

2021 issue survived the barrage loss and entire loved ones, kept side, at least will change vaccines coronavirus, some can freely What has suspect it mental time positive experiences. resolutions Instead, to brought home have uncertain. my community. health is our knew it.
Obesity, diabetes and heart disease became death sentences for too many people battling Covid. While genetics predispose some to these illnesses, many can be managed or eradicated by lifestyle changes. I’d like to focus on making healthy choices while still enjoying the bad-for-you good stuff in moderation.
Owner & Publisher Malcolm Ballinger malcolm@ballingerpublishing.com
Executive Editor Kelly Oden kelly@ballingerpublishing.com
Art Director Ian Lett ian@ballingerpublishing.com
Graphic Designer/Ad Coordinator Ryan Dugger advertise@ballingerpublishing.com
strange spring. The novel in our so far been keep it from print with time, Escambia and Santa quickly once The fact is, virus or be symptoms. That is community, stay possible--leaving the idea, too, rather than social via world—phone encourage tribe. We bring and something this. distancing, in our will see that community groups and safe ways difference distancing. I must outpouring amongst my toilet paper more than to make up applause for our
Passion and Joy
first responders and hospital workers? Thank you for putting yourselves on the front lines to keep us as safe as possible. Also, a big shout out to all the teachers out there scrambling to put together online lessons to keep our kids engaged and learning instead of worrying about things they cannot control. We appreciate you!
incredible special-needs pets and their owners and she discovered that while these precious babies may take a little more care, the love they give in return is worth every second.
I don’t know about you, but 2020 offered far too little of either of these to me. I was so consumed with my mom’s illness and then with surviving the grief of her loss and the anxiety of the pandemic and the sorrow of so many national news stories that I took little time for myself. This year, I hope to explore creative and personal endeavors that help me rediscover myself and discover new outlets for personal expression.
If exotic animals are more your thing, head on over to the brand spanking new and significantly enlarged Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. The new location features all the hands-on, up close interaction as the previous location plus added attractions, amenities and experiences that will make for a wonderful family day out.
Welcome to the merry month of May! School is winding down and summer plans are in the works. For me, it’s all about trying to find a fun and affordable summer vacation to take with my daughter now that she is a teenager. Thankfully, the days of summer camps and summer childcare needs are behind me, but I remember them with high anxiety. Where will she go? What will it cost? Will she enjoy it? Summer camps offer a safe opportunity for adventure, skill building, independence and good old-fashioned play. When my daughter was younger, I tried to enroll her in camps with a good mix of artistic creativity, active play and outdoor adventure. Luckily, Pensacola is a treasure trove of summer camp opportunities. Nearly any theme or topic of interest is covered in a variety of price ranges. Each year, we put together a list of some of the most popular camps in town. This list isn’t exhaustive by any means. Be sure to check with your neighborhood organizations, schools and church groups to see what camps they might be offering as well. Camps do tend to fill up fast, so sign up as soon as you can!
On that note, I encourage you to read our COVID-19 Resource Guide, which provides resources for food, business, community and more. The ever-changing nature of this crisis necessitates that I mention that these resources may or may not be available to you by the time you read this issue. I hope it will provide a place to start, some ideas or some inspiration either way.
If you’re interested in conservation, check out Dakota Parks story on local Panhandle Rooftop Nesting Biologist, Rebekah Snyder. Through her work with Audubon Florida, Snyder helps to ensure local shorebirds have safe nesting spaces in an increasingly overpopulated region.
You may also notice that we have some nonpandemic related stories in this issue. We made the call to include already planned articles that might still be helpful, relevant or enjoyable for our readers. We hope you find them useful.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong, Pensacola! already? These assure you equally— alone. it—the I’m over on a word: inside over Only suspect. pandemic the stress, distancing and many things can provide more return. Society has had fostering know that always a sweet kitty sounds check page 34. for our with some
Editor Morgan Cole morgan@ballingerpublishing.com
Assistant Editor Nicole Willis nicole@ballingerpublishing.com
Contributing Writers DeeDee Davis
Also in this issue, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Paul Crowder, the director of the soon to be released IMAX documentary, The Blue Angels. I enjoyed hearing his stories about the lengths his production team went to in order to capture the best shots of our beloved flight team. Crowder promises never before seen footage of the Blues as well as an in-depth look at what it takes to become a Blue Angel. I hope you enjoy the interview and I hope you’ll go see the film. It’s playing at IMAX for one week beginning May 17, and will be available to stream on Prime Video after that.
While many people made glorious headway on home improvement and personal projects in 2020, I did not. I did not organize anything. I did not fix anything. I did not learn a language or a new skill. Nothing. But that’s ok, too. I’m still here. That’s an accomplishment. However, in 2021, I’d like to lighten my load and empty my house of much of the clutter and unnecessary junk that fills it. It’s time to make room for something new.
All of this, plus a few DIY pet treat recipes and some good news from the Florida legislature regarding protection for pets in abusive situations.
Editorial Interns Carey Clarkson Austin Mason Sales & Marketing Paula Rode, Account Executive, ext. 28 paula@ballingerpublishing.com
Geneva Strange, Account Executive, ext. 31 geneva@ballingerpublishing.com
In this issue, we’ve covered all of these topics and more to help readers shift their own focus in 2021. We hope you enjoy. Here’s to your health!
Beyond summer camps, this issue is chock-full of summer events, summer reads, parenting tips, recipes and more. It’s always fun to put this issue together. Pensacola really is a fantastic town for kids and families. I hope you and your kids get out and enjoy all that our city has to offer!
As for us, Pensacola Magazine has been published under one title or another for more than 40 years. We have no plans on changing that. We will continue to publish and to bring you all the information we can for as long as we can. Please reach out to us with story ideas, inspiration or just a quick hello. We are all working from home and we are missing our water cooler conversations.
So, turn off the news, put down your phone and enjoy these heartwarming tales and adorable of photos of local animals and the folks who care for them. When you’re done, give your kitty a little catnip and throw your dog a bone. It’s these simple pleasures that will keep us all sane.
Kelly Oden Executive Editor
Kelly Oden Executive Editor
Kelly Oden
/pensacolamagazine @pensacola_magazine
Politics is not for the thin-skinned. This has been true since the beginning of civilization, and it never gets better. It is the nature of the beast. The system is set up, at least in democracies, to be adversarial. There are candidates. There is an election. Someone wins. Someone loses. Winning is more fun but it certainly does carry the burden of responsibility that, unfortunately, most elected officials do not handle well. It’s true that this year’s elections are a bit different and are seemingly nastier even than those in the past. But now and then, there is a glimmer of sunshine. A ray of hope.
I try to do my civic responsibility and vote. I admit, sometimes it is a real effort to get out for a special election when no one even seems to care. Maybe everyone should be required to run for something at some point in their life, because I can speak from the voice of experience and say that aside from childbirth, there is nothing so humbling as offering yourself as a candidate and having your name go on a ballot.
Recently, I went to vote in an election where delegates were being chosen to go to the national party convention. First of all, I can’t believe almost 20 people wanted to be a delegate badly enough to campaign for this. It requires time, tremendous work, stress on your family
and cash for the materials necessary to get your name out there. I had a good friend who was running and sent out plenty of notices to his friends to please turn out. This was one of those Saturdays when it would have been wonderful to just stay in the yard working, as I was, getting dirtier by the minute. It was a beautiful day and the polls did not open until 10 am, which is prime time in the world of a gardener. But, friendship and guilt drove me inside to make myself somewhat presentable to those other than hydrangeas and azaleas. It was reassuring to know this wouldn’t take long because very and I mean VERY few loyalists show up to vote in a delegate election. On my drive over I was already planning my next move in the yard. Fresh mulch. Trim the butterfly bushes. Snip the coleus. Pure joy. Well. Imagine my surprise to arrive to a full parking lot and a line out the door and around the building. I checked my GPS to make sure I was at the right place. This? For a DELEGATE election? How could this be? Americana showed up on that beautiful morning and did what every citizen should be proud of. A simple, grassroots election drew them out because of concern for what they were observing nationwide. No violence, no trouble, just exercising their right as it is supposed to be done. The candidates were milling around the parking lot, greeting everyone as if this was normal and trying to muster up a few last minute votes before the electorate entered the building to do the deed. Flags flew, campaign literature was enthusiastically handed out, all was good in the land. The line was long but it didn’t seem to bother anyone. Quite the contrary. This crowd was as surprised as I was to witness the turnout. All ages showed
up, from those just qualified to those who were aged and needed assistance with mobility. I swear it was like walking into a Norman Rockwell painting. Many were familiar faces, all sharing the same concerns. Even better, entering the actual voting hall you realized how absolutely fundamental something like this election was and what it represented. Diligent volunteers checked the voters in and handed each a simple mimeographed paper ballot to mark. “Place an X by your choices,” the directions stated. And then you dutifully marched to the custodian of the cardboard ballot box to deposit your treasure and receive your stick on flag, affirmation of your efforts. Candidates thanked you for coming as you exited. I started the long walk to my car, still amazed at the entire experience. I left feeling more encouraged and more enthusiastic about the process than I had in a long time. I hope the same passion and responsibility carry over through November. The chances of this happening are probably far greater if we watch as little television as possible over the next few months, trying to avoid the toxic political ads.
And one great way to do this? Back to the yard!!
May Birthdays
10 Beau Noonan
17 Bradley Davis
21 Allison Patton
22 Julie Sheppard
A local doctor provides truly compassionate care and solutions for chronic pain and peripheral neuropathy.
Do you ever wonder what it is that makes some doctors so incredibly compassionate while others have a bedside manner better suited for the DMV?
In the case of Dr. Rebecca Gibbons, RN, DOM, AP of AWP | Acupuncture & Wellness of Pensacola it is a case of true empathy “I worked in hospitals as an RN for over 15 years and saw how patients suffered from pain and other chronic conditions. Some people were able to find relief with medications, injections or surgeries but many times we would see them come back within days, weeks or months. I saw their lives were not only filled with discomfort but their days were filled with doctors appointments, hospital stays, ER visits, prescription refills and physical therapy. That is no way to live. Not only does it take a toll on the person but it also takes a toll on their family members as well.”
Dr. Gibbons also had a personal experience with pain. “I had suffered from severe back pain and did not feel comfortable taking medications because of the way they made me feel. A friend recommended I see an acupuncturist After a series of treatments I was able to get relief from the pain. I was able to sleep again and the anxiety that I was feeling had also subsided.”
After her incredible experience with the healing arts she made the life changing decision to become an Acupuncture Physician, “Acupuncture quite literally changed my life and I want to share that with as many people as I can,” she proclaims.
I know the frustration of feeling hopeless and defeated. This is why I practice the brand of medicine I do and why I've made it my life's mission to treat the 'untreatable'
“As an RN, I saw so many people who had been given a disheartening prognosis, prescribed medications and told ‘this is just something you're going to have to learn to live with."
“But now as an Acupuncture Physician, I am able to integrate both eastern and western medicine to treat
those who have chronic pain, peripheral neuropathy and other chronic conditions ”
Understanding that Eastern Medicine excels where Western Medicine has not many tools, Dr. Gibbons set forth to develop treatment protocols for all variations of peripheral neuropathy (including diabetic and chemotherapyinduced) and back pain and now has an 80% success rate in treating these once difficult to manage conditions.
Furthermore, Dr. Gibbons has surrounded herself with staff that embraces the same approach to patient care. "I have caring staff who share the same vision as I do when it comes helping our patients get relief and to helping them to live life to its fullest "
Dr. Rebecca Gibbons has a long history of treating complicated, difficult to understand conditions She understands how tragic it can be if left untreated and when you feel like there is no hope.
Call 850-530-1028 to schedule your consultation or to learn more about what Dr. Gibbons treats visit WWW.AWPENSACOLA.COM
From 1908 to 1940, the Spanish Revival style building now sitting at 407 S. Jefferson St. served as the Pensacola City Jail. After sitting empty for more than 10 years, a group of local women determined the space could be used in a better way to serve their city. In 1954, members of the local chapter of the American Association of University Women envisioned a venue to exhibit traveling art exhibitions, offer art classes for both children and adults, and provide a community space for public meetings, lectures, films and other cultural presentations. Joining with others in the community who shared this vision, they formed the Pensacola Art Association. After leasing the building from the city, the group purchased the building in 1988 and established the Pensacola Museum of Art.
2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the Pensacola Museum of Art becoming an art center in Pensacola. In the first year of the center, founders of the American Association of University Women created the Members Show as a way to honor and celebrate the relationship between local artists and the center.
Seventy years later, artists remain a vital part of the museum community and this annual exhibition highlights their talent and creativity. The 2024 exhibition showcases close to ninety local and regional artists working in a diverse range of media.
Over the years, The Members Show has grown exponentially. “Last year we had fifty artists displayed at our annual members show. This year, almost ninety artists are represented in the galleries on the museum’s second floor,” says Nicholas Croghan, director at the Pensacola Museum of Art. “This is a testament to the growth of our museum as well as the expanding arts community in Northwest Florida. We are delighted and honored to showcase these talented individuals and are thankful for their museum membership and support.”
Lisa S. Qualls, Playing Ghostbusters in the Woods, oil on canvas, 2024
Best in Show: Lisa S. Qualls, Playing Ghostbusters in the Woods, oil on canvas, 2024
Second Place: Jason Pinckard, And I Know I am Deathless, video, 2023
Third Place: Racheal J. Homack, Strands Intertwined, mixed media, 2023
People’s Choice: Alison Walden, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, acrylic, 2023
Honorable Mentions: Cara Kearns, Hydra: To All the Cats I’ve Loved Before, natural and synthetic fiber, 2022; Mara Viksnins, Reclining, collage, 2020; Yvonne Christine, Bloodlines, cotton thread, porcelain, glass, crochet hooks, 2019
In 2023, Kelly Anne Mueller was awarded Best of Show in the Pensacola Museum of Art’s 69th annual Members Show for her mixed-media work Nest. She was offered the opportunity to display a site-specific, solo exhibition this year in tandem with the 70th annual Members Show.
Mueller is an artist, collaborator, and educator whose focus on the interrelationship between organism and environment, science and art, positions her as a visual ecologist. Deeply interested in the patterning relationships of the natural and man-made, Kelly’s multidisciplinary projects explore the tenuous space between natural laws of reciprocity and interconnectedness, the systems and cycles of nature, and the artificial, imposed order of human experience.
Her solo exhibition, Love Letters to Ursa Major, is a reflection on our relationship with the living earth and its inhabitants as we evolve as a species. Like any relationship, for it to thrive necessitates a delicate balance.
You can see the connection to the environment in Kelly’s work from the materials she uses, to the processes she employs. The centerpiece of the exhibition room is a 12-foot-tall bear titled Mother made from Louisiana blue tarps and recycled fabric scraps reminiscent of Cajun Courir costume fringe.
“Mother represents the earth as both a nurturing provider and a fearsome entity worthy of respect and care,” Mueller says in her artist statement. This large sculpture is also a nod to the famous sculptor Louise Bourgeois’s notable larger-than-life spider, titled Maman.
An additional series of mixed-media works entitled Mutualisms are featured in the show. These pieces, mounted on wood panels, are encaustic-coated cyanotypes that are created by utilizing UV rays from the sun and iron salt solutions. The photosensitive paper first turns white when reacting to the sunlight, and then blue with exposure to water. The imagery on these panels depict unexpected trans-species cooperations, such as that of the badger and the coyote.
Kelly Anne Mueller’s solo exhibition, Love Letters to Ursa Major: A Multimedia Meditation on Environmental Reciprocity and The 70th annual Members Show are both on view at the Pensacola Museum of Art through May 28th. For more information on shows and upcoming exhibits, visit pensacolamuseum.org.
Hangout Music Festival (HOF) is back for its thirteenth year of music, festivities and fun along the Gulf Coast. As one of the most anticipated annual events of the season, HOF transforms the white sandy beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama, into a lively showcase of music, art and entertainment. This year, the festival will return on May 17 to 19, with new stages, beachside activities and an eclectic lineup that promises something for everyone to enjoy.
The 2024 HOF lineup offers a little bit for every music fan, no matter what genre of music you’re into. If you like indie or alternative music, you can enjoy performances by Cage The Elephant, Dominic Fike and All Time Low. If dancing is your main priority, catch an EDM set with artists like Alison Wonderland and The Chainsmokers. Are hip-hop and rap more your vibe? Look forward to performances by the popular Sexyy Red and NLE Choppa.
The variance of musical genres represented at the festival carries over to the headliners, with Lana Del Rey kicking off the festival Friday, May 17. ODESZA continues the excitement, headlining on Saturday. Zach Bryan will wrap up the weekend, with the final headlining performance taking place on Sunday night.
This year, HOF is introducing an all-new stage setup. The Hangout Main Stage will remain at the end of the beach, with two new stages being added to the festival grounds—the Boom on the Beach Stage presented by SHEIN and the Shoreline Stage presented by Malibu Rum. The Boom on the Beach Stage will take the place of last year’s Surf Stage, sitting on the opposite end of the beach from the Hangout Main Stage. Differing from last year, this new and improved stage will feature more LED lighting and lasers than ever before. EDM artists like The Chainsmokers, Subtronics and Dom Dolla will utilize new visuals to deliver electrifying performances.
The new Shoreline Stage will be situated in the middle of the beach in between the Boom on the Beach Stage and the main stage. This new stage provides a unique experience that you can’t get at any other music festival—the beautiful Gulf of Mexico as a backdrop. What’s better than watching your favorite artist perform with the waves crashing behind them?
The HOF activities extend beyond the amazing musical performances. HOF also provides attendees with the unique opportunity to cool off in the gulf waters while listening to their favorite artists, with beach access provided throughout the festival. The beachside festival provides the ultimate vacation and music festival experience wrapped into one. After spending
some time in the water, attendees can relax and dry off under the sun at Hammock Beach. If you prefer to stay in the shade, no problem! This year HOF has introduced even more shade spots on the beach and near dining areas.
Speaking of dining, HOF offers a variety of delicious food and beverage options. Dozens of restaurants and food vendors will be serving up food throughout the weekend. This year, HOF has introduced the “Nosh Pit,” a new shaded dining pavilion that will be serving snacks all weekend long. The Nosh Pit will be located adjacent to Boom on the Beach Stage so that you can refuel and nosh before you mosh. If you need more than a quick bite or desperately want some time out of the sun, stop by the namesake Hangout Restaurant for a shaded and air-conditioned lunch or dinner.
While enjoying all the fun festivities that HOF has to offer, ensure that you don’t miss out on any of the fun by planning your weekend out. Whether you’re coming to the beach with your besties or riding solo, plan smartly by using the HOF app. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, this free app lets you create your own daily schedule by allowing you to select the artists you want to see perform and creating a daily timeline.
The HOF app also allows attendees to view information about festival activities, frequently asked questions, links to all of the HOF social media pages and more. HOF organizers also utilize the app to communicate with attendees during the festival. Be sure to turn your app notifications on so that you will be notified of any weather warnings or set changes while on festival grounds.
The 13th annual Hangout Music Festival will take place from May 17 to 19 at 101 E. Beach Blvd. in Gulf Shores. For updates and special announcements, check out @hangoutfest on Instagram or @hangoutmusicfestival on Facebook. For tickets and complete festival details, visit hangoutmusicfest.com.
Get your kids cooking, chopping and mixing this summer with these easy, delicious and nutritious recipes from Pensacola Cooks!
Recipes courtesy of Pensacola Cooks
With all the feels of its winter cousin, Asian Stir Fry, the Asian Ramen Salad packs a cooler punch with its flavors and textures. Topped with citrus flavors and a honey-based dressing, along with the crunch of raw veggies, nuts and ramen noodles, this summer salad is the perfect go-to for you and the kids to grab & go!
Asian Ramen Salad Serves: 8
For the Salad:
1 package ramen noodles (3 ounces)
2/3 cup sliced almonds
2 Tablespoons sesame seeds
1 bag coleslaw mix (16 ounces)
1 1/2 cups shelled frozen edamame, thawed
1 cup shredded carrots
4 scallions, thinly sliced (both white and green parts)
1/2 cup canned mandarin orange segments in light syrup, rinsed and drained
For the Dressing:
1/4 cup rice vinegar
3 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tablespoons honey or agave
1 Tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1. Place a rack in the center of your oven and preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.
2. Crumble the ramen noodles onto a baking sheet and spread them in a single layer, along with the almonds.
3. Bake for 5 minutes, remove from the oven, add the sesame seeds and toss, then bake for 1 to 3 additional minutes until fragrant and golden. Watch closely so that the mixture does not burn. Set aside.
4. In a small bowl, briskly stir together all of the dressing ingredients: rice vinegar, olive oil, honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper. (Alternatively, you can shake them together in a Mason jar with a tightfitting lid.)
5. In a serving bowl, toss together the coleslaw, edamame, carrots, scallions and toasted ramen and almonds.
6. Drizzle the dressing over the top then toss again to combine.
7. Sprinkle the oranges over the top. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Enjoying a dip in the pool is not the only way to cool down on a hot summer day! How about a Creamy Whipped Feta Dip to savor the cool mint and zesty lemon flavors of summer?
Serves: 8
28 ounces Greek yogurt, strained
14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 lemon, zested and juiced
7 ounces digestive biscuits or shortbread cookie
1. Add the yogurt, condensed milk and the zest and juice of 1 lemon in a large bowl.
2. Whisk until the ingredients combine and the mixture is smooth and creamy like a mousse.
3. To serve, place some crumbled biscuits on the bottom of a glass or a bowl and top with the yogurt mousse.
4. Layer the ingredients, according to your preference, and optionally top with some lemon or lime zest and crushed dark chocolate.
Serves: 12
24 ounce block quality feta, drained
2 1/4 cups plain Greek yogurt
3 Tablespoons of lemon zest
6 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, more as needed
3 teaspoons red pepper flakes (to taste)
6 Tablespoons fresh mint, chopped
6 Tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
12 Tablespoons pepitas
1. In the bowl of a large food processor fitted with a blade, combine the feta, Greek yogurt and lemon zest.
2. Blend, and while the processor is running, drizzle olive oil through the top opening, until the feta is whipped to a smooth mixture.
3. Fold in remaining ingredients.
4. Serve with pita chips or bread.If preferred, use dip as filling in thinly sliced raw cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash or eggplant. Once filled, roll-up and secure with a toothpick.
An adaptation of the traditional Greek Yogurt Cake, Yiaourtopita, this child-friendly Greek yogurt dessert creatively deconstructs the recipe and serves up a semi-homemade “cool-version” without heating up the kitchen. Mission accomplished: a sweet treat to satisfy the sweet tooth!
With the right books, summer reading can be a passport to adventure, knowledge and personal growth. While reading does help children reach and exceed academic milestones, it can also be one of life’s most enjoyable simple pleasures. Through reading, children can explore new cultures, brave unknown landscapes and create lifelong friendships with the characters they love. Pensacola Magazine asked the fine folks at Bodacious Bookstore to recommend a few of this year's most popular summer books for kids and teens.
Adults may recognize the author of Me Talk Pretty One Day and Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, but David Sedaris will grab the attention of young kids with his first children’s book, Pretty Ugly. This book examines if beauty really is on the inside when Anna Van Ogre’s lovely monster face turns into a gross and sickly adorable, rosycheeked little girl! If you ever uttered the words, “If you keep making that face, it's going to stick like that,” then this is for you and your little one.
Buffalo Fluffalo
by Bess KalbWhen children enter elementary school, they are not only learning to read, but they are learning to love to read. Here are two great series that will have kids coming back for more!
They sound like bad guys, they look like bad guys . . . and they even smell like bad guys. But Mr. Wolf, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Snake and Mr. Shark are about to change all of that...Mr. Wolf has a daring plan for the Bad Guys' first good mission. They are going to break two hundred dogs out of the Maximum Security City Dog Pound! But stay tuned, book two’s mission involves freeing 10,000 chickens. This series currently has 18 books, with the 19th scheduled to come out in July.
Bess Kalb takes kids (and the lovely adult reading to them) through a fun, silly and sweet adventure! A sweet buffalo tries to bluff and fluff his way into being bigger than what he actually is. His self-importance might be bigger than his fluffalo, but he will have enuffalo when the other animals want to be his friend. The wordplay and rhythm will have both children and adults alike charmed by the end of the story.
Unicorn Academy by Julie
SykesEvery kid wants to have their own unicorn and these books give just that! At Unicorn Academy, every student is paired up with their own unicorn and must learn how to speak with them and become great partners. Readers soon learn that each unicorn has their own unique magical power such as the ability to fly, turn invisible or even create fire. There are currently 20 books in this series, with the 21st to be released in June.
Some people may argue that graphic novels are not real books, but we disagree. Graphic novels are full of engaging text and are high-quality reading materials. When kids find books they are interested in, they will want to read them!
Kristy’s Great Idea (BabySitters Club) by Ann M. Martin
This storied 80s and 90s series is back! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia and Stacey are best friends, founding members of The Baby-sitters Club and will take whatever comes their way together. Don't worry—Dawn, Jessie and Mallory eventually join the team just like in the originals. If you have a younger child, Karen now has her own spinoff series with the Baby-Sitters Little Sister. This is a great series for moms and daughters to bond over.
The Scarlet Shredder (Dog Man)
by Dav PilkeyEw!!! What’s that smell? Dog Man got sprayed by a skunk! After being dunked in tomato juice, the stink is gone but the scarlet red color remains. Now exiled, this superhero struggles to save the citizens who turned their backs on him! Will the ends justify the means for Petey, who's reluctantly pulled back into a life of crime in order to help Dog Man? And who will step forward when an all-new, neverbefore-seen villain unleashes an army of A.I. robots? Dog Man survived A Tale of Two Kittens, Lord of the Fleas, and Grime and Punishment, but what will happen to him in The Scarlet Shredder?
Heroes is a heart-pounding, inventive, and powerful new novel about the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Best friends Frank and Stanley have an amazing life living on the base at Pearl Harbor. Spending their days under the sun and creating their own comic book, their lives are forever changed on December 7, 1941. The boys are touring the battleship USS Utah when planes roar overhead, dropping bombs and firing machine guns. It’s the Japanese! The boys must now try to make it safely home, but what’s home when Stanley’s mom is Japanese-American? Will Frank and Stanley’s friendship survive? Will they survive?
by Katherine
ApplegateDogtown is a shelter for stray dogs, lost dogs, misbehaving dogs and broken robot dogs. Chance, a real dog with only three legs, is left at the shelter after some irresponsible dog sitters are left in charge. Metal Head, a robot dog full of empathy, just wants to get back to his home. These two venture out of Dogtown with Mouse (a mouse who truly has the run of the shelter), to see if they can find their ways back home. This uplifting novel features short chapters that are full of laughs and heartwarming moments.
While the gods are at war again, eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. In order to survive and find her brother, she competes for the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette. Each night, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they disappear. Little does she know they are falling into the hands of Roman Kitt, her handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle.
Set in a dystopian world with no hunger, no disease, no war and no misery, Scythes are the only ones who can end life. In fact, they must end lives in order to keep the size of the population under control. Citra and Rowan are chosen to apprentice to a scythe. Although neither one wants to, they must master the “art” of taking life, knowing that if they fail, they may lose their own.
MAY 4, JUNE 1 & JULY 13
People worldwide love and admire the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels, but locals have a unique appreciation for the talented demonstration flight team that calls Pensacola home. Known for their gravity-defying aerobatic flight skills and their unparalleled excellence, a Blue Angels Air Show creates a sense of magic, wonder and patriotism for all who attend. Blues fans will soon have the chance to experience the adrenaline-fueled world of Naval aviation like never before as acclaimed director Paul Crowder takes viewers on an exhilarating journey in his latest documentary, The Blue Angels. Filmed for IMAX, the immersive footage puts viewers in the cockpit for a firsthand view of the Blues' precision flying while the aerial shots deliver a spectacular showcase of the breathtaking maneuvers that have made them the world’s premier jet team. The Blue Angels also takes audiences behind the scenes for a revealing, in-depth look at what it takes to become a Blue Angel. Pensacola Magazine had the pleasure of speaking with director Paul Crowder about the film, the flight team and his newfound love for Pensacola.
Photos by Paul Crowder and Rob StoneWhose idea was The Blue Angels documentary and how did you become involved?
The concept was Capt. Greg Wooldridge, I believe. He was the most infamous boss of the Blue Angels. He was the only Blue Angel to be a boss three times. He had made a film with a guy called Rob Stone back in the 90s called Blue Angels: Around the World at the Speed of Sound. They decided they wanted to do a 75th anniversary film, so they started pitching it when it was the 74th year, not realizing how long it might take to get it together. They got Glen Powell attached. I think Glen Powell got Bad Robot attached and Bad Robot then went to Glen Zipper and Sutter Road. We had just finished the UFO show that we did for them for Showtime. We had such a good experience on that show, and they asked if we wanted to do the Blue Angels film. I was a little surprised because I hadn't shot aviation before. I knew of the Blue Angels, of course. I used to see the Red Arrows in England, which is sort of the British version. We just dove straight in. We met with Boss Greg and Rob Stone, and we went down to the show in Huntington Beach. We met the team at the time, plus the newbies that were joining up—which ended up being the guys on the team when we got there to shoot. It started from there.
I understand this film is focused on the process of becoming a Blue Angel. What did you learn about that process that stood out to you?
I think the most fascinating thing, of course, is that they turn over a third of the crew each season. It's not just the six pilots, it's a crew of roughly 150 personnel. They had to train a third of the team in three months before the first show. We had the same boss (Capt. Brian Kesselring), but he had a new number two and a new number three. Number three moved to four, but he hadn't flown four before. Number six went to five, but Chewy (Lt. Cmdr. Cary “Chewy” Rickoff) had been injured the season before so he hadn't flown much anyway. So, it was almost four new guys. That was just fascinating to me that these guys that are going to be flying this demonstration hadn't flown with this team before. The first practice was in late
December, and they had to be ready to do a show in the second week of March. It was just amazing to watch them figure it out. And then to learn that there are A and B positions for everybody. They all have a backup position. There's a crew for the road and a crew that stays back at home base—and it all rotates. One interesting thing is that when you meet these guys in the Blue Angel suits, you figure that they've been Blue Angels all the time. As excited as I was to be there, they were more excited to be there because they're Blue Angels now. They'd just been Navy guys before that. They show excellence in everything they do. It's good to watch them—you feel like the country is in good hands.
Did you get to ride with them?
I didn't fly in any of the jets, sadly, but we got to go up in Fat Albert a couple of times. It was pretty cool. Especially when they do that weightlessness on the takeoff. It was all we could do to not throw up. The video footage is hilarious because we're all giggling as we go up and then we sit back down, and everyone is just staring ahead and concentrating on not throwing up. It’s just crazy.
How did you shoot if you weren’t in the jets?
We shot from the ground where we could and then we used the RX0 camera and the RX 360 camera, which is a Sony. It's very similar to a GoPro but it's a higher resolution which would work for IMAX. We only put cameras in the cockpit of the experienced pilots. The boss (the number one pilot), the number four pilot and the number five pilots were the only
guys putting cameras in the cockpits until much later in the season when they felt the other guys were up to it. That gave us close-ups. We put the little GoPro underneath the plane on the number one jet and the number five jet. We put two behind Chomps (Maj. Frank Zastoupil), so there would be the left shoulder and right shoulder so we can do different angles of that. In the movie Top Gun: Maverick they made pylons that fit where the missile holders would fit. They used that bracket. To get something made for the Navy is a very lengthy process of design and approval. And it's a very costly process. It was completely outside of our budgetary constraints. We were able to locate the Top Gun pylons through some mastery from our production team. They tracked them down and we got them. They were already pre-approved by the Navy and already made. So, we were able to attach a Venice camera to the wing of a plane, but we couldn't attach it to the planes of the demonstration team. We attached it to a seventh jet and former Blue Angel Bob Benson flew alongside them and tracked them and filmed with the cameras attached to his plane. We were able to get some great shots from there.
The other constraint we had is that we could only shoot them when they're flying, but they couldn't fly specifically for us because of the cost. The Blue Angels get the airspace for an hour every day over Pensacola, or wherever they were going to be. So, we know where they're going to be flying and the routine they're going to do. We’d get our best camera positions and shoot them every time we could. But the shots you really want are
up in the air, so we also got the helicopter team who filmed Top Gun: Maverick, Kevin LaRosa and FitzMaurice. We had them in Pensacola on two different occasions. We got the helicopter up there—this had never been done before. No helicopters have ever flown in the Blue Angel formation. Bob Benson was in the helicopter with Kevin LaRosa and Mike FitzMaurice. They coordinated where they needed to be to get the optimal shots. It was very cool, but we also had to deal with rain. When we did the helicopter shots in August, it was very hot and humid. They were scheduled to fly at 10 am. When we arrived at 7 am to get set up, it was just pouring. You couldn’t see anything. The team met for the brief at 9 am and the rain had slowed down. By 9:15 am it had stopped. At 9:30 am they decided to fly and by 10 am they were doing a high show. All the clouds were gone, and they flew a full show. That was day one. On day two, the clouds came in a bit, and they had to do a flat show from the same path. Day three was rained out. Day four was much like day one. It was raining when we showed up, but it cleared up and we got to use the helicopter again. That happened also in November—we got there, it's raining, it doesn't look like we can do it. Then we can do it. It was incredibly sort of nerve-wracking because it's expensive. If the helicopter doesn't fly, you lose that money.
How long were you filming in Pensacola?
We were there a few different times. We went to Pensacola for the first time in April just after seeing them in El Centro. Then we were back in June, July, August, October and November. We were there pretty much all the time when the Blues were there-as much as we could. We also did the whole road trip with them in August—Seattle, Hawaii, Chicago, San Diego, Virginia Beach and Annapolis.
You mentioned that you fell in love with Pensacola. What did you love about it?
It’s just beautiful. The weather was fantastic. I love the beaches. The food was cool. It has a nice sort of college-town vibe. I was downtown for the most part. I thought the people were nice and cool. I really do like it and I'm always excited to go back.
How much of the storyline was preconceived and how much did it change as you got to know the team?
Well, there was no real preconception other than we were going to follow these guys for the season and see how it goes. We knew they were picking a new boss and a new team. So, we figured those are two big points that we would be able to work on and could film easily. I wanted to meet the pilots and the team and figure out if there were any lovely side stories— and there were a lot. I think probably my only disappointment about the film is that I couldn't include those personal stories. We tried to, but it was making the film long in the wrong places, sadly. It was hard to keep the energy of the film we were making while getting into these personal stories. I really wanted to do it because two of them got married and one of the Fat Albert pilots had a baby that year. I just really loved the idea of life going on and flying your planes 18 inches apart while having babies and getting married and trying to get all that stuff together.
Did you form bonds with the Blue Angels team that you think will last well beyond the documentary?
Absolutely. I text, Chomps, Cheese (Lt. Cmdr. Chris Kapuschansky) and Jamz (Lt. Scott Goossens) regularly. Chomps and I played darts all the time. And then also a couple of the other crew, and of course, Greg Wooldridge and Rob Stone—the two people who had the idea for the project. I’m also very close with Boss [Kesselring] as well. It was just his birthday the other day.
It’s interesting because I'm the kind of guy who has always hated authority. I hate being told what to do. Even in the car, if someone says to slow down, I'll speed up just to do the opposite. I was mischievous in school. I was always the funny one, the troublemaker. So, the idea of being a military person was way out there for me. I have to say, I was totally and completely moved and engrossed in the military way of life and the importance of it. I think the thing that hit me hardest was the first time they played Reveille at eight o'clock in the morning or whenever it was. I think it was on the base and everything stopped. We were out driving and the guy who was driving just pulled the car over in the middle of a junction. They wind down the window and they salute the flag wherever it's positioned on the base. It absolutely blew me away. I was totally moved by that and every time it came up, I really felt this real sort of connection with what it meant. It really hit me what it meant to serve your country, to be that dedicated to the cause. I had a little bit of like, ‘Man, I wish I'd sort of had that experience when I was younger. I'd love to have been a pilot.’ But anyway, I was totally moved by the experience. It was quite fascinating, which I wasn't expecting because I'm a very rebellious type of character.
Fans can experience The Blue Angels in IMAX theaters for one week only, May 17 - 23, and streaming globally on Prime Video beginning May 23.
In recent years, the topic of children’s and adolescents’ mental health has made its way into the spotlight. With a troubling rise in anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns among youth, parents across the country are growing concerned for the safety and mental wellbeing of their child(ren).
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the rates of mental health conditions in children and adolescents are increasing. 9.4 percent of children aged 3 to 17 years (approximately 5.8 million) had diagnosed anxiety and 4.4 percent of children aged 3 to 17 years (approximately 2.7 million) had diagnosed depression from 2016 to 2019.
With the rates of mental health-related concerns on the rise, it's clear that understanding and addressing the mental health needs of adolescents and children has never been more critical. It is important for parents to become aware of the common types of mental health conditions affecting children today, as well as the stressors and signs of those conditions. Recognizing the indicators of poor mental health and knowing how to provide the right type of support can sometimes mean the difference between life or death.
To learn more about some of the most common mental health conditions and stressors facing children today, as well as how parents can better understand and provide support to their children, we spoke with the Director of Children’s Outpatient Services for Lakeview Center, James Rhodes, LMHC. Rhodes has more than 20 years of experience as a licensed therapist and remains in the field with his position at Lakeview Center.
Mental health struggles can look different for every child. There are, however, some mental health conditions that childrens and adolescents commonly deal with. “For the younger children, it starts out mostly with behavioral issues in schools and sometimes homes. For the teenagers, we have been seeing a lot of depression, anxiety and family problems, as well as drug and alcohol use,” Rhodes explained.
With the internet and social media playing such a crucial role in today’s society, doctors and therapists have seen a rise in the number of youth facing mental health-related struggles. Today’s youth face stressors that weren’t around to affect children in previous generations. Rhodes explains that the use of social media can cause children to experience cyberbullying, a pressure to fit in or body image issues.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic also greatly impacted youth. When the pandemic interrupted the ability to have a traditional classroom setting, some youth struggled with the changes. “The transition back into school has been difficult for kids, especially if they were already having problems depending upon the amount of social interaction they had when school was out, the amount of family support, etc.,” Rhodes explained.
Today’s youth encounter these modern stressors in addition to other stressors that affected youth in previous generations. Experiencing social isolation, anxiety about school performance and changes in one’s family dynamic are also common stressors impacting children’s mental health.
Rhodes explained that youth can gradually or suddenly begin to show signs of mental health concerns, and that some of the signs of poor mental health that younger children typically demonstrate are changes in behavior, particularly social behavior. For example, if a normally outgoing child starts to become more introverted and shows less interest in social interactions, this is an indicator that they might be struggling.
Older children and adolescents often elicit signs of poor mental health through their day-to-day performance. Changes in appetite, mood, school performance, sleep patterns or socialization habits can often point to a larger mental health concern.
“There's a large list of problems to look for, but mainly, it's just changes in a pattern that’s been ongoing, especially a change in behavior. Everyone has their ups and downs, but if it's been two or three weeks and you're not seeing any improvement, then it might be time to seek help,” Rhodes said.
Detecting mental health struggles in older children and teens can be especially challenging due to the physical and psychological changes that they face at this age. Moodiness and subtle personality changes are normal for this age group.
“A lot of times, depression in children comes out as irritability. A parent may write it off as normal teenage behavior,” Rhodes explained. “[However,] if it continues for weeks at a time, and things are getting worse instead of better, it might be time to talk with your child.”
Opening the conversation about mental health can be a daunting task for parents. The task should not be overlooked, though, as parents play a significant role in their children’s psychological well-being. Parents can open the discussion about seeking help
by normalizing mental health. “Listen to your child, be open to receiving help and be honest with them that everyone needs help at some point in time,” Rhodes said.
Explaining the normalcy of mental health struggles and emphasizing the importance of seeking help can be beneficial to children. Having an open dialogue with your kids, especially younger children, is an effective way to gauge what and how your child may be feeling.
"With the younger ones, just be honest, as far as ‘does this feel like something we need to get some help with?’ Put it in simple words that your younger child can understand. Maybe compare it to a guidance counselor at school,” Rhodes explained. “Show kids that it's not a punishment. ‘I'm not taking you to a counselor because you're bad or that something's wrong with you.’ You don't want to cause increased problems with self esteem. You want to encourage them to get some help, just like everybody at some point in their lives needs some help.”
Older children and teens may be less likely to confide in a parent about their problems. If your child is not fully receptive to getting help, be gentle with them. Parents can create a safe and open environment for children to confide in them or another trusted adult when they feel comfortable.
“Sometimes when kids become teenagers, they're less likely to talk to their parents, so make sure that they're surrounded with other positive adults— coaches, maybe a youth pastor, a teacher or other parents that you trust. Create a buffer for that child so they have some other trusted adults to go to,” Rhodes suggested.
In terms of professional help and therapy services, there are a wide variety of programs and resources out there that are available to both children and families. Lakeview Center offers both children’s and family services to help children struggling with mental health issues and also support their families.
“We have a wide array of services to meet families where they need help, instead of having to refer families out, it's pretty fortunate to have a lot of services under one roof, it makes coordination between programs a lot easier,” Rhodes explained. “As far as our services here and our children's outpatient program, we offer family counseling, individual counseling and group counseling. Some of the different groups we offer are anger management, anxiety, decision making, coping skills, depression. We have a broad range of services that meet new kids' needs.”
The most important thing that parents should remember when considering their child’s mental health is that you are never alone in supporting your child’s mental health journey; your active participation is crucial to helping your children thrive.
“As a parent, I think it's always great to have a team. We do a team approach. We want to focus on the parents' needs and the child's needs and determine how the therapist can help bridge both those needs. So that way, we're creating a functional household, not just the functional child,” Rhodes explained.
For more information on Lakeview Center’s services, visit elakeviewcenter.org. If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.
School’s out for summer! While summer is a great time for open-ended play and relaxed, lazy days, kids also need to stay challenged and have social interactions during the summer months, and parents need a safe, engaging and fun place to send their kids during the workday. Enter our annual guide to summer camps in Pensacola. We’ve picked the best of the best opportunities—from adventure and active camps to art, music, theatre, science and more. You’re sure to find a number of interesting options—the hard part will be choosing between them!
Dates: June 10 - 13 June 17 - 20, July 811 and July 15 - 18
Times: 1 pm to 4 pm
Ages: 5 - 7
Where: Pensacola Cultural Center, 400 S. Jefferson St., Pensacola Cost: $175 per week or $600 for all 4 weeks
Info: balletpensacola.org
Four weeks full of ballet, dancing, story time and dance activities. Each dancer is given the opportunity to express themselves through movement while learning the fundamentals of beginner ballet. The camp will cover four different ballets. In June, the first ballet is The Sleeping Beauty from June 10-13. The second ballet is Alice in Wonderland from June 17-20. In July, the first ballet is Peter Pan. The last ballet they will teach is Cinderella from July 15-18.
Dates: July 15 - 20
Times: 9 am to 2 pm, Monday – Friday; 10 pm to 12 pm, Saturday
Ages: 8 - 13
Where: Pensacola Opera, 75 S. Tarragona St., Pensacola Cost: $150
Info: pensacolaopera.com
The Pensacola Opera’s summer camp allows students to learn about vocal training, dramatic coaching, dance and set and costume design. Over the course of a week, children will work with experienced theater professionals, musicians and music educators to put together their own unique production of Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro . On Saturday at 11 am, the students perform the production for parents and friends. From creating sets and costumes, to learning their own roles, campers will take part in all aspects of creating an exciting performance.
Dates: May 27 - August 5 (weekly)
Times: 9 am to 4 pm (extended care and half-day options available)
Ages: 5 - 18 (full-day 6 - 12, half-day 5 - 12, teen camp 13 - 18)
Where: First City Arts Center, 1060 N. Guillemard St., Pensacola Cost: $240 for Members / $265 for Non-Members / $150 for Members half-day or teen camp / $175 for nonmembers half-day or teen camp Info: firstcityart.org/product/2024creatisphere-summer-art-camp/ Creatisphere inspires children through active learning and hands-on exploration. The camp offers engaging, creative experiences, in which children are encouraged to experiment, innovate and create. Each week there is a different theme, including Ancient Art, Comics and Cartoons, Paints & Potions and Modern Masters. Camps feature various art mediums like ceramics, glass, mixed media sculpture, painting, and more! Teen camp weeks are medium specific for a deeper understanding and development of skills.
Dates: May 28 - July 15
Times: Broadway Babies: 9 am to 12 pm; Lab Rats: 1 pm to 4 pm; Summer Stars: 9 am to 3 pm
Ages: Broadway Babies, ages 4 - 7; Lab Rats, ages 8 - 16 (two camps, one aged 8 - 11, the other 12 - 16); Summer Stars, ages 8 - 15;
Where: The Center, 400 S. Jefferson St., Pensacola
Cost: Varies
Info: pensacolalittletheatre.com
Pensacola Little Theatre has a selection of summer camps lined up this year including Broadway Babies, Lab Rats and Summer Stars that cater to a variety of age groups. In this year’s Summer Stars camp, campers will rehearse, build and perform the one-act version of Stone Soup. Campers will be cast, rehearse and have a performance. Broadway Babies teaches young stars the basics of performance while also having fun by playing theatre games. Lab Rats is a devised theatre camp that allows campers to invent and produce their own theatrical experiment.
Dates: June 3 - July 29
Times: 9 am to 3:30 pm, 3:30 pm to 5 pm for aftercare
Ages: Grades 1 - 12
Where: Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson St., Pensacola
Cost: $256.50 member rate/$270 nonmember rate
Info: pensacolamuseum.org
PMA is offering four camps that are still accepting registrations: Explorations in Art, Art Adventures, Experimentation & Expression and High School Summer Art Intensive. Explorations in Art is designed for 1st and 2nd graders to explore art through a variety of mediums including drawing and sculptures. The Art Adventures camp, designed for 3rd and 4th graders, explores art both through the imagination and the area around them from both within the museum and outside of it. Campers will explore creating one-of-akind art, both 2d and 3d. The Experimentation & Expression camp for 5th and 6th graders allows campers to express themselves while also learning about different techniques and art history. This camp will teach campers about the elements and principles of art design. The High School Summer Art Intensive, for all high schoolers, is designed for high schoolers to develop a stronger expressive voice, to reinforce important building blocks and to teach skills that will be useful in college level art classes.
Dates: June 17 - August 3
Times: Varies by session
Ages: Grades 1 - 12
Where: Pensacola Children’s Chorus, 46 E. Chase St., Pensacola
Cost: $150 - $300, varies by session and grade (scholarships available)
Info: pensacolasings.org/camps
The Pensacola Children’s Chorus is offering four summer camps this year with unique programs that range from musicals to dancing! Enroll in multiple sessions and receive $25 off each camp. YMCA after-care is available for select camps.
National Aviation Museum
Flight Adventure Deck
Dates: June 3 - 7, June 10 - 14, June 24 - 28, July 8 - 12, July 15 - 19
Times: Monday – Friday: 9 a to 3 pm
Ages: Rising 5th and 6th graders
Where: National Naval Aviation Museum, 1750 Radford Blvd, NAS Pensacola; National Flight Academy, 1 Fetterman Way, NAS Pensacola
Cost: Flight Adventure Deck Day
Camp: $200/One-week session
Info: navalaviationfoundation.org/ what-we-do/fad-summer-camp nationalflightacademy.com/ambitionprogram
Launch your own rocket, build gliders, watch a Blue Angels practice (if available), experience a Giant Screen Movie and fly in F-35 flight simulators - all in one week! The Flight Adventure Deck Summer Camp is a STEM -based day camp held at the Naval Aviation Museum, located on NAS Pensacola. Taught by certified teachers, campers will learn the science and math of flight and expand their knowledge of naval aviation history, with tours of museum exhibits, aircraft and the National Flight Academy.
Dates: May 23 - June 21
Times: Morning Camp: 8:15 am to 11:45 am; Afternoon Camp: 1:15 pm to 4:45 pm
Ages: 6 - 12
Where: PSC Pensacola Campus, 1000 College Blvd., Bldg. 96, Pensacola
Cost: $75 half-day camps, $150 full day camps, $20/per-week (extended care option) Info: kidscollege.pensacolastate.edu
Pensacola State College is offering specialty camp sessions in the areas of STEM, gymnastics, art, swimming and more. The options for enrollment are practically endless and parents have the choice to register children for individual courses (halfday), or week-long sessions that run daily from 8:15 am to 4:15 pm. Students must bring or purchase a lunch, and lunches are available for purchase for $30 a week at the on-campus Subway restaurant. Students are also encouraged to bring snacks and water. For a successful first day at PSC Kids’ College, make sure your child wears comfortable clothing and give your child a written list of their classes.
Dates: June 3 - August 9, weekly
Times: Varies by session
Ages: Grades K-12
Where: Varies by session; will be at the UWF Main campus (11000 University Pkwy.), Pensacola Museum of Art
Cost: Varies by session
Info: uwf.edu/explorecamps
UWF Explore Summer Camps will be offering STEM, language and writing, art and social studies camps for campers in incoming kindergarten through 12th grade. Camps are one weeklong and encourage students to discover the world through various hands-on activities. UWF Explore Camp’s many programs include LEGO Robotics, Animal Planet, Mission to Mars, Improv Camp and Explore Hogwarts.
Dates: June 3 - June 28
Times: 9 am to 12 pm
Ages: 5 - 12
Where: 407 S. Palafox St., Pensacola
Cost: $280
Info: eventbrite.com/o/bodaciousfamily-of-shops-18156467792
Come join us at Bodacious for a funfilled baking or cooking experience this summer. Our camps are perfect for young bakers who want to learn how to create delicious treats or aspiring cooks who want to explore new flavors and create delicious meals. Each child will receive a chef apron. Graduation certificates will be presented on the last day of camp.
Dates: June 3 - July 30
Times: 9 am - 1 pm
Ages: 5 - 12
Where: 31 SW Memorial Parkway, Fort Walton Beach
Cost: $45 per-workshop for a member, $50 per-workshop for a nonmember; Available discounts: $15 off for each additional sibling, 10% off when you sign up for at least eight workshops. Info: ecscience.org/summer-steamworkshops
The Emerald Coast Science Center is offering a wide variety of STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) camps this summer. Some of the weekly workshop themes include Mystic Wizardry Academy, Sports Science Explorers and Enchanted Adventures. Various areas of science will be explored including astronomy, biology, geology, robotics and more. Campers need to bring lunch, a snack and are recommended to bring bug spray and sunscreen for outdoor activities.
Dates: June - August, weekly Times: 1 to 5 pm
Ages: 6 - 17
Where: Pensacola Cooks, 4051 Barrancas Ave., Unit C
Cost: $285, one-week session
Info: denise@pensacolacooks.com
Pensacola Cooks holds a variety of youth and teen summer cooking camps throughout the summer. Weekly themes include Cool Food for Hot Summer Days, Bake Like a Pastry Chef and Global Foods: Olympics Edition. Campers learn specific recipes as well as kitchen skills, food/ cultural history and safe food handling skills.
Dates: May 30 – August 2
Times: Half-days: 9 am to 12:30 pm; Full days: 9 am to 4 pm
Ages: Grades 1 - 6
Where: Pensacola MESS Hall, 418 E Wright St., Pensacola
Cost: Prices vary from $28 - $300 according to times, weeks and membership status Info: pensacolamesshall.org
This summer, ignite scientific curiosity with themed camps offered at Pensacola MESS Hall! Camp themes at MESS Hall include Science Sampler, Games Unplugged, LEGO Builders, Blast Off, Wild World and MESSlandia. Camp times and schedules vary depending upon the program.
Dates: July 5 – 29, August 1 – 29
Times: Part time: 9 am to 12 pm, 9 am to 1 pm, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm; Full time: 9 am to 4:30 pm (with lunch)
Ages: Grades K - 5th
Where: Rising Minds Learning, 29 E. Wright St., Pensacola Cost: $135 per-class Info: risingmindslearning.com
Rising Minds Learning offers a variety of one-week summer courses for students with every interest and academic need. Camps include Around the World, Under the Sea and Sports and Games.
Dates: Varies depending on camps
Times: Varies depending on camps
Ages: 5 – 13 for day camps; grades 5th – 12th for overnight camps
Where: 101 Bienville Blvd., Dauphin Island
Cost: $45 – $75 for day camps; $400$2,750 for overnight camps
Info: disl.edu
The Discovery Hall Programs offer a variety of marine science programs for children during the summer. In these camp programs, students will discover, learn about and interact with marine life and the marine environment. In addition to the popular day camps, Dauphin Island Sea lab also offers overnight camps for grades 5 through 12. *This camp is currently full but look forward to next year!
Dates: May 28 – July 25
Times: 8 am to 4 pm (extended care available 4 pm to 5:30 pm); Full and halfday options available
Ages: Pre-K, Grades 1 - 8
Where: The Hilton-Green Campus, 601 N. Palafox St., Pensacola (rising 1st graders and under); South Campus, 223 N. Palafox St., Pensacola (rising 2nd through 8th graders)
Cost: $265/full day for one week; $175/ half-day for one week
Info: edssc.org
Episcopal Day School is planning for nine weeks of summer fun with its annual summer camp sessions. The camp provides students with a variety of sessions to keep them active and engaged throughout the day. Each week’s camp classes cover a broad range of topics and interests to meet the many different age groups and hobbies of our campers.
Date: May 28 – August 9
Time: 7 am to 6 pm
Ages: 5 – 12
Where: Cobb, Fricker, Gull Point and Woodland Heights Resource Centers
Costs: Cobb, Fricker and Woodland Heights, $55 weekly rate; City Resident Weekly, $95; Non-City Resident weekly rate, $119
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Play Pensacola Summer Day Camps are a safe, affordable, and inclusive environment for your child to explore, make new friends, and create lasting memories. Keep your child active and healthy and have fun all summer long! Camps offer engaging daily activities like games, field trips, swimming and more! Register in person at a participating center or online at cityofpensacola.com.
Date: June 3 – 7
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Ages: 4 – 10
Where: Gull Point, 7000 Spanish Trail Road
Costs: City Residents, $70, Non-City Residents, $80
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Step into the enchanted realm where a magical kingdom awaits our young royalty! Enjoy a whimsical week filled with fairy-tale adventures where little princes and princesses twirl into a world of dance like never before. This weeklong camp will include learning
several dances, making princess party crafts and costumes and concluding with a mini recital. Participants must be potty trained, with no disposable training pants. Please bring a snack and water bottle each day.
Date: July 8 – 12
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Ages: 4 – 10
Where: Gull Point, 7000 Spanish Trail Road Costs: City Residents, $70, Non-City Residents, $80
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Ahoy, young adventurers! Set sail on a swashbuckling voyage in our Mermaids & Pirates-themed dance camp! Enjoy a week of high-seas excitement, learning new dances, and making sea-themed crafts and costumes while having a shipload of fun! There will be a mini recital on the last day of camp. Participants must be potty trained, with no disposable training pants. Please bring a snack and water bottle each day.
Date: June 10 – 14
Time: 9 am to Noon
Ages: 4 – 10
Where: Gull Point, 7000 Spanish Trail Road, Pensacola Costs: City Residents, $70, Non-City Residents, $80 Info: cityofpensacola.com
This weeklong camp will include learning several dances, making themed crafts and costumes and concluding with a mini recital. Participants must be potty trained, with no disposable training pants. Please bring a snack and water bottle each day.
Date: July 22 – 26
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Ages: 4 – 10
Where: Gull Point, 7000 Spanish Trail Road, Pensacola
Costs: City Residents, $70, NonResidents, 80 Info: cityofpensacola.com
With a sprinkle of glamor and a dash of fun, join the magical world of Barbie and Ken Dance Camp this summer! Upon arrival, immediately enter the Barbieverse! Campers will learn new dances, make themed crafts and costumes and end with a mini recital on the last day of camp. Participants must be potty trained, with no disposable training pants. Please bring a snack and water bottle each day.
Date: July 29 – August 2 (various days/times)
Time: 8 am to 6 pm
Ages: 8 – 16
Where: Bayview Outdoor Pursuits Center Costs: Free Info: cityofpensacola.com
Bayview Outdoor Pursuits Center has partnered with participating community resource centers and Pensacola primary grade schools to provide day camps for kayaking, archery and fishing instruction to underserved city youth without access to outdoor recreational camps. Participation is restricted to eligible students who qualify. Contact your local community resource center or school to determine participation and eligibility.
Date: May 28 – 31
Time: 8 am to 4 pm
Ages: 8 – 14
Where: Bayview Community Center
Costs: $140 City Residents, $150 Non-City Residents
Learn to fish, identify species and enjoy the outdoors. Each child will receive a tackle box and fishing pole at the end of camp. Register online at cityofpensacola.com.
Date: June 3 – 7
Time: 8 am to 4 pm
Ages: 9 – 16
Where: Bayview Community Resource Center 2000 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola, Costs: City Resident, $160; Non-City Resident $170
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Your child will learn the fundamentals of kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), first in a pool and then out on the open water. There will be a river trip on Thursday for kiddos to practice their freshly-learned skills.
Date: June 10 – 14, July 8 – 12, 15 – 19, 22 – 26
Time: 8 am to 4 pm
Ages: 9 – 16
Where: Bayview Community Resource Center 2001 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola Costs: City Residents, $160; Non-City Residents, $170
Info: cityofpensacola.com
This is one of those camps your child will talk about for years! They will have fun learning about kayaking, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, archery and environmental stewardship. Register online at cityofpensacola.com.
Date: June 17 – 21, 24 – 28
Time: 8 am to 4 pm
Ages: 9 –16
Where: Bayview Community Resource Center 2001 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola Costs: City Residents, $275; Non-City Residents, $295
Info: cityofpensacola.com
If your child already knows how to fish and wants to learn about places around town to fish, this is the camp for them! On Thursday, there will be a charter boat trip! Register online at cityofpensacola.com.
Date: June 3 – 7, July 15 – 19
Time: 8 am to 8:45 am, Tiny Tikes (Ages 3 – 5); 9 am to 12 pm, Half Day (Ages 6 – 14)
Ages: 3 – 14
Where: Roger Scott Athletic Complex, 2130 Summit Blvd., Pensacola
Costs: $205 per week; $195 half day; $120 (Tiny Tikes, ages 3 – 5) Info: cityofpensacola.com
Challenge Sports, the leading soccer camp company in North America, has combined the most popular elements of British Soccer and TetraBrazil into a collection of the most effective soccer practices used by youth teams around the world!
Date: June 3 – 7, June 17 – 21, July 15 – 19
Time: 9 am to 12:30 pm
Ages: 7 – 14
Where: Ferry Pass Middle School, 8355 Yancey Ln., Pensacola
Costs: $110 per session, $105 per session for alumni
Info: cityofpensacola.com
The Chip Boes Championship Basketball Camp is a five-day clinic emphasizing individual skill development led by highly successful former high school and college coach and five-time “Coach of the Year'' award winner Chip Boes. Each participant will receive a basketball, camp shirt, ice cream party, group and individual competitions, league and tournament play and more! Visit chipboes.blogspot.com, call (850) 968-9299 or email chipboes@gmail.com for more information.
Date: June 10 – 14, July 8 – 12
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Ages: 9 – 14
Where: Bear Levin Studer Family YMCA, 165 E. Intendencia St., Pensacola
Costs: $100 per session
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Don’t miss this great camp conducted by Bishop State Community College Assistant Head Volleyball Coach Jennifer Belarmino. Players from Bishop State will join Coach Belarmino for instruction. Onsite registration will not be available. Mail registration to Vickrey Resource Center at 2130 Summit Boulevard, Pensacola, FL 32503. Please make checks payable to Jennifer Belarmino. Email jbvbcamps@gmail.com for more information.
Date: June 10 – 14, July 8 – 12
Time: 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
Ages: 4 – 10
Where: East Pensacola Heights Clubhouse, 3208 East Gonzalez St., Pensacola
Costs: City Resident $150 per session, Non-Resident $160 per session
Info: cityofpensacola.com
Enjoy a magical week of yoga, art and the elements! This camp will connect students with the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and the stars through creative activities, physical movement and mindful artistic experiences. Get excited to create art, practice elementinspired yoga postures, and learn elements in playful ways using all the senses (smell, sight, touch, taste, intuition and sound). This camp inspires kids to increase their flexibility and strength, improve their self-esteem and self-awareness, and encourage creativity and cooperation. Cost includes materials for engaging games and art projects. Please bring a yoga mat, water and a healthy snack daily.
Date: May 28 – 31; June 3 – 7, 10 – 14, July 8 – 21
Time: 8 am to 2 pm
Ages: 6+
Where: 11 Eden Lane, Cantonment
Costs: $375 per session; Early Registration Discount, $25
Info: iron-horse-stables.com
NEW: Overnight Camp
June 24 – 29 | $1050
NEW: Intermediate English Camp, July 15 – 19 | $400
NEW: Girl Scout / 4-H Horsemanship
Camp July 22 – 26
Horse Camp involves the daily routine of taking care of your own horse! Campers learn safety around the horses, how they are fed, the importance of water, their breeds and colors, learning or improving their grooming and saddling skills and will even clean a stall. The best part of the day, of course, is RIDING their new equine friend! Each day at camp gives the camper a new adventure by learning respect for the horses and each other and responsibilities that will carry on into their everyday lives and for their futures.
Date: May 28 – 31; June 3 – 7, 10 – 14, 17 – 21, 24 – 28
Time: 8 am to 5 pm
Ages: 5 – 13
Where: 2123 Gulf Breeze Pkwy., Gulf Breeze
Costs: Pre-registered first child $60 / $50 sibling Full week $225 first child / $215 sibling
Info: the-funplex.com
Kids will enjoy all the fun the Funplex offers at its weekly summer camp! The camp features themed weeks, water days and the use of Funplex equipment. Campers need to bring a lunch, bag and water bottle.
Date: May 28 – 31; June 3 – 6, 10th – 13, 17 – 20, 24 – 27, July 1 – 4, 8 – 11, 15 – 18, 22 – 25, 29 – Aug 1.
Time: 9 am to Noon
Ages: 7+
Where: 380 N 9th Ave., Pensacola
Costs: $150 per session
Info: waterboyz.com
Instructors teach campers both in groups and one-on-one. Each skater sets their own goal at the beginning of the week (how to drop in, ollie, grind, etc.) and our instructors help them get there. Each session has a range of abilities that help the kids motivate each other. Please provide lunch for your child or have them eat at the Cafe. Waterbpyz provides camp helmets, pads, and skateboards. Campers should have their own board to practice on at home. Closetoed, Flat-bottomed shoes (not running shoes!) should be worn to prevent injuries such as ankle rolls.
Date: May 28 – 31, June 3 – 6, 10 – 13, 17 – 20, 24 – 27, July 1 – 4, 8 – 11, 15 – 18, 22 – 25, 29 – Aug. 1.
Time: 9 am to Noon
Ages: 7+
Where: Pensacola Beach at Park East, about one mile east of Portofino just past the “S” curve.
Costs: $200 per session
Info: waterboyz.com
Campers will be taught proper techniques for paddling and surfing, ocean awareness concerning swell directions and rip currents, and proper etiquette during the lineup. Students who are progressing faster will be given additional advanced instructions on improving their surfing skills. For campers who are interested in learning skimboarding, the same instructions will ensue concerning skimboarding skills. Each session usually has a range of abilities, which helps the kids motivate each other. Our teaching format is subject to change because we cannot guarantee rideable surf daily. Alternative programs such as paddle skills, skimboarding and beach games to improve board riding skills will be substituted if a flat spell or bad weather conditions occur.
Pensacola Yacht Club
Summer Sailing Camp & Youth/Adult Sailing
Date: May 27 – August 2
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
Ages: 6 – 17 (children must know how to swim and take a swim test)
Where: Pensacola Yacht Club, 1897
Cypress St., Pensacola
Costs: Weekly rate, $375 | Aftercare $25 per day or $110 per week. PYC Members – $50 discount Multi Week – 10% discount Siblings – 10% discount Info: satorifoundation.com
Pensacola Yacht Club is having its annual summer sailing program starting in May. Students will learn to sail with confidence. All sessions offer lessons for beginner to advanced students. Students will learn boat rigging, handling, basic knots, sailing fundamentals, sportsmanship and boat responsibility. Students are asked to bring a personal flotation device, safety whistle, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, dry change of clothes, clothes to get wet in, closed-toed shoes, water bottle, sack lunch and snack.
Summer Bowling Camp
Date: June 3 – 7, 10 – 14, 17 – 21, 24 – 28; July 8 – 12, 15 – 19, 22 – 26
Time: 10 am to 1 pm
Ages: 5 – 18
Where: Cordova Lanes, 2111 Airport Blvd., Pensacola
Costs: $160 per week without your own bowling ball; $120 with.
Info: cordovalanes.com
Students will begin with bowling basics and end with a greater appreciation for bowling and a comfort level that will let them enjoy bowling more. Coaches are available to help students develop a killer shot or just to show them enough to allow them to enjoy the sport. Lunch and rental shoes are provided each day.
Date: May 28 – August 5 | Various Dates
Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Ages: 7+
Where: 1666 – 1738 Via De Luna Dr., Pensacola Beach (parking lot just before Portofino Resorts and just past the Calle Hermosa neighborhood).
Costs: $185 per session
Info: innerlightsurf.com
Whether you’ve never set foot on a board or just want to sharpen your skills, Surf Camp is a fun and unique experience. Expect quality instruction; learn about surfing etiquette, culture, training and techniques, and ocean science. There will be other fun games and activities if the surf is flat. Bring boardshorts or a swimsuit, a towel, lots of sunscreen, a snack/lunch, and something to drink.
Wishes are a natural part of childhood, but few expect those wishes to come true. Yet thanks to Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida, more than 7,000 children with a critical illness have been given a chance to have their wishes granted.
“I love Make-A-Wish,” says Kathleen Hampton, Director of Development for the chapter’s Northwest Florida region. “I love the fact that I can experience the impact of a wish on a child and their family. There’s no better feeling.”
Wish kids would come from a wide range of backgrounds. From a 4-year-old undergoing treatments for leukemia, to a teen living with cystic fibrosis, they are united in their shared experience of constant hospital visits. Every day, these children deal with symptoms, side effects, and medical appointments that would dishearten even the strongest adult. But thanks to Make-A-Wish, they get to take a break and experience the unmitigated joy of being a kid.
“When a child hears that their wish is going to be granted, they get excited,” says Hampton. “They’ve already gone through so much. Wishes would motivate them to go through treatment and give them hope when they need it the most. [...] The joy and excitement that the child and family experience—it’s just something that you can’t describe.”
Wish kids are referred by a caregiver, medical professional, or family member with intimate knowledge of their condition. Once they’re approved, a wish discovery volunteer helps them to refine their wish, often encouraging them to dream bigger. Next, Make-A-Wish spends time making sure every detail is perfect.
“We take the burden and worry out of the equation so they can truly enjoy their wish,” Hampton says. Over the past year and a half, she has facilitated dozens of wishes and loves seeing the impact her organization has.
Yet there are some kids who stand out, like Logan, an 11-year old boy whose wish to travel from their home in
North Carolina to Panama City Beach, Florida was granted thanks to the generosity of the Bay Point Billfish Tournament partners and the local community. Logan was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and wished to vacation with his family at the beach in Florida.
Scott Rossman, Sports Director at WJHG News Channel 7 in Panama City, Florida and the organizers of the fishing tournament secured a week of fun and activities in Panama City Beach, including a half-day fishing trip during the week of the 2023 tournament with Captain Terry McGowan of Reel Fun Charters, hotel accommodations at the Holiday Inn Panama City Beach Resort, a snorkeling adventure and more, courtesy of the Panama City Beach community.
"When the partners of the Bay Point Billfish Open, Jay Quave, John Warren, George Roberts and I decided to restart this tournament in Panama City Beach, we were determined to attach some worthy charities to the event as well. And we feel like we made some good decisions towards that end. Certainly, partnering with Make-A-Wish turned out to be an example of that. The organization made it very easy for us to accommodate the family here. We were thrilled that Terry McGowen stepped up to host the family for the fishing trip. And saw other businesses step up to contribute as well. We've always known Panama City Beach and Bay County are full of very charitably minded people and that proved to be the case once again last June. And being able to make the wish of any child, facing certain adversities in their young lives, come true is truly something special. And now we're anxious to host another family this year as part of the 2024 Bay Point Billfish Open."
For Hampton, building relationships with such dedicated people is her own wish. “I’m always willing to cultivate those relationships,” she says. “I want to hold on to that and keep that momentum going because having the community surround the child and family for a wish is critical.”
The 2024 Bay Point Billfish Tournament partners are working with Make-A-Wish Central &
It takes a community to turn their wishes into reality. And once a wish has been granted, previous Wish Alumni pay it forward.
By working with your local Make-A-Wish chapter, you can have a hand in bringing joy to critically ill children in your own community. To get connected with Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida, visit their website at wish.org/cnfl/ tallahassee or contact Kathleen Hampton at 407-622-4673 (ext. 201).
Pensacola Blue Wahoos Schedule
May Home Games at Blue Wahoos Stadium. For more information and tickets, visit milb.com/pensacola.
May 7 at 6:05 pm - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 8 at 11:05 am - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 9 at 6:05 pm - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 10 at 6:05 pm - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 11 at 6:05 pm - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 12 at 4:05 pm - Birmingham Barons vs Blue Wahoos
May 21 at 6:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
May 22 at 6:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
May 23 at 6:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
May 24 at 6:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
May 25 at 6:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
May 26 at 4:05 pm - Tennessee Smokies vs Blue Wahoos
Blue Angels Practice Dates
May 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 28 & 29
The world-famous Blue Angels can be seen practicing over the National Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola select days throughout the year. Guests can come to the National Naval Aviation Museum to watch the practice for free, with gates opening at 9:30 am. The practice flight demonstrations can also be viewed outside of NAS Pensacola including Fort Pickens, boat cruises, and various points throughout downtown. The Blue Angels will take off around 10:30 am and the practices last for about 55 minutes. Please note that the National Naval Aviation Museum will be closed to visitors on May 7, 8 and 9. Practice schedules are subject to change. For more information, visit navalaviationmuseum.org/blueangels/
May 3-12
The Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their annual Quiche Breakfast. When the Communists attack, the closet doors blow open as secrets, repressed desires and an insatiable hunger for quiche are released. Set in the Cold War era, the dialogue is full of innuendos and hilarious audience participation. This production is intended for mature audiences. Performances of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche will take place from May 3 to 12 at the Pensacola Little Theatre located at 400 S. Jefferson St. For showtimes, tickets and more information, visit pensacolalittletheatre.com.
May 4
Support small businesses and shop local at the Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones (SBCJ) Arts and Crafts Show. Explore the works of some Pensacola’s talented artists and merchants. Shop handmade arts and crafts, enjoy delicious baked goods and more. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. The event runs from 10 am to 3 pm and is hosted at the Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center located at 913 S. I St. For more information, visit fb.me/e/3kUoe05A4.
May 7
Enjoy an afternoon of shopping, food trucks and kids activities the East Hill Makers Market. Hosted at Cordova Square by the East Hill Neighborhood Association, the market will feature over 40 craft and food vendors. Come shop, meet and mingle with your neighbors from 3 to 6 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Cordova Square is located at 1101 N. 12th Ave. For more information, visit fb.me/e/3v72mHOcm.
May 9
Leash up the pup, grab your mom and head over to WolfGang’s Mother’s Day Sip & Shop Night Market. There will be a ton of pet-pawsitive small businesses to support, plenty of craft beer, food and fun. Browse from a variety of pet-friendly vendors and enjoy a delicious Perfect Plain brew. This event is family-friendly and has something
for everyone. The market runs from 4 pm to 8 pm at Perfect Plain Brewery and Garden & Grain. For more information, visit wolfgangparkandbrews.com.
May 10
Some musicians take a while to build an audience and connect with fans. For the Los Angeles-based quartet Dirty Honey, success came right out of the gate. In October 2019, Dirty Honey made history as the only unsigned artist in Billboard’s near four-decades to hit #1 on the magazine’s Mainstream and Hard Rock Charts with its debut single, When I’m Gone. Since that weighty debut, Dirty Honey has opened for The Who, Guns N’Roses and The Black Crowes, where the band received glowing reviews and standing ovations. Now, the group is bringing their rock ‘n’ roll sound to Pensacola with their headlining Can’t Find The Brakes Tour. Don’t miss Dirty Honey with special guest Royale Lynn at Vinyl Music Hall. Doors open at 7 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. For tickets and more information, visit vinylmusichall.com.
May 11
Gulf Coast Culture Fest is a vibrant and inclusive festival that celebrates the rich diversity and cultures of the Gulf Coast and its surrounding areas. This highly anticipated event brings together artists, businesses, vendors and community members for a day filled with artistic expression. Watch captivating live entertainment and enjoy a wide array of mouthwatering cultural food options. By promoting unity and appreciation for different cultures, Gulf Coast Culture Fest creates an atmosphere of harmony and rejuvenation that is enjoyed by all who attend. Gulf Coast Culture Fest runs from 10 am to 6 pm and is hosted at Seville Square located at 311 E. Government St. in downtown Pensacola. For more information, visit gulfcoastculturefest.com.
May 11
Sip, stroll and shop your way around the Pensacola Beach Boardwalk at the Pensacola Beach Art & Wine Festival on May 11 from 11 am to 4 pm. Hosted by the Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce, this annual event brings together dozens of local artists and features more than 40 wine selections from distributor Kelley Beach Liquors. The festival is free and open to the public however, festival-goers must purchase a $40 ticket to participate in the wine tastings. For winetasting tickets and more event details, visit pensacolabeachchamber.com.
May 11
Join the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra (PSO) for a free outdoor performance at the amphitheater at Big Lagoon State Park. This one-hour event features members of the PSO brass section playing music from the movies, marches from John Philip Sousa and jazz favorites from the big band era. This event is free, but there is an optional donation to enter the park. The performance begins at 2 pm. Big Lagoon State Park Amphitheater is located at 12301 Gulf Beach Hwy. For more information, visit pensacolasymphony.com.
May 13 & 14
Based on one of Hollywood’s most beloved romantic stories of all time, Pretty Woman springs to life with a powerhouse creative team led by two-time Tony Award-winning director and choreographer Jerry Mitchell. The film was an international smash hit when it was released in 1990. Now, 30 years later, Pretty Woman is back as a musical, delivering on all the iconic moments you remember. Get
ready to experience this dazzling theatrical take on a love story for the ages. Pretty Woman will be performed at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre, located at 118 S. Palafox St. Doors open at 6:30 pm and showtime is 7:30 pm both nights. For tickets and show details, visit pensacolasaenger.com.
Navy Days Parade
May 18
Enjoy a Saturday by the water while celebrating the heroes in uniform. Pensacola’s Navy Days Parade is set to take place on May 18. Gather along Pensacola’s waterfront for this exciting parade featuring military equipment, squadrons, Sailors of the Year, bands and drill teams and many of Pensacola’s Mardi Gras Krewes. The parade starts at 10 am at Veterans Memorial Park and ends at Community Maritime Park. For more information, visit pensacolanavydays. com/page/parade.
May 19
Join Pensacola Vintage Collective on Sunday, May 19 from 1 to 6 pm at The Handlebar at 319 N. Tarragona St. for a vintage block party. The event will feature dozens of the area’s best vendors in vintage clothing, art, handmade goods, records and more. Attendees will have a chance to enjoy live music by both The Funk Heads and Meledious Allen, as well as cold beers, food trucks, tasty bites from saucebossburger and other sweet treats. This event is family and pet-friendly and there is no coast to attend. Check out @pensacolavintagecollective social media for more details.
May 24
Bands on the Bayou is back! Ben Loftin & the Family will perform at this month’s Bands on the Bayou event. Formed locally in Pensacola, Ben Loftin & the Family are heavily influenced by the rich musical cultures of the Gulf Coast. The group was born in 2013 when founding singer/ songwriter and guitarist Ben Loftin and friends began practicing and producing original music. Today, the ensemble produces a vibrant blend of pop, funk, soul and reggae at a range of venues across the southeastern United States. Bring your chairs, blankets and family to the Bayview Community Center to enjoy this free night of music starting at 6:30 pm. Individual donations are appreciated, with all proceeds benefiting selected local nonprofits. For more information, visit bandsonthebayou.com.
May 31
Come catch some beads, hear the sounds of marching bands and enjoy beautiful floats parade through downtown. Kicking off at 7 pm, the Grand Fiesta Parade provides family-friendly fun for everyone. Bring the entire family to one of Pensacola’s favorite Fiesta events. In addition to the dozens of local krewes parading, special appearances will be made by a masked DeLuna, his Queen and their court. Road closures for the Grand Fiesta Parade will begin at approximately 3:45 pm. All roads will be closed from Reus to Jefferson Street and from Wright to Main Street. For more information, visit fiestapensacola.org.
NW Florida’s
Special Section • May 2024
49 United Way of West Florida
Celebrating 100 years of transforming lives in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.
53 Around the Region
Find out what's happening in business, government and cultural news throughout Pensacola and Northwest Florida.
As United Way of West Florida celebrates its 100th anniversary, we reflect on the profound impact we have had on the communities of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties over the last century. Since our inception in 1924, our mission has been clear: to fight for the health, education and financial stability of all in our communities. Today, we continue to carry out this mission with great dedication and passion.
It is an honor to lead United Way of West Florida as President and CEO. Since taking office in 2018, I have been inspired by the resilience and strength of our communities and the profound difference our work makes in the lives of individuals and families. Through transformational investments, building capacity, and connecting people to needed resources, we have been a beacon of hope for so many.
One of the ways we support our community is through our internal programs. Our 211 Northwest Florida helpline serves as a crucial resource for individuals seeking assistance by providing information leading to vital services ranging from healthcare to housing. In these uncertain times, the importance of this service cannot be overstated.
In addition, the 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline has become an essential resource for individuals facing mental health crises. The ease of access to this helpline can be the difference between despair and finding the support needed to begin the journey toward healing. Our trained staff provide compassionate and confidential support, ensuring that no one has to face their struggles alone.
We are also proud to support the Florida Veterans Support Line, which offers assistance to veterans and their families. This program connects veterans with services tailored to their unique needs, ensuring they receive the care and resources they deserve for their dedicated service to our country.
The Stuff the Bus initiative is another example of how United Way of West Florida addresses immediate community needs. This annual school supply drive, implemented with a variety of partners, ensures that students begin the academic year with the tools they need to succeed. By providing essential supplies to local schools, we help create a positive learning environment and support the next generation of leaders.
Our Day of Caring is a shining example of the spirit of volunteerism that defines our community. Each year, hundreds of volunteers come together to complete projects that benefit local nonprofits and community organizations. This day serves as a testament to the power of collective action and the difference we can make when we work together.
Born Learning Trails is a program that combines education and play in outdoor spaces, creating opportunities for families to engage in early childhood learning. These interactive trails provide a foundation for lifelong learning and foster a sense of community.
Our Community Investment Process ensures that we strategically grant funds to organizations that align with our mission and demonstrate measurable impact. This process allows us to address the most pressing needs in our community and support initiatives that create lasting change.
As we celebrate this milestone, I am filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of our donors, volunteers and community partners. Together, we have made an incredible impact on our communities and touched countless lives. The journey ahead is bright, and we remain committed to advancing our mission for another 100 years and beyond.
In closing, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of United Way of West Florida's story. Whether you have donated your time, talent or resources, your contributions have played a vital role in our success. As we look forward, we invite you to continue this journey with us. Let us work together to build a brighter, healthier and more equitable future for all.
The 2024 annual Movies in the Park series will return to Community Maritime Park on Saturday, May 4, and will feature three Friday movie nights this summer.
Movies are free and open to the public. Pre-show activities begin at 6 p.m., and shows will begin at sunset. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs to spread out on the lawn to watch a family-friendly movie underneath the stars. Concessions from local food truck vendors will be available for purchase subject to availability. Outside food is also welcome. Pets and glass bottles are prohibited at the event. Free event parking will be available at Community Maritime Park and City Hall.
The 2024 Movies in the Park series is sponsored by MyPensacola Credit Union, T-Mobile, Smart Smiles Orthodontics, Wild Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, Cat Country 98.7 and News Radio 92.3 FM | AM 1620.
Community Maritime Park is located at 301 W. Main St. in Pensacola. Movies will take place at the Hunter Amphitheater stage. Hunter Amphitheater in Community Maritime Park is located on the park's south side behind the Blue Wahoos Stadium.
For more information on Movies in the Park, visit playpensacola. com or follow Play Pensacola on Facebook.
For more information about City of Pensacola parks, playgrounds and locations, visit playpensacola.com or contact the City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department at (850) 436-5670.
10th Annual Casino Royale Gala Raises More Than $290,000 for Baptist Health Care Foundation
Baptist Health Care Foundation’s 10th annual Casino Royale gala raised more than $290,000. Proceeds will benefit Baptist’s faith and community health programs and initiatives.
“We are committed to addressing the holistic needs of individuals and families in our community, particularly through partnerships with local faith-based organizations and community groups,” KC Gartman, chief development officer, Baptist Health Care said. “Through these partnerships, we have been able to reach thousands of individuals through health care navigation, health education and health screenings.”
The annual Casino Royale gala is held at the Hilton Pensacola Beach. This year’s event theme was based on the James Bond movie GoldenEye. More than 300 guests enjoyed an elegant gourmet dinner, six-piece showband, casino games and a silent auction.
To learn more about the Baptist Health Care Foundation or to make a contribution, call (448) 227-8150 or visit baptisthealthcarefoundation.org.
Pensacola Energy Receives $10 Million in Federal Grant Funding
Pensacola Energy was awarded $10 million in federal grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation to replace unprotected bare steel mains with polyethylene pipe throughout the City of Pensacola and Escambia County.
The substantial sum, presented at a special April 25 press conference, was funded by DoT’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administrations’ Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant Program in the form of two projects: Greenhut Court and Peachtree Park.
"How can we help communities do the work they need to get done, beyond regulations," Deputy Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Tristan Brown sad. "Pensacola's request was part of $1.8 billion requested during this phase of the grant."
Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves commended Pensacola Energy Director Darryl Singleton. "Darryl and his team consistently drive home safety for our customers, community, and our employees. This grant is a testament to that commitment."
15 miles of outdated pipe will be replaced in the Greenhut Court and Peachtree Park project areas. In addition, DoT has defined the two project areas as historically disadvantaged communities. The awarded grant dollars will improve these underserved neighborhoods by reducing safety incidents and fatalities while also attracting new development and employment opportunities.
Project 1: Greenhut Court ($6,000,743 requested)
The Greenhut Court project will replace 9.7 miles of unprotected bare steel mains and services from the 1950s with polyethylene pipe and eliminate methane emissions from leaks, removing infrastructure-related disparities by providing equitable access to modern infrastructure.
Project 2: Peachtree Park ($4,076,114 requested)
The Peachtree Park project will replace 5 miles of unprotected bare steel mains and services from the 1950s with polyethylene pipe, directly impacting the area’s environmental burden by reducing methane leaks.
The NGDISM grant program is available to municipalities and communityowned utilities for the repair, rehabilitation or replacement of natural gas distribution pipeline systems. The grant dollars may also be used to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and avoid economic losses. For more information about these projects, please contact Pensacola Energy at (850) 474-5300.
In a significant community outreach effort, Step One Automotive Group Alfa Romeo Maserati Pensacola and Buick GMC Cadillac Pensacola, donated $10,000 to the Escambia County Sheriff Foundation.
Step One Automotive Group Contributes $10,000 to Support Youth Engagement through Escambia County Sheriff Foundation
This substantial gift is earmarked for enhancing the Dream Big Program, an initiative aimed at motivating and empowering the youth of Escambia County by fostering connections with law enforcement professionals. The Dream Big Program, orchestrated by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, immerses Junior Deputies in a variety of law enforcement activities.
This initiative not only introduces participants to the fundamentals of law enforcement but also instills a sense of responsibility and community engagement. The 2024 program will introduce a series of dynamic activities, such as K-9 training, agility drills, crime scene analysis, vehicle operations, and instructional sessions in a classroom setting.
To further enrich the participants' experience, each will receive ECSO replica T-shirts, Junior Deputy badges, toy ECSO trucks, and official Junior Deputy ID cards.
For more information, please visit steponeautomotive.com.
2024 Blues Angel Music Presents Blues on the Bay Free Concert Series
The City of Pensacola and Blues Angel Music have partnered for the return of their annual free concert series, which kicks off at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 14 in Community Maritime Park.
The community is invited to bring their coolers and lawn chairs to the Hunter Amphitheater in Community Maritime Park for the 2024 Blues Angel Music's Blues on the Bay Free Concert Series. Guests of all ages are encouraged to enjoy the cool breeze of the bay while listening to some of the region's best musical talent.
Concerts are scheduled to take place on select Sundays beginning at 6 p.m. and are free and open to the public. Pets and glass bottles are prohibited.
2024 Blues Angel Music's Blues on the Bay Free Concert Series dates and performers:
• May 5 - Still Standing
• May 19 - Modern Eldorados
• June 2 - Goldmine
• June 30 - The Blenders
• July 7 - (Rain Date)
The 2024 Blues Angel Music's Blues on the Bay Free Concert Series is sponsored by Blues Angel Music, Allen Turner Automotive, T-Mobile and United Way of West Florida.
Community Maritime Park is located at 301 W. Main St. in Pensacola. For more information about Blues Angel Music's Blues on the Bay, visit
playpensacola.com or follow Blues on the Bay Pensacola on Facebook. For more information about City of Pensacola parks, playgrounds and locations, visit playpensacola.com or contact the City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department at (850) 436-5670.
Sing in the Summer with the Pensacola Children’s Chorus
Aspiring Performers are Invited to Take Part in PCC’s Summer Camp Experience
The Pensacola Children’s Chorus (PCC) seeks aspiring performers to participate in this summer’s performing arts camps! Students entering grades 1–12 are invited to sing, dance and perform their way through 4 weeks of interactive offerings specifically designed for young artists of all levels. Camps run from June 17 through August 3. Each experience provides a week of dynamic learning complete with performances for family and friends. Find your mark center stage with PCC’s Spotlight Series, a lineup of fast-paced weeklong rehearsal experiences culminating in a fully staged musical. Sessions are specifically dedicated to young performers in grades 1–3 and 4–6. This year’s Spotlight theme will be Summer Camp! The Musical. This musical encapsulates all the quirks of summer camp, from morning routines to cheesy skits and, of course, the epic talent show! Join us for an unforgettable adventure as we navigate the highs and lows of finding a place to belong in the summer camp experience. Spotlight will meet June 17–21, with a final performance of Summer Camp! The Musical the evening of June 21.
Get on your feet with PCC’s Dance Intensive. Middle and upper classmen, grades 7–12, are invited to this high intensity experience, featuring daily workshops and routines rooted in diverse styles of dance. From ballet to hip hop, jazz to tap and everything in between, this week is a sure win for those looking to take the next step in their dancing journey. Led by PCC’s motivational and incredibly talented choreographers, this camp runs June 18–22. Friends and family are invited to a special showcase during the morning of June 22.
Level up your vocal musical skills with JumpstART! During weekly meetings, participants in grades 6–12 will work with PCC’s vocal instructors to improve their technique and advance their music reading skills. JumpstART is perfect for singers who wish to grow as independent musicians. JumpstART meets on Mondays throughout June and July.
Complete your summer fun activities with Summer Festival, the quintessential PCC camp experience. For new elementary and middle school friends in grades 1–8, this unique fusion of choral performance, movement and music education is the best way to sample all that PCC has to offer during our regular season. Designed for new and returning singers alike, this music-filled camp experience will meet July 29–August 3, culminating in a dynamic performance for friends and family to enjoy the afternoon of August 3.
Pricing varies by camp. Scholarship opportunities and multiweek discounts are available. Aftercare is available for the Spotlight and Summer Festival sessions through the YMCA in Downtown Pensacola. For more detailed information on camps, please call 850-434-7760 or visit PensacolaSings.org/camps.
Combined sales were up 23% compared to February.
The average March DOM for residential and condos combined was 66, 14 days more that last March.
Single family inventory increased by 6% over February and 36% last March.
Condo inventory continued to improve, with a 4% increase over February.
March pending sales improved 16% over February.
When temperatures creep up again, it signals time for an annual tradition: spring cleaning. While big projects like windows are hard to overlook, don’t forget smaller areas that need attention, too, such as your home office.
Making sense of a year’s worth of paperwork and clutter can take some serious time, especially as many people have been working from home more than normal, but getting organized can help you tackle home management tasks more efficiently. Making the office a priority can reduce frustration when it comes to spending additional time in your office while working from home.
1. Make sure you have furniture that can adequately store your stuff, including plenty of space for files, reference books and computer equipment. Pieces need not be costly to be functional and there are plenty of attractive options available online and at both small and major retailers.
2. Arrange the space with its intended use and your own work style in mind. For example, if you don’t need ample space to spread out over a large, flat work area, eliminate that space – it’s simply an invitation for clutter.
3. Place items you rely on frequently, such as a calculator or ruler, within arm’s reach so they can easily be put away between uses. Capture these items in containers and bins to keep the space looking neat and free of clutter.
4. Establish a filing system that lets you keep track of important papers you need to keep and have a shredder handy to help you discard any sensitive documents. Whether you alphabetize, color code or use some other method, group paperwork into segments for categories such as bills, banking, health care, auto, insurance and so on for easy access in the future.
5. Tangled cords can make even the most organized spaces look messy, and they may pose a fire or tripping hazard. Get control of your cords by storing devices you don’t use regularly and securing the remaining cords with twist ties or clips. Remember to use a surge-protected power strip to minimize the chance of damage should a power surge occur.
Find more tips to make your workspace tidy and organized at eLivingtoday.com.
Photo courtesy of Pexels
If you’re considering a kitchen renovation, you’ve probably heard cautions about avoiding overly trendy designs that can diminish your home’s value and limit its appeal to future buyers. That’s sound advice, but many of this year’s trends are relatively neutral and have long-term staying power.
Kitchen upgrades are typically all about making practical updates to meet the needs of a family. The key to smart design is incorporating functional elements a family requires while striking a balance between style and trends that quickly become outdated.
Before you dive into a kitchen project, consider these on-trend design recommendations from the experts at Wellborn Cabinet.
As the hub of nutrition, it’s no surprise wellness design features are making their way into the kitchen. Some examples include appliances with air frying or steaming features, and double ovens are appearing in more homes, making home meals for the family easier to manage. Also look for technology that simplifies meal planning and managing your pantry inventory, as well as features that regulate food storage temperatures more precisely, including during power outages.
Painted cabinets had their moment, but the latest designs are revealing a movement back toward warm wood grains, specifically oak. As trends continue to shift toward embracing natural elements, as well as exploring diverse color palettes, cabinet manufacturers are constantly innovating to meet the demands of consumers and design professionals alike.
To elevate contemporary cabinetry design, Wellborn Cabinet introduced captivating finishes that celebrate natural materials and textures. Inspired by the highly desired white oak at a more accessible price point, Boardwalk offers a breath of fresh air, allowing the unique oak wood grain to take center stage. The striking finish of Peppermill introduces a versatile darker brown hue with a subtle gray undertone, adding depth, dimension and sophistication. If you’re not quite ready to fully embrace natural wood tones, Alabaster may be a perfect alternative; this hue provides the timeless elegance of neutral white.
Food prep may be a mainstay in functional kitchen design, but a growing number of homeowners are calling beverages a close second with the addition of built-in coffee bars or smoothie stations and specialized storage for beer and wine. Countertop or supplementary nugget ice makers are another example of trending kitchen accessories that reinforce a growing focus on beverages for all occasions.
Your kitchen’s cabinet doors play an important role in defining your design aesthetic. Consider Wellborn’s wide variety of door styles, several of which have been redesigned to support the trend toward a simpler, smaller rail that’s in favor among designers and homeowners alike. With softer, more up-todate appearances, they feature eased profiles to produce simple, straight, clean appearances. Options like Breckenridge and Ridgebrook offer updates to the modified shaker style with a clean, modern, less clunky aesthetic. Made of quality, solid wood, they feature a reversed raised center panel to coordinate with a variety of design styles.
Kitchen islands are hardly a new design element, but an increasing number of homeowners are making them a major focus of their renovations. A kitchen trends study by Houzz revealed 42% of homeowners are opting for islands that are 7 feet long or more. That’s extra prep space, but also more room for casual seating or socializing while hosting. Also gaining popularity are double islands for double the workspace.
The wall space between your countertops and upper cabinets may not amount to much, but it’s a sure place to make a style statement. This year’s designers are saying farewell to stark white subway tile backsplashes. Instead, nature- and earth-inspired tones are trending. You can still use subway tile but consider a variation from the traditional stacked design. Texture is another option for modernizing your backsplash; think handcrafted tiles or earthy textures but take care to avoid overly busy patterns.
Find more inspiration for your kitchen remodel at wellborn.com.
Whether you are in the market for a new home or ready to upgrade your current residence, investing in energy-efficient home improvements could help you save money thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.
Signed into law in August 2022, the federally funded Inflation Reduction Act includes a record $370 billion reserved spending for energy initiatives, including significant tax credits, rebates and other incentives for homeowners who replace or upgrade their HVAC systems, appliances and insulation. Combined with additional state, local and manufacturer's programs, these energy-efficient home improvements can help you save considerably at tax time - and lower your utility bills in the long run.
When you're ready to enhance your home's efficiency, here's what you need to know:
Energy-Efficient Home Improvement Credit: Beginning with products installed on Jan. 1, 2023, and extending through the end of 2032, energy tax credits have been expanded from previous programs with increased cost-saving values. They now offer homeowners a rebate up to 30% of eligible expenses up to $1,200 per year each year that the program is active. Homeowners considering an energy-efficient heat pump can save even more money with an additional rebate up to $2,000 available. Eligible upgrades include:
• Home energy audits
• Heat pump HVAC or water heaters
• Biomass stoves and boilers
• High-efficiency gas furnaces
• High-efficiency central air conditioning
• ENERGY-STAR certified doors and windows
• Insulation enhancements
• Electric panel and wiring upgrades
• Clean energy equipment installation
High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program: The High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act, or HEEHRA, is a 10-year program that provides homeowners with rebates up to 100% of the cost of eligible projects up to $14,000. HEEHRA rebates are based on income and can help to fund home improvements such as switching to electric appliances, installing a heat pump or updating your home's circuit panel. The value of each rebate varies by project and includes up to $8,000 for eligible households to install heat pumps.
State and local rebate programs: In addition to federally funded programs, many state, local and utility rebates are available to incentivize energy-efficient home improvements. These offers can vary so it's best to speak to a local expert such as your HVAC contractor, or use this zip code-based HVAC savings database at York.com/residential-equipment/ rebates-and-savings as a point of reference.
Manufacturer rebates and financing options: When it comes to your home's efficiency, heating and cooling often account for the most energy consumption - and the highest utility bills. Because of this, upgrading the HVAC system can often provide the greatest payback.
Regardless of your home comfort needs, manufacturers such as YORK have an extensive offering of energy-efficient systems, including electric heat pumps, that may be eligible for certain rebates. Plus, your contractor can discuss available financing options to help with the upfront equipment costs to maximize savings.
Selling or Buying a home? Choose a Realtor who has been endorsed by Florida Realtors as one of the Best of the Best! This endorsement is Florida Realtors’ highest professional honor, earned by top Realtors as demonstrated through their sales, volunteerism, advocacy and ethical conduct. Out of over 238,000 Realtors in Florida, only 20 are Board Certified!
With over 30 years of real estate experience, John’s professional knowledge, attention to detail and genuine concern for his Sellers and Buyers are evident by the many accolades he has earned over the years. Contact him today to discuss your next sale or purchase.
Choose a Realtor who has been endorsed by Florida Realtors as one of the Best of the Best! This endorsement is Florida Realtors’ highest professional honor, earned by top Realtors as demonstrated through their sales, volunteerism, advocacy and ethical conduct. Out of over 238,000 Realtors in Florida, only 20 are Board Certified!
With over 30 years of real estate experience, John’s professional knowledge, attention to detail and genuine concern for his Sellers and Buyers are evident by the many accolades he has earned over the years. Contact him today to discuss your next sale or purchase.
BROKER/OWNER, JOHN WAAS REALTY (850) 602-4432 johnwaasrealtor@yahoo.com