Meditatio Brasil

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Meditatio B R A S I L

Purpose To communicate and nurture meditation as passed on through the teaching of John Main in the Christian tradition in the spirit of serving the unity of all.

MEDITATIO The school of Christian Meditation. • Oblates from Brazil e around the world • Essential teachings • To translate material ( books, letters...) to portuguese. • Inter-religious dialogues •“Roots of Christian Misticism” • Contemporary spiritual teachers

Meditation and other fields • Meditation and literature • Meditation and e photografy • Meditation and sports (climbing and hiking)

Christian Meditation Centre in Rio de Janeiro S PA C E OF S IL E N C E IN TH E C ITY

As the poet said about the exuberant landscape “almost breaks down the retina of the beholder” . Yet these same features can inspire our natural vocation to contemplation. Each look is an invitation to close the eyes and breathe deeply… Alessandro Akil

Meditatio B R A S I L

Pesquisa iconográfica, design e projeto gráfico: Antonio Miguel Bandeira Unisphera Comunicação e Design

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