Baltma DMC presents_ Impressions all around EN

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Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region


“Impressions all around”


© Baltma Tour, 2014


Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region



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Impressions all around Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region





Š Baltma Tour. Design – Khasiya D.Z. Kaliningrad Regional Tourism Information Center. 4, Mira Avenue, Kaliningrad, Russia +7 (4012) 555-200



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Impressions all around Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region



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Design, DTP – Khasiya D.Z.

Chapter I ...................................................A timeless city...........................................................................................................5 Chapter II .................................................Sea of adventures...................................................................................................29 Chapter III ................................................Fairytale region ......................................................................................................49


© Text: Baltma Tour 2013-2014 Translation: Olga Danilova, Olga Mikhaylova, Olga Solovyova Graphics: V.Morozko, “Museum of Konigsberg” and M.Popov's Collection, Khasiya D.Z., Albert Ilg (Allegorien und Embleme) Pictures: V.Korotkov Photos D. Vyshemirskyi, I. Zarembo, V. Eremeev, A. Novozhilov, E. Vishnevskij, G. Kamaev, M. Drutman, V. Dmitrieva, I. Denbrov, D.Popov, “Museum of Konigsberg” and M.Popov's Collection, S. Kolevatov, V. Mironova, J. Jakobson,,

Baltma Tour, © 2014

Total duration of a program

Visiting museums and other tourist sights

Shooting competition

Number of participants



Season (time of year, month)

Kayaking (rafting)

Visiting a swimming pool / SPA / aquapark

Times of day (day / evening / night)

Boat trip

Compulsory component of a program

In the working hours (or day)


Optional component of a program

In the evening and at night

Golf Historical program

Without any restrictions




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ear friends, lovers of travelling and outdoor activities! You are holding in your hands a catalogue about new tourism opportunities in the westernmost and most unusual part of Russia – the Kaliningrad region. When willing to attract visitors and tourists to an area, these are its uniqueness and originality, which are emphasised. In this regard residents of Kaliningrad have a lot to boast of. As here you can find history and modern times closely intertwined: the seven-century-long heritage of East Prussia, some of the most significant events of the world history, unique geographical location and beautiful nature of the Baltic seaside. This tourist product is based on all these facts and events, and includes a kaleidoscope of tours and programmes, in which we tried to present the diversity of the Kaliningrad region. This is a journey through the centuries

side by side with Napoleon and Frederick II, Teutonic Knights and Peter I, Immanuel Kant and Schiller, Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann and Queen Louise. Nature has also endowed the Kaliningrad region with countless gifts: the world’s largest deposit of amber, National Park “Curonian Spit”, magnificent dunes and endless sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea. It is a paradise for those who cannot imagine their vacations without bikes, backpacks, kayaks, horses, scubas, off-roaders and boats. All these things will make your stay here unforgettable! In the catalogue you can find everything: historical and cultural tours and active programs, events held outdoors and at unique venues.

Get ready for incredible experiences!



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A timeless city



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Chapter I. A timeless city


A timeless city .......................................................................7 Meeting Koenigsberg in Kaliningrad

Maritime Kaliningrad .........................................................18 Themed programs at the World Ocean Museum

Walking with Kant ................................................................9 A program for lovers of philosophy

How to become a giraffe? ..................................................20 Games in the Kaliningrad Zoo

Keys to Koenigsberg...........................................................11 A quest for old city gates

Try yourself as a racer! .......................................................21 Karting in Kaliningrad

Gates of Time......................................................................13 An interactive tour in the Friedland Gate Museum

Not boring lessons..............................................................22 Thematic tours for children

History through a tram window .........................................15 A unique sightseeing tour of Kaliningrad

Pirates of the Baltic Sea.....................................................25 Games for adults

A stroll around Amalienau .................................................17 Having a look at old villas of Koenigsberg

Baltic Oktoberfest! .............................................................26 Holiday in Knights’ style


Chapter contents


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A timeless city Meeting Koenigsberg in Kaliningrad


ou have an opportunity to learn about this more than seven centuries old city either together with a guide, or through a quest involving a treasure hunt. You will be offered to solve interesting riddles and puzzles about history and culture of medieval Koenigsberg and modern Kaliningrad. You will visit the old Cathedral with the great Immanuel Kant buried next to it, the Amber Museum and other main sights of the capital of the westernmost Russian region. This land has witnessed a number of great historical and political events, which made a significant impact on the present-day world. The period, when German was spoken here, by historical standards, was not that long – about seven hundred years, but it was very rich in events. Early medieval chronicles tell much about pagan Prussians conquered by the Germans, but there is hardly

anything said at all, even in legends, about what happened here before that. Russians, as well as people from around the world, know about Kaliningrad, primarily as Koenigsberg, the former capital of East Prussia. Since 1255 Koenigsberg was a major commercial, scientific and cultural centre not only in Germany, but also in Europe. In different periods the city belonged to different states. Originally it consisted of three towns, which united only in 1724. The city, which has gone through a wide range of changes, survived fires and wars, today intricately combines features of an ancient German city and a modern Russian one. German and Russian histories are intertwined here in a single “thread of time” creating new, often incredibly exotic forms attracting a large number of guests from different countries.


Number of participants: not limited Duration: at least 3 hours Period: all year round


Extra: visits to museums; a boat tour on the Pregolya River; lunch/dinner in a restaurant


not limited

№2015 arr. KGD / 7





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Walking with Kant A program for lovers of philosophy


o you want to take a stroll with a celebrity? A unanimous answer to the question about the most famous citizen is: “Kant, of course!”. Since more than two hundred years the renowned philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) has remained one of the main symbols of the city, where he lived most of his life, and which is sometimes called the City of Kant. Unfortunately, most of the buildings associated with his life were either demolished already in the XIX century, as the philosopher’s private house, or destroyed by bombing during the WWII, as the building of Albertina – the oldest university of Prussia and today’s Russia. However, the city still has many sights related to Kant. One of the towers in the Koenigsberg Cathedral houses Immanuel Kant Museum with numerous exhibits dedicated to his life and work. Next to the Cathedral there is a memorial stone set up on the occasion of Albertina’s

450th anniversary on the site of its first building, where Kant studied, lectured and for several years held the rector’s position. One of the main attractions of Kaliningrad is the tomb of Immanuel Kant, which survived the bombing in August 1944. It’s hard to tell how things would have turned out for the Cathedral, had Immanuel Kant not been buried there. Enthusiastic lovers of philosophy are offered to walk along “Kant’s path”, taking the famous Koenigsberger‘s route that he daily followed at one and the same time without any deviations. It goes through the city historic centre passing by the ruins of the King’s Castle, not far from which Kant had his house in Printzessin Strasse. It was there that that he wrote his works, shared dinners with his friends, set off for his daily walks, and where he finally passed away. There is another “Kant’s sight” on the waterfront


of the World Ocean Museum – a granite bench at the place, where, as they say, the philosopher liked to stop and rest during his daily walks. The bench was made by L. Bogatova, an Honoured Sculptor of Russia.


at least 10

The next stop is in the former Paradenplatz with Kant statue in front of the University, which was named after the great German philosopher on the occasion of celebrating the 750th anniversary of the city in 2005. It is noteworthy that the replica of the statue was put up not only near its original place, but also on its original pedestal.

№2015 arr. KGD / 9


Number of participants: at least 10 Duration: at least 4 hours Period: all year round Extra: a boat tour on the Pregolya River; visits to museums





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Keys to Koenigsberg A quest for old city gates


ld gates of Koenigsberg... Like doors to the past, they are inviting you to go several centuries back in time and visit the good old Koenigsberg, which once was the capital of East Prussia. Built in the middle of the XIX century in neo-Gothic style and decorated with sculptures and basreliefs, the old city gates still remain significant architectural landmarks of modern Kaliningrad. You are offered to visit the best-known gates of Koenigsberg one by one and unveil all their secrets. It is recommended that you start your tour from the Kings’ Gate. Its first stone was laid in 1843 in the presence of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. The ceremony marked the beginning of construction of the second defence wall around the city of Koenigsberg. The museum located there is dedicated to the Grand Embassy of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great to Europe.

Along with the King’s Gate, Rosgarten Gate, which was built in 1852-1855, is another most beautiful gate in the city. It combines the power of fortifications with tracery of Gothic churches. The Brandenburg Gate is the only one still performing the function of a city gate with cars and trams passing through. It may be called the “most Gothic” gate of Koenigsberg.

It would be quite logical for you to finish your tour in the Friedland Gate. Today it houses a museum, which offers an exceptional opportunity of making “a virtual walk around Konigsberg”. This permanent display is unique, both for Europe and Russia.

4-6 h


№2015 arr. KGD / 11


Number of participants: 20-70 Duration: 4-6 hours Period: all year round Extra: lunch / dinner in a restaurant






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Gates of Time An interactive tour in the Friedland Gate Museum


or lovers of history Kaliningrad is a real treasure. The city, where many significant historical events have taken place, was also a home for ordinary people, where they lived, had breakfast in coffee shops and hurried to work. It’s nothing but everyday life that illustrates history in the best way. In the 1980s, while cleaning ponds in the South Park, many military items and household goods from Koenigsberg were found and used in a unique display in the Friedland Gate Museum, where today it is possible

to take an incredible “walk in the streets of Koenigsberg”. Images are projected on the wall, which used to be a gate opening, pushing away the boundaries of time and space, allowing you to hear the creaking carts, clicking heels and laughing children, as if a portal is opened to the city that doesn’t exist anymore. You get into the spirit of that time and feel as if you lived there once, and now want to get back at least for an hour! The virtual route takes you from the Friedland Gate across the Kant Island, along the Lithuanian Rampart to


the city center, where you can look through the windows of shops, cafes and pharmacies (showcases with artifacts are designed as shop fronts); and finally brings you to the fish market. After the “tour”, back in reality, you’ll go out to the Green Park stretching over the territory of former fortifications.



№2015 arr. KGD / 13


Number of participants: 10 – 45 Duration: 1 hour Period: all year round Extra: souvenirs





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History through a tram window A unique sightseeing tour of Kaliningrad


istory of Kaliningrad is inseparable from the seven-century-long history of Koenigsberg, which is very rich in events. For example, the first civilian airport in Germany called Devau was built here, and the still existing tram system is the oldest in the modern-day Russia. Back in May 1881 in connection with the rapid growth of the city, there emerged a need to develop public transport, and the first horsedrawn tram owned by joint-stock companies was introduced. The first electric trams appeared in the streets of Koenigsberg in May 1895. Currently only two Russian cities have narrowgauge tram ways, and Kaliningrad is one of them. You are offered to take a ride through the history of the city... in a tram. This is a fascinating guided tour, during which you will learn about the past, present and planned future of Kaliningrad. The tram tour starts at the Train Station Museum, where they

have steam locomotives from the 1940s, telling the story of Koenigsberg railways; and proceeds to the Central Square, and further to the only-in-Russia Amber Museum in the Dona Tower and the Rosgarten Gate in the Oberteich Bastion. After that, the tram with its passengers passes by the Art Gallery, Koenigsberg Cathedral with the tomb of the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant and Europe’s largest organ, and the Fishing Village, which sends you back in time to the period, when there was plenty of fish in the city. During the trip you can even have a cup of tea or coffee in the tram and imagine for a short while that you are in Koenigsberg. There is also another route with the tram going to the depot, and you walking to the old part of the city with its German singlefamily houses, cobble stone roads and one-century-old trees, following the abundant and par-


tially preserved old tram tracks, which used to have a post-war Duewag tram (1963) running on them. You will see the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, statues of Peter I and Schiller, Drama Theatre, Kaliningrad Zoo (on the site of the Koenigsberg Zoo) and the Central Park with the former Lutheran Church of Queen Louise (presently a puppet theatre), encountering history at every turn!



№2015 arr. KGD / 15


Number of participants: 10-30 Duration: 2 hours Period: all year round Extra: a night-time tour; snacks and drinks on board; a fancy-dress performance during the tour





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A stroll around Amalienau Having a look at old villas of Koenigsberg


he concept of “a garden city” was introduced in England as “a low-rise residential area abundant in greenery”. In 1820 Gustav Schnell, a commercial adviser, bought out all estates in Hinterhufen, merged them and called the new district Amalienau, in honour of his wife Amalia. Later in the XX century municipal authorities purchased it from him to develop an elite residential area based on the English concept. The principles were that streets didn’t intersect at right angles, distance between the houses with no more than 2 floors wasn’t less than 30 and more than 35 meters, and corridors in the houses were lit with natural light. All villas had to be nicely decorated. Everything was designed by one team of architects. And it worked out! Today the streets still wind, revealing villas with unique décor, and directing leisurely strollers to the beautiful pond of Gemini (Tsvillingtayh).

In the beginning, Amalienau was populated by wealthy citizens living in the houses built by such famous architects as Heitmann, Lars, Brostovski and Hopp. The area began at the former Luisenwahl (presently the Central Park of Culture and Leisure) with the Lutheran Church named in memory of Queen Louise, where today, as before, two streets diverge – Prospect Pobedy (Victory Avenue) and Prospect Mira (Peace Avenue). One is overlooked by the Artists’ House (former orphanage named after Duke Albrecht), and the other divides the area into two parts. In the northern part there were flat blocks. You can visit one of those flats, which is a museum. The house used to be a nursing home, converted into flats in the Soviet times. Elderly women, who lived there, changed almost nothing. New owners recreated the pre-war interior by using antique things.

of the early XX century. All houses were individually designed and mostly named after their owners. “Villa Leo”, for example, belonged to Ludwig Leo, the owner of a shipping company and Honorary Citizen since 1907. Many houses have the original layout, and in one, they say, there still is a pre-war chandelier. The ceilings are high, and to replace bulbs, the chandelier is brought down by the mechanism, which is still in good working condition. These little stories create the charm of the “fabulous Amalienau” telling connoisseurs a lot!


up to 40

№2015 arr. KGD / 17


Number of participants: up to 40 Duration: 3 hours Period: all year round Extra: lunch in the restaurant “12 Chairs” or museum flat “Altes Haus”; antiques shopping

Then you’ll walk to Kutuzov Street – the “kingdom of villas”





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Maritime Kaliningrad Thematic programs at the World Ocean Museum


umans have been always attracted by everything immense... The Kaliningrad residents are lucky: just some 20 minutes... and the boundless Baltic Sea is in front of them! Due to its unique geographical position Kaliningrad is called “the western gate of Russia”. You will easily get convinced in this after visiting the World Ocean Museum and taking part in the program "Maritime Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad."

4-5 h


№2015 arr. KGD / 18


The Museum has been awarded with "The Best Museum of Russia" title, the Grand-Prix of the XI National Festival "Intermuseum 2009", a diploma and a badge of honor "For patriotic education", National Russian Award "Underwater world 2010" for its contribution to the underwater archeology development. You can hardly find a museum like this. The only one in the country Embankment of the Historical Fleet was established here. The largest scientific-research museum ves-



sel "Vityaz", the unique museum submarine "B-413" afloat, a "Medium Fishing Trawler – 129" and the only one in the world Space Communication ship "Cosmonaut Victor Patsaev" with an exposition onboard are moored at the pier here.

island Kneiphof with the Cathedral, you will pass under the bridges of Koenigsberg, that became famous due to the mathematician Leonhard Euler’s problem. You will learn with many legends of the ancient Prussian city.

During the “Maritime Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad” program you can learn the history of seas and oceans exploration. You will visit the Soviet submarine, the hold of the functioning scientific-research ship of space communication and the legendary scientificresearch vessel "Vityaz", recorded in the Guinness Book.

The Ocean unites humanity and is its only hope! Exploring Oceans and Space, distant worlds and countries you will get to know yourselves! It is time to make friends with the Ocean, and we suggest that you start this friendship right here, in Kaliningrad!

We also offer you to have a boat tour on the river Pregolya. You will pass by an old Stock Exchange building, a stylized quarter "Fishing Village", a colorful house where Baron Munchausen spent a night. You will see local people fishing from the river bank! Having turned round the

Number of participants: 10-60 Duration: 4-5 hours Period: All year round


Extra: city-tour; boat trip under the bridges of Koenigsberg



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How to become a giraffe? Games in the Kaliningrad Zoo


2h up to 40


№2015 arr. KGD / 20

ow to become a giraffe? It is very simple – you need to come to the Kaliningrad Zoo and try to see everything there. And there is much that is worth seeing! The oldest zoo in Russia was founded on May 21, 1896 and Kaliningrad inherited it from Koenigsberg in 1945. At that time only four “residents”, survived the assault of the city, met the Soviet soldiers: a fallow deer, a badger, a donkey and a wounded hippo Hans. The latter, by the way, was successfully rescued.

the visitors. Fascinating walk can be turned into a gamequest with searching some or other “residents” of the zoo, because the territory of the park is really enormous! Themed festivals and “jazz evenings” are held near the large fountain as well. Come to the Zoo, it surely won’t be boring!

Today there are thousands of animals and birds from all over the world in the Kaliningrad Zoo! You will be able to compete in running with kangaroos and ostriches, in agility and speed with numerous representatives of primates or pinnipeds, in force with hippos and elephants. Or you can compare in beauty with peacocks grandly strolling along the alleys of the zoo and paying no attention to




Number of participants: up to 40 Duration: from 2 hours Period: May-September Extra: lunch in the Zoo restaurant; horseback riding; watching movies in the conference room



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Try yourself as a racer! Karting in Kaliningrad


pending too much time at the office? Feeling shortage of adrenaline? Then, go ahead! Feel like a racer! Karting will give everyone an opportunity to test their strength in a fair battle not only with friends, colleagues, but even with bosses. What is more, without any danger for your career growth. Advantages of karting are undeniable! Firstly, you will surely feel that you have become more confident driving on the city roads. Secondly, karting boosts your selfesteem as no other sport does!

Thirdly (and most importantly), one of the "super-racers" said that the main things in races are drive, excitement and stress release... We confirm that karts racing is a cure for depression! And “to turn into” a pilot of “Formula 1” is not so difficult. Your age, gender and driving license do not matter. Having arrived at the Karting Club you are instructed, then, you are given a special helmet, balaclava, overall and gloves. And after that, you can safely get at the wheel and pushing the accelerator pedal fly on steep turns!


Karting is a competitive sport. There are 10 karts in a short-duration (usually 10 minutes) race. So, why wouldn’t you become stronger, more confident and the coolest person right now!


gr.up to 10

Number of participants: groups of up to 10 Duration: 2 hours Period: May-September may-sept.

Extra: award ceremony; champagne shower; taking photos.


№2015 arr. KGD / 21



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Not boring lessons Thematic tours for children


hen it comes to relaxation everyone is talking about adult-oriented relaxation. And what about children? They also want to take a break from studying! We offer several exciting tours designed for "our dear kids"!


at least 10

Mysteries of the sea We invite "little guests" to a unique place. The Museum of the World Ocean is the only one of its kind! Becoming members of the crew of the legendary ship "Troubles", together with the brave captain Fibster the children will sail around the globe! They will get familiar with the rigging of a sailing ship, learn how to make knots, talk about the traditions of the Navy and get acquainted with inhabitants of the deep sea. An unexpected part of the program will be a quest on-board the research vessel "Vityaz", where exciting tasks, games and unexpected ques-

№2015 arr. KGD / 22




tions are prepared for children! Each participant will become a member of the expedition and will go on a virtual voyage sailing across seas and oceans. After the voyage every ‘seafarer’ gets a prize! In addition, the children will learn the basics of "origami" (an ancient Oriental art), try their hand at portraying inhabitants of the ocean and make an unusual souvenir – a 'box of a Little Mermaid”. The intense day program can be extended by a visit to an indoor water park, where under the supervision of an experienced instructor the children will be offered water rides, contests and competitions with prizes.

In the footsteps of Baron Munchausen Munchausen tour is based on legends and stories associated with the visit of the famous Baron to our city. You will visit the old German Cathedral, the Museum of the World Ocean with

Excursions for children

the remains of a whale that once swallowed our hero, the King’s and Rosgarten Gates, also associated with the name of Baron Munchausen, and other sights. In good weather we offer a boat tour up and down the river Pregel. You will see the Fishing Village, which resembles pre-war Koenigsberg, a beautiful embankment, and Kneiphof island. Coming ashore children will see a monument to Baron Munchausen, and even will be able to repeat one of his famous deeds! As you know, Baron Munchausen never lied! Those who will successfully pass the "Crash Course in Truthful Perception of Life" will get a Certificate from "Munchausen’s Grandchildren club". Number of participants: 10 people Duration: 1 Day Period: all year round


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Amber Coast of Samland Peninsula (Baltiysk, Yantarny, Svetlogorsk) The tour provides an opportunity to get in touch with the history of amber origin, watch the full cycle of its processing, jewellery making, and amber hunt on the Baltic shore. Mysteries of old Koenigsberg forts Children can visit the most mysterious forts (№1 and №5) and learn the history of their origin and design features. Following the battle route of the Third Belorussian Front (Kaliningrad, Gvardeysk, Chernyakhovsk, Gusev) Children will see grounds of the battles fought under the command of General I.Chernyakhovsky. In the Kaliningrad region there are six towns named in honor of heroes of the Soviet Union, two of them – Gusev and Chernyakhovsky – are visited.

At Donelaitis’s (Nesterov, Chistiye Prudy, Vishtynets) Kristijonas Donelaitis is the founder of Lithuanian classics. Graduating from Königsberg University he served as a pastor in a village (now Chistiye Prudy). There he created the poem "The Seasons", in which he described the life of Lithuanian peasants. The program includes a visit to the Donelaitis museum and the church, where he served. In the footsteps of the Teutonic Order (Chernyakhovsk, Maevka, Neman, Sovietsk) The most valuable monuments in the region are castles and Lutheran churches of the Order period (13-16 centuries). They are unique in European culture and the only ones in Russia. You will visit Insterburg Castle, Georgenburg Castle, a monument to Barclay de Tolly and Ragnit Castle.


In the westernmost area of Russia (Balga, Ladushkin, Kornevo) Balga Castle, built in 1239, is one of the most famous monuments of the Teutonic Order architecture in the Kaliningrad region. Looking at the remaining faubourg walls of the castle you will feel the time of the knights. The next stop is Ladushkin, the smallest town in the area with an 800 year old oak.


up to 30

№2015 arr. KGD / 23


Glory of Russian arms (Bagrationovsk, Pravdinsk, Zheleznodorozhny) Visit to Preussisch Eylau, where 8 February 1807 the bloodiest battle of the XIX century took place. Tourists will visit the museum and the church in Bagrationovsk, and the monument dedicated to Friedland battle in 1807 and the the XIV century church in Pravdinsk (German: Friedland). Number of participants: up to 30 people Duration: 1 Day Period: all year round

History for children




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Pirates of the Baltic Sea Games for adults


s there a sea without pirates?! If you have a spirit of adventure, we suggest that you participate in an exciting game for adults! Get into the world of exciting travels and adventures in the Baltic Sea! For a start – a shot of rum and... push off! Arriving to the party

you will certainly be captured by pirates. “Trick or Treat?!” Gentlemen, prepare doubloons for your release! Doubloons can be earned by participating in contests: knotting, rope pulling, fishing, riding scooters, obstacle racing and much more. Then participants are to come through “Marine Baptism”. The culmination of the program is a

pirates’ dinner, where the main drink would be, of course, rum, and for the main dish you will have fowl, cooked on an open fire. Attractive cabin boys and beautiful sailor-girls will serve the dinner. You can choose the place of the Pirates’ Party. It may be organised in the “Curonian Spit” national park, or near the Vistula lagoon in an old tavern (village Ushakovo), or in Kaliningrad, on the shore of the river Pregolya. Dress-code of the program: everything that is connected with the sea and pirate theme – sailor's striped vests, captain's caps, marine belts, bandanas, earrings. So, hoist the sails!


up to 100


№2015 arr. KGD / 25

Number of participants: up to 100 Duration: full day Period: warm season Extra: concert of the ensemble of the Baltic Fleet, master class of traditional Russian sailors’ dance “Yablochko”


Thematic shows




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Baltic Oktoberfest! Holiday in Knights’ style


aliningrad is a former German city, and to feel the atmosphere of medieval Bavaria, it is not necessary to go to Germany. Just visit one of the entertainment centers in Kaliningrad. Knights-at-arms greet guests at the entrance. At the castle arena there are horse and foot fights, there you can also show skills in throwing spears. You can enjoy the atmosphere of the knights' hall with lights in the medieval style and the wooden ceiling with coats of arms of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order. Even the smallest details breathe the history of the Middle Ages. The hall atmosphere is emphasized by stained glass windows and paintings on the walls. Special menu, live music, folk dancing lessons, master class on cooking dishes of old-Prussian cuisine, a disco with DJ-knight!

3-4 h

№2015 arr. KGD / 26


And, of course, "live" beer brewed on professional equipment from the best malts, natural hops, clean water and brewing yeast. Here you can watch the process of creating an amber drink! It is a real mystery! The ingredients are mixed, and cast wort is prepared, yeast is added, then fermentation is done, followed by another period of maturation and storage of beer at a certain temperature and pressure. And here it is ready for you on the massive wooden tables! Exceptional aroma of the fresh drink in the friendly atmosphere of the knight's castle – isn’t it Oktoberfest? Number of participants: 10-70 Duration: 3-4 hours Period: all year round Extra: dinner at the restaurant, souvenirs with symbols of Koenigsberg, fire show



Thematic shows



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Sea of adventures



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Chapter II. Sea of adventures

Under the sky of Svetlogorsk.............................................31 Excursion across Svetlogorsk – a coast pearl

Town of ships ......................................................................40 The most western town of Russia

Mysteries of Rauschen .......................................................33 Quest around Svetlogorsk

Park on the sand .................................................................42 Adventures between the sea and the lagoon

Amber stories......................................................................35 Adventures in the Sunny Stone Land

Birds stories ........................................................................45 Sightseeing tour in the national park

Immersion in the game ......................................................36 Contests on land and undersea

Excellent fishing on the Baltic!..........................................46 Real sea fishing

The amber hunt ..................................................................38 Extreme nighttime program



Chapter contents


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Under the sky of Svetlogorsk Excursion across Svetlogorsk – a coast pearl


evelopment of Svetlogorsk as a resort and tourist center began in the middle of the XIX century. The visit of Prussian King Frederick William IV gave impetus to the arrangement of the coastal zone of Raushen (since 1946 – Svetlogorsk). The place became fashionable and gained a reputation as a popular climatic health resort. We offer two routes around Svetlogorsk (former Raushen). Following the first one, you will learn many interesting things about the town's architecture. The route starts from the modern railway station building. Not far from it you will see some historic landmarks. One of the most beautiful buildings in the town is a former boarding house "Sea View” built by architect Goering and owned by Karl von Streng, the burgomaster of Raushen. Another attraction is the villa of architect Goering on the steep

shore. Among birches and pines almost unchanged there is Villa "Moymann" – the house of Professor of physics Franz Moymann, a teacher at Albertina. A little farther there is a gorgeous hotel "Dune". In the city center you can see Villa "Hartmann" with preserved half-timbered gables. By the way, the Hartmann family used to own the restaurant "Zeestern" on the promenade, which is still popular today. You will see a holiday home "Tannenhof" and Villa "Rosenhaus," and an excellent example of halftimbered style – Svetlogorsk concert hall (former Catholic chapel), an old "Kurhaus" in which Thomas Mann stayed in 1929. At the end of the tour you will go to Otradnoye to visit Brachert’s Villa, which today houses the museum of the famous sculptor. The second route will show Svetlogorsk as a unique arboretum. The pine is the most important


and significant tree in Svetlogorsk. Alongside with pines there are green magnolias and North American hydrangeas. Witch grape vines encircle the water tower – a symbol of the old and modern Rauschen- Svetlogorsk. There are pyramidal oaks, Wilson’s poplars and heatloving nuts. And there is another wonder – Japanese Forsythia. In the city center anyone can enjoy a walk in the old larch park. The ultimate aim of the walking tour is the Museum of Forest, where you can learn a lot of interesting things about green vestment of Svetlogorsk.



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Number of participants: 10-200 Duration: 4 hours Period: all year round Extra: bicycle tour; beach volleyball or football; catering on the beach; Beach party; paintball





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Mysteries of Rauschen Quest around Svetlogorsk


ry out one of the mysteries of the Baltic Coast visiting the resort of Svetlogorsk (former Raushen). Believe us, you don’t known this side of Svetlogorsk! We offer you to turn an interesting excursion into an exciting game, and Kaliningrad travel agencies will help you with this!

What is the quest-game? The participants divided into several teams get maps or iPads with tasks. The fulfillment of the tasks will open an amazing story of Raushen, a resort with 7 centuries history. During the quest, moving around the “gardentown" as Svetlogorsk is often called, you will get unforgettable pleasure from enjoying the nature and architectural masterpieces. In fact, this town was not damaged during WWII, and is a sincere witness to the resort life of East Prussia. For each correct answer the team gets a hint for the next step. The locals (with their help in solving the tasks) are at your disposal. Team spirit

and quick wittedness of each participant will guaranty success. Quest "Mysteries of Rauschen" is a unique teambuilding, which allows you to get a different view of Svetlogorsk. During the game, participants will solve a lot of interesting riddles and puzzles related to the history and culture of medieval and modern RauschenSvetlogorsk. You will be able to explore the sights, suddenly discovering a lot of interesting things in the most ordinary

places, to show erudition and intelligence, revealing the "secrets of the town." And the reward for it is a treasure, and of course, lots and lots of warm memories!



Number of participants: 10-200 Duration: 4 hours Period: May-September may-sept.

Extra: lunch at the seafront restaurant, souvenirs

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Amber stories Adventures in the Sunny Stone Land


day excursion around Samland peninsula offers a unique opportunity to visit the village of Yantarny, where the world’s largest deposits of high-quality Baltic amber (about 90% of world reserves) are located. You have our guarantee that the spectacular view from the viewing platforms of the amber quarry is worth coming there. The age of the "sunny stone" is about 50 million years and it can boast of more than 250 colours and shades. In Yantarny, in this small village, there is the one and only industrial excavation and processing of amber. You will be able to try yourself in the role of "an amber-digger" and mine some sunny stone in the quarry yourself. Then, you will be offered to taste unique Amber Vodka, made by a special recipe. In addition, you can visit the showroom of the amber factory and a small museum where you can buy sou-

venirs and jewellery. Large amounts of sand discharged into the sea as a result of amber mining have made beaches of Yantarny the widest ones on the coast. In 2014 a unique larch boardwalk was opened there. It is the longest one in the region! In Yantarny (former Palmniken) you can see a lot of old houses. In 1892, an Evangelical Church was built and consecrated for employees of Palmniken amber factory. This Neo-Gothic massive building of huge boulders with a pointed tower has a Romanesque interior. The church has been restored and is used by Russian Orthodox believers. Another famous landmark of Yantarny is Becker’s Park. This is a large wooded area with rare species of trees. The park was founded by a German industrialist Moritz Becker in 1881 on the site of an old manor garden. In the park you can see lime-trees,


red-leaf beeches, maples, oaks, chestnuts, silver poplars, elms and ash-trees. Becker's son brought from Japan and America some rare trees, such as the katsura tree, larch, Sitka spruce, Douglas fir, White Pine, and a unique beautiful North American "tulip tree", which became a symbol of the park. This program "charges" participants with longlasting energy of sunny stone and unusual beauty of the Yantarny village. Do not believe me? Come and try!

6-9 h



№2015 arr. KGD / 35 Number of participants: 10-200 Duration: 6 – 9 hours Period: April – October Extra: relaxing on the beach, Nordic walking, beach volleyball, horseback riding, collecting sea buckthorn, camping on the shore




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Immersion in the game Contests on land and undersea


n the outskirts of Yantarny there is a large, depleted and flooded amber quarry, the former “Walter” amber mine. This is the place where the first industrial excavation of amber began. After WWII the work continued. The quarry was operated over half a century, but in the 1970s commercial interest waned. The neglected quarry instantly turned into a lake. The depth of the artificial reservoir reaches 30 meters and the area of the lake is about 1.8 square km. It is a very picturesque place, framed by steep slopes covered with wild sea buckthorn, blackberry and dog rose. Under the water at the bottom of the lake you can see the frozen past: a narrow gauge railway for trolleys, a concrete road, a forest giving way to a desert, ruins of old buildings, underwater hills, plains, and, of course, amber. This unreal lake has become a cult destination for tourist and divers. Would you like to get to know the place better? Then get basic

2-6 h



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instruction, equipment and... welcome to the mysterious world of Sinyavino Lake! The feeling of serenity and weightlessness after diving is impossible to describe in words, it is necessary to experience it yourself. An international standard certificate with details of the amazing dive will be waiting for you on the shore! If underwater experience is not enough, you can continue on land. Besides the amber factory and wonderful lake there is the widest beach in the area! The court for beach volleyball, arranged according to international standards, which has served as a venue of world championships several times, will be at your disposal! The fascinating game, spectators’ emotions, the spirit of competition and the sweet feeling of victory – what else would you like?!


Maybe, "Nordic walking"? Please, believe me, this is a true feast for mind and body! It's like a dance of a skier without skis, like “Finnish” capoeira. Nordic Walking has become very popular throughout the world as an active form of spending free time, healing the body and the human spirit. And in the end, we offer an out-of-door dinner in a cafe with a view of the Baltic Sea. Number of participants: 10-30 Duration: 2-6 hours Period: May – September Extra: lunch at Yantarny; sightseeing tour with a visit to the Amber factory; catering on the beach; disco at the restaurant on the beach; evening campfire; tent camping on the coast; beach volleyball or football; master class on making amber jewelry



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The amber hunt Extreme nighttime program




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f an active daytime program is not enough for you, the Baltic Sea has something to offer at night. Especially if you're lucky to have a storm! Especially for venturesome hunters for "big treasure" we created a unique program for amber ďŹ shing at night. Reliable equip-

ment, a few simple devices and of course, good luck is all that is needed to meet the dawn feeling "rich and happy!" Try to catch the "sunny stone" in the dark!

Number of participants: 10-30 Duration: up to 4 hours Period: May-September Extra: a substantial breakfast at the restaurant




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Night adventure




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Town of ships The most western town of Russia


altiysk once being German Pillau is the most western outpost of Russia. The town is situated on Samland Peninsula in the Primorskaya bay, where the Vistula Spit begins, stretching for 65 km. The town has an amazing history of military conquests. It was repeatedly occupied by Swedish, German and Russian troops. But even in the German time Pillau was closely associated with Russia: Peter I visited the town three times, and now Baltiysk has a monument to Peter the Great,

6h 10-200


the height of which is 6.5 meters. And during the Seven Years' War, when Prussia was occupied by Russian troops an Orthodox Church was built in Pillau. The world’s largest equestrian statue with a female rider can be seen on the shore. It is the statue of Russian Empress Elizabeth. It is definitely worth seeing. Presentday Baltiysk is the base of the Russian Baltic Navy. Flagships and destroyers are moored in the canals. So, to visit Baltiysk foreign tourists need a permit, which is issued by Kaliningrad

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travel agencies. Another unique attraction of Baltiysk is the annually celebrated National Naval Day. The celebration is an amazing and very spectacular event not to be missed. Not every day you manage to see warships “in action”, as well as a picturesque parade of officers and sailors. Come to Baltiysk and see it with your own eyes! Number of participants: 10-200 Duration: 6 hours Period: May-September



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Park on the sand Adventures between the sea and the lagoon



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narrow strip of land of 98 km long, which separates the Baltic Sea from the Curonian Lagoon, was formed 6-7 thousand years ago from a ridge of small sandy islands. And today its sand dunes are the main attraction of the Curonian Spit national park. We offer you to spend a day in beautiful natural surround-ings! In the beginning, you can visit the ornithological field station founded on the spit by Johannes Tie-nemann in 1901. Due to the program developed at the station trapping and banding birds have become parts of their detailed examination throughout the life. In a matter of seconds scientists register the bird’s size, body weight, layer of fat, molting stage and sex. And all this is happening right in front of your eyes! On the Curonian Spit you can not only enjoy the pine forests, miles of white sandy beaches, quiet and privacy, we invite you to participate in environmental

and sports programs in the national park. It is a way to gain new strength from nature and a chance to change an office, club and restaurant for other "places of relaxation”, such as meadows and hunting cabins, "dancing" pines and singing sands. One of the programs is called "Cleanness will save the world". The participants collect garbage in some areas of the forest or on the beach. So you can actually contribute to the environmental protection of our planet. Besides, you can take part in team building "Landscaping of the Spit." Following the route from one site to another and performing various tasks, the groups get acquainted with the sights of the national park. The main task is to collect materials and tools necessary for making such landscape items as benches, birdhouses, etc. As you see, outdoor activities can be not only interesting, but productive as well. Join now!

Curonian spit

Number of participants: at least 10 Duration: 6-8 hours Period: daytime, May – September

6-8 h

at least 10

Extra: sightseeing tour with a visit to the Ornithological Station, Efa hight, "dancing" forest, the Forest Museum; beach volleyball, riding on scooters, kite flying; buying smoked fish; mojito-party on the dunes; picking mushrooms and master class on cooking mushrooms



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Curonian spit




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Birds stories Sightseeing tour in the national park


visit to the Curonian Spit is an unforgettable meeting with nature. Pine forests, white sandy beaches and solitude will give visitors a lot of pleasure. You will visit the oldest ornithological station in Europe, get a unique chance to band a bird and climb up to the viewing platform of one of the dunes to hear the voice of famous singing sand! At the end of the last century the Curonian Spit, a distant periphery of Prussia at that time, was visited by Johannes Tinemann, a German priest and scientist. He discovered that the peninsula was a part of the migration. It seemed that the nature itself had created a place to study birds’ migration study. And in 1901 the world’s first birds banding station was established there by the pastor.

The route goes through the territory of the field station "Fringilla" (Latin name for chaffinch), where scientists catch and band birds. Tours around the station are guided by qualified ornithologists. "Fringilla" is a popular destination of tourists on the Curonian Spit. Under the guidance of an experienced ornithologist you will be able to band one of the birds caught in the net-trap at the biological station! We also offer you to have lunch on the Curonian Lagoon shore. On the menu there is Baltic fish soup from Baltic pike-perch and various fish dishes. After lunch the tour continues and you will climb to the viewing platform of Efa Height. Walking up through the forest on the wooden path travelers get to the first viewing platform, which opens a spectacular panorama over white and gray dunes, the Curonian Lagoon, green forest and the Baltic Sea. Directly to the south, between

Curonian spit

the viewing platform and the lagoon there is Staroselskaya Dune. According to the legend there used to be a pagan sanctuary where Curonian tribes worshiped their gods. And if you go further to the second viewing platform, you will see the shore of the Curonian Lagoon, endless dunes, Morskoye village and its picturesque houses with red tiled roofs. And you can finish the active day in the realm of birds and sand on the beach playing volleyball, soccer, swimming in the sea, promising each other to come back here again!




№2015 arr. KGD / 45

Number of participants: 10-100 Duration: 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: Lunch on the lagoon shore, beach games, swimming in the sea




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Excellent fishing on the Baltic! Real sea fishing


6-8 h



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he Baltic Sea is one of the world's fresh water basins. The salinity of the water in it is different in different places. That is why, along with sea fish in the Baltic there is a lot of freshwater fish: perch, bream, grayling, whitefish and others. In the areas close to the mouths of the rivers running into the sea one can meet ruff, gudgeon, small fry, pike, pike perch, ide. In the areas with greater salinity and depth the most common species are cod, various kinds of herring, mackerel, flounder, sculpin, eelpout, sprat. There is also sea trout, whitefish and Baltic salmon. The Curonian and Vistula Lagoons are perfect for fishing. The best bite of freshwater fish in the Baltic Sea is in summer, when the water temperature is more or less constant, and it starts 2-3 weeks earlier than in other areas.

Sea, gulfs

Sea fishing in the Kaliningrad region is a very exciting experience! Usually, it is fishing for cod, but fishermen can also catch turbot and flounder. Catching a Baltic salmon is considered to be "a great success". Fishing takes place at shallow depths from 20 to 50 meters, which means that the trip by ship to the place of fishing is short and the fishing takes place within 10 miles off the coast. The usual duration of fishing is 6-8 hours, and the ship moves from place to place, as fish also moves and constantly needs tracing (using echo sounders). The type of the ship is chosen depending on the number of participants: from small boats to sea vessels such as tuna boats for up to 15 people. All ships have the Register permit for swimming in the sea and are equipped with all necessary navigation equipment and rescue devices.


Fishing is done with sea spinning rods with multiplier. You can use the method of jig fishing with silicone squid baits. All equipment can be rented. Believe us, not only ardent anglers can enjoy fishing, but lovers of adventure as well, because a short sea journey is very exciting. At the sea, you can have a swim and enjoy fresh fish soup. Fishing is not recommended to people suffering from seasickness.

Number of participants: 15 – 40 Duration: 6 – 8 hours Period: June – September Extra: fresh fish soup on board the ship; Russian steam-bath



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Fairytale region



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Chapter III. Fairytale region


In love with Louise .............................................................51 Walking with the queen

The only one in Europe ......................................................63 An ecological trip

The Kaliningrad Netherlands.............................................52 A bike ride in the Dutch style

Following the war roads.....................................................64 Visiting the forts of battle glory

The Frederick’s canals ........................................................53 The boat trip in the history

The trail of Napoleon .........................................................65 Re-enactment with the Imperial army

The outposts of time ..........................................................54 The Order Castles of East Prussia: Tapiau, Insterburg, Georgenburg, Ragnit, Waldau

To love with no chance to possess.....................................66 Countess Dönhoff’s adventures

Traditions of horse riding...................................................55 The equestrian tournament in Chernyakhovsk

Big things come in small packs..........................................67 The unique corners of the Kaliningrad region

Riding a bicycle...................................................................56 Walking in the Emperor’s grounds

The forest labyrinth............................................................68 The tour in the paths where the kings used to step

The wonder of Rominter Heide..........................................57 Krasnolesje, Chistye Prudy, Vishtynets

To be a birdwatcher ............................................................69 Feathered stories

Prussian rafting...................................................................59 Raft tour along the river of time

One day on the farm...........................................................71 Golf, deer, fishing – all inclusive!

Archaeologist for a while!..................................................60 Expedition to the depth of time

Rest for survival..................................................................72 Jeep safari in the Baltics

Architectural reserve..........................................................61 Churches of the Kaliningrad region

«Bon Voyage!» ....................................................................73 Boat trips

Singing bogs .......................................................................62 Ecological route of the Ice Age

Events, festivals ..................................................................74 Joyous life in Kaliningrad and in the region


Chapter contents



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In love with Louise Walking with the queen


ueen Louise is by right considered to be the most famous woman of East Prussia. All citizens of Koenigsberg adored her, women called her their spiritual tutor, an ideal representative of the fair sex. Being born in Hannover at the age of 17 Louise married the Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm. Since then she considered Prussia to be her patrimony and endlessly suffered when Napoleon raised his sword over it. Louise did all that lay in her power in order to help her country. She took part in all the military campaigns with her husband, holding the manifestations against Napoleon, took part in the Tilsit Peace Treaty signing, after the results of which Pomerania, Silesia and Brandenburg stayed within Prussia. During our route we will walk in “Louise’s footsteps” in Kaliningrad where much reminds of the queen. On the area of the present Park of culture and leisure the Queen Louise’s

Church (the Puppet theatre now) was built in 1901 by architect Heitmann later awarded to many titles. Here in the park there was also a semicircular rotunda that was installed in honor of Louise by her son Wilhelm in 1874. Now only its foundation remains, the marble bust of the queen has gone. The park itself is also notable, because it was called Luisenwahl (“Louise’s choice”), she spent there much time walking. One of the streets was named after her – Luisenallee (Komsomolskaya street now) that still keeps a cozy German charm.

comes across the bridge, so that those entering the Kaliningrad region are met by the doubleheaded eagle, and those leaving the region are seen off by Queen Louise herself!


up to 40

Number of participants: up to 40 Duration: up to 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: lunch in Sovietsk; visit to the Sovietsk History Museum


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Then we will drive to Tilsit (now Sovietsk). Here in the town park a famous monument to Louise was reinstalled not long ago. And we will admire the bridge over the river Neman. It was built 100 years later after the Tilsit Peace Treaty signed. The “new baroque” style bridge was named after Louise. All the basreliefs on the bridge were fully reconstructed. It is notable that the state border with Lithuania





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The Kaliningrad Netherlands A bike ride in the Dutch style


e invite you to visit a unique "water kingdom", stroll along the canals of the Polessk and Slavsk districts and get acquainted with "the Kaliningrad Netherlands."

8h up to 22


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So, we directly go from Kaliningrad to Polessk! On the way you can learn the history of the Kaliningrad region and enjoy the views of picturesque places and such attractions as the Labiau Castle of the XIV century, the former Catholic chapel, the bypass fortress of the XIII century, the drawbridge Eagle Bridge, and much more! An hour later you will arrive at the main point of the trip to the "Kaliningrad Netherlands" – polders (lands lying below the sea level), located in the Polessk and Slavsk districts. Such lands are formed by rivers, canals, seas for centuries. The waters of the river Neman created this unique landscape overflowing


during floods. From the XVI century people drained these lands with systems of dams, canals and pumping stations. Today the area of such territories here is more than 100 000 hectares. We suggest that you make a bike ride in these beautiful places - from the settlement of Golovkino to the settlement of Matrosovo (germ. Gilge). What could be more enjoyable than a bike ride along the canal? Your impression will be strengthened by the lunch in an old restored German farmstead “Gilge” in the settlement of Matrosovo. Here you will find an excellent cuisine, friendly staff and beautiful well-kept area of the Polessky canal as a background. Generally, there are unlimited opportunities for rest, interesting and pleasant leisure: you can fish, hunt, take a horse or bike rides. A boat trip can be organized, which will start from the Eagle Bridge (germ. Adlerbrüke) built

Bike ride

in 1919. Having unmoored, you will find yourself in the Polessky canal (germ. Grosser Friedrichsgraben) 18 km long. The water route starts in Polessk, then on the canal it leads to Krasnoe, Golovkino, Matrosovo, the farmstead “Gilge”, the Curonian Lagoon and back to Polessk. We recommend you to contact the travel agency or tourist information center of the Kaliningrad region for the organization of the tour. Number of participants: up to 22 Duration: 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: fishing; Nordic walking; mushrooming; berry picking (raspberry); kayaking, motor-boat trip; visiting the museum-school Waldwinkel


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The Frederick’s canals The boat trip in the history


small, cozy town of Polessk first was mentioned as a hamlet of the Labegs in the middle of the XIII c. In 1280 it was captured by the Crusaders and they erected on its place an unassailable Order castle Labiau. From the XIV c. they started protecting farmlands from heavy rains and floods. In the second half of the XVII c. the construction of the navigable canals between the rivers Deima and Gilge (Matrosovka) was carried out under the guidance of Countess Louise Katharina von Truchsess. Initially the 6 km long canal between the rivers Gilge and Nemonin was built. The second canal 19 km long connected the river Deima with the Nemonin. The total construction lasted for 9 years (1688 - 1697). In honor of Elector Frederick III the canals were called "The Frederick’s canals" (the Small and the Large ones), the Nemonin and Polessk

canals now. The total length of the route from Polessk to Sovietsk by canals is about 70 km! The lands reclaimed from the sea, the "polders", in Russia exist only in the Kaliningrad region. The unusual landscape of these places, their Dutch character strikes, it’s a delicate balance of land and water. And we will go to this amazing place! At first we come to Polessk, then after a short tour to the Labiau castle we go to Golovkino. The routes along the Polessk canals, rivers and the Curonian Lagoon start here. Our Matrosovka-Neman kayak route will go downstream the river Neman. The experienced instructors, the real connoisseurs of these places, will not only teach you to paddle, but also show a lot of interesting things. The rivers here flow among the polders protected from flooding by high dams, and it looks rather unusual. Also you will bird-watch and travel


through the network of canals passing by piers, old pumping stations and sluices. We can make stops at the farms, some of them are cozy and inhabited (we’ll try the fresh fish soup there!) and some are waterlogged creating the atmosphere of mystery and old days. Perhaps we’ll be lucky to meet an elk, this region in East Prussia was called "the Elk forest" for a reason.


up to 20


But even if you are not lucky there are a lot of other "living creatures": cormorants, swans, ducks and even white-tailed eagles. Welcome to the wonderful world of Frederick’s canals!

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Number of participants: up to 20 Duration: 1 day Period: May-September Extra: lunch in the farmstead; fishing




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The outposts of time The Order Castles of East Prussia: Tapiau, Insterburg, Georgenburg, Ragnit, Waldau


n the medieval history of East Prussia there was a time when the Teutonic Order conquered these lands by blood and iron. The castles served as the outposts of the expansion from the XIII century. There were more than 50 castles on the territory of the region! Few of them survived till nowadays and this makes this program more valuable! You will meet the world of knights and tournaments, feel the power of the Teutonic Order Grand Mas-

8h from 10

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ters. There are many routes for fans of castle architecture in the region. Here's one of them!

In the morning we go in the direction of Chernyakhovsk. On the way we need to visit the castle of Tapiau (founded in 1258). It was rebuilt several times, used to be the springboard of military operations during World War I, after World War II it served as a prison. But the Teutonic past still can be felt in Tapiau!

The Castle of Waldau is the next stop. The rebuilt southern and western wings, the remains of the fortress walls and cellars with barrel vaults can still be seen there. In May 1697 the Grand Embassy of Russia headed by Admiral Lefort stayed in the Waldau Castle and Peter I visited it at the same time.

The next stop is in Chernyakhovsk (Insterburg) which perhaps is one of the most




interesting towns in the region. We offer to have lunch in the restaurant at the famous stud farm Georgenburg. And the most important castle in East Prussia Insterburg will finish the program. The castle was founded in 1336 during the conquest of Prussia, by the order of the Teutonic Order Grand Master Dietrich von Altenburg. It served as the outpost of Prussia in the fight with Lithuania. Later there was a museum of antiquities. Today the Insterburg castle is a unique museum and ground for many colorful festivals, holidays and historical re-enactments. After the tour in the castle we will return to Kaliningrad!

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 8 hours Period: All the year round Extra: visit to the Ragnit Castle, one of the first Teutonic Order castles in East Prussia that used to be also a popular shooting stage for the Soviet war films



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Traditions of horse riding The equestrian tournament in Chernyakhovsk


ust agree that the worldclass horse tournaments are beautiful, prestigious and exciting! Georgenburg, the oldest stud farm of East Prussia, is located on the outskirts of Chernyakhovsk 80 km to the east from Kaliningrad.

Next to it there is the Order Castle of Georgenburg, built in 1337 on the high bank of the river Inster for the Samland bishop. Since 1525 during the Teutonic Order transition into the Duchy of Prussia, the castle became the property of the first Duke of Prussia, Albrecht Hohenzollern, Margrave of Brandenburg. In the second half of the XIX c. the castle was bought by immigrants from Scotland, the Simpsons, and they founded a stud farm there. In 1899 the Prussian state bought the castle and estate. From 1913 the equestrian tournaments were held there regularly, but their glorious history ended in 1941. In 2002 the stud farm returned its historical name and then the

equestrian tournament was held in its original place "Georgenburg" on the best in Russia horse jumping field. Now three breeds of horses are raised there: the Holstein, the Hannover and the Trakehner. There is a complex of stable buildings, two riding halls, two outdoor arenas, a training field, a hotel, a restaurant and a summer cafÊ at the stud farm. Being the center of elite sport horse breeding of the country, in 2003 the stud farm was the first in Russia to receive the official status of the International Equestrian Federation – CSI4*, and hosts the tournaments of the highest


level. Today the history of horse breeding in East Prussia continues in front of your eyes!


Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 8 hours Period: April-October Extra: lunch; visiting the museum of the stud farm; riding lessons; visiting the International Show Jumping Tournament CSI *** (September)


from 10


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Riding a bicycle Walking in the Emperor’s grounds


he village of Krasnolesje, located on the eastern outskirts of the region near lake Vishtynets, is not seen from the highway, you can come there only by forest roads. There are only 460 people living there but local inhabitants organize interesting events in such a small place. In 30 km from Krasnolesje there is a village of Jasnaja Polyana (Trakehnen) where in 1732 the stud farm “Gross Trakehnen” was founded by Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm I. The breed of the sport saddlehorses “Trakehnen” famous all




over the world was raised here. The brand sign of the farm still decorates the gate of the central building.

The Vishtynets nature and history museum that won the contest “The changing museum in the changing world” is our pride. It was ranked among the top 12 most interesting museums of Russia and included into the “Museum guide 2013” together with the Hermitage and the Kremlin. The museum offers a guided walk in the area of Kras-

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nolesje, on the hills of the upland to one of the most unique places of the region where the difference in heights reaches 50 m.

And you may prefer a bike ride along the natural and historic route in the Rominta virgin forest to see such sights as lake Vishtynets, the river Krasnaya, the giant boulders, lake Marinovo, memorable places of the Emperor’s hunt, hunting complex of Emperor Wilhelm II, the bridges of the Rominta forest.

The amazingly busy day with the active rest will be an unforgettable impression for the whole life! Number of participants: 20-50 Duration: the whole day Period: May-September Extra: lunch in the rural estate; visit to the estate of O.Pauljus and the stud farm.



Bike ride


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The wonder of Rominter Heide Krasnolesje, Chistye Prudy, Vishtynets


isit the amazing place with a very rich, royal indeed, history! If to leave Kaliningrad early in the morning and go to the east of the region, in 2 hours you will find yourself in the Krasny (Red) Forest – Rominter Heide, once the largest forest tract in Germany! During the Teutonic Order times the Forest served as the hunting grounds for the Grand Master and knights. From the XVIII c. the Forest turned into the reserve and became known as the Emperor’s hunting residence which

both Emperor Nikolay II and Count Sergey Witte used to visit. The Zaets’s Estate with its cozy atmosphere of a Prussian settlement and delicious cuisine is located nearby. People from all over the region come here to taste the home-made food, and do many other things. Riding, kayaking and Russian sauna are at the guests’ disposal. Do not miss the village of Chistye Prudy, where in the XVIII c. Kristionas Donelajtis, a poet, founder of the Lithuanian literature, famous all over Europe, served as a priest

Rominter Heide

for 37 years. One more wonder lies on the Russian-Lithuanian border, it is the real European Baikal, lake Vishtynets. It is a nature complex famous for its “beaver towns”, amazing fauna and numerous springs. Believe, you should visit this place!



Number of participants: 20-50 Duration: the whole day Period: May-September


Extra: lunch in the rural estate; rafting; riding; Russian sauna


№2015 arr. KGD / 57





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Prussian rafting Raft tour along the river of time


f you would like to stay alone with nature, then river rafting is for you! Canoes and kayaks are ideal for travel on rivers. The Kaliningrad region is rich in them, especially, the area of Ozersk. Here you will find yourself in “a different world”. It’s a cozy, small and clean town where old buildings and cobble stoned pavements preserved. The first in Europe electric street lamp appeared in Ozersk and a monument to the lamp is on the central square. The beautiful bricked building erected in 1898 is also there. The Post of Russia is placed in it now as well as in German times the telegraph and parcel reception service were

here. The church built in 1842 is near the square. Formerly the services with organ music were held here. The area of Ozersk could be called the State of Stocks, as there are so many of them here! A hydropower plant is located on the river Angrapa where the rafting will take place. It’s amazing but the river starts in the Masurian Lakes, in Poland. The total length of the river is 172 km, including 120 km in our region. The width of the river Angrapa near Ozersk varies from 5 to 12 m, its depth is not more than 1,5-2 m. Its meandering route and slow current will let you not only master the rafting skills but also see the pictur-

esque places: glades, back-waters with water-lilies, wild nature. Unforgettable impressions after the active rest and beautiful places are guaranteed! After rafting you will be able to try your skills in the rope park.

3-4 h


Number of participants: 10-70 Duration: 3-4 hours Period: May-September


Extra: lunch on bank of the river; biking route 10 or 22 km; visit to the Georgenburg Castle and the stud farm in Chernyakhovsk; horse riding

10-22 km

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Archaeologist for a while! Expedition to the depth of time


hen did you take part in the archeological excavations for the last time? We offer you to go to the expedition right now! For example, to go to the village Kaup, near Zelenogradsk where from 2004 the excavations of the archeological monuments are held by the Baltic Archeological Expedition. Or to go to the settlement of Pribrezhny where there is another important historical monument of the “string

1d up to 30


№2015 arr. KGD / 60



ceramics” culture. The most ancient and the largest long-term settlement of the late Stone Age was located here. Possibly, the very first inhabitants of our city lived here.

After a detailed instruction we get down to the business! It is not easy. At first, a layer of soil from dozens of centimeters to several meters thick is taken away by a spade. Have you warmed up? Now go ahead! You will be equipped with a scoop, a palette-knife, a small spade and brushes. Centimeter by centimeter you will be getting closer and closer to the history of Prussians or Vikings. Here is the first finding! Be careful, it is not allowed to take it out right away! A tiny thing can be a part of a house, and its position can help the historians to make up a whole picture of the ancient village. All findings are photographed and sketched, and their position re-


garding each other and the sea level is measured. All these later will give the opportunity to make up a map. We go on removing layer by layer until we reach the “ground level”, below which the ancient people didn’t live and couldn’t leave any traces of their activities.

Be sure of finding ancient stone axes, amber pendants, Roman coins and even swords of the Teutonic Order knights! At the end of this fascinating day a field lunch of archeologists will be served – a hot soup prepared in a pot and strong sweet tea.

Number of participants: up to 30 Duration: 1 day Period: summer



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Architectural reserve Churches of the Kaliningrad region


ot only castles and forts used to be the “places of power” in Koenigsberg, but amazingly beautiful, “fairytale” churches. They were the real support for these land citizens in the hard times. We can see grandeur, strength and beauty of them even today and feel their unusual atmosphere. By now several churches in Kaliningrad have been restored, and they are in good “working” condition. These are the Church of the Holy Family (architect Heitmann, the Regional Philharmonic Society now), the Koenigsberg Cathedral (in the past – the main Catholic temple of the city, later – the main Lutheran church of Prussia), the Church of Cross and the Queen Louise’s Church.

This time we offer to visit the churches of the region that were untouched by restoration, to see not only the past, but, hopefully,

future “architectural reserve”… Driving from Kaliningrad to Bagrationovsk on the left side of the road in between the houses suddenly we can see an imposing building. The Mühlhausen (Gvardeyskoe) church built in the XIII-XIV c. was reconstructed in the XV c. and reformed in the XVI c. It is unique that in the center of the building, just under the floor Margarita Luther, a daughter of Martin Luther (the founder of Lutheranism), was buried in 1570. By now restorers have discovered not only gravestones of the noble people, but also unique frescos covering the wooden church ceilings. It seems that angels saved this church in order that people would keep their images under the vaults. Moreover, an exciting view of the area opens from the Gothic tower 32 m high, and the thrillseekers are offered to use the underpass leading directly to “history”!


The following churches will be included into this route: the Church of Tarau (Vladimirovo) where the song “Ankhen from Tarau” was written; the grandiose and well preserved church in Domnovo with bas-reliefs and frescoes of the XV c. We also will visit Pravdinsk, where the church of the XIV c. became the Orthodox Church of St. George, the Winner. And probably we will reach the settlement of Zheleznodorozhny, where not only the church, but all the roads and houses are impregnated with the spirit of the Middle Ages. Come!

Number of participants: up to 30 Duration: 1 day Period: May-September


up to 30


№2015 arr. KGD / 61

Extra: lunch in the inn; Russian sauna





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Singing bogs Ecological route of the Ice Age


n amazing day is waiting for you today! We invite you to the unique reserve of the Big Mossy Bog located in the Slavsk district of the Kaliningrad region. There is nothing to fear about, an experienced guide will accompany us along the whole route.

1d up to 30


№2015 arr. KGD / 62


The Big Mossy Bog is a real present passed into the possession of our region from the glacial period, its age is more than 10000 years! This is the largest bog in the region covered with a soft layer of the naturally preserved snow-white sphagnous moss. Its square exceeds 4900 hectares! It is unique, because it is a high bog. This is the rarest

Slavsk region

type of swamps that feed on the atmosphere precipitations. The reserve consists of two large high bog areas, the Gromovsky and the Lauknensky ones, located in the outskirts of Gromovo on the watershed of the river Rzhevka and Golovkino canal. The major part of the area is a flat plateau with mossy carpet and wooded edges. We can reach the reserve in the following way: to drive by the Polessk road to Gromovo, and then walk from the water tower directly to the swamp. On the way you can do bird-watching and listen to the rare birds singing, pick berries and mushrooms. The Big Mossy Bog is an imaginationstriking eco-system. The tired from the city fuss travelers will


be able to open here the spaciousness and beauty of nature and feel “the century-old history” under their feet, as every centimeter of the paddy sphagnum moss equals a decade of the swamp life! See you on the singing bogs!

Number of participants: up to 30 Duration: 1 day Period: May-September

Extra: picnic lunch in the Gromovo settlement; an excursion to the memorial to prisoners of the Hohenbruch concentration camp



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The only one in Europe An ecological trip


f you are tired of the office and start thinking “Ah, my life is not a bed of roses!” this program is especially for you! Don’t fear, the professional tourist agencies will help you to organize a tour to the unique relic world, the complex of Zehlau High Bogs. Believe that you will feel like visiting the Mars, having experienced an unprecedented inspiration after visiting an astonishing and unknown corner of the Kaliningrad region! Everything will start in the morning from the departure to the south-east of the region to Pravdinsk rich not only in the architectural monuments, but also in natural sites having no analogues in the whole world. Perhaps, the most striking of them is the Zehlau Bog, the heritage of the Ice Age, which is about 10000 years old. Covering the area of 23 km, it is located in 10 km from Pravdinsk. Zehlau is a “high bog” covered with the soft carpet of the white

moss “sphagnum” that raises its level every year. But it is also an imagination striking eco-system: tree roots grow up; local plants eat insects; the purest red peaty lakes are filtered by the giant moss sponge; and the animals are listed in the Red Book of protected species. There is a complete absence of people!

is why one can’t do without a small guided tour.

Visitors accustomed to the city fuss will discover the spaciousness and naturalness of the swamp, and feel under their feet centuries recorded in the seven meter thick peat “book”. By the way, every millimeter of sphagnum corresponds to one year of the swamp life!

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 8 hours Period: March-September


And only after that it is possible to drive back to Kaliningrad to share the impressions about the touch to the relic world.

from 10

Goodbye, Zehlau, we will definitely come back to see you!

Extra: museums


№2015 arr. KGD / 63

After the tour a hot lunch will be served to the happy travelers in Pravdinsk, where there is something worth seeing as well. Pravdinsk (Friedland) is a fortress founded by the Teutonic Order Grand Master on the place of an ancient Prussian settlement in 1312, which received the town rights already in the XIV c. That






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Following the war roads Visiting the forts of battle glory


he Kaliningrad region is a real godsend for the lovers of military history. Rather many world scale battles during World War I and World War II took place here. Numerous fortifications, unique by their structure, such as pillboxes, forts, ramparts, fortresses still remain. We invite you to have a look at the city history “from inside”, to feel oneself as a direct participant of the assault of Koenigsberg!

6h from 10

№2015 arr. KGD / 64



This is how everything will happen. Kaliningrad city-tour will be followed by the visit to Fort No 5, the most famous fort of Koenigsberg. During the tour a short reenactment will take place there. Members of a military history club will demonstrate the German troops’ authentic uniform of the World War II period and ammunition of that time. Then you will need to redeploy to the Friedland Gate Museum (the XIX c). It is one of the seven gates that remained till nowadays. Then in order to reinforce the impressions from the day full of adventures, we offer you to fortify


your strength in one of the historic restaurants: the “Sun Stone” located in the Rossgarten Gate (the XIX c) or in the beer restaurant “Reduit” placed in the former German redoubt. By the way, the authentic German beer is a part of our history as well. Take a closer look at it!

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 6 hours Period: all the year round Extra: lunch


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The trail of Napoleon Re-enactment with the Imperial army


he Napoleonic campaigns are the amazing milestones of the world history. We offer you to visit the places that were on the way of the Imperial army, the places of the grandiose battles! More than 200 years ago East Prussia became a bridgehead for some prominent battles during the Napoleonic wars. Having conquered practically the whole Eu-

rope, Napoleon turned his eyes to the east where he collided with the Russian army. The route of Napoleon and his Great army in East Prussia will be reconstituted for you! We start in Bagrationovsk (Preussisch-Eilau) that was founded in 1336, but became known in Europe only during the Napoleonic wars. You will walk

around the historic places and visit the museum of the town. Its exposition includes the authentic exhibits from the battle fields: weapon, uniform, ammunition of the Russian and French armies from the beginning of the XIX c. Then we go to Pravdinsk (Friedland) where Napoleon gained a shattering victory after which the famous Tilzit Peace Treaty was signed. You will walk on the streets of Sovietsk (Tilzit) where Napoleon and Queen Louise used to walk. You will visit the museum, its exposition is dedicated to Napoleon and Alexander I. Don’t lose the possibility to be inspired with the aura of the Napoleonic epoch visiting the places forever imprinted on the pages of history.



№2015 arr. KGD / 65


Number of participants: unlimited Duration: 8 hours Period: all the year round


Thematic shows




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To love with no chance to possess Countess Dönhoff’s adventures


he early childhood of Marion Hedda Ilse Dönhoff, the legendary “red countess” of Koenigsberg, passed in the Friedrichstein estate (now Kamenka, in 20 km from Kaliningrad). The mansion where she was born was built on the place of a knights’ castle in 1709. The ministers and kings of Prussia discussing the most important state issues gathered there. The life history of the countess is really amazing, and we offer you to learn about it in Marion’s motherland, in Koenigsberg!




№2015 arr. KGD / 66


At the age of 14 Marion nearly died in a car accident. In order to save the girl’s psyche doctors advised to send her to Berlin. But the countess escaped from the boarding school and her parents sent her to the Potsdam male gymnasium she brilliantly graduated from. Then she studied at the economic faculty of the Frankfurt University. After the graduation Dönhoff travelled a lot, but Koenigsberg always irrepressibly attracted her


and when she came back to her patrimonial estate she decided to never leave it. When the Nazis came to power her calm life finished. The “red countess” was consistent and uncompromising in her hatred against Hitler. She was the only survived participant of the assassination attempt on the Fuhrer’s life in 1944. But in 1945 she had to flee from the soviet soldiers that had no idea about Marion’s merits in the fight against fascism. The countess arrived in Hamburg on the horseback of a foamy stallion and without a pfennig in her pocket! In 1946 Marion became an author of the Hamburg newspaper “Die Zeit” and by 1968 she was its editorin-chief and founder. It seemed that the countess accepted the loss of her adorable estate near Koenigsberg. She confessed: “When I think about the forests and lakes of East Prussia I’m sure that they are still incomparably beautiful as they used to be when it was my homeland. Perhaps, it is the supreme type of love – to love something you


do not possess any longer”. But she had left one unfulfilled task in Koenigsberg. She promised its citizens to bring back the Kant monument, which she hid in her estate. When in 1989 she could come back she found neither her estate, nor the monument. “It is really absurd, that the huge stone mansion disappeared, while every single wooden building around it survived” – the countess wrote. After she returned to West Germany she started fund raising and in 1992 a monument to the philosopher was cast according to the old miniature, and installed in front of the Kaliningrad University. This place and other ones connected to the prominent lady from Koenigsberg are a must to visit in our city.

Number of participants: 10-40 Duration: up to 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: city tour; dinner in the rural estate


5:57 PM

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Big things come in small packs The unique corners of the Kaliningrad region


t is astonishing that there are absolutely unique “small towns” in such a small region as the Kaliningrad one. Our Region can offer many routes for the fans of history, architecture and nature. Small towns can inspire with their amazing mood. So, an inquisitive traveler, go ahead! We are going to the south-west from Kaliningrad. Pravdinsk (Friedland) was founded in 1312 by the Teutonic Order Grand Master. The town often

used to became a place of important historical events. The famous battle between the Russian Army and the Napoleonic troops in 1807 took place exactly there. As a result of the battle the Russian Army having the whole artillery lost, and 25 000 people killed, wounded and captured, retreated to the other bank of the river Neman. The town of Zheleznodorozhny (Gerdauen) was also built around the Order castle founded by the Teutonic knight. The Ger-

man architecture is well preserved in this town. Some of the houses erected in the XIV c. still exist. Walking on the cobbled streets you will have a “journey back in time” and find yourself in a small Prussian town of the XIX c.


from 10

№2015 arr. KGD / 67


But, probably, the most interesting small town of East Prussia is Dobrovolsk (Pilkallen). There is an incredibly rich arboretum park in Dobrovolsk and a unique, having no analogues monument to the citizens of Pilkallen perished during the years of the Franco-Prussian War (18701871). You can also visit the only in its way Chechulinsky’s museum, named after an unusual collector, just an excavator operator, who has been collecting “everything German” since 1952!

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 8 hours Period: all the year round






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The forest labyrinth The tour in the paths where the kings used to step


ogether with the menacing castles and refined churches there were also charming country estates with classic parks in East Prussia. One of such places is the Waldburg Park that despite of the decades of neglect does not want to turn into a wild forest.

3h up to 30

We offer you to stroll along the hardly to find paths of the park, to enjoy its quiet beauty and to reflect on the caducity of the every living thing.


№2015 arr. KGD / 68


In the XVII c. the estate of Capustigall was bought by a representative of the Waldburg family. He built there a baroque styled palace, surrounded by the park arranged in the spirit of the age. Later, Friedrich Ludwig III, the last representative of the family rebuilt the palace in the style of Italian classicism. After the Waldburgs died out, the estate was transferred to the dynasty of the Dohna-Schlobittens. Soon the park became a landscape one owing to the famous


architect Lenne. Initially planned to be a baroque “French” park it then turned into a romantic “English” one. According to the references, the Waldburg Park wasn’t any worse than the Glienicke Park in Berlin, which was also planned by Lenne and still delights the guests. Imagine that you are strolling along the beech grove, which seems to be a perfect natural forest. The footpath meanders, and every new turn opens a new wonder: either mysterious ruins hidden in the brushwood (artificial, but looking like real ones), or a dense box-tree labyrinth, demonstrating such a delicate imitation of naturalness. Besides the park there are some other unique facts about the history of Waldburg: in 1840 the king Friedrich Wilhelm IV and in 1861 his younger brother, Wilhelm I, visited the estate. And the royal carriage, as a museum exhibit, was kept in the estate till 1944. There is one more in-


teresting fact: in 1727 in the family of Truchsess zu Waldburg a daughter, Karolina Amalia (Keyserling) was born. She made a significant contribution to the development of culture in Koenigsberg. The Kant’s portrait painted by countess Keyserling was preserved till nowadays. The famous philosopher used to work as a tutor in the Waldburgs family, he gave lessons to Friedrich Ludwig II and to two Karolina Amalia’s sons. Kant remembered his walks in the wonderful park till the end of his life. We are sure, you will also remember them.

Number of participants: up to 30 Duration: 3 hours Period: May-September Extra: thematic shows on the territory of the rural estate depending on the season; lunch in Haushafen (Ushakovo)


4:10 PM

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To be a birdwatcher Feathered stories


s you know, the first in the world ornithological station was founded in Rossitten (now Rybachy on the Curonian Spit) by professor Tinnemann in 1901. But it’s not only the Curonian Spit that could be interesting for the socalled “birdwatchers”. The largest in Europe colony of cormorants was recorded in our region in the mouth of the river Deima in the Polessk district. By April, when cormorant’s nesting season starts, more than 10,000 couples fly there and by the end of the season their number is up to 50,000 ones. During the sunrise, when the birds massively fly to the sea for hunting, it becomes even a little bit terrifying and the Hitchcock’s famous film “The Birds” comes to mind. The area where the cormorants live can be called “Kaliningrad Venice”. We offer you to boat on the canals, to bird-watch and find a person in the group who will see more birds.

The stocks are our other pride! It is a special phenomenon for Kaliningrad. What other Russian region can boast of these longlegged beautiful birds? And we can! It seems that these birds do not surprise us already at all, but the guests are delighted, when on the way to Svetlogorsk they count dozens of nests on the lamp-posts and water towers. It occurs that stocks live not only along the roads. There is the settlement in the Slavsk district named “Stocks”. In order to see one of the largest white stock colonies in the region come to Bolshie Berezhki in the Slavsk district. It is not easy to find the village. That’s why we recommend addressing a professional tourist agency. At the entrance you’ll see a bust of Mikhail Kalinin and the German cobble stones will lead you to the church ruins of the XVII c. The temple was being built for 28 years according to the project of Philippe von Hitze, the constructor of the Potsdam City Castle.


The church differs from the traditional German ones: its form is not rectangular, but nearly round, octagonal. The old church is still full of secrets and riddles: there are mysterious signs on its walls and there is a white stock’s nest practically on every wall. Big nests are everywhere! Birds live on the water tower, on the lamp-posts and even on the trees. As a rule one can count about 30 inhabited nests around the church. Don’t you believe? Go and see it yourself.


up to 30


№2015 arr. KGD / 69


Number of participants: up to 30 Duration: 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: lunch at the rural estate; fishing in the lagoon





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One day on the farm Golf, deer, fishing – all inclusive!


s a rule, most countryside guest houses in the Kaliningrad region are located in the restored German estates. Today a tired traveler will find there comfortable rooms, restaurants with banquet, knights and hunters’ halls. The farms can offer everything for the enjoyable rest: bird and hoof hunting, fishing in the specially stocked ponds or in the lagoon, well-equipped piers, routes for walking and riding in the picturesque environment, routes for kayaking on the forest rivers.

Those who like to contemplate the nature calmly would be struck by the opportunity to watch the deer in the immediate closeness and to study their character and mores, to feed from hand their calves born in those grounds. Just imagine, a herd of red and dappled deer is peacefully pasturing on the hillsides reminding the Alpine meadows. And after hunting or fishing, leisurely forest walking or active biking you will be able to take a steam bath in a real wood-burning Russian sauna.

The smell of birch, oak or juniper broom – and the tired from office work guests will leave the steam room with strengthened health and replenished energy.

12 h

from 10

And finally, in the local estates you will enjoy delicious homemade food to the full extent.

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 12 hours Period: all the year round

№2015 arr. KGD / 71


Here we offer to practice your sharpshooting on a shootingground. An instructor will help you to cope with the excitement, give you a “school” gun and teach you all the necessary skills of skeet shooting. You can also join lessons of such a trendy thing as golfing. You will be able to exercise in making a good shot with a skilled tutor on the special training course.






4:17 PM

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Rest for survival Jeep safari in the Baltics


he picturesque route of the rally KOENIG OFF-ROAD EXTREME offered by the Kaliningrad tourist agencies includes practically all the sights of local area: the Baltic sea coast, lakes, forests, historical places. The first stage starts in Khmelevka, in the direct vicinity to the tank training area which is extremal by itself.




№2015 arr. KGD / 72


The first trial for our guests is the route on the dunes and the coast. Then there is a short halt in Russkoe, near the memorial on the place of the XIII c. castle ruins. Then we are driving into the woods with many streams, swamps and other obstacles so desired by the “lovers of extreme sports”. The forest road will lead us to the churches of the XIV-XV c. in

Kumachevo and Salskoe. At the end of the journey you will have an unforgettable barbeque party on the bank of the lake in the village with a juicy name Kljukvennoe (Cranberry).

At the participants’ wish and preliminary agreement the routes can be extended by adding more complicated sections and combined with any other activities turning it into “a survival race”.

Number of participants: 10-60 Duration: from 8 hours Period: May-September Extra: kayaking; rope extreme-park; sailing regatta




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«Bon Voyage!» Boat trips


he sea, the network of rivers, canals and lakes, two picturesque lagoons leave no chance to stay calmly in front of the TV-set for the lovers of the aquatic life. We invite you to sail! More and more conditions for yachting appear every year in Kaliningrad, and the water open spaces of the Kaliningrad seaside attract a great amount of tourists choosing the active rest. The Baltic Sea coast, the river Pregolya, the Kaliningrad and Curonian Lagoons, Vistynets Lake are the wonderful places for sailing. And not without reason the first yacht club in Prussia was founded in Koenigsberg. The geographical peculiarities of the region allow covering dozens and sometimes, thousands of kilometers on rivers and canals thus never coming ashore. A kayak, canoe, small boat or sailing yacht will help you to feel the primevalness of the water landscape. And after that you will dream for a long time about boundless water areas, faced with masonry canal banks and fantastic views. Happy sailing and have unforgettable impressions!

Number of participants: from 10 Duration: 12 hours Period: May-September

12 h

from 10


№2015 arr. KGD / 73


Region waterways




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Events, festivals Joyous life in Kaliningrad and in the region


Jazz Festival The international jazz festival “Kaliningrad City Jazz” taking place in August in the Summer Theatre in the Central Park is the reason to love Kaliningrad.

The Russian Navy Day The annual holiday in Baltijsk, the most western town of Russia, the base of the Baltic Navy is held on the last Sunday of July with the military parade, galaconcert, salutes and fireworks.

In short – everyone come to the festival! Since 2013 Kaliningrad is a capital of the short-length movie festival “Koroche” (“In short”). So, you are in the center of a cinematographic spectacle! Catch the moment!

The Baltic Seasons The annual arts festival is a part of the Kaliningrad cultural life. Jury Temirkanov, Denis Matsuev, “HelikonOpera”, “Lenkom”, Evgeny Grishkovets, Alexander Tsekalo, Jury Bashmet, Vladimir Spivakov used to be its participants.

The Herring Day The folk holiday is held annually in April in the World Ocean Museum. There are dances, fish soup and herring are sold for every taste.

Day of the Wheel Every year in May the city fans of cycling gather to the Wheel Day Festival. The biking culture has become an integral part of Kaliningrad, a European city with a good standard of living and careful attitude to its citizens.

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Š Baltma Tour. Design – Khasiya D.Z. Kaliningrad Regional Tourism Information Center. 4, Mira Avenue, Kaliningrad, Russia +7 (4012) 555-200



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Š Baltma Tour. Design – Khasiya D.Z. Kaliningrad Regional Tourism Information Center. 4, Mira Avenue, Kaliningrad, Russia +7 (4012) 555-200


Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region


“Impressions all around”


© Baltma Tour, 2014


Active tours and special programs in the Kaliningrad region

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