†cv÷ †W ¯‹ : weªwUk‡`i Aek¨B †g‡b wb‡Z n‡e †h, Zviv AviI `wi`ª n‡q‡Q| Ab¨_vq gz`ªvùxwZ Ae¨vnZ
_vK‡e, e¨vsK Ad Bsj¨v‡Ûi cÖavb
A_©bxwZwe` e‡j‡Qb| wnD wdj
e‡j‡Qb †h, gz`ªvùxwZi Kvi‡Y e¨emv cÖwZôvb¸‡jv MÖvnK‡`i KvQ
†_‡K AviI †ewk g‚j¨ Av`vq Kivi
gva¨‡g AwZwi³ e¨q †gUv‡bvi †Póv Ki‡Q| wKš‘, GwU gz`ªvùxwZ AviI evwo‡q Zzj‡Q, A_©‰bwZK m¼UI
e„w× cv‡”Q|
Kjw¤^qv j ¯‹z‡j e³„Zv Ki‡Z wM‡q wdj e‡jwQ‡jb, Ôhz³ivR¨, †hwU cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi GKwU eo †bU
Avg`vwbKviK, Ggb cwiw¯’wZi gz‡LvgzwL n‡”Q †hLv‡b Avcwb we‡k¦i evwK Ask †_‡K hv wKb‡Qb Zvi `vg †e‡o †M‡Q| Avcwb we‡k¦i evwK
As‡k hv wewµ Ki‡Qb Zvi g‚‡j¨i
Zzjbvq A‡bK †ewk|Õ wZwb e‡jb, ÔAvcwb hv wKb‡Qb Zv hw` Avcwb wewµ Ki‡Qb Zvi Zzjbvq A‡bK †ewk n‡q _v‡K, Zvn‡j †h cwiw¯’wZ AviI Lvivc n‡Z P‡j‡Q, Zv ezS‡Z Avcbvi A_©bxwZwe` nIqvi `iKvi †bB|Õ ÔmzZivs, hz³iv‡R¨ †h †Kvbfv‡e, KvD‡K †g‡b wb‡Z n‡e †h Zviv
Lvivc Ae¯’vq Av‡Q Ges D”P gRzwii gva¨‡g ev MÖvnK‡`i Kv‡Q R¡vjvwb e¨‡qi gva¨‡g `vg evov‡bvi gva¨‡g Zv‡`i Avmj e¨q Kivi kw³ eRvq ivLvi †Póv Kiv eÜ K‡i †`‡e,Õ wZwb †hvM K‡i‡Qb| weªwUk cwievi¸wj mzcvigv‡K©U¸wj‡Z 17 `kwgK 3 kZvsk gz`ªvùxwZi gz‡LvgzwL nIqvi mgq Zvi gšÍe¨
G‡m‡Q| †`kwU‡Z 1977 mv‡ji ci †_‡K Lv‡`¨i `vg `ªæZZg nv‡i e„w× cv‡”Q| Gw`‡K, hy³iv‡R¨ gy`ªvùxwZi wk‡ivbvg nvi gv‡P© cÖZ¨vkvi †P‡q K‡g‡Q, hv Av‡Mi gv‡mi 10 `kwgK 4 kZvsk †_‡K 10 `kwgK 1 kZvs‡k †b‡g G‡m‡Q| cvewjK †m±i Rz‡o ag©NUI n‡q‡Q, BDwbqb¸wj m`m¨‡`i RxebhvÎvi m¼U †_‡K i¶v Kivi Rb¨ g‚j¨ùxwZi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L †eZb e„w× PvB‡Q| wdj †hvM K‡i‡Qb, ÔAvgiv GLb hvi m¤§zLxb nw”Q Zv n‡”Q GwU †g‡b wb‡Z Abxnv, n¨uv, Avgiv mevB Lvivc n‡q †MwQ Ges Avgv‡`i mevB‡K Avgv‡`i Ask wb‡Z n‡e| †h cvm-`¨-cv‡m©j †MgwU GLv‡b Pj‡Q, †mwU gy`ªvùxwZ m„wó Ki‡Q 16 kOÔJ~
we‡kl m se v` `v Zv, Xv Kv : mz`v‡b Ae¯’vbiZ evsjv‡`wk‡`i wbivc‡` Ab¨ †`‡ki gva¨‡g wdwi‡q Avbvi wm×všÍ wb‡q‡Q miKvi| LvZ©z‡g evsjv‡`k `‚Zvevm GiBg‡a¨ GB wm×v‡šÍi K_v †mLv‡b Ae¯’vbiZ evsjv‡`wk‡`i g‡a¨ cÖPvi ïiæ K‡i‡Q e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Qb ciivóª cÖwZgš¿x †gv. kvnwiqvi Avjg| g½jevi GK †dmezK †cv‡÷ miKv‡ii IB wm×v‡šÍi K_v Rvwb‡q cÖwZgš¿x wj‡Lb, ÔAvBbk„•Ljv cwiw¯’wZi Dc‡i wbf©i Ki‡e, Kxfv‡e †Kvb c×wZ‡Z Zviv hvÎv Ki‡eb| mevB‡K `‚Zvev‡mi
wb‡`©kbv †g‡b †iwR‡÷ªkb Ges cÖ‡qvRbxq KvR Kivi Abz‡iva KiwQ|Õ mz`v‡b evsjv‡`k `‚Zvev‡m †hvMv‡hvM bv Kivi Abz‡iva Rvwb‡q cÖwZgš¿x wj‡Lb, Ôevsjv‡`‡ki mvsevw`K‡`i Abz‡iva KiwQ `‚Zvev‡m †hvMv‡hvM bv Kivi Rb¨| KviY mK‡jB e¨¯Í Ges iæU¸‡jv wbivcËvi LvwZ‡i bv Rvbv‡bvB fv‡jv| Avgiv mK‡ji mn‡hvwMZv Kvgbv KiwQ|Õ cÖwZgš¿x †Lvjvmv bv Ki‡jI GiBg‡a¨ bqvw`wjøi eiv‡Z Lei †ewi‡q‡Q mz`v‡b AvU‡K cov fviZxq‡`i wdwi‡q Avb‡Z w`wjø ÔAcv‡ikb 16 kOÔJ~
wm ‡jU Awdm : gz‡L ej‡Qb; AvIqvgx jxM m‡½ Av‡Q| †Kv‡bv mgm¨v †bB| wKš‘ AvIqvgx jxMB
g‚j mgm¨v Av‡bvqviæ¾vgv‡bi| wZwb
wm‡jU wmwU Ki‡cv‡ik‡b AvIqvgx
jx‡Mi g‡bvbxZ †gqi cÖv_©x| GL‡bv
mwµq nqwb wm‡jU AvIqvgx jxM|
†bZv‡`i †ewki fv‡MiB Awfgvb
fv‡Owb| bvbv Qz‡Zvq Zviv `‚‡i `‚‡i
_vK‡Qb| welqwU wb‡q fve‡Qb
Av‡bvqvi ej‡qi †bZviv| C`
†gŠmz‡g wm‡j‡U G‡mwQ‡jb
ciivóªgš¿x I wm‡jU-1 Avm‡bi
Ggwc W. G‡K Avãzj†gv‡gb| wZwb
D‡`¨vM wb‡q‡Qb|
GK †Uwe‡j ewm‡q‡Qb AvIqvgx jxM
†bZv‡`i| mevB‡K wb‡q Av‡jvPbvI
K‡i‡Qb| G‡Z wm‡jU AvIqvgx
jx‡Mi me ej‡qi †bZviv Ask wb‡q
†bŠKvi c‡¶ KvR Kivi c‡¶ gZ
w`‡jI Kvh©Z Zv‡`i bxieZv
fv‡Owb| †Rjv I gnvbM‡ii kxl©
†_‡K ïiæ K‡i Z„Yg‚j ch©šÍ
†bZv‡`i HK¨e× Kivi cÖwµqv †KD
ïiæ Ki‡Qb bv| Z‡e- mvaviY
m¤úv`K Aa¨vcK RvwKi †nv‡mb‡K
jÛ‡b †i‡L gnvbMi AvIqvgx
jx‡Mi 16 kOÔJ~
†cv÷ †W¯‹ : 2023 AvdMvwb¯Ív‡b gvbweK mnvqZvi Rb¨ 4 `kwgK 62 wewjqb Wjvi cÖ‡qvRb e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Q RvwZms‡Ni gvbweK mnvqZv Kvh©µg mgš^q ms¯’v (BDGbIwmGBPG)৷
we ‡kl m se v` `v Zv, XvK v : ‡`‡ki cuvP wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb wbe©vPb wb‡q Pj‡Q Av‡jvPbv mgv‡jvPbv| RvZxq msm` wbe©vP‡b BwfGg e¨envi wb‡q wmBwmÕi †NvlYv AZ:ci m‡i Avmvi ci GB wbe©vPb wK AskMÖnYg‚jK Ki‡Z cvi‡eb wmBwm? AvIqvgx jxM Zv‡`i `jxq cÖv_©x †NvlYv K‡i‡Q BwZg‡a¨| weGbwc GL‡bv bxie| Aek¨ `jwU Av‡MB e‡j w`‡q‡Q ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii `vwe bv gvb‡j RvZxq I ¯’vbxq †Kv‡bv wbe©vP‡bB Zviv Ask †b‡e bv| hw`I wbe©vPb Kwgkb weGbwc‡K wbe©vP‡b wb‡Z evievi AvnŸvb Rvbv‡”Q| cuvP wmwU wbe©vP‡bI Ask †bqviI AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Q wbe©vPb Kwgkb| weGbwc wK wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi AvnŸv‡b mvov
ms¯’vwUi Z_¨g‡Z, AvdMvwb¯Ív‡bi RbM‡Yi Rb¨ gvbweK mnvqZv eZ©gv‡b †kl ch©v‡q i‡q‡Q| BDGbIwmGBPG Av‡iv Rvwb‡q‡Q, AvdMvwb¯Ívb Uvbv Z„Zxq eQi Abve„wói
†`‡e? bvwK Zviv Zv‡`i Ae¯’v‡b
Abo _vK‡e? Iw`‡K RvZxq wbe©vP‡bi Av‡M nIqv GB wmwU wbe©vPb K‡ZvUzKz miKvwi cÖfvegz³ _vK‡e Zv wb‡qI i‡q‡Q bvbv cÖkœ| hw`I miKvwi `j e‡j Avm‡Q wbe©vPb Ki‡e wbe©vPb Kwgkb|
†gvKvwejv Ki‡Q| A_©‰bwZK `‚`©kvi
miKvi ïazgvÎ wbe©vPb Kwgkb‡K
mn‡hvwMZv Ki‡e|
miKv‡ii G K_v‡K gv‡Vi we‡ivax
`j¸‡jv wek¦vm Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv|
GUv Zviv cÖKv‡k¨ e³„Zv wee„wZ‡Z
Rvbvb w`‡”Q| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv- cuvP
wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb 16 kOÔJ~
†cv÷ †W¯‹ : C‡`i bvgv‡R Dcw¯’Z n‡q ggZv e‡›`¨vcva¨vq I Awf‡lK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq mevB‡K ï‡f”Qv Rvwb‡q‡Qb| †mLv‡bB ggZv Rvbvb, wZwb Rxeb w`‡q †`‡eb, Zez †`k fvM n‡Z †`‡eb bv| wZwb e‡jb, ÔKv‡iv K_v ïb‡eb bv| Avgiv fvM PvB bv|Õ evsjvq ïaz kvwšÍ Pvb ggZv| 16 kOÔJ~
BRITAIN'S HIGHEST DISTRIBUTED FREE BANGLA NEWSPAPER Bangla P o st Year: 20 u Issue: 965 u Friday 28 April - Thursday 04 May 2023 FREE
wØZxq eQi AwZevwnZ Ki‡Q| K‡qK `kK a‡i Pjv hz× Ges evievi cÖvK…wZK `z‡h©v‡Mi cwiYwZ‡Z GLb 4 `kwgK 62 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjvi gvbweK mnvqZv RiæwiwfwˇZ cÖ‡qvRb| Kvez‡ji evwm›`v Kvwig`v` GKRb wb¤œ Av‡qi gvbzl| A_©‰bwZK msK‡Ui †gvKvwejvi cvkvcvwk †eKviZ¡ Zvi mgm¨v Av‡iv eû¸Y evwo‡q w`‡q‡Q e‡j g‡b K‡ib wZwb| Kvwig`v` e‡jb, Avgiv BDGbIwmGBPG‡K Avgv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z Ges Avgv‡`i PvKzwii e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z Avnevb KiwQ| 16 kOÔJ~ Sz u w Ki g‡a¨ we wUk A_bxwZ evo‡Q `wi`Zv m y `v‡b Sz u wK‡Z †`o nvRvi evsj v‡`kx wmwU K‡cv‡ikb wbevP‡b weGbwc‡K †div‡Z Zrci Bwm Av‡bvqviæ¾vgv‡ bi mgm¨v AvIqvgx jxM! ‡`k fvM n‡Z † `‡eb bv ggZv AvdMvwb¯v‡b 4.62 wewjqb Wjvi gvbweK mnvqZv c‡qvRb : RvwZmsN ‡m‡Þ¤‡i
we‡kl mse v`` vZv , XvK v : moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿x Ievq`zj Kv‡`i e‡j‡Qb, KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k wbwg©Z eûj cÖZxw¶Z e½eÜz†kL gzwRezi ingvb Uv‡bj AvMvgx †m‡Þ¤^‡i hvbevnb 16 kOÔJ~
e½eÜz Uv‡b‡ji D‡Øvab
bvwmi Avn‡g` kvnxb‡K hy³ivR¨ weGbwc
I A½msMV‡bi †bZ„e„‡›`i mseabv e ye ¨vR RvwjqvwZi
hy³ivR¨ †m”Qv‡meK`‡ji mfvcwZ
bvwmi Avn‡g` kvnxb †K›`ªxq
†¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji mn-mfvcwZ
gh©v`vq AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K
wbe©vwPZ nIqvi evsjv‡`k
RvZxqZvev`x `j weGbwc hy³ivR¨
I A½- mn‡hvMx msMV‡bi
†bZ„e„‡›`i c¶ †_‡K dy‡ji ï‡f”Qv
Rvbv‡bv nq|
‡mvgevi mܨvq (24‡k Gwcªj
2023Bs) jÛ‡bi †nvqvBUPcj
GjvKvq Rvqgv cvVvMvi `jxq
Awd‡m msea©bv AbywôZ nq|
D³ Abyóv‡b mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib
weGbwci wmwbqi mn-mfvcwZ Aveyj
Kvjvg AvRv`|
Gmgq msewa©Z AwZw_ bvwmi
Avn‡g` kvwnb e‡jb, AvR
evsjv‡`k aŸs‡mi w`‡K GwM‡q
hv‡”Q| A‰ea †kL nvwmbv †`‡ki
RbM‡Yi UvKv jyUcvU K‡i we‡`‡k
wewfbœ RvqMvq A_© cvPvi K‡i †eMg
cvovi gZ RvqMv wK‡b A_© AvZ©mvZ
Ki‡Q| †`‡ki RbMb eyS‡Z †c‡i‡Q
Zviv GLb Avi GB A‰ea †kL
nvwmbv miKvi Pvq bv| AbwZwej‡¤^
wbwkiv‡Zi †fvU WvKvwZ †kL nvwmbv
miKvi‡K nVv‡Z n‡e| ZvB
Avgv‡`i `jgZ wbwe©‡k‡l
RbMY‡`i mv‡_ wb‡q AvMvgxw`‡bi
Rb¨ Av‡›`vjb msMªvg Pvwj‡q
G‡`i‡K weZvwoZ Ki‡Z n‡e|
†mRb¨ Avgv‡`i mK‡ji HK¨
wZwb Av‡iv e‡jb, †`kbvqK Zv‡iK
ingvb Avgv‡K Awc©Z †h ØvwqZ¡
w`‡q‡Qb BbkvAvjøvn Zv A¶‡i
A¶‡i cvjb Ki‡ev| GKBmv‡_
MbZš¿ cybiæ×v‡i †`kbvqK Zv‡iK
ingv‡bi wb‡`©‡k AvMvgx‡Z †h
Kg©m~Px †`qv n‡e Zv `‡ji
†bZvKg©x‡`i wb‡q HK¨e×fv‡e
ØvwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡ev Ges AvMvgx
wbe©vP‡b evsjv‡`‡k miKvi cZ‡bi
gva¨‡g RbM‡bi AwaKvi wd‡i
Avm‡e BbkvAvjøvn|
GQvov msewa©Z AwZw_‡K ab¨ev`
Rvwb‡q AwZw_e„›`iv e‡jb, bvwmi
Avng` kvwnb GKRb Z¨vMx I
cixw¶Z †bZv| Zv‡K †K›`ªxq
†¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji mn-mfvcwZ
gh©v`vq AvšÍR©vwZK welqK m¤úv`K
mvo u vwk Awfhvb
eøy e¨v‡Ri A‰ea e¨env‡ii weiæ‡× µ¨vKWvDb ïiæ K‡iwQ Avgiv| GB Awfhv‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e GKw`‡b 130 wUiI †ewk e¨vR ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i ¯úU †P‡Ki mgq †Z‡ivwU Mvwo iv¯Ív †_‡K mwi‡q †bIqv n‡qwQj| Awfhv‡b PviwU nvwi‡q hvIqv ev Pywi hvIqv e¨vR ev‡Rqvß Kiv nq, †h¸‡jv AvBbZ e¨envi Kiv n‡”Q bv| eøy e¨vR cªK‡íi Ace¨envi †iva Ki‡Z Ges wW‡Rej cvwK©s ¯’vb¸wj ïaygvÎ ˆea cviwgUavixiv e¨envi Ki‡Q - GUv wbwðZ Ki‡Z Avgiv cªwZkªæwZe×| eøy e¨vR MšÍ‡e¨i KvQvKvwQ cvwK©s Ki‡Z kvixwiKfv‡e A¶gZv ev ¯^v¯’¨MZ Kvi‡Y `ye©yj‡`i AbygwZ †`q| wKš‘ GB e&¨vRwU cªvqB †Pvi Ges cªZviK‡`i Uv‡M©‡U cwiYZ nq| KwZcq †jvK wb‡R‡`i myweavi Rb¨ e¨vRwU Pywi ev Ace¨envi K‡i| eøye¨v‡Ri A‰ea e¨envi †gvKv‡ejv Kivi Rb¨, KvDwÝj e¨vR¸wji
e¨envi ¯úU-‡PK Kivi Rb¨ †g‡UªvcwjUb cywj‡ki mv‡_ wbqwgZ
Awfhvb cwiPvjbv K‡i _v‡K| UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi †gqi jyrdyi ingvb e‡jb, ÒwW‡Rej e¨w³iv evivq Ny‡i †eov‡Z Ges ¯^vaxbfv‡e emevm Ki‡Z Zv‡`i eøy e¨v‡Ri Dci wbf©i K‡i| ZvB hLb †KD ¯^v_©c‡ii gZ GB eøy e¨vR e¨envi K‡i, Zvi A_© `vovq kvixwiK I ¯^v¯’MZ Kvi‡Y hv‡`i wbivc‡` cvK© Kivi Ges MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠuQv‡bv `iKvi,
Zv‡`i my‡hvM †_‡K ewÂZ Kiv| wZwb e‡jb, ÒAvgiv Avgv‡`i ¯úU‡PK Pvwj‡q hve Ges †hLv‡b eøy e¨vR Ace¨envi Kiv n‡”Q †mme iv¯Ív †_‡K Mvwo mwi‡q wb‡Z wØav Kie bv|Ó A‰eafv‡e †KD eøy e¨vR e¨envi Ki‡Q e‡j Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †Kvb Z_¨ _vK‡j Zv parking.fraud@towerhamle ts.gov.uk – GB B‡gB‡j wi‡cvU© Ki‡Z Aby‡iva Kiv n‡q‡Q|
wbe©vwPZ Kivq Avgiv Avbw›`Z|
Avkv Kwi AvMvgxw`‡bi †`kbvqK
Zv‡iK ingv‡bi wb‡`©‡k evsjv‡`‡k
†h †Kvb Kg©m~Pxi WvK Avm‡e Avgiv
mK‡j HK¨eÜfv‡e cª‡qvR‡b
XvKvmn mviv †`‡k †NivI K‡i
A‰ea miKvi †kL nvwmbvi miKvi
I Zv‡`i PvgPv evwnbx‡`i evsjv‡`k
gvwU‡Z AvB‡bi cªwZóv K‡i
cª‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v Kiv n‡e|
msea©bv Abyóv‡b Rvnv½xi Avjg wmgy
I wRqvDi ingvb wRqvÔi cwiPvjbvq AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb evsjv‡`k †_‡K AvMZ XvKv
†Rjv hye`‡ji mfvcwZ †iRvDj
Kwig cj, hy³ivR¨ weGbwcÕi mv‡eK hyM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K
BD‡ivcxq, wRqvDi ingvb dvD‡Ûk‡bi †Kv-AwW©‡bUi Kvgvj DwÏb, hy³ivR¨ weGbwcÕi mv‡eK wmwbqi hyM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K mv‡eK
Qv·bZv kwn`yj Bmjvg gvgyb, hy³ivR¨ weGbwcÕi hyM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K Lmiæ¾vgvb Lmiæ, hye`‡ji †K›`ªxq AvšÍR©vwZK m¤úv`K hyM¥ m¤úv`K gh©v`vq iwng
DwÏb, hye`‡ji †K›`ªxq m`m¨ AvdRvj †nv‡mb, †¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji hyM¥ m¤úv`K Rv‡n` ZvjyK`vi| GQvovI Av‡iv Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb K„lK `‡ji AvnevqK Avwgbyi ingvb AvKivg hy³ivR¨ weGbwci mv‡eK hyM¥ mvavib m¤úv`K mvgmyi ingvb gvnZve, mn `ßi m¤úv`K †mwjg Avn‡g`, †Zvdv‡qj evwQZ Zcy, myRvZ Avn‡g`, midivR micy, ‡¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji mfvcwZ †gv¯ÍvwdRyi ingvb, †di‡`Šm, kwn`yj Bmjvg ¯^cb, kvn Rvgvj, Avwjg Avj ivRx, hyM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K AvwRg DwÏb, AvKgj †nv‡mb, w`jvj Avn‡g`, nviæb Ai ikx`, iæ‡nj Avn‡g`,Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg,Avãyi ingvb kvwnb,bRgyj nK, my‡nj Avn‡g`, †meyj Avn‡g`, gvndyRyi ingvb, †¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji gdm&mj Avjx, RvwKi †nv‡mb, Kvgvj †nv‡mb, nvweeyi ingvb nvwee, BDmyd AvRv`,AvwdK Avn‡g`mn hye`j, †¯^”Qv‡meK`j, K„lK`j I mKj A½ msMV‡bi †bZvKg©x Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|
wm‡j‡U B÷ n¨vÛm BD‡KÕi D‡`¨v‡M C‡`i Dcnvi mvgMx weZiY
hy³ivR¨ wfwËK `vZe¨ B÷ n¨vÛm BD‡K Gi D‡`¨v‡M wm‡j‡U Amnvq cªwZeÜx‡`i g‡a¨ C` Dcnvi weZiY Kiv n‡q‡Q| wm‡jU bMixi 5bs Iqv‡W©i cªwZeÜx wkï, e„×, bvix I cyiæl‡`i g‡a¨ Gme Lv`¨ mvgMªx weZiY Kiv nq| AvR ïµevi (21 Gwcªj) bMixi Av¤^iLvbv eoevRvi GjvKvq wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi KvDwÝji †iRIqvb Avng‡`i mn‡hvwMZvq G Dcnvi mvgMªx Zv‡`i nv‡Z Zy‡j †`qv nq| Gmgq Av‡qvwRZ Abyôv‡b cªavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb Avmbœ wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb wbe©vP‡b †gqi c‡` AvIqvgx jx‡Mi g‡bvbxZ cªv_x© hy³ivR¨ AvIqvgx jx‡Mi hyM¥ m¤úv`K Av‡bvqviæ¾vgvb †PŠayix| wZwb e‡jb, cªwZeÜxiv Avgv‡`i
†`‡ki m¤ú`| Zv‡`i‡K Kv‡R jvwM‡q ¯§vU© evsjv‡`k M‡o †Zvj‡Z n‡e| B÷ n¨vÛm cweÎ C` Dj
wdZi Dcj‡¶ Zv‡`i nv‡Z Dcnvi
Zy‡j w`‡q‡Q, Ggb D‡`¨vM
cªksmbxq| wZwb B÷ n¨vÛmÕi
cywj‡ki mn‡hvwMZvq, Kgvwk©qvj w÷ªU I ‡n‡mj w÷ª‡U `ywU m‡›`nfvRb MuvRv
†Pqvig¨vb, jÛb evsjv †cªmK¬v‡ei mv‡eK mfvcwZ beve DwÏb, B÷ n¨vÛm Gi Ab¨Zg Uªvw÷, wewkó e¨emvqx, KwgDwbwU e¨vw³Z¡ evejyj nK, jÛb evsjv †cªmK¬v‡ei mv‡eK
†Kvlva¶¨ Ges ˆ`wbK evsjv‡`k
cªwZw`b hy³iv‡R¨i e¨y‡iv cªavb Av.
m. g. gvmyg Ges jÛb evsjv †cªm
K¬v‡ei mvsMVwbK I cªwk¶Y
m¤úv`K, B÷ n¨vÛm Gi Ab¨Zg
Uªvw÷ Ggivb Avng` Gi cªwZ ab¨ev`
Ávcb K‡ib| wmwU KvDwÝji †iRIqvb Avng` e‡jb, cªwZeQi B÷ n¨vÛm BD‡K
†`‡ki Amnvq gvbyl‡`i Rb¨ Lv`¨mn wewfbœ mvgMªx w`‡q Avm‡Q| GeviI Zvi e¨wZµg nqwb| C` Dcj‡¶ cªwZeÜx gvbyl‡`i g‡a¨ Dcnvi mvgMªx Zy‡j w`‡Z †c‡i Avwg Avwb›`Z| Abyôv‡b wm‡j‡Ui cª_g †gqi I †K›`ªxq AvIqvgx jxM †bZv e`i DwÏb Avng` Kvgiv‡bi †Q‡j, wPwKrmK I wm‡jU gnvbMi AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K Wv. Avigvb Avng` wkcjy e‡jb, AvR‡Ki GB Dcnvi mvgMªx weZi‡Yi ga¨ w`‡q Zv‡`i gy‡L nvwm dy‡U‡Q| wZwb Ggb gnr D‡`¨vM hviv cv‡k G‡m `uvwo‡q‡Qb Zv‡`i‡K AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` Rvbvb| Dcnvi weZiY Kvh©µ‡g †¯^”Qv‡meK wnmv‡e KvR K‡i‡Qb bvwRg Zv‡ni, BDmyd Avjx, Qvey Lvb, ZyZb Lvb, †gv. iweDm mvwb cªgyL|
02 Bangla P o st 28 April - 04 May 2023 TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
K¨v‡d Ges gv`‡Ki AvÇvq Awfhvb Pvjv‡bv nq| G mgq `ywU ¯’v‡bB wecyj cwigvY gv`K I A¯¿mn 66 R‡bi Dcw¯’wZ cvIqv hvq| Dfq ¯’v‡bi mv‡_ mshy³ AmvgvwRK AvPiY m¤ú‡K© KwgDwbwUi Bw›U‡j‡R‡Ýi †cÖwÿ‡Z GB Awfhvb Pvjv‡bv nq| ¯’vb `yÕwU e‡Üi †bvwUk Rvwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| gv`‡Ki Av¯vbvq Awfhvb
GW‡fv‡KU ˆmq` Rqbvj Av‡e`x‡bi `vdb
m¤úb I wewfb gn‡ji †kvK cKvk
wewkó †jLK, M‡elK, BwZnvmwe` I gyw³hy‡×i Ab¨Zg msMVK GW‡fv‡KU
ˆmq` Rqbvj Av‡e`x‡bi bvgv‡R
Rvbvhv I `vdb myóyfv‡e m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q|
MZ 23 Gwcªj iweevi weKvj mv‡o
wZbUvq ˆmq` Rqbvj Av‡e`x‡bi cª_g
Rvbvhv AbywôZ nq †gŠjfxRv‡ii kvn
†gv¯Ídv †ivW¯’ UvDb C`Mvn gv‡V| G
Rvbvhvi bvgv‡R BgvgwZ K‡ib giû‡gi
mšÍvb ˆmq` gykwdK kv‡Kixb| Rvbvhvi
bvgv‡Ri c~‡e© e³e¨ iv‡Lb -
‡gŠjfxevRvi-3 Avm‡bi Ggwc †bQvi
Avng`, ‡gŠjfxevRvi †Rjv cwil‡`i
†Pqvig¨vb wgQevDi ingvb, wewkó
AvBbRxwe I †jLK gywReyi ingvb
gywRe,Bmjvgx dvD‡Ðk‡bi Dc
cwiPvjK Aa¨¶ kvn bRiæj Bmjvg, wewkó mvsevw`K Wvt Qvw`K Avng`,
cªevmx KwgDwbwU wjWvi I mvsevw`K
†gvnv¤§` gwKm gbmyi, giû‡gi eo †Q‡j ˆmq` BkwZqvK Rv‡Kixb
†`Iqvb gydwZ Avãyjøvn ivRv †PŠayix I
giû‡gi †QvU fvB wewkó mvsevw`K
KwgDwbwU wjWvi †K Gg Avey Zv‡ni
e³viv -‡gŠjfxevRv‡ii cª_g †bvUvix
cvewjK I wewkó AvBbRxwe ˆmq`
Rqbvj Av‡e`x‡bi g„Z¨y‡Z Mfxi †kvK
cªKvk K‡i Kg©gq Rxe‡bi wewfbœ w`K
Zy‡j a‡i iæ‡ni gvMwdivZ Kvgbv
e³viv e‡jb -‰mq` Rqbvj Av‡e`xb
BwZnvm PP©v I M‡elYvi †¶‡Î Abb¨
f~wgKv cvjb K‡i‡Qb| ‡gŠjfxevRvi
†Rjv Rv‡g gmwR`, weGbGmwe P¶y
nvmcvZvj mn wewfbœ gmwR` gv`ªvmvi
†L`gZ K‡i‡Qb| `vIqv‡Z Øx‡bi Kv‡R
wZwb Ae`vb †i‡L‡Qb| ‡gŠjfxevRvi
†Rjv ev¯Íevqb Av‡›`vjb, wm‡jU wefvM
Av‡›`vjb I 1971 mv‡ji gyw³hy‡×
GKRb msMVK wnmv‡e weivU f~wgKv
cvjb K‡ib| bvgv‡R Rvbvhvq
†gŠjfxevRv‡ii wewkó e¨w³ eM© mn mnmªvwaK †jvK Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|
wØZxq bvgv‡R Rvbvhv AbywôZ nq wbR
Mªvg KyBmvi C`Mvn gv‡V| ‡mLv‡b
BgvgwZ K‡ib giû‡gi †QvU fvB †K Gg AveyZv‡ni †PŠayix| Rvbvhvi c~‡e© giû‡gi Rxeb I Kg© m¤ú‡K© msw¶ß e³e¨ iv‡Lb jÐb †_‡K cªKvwkZ mvßvwnK evsjv †cvó cwÎKvi Abvivix †Pqvig¨vb AvjnvR¡ †kL †gvt gwdRyi ingvb, gvwmK kvnRvjvj cwÎKvi m¤úv`K iæûj dviæK, Bb&wRwbqvi ˆmq` mv` Avjx, KyBmvi gmwR‡`i Bgvg nv‡dR Avjx Avng`, mv‡eK Bgvg gvIjvbv Avey Rvdi mvw`K Lvb, mvsevw`K AvRv`yi ingvb AvRv` I giû‡gi eo †Q‡j ˆmq` BkwZqvK Rv‡Kixb| c‡i giû‡gi jvk cxi I I¯Ív` Ijx‡q
Kv‡gj nvwdR gvIjvbv Avãyj Kvw`i †PŠayix wmsKvcbx (it) Ges gvZv wg‡mm Zv‡jgy‡bœQv Lvb‡gi it) Ke‡ii cv‡k `vdb Kiv nq| Gw`‡K ˆmq` Rqbvj Av‡e`x‡bi g„Z¨y‡Z hviv †kvK I mg‡e`bv cªKvk K‡i wee„wZ w`‡q‡Qb Zviv n‡”Qbmv‡eK Ggwc ˆmq`v mvqiv gnwmb, wewkó wk¶vex` I f‡qm di †Møvevj evsjv‡`kx‡Ri †cªwm‡W›U Wt nvmbvZ Gg †nv‡mBb GgweB, e„‡U‡bi Rbwcªq wUwf P¨v‡b‡ji dvDÐvi gvnx †di‡`Šm Rwjj, wewkó mvsevw`K gynv¤§` dqRyi ingvb, evsjv †cvó cwÎKvi Abvivix †Pqvig¨vb †kL †gvt gwdRyi ingvb, mvßvwnK †`k cwÎKvi m¤úv`K I jÐb evsjv †cªm K¬v‡ei mvavib m¤úv`K
ZvBwQi gvngy`, wewkó mvsevw`K I
ˆ`wbK mgq m¤úv`K mvC` †PŠayix, wewkó ivRbxwZex` I KwgDwbwU †bZv
Avãyj Avnv` †PŠayix, wewewmBi †cªwm‡W›U mvB`yi ingvb †iby †Rwc I WvB‡i±i AvZvDi ingvb KywU, BD‡K wewW wUwfi †Pqvig¨vb †gvnv¤§` gwKm gbmyi I g¨v‡bwRs wW‡i±i BwÄwbqvi
Lvqiæj Avjg wjsKb, †MªUvi wm‡jU
KvDwÝj BD‡Ki mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb
†gvnv¤§` gbQe Avjx †Rwc, mv‡eK
mvavib m¤úv`K ˆmq` Avãyj K¡vBDg
Kqmi, wm‡jU †jLK †dviv‡gi
mfvcwZ Kwe bvRgyj Bmjvg gKeyj, mvavib m¤úv`K GW‡fv‡KU wRqvDi iwng kvnxb I †Kvlva¶ KvRx kwdKyj
Bmjvg, BD‡K evsjv †cªm K¬v‡ei mv‡eK mvavib m¤úv`K mvsevw`K gyb‡Ri Avng` †PŠayix, evsjv‡`k Rvb©vwjó G‡mvwm‡qkb BD‡Ki Dc‡`óv exi gyw³hv×v Gg G gvbœvb, mn mfvcwZ exi gyw³hv×v †gvnv¤§` †gv¯Ídv, mvavib m¤úv`K Lvb Rvgvj byiæj Bmjvg I †UªRvivi Avdmvi DwÏb, UvIqvi KvDw݇ji wgwWqv Awdmvi mvsevw`K gvneyeyi ingvb, mvsevw`K ˆmq` iæûj Avwgb, cªKvkK I Mªš’Kvi ev‡qwR` gvngy` dqmj, †i‡bmuv mvwnZ¨ gRwjm BD‡Ki mvavib m¤úv`K Kwe wknvey¾vgvb Kvgvj, †jLK I M‡elK Kwe kv‡qL ZvRyj Bmjvg cªgyL|
Specsavers stores are owned and run by opticians, audiologists and local partners. So, you’ll be in expert hands every time you visit.
Optician, local partner, owners (and good mates)
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 03
Có rÜYJk gJTJ oJrJfìT yPf kJPr, FUjA ßYT Tr∆j
TJKctSnJxTáuJr KcK\\ (KxKnKc)
FTKa WJfT, fPm nJu Umr yPuJ
FTKa oMuf k´KfPrJiPpJVqÇ FKa
k´KfPrJPir xmPYP~ èr∆fôkNet, xy\
S k´go khPãk yPuJ IJkjJr mäJc
ßk´xJr mJ rÜYJk krLãJ TrJÇ
2019 xJPu AÄuqJP§ k´J~ YJr\Pjr
oPiq FT\Pjr (24 vfJÄv) oOfáqr
\jq KxKnKc hJ~LÇ ßmKvrnJV
ßãP©A FKa IKj~Kπf \LmjpJ©Jr
- kKrmftjPpJVq ^MÅKTr TJre ßpoj yJA mäJc ßk´xJr mJ Có rÜYJk
(yJAkJrPajvj), yJA ßTJPuPˆru, SPmKxKa mJ ˙NufJ, IKj~Kπf
UJhqnqJx FmÄ iNokJjÇ Có rÜYJk xmPYP~ mz kKrKYf ^MÅKTr
TJreÇ Có rÜYJk
TJKctSnJxTáuJr xŒKTtf oOfáqr
k´J~ IPitT FmÄ AÄuqJP¥ KxKnKcr 40 vfJÄPvrS ßmKv ßãP© F
TJKctSnJxTáuJr KcK\\ Kk´PnjvjFr jqJvjJu KTîKjTJu cJAPrÖr cJ.
vJPyh IJyPoh mPuj, ÍFT
YfágtJÄPvrS ßmKv k´J¬m~ÛPhr Có
rÜYJk rP~PZ pKhS uãeL~
uãeèKu k´TJv jJ yS~Jr TJrPe
IPjPTA mM^Pf kJPrj jJÇ pKh
KYKT“xJ jJ TrJ y~ fPm FKa
IJkjJr yJat IqJaJr FmÄ ßˆsJPTr
oPfJ èr∆fr xoxqJr ^MÅKT mJzJ~Ç
IJkjJr rÜYJk ßmKv KTjJ fJ
\JjJr FToJ© CkJ~ yu rÜYJk
krLãJ TrJÇ"
Có rÜYJPkr TJre
mäJc ßk´xJr mJ rÜYJk hMKa xÄUqJ
KhP~ ßrTct TrJ y~: KxPˆJKuT YJk (Có xÄUqJ) yPuJ ßxA vKÜ pJ
KhP~ IJkjJr yJat mJ Âhpπ vrLPrr YJrkJPvrÜkJŒTPrgJPTFmÄ
cJ~JPˆJKuT YJk (Kjoú xÄUqJ) yPuJ
ßnPxux mJ rÜjJuLèPuJPf rÜ
k´mJPyr k´KfPrJiÇ
xJmtãKeT 140/90mmHg-Fr
ßmKv kKroJk gJTJPT Có rÜYJk
irJ yP~ gJPT (IgmJ IJkKj
mJKzPf kKroJk TrPu Vz
135/85), mJ 80 mZPrr ßmKv
m~xL ßp TJPrJ \jq 150/90
(mJKzPf kKroJk TrPu 145/85)
mPu oPj TrJ y~Ç IJkjJr rÜ
YJk xJiJrenJPm 90/60 FmÄ
120/80 Fr oPiq yS~J CKYfÇ
pJAPyJT, 120/80 FmÄ 140/90
Fr oPiq kzJr Igt yPf kJPr ßp
IJkKj Có rÜYJk yS~Jr ^MÅKTPf
rP~PZj pKh jJ IJkKj IJkjJr
rÜYJk Kj~πPe rJUJr \jq
khPãk jJ ßjjÇ
AÄuqJP§ FT YfágtJÄPvrS ßmKv
k´J¬m~ÛPhr Có rÜYJk rP~PZ,
pKh oJgJ ßWJrJ mJ oJgJ mqgJ TrPZ
mPu oPj TPr gJPTj fPm IJkKj
náu TPr gJTPf kJPrj; FKa UMm
ToA uãeL~ CkxVt ‰frL TPrÇ
iJreJ TrJ y~ ßp, AÄuqJP§ k´J~
12.7 KoKu~j oJjMw IJPZ - pJPhr
18 mZPrr ßmKv m~xLPhr oPiq
27.9 vfJÄv Có rÜYJPk náVPZ, fPm fJPhr k´J~ FT fífL~JÄPvr
krLãJA TrJ y~Kj, IJr F\Pjq
Có rÜYJPkr TJrPe \Lmj-ÉoTLr
oPfJ kKrK˙Kf ßgPT fJPhr xMrãJ~
fJrJ k´P~J\jL~ xyJ~fJ kJPòj
jJÇ pKh IJkjJr rÜYJk UMm ßmKv y~ fPm FKa IJkjJr rÜjJuL, yJat FmÄ IjqJjq Iñ ßpoj oK˜Ï, KTcKj FmÄ PYJPUr Ckr IKfKrÜ YJk xOKÓ TPrÇ KYKT“xJ jJ TrJ yPu, FKa IJkjJr KmköjT ˝J˙q kKrK˙Kf ßpoj yJat IqJaJT FmÄ ßˆsJPTr ^MÅKT mJzJ~, pJr IPitT Có rÜYJPkr xJPg pMÜÇ FKa aJAk 2 cJ~JPmKax FmÄ
KcPojKv~JPfS k´nJm rJUPf
CPÆPVr Kmw~ yPuJ ßp, \Mj oJPxr xmtPvw fgq oPf ÊiMoJ© 59.6 vfJÄv ßrJVL pJPhr Có rÜYJk
IJPZ Vf 12 oJPx fJPhr m~Pxr xJPg rÜYJk ˝J˙qTr xLoJr KjPY KrPkJat TPrPZÇ fPm kJgtTq ‰frL
TrPf ßmKv KTZá uJPV jJÇ IJkjJr
pKh Có rÜYJk gJPT fPm FKaPT
xJoJjq kKroJPe y∑Jx TrPf
kJrPuS FA èr∆fr ˝J˙q Im˙Jr
^MÅKT ToJPf xJyJpq TrPf kJPrÇ
FKa FojKT IJkjJr \Lmj rãJ~ xyJ~T yPf kJPrÇ
krLãJ KmjJoNPuq yPf kJPr
40 mZPrr ßmKv m~xL xTu k´J¬m~ÛPhr I∂f k´Kf kÅJY mZPr
fJPhr rÜYJk krLãJ TrJr krJovt
ßhS~J y~ FmÄ ÈFjFAYFx ßyug
ßYT'-Fr IÄv KyPxPm IJkKj FA
krLãJKa KmjJoNPuq FmÄ
ßVJkjL~fJr xJPg TP~TKa ˙JPj
TrPf kJPrj ßpoj lJPotxL, IJkjJr K\Kk xJ\tJrL, FojKT KTZá
Tot˙PuSÇ IgmJ IJkKj mJKzPf
mäJcPk´xJr oKjar KjP~ IJkjJr
rÜYJk KjP\A krLãJ TrPf kJPrjÇ
Vf mZr kJSPuJKo ßhmjJg Ifq∂
TîJ∂ ßmJi TrPf Êr∆ TPrKZPujpJ fJPT fJr K\Kkr xJPg FTKa
IqJkP~≤Po≤ mMKTÄ TPr krLãJ TrJPf CÆM≠ TPrÇ 43 mZr m~xL kJSPuJKo xKfqA Có rÜYJk KjP~ YuKZPuj \JjPf ßkPr ImJT yP~KZPujÇ ÍIJKo ßnPmKZuJo, IJoJr \LmjpJ©J ßmv ˝J˙qTr IJPZ, fJA IJoJr CKÆVú yS~Jr KTZá ßjA," mPuKZPuj kJSPuJKo, KpKj
fJr KjP\r ßaTxA \MP~uJKr msqJ¥
kKrYJujJ TPrjÇ ÍIJKo xJiJref
ßmv ChqoL, KT∂á IJKo uãq
TPrKZuJo ßp IJKo TîJ∂ ßmJi
TrKZ FmÄ IJoJr oJgJr KkZPj
YJk IjMnm TrKZuJoÇ" K\Kkr
xJPg IqJkP~≤PoP≤r xo~ fJr
rÜYJk kKroJk TrJ yP~KZu FmÄ
ßxRnJVqâPo irJ kPzKZu ßp, ÍfJr rÜYJk YJPatr mJAPr KZu, fJA IJoJPT Kj~Kof hMA x¬JPyr
\jq rÜYJk kKroJk TrPf
ToJPjJr \jq aqJmPua ßhS~J yP~KZu"Ç FPxPér roPlJctmJxL kJSPuJKo xJPg xJPgA nJu ßmJi TrJ Êr∆ TPrKZPuj, fPm IJrS IJPV IqJkP~≤Po≤ jJ TrJr \jq IjMPvJYjJ yKòu, fJr oJP~rS Có rÜYJk rP~PZÇ ÍFKa IJoJPT n~ kJAP~ KhP~KZu TJre IJoJr uãeèKu FfA yJuTJ KZu ßp IJKo KjP\PT mPuKZuJo ßp FKa KTZáA j~, IgmJ IJKo TJP\r YJPk IJKZ," KfKj mPuj, ÍIJKo pKh IJrS fJzJfJKz cJÜJPrr TJPZ ßpfJoÇ" kJSPuJKoPT IJfKïf TPr Foj IJPrTKa Kmw~ yPuJ ßp KfKj vJrLKrTnJPm xão S xM˙ ßmJi TPrKZPuJj, fJA FPfJ fJzJfJKz Có rÜYJk yPf kJPr mPu xPªy TPrjKjÇ ÍIJKo yÅJaJ FmÄ xÅJfJr TJaJ kZª TKr, KT∂á IJoJr VyjJ ‰frLr TJ\Ka UMm ßcÛmJC¥, fJA IJKo mM^Pf kJKr ßp IJKo UMm xKâ~ jAÇ IJKo FUj hÅJKzP~ TJ\ TrJr oPfJ FTKa ßcÛ KTPjKZ," KfKj mPujÇ ÍfJZJzJS, IJoJr UMm ˝J˙qTr InqJx IJPZIJKo iNokJj TKr jJ, IJKo ßTmu oJP^ oJP^ TTPau CkPnJV TKr FmÄ IJKo ˝J˙qTr UJmJr UJA"Ç ÍIJKo IJrS ChqoL gJTPf Inq˜ FmÄ KYKT“xJ IJoJPT FPf xJyJpq TrPZÇ IJKo 100% krJovt ßhm ßp, 40 mZPrr ßmKv ßp ßTC fJPhr rÜYJk krLãJ TrJj TJre FKa ßmKv yPu k´J~vA ßTJjS uãe gJPT jJÇ FKa krLãJ TrPf oJ© FT KoKja xo~ uJPVÇ"
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 05 ‘Ky\ oqJP\Kˆs xrTJPrr xJPg kJatjJrKvPkr KnK•Pf xŒJKhf’ IJkKj nJPuJ ßmJi TPr gJTPuS IKj~Kπf yJA mäJc ßk´xJr mJ Có rÜYJk mz irPjr
xOKÓ TrPf kJPrÇ fPm FKa krLãJ
KYKT“xJ \KaufJ
TrJ UMmA xy\Ç
IJkKj pKh KjPYr TqJaJVKrr ßpPTJPjJ FTKaPf kPzj, fPm IJkjJr Có rÜYJk yS~Jr ^ÅMKT ßmKv yPf kJPr ☛ ßmKv S\j ☛ umj ßmKv UJj ☛ pPgÓ kKroJe lu S vJTxmK\ UJj jJ ☛ kptJ¬ mqJ~Jo TPrj jJ ☛ UMm ßmKv IqJuPTJyu kJj TPrj ☛ IPjT ßmKv TqJPlAjpMÜ kJjL~ ßpoj TKl kJj TPrj ☛ iNokJj TPrj ☛ ßmKv WMo y~ jJ mJ WMPor mqJWJf WPa ☛ m~x 65 mZPrr ßmKv ☛ Có rÜYJk xy IJfìL~ IJPZj
kJSPuJKo ßhmjJg
UvIqvi n ¨vg ‡jU‡mi Kw gDwbwU Mæc ¸‡jvi Rb¨ 3.5 wgw jqb c vD‡Ûi bZzb Aby`vb Zn wej
4 †g
Iqvi n¨vg‡jU ‡m
†Kvb w bev Pb n‡”Q bv
‡fvU †`qvi mgq †fvUvi AvBwW cÖ`k©‡bi bZzb wbqg Kvh©Ki nIqvi Kvi‡Y AvMvgx mßv‡n †`ke¨vcx AbywôZe¨ ¯’vbxq wbe©vPb wb‡q RvZxqfv‡e e¨vcK wgwWqv Kfv‡iR
n‡e e‡j aviYv Kiv n‡”Q|
Z‡e, jÛ‡bi Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki gZ UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mI 4 †g †Kvb
n‡e 2026 mv‡ji †g gv‡m|
UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm& KvDwÝj wbe©vPb
e¨ZxZ wbe©vPbx Zdwmj Abyhvqx AvMvgx eQi 2024 mv‡ji 2 †g
e„n¯úwZevi AbywôZ n‡e jÛb
†gqi I jÛb A¨v‡m¤^wj (wR&GjG)
wbe©vPb| GQvov msm`xq wbqg
Abyhvwq cieZ©x mvaviY wbe©vPb
`v‡bi mgq †fvUvi AvBwW KvW© cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e| Avi 2023 mv‡ji 1 A‡±vei †_‡K mvaviY wbe©vP‡bI GB †fvUvi AvBwW Kv‡W©i bZzb wbqg Kvh©Ki n‡e|
G e¨vcv‡i Av‡iv Z_¨ Rvb‡Z wfwRU Kiæbt www.towerhamlets.gov.uk
†gq‡ii KwgDwbwU Aby`vb Kg©m~wPi
AvIZvq UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi
¯’vbxq fjv›Uvwi GÛ KwgDwbwU
†m±i (wfwmGm) Gi msMVb¸‡jv
cÖwZ eQi 3 `kwgK 5 wgwjqb
cvD‡Ûi Aby`vb jvf Ki‡Q| e„nËg
GB Aby`vb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ Av‡e`b
MÖnY Kiv n‡”Q|
wfwmGm MÖæcm Ges evwm›`v‡`i
mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv I gZwewbg‡qi
†cÖwÿ‡Z 3.5 wgwjqb cvD‡Ûi bZzb
GB Znwej eivÏ Kiv n‡q‡Q, hvi
AvIZvq ‡¯^”Qv‡mex I KwgDwbwU
cªKí¸wj‡K b‡f¤^i 2023 †_‡K
gvP© 2027 ch©šÍ A_©vqb Kiv n‡e|
bZyb w¯‹‡gi GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© bxwZ
nj we¯Í…Z ai‡bi msMVb¸‡jv‡K
mg_©b Kiv hv‡Z KwgDwbwUi mKj
Ask DcK„Z nq| Aby`vb jv‡f
AvMÖnx Mªæc¸wj‡K 5 Ryb Zvwi‡Li
Av‡M Zv‡`i Av‡e`b¸wj Rgv w`‡Z
Dr&mvwnZ Kiv n‡”Q|
G cÖm‡½ UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi †gqi
jyrdyi ingvb e‡jb, ÒAvgv‡`i
†¯^”Qv‡mex Ges KwgDwbwU
msMVb¸‡jv UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡m
¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i| Avwg
mš‘ó †h KvDw݇ji bZyb Znwej
cªK‡íi gva¨‡g, Avgiv Avw_©K
mnvqZv cª`vb Ki‡Z cvwi hv A‡bK
¯’vbxq msMV‡bi †ÿ‡Î Zv‡`i
wb‡ew`Z KvR Pvwj‡q hvIqvi Rb¨
cª‡qvRb| Zv‡`i Kvh©µg Avgv‡`i
GB eviv‡K GKwU b¨vh¨, kw³kvjx
Ges emev‡mi Rb¨ AviI mgZvc~Y©
Rbc` K‡i Zyj‡e|Ó
cuvPwU g~j w_g m¤úwK©Z
cªKí¸wj‡Z Uv‡M©U K‡i A_©vqb Kiv
n‡et w RxebhvÎvi e¨q †gvKv‡ejv Kiv
w wk¶v‡K Z¡ivwš^Z Kiv w ms¯‹…wZ, PvKwi, e¨emv Ges `¶Zv
w cvewjK mvwf©‡m wewb‡qvM
w KwgDwbwUi ¶gZvqb Ges
Aciv‡ai weiæ‡× jovB Kiv|
‡Kwe‡bU †g¤^vi di wi‡mv‡m©m& GÛ
`¨v K÷ Ae wjwfs, KvDwÝji mvC`
Avn‡g` e‡j‡Qb: ÒRxebhvÎvi
e¨‡qi Kvi‡Y ¯’vbxq A‡bK cwievi
Kó Ges P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡”Q|
Ggb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Avgv‡`i ¯’vbxq
KwgDwbwU msMVb¸‡jvi AZ¨šÍ
cª‡qvRbxq KvR‡K mn‡hvwMZv
Ki‡Z Avgiv GKwU BwZevPK
f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ e‡j
Avwg Avbw›`Z|
hZ †ewk msL¨K m¤¢e ¯’vbxq
msMVbMy‡jv‡K GB Znwe‡ji Rb¨
Av‡e`b Ki‡Z wZwb DrmvwnZ
MCGP bv‡g GKwU I‡qemvBU
ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z Av‡e`b Kivi Rb¨ cª‡qvRbxq mKj Z_¨ Ges mnvqZv AšÍf©y³ i‡q‡Q| I‡qemvBUwU‡Z †ek wKQy mivmwi Ges AbjvBb B‡f‡›Ui wek` weeiYI i‡q‡Q, †h¸wj‡Z Ask †bqvi gva¨‡g ¯’vbxq msMVb¸‡jv Zv‡`i †h‡Kvb cª‡kœi mg_©b Ges DËi †c‡Z cv‡i| GiB g‡a¨ cª_g B‡f›UwU 26 Gwcªj eyaevi bZyb
UvDb n‡j KvDwÝj †P¤^v‡i AbywôZ n‡q‡Q|
UvIqvi n¨vg‡jU‡mi cªvq 1300wU wfwmGm ms¯’v i‡q‡Q hv cªvqkB RbmvaviY‡K civgk©, cwi‡lev Ges mnvqZv cÖ`v‡bi cÖ_g ¯’vb wn‡m‡e evwm›`v‡`i Kv‡Q we‡ewPZ n‡q _v‡K| Zviv wbqwgZ nvRvi nvRvi
BwZevPK B‡f›U Ges wµqvKjvc cwiPvjbv K‡i hv evwm›`v‡`i GKwÎZ K‡i Ges eQ‡ii ci eQi a‡i ¯’vbxq †jv‡Kiv DcK…Z n‡q Avm‡Qb| KvDwÝj GB eQ‡ii b‡f¤^‡i Zvi ¶y`ª Aby`vb Kg©m~wPI PvjyKi‡e, hv evwm›`v‡`i Rxeb‡K DbœZ K‡i Ggb AvKl©bxq Kvh©Kjvc Ges B‡f›U¸wj cª`v‡bi Rb¨ †QvU Ges gvSvwi wfwmGm ms¯’v¸wj‡K cªwZ eQi 800,000 cvDÛ Znwej mieivn Ki‡e|
wm‡j‡U ew¯ev mxi msL¨v me‡P‡q †ewk!
wm ‡jU Awdm : ‡`‡ki Ab¨vb¨
wefv‡Mi †P‡q wm‡j‡U me‡P‡q †ewk
gvbzl ew¯Í‡Z emevm K‡ib| mve‡j‡U
emevmKvixi msL¨vI Ab¨ wefv‡Mi
†P‡q †ewk| Avðh¨© Kiv GB Z_¨
w`‡q‡Q evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ez¨‡iv|
2021 mv‡j ÔgwbUwis `¨ wmPz‡qkb
Ae fvBUvj ÷¨vwUw÷Km Ae
evsjv‡`k (GmwfAviGm)Õ kxl©K
Rwi‡ci djvd‡j cwimsL¨vb ez¨‡iv
GB Z_¨ Rvbvq| hv wm‡j‡Ui gvbzl‡K
wKQzUv n‡jI Avðh¨©vwš^Z K‡i‡Q|
wm‡jU wefvM‡K mviv‡`‡ki gvbzl
wØZxq jÛb wn‡m‡eB Rv‡bb| †mB
wefv‡M ew¯Íevmx I mve‡j‡U
emevmKvix‡`i GB cwimsL¨vb
ixwZg‡Zv AevK K‡i‡Q mvaviY
Rwi‡c †`Lv †M‡Q, 2 `kwgK 4
kZvsk Lvbv (cwievi) mve‡jU
wfwˇZ evmv fvov †bq Ges 0 `kwgK
5 kZvsk Lvbv wb‡R‡`i evmvi
Askwe‡kl mve‡jU w`‡q Ni fvMvfvwM
K‡i emevm K‡i| wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb
GjvKvq mve‡j‡Ui cÖeYZv †ewk †`Lv
hvq| †mLv‡b 4 `kwgK 8 kZvsk
Lvbv mve‡jU Pzw³i gva¨‡g fvov
evwo‡Z evm K‡i Ges 1 `kwgK 7
kZvsk Lvbv mve‡jU wfwˇZ Zv‡`i
evm¯’vb fvM K‡i †bq|
wefvMxq ch©v‡qi wnmv‡e mve‡jU
e¨e¯’v me‡P‡q †ewk cÖPwjZ wm‡jU
wefv‡M| †mLv‡b 3 `kwgK 7 kZvsk
Lvbv mve‡jU wfwˇZ emevm K‡i|
Gi c‡ii Ae¯’v‡b i‡q‡Q XvKv
wefvM| G wefv‡M 3 `kwgK 4 kZvsk
Lvbv mve‡jU wn‡m‡e emevm K‡i|
mve‡jU e¨e¯’v mvaviYZ kû‡i ms¯‹„wZ n‡jI cjøx A‡jI G e¨e¯’v
†`Lv †M‡Q| †mLv‡b G e¨e¯’vq
emevm K‡i 1 `kwgK 9 kZvsk
Rwi‡c D‡V G‡m‡Q, wek¦e¨vcx kniv‡j emevmKvix cÖwZ PviR‡bi
g‡a¨ GKRb Ggb evm¯’v‡b emevm
K‡i, hv Zvi ¯^v¯’¨, wbivcËv, mg„w× I
mz‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ ¶wZKi| AbvbzôvwbK emwZ I ew¯ÍN‡ii GKwU mvaviY mxgve×Zv n‡jv †mLv‡b †gŠwjK cwi‡lev¸‡jvi cÖvc¨Zvi Zxeª msKU weivRgvb| wek¦e¨vcx 240 †KvwU (2.4 wewjqb) gvbzl DbœZZi m¨vwb‡Ukb †mev †_‡K ewÂZ Ges 200 †KvwU (2 wewjqb) gvbzl cvwbi msK‡U †fv‡M| GmwWwRi j¶¨gvÎvq D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q, 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ mevi Rb¨ m¤ú‚Y© wbivc` I mvkªqx Avevmb Ges †gŠwjK cwi‡lev¸‡jv wbwðZ Kiv n‡e Ges ew¯Í¸‡jvi Ae¯’vi DbœwZ NUv‡Z
n‡e| Rwi‡ci djvd‡j †`Lv hvq, †`‡ki kniv‡j Aew¯’Z Lvbvmg‚‡ni 6 `kwgK 9 kZvsk ew¯Í‡Z emevm
K‡i| Gi g‡a¨ wmwU Ki‡cv‡ikb
GjvKvi 12 `kwgK 7 kZvsk Ges
†cŠimfv I Ab¨vb¨ kniv‡j 3 `kwgK 3 kZvsk Lvbv ew¯ÍN‡i emevm
wbe©vPb AbywôZ n‡e bv| KviY
Gme KvDwÝj wbe©vPb cÖwZ Pvi eQi ci ci AbywôZ nq, †m Abyhvqx cieZ©x KvDwÝj wbe©vPb AbywôZ
Aek¨B 2025 mv‡ji 25 Rvbyqvwii Av‡M n‡Z n‡e| 2023 mv‡ji 4 †g †_‡K mvaviY wbe©vPb e¨wZZ mKj wbe©vP‡b ‡fvU
/lgnl/council_and_democr acy/elections__voting/Elec tions-Act-2022.aspx
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 07
evDj Ave`yj nvwg`
Rvj vwj Avi †bB
wm ‡jU Awdm : ÔSuv‡K D‡o
AvKvkRz‡o †`L‡Z wK mz›`i, Rvjv‡ji Rvjvwj KBZiÕ wKsev
ÔØx‡bi bex †gv¯Ídvq iv¯Ív w`qv
nuvBUv hvq, nwiY GKUv evÜv wQj
Mv‡QiB ZjvqÕ Ggb A‡bK KvjRqx
Mv‡bi kªóv evDj kvn Avãzj nvwg`
Rvjvwj Avi †bB|
¸Yx G evD‡ji g„Zz¨i welqwU wbwðZ
K‡i‡Qb Zvi RvgvZv P¨v‡bj AvBÕi
wm‡jU cÖwZwbwa mvw`Kzi ingvb
wZwb e‡jb, ezaevi iv‡Z evD‡ji
Ae¯’vi AebwZ n‡j `ªæZ wm‡jU
GgGwR Imgvbx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR
nvmcvZv‡j wb‡q hvIqv nq| †mLv‡b
AvBwmBD bv cvIqvq iv‡ZB
Rvjvjvev` ivMxe-iv‡eqv †gwW‡Kj
K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j †bIqv nq|
e„n¯úwZevi `zcz‡i †mLv‡b Zuvi g„Zz¨
Zuvi eqm n‡qwQj 75 eQi| ïµevi
ev` Rzgv nhiZ kvnRvjvj (in.)Õi
gvRvi gmwR‡` Zuvi bvgv‡R RvbvRv
n‡e| wZwb g„Zz¨Kv‡j wmwm‡Ki
mv‡eK gwnjv KvDwÝji ¯¿x Rvnvbviv
Lvbg I †g‡q mvsevw`K mzeY©v
nvwg`mn AmsL¨ AvZ¥xq ¯^Rb I
¸YMÖvnx †i‡L †M‡Qb|
bMixi †MvqvBcvovi evwm›`v Avãzj
nvwg` 2008 mvj †_‡K Amz¯’
Zvwn icy‡i hye K‡K ÔwcwU‡q nZ¨vÕ
nIqvi ci 4 evi †÷ªvK K‡ib| g„Zz¨i Av‡M `ivR Mjvi GB
evDjwkíx wbe©vK n‡q c‡ob|
evDj Ave`zj nvwg` AmsL¨ KvjRqx
Mv‡bi kªóv| we‡kl K‡i ÔRvjv‡ji
Rvjvwj KBZiÕ Mvb †M‡q wZwb
mzL¨vwZ cvb| kvnRvjvj (in.)
`iMvni cÖv½YRz‡o nvRv‡iv Rvjvwj
KezZ‡ii IovDwo †`‡L 1978 mv‡j
wZwb G MvbwU wj‡LwQ‡jb| GQvovI
ÔØx‡bi bex †gv¯Ídvq iv¯Ív w`qv
nuvBUv hvqÕ, Ôgvqvwebx KvjbvwMbxÕ
kxl©K Mvb¸‡jv †`‡k-we‡`‡k e¨vcK
RbwcÖqZv †c‡q‡Q|
¸Yx G evD‡ji g„Zz¨ msev` ï‡b
`zczi †_‡K Zvi f³ Abzmvixmn
wewfbœ †kªwY-‡ckvi gvbz‡li wfo
R‡g Zvi †MvqvBcvov¯’ evmfe‡b|
Zv wnicyi m s ev` ` vZv : mzbvgM‡Äi Zvwnicz‡i iv‡Zi Avav‡i iv¯Ív †_‡K evwo‡Z wb‡q GK hzeK‡K wcwU‡q nZ¨vi Awf‡hvM D‡V‡Q| wbnZ hze‡Ki bvg †gv. mvwKe wgqv (25)| wZwb Dc‡Rjvi ev`vNvU BDwbq‡bi NvMwUqv †U‡KiMuvI MÖv‡gi gwRezi ingv‡bi †Q‡j| †mvgevi (24 GwcÖj) ga¨ iv‡Z GB NUbvwU N‡U‡Q| Rvbv hvq, Dc‡Rjvi ev`vNvU BDwbq‡bi NvMwUqv MÖv‡gi †gvkvid †nvm‡bi m‡½ GKB MÖv‡gi gwRezi ingv‡bi `xN©w`b a‡i wewfbœ welq wb‡q Ø›Ø P‡j AvmwQj| BwZc‚‡e© `z'c‡¶i g‡a¨ AviI K‡qKevi i³¶qx msN©‡li NUbvI N‡U‡Q| `z'c‡¶i g‡a¨ _vbvq GKvwaK gvgjvI i‡q‡Q| †mvgevi mܨvi w`‡K wbnZ mvwKe evwo †_‡K PK evRv‡i hvIqvi K_v e‡j †ei n‡q Av‡m| ivZ 1 Uvi w`‡K mvwK‡ei wcZv gwRezi ingv‡bi Kv‡Q †dvb Av‡m mvwKe‡K †gvkvi‡di evwo‡Z gviwcU Ki‡Q cÖwZc‡¶i †jvKRb| G msev` †c‡q gwRezi ingvb MÖv‡gi Z„Zxq c‡¶i `zBRb‡K m‡½ wb‡q †gvkvid †nv‡mbi evwo‡Z †h‡q Zvi †Q‡j‡K †diZ Pvb| †gvkvi‡di †jvKRb mvwKe‡K Zvi wcZvi Kv‡Q bv w`‡q D‡ëv gwRezi‡K gviwcU K‡i evwo †_‡K †ei K‡i w`‡q †MBU
eÜ K‡i †`b| c‡i msev` †c‡q ivZ `zBUvi w`‡K _vbv czwjk NUbv¯’‡j G‡m †gvkvid I gwRezi ingv‡bi evwo †_‡K i³v³ Ae¯’vq mvwKe‡K D×vi K‡i| ¸iæZi AvnZ Ae¯’vq †gvkvi‡di
hvIqvi K_v e‡j mvwKe evwo †_‡K
†ei n‡q hvq| c‚e© kÎæZvi †Ri a‡i
Zvi †Q‡j‡K †gvkvi‡di †jvKRb
iv¯Ív †_‡K a‡i evwo‡Z wb‡q gviwcU
K‡i nvZ cv †f‡½ †g‡i †d‡j‡Q| †gvkvid Msiv MZ eQi Avgvi
wm‡jU Awdm : nweM‡Ä †Rjv cÖkvmK
I czwjk mzcv‡ii Qwe e¨envi K‡i
wUKUK wfwWI ˆZwii Awf‡hv‡M GK
ZiæY I GK wK‡kvi‡K AvUK K‡i‡Q
czwjk| nweM‡Ä g½jevi (25 GwcÖj)
mܨvq evwbqvPs _vbv czwjk IB
Dc‡Rjvi M¨vwbsMÄ evRvi †_‡K
Zv‡`i AvUK K‡i|
AvUK‡`i g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q, Dc‡Rjvi
g›`ix MÖv‡gi cjvk †nv‡mb Bgb (25)
I mvMi w`Nxi cwðgcv‡oi wgjøvZ wgqv (16)|
Zv‡`i weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM, m¤cÖwZ
nweM‡Äi †Rjv cÖkvmK (wWwm) BkivZ
Rvnvb I czwjk mzcvi (Gmwc) GmGg
gziv` Avwji Qwe e¨envi K‡i wUKUK
wfwWI ˆZwii ci Zviv †m¸‡jv
mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvMgva¨‡g Qwo‡q †`q|
czwjk Rvbvq, Bgb I wgjøvZ †`‡ki
†`‡ki ZviKv e¨w³‡`i wb‡q wUKUK
wfwWI ˆZwi K‡i| G fv‡e nweM‡Äi
wWwm I Gmwci Qwe e¨envi K‡i
wUKUK wfwWI ˆZwii ci Zv mvgvwRK
†hvMv‡hvMgva¨‡g Qwo‡q †`q| GB
NUbvq g½jevi mܨvq evwbqvPs
Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii bZzb evRvi †_‡K
Zv‡`i AvUK Kiv n‡q‡Q|
`zRb‡K AvU‡Ki Z_¨ wbwðZ K‡i
evwbqvPs _vbvi Dc cwi`k©K (GmAvB)
gwbiæj Bmjvg e‡jb, AvUK‡`i
evwbqvPs _vbvq wRÁvmvev` Kiv n‡”Q|
Zv‡`i bv‡g wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡b
gvgjv `v‡q‡ii cÖ¯‘wZ Pj‡Q|
†jvKRb Zv‡K cÖ_‡g Zvwniczi Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡cø• Zv‡K fwZ© K‡i| c‡i GLvbKvi KZ©e¨iZ wPwKrmKiv Zvi Ae¯’v g‚g‚l© †`‡L wm‡jU GgGwR Imgvbx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j †cÖib K‡ib| nvmcvZv‡j fwZ© nIqvi c‡i g½jevi mKv‡j wPwKrmKaxb Ae¯’vq mvwK‡ei g„Zz¨ nq| wbn‡Zi gv †ZiveRzb †eMg e‡jb, †mvgevi mÜvi w`‡K PK evRv‡i
†Q‡j‡K iW w`‡q wcwU‡q i³v³
K‡iwQj Ges Avgvi evwo‡Z Av¸b
jvwM‡q w`‡qwQj| wZwb e‡jb, Avgvi
†Q‡ji Lzwb‡`i wePvi PvB|
wbn‡Zi evev gwRezi ingvb e‡jb,
c‚e© kÎæZvi †Ri a‡i evwo‡Z wb‡q
wcwU‡q `z-nvZ `z-cv †f‡O †g‡i
†d‡j‡Q Avgvi †Q‡j‡K| Lei †c‡q
ivZ 1Uvi w`‡K †gvkvi‡di evwo‡Z
wM‡q Zv‡`i nv cv a‡i AvKzwZ
wgbwZ K‡iwQ †Q‡j‡K D×v‡ii
Rb¨| wKš‘ Zviv Avgvi †Q‡j‡K †diZ bv w`‡q D‡ëv Avgv‡K gviwcU K‡i evwo †_‡K †ei K‡i †`q| c‡i czwjk G‡m Avgvi †Q‡j‡K i³v³ Ae¯’vq D×vi K‡i wPwKrmvi Rb¨ nvmcvZv‡j cvVvq| mKv‡j ïwb Avgvi †Q‡j gviv †M‡Q| ‡gvkvid †nv‡mb welqwU A¯^xKvi K‡i e‡jb, MZ wKQzw`b Av‡M Avgvi †QvU fvB †gvkvwn‡`i kix‡j †c‡Uªvj w`‡q Av¸b jvwM‡q w`‡qwQj mvwKe| c‡i welqwU Zvi evev‡K Rvbv‡j wZwb e‡jb Avgvi †Q‡j gvbzwlK †ivMx| MZivZ 1 Uvi w`‡K Avgvi evwoi †MB‡Ui evwn‡i G‡m N‡ii †eov Ges †MB‡U jvw_ gvi‡Z _v‡K Ges †c‡Uªvj w`‡q Av¸b jvwM‡q w`‡e e‡j wPrKvi †PPv‡gwP Ki‡Z _v‡K| c‡i Avgiv †MB‡Ui wfZi †_‡K wPrKvi w`‡j Avkcv‡ki gvbzl WvKvZ WvKvZ e‡j Zv‡K gviwcU K‡i| GK ch©v‡q Zvi evev G‡m Zv‡K wPwKrmvi Rb¨ wb‡q nvmcvZv‡j hvb| Zvwniczi _vbvi Awdmvi BbPvR© ˆmq` Bd‡ZLvi †nv‡mb e‡jb, mvwKe bv‡g GKRb‡K cÖwZc‡¶i †jvKRb evwo‡Z wb‡q wcwU‡q nZ¨v K‡i‡Q e‡j ï‡bwQ| NUbv¯’‡j czwjk i‡q‡Q| G NUbvi m‡½ RwoZ‡`i †MÖßvi Ki‡Z czwj‡ki †Póv Ki‡Q|
wekbv‡_ Ôiv¯vqÕ †Rvic~eK †MBU wbgv‡bi Awf‡hvM
wm ‡j U A wdm : wm‡j‡Ui wek¦bv‡_ PjvP‡ji iv¯Ívq †Rvic‚e©K cÖevmx cwievi †MBU wbg©vY Kivq Aci cÖevmx cwievimn 10wU cwiev‡ii cÖvq kZvwaK †jvKRb GLb Niew›` Ae¯’vq i‡q‡Qb| g½jevi we‡K‡j G Awf‡hvM G‡b wek¦bv_ †cÖmK¬v‡e msev` m‡¤§jb K‡i‡Qb f‚³‡fvMx cwiev‡ii c‡¶ Dc‡Rjvi †gŠjfxiMvI MÖv‡gi g„Z Avqze Avjxi †Q‡j hz³ivR¨ cÖevmx †gv. Rvgvj Avng`| Zv‡`i c‡¶ wjwLZ e³e¨ cvV K‡ib GKB MÖv‡gi g„Z Rqdi Avjxi †Q‡j QvweŸi Avng`| G mgq Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb- f‚³‡fvMx mvBdzj Bmjvg I MÖv‡gi gzieŸx wmivR Avjx|
wm‡j‡U cvq †cŠ‡b 1 †KvwU UvKvi fviZx q cY¨ Av UK
wm‡jU Awdm : wm‡j‡U cÖvq 82 jvL
UvKvi fviZxq Kvco I Pkgv (mvbMvm) Rã K‡i‡Q wewRwe| Z‡e
Awfhv‡b wewRwei Dcw¯’wZ †Ui †c‡q
cvwj‡q hvq †PvivKvievixiv|
MZ †mvgevi ivZ mv‡o 8Uvi w`‡K
†MvqvBbNvU Dc‡Rjvi gw›`iNvU
bvgK GjvKv †_‡K fviZxq Gme cY¨
Rã K‡i wewRwe 48 e¨v‡Uwjq‡bi
GKwU `j| msev` weÁw߇Z wewRwe
48 e¨v‡Uwjqb Rvbvq, †Mv‡q›`v
Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ †mvgevi ivZ mv‡o 8Uvi w`‡K †MvqvBbNvU Dc‡Rjvi gw›`iNvU GjvKvq Awfhvb Pvjv‡bv nq| G mgq †PvivKvievixiv wewRwei Dcw¯’wZ †Ui †c‡q cvwj‡q hvq| c‡i wewRwe m`m¨iv †PvivKvievix‡`i †d‡j hvIqv wewfbœ Rv‡Zi DbœZgv‡bi fviZxq kvox I mvbMvm Rã Kiv nq| RãK…Z gvjvgv‡ji g‚j¨ cÖvq 81 jvL 91 nvRvi 800 UvKv e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Q wewRwe|
wjwLZ e³‡e¨ Zviv Rvbvb, †gŠjfxiMvI MÖv‡gi IB iv¯Ív w`‡q `xN©w`b hver Rvgvj Avng` Ms I
GKB evwoi g„Z wQ‡ÏK Avjxi †Q‡j cÖevmx KqQi wgqv, Ges gwdR Avjxi †Q‡j cÖevmx gezi wgqv Msiv
Pjv‡div K‡i Avm‡Qb| m¤cÖwZ
KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv iv¯Ívq
†MBU wbg©vY K‡i PjvP‡ji evav m„wó
K‡ib| GB iv¯Ív w`‡q PjvP‡j
Rvgvj Avng` Ms‡`i wb‡la †`q|
cÖwZwbqZ MvwjMvjvR I ûgwK
avgwK w`‡q IB cwievi¸‡jv‡K
Niew›` K‡i †i‡L‡Qb| G wb‡q
m¤cÖwZ wePvi kvwjm Ki‡jI Zv
gv‡bb wb KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv
c¶| c‡i wek¦bv_ _vbv czwjk G
Ø›Ø wbim‡b Av‡cv‡li Rb¨ iv¯Ív
w`‡q DfqB Pjv‡div Ki‡Z cvi‡eb
Avi †MBU wbg©vY Kiv n‡j Kv‡iv
bvg †`qv hv‡e bv kZ© ¯^v‡c‡¶
¯§iYwjwc K‡i| wKš‘ _vbv czwj‡ki
GB ¯§iYwjwc D‡c¶v K‡i †MB‡U
wb‡R‡`i bv‡gi mvBb‡evW© ¯’vcb
K‡ib KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv c¶|
Ggb wK Rvgvj Avng` c‡¶i
gvwjKvaxb †¶‡Zi avb †Rvic‚e©K
†K‡U wb‡q hvq KqQi wgqv I gezi
wgqv c¶| G welq wb‡q Dfq
c‡¶i gvgjv Pjgvb i‡q‡Q|
msev` m‡¤§j‡b Zviv AviI Rvbvb, KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv G‡K
Avc‡ii PvPv‡Zv fvB| Zviv I
Zv‡`i fvB-fvwZRviv mš¿vmx I
Puv`vevR cÖK…wZi †jvK| Zv‡`i bv‡g Puv`vevRx, mš¿vmx, Pzwi, WvKvwZmn cÖvq 8wU gvgjv i‡q‡Q| GgbwK gezi wgqvi fvB‡qi GKwU gvgjvq KqQi wgqv 5 eQ‡ii mvRvcÖvß Avmvgx| wZwb `xN© 20 eQi cjvZK wQ‡jb| GLb †Rj †K‡U G‡m GjvKvq cÖfve we¯Ív‡i bvbv AcKg© I mš¿vmx Kg©KvÛ K‡i †eov‡”Qb| KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv Ms‡`i mš¿vmx Kg©Kv‡Û GjvKvi mvaviY gvbzl AvZs‡K i‡q‡Qb| msev` m‡¤§j‡b Zviv IB iv¯Ív PjvP‡ji Rb¨ D¤§‚³ Kivi `vwe Rvwb‡q KqQi wgqv I gezi wgqv Ms‡`i mš¿vmx Kvh©Kjv‡ci mwVK wePvi Pvb|
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 11 KxPua
nweM ‡Ä wWwm-Gmwci Qwe w`‡q wU KUK, AvUK 2
elx qvb ivRbxwZK c¼R
fÆvPv h Av i †bB
we‡kl msev``vZv, Xv Kv : bv †divi
†`‡k P‡j †M‡jb cÖexY ivRbxwZK
I HK¨ b¨v‡ci mfvcwZ c¼R
fÆvPvh©| MZ †iveevi iv‡Z
ivRavbxi GKwU nvmcvZv‡j
wPwKrmvaxb Ae¯’vq gviv hvb wZwb|
QvÎ Av‡›`vj‡bi m‡½ m¤ú„³Zvi
Kvi‡Y 1959 mv‡j wZwb PÆMÖvg
K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹zj †_‡K ewn®‹„Z nb|
c¼R fÆvPvh© lv‡Ui `k‡Ki QvÎ
Av‡›`vjb †_‡K ïiæ K‡i gzw³hz×
Ges cieZ©x evsjv‡`‡ki me
Av‡›`vjb-msMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨¶`k©x, GKRb †bZ„¯’vbxq Kg©x I msMVK|
1962 mv‡j c‚e© cvwK¯Ívb QvÎ
BDwbq‡bi †K›`ªxq KwgwUi mnmfvcwZ I c‡i Kvh©Kix mfvcwZ
wbe©vwPZ nb c¼R fÆvPvh©| wZwb
1966 mv‡j Ô¯^vaxb evsjv lohš¿Õ
gvgjvq Awfhz³ n‡q Kviviæ× nb|
c¼R fÆvPvh© gzw³hz‡× b¨vc-QvÎ
BDwbqb-KwgDwb÷ cvwU© †Mwijv
evwnbxi msMVK wQ‡jb| ¯^vaxbZvi
ci `xN©w`b evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj
g„Zz¨Kv‡j Zvi eqm n‡qwQj 83
eQi| wZwb k¦vmKómn wewfbœ
mgm¨vq fzMwQ‡jb| MZ †iveevi
Zv‡K ivRavbxi †nj_ A¨vÛ †nvc
nvmcvZv‡j fwZ© Kiv nq| Ae¯’vi
AebwZ nIqvq Zv‡K jvBd mv‡cv‡U©
ivLv nq| †iveevi ivZ 12Uv 28
wgwb‡U c¼R fÆvPv‡h©i g„Zz¨ nq|
Zvi g„Zz¨i welqwU wbwðZ K‡i‡Qb
Zvi fvqiv Wv. gvbm emz| 1939
mv‡ji 6B AvM÷ PÆMÖv‡gi ivDRvb
Dc‡Rjvi †bvqvcvov MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY
K‡ib c¼R fÆvPvh©| Zvi
wk¶vRxeb †K‡U‡Q PÆMÖvg I
AvIqvgx cvwU©i mvaviY m¤úv`‡Ki
`vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib wZwb| 1993
mv‡j W. Kvgvj †nv‡m‡bi †bZ„‡Z¡
MY‡dvivg MV‡bi mgq wZwb wQ‡jb
`jwUi Ab¨Zg cÖwZôvZv I
mfvcwZgÐjxi m`m¨| c‡i mw¤§wjZ
ÔmvgvwRK Av‡›`vjbÕ bv‡g †`‡ki
cÖMwZkxj-MYZvwš¿K gvbz‡li GKwU
cø¨vUdig M‡o †Zv‡jb| 2013
mv‡j wZwb HK¨ b¨vc bv‡g
ivR‰bwZK `j cÖwZôv K‡ib| Aí
eq‡m K…Zx dzUejvi wQ‡jb c¼R
fÆvPvh©| †jLv‡jwL I ms¯‹„wZPP©vq
eivei Zvi AvMÖn wQj|
2 1 †g wegv‡bi c_g nR dvBU
3 nvRvi 366 nRhvÎxi
†KvUv Lvwj hv‡”Q 1444
we‡kl ms ev` ` vZv , XvK v : ivRbxwZ‡Z iæ×k¦vm D‡ËRbvGgbUv ejv hvq bv| Z‡e †K bv Rv‡b, ax‡i n‡jI cwiw¯’wZ †mw`‡KB hv‡”Q| gvV GLb ch©šÍ kvšÍ| †hb
P‚ovšÍ jovB‡qi cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡”Q `zB wkweiB| c`©vi Avov‡j †`ŠoSuvc
Pj‡Q| e¨¯Í mgq KvUv‡”Qb K‚UbxwZKiv| ciivóªgš¿x W. G‡K Avãzj †gv‡g‡bi K_vq ¯úó, me `‡ji AskMÖn‡Y wbe©vPb Abzôv‡b
IqvwksU‡bi mn‡hvwMZv †P‡q‡Q
we‡k l m sev `` vZ v, Xv Kv : wnRixi
cweÎ n‡R evsjv‡`k †_‡K 3 nvRvi
366 Rb nRhvÎxi †KvUv Lvwj †_‡K
hv‡”Q| mD`x-evsjv‡`k wØcvw¶K
nR Pzw³ Abzhvqx GeQi evsjv‡`k
†_‡K 1 jvL 27 nvRvi 198 Rb
nRhvÎx n‡R hvIqvi K_v| Gi g‡a¨
miKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvq 15 nvRvi evwK
me †emiKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvq| G hveZ
9 evi nRhvÎx wbe܇bi mgq e„w×i
c‡iI nR †KvUv c‚iY nqwb|
miKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvq Ges †emiKvwi
e¨e¯’vcbvq nRhvÎx, nR MvBW I
gzbv‡¾gmn 1 jvL 23 nvRvi
832Rb nRhvÎxi †KvUv c‚iY
n‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ miKvwi
e¨e¯’vcbvq 10 nvRvi 74 Rb Ges
†emiKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvq 1 jvL 10
nvRvi 417 Rb †KvUv c‚iY n‡q‡Q|
Gw`‡K, wegv‡bi cÖ_g nR d¬vBU
AvMvgx 21 †g iv‡Z nRhvÎx wb‡q
†RÏvi D‡Ï‡k¨ XvKvZ¨vM Ki‡e|
MZKvj ag© gš¿Yvj‡qi †NvwlZ
we‡kl mz‡hv‡M nRhvÎx wbe܇bi
mvf©vi Pvjz ivLvq miKvwi
e¨e¯’vcbvq 39 Rb Ges †emiKvwi
e¨e¯’vcbvq 757Rbmn †gvU 796
Rb wbe܇bi mz‡hvM †c‡q‡Q|
wbe܇bi mvf©vi A‡Uv eÜ n‡q
†M‡Q| Gw`‡K, nRhvÎx‡`i ev‡qv‡gwUªK nR wfmvi Av‡e`b
m¤úbœ Kivi Avi gvÎ 5 w`b evwK|
MZ †mvgevi ch©šÍ miKvwi
e¨e¯’vcbvq ev‡qv‡gwUªK nR wfmvi
GÛªj‡g›U AvBwW wcAviwc †m‡÷‡g
AšÍ©fz³ n‡q 7 nvRvi 592Rb Ges
†emiKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvq ev‡qv‡gwUªK
m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q gvÎ 9 nvRvi 884
Rb| †emiKvwi e¨e¯’vcbvi ev‡qv‡gwUªK nR wfmvi GÛªj‡g›U
AvBwW wcAviwc wm‡÷‡g Av‡iv
KZR‡bi AšÍ©fz³ K‡iwb ZvÕ Rvbv
hvqwb| AvBwU kvLvi wbf©i‡hvM¨ m‚Î
G Z_¨ Rvwb‡q‡Q|
XvKv| GB hLb Ae¯’v ZLb †`‡ki †cÖwm‡W›U wn‡m‡e kc_ wb‡jb †gv. mvnvezwÏb| MZ †mvgevi mKv‡j w¯úKvi wkixb kviwgb †PŠazix Zv‡K kc_ covb| Ggwb‡Z msweav‡b †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui ¶gZv AZ¨šÍ mxwgZ| ZezI KL‡bv KL‡bv e½fe‡bi f‚wgKv‡K ¸iæZ¡c‚Y© g‡b Kiv nq, we‡klZ wbe©vPbKvjxb mg‡q| bewbe©vwPZ †cÖwm‡W›U GiBg‡a¨ wbe©vPb wb‡q gzL Lz‡j‡Qb| m¤cÖwZ GK Abzôv‡b wZwb e‡jb, AvMvgx wbe©vPb n‡e Aeva, mzôz Ges AskMÖnYg‚jK| evsjv‡`‡ki ivRbxwZ Pj‡Q czi‡bv Q‡K| `zB c¶B AUj Ges Abo| GK c‡¶i mvd K_v ZË¡veavqK miKvi Qvov Zviv †Kv‡bv wbe©vP‡b Ask †b‡eb bv| MZ `zwU wbe©vP‡bi cÖm½ Zz‡j weGbwc Ges mggbv‡`i `vwe, ZË¡veavqK miKvi Qvov Aeva I mzôz wbe©vPb m¤¢e bq| Ab¨w`‡K, kvmK `‡ji `vwe, msweav‡bi evB‡i hvIqvi †Kv‡bv mz‡hvM †bB| Z‡e GUvI ejv n‡”Q, wbe©vPb n‡e Aeva I wbi‡c¶| ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii Aax‡b wbe©vP‡bi `vwe‡Z MZ K‡qK
gvm a‡iB weGbwc bvbv ai‡bi Kg©m‚wP cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q| mfvmgv‡ek-gvbee܇bi g‡Zv Kg©m‚wP‡ZB cÖvavb¨ w`‡q‡Q `jwU| mggbv Ab¨vb¨ `jI kwiK n‡q‡Q hzMcr Av‡›`vj‡b| GB Av‡›`vjb miKv‡ii Ici Lze GKUv Pvc ˆZwi Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q- GgbUv ivR‰bwZK we‡kølKiv g‡b K‡ib bv| weGbwcÕi m‚θ‡jv ej‡Q, wbe©vP‡bi Avi †ewk mgq †bB| ZvB mnmvB Av‡›`vj‡b MwZ Avb‡Z Pvq `jwU| Ab¨w`‡K, weGbwcÕi GB `dvi Av‡›`vj‡bi ïiæ †_‡KB gv‡V mwµq AvIqvgx jxM| bvbv Kg©m‚wP cvjb Ki‡Q `jwU| GB cwiw¯’wZ‡Z ivRbxwZ †Kvbw`‡K †gvo wb‡”Q †mB Av‡jvPbv µgk †Rvi`vi n‡”Q| evsjv‡`‡ki ivRbxwZ‡Z civkw³¸‡jvi eiveiB eo f‚wgKv i‡q‡Q| m¤cÖwZ weGbwcÕi GK wmwbqi †bZv
G wi‡cvU©vi‡K e‡jb, ÔGUv ¯^xKvi
Kiv †nvK ev bv †nvK mZ¨ n‡”Q
GKwU eo †`‡ki mg_©b bv _vK‡j
eZ©gvb miKv‡ii kvmbKvj GZ
`xN©vwqZ n‡Zv bv|Õ eZ©gvb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z AvMvgx wbe©vP‡bI eo †`k¸‡jvi f‚wgKv‡K ¸iæZ¡c‚Y© g‡b
Kiv n‡”Q| hw`I AvšÍR©vwZK kw³¸‡jvi g‡a¨ we‡k¦i Ab¨vb¨ Bmz¨i g‡Zv G Bmz¨‡ZI wefw³ ¯úó| hz³ivóª Ges Zvi wgÎ †`k¸‡jv i‡q‡Q GKB f‚wgKvq| Zviv evsjv‡`‡k GKwU Aeva, ¯^”Q I AskMÖnYg‚jK wbe©vPb †`L‡Z Pvq| Aeva I AskMÖnYg‚jK bv n‡j
†m wbe©vPb MÖnY Kiv n‡e bv e‡jI
Zv‡`i c¶ †_‡K evZ©v i‡q‡Q|
Ab¨w`‡K, Pxb I ivwkqv g‡b K‡i wbe©vP‡bi g‡Zv Bmz¨¸‡jv
evsjv‡`‡ki wbR¯^| Af¨šÍixY
Bmz¨‡Z Ab¨‡`i f‚wgKv bv ivLvi K_v ej‡Qb Zviv| fvi‡Zi c¶ †_‡K bZzb K‡i wKQz ejv nqwb|
Z‡e †`kwUi f‚wgKv meviB Rvbv| gv‡Vi Av‡›`vjb Ges AvšÍR©vwZK
kw³¸‡jvi f‚wgKv wN‡i
wbe©vPbKvjxb mg‡q †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui
f‚wgKv Kx n‡Z cv‡i ivRbxwZi
A›`ign‡j G wb‡q bvbv Av‡jvPbv
i‡q‡Q| AZx‡Z Ggb ¸ÄbI ˆZwi
n‡qwQj, nq‡Zv †cÖwm‡W›U‡K we‡kl
wKQz¶gZv †`qv n‡Z cv‡i| KL‡bv
KL‡bv Zvi AviI eo f‚wgKvi
K_vI †kvbv hvq| Z‡e weGbwcÕi
m‚θ‡jv ej‡Q, †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui we‡kl
f‚wgKvq wbe©vPbx ivRbxwZi RU
†Lvjvi †Kv‡bv m¤¢vebv †bB|
weGbwc gnvmwPe wgR©v dLiæj
Bmjvg AvjgMxi g‡b K‡ib
†cÖwm‡W›U MYZvwš¿K c×wZ‡Z
wbe©vwPZ bb|
wgR©v dLiæj e‡jb, eZ©gv‡b hviv
†`k cwiPvjbv Ki‡Qb Zviv
Awbe©vwPZ| Zviv AMYZvwš¿Kfv‡e
†cÖwm‡W›U‡K wbe©vwPZ K‡i‡Qb| GB
hLb Ae¯’v ZLb †fv‡U †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui
f‚wgKv Kx? m¤cÖwZ XvKvi GKwU
ˆ`wb‡Ki Kv‡QI wbe©vPb cÖm‡½ K_v
e‡jb †gv. mvnvezwÏb| G‡Z wZwb
e‡jb, e¨w³MZfv‡e wZwb g‡b
K‡ib, †fvU‡K‡›`ª RbM‡Yi hvIqvi
g‡Zv cwi‡ek ˆZwi Kivi `vwqZ¡
wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi| †mB `vwqZ¡
m‚Pviæfv‡e cvj‡bi Rb¨ wbe©vPb
Kwgk‡bi cÖwZ Zvi AvnŸvb _vK‡e|
Zvi wb‡Ri c¶ †_‡K msjv‡ci
†Kv‡bv D‡`¨vM _vK‡e wKbv- Ggb
cÖ‡kœ wZwb e‡jb, Ô`vwqZ¡ †bqvi ci
wZwb ivR‰bwZK cwiw¯’wZ
ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i †`L‡eb| ivóªcwZ wn‡m‡e Zvi KiYxq wKQz _vK‡j wZwb Zv Ki‡eb|Õ AvBbwe`iv ej‡Qb, msweav‡b †cÖwm‡W›U‡K wbe©vP‡bi e¨vcv‡i we‡kl †Kv‡bv ¶gZv †`qv nqwb| Z‡e wbe©vP‡bi e¨vcv‡i AvBb ev msweav‡bi f‚wgKv gzL¨ bq| G e¨vcv‡i ivR‰bwZK mg‡SvZvi ¸iæZ¡B me‡P‡q †ewk| msweavb we‡klÁ W. kvn`xb gvwjK g‡b K‡ib RvZxq ¯^v‡_© msweavb ms‡kvab Kiv hvq| Avgv‡`i GLv‡b AZx‡Z ivR‰bwZK mg‡SvZvi wfwˇZ msweavb ms‡kvab n‡q‡Q| wZwb e‡jb, ÔGikv` mv‡n‡ei cZ‡bi ci ZrKvjxb cÖavb wePvicwZ mvnvezÏxb Avn‡g` †h ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii cÖavb n‡jb †mUv‡Zv msweav‡b wQj bv| GgbwK c‡i wZwb Avevi cÖavb wePvicwZ c‡`I wd‡i †M‡jb| cz‡iv welqwU c‡i msweavb ms‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g Rv‡qR Kiv nq|Õ AvB‡bi wk¶K W. gvwjK AviI e‡jb, 1996 mv‡j AvIqvgx jxM hLb ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii `vwe‡Z Av‡›`vjb K‡i ZLb Zv msweav‡b wQj bv| ivR‰bwZK mg‡SvZv Ges Pv‡ci gz‡L weGbwc ZË¡veavqK miKv‡ii `vwe †g‡b †bq| ZL‡bv msweav‡b ms‡kvab Avbv nq| GeviI ivR‰bwZK mg‡SvZv n‡j ZË¡veavqK †div‡Z †Kv‡bv evav †bB| Z‡e kvn`xb gvwjK G cÖm‡½ GKgZ †cvlY K‡ib †h, eZ©gvb msweav‡bi AvIZvq †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui we‡kl †Kv‡bv f‚wgKv ivLvi mz‡hvM †bB| †m‡¶‡ÎI msweavb ms‡kvab cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|
14 Bangla P o st 28 April - 04 May 2023 PhPvr xÄmJh
e½fe‡b mvnveywÏb Pj‡Q ivRbxwZi A›`ign‡j Av‡jvPbv
‡cv÷ †W¯ : Av‡gwiKvb
GqvijvB‡Ýi d¬vBU 1958 IwnIi
Kj¤^v‡mi Rb †Mb Kj¤^vm
AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`i †_‡K mKvj
7Uv 45 wgwb‡U †Q‡o wdwb‡•i w`‡K
hvw”Qj| wKš‘, hvÎv ïiæi LvwbK
c‡iB wegv‡bi Bwćb GKwU cvwL
Xz‡K hvq e‡j Rvbv hvq| R¡j‡Z ïiæ
K‡i Bwćbi GKvsk| Avi †m
Kvi‡YB †h wegvbe›`i †_‡K wegvbwU
D‡owQj †mLv‡bB †mwU †di wd‡i
`ªæZ wegv‡b _vKv hvÎx‡`i bvgv‡bv
nq| Av¸b †bfv‡bvi KvR ïiæ K‡i
†`b wegvbe›`‡ii `gKj Kg©xiv|
Gw`‡K wegvbwU‡Z Av¸b jvMvi
wfwW‡qv BwZg‡a¨B fvBivj n‡q‡Q
†mvk¨vj wgwWqvq| IB wegv‡bi
hvÎx‡`i Ab¨ wegv‡b Zv‡`i MšÍ‡e¨
cvVv‡bvi e¨e¯’v Kiv nq|
NUbv cÖm‡½ Kj¤^v‡mi Rb †Mb
Kj¤^vm AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii
Zi‡d GKwU wee„wZI †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|
Zv‡Z †jLv n‡q‡Q, wegvb Kg©xiv gvS
AvKv‡k wegvbwU‡Z Av¸b †`L‡Z
cvb| †KvbI hvwš¿K Kvi‡Y GB Av¸b
†j‡M‡Q e‡j Rvbv hv‡”Q| Avmj
KviY Rvb‡Z Avgiv Z`šÍ ïiæ
K‡iwQ| AvcvZZ wegvbwU wbivc‡`B
e›`‡i AeZiY K‡i‡Q|
UzBUv‡i wfwWI †cv÷ K‡i GK hvÎx
†j‡Lb, ÒAvPgKv wegv‡b Av¸b
†j‡M‡Q e‡j ïb‡Z cvB| BwÄb †_‡K
weKU AvIqvR n‡Z ïiæ K‡i| Avgiv
ïiæ‡Z ezS‡Z cvwiwb Kx Kvi‡Y
GgbUv n‡”Q|Ó NUbvi Z`šÍfvi
wM‡q‡Q †dWv‡ij A¨vwf‡qkb
A¨vWwg‡b‡÷ªk‡bi Kv‡Q| Z‡e
wegvbwU‡Z †gvU KZRb hvÎx wQ‡jb
Zv cwi®‹vifv‡e Rvbv hvqwb|
‡cv÷ † W¯ : AvMvgx wbe©vP‡b
†W‡gvKª¨vwUK cvwU© †_‡K g‡bvbqb
cvIqvi Rb¨ cÖPv‡i bvgvi AvbzôvwbK
†NvlYv w`‡q‡Qb eZ©gvb gvwK©b
†cÖwm‡W›U †Rv evB‡Wb| g½jevi GK wfwWI evZ©vq wZwb wb‡Ri wbe©vPwb cÖPv‡ii AvbzôvwbK m‚Pbv K‡i gvwK©b bvMwiK‡`i AveviI Pvi eQi †gqv‡` Zv‡K wbe©vwPZ Kivi AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb| g‡bvbqb jovB‡q bvgvi †NvlYv w`‡q 2024 mv‡ji wbe©vPwb cÖPv‡i bZzb av‡ci m‚Pbv Ki‡jb evB‡Wb| K‡qK gvm Av‡M Zvi Kv‡Q 2020
mv‡ji wbe©vP‡b civwRZ mv‡eK †cÖwm‡W›U †Wvbvì Uªv¤ú wicvewjKvb g‡bvbqb cvIqvi jovB ïiæ K‡i‡Qb| Df‡qB cÖvw_©Zvi Rb¨ jovB‡q bvgvq ivR‰bwZK I AvBwb D‡ËRbv evo‡Z cv‡i| 2019 mv‡j ivRbxwZ‡Z †divi PZz_© evwl©Kx‡Z g‡bvbqb cÖvw_©Zvi †NvlYv w`‡jb evB‡Wb| †cÖwm‡W›U wbe©vP‡b cÖv_©x nIqvi Rb¨ evB‡W‡bi GwU
Z„Zxq jovB| Zvi ivwbs †gU wn‡m‡e _vK‡eb eZ©gvb fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U
Kgjv n¨vwim| GKB w`‡b wZwbI wbe©vP‡bi cÖPvi ïiæ K‡i‡Qb|
‡cv ÷ †W¯ : me©Kv‡ji m‡e©v”P
mvgwiK e¨‡qi †iKW© ˆZwi n‡jv|
mviv we‡k¦ 2022 mv‡j 2 `kwgK 24
wUªwjqb Wjv‡i †cuŠ‡Q‡Q mvgwiK
e¨q| BD‡µb-ivwkqvi hz‡×i Kvi‡Y
BD‡ivcRz‡o mvgwiK e¨‡qi GB
gvivZ¥K EaŸ©MwZ e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Q
÷K‡nvg B›Uvib¨vkbvj wcm wimvP©
Bbw÷wUDU (GmAvBwcAviAvB)|
‰ewk¦K mvgwiK e¨q m¤úwK©Z evwl©K
cÖwZ‡e`‡b GmAvBwcAviAvB
†mvgevi (24 GwcÖj) e‡j‡Q, Uvbv
Aóg eQ‡i wek¦e¨vcx e¨q †e‡o‡Q|
ïaz BD‡iv‡c †e‡o‡Q 13 kZvsk
e„w× †c‡q‡Q, hv AšÍZ 30 eQ‡ii
g‡a¨ me‡P‡q †ewk|
cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv n‡q‡Q, e¨‡qi †ewki
fvMB ivwkqv I BD‡µ‡bi m‡½ hz³
wQj| Z‡e Ab¨ †`k¸‡jvI ivwkqvb
ûgwKi cÖwZwµqvq mvgwiK e¨q
GmAvBwcAviAvB ej‡Q, Ômv¤cÖwZK
eQi¸‡jv‡Z ˆewk¦K mvgwiK e¨‡qi
µgvMZ e„w× GKwU wPý, hv Avm‡j
ej‡Q Avgiv GKwU µgea©gvb
Awbivc` we‡k¦ evm KiwQ| iv󪸇jv
GKwU AebwZkxj wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi
w`‡K GwM‡q hv‡”Q, hv Zv‡`i AvMvgx
mgq‡qi Rb¨ ¶wZKi|Õ
cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv nq, ivwkqvi mvgwiK
e¨q 2022 mv‡j 9.2 fvM †e‡o
n‡q‡Q 86.4 wewjqb Wjvi| we‡k¦
hz³ivóª GL‡bv mvgwiK Lv‡Z
me‡P‡q †ewk e¨q Kiv †`k| Zviv 2022 mv‡j e¨q 0.7 fvM evwo‡q
LiP K‡i‡Q 877 wewjqb Wjvi|
GwU n‡jv we‡k¦i †gvU mvgwiK e¨‡qi
39 fvM|
Pxb we‡k¦i wØZxq e„nËg mvgwiK
e¨qKvix †`k wn‡m‡e Zvi ¯’vb
‡cv÷ †W¯ : fvi‡Zi cwðge½ cÖ‡`‡ki DËi w`bvRcz‡i GK wK‡kvix‡K al©Y I Lz‡bi NUbvq _vbvq Av¸b awi‡q w`‡q‡Q GK`j we‡¶vfKvix| G‡Z _vbv fe‡bi GKvsk I czwj‡ki K‡qKwU Mvwo cz‡o †M‡Q| g½jevi DËi w`bvRcz‡ii KvwjqvMÄ _vbvq GB nvgjvi NUbv N‡U‡Q| cwðge‡½i evsjv ˆ`wbK Avb›`evRv‡ii cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv n‡q‡Q, GK wK‡kvix‡K al©Y Ges Lz‡bi Awf‡hvM wN‡i ZzjKvjvg KvÐ N‡U‡Q DËi w`bvRcz‡ii KvwjqvM‡Ä| _vbv feb Ges _vbv PZ¡‡ii Mvwo‡Z Av¸b awi‡q w`‡q‡Qb we‡¶vfKvixiv| c‡i cwiw¯’wZ wbqš¿‡Y czwjk we‡¶vfKvix‡`i j¶¨ K‡i jvwVPv‡R©i cvkvcvwk Kuv`v‡b M¨vm wb‡¶c K‡i‡Q|
‡ cv ÷ † W ¯ ‹ : fqven f‚wgK‡¤ú †Ku‡c DVj B‡›`v‡bwkqv| wiLUvi †¯‹‡j K¤ú‡bi gvÎv wQj 7.3|
K¤ú‡bi ciB Rvwi Kiv n‡q‡Q mzbvwg mZK©ZvI| Rvbv wM‡q‡Q, evsjv‡`k mgq Abzhvqx †mvgevi ivZ mv‡o wZbUv bvMv` †Ku‡c I‡V B‡›`v‡bwkqv| f‚wgK‡¤úi †K›`ª¯’j wQj gvwUi Zjvq 84 wKwg wb‡P, †g›UvIqvB Øxccz‡Äi 177 wKwg BËi-cwð‡g| cÖ_g K¤ú‡bi ciI AviI †ek
GB NUbvi †R‡i iY‡¶Î n‡q I‡V KvwjqvMÄ _vbv GjvKv| ¯’vbxq
RbZvi mv‡_ msN‡l©i mgq K‡qKRb
czwjk m`m¨ AvnZ n‡q‡Qb| czwjk
GB NUbvq RwoZ Awf‡hv‡M K‡qK
Rb‡K †MÖdZvi K‡i‡Q| Avb›`evRvi ej‡Q, m¤cÖwZ
KvwjqvM‡Ä GK wK‡kvix‡K
MYal©‡Yi ci Lzb Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j
Awf‡hvM I‡V| GB NUbv wN‡i GKvwaKevi AwMœMf© n‡q I‡V
KvwjqvMÄ GjvKv| g½jevi `zcz‡ii
w`‡K KvwjqvM‡Ä _vbv Awfhvb
Kg©m‚wP cvj‡bi WvK w`‡qwQj
ivReskx Zdwmwj Avw`evmx mgš^q
KwgwU| IB Kg©m‚wP †_‡K
Awfhz³‡`i K‡Vvi kvw¯Íi `vwe †Zvjv nq|
KwgwUi AvnŸv‡b mvov w`‡q g½jevi
kZ kZ gvbzl _vbv Awfhv‡b Ask †bb| Kg©m‚wPi AvMvg Lei †c‡q
K‡qKevi †Ku‡c I‡V gvwU| Gi g‡a¨ GKwU K¤ú‡bi gvÎv wQj 5| gvwU †Ku‡c IVvi ciB GjvKvq PvÂj¨ Qwo‡q c‡o| A‡b‡KB evwo †_‡K †ewi‡q c‡ob| Z‡e †kl ch©šÍ f‚wgK‡¤ú eo †KvbI ¶q¶wZ nqwb| K¤úb Abzf‚Z n‡q‡Q cwðg mzgvÎv I DËi mzgvÎv‡ZI| me‡P‡q Zxeª K¤úb 30 †m‡K‡Ûi g‡Zv ¯’vqx n‡qwQj e‡j Rvbv wM‡q‡Q| D‡jøL¨, †mvgevi mKv‡jB 7.2
_vbvi mvg‡b wZbwU RvqMvq
e¨vwi‡KW ˆZwi K‡iwQj czwjk| Z‡e
†mme e¨vwi‡KW †f‡O †fZ‡i Xz‡K
c‡ob we‡¶vfKvixiv| G mgq
czwjk‡K j¶¨ K‡i BU-cvU‡Kj
†Qvov nq| czwjk cwiw¯’wZ mvgvj
w`‡Z Kuv`v‡b M¨v‡mi †kj wb‡¶c
czwj‡ki Kuv`v‡bi M¨vm wb‡¶‡ci
Kvi‡Y we‡¶vfKvixiv AviI gvigzLx
n‡q I‡Vb| Zviv iv¯Ívq Av¸b
R¡vwj‡q we‡¶vf †`Lv‡Z _v‡Kb|
we‡¶vfKvixiv _vbvq Xz‡K fvOPzi
Pvjvb| Av¸b jvwM‡q †`Iqv nq _vbv
fe‡bi GKvs‡k| AwMœKv‡Ð _vbvq
ivLv GKvwaK evBK I K‡qKwU Mvwo
cz‡o hvq|
GKB `vwe‡Z g½jevi ivqM‡Ä czwjk
mzcv‡ii `ßi †NivI Awfhvb cvjb
K‡i iv‡R¨i we‡ivax`j we‡Rwc| †mB
Kg©m‚wP wN‡iI D‡ËRbv Qwo‡q c‡o|
wiLUvi †¯‹‡j f‚wgK¤ú nq wbDwRj¨v‡Û| f‚wgK‡¤úi Drm¯’j wQj Kvg©v‡WK ØxcczÄ| Z‡e IB
K¤ú‡bI †KvbI ¶q¶wZi Lei †g‡jwb| `w¶Y †Mvjv‡a©i IB
†`kwU‡Z Aek¨ mzbvwg mZK©ZvI Rvwi Kiv nqwb| wKš‘
B‡›`v‡bwkqvi K¤úb †h‡nZz gvwUi
Mfx‡i, ZvB mgz‡`ª AwZKvq †XD
ˆZwi nIqvi Avk¼v Dwo‡q †`Iqv
hv‡”Q bv| ZvB Rvwi n‡q‡Q mzbvwg
‡cv÷ †W¯ : Ks‡MÖm †bZv Ges cÖv³b †jvKmfv mvsm` ivûj MvÜx kwbevi Zvi miKvwi evmfebwU †Q‡o w`‡q‡Qb| †jvKmfvi m`m¨ c` LvwiR nIqvi ci 1 gv‡mi g‡a¨ miKvwi evwo Qvovi wb‡`©k †`Iqv n‡qwQj Zv‡K| MZKvj kwbevi w`wjøi 12, ZzNjK †j‡bi evs‡jvwU †Q‡o w`‡q‡Qb wZwb| †hLv‡b wZwb 19 eQi a‡i emevm K‡i AvmwQ‡jb| ‡gv`x c`we gšÍe¨ gvgjvq MZ 23 gvP© ivûj MvÜx‡K `zB eQ‡ii †R‡ji mvRv †kvbvq mziv‡Ui Av`vjZ| GiciB Zvi mvsm` c` LvwiR n‡q hvq| hvi †R‡i evs‡jv Lvwj Ki‡Z e‡j †bvwUk cvwV‡qwQj †jvKmfvi nvDwRs KwgwU| cÖvq Pvi eQi Av‡M fvi‡Zi ¶gZvmxb `j we‡Rwci weavqK c‚‡Y©k †gvw` ivûj MvÜxi weiæ‡× gvbnvwbi gvgjv K‡iwQ‡jb| 2019 mv‡j †jvKmfv wbe©vP‡bi cÖPviYvi mgq Ô‡gvw`Õ c`we wb‡q AvcwËKi gšÍe¨ K‡ib ivûj e‡j Awf‡hvM I‡V| ivû‡ji IB gšÍe¨ fvi‡Zi cÖavbgš¿x b‡i›`ª †gvw` I Ô‡gvw`Õ c`weavix Ab¨vb¨‡`i Rb¨ AcgvbRbK e‡j Awf‡hv‡M D‡jøL Kiv nq| gvbnvwbi gvgjvq kvw¯Í nIqvq fviZxq mzwcÖg †Kv‡U©i GK iv‡q †jvKmfvi m`m¨c` nvivb ivûj| ivûj MvÜx e‡jb, Ôwn›`z¯Ív‡bi gvbzl 19 eQi a‡i Avgv‡K GB evwo w`‡q‡Q| Avwg Zv‡`i ab¨ev` Rvbv‡Z PvB| GUv mZ¨ K_v ejvi g‚j¨| mZ¨ K_v ejvi Rb¨ Avwg †h‡Kv‡bv g‚j¨ w`‡Z cÖ¯‘Z| g‚j¨ hvB †nvK bv †Kb, Avwg Zv cwi‡kva Kie|Õ evwo †Q‡o †`Iqvi c‡i iûj Rvbvb, AvcvZZ gv †mvwbqv MvÜxi m‡½B _vK‡eb| PjwZ eQ‡ii 15 GwcÖj ˆPÎ msµvwšÍi w`b evs‡jv †_‡K wb‡Ri wRwbmcÎ mwi‡q †bb ivûj MvÜx| IB w`bB mg¯Í wRwbm gvi evs‡jv‡Z cvwV‡q w`‡qwQ‡jb wZwb|
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 15 Kmvõ xÄmJh
†i‡L‡Q| Zviv
mv‡j mvgwiK Lv‡Z e¨q K‡i‡Q 292 wewjqb Wjvi| Rvcvb 2022 mv‡j e¨q K‡i‡Q 46 wewjqb Wjvi| 1960 mv‡ji ci GB Lv‡Z Rvcvb GeviB m‡e©v”P e¨q K‡i‡Q| AveviI wb evP‡b cv_x nIqvi † NvlYv evB‡W‡bi Bwćb cvwL, gvS AvKv‡ k R‡ j DVj wegvb cwðg e‡½ wK‡ kvix‡ K al‡ Yi ci nZ¨v , _vbv Rvwj‡q w`‡jv RbZv we ke ¨vcx m‡ev ”P mvgwiK e¨‡qi †iK W mi Kvwi evs‡ jv Qvo ‡jb ivûj MvÜx Zxe f ‚ wgK‡¤úi c‡i B‡›`v‡bwkqvq mybvwg mZKZv Rvwi
mvwbqvi m‡½ we‡”Q‡`i ¸Äb
‡cv ÷ †W ¯ : ‡L‡jvqvo `¤úwZ
†kv‡qe gvwjK-mvwbqv wgR©vi msmvi
†f‡O hv‡”Q e‡j ¸Äb| `xN©w`b
GKm‡½ Rbm¤§z‡L †`Lv hvq bv
`zRb‡K| Z‡e †kv‡qe gvwjK wb‡R
ej‡jb wfbœ K_v| ¸Ä‡bi ïiæ nq
mvwbqv wgR©v †kv‡qe gvwjK‡K QvovB
†Q‡j BRnvbmn Zvi cwiev‡ii
K‡qKRb‡K wb‡q Igivn K‡i
†divi ci †_‡K| Gici cweÎ
igRv‡bi mgq mvwbqv Zvi evwo‡Z
†Q‡j BRnvb‡K wb‡q BdZvi Kivi
GKwU wfwWI Bb÷vMÖv‡g †cv÷
K‡ib| †mLv‡bI †kv‡qe wQ‡jb bv|
G Qvov GB gzn‚‡Z© †kv‡qe GKv
_vK‡Qb `zevB‡q| fvi‡Zi mv‡eK
†Uwbm †L‡jvqvo mvwbqv †Q‡j‡K
wb‡q _vK‡Qb fvi‡Z| G‡Z A‡b‡Ki aviYv, Zviv cÖKvk bv Ki‡jI Avm‡j `zR‡bi QvovQvwo n‡q †M‡Q! wKš‘ Avmj e¨vcviUv Kx? GUv
Rvb‡Z †kv‡qe gvwjK‡KB mivmwi cÖkœ K‡iwQ‡jb wRI wbD‡Ri Abzôvb
Ô‡¯‹viÕ Gi Dc¯’vcK| Dc¯’vc‡Ki
cÖkœ, ÔPviw`‡K ¸Äb, Avcbv‡`i
m¤úK© fv‡jv hv‡”Q bv| Avcwb Kx
ej‡eb?Õ Gi Dˇi cvwK¯Ív‡bi
wµ‡KUvi †kv‡qe gvwjK e‡jb, ÔGgb wKQzbq|
C‡` Avgiv GKm‡½ _vK‡Z cvi‡j
Lze fv‡jv n‡Zv|Õ
‡kv‡qe gvwjK Gici e¨vL¨v K‡ib,
Ô‡UejÕ ¯c †f‡O w`‡Z mewKQzB Ki‡e g¨vbBD
‡cv÷ †W¯‹ : ‡cc Mvw`©Ijvi †KvwPs `k©b m¤ú‡K©I Lze fv‡jv Rv‡bb
GwiK †Ub nvM| 2013‡Z Rvg©vb
K¬ve evqvb© wgDwb‡Li ÔweÕ `‡ji `vwqZ¡ cvb †KvP GwiK| IB mgq evqvb© wgDwbL wmwbqi `‡ji `vwq‡Z¡ wQ‡jb Mvw`©Ijv| ZLb evqv‡b©i
UvB‡eªKv‡ii mv‡Wb †W‡_ 7-6 e¨eav‡b Rq cvq †iW †Wwfjiv| Av‡Miw`b Av‡Miw`b †kwdì BDbvB‡U‡Wi wec‡¶ 3-0 †Mv‡j Rq w`‡q dvBbvj wbwðZ K‡i g¨vb‡P÷vi wmwUI| Bswjk dzUej K¬ve¸‡jvi g‡a¨
†iKW© AUzU ivL‡Z †Póvq †Kv‡bv
KgwZ _vK‡e bv, ej‡jb †Ub nvM|
g¨vb‡P÷vi BDbvB‡U‡Wi WvP †KvP
e‡jb, ÒAvgiv wb‡R‡`i mewKQz
DRvo K‡i †`e| Avwg hLb ejwQ
ÔmewKQzÕ, Gi gv‡b mewKQzB| kZfv‡Mi †ewk hZUv m¤¢e Kiv
†WwfW wW †nqv| MZ †gŠmz‡gi †P‡q Gevi `‡ji DbœwZI evowZ Avkv †RvMv‡”Q Zv‡K| we‡k¦i me‡P‡q czi‡bv dzUej Uzb©v‡g‡›Ui dvBbv‡j bMi mZx_©‡`i †gvKvwejvi Av‡M wW †nqv e‡jb, ÒdvBbv‡ji Av‡M GLbI A‡bKUv mgq evwK Av‡Q|
†Kb Zviv C‡`i mgqUv GKm‡½
KvUv‡Z cv‡ibwb| †kv‡qe e‡jb, ÔIi AvBwcG‡j KvR Av‡Q|
AvBwcGj wb‡q Abzôvb Ki‡Q| G
Kvi‡YB Avgiv GKm‡½ n‡Z
cvwiwb| wKš‘ Avgiv me mgqB
fv‡jvevmv wewbgq Kwi| Avwg I‡K
Lze wgm Kwi| KZUv wgm Kwi, Zv
e‡j †evSv‡Z cvi‡ev bv|
†ckv`vwii `vq _v‡K| wKš‘ Avcwb
C‡`i mgq Kv‡Qi A‡bK gvbzl‡KB wgm Ki‡eb|Õ Zv‡`i `zRb‡K wb‡q
†h ¸Äb, GUv‡K Zviv †KDB cvËv
†`b bv e‡jI D‡jøL K‡i‡Qb
†kv‡qe gvwjK| Dc¯’vcK‡K wZwb
e‡jb, ÔG Kvi‡YB (cvËv †`b bv
e‡j) Avwg ev I, †KDB †Kv‡bv
wee„wZ w`Bwb|Õ
gvwjK-mvwbqv `¤úwZi hzMj Rxeb
ïiæ nq 2010 mv‡ji 12B GwcÖj| 2018 mv‡j mvwbqv-gvwj‡Ki Ni
Av‡jv K‡i Av‡m czÎmšÍvb BRnvb
wgR©v gvwjK| eZ©gv‡b gv‡qi m‡½B
i‡q‡Q BRnvb| K¨vwiqv‡ii ZvwM‡`
Zviv wbR wbR †`‡k Ae¯’vb
Ki‡Qb| Z‡e †kv‡qe-mvwbqvi
we‡”Q‡`i ¸Ä‡bi g‡a¨B GKwU
AbjvBb Abzôv‡bi cÖPviYv
K‡iwQ‡jb `zRb| Gici Aek¨
wb‡R‡`i mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvMgva¨g
A¨vKvD‡›U MZ Qq gvm a‡i `zRb‡K
†Zgb Qwe †kqvi w`‡Z †`Lv hvqwb|
Abzkxj‡b †cc-‡U‡bi ci¯ú‡ii m‡½ Av‡jvPbvi NUbvI wQj wbqwgZ| Gev‡ii GdG Kv‡ci dvBbv‡j g¯’ n‡e g¨vb‡P÷vi Wvwe©| †iveevi wØZxq †mwgdvBbv‡j wb‡R‡`i Nvg Swi‡q UvB‡eªKv‡i Rq cvq g¨vb‡P÷vi BDbvB‡UW| Avi dvBbv‡ji wUwKU †K‡U bMi mZx_© g¨vb‡P÷vi wmwU‡K ûgwK w`‡q ivL‡jb g¨vbBD †KvP GwiK †Ub nvM| †mwg‡Z eªvBUb A¨vÛ †nvf A¨vjweq‡bi m‡½ †Mvjk‚b¨ Wª †k‡l
evmv mZx_‡`i m‡½ AvÇvq †gwm
‡ cv ÷ † W¯ : msw¶ß md‡i
Av‡R©w›Ubvi wek¦KvcRqx dzUej
Rv`zKi wjI‡bj †gwm GLb Zvi
wcÖq kni ev‡m©‡jvbvq| Gi Av‡MI
wZwb c¨vwim †_‡K ev‡m©‡jvbvq
†M‡Qb| wKš‘ Gev‡ii hvÎvUv Ab¨
iKg| KviY wKQzw`b a‡iB Zvi
ev‡m©‡jvbvq †divi ¸Äb
†Rv‡i‡kv‡i Pj‡Q| Gev‡ii mdi
†mB ¸Ä‡b †hvM K‡i‡Q bZzb
gvÎv| KviY ev‡m©‡jvbvq wM‡q
mv‡eK K¬ve mZx_©‡`i m‡½ AvÇv
w`‡q‡Qb †gwm!
Av‡R©w›Ubvi ˆ`wbK wUIqvBwm
†¯úvU©‡m cÖKvwkZ GK Qwe‡Z †`Lv
hv‡”Q, GKwU †i‡¯Íviuvq †mwn©I
ezmKZm, Rw`© Avjev Ges mv‡eK
wdU‡bm †KvP †c‡c K¯Ív‡K Zv‡`i
cwiev‡ii m‡½ †gwm Rwg‡q AvÇv
w`‡”Qb| Z‡e †i‡¯Íviuv †_‡K †ewi‡q
hvIqvi mgq MYgva¨‡gi m‡½ K_v
ej‡Z ivwR nbwb †gwm| GB NUbvq
¯’vbxq MYgva¨‡gi `vwe, †gwm Zvi
wcÖq K¬ve ev‡m©‡jvbvq wd‡i Avmvi
Lze Kv‡Q Av‡Qb!
D‡jøL¨, 2021 mv‡j wcÖq
ev‡m©‡jvbv †Q‡o wjM Iqv‡bi `j
wcGmwR‡Z cvwo Rgvb †gwm|
AvMvgx Rz‡b wcGmwRi m‡½ Zvi
Pzw³i †gqv` †kl n‡q hv‡e| Zvi
Av‡MB †gwm‡K †div‡Z evm©vi
Kg©KZ©v-‡KvP †_‡K ïiæ K‡i †L‡jvqvo‡`i gz‡LI BwZevPK
e³e¨ †kvbv hv‡”Q| hw`I evm©v
GLb Avw_©K mgm¨vq RR©wiZ|
Z‡e †gwmi Rb¨ Zviv †mB mgm¨v
†gvKv‡ejv Kivi cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡”Q|
AvMvgx RzjvB‡q hz³ivóª Uz¨‡ii
Av‡MB bvwK Zviv †gwm‡K wd‡i
†c‡Z Pvq|
†Kej g¨vb‡P÷vi BDbvB‡U‡W i‡q‡Q Ô‡UªejÕ wk‡ivcvi †MŠie| GKB †gŠmz‡g wcÖwgqvi jxM, GGdG Kvc I P¨vw¤úqÝ jx‡M wk‡ivcv wR‡Z Ab¨ D”PZvq IìUªv‡dv‡W©i K¬vewU| Gevi †mB KxwZ©i nvZQvwb g¨vb‡P÷vi wmwUi mvg‡b| GB wZb wk‡ivcvi dqmvjv GB †gŠmz‡g nqwb GLbI| Avi wZb cÖwZ‡hvwMZvqB fv‡jvfv‡e wU‡K Av‡Q wmwUi m¤¢vebv| †gŠmz‡gi evwK mgqUvq wb‡R‡`i KvR wVKVvK Ki‡j Bswjk wcÖwgqvi jx‡Mi wk‡ivcv wR‡Z hv‡e †KvP †cc Mvw`©Ijvi `j| D‡qdv P¨vw¤úqÝ jx‡M †mwgdvBbv‡j Avi GdG
Kv‡c Zviv †cuŠ‡Q †M‡Q dvBbv‡j| AvMvgx 3iv Rzb I‡q¤^wj‡Z GdG
Kv‡ci dvBbv‡j gz‡LvgzwL n‡e g¨vb‡P÷v‡ii `zB `j| GKgvÎ K¬ve wn‡m‡e BDbvB‡U‡Wi †Uªej R‡qi
hvq, ZZUvB| mg_©‡Kiv GB fimv
ivL‡Z cv‡ib| wmwUi wec‡¶ Avgiv
Zv K‡i †`Lv‡Z PvB, f³‡`i
Dcnvi w`‡Z PvB| Avkv Kwi, Avgiv wbLzuZ g¨vP †Lje| Z‡e Gi
Av‡M Avgv‡`i Ab¨ RvqMv‡ZI
gv‡bv‡hvM w`‡Z n‡e, kxl© Pv‡i
(wcÖwgqvi jx‡M) _vK‡Z n‡e
dvBbv‡ji evwK Av‡Q GLbI †`o
gvm| GB mg‡q e`‡j †h‡Z cv‡i
dg© Avi Q›`| Z‡e GB mg‡qi
we‡ePbvq wmwU GwM‡q A‡bKUvB|
kw³-mvg‡_¨© Zviv GwM‡q, †gŠmz‡gi
†kl fvMUvq Zviv QzU‡Q AcÖwZ‡iva¨
MZ Rvbzqvwi‡Z wcÖwgqvi jx‡Mi
g¨v‡P wmwU‡K 2-1 †Mvj nvwi‡qwQj
BDbvB‡UW‡K| †mB g¨vP‡K †cÖiYv
†g‡bB wb‡R‡`i cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡Qb
BDbvB‡U‡Wi ¯ú¨vwbqvW ©‡MvjwKcvi
weZwKZ KgKv‡Ð Rwo‡q hv‡”Qb
‡cv÷ †W¯ : K‡qK w`b Av‡MB †mŠw` †cÖv-wj‡M kxl©¯’vb
nvwi‡q‡Q †ivbvj‡`vi `j Avj-bvmi| 23 g¨v‡P 56
c‡q›U wb‡q kx‡l© Av‡Q BwZnv`| GK g¨vP †ewk †Ljv
Avj-bvm‡ii msMÖn 53| Gi Av‡M †mŠw` mzcvi Kvc
†_‡KI we`vq wb‡q‡Qb †ivbvj‡`viv| Avi †mvgevi iv‡Z
we`vq n‡jv wKsm Kvc †_‡K| Gi g‡a¨ G‡Ki ci GK
weZwK©Z Kg©Kv‡Ð Rwo‡q hv‡”Qb wmAvi‡m‡fb|
‡mvgevi iv‡Z wKsm Kv‡ci †mwgdvBbv‡j g¨v‡Pi 23Zg
wgwb‡U †Mvj K‡i †fn`v‡K GwM‡q †`b divwm ZviKv †WwfW weI¸‡qj| evBmvB‡Kj wK‡K †MvjwU K‡ib wZwb| wjW wb‡qB weiwZ‡Z hvq †fn`v| weiwZi Rb¨
gvV Qvovi mgq †i‡M hvb
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28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 19 PUuJiMuJ
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ivR‰bwZK ev¯eZv I RvZxq
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20 Bangla P o st 28 April - 04 May 2023
(3 min walking distance from Whitechapel)
92 Mile
Road, London
Tel: 07908 324 831
Bangla P o st
Sudan evacuation: 'We're very grateful to be alive
Post Desk : After days of dread, fear and desperation, British families are now on rescue flights out of Sudan, making the 3,000-mile journey to safety.
At Stansted Airport, emotions ran high as relatives clutched flowers and waited to see whether their loved ones were on the next airport bus.
One little boy called out "mum" when he saw his mother get off the bus.
The arrivals, looking tired and relieved, were coming to the end of a very long and frightening journey.
Many will have risked their lives to travel - without any assistanceacross Sudan's capital, Khartoum, during a fragile ceasefire to reach an airfield.
From there, they joined RAF planes taking them out of Sudan, away from the conflict and on to Cyprus. Then they were brought to the UK on a chartered flight and into the arms of waiting relatives.
As of around 22:00 BST on Wednesday six flights had evacuated 536 British nationals from Sudan, the Foreign Office said. But there has been criticism of the slowness of the UK government's evacuations compared with other Western countries such as Germany, which completed its evacuations on Tuesday evening.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman said the government would be supporting British nationals and their dependents, but added there were no plans to introduce a legal route for people fleeing Sudan to claim asylum in the UK. However, Alicia Kearns, chairwoman of the Commons foreign affairs select committee, said elderly people dependent on their British citizen children should be allowed on flights to the UK.
"In the same way we treat children who are dependent on their parents, we should respect that some elderly people are dependent on their children," she said. Clashes between the Sudanese army and paramilitary group the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began on 15 April. Hundreds of people
have since died and thousands have been injured in the conflict.
A ceasefire began in Sudan at midnight local time on Monday, but is due to expire at the start of Friday.
Writing on Twitter, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly warned the UK could not guarantee how many further flights would depart once the ceasefire ends.
Airlifting large numbers of people out of Sudan has been complicated by major airports becoming battlegrounds, and movement out of the capital has been per-
tional scenes.
There were more tears or relief and joy at the airport, with people saying they finally felt safe and protected.
Tariq, who saw the building next to his shelled in Sudan, said: "We're very grateful to be alive."
He thanked the British government but said they should be trying to save more people.
"We don't know who's going to make it out. We are very lucky, but not everyone is as lucky as us," he added.
from the departure gates.
"It was bad, it was very bad, I even don't want to remember it."
Shereen was on a three-week holiday with her son Karim, 10, and eight-year-old daughter Diyalam, who were excited to be visiting family in their homeland when the fighting broke out.
"In two weeks they [her children] were asking me to go back to London."
Karim said: "We heard lots of gunshots while we were in the house. We also heard explosions. I saw
Brigadier Dan Reeve, the most senior military official overseeing the evacuation, said there was capacity to evacuate about 500 people a day.
He defended the decision not to escort people to the airport, even though some other countries have done this with their nationals.
He told the BBC: "This is not a race to get it wrong. In my professional judgement it would not be safe to bring people together in one location in Khartoum and seek to ex-
One evacuee described seeing burnt houses and cars everywhere on her way to the airfield, just outside Khartoum. Others had seen dead bodies, she said. But now, back in the UK and little over an hour from her home in Acton, west London, Nemar told gathered reporters of her happiness and pride at making it home.
"I am very happy to be here," she said. "The British government has been marvellous - I feel very proud that I have made it here," she added, before wrapping her arms around her sister in emo-
Shama, one of the first off the airport bus, told reporters and her family: "We're safe. We're in no danger - I'm back and no longer scared."
Asked about the speed of the British response to the violence in Sudan, she said: "It was slow but we're here."
Earlier at Larnaca Airport, in Cyprus - where Britons boarded their second flight - Shereen Soliman spoke of her relief at escaping Sudan.
"It was something else. I can't even describe," the mother and fashion designer told the BBC
men with guns but they were friendly because they were on our team."
But he said he was looking forward to being back in London because it was safe there.
However that has not been an option for all of the family. Others did not have the right to go to the UK with her, Shereen said.
"I had to leave my parents, my siblings, the whole family there. So I'm very worried about them. I really feel sorry for Sudan because it's my home, my country. I wanted my kids to feel safe there."
tract them.
"We've seen incidents of convoys being attacked."
Around 120 British troops are supporting the evacuation at the Wadi Saeedna airstrip. Downing Street said the British military would defend the airfield in Sudan but clarified efforts would be made to avoid "active engagement" with other forces.
The government is also considering a seaborne evacuation from Port Sudan, some 500 miles from the capital. HMS Lancaster and RFA Cardigan Bay have been sent to the region.
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 21
www.banglapost.co.uk Email: news@banglapost.co.uk
George Alagiah joins NHS campaign to talk about bowel cancer screening
The BBC broadcaster, George Alagiah is supporting the first national NHS bowel screening campaign that asks anyone who receives a free test kit: “put it by the loo, don’t put it off” as recent data showed that almost one third (30%) of people do not return the potentially lifesaving tests. New survey results also showed that nearly nine in 10 (89%) of eligible 56-74 year old South Asians would be likely to take a test if it could help find signs of cancer at an earlier stage, but one in five say they wouldn’t complete a bowel screening test because they would be too embarrassed to look at their stool.
Dr Ajay Verma, a leading consultant gastroenterologist at Woodland Hospital of
Kettering explains: “The test is really effective and you can do it in the privacy of your own home. I realise that my patients may feel embarrassed about doing the test, but there’s no need. It’s hygienic and if you complete it when you receive it, it could help save your life.”
George Alagiah, said: “As a bowel cancer survivor, I urge everyone who has received their kit not to ignore it. You don’t need to visit a doctor, you can do it at home, it could save your life.”
The NHS bowel cancer screening programme involves using a test kit, which is delivered to your door through the post. The test detects small amounts of blood in stool, which would be too tiny to be visible to
people and could appear before someone may notice anything is wrong.
A tiny sample of stool is collected using the plastic stick provided and is placed in a sample bottle before being sent back to the NHS, free of charge, for laboratory analysis.
More than half a million bowel screening test kits are posted out each month to eligible people, who are automatically sent a kit every two years if they are registered with a GP practice and live in England.
Dr Ajay says “If you’re aged 60 to 74, live in England and are registered with a GP practice, you’ll be sent a kit in the post automatically. As part of plans to lower the age of people that receive the
test to age 50 by 2025, 56year-olds are also now sent the test kit and it is currently being rolled out to 58-yearolds.
“Whether you have symptoms or not. If you are sent a kit, please do use it. Most people who return the kit do not require any further investigations. If cancer is found, it is always best to catch it early when it’s far easier to treat.”
Rifat Mahmood, 62, “My family never had any major health issues, I felt well so I didn’t feel I needed to do the test and I ignored it. But when I started losing weight unexpectedly and rapidly, my wife grew concerned and encouraged me to go to the GP and I was referred for further tests.”
“I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and had urgent surgery. I’m so grateful to the quick action of the NHS staff to remove the growth before it spread.”
“Complete the test as soon as you receive it for your’s and your family’s sake.”
People concerned that they
may have missed their invitation or have lost or thrown away their kit can call the free bowel cancer screening helpline for advice on 0800 707 60 60. Information on bowel cancer and the screening programme can be found at: nhs.uk/bowel-screening.
Bangladesh : Latest Rendezvous in the Deep Sea
Imran A. Chowdhury
Geo Political Analyst & Historian
By opening its first deep sea port, Bangladesh has marked a significant turning point in its economic development. A potential economic powerhouse in the area and the world, Bangladesh now has new chances for trade and commerce thanks to the Payra Port in the country's southwest. The nation is prepared to solidify its place as a significant player in the global economy with the help of this new port.
With access to the Indian Ocean, the Payra Port is ideally situated in the Bay of Bengal. It is an excellent place for firms wishing to access the sizeable markets of the region because of its excellent rail and highway connections to the rest of the nation. The port is capable of handling.
The opening of the Payra Port demonstrates Bangladesh's dedication to infrastructural growth.
The government has significantly invested in constructing new infrastructure nationwide to assist economic development. The government has launched numerous initiatives in recent years to build a more resilient and contemporary economy, the Payra Port being only one.
The nation is anticipated to get
various advantages from the new port. First, it will present new chances for business and trade. Bangladesh is a resourceconstrained nation with a high population density. The new port will assist the country in maximising its advantageous geographic position to increase foreign investment and boost exports. Additionally, it will lower the cost of bringing items into the country, benefiting consumers.
Second, the port will add jobs to accommodate the nation's expanding population. Bangladesh has a young, energetic labour force ready to help the nation progress. The Payra Port will, among other things, open up new employment possibilities in the shipping, logistics, and transportation industries.
Third, the port will contribute to enhancing the nation's infrastructure. The government has significantly invested in new roads, bridges, and infrastructure projects to assist economic growth. The new port will support these initiatives by offering a cutting-edge and effective entryway to the rest of the globe.
Bangladesh's economic development is just getting started with the Payra Port. According to the government's ambitious plans, the national infrastructure will soon be expanded with the help of new roads, airports, and seaports. These initiatives will contribute to building a more advanced and effective economy that can compete with the best in the world.
Bangladesh has made significant progress in recent years. Several reasons, including the nation's
advantageous position, vibrant workforce, and dedication to infrastructure development, have contributed to its impressive economic success. A significant step on the nation's path to becoming a major economic force in the area and the world is the opening of the Payra Port.
Undoubtedly, there are difficulties ahead. The nation still has to overcome several challenges, including political unrest, rampant corruption, and a shortage of trained labour. However, the government's dedication to promoting economic expansion and infrastructural improvement indicates that the nation is headed in the right direction.
In conclusion, the opening of the Payra Port represents a significant turning point for Bangladesh. The new port offers the nation new opportunities for trade and commerce, creates jobs, and contributes to infrastructure development. With the government's ambitious plans for additional infrastructure improvement, Bangladesh is positioned to lead the region's and global economies. A country's economy can benefit greatly from having a deep sea port. It enhances the nation's connectedness with the outside world and stimulates trade and commerce, generating new job possibilities and fostering economic progress. Payra Port's recent opening represents a significant step forward in Bangladesh's economic growth as the nation's first deep-sea port.
There is a considerable possibility for more deep sea ports in the Bay of Bengal, where the Payra Port is situated. With a combined population
of more than 1.5 billion, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand are just a few nations bordering the Bay of Bengal. The area has a wealth of undeveloped resources and a burgeoning middle class, making it a desirable market for emerging companies.
The Bay of Bengal is also strategically situated between the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. Having deep sea ports in the Bay of Bengal can help the region become a key centre for trade and business, especially given the growing significance of the Asia-Pacific region in the global economy. More deep-sea ports built in the Bay of Bengal might result in a substantial economic boom for the surrounding nations. By functioning as entry points to the rest of the globe, these ports may draw more foreign investment and increase exports. The docks have the potential to develop into hubs for industry, logistics, and transportation, resulting in a wide variety of job opportunities.
More deep sea ports in the Bay of Bengal might also lower the cost of shipping commodities. Many nations in the area now rely on pricey air travel or ineffective ground travel to convey things to their destinations. The cost of importing and exporting commodities may be decreased by constructing deep-sea ports, which can also be more effective and less expensive. Governments in the area must invest in infrastructure development, especially the construction of new deep-sea ports, if they want to use the Bay of Bengal region's full potential. India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar are just a few nations that have made considerable strides in this direction.
For instance, India has created several ports, such as the Chennai Port and the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, which have helped the economic boom for them.
But other issues need to be resolved. Deep sea port construction requires a substantial investment, and governments must ensure the investment is long-term viable. Governments must balance environmental sustainability and economic growth since deep sea ports may influence the environment.
The Bay of Bengal region offers enormous potential for more deepsea ports, which can support economic expansion and development. The ports may become entry points to the rest of the world with the correct policies and infrastructure, bringing in more foreign investment and increasing exports. Additionally, they can lower the cost of shipping products and generate new job possibilities. Governments must invest in the region to fully realise its potential— infrastructure creation and tackling the difficulties posed by constructing deep sea ports. More deep-sea ports might lead to a significant economic boom in the Bay of Bengal region, which has a bright financial future. The largest cargo ship to ever land at the Payra Port in Bangladesh has marked yet another historic occasion.
On April 22, 2023, the large container ship CMA CGM Brazil, with a capacity of 15,072 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), docked at the Payra Port. This is a huge accomplishment for the port and the maritime sector in Bangladesh.
22 Bangla P o st 28 April - 04 May 2023
Ramadan 29 days and 29 New Writings How Many Did You Study?
By Shofi Ahmed
Alhamdulillah, we were fortunate to have completed 29 days of the blessed month of Ramadan. It's worth cannot be compared to anything except for the next set of Ramadan due in a year's time. May Allah SWT lead us to that. I was very fortunate to have written an article on the Qur'an each day spanning the entire month of Ramadan in 2003. It was published on Bangla Post, and I also shared the links on many chat groups. Many of you may have read it. I have a small question for you: did you read and reflect or just turn the page? I seem to have the answer. Let me explain. Recently, people were clamouring for rain in Bangladesh due to the intense heat. All they could ask for was a downpour, which eventually came showering down on the land. It seemed as though even the birds and animals indulged in the cool downpour. But where did it come from? We know that rain is not a cool waterfall that streams down from high mountains. The truth is quite the opposite. Clouds climb high towards the sky before showering down on Earth. We know that rain on Earth doesn't stream from the peak of a mountain; it
comes deep down from the ocean. However, this fact doesn't immediately pop up in our minds. It's an example of how truth cannot be known effortlessly. It requires study and effort. Now, pause for a moment or so. If the knowledge of the things surrounding us that benefit us in various ways, such as the source of rain, requires effort to be known, then what about the purpose of life and the Qur'an, which are much more important and substantial? Obviously, they demand a
delving into the vast wisdom, sciences, and arts of our religion. However, it is crucial that we make the effort to enrich ourselves by studying our religion in depth. Through this, we can better understand the natural events and phenomena that occur around us, and how they reflect the commands of Allah SWT designed for the benefit of all creatures, including humans. It is only through studying in depth that we can truly appreciate the beauty and significance of the Qur'an and the teachings of Islam.
"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." - Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 224
This hadith highlights the importance of seeking knowledge for every Muslim, which includes in-depth study of the Qur'an. It is not enough to simply read or memorise the Qur'an, but one should also make an effort to understand its meaning and apply its teachings in their daily life.
Therefore, I can say that we, including myself, have hardly learned much from any of the 29 articles written in 29 days of Ramadan. But had we curiously dived deep into any of these articles, we could have found a likely scoop that we could have raised to our palate.
lot of effort. But do we make that effort? Very unlikely. Often we are more focused on the virtues and rewards that Islam offers rather than
Allah SWT says in the Qur’an "Say, 'Are those who know equal to those who do not know?' Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding." - Qur’an 39:9
Remembrance events to mark Altab Ali Day
Commemoration events will take place in Tower Hamlets this May to remember Altab Ali, who was killed in a brutal racist attack in 1978.
Altab, a newly married, 25year-old garment factory worker, had recently returned to the UK from Bangladesh. He was returning home from work in nearby Brick Lane when he was fatally stabbed in the park in Whitechapel that now bears his name. His racially motivated killing mobilised communities in Tower Hamlets to take a united stand against hatred and intolerance and marked a significant turning
point in east London’s race relations.
Wreath laying and poetry reading will form part of the Altab Ali Day commemoration ceremony hosted by the council at Altab Ali Park in Whitechapel on Thursday 4 May.
A free photography exhibition entitled Brick Lane 1978: Turning Point will be on display at the Brady Centre, 192-196 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel, from 4 to 30 May.
The images by local photographer Paul Trevor celebrate East London's Bengali activists of 1978,
reveal the dramatic events which were sparked by the racist murder of Altab Ali, and pay tribute to those who mobilised around the rallying cry of justice that followed.
From 3 to 5 May, Altab Ali and the Battle of Brick Lane, a short, animated documentary that explores the events surrounding the racist killing of Altab Ali, will be played on a loop at open-air screenings in Mallon Gardens, Toynbee Hall 28 Commercial Street, Whitechapel.
The energetic and moving animation was led by young people who were inspired to share the story of the
senseless attack. They conducted research through local archives, heritage walks and discussions with those at the heart of the anti-racist movement in recent decades.
The film was made in 2020, in partnership with Loughborough University’s Migrant Memories and the Post-colonial Imagination project and directed by Dr Diwas Bisht.
Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “The forty-fifth anniversary of Altab’s tragic and racist murder serves as a stark reminder to everyone in our community and
For example, the article written on fifteen Ramadan on Tawheed https://banglapost.co.uk/2023/04/69342/ discusses the interconnectedness and uniformity of the universe, and how this reflects the concept of Tawheed or the oneness of Allah SWT. It highlights how everything in the universe, from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest celestial bodies, are interconnected and follow a uniform set of laws and principles. The article then draws a parallel between this interconnectedness and the concept of Tawheed, which states that everything in the universe is connected to Allah SWT and subject to His will. The article concludes by emphasising the importance of recognizing this interconnectedness and how it can help us better understand the universe and our place within it, as well as strengthen our faith in Allah SWT.
beyond, of the need to unite against all forms of hatred and intolerance.”
Cllr Suluk Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Social Inclusion, said:
“Altab’s killing drove the whole community to take a
stand against division. I encourage everyone, young and old, to commemorate Altab and his legacy, by attending the council events to learn about the changes inspired by his death.”
28 April - 04 May 2023 Bangla P o st 23
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Year: 20 u Issue: 965 u Friday 28 April - Thursday 04 May 2023 BRITAIN'S HIGHEST DISTRIBUTED BANGLA NEWSPAPER Bangla P o st Bangla Post is published by Brit Bangla Services Ltd, Unit S7, The Whitechapel Centre, 85 Myrdle Street, London E1 1HL, Registered at the Post office as a newspaper Tel: News - 0203 674 7112, Sales - 0203 633 2545 Email : info@banglapost.co.uk, news@banglapost.co.uk Web: www.banglapost.co.uk Wv : RvwK wiRIqvbv A v‡bvqv i mgmv gwqK welq wb‡q ev sjv †cv÷-G wbqwgZ wjL‡Qb| G mvß v‡ni Kjvg coyb 13 Gi cv Zvq| w er No A SA 29 April ATURDTURDAY | 12pm-5pm Y | y Universit Admission Fair 2023 Why Attend? Regist y tr ee En r E F 0207377 Connec t with us Compliance & Visa Guidance Students Accommodation And many more ser vices Scholarships Available Spot Assessment ondon , L t cial S Commer , ynbee Hall o To T n E1 6LS int@ahzassociates.co.uk 79630
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