Architecture portfolio_Bakavou Vasiliki

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BAKAVOU VASILIKI architecture portfolio

CONTENTS seven experiments of investigating the possible transformations of living space, with major axis the input of a working factor in it. Seven professions act as starting points for the design of seven small ‘‘hybrid’’ live-work units

p. 4-11

design of a building of one kilometer which completely changes the character of Evripidou street. Investigation of a building operated as a public condenser, as an urban body with monumental interior where the public and private coexist

p. 12-19

redesign of Varvakios square. Investigation of the square that acts as a field of cultural crossings, collective consultation and osmosis of different torques of city development

p. 20-25

redesign an urban block on Evripidou street. Exploring the potential of a solid block volume stripped of program, values and restrictions.

p. 26-31

design of a digital library in combination with cultural uses. Investigation of the relationship of the city with the sea and the way of the expansion of the urban fabric in a natural landscape

p. 32-35

construction of urban activism. 'Catalyst' in experience (and strategy formulation) of urban space

p. 36-41

render projects_exteriors and interiors views

p. 42-51

graphic design,logos,illustration and collage projects.




TYPOLOGIES:living-working master thesis prof: Costis Paniyiris _2016

Due to the evolution of technology, which brought the concept of working from home, flexibility on working hours, great reduction of the necessary working space and easier transmutation of any space to a workplace, the traditional notion of “home” gets radically altered. It is transforming from a detached shelter to a versatile, adjustable space. In such a system the limit between the private(live) and the public(work) sphere becomes increasingly blurry, causing them to co-exist in several occasions. The live-work merge in one unit, is not simply the addition of an extra room (working space) in the house (living space) since the house is a complicated system of human psychological aspects, the natural environment and the social changes. It is required a comprehensive remodeling. The live/work typology converses with existing conceptions of home and private life, private and public space, leading to emerging typologies and ‘’ hybrid ‘’ interpretations of house. The goal of this project is to explore possible transformations of domestic space when the working parameter penetrates in home. Seven professions stand as starting points for new units while each unit attempted to incorporate a generalized program so as to have a broader reference. At first, the translation of the main attribute of each profession to space and, afterwards, it’s generalization to a broader type that accommodates more than one profession is attempted through a seemingly “simplistic” description. Eventually, each one of the seven units is based respectively on the following concepts: observation (observatory room), isolation (room in room), organization (showcase room), collaboration (workshop room), free plan (platform room), congregation (amphitheatre room), separation (dual room). Finally, except of the obvious idea that these units could exist autonomously in different locations all over the world, this project attempts to provide a solution for the location in the urban fabric. The idea of the parasitic growth of these units in unkempt, derelict places inside an urban web (such as rooftops, inside the empty buildings, pilotis and arcades, uncovered plots or between the existing buildings) is examined. The units are appeared as urban pests in the city while the selected positions varies depending on the requirements of each unit. In a future imaginary scenario, even if the city buildings collapse these units could create a new urban type but in vertical development –memory of the current type of Greek polykatoikia creating new, different urban conditions arising from the relationship between them.





room in room


showcase room


platform room


whorkshop room



EVRIPIDOU STREET AS MEGAFORM master workshop prof: Elia Zenghelis Athens_2015

Reviewing the city and its future, this project aims to suggest a new urban body in a different scale in Evripidou street. We began the process thinking that the most basic component of our synthesis is its marker: the physical object erected to mark a locus in perpetuity. In our occasion this couldn't be anything else but an elevated view to Acropolis. Due to its size, the building is clearly demarcated and set off from the world at large. To emphasize this perception we focused on its form and how it can strongly differ from the cityscape. Another component of this synthesis is its specific site. Evripidou street is traditionally commercial, but the narrow road and pavements seem to prevent an easy access. Thus, in our suggestion the whole ground floor is open, covered by a continuous curve. The functionality of our composition was crucial too. We did not want to treat this new city landmark purely as a thing, because it could only be understood in terms of its use. This new bÎżdy, which comes to co-exist with the urban fabric, separates two different realities, creating a dual experience for the visitors. As a ceiling, it hosts the ground floor market providing by its form a distinct spatial continuity. On its upper level one can experience a ritual promenade among trees discovering interesting spots on the way such as a bazaar, an amphitheater and the stunning view of Acropolis on its pick. As a vertical spatial conclusion, two linear volumes above the curve include houses, working spaces and recreational uses.



different form from the cityscape

open ground floor

view to Acropolis upper level as ritual promenade

aerial view


view from Athinas street to Acropolis



existing situation

new ground

left volume 74.326m2 2.477 people

wave addition

right volume 49.721m2 1.657 people programme

typical housing plan

first floor plan

ground floor plan



open ground floorcommercial use

promenade on upper floorgarden, amphitheatre & bazaar


volume additionprogramming



master workshop prof: Kostas Moraitis, Kostas Manolidis Athens_2015

The aim of the workshop was the redesign of Varvakeios square,which is located on the opposite side of the municipal market of Athens. Restoring the natural slope,we created a passage that mentally connects the Varvakeios market to Diplareios School. To emphasize the difference of the city’s plan on either side of Evripidou street, we placed at the northern side of the plot a strict limit-building on an orthogonal grid that accomodates a double row of stores and it is developed in two levels. In this way, we achieved to continue the commercial character of Varvakeios market into the square. On the other hand,at the southern side we created a set of small shelters with open kitchens, benches and small gardens that follow an irregular grid and they act as memory of city life from Evripidou Street and down. Eventually, the whole project try to recall the history of the center of Athens when the strict building of Varvakeios School and the barracks (because of the market) occupied the whole area. In order to link these two conflicting sides we placed an arcade at the northern end of the site and in front of the store building. The arcade closes the shape of the square and it creates an input filter on the side of the road Athena. A second, smaller arcade is located in front of the existing buildings of the square where it already operated food stores. Finally, the irregular side of the square penetrates to the inside, baffling the two sides and creating a mosaic of textures and materials over the square.



difference on urban fabric medieval city-new city

floor plan of Varvakeios building strict building-market barracks


passage orthogonal- irregular grid


arcades closed the shape

irregural grid in the passage

final proposal


ground floor plan

characteristics of Evripidou street in the square


view from Sokratous street



view from Athinas street

outdoors kitchens




master workshop prof: Costis Paniyiris, Evelin Gavrilou Athens_2014

Typically, Greek city has emerged as an accumulator from the three-dimensional shape of the urban blocks. Therefore, city as a new compact ground, which is provided in abundance, needs to be excavated in order to bring to light its precious deposits. The urban block tends to drain from both tenants and value. The aim of this workshop was the transformation of the built stock of a block in the center of Athens. The block is located in the historic center of Athens and specifically between the streets: Athena, Evripidou Street, Ag. Dimitrios and Kalamidas. Recognizing the region, we observe that our block is located at the intersection of medieval and modern city. Starting from this observation,we maintained the strict and hard limit on Athinas and Evripidou street while we recommended the collapse of the building mass inside the urban block. At the same time releasing the diagonal movement on the ground floor providing secondary movements from Ag. Dimitrios street. We tried to keep the existing staircases in the basic volumes and we shared internal movements with corridors. Moreover with the addition of small ladders we achieved to keep softer vertical movements inside the block. This new block combines office spaces, commercial uses, housing and education areas giving a new character to the whole neighborhood.




existing plan

retreat of the mass

diagonal movement

section 1

section a-a

bearing structure in current and final proposal




existing urban block

volume analsis

volume removal

volume additon

slabs removal

retained cores

section b added slabs removed slabs existing slabs

tiered moves from courtyard 29

movements by cores

block multiplication case 1


block multiplication case 2




undergraduate workshop prof: Dimitris Polychronopoulos Kavala_2010

The design of a digital library in the region of Faliro (Kavala) redefines the relationship of the city with the sea. Recreational and cultural uses (such as digital library, bookstore, cafĂŠ, exhibition space multipurpose room and outdoor amphitheater) create a closeness of the city to the sea. The challenge of this proposal was to give a new profile to the area with the design. Removing parts of the plot and, simultaneously, exploiting the different altitude of the region (+ 10.00m) we created a new building which emerged from the ground. The building reveals its sides to the sea, while small patios, walks and water lakes enrich the experience of the user. Moreover, the building acts as an expansion of the dense urban fabric leaving the city to reach the sea with traffic flows and paths. East of the plot,it is created an atrium for the exhibition space and the cafeteria. The digital library detaches from the street level with a slot and it is opened to the sea and the view. A ramp leads to the outdoor amphitheater, while the scene is in the water. The multipurpose room is located on the west side of the plot and it is developed in two levels. The aim of the proposal is a walk near the sea where building and natural environment are hidden and revealed.


first floor plan

ground floor plan 34

outdoor amphitheatre




digital library

cafe atrium





master workshop prof: Maria Vrontissi Athens_2014

The marked difference in the commercial character of Evripidou street during 24 hours is one of the key features and it was the reason for this workshop. Walking in Evripidou street different hours of the day we observed how the landscape changes as night falls. From bustling morning street with open stores full of products in their windows, noises and smells, it turns into an empty landscape during the night. The characteristics of the road at night are concentrated in restricted store’s facades with blinds. This repetition prevents the user to understand what is happening in the street in the morning. To reverse this situation we proposed a structure that acts as a showcase during the morning hours, while, at night, parts of the structure act as exhibits and they are reminders of the morning city life. Cutting surfaces that function as back on shelf, hooks that are used as hangers, rolls of fabric that create a shelf and canvas fabrics provide to the night user an experience to understand the peculiar character of the street in the morning.


rotated frames 90o

frame 1

frame 2

frame 3


basic beams addition

columns and secondary beams addition

connections to the arcade columns


Evripidou objects addition






hosting complex


professional work Thessaloniki_2013-2016

house in forest




small apartment interior


living room interior


bedroom for 4 interior


apartment interior




professional work & personal work Thessaloniki_2015-2016




c o n c e p t

logo design

participation in logo contest of Architects Association of Evros 54



participation in logo contest of Open Thessaloniki

logo design for Jewellery designer 55

logo design for civil engineer


Too often we are restricted to operate within ''rules'' of what ''works''. But it's so important to just let loose every once in a while and let your artistic eye run wild. Because that's how the most genius ideas to come together!

-Jessica Karle -Dennis Stenild - Vin Zzep

-Ez Pudewa -Mats Gustafson


- Esra Roise -Studio Nicholson -Greg-Kadel

-Karolina Koryl -Esra Roise -Monika Strigel



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