Bali Advertiser: 10 August 2022

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Body & Spirit



ind hange hen to orr IfPlanning not Immortality what about The 120 Club? for the End of Your Life

How often do you walk into a room and wonder why ho will end uouwith your ooks tchotskes, you’re there focus hard, grit and youryour teeth, and try My good friend in you 2005change aged your gadgets your toolsdied when to remem er, and utAlexander comegarden u Everett lank. ou retrace your 85 on his ranch in Oregon. It wasn’t really a ranch, yourscosmic address aton the end of your ack, life it dawns ste and somewhere that journey more Ark.wanted Alexander just to hang on youlike whyanyou to go to liked the room in out rst with animals, certainly not eat them. Hewas an lace. A niggling thought knocks on the inside of It’s probably the easiest and least onerous part of your educationalist and an English eccentric much your head, I ho e I’m not losing my memory . estate planning to make a list of all your possessions and in uenced y udolf teiner and Huxley’s erennial decide who will get the stuff you have accumulated all these ou start to that words escape youin- the words 0s or hiloso hy,notice who decam ed to Oregon years. that ill Junior get you yourknow. pornoTry movie collection our names you ecoming you a know leading gure inas you the might, ersonal daughter might likeup. some jewellery or family heirlooms can’t dredge them Then sometime later, or in the develo ment movement that ecame o ular at that maybe your best your gadgets wee hours the friend morning, theappreciate elusive intoor time. As a of young man would he had een criword ledpops y olio your head completely garden tools.unannounced, ouhave have made ast He illspontaneously. and Testament ut claimed to curedyour himself. was, he told elief That oods you. Nope, de nitely not getting Good. takes yourluI’m estate, possessions and me a mem er ofcare the of20 , all ofyour whom committed dementia.’ nancial accounts and settles your preferences. Or does it themselves to live to e over 20 years old. Alas, Alexander didn’t make it. He died 35 years ou’ve just short been Estate aged 85,lanning which is res ecta le. using an object, like your favorite pen, glasses, oris Somewhere around the age of 18 oryour 19 ourof bodies cease Planning for the dissolution and distribution your estate when your developing and frombut that moment on thea various body not that cumbersome you need tokeys, take few things into attention springs to clocks that comprise is us,property start their account, especially if what you have or aremoseless foot in two something else and countdown esides to our the eventual demise. How countries. bequests and provisions your last whenon it snaps back, long wetestament last from should that point on depends will and appoint anyou executor who will life take can’t for the good of luck, our genes, our lifestyle and how care administrative and nancial matters such of you nd theas much money weand have. The process doesn’tyour liquidating bank investment accounts, pension darned thing. ouor usually start to manifest visibly until look our high low retirement accounts, ensuring your assets go to and the proper mid-30s or so and, given good genes, thenIt you bene ciaries, paying any debts orand taxes. couldlook also psychologically we don’t usually high start and to low again. include selling your home or terminating your lease. And feel old until our early 70s. you stumble across it, right Sometime during the day, with foreign rights and restricted in Indonesia, be sure where you’dproperty laid it down, wonder if you’re getting you don’t leave behind a can of worms your executor will Alzheimer’s. Here’s what we’re all up against: have to deal with. If ithronic isn’t enough that we doubt our own brain function, we In ammation hear morelittle andinmore stories about or memory loss. Evenorif read you have the way of assets possessions, And there’s a good reasonwill for because that. There aredie nearly 5 you should have a simple if you intestate Aging people suffer an epidemic of outward million people worldwide with Alzheimer’s and related the legal system in your location decide who gets your in ammatory diseases such aswillarthritis, dementias, and unless a cure is found, that number but chronic in ammation also damages assets, no matter how massive or meager. Things are more could easily triple by 2050. brain cells, arterial walls, valves and complicated if you are theheart parent or guardian of a minor other structures in the body. Heart child, informally adopted or attack, sponsored childand and hat’shave thean Difference etween Dementia stroke, heart valve failure, and Alzheimer’s Al heimer’s Disease there’s no document stating what you want to bequeath have orall linked to the them whobeen will care for them afterchronic your demise. y the Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability in ammatory cascade. same token, are you making some provisions for your - a decline severe enough to interfere with the functioning faithful may lose jobs and probably have ano of dailystaff life.who Dementia is their not a disease, but rather Glycosylation retirement or nancial cushion to fall back on symptom, much like a fever is not a disease but a symptom of illness. Diabetics age prematurely, but even non-diabetics suffer Another thing to consider is to make sure that your will does from this chemical reaction, where protein molecules Some diseasesthe with dementia as ciaries a symptom, as not contradict account bene namedsuch on your bind to glucose vitamin molecules forming and non-functioning thyroid problems, de ciencies, depression retirement accounts, life insurance policies and the like. structures. Glycosylation most evidentut dementia in senile can be reversed if diagnosedisearly enough. The personstiffening listed asofthe ciary and on each of those thebene arteries, degenerative isdementia, most commonly associated with Alzheimer’s. policies will get the money even if your will says otherwise. diseases of the eye. Make sure your ciary designations up to datethat and Alzheimer’s is bene an incurable terminalaredisease sync with any other provisions you have made. It damages theDe brain, breaking down the physical Methylation cit legal connections thatthe arebene necessary newaccounts. information,ou pays to review ciariestoonstore all your retrieve old information, feel able to Our not cellular DNA requires constant action for may be ready to die and incompassion, fact enzymatic may yetbe have a long reason, and to problem solve. It progresses relentlessly, maintenance and repair. Aging cripples methylation bout of life ahead of you but remember that things change, until nally, if something else doesn’t get the person, metabolism causing DNA damage that can manifest as people come and go in your life and situations alter. e sure they die of starvation because the brain can no longer cancer, liver damage and brain cellwill. degeneration. these changes are updated in your communicate to the body the need to swallow. Mitochondrial Energy De y now you’re in your seat wondering Including your probably will, makesquirming a listletion of critical documents that the what the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is perfectly will’s executor will need to settle are yourThis estate like your The cellular energy powerhouse, themore mitochondria, normal. Studies show bank that people are afraid of insurance policies, and investment account requires a complexthan series of chemicals to maintain getting Alzheimer’s cancer. At least you have a statements, credit and debit cards, pension and tax chance cancer. critical with functions such as transporting nutrients through documents and pertinent information like your Social

en arning igns Security or National Insurance numbers and make sure you the and purging of toxic tell cell yourmembrane family carers where tothendcell them. This debris. includes According to the or American Alzheimer’s Organization, there Mitochondrial depletion lead to congestive heart failure, passwords so your accounts can be accessed. Other are 10 warning signsonline of possible Alzheimer’s Disease. All muscle and neurological disease. of theseweakness, characteristics may not be the present. It of takes only practical directivesfatigue should address paying any taxes one toutility suggest trip to a geriatric neurologist. due, bills,a recurring payments or donations. Any time Hormone Im alance a major change occurs in your life, make sure your will and . Memory oss that Disru ts Daily ife - not being able last directives re ect it. to remember new forgetting important dates Trillions of cells in information, the human body are synchronised to or events,byasking the same questions over and over. In function chemical signals called hormones. Aging End of life references contrast, a typical age-related change would be forgetting creates hormonal imbalance that can lead to depression, names or appointments but disease remembering them later. In osteoporosis, coronary heart and loss of libido. other know that you’ve Nowwords, that theyou estate portion of yourforgotten. bounty is settled, have you givenalci a thought Excess cation to the other end-of-life decisions you 2. hallenges in lanning or say, ro of lem olving losing need to make while still, as they sound and competent the ability to do simple math, solving problems, organizing mind ions hat are about drawing up a and ivingout illofthat will instruct Calcium transported into cells through things, keeping track of recipes or monthly bills. Some your nearest and dearest how you want to be cared calciummay channels into the membrane. Aging disrupts thisfor people experience changes in their ability to develop when you are no longer in a position to verbalise coherent process andathe result is excess in the of thea and follow plan or work with calcium numbers. In cells contrast, typical age-related change would be important making occasional thoughts emember are very instructions brain, heart valves andthere arterial walls that can lead to errors whento balancing aofcheckbook or adding numbers. arteriosclerosis andend Alzheimer’s. in regards your life preferences that up simply do not belong in a ast ill and Testament since that document will 3. Dif culty om leting amiliar asks - sometimes not be read until after your death. people have trouble driving a familiar route or forgetting the rules of a game. My husband, ob, was in year ve of Alzheimer’s when he went out to do grocery shopping and didn’t come home for four hours. He was so scared when he found me again, he was shaking. The car was strewn with open maps he couldn’t make heads or tails of. A natural age-related change would be missing a street or freeway exit, but knowing you have. Or you may occasionally need tech help with your computer. . onfusion with ime or lace people with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, places or seasons. Sometimes they forget where they are or how they got there. One night, ob and I were in bed. He started to get up. here are you going, I asked I have to go home to my wife, he said. I am your wife. He sheepishly replied, Oh and crawled back into bed. A natural age-related change might be forgetting someone’s birthday but guring it out later. 5. rou le nderstanding isual Images and atial elationshi s - for some people, having vision problems is a sign of Alzheimer’s. They may have dif culty reading, judging distance and determining color or contrast, which atty Acid Im alance may cause problems with driving. A natural age-related change could be visual changes due to cataracts or other The body requires essential fatty acids to maintain cell eye problems. energy output. Aging causes alterations in the enzymes required to convert dietary fats eaking into speci fatty acids the .The ro western lems with ords inthat or c up riting -Advance people way effect to doof isacid to imbalance draw an body requires. The fatty manifests with Alzheimer’s may have dif culty following a Directive, and binding document that outlines your as irregulara legal heartbeat, joint conversation. They stop in the degeneration, middle and arelow not energy, be sure wishes if you become incapacitated due to illness or injury. hyper-coagulation, drymay skin struggle and a host of other how to continue. The with words,conditions. forgetting It names sets forth the speci c lifesupporting the of things. I started to notice that or ob prolonging used the measures likeof applied -or not-name. like resuscitation word thing’ you a lotwould instead the object’s He would DNA Mutation say, Pass that thing to stir stuff with, when what or CP , orme whether to end all this life-saving measures. our he wanted was abespoon todown stir his iced tea. A natural age-to wishes should written and the document given Numerous synthetic and natural compounds mutate related change would becancer sometimes not nding the right cellular DNAmost and cause to form. cells the people likely to be closecells at the time of Aging your demise. word or temporarily forgetting a word. lose DNA and the result is outheir should notgene leaverepair thesemechanisms agonizing decisions to others. DNA genetic damage causes cells totype proliferate out wish of These instructions should include the of care you . Mis lacing hings and osing the A ility to etrace control, turn intowith cancer cells. to medical team and the hospital to end te have, s - i.e., athe person Alzheimer’s mightyou putwant things in strange They things andhere not inbeIndonesia able to up in. places. If you wish to may be anlose organ donor Immune nd They may accuse others of stealingNational from them. youthem. canDysfunction register with omite Transplantasi (the This was a biggie for us. I would nd towels rolled up(with National Transplant Committee) or the Eye ank ank For a variety ofbathroom reasons, I’d thesearched aging immune loses things from the for. In system his mind, ob Mata Indonesia) ahead of time and stipulate that in your was packing to be ready to travel because traveling its ability to attack bacteria, viruses and cancer cells.was In directive.

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such a big part of our life together. A natural age-related our instructions should also indicate your wishes for change would be occasionally misplacing something but aging humans, excessive levelscremation of dangerous cytokines preferred last rites,steps burial, or repatriation being able to retrace to nd it. are produced that cause the immune system to turn on its preferences, appoint a funeral service and a trusted host and create auto-immune diseases,, such as allergies, relative or friend who agrees to take care of all that. Also lupus, anemia, disease arthritis. 8. Decreased or behind oorheart udgment don’t forget to rheumatoid leave a list of familyand andpeople friends with you Alzheimer’s might experience changes in judgment or want noti ed. Next of kin’ may not be near if you have Non Digestive EnThey yme may Im alance decision-making. be duped into giving money family in another country. Indonesian Immigration and to telemarketers or pay less attention to grooming or your consulate also need to be informed. keepingcellular themselves clean. A natural age-related change Internal functions depend on multiple enzymatic might be occurring making a with bad decision from time to time, like reactions precise timing. Aging causes And now for the big caveat: emember that every country buying something you need. enzyme disturbances indidn’t the brain and liver, which result in has itsneurological own norms diseases and regulations it comesorto severe such aswhen Parkinson’s durable health careloss. and appointing a Activities health care proxy. . ithdrawal from ork or ocial -a person persistent memory Impaired liver function results inIf with Alzheimer’s may start to remove themselves from you plan to die in Indonesia you are well advised to inform toxic damage to every cell in the body. hobbies, social work projects sports.survey They yourself of the activities, practices here. In fact, or a quick may have trouble following T programs. A natural ageamong a few ali lawyers reveals that unfortunately, the Digestive En yme De cit related change might be sometimes tiring of work, family Indonesian law system does not recognise a iving ill. and social situations and needing more alone time. The aging pancreas digestive However, you canoften drawfails uptoasecrete privateenough statement letter enzymes, while the aging liver does not secrete enough regarding your medical directives and wishes on how 0. hanges in Mood and ersonality sometimes bile acids. The results are the chronic digestive problems medical personnel should treat you in case of a lethal people with Alzheimer’s become confused, suspicious, many as they age. depressed, fearful, or face anxious. They may be your easilywishes upset condition. This statement letter only indicates with when are out of their comfort zone. and others does not havethey the strong enforcement capacity like aA normal change mightthese comematters from developing Excitotoxicity will. It age-related behoves you to discuss with your speci c ways of doing things and becoming irritable when private physician now and see where you stand. that routine is disrupted. The aging brain loses control of its release of neurotransmitters such as Inhen the to end it doesn’t really matter or does it to you Get Hel glutamate and dopamine, and this results in devastating brain cell damage and Statistics claim that nearly half of people age The Alzheimer’s Organization suggests that55if and youolder or a destruction. loved one a has these characteristics to getforit don’t have will.any I betofthe percentage is even higher checked out,a sooner rather than later. not having iving ill. et irculatory Deit is citimportant to document your end-of-life preferences and communicate those to It’s important to nd a specialist who understands the your family and/or the people that likely totobe near you Microcapillary oware of misinformation blood the brain, elder brain. ob and I were given by a at that crucial time. Putting a plan in place for things like and skin because is impaired asdidn’t a partknow of psychiatrist andeye neurologist they medical care and funeral arrangements helps ensure that normal aging. The result is that disorders much about dementia. oth said they hoped their brain upon be your death, your wishes out macular and of the eye (such ascarried cataract, would in as good a shape as are ob’s when they werethat his degeneration, glaucoma) are the age. This plunged us back into denial and kept usNo.1 from family squabbles are avoided over your dead body. In getting early on.arrangements, age-related degenerative Major terms help of funeral you disease. can leave the and mini-strokes are common problems arrangements to a competent service like Antara angsa The next time you go into a room and forget whytoyou’re associated the Funeral Services. Expats with in circulatory ali concur de theycitare very there, or a good friends’ name escapes you, or you brain. good and take care of the details. misplace your glasses for the umpteenth time in a day, just chalk ittress up to natural age-related changes Oxidative Don’t wait put retrace your affairs order.the Now, whilename you are unless you to can’t yourinsteps, friend’s not still hale and come healthyback and but still the have control of your only doesn’t Free radicals are unstable molecules that have been person looks unfamiliar, and of you’re belongings and the execution your last wishes, is the implicated in most associated with aging. sure someone stolediseases thosein missing best time to put some order your end of life preferences. Antioxidants have become popular supplements to glasses. Don’t wait untilfree-radical-induced life’s inevitable loopscell throw you a curve and protect against damage, but few beat you to it. people combination of antioxidant Susan’stake book the ieceproper by iece: ove in supplements needed tosdo any the and of Alzheimer is available Ubud’s Ganesha ook Store, Threads of ife, or on Amazon. By Byusan Ines Wynn By Tereba hari hari ByBy Adrian The Boomer Boomer Corner Corner isis aa column column dedicated dedicated to to people people over over The The Boomer Corner is aa column dedicated to over over The Boomer Corner is column to people people over 60living living inBali. Bali. Itsmandate mandate is to todedicated cover topics, topics, practicalities, 60 in Its is cover practicalities, practicalities, 60 living mandate isis to cover topics, 60activities, living in in Bali. Bali. Its Itsconcerns mandateand to coverrelated topics,practicalities, issues, events topracticalities, senior life life in in activities,issues, issues, concernsand andevents events relatedtoto senior activities, concerns related senior inin activities, issues, concerns and events related to senior life lifein Bali.We Wewelcome welcomesuggestions suggestionsfrom fromreaders. readers. Bali. Bali. We welcome suggestions Bali. Weus welcome suggestionsfrom fromreaders. readers. E-mail E-mail us atat : E-mail E-mail us us at at :: Copyright 2020 Boomer Corner Copyright 2019 Boomer Corner Copyright ©©©© 2019 Boomer Corner Copyright 2019Boomer Boomer Cornerof Copyright © 2019 Corner You can read all past articles You can read all past articles of You can read all past articles ofof You can read all past articles You canatread all past articlesof Boomer Corner Boomer Corner Boomer Corner at Boomer BoomerCorner Cornerat

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