In Denmark and in Sweden, these crispy and slightly sticky delicacies are called ”Wienerbröd”. The name comes from the fact that the pastries began to be manufactured in Denmark in 1840 by bakers from the Austrian capital Vienna. According to one legend, a baker’s apprentice forgot to knead the butter into the dough when he was making buns. He tried to solve the problem by rolling it in several layers. After weighing and rolling until there were 27 layers, he was satisfied and a whole new kind of bun was born, one that was much crispier than the buns previously known. Today many bakers prefer margarine when making Danish. The reason is that the butter is heavier and that the Danish becomes airier with margarine.
Featured products BAKELS KARITÉ GOLD Vegetable special margarine for danish and puff pastries. 169510 - 10 kg carton (2x5 kg)
BAKELS CUSTARD K Instant complete cold process vanilla custard mix. 336915 / 336917 - 25 kg, 12,5 kg bag
BAKELS SUPERGLAZE NEUTRAL Ready-made spray gel glaze with a neutral taste. 346110 - 15 kg bag in box
BAKELS LES FRUITS APPLE Apple filling with 70% fruit. 883010 - 5,5 kg pail
HOW TO MAKE THE DELICIOUS DANISH DOUGH Water (cold) 1000 g Wheat flour 2300 g Yeast 150 g 8 eggs approximately 400 g Sugar 150 g Bakels Karité Gold 100 g For the dough work: Bakels Karité Gold 2400 g Mix all ingredients in the machine into a smooth dough. Roll out and spread on Bakels Karité Gold, fold double, roll out to 3 times the size, fold the dough so it will be three layers, roll out again, let it rest for 5 minutes and repeat the folding/roll out one last time (approximately 4 mm thick) Cut into required size. Put the dough on baking paper or a metal trace. Proving time: 30-45 minutes in 27°C, 60% moist.
Read more about Les Fruits Les Fruits with 70% fruit content, is available in six different flavours. Choose between apple, strawberry pear, raspberry, blueberry and rhubarb.
Baking temperature: 220°C. Baking time: 7-10 minutes.