CONTENTS LEAGUE INFORMATION PURPOSE STATEMENT AND VALUES ..............................................................2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................3 GUIDING PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................4
SECTION ONE // COACHING COACHING OPPORTUNITIES ..........................................................................5 SESSION OUTLINE .......................................................................................6
SECTION TWO // SESSIONS WARM UPS .................................................................................................7 SKATEBOARDING FUNDAMENTALS ................................................................8 BMX FUNDAMENTALS ...............................................................................13 LIFE LESSONS OUTLINE .............................................................................15
WEEKLY SESSION OUTLINE AND LIFE LESSONS SESSION ONE ........................................................................................................................................................16 SESSION TWO .......................................................................................................................................................17 SESSION THREE ..................................................................................................................................................18 SESSION FOUR ....................................................................................................................................................19 SESSION FIVE ........................................................................................................................................................20 SESSION SIX ...........................................................................................................................................................21 SESSION SEVEN ..................................................................................................................................................22 SESSION EIGHT ...................................................................................................................................................23 GOSPEL SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................24
SECTION THREE // CONTESTS LEAGUE CONTEST .....................................................................................25 CONTEST FORMS ......................................................................................27
NOTES ....................................................................................................35
baller ATHLETICS PURPOSE STATEMENT Dedicated to cultivating Sports Culture, the Athlete and the Sport.
VALUES ATHLETIC EXCELLENCE We aspire to see athletics thrive globally and for participants to become the best they can be.
LIFE DEVELOPMENT We seek to create environments for participants to be the best they can be in life through character and spiritual development.
SOCIAL CHANGE We desire to use athletics as a platform to offer hope and generate social change. Š 2011-2012 BALLER ATHLETICS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
iNTRODUCTION WELCOME TO BALLER ACTION. This rider book is designed to provide key information and stepby- step guidelines in assisting you coach this season. The information on the following pages includes guiding principles for the league, coaching opportunities, league schedules, session outlines and skills, weekly life lessons, and contest instructions for Baller Action. Thank you for volunteering to be a coach. This league would not happen without you. Together we can make a difference, impact young people, and have a successful season. Sincerely,
• Be the best rider you can be. • Be a rider of character. • Be a rider that works hard. • Be a rider that respects others. • Be a rider that enjoys the sport. • Be a rider that honors God.
COACHING OPPORTUNITIES DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS Get to know your riders and their families. Build trust. Show them that you genuinely care about them. MODEL CHARACTER Be an example and mentor your riders through living out a life of character. PREPARE FOR SESSIONS Be prepared with a plan before each session. Teach the fundamentals of BMX and or skateboarding and work on skill development. PREPARE FOR LIFE LESSONS Review and become familiar with the life lesson for each week. Incorporate a personal story. Keep it simple. Be bold and encouraging while sharing life lessons with your team. DEMONSTRATE SELF-CONTROL Encourage your riders to be the best they can be and don’t lose sight of the big picture. Balance is key. SUPPORT THE LEAGUE Your lead will promote respect for authority and create a positive environment for all who participate. HAVE FUN Athletics are a gift. Enjoy and respect action sports. Competitive sessions and contests can be balanced with a fun experience for riders.
SESSION OUTLINES As a coach, it is essential for you to come prepared for each session. Finalize a detailed session outline and be prepared for the life lessons. The following is a suggested outline that will help make your session time more efficient, focused, and enjoyable. Fill out each session form with skill options on the following pages. RIDER MEETING Cover session outline. Teach and review fundamental skills of BMX and or skateboarding. Set the tone for the session and encourage your riders. WARM UP Have players participate in movement activities. A light jog will help warm up the muscles to start the session. See pages 7, section two, for examples of warm ups. SKILL FUNDAMENTALS Teach your riders fundamental skills essential for BMX or skateboarding activities. Evaluate your riders skill level and make necessary adjustments when planning session skills. See pages 7-14, section two, for examples of fundamental skills. FREE-RIDE Help prepare riders for a league ending contest. Free-ride or pre- contest sessions are a great way to evaluate progress on skill development and for riders to continue to refine fundamental skills. LIFE LESSONS Review and become familiar with the life lesson for each session. Add a personal story and keep it simple. Life lessons can be implemented during the rider meeting, at the start of the session, if that fits better with the flow of a session, or at the end of a session. See page 15, section two, for the life lessons outline.
Pick from the following sections: Warm ups, fundamental and skill drills, and free-ride for your session outline options. Change up drills to add variety and fun to sessions.
WARM UPS LIGHT JOG Warm up muscles before the action sports activities. Run around the park or facility. ARM CIRCLES Start small and get bigger with arm circles until the participant is doing big sweeping overlaps with arms. Do ten forward and ten backward circles. SIDE BENDS Standing up straight, have the participant take their right hand and run it down their right leg as far as they can without bending forward or backward. Repeat this same movement with the left hand. Do ten on each side. TORSO TWIST With feet shoulder width apart, have the participant place their arms out in front of them at shoulder height and then fold them with the forearms placed one over the other. Once in the correct starting position, have the participants twist at the torso to the left and look behind them. When doing this they should not bend front to back at all, but rather maintain straight. Twist from left to right, back and forth, ten times. KNEE CIRCLES Have the participant place both feet together and their hands on their knees. Instruct them to imagine drawling a big circle with their knees, moving at the knee joint, down around the right and around to the left, and then back to the starting position, making circles with the knees. Repeat this movement ten times. SQUATING HEAL RAISES Have the participant put their feet together and hands on their hips. Next, tell them to squat down towards the ground until their rear end almost touches the heals of their feet. Once down in the squatting position, have the participant press up high onto the balls of their feet as though they were doing calf raises. Repeat ten times and then stand back up.
SKATEBOARDING FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS FLATGROUND BASICS OLLIE This airborne trick is a requirement for every rider to learn because it is the basis for many other tricks, such as the kick flip. Step 1: Have rider stand on the board with the front foot near the middle of the board and the back foot placed on the tip of the tail. Step 2: Push down on the tail with your back foot, and slide your front foot to the nose. This is the initial motion of the trick. Step 3: Start jumping up and forward with your body. Step 4: The harder you pop the tail, the higher you will go. Step 5: Bend knees and absorb the board, level it out with your front foot. Step 6: Land and roll away. FRONTSIDE 180 OLLIE Step 1: Put feet like you would for an ollie. Step 2: Start turning your shoulders like a 180 and pop your tail. Step 3: Start turning your entire body and guide the board with your front foot. Step 4: Level the board out with your front foot and complete the rotation. Step 5: Land rolling away backwards. BACKSIDE 180 OLLIE Step 1: Roll up with your feet in an ollie position. Step 2: Pop your tail, keeping head down. Step 3: Start turning your board with your back foot guiding it around. Step 4: Let your body turn with your board. Step 5: Extend your legs and land while turning your body to look in the direction you are going. Step 6: Roll away. NOLLIE: N(OSE) OLLIE = NOLLIE This trick is a ollie off the nose while going forward. Step 1: Roll up with front foot up on the nose with the ball of foot in the middle of the nose. Step 2: Place back foot in the middle of the board. Step 3: Push down with front foot as hard and fast as you can to get maximum pop. After the nose snaps down, jump up off your front foot as you suck the board up with your back foot by dragging it back toward the tail. Step 4: Let the front of the board and your front foot rise to the same level as your back foot so the board levels out. Step 5: Land and roll away.
BMX FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS FLATGROUND BASICS BUNNY HOP A bunny hop is the most fundamental trick to learn when teaching BMX. When learning this move, the first inclination is going to be to try and lift up the whole bike, both front and back tire at the same time. This is not the proper way to do the trick. Step 1: Lift the front tire of the bike off the ground. Step 2: Explosively pull the rear wheel up off the ground and press the handlebars forward while squatting the legs. This movement will level out the bike. You can get a lot higher using your leg muscles as apposed to trying to pull with your upper body alone. Step 3: Move to small obstacles to jump onto like a curb and continue to progress to higher objects. Once mastered you can begin to advance the move with 180’s, 360’s, and other maneuvers. MANUAL A manual is basically doing a wheelie on your bike but without peddling the cranks to maintain balance and speed which makes it a more difficult trick to perform. Step 1: Gain enough speed to go a distance just coasting. Step 2: Use their upper body to pull up on the handlebars, while at the same time squatting their legs and moving back end behind the seat. Step 3: With the front wheel off of the ground, continue to coast and use arms and hips to balance and control the bike. Step 4: Start with a short set distance to clear, then slowly lengthen the gap. You can advance this trick by bunny hoping on top of an object, then manuel across the top of the surface such as a bench or a ramp. BUNNY HOP 180 This is a progression of the bunny hop. Step 1: Once you get front wheel up off of the ground, explode with legs like a regular bunny hop. Step 2: Pivot hips, turn head, and pull your arms torquing your body in the direction you are going to turn. Step 3: Once bike has turned 180 degrees, roll backwards and then turn back around. (See Fakie lesson for more on this).
The source of your skills
Be creative like your creator
Love your opponent vs competitiveness
Be balanced in competition
The power of influence
Be a rider who honors authority
Down but not out
Be a rider who overcomes adversity
Athletics is worship
Honor God with your riding
Redeem the sport
Ride the right way
The worst penalty
The affects of sin
The great substitute
The hope of Christ
Rider Meeting Warm Up Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Free-Ride Life Lesson SESSION 1 // LIFE LESSON The Source of Your Skills COACH Gather team and ask them: What is the source of your bmx/skateboarding skill? Read the verse below. Then, go through and teach the principle (allow time for riders to respond). “I have specifically chosen bezalel, son of uri, of the tribe of judah. I have filled him with the spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts.” EXODUS 31:2-3 (NLT) PRINCIPLE Bezalel was skilled in making all kinds of crafts and the design of elements for worship services. The Bible says that the source of his skill and gifts were from God. In action sports, there is so much skill to admire. From the creative kick flip grinds of Paul Rodriguez, to the soaring double back flips of Dave Mirra, to the innovative 900’s of Tony Hawk. Skillful riding can be developed but the source of the skill are gifts from God. KEYS TO NOTE Be creative and develop the skills given to you by your creator. When you perform or witness a great display of skill, admire the artistic ability, thank God and pray that the source of all skill is recognized and honored. Pray for your riders.
GOSPEL SUMMARY The Bible tells us that one day will be face to face with God and give an account of the life we lived. Are you ready for that day? What will you say? If you can’t say anything, what will your life say about you? The Bible also tells us that our life must be right before God. The problem is that our sin separates us from God, the Holy one. However, there is hope in that your life can be right with God. Getting your life right means trusting solely on Gods work to solve your problem of sin and transform your life as God intended it to be. Keys to have your life right with God: ADMIT that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of god’s glorious standard.” (NLT) BELIEVE that Christ died and rose again for your sins. Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (NLT) TRUST in Gods work to transform your life and not your own works. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. and this is not your own doing; It is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (ESV) COMMIT your life to Christ as your Lord and Savior. John 14:6, Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. no one can come to the father except through me.” (NLT) KEYS IN RESPONDING TO GOD THE SON, JESUS: Despise your sins and confess them to God. Realize your only hope is having faith in the work of Christ to forgive your sins. Follow and honor Him with your whole life. Trust that you are now at peace with God and in a right relationship with Him. Know that you were created to do good works and fulfill the purposes of God. Learn what those purposes are and how you fit into them. NEXT STEPS Join a solid local church to encourage you in your new life. Seek out accountability. Read Gods Word. Actively seek growth. Talk to God. Don’t let your hunger and thirst for God die. Don’t live a wasted life. Tell others about the hope you have and what God has done in your own life.
LEAGUE CONTEST 1. CONTEST REGISTRATION The registration and set-up of the course will take place prior to the contest. There will be an open practice time for the riders to become acquainted with the course layout for around 30 minutes. During this time, the league coordinators will take the contest roster and assign each participant to a specific group of 5 riders. The riders will be paired with others who have the same or similar skill set to make it as fare as possible during judging. The contest will have one hour for registration. 2. CONTEST FORMAT Following the practice time, the riders will be informed that they will be competing in a qualifying round. Let them know that they have been assigned to a group. Each group will be called out when it is their time to compete. When called, each rider will be given 90 seconds to ride the course and perform their tricks. At the end of the 90 seconds they will be judged using an assigned scoring card. Once each rider in the group has performed and the scores have been tallied, they will move on to the next group. The top 2 scoring riders in each group advances to the final. There will be a short break and then the final round. In the finals, each rider will be given another 90 second session to perform their best tricks. Judging will be the same as during the qualifying rounds. Once each rider has competed and the scores have been tallied, the winners and prizes will be announced.