3 dec 2011

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December 2011

Introoooooooooooo Since year 2002, 3,000 copies of Magic Wave printed monthly and distributed mainly in Bali, Java and Lombok. Our distribution also covering surf shops, surf spots, restos and cafes in surf cities from Aceh to Rote Island. Magic Wave PDF soft copies can be downloaded through www.magicwave. org. As per January 2011, visitors in our web reached 3,000 per monthh from 42 countries. As free publication Magic Wave welcomes any contributors for photo, news and updates from anyone who likes to share passion about waves and good times. Eamil us your foto & story to <info@magicwave.org> Last but not least .... join us on facebook/magic_wave -----------------------------------------Sejak tahun 2002, setiap bulannya, 3,000 exp Magic Wave dicetak dan diedarkan ke Surf Shops, Surf Spots, Restoran, cafe di seluruh Indonesia. Walaupun distribusi utamanya beredar di Bali, Lombok dan Jawa, magic Wave juga dikirim via pos ke Aceh hingga Pulau Rote. Magic Wave edisi online nya juga bisa di download dari www.magicwave.org. Per bulannya pengunjung situs kami bisa mencapai sekitar 3,000 orang. Sebagai media greatis, Magic Wave menerima segala jenis kontribusi berita, foto dan kabar lainnya dari kamu kamu di seluruh Indonesia dan dunia. Kirim aja ke <info@magicwave.org>

Going surfing ...... we can go surfing in many different ways. Some people can just walk to their surfbreak. Some people drive for an hour or so to get to their fav spot. Other will travel on the plane to the other side of the globe. Wahatever we take, as long it gets us there, the feeling is probably the same. The anticipation that counts. Surf & travel is a great combo that many surfers would die for. At this time of the year, the high season for surfing in Bali / Indonesia is off. Most of the wave hunters will flock to Hawaii, where waves get really good. Some Indonesian pro surfers are also on the Hawaii trips. We wish them all the best and hopefully we could get some photos from their trip for our next edition. Big wave - small wave, long trip - short trip .... as long you are having FUN. That’s what’s matter. Happy Holidays ... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012. Cover Paddle Out & Surfer Cirlcle - tribute to Pak Rizani (RIP) During Magic Wave Surfing Championship @ Kuta beach Photo by Timo Pramulya D O W N LO A D PA S T E D I T I O N S O F M A G I C WAV E F R O M W W W. M A G -

Mau tau lebih banyak, gabung aja di facebook/magic_wave. Cover

Team Magic Wave ............................

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chief Editor - Piping. <piping@magicwave.org> Editor - Ebong. <ebong@magicwave.org> Production/ Admin - Arief Cahyono . Contributors : Dedi, Steve Marlon, Dodo, Rizal, Angga, Timo donny - Banten, Puu, Deny Affandy Business Development & Marketing - Community. Contributing Photographers - Dede I Sukadis, Bali Surf Photography, Edy Black, Komang BSP, Simon Cipper, Mamat Sumbawa, Yayak-Pacitan, gus Andika, Willy Souw , Harry Pieters , Sid Magang - Kezia, Wayan, Dewi, Wipra, Fahrizal, Nurul, Tari, Maida, Opi’, Ivan, Celli, Amel Distribution - Magic Wave Team & Arik. Languange Translator - Michiko & Diane. Legal - Edward Tobing SH. EDNA LAW OFFICE, Denpasar Published every month or so by - PT. Gama Bali Dwipa. For advertising & Promotion - <info@magicwave.org> or <magicwave_bali@yahoo.com> facebook.com/magicwave Website - www.magicwave.org Address - Jl. PB. Sudirman Swakarya Baru No. 2X Denpasar - Bali. Phone/Fax - 0361 - 263569.

Guests of the month


December 2011


Film dokementer ini dibuatnya untuk proyek kelulusan kuliahnya, dan dia juga tidak menyangka film ini jadi perhatian banyak orang. Untuk lebih jelasnya, kita akan liput dia di edisi depan dan utk sekarang, mungkin kamu bisa cari di google atau ke vimeo.com

September 2011

More surf photos / images from our contributors around the world on www.magicwave.org

Public Information Emergency Ambulance........................... 118 Fire Departement.................. 113 Search and Rescue.... 11/115/151 Police............................ 767-249 Service Listing Info........................... 108 Electricity (PLN).................... 123 Tourist Info Center.......... 766-188 Bali Tourist Office........... 222-387

Consulate Australia........................ 241-118 Brazil............................. 757-775 Germany........................ 288-535 Japan............................ 227-628 Norway, Denmark........... 701-070 Swiss, Austria..................751-735 United States ................ 233-605 France .......................... 285-465 Hospital BIMC............................. 761-263 Sanglah Hospital (UGD)...227-911 SOS.............................. 710-505

Lukas Steinbrecher tival 2011 yang berlangsung pertengahan bulan Novemebr kemarin.

Menjelang deadline edisi Desember in, kita kedatangan tamu dari German. Namanya Lukas Steinbrecher. Dia adalah orang yang membuat film Eat, Pray & Surf. Film ini diputar diacara Balinale International Film Fes-

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On the last day bfore we sent this edition to print, we had a guest pop into our office. His name is Lukas Steinbrecher. This young German guy has just made a big step in his life as a movie maker. His movie “Eat, Pray Surf” which he made for his university project exam has made it big intenationally. This recognition including the screening an the Balinale International Film Festival 2011 in the past November.

We plan to do more deep interview for our next edition. Meanwhile you can see his movie online on vimeo.com.


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

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December 2011

NAME: I MADE ‘DENCOW’ ARIANA DOB: KETEWEL , BALI , 10 FEBUARY 1988 Berawal dari MW surfing di ketewel, terbesit ide untuk memajang profil surfer ketewel ini. From chat in Facebook and akhirnya bisa ngobrol juga di pantai ketewel. - Hai dencow, apa kabar? Baik-baik saja. Tapi ombaknya tidak konsisten jadinya boring. Hahahha - Sibuk apa aja bro? Sibuk kuliah aja dan pastinya surfing juga. - Kapan pertama kali surfing?kok bisa kecanduan? Pertama kali surfing saat kelas 3 smp, aku coba-coba sendiri dengan 6’2 yang sangat besar. Pertama kali sangat susah berdiri diatas papan tapi lama-kelamaan aku bisa dan jadi gila ampe sekarang. - Surfing atau kuliah? Kamu pilih yang mana? Sama-sama sangat penting. Rumahku dekat pantai, so gampang cek ombak, aku surfing sebelum kuliah dan saat libur. - Kamu sudah surfing kemana aja? Aku surfing disekitaran areal sanur sampai keramas dan kadang-kadang ke uluwatu. - Surf spot favorite dimana? Aku suka homebreakku dan chaca point, tapi aku punya mimpi surfing di dessert point.yew - Barrel, re entry atau aerial? Paling suka re entry tapi aku selalu mencoba aerial tapi ga pernah jadi.hahhaha - Surfer favorite? Aku suka Bol adi putra karena style sama denganku. Dia goofy footer dan powerfull surfer. Owen wright boleh juga, aerialnya gila. - Pengalaman lucu saat surfing? Saat aku maen di pabean aku liat ikan besar dan langsung kabur. Hhahahhaha - Musik yang paling kamu suka? Pitt bull and jack johnson - Harapan ke depannya untuk surfing ketewel? Aku punya tekad untuk mengembangkan pariwisata dan surfing di homebreakku sendiri. Aku punya mimpi suatu saat aku bisa membuatkan akomodasi pariwisata di pantai ketewel. - Keren juga harapannya bro. last word for MW!!! Support terus surfer lokal. Thank you dencow!!!! Keep ripping buddy!yew ENGLISH We met this Ketewel Beach local surfer, coz we often see him pulling some cool tricks & moves during our surf session together. We then became friends and set up an interview - Hai dencow, how are things? I’m fine. But today wave is not consistent …. so i got bored. Hahahahha - What’s your activity? I Just go to uni and of course surfing - When was your first time surfing? Why are you addicted? I started to surf when i was in 3rd grade of junior high school. I just tried by myself riding big surfboard 6’2. First time was pretty hard to stand up on the board but eventually. I can do it and now it makes me crazy. - Surfing or study ? Which one you choose? Both of them are important. My house is close to the beach, easy for me to check the waves, i surf before going to campus and on holiday. - Where have you been surfing? I have been surfing in around east coast, sanur to keramas and sometimes i surf at uluwatu. Where is your favorite surf spot? I like my homebreak and chaca point. But i have a great dream to surf at desert point - Barrerl, re entry or aerial? I really like re entry most but i always try to do aerial but i cant make it. - Who is your hero? I like bol adi putra because his style same as me, He is goofy footer and powerfull surfer. I like owen wright as well, he has crazy aerial. - Do you have a funny experience? When i was surfing at pabean, i saw a big fish and i went in quickly - What is your favorite music? Pitt bull and jack johnson - What is your future expectation for ketewel’s surfing? I have an ambition to improve the tourism and surfing in my homebreak. I have a dream that one day i can make surf camp / tourist accomodation in ketewel beach. - That’s good expectation bro. Last word fo MW!! Keep supporting local surfer. Thank you dencow !!!! Keep ripping buddy!yew

Text By : Kadek “ Bolang Suwika. Surfing Photos By : Karel Tonchan 4

December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

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December 2011

SAMA DUA REEF BREAK,Aceh selatan – indonesia,pada tanggal 12 november 2011 kemarin telah berhasil dan sukses mengadakan acara kejuaraan surfing tingkat nasional.Acara ini di selenggarakan untuk membuka dan memperkenalkan wisata bahari aceh selatan ke tingkat nasional dalam bentuk event surfing.Di balik suksesnya acara ini semua berkat kerja keras antara T21 surfing association aceh selatan,MAGIC WAVE, para sponsor dan PEMKAB Aceh Selatan serta dukungan yang sangat besar dari bapak BUPATI Aceh Selatan bpk.Husen yusuf,spdi yang sekarang lagi menggalakkan wisata daerah khususnya wisata bahari melalui olahraga selancar di Aceh Selatan,kebijakan kepala kabupaten ini wajib ditiru kabupaten lainnya yang memiliki potensi potensi olahraga selancar untuk meningkatkan wisata daerahnya melalui wisata bahari khususnya olahraga selancar.Kami segenap peselancar daerah bangga dan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada bapak BUPATI Aceh Selatan.Semoga pariwisata Aceh Selatan dapat berkembang dengan baik dan tetap sasaran. Acara ini tepat di mulai pada jam 09.00wib dan langsung di buka dengan pembunyian judge bell oleh BUPATI Aceh selatan.Surfer yang hadir mengikuti ajang perlombaan mencapai 25 peserta dari berbagai daerah yang terbagi menjadi 1round 6heat. hari ini samadua reef break mendapat ombak sekitar 3-4feet yang cukup lumayan menguntungkan para kontestan yang semua berlagak di open class,kali ini hanya satu class yang di buka oleh panitia. Pertarungan seru terjadi di heat semi final dan final karena disana terjadi pertarungan antara rean joan from bali,joel fadli from banda aceh dan panji dan boebol dari local aceh selatan.tepuk tangan dan sorak sorai penonton pun menjadi saksi serunya pertarungan mereka sehingga membuat juri hilang kosentrasi,dan penontonpun tetap terus bersorak memberi semangat kepada jagoan lokal mereka.Dan akhirnya penonton harus mengakui kehebatan surfer bernama rean joan berasal dari bali yang memenangkan kejuaraan ini.Yang hebatnya! penonton lokal tetap menyemangati jagoan mereka walaupun mereka tau jagoannya telah kalah di line up. Ada pun kejuaraan ini berkat dukungan PEMKAB ACEH SELATAN dan beberapa sponsor di antaranya QUIKSILVER INDONESIA,ANTARIKSA Cloth,RPG team,OZ radio Banda Aceh,Honda,Surfing cafe. Pelaksana Acara : T-21 surfing association aceh selatan dan MAGIC WAVE surf community newspaper FINAL RESULT 1st REAN JOANS Rp.2.000.000,2nd ZULFADLI Rp.1.500.000,3rd PANJI Rp.1.000.000,4th boeboel Text Photos


: Denny Affandi : Ferry Gunawan/surf fhotography

December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

South Aceh Surfing Championship 12nd November 2011, Sama Dua Reef Break, South Aceh – Indonesia was a day where surfers compete in a national region surfing championship. This competition was held to introduce the beautiful view of Aceh Ocean and beach. The competition started at 9 o’clock in the morning and was opened by the rang of the judge bell by the regent of South Aceh. There are 25 surfers joined this competition. In this day, the wave was about 3-4 feet and this was a quite awesome wave for the contestant. In the semi final and final round, the surfers gave the judges and the attendance a tense show. It’s a competition between Joan (Bali), Joel Fadli (Banda Aceh), Panji, and Boebol (South Aceh). And after that tense show, the judges and attendance can said that Joan (Bali) was the winner. But this didn’t make the supporters for their favorite surfers to loose their voice to support the local surfers. FINAL RESULT 1st REAN JOANS Rp.2.000.000,2nd ZULFADLI Rp.1.500.000,3rd PANJI Rp.1.000.000,4th boeboel

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December 2011

satu hotel di pantai kuta bersama teman-temannya yang tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya biasanya Komang bekerja sebagai pencari rongsokan atau mencari botol beer bekas untuk di jual kembali, penghasilan yang ia dapati hanya sekitar Rp. 20.000 s/d 30.000 per hari. Komang mengaku pernah duduk di bangku sekolah dasar tapi hanya sampai kelas lima, dan Magic Wave pun menguji Nama : Komang ardana apakah benar komang pernah seTempat tanggal lahir : Tidak tau...:( kolah, apakah komang bisa memUmur : 10 tahun baca atau tidak, ternyata setelah

di uji komang tidak bisa membaca. Komang sering mengikuti kontes surfing yang di adakan Magic Wave yaitu MSC, tapi setiap kali ikut ia tidak pernah menang, hal itupun tidak menyurutkan hati komang untuk tetap ikut, meskipun ia harus meminjam Surfboard karena ia tidak memiliki Surboard sendiri. Magicwavepun sempat bertanya apa cita-cita kedepannya komang, ia menjawab ia ingin menjadi surfer hebat dan ada orang yang membantunya untuk memberikan modal agar ia bisa berjualan bensin.

Awalnya Komang ke Bali karena keinginan dari dirinya sendiri. Dahulunya ia tinggal di Medewi bersama kakek dan neneknya. Pertama kali belajar surfing di Medewi, lalu hijrah ke bali pantai kuta bersama temannya yang bekerja sebagai surf guide freelance di pantai kuta. Komang belajar surfing sejak satu tahun yang lalu. Komang adalah salah satu anak Indonesia yang mempunyai mimpi untuk menjadi surfer agar kelak hidupnya bisa berubah, saat ini komang tinggal di depan parkiran salah

At first, Komang go to Bali because of his own will. Before go to Bali, he lived in Medewi with his grandpa and grandma. He learn to surf for the first time in Medewi, and then he go to Kuta Beach with his friends that works as a surf guide freelance in Kuta Beach. Komang learn surf since last year. Komang is one of Indonesia kid that have a dream to be a surfer in the future, now he live in front of the parking area of one hotel in Kuta Beach with his friends

Nama Panggilan Tpt/tgl lahir Size Style Asal

: febriansyah : biawak : 12 February 1998 :5,0 : regular : Jawa (Malang)

Ini dia surfer groms asal Malang yang kini tnggal di bali karena surfing….ia biasa di panggil biawak… :D he…he…he…lucu kan, tapi itu Cuma panggilannya lho…mau tau bagaimana obrolan Magic Wave dengan surfer cilik yang satu ini…. ayuuuukkkk…:D Heyy… Hey juga…. Nama kamu lucu ya…??? Hmmm…hmmmm…he…. he….he…


December 2011

that didn’t have a place to live. He works as a wreck searcher or search for old beer bottles to sold it again, and his income for each day is Rp 20.000,- until Rp 30.000,Komang said that he goes to primary school but only until the fifth grade. Magic Wave crew want to prove if Komang ever go to school. After asking Komang to read, MW crew knew that Komang cannot read. Komang always join MSC every year. Although he never win, but this didn’t make Komang to give up, even if he must borrowed a friend’s surfboard because he don’t have a surfboard. MW crew ever ask him what is his goal in the future. He answered that he wanted to be a great surfer and wants someone to help him by giving him capital so he can sold gasoline.

Kenapa sich kamu bisa di panggil biawak ???? Awalnya dulu waktu aku mainmain ke life guard, truss ditawarin makan sate biawak, tapi aku bilang gak suka, setelah biawakya mateng, aku cobain jadi habis dech 3 mangkuk hahaha….dari itu aku dipanggil biawak. Selain surfing, hobi kamu apa lagi sih? Biasanya sih,aku maen gitar… Band apa aja sich yang kamu suka ? Aku suka SID, Bondan dan ST 12. Ngomong-ngomong selain pinter

surfing kamu juga pinter disekolah ya???? Ya, aku sering mendapat juara disekolah.

Gosip-gosip nya tetangga nech, kabarnya kamu nggak sekolah lagi ya saat ini…? Bener…:)..sudah 8 bulan aku gak sekolah hehehe…tapi rencananya aku akan sekolah di kerobokan bersama Raju. Saat ini Biawak tinggal di villa seminyak. Surfer cilik ini mengatakan orang tuanya sangat mendukung-

nya bermain surfing. Ia pun bercita-cita menjadi seorang surfer handal. Pertama kali main surfing diajarkan oleh anak- anak freedom. Hingga saat ini ia sering melatih kemampuannya bermain surfing 2 kali sehari. Biasanya ia main di Padma, Uluwatu, dan Canggu. Spot yang paling disukai di Keramas dan Canggu tapi belum pernah dan ingin mencoba. Surfer idolanya Kelly, dedi santoso, Garut. Biawak mendapatkan sponsor dari electrohell.


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

You know what? Balcony is a great place to start your day! A good power breakfast before you hit the surf, lunch time menus and refreshing pure juices to cool off when its hot outside, there’s really no better place to hang out and read the latest surf magazines and catch up on the latest surf reports with fellow surfers at the Balcony. Last but not least best part of the day would have to be dinnertime! That’s when our famous Balcony frozen margaritas comes out to play! Last week we had the boys from Shaggy Dog band in town…they were performing for the Rip Curl Surf N’ Music Festival at halfway beach. We had some warm-up drinks at The Balcony before Shaggy Dog went up on stage at the beach. The boys went mad!

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December 2011

Name: I Gede Sanjaya Ketut “Power” Lanang Pradana Date of birth: 12 Mei 1986

Age : 37 Tahun Homebreak : Gili Trawangan

Age: 25 Style : Goofy Board size: 5’10 Lahir di Singaraja/ Bali, Ketut Power, yang ayahnya seorang Polisi, semHomebreak: Mushroom Rock-Nusa Lembonpat juga tinggal di Kuta- Bali, sebelum akhirnya pindah ke Lombok dan gan kini meneteap di Gili Trawangan. Awal perkenalan nya dengan surfing adalah di Gili Trawangan. Pada waktu itu, Ketut yang usianya baru 14 tahun, cukup terheran heran melihat 2 orang peselancar yang membawa papan surfing ke air, dan pada waktu itu ombak sedang besar, dan semua nelayan tidak ada yang melaut. Ketut pun menunggu kedua surfer tersebut selesai surfing dan kemudian dia berkenalan dengan mereka ( Pablo & Chris – Desert Point). Dari perkenalan tersebut, Ketut pun mulai belajar surfing dan pada kunjungan berikutnya, Pablo membawakan papan buat Ketut, untuk mulai belajar surfing lebih intensif.

Selain surfing, Ketut muda pun mulai akrab dengan pariwisata di pulau Gili Trawangan. Dia sempat menjadi DJ selama 5 tahun dan kini Ketut telah menikah dengan seorang wanita Inggris bernam Anna. Kesehariannya kini, Ketut bisa dibilang memiliki cukup banyak kesibukan. Selain memilik toko surfing kecil, kontraktor dan bisnis property adalah sebagian dari kesibukannya. Pada saat luang dia juga sering menekuni photography dan kita bisa lihat hasi jepretannya di hal 19 dan Gili Section dari edisi Desember ini. Beberapa pengalaman surfing Ketut yang cukup berkesan adalah - 1997 – 98 . Bekerja di Yacht Surf Charter “Irish Mist”, yang beropreasi di Kepulauan Mentawais. Ketut dijemput di Gili oleh pemilik yacht dan langsung berngakat ke Mentawai, dan sempat berhenti untuk surfing di G-Land, Cimaja, Panaitan, dan masih banyak lagi point point surf sepanjang pantai Selatan-Barat Jawa/ Sumatra. - 2005. Rip Curl Surf & Music Festival di Cornwall, UK. 5 hari/ malam surf event. - 2009. Goldcoast – OZ. ASP contest. fb/ketut_power ENGLISH Ketut Power was Born in Singaraja- Bali some 37 years ago. Because his father is a policeman, as akid, Ketut moving about with his family around Bali & Lombok Island where his father was assigned. now Ketut is calling Gili Trawangan as his home. His first introduction to surfing was happen when he was 14. Young & innocent Ketut is a bit frightened to see 2 guys ( later he find out their name is Pablo & Chris, who surf Desert Point during the surf season) paddle out during the big swell day. After watcing these 2 surfers having fun out in the breaks, Ketut encourage himself to talk and ask them to teach him how to surf. Pablo who brought him a 2nd hand surfboard in the later visit, is still become his good friend up to now. As a young man Ketut had try many jobs. And one of his favorite is being a DJ for 5 years in a club at the Gili Trawangan.

Goin Surfin Gili Style With Josh Kerr - 2005. (Early 90’s) Ketut. 2nd from left. These crowds, probably the 1st generation of Gili T Surfer.


December 2011

Now he is not doing much of nightlife job like DJ ing. Married to an English Lady name Anna. He is a businessman, own a small surf shop, doing some property business and running/supervising some contractor jobs around the Gili T island. We will likely will see Ketut surfing or taking photos of his mates if the wave is pumping at Gili T reef, just opposite the surfer Bar ( check page 19 ) Some memorable surf trip / surf related trips : - 1997-98. Worked in a yach charter “Irish Mist”, brought him surfing all around Indonesia, from Lombok, Bali, G-land, West java and all the way to Mentawais Island. - 2005 - 2005. Rip Curl Surf & Music Festival in Cornwall, UK. 5 days of Surf, Party and all. Got all access permit and hang out backstage with famous musician & pro surfers. - 2009 - Goldcoast, OZ. Asp Contest. Watching worldclass surfers in a contest and met up with some surf stars fb/ketut_power www.facebook.com/magicwave

( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Surfer Girl and Oddysseys Surf School Take Big Day Out to the Bukit

surfing and enjoying life at the beach, and that they should always help and support to grow the sport of surfing here in Indonesia. That’s why I always join in every woman’s surfing event and bring all my friends. Plus we always have so much fun together!” The Big Day Out program was started with two goals in mind: The first was to create a stronger sense of community within the relatively small group of Indonesian women surfers, to encourage and empower them, and the second was to provide them with the opportunity to travel around and surf new and more challenging waves as a group.

21 November 2011, Kuta-Bali: Balangan Beach on Bali’s Bukit Peninsula was the final destination for the last Surfer Girl and Oddyseys Big Day Out trip of 2011 on Sunday November 20, which saw almost 20 surfer girls ranging from age 11 to 40 years old meeting up for a day of hanging out, chatting, swimming, eating and of course surfing together on a beautiful and sunny day in paradise. The waves were pumping at Balangan Beach in the morning at low tide, a little too pumping as it turned out, so the girls elected to hang out in the warung for a bit and then go for a swim in the lagoon to work up an appetite for lunch. After lunch, 4-time Indonesian Women’s Champion Yasnyniar “Bonne” Gea kept eying the lefthanders cracking across the reef and was keen to give it a go, but a suggestion by 9 year old Tiana’s father Cacho soon had the crew packing up and heading over to one of Bali’s most beautiful and popular beaches of Padang-Padang, where some more mellow 2 footers were rolling in. And although it was a bit

crowded, most of the girls managed to catch a few and with the beach blazing at close to 40 degrees Celsius, it was a perfect way to cool off and enjoy the afternoon. All too soon it was time to call it a day, so Michaela from Surfer Girl asked everybody to paddle in and gather on the beach for a group photo. After posing for a great shot, everybody went back to the warung where in a fitting end to the first season of the Big Day Out, Michaela awarded Putri Ombak leader Stella with a Surfer Girl prize pack as a token of appreciation for her leadership and dedication to women’s surfing in Indonesia. Stella is the senior surfer in the group and has been supporting Surfer Girl and women’s surfing here in Bali since 2007, and when she was asked why she is so dedicated to the sport she answered, “I love surfing and have so much fun surfing with my friends, and I want to see more women surfing here in Bali and in Indonesia. I want the surf industry to know that we are out here,

“We started the program in April of this year and so far we have gone to Balian, Medewi, Jasri, and now the Bukit, ” said Surfer Girl’s Michaela Partin. “Most times we have from 15-20 girls joining in, all different ages and levels of ability, but they all support and encourage each other. I think that’s what’s gotten me the most stoked on these trips, seeing the more experienced ones helping the less experienced ones catch

waves and then congratulating them on a great ride. That’s what surfing is all about, sharing the waves and the good times. We’re seeing some great results too, as the number of girl surfers and even girls just interested in hanging out at the beach with the girls surfers is growing, and Surfer Girl is all about nurturing and supporting that growth. ” Sister’s Pua and Kai are delighted to have such a program to be involved in. “I love coming to these Big Days Out because we get to go surfing at different places and hang out with all the girls,” said Pua. Added Kai, “Ya, it’s really fun to get together like this, coz we surf and always have lots of fun… and we get to eat too!” The Surfer Girl and Odyssey Surf School Big Days Out 2011 is proudly sponsored by Surfer Girl and Odysseys School of Surf, and is fully supported by the Putri Ombak Indonesian women’s surfing community. To learn more about these Big Day Out events, view photos, and read our stories from other trips, check out www.surfer-girl.com.

Cinta Hansel Helping hand

Kai-Pua-Michaela GirlsWaterShot


Ste & Michae la la :)

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Yum Yum ... Lunch time

December 2011


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Berlangsung selama 4 hari, Sanur Village Festival 2011 tersasa sangat meriah, akrab dan yang pasti menghibur. Sejumlah acara diadakan di beberapa venue. Acara acara tersebut antara lain : pentas budaya yang menampilkan tari tarian serta wayang, konser musik dari musisi pemula hingga papan atas nasional. Kolaborasi musik tradisional & modern juga membuat para pengunjung tetap berada di arena festival hingga larut malam. Acara lain yang yang juga diminati banyak peserta adalah Pameran Hortikultura, Pameran Auto Car Classic, Fun Bike, Lomba olah raga, Pameran Seni Kontemporer, Gerakan kebersiham dan penghijauan, pawai kendaraan hias, karnaval jalanan, Pameran Ogoh ogoh, Lomba Kuliner, Fashion Show dan masih banyak lagi yang tidak semuanya bisa kita tampilkan di halaman ini. Tapi berhubung kita majalah surfing, jadi untuk olah raga yang satu ini kita sediakan halaman khusus.

All photos courtesy of Sanur Village Festival Commitee

Cap Jempol buat Panitia Sanur Village Festival ... !

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December 2011

Winners Open @ Sanur Reef 1. I Wayan Andika Saputra (Manca ) 2. I Made Sukadana ( Bontet ) 3. Ngurah Oki Wisnu Murti 4. I Made Yudi Andika ( Dek Okoh ) Junior Division @ Baby Reef - Sanur 1. Ketut parta 2. Eka Jaya 3. kadek Gita 4. Arik juli

All Photos by Karel Tonchan

Skate Street Open Division 14

December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Yudi Andika

All Photos by Karel Tonchan

I Wayan Andika Saputra

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December 2011


Setelah membuat janji dengan photographer ini akhirnya kita bisa bertemu dengan Bli Karel di kantor Magicwave. - Dari kapan bli memulai menjadi photographer dan siapa yang mengenalkan bli tentang photographer ini ? Sejak taun 2008 aku memulai menjadi photographer ini dan yang mengenakan aku tentang photographer itu temenku namanya Komang Sanjanya dan KenJi. - Pendapat bli tentang photographer itu apa sih ? is wonderfull like alias mantap. - Susah ngak sih bli ngambil foto surfing itu ? susah-susah gampang sih,tergantung ombaknya,kadang susah menfokuskan karna ombak. - Pendapat bli tentang photographer saat ini ? Need to be more profesional and able to do graphic editing - Bagaimana cara menjadi photographer yang baik tuh gimana ? binggung nih mau jawab apa’an,Hehehehe... - Pengalaman apa aja yang bli dapet saat mengambil gambar ? waktu foto kameraku dapet jatuh, Handicam ku juga dapet rusak,saat bli dimana tuh ? di lombok. - Kalau nggak memprotret apa yang bli lakukan ? yang aku lakuin party. Party dimana nih bli cafe , apa dimana ? aku biasanya party di cafe boshe,blue eyes, 66 • Camera yang bli pakek apa nih ? Canon D40 yang aku pakek sekarang. Kenapa memilih canon padahal kan banyak merek camera yang lain ? karna cara pengambilannya lebih bagus,dan hasilnyapun bagus. Berapa harga camera bli ? camera pertamaku harganya 12 juta , sedangkan camera yang aku pakek sekarang itu camera pemberian temanku. • Nah pertanyaan selanjutnya nih bli,hmmb kapan nih bli terakhir mabuk ? terakhir aku mabuk 3 hari yang lalu dan mengakibatkan aku kecelakaan dan mobilku hancur. Apa yang bli dapat dari mabuk ? minum itu sangat memuaskan. • Pernah nggak bli naksir sama cewek bule heheheheh...? pasti pernah dong hehehehe.... wah wah bule asal mana nih bli ? dari australia dong hehehehehe... kalo sekarang pacarnya siapa nih ? emmhh .. my girl friend is camera and drink hehehehe...kalo boleh kita semua tau nih mas type cewek yang bli karel cari gimana nih ? yang jelas baik, pengertian, bisa menerima apa adanya. • Mengapa bli karel tertarik sama photographer kenapa enggak ngedesain atau apa gitu? Because is my hobby and kemauan sendiri aja. • Tempat yang bli karel paling suka saat memotret dimana sih ? in lembongan beach n keramas beach. Why ??? because good angel and a sift. • Makanan favorit apa nih ? ikan laut dan plecing kangkung ( deso banget iya hehehehe....) kenapa nggak memilih babi guling apa ayam betutu gitu bli ? karna dari kecil enggak pernah makan babi. • Kalo bli lagi ada waktu luang biasanya bli karel suka nongkrong dimana sih bli,pasti anak muda banget nih ? so pasti pantailah :D. Wouw....kenapa nih milih pantai bli ? karna dengar deburan ombak sambil minum bir udah jadi kesenangan tersendiri buat aku. • Setau aku bli ini kan guide kok sekarang jadi photographer ? tolong ceritain dong bli gimana bli bisa pindah profesi hehehehe...? karna kemaunan aja sih enggak ada alasan tertentu, simpelkan jawabannya...hahahaha... • Kan bli udah lumayan lama nih jadi photographer kira-kira kesan apa yang bli karel dapet ? seneng aja foto teman. • Apa kemauannya bli karel kedepannya ? pengen buat majalah tentang photographer,iya enggak jauh beda sih sama om piping,sama-sama buat majalah,dan aku juga pengen kedepannya sekitar 5 tahun lagi lah membuka sekolah photographer, dan pengen punya istri segera hehehehehe.... • Pendidikan terakhir bli dimana sih bli ? di wearness sampek D1. • Nah sekarang kita mau tanyak nih gimana pendapat bli karel tentang Magic Wave ? wonderfull....!!! tapi tolong untuk kedepan Magic Mave jangan di fokuskan ke bule ( turis mancanegara ), cobak deh sekali-kali pakek warga lokal alias Indonesia gitu... • Ada ucapan enggak bli buat temen atau orang-orang terdekat ? ok, to all terimakasih atas supportnya,tanpa kalian semua aku tidak berarti apa-apa.... By : Celly N Dewi

Tonchan jago juga main surfing :) 16

December 2011


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December 2011


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

G - Land. Photo By Willy Souw

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December 2011

Andik @ Lembeng surfbreak by Karel Tonchan

aam @ gili trawangan


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Japan Pro Surfing Assc Tour November 7th – 14th 2011, at Keramas beach – Gianyar, Japan Pro Surfing Association (JPSA) held this program that being participated by 200 surfer, girls and boys from Japan. The leader of JPSA, Ida Bagus Rai explained about the competition. He said that this competition was divided by 3 category; long board, short board, and legend board. Last July, the surfers already being selected in Japan. This event will decided who’s the champion. By greetings the surfers and hope they will do the best, the Tourism Agency Head of Gianyar also hope that this event will continuesly grow the citizen’s talent in surfing.

MAGIC LIST - BALI SURF SHOP-SURF INFO Daiduk Jl Melasti Lebak Bene Losmen Adus Kuta Bali 0361 751060 ESP (Ego Surf Photography) 081 55785736 Email : egobingin24@yahoo.com Naruki Jl.Poppies II Lane II Kuta Bali Tlp. 0361 765772 Freedom Surf shop Bali Jl.Pantai kuta Gg. Bene Sari No.45 0361 7867717


Doggy (Boat trip Surfing Tour) Address : Br. Kauh Pecatu uluwatu-Bali 081 834 9032

RPM Surf Shop Jl Benesari Gg.poppies line 2 Kuta- Bali 0361 765908 bali@rpm-surf.com Dragon Indonesia Jl legian 350 kuta-bali. 0361 752419 dragonindonesia@dragonalliance.com The Pit Surf Shop Legian Street no 64 2Fl Kuta 0361 763357 thepit100@hotmail.com Stripesurf Jl Nusantara Raya no. 44 Depok Utara - Jawa Barat +628161656016 surfer_boysz@yahoo.com Bali Barrel 0361 767238, 767240 bali_barel@hotmail.com

Moken surf (surf photography and ocean images) 081 236 705 881 travis@mokensurf.com

Riz’d Surf Art Jl.Benesari 27 Kuta Bali. Tlp. 0361 750058 Made To Order : T-shirt Painting,Wave Painting, Surfboard Painting, Surf gifts Email : rizaldsurf@gmail.com

Indodreams Jl poppies line II / 5aa Legian Kuta Bali 0361 758650

Surfers Paradise Jl by pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai No. 210 Kelan,Bali. 0361 705385

The Board Shop Jl poppies II,kuta bali Tlp. 0361 758506

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SIXTH SENSE Surf poppies 2 beside bagus Kuta Bali Tlp. 0818 356553


RESTO, CAFE & BAR YEYES Warung & Gift Shop Jl lebuansait.pecatu – Bukit, Bali 0361 7424761 yeyebali@indosat.net.id Ombak Café Jl pantai pererenan mengwi 0361 8482631 info@balismartliving.com www.balismartliving.com Jiwa Juice Jl melasti.labuansalt #108pecatu 0361 8470736 jiwajuice@me.com Tekor Bali Jl double six – Legian Kaja Kuta,Bali 0361 735268 tekor@dps.centrin.net.id Balcony Restaurant & Bar Jl.Benesari 16 0361 750655 info@balconybali.com Waroeng Asia Tlp. 0361 7420202 tradewindsbali@hotmail.com Poco Loco Mexican Restaurant & Bar Jl. Padma Utara Legian-Bali Tlp : 0361 756079 Warung Indonesia Jl. Legian, Poppies II (Gg.Ronta) Kuta-Bali 0361 - 759817 Tj’s Californian Mexican Resto Poppies Lane I Kuta-Bali Tlp : 0361 751093 Warung Dapue Aceh Jl. Majapahit # 66, Kuta Bali Telp. 0811387774 Specialising in Aceh-Sumatra food.

SURF SCHOOL RIP CURL school of surf jl Arjuna-Kuta-Bali 0361 735858 lisa.salisa@ajhackett.com Ombak Legian Surf AcademY Jl melasti legian denpasar, Bali 0361 751711, 755460 www.ombaklegian.com Pro Surf School Jl. Pantai Kuta Ph : 7441466, Fax : 751 200 info@prosurfschool.com Double D Learn to Surf Jl. Double Six - Bali 0361 7806124 +62 81 7067 0046 Quiksilver Surf School Bali Jl.Pantai Legian Kaja +62 361 791 2220 +62 81 338 790 992 Bali Learn to Surf co. Hard Rock Hotel, Jl. Pande Mas Kuta Bali, Indonesia Ph.0361 764869 ext 0361 7922922 email: info@balilearntosurf.com

SHIPPING & CARGO Pacific Express Jl. Hang Tuah 1-3X, Denpasar-Bali Ph : 235181

Elang Express Jl. Raya Kuta No.29, Kuta Bali Telp. 0361-9125757 marketing.cargo@elangexpress. co.id

TATTOO STUDIO Suku Suku Tatau 66 Road No.23 Legian Kaja - Kuta sukusukutatau@hotmail.com PJ’S Tattoo Studio Jl. Pantai Sindu No.4 Sanur Ph : 081338678227 pjs.tattoo@yahoo.com www.myspace.com/pjs_tattoo Buch Tattoo www.buchtattoo.deviantart.com buch_tattoo@yahoo.com 08123655600 Shotonk Tattoo STudio Legian Street +62 81 353 130 666 shotonktatt2@yahoo.com www.shotonktattoo.com Mad Ink Poppies 2st Gg Ronta Kuta - Bali Karang Tattoo Jl.Kuta Teathre, Kuta - Bali 0361 - 752116 karangtattoo@live.com Yandey Tattoo Jl. Gunung Krakatau no.7 Denpasar - Bali yantheytatto@yahoo.com 0816570850 Alit Tattoo Jl. Imam Bonjol 198 Denpasar - Bali 08123962818

For Advertising Info Email : info @magicwave.org Ph : 0361-263 569 Addres : Jl. Swakaya Baru no. 2x Denpasar Bali - Indonesia December 2011

Minggu, 13 November 2011, hari ini merupakan sesi kelima sekaligus penutupan acara akhir tahun yang diadakan oleh Magic Wave Surfing Championship (MSC). Acara ini diadakan di Halfway Pantai Kuta. Pendaftaran dimulai pada pukul 06.00 WITA, Meskipun diawali dengan hujan yang cukup deras namun,hal itu tak menyurutkan minat para surfer cilik untuk unjuk kebolehannya bermain surfing . Acara dimulai pada pukul 08.00 WITA, dengan ombak yang tidak begitu besar. Sebelum kontes dimulai, tim Magic Wave beserta para surfer cilik melakukan doa bersama sebagai bentuk rasa bersyukur dan terimakasih kepada tuhan sang pencipta. Jumlah peserta cilik yang ikut dalam kontes ini lumayan banyak sehingga membuat kakak-kakak panitia sedikit sibuk mengaturnya he‌he‌he‌(maklum pesertanya jahil-jahil suka godain kakak panitianya‌). Para pesertapun dibagi menjadi 5 divisi yang terdiri : divisi under 14 boys dan under 14 girls, under 10 boys, under 10 girls dan Pushing boys. Tak hanya itu acara ini menghadirkan tim juri seperti Jim Walker, Made Bukit, . Bahkan pengunjung dan rekan-rekan dari media cetak juga sangat antusias menyaksikan MSC yang terakhir pada tahu ini. Acara berlangsung seru dimana para peserta surfing, orang tua, serta panitia saling bekerja sama demi berlangsungnya acara MSC. Para surfer cilikpun mulai menunjukan keboleh mereka menari di atas papan surfing, ada yang terjatuh saat melakukan take off dan ada yang berhasil menaklukan ombak mereka. Tepat pukul 11 WITA semua


December 2011

MSC Magic Wave Surfing Championship V

peserta surfing maupun para surfer lainnya bergabung untuk melakukan acara paddle peace, dimana para peserta MSC maupun para surfer lainnya memakai kalung bunga sebagai bentuk kepedulian dan belasungkawa atas kepergian bapak surfing indonesia. Mereka melakukan paddle peace, sambil membentuk lingkaran. Kemudian dilakukan tabur bunga sebagai bentuk penghormatan terakhir kepada Alm. Bapak Rizani, yang merupakan tokoh surfing Indonesia. Beliau adalah tokoh yang memberikan waktu dan tenaga untuk kemajuan sufing Indonesia. Acara berlangsung dengan khidmat. Semua menundukkan kepala mengenang jasa-jasa beliau terhadap surfing di Indonesia. Acara kembali dilanjutkan dengan memasuki semifinal. Namun acara


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yang berlangsung seru tiba-tiba harus ditunda sementara, dikarenakan hujan yang disertai petir. Para peserta diajak untuk menghentikan kontes sementara. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Sementara itu, peserta diberikan makan siang untuk mengganti kekosongan perut. Semua peserta makan dengan lahap, maklum sudah waktunya perut utuk diiisi. Setelah hujan berhenti, acara kembali dilanjutkan dan telah memasuki masa final. Pukul WITA, juri telah menentukan nama-nama pemenang untuk masing-masing divisi :  Pushing Division Boys : 1. Varun Tanjung 2. Jaqop 3. Kona 4. Loki  Pushing Division 1. Tia 2. Jeni 3. Maaike 4. Risma  Under 10 Boys : 1. Ketut Agus 2. Ryuki Waida 3. Riman 4. Tensi Ratif  Under 10 Girls : 1. Dhea 2. Cinta 3. Taina  Under 14 Boys : 1. Raju Sena 2. Grenard Quentin 3. Riman 4. Max De Santis  Under 14 Girl : 1. Puanani Sebagai penutup, kontes kali ini memberikan 3 buah surfboard kepada peserta berbakat yang tidak memiliki sponsor. Tentu saja hal ini membuat para peserta menjadi bersemangat dan bertanya-tanya siapa yang akan mandapatkan surfboard yang diberikan oleh om piping. Dan terpilihlah 2 orang surfer cilik berbakat yang mendapatkan surfboard yaitu.

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1. Ivan 2. Dhea Mereka tampak senang sekali bisa memiliki surfboard baru dan berjanji akan terus meningkatkan prestasinya di bidang surfing. Tak ketinggalan para crew yang merasa sangat puas karena acara belangsung dengan lancar dan mengabadikan kebahagian bersama dengan berfoto-foto bareng di depan stand Magic Wave. Acara ini tidak akan terlaksana tanpa bantuan dari sponsor Magic Wave yaitu : PT. Bali Surf Outlet, surfer Girl, Billabong, Rusty, Macbecth, 69 Slam, skull Candy, Blue Water, Oddysey Surf School, Ripcurl, BIMC, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Gun Ekuator, Rekan-Rekan Media, Magicwave Friends dan facebook. Terus ikuti perjalanan Magicwave di tahun berikutnya untuk mencari dan menggali bibit-bibit calon surfer handal masa depan. ========================= ( English ) Sunday, November 13rd 2011. Today is the last day of Magic Wave Championship (MSC) that was held every month. This event held in Halfway Kuta Beach. The registration started at 6 o’clock in the morning, even the day was started with quite a heavy rain, but this didn’t make the young surfers to show their performance. This competition started at 8 o’clock. Before the competition started, Magic Wave team together with those young surfers pray to show they are grateful to God. The contestant quite make the committe busy to arrange the competition (it’s because those young surfers like to make fun to the committee. Hehehe…) The contestant divided into 5 category; under 14 boys and under 14 girls division, under 10 boys and under 10 girls division, and pushing boys. Not enough, this event invited judges team; Jim

Walker and Made Bukit. Even the audience and friends from press also cannot wait to see the contestant in this last MSC program this year. This event goes awesome where the contestant, their parents, and also the committee work together in this event. The young surfers show their best performance with beautiful movement above the surfboard, and there are some that do take off and some can conquer their waves. At 11 o’clock, the contestant and other surfers together do the paddle peace program, where the contestant and other surfers wear garland on their neck as a form of caring and condolence for the Father of Indonesia Surfing. The do paddle peace while make a circle, holding their hands together. The paddle peace program ends with sowing flowers as a last tribute to Mr. Rizani, whom is a important figure of Indonesia surfing. He was a figure who give all his time and energy for the future of Indonesia surfing. This program goes solemnly. Everyone bow their heads while remembering what he do for Indonesia surfing. The event continued with semifinal contest. This tense pressure in the contest must stopped suddenly because of heavy rain. The contestant must stopped for a while so none of the contestant hurt. In this opportunity used for having lunch. After the rain stopped, the competition being continued and goes to the final round. At 4 o’clock, the judges announce the names of the winner in each division :  Pushing Division Boys : 1. Varun Tanjung 2. Jaqop 3. Kona 4. Loki  Pushing Division 1. Tia 2. Jeni 3. Maaike

4.  1. 2. 3. 4.  1. 2. 3.  1. 2. 3. 4.  1.

Risma Under 10 Boys : Ketut Agus Ryuki Waida Riman Tensi Ratif Under 10 Girls : Dhea Cinta Taina Under 14 Boys : Raju Sena Grenard Quentin Riman Max De Santis Under 14 Girl : Puanani

As the closing of this competition, this event gave 2 surfboards for talented contestant who don’t have any sponsor. Of course this make the contestant barely can’t wait for the announcement and asking themselves whose got the surfboard. And lastly were choosen 2 talented young surfers who got the surfboard that was given by Mr. Piping. They were; 1. Ivan 2. Dhea They were so excited to have new surfboard and they promise to increase their achievement in surfing. And Magic Wave crew also satisfied with this competition and to show their excitement, they take pictures of them in front of Magic Wave stand. This event will not be successes if there are no Magic Wave sponsor; PT. Bali Surf Outlet, surfer Girl, Billabong, Rusty, Macbecth, 69 Slam, skull Candy, Blue Water, Oddysey Surf School, Ripcurl, BIMC, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Gun Ekuator,press, Magic Wave Friends and Facebook. Keep follow another Magic Wave’s event next year to find another talented surfers. 

December 2011

Lombok Island Section Located just some 80 km East of Bali, Lombok received the same swell as Bali. The Surfing season for Lombok, especially South & West Lombok is best durfng the dry season, May - Oct. Anyhow, during the rainy season, the South part of Lombok is the place to explore. There is some 70 km of beach and countless bays and headlands that you could surf and explore on the Southern part. Kuta Lombok is probably the more favorable place to be based on. Lombok is relatively less crowded than Bali and the surfers are more mellow.

thourgh air ( 20 min flight ), sea ( 4 hours ferry or 2 hours speed boat).

Lombok is reachable from Bali


Surfers @ Mangsit by Sid

Unyil @ S3G

S3G Reef by Sid

Father & Son ( Bedul & Ari )



December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Morning Float

Where is the beach ? by Sid

SBY - Si Bambang Yangini

Hangin Loose Mother Goose

Tube Time by Pepe Romo



Lombok Surf Shop

Garuda Indonesia Airways PH: 0 804 1 807 807

Senggigi Beach West Lombok. Ph. 081236208911

Merpati Nusantara Ph 0370 – 621 111

Kimen Surf Shop Kuta Beach - South Lombok. Ph. 0370 – 655 064

Trans Nusa Ph 0370 – 616 2428

New Senggigi Reef Senggigi - Lombok. Ph. 081907349777

Batavia Air Ph 0370 – 648 988

Surf Riders Surf Shop Kuta Beach - South Lombok. Ph. 081805224576

Jata Tour Ph 0370 – 632 888

ADVENTURE CLUBS LOMBOK ADVENTURE Mt. Rinjani Trekking, Ocean Kayaking, Surf trip and lesson Ph 0370 – 693005 www.lombokadventure.com

Bidy Tour Ph 0370 – 693 521


RINJANI TREKKING Mt. Rinjani Trekking, Ocean Kayaking, Surfboard rental Ph 0370 – 693202 www.info2lombok.com LOMBOK TREKKING Mt. Rinjani Trekking Ph 0370 6686625

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PERAMA TOUR Bali – Lombok and beyond. Land and ferry transfer. Ph 0370 – LOMATA TOUR Bali – Lombok and beyond. Land and ferry transfer. Ph 08175793419

e - one Tour & Travel Bali – Lombok and beyond. Personalized and Customized Tour In Lombok and Beyond. Ph 081907229053




Gili Gili Fast Boat Safety & Comfort. Fast passenger daily boat, connecting main harbors of Bali, Lombok and Gilis Ph : 0361 - 773770

Mataram Public Hospital Ph: 0370 – 623498

Sheraton Senggigi ***** 5 star beach resort. Walking disatnce to S3G surf point Ph : 0370 693303

Gili Cat <www.gilicat.com> Daily Fast Passenger Boat connecting Bali - Lembongan – Lombok and the Gili T Ph : 0361 - 271680 Ocean Star Fast Boat Bali – Gili – Lombok Ph : 0361 – 927 1019 Blue Water Cruises <www.bluewatercruises.com> Fast Boat Bali – Gili – Lombok Ph : 0817343168 Blue Water Express Daily Fast Passenger Boat connecting Bali Marina - Lembongan – Lombok and the Gili Trawangan Ph: 0361 – 723479 Public Ferry - ASDP 5 hours crossing the Lombok strait. Depart from main harbors of Lombok ( Lembar ) and Bali (Padang bai ) every 2 hours. Operating 24 hours a day. Ph : 0363 41849

Senggigi Beach Hotel Clinic Ph 0370 693210

RESTAURANT & BAR Alberto Cafe, Senggigi Italian Beach Café. Best pizza on the island. Free Wi Fi Ph : 0370 - 693039 Asmara Resto & Bar, Senggigi International Selection Menus. Live music on Friday. Free Wi fi, Pool Table and library at the back. Ph : 0370 - 693 619 Coco Beach Cafe, Mangsit Indonesian and international food selection. Healthy drinks. Great relaxing atmosphere by the beach. 08175780055 The Beach Club Lombok Bungalows, Bar and cafe. Right on the beachfront in Senggigi, Lombok 0370 - 693637 Kayu Manis Warung, Senggigi Good, clean and friendly atmosphere. Indonesian and international food selection. Ph 0370 - 690561

Senggigi beach hotel *** Located right on the Senggigi reef surf points. Ph : 0370 693210 Dharmarie beach hotel *** Located South of the Senggigi reef surf points. Ph : 0370 693099 Alang Alang, Mangsit *** There are some surf spots and fun beach break on this area. Ph : 0370 693911 Santai Beach Inn, Mangsit ** There are some surf spots and fun beach break on this area. Ph : 0370 693038 Surfer’s Inn, Kuta ** Build, by and for surfers Ph : 0370 655582

Public TAXI Lendang Karun Ph 0370 644 444

Happy Cafe, Senggigi Best place to hang out and listen to live music. International and Japanese menu. December 2011

Gilis Section ( Trawangan - Meno & Air ) 25 minutes boat ride from Lombok or app 2 hours speed boat ride from bali, Gili Islands ( Trawangan, Meno & Ayer ) on the Northern West part of Lombok are famous for the crystal clear water. Diving and Snorkeling is probably one of the best in the world. Surfing on the other hand for these 3 islands are also funtastic but unpredictable . You just need to hang around for awhile before you find the right time, right spot and of course the right swell and tide .... and you probably will ride one of the best wave of your life. While you are waiting, there are lot of thing you can do around these 3 islands,. Party is definately on the list, beside snorkeling and island hopping. Get there fast and then take it slow ..... that’s our best advise.

Gili Trawangan The largest and the most popular out of the 3 gilis. Gili T also known for the party island. Selection of budget accomodation to luxury villas are available as well as for restaurants. Gili Meno Located in the middle of the three gilis, Gili Meno has a salt water park and a bird park. Good for family and those who are on the more nellow mood. Gili Air The closest one to the Lombok Island. Some would say that Gili Air is the original backpacker destination.


December 2011


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The association « Gili Eco Trust » was created in 2002 by the 7 dive shops which were then on the little island of Gili Trawangan to support the SATGAS, an association of local security which was struggling against dynamite and cyanide fishing and its disastrous effects on the coral reefs.

An eco-tax collected from each diver was set up to financially compensate the fishermen who commit themselves to fish without damaging coral and to finance the SATGAS surveillance - Today this eco-tax is from 50,000rp, that is 4€ or US$6. In exchange from the eco-tax or any donation, get the Gili Eco Trust reusable bag ! -

In 2003 the SATGAS, Gili Eco Trust and local fishermen entered into an agreement which banned destructive fishing techniques and defined fishing areas. However, because of all the factors of destruction that touch coral, protecting the reefs is not enough. Thus, the Gili Eco Trust launched in 2004 its cutting-edge Coral Reefs Restoration Program based on the Biorock technology. Biorock is a simple technology: a metal structure, crossed by a low-voltage electric current which is harmless for every organism, is installed on the ocean floor. The current leads to a calcareous precipitation on the whole structure while avoiding the appearance of rust. Corals are directly attached to the structure and will then grow 2 to 6 times faster and be more resistant than in usual conditions, allowing a whole essential ecosystem Since 2004 the Gili Eco Trust has become more independent and has been developing several projects to protect Gili islands’ environment. These three little islands off Lombok, Indonesia, live on a thriving tourism, which at the same time threats the ecological balance of these sea and land paradises. So Gili Eco Trust’s projects are not only about coral protection and restoration, but also about waste management, local population and tourists’ awareness raising, animals’ treatment and erosion’s containment. More on <www.giliecotrust.com>

What is Biorock? Biorock technology has been invented by Professor Wolf Hilbertz and Doctor Thomas J. Goreau at the end of the 1970s. PRINCIPLE Biorock structures are made with crisscrossed metal stems which are crossed by a low-voltage current of 1,2Volts. These structures are installed on the ocean floor and pieces of corals are attached to them. These corals come from reefs in the neighborhood and were broken for various reasons The electric current, which is totally harmless for any organism, leads to electrolysis, causing a calcareous precipitation on the whole structure. This will not only avoid the unwanted appearance of rust which would weaken the structure, but, as coral’s skeleton is made of calcareous, the structure will, thanks to this reaction, become the best place for coral to develop. Thus Biorock technology relies on a very simple principle: reproduction by electrolysis of the natural reaction occurring between coral, sea water, sun and dissolve minerals. RESULTS We should rather say that Biorock technology’s electrolysis is catalysis of the natural reaction and not only a simple reproduction, as this electrolysis enables a coral’s development 2 to 6 times faster than in usual conditions. Normally coral grows from only some centimeters per year. And so getting its growth quicker is an efficient way to restore reefs. Moreover coral on Biorock structures grows stronger and is more resistant to hazards it faces. Hard corals are not the only ones to grow on Biorock structures: tunicates, bivalves, sponges and soft corals also come to develop at speeds higher than the average. On a Biorock structure, their survival and resistance rate is 20 to 50 times higher than in natural environment. Finally, because Biorock technology relies on electrolysis, its impact benefits all corals and ecosystems around the metal structure in a perimeter with a wingspan of about ten meters. These already studied and proved by W. Hilbertz and T. Goreau facts are born out since the 1980s by the efficiency of Biorock structures installed all around the world. These structures contributed to damaged coral reefs’ restoration, enlargement of beaches touched by erosion, repopulation of marine areas with many species of fishes and other sea organisms

The Gili Eco Trust reusable bag -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wood stock HOME STAY eco friendly, organic garden Gili Trawangan, Lombok NTB

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Heaven in Paradise

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December 2011

Harley Angels

band yang sempat menjadi ikon music bali di era tahun 80-90, mereka sudah lama menjadi perintis musib rock Minggu malam (06/11), suasana di serambi antida yang berada tidak jauh dari jalan kesiman diselenggarakan konser music yang bertajuk living legend dari band lawas Harley Angles. Hurley Angels adalah , band ini juga pernah memenangkan juara I festifal music rock se-indonesia versi Zhelebour. Kini band yang berpersonilkan Manto (vocal, gitar), Putu Indrawan (vocal, bass), Dodot (keyboard), Nyoman Kabe (drum) dan vocal utama, Bambang telah eksis kembali. Meskipun saat itu di Serambi Antida sempat di guyur hujan, penonton tetap saja menikmati acara pada malam itu. Acara di mulai dengan pemutaran film documenter tentang perjalanan karir Band Harley Angel yang di garap oleh sutradara muda , Erick EST dari EST production, setelah itu barulah band Harley Angel naik ke atas panggung diiringi teriakan para penonton, fans, dan teman2. Ada hal yang menarik dari Band Harley Angel ini, jika dilihat dari segi permainan

EMONI, sebuah band dengan warna musik tradisional BALI sebagai basic musiknya, dan semua personil berasal dan berakar dari seni musik tradisional Bali. Berawal dari sekaa atau grup kesenian di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Udayana yaitu Sekaa Kesenian Parasu Geni, awalnya mereka hanya bergelut dalam tabuh dan tari Bali kemudian berkembang dan memulai untuk membuat inovasi dalam seni di wilayah kampus. Band etnik yang berpersonilkan, 28

December 2011

musical mereka sudah tergolong best tetapi hingga saat ini mereka belum sempat membuat satu album ataupun single, pada kesempatan konser mereka yang bertajuk living legend ini mereka mencoba meminta bantuan dari teman-teman baik dukungan moril maupun materil, seperti di sela-sela acara MC sempat memberitahukan penonton untuk bisa membeli DVD yang berisikan documenter perjalanan Harley Angels, hal itu sebagai bentuk dukungan kepa-

Gung De, Eka, Yogi, Prama, Deny, Dony, Ngurah dan Edy terbentuk pada awal tahun 2011 tepatnya tanggal 11 Januari 2011. Awalnya mereka hanya iseng membantu band “dkantin” menggarap satu buah lagunya yang bernuansa Bali, jadi mereka coba gabungkan dengan rindik, suling dan kendang. Seiring berjalannya waktu EMONI mencoba berekspresi dengan lagu dan instrument mereka sendiri, dengan mengemas konsep akustik dan genre musik jazz, blues, pop

da band ini agar bisa membuat sebuah album. Personil Harley Angels sangat berterimakasih dengan rekan-rekan yang datang pada pagelaran konser musik yang bertajuk Living legend karena berkat dukungan dan mereka Harley Angels bisa kembali eksis...Maju terus musik indonesia :)

dan rock. Dalam kemasan yang fresh bernuansa etnik bali membuat musiknya easy listening. sebuah single sudah dikemas apik yang berjudul “harmony nada cinta”, lagu bertemakan cinta dikemas dengan sentuhan gitar akustik yang menawan dan dibalut sentuhan rindik dan suling bambu yang harmonis. Pengalaman manggung band ini cukup padat, mulai dari event kecil sampai event berskala besar di festival musik asean baru-baru ini di BTDC. Prestasi band ini juga cukup

membanggakan, mereka pernah mendapat juara 1 dalam “The Amazing Talent” TOM’s Music” dan masuk 6 besar finalis “Road to Soundrenaline 2011 regional Bali –NTT” Memegang motto “Kreasi dengan Inovasi ”, mereka selalu ingin berusaha menampilkan sesuatu yang berbeda dengan yang lain, berkesenian yang dapat membuat hidup ini sejahtera, damai dan harmonis.


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

KEMAYANGAN Minggu ini Magic Wave memilih sebuah restoran di daerah kuta, yang konon di kenal dengan rasa nya yang unik. Di restoran ini punya 2 speciality Kepiting merah dan kepiting hitam, katanya kalau suka merah ga akan suka yang hitam begitu juga sebaliknya. Karena gossip ini kita langsung menuju TKP, dan kebetulan pada hari ini kita juga sempat berbicara dengan chefnya. Dan kami menanyakan perihal ini, chef hanya menjawab “silahkan di cicipi dulu nanti akan tahu jawabanya”. Makin penasaran kita, akhirnya kita memesan 2 jenis kepiting ini dan cumi calaga yang katanya enak banget. Sewaktu makanan ini datang ternyata dari tampangnya saja memang bener ini masakan bikin mulut berair, karena panyajian benar2 sama kayak di foto yang di pajang. Dan pembaca ternyata setelah kita santap 2 jenis kepiting ini, memang bener. Saya suka dengan kepiting merah lv.2 rasa

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Humans and alcoholic drinks have been linked up to 10.000 BC, where archeologist discovered the fact of purposely fermented drinks. From this prehistoric drink, approximately 7-12% of the world’s population has an alcohol related disease. What Happens After Drinking Alcohol? Alcohol affects virtually every organ system in the body. The main immediate effect is in the brain altering the neuro-transmission system and result in increased endomorphines which explain its euphoric effect. On the other hand it will suppress other systems in the brain which will reduce anxiety, cause drowsiness and makes your motoric movement and reflexes slower. That is why people tend to get into more accidents after drinking. The increased opiate receptors in the brain plus the euphoric calming effect commonly is the reason for alcohol craving, leading to tolerance, needing a higher dose to get the effect. The end result is alcohol dependency. After prolonged drinking your body will develop changes. When the person stops drinking, the opposite happens, ie. the brain becomes excited. This leads to withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, hallucination and inability to sleep. When someone drinks too much alcohol in a short period, intoxication can develop. The brain depression Download online


nya pas banget, karena khusus kepiting merah ada level 0 sd 4 buat tingkat kepedesannya. Sejujurnya saya benar2 harus bilang kalo kepiting merah ini benar2 unik tidak seperti Singaporean chili crab atau kepiting saus padang. Untuk yang kepiting hitam enak tapi tetep memilih merah daripada saya berdebat dengan kawan saya. Karena menurut dia kepiting hitam rasa nya lada hitam nya benar-benar Hao Ce effects can be so strong, causing unconsciousness or coma and can stop breathing. Without medical intervention, this will lead to death. Long Term Complications • Liver disorders. Alcohol needs to be metabolized before it can be excreted. Liver is the main organ for alcohol metabolism. Drinking heavily will overwork the liver, which can cause alcoholic hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. After years of drinking, hepatitis may lead to the irreversible and progressive destruction and scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). • Digestive problems. Alcohol can result in inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis) and can interfere with absorption of B vitamins and other nutrients. Heavy drinking can also damage your pancreas, which produces the hormones that regulate your metabolism and the enzymes that help digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates. • Heart problems. Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and increases your risk of heart failure or stroke. • Diabetes complications. Alcohol interferes with the release of glucose from your liver and can increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This is dangerous if you have diabetes and are already taking insulin to lower your blood sugar level. • Sexual function and menstruation. Alcohol abuse can cause erectile dysfunction in men. In women, it can interrupt menstruation. • Eye problems. Over time, excessive alcohol use can cause weakness and paralysis of your eye muscles. • Birth defects. Alcohol use during pregnancy may cause fetal alco-

(enak benerrrr…). Untungnya ada cumi calaga dimana saya dan kawan sepakat kalau cumi ini enak, tidak berminyak, pedes, gurih dan asin. Sewaktu kita berdebat saya bisa melihat si chef cuma senyum2 saja dari bar, restoran ini memang sengaja mendatangkan kepiting nya dari Kalimantan dan Irian jadi kualitas dan kesegeran nya terjamin banget. Baru kali ini ada restoran berani kasih jaminan kalo ada masakan kepitingnya tidak hol syndrome, resulting in giving birth to a child who has physical and developmental problems. • Bone loss. Alcohol may interfere with the production of new bone. This can lead to thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) and an increased risk of fractures. • Neurological complications. Excessive drinking can affect your nervous system, causing numbness of your hands and feet, disordered thinking, dementia and short-term memory loss. • Increased risk of cancer. Chronic alcohol abuse has been linked to a higher risk of numerous cancers, including mouth, throat, liver, colon and breast cancer. Drink Safely A drink is defined as one 12-oz (355 ml) beer, one 5-oz (148 ml) glass of wine, or one mixed drink containing

puas, langsung di ganti yang baru, EDAN….chef we salute, two thumbs up. Jadi pembaca saya sangat sarankan untuk coba mampir dan makan direstoran ini, kalo kalian dah pada bosen makanan seafood yang biasa2 saja di Bali. Yang ini benar2 pantas untuk anda coba. Tunggu review kita selanjutnya. Terimakasih.

1.5 oz (44 ml) of spirits (80-proof). Drinking in a moderate amount is considered safe. This is defined as drinking no more than 1 drink/day for women or no more than 2 drinks/ day for men. Avoid binge drinking, ie. 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about 2 hours. This leads to hazardous immediate effects, not only to the person who is drinking but also to bystanders. If someone you know or you yourself are starting to develop alcohol dependency, or you think moderate drinking is not enough for you, talk to your doctor for ways to treat them early and avoid the complications from prolonged drinking. Saving your life can also save someone else’s life.

December 2011


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )


H i p s t e r

upa ik Sid r 88 E : ari 19 u r Nama b e : 25 F TTL ate y : Sk b flip b o H d Kill n y S : or Spons Setelah Team Magic Wave sudah mencari-cari kemana keberadaan skater yang satu ini (seperti lagu aja ya…he… he…he…), dan di sms tidak di balas karena hp nya mati, dan harus nanya kesana kemari dan untungnya ketemu juga dengan si bro yang satu ini. Hai…? Hai juga… Oya kenapa ni kok gak maen ? Iya ni aku lagi ada acara Kita mau ganggu-ganggu bentar ngomong-ngomong ni sudah berapa lama ni kamu maen skate ? Ow itu ya kira-kira sudah 7 tahun wow lama juga, selama 7 tahun itu pasti ada donk pengalaman terbaik yang pernah kamu alamin ? Ada donk . . . . Waktu aku cek spot di Negara, nginep 1 hari 2 malam di hotel :p Uuu . . . enak tu , nah sekarang apa ni pengalaman terburuk kamu ? Jatuh saat maen Hahaha iya lah semua juga tau jatuh gak enak Trus pendapat kamu tentang skate apa ? Skate it kegiatan yang positif, membuat kita menjadi lebih kreatif Kira-kira banyak gak ngeluarin duit buat maen skate ? Berapa pun duit yang keluar , asal sudah bermain skate semua terbayar kalo sudah bermain, tapi kalo berangkat terus hujan itu baru rugi ! Wkwkwkwkwk Hehehe rugi juga tu Spot yang kamu suka dmna aja ?

Kalo aku di terminal gianyar, taman kota Negara, sekolah di klungkung ( lupa nama sekolah nya) , sama di mertesari Wah . . jauh-jauh juga Skater favorite kamu siapa aja ? Gus pras, didik, yogi,riki candra,dewa oka,leong,remot ( semua skater local bali deah) Hobby di luar skate apa aja ? Makan dan tidur Semua juga kayak gitu -_Ok . . ok . . . Harapan kedepan untuk skate apa ? Harapan ya . . . . Ya pemerintah sih selalu support kita itu aja sudah bagus trus lebih banyak membuat skate park di bali dan skater – skater juga harus lebih kompak Skateboarding is something that you can’t imagine. foto by text wayan

Buat teman-teman pencinta dan penikmat musik pasti tahu kalu nirvana, pearl jam, dan soundgarden itu adalah king of the music grunge. Nah buat kalian2 pecinta musik terutama yang bergenre grunge ada kabar gembira lho, kemaren Magic wave kebagian satu CD dari teman surfer sekaligus musisi Dully. Album yang diberi nama yang berisikan 10 lagu seperti dance, gothic artist, black, i want to surf, b, ewoc, hey friends, kiss, sakti, settle down. Dalam lagu-lagunya terasa banget alunan2 grunge yang merasuki telinga kita seperti dalam permainan gitar dan suara vokalnya yang khas. Dalam albumnya ini dully juga menggambarkan

kecintaannya terhadap surfing seperti pada lagu “i want to surf”. Buat kalian yang pengen denger dan punya lagu2nya dully silahkan dateng aja ke kantor magicwave silahkan copas...salam surfing

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December 2011

News, Fuses & Clues

Just for a thought ...........fb/lingkarganjanusantara

Coming soon ! Indonesian Tato Book ; Tattoo Gallery Compilation 1 - 40 tattooist in 1 book - Tebal 100 Halaman - 2 Bahasa indonesia - Inggris. Cover Art Cartoon 310. Content Art Paper 150 gr More details fb/redaksi_magicink


----------------------------------------1st annual Eco Surf Rescue Uluwatu Paddle Out on Nov 27th. Take care of Uluwatu and Uluwatu will take care of Us. At this occasion, Rip Curl Asia presented Rp 54.000.000 to ESRU, from the benefit os selling Rip Curl Padang Padang Contest merhandise.


Congratulation to Denny Affandy & Firda Alfata on their wedding , November 26 - 2011. Denny is an Aceh surfer and the active contributor of Magic Wave. Pinter ... pas musim hujan, nikahnya.


Elevate Bali close from 26 Nov -13 Jan, Open again on Jan 14. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Indonesia’s 18 y.o Sandi Slamet wins Taitung County 2011 International Surf Challenge. Taiwan 25- 27 Nov. Complete report will be on the next edition.


Bali Beach UP Program Handover Ceremony Pagi (18/11) tepatnya di balawista pantai kuta sebelah patung penyu diadakan acara Bali Beach UP Program Handrover Ceremony. Acara ini di hadiri oleh managing director Coca Cola Amatil dari Sydney, Terry Davis serta Bendesa adat, dan SATGAS. Acara ini beragendakan pertemuan antara managing director coca-cola amatil Sydney, bendesa adat, dan SATGAS ini berlangsung sekitar satu jam, Membahas tentang Bali Beach UP Program. Sebuah program kebersihan pantai di Bali.


December 2011

KELUARGA Blanco dengan tulus melibatkan diri dalam program ‘’Wonderful Indonesia’’ yang dicanangkan Pemerintah RI tahun ini. Bentuk keterlibatan mereka adalah dengan memamerkan karya-karya maestro Don Antonio Blanco dan putranya Mario Blanco di Sydney dan Melbourne, 9-17 November 2011.



( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

Elevate Final Skate Contest 2011

Sabtu tgl 5 november 2011 kontes skate final di Elevate Skate Park berjalan dengan baik , kekompakan peserta yang sangat antusias , dari berbagai daerah bali bahkan peserta dari singaraja ikut memeriahkan kontes skate ini. Himbauan kami dari pihak panitia

sponsor : rip curl , motion , RMN , cult

elevate bahwa kontes skate di elevate

, globe , mash potatoes , magic wave



bukan ajang kompetisi saja , tetapi

, elevate , 360 . kami sebagai panitia



juga menjalin hubungan yang baik

mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas


agung Satria

antar para skater di setiap daerah di

dukungan dan supportnya.

Best Trik Ramp Open :

bali. Mengasah mental peserta untuk

Pemula :


berkompetensi dan saling mendukung




skater generasi baru.




Terlaksananya kontes skateboarding



fakie, fakie cab 50, fakie sw 50-50

ini berkat kerja keras para juri seperti



fakie out)

Photo by : Ado

: yogi , remote , itop , indra , dan

Menengah :

Best Trik Box Open :

Text By : Made Bukit

teman-teman dan tidak lupa pihak



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tobi (sw blund, bs 50 long to

50-50 fs out) 2.

ruso : (kickflip bs 50-50)

Keanue : (tailslide,tailslide to

sam : (kickflip bs 50, kickflip bs December 2011


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

THE MAGNACON SS vert The Magnacon SS ideal for co at Le operations, clocking splits The , Mans or Martinis in Monaco raMagnacon SS has style and du bility like no other. The Magna : Swiss con SS comes equipped with Made - six hand chronograph movement, coated stainless iststeel case, 10 atm water res screw ance rating, triple gasket crown, scratch resistant sap solid phire crystal, and custom stainless, steel with double locking clasp. NIXON SKATE TEAM WELCOMES TOREY PUDWILL Torey Pudwill voted onto the Nixon skate team SINGAPORE, ASIA - Nixon is proud to announce the newest addition of pro skater Torey Pudwill to the Nixon team. The current Nixon skate team unanimously voted Torey on and he now joins the likes of Tony Hawk, Paul Rodriguez, Andrew Reynolds, Bob Burnquist, Colin McKay, Danny Way, Ryan Sheckler and Rick McCrank. Nixon skater, Colin McKay expresses, “I’m stoked to have Torey on Nixon because he is simply one of the raddest individuals in allof skateboarding.”Torey started his skating career in Simi Valley at Old Shorty’s skatepark, gaining more and more recognition as the years passed. A video clip surfaced online, and Torey became an instant success with his innovative style and technique prowess. Paul Rodriguez and Colin McKay urged the addition of Torey to the Nixon skate lineup and brought him up and onto the team. With his own solo video, Big Bang, Torey has set himself on the map as one of the most high-powered skaters out there. Focused now on filming, Torey is currently training and pushing the limits as a strong and successful skater. Torey Pudwill has fulfilled his dream of becoming a pro skateboarder. His career path started as a teenager, as he was featured in a few short videos showcasing his skills around Simi Valley, CA. He began competing in contests at age 18, and at age 20, a video clip surfaced online, and Torey became the new king of pop among skateboarders, flipping off rails and ledges in Paul Rodriguez’s training facility. The skateboarding industry instantly latched on to Torey. Torey was appointed the Berrics Battle Commander and released an epicvideo part on the Berrics website. Rob Dydek personally appointed Torey as the master of ceremonies of each Street League press conference. In 2011 alone, Torey won best trick at the Tampa Pro with his newly coined grizzly flip, and he scored a 9.0 at Street League in Kansas City for his nollie kickflip backside lip slide. He consistently made it to the finals at Street League in 2010 and 2011. Aside from his busy contest schedule, Torey has spent nearly every day focusing on filming. He released a full video part for Plan B Skateboards in the middle of summer. In it, he pulls a number of lip slide combos, flip ins and flip outs, lots of pop, and a huge back tail at the end. Torey is currently training and pushing himself to have a very successful and strong future in skateboarding. Download online


December 2011


December 2011


( Nov 28 - Likes 7.401 )

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