Downtown Crowd January 2023

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Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2023?

For many of us, the start of a new year typically involves making a list of resolutions that we hope to achieve within the coming year. Most of the time, our New Year’s resolutions involve things like exercising more, swearing off junk food, reducing screen time, etc.

So, in the spirit of the new year, we’ve brought you a list of some local ways you can get fit for free (or almost free) to help you get a jump start on some of those pesky fitness-related resolutions. Whether you’re looking to lose some extra weight or just want to get out and get moving, this roundup of free local fitness activities is sure to serve as a helpful guide.

This month, we’ve also brought you the complete scoop on the Mayor’s proposal for a new indoor sports facility in downtown Pensacola called “Project Pickle.” You’ll also read about the opening of downtown’s newest taqueria called Gaby’s Taqueria, as well as PLT’s thrilling new production, Mindgame, which will take place at The Center in downtown Pensancola January 27-29 and February 2-4.

As always, we hope you enjoy the read and until next time, Cheers!

Publisher Malcolm Ballinger

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DOWNTOWN CROWD is published by Ballinger Publishing. Offices located at 21 E. Garden St., Ste. 205 Pensacola, FL 32502

Downtown Crowd is locally owned and operated. It is published monthly for distribution in Pensacola, Florida. All Right Reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents herein is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Comments and opinions expressed in this magazine represent the personal views of the individuals to whom they are attributed and/or the person identified as the author of the article, and they are not necessarily those of the publisher. This magazine accepts no responsibility for these opinions. The publisher reserves the right to edit all manuscripts. All advertising information is the responsibility of the individual advertiser. Appearance in this magazine does not necessarily reflect endorsement of any products or services by Ballinger Publishing. © 2023

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DOWNTOWN CROWD JANUARY 2023 6 5 Questions with Creatives: Priscilla Sapp-Kirkland 9 Presenting “Project Pickle” 12 Taco-Bout Tasty Gaby’s Taqueria Opens Downtown 14 Get Fit for Free (or Almost Free) Local Ways to Get Fit Without Breaking the Bank 19 PLT Brings Thrills & Chills with Mindgame 21 Event Calendar 22 Military Matters 12 9 14 CONTENTS 6 4 | DOWNTOWNCROWD.COM
T O V I E W A L L M E N U S , V I S I T : G R E A T S O U T H E R N R E S T A U R A N T S . C O M G R E A T S O U T H E R N R E S T A U R A N T W E E K T H R E E C O U R S E S , $ 3 3 P E R R E S T A U R A N T J O I N U S F O R O U R 1 3 A N N U A L W I N T E R R E S T A U R A N T W E E K J A N U A R Y 2 3 - 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 5 P . M . N I G H T L Y TH

5 Questions With Creatives

Pensacola-native Priscilla Sapp-Kirkland is taking a creative approach to the skincare products we use every day. As the owner of Skin & Glory Sweet Treats LLC, Sapp-Kirkland formulates healthy skincare products with a fun flair. She makes sweets-themed products such as organic body butters, body washes, lip treatments and more.

As an esthetician with a degree in science, Sapp-Kirkland focuses on creating high-quality skincare products that help treat a variety of skin concerns including acne, psoriasis and eczema. With brightly-colored packaging and scents like mango and butterscotch, her good-for-you skin care products are also fun.

Sapp-Kirkland has been creating organic skincare for years, but began sharing her products with the public in 2021. Skin & Glory Sweet Treats can be found online at, or on Saturdays at the Palafox Market in downtown Pensacola. Be sure to check out @skin_glorysweettreats on Instagram and @skinandglorysweettreats on Facebook for more product details and announcements.

When and how did you become interested in creating beauty and skincare products?

I became interested in skincare years ago. One winter I purchased ten different lip glosses and moisturizers for the winter weather and still couldn’t find the right products for my skincare needs! I had my own personal struggles with hyperpigmentation and acne marks. Once I studied the benefits of organic ingredients, I began using these ingredients and my skin has been glowing ever since. I started making organic lip gloss and more skincare products for family and friends for Christmas in hopes that the products would bring awareness to the importance of skincare, with and without chemicals.

Can you describe the types of products you create?

Skin & Glory Sweet Treats offers organic whipped body butter in a variety of scents from Cotton Candy and Birthday Cake, to Strawberry Shortcake and Lavender. We also create lip gloss that is made out of

raw honey, Macaron Lip Butter, Ice Cream Bath Bomb Scoops, PowerPuff Sugar Body Scrubs and much more. We all love sweets, so we decided to put a unique twist on your skincare needs. Each Sweet Treats product is made with love and care, with no chemicals. We care about our customers! We use essential oils and different fragrances of your favorite fruit or candy.

What are your most popular product(s)?

Our Turmeric and Honey Whipped Body Butter is our most popular product. Turmeric and honey have many benefits– the ingredients reduce redness, reduce inflammation and promote new cell growth. The turmeric and honey products can help lighten dark marks and scars in weeks if they are used consistently.

What role do you play in your business? Do you have a team?

My family is my team! My mother takes care of customer service, shipping and more. My father packages soaps and

helps set up all of our pop-up shops around town. My brother also helps with setting up if we have multiple pop-up locations in one day. My husband makes our famous honey bee lip gloss. My immediate family helps measure ingredients as well as label and package hundreds of products every month. I’m a very passionate leader, so I manage finances and unique marketing strategies. It’s truly a blessing to have a family that helps me and believes in the vision that God showed me.

For those who may not have seen your products, how would you describe the sweets-theme present in your products?

I describe the sweets theme, mainly our whipped body butters, as smelling like your favorite sweet treat, but with a scent that isn’t overpowering. The whipped body butter is a thick cream that is deeply moisturizing. It delivers long-lasting hydration that leaves your skin silky smooth. The essential oils help you to relax after a long day with feelings of peace and tranquility.

Priscilla Sapp-Kirkland, owner of Skin & Glory Sweet Treats
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Presenting “PROJECT PICKLE” City Council to Vote on Indoor-Sports Facility Proposal

DiD you know that pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the uniteD states? For those of you who are unfamiliar with pickleball, it’s basically a mash-up of tennis, badminton and pingpong. The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes.

Pickleball’s increasing popularity can be attributed to several factors. First, the game is ideal for all skill levels. Since pickleball’s rules are like that of pingpong, it’s easy for most people to pick up on how to play the game. Pickleball offers something for beginners who might want to try their hand at a fun new game, seasoned players looking for more competitive play and just about everyone in between.

Also, pickleball is a fun social activity. The courts are small enough for players to hold conversations, and the game can be played with a dozen people per session. If you’re looking to bond with your family or have an outing with friends, pickleball makes it easy to socialize while getting a fun workout.

Speaking of workouts, pickleball is also healthy. The sport is just as great for mental health as it is for physical health. Many professional athletes use pickleball to help improve their balance, agility, reflexes and hand-eye coordination. It is also an amazing alternative for older athletes or athletes that have been injured playing other sports as pickleball puts less strain on the body than other games.

Parks and Recreation Departments across the country are finding pickleball courts to be an affordable and popular choice for local parks and recreation facilities. Because pickleball can be played both indoors and outdoors, it is an accessible option for all types of recreational facilities.

As a matter of fact, the sport of pickleball is gaining even more momentum here in Pensacola as Mayor D.C. Reeves and the City work to have “Project Pickle” voted on and approved by City Council by early January.

“Project Pickle’’ is a proposal for the construction of an indoor sports facility that would include modular courts for a variety of sports, including the everpopular pickleball. The proposal is to bring the facility to the currently vacant Port of Pensacola Warehouse No. 4. President of Whitesell-Green Construction and the proposed developer for the project, Rob Fabbro and local attorney Scott Remington first presented their vision for the new facility to the City Council back in early November.

Warehouse 4 Sports, the proposed name for the new facility, would serve as a multi-purpose space, which could be used for different types of indoor and

outdoor sports as well as trade shows and community events. The facility’s indoor “court sports,” a term coined by Community Outreach Coordinator Travis Peterson, would allow residents and tourists alike to enjoy playing the sports they love, regardless of the weather. The facility would also create opportunities for Pensacola to host more indoor sport tournaments for local athletes. The new facility would also include a large space for various types of community events like graduations, seminars, E-Sport events, expos and large conventions.

The facility would be developed according to a comprehensive four-step plan. First, the City Council will need to vote on a long-term lease agreement for the Warehouse No. 4 building. As the facility gets off the ground, the lease will need to have lower payments for the first few years, which the City must approve. Negotiations for the facility have been in effect months prior to Reeves’s swearing in ceremony in November. One problem the council faces is that the Warehouse No. 4 is located behind a security fence, so the fenceline will need to be relocated or redesigned before approval. The other issue is the sequencing of meetings. So far, the proposal has been discussed during only two meetings since Reeves began his term in the mayor’s office. Still, the mayor’s goal as of now is to have a lease brought to the council no later than the February meeting.

“I think Project Pickle has a chance to be a catalyst for economic development and prosperity for the city of Pensacola.”

Preliminary rendering of the proposed Warehouse 4 multi-use sports facility. Rendering courtesy of the City of Pensacola and project developers.

“We are motivated to get this project across the finish line and we’re working as diligently as possible to make sure the lease makes sense,” Mayor Reeves said. “Once I took office, I requested some additional investment by the private developers to ensure that when they succeed, we all succeed. We’re moving ahead nicely, and we feel confident that we’re going to get this project across the finish line in relatively short order.”

The next step is, with a minimum $2 million investment from the private sector, the building will need to be brought up to code standards and redeveloped. Then, the updated facility will be open to the community and other visitors for day-use, tournaments, league play and multiple other purposes. The facility will continue to be funded via membership fees.

Finally, in a later phase of the project, the proposed facility building will include a 400-seat arena that can be used for tournament championship games and graduations. This seating area would be set up in a semi-balcony style to avoid audience members mingling with athletes. There will also be an opportunity for live streaming so that family members all over the world can watch the sport matches. Additionally, a sports themed concession stand and sports bar will be implemented.

The modular courts that have already been proposed can be used as five basketball, futsal or tennis courts or 11 volleyball or pickleball courts. The proposal also includes the production of 12 outdoor multi-use courts.

The “Project Pickle” Proposal states that after the $2 million investment from the tenant to renovate the warehouse, the Port will receive a share of tournament ticket and parking revenue, in addition to lease payments. The facility will be available through public day-use, membership and tournament play. The tenant will assume insurance for further improvements and will reimburse the Port for existing insurance costs.

Warehouse 4 Sports will support local youth and community sports leagues, increased sports tourism opportunities for tournaments, etc. and beach-to-city connection and visitor experiences. The facility will also have a wide-spread impact on the community. According to the UWF Haas Center, this facility can create up to $28 million in economic impact in the first six years. There are internal estimates of more than $2 million in annual tourism revenue.

“I think Project Pickle has a chance to be a catalyst for economic development and prosperity for the city of Pensacola,” Reeves said. “We know that sports and tournaments that have a regional attraction bring a lot of dollars into a community. To have an additional tool in our tool belt, to have something that can bring people here and say, ‘Hey, we already wanted to come to Pensacola

There will also be more options for local youth sports groups to compete in tournaments that are usually held in Destin, Foley or even as far as Orlando, which will greatly cut down on costly travel out of the city. Finally, this facility will connect a vacant and underused space at the Port with the rest of downtown and the historic district, making it a more communitycentric place for all.

The facility will be built in the Port of Pensacola’s Warehouse No. 4, which is located next to the Commendencia Slip where the Pensacola Bay ferries operate. For more information about pickleball, visit For further details and updates on “Project Pickle,” visit

DiD you know?

Pickleball Stats & Facts

• There are currently 4.8 million pickleball players in the United States.

• As the fastest growing sport in American, Pickleball has grown an average of 11.5% per year over the last five years.

• Players 18 to 34 years of age make up the largest percentage of pickleball players at 28.8% nationwide.

• There are currently 10,320 pickleball courts in the United States.

• 2022 marks the 57th anniversary of pickleball


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Gaby’s Taqueria Opens in Downtown Pensacola

The owners of one of Pensacola’s most beloved taco spots, Tacos Mexicanos, have worked their culinary magic launching yet another restaurant in downtown Pensacola—Gaby’s Taqueria.

Husband and wife duo Gabriel Hernandez and Gabriela Ramirez are the creatives and chefs behind the new white and baby pink establishment located at 104 E Gregory Street. If you have been on that side of town recently, you have likely seen the spot’s fun retro signage and bright patio decor, as well as caught a whiff of the freshly grilled meats, veggies and spices wafting through the air.

This duo of seasoned restaurateurs officially opened Gaby’s in late November and the location has been bustling ever since. When starting up a new restaurant, the couple sought the help of local entrepreneur Rafael “Raf” Simpson. They partnered with Simpson to create Artisan Restaurant Group (ARG), a new Pensacola-based restaurant company.

“We came together with a new strategic partner, Rafael “Raf” Simpson, to create ARG. The intent with ARG is to bring fresh new things to the area, meaning that we’ll be testing new concepts with different brands right here. Raf and I, along with other co-owners, want to be part of Pensacola’s future; we see big potential here,” Hernandez said.

ARG is a family-office backed restaurant company that is actively investing in exciting restaurant themes and locations throughout the Gulf Coast of Florida. The group currently includes restaurants such as Tacos Mexicanos, Gaby’s and a not-yet-opened pizza restaurant, whose location has not been disclosed, called Saturday’s Pizza.

ARG is fronted by Simpson and Hernandez, both of whom have years of management experience. “ARG is the coming together of two visions: Raf bringing in a lot of design-oriented concept development, and myself bringing in the operational know-how and team to make it all happen,” Hernandez explained.

The restaurant group has been able to provide Pensacola with a fresh new experience. Though there are several restaurants in the city that dish up delicious tacos, none have quite the same vibe as Gaby’s. Gaby’s is even far different from Tacos Mexicanos, despite the two restaurants serving a similar style of cuisine and being owned and operated by the same people.

“Gaby’s definitely brings a very fresh feel both in ambiance and food. The best move was definitely to go with something fresh and not messing with what already works well at Tacos Mexicanos. In the end, Gaby’s and Tacos Mexicanos should be great neighbors,” Hernandez said.

With an authentic yet modern menu and a bright, clean environment, Gaby’s offers a more elevated dining experience than what you would expect from a typical taqueria.

“Gaby’s as a concept was always intended to be a place that would exceed expectations for a taco shop,” Hernandez explained. “Raf and I always agreed that everything from the style of music to the way you are greeted, execution of food, lighting and so on should all be details that we hold closely because that’s what’ll set us apart, it’s the investment in a full circle experience.”

It is not everyday that you find authentic tacos being served out of a bright white and baby pink building. The eatery’s ambience and atmosphere is cute and clean, with string lights above the bright green turf of the outdoor dining area scattered with fun bright-white lawn furniture and oversized tasseled umbrellas giving it a retro summery vibe. The fun South beach-style ambiance of Gaby’s is carried through all the way to its creative branding and signage featuring a bright blue logo in a retro font with that same popping shade of baby pink. These design elements were envisioned and brought to life by Simpson’s wife and Pensacola-native, Lauren Bakarian.

The menu at Gaby’s features a variety of California-style Mexican food. They serve tacos featuring a variety of meats, burritos, bowls, and sides including a tasty Mexican corn salad called esquite, queso, freshly-made guacamole and more. The restaurant also serves breakfast all day long for those craving a bit of breakfast for dinner.

When it comes to dining at Gaby’s, there are multiple ways for customers to get their hands on some of their tasty tacos: Gaby’s offers the option to order online through their website at, via their drive-thru or in-person at the restaurant.

As for the restaurant’s name, Hernandez warmly explained that Gaby’s is named after his wife, “Gabriela is my wife and the place is named after her. She’s provided me unwavering support all these years developing our Tacos Mexicanos business and we all felt that our new baby [Gaby’s] should have some connection reminding us what got us here and what we’re all about— family,” he said.

Hernandez has strong ties to Pensacola and wants to bring unique and interesting businesses to the community. “Pensacola is in a great position for growth and it’s time we bring in more world class experiences. As locals, we should be able to enjoy more cool places with that big city feel right here at home and we’re excited to be a part of that. We owe everything to our locals,” Hernandez emphasized.

Even though this new spot just opened up, a second Gaby’s location is already slated to open at the new City Food Hall in Destin in 2023. The new food hall will feature a variety of restaurants with unique culinary offerings, including Gaby’s.

You can try out Gaby’s for yourself at 104 E Gregory Street in downtown Pensacola. Check out @gabystaqueria on Instagram for daily specials, details on the new location and more. For more information on Gaby’s Taqueria and to view the menu, visit

Local Ways to Get Fit Without Breaking the Bank

whether you’re a seasoneD athlete or just looking to get out anD get moving, there are a host of free activities and recreational offerings available throughout the community to help you work on your fitness.

The City of Pensacola’s Parks and Recreation Department hosts free pilates and yoga classes throughout the year at both the Community Maritime Park and Bayview Community Park. With 93 parks boasting more than 600 acres of parks and open recreation space, there are plenty of low- and no-cost ways to work on your fitness without the commitment of a monthly gym membership or the use of expensive workout equipment.

From yoga classes to pickleball, we have rounded up a handful of free exercise activities and programs right here in our city to help you get fit without breaking the bank.



Down a Local Nature Trail

Did you know that there are more than 20 miles of hiking trails to explore on the University of West Florida (UWF) campus alone? Located on the westernmost 600 acres of campus, these diverse and challenging hiking and biking trails provide a great way to get out and get moving at your own pace. The Edward Ball Nature Trail is one of the most popular trails on campus. This half-mile boardwalk meanders through Thompson Bayou over a hardwood swamp that is home to mammals, birds, fish and a variety of reptiles, including an occasional American alligator. The trailhead is located just behind Crosby Hall (Bldg.10) and Bldg. 11.

The newly completed Shoreline Wetlands Trail in Gulf Breeze is another great place for a hike. The elevated boardwalk is more than a third of a mile over wetlands to the beach shoreline, traveling through ecosystems abounding with wildlife. The project includes ADA parking and an ADA beach access ramp, and an uncovered nature viewing gazebo with bench seating. The boardwalk is located just across from the dog park at Shoreline Park in Gulf Breeze.



Take a stroll through downtown’s Historic Pensacola Village, along Palafox Street or down the America’s 1st Settlement Trail to explore our City’s rich history. The 1st Settlement trail takes you through more than 260 years of history and has twenty different stops along the way with more than seventy points of interest. You’ll see sites from as early as 1756, when the Spanish built Fort San Miguel in what’s now downtown Pensacola.

The City of Gulf Breeze has also recently completed a major pedestrian infrastructure project to improve walkability and provide a safe place for people to run, walk, ride or roll. This new, multi-use pathway, better known as ‘the loop,’ stretches along the entire length of Shoreline Drive and Fairpoint Drive. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous and want to take in some beautiful scenery along the way, consider taking a stroll down the new pedestrian pathway, which spans the entire length of the Pensacola Bay Bridge. The 10-foot-wide lighted path includes six scenic overlooks, each with shaded seating areas that provide panoramic views of the bay.


Stir Up Some Friendly Competition on the Court

Visit a local pickleball, disc golf, tennis, basketball or racquetball court with a group of friends or family and stir up some friendly competition. There are numerous municipal facilities and city recreation centers located throughout both Pensacola and Gulf Breeze equipped with a variety of fields, courses, courts and even skateparks. Head to the Fricker Community Resource Center for just $1 and shoot some hoops, work on your skills or participate in a pick-up game of basketball with friends. You can also visit the Gulf Breeze Community Center, UWF or Roger Scott Athletic Complex to play disc golf, tennis, pickleball and more. Bayview Park in Pensacola is also equipped with numerous tennis and basketball courts that are free and open to the community. You can stop in at the new Bayview Outdoor Pursuits Center, which offers equipment rentals for things like kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, canoeing, pedal boats, bikes and more.

Historic Downtown Pensacola or Visit a Nearby Pedestrian Trail


Bike, Skate or Scoot at a Community Slow Ride Event

Join Bike Pensacola for the most popular bike ride in town—the Slow Ride. Each month the community is invited to come out and explore the quiet, scenic streets of Pensacola’s many historic neighborhoods for a fun and leisurely ride. During Slow Ride events, participants will also learn about bicycle laws, safety and skills to help keep rides safe and enjoyable. There is no charge for the ride and no registration required. Each Slow Ride is about one hour and ten minutes long, at a casual pace. The upcoming March Slow Ride will be co-sponsored by Ciclovia, which brings its “open streets” event to downtown Pensacola Saturday, March 25, so be sure to mark your calendars! Learn more about upcoming Slow Ride events at

RECENTER YOURSELF At Wellness in the Park

The City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department has partnered with local fitness studios to offer free one-hour outdoor yoga and pilates sessions in city parks as a part of its Wellness in the Park Series to help promote wellness, balance and strength. Both programs are led by certified instructors and are open to all ages and levels of experience. All you need to bring is your own mat and any other accessories you like to use. Free Yoga in the Park sessions are held on the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 am at Bayview Park located at 2001 E. Lloyd St. in Pensacola. Class instruction is presented by Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center. Free Pilates in the Park sessions are held on the third Sunday of each month at 10:30 am at the Community Maritime Park in front of the amphitheater stage located at 301 W. Main St. in Pensacola. Class instruction is presented by Pure Pilates. Check out the full calendar of Wellness in the Park sessions for 2023 at

HOP ON THE CIRCUIT Visit the LeaP Trail

Not just for fitness junkies, LeaP Trail is an inclusive activity space that improves the quality of life for our community. It’s a place for athletes, family fun and people of leisure. LeaP Trail is used by runners, joggers, skateboarders, dog walkers and bicyclists— couples, families, children and the elderly. The trail consists of three components. The track begins just near the Pensacola International Airport and ends on Jerry L. Maygarden Road in Pensacola. The LeaP Trail features the Baptist Healthcare Workout Circuit with six workout stations at various intervals along the trail to provide a full body workout. The trail consists of three components—The Innisfree Hotels Track, The Playground and The Baptist Health Care Workout Circuit.

The LeaP Class of 2013 began planning the trail in late 2012 and construction was complete by May 2013. Explore the amenities the trail has to offer then Get Out & Play at the LeaP Trail!


At a LeaP Into Fitness Court

Get your workout on at one of three LeaP Fitness Courts located at Bayview Park, Community Maritime Park and Legion Field in Pensacola. The Fitness Courts are an outdoor bodyweight circuit training system designed for adults of all ages and abilities. There are no memberships, no fees and the view is incredible.

The Greater Pensacola Chamber Foundation’s Leadership Pensacola (LeaP) Class of 2018 chose to pursue LeaP into Fitness, a project in partnership with the City of Pensacola and the National Fitness Campaign (NFC), to provide fitness courts to the Pensacola area as their annual class project.Pensacola is now home to three National Fitness Campaign (NFC) Fitness Courts™ which offer a free, outdoor, bodyweight fitness program designed for adults of all ages and fitness abilities. The first of three courts was opened to the community on April 27, 2018 at the Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park. Two additional courts were installed at Bayview Park and Legion Field in August of 2018.

Download the free Fitness Court app to help you get the most out of your Fitness Court workout. For more information on the LeaP Fitness Courts, visit

Mindgame Brings Thrills and Chills to the Courtroom this Winter

To kick off 2023, Pensacola Little Theatre (PLT) is proud to present Mindgame, a dark comedy thriller by Anthony Horowitz.

This Studio 400 production will be presented January 27-29 and February 2-4 in the M.C. Blanchard Courtroom located at The Center (formerly known as the Pensacola Cultural Center) at 400 S. Jefferson Street in downtown Pensacola.

“Mindgame is a perfect way to open the new year at PLT! The Studio 400 series transitions us out of the holly jolly holiday season and into something that adults can really sink their teeth into,” Pensacola Little Theatre Executive Director, Sid WilliamsHeath said.

Directed by local educator and long-time PLT Artistic Committee member Billy Buff, Mindgame follows the story of Mark Styler, a writer of glossy ‘true crime’ paperbacks, as he tries to secure an exclusive interview with Easterman, a notorious serial killer. He has no idea what he’s walking into.

Mindgame commands a tone of apprehension and nervous laughter and is a puzzle box of a play. Audiences will enjoy this

dazzling thriller and jet-black comedy that twists its way toward a shocking conclusion.

“When we say we offer something for everyone at PLT, we mean it. You can experience that for yourself over the next few months. From the thrilling Mindgame for mature audiences in January and the classic The Addams Family this spring, to the whimsical wizardry of Puffs for families to experience together, PLT is proud to offer a diverse array of performance art for anyone in the community to enjoy,” Williams-Heath said.

Tickets for Mindgame are on sale now and can be purchased online at, or by calling the Box Office at (850) 432-2042. Box Office hours are Monday through Friday from 12 pm to 5 pm.

This production is recommended for mature audiences only due to language and subject matter. Mindgame was proudly funded by ACE and The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.

For complete production details, ticket prices and information on other upcoming PLT productions, visit

Purchase tickets here: January 27 | 5 - 7 PM FLIGHTS & CIGARS
Celebrate the launch of our new flight menu with a tasting event featuring flights of bourbon, whiskey, and scotch paired with specialty cigars!


Pensacola Ice Flyers Schedule and Theme Nights

January Home Games and Theme Nights at the Pensacola Bay Center. Games start at varying times. For tickets and information, visit

January 6: Birmingham Bulls vs Ice Flyers; Youth Jersey Giveaway

January 14: Birmingham Bulls vs Ice Flyers; Wiener Dog Race Night

January 16: Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; MLK Day Game

January 20: Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; NHL Night

January 21: Macon Mayhem vs Ice Flyers; Military Appreciation Night

January 27: Roanoke Rail Yard Dogs vs Ice Flyers; Bobblehead Night

January 28: Roanoke Rail Yard Dogs vs Ice Flyers; Mardi Gras Night

Canine Companions Night

UWF Historic Trust’s Bootleg Ball

..................................................................... January 13

Dress in your finest 1920s gangster attire and celebrate the troublemakers of the 20s— gangsters, mobsters, politicians, and molls—at the Historic Trust’s Bootleg Ball. The Bootleg Ball serves as a fundraiser for the University of West Florida Historic Trust. Bootleg Ball will be hosted at the Museum of Commerce located at 201 Zaragoza Street. Tickets start at $100 each for UWF Historic Trust Members, $125 for non-members and $200 for VIP tickets. Doors open at 7 pm. For tickets and more information, visit

Beethoven & Blue Jeans

..................................................................... January 14

Whether you dress up or dress down, join the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra for this annual celebration of Beethoven, anchored by the composer’s Seventh Symphony. With themes of adversity and ultimate triumph, the symphony is a notable example of Beethoven’s ebullient side. Under the

baton of guest conductor Lawrence Loh, the orchestra will also perform Berlioz’s Roman Carnival, Debussy’s Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun, along with music by contemporary composers Carlos Simon and Polina Nazakinskaya. Beethoven & Blue Jeans is hosted at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox Street. The show begins at 7:30 pm. For tickets and show details, visit

MLK Day Parade


Mike and the Moonpies at The Handlebar

..................................................................... January 28

January 16

After a hiatus from 2020 to 2022, The Martin Luther King Commemorative Celebration Commission announces the return of the MLK Day Parade for 2023. For 34 years, the MLKCCC has delivered this longstanding tradition that is celebrated along the streets of downtown Pensacola. The MLK Day Parade will begin at 11am and is an all-day event featuring local schools, organizations, churches, businesses and attendees from the greater Pensacola community. The parade broadcasts live on WEAR-TV and BlabTV. The parade line up will start at the intersection of Spring and Garden Streets. For more information, visit

TobyMac at the Pensacola Bay Center

Mike and the Moonpies is an American neotraditional country and Americana band based in Austin, Texas. The group was formed by singer-songwriter Mike Harmeier in 2007. Its members are Harmeier, drummer Taylor Englert, guitarist Catlin Rutherford, bassist Omar Oyoque and steel guitarist Zachary Moulton. On January 28, Mike and the Moonpies will be stopping by The Handlebar, located at 319 N Tarragona Street. The show will begin at 7 pm. Tickets are $15 in advance, or $20 at the door. For tickets and more information, visit

27th Annual Cordova Mall Ball


the Pensacola Opera Center located at 75 S. Tarragona Street in downtown Pensacola. Each of the performances begins at 12 pm and lasts about 45 minutes. For complete details and to view the full schedule of events, visit


Pensacola Mardi Gras 12th Night Celebration

....................................................................... January 6

January 26

Christian contemporary artist TobyMac is stopping by the Bay Center in January. TobyMac’s Hits Deep Tour is returning to the stage with support from fan-favorite acts such as CROWDER, Cochren & Co, Tasha Layton, Jon Reddick & Terrian. TobyMac’s Hits Deep Tour is supported nationally by KLOVE, and Air1 Radio, Food for the Hungry, and Altrua HealthShare. Doors open at 6 pm and the show begins at 7 pm. For more information, visit

Family Cooks Class: Kitchen Favorites

..................................................................... January 28

Pensacola Cooks is offering families and people of all ages an opportunity to get in the kitchen and learn something new. “Family Cooks Class: Kitchen Favorites” is an interactive, hands-on class where you “learn by doing” at your cooking station with provided kitchen tools. Culinary instructors Mike Selby and Denise Shelton join participants in the central cook area to teach the necessary skills and techniques for recreating some favorite restaurant-style dishes including runza, schnitzel and more. The cost to participate is $45 per student that is 18+ and $35 per student that is ages 6-17. Pensacola Cooks Commissary and Classroom is located at 3670 Barrancas Avenue. For more information, visit

January 28

The 27th Annual Cordova Mall Ball will be held on January 28. Presented by Sandy Sansing Dealerships, this event will feature live entertainment, food, a silent auction and more. Proceeds from the event go toward the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. To date, this event has generated more than $6.4 million for the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart, a hospital that has been dedicated to the care of children for more than 50 years. It is the only pediatric facility in the region. For tickets and more information, visit

Tedeschi Trucks Band


The 2023 Pensacola Mardi Gras season marks the 12th year for the official Pensacola Mardi Gras 12th Night Celebration. This event has become a favorite of many to help kick-off the season. This year’s event is special, as 2023 will be the first year in a long time that Pensacola has been able to celebrate the Twelfth Night on its actual intended date of January 6. Everyone is invited to attend the celebration and enjoy a fun night filled with Mardi Gras festivities, which will of course include King Cake. The celebration will begin inside Seville Quarter at 5 pm. For more information, visit

Thrillbilly Ball

January 14

January 29

Tedeschi Trucks Band is a Grammy Awardwinning 12-piece powerhouse ensemble led by the husband and wife duo of guitarist Derek Trucks and singer/guitarist Susan Tedeschi. With their own potent original songwriting alongside an extensive canon of influences, the dynamic all-star band owns a reputation for world-class musical expression bolstered by each album and every performance. Since forming in 2010, TTB’s caravan has traveled countless miles to bring its music to audiences around the world. Stop by the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 South Palafox Street to catch the band’s show. Doors open at 6 pm and the show begins at 7 pm. For tickets and show details, visit

Brown Bag Opera

January 31

Take a lunch break with the opera, and pair your sandwich with an aria! Grab a sack lunch–or just yourself–and join us downtown for Brown Bag Opera, a free, monthly performance featuring Jan Miller Studio Artists. Musical performances include a variety of timeless showtunes, dazzling duets and stunning trios. Brown Bag Opera performances will be held at

Join the Krewe of Daisy Dukes for a night of fun at the Thrillbilly Ball! Hosted at Whiskey Joe’s on Pensacola Beach, this ball features all kinds of western-themed fun. Attendees are encouraged to show up in their finest western chic attire. From 8 pm until midnight, guests will enjoy live music performed by Vinyl Revival, a premium open bar, light snacks, a photo station. The Thrillbilly Ball is open to the public and tickets are $65 each. For tickets and more information, visit

2nd Annual Pawdi Gras

...................................................................... February 5

WolfGang’s 2nd Annual Pawdi Gras is a free event open to every dog-lover in the city. As a part of Pensacola Mardi Gras and supported by the Krewe of Hip Huggers, Pawdi Gras puts a pup-centered spin on the typical Mardi Gras parade. Pawdi Gras takes place in downtown Pensacola, with Garden Street being closed down from Tarragona to Palafox. The streets will be lined with vendors, adoptable dogs, music, contests, food trucks and more. 100% of proceeds from the paw-rade will go toward this year’s benefactor, Escambia County Department of Animal Welfare. To register as a part of the event and to learn more, visit






Service members and civilian employees at the ‘Cradle of Naval Aviation’ participated in a tree-planting ceremony December 7 to kick-off the organization’s Tree City USA recertification .

Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola Executive Officer Cmdr. John Godbehere – along with NAS Pensacola Deputy Public Works Officer (DPWO) Jim Kane and Naval Facilities Command Southeast (NAVFAC SE) Natural

The tree planting ceremony, a mainstay of NAS Pensacola’s 28-year history with Tree City USA, comes at the onset of Navy Tree Awareness Week (Dec. 5 through 11), a local initiative highlighting proper tree management and providing education and tree care information to NAS Pensacola service members and civilian employees.

Resources Manager Michael Hardy – planted a Live Oak tree near the base’s Public Works Department. Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola Executive Officer John Godbehere (center) and Naval Facilities Command Southeast (NAVFAC SE) Natural Resources Manager Jim Kane plant a Live Oak tree Dec. 7 at the Public Works Department as part of NAS Pensacola’s recertification in the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA Program. Photo by Bruce Cummins, Naval Air Station Pensacola

Godbehere said NAS Pensacola employs rigorous standards to maintain certification in the Tree City USA program, citing the base’s Natural resources team as instrumental in the program’s ongoing success.

“To continue as part of the Tree City USA organization, the NAS Pensacola Natural Resources team ensures that an allocated cost is directed toward forestry projects, maintains an Urban Forestry Ordinance [tree instruction], and has a board to decide on tree mitigation issues,” Godbehere said. “Each of these serve to raise the awareness of how important trees are to our society, and cements us as part of a program protecting urban community forestry areas at which thousands of towns, cities and military communities are based.”

Tree City USA is an Arbor Day Foundation program designed to promote greener and healthier communities at a national level. NAS Pensacola has maintained the distinction of being a ‘Tree City’ for nearly three decades, something Godbehere said is reflective of the ongoing efforts of organization staff.

“Without the constant dedication and hard work of our Public Works and NAS Pensacola team, the management and maintenance of such a large expanse of urban area would not be possible,” he said. “It takes cooperation

from everyone to have a successful forestry program as we do today.”

Founded in 1976, the first Tree City USA cohort was comprised of 42 communities in 16 states. Today, the program includes more than 3,600 communities from all 50 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. NAS Pensacola initially received Tree City USA designation in 1994.

For more information on the Tree City USA program, visit the Arbor Day Foundation website.

NAS Pensacola, referred to as the “Cradle of Naval Aviation,” is designed to support operational and training missions of tenant commands, including the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (NATTC); Naval Aviation Schools Command (NASC); Marine Aviation Training Support Groups (MATSG) 21 and 23 and serves as the headquarters for Naval Education and Training Command (NETC).


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