sports / news / life lessons
make a difference in the lives of your teammates, league, and city.
Hello Ballers: This is the first edition of Baller Magazine highlighting the sports, news, and life lessons of Baller Athletics. Each sport, basketball, action sports, and soccer will receive a magazine with content designed specifically for that sport. Want to be on the cover of Baller Magazine? Send us your best league or camp photos to and we could use it on our next cover or in a featured story inside the magazine. Also, we are interested in any video taken from a Baller sport league or camp. Send any video footage to the email above as well. Have a story that impacted your life through a Baller Basketball league or camp? Let us know. We would love to hear about your story. We are excited for the up and coming season and are glad that you are participating with us. We are all on the same team. We hope to continue to encourage you to pursue athletic excellence, character, and a life that is honoring to God. Let us know what you think of the new Baller Magazine and any suggestions of what you would like to see in the magazine. Contact us at the email highlighted above, on Facebook at ballerathletics, or Twitter ballerathletics. We would like to present a PLAYER’S CHALLENGE to you. There will be temptations throughout the season and in games to compromise and have a win-at-allcosts mind set. Don’t give in. Challenge yourself and your teammates to be the best they can be but without losing sight of the big picture. Additionally, there will be times this season where you will want to work more on the athletics side than investing quality time with the life lesson devotions. Don’t do it. Pray to God for a balanced mind set throughout the season. Work hard during your practice time, games, and on your own. That’s a good thing. But also pray for a heart that desires to have a real relationship with God. Pray that God will use you to
Sports culture can be ugly at times. Sometimes we add to the ugly with our attitudes and actions. Let’s join together in cultivating a better sports culture one church, one league, one camp, one team, one coach, one referee, and one player at a time. May God be honored in your league or camp and with how you play the game of basketball and the character you have. With God’s help this player challenge could be a reality. Pray it. Believe it. Do it. May God bless your play and your league or camp this season for his glory. Have a great season. Be the best you can be in athletics and in life.
God bless, Baller Athletics
CONTENTS Baller Magazine Copyright Š 2012-13 Baller Athletics. Online: Email: Mail: 1294 La Subida Ct. Riverside, CA 92507 Baller Magazine is published yearly for each sport of Baller Athletics. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of Baller Athletics.
PRAYER 101 Lesson 7
24 On the Cover
FEATURED: The cover image pictures players from a basketball camp at Arrowhead Christian Academy, Redlands, CA.
Sports | History | Culture
Baller Action Spotlight Baller Soccer Preview The Origins of Basketball The 13 Original Rules of Basket Ball Book List Music Artists Video
9 11 13 15 17 19 23
2012-2013 4
ho or what do you fear most in life? And if you do have fear, why is that? Read this verse:
“Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the LORD, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.� Psalms 34:8-9 (NLT) Principle: It sounds weird when God tells us that it is good for us to fear him. It would come across wrong if we were to say the same thing. But not with God. Fear of the Lord is a good and healthy thing. To have fear for God means to have reverence, honor, and respect for him. It means that you respectfully listen to God and know that what he says is serious. Fear of the Lord means that you realize that there is consequences for your actions. This is not crazy talk. God is worthy to be viewed and treated with a reverent, healthy fear. Keys in fearing the Lord: Approach God with reverence and honor. When you pray and read your bible take is seriously. Live your life knowing that God sees all things and that you are accountable for your actions. Have peace in the fact that he promises those that fear him will have all they need and joy. Pray and ask God to continue to give you a heart that fears and honors him. Pray that you experience how good the Lord is and the joy there is in his presence.
If you are really having trouble with the thought that God allows difficult things to happen for the good of his people, just think back to the cross. God allowed Jesus to suffer and die on the cross for our sins and our ultimate good.
Pray to God to help you trust in him and his promises even when difficult times come in life.
Life Lesson 2
as there ever been a time in your life when you felt like things had gotten out of control? Have you ever been let down by someone or something? The Bible says the following:
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 (NLT) Principle: Bad things happen in life. Things do seem like they get out of control and people do let us down. This is not a surprise to God. God is still sovereign, meaning, he is all knowing, all powerful, and in control of all things. Sometimes God allows difficult things to happen for our good and for reasons we might not understand. God might be teaching or shaping our character through life circumstances. He might be preparing us for future service or so that we can take our experiences and help someone else who is going through something similar. Keys to trusting in Gods sovereignty: Even if God allows you to go through something tough in life, realize that he still loves you and has purposes for you. Rest in God’s promises despite your circumstances.
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
THE X-FACTOR Life Lesson 3
hat would you say is the most important factor in a person you look up to? Whether if its a leader, coach, teacher, parent, or a good friend, what is it about them that your respect? The Bible says the following:
“For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation, the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ, for this will bring much glory and praise to God.” Philippians 1:10-11 (NLT)
Photo courtesy:
Having character will produce a pure and blameless life that will bless others and bring honor to God. Keys to having character: Follow the example of Jesus and ask him to change you and work in your life to produce more character. Think less of your reputation and more on having good character and doing the right thing, even if that is difficult at times. Realize that having character is one of the most important factors for you to have a successful life. Character decisions will come your way everyday of your life. Having character is hard but realize developing it is a life long process. Work on it and ask for God’s help.
Principle: Your character matters. What does it mean for someone to have good character? Character can be defined as who you are when no one is looking. Character will allow you to be the best you can be in athletics, with your family, at school, with your church, and in all areas of your life.
Pray to God for his blessing and grace to help you become a person of character.
John Wooden (The winningest coach in NCAA basketball at UCLA, 10 championships) speaks on character with this statement:
BALLER ACTION SPOTLIGHT Baller Action is the action sports division of Baller Athletics.
The rider packages for the league include a t-shirt, New Era 59fifty fitted cap, drawstring bag, and booklet.
We launched a youth league for bmx and skateboard riders at Sandals Church in Riverside, CA.
Prizes for the contest included custom Baller Action skateboard decks, bmx bike parts, stickers, posters, and tshirts.
The league consisted of 8-week’s of sessions, once a week on Saturday’s, from April 28-June 16, 2012.
Local bike and skate shops donated some items for prizes in addition to the material Baller Action provided.
Riders are placed on sport-specific (bmx or skateboarding) teams and led by a coach.
The bmx and skateboard riders took turns competing in the first round together with all the riders in their Each session includes warm-ups, skill sport. Riders performed their best tricks in timed heats while judges development, and life lesson tailed scores. Top 3 move on to the devotions. Each coach has a rider book to help guide riders through skills finals. The quality of prizes were distributed according to where the and devotions. riders placed. The league ends with a contest or jam Lastly, we held a best trick contest for session. We opened up the contest/ jam session for other youth who didn’t both sports together. One of the participate in the league. A small fee is coaches put up $20 for the winning charged for riders who sign up for only rider with the best trick. the contest/jam session. The fees for A Baller Action league or camp could the league include the contest. be held on site at your church or at a local facility. Check out the details at
RIDER PHOTOS 1. Peace Harris, skateboard best trick winner.
2. Raymond Olguin (skateboard contest winner) and Sterling Sandoval (bmx rider). 2. 3. Group shot of bmx, skateboard riders, and coaches after our 1st annual action sports contest. 4. League Coordinator and Coach, Cameron Moreland, showing he still has skills in bmx.
NBA championship trophy, an MVP trophy, money, fame, or power. The greatest prize is the heavenly prize that God is calling us to. Life is a long race. We need to press on and keep our eye on the real prize that matters most. The prize that matters most is spending the rest of the next life with God and all that he has promised his people in the new heaven and earth.
Life Lesson 4
Keys in eyeing the prize: Realize that at the end of your life you can’t take a trophy or any of your most treasured stuff with you. All things will pass away but the heavenly prize of God and his blessings will last forever.
hat is the most desired prize in basketball? What is the most desired prize in life? Put another way, what are people pursuing the most in life?
Keep a right perspective on what really matters and what is temporary. Continually refocus your mind with the end of your life in view. Read about heaven and the next life in your bible.
Read this verse:
“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:14 (NLT)
Understand that we don’t have a clue of how great the next life will be with God and all that he has in store for those that are in his family. Pray and ask God to help you focus on him and his promises that will last forever and not things in this life that easily distract us and that are temporary things.
Principle: When LeBron James finally won the NBA championship and got to see and embrace the golden ball trophy (Larry O’Brien Trophy), he was overjoyed and hugged the trophy with a huge smile. Lebron had been pressing on for a few years to finally win the prize.
Photo courtesy:
But as great of a prize and accomplishment it was, it will not last forever. The greatest prize in life is not an
BALLER SOCCER PREVIEW Baller Soccer is a division of Baller Athletics. We are launching a youth league in Riverside, CA in the spring of 2013.
atheltics and in a relationship with Jesus. We want players to be the best they can be in soccer and in life.
The player packages for the league include a reversible jersey, t-shirt, drawstring bag, and booklet.
The league will consist of 8-weeks of games and practice once a week. Each practice includes warm-ups, skill development, and life lesson devotions. Each coach has a leader book to help guide players through skills and devotions. The league ends with a tournament for all teams. Each team will be seeded based on wins and loses during the regular season. Players can sign up with a coach, as a team, or individually and placed on a team. Ideally, players and a coach will join together and invite friends to complete the roster that don’t go to church. Baller Soccer is designed in order to give opportunities for youth to excel in
A Baller Soccer league or camp could be held on site at your church or at a local facility. Check out all the details at or at
Paul to write most of the New Testament in the bible. God has also shown the same patience to the world. We are to be patient with others because God has been more than patient with us. We mess up, don’t listen, and don’t have a clue most of the time. But despite all of this, God has been patient and shown us much love.
Life Lesson 5
Keys to being patient: Don’t take for granted the patience God has shown you. Remind yourself of his patience every time you are about to lose yours. Pray for Gods help in enduring situations that call for patience.
s it difficult for you to be patient? What drives you crazy and tests your patience? Read this verse:
“But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.” 1 Timothy 1:16 (NLT)
Principle: It is difficult to be patient at times (most of the time for some). Life is tough. Trials, hardships, and relationship failures happen everyday that test our patience. Many times we get impatient with God. However, the bible calls us over and over to be patient for reasons we might not understand, for our good, and maybe the good of others. God is always at work. How patient do you think God has been with us? With the world? If we are honest, God has been more patient than we realize. The story we read in 1 Timothy is about the great patience shown to the apostle Paul. Paul was like a terrorist against the early Christian church. He wanted to destroy it. But God stopped him, changed him, and then used him to build up the church in a mighty way. God used
THE ORIGINS OF BASKETBALL I n 1 8 9 1 D r. J a m e s Naismith created the game of basket ball. You ever wonder what the motive behind the game was? Did Naismith envision a game that would become the most watched and played indoor sport in the world? How about becoming a billion dollar industry on the collegiate and professional level? Far from it. N a i s m i t h ’s i n v e n t i o n came during the winter when his supervisor of the YMCA asked him to come up with an indoor game to attract young men during the harsh New England winters. The game needed to be interesting, easy to learn, and that relied on skill and not solely on strength. Naismith reflected on popular games of the day (baseball, football, lacrosse, rugby and soccer) and the games from his childhood (duck on a rock), and assembled the pieces that would become Basket Ball. It would be 30 years before it would be shortened to one word. Naismith had the school janitor nail two peach baskets to the lower rail of the gymnasium balcony, one at each end. There were 18 in the class and Naismith selected two captains and had them choose sides. The
men were placed on the floor. There were three forwards, three centers and three backs on each team. Two of the center men were chosen to jump, then the ball was thrown up between them. It was the start of the first basket ball game. The game was an immediate success. On December 21, 1891 the students played the entire class period and finished the game with a 1-0 score. Within a few weeks basket b a l l q u i c k l y s p re a d o n campus by word of mouth and across the United States through the YMCA network. What is also interesting is another underlying motive behind the game of basket ball and the YMCA. The YMCA programming was originally designed in order to share the gospel on a yearround basis. In 1889 Naismith applied to be a student at the YMCA Training School at Springfield. One of the questions asked on the application was, “What is the work of a YMCA Physical Director?” He answered, “To win men for the Master through the gym.” In addition to the creation of the game of basket ball, James Naismith graduated as a medical doctor, primarily interested in sports
James A. Naismith Photo courtesy:
p h y s i o l o g y, a n d a s Presbyterian minister. Naismith watched his sport, basket ball, introduced in many nations by the YMCA movement as early as 1893. Basketball was introduced at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. Naismith was flown to Berlin to watch the games. He died in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1939.
that big of a deal at first because they were playing nine players each). 2. The backboards were added only because the goals were nailed to edge of a balcony and spectators in the galleries would try to deflect the ball in order to give their team an advantage. The first backboards evolved from a screen material, wood, and then finally to glass so spectators could see the game. 3. On sportsmanship, in the l a s t c h a p t e r, N a i s m i t h comments on “booing” from spectators. He condemned the practice, but understood that it was unnatural for spectators, who are educated in the game, to sit passively when they feel a decision was made unjustly. He believed, however, that the less attention paid to the “booing,” the sooner it will cease.
A few interesting thoughts b e h i n d t h e g a m e f ro m 4. Let us all be able to lose James Naismith: gracefully and to win courteously; to accept 1. Within the first set of criticism as well as praise; printed rules, a player and last of all, to appreciate committing a personal foul the attitude of the other fellow got a warning. Then when at all times. the second foul was committed he had to sit out until the next basket was scored, no substitutions (Naismith said this wasn’t
It is not a coincidence that we like new things. We were created in the image of God and reflect his likeness and appreciate when things are made new.
Life Lesson 6
Keys to new promises: Be thankful for all the new gifts that come from God. Look forward to each new promise he fulfills. Realize that God has or will make you new into the person he wants you to be. Pray that God continues his work in you and in restoring our world into the new they are supposed to be.
hat is your favorite new thing to get? If you could have anything new this year, what would it be? Read the verse below:
“And the one sitting on the throne said, Look, I am making everything new! And then he said to me, Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.� Revelation 21:5 (NLT) Principle: The one sitting on the throne is Jesus and he declares a promise of making everything new. Making everything new happened at the beginning of time with creation, in the restoring of lives throughout history, and will happen with the rest of creation in the near future. We see this theme of making everything new throughout the Bible: a new life (Rom 6:4) a new creation (Eph 2:10) a new self (Col 3:10) a new covenant (Heb 9:15) a new birth (1 Pet 1:3) a new command (1 John 2:7) a new name (Rev 2:17) a new song (Rev 5:9) a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21:1)
THE 13 ORIGINAL RULES OF BASKET BALL Using a soccer ball, two empty peach baskets, a ladder, and thirteen handwritten rules, the game of basketball began.
Original 13 Rules Photo courtesy: Sotheby’s New York
Dr. James Naismith's Original 13 Rules of Basket Ball
when running at a good speed if he tries to stop.
moves the basket, it shall count as a goal.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute allowed.
10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee 6. A foul is striking at the ball when three consecutive fouls with the fist, violation of Rules have been made. He shall 3,4, and such as described in have power to disqualify men according to Rule 5. Rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive 1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both means without the opponents in the mean time hands. making a foul). 2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both 8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted hands (never with the fist). from the grounds into the 3. A player cannot run with basket and stays there, the ball. The player must providing those defending the throw it from the spot on goal do not touch or disturb which he catches it, the goal. If the ball rests on allowance to be made for a the edges, and the opponent man who catches the ball
One of the original courts with basket hung above. Photo courtesy:
13. The side making the most goals in that time shall most be declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.
11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee. 12. The time shall be two 15minute halves, with five minutes rest between.
Some of the first players shooting into a peach basket that is connected to a pole.
P R AY E R 1 0 1
need to ask for basic necessities and food. Next, Jesus identifies the practice of confessing sins and forgiving others sins against us. Lastly, the issue is raised about seeking help from temptation and protection from the evil one.
Life Lesson 7
Keys to prayer: Follow the example of Jesus in prayer with the solid principles he established. Come to God with reverence and honor and share your needs and mistakes. Ask for help and share your heart. Listen and don’t always be the one talking. Be consistent. Prayer is talking to God. Be yourself and don’t try to pray like someone else or in manner that is not how you normally talk. Growth will happen with practice.
o you feel comfortable praying? Maybe you don’t feel like you know how to pray or even what to pray. Don’t be embarrassed because even Jesus’ disciples asked him how to pray. Read the words of Jesus:
“Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT)
Principle: Jesus is teaching the basics of how we should pray. We don’t have to say the exact words when praying (even though that would be alright to get you started). You can use your own words, style, and details, but these are helpful principles that should be followed. First, Jesus instructs us to pray to God the Father and with much respect and honor. Second, we see an emphasis on the Kingdom of God coming quickly, the will of God being cared out, and the importance of focusing on the big picture of life. Third, we notice the
FEATURED BOOKS 1. Basketball: Its Origin and Development, William J. Baker. 2. My Personal Best: Life Lessons from an All-American Journey, John Wooden. 3. Game Day for the Glory of God: A Guide for Athletes, Fans, and Wannabes, Stephen Altrogge. 4. Don’t Wast Your Sports, CJ Mahaney. 5. Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt. 6. Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, Alex and Brett Harris. 7. Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, Francis Chan. 8. Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us through the Events in Our Lives, Ravi Zacharias. 9. Don’t Waste Your Life, John Piper.
Keys to knowing your role: Whether in basketball, at church, or in other areas of life, discover who you are and how God has gifted you. Evaluate what you are good at, what you are passionate about, and then develop and pursue those areas. Talk with your parents, coaches, church leaders, and teachers to aid in this process.
Life Lesson 9
There is peace in knowing who God created you to be and what your role is. Pray to God that he will help you identify who you are, what he has created you to be, and what your role is on the team, at church, and in life.
o you know what your role is on your basketball team? What about your role at church, if going is a regular thing for you? How has God gifted you to play a role on a basketball team? How has God gifted you to play a role with the church? Think about that for a moment.
Read the verse below that relates to a team:
“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:4-6 (NLT) Principle: You have a special function, role, to play on your basketball team, at church, and in life. God has uniquely designed you. Your gifts and life experiences are not by accident but intentionally crafted by God for his great purposes. Every person has a role to play but one role is not better than another. Each role is just as important as another in order to function as a team, church, or body. God does gift each person differently for various levels of responsibility and with different skills but still functioning as one team, one church, and one body. In basketball, the team functions best when all players know their roles and they play together as one.
ARTIST: PROPAGANDA Los Angeles based artist, Propaganda, intertwines rap and strong poetic elements into his music that influences youth and pop culture. His subject matter ranges from staying accountable to God as well as standing up for faith both in word and one’s life.
Photos courtesy:
A few artists from different genres who love Jesus and rock the mic. ARTIST
Lecrae is an established artist in Christian rap whose influence extends into mainstream media and culture. lecrae
Trip Lee has a Christcentered hip-hop message that he also shares at churches and other Christian organizations. triplee
Switchfoot is an American rock band from San Diego, CA. Won a Grammy in 2011 for Best Rock Gospel Album. switchfoot
TobyMac is one of the first Christian rappers. Toby is also a music producer, hip-hop/pop artist, singer-song writer, and author. tobymac
JOY OF SPORTS Life Lesson 10
hat is the greatest thing that you love about sports? What gives you the most joy?
Read the verse below:
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.” Psalms 19:1-2, 5 (NLT) Principle: This verse speaks to the fact that all of creation clearly displays the glory and goodness of God. All of creation reflects the beauty, joy, and craftsmanship that God designed with his limitless creativity. The Bible also acknowledges the joy of sport that is a part of God’s glorious creation and compares it to a joyful bridegroom after his wedding. Sports are a part of God’s creation and he designed us with the ability to play and enjoy these activities. There is nothing wrong with experiencing great joy while playing sports. Sports are just another area in life that can proclaim the glory of God. Keys to sports proclaiming the glory of God: Remember that sports are a gift from God that can be used to display his goodness and glory. Thank God for your ability to perform in sports and the fulfillment of joy that you have when participating.
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supreme over all who rise from the dead. So he is first in everything. For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions.” Colossians 1:15-21 (NLT)
w Life Lesson 11
ho is Jesus? How does the bible describe who he is? Or how have you heard others describe him? Read the verse below:
“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else and he holds all creation together. Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body. He is the beginning,
Principle: If you ever wondered if God is real, look to Jesus Christ. The Bible describes Jesus as existing before anything else, the Creator of all things, supreme over everything, one who restored peace with the world and his enemies, as God who actually lived among us, and the one who died for the sins of the world on the cross. Take a moment and let that all sink in. Be amazed about who we are talking about. Keys to understanding Jesus: Realize that God, through Jesus, lived and did things that have never been done before. Jesus is the real deal. This should make you feel in awe of who Jesus is. Turn to him in wonder, thankfulness, and in need of being saved from your sins.
1. John Wooden Tribute,
4. Don’t Waste Your Life Introduction,
Search -- Coach Wooden Remembered ESPN (4:20) and John Wooden (2:52). Search -- John Piper
2. Do Hard Things: Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations Introduction,
5. Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story Trailer,
Don’t Waste Your Life (7:05).
Search -- “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Bret Harris (2:15). Search -- Kevin Laue (2:25). 6. Propaganda G.O.S.P.E.L.,
3. Crazy Love Introduction, Search -- GOSPEL, Propaganda (Full Video) (5:13).
Search -- Francis Chan, Crazy Love Introduction (2:16).
God. He was nailed to a cross and crucified in shame.
Thousands of years ago mankind walked with God and were complete in But three days later, he rose his presence. Life was good. They had everything they needed. It was how God from the dead, confirming his power and that he was had designed it to be. God. On the cross Jesus The Problem completed a redeeming But then mankind was deceived by a lie sacrifice for all of humanity. He restored life between and rebelled against God. All of the goodness, peacefulness, and closeness God and mankind. that was experienced with God was gone. Sin entered the scene and changed everything.
The Mission However, God, in his great love, initiated a plan to redeem the world and to free the people he created from their sin. He promised a Savior that would one day come and renew what was his.
The Solution Later in history, Jesus came to the world, as planned. From his birth, through his adult ages, the message was the same. He was the only way to God. Jesus changed everything. He was like nothing the world had ever seen before. He challenged the established order of things. In his last days, Jesus was killed for being a threat and for claiming to be
NEXT STEPS Whether if you have recently turned to Jesus in faith or are rededicating your life to Jesus, you need to continue to ask God for help and to pursue growth in your faith. The following list is a basic guide to
Through Jesus, we can once again have peace and life as God designed it.
GOD CAME TO US THROUGH JESUS that he died on the cross and was raised from the dead for your
The Mission calls for a response
If you have never responded or understood this message of God’s mission before, then take some time to think this through. This is serious. All of life rests on what you do with Jesus. You can either turn to him or turn away from him and live your life your way?
Pray to God and confess your sins and ask for forgiveness through the work that Jesus did for you on the cross. Ask God to change you and help you follow Jesus.
After hearing about Jesus this season, ask yourself this question: Do I sense the need for Jesus to forgive my sins and restore my life? If you do, then respond to him with repentance and faith. Repentance is coming to a point where you hate your sin, are ready to do away with your old life, and now want the things of God. Faith is believing that Jesus is Lord and
growth in your relationship with Jesus.
KEYS TO GROWTH • Read the Bible. • Pray with God. • Look to the example of Jesus. • Be in community.
If you sincerely respond to Jesus this way, then trust that you are at peace with God and in a right standing with him. Smile and celebrate. Grow in your faith through reading the bible, prayer, and in community from a solid local church. Be joyful and tell others of what God has done for you. Let your coach know and share your story with us at
• Join a local church.
BALLER BASKETBALL Share you story with us at: or by email at: We would love to hear how God is working in your life.
SHARE YOUR STORY WITH US Have a story that impacted your life through Baller Basketball? Please share it with us online: