• Kern Dance Alliance is seeking girls to participate in the 7th annual SHINE for Girls: MATH + DANCE = SUCCESS program this fall. SHINE is a FREE innovative, curriculum-based afterschool program that utilizes dance to teach math for middle school girls. Now, more than ever, we believe young girls need mentorship during distance learning and we welcome the opportunity to get Kern County girls up and dancing while they learn math! To apply, visit https://kerndance.org/SHINE/. • Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (KernBHRS) will be celebrating both National Suicide Prevention Month and Recovery Month throughout September with several events and activities. With social distancing standards in place, all events will have a digital component. A person does not have to suffer from mental illness or addiction to have suicidal thoughts. To bring awareness to this sensitive topic, National Suicide Prevention Month is using the #BeThe1 to campaign to change the script on how people act and respond to suicide to promote healing and help give hope. Although the stigma surrounding substance use is changing, more awareness is needed. Recovery Month strives to put faces to addiction and the amazing journey these individuals make toward recovery, and showcase the professionals working daily to show that treatment and prevention are working in our community. For more information, visit https://www. kernbhrs.org/community. • Friday Night Dinner catered by Hacienda Guerrero Catering on Friday, Sept. 11. Choose from chicken or steak fajitas with spanish rice and elote. One order is $14 or two for $25. Pre-orders must be submitted by Sept. 9
by emailing guerrerocatering@gmail. com. Curbside pickup only 4132 Abbott Dr. • Although the fair is closed this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still get your fair food frenzy fix with Teen Challenge Curbside. To view the menu and place an order, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ kern-county-teen-challenge-fairfood-frenzy-curbside-fundraisertickets-115900315965. • Looking for a safe & relaxing summer evening in a change of scenery? Cuyama Buckhorn is hosting their second socially-distanced sunset picnic dinner experience with music by Victoria Bailey and Eric Roebuck for a limited number of guests, to keep everyone safe. You have the option to sit on your own distanced picnic blanket or your semi-private guest room patio to enjoy the supper and show. Cost per person is $314 or $359 for two. For more information, visit https://www.cuyamabuckhorn.com/ events/sunset-songs-and-supper-2 • Are you hiring? Let Bakersfield College help with your recruiting efforts. BC is offering employers a virtual platform to share your open positions. Join their Virtual Job Fair on Sept. 15 via Zoom. For more information, contact Freddie. Rodriguez@bakersfieldcollege.edu. • Join thousands of dedicated men and women this September as they fight addiction one step at a time. Funds raised through the Walks for Recovery 5K events support the mission of Teen Challenge of Southern California to bring hope and healing to men and women caught in addiction. Whether you are walking to honor a loved one, to celebrate your own victory or to create awareness, we need you!
To register, visit https://justgiving.com/ campaign/KTCwalk. • Rio Tinto Boron has partnered with its local workforce to donate $40,000 to Antelope Valley Blue Star Mothers, the Antelope Valley Partners for Health, the Beacon Light Mission, the Boys & Girls Club of the Los Angeles Harbor, Bridge for Hope California City and Community Action Partnership of Kern. The company also contributed $12,000 to the U.S. Borax Visitors Center Foundation. The donation helped fund 12 scholarships to students from Boron Junior Senior High School. For the full article, visit https://www.bakersfield. com/news/rio-tinto-boron-partnerswith-employees-to-provide-40-000in-donations-to-six-community/ article_da9bf62a-d69b-11ea-86424b6c151e25f7.html. • The California Special Districts Association’s “Districts Make the Difference” student video scholarship contest is now open to California high school and college students! Top prize is a $2,000 scholarship with second place receiving $1,000, and third place receiving $500. For the first time this year, the winning student’s teacher will receive $500 as well. The deadline to enter is September 30. Full contest details are here: https:// link.edgepilot.com/s/33581cd4/ V0Jiw9pgCE6EAw7IJTj_aA?u=https:// www.districtsmakethedifference.org/ video-contest. The 2019 scholarship winner was an Independence High School Student. Check out his winning entry here: https://link.edgepilot.com/ s/1d93825a/HvV1teeXo0qkaLlbRsKs vA?u=https://youtu.be/nHzBfskpggg. For more information, contact Cole Karr at colek@csda.net or (417) 861-7418.