeds to visit three (3) Rum Shops: where our guests can indulge in Traditional Dishes and Beverages and be delighted by local craft and entertainers. On route to the first Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor)

Buljol and one (1) Banks Beer (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the third Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors) Third Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Local Lunch and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic mixed with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors): part of the All Inclusive Package. At this final stop guests are also entertained by local artists and are delighted by local arts and crafts. Please note, the Rum Shops are alternated on a per week basis. Tour Days: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Tour Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tour Guide: Knowledgeable about our Barbadian Culture/Friendly and Personable Tour Driver: Experienced and Safe

First Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Mini Cutters: Ham/Egg/Cheese and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the second Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a can of Claytons Kola Kick (Sponsor) Second Stop: Local Bar and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as a Local Pickle Dish: 119 Chicken Foot/Pudding and Souse/

Tour Transport: Fully Air Conditioned 40 Seater Coach Tour Security/Safety: First Aid Kit on board with trained First Responder Tour Cost: Tourist: $65.00 USD/ $130.00 BDS - All Inclusive Package. Locals: $ 50.00 USD/ $100.00 BDS Visit our website and view our other tour packages. Contact Tel: 1 246 844-7008 Email: Follow us on twitter: @RumShopsTours Visit us online: | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline




arbados is a Caribbean island with a rich choice of cuisine. With a history that incorporates many diverse cultures the island is known for its array flavours that tantalise the taste buds. From upscale restaurants to street food markets discover the top ten Bajan dishes and the best places to to enjoy them.

picked up at various locations across the island as a snack or you can cook it at home as a main meal. If you've ever holidayed or lived in Barbados, chances are you've had your life saved by a Curry Chicken Roti from a Chefette. This is great dish to serve when entertaining as people can help themselves, it is very filling and for those with a larger appetite they can go back for more!

Chicken and Potato Roti is a Bajan favourite, and can be


Ingredients for the Rotis:

Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and add salt. Add the softened butter and

rub into the flour. It will form a breadcrumb-like consistency. 450g




100g of unsalted butter, cut into pieces and left to soften at room temperature Pinch




2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-2cm cubes 4 heaped tsps curry powder. Ideally a West Indian curry powder (Dunn’s River make a good one). If unavailable, a bog standard supermarket medium curry

10 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves only


Dust a surface with flour, divide dough into twelve balls and roll out to a tortilla

To cook your home-made rotis, use ½ tsp of ghee (or clarified butter if you

4 large chicken breasts cut into 1-2cm cubes.

2 tbsp vegetable oil

Now add a little water and mix with a spatula. Keep adding small amounts of

water until your mixture forms a soft, but only just pliable, dough. -like thickness to 6″ / 15cm rounds. Cover with a tea towel until needed.

Ingredients for the filling:

powder will be fine.


haven’t got ghee) for each one, plop into a very hot non-stick frying pan, and

cook each roti for 2-3 minutes on each side until browning (but not too crisp). To make the filling:


Heat the oil in large pre-heated saucepan and brown the chicken. Reduce the

heat, add the onions and sauté until tender.

2 medium onions, finely chopped


4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

and stir. Now add boiling water and the potatoes. Add the scotch bonnet chili being

1 whole Scotch Bonnet chili

careful not to puncture it. Cover the pan and cook on a gentle simmer for 20-30

Pinch of salt

minutes until the potatoes are tender.

1 tsp of ground black pepper

To serve, put twice the filling onto the roti as you would put into a fajita, and

1 pint boiling water

fold into a parcel. The filling will be quite “solid” – so unlike a fajita, it shouldn’t

Add the garlic, thyme, curry powder, one pinch of salt and the black pepper

come squirting out once you start eating. Don’t forget to remove the Scotch To make the roti:

Bonnet! | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Chef - Jamal Small Chef Jamell is passionate about food and breathes gourmet goodness into all of his menus. Services available are:

Corporate Breakfast Package - for those busy morning meetings or when you are in a rush; Private Gourmet Chef Services - get mind-blowing infusions of flavour prepared right in your home/ pent house; Catering Services - Bespoke menus created for weddings, showers, children’s parties and more; Menu Preparation & Food Design - Consult us for professional guidance on your next menu change and win your clients loyalty while giving your restaurant/ bistro that competitive edge.


n January 2010 Chef Jamell Small donned the hat of Managing Director/ Head Chef of Le Crouton Superieur. With eight years’ experience within the hotel and restaurant industry, Chef Jamell Small created Le Crouton Superieur as a small gourmet breakfast delivery and catering service. His former places of employment include Cafe Zoola/ Lime Bar, Limegrove, Mullins Bar and Restaurant and the Tides restaurant and was educated at the Barbados Community College. He is the sole owner of the business and his Communications Consultant is Christal P. Austin. Le Crouton's clientele includes corporate entities within the Bridgetown area, individuals seeking restaurant-style canapés and menu options that will impress their guests and tantalize their palettes. All his food creations are healthy and artistically prepared. As a young entrepreneur his professionalism and determination is admirable and his experience in some of Barbados' leading restaurants puts Le Crouton Supérieur on the list of local brands to watch. | | @BajanSunOnline



ntonio Busby has been working in the hotel industry from the age of 18 years. Mango Bay hotel was where his love for

Antonio Busby

bartending started. As a commis waiter he often marveled at the barmen, as they seemed to have so much more fun; and in his young eyes, the tips also looked better. Enthusiastic about the field, he started staying late to watch and learn the art of mixing cocktails and dealing with people. Following this his next employer was Daphne’s Restaurant, where he learnt more about mixology and blending of flavors, new cocktails, how to read people and their

body language, as well as learning when to be an aggressive salesman and when to just let ‘simple’ be amazing. Being hungry for knowledge in all areas, Antonio also learnt about wine pairing. But his education and pursuit of knowledge did not stop there; eager to learn more about his beloved craft, he joined Disney cruise lines, which as he shared was a wonderful experience. Working on the ship afforded Antonio a wide range of experiences, including learning about different cultures, how different people interact from different countries. Coupled with his previous skills, this

made for a life changing experience. His passion opened doors for him to see the ruins of Pompeii, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the legendary Rock of Gibraltar, the Colosseum, Monaco, and many more exciting places; which many persons only dream about. As a compliment to his practical working experience, Antonio has an Associate Degree in Hotel Catering and Institutional Operations (H.C.I.O). A very diverse degree, Antonio, was required to complete restaurant duties, as well as some extra courses which included Law, Sociology, Spanish, Ethics, Accounts and Public

Speaking. Quite an interesting and stimulating mix. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 This passionate 35 year old enjoys making drinks that

making turning a frown into a smile. It’s not all

change people. He loves making customers happy and

drinks. It’s being the person you need to be, to each

believes that a well-made drink, be it alcoholic or non-

person that comes to you. Every bartender should

alcoholic can create a good mood after having a bad

have a great personality and charisma, without these

day or if outside is beastly hot.

characteristics, it’s just mixing drinks.

Normally a quiet reserved person, Antonio likes

Antonio shared further that, “an important part of the

interacting with people. But, when he is behind the

job is controlling the alcohol ingested by the patrons

bar, he morphs into the life of the party. His personal

of the bar; ensuring that each patron has an enjoyable

favorite drink is a vodka soda with lime, while his


favorite drink to make is a mojito, because it’s a

drinking differently. Some get loud and some get very

technical drink but it can change people.

quiet.” Observation plays an important part so

As he shared, there is a science to bartending. Bartending is being in control of your bar, from mixing drinks to interacting with the people. It’s





Antonio watches what happens with the first drink then by the third drink he decides how many more he/ she can handle.

By Deborah McCollin | | @BajanSunOnline

The Art of June 18th to July 16th 2015

T im e 1 2 : 0 0p m t o 2 : 0 0p m B C S I H e a d qu a r t e rs Building #3 Unit 2B, Harbour Industrial Estate. St. Michael, Barbados Cou rse R eg is t ra t ion F ee s: Advanced: $100.00 Bds For more info contact Tel: 246-429-5357 or 246-844-7008 | | @BajanSunOnline



O Parris

n behalf of Founder of The Bajan Association

It bring us great pleasure to report that over 30

of Rum Shops (B.A.R.S. Inc.) Mr. Franklyn

persons (the beginner's and advanced participants





Bartending Seminar's

combined) were exposed to theoretical and practical

Organizing and Coordinating Team, we wish to

aspects of the art of bartending. The seminar ran for

extend a very special thank you to all of you for

12 weeks (6 week sessions for each group), and

partnering with us on the first role out of the seminars.

culminated with a practical tour which was visited by

Your combined support and input, contributed to what

the Minister of Industry, International Business,

we know was a successful programme.

Commerce and Small Business Development -

In reflection, the seminars accomplished exactly what

Donville Inniss as well as was documented via video

we set out to accomplish when it was simply a

footage by Caribbean Cooking Channel/Strong Hold

concept in our minds. Mr. Parris and his team, in

Entertainment & Trident 10 TV.

conceptualizing the initiative were uncertain of exactly how everything would come together, but the buy-in and support given by each of you, lead to not only achieving our goal which simply was to 'upgrade the skills of our upcoming and practicing bartenders through education and training in the art of bartending'; but also your support lead to a hunger and appetite for education in this area by those who

attended the course. | | @BajanSunOnline

Following the Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour which added

ceremony also had media coverage from the Barbados

to that practical element for both advanced and beginner's,

Advocate newspaper and the Barbados Today.

we held our Graduation Ceremony on Thursday 30th July

In totality,the seminars were a resounding success, so

2015, where persons were presented with their Certificates

much so that participants are interested in other training

of Participation and Certificates of Excellence based on

courses offered. Interest is also being generated by those

their performance during the course. The graduation

who missed the opportunity to be part of this first crop of proud graduates.

As such, we take this opportunity to acknowledge all persons who played a role in bringing these seminars to fruition. Barbados Ministry of Tourism and the Barbados Tourism Product Authority Sharon Trotman Terry Vanderpool-Fox Armstrong Agencies with Claytons Kola Tonic Cheryl Armstrong Barbados Coalition of Services Industries Lisa Cummins Liana Welch Sophia Clarke Meisha Clarke Building Security Mount Gay Rum Distillery Chesterfield Browne Ramese Browne Terry Vaughn

Palette Selection Deniece Bourne The Art of Bartending Seminar - Instructors David Barker Nikos Arvanitis Dameain Williams Inspirational Speech Presenter Philip Antoine ALL PARTICIPANTS Bajan Association of Rum Shops, Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours The Bajan Sun Magazine Franklyn Parris Raeann Beckles Marina Bar & Restaurant Trisha Hinds Blakey's on The Board Walk Fabian Gittens | | @BajanSunOnline

JUNE 2015

Rihanna In Barbados For Crop Over Festival 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Barbados Crop Over Festival T

he Crop Over summer festival is Barbados' most popular and colourful festival. Its origins can be traced back to the 1780's, a time when Barbados was the world's largest producer of sugar. At the end of the sugar season, there was always a huge celebration to mark the culmination of another successful sugar cane harvest - the Crop Over celebration. As the sugar industry in Barbados declined, so too did the Crop Over festival and in the 1940's the festival was terminated completely. However, the festival was revived in 1974 and other elements of Barbadian culture were infused to create the extravaganza that exists today - an event that attracts thousands of people from across the globe. CROP OVER EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Barbados Kadooment Day - The festival begins with the Opening Gala and Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes and the crowning of the King and Queen of the Festival - the most productive male and female cane cutters of the season. Bridgetown Market - consists of many stalls selling food and beverages as well as local arts and crafts. Enjoy the calypso and soca music and the live entertainment as you browse through the stalls. Cohobblopot - is a huge carnival-like show with members of the Kadooment bands displaying their elaborate and stunning costumes. There is also a huge entertainment package with the most popular calypsonians and bands performing to packed audiences. Kiddies Kadooment - The children are not left out as they can participate in the Kiddies Kadooment,

donning beautiful costumes and joining their friends in a band to parade before the judges of the competition. Folk concerts and art & photographic exhibitions are integral parts of the festival, highlighting Barbadian history and culture as well as the artistic talents of Bajans. Barbados Kadooment Day Calypso is one of the main features of the Crop Over festival. The calypsonians are organised into "tents" and these tents are sponsored by Barbados businesses. Calypsonians compete for several prizes and titles, including Party Monarch, Sweet Soca Monarch, Road March Monarch and Pic-O-De-Crop Monarch. The Party Monarch and more recently the Sweet Soca competition are among the festival's most popular events! The final of the Pic-O-De-Crop competition is held at Kensington Oval, and this is followed by the Fore-Day Morning Jump-Up! The finale of the festival is the Grand Kadooment! This carnival parade features large bands with members dressed in elaborate costumes to depict various themes. Designers compete for the coveted Designer of the Year prize while the revelers seem more intent on having a good time! The revelers make their way to Spring Garden accompanied by the pulsating rythym of calypso music. When they reach Spring Garden, the party continues with more fantastic music, lots of food and drink and, for some, a quick swim at the nearby beach. A grand end to a grand festival. Source: | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY /AUGUST 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


SUBJECTS AVAILABLE: English | Math | POA | POB Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm

Affordable Rates Contact:

Tel: 1-246-844-7008 Email: | | @BajanSunOnline


Benefits of Private Tutoring By Raeann Beckles


f your aim is to improve your aptitude and knowledge base in a particular field, all education pertaining to this subject will be useful. If this statement is assumed true, then the benefits afforded by private tuition are enormous. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! It seems impossible to doubt the enormous benefits this will offer. In a classroom, one teacher may be faced with approximately thirty pupils, each with different abilities, different rates of learning, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Yet despite this, for the majority of the lesson the teacher will be forced to treat his class as if it contained just one student. He or she will orate from one end of the classroom, unable to gauge how effectively each pupil is assimilating the lesson. The lesson plans will be designed to fit the needs of the average pupil; and the teacher will proceed at a rate suitable for the average pupil. In this environment it is all to easy for a bright child or adolescent to fail to grasp one particular point, as the swathe of teacher talk washes over them like the unrelenting tides. It is unlikely even the best of teachers would spot the particular point of misunderstanding cast on the countenance on one pupil, hidden amongst so many other faces. To draw attention to their lack of understanding can be intimidating for the pupil: everyone else is silent, so they must have understood. Do I want to draw attention to myself? All too often the misunderstanding goes unexpressed and unaided. The obvious benefit of one to one tuition is that the tutor can tailor their teaching style to the abilities of their student. They will be able to gauge the level of the pupils understanding, and, more importantly, track down the sources of misunderstanding, and deal with them effectively. Away from the bustle of the classroom, the student will feel more able to voice their difficulties; and having just one pupil to deal with, the teacher will be more

capable of resolving them.

Other subjects Subject: Days:

available: POA and POB English/Mathematics/POA/POB Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays

Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm If you, your child or anyone you know, require personal assistance in any of the above areas, then you've come to the right place/person. This course caters to children and adults alike. It's all about you or someone you know understanding, learning and moving forward to achieve their academic goals. Parents see below: 1. Parents are free to aselect the time/day best for their child. 2. This package is ideal for kids who need that additional push and help with understanding concepts etc. Creative tools (music/games/challenges/ other creative activities) will be used to ensure the child benefits/learns. 3. As we approach exams, the course is expected to intensify, focusing on pass papers, practice tests using exam conditions. Mentoring is also provided at this stage to ensure that the child is well prepared all-round for exam. 4. Should you (parent) require a copy of my CV, please feel free to request such. Upon reviewing my CV, you may see an area that you think your child can also benefit from. Please feel free to inform me of that area which will allow your child to gain even further knowledge/ skills. Contact Information: Raeann Beckles at 1-246-844-7008 or | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Dear Aunt in hurt and confusion eventually ending up as a servant to Sir Ronald and Lady Courtenay. Several years later, Jewel comes as a mysterious “Dear Aunt” to live with the family of a distant relative. She has been shifted from home to home for several years and is now an emotional wreck. Her interaction with the children in the family makes for interesting and entertaining reading. Book Excerpt ‘Two young men came to visit me today. They were visitors to Kourou and were told that at this place there lived a man from their country. So they came, with


excited expectations of warm greetings and my anxious rnold F Ward, prize winning Barbadian author and

enquiries of home. They no doubt looked forward to my

playwright has just published his latest novel “Dear

hospitality and the promise to meet again. Thus it is and

Aunt” as an e-book on Amazon Kindle. The link is

thus it should be. They must have been surprised to find

me here. Alone! Sitting on a rocky cliff, living in a hut.


His first and highly

I did not rise to greet them. I did not acknowledge their

acclaimed novel “Knock and Wait” is also available from

presence in any way. As they spoke to me, tried without

that source.

success to get me to respond, surprise and confusion

“Dear Aunt” tells the story of a middle class, high brown

claimed their voices. I, too, was filled with confusion,

Caribbean girl, Jewel Spencer.

Her father is a city

with mixed and uncertain emotions. Beaten and so often

merchant with several small shops in the country. Her

battered, my mind was dead to them and their young,

mother is a quiet housewife.

excited world of plans and expectations. My capacity for

She falls in love with a lighter man (freighter), Courcey

social love had for so long been lost it could not, in an

and their secret, innocent affair is exposed by the

instant, be found. I sat, still and silent, like the cold sea

treacherous maid Wendene who is secretly in love with

splattered stone, while their voices, their accents, raised a


Her father is beginning to suffer financial

tumult of old hurts, hatreds and frustrations. I sat, still

distress because of the war and over-reacts. Jewel flees

and silent, until with a disappointed roar, their taxi sped

away. | | @BajanSunOnline

The Barbados Agency for Micro






undAccess where, for more than 10 years, we

Since its inception in January 1998 and up to July

have been committed to helping persons from

2011, Fund Access has approved a total of

all walks of life to realise their dreams of starting up

$31,700,506 to 964 clients. Total job opportunities

and operating their own business enterprises. Today,

created for the same period is 1,209. Loans can range

we continue to promote the development of the micro

from as little as $700.00 up to $100,000.00 BDS. The



interest rate as of March, 2009 is 6% on the reducing

entrepreneurs with financing to help get their dreams

balance and the maximum repayment period is ten


(10) years.


sector ground

in and

Barbados creating




opportunities in the process. Beyond financial assistance, our clients laud our Technical Assistance Programme as offering of real access to assistance in the areas of accounting, marketing and promotion, and micro enterprise and other business training among other services.

Small Business Loans We provide our clients with loans that range from as little as $700 up to $100,000 BDS. The business must be commercially viable project and once developed, must be the primary source of income and

employment for the applicant. | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Lending Details 

Loan range: $700 – $100,000

Interest rate: 6% on the reducing balance.

Maximum repayment period: Ten (10) years.

Fees: Administration fee- 3%; Legal fees vary depending on the amount borrowed and the type of security used.

All approved loans are insured in the event of the client’s death. The insurance premium must be paid prior to disbursement.

five (5) years. A recent job letter or pay slip is required for each guarantor. The GUARANTOR FACT SHEET and GUARANTOR INFORMATION FORM must be signed and completed by each guarantor. Guarantors CANNOT be clients of FundAccess or a guarantor for another client. 

Loans over $30,000.00: 

Other forms of security or combinations of security options will be considered e.g. Mutual Funds, Government Bonds, property, fixed deposits etc.

Business Development Services

Microenterprise Training

Requirements for Small Business Loans 

There is a NO CASH policy. Suppliers’ pro forma invoices, quotations or estimates of items to be purchased must be submitted. For WORKING CAPITAL purposes a proposal detailing the intended use of funds is required

A business plan may be required for loans over $50,000.

A copy of the rent/lease agreement must be presented. In cases where a lease agreement is unavailable the attached PROVISIONAL LANDLORD/TENANT AGREEMENT must be completed.

Upon approval, clients are required to participate and complete a two-day micro- enterprise training programme. The training programme consists of the following modules: 

Personal Development

Customer Service and Marketing

Cash Management

Statutory approvals, if applicable, must be obtained from the relevant authorities e.g. Ministry of Health, Town and Country Planning Department etc.

Record Keeping

The training style is participatory and sensitive to the educational limitations of participants.

The applicant must submit a recent passport-sized photograph and satisfactory photo-identification (e.g. I.D card, passport).

Workshops and Seminars

The technical assistance department also coordinates business development workshops and seminars for clients e.g. Financial Management, Human Resource Management and Marketing for small businesses.

Through a structured technical assistance programme, developmental support is provided to clients for the duration of the loan.

Business Development Consulting

The PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM must be completed.


Loans up to $30,000.00: 

A Bill of Sale may be taken on business owned assets.

THREE (3) GUARANTORS who have either been permanently employed for at least three (3) years in their present job or self-employed for | | @BajanSunOnline





The products are made from Top Grain Leather (100% pure leather – higher quality than genuine leather) 100% Natural Rubber soles. The soles are water and oil resistant

products are designed to suit our climate and rugged conditions. 142

B AR B AD O S C O N TAC T : 1 - 2 4 6 - 2 4 5 6 6 2 9 | | @BajanSunOnline

JULY/AUGUST 2015 Through schedule visits from the Business Development

Analysis of financial data, which helps in the formulation of

Officers, FundAccess monitors and maintains an overall

strategy for businesses.

analysis of your business. Business support is provided in

Workshops and Seminars

areas such as: record-keeping, financial analysis, strategy

The technical assistance department also coordinates

and the development of marketing and advertising proposals.

business development workshops and seminars for clients

Accounting Services

e.g. Financial Management, Human Resource Management and Marketing for small businesses.

FundAccess also provides an Accounting Service to its

Business Development Consulting

clients specifically designed for micro entrepreneurs. Our experienced team of accounting personnel provides support

Through a structured technical assistance programme,

in the following areas:

developmental support is provided to clients for the duration

Setting up of computerized accounting and record keeping

of the loan.


There is no greater experience than travelling to a destination and being exposed to the culture, heritage and tradition of that destination. The Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours creates that feeling and authentic experience for both its local and nonnational visitors alike. In just one tour, visitors not only have tonnes of fun, but are educated on the history and culture of Barbadian Rum, Barbadian Heritage, Barbadian Rum Shops, Bajan lingo /Bajan dialect, Bajan cuisine, Bajan Art & Craft, Bajan entertainment and so much more. ...don't just read it - Experience It... Barbados birth place of rum #whatareyouwaitingfor #booktoday 143

Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours is A Food, Rum & Culture Tour, Promoting Barbados, Supporting & Working to Save Our Rum Shops, their Cultural Input & Heritage. Connecting Tourism, Heritage, Culture & Entertainment in on Fun yet Educational Tour. Book yours today! Contact: Cel: 1 246 844 7008 Email: | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


POETRY C ROP O VER C ELEBRATION ... Look out once again it's that time of year where we celebrate the ending of our sugar cane harvest the time to reflect enjoy wuk up and behave bad it's time for calypso music. it's when the country gets more exuberant and colorful Musicians vying for the crown King of the road King of the Hill and other various titles it's that time that band leaders love most as they compete for the biggest band most colorful sexiest costume best flag pole lady It's the time when the hard work shows up with the sculpted bodies ready for the road Asses of all shapes and sizes gyrating at all different speeds what a sight to behold A vision of colorful and exuberant display of class and skill as the DJ's like Joyann Skeete

spins those records sending the crowds into a frenzy everyone enjoying themselves young and old no holds barred as they celebrate Cohoblopot Soca Monarch and Bridgetown Market. Fetes from 10 to 10 as everyone down those alcoholic beverages such as Mount Gay Rum sold by the beautiful Bajan Rum shops displayed all across the Island banks beers sell out by the cases and at the end of the day into the sand will be buried faces Fore-day morning it's a big jump up as the T-Shirt bands go all out getting hyped for the climax of celebration from the National Stadium Grand Kadooment Day is when it will all break away with the Grand finale on the Spring Garden Highway.... Written by Ainsley Carter aka Mr. Erotica ™2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


“Emotions of A”

By: Deborah McCollin

“Stop hiding your talent, let others see it, make it work

for you.” These words were spoken firmly but with love to the shy, gifted artist Antonia Beckles by her boyfriend. After these encouraging words, she decided to show her work to family and friends. A few months after the business “Emotions of A” was born. Antonia describes her work as “emotional acrylic on canvas paintings”. She is equipped with a Minor in

Studio Art as part of her Bachelors in Sociology and CXC Grade 2 in Fine Arts, as well as a passion for art and painting. While many Barbadian Fine artists use lines and precision as a staple in their work, she prefers the unorthodox way, no lines or precision - just raw emotion. “Emotions of A” creates customized canvas paintings of any size for the home or as gifts for all occasions. | | @BajanSunOnline

Her clients are presently local but she is considering the

business. The tablet at times replaces the laptop

possibility of working for overseas clients. The paintings

depending on her location, however all three devices are


useful tools to communicate with clients, via email and









various messengers. The tablet and smart phone are

As sole owner of “Emotions of A” Antonia is the painter as well as the administrator. She finds her biggest

useful to photograph her progress for clients to see their customized pieces.

challenge to be marketing her products as no two pieces

Her biggest achievements to date are a book cover for the

are alike. She uses social media for the most of her

local author Mariposa and a backdrop she painted for a

marketing – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She

wedding ceremony.

however prefers word of mouth. As an Entrepreneur she believes a smart phone, tablet and

She currently works from home but in the next five years would like to have a studio and to teach art to children.

laptop are the most essential pieces of technology in her | | @BajanSunOnline

JUNE 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


THE BAJAN RUM SHOP "After visiting two world-class distilleries in Barbados we load into a cab and spend the afternoon researching the island’s legendary rum shop scene. Come along! Barbados is well-known for beautiful beaches, posh resorts, friendly people and great distilleries, but one attraction that every visitor should experience at least once is a tour of the island’s rum shops.

We spent an afternoon touring some of the island’s most famous and well hidden rum shops. They are all unique, colorful and filled with interesting characters that you’d swear just walked out of a Graham Greene novel. By the end of the day we had bellies full of rum, smiles wide across our faces and whole new appreciation for Bajan rum culture. It’s safe to say that we will be back for more!!" (/

Most islands in the Caribbean have a special collection of local hangouts and beachside watering holes, but the scene in Barbados goes far beyond anything we’ve seen before. Rum shop culture runs deep and has been a vital part of life in Bajan communities for more than 300 years.

Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - Connecting Tourism with Tradition, Traditional Foods, Culture, Agriculture, Art, Entertainment & Locally made Products in one tour to our local village.

A rum shop is more than just a bar, it’s a social gathering place, a spot where neighborhood friends can join each other for a drink, a game of dominoes, tell jokes and talk politics. Liquor is not sold by the drink here, it’s sold by the bottle with mixers and a cup of ice. Don’t expect the barkeep to pour it for you either because the vibe is intentionally kept uncomplicated and laid back. Enjoy it.

Visit Our Tour Page: or website: To Book a tour: Call 1-246-844-7008 | | @BajanSunOnline


www.bajansunonlinecom | | @BajanSunOnline

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