The Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Airport is the perfect venue to host your next meeting or event. Let our experienced on-site banquet manager assist you in coordinating all the details.
Our facility features 6 meeting rooms that can accommodate guest counts of 10 to 200. With on-site catering, we can handle everything from casual breaks to formal dinners. Contact our experienced sales team today to book your next event with us!
Tabitha helped us sell our home AND simultaneously buy our new one! We built new and it was an absolute breeze! She made all transitions and paperwork as smooth as possible for us. Our home sold in UNDER 8 days!”
“Tabitha is a great agent! She represented us, and our interests, from across the country. When we couldn’t be there, in the immortal words of Michael Jackson, she said “I’ll be there!” And she was. Even after closing escrow she has been there for us, helping get the right contractors and checking the status of various matters when we couldn’t. I just can’t express in words how much we appreciate her and how great she is. Don’t hesitate to work with her if you are in need of a realtor!
If you’re looking for experience and exceptional service when buying or selling your home, choose Tabitha!
The world's largest touring virtual art exhibition will debut in Pensacola this month.
This local event company plans custom parties, celebrations and more for owners and their precious pups.
A selection of local pet products for you and your furry friends.
Six unique ways to memorialize your beloved pet.
Why leave your furry friend at home while you're out having all of the fun? Here are some of Pensacola's pet-friendly establishments that will happily welcome you and your furry friend.
Bring some love into your life and opt to adopt one of these (or any other) adorable pets from the Pensacola Humane Society.
8 Editor’s Note
10 Page 10 with DeeDee Davis
41 Event Calendar
ON THE COVER: Dixie, photographed by Guy Stevens
Obesity, diabetes and heart disease became death sentences for too many people battling Covid. While genetics predispose some to these illnesses, many can be managed or eradicated by lifestyle changes. I’d like to focus on making healthy choices while still enjoying the bad-for-you good stuff in moderation.
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2021 issue survived barrage loss and entire loved ones, kept side, at least will change vaccines coronavirus, some freely What has suspect it mental time positive experiences. resolutions Instead, brought home have uncertain. my community. health is our knew it.
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incredible special-needs pets and owners and she discovered that while these precious babies may take a little more care, the love they give in return is worth every second.
first responders and hospital workers? Thank you for putting yourselves on the front lines to keep us as safe as possible. Also, a big shout out to all the teachers out there scrambling to put together online lessons to keep our kids engaged and learning instead of worrying about things they cannot control. We appreciate you!
I don’t know about you, but 2020 offered far too little of either of these to me. I was so consumed with my mom’s illness and then with surviving the grief of her loss and the anxiety of the pandemic and the sorrow of so many national news stories that I took little time for myself. This year, I hope to explore creative and personal endeavors that help me rediscover myself and discover new outlets for personal expression.
If exotic animals are more your thing, head on over to the brand spanking new and significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. The new location features all the hands-on, up close interaction as the previous location plus added attractions, amenities and experiences that will make for a wonderful family day out.
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring—it was peace.”
Owner & Publisher Malcolm Ballinger malcolm@ballingerpublishing.com
Executive Editor Kelly Oden kelly@ballingerpublishing.com
Art Director Ian Lett ian@ballingerpublishing.com
On that note, I encourage you to read our COVID-19 Resource Guide, which provides resources for food, business, community and more. The ever-changing nature of this crisis necessitates that I mention that these resources may or may not be available to you by the time you read this issue. I hope it will provide a place to start, some ideas or some inspiration either way.
Why do we love our pets so much? For one thing, there is nothing quite as wonderful as being greeted by a tail wagging, drooling dog after a long day at work. And, when your cat chooses to cuddle up on your lap for a long petting and purring session, you can’t help but feel a little special— admit it. We give them food, shelter and good scratches and in return, they give us unconditional love. Our pets adore us—even the cats (to an extent).
Kelly Oden Executive EditorIf you’re interested in conservation, check out Dakota Parks story on local Panhandle Rooftop Nesting Biologist, Rebekah Snyder. Through her work with Audubon Florida, Snyder helps to ensure local shorebirds have safe nesting spaces in an increasingly overpopulated region.
You may also notice that we have some nonpandemic related stories in this issue. We made the call to include already planned articles that might still be helpful, relevant or enjoyable for our readers. We hope you find them useful.
In return for this love, we deal with the not so fun aspects of pet partnerships—fur everywhere, litter boxes, poo bags, chewed up shoes and scratched up furniture. But none of that seems to matter. Much like a human baby, once your pet has won your heart, there’s not much they could do to sever that bond.
While many people made glorious headway on home improvement and personal projects in 2020, I did not. I did not organize anything. I did not fix anything. I did not learn a language or a new skill. Nothing. But that’s ok, too. I’m still here. That’s an accomplishment. However, in 2021, I’d like to lighten my load and empty my house of much of the clutter and unnecessary junk that fills it. It’s time to make room for something new.
All of this, plus a few DIY pet treat recipes and some good news from the Florida legislature regarding protection for pets in abusive situations.
Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Alana Cox advertise@ballingerpublishing.com Editor Morgan Cole morgan@ballingerpublishing.com
Assistant Editor Nicole Willis nicole@ballingerpublishing.com
Editorial Interns
Destiny Herbert Molly Callahan
Contributing Writers DeeDee Davis
In this issue of Pensacola Magazine, we celebrate a variety of pet-friendly businesses, activities and products. We offer up ideas for memorializing your departed pet, posh local pet products, a dog event planning company and more. Perhaps most important, our cover store features adoptable pets currently available at the Pensacola Humane Society—all gorgeously photographed by the talented Guy Stevens.
As for us, Pensacola Magazine has been published under one title or another for more than 40 years. We have no plans on changing that. We will continue to publish and to bring you all the information we can for as long as we can. Please reach out to us with story ideas, inspiration or just a quick hello. We are all working from home and we are missing our water cooler conversations.
In this issue, we’ve covered all of these topics and more to help readers shift their own focus in 2021. We hope you enjoy. Here’s to your health!
Sales & Marketing Paula Rode, Account Executive, ext. 28 paula@ballingerpublishing.com
Geneva Strange, Account Executive, ext. 31 geneva@ballingerpublishing.com
So, turn off the news, put down your phone and enjoy these heartwarming tales and adorable of photos of local animals and the folks who care for them. When you’re done, give your kitty a little catnip and throw your dog a bone. It’s these simple pleasures that will keep us all sane.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong, Pensacola!
We’ve also included photos of all of Ballinger Publishing’s furry friends and family. We hope you enjoy the photos and this special pet-themed issue!
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Every summer is hot, but this one takes the cake. It’s the subject of most discussions around the watercooler, in line at the grocery store or on the phone with anyone who cares. Despite the heat, we have so much to love about summer, not the least being the awesome Blue Angels Air Show on Pensacola Beach. This year was extra special. Our family did the usual—load everyone up on the boat and anchor in Little Sabine. This is a show in itself and you try really hard not to think about what is actually in the water that you spend hours in waiting for the main event. Our philosophy is that maybe enough of whatever you are sipping will give your immune system a boost. People fly all sorts of flags from all sizes of watercraft at this show. Some are political, most are sports related. Usually the view is dotted with a zillion “A” flags. As in the opposite of Auburn. This year—nada. There were several Auburn flags flying and a lot of LSU ones, too. But “A” flags—zero, none. It was glorious. Amazing how two losses scatters the fans. Not us Auburn people. We have lost so many games that simply having a winning season is our dream.
As much as I love college football and autumn on the Gulf Coast, I hate to see summer go. I try not to complain about the heat and humidity because without them I wouldn’t have the regular opportunity to hear the rumbling thunder that announces an oncoming late afternoon storm. I love the swarms of butterflies that are drawn to the beds of pentas in our yard. The flowers continue to flourish, even in this heat, but the butterflies are starting to bail out and head south. I love every visit to Joe Patti Seafood, especially if Frank is calling the numbers. We are so fortunate to have stress in our lives that involves the difficult decision of fresh shrimp or grouper for dinner. My skin has paid dearly for my love of the sun and beach and yet I wouldn’t trade one minute of seashore therapy for all of the ivory skin in the world. My dermatologist certainly has job security as long as I am around. It is surely no coincidence that I was born on the last day of summer,
soaking up every bit of my favorite season as we move into my next best season of fall. I know I don’t need to explain football fever to anyone who has gone to a college with a team, or who has had a child who has attended a college with a team. And, of course, there are plenty of people out there who can claim neither and yet still are passionate about the game. Listen to the Paul Finebaum show sometime. So, this is for those who don’t share the love or understanding of the bizarre craziness that follows college football. It’s not meant to make a fan or convert out of you. It’s only to offer a meager justification for the absolute insanity that overtakes anyone who cares. Stress is undoubtedly at the core of all misery and disease. But who can avoid it? The best we can do is take care of what we have and try our darndest to exercise and eat right, hoping that is enough. Global Warming, Covid, crazy people who won’t vaccinate, airline cancellation, cancer, gangs and drug dealers. Where does it end? We are surrounded 24/7 with plenty of things to keep us up at night. But mercifully, in the fall, we have one reprieve, one glorious distraction. College football. There ain’t nothing like it. I have never exactly been what you would call a politically correct person, if politically correct means avoiding taking sides or offending anyone. I love Auburn football, though I was not raised to bleed orange and blue. I grew up in a home where Friday nights meant high school games, Saturday was all about college ball, and Sundays included a pro game. But Saturdays were the best. One game on the television and others on the radio, though often they were one and the same since my parents thought, and still feel, the University of Alabama is the only school in the universe that matters. When you get all wrapped up in support of a team it has a way of blocking out everything crummy in your life. Unless you lose, that is. Even then, it’s a different kind of misery that you know you share with everyone else wearing your colors. And it’s not the kind of disappointment that changes the world like war and disease. It’s temporary. There is always next year and a clean slate with new players and if it was a really bad season, most likely new coaches as well. Other than maybe a Jimmy Buffett concert, where can you go to hang out all day drinking with people dressed in costume for the cause? I packed up recently to head for Auburn and stopped by my office before getting on the road.
I work in a place where almost everyone has declared loyalty to a team. But there is something screaming like neon about a lone car in a parking lot adorned in magnets, shakers, flags and yes, a tiger tail. What kind of normal person does this? It’s another story altogether when you hit the interstate with your brethren. Fight song blaring from the radio, onward to the game! Tailgating is a culture of its own. Don’t try to find logic in leaving at daybreak to find a good parking spot, only to have an entire day to fill with revelry before taking the party into a stadium. Beer at 10 am? You bet. When you are there it seems so right. The day after is another story. The tailgate parties at most campuses are legendary, with Ole Miss probably topping the list. Stake your territory and set up camp is what it’s all about. Once upon a time these gatherings included a couple of ice chests and some pom poms. Now they have television, catering, full bars and party favors. If as much effort went into solving world problems as goes into planning an SEC game weekend, there would unquestionably be peace and harmony among the nations. And it’s not all restricted to actually going to the game. Every bit as much goes into a stay –athome -and -watch, because then you follow all of the games. Not that I am one of them, but many are said to take as much joy from another’s loss as they are from their own win. You don’t say this out loud; you just keep it deep inside where some sign of it does occasionally show it’s ugly self in horrible ways like poisoning trees. But even alone with my television, I am wearing team support gear as if I was ready to suit up and take the field. And when the marching band struts out and fireworks precede the team bursting into the arena, nothing else matters—not terrorism, not war and certainly not politics. Not for three and a half hours anyway. It’s only a game you may say? Not a chance.
August Birthdays
7 Cherry Fitch
11 Jenny Noonan
14 Corbett Davis, Jr
27 Sharon Duplantis
28 John Griffing
28 Jim Neal
31 Milton Ussry
The new Baptist Hospital campus was born from a legacy of putting people first by advancing health care access, experience and outcomes for everyone. This bold transformation cannot be done alone. We need you to help us bring the next generation of health care services to our community. Through philanthropic support, we can provide the tools, technology, equipment and environment needed to enhance the overall patient experience. As the area’s only locally led not-for-profit health care system, Baptist Health Care relies on partnerships with passionate and generous individuals to help provide the right care in the right place for those who need it.
Join us in this once-in-a-lifetime, historic opportunity as we Transform Baptist for the Future. To make a gift to the Baptist Health Care Foundation, please visit baptisthealthcarefoundation.org/give.
The highly anticipated touring exhibition, Beyond Van GoGh: The ImmersIVe experIence, will be making its debut in pensacola this month Beyond Van Gogh is a unique art exhibition that allows viewers to insert themselves into Van Gogh’s artwork.
This three-dimensional virtual show is the country’s largest immersive experience, occupying more than 30,000 square feet of space. Beyond Van Gogh travels across the United States to display Van Gogh’s remarkable works in new and spectacular ways. Inside the exhibition, guests will find massive images of Van Gogh’s work swirling on the walls, creating a transporting narrative experience.
Exhibition guests will begin their journey in the Education Room, where they will learn historical and biographical information about Van Gogh and his works. Next, guests will move into the immersive portion of the exhibit, where they will have the opportunity to view more than 300 pieces of his Post-Impressionist work. Guests can expect to see the familiar favorites of Van Gogh, like The Starry Night and Terrace of a Café at Night, as well as Sunflowers.
Not only is Beyond Van Gogh a thrilling visual experience, but sound is a pivotal part of the experience as well. The art is accompanied by music from different genres, styles and time periods,proving that Van Gogh’s art can coexist with music from any time period. The music adds an additional layer to the immersive exhibition.
Beyond Van Gogh combines the timeless artwork of the well-known artist with the extraordinary feats of modern technology. Art historian and consultant to the creative team behind the immersive experience, Fanny Curtat, breaks down the exhibition: “This experience is about blending cutting-edge technology with Van Gogh’s body of work so that the audience can literally set foot into the paintings themselves, be part of them and experience them in a whole new way.”
Even if you have seen Van Gogh’s artwork before, you will still want to experience the immersive exhibition. Beyond Van Gogh is different from viewing Van Gogh’s paintings at a fine arts museum because instead of viewing the art from an outside perspective, guests are invited to step into the frame and take in the art with not just their eyes but their other senses as well. The scale of the experience is so large it changes the perspectives, as if the viewer is participating in the scenes rather than just spectating.
“Nothing will ever replace the magic of an original Van Gogh hanging on a museum wall, there’s an aura to it that’s just unmistakable,” Curtat said. “But there’s something so phenomenal about being able to walk into one! The scale of the project alone makes it a very different experience, it changes not only the point of view, but it also allows the audience to see the details of the brushstrokes, the way he puts colors side by side without truly blending them, etc. You also take it in with your whole body: you can follow the light and the brushstrokes.
Children get to run around, dance and twirl as they wish! The whole thing feels alive and dynamic.”
Even if you’re extremely familiar with Van Gogh’s art, you are guaranteed to take away something new from the immersive experience. Not only will guests get a fresh perspective on Van Gogh’s work, but the experience offers a peek into another side of Van Gogh himself. There are many things to anticipate with Beyond Van Gogh, and Curtat explains that she is most looking forward to the guests getting to see another side of the famous artist that is not often discussed.
“I’m excited for people to see that there is much more to Van Gogh than the ear-cutting incident,” she explained. “He tends to be remembered for the darkness in his life but you don’t see this darkness when you look at his work: it’s rather about finding ways out of it. It’s about light, the power of color, the healing quality of nature, the therapeutic power of art, etc., and I’m excited for people to experience that.”
Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience was produced by Paquin Entertainment Group from Winnipeg, and created by Normal Studio based in Montreal, and it is sure to be an experience that you won’t forget.
“The response to this experience has been amazing and reactions to it have been incredibly varied,” Curtat said. “I’ve seen people cry while others smile the whole time, some people prefer to sit and take it all in while others move, dance and twirl. As a whole, it’s been phenomenal.”
The immersive experience is family friendly, and everyone is encouraged to go. “This show is truly for everyone: whether you know a lot about Van Gogh or a little,” Curtat explained. “If you’re already familiar with his work, then it’s great. It’s about the fantasy of being inside the work you know and love. If you don’t know anything about him, it’s such a great instruction and a fantastic way of discovering his work.”
There will be a large gift shop on site for guests wanting to bring a piece of the experience back home with them. The exhibition will be available for viewing August 5 through September 9 at the Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds, inside building 6. Tickets for this immersive art experience are now on sale starting at $28.99 and can be purchased online at vangoghpensacola.com.
Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience has sold almost five million tickets globally. For tickets and complete exhibit details, visit vangoghpensacola.com.
Meet Amy. She’s worked at FPL for seven years managing customer outreach for our Storm Secure Underground Program, an initiative that replaces overhead neighborhood power lines with underground lines to improve storm resiliency and reliability. To Amy, family and community are everything. Providing reliable energy is just one of the many ways she feels she can make a real difference for her family and yours. Learn more at FPL.com/Value
Jessica and
the founders of Pensacola’s WolfGanG ParKs and BreWs llc, have found immense success in the realm of event planning and their clients have been howling their good graces for nearly two years. Those clients— dogs—are the center of the entrepreneurs’ lives, and their passion and dedication to them shines through in their work. Motivated by their desire to include their own dogs—Hugh, Marie, Mama and Victor—in fun and typically humanexclusive activities, WolfGang became the first dog event planning service to set up shop in Florida and they have made strides in increasing the number of pet-friendly spaces in Pensacola. For this month’s pet-themed issue, we sat down with WolfGang co-owner, Jessica Woldford, to discuss the intricacies of their business, the responsibilities of dog ownership and the pet adoption process.
What inspired you to start a business revolving around pet-friendly events?
Well, we have four dogs, and our biggest issue was that we could take them to do stuff, but they were just kind of lying there. They weren't really doing anything even though they were still happy to be with us. So, we wanted to create a way to work with businesses that we already liked going to in an effort to host more dog-centered events. It was kind of a selfish thing at first—which I think most businesses that start are pretty selfish—then it quickly grew into something that everybody loves, because they already love taking their pets with them places. So, why not do something about making the dog the Guest of Honor?
What are some specific services and events that you offer?
The whole event side of it started off as a pilot company just to kind of get our name out there. We're in the process of building a brick and mortar right now. We’ve done dog birthday parties, adoption events, Pensacola Pawdi Gras, Yappy Hours, Mutts and Mimosas, Santa Paws and more. People come to us with these ideas, and we research it and we kind of play around with our dogs to see if it works, and if it does, then we go for it. There are quite a few different things that we're capable of doing. If we can do it safely and everybody's having fun, we will entertain just about anything.
How do you go about approaching different businesses that typically aren't pet-friendly to work with you?
We started working with local companies that are dogfriendly and I think our reputation kind of grew from there. We'll be celebrating two years of business in October. Doing Pawdi Gras in partnership with Pensacola Mardi Gras, which is a city-wide event, really helped people to see that there’s a need and a desire for people to be able to take their dogs to more places in the city. These places don't have to be dog-friendly 100 percent of the time, but if they can make an exception for one day to host a dog-friendly event, then it also builds the trust people have in their business and in turn, helps to increase their revenue. We just pitch to different businesses and say, "Hey, here's our idea. What do you think?" In the past six months our reputation has really grown. We've had people start to reach out to us for quite a few private events with big corporations, and now we just have people coming in all the time and asking us, "Hey, can you do this for our business?" It's a blessing.
What goes into planning for a dog-specific event?
If it's a new event that we're introducing to the public, we try that out on our own dogs and see how it goes. We do a lot of research on the type of event we're going to do and the venue that we're going to do it at. We do ticketed events and we limit the number of dogs for a couple reasons–the main one being safety and making everyone comfortable. We also want to make the experience personable. If we have more than 30 dogs in an area, that makes it hard for us to get to know the dogs and the owners
one-on-one. That's always been important to us—to make our events very personable and to remember those dogs’ names and have them come back. Then we work with the venue and try to figure out what's going to be best for them from a monetary standpoint. When we're looking at something like Pawdi Gras, that's a huge event; we have to shut down roads. We're working with sponsors and over 40 small businesses. That's something that takes up to six months of planning. But with our smaller events, we just try to make sure that everything is meticulously planned and that we're really catering to the dog. Obviously, we want humans to have fun, but we're not human event planners. We're dog event planners, and we want to make sure that the dog is the one having the most fun.
It’s hugely important to us to bring awareness to local rescues and shelters in the area and to educate people. You know, a lot of people thought that our local shelter was a kill shelter, and it's not. We really just kind of educate people on what these rescues do and help them to understand that they're nonprofits. They rely on grants that they’re given to save these animals. With Pawdi Gras we donate 100 percent of the parade registration fees to a benefactor. The first year we raised $5,000 and last year we raised 12,000. Our goal for this upcoming year is going to be 15,000 and hopefully we'll pass that. But every event that we do anywhere, we always invite an adoptable dog, and we try to donate a percentage of our ticket sales or we do raffles that benefit a local nonprofit.
Since so many of your pets are adopted, is there anything that you think others should know about the whole adoption process?
I think the biggest thing people need to understand is that you don't know what trauma a dog has gone through before they got to the shelter. They can become traumatized whenever they're put into a shelter or a rescue because they're in an environment they don't understand that's loud and crowded and has a lot of people coming and going. It takes time. Make sure that you do your research, make sure that you know what type of dog that you're getting and give them a chance and understand that not every dog is going to be a cookie cutter dog. You have to understand that these dogs were put in positions that were no fault of their own. They have no voice, so we are their voice. And if you're not in the realm of getting ready to adopt, there are so many ways that you can help that aren’t just monetary. You can volunteer your time to go spend with the dogs or help share their stories on Facebook.
What are some things that you'd like to share about your journey as a pet parent?
Up until September of last year, we had five dogs. Oreo passed away last September—he was 17 and he lived a great life. Our oldest is now 10, our German Shepherd, and then we've got a coming-up nine-year-old, a coming-up eight-year-old and our recent guy, we think is about three years old and he's a foster. We have a very
diverse group of animals in our home, and when people say, "I can't adopt that kind of dog because it won't get along with my dog," that is true most of the time, but still take the chance and see and do it the correct way. We have two pit mixes, a lab and our German Shepherd. Most people who like to breed shame, and really kind of put blame on certain types of breeds would look at our household and go, "Oh, my God, they must be vicious," or "They must be violent or terrible dogs," and they're not. We truly mesh with their soul, and we believe that each one of these adoptable dogs that came into our lives came into them for a reason.
Was there anything else that you'd like to share with readers?
Well, the biggest thing that we [the WolfGang] usually say is that "We're a dog business that's human friendly." That's what we're about. We also have big news coming soon with the brick-and-mortar announcement and we will be kickstarting all the Pawdi Gras stuff soon. People can also follow us on our social media and subscribe to our website, WolfGangparksandbrews.com. We send out biweekly newsletters that have dog-ownership and safety tips and it has information on our upcoming events.
S e v e r a l y e a r s a g o I w a s d i a g n o s e d w i t h c a n c e r and underwent chemotherapy treatments. I'm now in remission and blessed to still be here but I w a s i n s o m u c h p a i n . M y f e e t a n d h a n d s w e r e constantly burning - a tingling sensation, almost like when your leg or arm falls asleep," shares Beth.
Beth was suffering from Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) While chemotherapy kills cancer cells it also causes a lot of other damage throughout the body. 30-40% of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy result in peripheral neuropathy.
"Standing all day was not just a challenge, it caused me physical agony. Keeping up with my busy schedule - forget about it I couldn't even go for walks on the beach." Mary, like so many others, was prescribed Gabapentin to help with the pain and told there was nothing anyone could do - in their words 'there is no treatment for neuropathy.'
Then Beth found Dr. Rebecca Gibbons of Acupuncture & Wellness of Pensacola. By blending the time-tested science of acupuncture with more modern, medical technology, Dr Gibbons has designed a real solution for peripheral neuropathy.
Acupuncture is incredible at restoring blood flow and stimulating damaged nerves, preventing them from dying off,” tells Dr Gibbons “We take our treatments a step further by integrating ATP Resonance BioTherapy™ which targets specific nerves in the body using microcurrent. ATP therapy is like watering a plant. This treatment will stimulate the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair.”
After only four weeks of treatment Mary is already seeing incredible improvement. "I've taken the handicap placard off my rearview mirror and I'm finally back to walking on the beach. I can't wait to see how I feel at the end of my program! I used to think that this pain was just the price I have to pay for getting older. Dr. Gibbons has really given me hope for a better life!"
The number of treatments needed to allow the nerves to fully recover will vary from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.
If you or someone you love is suffering from peripheral neuropathy, call 850-530-1028 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gibbons at Acupuncture & Wellness of Pensacola.
For more information and to schedule a consultation, call 850-530-1028 or visit WWW.AWPENSACOLA.COM
Homemade Dog Treat Mix $14 & Puppy Love Treat Pan $27.50
Pensacola Hardware Company
Just like humans, pets need nutritious snacks too. Delight your dog with healthy, homebaked treats. Nordic Ware's simple-yetdelicious mix is easy to prepare in this castaluminum Puppy Love Treat Pan. It turns out 16 bone-shaped snacks that will have your fur baby drooling for more.
Ever’man Grocery & Cafe
Spruce up your furry sidekick in a jiff with these vegan-friendly, multi-purpose pet wipes. The cruelty-free formula instantly freshens fur and cleanses, shines and softens your buddy’s coat naturally— without harsh chemicals like parabens and sulfates. $7.99
Ever’man Grocery & Cafe Made with 25 percent corn starch, these earth-friendly litter tray liners include an elasticised edge to keep the liner in place, making for a quick and easy clean up!
Pensacola Hardware Company
Take a walk on the wild side with this cheerful alligator dog collar by Up Country. This machine-washable collar is stain and fray resistant and stands up to heavy wear. Available in multiple sizes and with a large selection of fun colorful patterns to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one to match your pet's playful personality. $23 to $25
Prim In Proper
After a day of play on the hot pavement, this all-natural, handmade paw balm is perfect for treating your precious pup’s rough paws. It’s soothing and moisturizing, great for healing and best of all, it stays put! $18
Add a stylish touch to your dog bowls with these fun pet feeding mats that will have your pup ready to chow down. $12.99 ea.
This Bark-A-Rito Dog Toy Set by Mud
Pie is perfect for a pup so sweet. The four piece set comes in a crinkle canvas bag that holds three crinkle plush minky dog toys including a taco, avocado and hot sauce. $24.99
Beautifully hand-crafted, this ombre rope will add a pop of color to any dog’s wardrobe. The braided rope is made of strong cotton and features stylish leather accents and metal hardware.
Rusted Arrow Mercantile
Part of a limited edition collaboration between The Foggy Dog and Simplified® by Emily Ley, this brightly-colored bowtie is the perfect summer fashion accessory for your precious pooch. $22
Rusted Arrow Mercantile
It’s love at first bite with this juicy watermelonpatterned bandana. This stylish and machinewashable bandana is sure to add some pep to your pup’s step during their next walk or outing. Multiple sizes & colors available. $28
Rusted Arrow Mercantile
Apple Market
Don't sacrifice style for comfort, even for your pets. Suspended from sturdy macrame rope, this cozy hideaway is perfect for afternoon cat naps. This creative cat hammock is handmade by Clever Pet Treats, LLC and is available for sale at their booth inside the Apple Market. $60
From Whiskey River Soap Co., this milk-scented candle is made of soy, has two wicks and will last about 60 hours, which is more than enough time to make your entire house smell as though you own a dozen freshly-bathed kittens.The label also says that it’s best for those who made an Instagram for their cat, keep lint rollers in their car, and hate dog people (that last one not
Rusted Arrow Mercantile
This beautiful poop bag holder makes chic happen when sh*t happens. Holds one standard roll of waste bags with a little room left for a key and some treats. $26
Pet loss is a devastating thing to think about, but it is something that every pet owner has to face at one point or another. Our pets become a huge part of our families, and losing a part of the family is crushing. However, your pet’s memory does not have to fade when your pet crosses the rainbow bridge. When every pet owner’s worst nightmare/fear inevitably occurs, there are a variety of things that you can do to honor your pet and keep their memory alive.
From keeping a piece of your pet with you through a necklace to planting a tree in their honor, there are many creative ways to remember your furry friend, some of which can be accomplished while they are still with you. Whether you’re currently grieving the loss of a pet, or want to be a prepared pet owner, consider these unique ways to memorialize your pet.
1) Place a Memorial Stone. If your pet was a fan of the outdoors, consider keeping their memory alive with a memorial garden stone. Perhaps your pet had a favorite spot where they liked to sunbathe or relax after a game of fetch; pay tribute to your pet by marking one of their favorite hangout spots with a custom garden stone. There are many options for memorial garden stones, so you can make your stone as unique as your pet. Chewy.com provides some great options for this type of memorial, offering a wide variety of memorial stones in all shapes and sizes. The stones can be customized to include things such as your fur baby’s name, date of birth, years of life or even a photo of your late pet. Whichever stone you choose, marking their favorite spot is a thoughtful way to remember all the sunny days you spent with your pet.
2) Capture Their Memories. A custom way to create a touching memorial for your pet is to capture their memories in a shadow box. Shadow boxes are hollowed-out frames that allow you to decorate and insert and attach items inside the frame to put on display. Memorial shadow boxes can serve as a unique and eye-catching way to contain some of the items that made your pet uniquely themself. Some of the things that pet owners include in their shadow box memorial are their favorite photos of their pet, the pet’s name written in beautiful calligraphy, ink paw prints, collars and more. Stores such as PetCo and Michaels offer shadow box frames in a variety of sizes that are specifically made for pet owners to be able to attach photos and hang things like collars and tags on display.
3) Plant a Tree. A natural way to remember your pet is to plant a tree in your yard. This organic memorial serves as a reminder of your pet anytime you glance out of the window or take a step outside. Plant memorials can begin from scratch with the planting of a seed, or the replanting of a potted tree or plant. If you want to take the memorialization a step further, you can even incorporate your pet’s ashes in the planting process. There are companies that allow you to grow a tree, plant or flowers from your pet’s ashes. For example, The Living Urn provides pet parents with a fully biodegradable system that comes with everything you need to turn your pet back into the earth. The Living Urn allows you to insert your pet’s remains into their specially-designed BioUrn®, add in the other provided ingredients and plant the urn into the ground. The company allows you to select from a variety of plants and flowers that grow best in your area based on your ZIP code. This product can be found at thelivingurn.com.
4) Make a Print. Whether your pet is still right beside you or with you in spirit, their paw prints remain in your heart. One way to permanently keep a piece of your pet is to create a print of their paw. Paw prints can be captured in a variety of ways, but are most commonly captured by ink or clay. Gulf Breeze boutique Prim In Proper provides a simple and easy-to-use kit that can be used to capture the paw prints of your cat or dog. This paw print kit is completely mess-free and pet-safe, and your pet never comes into contact with the ink. The kit can be purchased online at priminproper.com. Another option to permanently save your pet’s paw prints is through clay. Family Pet Memorial & Cremation is a Pensacola business that offers a variety of pet memorial options, including clay paw prints. Once your pet’s paw print is captured in the clay, you can display the print forever. Family Pet Memorial & Cremation can be found online at familypetmemorialandcremation.com.
5) Wear Custom Jewelry. One way to keep your pet close to you each and every day is to wear customized jewelry that honors your pet. As jewelry is already extremely customizable, there are countless options available for you to create the piece that best suits you and pays honor to your pet. For a minimalistic and modern option, consider getting a necklace that displays your pet’s name. If you are a fan of vintageinspired pieces, consider a locket with your pet’s photo in it. If you want to make your piece even more personal, you could incorporate your pet’s ashes into the jewelry piece. Companies such as Spirit Pieces (spiritpieces.com) offer jewelry pieces that are created by mixing your pet’s ashes with UV activated resin that encapsulates the ashes in a beautiful and unique way. Spirit Pieces also offers urn pieces that allow you to carry a small amount of your pet’s ashes with you every day. With so many customization options, memorial jewelry is unique to both the wearer and the late loved one. Whatever piece you choose, there are many jewelry options available to keep your furbaby close.
6) Make a Look-alike. While hanging photos on your walls is a simple and easy way to remember your pet, there are options that allow you to bring your pet’s likeness to life in a creative way. Companies such as Cuddle Clones and Petsies allow pet owners to turn their pets into a stuffed animal or bobblehead figurine. Each plush or figurine is completely customized to look like your pet—from your pet’s fur and eye color, to their collar and even their pose. Simply upload an image of your furry friend and your custom pet “clone” will be to your doorstep. Stuffed animals and bobbleheads are a great way to keep your pet’s memory alive in a fun and cheerful way. This memorialization option would be an excellent choice for families with children grieving the loss of their pet. If you are interested in creating a look-alike of your beloved pet, consider checking out reputable companies like Cuddle Clones at cuddleclones.com or Petsies at mypetsies.com.
We are bringing on Sofwave™, a device that specializes in the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, and for eyebrow, submental and neck lifting.
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As pooches make their way into homes, hearts and families across the globe, they make their way into our communities as well. Recently named one of the best small cities in the United States by National Geographic Travel, the publication specified the Pensacola Bay Area, in part, because of the many restaurants that allow pups and the many pet shops and grooming spots. Pensacola has always been a pro-dog city. Today, many restaurants with outdoor dining areas allow dogs to hang with their humans while enjoying a bite or a drink. We have compiled a curated list of local parks, trails, bars, restaurants, events and activities that are pet-friendly. If you don't see a destination on the list, that doesn't mean they don't have space for your pet — just call ahead and ask.
Animal Therapy at Disko Lemonade
Yoga is a great way to destress, but combining it with animal therapy is even better. Disco Lemonade offers special goat yoga sessions.
Frisky Mermaid Dolphin Tours and Boat Rentals
Have you ever wondered how your pet might react to seeing a dolphin jump out of the water? Take them on a dolphin cruise and wonder no more. Pets are allowed on private rentals with Frisky Mermaid Dolphin Tours.
Ho2 Pensacola Pontoon Paddle Boards & More
Bring your pet along as you explore the water. There is a $1 pet fee and reservations are required by calling 24 hours in advance.
Krewe of Paws
This social club of pet lovers was established by the Pensacola Humane Society and is dedicated to improving the lives of our animal companions.
WolfGang, LLC
If you’re looking for fresh new ways to celebrate your pet, check out this pet event planner local to Pensacola. WolfGang is even Florida’s first pet event planner.
Barktober Fest
Held each year in October in downtown Pensacola, this pet-friendly festival features a fun-filled day of activities you and your four-legged companion, including a costume contest, small dog races and more.
Fur Ball
This black-tie event is held annually at the Pensacola Yacht Club and features an evening of live music and entertainment, pet adoptions, silent auctions items and more. It also serves as a fundraiser for the Pensacola Humane Society.
Pawdi Gras
A recent addition to Pensacola’s Mardi Gras events line up, Pawdi Gras offers a Mardi Gras celebration just for pups and their people. This event is free and open to the public.
Paws on Palafox
This 3K dog walk supports the Pensacola Humane Society’s Barbara Grice Memorial Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic. Dog and family friendly with water and cooling stations along the way.
Local Bathe-ins
These Bathe-ins are hosted by the Pensacola Humane Society and they offer dog grooming at a very low cost. These occur 7 months out of the year.
Santa Paws at Perfect Plain
This new holiday event encourages you to dress up your pet in a Christmas themed outfit to take photos with Santa.
Are you tired of walking the sidewalk and thinking about looking for a new route to take your dog for a walk? Here are some pet-friendly trails for you and your furry friend to explore.
Big Lagoon State Park (12301 Gulf Beach Hwy.) Pets are allowed in designated areas.
Blackwater Heritage State Trail (5533 Alabama St., Milton) Dogs must be on a leash 6 feet long or shorter.
Pensacola Bay Bluffs (along Scenic Hwy. in east Pensacola) Dogs can be on the wooden walkways and on the beach with a leash.
Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park (2401 Bauer Rd., Pensacola) Dogs must be on a leash 6 feet long or shorter.
Pensacola has many dog parks where you can bring your dog to run and play fetch freely. It is also a great way to meet fellow dog owners.
Bayview Dog Park and Beach (2001 E Lloyd St.)
Beulah Regional Dog Park (7820 Mobile Hwy.)
Kiwanis Park (1801 W Romana St.)
Pensacola Beach East and West Dog Park (Fort Pickens Rd., just across the street from North Galvez Court and just before Park East) -These are not fenced-in dog parks, so all dogs must be on a leash.
Perdido Key River Road Park (14484 River Rd.)
Shoreline Bark Park (Shoreline Dr. and Colley Dr., Gulf Breeze)
These local restaurants allow you to bring your pet along with you in patio seating unless stated otherwise.
Cactus Cantina
Café Nola
Calvert’s in the Heights
Dog House Deli
End of the Line Café
Flounders Chowder House
Frisky Dolphin
Graffiti Pizza
Hot Spot BBQ
Grab a pint at one of these fido friendly watering holes.
Alga Beer Co.
Coastal County Brewing
Hub Stacey’s
Odd Colony
O’Riley’s Irish Pub Downtown
Pensacola Bay Brewery
Perfect Plain
Jaco’s Bayfront Grille
Lillian’s Pan Pizza
Lillo’s Tuscan Grill
Mellow Mushroom
Nick’s Boathouse
Oar House Restaurant
Polonza Bistro
Red Fish Blue Fish
Scenic 90 Cafe
Shaggy’s Waterfront Bar & Grill
Shrimp Basket
Single Fin Café
South Market
Sunset Grille
Tacos Mexicanos
The Garden
The Wine Bar on Palafox
Tijuana flats
Tuscan Oven Pizzeria
Water Pig BBQ
These pet-friendly hotels allow you to vacation in style–with your furry friends! Pet-friendly policies, regulations and fees vary.
Hampton Inn Pensacola Beach
Home2 Suites
Hotel Pensacola
Hyatt Place
Surf & Sand Hotel
Finally— a cat café! Just before going to print, we learned that Pensacola is finally getting its first cat café and we couldn’t be more excited. Here’s what we know. The Coastal Cat Café will be located on W Garden Street and will work with local shelters to rescue and re-home adoptable cats in our community. While the opening date has yet to be announced, Coastal Cat Café will be
hosting a Pop-Up Cat Café at Perfect Plain+Garden & Grain on August 20 from 11 am to 3 pm. The event is a partnership with Panhandle Animal Welfare Society and all cats will be available for adoption. For more information, visit Coastal Cat Café’s Facebook page.
Pet adoption offers a number of benefits over buying from breeders or pet stores
First and foremost, adopting a pet saves lives. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, roughly 6.5 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the United States each year, 1.5 million of which are euthanized due to overcrowding or limited resources. By adopting, families and individuals provide a second chance for these animals and reduce the burden on the already-strained shelters. Adoption is also more cost-effective for the adopter. The average cost of adopting a pet from a local shelter or humane society is significantly lower than purchasing from a breeder, where prices can range from hundreds to even thousands of dollars. Additionally, most adopted pets are already spayed/neutered and up-to-date on vaccinations, saving on initial medical expenses. Adopting a pet can improve a person’s overall well being, as well. Studies from the Center for Disease Control have shown that pet owners experience reduced stress levels, increased physical activity and lower rates of loneliness and depression. By choosing adoption, you not only gain a loving companion but also contribute to the welfare of animals in need as well as your own health and happiness.
Here at Pensacola Magazine, we believe strongly in the power of pet adoption, rescue and fostering to change both animal and human lives for the better. That’s why we love to partner with the Pensacola Humane Society to showcase some of the incredible, adoptable pets currently awaiting their forever homes. These little sweeties are all full of love, energy and an overabundance of cuteness. If you’re considering adding a new pet to your family, please consider adopting from the Humane Society or other reputable rescue organizations.
About Pensacola Humane Society
Pensacola Humane Society (PHS) is committed to improving the lives of companion animals in our community through advocacy, adoption, education, and sanctuary. You can help support these efforts as well by participating in volunteer opportunities, donating to the shelter and by adopting a pet from PHS. Get involved today and take a hands-on approach to making our community a better place for pets. Pensacola Humane Society is located at 5 N Q St. in Pensacola. For more information, visit pensacolahumane.org.
Breed: Domestic Shorthair Cutie pie
Weight: 2.5 lbs AGE: 2 months
Hi, my name is Arlo. When I came into the shelter, I was such a crybaby, but the nice ladies at the shelter helped me come out of my shell. I don’t scream anymore when you pick me up and I love sitting in someone’s lap and getting a good rub. Can I come nap on your lap?
Breed: Purebred Sweetheart (Mixed Breed, Large)
Weight: 74 lbs Age: 5 years
Hey there! I’m Zoey. I’m full of life and have such a big heart. I love belly rubs and running in a nice yard. I need all the exercise I can get as I’m a little on the hefty side. I love men and women, and I think I would do great with older children because I still don’t seem to realize how big I truly am, but I'm working on being more gentle.
Weight: 22 lbs Age: 3 months
Lemme at ‘em! Lemme at ‘em! That’s what I will be saying when I finally see my furever family. My name is Scrappy and I love all toys, especially ropes for tug-of-war. I need a little bit of help potty training but I catch on quick to stuff. Everyone here at the shelter says I’m a real good boy, I already knew that though. I’m looking for someone that is patient and kind. I love kids, I’m a little curious about cats but haven’t actually met one yet. I’m still trying to figure out why they look like that. Anyways, I’m a young, fly dude just waiting for you.
Weight: 48 lbs Age: 9 months
Hi, my name is Dixie. I love holding my toys in my mouth, it gives me comfort in the scary shelter environment. I’m such a water baby; you can’t get me out of it once I’m in. I’m a little guarded with my toys and food, but I love a good play group. I love kids and all adults. I’m such a doll, at least that’s what everybody tells me at the shelter. Paws down, us rescue dogs are the best!
Breed: Domestic Shorthair Cutie Pie
Weight: 2 lbs Age: 2 months
Hi my name is Angela Montenegro, like from that show “Bones.” I’m super smart and creative. I like to help the shelter staff figure out clues and I like to play with computers. When I’m lounging around, I like to watch crime shows and be a detective kitty. I’m the best at what I do and I’m most certainly the best house cat. Come see me today!
Weight: 43 lbs Age: 1 year
Hi, I’m Waffles. I would describe myself as cool, calm, and collected. I love laying in green grass and watching the clouds. I love laying my head on a nice comfy lap and talking about my hopes and dreams. Can I talk to you about being my furever home?
Breed: Purebred Good Girl (Mixed Breed)
Weight: 38 lbs Age: 1 year
Hello there! I’m Bonnie. What’s your name? I’m looking for a nice family –maybe one with kids because I have a lot of energy. I play well with other dogs, too, but I’m not sure about cats yet. I love to be brushed and cuddled. Whose couch can I lay on next? Will it be yours?
Breed: Domestic Shorthair Sweetheart
Weight: 2.8 lbs Age: 2 months
Howdy Y'all! I’m Rosemary. I’m the best mouse chaser, toy grabber, catnip sniffin’ kitten you’ll ever meet. I spend most of my days playing or lounging by the window hoping that someday my furever family will come get me. I promise to give you all the love and cuddles if you promise to keep me forever.
August home games at the Blue Wahoos Stadium. For tickets and information, visit milb.com.
August 1, 2, 3 & 4 at 6:35 pm - Biloxi Shuckers vs Blue Wahoos
August 5 at 6:05 pm - Biloxi Shuckers vs Blue Wahoos
August 6 at 4:05 pm - Biloxi Shuckers vs Blue Wahoos
August 15, 16, 17 & 18 at 6:35 pmMontgomery Biscuits vs Blue Wahoos
August 19 at 6:05 pm - Montgomery Biscuits vs Blue Wahoos
August 20 at 4:05 pm - Montgomery Biscuits vs Blue Wahoos
August 29, 30 & 31 at 6:35 pm - Chattanooga Lookouts
The Saenger Theatre Summer Movie Series
August 5-26
This summer, the Pensacola Saenger Theatre presents its Comedy Classics Summer Movie Series. Every week from August 5 to 26, the theatre will play a classic comedy movie. Weird Science will play on August 5, The Breakfast Club on August 12, National Lampoon’s Animal House on August 18, Shaun of the Dead on August 24 and The Big Lebowski on August 26. All movies start at 7 pm and doors open at 6 pm. Tickets to all shows are $5. The Pensacola Saenger Theatre is located at 118 South Palafox Place. For more information, visit pensacolasaenger.com.
August 6
The biggest entertainment platform for teachers in the world, Bored Teachers, presents the funniest teacher-comedians in the world all on one stage. Their hilarious skits have amassed hundreds of millions of views on the internet, and they’re all joining comic forces on the stage for a night of laughter you do not want to miss. Put that red pen down, call your teacher besties and come burn off some of that stress this school year has been dumping on you. The Pensacola Saenger Theatre is located at 118 South Palafox Place. The show starts at 7 pm and doors open at 6 pm. For tickets and more information, visit pensacolasaenger.com.
August 13
WolfGang Pensacola and Odd Colony Brewing Company are teaming up to host a “build your own ‘barkcuterie’ and charcuterie event” to celebrate the love of dogs, good food and craft beer. Snag tickets to indulge a canine companion with a specially curated selection of dog-safe foods. Attendees will also create their own charcuterie board by choosing from an assortment of human-friendly cheeses, meats, bread, fruits, veggies and more. Elevate the experience with a selection of craft beers from Odd Colony Brewing Company. All boards will include a variety of safe and delicious foods. The event will be hosted at Odd Colony Brewing Company at 260 N Palafox Street. There are two time slots available for you and your pup to participate in this event–1 to 3 pm and 3:30 to 5:30 pm. For tickets and more information, visit wolfgangparkandbrews.com.
August 17
On Thursday August 17, the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra (PSO) will perform a small show at Artel Gallery in downtown Pensacola. Join a small ensemble of PSO musicians as they perform a selection of music inspired by Artel Gallery’s visual art exhibition, “Playlist.” Admission is free, with no tickets necessary. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show begins at 7 pm. Artel Gallery is located at 223 Palafox Place. For more information, visit pensacolasymphony.com.
August 18-26
The acclaimed all-female drama, Little Wars, will be performed at the Pensacola Little Theatre. A unique dinner party unites celebrated writers Agatha Christie, Lillian Hellman, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein, and Alice B. Toklas... along with a mysterious guest! Set during World War II, this gripping play offers a thrilling blend of historical drama and unexpected twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Little Wars is written by Steven Carl McCasland and directed by Billy Buff. A variety of showtimes are available from August 1826. The Pensacola Little Theatre is located at 400 South Jefferson Street. For tickets, showtimes and more information, visit pensacolalittletheatre.com.
August 20
Philadelphia-based punk band, The Menzingers, will be stopping by the Vinyl Music Hall along with special guests Prince Daddy & the Hyena and Mercy Union. Since forming in 2006, The Menzingers have shown their strength as rough-and-tumble storytellers, turning out songs equally rooted in frenetic energy and lifelike detail. On their new album Hello Exile, the band take their lyrical narrative to a whole new level and share their reflections on moments from the past and present while maintaining the irrepressible spirit that’s always defined the band. Doors open at 7 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. The Vinyl Music Hall is located at 2 S Palafox Street. For tickets and more information, visit vinylmusichall.com.
August 26
Pensacola Touch-a-Truck & Career Expo is the largest gathering of trucks, tractors, heavy machinery, military, police, fire and EMS apparatuses Pensacola has seen. The Toucha-Truck expo will provide children, teens and adults the opportunity to learn about and interact with the many individuals who build, protect and serve the Gulf Coast. The Touch-a-Truck & Career Expo is hosted in partnership with Pensacola State College to provide funds toward trade scholarships for those who need them in our local community. This family-friendly event will also feature a variety of activities for kids and adults such as face painting, bounce houses and food trucks for all. The expo is hosted from 11 am to 4 pm at Community Maritime Park in downtown Pensacola. Admission is $5. For information, visit eventeny.com/events/ touchatruckcareerexpo-4473.
Seville Quarter Haunted Ghost Tours
Do you dare dine inside one of Pensacola’s oldest buildings and most haunted restaurant? Come investigate the ghosts of Seville Quarter with actual ghost-hunting equipment for a lunch or dinner ghost hunt. Tours will run on weekdays at 11 am and on Sundays at 2 pm and 6 pm through the end of October. Get your tickets to ghost hunt and dine with International psychic medium, Ericka and members of her team as well as Second Sight Paranormal TV. Reservations are required and tickets can be purchased online at pensacolaghostevents.com, visitpensacolatours.com or pensacolatours. org. Tickets include a $12 voucher for Seville Quarter’s “Sunday Funday” menu.
What a fantastic organization! PCC puts on fun and interesting shows with diverse sets that challenge and accentuate the talent of all age levels. The real magic happens off stage, where the children are taught leadership skills, the benefits of hard work and demand for team work in the arts. They are pushed to grow their talent and take chances to expand their horizons. All children are welcome and welcomed, which makes for a great learning and growing atmosphere. I can’t wait to see what’s next!”
Funding to Pensacola Area for Infrastructure and Revitalization Improvement Projects
Gov. Ron DeSantis awards state grant funds to communities impacted by Hurricane Sally, including $70.1 million for Escambia County and $55.5 million for the City of Pensacola.
Find out what's happening in business, government and cultural news throughout Pensacola and Northwest Florida.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has announced $187 million in state grants funds for communities impacted by Hurricane Sally, including $70.1 million for Escambia County and $55.5 million for the City of Pensacola.
The grants are part of a newly renamed Florida Department of Commerce’s Rebuild Florida Program, which uses grants with different focuses to fund local government’s ability to strategically rebuild homes and harden infrastructure to prevent or mitigate losses from future disasters.
“My administration has prioritized supporting businesses and communities impacted by hurricanes while they get back on their feet,” Governor Ron DeSantis said. “Today, I am happy to announce $187 million in awards to aid in recovery efforts following Hurricane Sally – an important step in helping Northwest Florida recover.”
Escambia County was awarded $52.9 million to build a headquarters for Escambia Area Transit, including regional stormwater drainage improvements for low-and moderateincome neighborhoods. The county was also awarded $10 million to acquire, prepare and rehabilitate targeted property at West Cervantes and North Pace Boulevard and complete a project at Baptist Hospital.
The City of Pensacola was awarded $55.5 million for several significant infrastructure and neighborhood revitalization projects.
The awards include $39.7 million to complete the long-awaited stormwater and urban greenway project at Hollice T. Williams Park located under Interstate 110 as part of the Rebuild Florida Infrastructure Repair Program and repairing infrastructure at the Port of Pensacola and Fricker Center. The Hollice T. Williams project has been in the works since 2015 and aims to improve downtown flooding while reuniting the neighborhoods divided by the construction of I-110.
"This funding is monumental for the City of Pensacola, allowing us to complete projects that will transform our community and impact Pensacola for generations to come," Pensacola
Mayor D.C. Reeves said. "I appreciate Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Commerce, Sen. Doug Broxson and state leadership for recognizing the importance of these projects and the benefits they will bring to citizens of Pensacola and our entire region."
The application for the city grants was coordinated by the newly formed City of Pensacola Grants Office, in collaboration with at least 10 other city departments.
The City of Pensacola will utilize funding for the following projects:
Infrastructure Projects = $39,686,539.86
Hollice T. Williams Stormwater Park Project: This project will include stormwater, flood mitigation, and other green infrastructure improvements to linear park to reduce area flooding and boost community resiliency.
• Port of Pensacola Infrastructure Restoration Project: This project will restore infrastructure damaged by Hurricane Sally to include rail, road, water, and stormwater drainage as well as mitigation improvements.
• Fricker Resource Center Demolition and Rebuild Project: This public facility project will include the demolition and rebuilding of the Fricker Resource Center to serve various community needs, including shelter assisting with emergency preparations and response.
Revitalization Projects = $10,000,000
• Targeted Site Acquisition and Preparation within Former Baptist Health Care Campus: This project will include targeted property acquisition and preparation for reuse of the former Baptist Hospital Campus. Baptist Health Care anticipates relocation of its main hospital, currently located at E and West Moreno Street, to its new location on Brent Lane. The purpose of this project is to address potential blighting conditions that may result from the hospital’s relocation by facilitating reuse of the former campus.
The City of Pensacola was also awarded $5,861,500 through the Rebuild Florida Housing Repair and Replacement Program. The Rebuild Florida HRRP for Hurricane Sally is designed to provide funding for local governments to rebuild, replace or repair homes that were damaged by Hurricane Sally, helping impacted Floridians return to decent, safe and sanitary homes.
The funds are allocated to the state through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery Program.
The complete lilst of grant awards includes:
Rebuild Florida Infrastructure Repair Program
• Pensacola $39.7 million – to facilitate a stormwater infrastructure project at Hollice T. Williams Park to improve water quality and reduce stormwater in the area, to repair infrastructure at the Port of Pensacola, and to repair and improve infrastructure at the Fricker Center.
• Escambia County $52.9 million – to build a new state-ofthe-art, energy-efficient and resilient Escambia County Area Transit Center and to make regional stormwater drainage improvements in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
• Century $12.9 million – to demolish the old Century High School Gym building located at 440 East Hecker Road and build a shelter that can also be used as a multi-purpose facility and to make drainage and road improvements at Jefferson Avenue, Freedom Road Bridge and Alger Road Bridge, which were damaged during Hurricane Sally.
• Jay $5.5 million – to build a Community Disaster Response Facility and various infrastructure to support disaster response and recovery following a storm event.
Rebuild Florida Voluntary Home Buyout Program
• Panama City = $5 million
• Escambia County = $3.2 million
Rebuild Florida Workforce Recovery Training Program
Pensacola State College $2.5 million – to launch or expand a training program tailored to the specific economic revitalization needs of the community, which may include construction trades like roofing, masonry, carpentry, concrete finishing, plumbing, HVAC, electricity, heavy equipment operations, carpet laying, window installation, plastering, welding and more.
Rebuild Florida Hometown Revitalization Program
• Panama City $992,308 – to facilitate Project ACCESS, a boardwalk on Bayview Ave in the St. Andrews community, which aims to draw new businesses, foster economic growth for existing enterprises, encourage a healthy lifestyle for the low- to moderate-income households, and create enduring positive environmental effects.
• Pensacola $10 million – to acquire, prepare and rehabilitate a targeted property at West Cervantes and North Pace Boulevard and complete a project at Baptist Hospital.
• Escambia County $5 million – to improve streetscapes and add solar-powered lighting throughout low- to moderate-income areas by installing 80 new Escambia County Area Transit bus shelters and updating 32 Escambia County Area Transit Bus Shelters.
Rebuild Florida Workforce Affordable Housing Construction Program
• Florida Housing Finance Corporation $25 million - for the construction of new workforce affordable housing to help address housing shortages worsened by Hurricane Sally.
Rebuild Florida Housing Repair and Replacement Program
• Pensacola = $5.9 million
• Escambia County = $9 million
The James M. Cox Foundation awarded a $500,000 grant to fund CareView®, a predictive patient monitoring system at the new Baptist Hospital campus and Behavioral Health Unit, scheduled to open September 2023. The foundation is the charitable arm of Cox Enterprises, parent company of Cox Communications, and named after the company’s founder.
CareView is a virtual monitoring system designed to help health care providers with patient safety by reducing falls, reducing self-harm and increasing patient safety. Its patented technology can help predict inpatient falls, alert staff to at-risk patients and further a culture of patient safety.
“At Baptist, patient and team member safety is our top priority,” Baptist Health Care President and CEO Mark Faulkner said. “We are proud to partner with the James M. Cox Foundation and Cox on this essential technology for the new campus to add another layer of quality to ensure our patients are recovering safely while also keeping us at the forefront of innovative medical technology.”
The Behavioral Health Unit, an inpatient department of Baptist Hospital, will utilize a more robust version of CareView for their specialized patient population. Specific to behavioral health care, CareView allows facilities to keep a continuous watch over patients who present with behaviors that warrant a higher level of protective observation, such as exhibiting extreme combativeness, being self-destructive or being considered a danger to themselves or others.
The patient monitoring solution uses infrared technology and 24-hour monitoring for patients perceived to be at risk for suicide or self-harm. CareView also provides virtual bedrails that will alarm care teams and allow for a faster response time. This technology will be an ideal addition to the behavioral health geriatric unit, where patients are at a much higher risk for falls, especially at night.
The Cox grant will include the installation of 20 observation cameras at Baptist Hospital and 72 cameras that will be installed for observation at the Behavioral Health Unit. All cameras will be strategically located and adjusted to units where there is the greatest risk to patient safety.
“Cox has been a proud longtime partner of Baptist Health Care and the Baptist Foundation, and we’re excited about the James M. Cox Foundation’s generous investment in this beautiful new facility under construction in Pensacola,” Vice President of Cox Communications’ Gulf Coast Market David Deliman said. “The opportunity to partner with Baptist Health Care to use state-of-the-art technology to care for and monitor some of the most at-risk patients will help ease the minds of friends and family members in our community.”
Implementing the CareView system will allow Baptist Health Care to continue to provide the highest quality care for their patients.
About the James M. Cox Foundation: The James M. Cox Foundation is named in honor of Cox Enterprises' founder and provides funding for capital campaigns and special projects in communities where the company operates. James M. Cox was Ohio's first three-term governor and the 1920 Democratic nominee for president of the United States. The foundation concentrates its community support in several areas, including conservation and environment, early childhood education, empowering families and individuals for success and health
The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association (ESRBA) recently held its annual installation banquet. First Circuit Chief Judge John Miller conducted the installation of the 2023-2024 ESRBA Executive Council and Young Lawyers Division (YLD) officers and members. The association also recognized several of its members for their service to the profession and community.
Newly installed ESRBA Executive Council officers and council members are Christine Kelly, president; Joe Passeretti, vice president; Rebecca Gilliland, secretary; Stephen Luongo, treasurer; Aaron McCurdy, immediate past president, and members Kristina Cook, Patrick Jennings, Joe Kirkland, Alexis Mays, Michelle Nguyen, Shelby Savage, Jessica Scholl, Andrew Spencer, Rachel Thomas, Angela Trawick, Aaron Watson and YLD representative Brooke DiSalvo.
The 2023 Judge Ross M. Goodman Civility and Professionalism Award was presented to Robert N. Heath, Jr. Established in 2021, the award is bestowed to an ESRBA member whose dedication to civility, professionalism and ethics exemplifies the character as well as commitment to the profession and the administration of justice of Judge Ross Goodman, the inaugural recipient.
The 2023 Michael A. Doubek Community Service Award was presented to Antonio Bruni. The award is presented to a member or group of members of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association in recognition of volunteer service to the community.
Newly installed YLD officers and board members are Brooke DiSalvo, president; Alex Messmore, vice president; Will Hahn, treasurer; Ander Shimek, secretary; Michelle Nguyen, immediate past president, and directors Cassandra Buer, J. Mitchell de Kozan, Carllee Godwin, Haley Hadden, Kreg Jones, Madison Leonard, Sara Martin, Gabe Mueller, Brandon Shelley, Craig Wood and Mikaela Ziko.
Alexandra “Cookie” Echsner-Rasmussen was recognized as the recipient of the 2023 Young Lawyers Division William S. Meador Award. The award is given each year to a young attorney who distinguishes themselves by their commitment to our community through charitable and civil service. The award was established in 2005 to honor the legacy left by William Meador of practicing law with integrity, sincerity and courtesy while recognizing his commitment of giving back to the community.
The 2023-2024 Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation officers and directors were elected by the membership at the banquet. Newly elected officers are D. Steve Traylor, Jr., president; Jodi Dubose, vice president; and Cameron Gore, secretary/treasurer. New and returning directors are Jeremy Branning, Shekka Drayton, Stephen Echsner, Heather Lindsay, Patrick Martin, Aaron McCurdy, Adrianna Spain, Warren Todd, Kasey Watson, John “Buz” Windham, Mikaela Ziko and ESRBA President Christine Kelly.
in a culture of camaraderie, collegiality, competence and mutual trust. For more information about the association or how to become a member, visit esrba.com.
The University of West Florida Usha Kundu, MD College of Health will launch an Entry into Practice (Direct Entry) Master of Science in Nursing program in Fall 2023. The five-semester, in-person graduate program, which will be offered on UWF’s Pensacola campus and Emerald Coast location, is a direct pathway to the nursing profession for those who have already earned a non-nursing bachelor’s degree.
“We are working to meet the needs of the state, as the shortage of nurses is expected to continue, and expanding our programs in UWF’s School of Nursing is an important step towards meeting that need,” Dr. Gary Liguori, provost and senior vice president said.
The registered nursing shortage in Florida is projected to increase from 11,500 to 37,400 registered nurses by 2035 based on data from the Florida Physician and Nursing Workforce 2021 report commissioned by the Florida Hospital Association and the Safety Net Hospital Alliance of Florida. Registered nurses can find employment opportunities with a mean annual wage of $89,010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The curriculum provides foundational nursing knowledge and practice expertise enhanced with master’s coursework in areas such as leadership, evidence-based practice, population health and health promotion.
Students will have many opportunities to combine classroom knowledge with experiential learning, completing over 600 clinical hours in clinical specialties such as labor and delivery, surgical, pediatrics, population/public health and mental health.
We are delighted to offer this unique nursing program and expand our reach to the Emerald Coast community.
Upon passing of the National Licensure Exam Examination-Registered Nurses, graduates of the program will enter the nursing profession as a master's credentialed registered nurse prepared to meet the demands of an evolving healthcare system and advance into a leadership role.
For more information about the Usha Kundu, MD College of Health, visit uwf.edu/ukcoh.
Sales for the first half of the year were down 23% compared to the same period last year.
For Sale
June sales were up 6% compared to May but were down 9% compared to last June.
The average DOM for residential and condos combined was 47. An increase of 30 days over last June.
New listings rebounded from May’s totals, with residentials up 36% and condos up 84%. Condo inventory was up 49% over last June.
June’s pending sales were down 19% from the prior month and 12% compared to last June.
If you love home renovation and design, you'll be excited to discover up-and-coming trends that are transforming the look and functionality of home spaces today. Home design is continually evolving - inspiring homeowners and design professionals to innovate and reimagine how you can live in and feel about your home.
Here are design trends to explore this year.
Concern for the environment and consumer demand is spurring many companies to create more sustainable processes and materials, while ensuring that they don't sacrifice design or durability.
For example, Cosentino Group, the Spanish global leader in production and distribution of innovative and sustainable surfaces for architecture and design, has created Silestone, with HybriQ® Technology, a high-performance blend of premium minerals, quartz and recycled materials. With HybriQ+, Silestone products have an enhanced product composition and manufacturing method that uses 99% recycled water, 100% renewable electric energy, zero water discharge and at least 20% recycled raw materials. This new technology represents the first sustainable surfacing of its kind.
Today's kitchens provide the focal point for entertaining, inspiring homeowners to express themselves through design, surfacing and materials. Opting for custom cabinetry colors, unique backsplash designs and dramatic countertops are subtle ways to express your personal style through kitchen design.
For more drama and style in your kitchen surfaces, Cosentino's new Silestone Le Chic collection, launching in July, features contemporary designs in cream and rich-colored shades that are a modern interpretation of Parisian and Victorian inspired styles. Le Chic's six distinctive colors with expressive veins and metallic accents portray a sense of timeless allure, with a hint of nostalgia.
Dreaming of a spa-like atmosphere? The Europeanstyle wet room might be your next great bathroom reno.
Creating a cohesive space for your shower and bath is a great solution to enhance design and functionality, especially in smaller bathrooms.
Durable surfacing that can be utilized for flooring and shower walls - as well as built-in seating and storage to optimize the space - can leave your bathroom feeling luxurious and worry free. Make sure your contractor is experienced in creating a well-designed wet room, including proper drainage, lighting and non-slip flooring to ensure safety.
Renewed interest in urban materials like unfinished concrete is largely driven by the desire for clean lines and calm spaces. However, today's industrials are softened by combining concrete with natural elements like wood, stone and plants.
If this aesthetic appeals to you, check out the Silestone Urban Crush collection out next month, inspired by the diverse textures of industrial and urban style. Materials like concrete, limestone, bronze and ash inspired four new colors with different shades of gray.
Using metallic accents in a variety of materials and colors provides visual interest and elevates any room. Thoughtfully choose mixed metals for hardware, lighting fixtures, mirrors or picture frames. Even metallic accessories like vases, trays or artwork can enhance your space. Just a few touches of mixed metals go a long way.
Don't match metals, but stick with the same family. For the most pleasing effect, choose only from the cool family (like brushed nickel or chrome) or the warm family (bronze, polished nickel, brass) - plus black, which can go with either family.
Ready to explore the possibilities? Learn more about innovative collections for the home at Cosentino.com.
Want to transform your outdoor space while saving money? There are plenty of handson projects you can do yourself to eliminate expensive labor costs. The following ideas can be tailored to your budget and personal preferences:
Make your backyard more fun and functional with a lowmaintenance patio for entertaining and relaxing. Based on your budget and experience level, there are a variety of styles and materials to choose from, such as brick, concrete and stone. You'll also need gravel to create a sturdy foundation.
If you’re building on an existing lawn, clear out the grass and dirt first and dig an area deep enough, so the new surface will be even with the ground. Once you’ve prepped the ground and poured the gravel, use sand to hold the blocks in place and fill any gaps between the blocks once the layout is complete. Search online for step-by-step installation instructions and use a project calculator to determine the cost.
A built-in seating wall near a fire pit, pool or patio offers more places to lounge and adds depth to the space. There are plenty of DIY-friendly materials to build with, including interlocking concrete blocks, which won't need to be recut and are heavy enough to stay in place without cement, or larger, flat stones that look more natural and can be laid in various ways.
If you use concrete blocks, add capstones as top piece to give the design a finished look. Watch tutorials online before starting the project for inspiration and to ensure you complete all the necessary steps.
Fix up something old to make it new. If you have an above-ground pool or spa with a slow leak, easily repair
it with the highly-rated T-Rex Waterproof Tape. The tape has a waterproof backing enhanced with R-Flex Technology for greater durability. It’s also UV-resistant, can stretch up to 700% of its original length and is strong enough to be used underwater.
Locate the leak and then measure and cut a piece of tape with scissors (this tape is too tough to tear by hand). Remove the liner from the back and apply it to the crack to form a leak-proof seal. Press down firmly and smooth any creases by hand.
A privacy screen is an easy project for beginner DIYers and will hide unsightly air conditioning units, garbage bins and utility boxes. You’ll need weather-resistant wood slats, like cedar wood, fence posts, a drill, screws and paint or stain.
Use your “eyesore” to determine how tall to make the screen. Then, anchor fence posts into the ground and drill your first slat about an inch above the ground. Continue adding boards all the way up. For air conditioning units, leave space between each slat to ensure proper air circulation. Add a finish—dark for a modern style or clear for a natural look—and enjoy.
Use lighting to give your backyard a bistro-like atmosphere. Rather than using a drill to hang solar or string lights, use transparent, double-sided T-Rex Clear Mounting Tape to permanently and discreetly decorate.
Whether placing the lights across wooden beams or on brick or vinyl fencing, make sure the surface is clean and dry before applying the tape. Stick one side to the surface and the other to mount the lights. The adhesive will build over time, achieving full strength after a 24hour period.
Once you tackle these budget-friendly DIY projects, you’ll be ready to relax in your outdoor oasis.
5033 N 12th Ave · Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 477-6818
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00AM - 6:00PM Sunday & Monday: Closed