British Association of Landscape Industries - Landscape News - Summer 2021

Page 48


Written by Stephen Ensell Education Officer (GoLandscape)

Making the most of recruitment in the new normal


s we slowly move out of lockdown and into the new normal, I am encouraged that nearly every landscape business I have spoken to is having a record time in terms of landscape bookings. This means companies are looking to grow their workforces and recruit more staff.

Where to start

Replacing a member of staff that has left is often easier, as you have an idea of what you need in the role. Adding a new member to the team in an additional role will need some consideration. Sometimes it seems like the easiest option is just to poach what you need from another company, especially because you feel you can put them to work straight away. But remember what you have done to get that employee, could happen to you. If we have any hope of making an impact on our industries skills gap, we need to be bringing fresh talent in, this means you may need to think outside the box.

Career changers

It’s sad to say that in present circumstances, many have and will be made redundant. While most of these may not have specific landscape/ horticulture skills and experience, they will have transferable skills and an excellent work ethic. With a little support and training, many could fill positions in landscape companies.

Making the most of government support

There are financial incentives out there to support employers and if you access them in the right order, you can tap into more than one. The Kickstart Scheme gives you financial support to create new sixmonth job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

It pays 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, Employer National Insurance, minimum automatic pension enrolment contributions, and £1,500 per job placement for setup costs, support, and training. Traineeships can last from six weeks to one year (although most will last for less than six months). It’s for 16-to 24-year-olds, and if it’s a new position, employers also receive an incentive payment of £1,000 per trainee (max 10).

When offering a traineeship work placement, you need to provide:

• Safe, meaningful, and high-quality work experience, between 70 and 240 hours over the duration of the traineeship (maximum of one year)

• An interview for an apprenticeship or job at the end of the traineeship if one is available, or an exit interview. The traineeship is free to your business, but you may support trainees with expenses such as transport and meals.

The real advantage of the traineeship is it can be a minimum of six weeks, which means if it’s not working out, you can move them on as opposed to the six months with the Kickstart Scheme. Whichever you option you choose however, both solutions allow you to get to know the individual and if suitable, you can move them onto an apprenticeship and claim the next wave of benefits.


In England, the government is offering £3,000 if you hire an apprentice between 1st April 2021 and 30th September 2021.

To access this, you will claim directly with the government’s Apprenticeship Service to receive direct payment. There is no limit to the number of apprentices you can take on or incentive payments you can receive.

There are a few conditions; they must be a new apprentice, and they cannot have worked for you within the last six months, prior to their (apprenticeship) contract start date. Apprentices who have been made redundant are eligible if they are a new employee to your organisation. Even if they already have qualifications, as long as the new apprenticeship is significantly different to the previous one, you can still access the incentives. On top of these benefits, you can also receive an additional £1,000 by hiring an apprentice aged 16-18 or an apprentice aged 19-24 who has a Local Authority Education or Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If you found this article interesting and would like to read similar articles online visit

GO Landscape building real careers



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