Bangla Post
50p mvflvwnK
Year : 13 u Issue: 629 u Friday 03 June - Thursday 09 June 2016
evsjv †cv‡ói mKj cvVK, ïfvbya¨vqx‡`i RvbvB
ivgv`vb †gveviK
g~jcvZv Ges ivgv`vb †¯úkvj mvwcø‡g›U co–b †fZ‡ii cvZvq
Britain's HiGHEst DistriBUtED BanGLa nEWsPaPEr
02 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
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evsjv‡`k dzUej †dWv‡ikb (evdz‡d) Gi 2016 mv‡ji wbe©vP‡b Kvh©wbe©vnx m`m¨c‡` wbe©vwPZ nIqvq wm‡jU †Rjv µxov ms¯’vi mvaviY m}Òv`K I wm‡jU †Rjv dzUej G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi mfvcwZ gvwn DwÏb Avn‡g` †mwjg‡K Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q‡Qb MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii gvbbxq A_©gš¿x Aveyj gvj Ave`yj gywnZ Ggwc| GK Awfb›`b evYx‡Z A_©gš¿x Aveyj gvj Ave`yj gywnZ e‡jb, Ôevsjv‡`k dzUej †dWv‡ikb (evdz‡d) Gi 2016 mv‡ji wbe©vP‡b Kvh©wbe©vnx m`m¨c‡` wbe©vwPZ nIqvq Rbve gvwn DwÏb Avn‡g` †mwjg, mvaviY m}Òv`K, wm‡jU †Rjv µxov ms¯’v I mfvcwZ, wm‡jU †Rjv dzUej G‡mvwm‡qkb-†K Avwg AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b I ï‡f”Qv Rvbvw”Q|Õ A_©gš¿x Zvui evYx‡Z AviI e‡jb ÔcÖwZØw›ØZvc~Y© I eûj Av‡jvwPZ G wbe©vP‡b weRq jvf K‡i Rbve †mwjg †`‡ki dzUe‡ji Dbœq‡b KvR Kivi GK weij my‡hvM †c‡q‡Qb| Avgvi cÖZ¨vkv wZwb K‡Vvi cwikÖg I AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ Zuvi Dci Awc©Z `vwqZ¡ cvj‡b me©`v m‡Pó _vK‡eb| µxov½bmn me©‡ÿ‡Î Avwg Zvi mdjZv Kvgbv Kwi|Õ
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Bangla Post
50p mvflvwnK
Year : 13 u Issue: 629 u Friday 03 June - Thursday 09 June 2016
8523 4555
Britain's HiGHEst DistriBUtED BanGLa nEWsPaPEr
IQmirJ TJ\ TrPu 51 x¬JPyr ß\u
ˆJl KrPkJatJr: AKoPV´vj FqJÖ 2016 IjMpJ~L IQmi AKoPV´≤rJ TJ\ TrPu ÊiMoJ© TJP\r \jq xPmtJó 51 x¬JPyr ß\u yPmÇ @VJoL 12 \MuJA 2016 ßgPT FA @Aj TJptTr yPòÇ FTA xJPg @KgtT h¥S yPf kJPrÇ KTÄmJ kOgT kOgT h¥ yPf kJPrÇ FTA Khj ßgPT IQmirJ TJ\ TrPu fJ KâKojJu IPl¿ mJ ßlR\iJrL IkrJi KyPxPm Veq yPmÇ ÊiMoJ© IQmirJ j~ AKoPV´vj FqJPÖr 34 iJrJ IjMpJ~L ßpxm AKoPV´≤ TJ\ TrJr Ckr KjPwiJùJ rP~PZ KTÄmJ ßp xo~ TJ\ TrPZj G xoP~ TJP\r IjMoKf jJ gJPT fJS ßlR\iJrL IkrJi KyPxPm Veq yPmÇ TJPrJ pKh Kun aá KrPoAj AjPnKuc y~ mJ mJKfu TrJ y~ KTÄmJ GirPjr TJP\r Ckr KjPwiJùJ gJPT fJrJ
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ÈKl\' kMKuPvr uJKgPf jJPxtr VntkJf oM˜JKlP\r yP~ CbJ
dJTJ xÄmJhhJfJ : xrTJPrr xJzJ jJ PkP~ ˝J˙qoπL PoJyJÿh jJKxPor iJjoK¥˙ mJxJr xJoPj Im˙Jj PjS~J PmTJr jJxtPhr Ckr uJKbYJ\t TPrPZ kMKuvÇ FPf Z~\j @yf yP~PZjÇ Fxo~ Kfj oJPxr I∂”x•ôJ xJuoJ @ÜJPrr PkPa kMKuv uJKg KhPu fJr VntkJf yP~ pJ~Ç oJrJ®T @yf Im˙J~ fJPT --33 kOÔJ~
ˆJl KrPkJatJr: KâPTPar mz oPû KfKj kJ rJPUj oJ© FT mZr @PVÇ fPm FrA oPiq Kmvõ KâPTPa xmPYP~ @PuJKYf jJo oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJjÇ KfKj ryxqoJjmS --33 kOÔJ~
TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
04 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
u¥Pj @mM \JKyr FoKk
yKmV† ß\uJ yPm FTKa KvãJmJºm Iûu yKmV† yPm mJÄuJPhPvr oPiq Ijqfo FTKa oPcu P\uJÇ KvãJ, ˝J˙q, PpJVJPpJV, Kv· S mJKjP\qr Cjú~Pjr Pp iJrJ YuPZ fJ ImqJyf gJTPmÇ yKmVP†r VqJx S KmhM“ KhP~ xJrJ PhPvr KvP·r YJTJ WMrPZÇ FfKhj @Ko @ymJj \JjJfJo ksmJxLPhr mJÄuJPhPv KmKjP~JV TrJr \jqÇ FUj @Ko ksmJxLPhr @ymJj \JjJA yKmVP† KmKjP~JV FKVP~ @xPfÇ yKmVP† IKYPrA Ckvyr ksKfÔJ TrJ yPmÇ PxUJPj ksmJxLPhr \jq KmPvw käa mrJP¨r mqm˙J gJTPmÇ yKmV† KcKˆsÖ SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj ACPT'r @P~J\Pj pMÜrJP\q mxmJxrf yKmV†mJxLr xJPg FT ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ u¥j xlrrf yKmV†-uJUJA @xPjr xÄxh xhxq @uyJ\ô FcPnJPTa PoJ” @mM \JKyr F TgJ mPujÇ Vf 25 Po xºJ~ Px≤sJu u¥Pjr ACˆj˙ xMroJ Px≤JPr IjMKÔf ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPjr xnJkKf KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô, xJPmT vsKoT PjfJ S xÄVbT xoJ\ PxmT Fo F @K\\Ç IjMÓJPj KmPvw IKgKf KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj u¥Pjr TqJoPcj TJCK¿Pur PckMKa Po~r KrYJct TajÇ KmKvÓ xJÄÛíKfT xÄVbT IKuCr ryoJj IKur kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÓf xnJ~ ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj yKmV† KcKˆsÖ SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj ACPT'r xJiJrj xŒJhT KmKvÓ
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Begin Your Journey with Bismillah
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03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 05
06 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
TKoCKjKar xÄmJh
vJy krJj oxK\Ph yJKl\ TîJPxr ZJ©Phr mJKwtT ßTrJf k´KfPpJKVfJ xŒjú
ÈßhRufkMr FcáPTvj F¥ SP~u ßl~Jr asJPˆr ACPTr mOK• k´hJj'
KmvõjJg CkP\uJ oJiqKoT KvãJ TotTftJ PxJPuoJj PyJxJAj mPuPZj, KvãJ ZJzJ PTJPjJ \JKf CjúKf uJn TrPf kJPr jJÇ fJA KvãJUJfPT èÀfô KhPf yPmÇ ksmJxLrJ KvãJUJPf
IVsjL nNKoTJ rJUPZjÇ KfKj xŒ´Kf KmvõjJPg PhRufkMr FcMPTvj F¥ SP~uPl~Jr asJˆ ACPTr CPhqJPV ˙JjL~ hvkJATJ @PjJ~JÀu CuMo @Kuo oJhsJxJ~ FuJTJr VrLmPoiJmL KvãJgtLPhr míK• kshJj IjMÔJPj ksiJj IKfKgr mÜmq Fxm TgJèPuJ mPujÇ asJPˆr mJÄuJPhv kKrYJujJ TKoKar xnJkKf Kjr†j TMoJr hJPxr xnJkKfPfô S fÀe xoJ\PxmT vKlT @yoh Kk~JPrr kKrYJujJ~ KmPvw IKfKgr mÜmq rJPUj asJPˆr xJPmT xnJkKf oMKÜPpJ≠J @mM vKyh PYRiMrL, asJPˆr xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT AorJj UJj, asJPˆr xJiJre xŒJhT PoJyJÿh oyæf PvU, Pas\JrJr Thr CK¨j, KmvõjJg ksmJxL FcMPTvj asJˆ ACPTr asJKˆ jMÀu AxuJo, @mMu PyJPxj oJoMj, pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL PvU o\Kÿu @uL, rKmCu UJj, hvkJATJ @PjJ~JÀu CuMo oJhrJxJr Iiqã oUKuZMr ryoJj, oqJPjK\Ä TKoKar xnJkKf \~jJu @PmKhj, rKlT UJj,
fÀe xoJ\PxmT @vrJlMu AxuJo UJj xMPyu, @Krl CuäJy KxfJm, KV~Jx C¨Lj UJj kÄKT, mTMu UJj, @uoVLr PyJPxj, xMufJj UJj, ZJh CK¨j, ÀPyu @yoh TJuM, fÀj PuUT \JPyh
@uLÇ IjMÔJPjr ÊÀPf PTJr@j PfuJS~Jf TPrj oJhrJxJ ZJ© yJKl\ PoJlJöMu PyJPxjÇ ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj yJKl\ PyuJu @yohÇ KmKnjú KvãJ ksKfÔJPjr KvãT, ZJ©, FuJTJr KmKvÓ\j CkK˙f KZPujÇ IjMÔJPj ACKj~Pjr 18Ka ksJgKoT KmhqJu~ S 7Ka AmPfhJ~L S hJKUu oJhsJxJr PoJa 25Ka ksKfÔJPjr ksPfqTKa ksKfÔJj PgPT 5o PvjLr Kfj\j TPr PoJa 75 \j KvãJgtLr ksPfqTPT 3 yJ\Jr aJTJ TPr PoJa 2uãq 25 yJ\Jr aJTJ FmÄ 2Ka Có KmhqJu~ S 5Ka hJKUu oJhsJxJr PoJa 7Ka ksKfÔJPjr ksPfqTKa ksKfÔJj PgPT 9mo PvjLr 2\j TPr PoJa 14\j KvãJgtLr ksPfqTPT 4yJ\Jr aJTJ TPr PoJa 56 yJ\Jr aJTJ (ACKj~Pjr xmtPoJa 27 Ka ksKfÔJPjr kûo S jmo PvsjLr PoJa 89 \j KvãJgtLPhr PT PoJa 2 uãq 81 yJ\Jr aJTJ) KvãJgtLr yJPf míK• kshJj TPrj IjMÔJPjr IKfKgrJÇ
xJPxé mJÄuJPhvL TqJaJrJxt FPxJKxP~vPjr 3~ ßrJc ßvJ IjMKÔf ÈxJPxé Pvl Im Kh A~Jr -2016' ksKfPpJVLfJ S \JT\oT VJuJ KcjJr @P~J\j TrPf pJPò xJPxé mJÄuJPhvL TqJaJrJxt FPxJKxP~vjÇ jPn’Prr 1 fJKrPU VJuJ KcjJr IjMÔJPjr oJiqPo Km\~LPhr xÿJjjJ \JjJPjJ yPmÇ rKmmJr 29 ßo Aˆ xJPxPÛr rJ\kNf ßrÓMPrP≤ F CkuPã fífL~ PrJc PvJr @P~J\j TPr xÄVbjKaÇ FPf \JjJPjJ y~ xJPxéPT 5Ka FuJTJ~ nJV TPr PoJa 2Ka KmnJPV 20\j PvlPT xÿJjjJ \JjJPjJ yPmÇ kPr hã KmYJrPTr oJiqPo Km\~LPhr jJo PWJwjJ TrJ yPmÇ F\jq mOy•r xJPxÛPT 5Ka FuJTJ~ nJV TPr TP~TKa CkTKoKa Vbj TrJ yP~PZÇ xnJr @P~J\TrJ k´KfPpJKVfJ~ IÄvV´yPj @V´yLPhr @VJoL 31 \MuJA Fr oPiq oPjJj~j k© xÄV´y TPr \oJ hJPjr IjMPrJi \JKjP~PZj xÄVbPjr ßjfímº O Ç xÄVbPjr PxPâaJrL @xTr @uLr
kKrYJujJ~ PrJc PvJPf xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPjr nJrk´J¬ xnJkKf Fo F TJA~Mo Ko~J xnJkKfPfô IjMKÔf xnJr ÊÀPf kKm© ßTJr@j ßfuJS~Jf TPrj ˙JjL~ TqJaJrJr S IjMÔJPjr PyJˆ xJKær @yoh xJPyhÇ FPf mÜmq rJPUj k´mLe TqJaJrJr @fr @uL, AoJjMöJoJj oKy,jMÀu AxuJo, PoJyJÿh S~JKyh, KxrJ\Mu AxuJo, \JTJKr~J @yPoh, @»Mu ßoJKyf jNr, Qx~h vJoLo k´oUM Ç @P~J\TrJ oPj TPrj F ksKfPpJVLfJr oJiqPo PvlPhr oNuqJ~Pjr kJvJkJKv mqmxJr Cjú~Pj F CP¨qJV èÀfôket níKoTJ rJUPmÇ IjMÔJPj @PrJ mÜmq rJPUj mqmxJ~L fJKyh Ko~J TP~x, oJyfJm Ko~J, AxoJAu ßyJPxj, U~Àu AxuJo, Qx~h TJoJu, PoJyJÿh xJoM, ÀPor ‰YRiMrL, FohJh CK¨j, oAj CuäJy, vJoLo @yoh, l~\Mu AxuJo, @mMu TJuJo, mhÀr yTÇ
PyTKj ßrJz˙ vJy krJj oxK\h F¥ TJutYJrJu ßx≤JPrr AKnKjÄ yJKlK\ oJhsJxJr ZJ©Phr mJKwtT ßTrJf S jJKxh k´KfPpJKVfJ Vf 29 ßo rKmmJr hMkPM r oxK\Phr ßoAj yPu IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ FPf KmkMu xÄUqT ZJ©, fJPhr IKnnJmT S FuJTJr KmKvÓ mqKÜmVt CkK˙f KZPujÇ oxK\h TKoKar ßY~JroqJj @uyJ\ô ßoJyJÿh jNr mTx Fr xnJkKfPfô S KvãT yJKl\ TJSZJr @yoh Fr kKrYJujJ~ IjMÔJPjr ÊÀPf kKm©
@»Mu rm, xyTJrL ßas\JrJr yJ\L @»Mu oJPuT, KvãT yJPl\ KoxmJCr ryoJj, yJPl\ ZJuJof @uLÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ vJy krJj oxK\Ph yJKl\ TîJPxr ZJ©Phr IKnjªj \JKj~ mPuj, AxuJKoT KvãJ FT\j ZJ©PT fJr KvãJPT kNetJfJ ßh~ FmÄ AyTJu S krTJu xŒPTt fJr \JjJr IkNmt xMPpJV xOKÓ TPrÇ AxuJKoT KvãJr oJiqPo xoJP\ vJK∂ S kKrmJKrT \LmPj xMU FmÄ xoOK≠ FPj KhPf kJPrÇ @PuJYjJ xnJ ßvPw Km\~LPhS yJPf
ßTJr@j ßgPT ßfuJS~Jf TPr yJKl\ KmnJPVr ZJ© ßoJyJÿh hJCh AxuJoÇ IjMÔJPj k´iJj IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj \JPo~Jfáu AÿJy oJhsJxJr KvãT yJPl\ oJSuJjJ lUÀu AxuJoÇ mÜmq rJPUj oxK\h TKoKar FcáPTvj ßxPâaJrL yJ\L @KfT Ko~J, FPxJKxP~vj Im AxuJKoT KaYJxt Fr ßY~JroqJj oJSuJjJ ßyuJu C¨Lj @yoh, oxK\h TKoKar Pas\JrJr yJ\L
kMrÛJr fáPu ßh~J y~Ç PTrJf k´KfPpJKVfJ~ k´go y~ ßoJ: \JKTCu yJxJj, KÆfL~ ßoJ: @A~Mm, fífL~ @uL yJxJjÇ jJKxh k´KfPpJKVfJ~ k´go y~ @KvT ryoJj, KÆfL~ oJymMm, fífL~ ACZál S @pyJrÇ FKhPT oJhsJxJr ZJ© hJCh AxuJo xŒsKf YqJPju Fx Fr KTC PlÖr Km\~L yS~J~ fJPT FTKa TKŒCaJr k´hJj TrJ yPm mPu \JjJPjJ y~Ç
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TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
KmsKav mJÄuJPhvL KaYJxt FPxJKxP~vPjr KÆ-mJKwtT xPÿuj S KjmtJYj xŒjú @mM PyJPxj xnJkKf, mJKxf PxPâaJKr
28Pv Po vKjmJr kNmt u¥Pjr KmsTPuPjr FT PrP˜JrJr yu ÀPo KmsKav mJÄuJPhvL KaYJxt FPxJKxP~vPjr KÆ-mJKwtT xPÿuj S KjmtJYj Ifq∂ @jªWj kKrPmPv xŒjú y~Ç xPÿuPj xnJkKffô TPrj KmKaFr xnJkKf @»Mu TM¨xM PYRiMrL, @r xPÿuj kKrYJujJ TPrj KmKaFr xJiJre xŒJhT @»Mu mJKxf PYRiMrLÇ KÆ-mJKwtT xPÿuPj KmKaFr xhxqmíª xy KmKnjú ÛMPur KvãTmíª KmkMu C“xJy C¨LkjJr oJiqPo IÄv Vsye TPrjÇ xPÿuj CkuPãq xTPur \jq oiqJ¤ PnJP\r FmÄ xJÄÛíKfT IjMÔJPjrS @P~J\j TrJ y~Ç xPÿuPj KmKnjú KvãTmíª FmÄ KmKaFr Pjfímª í fJPhr mÜmq KmKaFPT @PrJ VKfvLu TrJr jJjJ krJovt kshJj FmÄ jfMj Pjfífô KjmtJYPjr oJiqPo TrJ~ KmKaFr mftoJj Pjfífô S KjmtJYj TKovjPT ijqmJh ùJkj TPrjÇ KvãTmíª KjP\Phr oPiq xŒ´LKf S xoxqJ xoNy KYK¤f TPr mKuÓ nMKoTJ rJUJr @ymJPjr xJPg xTuPT @PrJ xŒíÜ yS~JrS @ymJj \JjJjÇ xPÿuPj IjqJPjqr oPiq mÜmq rJPUj @»Mu S~JhMh oMTu M , @mM PyJPxj, PoJvfJT PYRiMrL, vJyjNr UJj, oJxMh @yPoh, PT, Fo, @mM fJPyr PYRiMrL, vKl @yPoh, rJK\~J oJjúJj, oMjP\Krj rvLh, TJCK¿ur rJKyoJ ryoJj, PoJyJÿh \MP~u, \JoJu CK¨j @yPoh, vJy lJÀT @yPoh, ^etJ
PYRiMrL ksoUM Ç FA xPÿuPj jfMj mZPrr Pjfífô KjmtJYPjr \jq KjmtJYj TKovjJr KyPxPm hJK~fô kJuj TPrj pgJâPo ksiJj KjmtJYj TKovjJr @»Mu S~JhMh oMTuM , FmÄ TKovjJr \JoJu CK¨j @yPoh FmÄ vJy lJÀT @yPohÇ FA TKovPjr ffôJmiJPj IjMKÔf KjmtJYPj PoJ” @mM PyJPxj xnJkKf, KxrJ\Mu mJKxf PYRiMrL xJiJre xŒJhT, FmÄ KoxmJy CK¨j @yPoh PT PTJwJiqã KjmtJKYf TPr 19 xhPxqr TJptTrL TKoKa Vbe TrJ y~Ç xPÿuPj KmkMu TrJfJKur oJiqPo jm KjmtJKYf TKoKaPT ˝JVf \JjJPjJ y~ÇKjmtJKYf yS~Jr kr jfMj TKoKar xnJkKf xJiJre xŒJhT xy Pjfímª í CkK˙f KvãTmíª xy xTuPT ijqmJh S TífùfJ \JjJj FmÄ KvãTmOª fJPhr TJÅPi Pp hJK~fô KhP~PZj, fJ xMYJÀnJPm kJuPj xTu KvãT KvKãTJPhr xyPpJVLfJ TJojJ TPrjÇ KmPTPur xJÄÛíKfT IjMÔJPj xñLf kKrPmvj TPrj FcPnJPTa oMK\mMu yT oKj, ÀKm yT, oMjP\Krj rvLh, ATmJu PyJPxj, rJKyoJ ryoJj, xJBhJ PYRiMrL, PoJvfJT PYRiMrL, PoJ˜lJ TJoJu Kouj, ^etJ PYRiMrL, PyJxPj @rJ @yPoh, @r IKfKg Kv·L KyPxPm jJ\oMj jJyJr oJxMoJ S xJuoJ @UfJrÇ
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 07
pMÜrJ\q KmFjKk ßxJ~JjKx vJUJr jfáj TKoKa ßWJwjJ mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL hu (Km Fj Kk) PxJ~JjKx vJUJr CPhqJPV pMÜrJ\q KmFjKk Ph~J TKoKaPT k´fqJUJj TPr mMimJr xºqJ~ PxJ~JjKxr KmFjKkr TKoKa VbPjr uPãq xnJr @P~J\j TrJ y~Ç k´mLe oMrKæ @uyJ\ oJxMT M Ko~Jr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ xÄVbPjr xJiJre xŒJhT @mMu TJuJo Fr kKrYJujJ~ xnJ~ ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj xÄVbPjr xnJkKf @yoh @uLÇ xnJ~ IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj KxKj~r xy xnJkKf @uyJ\ lJÀT Ko~J, xy xnJkKf @uyJ\ vKlTár ryoJj, pMVú xJiJre xŒJhT FohJh lJÀTL Aoj, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT \JuJu @yoh, ßas\JrJr jMr Ko~J, k´YJr xŒJhT @l\u ßyJPxj xy @PrJ IPjPT ÇxnJ~ xmtxÿKfâPo @yoh @uLPT xnJkKf S @mMu TJuJoPT xJiJre xŒJhT S @uyJ\ lJÀT Ko~JPT KxKj~r xy xnJkKf S FohJh lJÀTL AojPT pMVú xJiJre
V´yePpJVq j~Ç fJrJ PhvPj©L PmVo UJPuhJ K\~J S Phv jJ~T fJPrT ryoJPjr @hvtPT khhKuf TPr TKoKa KhP~PZ, pJ IVefJKπTÇ fíjoNPur ßjfJTotLPhr mJh KhP~ pJrJ hPur hM”xoP~ WPr mPx xo~ TJaJ~ fJPhrPT TKoKa ßh~J oJPj KmFjKkr @hvtPT m\tj TrJÇ ßxJjJ~Kxr \JfL~fJmJhL oPjr xTuPT ßxJ~JjKxr @yoh @uL S @mMu TJuJPor ßjfíPfô ßp TKoKa Vbj TrJ yP~PZ, fJPhr xJPg ‰˝rJYJrL ßvU yJKxjJr KmÀP≠ k´mJx @PªJuj VPz fáuPf xyJ~T nëKoTJ rJUJr @ymJj \JjJPjJ y~ Ç xnJ~ @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj, \~jJu @PmKhj ßYRiMrL, mJmMu ßyJPxj, @r\ @uL, xJuJCK¨j @yoh, jJ\oMu ÉhJ, jJ\oMu ßyJPxj, @jkr @uL, oMKym CK¨j, KV~Jx CK¨j, oMKÜPpJ≠J @PjJ~Jr vJy, xJoZáK¨j, ßhPuJ~Jr ßyJPxj, Krkj Ko~J, ßjJoJj @yoh, @mhMu ofKum, @mhMu rm,
xŒJhT, \JuJu @yohPT xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT TPr 101 xhxq KmKvÓ TKoKa PWJwjJ ßh~J y~Ç xnJ~ mÜJrJ mPuj, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKk fíjoNu ßjfJTotLPhr ofJofPT CkPãJ TPr ßxJ~JjKxPf ßp kPTa TKoKa KhP~PZ, fJ ßTJj oPfA
@KojMr ryoJj, ÀÉu @K\\, Tuohr @yoh, oMjfJKTo @uL, TJoÀu ßyJPxj, oM\Jl&lJr @uL, ßoJyJÿh @uL, Koaj @yoh, vkMu PoJyJÿh AxuJo, ÀPou UJj, \JoJu @uL xy @PrJ IPjPTÇ
08 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
TKoCKjKar xÄmJh
jmKjmJtKYf ßY~JroqJj Kyrj Ko~JPT VexÄmitjJ k´hJj
u¥Pj \MzL oPcu yJA Ûáu k´JÜj ZJ©-ZJ©LPhr kMeKt oujLr CPhqJV PoRunLmJ\Jr ß\uJr \MKz CkP\uJr GKfyqmJyL È\MzL oPcu yJA Ûáu' Fr 86 mZr kNKft CkuPã pMÜrJP\q mxmJxrf CÜ KmhqJuP~r xJPmT ZJ©-ZJ©LPhr CPhqJPV FT kMeKt oujL IjMÔJPjr @P~J\Pjr CPhqJV ßj~J yP~PZÇ CÜ kMetKoujL IjMÔJjPT xlu TrJr uPãq xJPmT ZJ©ZJ©LPhr KjP~ FTKa krJovt xnJ vLWsA @P~J\j TrJ yPmÇ kNetKoujL IjMÔJj xlu TrPf KmhqJuP~r
xTu ZJ©-ZJ©LPhr xJKmtT xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TrJ yP~PZÇ Km˜JKrf \JjJPf ßpJVJPpJV k´JÜj ZJ© xJPuy @yoh (07956513677)
k´mJxL IuÄTJrL ACKj~j SP~uPl~Jr asJˆ ACPTr xnJ IjMKÔf
@xjú kKm© ro\Jj oJxPT xJoPj ßrPU FuJTJr IxyJ~ VrLm oJjMwPT xJyJpq xyPpJKVfJr uãq KjP~ k´mJxL IuÄTJrL ACKj~j SP~uPl~Jr asJÓ ACPTr FT @PuJYjJ xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç Vf 23 ßo ßxJomJr kNmt u¥Pjr V´Jo mJÄuJ ßrˆáPrP≤ IjMKÔf @PuJYjJ xnJ~ xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPjr xnJkKf oT¨MZ @uL, PxPâaJrL FcPnJPTa rJvLh @uLr kKrYJuJ~ xnJ~ CkK˙f KZPuj CkPhÓJ ImMu TJuJo @\Jh, oKjr Ko~J, xy-xnJkKf Korj Ko~J,
lJC¥Jr PxPâaJrL @»MZ PZJmyJj, xy-xnJkKf @Pmh PYRiMrL, PTJwJiqã @»MZ ZJuJo, \MjJm @uL, kJmKuPTvj PxPâaJrL \JKTr PyJPxj TP~x, AKu~Jx @uL kJvJ, olöu @uL, @KoÀu AxuJo PuZM, vJyLjMr ryoJj S UJPuh oJxMh ksoUM Ç xnJ~ \JjJPjJ y~ ro\Jj oJPx ACKj~Pj FuJTJr hKrhs IxyJ~ oJjMwPhr oPiq 2 uJU aJTJr ©Jj Kmfrj TrJ yPmÇ FPf xTu asJKÓ S k´mJxLPhr xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TrJ y~Ç
ßV´aJr KYaJVJÄ FPxJKxP~vj ACPTr kMjtKoujL S xñLf xºqJ PVsaJr KYaJVJÄ FPxJKxP~vj AC PT'r Kj~Kof oJKxT kMjtKoujL S xñLf xºqJ ÊâmJr 27Po kNmt u¥Pjr KYaJVÄ Px≤JPr IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ @P~J\T KZPuj xÄVbPjr PY~JroqJj mqJKrˆJr oPjJ~Jr PyJPxjÇ IjMÔJPj KmKaKnr ˝jJoijq Kv·L \JjúJf A TJCxJrL, FohJhMu nMA~J, cJÜJr KvoMu, @TfJÀu @uPor xMPruJ TP£ \jKks~ j\Àu VLKf, @iMKjT, mqJP¥r VJj VJPjr kKrPmvjJ yunKft hvtT ksJenPr CkPnJV TPrjÇ IjMÔJPj KnjúoJ©J pMÜ y~, mqJKrˆJr oPjJ~Jr PyJPxj, TJCK¿ur Qx~h KlPrJ\ VKe'r rxJPuJ PTRfMPT Ç IjMÔJPj kptJP~ xÄVbPjr oyJxKYm vSTf oJyoMh KakM xJŒ´KfT
CkTëuL~ IûPu mP~ pJS~J WMKjt^P~ @âJ∂Phr \jq xJyJPpqr oJjKmT @PmhPj CkK˙frJ mqJkT xJzJ PhjÇ FPf IPrJ mÜmq rJPUj PoJyJÿh TJ~xJr S jNÀjúmL @uL, KoPxx uLjJ PyJPxPjr xJKmtT f•ôJmiJPj IjMÔJj YPu oiqrJf kpt∂Ç Y¢VsJo KmvõKmhqJuP~r IiqJkT oMKjr PYRiMrL IKfKg KyPxPm CkK˙f yP~ PVsaJr KYaJVÄ FPxJKxP~vPjr TJpqtâPor nN~xL ksvÄxJ TPrjÇ @P~J\T PY~JroqJj mqJKrˆJr oPjJ~Jr PyJPxj xTuPT kKm© oJPy ro\JPjr IKVso ÊPnòJ \JKjP~, KmsPaPj Im˙Jjrf Y¢VsJomJxLPhr @VJoL AlfJr oJyKlu S IjqJjq @P~J\Pj CkK˙f gJTJr IjMPrJi \JjJj Ç
pMÜrJP\qr KmKnjú vyr PgPT @Vf KmkMu xÄUqT TKoCKjKa PjfímPí ªôr xrm CkK˙KfPf k´Jem˜ @P~J\Pj IjMKÔf yP~ PVPuJ KxPuPar PoJVuVJS ACKj~Pjr jmKjmtJKYf PY~JroqJj S KmKmKxFr KxKj~r xy-xnJkKf, AoPk´xj S ßyJ~JAa yJC\ mqJÄTáKaÄ yPur kKrYJuT, KmKvˆ TKoCKjKa PjfJ Kyrj Ko~Jr xÿJPj @~JK\f KmrJa VexÄmitjJ IjMÔJjÇ
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Ko~J mPuj, F Km\~ fJr FTJr j~Ç FKa xTu pMÜrJ\q ksmJxLrÇ KfKj mPuj, KfKj ksmJxLPhr xoxqJ KjP~ FuJTJ~ TJ\ TrPmjÇ fJPT KjmtJKYf TrPf pMÜrJ\q PgPT pJrJ KmKnjú nJPm xyPpJKVfJ TPrPZj fJr \jq TífùfJ ksTJv TPrjÇ KfKj mPuj, ImPyKuf PoJVuVJS ACKj~Pjr jhLnJñj, VqJx S rJ˜JWJa KjotJj xy KvãJ Cjú~Pj @∂KrT PYÓJ TrPmjÇ F\jq KfKj FuJTJmJxL S xTu ksmJxLPhr xJKmTt xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TPrjÇ fJPT Kmru xÿJj \jJPjJr \jq KfKj PVsaJr uJoJTJ\L SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj S TKoCKjKa PjaS~JTt FPxJKxP~vPjr PjfímPí ªr k´Kf @∂KrT TífùfJ ksTJv TPrjÇ
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Km~JjLmJ\Jr CkP\uJ xoJ\TuqJj xKoKf l∑JP¿r @PuJYjJ xnJ
ÈAÄKuv ßaˆ aK~T' Fr oJouJ~ mJÄuJPhvL mqJKrˆJPrr xJluq
mJKotÄyJo KxKa KmFjKkr PhJ~J oJyKlu IjMKÔf
KmsPaPjr kzPf @xJ vf vf KvãJgLtPhr oPiq IPjPTA 'AÄKuv ßaˆ aK~T' Fr TJrPe mO P aj ZJzPf mJiq yP~PZ @mJr IPjPTA FUPjJ rP~PZ KmvõKmhqJu~ nKftxy AKoPV´ v j ßnJVJK∂PfÇ @r aK~T krLãJ~ IÄvV´ye TrJ FT KvãJgt L PT mOPaPj gJTJr IjMoKf KjP~ asJAmMqjJPu @Kku TPr rJP~ Km\~L yjÇ FA @AjL uzJAP~r oJiqPo k´gPoA PyPr KVP~KZu mJÄuJPhvL mÄPvJØáf mqJKrˆJr @mM xMKl~JjÇ kPr, fJr pMKÜ PoPj KjP~ G KvãJgtLr kPãA rJ~ ßhj mOKav @hJufÇ ßx≤sJu u¥Pjr ˆsqJ¥ ßY’Jrx Fr mJÄuJPhvL mÄPvJØáf mqJKrˆJr @mM xM K l~Jj Vf ÊâmJr kNmt u¥Pjr ˙JjL~ FT ßrÓáPrP≤ xJÄmJKhT xPÿuPj F fgq \JjJjÇ KfKj @PrJ mPuj, rJ~ kptJPuJYjJ TPr ßhUJ pJ~ G KvãJgtL IjqJjq AKoPV´vj Kj~ojLKf oPj YuPZ
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mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL hu KmFjKkr ksKfÔJfJ mJÄuJPhPvr ksgo PksKxPc≤ oyJj ˝JiLjfJr PWJwT mÉhuL~ VefPπr ksmftT vyLh PksKxPc≤ K\~JCr ryoJPjr 35 fo vJyJhJ“ mJKwtTLPf mJKotÄyJo KxKa KmFjKkr CPhqJPV FT PhJ~J oJyKlu IjMKÔf y~Ç xÄVbPjr xnJkKf \JKyh PYRirLr xnJkKfPfô kKrYJujJ TPrj xJiJrj xŒJhT @m\Jr PyJxJAj kKm© PTJr@j PfuJ~Jf S PoJjJ\Jf kKrYJujJ TPrj oJSuJjJ @»Mr rmÇ xnJ~ @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkÈr CkPhÓJ KlÀ\ PYRirL, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkÈr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT xM\JfMr Pr\J, mJKotÄyJo
KxKa KmFjKkr KxKj~r xy xnJkKf yJ\L PVJuJm CuäJy, SP~ˆ KocuqJ¥ KmFjKk'r xJiJrj xŒJhT @»Mu UJKuT, mJKotÄyJo KxKa KmFjKkr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT xKor @uL, SP~ˆ KocuqJ¥ KmFjKk'r pMVú xŒJhT èu\Jr @yPoh l~xu, SP~ˆ KocuqJ¥ KmFjKk'r PjfJ lP~\ CK¨j (FoKmA), mJKotÄyJo pMmhPur xJPmT KxKj~r xy xnJkKf T~xr @uL vJyLj, xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT rJPxu @yPoh, \KyÀu AxuJo, SP~ˆ KocuqJ¥ KmFjKk'r PjfJ Pr\JCu AxuJo KmuäJy, PoJhJxKxr UJj, mJKotÄyJo KxKa KmFjKkr PjfJ oM˜JT @yPoh, \MPmr @yPoh PYRirL ksoMUÇ
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@yoh ksoMUÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ mPuj, kqJKrPxr mJÄuJPhvL TKoCKjKaPhr GKfyqmJyL xJoJK\T xÄVbj Km~JjLmJ\Jr CkP\uJ xoJ\ TuqJe xKoKf ksKfÔJr kr PgPT FuJTJr xJoKVsT Cjú~Pj mqJkT TJ\ TPr YPuPZÇ FrA iJrJmJKyTfJ ImqJyf gJTPmÇ xnJ~ xKoKfr kã PgPT @VJoL 19 \Mj rKmmJr InJKntuJ mJÄuJPhvL \JPo oxK\Ph kKm© oJPy ro\Jj CkuPã AlfJr oJyKlu TrJr Kx≠J∂ y~Ç kPr xKoKfr 2016 - 2017 xJPur \jq jmVKbf CkPhÔJ TKoKbPT xÄVbPjr kã PgPT xÄmitjJ kshJj TrJ y~Ç
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ßhJw IJkjJr j~?
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10 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
13 - 19 ‰\qÔ 1423 mñJ»
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Honorary Chairman Sheikh Md. Mofizur Rahman Founder & Managing Director Taz Choudhury Board of Director Kamruz Zaman Shuheb Advisors Mahee Ferdhaus Jalil Tafazzal Hussain Chowdhury Shofi Ahmed Alhaj Tahir Ali Abdul Jalil Cllr. Parvez Ahmed Editor in Chief Taz Choudhury Editor Barrister Tareq Chowdhury Head of Production Shaleh Ahmed Staff Reporter Md Jayanal Abedien Head of Advertising Nick Nathan Marketing Manager Mahfuzur Choudhury Faith Advisor Moulana Md Abdul Malik Litarary Advisor Shamim Azad
Correspondent West Midland H M Ashraf Ahmed Balagonj, Sylhet Sahabuddin Sahin Dhaka Bureau Office 10/12 Purana Paltan Line Dhaka-1000 Tel: 0088029332046 Head of Marketing & Sales Robin Mahmud Cell : 0088017132772331
AAC VePnJa: xMKYK∂f ofJof k´P~J\j xoV´ KmsPaj \MPz @VJoL 23\Mj VePnJa IjMKÔf yPf pJPòÇ GKhj xTJu 7aJ ßgPT 10aJ kpt∂ KmsPaPjr \jVj ßnJahJj TrPmÇ G VePnJPa \jVj ACPrJKk~Jj ACKj~Pjr xÄPñ gJTPm jJ ßmr yP~ pJPm fJ KjP~ fJPhr ofJof k´hJj TrPmÇ FA VePnJaPT xJoPj ßrPU xoV´ KmsPaj FUj hMAnJPV KmnÜÇ FojKT KmsKav xrTJPrr oπL xnJ~S KmsPaj ßgPT ßmr yP~ pJmJr kPã TP~T\j oπL @mJr k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJPorjxy ßmv TP~T\j oπL KmsPaj ACPrJPk gJTáT IgtJ“ KrPoAj TqJPŒAj TPr pJPòjÇ AACr kPãr ßuJPTrJ YJPòj KmsPaj AACr xJPgA gJTáTÇ @r AAC KmPrJiLrJ YJPòj KmsPaj AACr xhxqkh fqJV TÀTÇ VePnJPa ßnJaJrPhr KrPoAj IgmJ Kun FA hMA kZPªr oPiq FTKaPT PmPZ KjPf yPmÇ FA k´YJreJ Aj IgmJ @Ca mPuS kKrKYf yPòÇ @r AAC ßgPT ßmr yP~ @xJPT muJ yPò KmsKéaÇ Vf xJiJre KjmtJYPjr k´YJPr k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJPorj
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FTuJ, kzJj nJPuJ, hJK~fô kJuPj @∂KrT, ßxA kMPrJPjJ jLKfPf KmvõJxL ÈvJxj TrJ fJPrA xJP\ ßxJyJV TPr ßp ßVJ'Ç FUj xo~ FPxPZ @kx TPr oJKjP~ YuJr, xJÄxh S fJÅr ßYuJYJoM§JPhr UJKfr TPr YuJr, k´KfÔJjk´iJj KyPxPm fJÅPhr AòJkNrPer mvÄmhKa yP~ gJTJrÇ xJÄxh ßxKuo SxoJj S fJÅr vJVPrhrJ ßfJ \JPjj FuJTJr h§oMP§r TftJ KyPxPm fJÅPhr AòJPfA xm yPm FmÄ yPf yPmÇ jLKf mJ KmPmTPT fJÅrJ xyq TrPmj jJÇ fJÅPhr FTJKikfqPT YqJPu† ßhUJ~ ßp k´iJj KvãT, fJÅPT yaJPf yPmÇ kK©TJ~ ßhUJ ßVu, FpJm“ fJÅPT TMKzmJr ßvJT\ TPr, jJjJ fhP∂r oMPUJoMKU TPrS mJPV @jJ pJ~KjÇ KT∂á vqJou TJK∂ jJaPTr ßvw Iï hs∆fA xŒjú TrPf C“xMT xJÄxh S fJÅr humPur fr xAKZu jJÇ fJÅrJ ßoJão I˘Ka yJjPuj∏iPotr
IkrKhPT pJrJ KmsPajPT ACPrJk ßgPT ßmr yP~ pJS~Jr kPã k´YJrjJ YJuJPò fJPhr mÜmq yPò AAC PgPT @xJ PuJTPhr TJrPe TKoCKjKar x∂JjPhr YJTKr-mJTKrr xMPpJV TPo PVPZÇ TJre KjP~JVhJfJrJ yJPfr TJPZ PuJT kJS~Jr TJrPe PvfJñPhr IVsJKiTJr PhjÇ @mJr ÛMu, yJxkJfJPuS oJjMPwr Knz PmPz PVPZ AAC PgPT ImJPi PuJT @xJr TJrPeÇ fJPhr @rS nJmjJ yPuJ mJKzr hJo FmÄ mJxJnJzJ PmPz pJS~J KjP~Ç FA IÄPvr mqKÜrJ oPj TPrj, KmsPaj AAC PgPT Pmr yP~ FPu AAC PgPT PuJT @xJ ToPmÇ FPf WrmJKzr YJKyhJ TPo hJoS TPo @xPmÇ PxAxPñ PjPo @xPm mJKz nJzJSÇ pJ fMujJoNuT hMmtu @KgtT Im˙Jr mJXJKu TKoCKjKar PuJTPhr \jq nJu yPmÇ FA hMA kPãr ofJof kptJPuJYjJ TrPu FaJA kKrÛJr ßp, @VJoL 23\MPjr KjmtJYj KmsPaPjr \jVPjr \jq UMmA èÀfôkMetÇ KmsPaPjr nKmwqf KjitJrPjr \jq xTuPT fJA xMKYK∂f ofJof k´hJPjr @ymJj \JjJAÇ
ßjfJrJS FUPjJ Im˙Jj KbT ßrPUPZjÇ @r KvKãf-IKvKãf iotKjKmtPvPw xoJ\ FUPjJ KmkMunJPm F WajJ~ ootJyf, IkrJiLr CkpMÜ vJK˜xy xMKmYJr YJ~Ç @PrTaJ Kmw~ kKrÏJr yPuJ, xrTJr ßylJ\Pf AxuJPor k´Kf pfA ßfJ~J\-PfJwPer jLKf IjMxre TÀT jJ ßTj, fJrJ KT∂á KbTA KlKTPr @PZ ßpPTJPjJ oSTJ~ xrTJrPT ßmTJ~hJ~ ßluJr \jqÇ TgJ KT∂á FUJPjA ßvw y~ jJÇ TJre, iPotr ßhJyJA KhP~ TgJ muPu xoJP\r yfmMK≠fJ pKh YuPf gJPT, fPm ßxA xoJ\ kãJWJfV´˜ yP~ kzPmÇ ãKf yPm pgJgt iotxJijJrSÇ ßhUJ pJPò ßTJPjJnJPm iotL~ nJmJPmV ZzJPf kJrPu xoJ\KmPmT IoKj TMT Å Pz pJ~Ç FKhPT xrTJr ßWJweJ KhP~PZ, KmKvÓ\PjrJS \JPjj @\PTr kíKgmLPf FKVP~ ßpPf yPu ßoiJKnK•T xoJ\ k´KfÔJ TrPf yPmÇ ßoiJYYtJr Igt yPuJ
TgJ ß\PjKZ oyJTKm VqJPar Ior xíKÓ cÖr lJCˆ kPzÇ FA @UqJj KjP~A ßvéKk~JPrr xoxJoK~T AÄPr\ jJaqTJr ßmj \jxjS KuPUPZj jJaTÇ ùJjPT xKbTnJPm mqmyJr jJ TPr mqKÜ˝JPgt yLj CP¨Pvq mqmyJr TrPu kKreKf ±ÄxJ®T y~Ç fJA oJjMwPT xÄpf @Yre FmÄ xLoJ ßoPj YuJr CkPhv ßhS~J y~ xm xo~Ç Fr xN© ßoPu iotVP´ ∫Ç xLoJ mqKÜr \jq, mqKÜ ÆJrJ VKbf xoJP\r \jq, pJ mqKÜKjrPkã fJPT Fr @SfJ~ mJÅiPf YJAPu kKreJPo oJjMPwrA KmTJv À≠ yP~ kzPmÇ FUJPjA oJjMwPT k´ùJr kKrY~ KhPf yPmÇ xoJ\ muMj, xnqfJ-xÄÛíKf muMj xPmrA KmTJv ßfJ Kjntr TPr mqKÜoJjMPwr k´ùJr SkrÇ IKmoívqTJKrfJ mJzPu xoJP\r Imã~ yPmÇ k´ùJ @oJPhr xJyJpq TPr xLoJ S IxLPor kJgtTq mM^Pf, @oJPhr IxLo ùJPjr rJP\q
xLoJ u–Wj S @oJPhr xoJ\KmPmT @mMu ßoJPoj
ImoJjjJ, fJS @mJr FT\j xÄUqJuWM yP~Ç fJÅrJ mqmyJr TrPuj oxK\Phr oJAT, iot rãJ~ ZMPa Fu IPjT oJjMw∏xfqJxfq KmYJPrr ßfJ~JÑJ jJ TPrAÇ ßxaJ xTJPur WajJ, kMKuv vqJou mJmMPT kJyJrJ~ ßrPU Im˙J xJoPu KjP~KZuÇ KT∂á FnJPm jJaPTr TJKãf xoJK¬ jJ WaJ~ IVfqJ xJÄxh xhumPu KmPTPu FPx yJK\r yj WajJ˙PuÇ hMKa TJ\ TrPuj∏iotL~ CxTJKjPT k´KfKÔf TrJr ßYÓJ TrPuj FmÄ FT\j KvãTPT xmPYP~ ImoJjjJr KvTJr yPf mJiq TrPujÇ fJÅr I˘ mMPorJÄ yP~PZ KT? @orJ FUPjJ @vJmJhL ßp fJ yPmÇ pKhS IKnpMÜ xJÄxh ßmkPrJ~J, fJÅr kPã KTZM mqmxJ~L xÄVbjPT hJÅz TKrP~PZj, iotL~ KTZM xÄVbjS F xMPpJPV ßWJuJ kJKjPf oJZ KvTJr TrPf ßjPoPZÇ xrTJKr hPur ßTC ßTC ÈmqKÜVf hJK~Pfô' xJÄxPhr kPã hJÅKzP~PZjÇ fPm @vJr TgJ, k´Tf í iJKotT @PuorJ ÆqgtyLj nJwJ~ F WajJr KjªJ \JKjP~PZj, ßTC ßTC oxK\Phr oJAPTr IkmqmyJr ßrJPi TJptTr mqm˙J ßjS~Jr TgJ mPuPZjÇ @S~JoL uLPVr
ùJjYYtJÇ FUJPj ¸ÓnJPm FTKa k´vú ßfJuJ pJ~∏ùJjPT KT xLoJm≠ VKuPf mJÅiJ pJ~? jJ, ùJj yPuJ IxLo FmÄ ßx TJrPe xmthJ KmTJvoJjÇ ùJPjr S xí\jvLufJ~ xLoJ aJjJr ßTJPjJ kg ßjAÇ oJjMPwr \jq xLoJ aJjPm xJoJK\T rLKfjLKf oNuqPmJi AfqJKhPf ‰fKr xJoJK\T xÄÛíKfÇ ùJPjr FA IxLofJr xPñ AxuJPor ßoRKuT jLKfr ßTJPjJ KmPrJi ßjAÇ ßTjjJ, xLoJm≠ @~Mr IKiTJrL ßTJPjJ oJjMw IxLo yPf kJPr jJÇ KT∂á ùJPjr IxLo xoMhAs fJPT kJKz KhPf yPmÇ ßxaJ AxuJPorS KvãJÇ fJA yJKhPx ßhJujJ ßgPT Tmr kpt∂, IgtJ“ \jì ßgPT oífqM ImKi ùJjxJijJr TgJ muJ yP~PZÇ ùJjJ\tPjr \jq KmiotLr ßhPv ßpPfS C“xJy ßhS~J yP~PZ, ùJjL mqKÜPhr vyLPhr ßYP~ ßmKv optJhJ ßhS~J yP~PZÇ ùJjxJijJ k´\jì ßgPT k´\jìJ∂Pr YuoJj FTKa k´Kâ~JÇ ßTJPjJ FTT mqKÜ IxLo ùJPjr IKiTJrL yPf kJPr jJÇ FA krŒrJ YuoJj gJTPuA xoJP\r KmTJvS YuoJj gJPTÇ @orJ ùJjL KT∂á @®÷rL v~fJPjr kKreJo \JKj, kKÁoJ xJKyPfqr YKr© ßoKlPˆJPlKuPxr
KmyJr TPrS KjP\r xLoJ S Im˙Jj mMP^ KjPfÇ xm iPotA IPjT xJiT mqKÜPfôr ßhUJ ßoPu, pJÅrJ ùJj S Kv·xJijJr oPiq @iqJK®T xJijJr @jª S x∂áKÓ uJPnr TgJ mPujÇ @orJ hM”PUr xPñ uã TKr, KmKnjú xŒ´hJP~ TJPu TJPu KTZM iotJº oJjMw ùJj S xí\jvLufJr oNuq CkuK… jJ TPr ÊiM @YJr k´gJ kJuj S IºKmvõJPxr oPiq iotYYtJPT @m≠ TPr rJPU S IjqPhr Skr ßxA mJiqmJiTfJ YJKkP~ KhPf YJ~Ç ßp xŒ´hJ~ mJ \JKf FnJPm ùJjxJijJ S xíKÓvLufJr oJiqPo KmTJPvr x÷JmjJ À≠ TPr ßh~, ßxA xoJP\r Imã~ ßbTJPjJ Ix÷mÇ oJjmxoJ\ ßfJ ßxsJfK˝jLr oPfJ∏PgPo gJTPu hJo \oPm, \u ßjJÄrJ yPm, hNKwf yPmÇ ßxKuo SxoJPjr TLKftr kPr @oJPhr xoJP\r hNwe @r kYj KT I¸Ó @PZ? KogqJYJr, TkafJ, IjqJ~, KmYJryLjfJ, mûjJ, UMj, iwte, \mrhUPur oyJoJKr YuPZAÇ ßoJa TgJ, xoJP\ KogqJ S TkaJYJr, ãofJr h÷ S IkmqmyJPrr KvTz VnLPr ZKzP~ kPzPZÇ @mMu ßoJPoj: TKm, k´JmKºT S xJÄmJKhTÇ
KxPua xÄmJh
aJjJ hMA Khj KTPvJrLPT TPuJKjr ßnfPr iwte
KTPvJrLr xPñ oJoMPjr KmP~ KZu jJaTÇ nM~J oJSuJjJr oJiqPo oJoMj KmP~ TPr SA KTPvJrLPTÇ Frkr PgPT KTPvJrLKa oJoMPjr xPñ mxmJx TrPf IjLyJ ksTJv TPrÇ KjP\PT rãJ TrPf @ksJe PYÓJ YJuJ~Ç KT∂á kJPrKjÇ hMA UJuJr oJiqPo aJjJ hMA Khj SA KTPvJrLPT TPuJKjr PnfPr iwte TPr oJoMjÇ kPr Kmw~Ka ptJ Pmr j\Pr FPu fJrJ IKnpJj YJKuP~ nM~J mr oJoMj S fJr hMA UJuJPT @aT TPrPZÇ @r @aPTr kr fJrJS PoP~KaPT aJjJ hMAKhj P\JrkNmtT iwtPer TgJ ˝LTJr TPrPZÇ rqJm-9 Fr xhxqrJ \JjJj, PxJomJr PVJkj xÄmJPhr KnK•Pf vyrfuLr AxuJokMr Po\rKauJ FuJTJ~ IKnpJj YJuJ~ ptJ mÇ IKnpJjTJPu mJ\JPrr kJvõtmftL AvKf~JT @yoh KxK¨TLr oJKuTJjJiLj TPuJKj PgPT nM~J mrxy fJr hMA TKgf UJuJPT
@aT TPrÇ fJrJ yPò, KTPvJrV† P\uJr TJKu~J^MKr gJjJr ijkMr kJÅYyJA VsJPor mftoJPj Po\rKauJr KoKóT TPuJKjr mJKxªJ \JjM Ko~Jr ˘L PoJxJÿ“ jNÀjúJyJr (30) S Pj©PTJjJr TuoJTJªJ gJjJr yJPuñJ kMKfVJÅS VsJPor oJAjMK¨j Ko~Jr ˘L PoJxJÿ“ rKyoJ PmVo (50)Ç C≠JrTíf KnTKao KTPvJrL TKmfJ (Z∞jJo) \JjJ~, ksJ~ 2 mZr @PV \LKmTJr fJKVPh VíyTotL KyPxPm KxPuPa TJ\ TrPf @Px PxÇ AxuJokMPr FT mJxJ~ TJ\ TrJr xo~ fJr xPñ TKgf UJuJ jMÀjúJyJPrr kKrY~ y~Ç kPr fJr xPñA TPuJKjPf Vf 3-4 oJx iPr nJzJ WPr mJx TrKZuÇ PxUJPj PVs¬JrTíf nM~J mr oJoMj KnTKaoPT PhUPf PkP~ rKyoJ PmVo S jMÀjúJyJPrr xyPpJKVfJ~ KmP~r xJ\JPjJ jJaT TPrÇ
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 11
ßVJ~JAjWJPa k´mJxLr mJKzPf cJTJKf: 10 uJU aJTJr oJuJoJu uMa, èKuKm≠
KxPuPar PVJ~JAjWJPar lPfykMPr ksmJxLr mJKzPf hMiwt cJTJKfr WajJr Umr kJS~J PVPZÇ cJTJfrJ jVh aJTJ S ˝etJuïJrxy ksJ~ hv uJU aJTJr oJuJoJu uMa TPr KjP~ PVPZ mPu ãKVs˙ kKrmJPrr PuJT\Pjr hJmLÇ cJTJfrJ mJKzr oJKuT ksmJxL AKu~JZ KvThJPrr (35) kJP~ èKu TPr kJKuP~ pJ~Ç FPf KfKj èÀfr @yf yjÇ èÀfr @yf Im˙J~ fJPT C≠Jr TPr KxPua SxoJjL PoKcPTu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu nKft TrJ yP~PZÇ PxJomJr rJf @zJAaJr KhPT CkP\uJr rJo jVr VsJPo ksmJxL AKu~JPZr mJKzPf F WajJ WPaÇ kJKrmJKrT S ˙JjL~ xNP© \JjJpJ~ CkP\uJr lPfykMr ACKj~Pjr oíf @»Mu yJKvPor kM© PxRKh ksmJxL AKu~JZ KvThJr oJx UJPjT @PV ZMKa KjP~ KfKj PhPv @PxjÇ PxJomJr rJf @zJAaJr KhPT 15-20 \Pjr oMPUJviJrL cJTJfPhr xÄWm≠ FTKa hu ksmJxL AKu~JPZr mJKzPf yJjJ Ph~Ç ksgPo fJrJ mJKzr VJct S~Ju akPT mJKzr PnfPr ksPmv TPrÇ
kPr fJrJ WPrr mJrJªJr KVsPur fJuJ S WPrr hr\J PnPñ WPrr PnfPr ksPmv TPr AKu~JZ S fJr ˘LPT IP˘r oMPU K\Kÿ TPr @uoJKrr YJKm
KhPf mPuÇ YJKm KhPf PhKr TrJ~ AKu~JZ @uLr kJP~ èKu TPr cJTJf huÇ kPr YJKm KjP~ @uoJKr UMPu jVh 3 uJU aJTJ S 15 nKr ˝etJuïJr xy oNuqmJj K\Kjx k© uMa TPr KjP~ kJKuP~ pJ~ cJTJPfrJÇ AKu~JZ KvThJPrr nJA TKro KvThJr \JjJj, @oJr nJAP~r Im˙J @vÄTJ\jTÇ fJPT KjP~ @Ko FUj SxoJjL yJxkJfJPu @KZÇ @orJ gJjJ~ IKnPpJV TPrKZÇ kMKuv FPx fh∂ TPr PVPZÇ PVJ~JAjWJa gJjJr SKx PhuS~Jr PyJPxj \JjJj WajJr Umr PkP~ @Ko xr\KoPj WajJ˙u kKrhvtj TPrKZÇ FmqJkJPr oJouJr ksóKM f YuPZÇ FZJzJS WajJr xJPg \KzfPhr @aPT kMKuPvr IKnpJj ImqJyf rP~PZÇ FKhPT WajJr Umr PkP~ KxPuPar KxKj~r xyTJKr kMKuv xMkJr iLPrªs Yªs oyJkJ© ksgPoA èKuKm≠ AKu~JZPT PhUPf KxPuPa SxoJjL PoKcPTu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu pJjÇ kPr KfKj xr\KoPj WajJ˙u rJojVr VsJPor kKrhvtj TPrjÇ
KxPuPa @'uLPVr 10 KmPhsJyL k´JgtL mKyÏJr huL~ KjPhtv IoJjq TPr ksJKgtfJ myJu rJUJ~ KxPuPar \KTV† S PVJ~JAjWJa CkP\uJr 10 PY~JroqJj ksJgtLPT hu PgPT mKyÏJr TPrPZ KxPua P\uJ @S~JoL uLVÇ PTªsL~ KjPhtvJjMpJ~L huL~ Kx≠J∂ IoJjq TrJ~ fJPhrPT huL~ kh PgPT mKyÏJr TrJ yP~PZ mPu \JjJPjJ y~Ç FTAxPñ Fxm mKyÏíf ksJgtLPhr kPã KjmtJYjL ksYJreJ~ IÄv jJ KjPf @S~JoL uLV S Fr xyPpJVL xÄVbPjr xTu kptJP~r PjfJTotLPhr
KjPhtv PhS~J yP~PZÇ PxJomJr (30 Po) KxPua P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr Ckhlfr xŒJhT \VuM PYRiMrL ˝JãKrf FT KmùK¬Pf Kmw~Ka \JjJPjJ y~Ç \KTV† CkP\uJ~ huL~ kh PgPT mKyÏíf PY~JroqJj ksJgtLrJ yPuj, mLrvsL ACKj~Pj xJPuy @yoh, UuJZzJ ACKj~Pj @»Mu VlMr S oJxMT @yoh, TJ\uxJr ACKj~Pj \KyÀu yT UZÀ, @KfTMu AxuJo oKj S @»Mu VlMr, xMufJjkMr ACKj~Pj rKlTMu AxuJo, mJrbJTMrL
ACKj~Pj \JoJu CK¨j FmÄ TxTjTkMr ACKj~Pj @ufJl CK¨j uÛrÇ PVJ~JAjWJa CkP\uJr PcRmJKz ACKj~Pj A~JTMm @uLPT huL~ kh PgPT mKyÏJr TrJ yP~PZÇ FZJzJS hPur KmPhsJyL ksJgtLPhr yP~ @S~JoL uLV S xyPpJVL Iñ-xÄVbPjr Ppxm PjfJTotLrJ ksYJrksYJreJ YJKuP~ pJPòj fJPhr KmÀP≠S UMm KvVKVrA huL~ vJK˜oNuT mqm˙J PjS~J yPm mPu \JjJPjJ y~Ç
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KxPuPar xÄmJh
12 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
KxPua KmnJPVr 11 CkP\uJ~ PY~JroqJj KjmtJKYf yPuj pJrJ KxPua KmnJPVr 11 CkP\uJ~ IjMKÔf kûo iJPkr ACKj~j kKrwPhr KjmtJYPj @S~JoL uLV Ppoj xMKmiJ TrPf kJPrKj; PfoKjnJPm xJluquJn TrPf kJPrKj KmFjKkSÇ oNuf @S~JoL uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtLrJA ÈPjRTJ' cMKmP~PZjÇ KmPhsJyL ksJgtL jJ yPu @S~JoL uLV KjrïMv \~uJn TrfÇ rJf 12aJ~ F KrPkJat PuUJ kpt∂ xmtPvw PmxrTJKr luJlu IjMpJ~L PY~JroqJj kPh @S~JoL uLV 34Ka ACKj~Pj, @S~JoL uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtLrJ 12Ka ACKj~Pj, KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtLrJ 13Ka ACKj~Pj, KmFjKkr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL 7Ka ACKj~Pj FmÄ ˝fπ ksJgtL 3Ka ACKj~Pj KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ KxPua P\uJr hMKa CkP\uJr 14Ka ACKj~Pj KjmtJYj IjMKÔf y~Ç F hMKa CkP\uJ yPò, SxoJjLjVr S mJuJV†Ç hMKa CkP\uJA @S~JoL uLV S KmFjKk xoJjnJPm IgtJ“ 5Ka TPr ACKj~Pj \~L yP~PZÇ 3Ka ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtLrJ FmÄ FTKa ACKj~Pj KmFjKkr KmPhsJyL PY~JroqJj ksJgtL \~uJn TPrPZjÇ CorkMr ACKj~Pj Km\~L yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL (PjRTJ) PVJuJo KTmKr~J, xJhLkMr ACKj~Pj KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL @»Mr rm (iJPjr vLw), kKÁo QkujkMr ACKj~Pj @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL @»Mu yJKl\ SrPl FoF oKfj (@jJrx), mMÀñJ ACKj~Pj @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL UPuT @yoh uaA (@jJrx), PVJ~JuJmJ\Jr ACKj~Pj ˝fπ ksJgtL @fJCr ryoJj oJKjT (PWJzJ), fJ\kMr ACKj~Pj KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL AorJj ræJjL (iJPjr vLw), h~JoLr ACKj~Pj KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL FxKaFo lUr CK¨j (iJPjr vLw), CZoJjkMr ACKj~Pj @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL o~jMu @\Jh lJÀT (@jJrx)Ç F mqJkJPr \JjPf YJAPu SxoJjLjVr CkP\uJ KjmtJyL TotTftJ PoJ. vSTf @uL S CkP\uJ KjmtJYj TotTftJ FohJhMr ryoJj mPuj, h~JoLr ACKj~Pjr 3 j’r S~JPctr mzKirJrJA o\Kÿu
@uLr cJTmJÄPuJr PnJa PTPªsr Po’Jr ksJgtLPhr luJlu ZJzJ mJKT xmTKa ACKj~Pjr luJlu AKfoPiq PWJweJ TrJ yP~PZÇ mJuJV† ksKfKjKi ksKfKjKi \JjJj, F CkP\uJr 6 Ka ACKj~Pjr oPiq 4 KaPf @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf PY~JroqJj ksJgtL FmÄ 2 KaPf KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtLrJ Km\~L yP~PZjÇ CkP\uJ KjmtJYj TotTftJ F fPgqr KjKÁf TPrPZjÇ PmxrTJrL luJlPu kNmt QkujkMr ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj KjmtJKYf yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL PoJ. @»Mu oKfj (PjRTJ)Ç fJr ksJ¬ PnJa 2 yJ\Jr 98Ç KjTafo ksKfƪôL KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL PvU j\Àu AxuJo K\fM (iJPjr Kvw) PkP~PZ 2 yJ\Jr 22 PnJaÇ PmJ~Ju\Mz ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh Km\~L yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL PoJ. @jyJr Ko~J (PjRTJ)Ç fJr ksJ¬ PnJa 4 yJ\Jr 5v 80Ç KjTafo ksKfƪôL KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL PvU PoJ. @uJCK¨j Krkj (iJPjr vLw) PkP~PZj 2 yJ\Jr 4v 74 PnJaÇ PhS~Jj mJ\Jr ACKj~Pj Km\~L yP~PZj KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL jJ\oMu @uo (iJPjr Kvw)Ç fJr KjTafo ksKfƪôL KZPuj ˝fπ ksJgtL FjJP~fMr ryoJj UJj rJ\M Ko~J (PoJarxJAPTu)Ç kKÁo PVRrLkMr ACKj~Pj Km\~L yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL PoJ. @KoÀu AxuJo oiM (PjRTJ)Ç mJuJV† xhr ACKj~Pj Km\~L yP~PZj KmFjKk oPjJjLf PY~JroqJj ksJgtL @»Mu oMKjo (iJPjr Kvw)Ç fJr KjTafo ksKfƪôL KZPuj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf FoF oKfj (PjRTJ)Ç kNmt PVRrLkMr ACKj~j kKrwh KjmtJYPj Km\~L yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL KyoJÄÊ r†j hJx (PjRTJ)Ç fJr KjTafo ksKfƪôL KZPuj Fo. oMK\mMr ryoJj (iJPjr Kvw)Ç TouV† ksKfKjKi \JjJj, TouVP† 9Ka ACKj~Pjrr oPiq 6KaPf @S~JoL uLV, 1KaPf KmFjKk FmÄ KmFjKkr KmPhsJyL 2KaPf Km\~L
yP~PZÇ TPbJr KjrJk•Jr oiq KhP~ 9Ka ACKj~Pjr 94 Ka PTPªs PoJa 425Ka TPã (mMg) PoJa 1369 \j PnJaVsye TotTftJ PnJa Vsye TPrjÇ PmxrTJKr luJlPu Km\~L ksJgtLrJ yPuj rKyokMr ACKj~Pj mftoJj PY~JroqJj xJPmT KYl ÉAk CkJiqã @»Mx vyLh FoKkr PZJa nJA TouV† CkP\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT AlPfUJr @yPoh mhÀu (PjRTJ), kfjCwJr ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL AK†Kj~Jr PoJ. fSKlT @yoh mJmM (PjRTJ), oM¿LmJ\Jr ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL mLr oMKÜPpJ≠J @mhMu PoJfJKum frlhJr (PjRTJ), voPvrjVr @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL \MP~u @yoh (PjRTJ), TouV† ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL PoJ. @»Mu yJjúJj (PjRTJ), @uLjVr ACKj~Pj mftoJj PY~JroqJj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL l\uMu yT yT mJhvJ (PjRTJ), @hokMr ACKj~Pj KmFjKk oPjJjLf ksJgtL PoJ. @mhJu PyJPxj (iJPjr Kvw), oJimkMr ACKj~Pj mftoJj PY~JroqJj ˝fπ ksJgtL KmFjKk PjfJ kMÀ TMoJr TJjM (KxFjK\) S AxuJokMr ˝fπ ksJgtL KmFjKk PjfJ PoJ. @mhMu yJjúJj (@jJrx) ksfLT KjP~ PmxrTJrLnJPm KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ vsLoñu ksKfKjKi \JjJj, vsLoñPu KmFjKkr nrJcMKm yP~PZÇ F CkP\uJr xmTKa ACKj~PjA krJK\f yP~PZj iJPjr Kvw KjP~ PnJapMP≠ jJoJ ksJgtLrJÇ 9 ACKj~Pjr oPiq 6KaPf Km\~L yP~PZj @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtLrJ FmÄ 3Ka ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLPVr KmPhsJyLrJ ˝fπ KyPxPm KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ CkP\uJr Ko\tJkMr ACKj~Pj PjRTJ ksKfT KjP~ ksKfÆKªôfJTJrL @S~JoL uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL @mM xMKl~Jj PYRiMrL, vsLoñu xhr ACKj~Pj nJjM uJu rJ~, KxªMrUJj ACKj~Pj @u PyuJu, @vLPhsJe ACKj~Pj rPjªs ksxJh mitj, TJKuWJa ACKj~Pj ksJPev PVJ~JuJ S rJ\WJa ACKj~Pj Km\~ mMjJ\tL
Km\~L yP~PZjÇ Ikr KfjKa ACKj~Pj Km\~L ˝fπ ksJgtLrJ yPujnNjmLr ACKj~Pj PYrJV @uL (@jJrx), TJuJkMr ACKj~Pj oMK\mMr ryoJj oM\uM (@jJrx) S xJfVJÅC ACKj~Pj Kouj vLu (@jJrx)Ç F Kfj\jA @S~JoL uLV WrjJrÇ hPur oPjJj~j jJ PkP~ fJrJ KmPhsJyL ksJgtL yP~KZPujÇ jmLV† ksKfKjKi Fo,F @yoh @\Jh \JjJj, CkP\uJr 13 Ka ACKj~Pj PmxrTJKr KyxJPm @S~JoL uLV 6Ka, @S~JoL uLV KmPhsJyL 2Ka, KmFjKk 1Ka, KmFjKkr KmPhsJyL 2Ka FmÄ ˝fπ 2Ka ACKj~Pj \~L yP~PZÇ Km\~LrJ yPuj mz nJQTr kKÁo ACKj~Pj KmFjKk KmPhsJyL xfqK\f hJv, mz nJQTr kNmt ACKj~Pj KmFjKk KmPhsJyL @KvT Ko~J, AjJfV† ACKkPf ˝fπ m\uMr rKvh, hLWumJT ACKkPf @S~JoL uLPVr @mM xJBh FSuJ Ko~J, @CvTJKª ACKkPf @S~JoL uLV KmPhsJyL oMKymMr ryoJj yJÀj, TMKvt ACKkPf @S~JoL uLV ksJgtL @uL @yoh oMxJ, TrVJÅS ACKkPf KmFjKkr ZJAoMK¨j, jmLV† xhr ACKkPf @S~JoL uLPVr xJ\M @yoh PYRiMrL, mJCvJ ACKkPf @S~JoL uLPVr @mM KxK¨T, PhmkJzJ ACKkPf ˝fπ IqJcPnJPTa \JKmh @uL, V\jJA kMr ACKj~Pj @S~JoL uLV ksJgtL AohJhMr ryoJj oMTuM , TJKu~Jr nJñJ ACKkPf @S~JoL uLV KmPhsJyL j\Àu AxuJo, kJKjCohJ ACKkPf @S~JoL uLPVr A\J\Mr ryoJj \~L yP~PZjÇ \VjúJgkMr ksKfKjKi \JjJj, KmKòjú WajJr oiq KhP~ \VjúJgkMr CkP\uJr 6 Ka ACKj~Pjr KjmtJYj xŒjú yP~PZÇ KjmtJYPj @.uLPVr KmPhsJyLPhr TJPZ irJvJ~L yP~PZ @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtLrJÇ vKjmJr xTJu 8 aJ PgPT KmPTu 4 aJ kpt∂ FTaJjJ PnJa Vsyj IjMKÔf y~Ç 6 ACKj~j KjmtJYPj PY~JroqJj kPh @.uLV oPjJjLf 2, @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL 3 S ˝fπ ksJgtL 1 \j KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ xÄKväÓ KraJKjtÄ IKlxJrVe
PmxrTJKrnJPm Km\~L ksJgtLPhr jJo PWJweJ TPrjÇ FmJPrr KjmtJYPj PY~JroqJj kPh1jÄ TuTKu~J ACKj~Pj @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL @uyJ\ô @»Mu yJKxo (YvoJ) ksfLPT PoJa 5938 PnJa PkP~ PmxrTJKrnJPm KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKªô @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL ÆLkT TJK∂ Ph hLkJu (PjRTJ) ksfLPT 4998 PnJa kJjÇ 2jÄ kJaKu ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL mftoJj PY~JroqJj pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL KxrJ\Mu yT (@jJrx) ksfLPT PoJa 5404 PnJa PkP~ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKj&Æ @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL @Äèr Ko~J (PjRTJ) ksfLPT 3360 PnJa kJjÇ 5jÄ KYuJCzJ-yuKhkMr ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL mftoJj PY~JroqJj pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL PoJ.@rv Ko~J (PjRTJ) ksfLPT 5599 PnJa PkP~ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKªô @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL yJÀjMr rvLh (@jJrx) ksfLPT 5509 PnJa kJjÇ 7jÄ Qx~hkMr-vJyJrkJzJ ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL Qf~m Ko~J TJoJuL (@jJrx) ksfLPT 4386 PnJa PkP~ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKªô @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL mftoJj PY~JroqJj pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL @mMu yJxJj (PjRTJ) ksfLPT 4332 PnJa kJjÇ 8jÄ @vJrTJKª ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh @.uLV oPjJjLf ksJgtL vJy @mM AoJjL (PjRTJ) ksfLPT 3897 PnJa PkP~ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKªô @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL @»Mu @yJh ohKrZ (@jJrx) ksfLPT 3799 PnJa kJjÇ 9jÄ kJAuVJÅS ACKj~Pj PY~JroqJj kPh ˝fπ ksJgtL pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL yJ\L oUuMZ Ko~J (PWJzJ) ksfLPT 3107 PnJa PkP~ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆKªô @.uLPVr KmPhsJyL ksJgtL o†Mr @uL @l\u (PoJarxJAPTu) ksfLPT 2940 PnJa PkP~PZjÇ
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03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 13
xrTJr jqJvjJu ߸vJu cJaJ Ajl∑JˆsJTYJr VPz fáuPm : k´iJjoπL
ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJ mPuPZj, fJÅr xrTJr PhPvr kKrTK·f Cjú~Pjr uPãq K\S cJaJ xÄVsy FmÄ KcK\aJu oqJKkÄ'r \jq KvVKVrA jqJvjJu P¸vJu cJaJ Ajl∑sJˆsJTYJr (FjFxKc@A) VPz fMuPmÇ KfKj mPuj, È@kjJPhr xmJAPT @võ˜ TrPf YJA Pp- èÀfô KmPmYjJ TPr KvVKVrA FjFxKc@A VbPj xrTJr xm irPjr mqm˙J Vsye TrPmÇ' FTKa PhPvr kKrTK·f Cjú~Pj K\S cJaJ FmÄ fPgqr ksP~J\j rP~PZ CPuäU TPr ksiJjoπL mPuj, È\Kor xPmtJó mqmyJr KjKÁf TrPf yPu nNKor KmùJjxÿf fgq-CkJ• \JjJ ksP~J\jÇ xJrJPhPvr \Kor Vbj-ksTíKf \JjJ gJTPu @oJPhr \Ko mqmyJPrr TJptTr kKrT·jJ TrJ xy\ yPmÇ @r F\jqA @orJ jqJvjJu P¸vJu cJaJ Ajl∑JˆsJTYJr (FjFxKc@A) VbPjr CPhqJV KjP~KZÇ' F \jq ksP~J\jL~ @Aj kse~j TPr cJaJ'r IkmqmyJr PrJPir S CPhqJV Pj~J yPm mPu KfKj CPuäU TPrjÇ ksiJjoπL mMimJr xTJPu rJ\iJjLr PyJPau PxJjJrVJÅSP~ hM'Khj mqJkL ÈjqJvjJu P¸vJu cJaJ Ajl∑JˆJTYJr (FjFxKc@A)' vLwtT @∂\tJKfT PxKojJPrr CPÆJijL kPmt ksiJj IKfKgr nJwPe F TgJ mPujÇ jqJvjJu P¸vJu cJaJ Ajl∑JˆsJTYJr (FjFxKc@A) VbPjr uPãq ksKfrãJ oπeJuP~r @SfJiLj mJÄuJPhv \Krk IKih¬r S \JkJj A≤JrjqJvjJu PTJSkJPrvj FP\K¿ (\JATJ) PpRgnJPm FA PxKojJPrr @P~J\j TPr Ç ksiJjoπL mPuj, ÈFjFxKc@A' VbPjr oJiqPo PhPvr xoVs nNKor kKrT·jJ kse~j TrJ yPmÇ pJPf TPr \Kor xPmtJó mqmyJr KjKÁf TrJ pJ~Ç F\jq ˝· S hLWt-Po~JhL kKrT·jJ kse~j,
TotPTRvu KjitJre S ksP~J\jL~ xyJ~fJ kshJPjr \jq ksKfrãJ oπeJuP~r PjfíPfô FTKa \JfL~ TKoKa Vbj TrJ yPmÇ FA TKoKa ÈFjFxKc@A' VbPj ksP~J\jL~ KhTKjPhtvjJ kshJj TrPmÇ ksKfrãJ oπeJuP~r KxKj~r xKYm TJ\L yJKmmMu @C~Ju, mJÄuJPhPvr \JkJPjr rJÓshf N oJxJPfJ S~JfJjPm FmÄ mJÄuJPhPv \JATJ'r KYl KrPksP\jPaKan KoKTS yJfJ~hJ IjMÔJPj mÜífJ TPrjÇ xJPnt~Jr P\jJPru KmPVsKc~Jr P\jJPru PoJyJÿh @mMu UJP~r IjMÔJPj ˝Jkf mÜífJ TPrjÇ PvU yJKxjJ mPuj, ÈFxFxKc@A' VKbf yPu PhPvr xrTJKr-PmxrTJKr ksKfÔJj ZJzJS VPmweJoNuT ksKfÔJjxy ÛMu, TPu\ S KmvõKmhqJuP~r KvãT-KvKãTJ S ZJ©-ZJ©LVe ImJPi K\S-P¸vJu fgq ksmJPy pMÜ yP~ ImJPi cJaJ xÄVsy TrPf kJrPmjÇ KfKj mPuj, mftoJPj KmKnjú xrTJKr-PmxrTJKr ksKfÔJj KmKòjúnJPm nNkPí Ôr fgq-CkJ• QfKr FmÄ xÄVsy S xÄrãe TPr gJPTÇ
ÈFxFxKc@A' Vbj yPu xÄKväÓ ksKfÔJjxoNPyr oPiq F xÄâJ∂ fgq-CkJ• KmKjo~ xy\ yPmÇ FxTu fgq-CkJ• ks˜f á TJrL ksKfÔJjxoNyPT fgq xÄrãPer mqJkJPr FTKa jLKfoJuJ IjMxrekNmT t FTA ZJfJr jLPY @jJ ksP~J\jÇ ksiJjoπL mPuj, ÈFjFxKc@A'r lPu cJaJ ks˜Pá f QÆffJ kKryJr TrJxy KjUMf Å S yJujJVJh fgq-CkJ• KmKjo~ xy\fr yPm pJ PhPvr PaTxA Cjú~Pj èÀfôkeN t nNKoTJ kJuj TrPmÇ kJvJkJKv FTA PcJPoAj PgPT cJaJ mqmyJPrr lPu Igt S xoP~r xJvs~ yPmÇ PhPvr Cjú~j TJptâo VKfvLu S fôrJKjõf yPmÇ ksiJjoπL mPuj, PhPvr KmKnjú ksKfÔJj KmKòjúnJPm K\S-P¸Avu cJaJ ks˜f á S mqmyJr TrPZÇ ÈFjFxKc@A' VbPjr oJiqPo xTu K\S-P¸vJu cJaJ FTA käJalPot K\S-PkJatJPu xÄrKãf gJTPmÇ lPu K\S-P¸Avu cJaJ mqmyJrTJrL xTu ksKfÔJPjr YJKyhJjMpJ~L cJaJ mqmyJPrr xMPpJV QfKr yPmÇ ksiJjoπL mPuj, ksJTíKfT PxRªpt, \LmQmKY©
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mJÅvUJuLPf KjmtJYj TotTftJPT ßkaJPuj FoKk Y¢VsJPor mJÅvUJuLPf CkP\uJr KjmtJYj TotTftJ \JKyh PyJPxjPT PkaJPjJr IKnPpJV kJS~J PVPZ xrTJrhuL~ FoKk PoJ˜JKl\Mr ryoJj PYRiMrLr KmÀP≠Ç ACKj~j kKrwh KjmtJYPj fJÅr (FoKk) kZª IjMpJ~L PnJaVsye TotTftJ ÈKjP~JV jJ Ph~J~' fJPT oJrir TrJ yP~PZ mPu \JjJj \JKyh PyJPxjÇ KfKj mPuj, mMimJr PmuJ 11aJ PgPT 12aJr oPiq xJÄxh S @S~JoL uLPVr TP~T\j PjfJ fJPT CkP\uJ KjmtJyL TotTftJr TJptJuP~ PcPT KjP~ oJrir TPrjÇ \JKyh PyJPxj IKnPpJV TPrj, 4 j’r mJyJrZzJ ACKj~Pj PjRTJ ksfLPTr PY~JroqJjksJgtL fJ\Mu AxuJo PnJaVsye TotTftJ (Kks\JAKcÄ IKlxJr) KjP~JPVr \jq fJPT ÈFTKa fJKuTJ' KhP~KZPujÇ @Ko SA fJKuTJ kMPrJkMKr mJómJ~j TrPf kJKrKjÇ xTJPu FoKk @oJPT ACFjS TJptJuP~ PcPT KjP~ fJKuTJ IjMpJ~L KjP~JV jJ PhS~Jr TJre \JjPf YJjÇ FT kptJP~ KTu-WMKw oJrPf ÊÀ TPrjÇ xJÄxPhr xPñ gJTJ @rS TP~T\j fUj fJPT oJrir TPrjÇ fJPhr oPiq SuJoJ uLV PjfJ oJSuJjJ @ÜJrPT @Ko KYjPf PkPrKZÇ fPm KjmtJYj TotTftJPT oJriPrr IKnPpJV I˝LTJr TPr xJÄxh PoJ˜JKl\Mr ryoJj mPuj, PxUJPj oJriPrr PTJPjJ WajJ WPaKjÇ pJ muJ yPò Sxm KogqJ TgJÇ
PhPvr xÄmJh
14 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
xrTJrPT jJAPTJr 275 PTJKa ÈjJKh~Jr jLrm TJjúJ': mOPaPjr aJTJ kJKrPvJi TrPf yPm hq AK¥PkjPcP≤r KrPkJat
dJTJ xÄmJhhJfJ: hLWt Khj pJmf oJouJ kKrYJujJ~ ksYMr Igt mq~ TPrS ImPvPw PyPr KVP~ TJjJcL~ PTJŒJKj jJAPTJPT 275 PTJKa 34 uJU aJTJ kKrPvJi TrPf yPò mJÄuJPhv xrTJrPTÇ PljL VqJxPã© PgPT xrmrJy TrJ VqJPxr hJo mJmh TJjJcL~ PTJŒJKj jJAPTJ KrPxJPxtxPT FA 275 PTJKa 34 uJU aJTJ kKrPvJPi PkPasJmJÄuJPT KjPhtv KhP~PZj S~JKvÄajKnK•T KmKjP~JV KmPrJi KjÀK•-xÄâJ∂ @∂\tJKfT @hJuf (ATKxc)Ç Kmw~Ka KjP~ rJÓsJ~• ksKfÔJj PkPasJmJÄuJr @Kku ÊjJKj PvPw Vf 26 Po @PVr @PhvA myJu rJPU ATKxcÇ ATKxPcr rJP~r KnK•Pf Vf PxJomJr FT KmmíKfPf F fgq ksTJv TPrPZ jJAPTJ, pKhS ATKxc FUj kpt∂ kNeJt ñ rJ~ ksTJv TPrKjÇ ATKxPcr rJP~r mrJf KhP~ jJAPTJr KmmíKfPf muJ y~, 2004 xJPur jPn’r PgPT 2010 xJPur FKksu kpt∂ VqJx xrmrJy mJmh jJAPTJPT PhvL S @∂\tJKfT oMhJs ~ 275 PTJKa 34 uJU aJTJ KhPf yPm PkPasJmJÄuJPTÇ Fr oPiq 195 PTJKa aJTJ cuJPr S mJKT 14 PTJKa aJTJ mJÄuJPhKv oMhsJ~ kKrPvJi TrPf yPmÇ SA IPgrs xPñ 11 PxP¡’r 2014 kpt∂ xMh mJmh 51 PTJKa 80 uJU aJTJ jJAPTJPT KhPf muJ yP~PZÇ Fr oPiq 46 PTJKa 80 uJU aJTJ
cuJPr FmÄ 5 PTJKa aJTJ mJÄuJPhKv oMhsJ~ kKrPvJi TrPf yPmÇ FZJzJ 2014 xJPur 12 PxP¡’r krmftL xoP~r \jq u¥j @∂”mqJÄT IlJr PrPar (uJAmr) PYP~ 2 vfJÄv IKiT yJPr cuJPr S 5 vfJÄv yJPr mJÄuJPhKv aJTJ~ xMh kKrPvJi TrPf
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PVsa mOKav PmT Il \~L mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNf jJKh~J PyJPxj @mJrS míKav KoKc~Jr KvPrJjJo yP~PZjÇ KT∂á FmJPrr TJre FPTmJPrA IjqrToÇ jJKh~J fJr TPÓr TgJ ITkPa ksTJv TPrPZjÇ Ky\Jm kKriJPjr TJrPe fJPT Pp jJjJnJPm Pyj˙J S y~rJKjr KvTJr yPf y~ kPg WJPa PxA \oJPjJ TÓ S jLrm TJjúJ FmJPr IjMPpJV S IKnoJj KyPxPm ^Pr kPzPZÇ FTAxPñ KfKj kKm© AxuJo iPotr IkmqmyJr KmwP~ fJr @fPïr TgJS \JKjP~PZjÇ mPuPZj, ÈksPfqTKa yJouJr kPr @Ko PoW oJgJ~ KjP~ hr\Jr mJAPr PmKrP~ @KxÇ' vKjmJr míPaPjr vLwt˙JjL~ QhKjT Kh AK¥PkP¥≤ jJKh~Jr SA o∂mq PZPkPZ aJAo oqJVJK\Pjr mrJPfÇ KxPuPar FA u¥Kj TAjqJr optJhJ~ Tf CkPr CPbPZj, PxaJ kKrÏJr kK©TJKar FA luJS TrJ TnJPrP\Ç fJr AxuJo nJmjJ KjP~A ksKfPmhj, xPñ TP~TKa mz @PuJTKY© ZJkJ yP~PZÇ aJAo oqJVJK\jPT jJKh~J mPuj, È@Ko pKh PasPj KT mJPx gJKT fJyPu PuJPT @oJr PgPT hNPr xPr mPxÇ @r ÃoeTJPu @oJr xPñ pKh PTJPjJ mJé mJ xqMaPTx gJPT fJyPu PTC PTC PxKhPT xPªynrJ PYJPU fJTJPmj, mJPxr \jq IPkãoJe @oJr KhPT FaJ-SaJ KjK㬠yS~Jr
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hvtPTr mJKzPf mJKzPf FT jJPo pJPT xmJA PYPjj, KfKj mJXuJPhKv jJKh~J, FTgJ KuUPZj AK¥PkP¥≤ ksKfPmhT IKuKn~J Pmä~JrÇ fJr TgJ~, xm PgPT jJoTrJ PmTJPrr PUfJm TMzJPjJr kr PgPT jJKh~J kK©TJ~ KuUPZj, TMTmMT Pmr TrJ KjP~ YMKÜm≠ yPòj, @r Wj Wj CkK˙f yPòj KaKn aTPvJPfÇ CPuäUq, jJKh~J míPaPjr rJjL KÆfL~ FKu\JPmPgr 90fo \jìKhPjr PTT mJjJPjJr xMPpJV PkP~ uM\ CAPoj jJPo FTKa IjMÔJPjr kqJPjPu CkK˙f yP~ TKhj @PVA QyQY PlPu PhjÇ míPaPjr uMaj vyPrr YJuKj VJutx yJAÛMPu Iiq~jTJPu PTT S jJjJ irPjr KkbJ kMKu mJjJPfj KfKjÇ Kfj x∂JPjr \jjL jJKh~Jr mJmJ KxPuPar Km~JjLmJ\JPrr PoJyJÿhkMr VsJPor mJKxªJÇ fJr Km\P~ PoJyJÿhkMPr mP~ KVP~KZu Pmv @jPªr P\J~Jr, pJr Prv FUjS TJPaKjÇ oPj yPò jJKh~J míKav \j\LmPj FTKa ˙J~L KxÄyJxj QfKr TrPf pJPòjÇ Vf 12-15A Po kpt∂ YPuPZ rJjLr \jìKhj Ch&pJkjÇ CA¥xr TqJxPur PyJokJPTtr SA IjMÔJPj 900 PWJzJ S 1500 @oKπf IKfKgr oPiq rJfJrJKf UqJKf KWPr CjúLf yj „kTgJr VP·r oPfJAÇ fJPT ksvÄxJ TPr o∂mq TrPf yPò míPaPjr PUJh ksiJjoπLPTSÇ
ßhPvr Umr
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 15
˝rJÓs oπeJu~PT hMA nJV
˝rJÓs oπeJu~ nJV TPr hMKa KmnJV TrJ yP~PZÇ FTKa \jKjrJk•J KmnJV FmÄ IjqKa xMrãJ PxmJ KmnJVÇ FA hMKa KmnJPV PoJa 493Ka kPh TotTftJ-TotYJrLrJ TJ\ TrPmjÇ TJP\r YJk ToJPfA F Kx≠J∂ PjS~J yP~PZ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ @\ mMimJr \jksvJxj oπeJu~ F hMKa KmnJV nJVxÄâJ∂ KYKb ˝rJÓs oπeJuP~ kJKbP~PZÇ Fr oPiq \jKjrJk•J KmnJPVr IiLPj rJ\QjKfT S @AKxKa, kMKuv, @jxJr S xLoJ∂, @Aj S ví⁄uJ, ksvJxj S Igt FmÄ Cjú~j KmnJV rP~PZÇ xMrãJ PxmJ KmnJPVr IiLPj KjrJk•J S FjKaFoKx (jqJvjJu PaKuTo oKjaKrÄ Px≤Jr), IKVú S oJhThsmq, @Aj S ví⁄uJ, mKyrJVoj, TJrJ S xojõ~, ksvJxj S Igt FmÄ Cjú~j KmnJV gJTPmÇ \jKjrJk•J KmnJPV 163Ka kh FmÄ xMrãJ PxmJ KmnJPV 243 kh xí\j TrJ yP~PZÇ ˝rJÓs oπeJuP~r KxKj~r xKYm mrJmr kJbJPjJ KYKbPf muJ yP~PZ, KmnJV nJV TrJr kJvJkJKv FaJ Igt KmnJPVr xÿKf Vsyexy KmKiVf xm @jMÔJKjTfJ xŒjú TrPf yPmÇ ksvJxKjT Cjú~jxÄâJ∂ xKYm TKoKa FmÄ ksiJjoπLr IjMPoJhj KjPf yPmÇ IPjT Khj iPrA F hMKa KmnJV nJV TrJr TgJ YuKZuÇ @\ mMimJr \jksvJxj oπeJu~ ˝rJÓs oπeJuP~ FA xÄâJ∂ KYKb kJbJuÇ KmnJV hMKa VKbf yPu hMA KmnJPV hM\j xKYm hJK~fô kJuj TrPmjÇ
\Kñ IgtJ~Pj KxñJkMPrr @hJuPf 4 mJÄuJPhKv ßhJwL xJmq˜ dJTJ xÄmJhhJfJ: \Kñ IgtJ~Pjr IKnPpJPV KxñJkMPr @aT Z~ mJÄuJPhKvr oPiq 4 \j PhJwL xJmqó yP~PZÇ fJPhr xPñ IKnpMÜ mJKT hM'\j IKnPpJV I˝LTJr TPrPZjÇ Vf oJPx Inq∂rLe KjrJk•J @APjr (@AFxF) @SfJ~ @aT yP~KZPuj F Z~\jÇ oñumJr xTJPu @hJuPf PfJuJ
@r IKnPpJV I˝LTJr TrJ hM'\j yPuj- PhRufMöJoJj (34) S Ku~JTf @uL oJoMjPT (29)Ç F hM'\Pjr KmÀP≠ 9 \Mj @mJPrJ KmYJr ksKâ~J ÊÀ yPmÇ @hJuf xN© oPf, PhJwL xJmq˜ yS~J YJr\Pjr oPiq oJoMj xπJPx IgtJ~j YPâr PjfJ FmÄ oJoMj CkPjfJ KyPxPm TJ\ TrKZPujÇ @r IgtQjKfT Kmw~JKh ÀPmu FmÄ
yPu ÊjJKj PvPw YJr\jPT PhJwL xJmqó TPrj KmYJrTÇ fPm YJ\t Vbj TrJ yPuS @hJuPf IKnPpJV I˝LTJr TPrj mJKT hM'\jÇ FPhr KmÀP≠ Vf 27 Po Inq∂rLe KjrJk•J @APj YJ\t Vbj TPrj @hJufÇ @hJuPf PhJwL xJmq˜ YJr\j yPuj- Ko\JjMr ryoJj (31), ÀPmu Ko~J (26), yJ\L jMÀu AxuJo xShJVr SrPl \JPmh TJ~xJr (31) FmÄ AxoJAu yJSuJhJr SrPl PxJPyu yJSuJhJr (29)Ç
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yTÇ IjqKhPT UJuJx PkP~PZj @mhMu mJPfj S vJ\JyJj \oJ¨JrÇ @xJKoPhr oPiq kuJv kuJfTÇ Ijq 10 \j TJrJVJPr @aT @PZjÇ fJÅPhr TJrJVJr PgPT @hJuPf yJK\r TrJ y~Ç F oJouJ~ 64 \Pjr xJãq Vsye TPrj @hJufÇ oJouJr @xJKoPhr oPiq mJmMu xrhJr, Ko≤M ksiJj, CKTu yJxJj S vJ\JyJj \oJ¨Jr mJPh Ijq xmJA \JoJ'@fMu oM\JKyhLj mJÄuJPhPvr (P\FoKm) xhxqÇ oJouJr F\JyJr PgPT \JjJ pJ~, 2015 xJPur 21 FKksu @ÊKu~J~ mJÄuJPhv ToJxt mqJÄPT cJTJKfr WajJ WPaÇ F WajJ~ cJTJfPhr èKu S YJkJKfr @WJPf mqJÄT oqJPj\Jrxy @a\j Kjyf yjÇ cJTJfrJ Z~ uJU 87 yJ\Jr 193 aJTJ KjP~ kJKuP~ pJ~Ç kJKuP~ pJS~Jr xo~ PmJryJjCK¨j S
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oMxKuo yqJ· ACPT'r kã ßgPT rJoJhJj ßoJmJrT
kKm© oJPy ro\JPj xJxPTJ láPcr kã ßgPT xTu ßâfJ S ÊnJjMiqJ~LPhr \JjJA
roJhJj ßoJmJrT F oJPy rJoJhJPj IJkKj 30 \j IxyJ~ KvÊPT oJ© 450 kJC¥ hJj TPr FTKa Kl∑ UfjJ TqJŒ Fr xŒNjt hJ~mJr V´yj TrPf kJPrj, IgmJ IJkKj KjP\ CkK˙f ßgPT ßp ßTJj xo~ FA UfjJ TqJŒ xŒjú TrPf kJrPmjÇ F ZJzJS FT\j IxyJ~ FKfo, yJKl\ S FTKa KmimJ kKrmJrPT ¸¿r TPr hMKj~J S IJPUrJPf 70 èj ßmvL PxJ~JPmr IÄKvhJr yPf kJPrjÇ
KaKnPf uJAn lJ¥rJAK\Ä
iPotr kJfJ
16 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
Tr∆eJ nrJ oJPy rJoJÆJj
oJSuJjJ PoJ: IJ»Mu oJKuT UfLm mJAfáu IJoJj \JPo oxK\h, ßmgjJuV´Lj, u¥j
oJjMw \JKfr KYr˙J~L K\PªVLr k´˜KM f S krTJPur TKbj vJK˜ ßgPT jJ\Jf uJPnr xMPpJV hJPj @uäJy kJT fJr TÀeJ~ nrkMr oJPy rJoJÆJjPT oMxKuo CÿJyr \jq Ijjq Kj~JoPfr IiqJ~ mJKjP~PZjÇ Kmvõ ß\JzJ oMKojVe oMmJrT F oJxPT InqgtjJ \JjJPf k´Jj C\Jz TPr muPZj @yuJj xJyuJy oJPy rJoJÆJjÇ kKm© ßTJr@Pj ßp xm ßoRKuT KmwP~r fJ'uLo ßh~J yP~PZ fjìPiq èÀfôkNet Kmw~ yPò BoJj Kmu VJAmÇ rJPæ TJP~jJf FmÄ krTJPur KYr∂j Kmw~JmuLr k´Kf ITᣠS IVJh @® KmvõJx KjP~ TJÄKUf uã I\tPj Kx~Jo xJijJr oJiqPo @uäJyr ‰jTaq uJPn rJoJÆJPjr PrJpJ lJrÆ TrJ yP~PZÇ oyJj rm xMrJ IJu mJTôJrJ~ mPuj, ßy AoJjhJrVe ßfJoJPhr Ckr ßrJpJ lr\ TrJ yP~PZ, ßpoj ßfJoJPhr kNmtmfLtPhr Ckr TrJ yP~KZu ßpj ßfJorJ fJTS~J I\tj TrPf kJrÇ VjjJr TP~TKa KhPjr \jq IJuäJy mPuj, FA rJoJÆJj oJPxA TárIJj jJKpu TrJ yP~KZuÇ pJ xoV´ oJjm\JKfr \jq \Lmj pJkPjr KmiJj FmÄ fJ Foj xM¸Ó CkPhvJmuLPf kKrkMet, TJP\A PfJoJPhr oPiq ßp mqKÜ F oJPxr xÿMULj yPm, fJr \jq FA kNet oJPxr ßrJpJ rJUJ FTJ∂ Tftmq, IJr pKh ßTC IxM˙ y~, KTÄmJ xlrrf gJPT fJ yPu ßx ßpj Ijq KhjèPuJ~ FA ßrJpJr xÄUqJ kNet TPr ßj~Ç IJ~Jf 183-185 rJoJÆJPjr oyfô xŒTLf yJhLx Kmvõ jmL (xJ:) rJoJÆJPjr lpLuf S oyfô metjJ~ mPuj, pUj rJoJÆJPjr k´go rJf @Px fUj IKiT hMÓPjfí˙JjL~ v~fJj S ImJiq K\ôj èPuJPT vOÄUu KhP~ ßmÅPi rJUJ y~ FmÄ PhJ\PUr xTu hr\J mº TPr ßh~J y~Ç fJr ßTJj FTKa hr\J S ßUJuJ rJUJ y~ jJÇ \JjúJPfr xTr hr\J UMPu Ph~J y~Ç fJr ßTJj FTKa hr\JS mº TrJ y~ jJÇ fJrkr @uäJyr FT\j @ymJjTJrL muPf gJPT, pJrJ oñu S TuqJj YJS fJrJ xJoPj IV´xr ySÇ pJrJ oª S kJkJYJr TrPf YJS fJrJ gJoÇ If:kr @uäJyr kã ßgPT IPjT èjJyVJrPT ßhJpU ßgPT PryJA ßh~J y~Ç @r FnJPm rJoJÆJPjr k´PfqT rJPfA oMKÜ k´hJj ImqJyf gJPTÇ KfrKopL, AmPj oJ\JyÇ É\Mr (xJ:) mPuPZj, F oJPx pKh ßTC @uäJyr x∂áKÓ I\tPjr \Pjq @kj AòJ~ ßTJj jlu ßjTL TPr ßx IjqJjq oJPxr lJrÆ AmJhPfr xoJj xM~Jm kJPmÇ @r ßp FTKa lJrÆ @hJ~ TrPm ßx IjqJjq oJPxr x•rKa AmJhPfr xoJj xM~JPmr IKiTJrL yPmÇ KovTJf @: ßl: 69 yJhLx: yprf IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) yPf mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj, oyJj krJâovJuL IJuäJy mPuPZj, mKj IJhPor k´PfqTKa IJou fJr KjP\r \Pjq, ßrJpJ ZJzJÇ TJre fJ IJoJr \jq FmÄ IJKoA fJr k´KfhJjÇ IJr ßrJpJ yPò dJu ˝„k, TJP\A ßfJoJPhr ßTC pUj ßrJpJ rJPU ßx ßpj mJP\ TgJ jJ mPu, ßYYJPoKY jJ TPr, pKh ßTC fJPT VJKu ßh~ mJ fJr xJPg ^VzJ TPr fJ yPu ßx ßpj mPu IJKo ßrJpJhJrÇ pJÅr yJPf oMyJÿh (xJ) Fr k´Je fJr Txo, ßrJpJhJPrr oMPUr Vº IJuäJyr TJPZ KovPTr ßYP~ xMVºpMÜÇ ßrJpJhJPrr 2Ka IJjª, pJ ßx uJn TPrÇ FTKa yPò ßx AlfJPrr xo~ UMvL y~, IJr IkrKa ßx fJr rPmr xJPg xJãJPfr xo~ ßrJpJr TJrPe IJjKªf yPmÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuoÇ AoJo mMUJrLr Ijq ßrS~JPf muJ yP~PZ, ßrJpJhJr IJoJrA \jq fJr IJyJr, kJeL~ S ßpRe TJojJ fqJV TPrPZÇ ßrJpJ IJoJr \jq FmÄ IJKoA fJr k´KfhJj ßhmÇ IJr Ijq ßjTLèKur xS~Jm hvèe yPmÇ AoJo oMxKuPor FT metjJ~- mjL IJhPor k´PfqTKa IJoPur xS~Jm hv ßgPT xJfv èj kpt∂ mJzJPjJ y~Ç IJuäJy mPuj fPm ßrJpJr xS~JPmr ßTJj xLoJ ßjAÇ TJre ßrJpJ yPò IJoJr \jq FmÄ IJKoA fJr k´KfhJj ßhPmJÇ ßrJpJhJr IJoJrA \jq ßpRj TJojJ S IJyJr fqJV TPrÇ ßrJpJhJPrr 2Ka IJjª FT AlfJPrr xo~, Ikr yPYZ fJr rPmr xJPg xJãJPfr xo~Ç IJr fJr oMPUr Vº IJuäJyr TJPZ KovPTr YJAPfS xMVºpMÜ yPmÇ Kr~JhMx xJPuyLj yJ: 1215 yJhLx: yprf xJyu AmPj xJh (rJ) ßgPT mKetf rJxMu (x) mPuj, \JjúJPfr FTKa hr\J IJPZÇ fJPT muJ y~ rJA~JjÇ KT~JoPfr Khj G hr\J KhP~ FToJ© ßrJpJhJr k´Pmv TrPmjÇ fJrJ ZJzJ IJr ßTC G hr\J KhP~ k´Pmv
TrPf kJrPm jJÇ muJ yPm, ßrJpJhJrrJ ßTJgJ~? fUj ßrJpJhJrrJ hJKzPp pJPmjÇ PxA hr\J KhP~ fJrJ ZJzJ IJr ßTC k´Pmv TrPm jJÇ pUj fJrJ xmJA ßnfPr k´Pmv TrPmj fUj hr\JKa mº TPr ßh~J yPm FmÄ fJrkr FA hr\J KhP~ IJr ßTC k´Pmv TrPf kJrPm jJÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh - 1217 IJmM xJBh UMhrL (rJ) ßgPT mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj, ßp mqKÜ IJuäJyr kPg FTKa ßrJpJ rJPU, fJr FA FTKa KhPjr (ßrJpJr) mPhRuPf IJuäJy fJPT \JyJjúJPor IJèj ßgPT x•r mZPrr hNrPfô xKrP~ rJUPmjÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh- 1218 yJhLx: yprf IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) ßgPT mKetf jmL (xJ) mPuPZj, ßp mqKÜ kNet KmvõJx xyTJPr S xS~Jm uJPnr k´fqJvJ~ rJoÆJPjr ßrJpJ rJPUj fJr kNPmtr xo˜ èeJy oJl TPr ßh~J yPmÇ mMUJrL oMxKuo, Kr~Jh -1219 IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) TfíT t mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj pUj rJoJÆJj oJx IJPx, \JjúJPfr hr\J UMPu ßh~J y~, \JyJjúJPor hr\J mº TPr ßh~J y~ FmÄ v~fJjPT IJm≠ TPr ßh~J y~Ç mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh- 1220 oJPy rJoJÆJPj IJuäJy fJ~JuJr Ilár∂ nJ¥Jr CjìMÜ TPr ßh~J y~ FmÄ ZS~JPmr kKroJjS mKitf TPr ßh~J y~Ç v~fJjPT IJm≠ TrJr TJrPe F oJPx IJuäJyr mJªJrJ FTaá k´PYÓJ TrPuA ßjT TJP\ IÄv KjPf kJPrÇ pJrJ xMPpJPV fSmJ TPr IV´xr y~ jJ fJPhrPT v~fJj TftT O rJoJÆJPjr kNPmtr ßh~J S~JxS~JxJr TJrPe èeJr TJP\ Ku¬ gJTPf ßhUJ pJ~, pJ Ifq∂ VKytf TJ\Ç F \jq F ßoJmJrT oJPx UJKuZ fSmJ TPr IJuäJyr xJKjúiq uJPnr kPg IV´xr yS~J xTPur \jq TftmqÇ oJPy rJoJÆJPjr xNYjJ yJhLx: yprf IJmM ÉrJprJ (rJ) ßgPT mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj YJÅh ßhPU rJoJÆJPjr ßrJpJ rJU FmÄ YJÅh ßhPU ßrJpJ Pvw TrÇ IJr pKh ßoPWr IJzJPur TJrPe YJÅh ßhUJ jJ pJ~ fJ yPu vJmJj oJPxr KfKrv fJKrU kNet TrÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh - 1221 oMxKuo vrLPlr Skr metjJ~ muJ yP~PZ , pKh ßfJoJPhr Ckr ßoW ßZP~ pJp fJyPu KfKrv Khj ßrJpJ rJUÇ yJhLx: yprf IJmMu A~JTpJj IJÿJr Kmj A~JKxr (rJ) ßgPT mKetf KfKj mPuj, ßp mqKÜ xPªPyr Khj ßrJpJ rJPUÇ (IgtJ“ ßoPWr TJrPe rJoJÆJPjr YJÅh jJ ßhUJ pJS~Jr hÀj ßp Khj ßrJpJ rJUJ xPªypMÜ) ßx oMyJÿh (xJ) Fr jJlroJjL TPrÇ IJmM hJCh, KfrKopLÇ Kr~Jh1227 jfáj YJÅh ßhPU ßp ßhJ~J kzPf y~ yJhLx: fJuyJ Kmj CmJAhMuJä y (rJ) ßgPT mKetf jmL (xJ) pUj k´go rJPfr YJÅh ßhUPfj fUj muPfj, ÍIJuäJÉÿJ IJKyuäJÉ IJuJAjJ Kmu IJoPj S~Ju BoJj, S~Jx xJuJoJPf S~Ju AxuJo, rJKæ S rJæMTJuäJy, KyuJuM ÀvKhj S~J UJArÇ" IgtJ“ ßy IJuäJy FA YJÅhPT IJoJPhr Ckr CKhf Tr KjrJk•J, BoJj, vJK∂ S AxuJPor xJPgÇ (ßy YJÅh) ßfJoJr S IJoJr k´ná FToJ© IJuäJyÇ ßy IJuäJy F YJÅh ßpj xKbT kPgr S TuqJPer YJÅh y~Ç KfrKopLÇ Kr~Jh- 1228 ßxyrL UJS~Jr lKpuf yJhLx: yprf IJjJx (rJ) yPf mKetf KfKj mPuj, rJxMu IJuJAKyx xJuJo FrvJh TPrPZj, ßxyrL UJS TJre ßxyrLr oPiq rP~PZ mrTfÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh1229 yJhLx: yprf IJor AmjMu IJx (rJ) ßgPT mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuj, IJoJPhr ßrJpJ S IJyPu KTfJPmr ßrJpJr oPiq kJgtTq yPò ßxyrL UJS~JÇ ZyLy oMxKuo, Kr- 1232 yJhLPxr IJPuJPT ßxyrL UJS~J~ ImPyuJ TrJ ßoJPaA KbT j~Ç ßxyrLr aJAPo TokPã xJoJjq KTZM IJyJr TPr KTÄmJ kJKj kJj TPr yPuS ßxyrLr xMjJú f IJhJP~r oJiqPo mrTf yJKxu TrJ k´P~J\jÇ IjqgJ~ mrTf vNeq yPu ßrJ\JhJr ßmvL TÓ IjMnm TrPmj S ßxyrLr xS~Jm ßgPT mKûf yPmjÇ fJZJzJ ßxyrL jJ UJS~J IJyPu KTfJmLPhr ˝nJm mPu yJhLPx mKetf rP~PZÇ xo~of AlfJr TrJr lKpuf yJhLx: xJyu AmPj xJh (rJ) ßgPT mKetf rJxMu (xJ) mPuj, ßuJPTrJ pfKhj hs∆f AlfJr TrPm ffKhj TuqJPer oPiq Im˙Jj TrPmÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo Kr- 1233 yJhLx: IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) ßgPT mKetf KfKj mPrj, rJxMu
@yuJj xJyuJj (xJ) mPuPZj, oyJj k´fJkvJuL IJuäJy mPuj, IJoJr mJªJPhr oPiq pJrJ hs∆f AlfJr TPr fJrJA IJoJr TJPZIKiTfr Kk´~Ç KfrKopL, Kr~Jh-1235 CPuäKUf yJhLx vrLPlr IJPuJPT AlfJPrr xo~ yS~Jr xJPg xJPg AlfJr TrJ xMjúJfÇ ITJrPe ImPyuJ TPr AlfJPr ßhrL TrJ xMjPú fr kKrkK∫ TJ\Ç pJ IJuäJyr Kk´~ nJ\j yS~J ßgPT mKûf TPrÇ xMfrJÄ I· TPr yPuS AlfJr ßUP~ mrTf yJKxu TrJ k´P~J\jÇ KT KhP~ AlfJr TrJ xMjúJf yJhLx: xJuoJj Kmj IJPor hJæL xJyJmL (rJ) ßgPT mKetf jmL (xJ) FrvJh TPrPZj, ßfJoJPhr ßTC pUj ßrJpJ AlfJr TPr fUj fJr ßUJotJ ßU\Mr KhP~ AlfJr TrJ CKYfÇ fPm pKh ßx ßUJotJ ßU\Mr jJ kJ~ fJ yPu kJKj KhP~ AlfJr TrJ CKYfÇ TJre kJKj yPò kJT kKm©Ç IJmM hJCh, KfrKopLÇ Kr~Jh- 1238 yJhLx: IJjJx (rJ) ßgPT mKetf KfKj mPuj, rJxMuMuäJy (xJ) jJoJPpr kNPmt AlfJr TrPfj TP~TKa fJ\J ßU\Mr KhP~Ç pKh KfKj fJ\J ßU\Mr jJ ßkPfj fJ yPu ÊTPjJ ßU\Mr (IgtJ“ ßUJotJ) KhP~Ç IJr pKh fJS jJ ßkPfj fJyPu TP~T ßdJT kJKj kJj TPr KjPfjÇ IJmM hJCh KfrKopL, Kr~Jh-1239 yJhLPxr ootJjMxJPr ßU\Mr mJ ßUJotJ ÆJrJ k´gPo AlfJr ÊÀ TrJ xMjJú f FmÄ kPr Ijq KTZM mJ kJKj kJj TrJÇ IJr pKh ßU\Mr jJ gJPT fJ yPu kJKj ÆJrJ mJ Ijq KTZM ÆJrJ AlfJr TrJ pJ~Ç KT∂á xJiJref: ßhUJ pJ~ AlfJPrr xo~ ßU\Mr mJ ßUJotJ gJTJ xP•ôS kJKj ÆJrJ AlfJr ÊÀ TrJ y~ FaJ xKbT j~Ç xMjúJPfr Ckr IJou TrJr rJoJÆJj yPò k´Tf í xMPpJVÇ ßTJj xMjJú fPTA ImPyuJ TPr ßZPz ßh~J KbT j~Ç rJoJÆJPj k´PfqTKa IJoPur èÀfô IPjT ßmvLÇ ßrJpJhJrPT vKr~f KmPrJiL TJptTuJk ßgPT Kmrf gJTJr ÉTáo yJhLx: IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) ßgPT mKetf KfKj mPuj, rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj ßfJoJPhr ßTC pUj ßrJpJ rJPU ßx ßpj IväLu TgJ jJ mPu FmÄ ßVJuoJu S ^VzJ ^JKa jJ TPrÇ pKh ßTC fJPT VJKu ßh~ IgmJ ßTC fJr xJPg ^VzJ ^JKa TPr fJyPu fJr muJ CKYf, IJKo ßrJpJhJrÇ mMUJrL S oMxKuo, Kr~Jh- 1240 yJhLx: IJmM ÉrJprJ (rJ) ßgPT IJPrJ mKetf KfKj mPuj, rJxMu (xJ) mPuPZj, ßp mqKÜ ßrJpJ rJUJr krS KogqJ muJ S UJrJk TJ\ ßgPT Kmrf gJPT jJ fJr kJjJyJr fqJV TrJ~ IJuäJyr ßTJj k´P~J\j ßjAÇ ZyLy mMUJrL, Kr- 1241 ßrJpJr k´Tf í CP¨vq fJTS~J I\tj TrJÇ IJuäJyr xJKjúiq uJPnr IJvJ~ ßrJpJhJrPT xTu k´TJr IjqJ~ S kJk Tot ßgPT KjP\PT KjmOf ßrPU oyJj k´nár Kk´~nJ\j yP~ \JjúJPfr xMxÄmJh I\tj TrPf y~Ç TJP\A ßrJpJ ßrPU KogqJ muJ, VLmf TrJ, YMVuL AfqJhL TJP\ IÄv ßj~J Ifq∂ VKytf TJ\ KyPxPm Veq yPmÇ Fr lPu ßrJpJr xS~Jm TPo pJ~ FmÄ fJr IJxu CP¨vq mqgt yP~ pJ~Ç
fJKrU 03.06.16 ÊâmJr 04.06.16 vKjmJr 05.06.16 rKmmJr 06.06.16 PxJomJr 07.06.16 oñumJr 08.06.16 mMimJr 09.06.16 mOy¸KfmJr
TJP\A ßrJpJhJrPT Fxm IkTot ßgPT hNPr gJTPf yPmÇ fPm F yJhLPxr Igt TUPjJ FA j~ ßp, pJrJ Fxm UJrJk TJ\ ßgPT hNPr gJTPf kJrPm jJ ßx ßrJpJ ßZPz ßhPmÇ fUjPfJ ßx KÆèj èjJyr nJVL yPmÇ FTKhPT ßrJpJ jJ rJUJr èeJy IJr IjqKhPT Fxm VKytf TJ\ mº jJ TrJr èeJyÇ TJP\A fJPT ßrJpJ ImvqA rJUPf yPm FmÄ ßrJpJhJr KyPxPm G VKytf TJ\èPuJ ßgPT hNPr gJTJr xmtJfìT ßYÓJ ImvqA TrPf yPmÇ FKaA yPò FA yJhLPxr IJxu KvãJÇ ßrJpJhJrPT AlfJr TrJmJr lKpuf yJhLx: pJP~h Kmj UJKuh IJu \MyJjL (rJ) TfíT t mKetf (yJmLPm ßUJhJ) jmL (xJ) mPuj” ßp mqKÜ ßTJj ßrJpJhJrPT AlfJr TrJ~ ßx fJr (ßrJpJhJr) xoJj k´KfhJj kJ~Ç KT∂á Fr lPu ßrJpJhJPrr k´KfhJPjr oPiq ßTJj ToKf yPm jJÇ KfrKopL, Kr~Jh- 1265 yJhLx: IJjJx (rJ) ßgPT mKetf jmL (xJ) FTKhj xJh AmPj CmJhJr KjTa IJPxjÇ xJh fJr \jq ÀKa S \~fáPjr ßfu KjP~ IJPxjÇ KfKj fJ IJyJr TPrjÇ fJrkr jmL (xJ) mPuj, ßfJoJr TJPZ ßrJpJhJrrJ AlfJr TrPuJ FmÄ xöjrJ ßfJoJr UJhq IJyJr TrPuJÇ IJr KlKrvfJrJ ßfJoJr \jq AK˜VlJr TrPuJÇ IJmM hJCh, Kr~Jh- 1267 ßTJj ßrJpJhJrPT ßTC AlfJr TrJPf YJAPu fJ V´ye TrJr oJiqPo IJkqJ~jTJrLPT S ßrJpJr xo kKroJj xS~Jm yJKxPur xMPpJV ßh~J CKYfÇ ßfoKj nJPm ßrJpJhJrPT AlfJr TrJPjJr of FTKa KmvJu xMPpJV yJf ZJzJ TrJ KbT j~Ç KmPvwf” VrLm S IxyJ~Phr k´Kf KmPvw oPjJPpJV ßh~J rJoJÆJPj FTJ∂ TftmqÇ xJPg xJPg AlfJPrr S ßxyrLr xo~ IPjT IJAPao k´˜áf TPr krmfLtPf fJ jÓ TPr ßluJ ßoJPaA KbT j~Ç rJxMu (xJ) Fr frLTJ IjMxJPr UJPhqr fJKuTJ~ KofmqJ~L ySpJr k´KvãPe kKm© rJoJÆJjPT TJP\ uJVJPjJ CKYfÇ fJrJmLr jJoJp lr\ j~ KT∂á BoJPjr vJUJ yJhLx: yprf IJmM ÉrJ~rJ (rJ) yPf mKetf KfKj mPuj, yprf rJxMuu M Jä y (xJ) mPuPZj, ßp mqKÜ BoJPjr ÆJrJ CÆM≠ yP~ FmÄ IJPUrJPf IJuäJyr KjTa ZS~Jm kJS~Jr IJvJ~ IjMkJ´ Kef yP~ rJoJÆJPjr jJoJp (fJrJmLy) IJhJ~ TrPm fJr kNmmfLt (ZVLrJ) èjJy oJl yP~ pJPmÇ mMUJrL 1 U¥, Kr~Jh-yJKhx jÄ 33, FmÄ yJKhx jÄ- 1074 fJrJmLy xMjúJPf oM~JÑJhJy (ImPyuJ TPr ßZPz KhPu KTÄmJ xão mqKÜVe kNjt 20 rJTJf IJhJ~ jJ TrPu èeJyVJr yPmjÇ TJre fJrJmLy 20 rJTJPfr Ckr xJyJyJPhr GTqof k´KfKÔfÇ FojKT YJr oJpyJmxy TáÀPj ZJuZJr GTqof rP~PZÇ fJrJmLy jJoJPpr Km˜JKrf IJPuJYjJ AjvJIJuäJy IJVJoL xÄUqJ~ IJxPmÇ Email: M: 07904 278 050
x¬JPyr jJoJPpr xo~ xNYL ßpJyr l\r IJZr oJVKrm
w jJoJp ÊÀr FA xo~xNKY u¥Pjr \jq ksPpJ\qÇ KjPÕ mOPaPjr IjqJjq vyPrr xJPg u¥Pjr l\r S oJVKrPmr oP~r mqmiJj KoKjPa ßh~J yPuJÇ
SKY 814
JOIN Live Charity Appeal on
SKY 814 5pm to Fajr
6 June
7 June
Muslim Charity
8 June
UK Islamic Mission
9 June
Eden Care
10 June
Muslim Aid
11 June
Orphans Shelter Foundation
12 June
Orphans in Need
13 June
Human Appeal
14 June
York Mosque
15 June
Al Quran Academy London
16 June
17 June
Muslim Hands
18 June
East London Mosque
19 June
Swansea Mosque
20 June
Al Mustafa WelfareTrust
21 June
Latifiah Fultali Complex
22 June
Beani Bazar Cancer Hospital
23 June
CAP Foundation
24 June
Stepney Shahjalal Mosque
25 June
Muslim Charity
26 June
iQra International
27 June
Islamic Relief
28 June
Global Aid Trust
29 June
Muslim Hands
30 June
Al Quran Academy London
1 July
Muslim Aid
2 July
Orphans in Need
3 July
Human Appeal
4 July
5 July
RAMADAN FAMILY COMMITMENT (BY IQRA ) Charity No: 1075203 A/C Name: Ramadan Family Commitment (RFC) Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-57-06 A/C: 33617459 IBAN: GB82 BARC 2057 0633 6174 59 Swift Code: BARC GB22 RFC, 26 Clifford Road London, E17 4JE
05 21 06 21 16 21 05 21
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666 Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
0208 523 1666 (everyday 10am-5pm)
Brief History The Ramadan Family Commitment (RFC) is a project, which was initiated in 2007 as a scheme that enables donors to contribute to numerous charities with a single donation. RFC 2007 The total amount shared out was £146,137.98. This was distributed amongst 28 organisations; each of them received £5,219.21 RFC 2008 The total amount shared out was £140,352.52. This was distributed amongst 28 organisations of which each received £5,012.59 RFC 2009 The total amount shared out was £116,889.96. Each mosque and institute received £4,041.41 and each humanitarian organisation received £5,151.69 (due to Zakat, Fidya and Fitra payments). RFC 2010 The total amount shared out was £115,005.00. Each mosque and institute received £3,594.07 and each humanitarian organisation received £6,679.87 (due to Zakat, Fidya and Fitra payments). RFC 2011 The total amount shared out was £117,371.38. Each mosque and institute received £3,669.31 and each humanitarian organisation received 5,372.93. Fidya & Fitra received £4,671.00 RFC 2012 The total amount shared out was £115,287.91. Each mosque and institute received £3,729.49 and each humanitarian organisation received £4,932.83. Fidya & Fitra received £3,881.00 RFC 2013 The total amount shared out was £ 95,193.92. Each mosque and institute received £3,382.41 and each humanitarian organisation received £4,232.68 Fidya & Fitra received £4,005.00 RFC 2014 The total amount shared out was £ 122,797.25. Each mosque and institute received £3,874.95 and each humanitarian organisation received £6,003.95 Fidya & Fitra received £4,633.50 RFC 2015 The total amount shared out was £ 128,621.68. Each mosque and institute received £3,013.97 and each humanitarian organisation received £4413.07 Fidya & Fitra received £10,868
MUSLIM CHARITY Charity No: 1078488
UK ISLAMIC MISSION Charity No: 250275
A/C Name: UK Islamic Mission Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-05-75, A/C: 30916374 IBAN: GB76 BARC 2005 7530 9163 74 Swift Code: BARC GB22
Eaton Hall, Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0PR
Donation Line: 0207 100 4930
202 North Gower Street London, NW1 2LY
Donation Line: 0207 387 2157
0207 100 4930
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
0207 387 2157
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
A/C Name: Muslim Charity Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-38-11 A/C: 51472798 IBAN: GB22 MIDL 4038 1151 4727 98 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 51E
07 21 25 21
08 21
Brief History
Brief History
Muslim Charity was established in 1999 with a group of volunteers and today we are partners with United Nations (UNRWA). We have always taken initiatives with a diverse range of projects which have been beneficial to communities around the world. We do not just deliver our projects but work for the dignity of the communities, and this commitment has been unshakable. To achieve our goals we have got a strong network of partners, which are local organisations of the communities we work for. Following this structure, we try and reach out at the root cause and try to mitigate it. We work majorly for Maternal Health, Women Livelihood, Water, Orphans and last but not the least, for the Street Children in Bangladesh.
The UK Islamic Mission (UKIM), founded in 1962 is one of the oldest nation-wide Islamic organizations in the UK. Its humanitarian relief and development projects have supported the needy in numerous countries including Bangladesh, Somalia, Pakistan, Palestine and Syrian refugees. The main humanitarian projects include emergency response to the disasters, orphan care, education, healthcare, supporting children with special needs, water and sanitation and mosque building projects.
Progress and Ongoing Activities One of the most important and crucial ongoing projects of Muslim Charity in Bangladesh are the “Street Children Project”. We are rescuing children from the streets and bringing them to a shelter, which we have established in Sadarghat, Dhaka. We are giving these street children education, clothes, food, hygiene and sanitation and a safe place to sleep to avoid them being abused or trafficked. We are also providing them psychosocial treatment and trying to reunite them with their parents. We are also sponsoring their education to secure them in the future. We want to give them the chance that every child deserves. Under Honouring Our Mothers campaign we are working for maternal health around the globe. Besides having five established maternity hospitals in Pakistan, we are providing incubators, ambulances, safe deliveries and Fistula treatment in various parts of the world. In Bangladesh, we have recently supported and sponsored CMH in Dhaka for heart surgeries for children born with heart problems. Besides that we have joined hands with Friendship, a renowned organisation in Bangladesh, who are running hospitals on ships around the coastal areas. We will be establishing safe mother houses which will provide locals who do not have access to hospitals at all, with initial treatment during their pregnancy. Furthermore, we will also be preparing a pool of patients and inviting satellite clinics to these sites for treatment and surgeries whenever they are needed.
Being an organization that has a deep concern for humanity, relief and welfare work also forms an important aspect of its work. It helped all people who are in need, anywhere in the world, regardless of their religion, race, nationality, colour, gender or political beliefs.
Progress and Ongoing Activities The UKIM focuses its efforts to achieve the following aims:
Ǧ Developing the community with a network of institutions, to serve the needs of the community; such as Masjids, Madaris, relief work, sports clubs, and social organisations for cultural activities. Ǧ Developing an outreach to the society at large in order to share Islam; its beliefs, values, principles and way of life. To achieve these aims the UKIM is currently engaged in the following work in the UK: Ǧ Establishing and running Masjids and Islamic Centres. Ǧ Catering for the religious and social needs of the Muslim community. Ǧ Running local Madaris (evening and weekend schools). Ǧ Social welfare and Relief work to alleviate suffering experienced throughout the world. Ǧ Youth work having a network of Al-Farooq groups throughout the UK. Ǧ Encourage Muslim women to go into the workforce. Ǧ Dawah to the community and society. Ǧ Publications of newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets to spread the message and teachings of Islam to society.
eden care
Charity No: 1161219
Charity No: 295224
A/C Name: Eden Care Bank: HSBC Sort-code: 40-01-18 A/C 31826697 IBAN: GB92 MIDL 4001 1891 8065 48 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 05M
A/C Name: Muslim Aid Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-94-21 A/C: 01204151 IBAN: GB23 LOYD 3094 2101 2041 51 Swift Code: LOYD GB21 180
Unit G4, 8-10 Greatorex Street, London, E1 5NF
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
38-44 Whitechapel Road 1st Floor LMC Business Wing, London E1 1JX
Donation Line: 0207 377 4200
020 3289 5591
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
020 7377 4200
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
09 21
10 21 01 21
Brief History
Brief History
Eden Care and The Muslim Burial Fund is a young and energetic charity that supports those reaching the end of their lives and those who are terminally ill. The charity also provides financial support to those who are unable to meet funeral cost.
For over 30 years, Muslim Aid has worked in over 70 countries to deliver emergency and longterm development programmes to tackle poverty and its causes around the world to all people, regardless of faith, gender or ethnic background.
Our projects fall under the umbrella of ‘13 Rivers Trust’, a charity which derives its name from an old saying of first generation Bangladeshi immigrants who once colloquially referred to crossing ‘7 Seas and 13 Rivers’ in order to migrate to Britain. Today descendants of these early pioneers honour them by naming the charity after this classical expression.
Progress and Ongoing Activities
Progress and Ongoing Activities Since its inception, the projects of 13 Rivers Trust have been growing from strength to strength. The charity is a volunteer led organisation which aims to empower those from ethnic minority backgrounds to excel in helping others who are less fortunate with simple acts of kindness. 13 Rivers Trust charitable projects include: Eden Care The Muslim Burial Fund Sylhet Aid Emergency Relief The combined projects of 13 Rivers Trust have raised thousands of pounds to support funerals, provide befriending services to vulnerable members within society as well as provide support to refugees in Europe and support disabled people in Sylhet, Bangladesh. We are currently appealing for burial support across the UK. The Muslim Burial Fund aims to provide financial support to those who do not have the means to bury their loved ones or who are new Muslims and have no other means to plan for their funeral. Eden Care provides advocacy and befriending for vulnerable reaching the end of their lives. Please support both of these noble causes.
Rainbow Family Child Support Programme Water and Sanitation programmes for schools Education and skills training programmes Healthcare programmes Microfinance and livelihood programmes Seasonal Ramadan and Qurbani programmes
What we are appealing for 1st appeal: 10th June Medical support (clean water and food) for children in Palestine 2nd appeal: 1st July Rainbow Family Child Support Programme (child sponsorship)
ORPHANS IN NEED Charity No: 1144812
A/C Name: Orphans Shelter Foundation Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-94-67 A/C: 50456683 IBAN: GB18 BARC 2094 6750 4566 83 Swift Code: BRAC GB22
A/C Name: Orphans in Need Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-19-17 A/C: 53663698 IBAN: GB92 MIDL 4019 1753 6636 98 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 28W
17 Fairlands Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 6HD
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
Windsor House, 10 Manchester Road, Bradford, BD5 0QH
Donation Line: 0207 100 8866
020 8646 7853
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
0207 100 8866
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
11 21
12 21 2 21
Brief History
Brief History
The Orphans Shelter Foundation has always worked in the field of socio-economic welfare. Our aim is to provide food, shelter, education and other basic needs through sponsorship and donations for orphans. We also aim to help the poor and needy, and those in distress in times of natural calamities, and to establish income generating projects for the poor.
Orphans in Need is a leading, well-respected charity dedicated to improving and empowering the lives of vulnerable orphans and widows. A UK based organisation, we operate throughout the world supporting 13,000 orphans in 14 countries in numerous ways. We employ front-line staff supported by hundreds of volunteers. Orphans in Need is not an emergency relief charity, we are focused on sustainable solutions for our children and mothers. We carefully target our resources to obtain maximum benefits for as many orphans and widows as possible in our care. Through this focused approach we add value to our beneficiaries and donors.
Progress and Ongoing Activities At present we have three orphanages that we are supporting. The largest is in Laxmipur with over 150 orphans, the second is in Mathbaria with 36 orphans and the third is in Sherpur with 15 orphans. Both orphanages at Mathbaria and Sherpur have received Bangladesh Government NGO bureau approved registration for the next five years. We provide the orphans with accommodation, food, healthcare and education. In addition, we take care of a number of students whose parents are in extreme poverty, of these some are studying Hifz. We are also supporting the poor and needy of these areas by providing rickshaws, vans (nonmotorised), sewing machines and distributing eid gifts. In 2014, we were kindly donated land in Sylhet, where we have drawn up plans for a major project to construct an Islamic centre that will comprise of a mosque, Madrasa and orphanage. Construction at the Hazi Abdul Gafur Islamic Centre, in Lamua, Moulvibazar, has now begun.
What we are appealing for We are looking to begin construction work of our Islamic complex in Sylhet, Moulvi Bazar and extend the orphanage accommodation buildings in Laxmipur and Mathbaria, so that we may accommodate more orphans. At present we are having to turn children away due to the lack of space. We are appealing for sponsors of orphans, (including those studying hifz), poor students and eid gifts for the needy of those areas. We also need to modernise the learning environment of the Madrasah therefore we need computer equipment, projectors and smart boards.
Progress and Ongoing Activities As a charity, we concentrate on three core areas of work… Ǧ Ǧ ʮ Ǧ
What we are appealing for For 2016 we will be appealing for the following projects Ǧ Ǧ ʮ ʮ ƿ Ȟ month of Ramadan. Ǧ ʮ ƽ sustainability. Ǧ ƿ ʮ ǀ Ǧ ƿ ʬ their higher education dreams. Ǧ ƿ ǀ Ǧ ƿ ǀ
YORK MOSQUE (BY THE UKIM) Charity No: 250275
A/C Name: Human Appeal International Bank: NatWest Sort Code: 01-08-94 A/C: 13822721 IBAN: GB29 NWBK 0108 9413 8227 21 Swift Code: NWBK GB2L
A/C Name: UKIM York Mosque Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-47-31 A/C: 32153793 IBAN: GB53 MIDL 4047 3132 1537 93 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 09Y
Victoria Court, 376 Wilmslow Road Fallowfields, Manchester, M14 6AX
Donation Line: 0161 225 0225
Bull Lane (off Lawrence Street), York, YO10 3EN
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
0161 225 0225
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
077 3420 2022
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
13 21 3 21
14 21
Brief History
Brief History
For over 24 years Human Appeal has been at the forefront of humanitarian aid. We have been working across the globe to strengthen humanity in the face of poverty, social injustice and natural disaster. Started from a one bedroom flat in Manchester, Human Appeal has grown into an organisation that works in over 25 countries worldwide and supports over 75,000 orphans.
The early Muslims settled in York over 40 years ago. They began their worship in a house, but as the numbers grew, a Mosque and Islamic Centre (a branch of UK Islamic Mission) was established in Bull Lane in 1982. Our numbers have grown significantly and the existing facilities for up to four hundred worshippers are now insufficient. Plans were approved by the York City Council in 2013 for York’s first purpose-built Mosque and Islamic Centre on the existing site. The mosque has featured nationally and internationally through a number of initiatives such as inviting the EDL for ‘Tea & Biscuits’ in 2014 and protecting the homes of hundreds of citizens from flooding by playing a leading role in the Boxing Day 2015 Floods. We look forward to continuing our work towards promoting Islam as a peaceful, tolerant and inspirational religion for future generations.
Progress and Ongoing Activities We work in 25 countries around the world delivering a variety of projects, from clean water projects in Bangladesh, Somalia and Gaza to sustainable livelihood projects in Macedonia, Pakistan and the West Bank. We also run a very successful orphan sponsorship programme; supporting over 75,000 orphans around the world. Our programmes are: Ǧ Disaster emergency response Ǧ Orphan sponsorship program Ǧ Sustainable development programs Ǧ Clean water
Progress and Ongoing Activities Alhamdulillah we have raised over £900,000 to date which has enabled us to build a watertight shell, complete with connectivity for gas, water, electricity and sewerage works. Temporary heating and lighting will allow us hold jumuah prayers for all the congregation on the first floor and inshaAllah we also plan to hold maghrib, isha and taraweeh salah during Ramadan 2016.
Future Plan We require an additional £600,000+ to complete the project. Outstanding work includes but is not limited to complete installation to all rooms of all mechanical and electrical fixtures and fittings, plastering, lighting, audio visual, heating and extraction. Please continue to support us generously.
MUSLIM HANDS Charity No: 1105056
A/C Name: Al Quran Academy London Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-02-52 A/C: 00092517 IBAN: GB52 MIDL 4002 5200 0925 17 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 81H
A/C Name: Muslim Hands Bank: Natwest Sort Code: 60-11-33 A/C: 22820000 IBAN: GB32 NWBK 6011 3322 8200 00 Swift Code: NWBK GB2L
Unit 3.21, 65 Whitechapel Road London E1 1DU
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
148 Gregory Boulevard Nottingham, NG7 5JE
Donation Line:0115 911 7222
020 7650 8770, 078 9764 1195
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
011 5911 7222
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
15 21 30 21
17 21 29 21
Brief History
Brief History
Al Quran Academy London is a UK based International Islamic Daâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;wah charity set up in 2010 with the mission of worldwide free Quran distribution. Through our various distribution programmes and educational seminars, we endeavour to create Islamic awareness by spreading the authentic word of Allah to help eradicate misconceptions and superstitions about Islam that stem from a lack of knowledge.
In 1993, a community in Nottingham, moved by the devastation of the Bosnian war, sprang into action. A small group of volunteers began collecting money, clothes and medicine for the people of Bosnia. Muslim Hands, an international aid agency and NGO, grew from this grass roots movement and since these first efforts, we have responded to countless more emergencies, as well as establishing long term projects such as schools, healthcare clinics and livelihood programmes worldwide. We are working in over 50 countries and have field offices in over 30 of these. By working closely with our partners and offices on the ground, we are able to distribute aid in an effective, efficient, transparent and wholly accountable manner and to make a lasting difference to the communities we work with.
Progress and Ongoing Activities Alhamdulillah, Al Quran Academy London has already distributed nearly half a million copies of the Holy Quran with simple Bengali translation in the Bengali speaking zone of Bangladesh, India and expatriates in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Malayasia and Middle East. We have taken steps to extend our distribution of the Holy Quran with English translation to countries across the western hemisphere and the Nepali translation in Nepal. We are looking into the possibility of Hindi and Urdu translations to include. Alongside our existing projects such as our popular Friends of Quran scheme, we have also devised an innovative project called LightHouse. This project allows our donors (hailing from Bangladesh) to take responsibility for Quran distribution for their own union (home town), thereby making the process faster and more personalised. Alhamdulillah, this project has been very well received and gains popularity by the day. Al Quran Academy London distributes free Quran amongst GPA 5 achieving students, public libraries, media, prisoners, intellectuals and various professionals around the country. The sponsorship cost of one copy of the Holy Quran is only ÂŁ2. You can sponsor 2000 copies for your Union, or 500 copies for your parents, or however many you are capable of sponsoring. We offer the option of printing the details of the donor/ person or organisation of choice on the front page of the sponsored copies (minimum 100 copies).
Progress and Ongoing Activities Dedicated to tackling the root causes of poverty around the world, Muslim Hands is passionate about working beyond the provision of immediate relief, towards supporting communities over the long-term. We are currently supporting education, water, health and livelihood projects across four continents, as well as running a dedicated orphan sponsorship scheme.
Charity No: 1122613
SWANSEA MOSQUE Charity No: 1105355
A/C Name: Swansea Mosque Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-84-41 A/C: 33162567 IBAN: GB86 BARC 2084 4133 1625 67 Swift Code: BARC GB22
46-92 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JQ
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
14-15 St Helens Road Swansea South Wales, SA1 4AW
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
020 7650 3000
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
017 9265 4535
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
A/C Name: ELM Phase 2 Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-02-33 A/C: 91681966 IBAN: GB56 MIDL 4002 3391 6819 66 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 15A
18 21
19 21
Brief History
Brief History
The East London Mosque has grown from humble beginnings to become one of the largest Muslim institutions in Europe.
Swansea Mosque was established in 1983, we aim to cater for the religious, spiritual, social and educational needs of the Muslim community. Swansea Mosque enjoys a positive relationship within the locality and endeavors to take an active role in the wider community, providing a whole host of activities including running a food bank.
Progress and Ongoing Activities The Mosque and Centre provides a range of facilities and services:
Ǧ Excellent prayer facilities for men and women Ǧ Maryam Projects & Services, providing information, advice and guidance for women Ǧ Improved Funeral Service Ǧ Visitor Centre overlooking the main prayer hall Ǧ Full-time primary and secondary school Ǧ Supplementary education for children Ǧ Arabic and Islamic studies for adults Ǧ Fitness centre for men and women Ǧ Services for the Deaf, including sign language for the Friday Sermon Ǧ Islamic library Ǧ ELM Archive Project, documenting the history of the mosque and the Muslim community
Progress and Ongoing Activities By the Grace of Allah, Swansea Mosque is now in the moving in phase. We have already completed construction phases, Phase 1,2, and 3, this included the construction of a new 4-story building within the structure. This year we are positively progressing on with Phase 4awhich is scheduled to be completed in September 2016 - Insha’Allah.
Future Plan 150 years ago this building was first opened and has served the community of Swansea until it became derelict in the late 1980’s. By the Grace and Will of Allah this September (2016) it is scheduled to re-open as the New Swansea Masjid. Phase 4a will complete all electrical and mechanical wiring, plumbing, lighting and heating systems; underfloor heating, and lift. This phase also includes completion of the basement and ground floor in its entirety, enable the community to have full access to Wudu facilities and prayer halls. Completing Phase 4a, means that the Centre will be ready for use Insha’Allah.
Future Plan The achievements of the East London Mosque have surpassed all expectations. Over 1.7 million people pass through our doors each year, as we contribute to society through education, advice services, interfaith dialogue, and social enterprise. This has been by the Grace of Allah, Who has blessed us with your generous support. The Mosque now has to repay the QardHasanah (loans) of £4m that were used to complete the Maryam Centre and purchase the Synagogue building, whilst we maintain the regular upkeep of the busy Mosque complex. Please continue to donate, and encourage your family and friends, so we can clear our debt. We hope to make this House of Allah debt free, insha’Allah.
This year our fundraising target is £300,000. Once we are in the building we can swiftly start work on Phase 4b, the concluding phase. Phase 4b will incorporate the remaining floors and some exterior works. Phase 4b will start and continue after moving into the new Masjid.
A/C Name: Al Mustafa Welfare Trust International Bank: NatWest Sort Code: 60-11-18, A/C: 20366027 IBAN: GB17NWBK60111820366027 Swift Code: NWBKGB2L
A/C Name: Latifiah Fultali Complex Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-46-13 A/C: 32003694 IBAN: GB15 MIDL 4046 1332 0036 94 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 09P
Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, The Vista Centre 50 Salisbury Road, Hounslow TW4 6JQ
Donation Line: 0208 569 6444
Lodge Raod, West Bromwich West Midlands , B70 8DY
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
020 8569 6444
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
012 1557 2984, 079 0330 0537
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
20 21
Brief History
Brief History
Our journey began in November 1983. Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust® (AMWT) has provided medical care, education assistance, food aid, poverty relief, famine relief and community development in disaster areas, war torn countries and many rural and poverty stricken areas of the world, serving millions of needy and helpless people living in abject poverty and squalid conditions.
Latifiah Fultali Complex (LFC) started its noble journey in 2013 with the values and beliefs to create a Secondary Boarding School & College. Our aim is to serve the entire Ummah within Islamic contemporary education with the state of the art facilities. It is a unique centre of Islamic excellence
Progress and Ongoing Activities
Progress and Ongoing Activities
AMWT has been working in Bangladesh since 2007. We work with local partners to bring eye care within reach of the poorest communities. Together we have helped to develop services for people who are irreversibly blind, as well as ensuring children who are visually impaired get a good education.
Alhamdulillah, we have had overwhelming support and commitments from our generous brothers and sisters at our fund raising event with Channel S last Ramadan. Consequently, we are proud to state that the refurbishment work is well under way, with the view to finish in July this year. This refurbishment work is being carried out in the phase A of the complex (A QUARTER OF THE COMPLEX) to re-house our Secondary School (Jalaliah Educational Institution, established 2009), with full boarding facilities. Also to open the Masjid for the community.
What we are appealing for Our goal is to serve humanity in the poorest parts of the world and to combat avoidable and treatable cases of blindness. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust UK’s only charity who have started its biggest campaign ‘’Global Vision Aid’’ in Bangladesh which will provide eye treatment to over 100,000 people. Please support us, as your donation can help blind and partially sighted people experience the world with their own eyes. With your support these people can see again, live independent normal lives and financially support themselves and their families.
What we are appealing for Once the complex is fully refurbished, inshah Allah, it will offer the following provisions under one roof: Ǧ Boys Islamic Secondary School/Madrasah (GCSE Level) Ǧ College/ Title Madrasah (Full Time A’lim Course Ǧ Full Boarding provisions for boys Ǧ Hifz Department Ǧ A Masjid Ǧ Conference/Banqueting Hall Ǧ Girls Islamic School Ǧ College Ǧ Evening and Weekend classes for boys, girls and adults Ǧ Multifarious adult training and educational courses Ǧ Provisions for sisters Ǧ Youth activities / Shariah Council Ǧ Dawa Centre Ǧ Funeral Services We need approximately £3 million to complete the full renovation of the complex and to rebuild the multipurpose function/banqueting hall within the complex. At present, we urgently require £500,000 to open our complex and start the boarding school and college.
BEANI BAZAR CANCER HOSPITAL Charity No: 1133051 A/C Name: The Beani Bazar Cancer Hospital Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-04-15 A/C: 61862901 IBAN: GB24 MIDL 4004 1561 8629 01 Swift Code: MIDL GB21 41F
CAP FOUNDATION Charity No: 1150092
22 21
A/C Name: Cap Foundation Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-57-06 A/C: 93522946 IBAN: GB64 BARC 2057 0693 5229 46 Swift Code: BARC GB22
23 21
T1, Montefiore Centre Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
Ground Floor, Room 10 7-15 Greatorex Street, London E1 5NF
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
020 7096 0893, 079 5620 4863
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
020 3137 3105
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
Brief History
Brief History
The Beani Bazar Cancer Hospital (BBCH) is a not-for-profit charitable company limited by guarantee registered at Companies House and registered as a charity with the Charity Commission in England and Wales.
What we are appealing for
Community against Poverty (CAP) Foundation is an international humanitarian relief and Charity Organisation. We have a strict 100% donation policy as a group and we raise funds from individuals, organize fundraising & community events, Organisations and Companies, we at CAP Foundation campaign to raise awareness for the right of a better future for some of the most poorest and deprived communities within Bangladesh. Our aim is not to provide charity but to provide resources to empower, inspire communities for people to build, create, and plan for a brighter future. Our mission is to eradicate poverty, offer education, and facilitate health and welfare by developing innovative and sustainable solutions that enables individuals and families to achieve basic living standards and a life of opportunity. We work through three main principles: Global Reach, Effective Engagement and Innovation. With a strong group of dynamic people as Board Members and a large network of volunteers spread across our offices in both London and Bangladesh, all 100% donated proceeds reach to the ground on supporting communities and individuals in rapid time and enables usage of all contributions wisely making Community against Poverty (CAP) Foundation one of the most efficient humanitarian agencies in the field of charity.
Funds are needed to expand on our services and resources. The hospital is in urgent need of further specialist equipments, ambulances, hospital wards and additional doctors.
Progress and Ongoing Activities
The charity was founded in 2009 and to date the Trustees and Management have been working tirelessly to deliver the objectives of the charity being the detection, treatment, prevention of cancer alongside general healthcare.
Progress and Ongoing Activities BBCH has the following ongoing projects: Ǧ Cancer Awareness Campaign – door to door and hospital based. Ǧ Cancer Treatment including chemotherapy. Ǧ Diagnosis – Including Blood Laboratory, ECG, X-Ray etc. Ǧ Specialist Hospital Wards – Including General Health and Maternity. 24X7 hour service. Ǧ Medical Camps Campaign – Village based.
We have expanded our outdoor village based medical camps including general health and eye camps and need sponsors to continue this including the provision of free medicine and treatment for patients. BBCH needs your donations and zakat to provide relief, support and assistance for people who endure cancer related illness and provide general health services. Please donate generously so we can expand to deliver much needed and urgent medical services and alleviate the suffering of the poor and disadvantaged people in Bangladesh.
Cap Foundation supports individuals and communities throughout the year with the following projects: Sheltered accommodation | Water Well | Sanitation | Medical Aid | Scholarship | Livelihood Project – Sewing | Rickshaw | Ramadan Food Pack | First Aid Volunteers Training | Homeless In Need UK
Future Plan Sheltered accommodation | Water Well | Sanitation | Medical Aid | Scholarship | Livelihood Project – Sewing | Livelihood Project - Rickshaw
ISLAMIC RELIEF Charity No: 328158 A/C Name: Islamic Relief Bank: Barclays Sort Code: 20-07-71 A/C: 6333 2012 IBAN: GB30 BARC 2000 7110 9661 77 Swift Code: BARC GB22
GLOBAL AID TRUST Charity No: 1123560
27 21
A/C Name: GAT Project Bank: NatWest Sort Code: 60-02-63 A/C: 10164413 IBAN: GB05 NWBK 6002 6310 1644 13 Swift Code: NWBK GB2L
28 21
135-137 Whitechapel Road London E1 1DT
Donation Line: 0207 593 3232
7 Sovereign Close London E1W 3HW
Donation Line: 0208 523 1666
020 7593 3232, 080 0520 0000
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
020 7422 7551
Studio Line: 0208 523 4111
Brief History
Brief History
“Whoever saved a life, it would be as if they saved the life of all mankind.” (Qur’an 5:32) We are an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984 by a group of concerned postgraduate students. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion or gender.
Global Aid Trust (GAT) was established by some 14 British Bangladeshi professionals in 2008, focusing on education in developing countries. Within few years, it became a reputable international humanitarian organisation and worked in many countries with Bangladesh being the prime focus.
Progress and Ongoing Activities Some interesting facts… 1. We are the largest International aid agency in Gaza. We are there, NOW. 2. We are accessing more areas than anyone else in war torn Yemen! More than any Muslim or Non-Muslim charity. 3. We are operational in over 30 countries, so it costs less for us to deliver relief, because we have a presence on the ground. 4. We go to areas that many charities won’t, like in Baluchistan, Iraq, Yemen and Helmand. 5. And we are deep inside Syria, at the heart of the conflict. We’ve helped over 6.5 million Syrians since the conflict began, providing over £140 million of vital relief.
Progress and Ongoing Activities Student sponsorship (Hifz): Orphan sponsorship : Clean water: Eye cataract: Winter Cloths: Help Fast : Eid Gifts: Qurbani: Cyclone Centre : Emergencies :
£20 per month for 40 months = £800 £20 per month for 36 months (renewable) : £720 £300 for a tube well and £1000 for deep tube well arsenic free £60 per eye cataract £100 for a family of 4, £15 a blanket £100 for a family of 4. Target Iftar& suhur for 5000 people @ £5 each £100 for a family of 5 and £20 for each person. £70 for a goat and £60 for portion of cow in Bangladesh Any amount Any amount
Future Plan We take your donations seriously. We know this is an Amaanah for which we are accountable. So when we say “we are on the ground”, we mean it. We’ve gained the trust of organisations worldwide. This is important because we are able to multiply your donations. Institutions, charitable trusts, governments, corporate enterprises are all multiplying your donations!
Student sponsorship (Hifz): £20 per month for 40 months = £800
In Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Yemen and Niger we’ve multiplied £4.5m that you’ve donated into a staggering £9.5 Million! SubhanAllah! And that means more people helped and more lives saved. We couldn’t do any of this without you and our wonderful community, so THANK YOU and may Allah SWT reward you for your continued support. Together, we are winning the fight against extreme poverty. SubhanAllah.
Clean water: £300 for a tube well and £1000 for deep tube well arsenic free
Orphan sponsorship: £20 per month for 36 months (renewable) : £720
Eye cataract: £60 per eye cataract
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Wishing you all a very Happy Ramadan Le Chef PLC T/A ChefOnline 218A Brick Lane, London E1 6SA | T: 0203 598 5956 | M: 07770 04 04 04
Ramadan Prayer Timetable 2016 (London) Date
Jun 5
Suhur Ends
02:47 02:46
Jul 1
Newcastle York
+ 21
ksgo kJfJr kr IQmirJ TJ\ TrPu 51
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ChtM jJPor rJ\‰jKfT hu
nJwJ @PªJuj FmÄ 71 xJPur oyJj oMKÜpMP≠r PYfjJ KmPrJiLÇ \jVPjr rJP~ KmFjKk ãofJ~ PVPu F mqJkJPr k´P~J\Pj PrlJPr¥Jo KhP~ \jof pJYJA TrJ yPmÇ \j rJ~ PkPu ChtM jJPor rJ\QjKfT hu PhPv KjKw≠ TrJ yPmÇ 2016 xJPur 31 Po kNmt u¥Pjr rP~u KrP\¿L IKcaKr~JPo mJÄuJPhPvr k´go rJÓskKf S ˝JiLjfJr PWJwT KmFjKkr k´KfÔJfJ vyLh K\~JCr ryoJPjr 35fo oífqMmJKwtTLPf pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr @PuJYjJ xnJ~ k´iJj IKfKgr mÜPmq KfKj F TgJ mPujÇ kNmt u¥Pjr hqJ rP~u KrP\¿L IKcaKr~JPo @P~JK\f xnJ~ xnJkKffô TPrj pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xnJkKf Fo F oJPuTÇ xnJ kKrYJujJ TPrj pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xJiJre xŒJhT T~xr Fo @yPohÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, ßvU oMK\mMr ryxJPjr hLWt rJ\QjKfT \LmPjr FToJ© @hvt mJTvJuÇ xnJ~ hPur ßjfJ ToLt xogtT ÊnJTJÄKU xmJr k´Kf GTqm≠ gJTJr @ymJj \JKjP~ mPuj, PvU yJKxjJ S fJr hPur xπJxLrJ k´KfKhj èo UMj TPrPZ, yJouJ oJouJ KhP~ KjptJfj y~rJjL TPrPZ, TrPZÇ KT∂á Vjfπ kMjÀ≠JPr \jVPjr FA fqJV TÓ mOgJ ßpPf kJPrjJÇ fJPrT ryoJj \JfL~fJmJhL vKÜPT ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~Jr ßjfíPfô GTqm≠ gJTJr @ymJj \JKjP~ mPuj, \MuMo KjptJfPjr kJvJkJKv jJjJrTo Ikk´YJr ÊÀ yP~PZÇ KfKj ßTJjrTPor Ikk´YJPr KmÃJ∂ jJ yS~Jr \jq KmPvw TPr hPur PjfJToLtPhr k´Kf @ymJj \JjJjÇ xnJ~ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, PvU oMK\mMr ryoJj PYJPrr hu YJaJr hu mPu @S~JoL uLVPT 1975 xJPu KjKw≠ TPr KhP~KZPujÇ KT∂á TgJ~ mPu, ÍAuäf pJ~jJ oAPu, UJxuf pJ~jJ iMAPuÍÇ PvU oMK\Pmr KjKw&≠ TrJ ßYJPrr hPur UJxuf kJJ~KjÇ fJrJ FUj ßvU TJoJPur of mqJÄT cJTJKf TrPZÇ fJPrT ryoJj @PrJ mPuj, S~JKvÄajKnK•T VPmweJ k´KfÔJj K\Fl@A, FojKT mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr fgqS muPZ, mftoJPj ßvU yJKxjJr uMParJ xrTJPrr @oPu VPz k´Kf mZr ßhv ßgPT kJYJr yPò 72 yJ\Jr ßTJKa aJTJÇ YuKf mZPrr ßlms‡~JrL oJPx mJÄuJPhv mqJÄT ßgPT ßuJkJa yP~PZ @a vfJKiT ßTJa aJTJÇ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr IKca KrPkJPatr CÆOKf KhP~ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, 2010 xJu ßgPT 2015 xJu kpt∂ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr 12 yJ\Jr ßTJKa aJTJr KyxJm jJAÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, ßvU TJoJPur nJKVjJr FTJCP≤ 300 KoKu~j cuJPrr KyxJm UMP\ ßkP~PZ IPoKrTJr ßVJP~ªJ xÄ˙JÇ FA 300 KoKu~j KjP~ KjC A~Tt ßgPT k´TJKvf KbTJjJ kK©TJ~ KrPkJatS k´TJKvf yP~PZÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, ßhPv hMeLtKfr KmÀP≠ KTZá KuUPuA xJÄmJKhTPhr yJouJ oJouJ PV´lfJr S KjptJfPjr KvTJr yPf y~Ç KT∂á @PoKrTJ~ k´TJKvf SA KrPkJat YqJPu† TrJr of PTJj fgq k´oJj PvU TJoJPur nJKVjJr TJPZ ßjAÇ TJre YJAPuA fgq k´oJj ZJzJ oJKTtj @hJuPf YqJPu† TrJ pJ~jJÇ fJPrT ryoJj IKnPpJV TPr mPuj, IKk´~ yPuS xfq, rÄPyPcc PvU yJKxjJr xo~ ßhPv Có @hJuf FmÄ Kjoú @hJuf rJ\QjKfT k´nJmoMÜ j~Ç fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, PvU yJKxjJ fJr ßZPur hNjLtKf FmÄ KjP\r I‰mi xrTJrPT KaKTP~ rJUPf FTKa IkTot dJTPf @PrTKa IkTot TPrjÇ ßxA IkTPotr iJrJmJKyTfJ~ ßoJxJh jJaPTr xOKÓÇ KfKj mPuj, nJrPfr ãofJxLj hu KmP\Kkr pMm xÄVbPjr @oπPj KmFjKkr FT\j ßjfJ nJrPf FTKa ßxKojJPr IÄv ßjjÇ ßxA ßxKojJPr @oKπf AxrJ~Pur FT\j jJVKrPTr xPñ TP~T KoKjPar xJãJPfr Kmw~Ka KjP~ PvU yJKxjJ KmFjKkr xPñ AxrJ~Pur xŒTt UM\PZÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, \jVj Fxm KmvõJx TPrjJ, TJre KmFjKk xm xo~A PhPvr \jVjPT xPñ KjP~ KmFjKk KlKuK˜Pjr ˝JiLjfJr kPã, KlKuK˜Pjr ˝JiLjfJTJoL \jVPjr kPãÇ KfKj mPuj, 1981 xJPu f“TJuLj rJÓskKf
K\~JCr ryoJPjr @oπPj k´gomJPrr of mJÄuJPhv xlr TPrj KlKuK˜jL ˝JiLjfJ @PªJuPjr IKmxÄmJKhf PjfJ A~JKxr @rJlJfÇ ßx xo~ ßk´KxPc≤ K\~JCr ryoJj KjP\ CkK˙f PgPT KlKuK˜Pjr ˝JiLjfJ @PªJuPjr IKmxÄmJKhf FA PjfJPT mJÄuJPhPv uJu VJKuYJ xÄmitjJ \JKjP~KZPujÇ vyLh K\~Jr ßjfífôJiLj KmFjKk xrTJPrr xoP~A 15 xhxqKmKvÓ P\À\JPuo xojõ~ TKoKa, Z~ xhxqKmKvÓ \JKfxÄPW P\À\JPuo xojõ~ TKoKa FojKT Kfj xhxqKmKvÓ @u Táhx TKoKaPf mJÄuJPhv I∂nMtÜ y~Ç fJPrT ryoJj @PrJ mPuj, K\~JCr ryoJPjr xrTJPrr @oPuA k´gomJPrr of KlKuK˜jLPhr ˝JiLjfJ xÄVsJPor xogtPj mJÄuJPhPv FTKa ˛JrT cJTKaPTa k´TJv TrJ y~Ç Í I˘ yJPf FT\j KlKuK˜jL PpJ≠J FmÄ mqJTV´JCP¥ TJÅaJfJPr PWrJ oxK\hMu @TôxJÍ FA KY© x’Kuf ˛JrT cJTKaPTaKa vyLh ßk´KxPc≤ K\~JCr ryoJPjr @V´PyA k´TJv TrJ y~Ç ˛JrT cJTKaPTaKaPf PuUJ KZu” È@orJ mLr KlKuK˜jL ˝JiLjfJTJoL PpJ≠JPhr xJuJo \JjJA'Ç fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, KmFjKkr KmÀP≠ Ikk´YJr YJuJPuS FUj AxrJ~Pur jJVKrT ßoKª Fj xJlJKh KjP\A K˝TJr TPrPZj, IPjT @PVA x\Lm S~JP\h \P~r xPñ S~JKvÄaPj fJr QmbT yP~KZPuJÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, fgq k´oJPj ßhUJ pJ~, AxrJ~Pur xPñ IPjT @V ßgPTA wzpPπ Ku¬ rÄ ßyPcc ßvU yJKxjJ FmÄ fJr PZPuÇ FA wzpπ yPò KjP\r I‰mi ãofJ hUPu rJUPf FTKhPT KmFjKkPT WJP~u TrJ IkrKhPT \P~r aJTJ kJYJPrr rJ˜J xMVo TrJÇ KjP\r mÜPmqr xogtPj fJPrT ryoJj FTKa fgq Ck˙Jkj TPrjÇ PxKa yPuJ, 2010 xJPu VKbf \JfL~ PaKuPpJVJPpJV kptPmãe PTªs, FjKaFoKxÈr xPñ pMÜrJÓs-KnK•T AxrJAuL ksKfÔJj PnKrP≤r TJZ PgPT 200 PTJKa cuJr oNPuqr fgq k´pMKÜ pπkJKf PTjJr YáKÜ y~Ç FA YáKÜr oiq˙fJ TPr x\Lm S~JP\h \~Ç FA YMKÜr uãq yPò, ACKja 8200 k´pMKÜ mqmyJr TPr ßvU yJKxjJr I‰mi xrTJr oJjMPwr fgq @hJj-k´hJj asqJT TrJxy \jVPjr KmÀP≠ pJmfL~ PVJP~ªJ TJptâo YJuJPmÇ FA ¸vtTJfr Kmw~Ka kíKgmLr IjqJjq PVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J \JjPf kJPr 2015 xJPuÇ fJPrT ryoJj IKnPpJV TPr mPuj, AxrJAPur xPñ \P~r 2v ßTJKa cuJPrr ßVJkj mJKeK\qT YáKÜ PgPT \jVPer híKÓ Knjú UJPf k´mJKyf TrPfA ßoJxJh jJaT ‰frL TPrPZ PvU yJKxjJÇ fJPrT ryoJj @PrJ mPuj, ßvU yJKxjJr IQmi xrTJPrr oπL @PjJ~Jr ßyJPxj o†M kpt∂ mPuPZj, KjrPkã KjmtJYj yPu @S~JoL uLV 40Ka @xjS kJPmjJÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, @S~JoL uLV \jKmKòjú, ßvU yJKxjJr xrTJr IQmiÇ fJPhr KmÀP≠ ßTJj wzpPπr k´P~J\j ßjAÇ KfKj mPuj, TUPjJA mJÄuJPhPv @S~JoL uLV ˝JnJKmT Kj~Po \jVPjr ßnJPa ãofJ~ @xPf kJPrKjÇ F TJrPeA KjmtJYPj fJPhr n~Ç fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, pJrJ ßvU oMK\Pmr vJxjJoPur hNjLtKf S xπJx FmÄ uMakJa ßhPUKj fJPhr \jq PvU yJKxjJr vJxj FTKa k´KfKY©Ç K\~JCr ryoJj k´xPñ mÜífJ~ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, K\~JCr ryoJj mJÄuJPhPvr Cjú~Pjr k´fLTÇ Vjfπ FmÄ \JfL~ xÄyKfr k´fLTÇ ßvU oMK\Pmr 40 mZPrr rJ\jLKf K\~JCr ryoJPjr xJPz YJr mZPrr rJ\jLKf S Cjú~joMuT TotTJP¥r TJPZ ŸJjÇ fJPrT ryoJj mPuj, TíKw S Kv· C“kJhPj mJÄuJPhvPT ˝KjntrTPr fáPuKZPuj K\~JCr ryoJjÇ mJÄuJPhPv ‰mPhKvT oMhJs I\tPjr \jq xmPYP~ mz hMKa UJf mJÄuJPhPvr v´ovKÜ FmÄ VJPot≤x Kv· r¬JjLS K\~JCr ryoJPjrA ImhJjÇ IjMÔJPj @PrJ mÜífJ TPrj xJPmT KvãJ ksKfoπL FyxJjMu yT Kouj, KmFjKkr oJKjmJKiTJr Kmw~T xŒJhT mqJKrˆJr jJKxÀK¨j IxLo xy IPjPTÇ
oJSuJjJ \JuJu CK¨j
xÄKväÓfJr TgJ I˝LTJr TPr KjP\PT KjPhtJw hJmL TPrj xJBhÇ FZJzJS 2015 xJPur 1uJ @VÓ ßgPT 2016 xJPur 18 ßlms∆~JrLr ßnfPr \JuJu CK¨j yfqJr xPñ xÄKväÓ ßTJPjJ KTZáPfA \Kzf gJTJr TgJS I˝LTJr TPrj KfKjÇ @VJoL 31 ßv @VÓ oJouJr krmftL ÊjJKjr fJKrU iJpt TrJ yP~PZÇ CPuäUq Vf 18 ßlms∆~JrL rJPf rYPcPur FTKa kJTt ßgPT vrLPr oJrJ®T \Uo Im˙J~ 64 mZr m~xL oJSuJjJ \JuJu CK¨jPT C≠Jr TrJ y~Ç yJxkJfJPu ßj~Jr kr KfKj oOfáqmre TPrjÇ fJr orPhy krmftLPf KxPuPar KmvõjJPg fÅJr kKrmJPrr TJPZ kJbJPjJ yP~PZÇ
KjC kJktJx Km kkuJr
nmeKa mÉ hNr ßgPTA ßYJPU kPrÇ YJr fuJ KmKvÓ nmjKar KÆfL~ fuJr TJ\ xŒjú yS~Jr kr ßgPT FuJTJr oMxKuäVe oxK\Ph Kj~Kof jJoJ\ IJhJ~ TrPZjÇ aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr k´J~ 50Ka oxK\Phr oPiq FKa yPò FTKa KjC kJkJtx Kmuc oÛÇ
Vf 22 ßo oxK\h TKoKar xTu xhxq, FuJTJmJxL, Kk´≤ S APuÖsKjT KoKc~Jr xJÄmJKhT, TJCK¿uJrmOªS KmKvÓ\jPhr CkK˙KfPf aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr ßo~r \j KmVx KlfJ ßTPa S luT CPjìYj TPr jfáj nmjKar CPÆJij TPrjÇ KlfJTJaJ kPmt kkuJr S uJAoyJCPxr uTJu FoKk K\o Kl\ ßkKasT S CkK˙f KZPujÇ oxK\Phr ßksKxPc≤ k´mLj mqJKÜfô vKlTáu yPTr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ oxK\Phr ßxPâaJrL ßoJjJAo IJyoh S ßas\JrJr xJoJh ßyJPxPjr ßpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJr Êr∆Pf kKm© ßTJrIJj ßgPT ßfuJS~Jf TPrj oxK\Phr AoJo S UKfm yJKl\ IJ»Mu mJKZrÇ oxK\Phr asJKÓmOª FmÄ jmLj S k´mLPjr xojõP~ VKbf 60 xhxqKmKvÓ ßoPj\Po≤ TKoKar k´J~ xTPuA CÜ IjMÔJPj CkK˙f KZPujÇ CuPoJr ÛáPur ßyc KaYJr ßasKx IJP\t≤ FmÄ KxxaJr KâxPaj S CkK˙f KZPujÇ k´iJj IKgKf Po~r \j KmVx fJÅr mÜPmq mPujIJoJr TJPZ xTu ioLt~ CkJxjJu~ xoJj èr∆Pfôr hJmLhJrÇ ioLt~ CkJxjJuP~r CjúKfTP· IJKo pgJxJiq ßYÓJ TrmÇ KfKj IJPrJ mPuj IJ\PTr FA jfáj kkuJr oÛ S TKoCKjKa ßx≤Jr FuJTJmJxLr hLWtKhPjr xKÿKuf k´PYÓJr lxuÇ ßckMKa ßo~r KxrJ\Mu AxuJo fJÅr mPÜPmq mPujFA oxK\h ßcnuJkPoP≤r mqJkJPr k´go ßgPTA IJKo pgJxJiq xyPpJKVfJ TPrKZÇ nKmwqPfS fJÅ ImqJyf gJTPmÇ KfKj IJPrJ mPuj pMm xoJ\PT xKbT kPg kKrYJKuf TrPf oxK\hKnK•T KvãJ UMmA èr∆fôkNjtÇ KmPrJiLhuL~ ßjfJ TJCK¿uJr IKuCr ryoJj mPuj-oxK\Ph jJoJ\ IJhJP~r kJvJkJKv pMmxŒshJ~PT xKbT KhT KjPhtvjJr oJiPo fJÅPhr ‰jKfT YKr© CjúKfr uPãq KmKnjú xoJ\ TuqJeoNuT TJ\ xŒJhj TrJ yP~ gJPTÇ pJr lPu kgÃÓ pMm xoJ\ Kj\˝ hJK~fô S TftmqPmJi xŒPTt xPYfj yP~ KkfJoJfJ S mP~JP\RÓPhr k´Kf xÿJj k´hvtj TrPf ßvPUÇ oxK\Phr asJKÓ S ßoPj\Po≤ TKoKar KmKnjú ßjfímª O fJÅPhr mÜPmq mPuj-oxK\Ph Kj~KofnJPm jJoJ\ IJhJP~r kJvJkJv mÉoNUL oxK\h KnK•T KvãJr mqm˙J S KmKnjú FcáPTvjJu FKÖPnKax Kj~KofnJPmA kKrYJKuf yPmÇ pJ ßgPT IJmJu-mO≠-mKefJ xTPuA CkTíf yPmjÇ KmPvwTPr FuJTJr pMm xoJ\PT kkuJr oÛ F¥ TKoCKjKa ßx≤JPrr FcáPTvjJu FjnJ~rjPoP≤ xŒOtÜ TrJr \jqmÉoNUL KvãJoNuT TJptâo kKrYJujJr CPhqJV APfJoPiqA ßj~J yP~PZÇ fJr kJvJkJKv FuJTJr IjqJjq iotJmŸL xŒshJP~r k´KfS xhmqmyJPrr oJiqPo nJfí©kNjt FTaJ TuqJeoNuT xoJ\ VbPjr uPãq oxK\Phr jfáj ßoPj\Po≤ TKoKa KjruxnJPm TJ\ TPr pJPòÇ
kMKuPvr uJKgPf jJPxtr
PxJyrJS~JhtL yJxkJfJPu PjS~J yP~PZ mPu \JjJj xÄVbPjr xnJkKf KrjJ @ÜJrÇ xJuoJ @ÜJr ZJzJ Ijq @yfrJ yPuj- uã&eLrJeL (27) oofJ\ PmVo (30), uJnuL (24), xMojJ A~JxKoj (28), oofJ\ UJfMj (26)Ç FPhr ˙JjL~ KmKnjú yJxkJfJu S KTîKjPT KYKT“xJ PhS~J yPòÇ mMimJr xºqJ 6aJr KhPT iJjoK¥r 32 j’Pr @PªJujrf jJxtPhr Skr uJKbYJ\t TPr iJjoK¥ gJjJ kMKuvÇ xÄVbPjr xnJkKf KrjJ @ÜJr \JjJj, KmPTPu fJrJ ˝J˙qoπL mJxnmj IKnoMPU khpJ©J TPrjÇ F xo~ iJjoK¥ 32 j’Pr kMKuPvr ksgo mqJKrPTPcr oMPUJoMKU yPf y~Ç kPr SA mqJKrPTc PnPX FKVP~ pJS~Jr kPg kMKuv jJxtPhr Skr uJKb YJ\t TPrÇ FPf I∂f 6 \j @yf yP~PZjÇ pJr oPiq KvUJ, xJuoJ S rKyPor Im˙J èÀfrÇ @yfPhr dJTJ PoKcPTu TPu\ (dJPoT) yJxkJfJPu kJbJPjJ yP~PZ mPu \JjJj KrjJ @ÜJrÇ fPm iJjoK¥ gJjJr SKx jNPr @\o hJKm TPrj, ˝J˙oπLr mJKz PWrJS TrPf FPx @PªJujrf jJxrsJ kMKuPvr Skr YzJS y~Ç kPr yJ‹J uJKbYJ\t TPr kMKuv kKrK˙Kf Kj~πPe @PjÇ Fr @PV, ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr TJptJu~ PgPT cJPTr @vJ~ mMimJr xTJu 9aJ PgPT KmPTu 5aJ kpt∂ ksUr PrJPh mPx PgPT @vJvNjq yP~ KlPr @Px jJxrsJÇ @yf jJxt oofJ\ PmVo \JjJj, ksiJjoπLr TJptJuP~r xJoPj Im˙JPjr kr ˝J˙qoπL PoJyJÿh jJKxPor iJjoK¥˙ mJxJr xJoPj Im˙Jj PjA @oJrJÇ KT∂á KmjJ TJrPe @oJPhr Ckr uJKbYJ\t TPrPZ kMKuvÇ FPf kJÅY/Z~\j jJxt @yf yP~PZjÇ" xrTJr mJr mJr @võJx KhP~S fJPhr hJKm jJ PoPj jJxtPhr Ckr jJjJnJPm KjptJfj YJuJPjJ yPò mPuS IKnPpJV TPrj KfKjÇ mJÄuJPhv KcPkäJoJ PmTJr jJPxtx IqJPxJKxP~vj oyJxKYm lJÀT PyJPxj mPuj, ÍmJÄuJPhv PoKcTqJu IqJPxJKxP~vPjr oyJxKYm cJ. ATmJu @rPxuJj S ˝J˙q IKih¬Prr oyJkKrYJuT mJrmJr @oJPhr FA hv KoKja, F Kmv KoKja, mPu @võó TPrjÇ FrkrA ksiJjoπLr TJptJu~ PgPT cJT @xPm mPu @oJPhr \JjJPjJ y~Ç" KfKj @rS mPuj, ÍKT∂á hMkMr 12aJ PkKrP~ PVPuS cJT @PxKjÇ lPu @orJ @mJrS ˝J˙qoπLr mJxJr xJoPj Im˙Jj KjP~KZÇ"
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 33 ATmJu @rPxuJj \JjJj, KmjJ TJrPe @oJPhr Ckr uJKb YJ\t TPrPZ kMKuvÇ FnJPm YuPf gJTPu jJxrsJ TPbJr TotxNKY KhPf mJiq yPm mPu ÉKv~JrL KhPj KfKjÇ CPuäUq, mqJYKnK•T KjP~JPVr hJKmPf uJVJfJr Im˙Jj TotxNKY kJuPjr kr ˝J˙qoπLr Ph~J @võJPxr PTJPjJ mJóm ksKfluj PhUPf jJ PkP~ fJr mJxnmj PWrJSP~ pJ~ mJÄuJPhv KcPkäJoJ PmTJr jJPxtx IqJPxJKxP~vj S PmKxT VsqJ\MP~a jJPxtx PxJxJAKaÇ
KmsPaPj ßxJomJr ßgPT
yPò 9aJ 17 KoKjaÇ k´Kf mZPrr oPfJ FmJrS jJjJ CPhqJV V´ye TPrPZ Aˆ u¥j oxK\h F¥ u¥j oMxKuo ßx≤Jrxy u¥j S KmsPaPjr KmKnjú oxK\hÇ FPf UqJfjJoJ yJKl\ S TôJrLPhr @oπe \JjJPjJr kJvJkJKv oJx\MPz oMxuäLPhr \jq gJTPZ Kmw~KnK•T @PuJYjJ, AlfJrL S APfTJPlr xMmqm˙J, BhMu ßlfPrr \JoJf S KlfrJ mqm˙JkjJxy jJjJ @P~J\jÇ F \jq APfJoPiq xTu k´˜MKf xŒjú TrJ yP~PZÇ kKm© ro\Jj CkuPã mJÄuJ ßkJPˆr xTu kJbT S ÊnJjMiqJK~Phr IKnjªj \JjJPjJ yP~PZÇ
jJS~J\ vKrPlr @PrJVq
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ßumJr kJKatr oKyuJ
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oM˜JKlP\r ÈKl\' yP~
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34 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
FTA oPû Po~r xJKhT
ßcKnc TqJoÀPjr xoJPuJYjJ TPrPZj ACKTk FoKk cVuJx TJxtSP~uÇ TJre u¥j Po~r KjmtJYPjr TqJPŒAPjr xo~ kJutJPoP≤ k´vú C•r kPmt k´iJjoπL IKnPpJV TPr mPuKZPuj, xπJPxr k´Kf xJKhT UJPjr xyoKotfJ rP~PZÇ CPuäUq k´J~ FT oJx @PV u¥j ßo~r KjmtJYPjr TqJPŒAPj ßumJr kJKat ßgPT jmKjmtJKYf u¥j ßo~r xJKhT UJjPT xπJPxr xPñ xÄKväÓfJr mJ xπJPxr k´Kf hMmut fJ @PZ mPu xoJPuJYjJ TPrKZPuj k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJPorjÇ kJutJPoP≤ k´v-ú C•r kPmt k´iJjoπL PumJr k´JgtL xJKhT UJPjr Foj xoJPuJYjJ TPrjÇ @r ßaJKr kJKatr vLwt ßjfJrJ kJutJPoP≤r mJAPr KmKnjú TqJPŒAPj, ßaKuKnvPjr aTPvJPf PaJKaÄ AxuJKoT ßx≤JPrr xJPmT BoJoPT \KzP~ xJKhT UJPjr xPñ xπJPxr xÄKväÓfJ @PZ mPu TqJPŒAj TPrKZPujÇ Fxm ßjJÄrJ rJ\jLKf FmÄ TqJPŒAPjr \Pjq k´iJjoπLxy ßaJKr kJKatr KmÀP≠ mqJkT xoJPuJYjJS y~Ç Imvq KjmtJYPjr kr Paj cJCKjÄ ˆsLa ßgPT k´iJjoπLr mÜPmqr \Pjq ãoJ YJS~J y~Ç
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Pvw kJfJr kr mOPaPj k´KfmZr 20
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pMÜrJP\q mñmºM PuUT
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TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 35
vJP~˜JV† xKoKf ACPT S YájJÀWJa FPxJKxP~vj ACPTr CPhqJPV FcPnJPTa @mM \JKyr FoKk'r ofKmKjo~ yKmV† uJUJA KjmtJYjL FuJTJ ßgPT hMAmJPrr KjmtJKYf xÄxh xhxq, KmhMq“, \ôJuJjL S UKj\ xŒh oπjJuP~r xÄxhL~ TKoKa FmÄ VOy S VekNft oπjJuP~r xÄxhL~ ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq FcPnJPTa @mM \JKyPrr xJPg ofKmKjo~ xnJ TPrPZ vJP~˜JV† xKoKf ACPT S YájJÀWJa FPxJKxP~vj ACÈPTÇ fJÅr pMÜrJ\q xlr CkuPã Vf 23 ßo pMÜrJP\qr KmsTPuPjr ˙JjL~ FTKa ßrÓáPrP≤ G hMKa xÄVbPjr ßpRg CPhqJPV FA of KmKjo~ xnJr @P~J\j TrJ y~Ç ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ k´iJj IKfKg KyPxPm ßpJV KhP~ FcPnJPTa @mM \JKyr FoKk @VJoL FT mZPrr oPiq fÅJr KjmtJYjL FuJTJ~ vf nJV KmhqMfJ~j TrJr ßWJwjJ ßhjÇ vJP~˜JV† xKoKf AC ßTr xnJkKf FcPnJPTa oLr ßVJuJo ßoJ˜lJr xnJkKfPfô, vJP~˜JV† xKoKf ACPTr xJiJrj xŒJhT @»Mu @yJh xoj S YájJÀWJa FPxJKxP~vPjr xJiJrj xŒJhT \JuJu @yoPhr ßpRg xûJuPj ßTJr@j ßfuJS~JPfr oJiqPo ÊÀ yS~J IjMÔJPj vJP~˜JV† xKoKf ACPTr kã ßgPT oMrJh ßYRiMrL, PoJ˜JT @yPoh, ßoJyJÿh vJy\JyJj FmÄ YájJÀWJa FPxJKxP~vPjr kã ßgPT KV~Jx CK¨j, @l\Ju UÅJj, AoÀu ÉxJAj k´iJj IKfKgßT láu KhP~ ÊPnòJ \JjJjÇ ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ k´iJj IKfKgr xÿJPj oJjk© kJb
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For booking: 020 7377 6112
ning entio d on mcount li a v r dis ffe This o rtisement adve
TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
36 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
mJKotÄyJPo yKmV† cJ~JPmKax yJxkJfJu ACPTr xnJ yKmV† cJ~JPmKax yJxkJfJu ACÈPTr kKrYJujJ TKoKar FT xnJ IjMKÔf yP~PZ mJKotÄyJPoÇ KmsPaPjr KmKnjú vyr ßgPT @xJ yKmV† cJ~JPmKax yJxkJfJu ACÈPTr KmkMu xÄUqT asJKÓPhr CkK˙KfPf Vf 15 ßo mJKotÄyJPor mJÄuJPhv oJKækJrkJx ßx≤JPr FA xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç yKmV† cJ~JPmKax yJxkJfJu ACÈPTr @ymJ~T TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô @»Mu oKfj UJPjr xnJkKfPfô S @uyJ\ô l~\M r
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@P~J\j, @VJoL mZPrr ßlms∆~JrLPf mJÄuJPhPv mqJkTnJPm cJ~JPmKaTx yJxkJfJPur IKnPwT IjMÔJj FmÄ yJxkJfJPur oqJPj\PoP≤Phr TotPãP© @rS xPYfj yS~Jr KmwP~ èÀfôJPrJPkr Kx≠J∂ VOyLf y~Ç
mOy•r ZJfT k´mJxL xKoKf KocuqJ¥x Fr xnJ mJÄuJPhv TJCK¿u mJKotÄyJPor KÆmJKwtT KjmtJYj S jfáj TKoKa Vbj mJKotÄyJPor mJXJuL TKoCKjKar Ijqfo mOy“ xÄVbj mJÄuJPhv TJCK¿u mJKotÄyJPor jfáj TKoKar jJo ßWJwjJ TrJ yP~PZÇ FPf jfáj xnJkKf KyPxPm hJK~fô ßkP~PZj ßV´aJr KxPua ßcPnuJkPo≤ F¥ SP~uPl~Jr TJCK¿u ACÈPTr ßTªsL~ ßTJwJiqã KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa ßjfJ @uyJ\ô KlPrJ\ UJjÇ Vf 23 ßo mJKotÄyJPor mJÄuJPhv oJKækJrkJx Px≤JPr mJÄuJPhv TJCK¿u mJKotÄyJPor KÆ-mJKwtT KjmtJYPj @uyJ\ô KlPrJ\ UJjPT xnJkKf TrJ ZJzJS Vf TKoKar xJiJre xŒJhT @»Mu TM¨Mx rJ\MPT xJiJre xŒJhT S PTJwJiqã @»Mu VlMrPT kMjrJ~ PTJwJiqã kNj”KjmtJKYf TPr 11 xhxq KmKvÓ jfMj TJptTrL TKoKar jJo PWJweJ TrJ y~Ç KjmtJYPjr KjmtJYj TKovjJPrr hJK~fô kJuj TPrj mJKotÄyJo KxKa TJCK¿Pur TotTftJ xJgkJu yLrJÇ mJÄuJPhv TJCK¿Pur KÆ-mJKwtT
KjmtJYj @P~J\Pjr kMPmt xÄVbPjr mJKwtT xJiJre xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç CÜ mJKwtT xJiJre xnJ~ KmhJ~L xnJkKf FohJh PyJPxPjr xnJkKfPfô S xJiJre xŒJhT @»Mu TM¨Mx rJ\Mr kKrYJujJ~ xÄVbPjr KmVf KhPjr KmKnjú TotTJP¥r nN~xL k´vÄxJ TPr @VJoLPf xÄVbPjr TJptToPT @PrJ VKfvLu TrJr uPãq jfMj TKoKa xÄVbPjr IV´pJ©J~ @PrJ mKuÓ nNKoTJ rJUJr Ckr èÀfôJPrJk TPr mÜmq rJPUj mJÄuJPhv oJKækJrkJx Px≤JPrr PY~JroqJj @uyJ\ô jJKxr @yoh, @uyJ\ô TJoÀu yJxJj YMjM, PoJ” VJmÀ Ko~J, @»Mu uKfl P\Kk, oJymMm @uo PYRiMrL oJUj, @uyJ\ô @»Mu TJKhr @mMu, @uyJ\ô KlPrJ\ UJj, @»Mr rKvh nMA~J, TJ\L @ñMr Ko~J, lUr CK¨j, @mMu Fo ßYRiMrL xMoj k´oNUÇ Fxo~ mJKwtT S @KgtT KrPkJat Pkv TPrj xÄVbPjr PTJwJiqã @»Mu VlMrÇ Pk´x KmùK¬
Vf 21 FKk´u ZJfPTr mz oyuäJ S hKãj UMroJr Ckz mP~ pJS~J n~Jmy WMKet^Pz ãKfV´˙ hM˙IxyJ~Phr xJyJpq TrJr Kx≠J∂ KjP~PZ mOy•r ZJfT k´mJxL xKoKf KocuqJ¥xÇ Vf 15 ßo mJKotÄyJPor mJÄuJPhv oJKækJrkJx ßx≤JPr mOy•r ZJfT k´mJxL xKoKf KocuqJ¥Pxr CPhqJPV IjMKÔf FT xnJ~ FA Kx≠J∂ V´ye TrJ y~Ç xnJ~ FA xJyJpq-xyPpJKVfJr uPãq fJ“ãKjTnJPm Kfj yJ\Jr kJC¥ lJ¥ ßrAK\Ä TrJ ZJzJS @VJoL 12 \MuJA oñumJr xºqJ 7aJ~ mJÄuJPhv oJKækJrkJx ßx≤JPr FT YqJKrKa KcjJr FmÄ Bh kMjtKoujL @P~J\PjrS Kx≠J∂ V´ye TrJ y~Ç @uyJ\ô @mM ßuAPZr kKm© ßTJrIJj ßfuJS~JPfr oJiqPo ÊÀ yS~J xnJ~ mOy•r ZJfT k´mJxL
KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L S xoJ\PxmT, KxPua KxKa TîJm ACPTr ßk´x F¥ kJmKuKxKa ßxPâaJrL
\jJm Fx Fo UJPuh IJyPoh ßT KmsKav mJÄuJPhv ßY’Jr Im ToJxt F¥ A¥JKÓs (BBCCI) Fr Po’JrvLk cJAPrÖr KjmtJKYf yS~J~
IJ∂KrT IKnjªj ÊPnòJP∂ \jJm vJoZáöJoJj vJmMu xnJkKf
PoJyJÿh mhr∆u IJuo UJj (kJ√M) PxPâaJrL
KxPua KxKa TîJm ACPT
xKoKf KocuqJ¥Pxr xnJkKf TJ\L @ñMr Ko~Jr xnJkKfPfô S xJiJre xŒJhT FcPnJPTa FUuJZár ryoJPjr kKrYJujJ~ IjqJjqPhr oPiq mÜmq rJPUj PoJ” VJmÀ Ko~J, @uyJ\ô UxÀ UJj, PvJP~m PYRiMrL, @uyJ\ô @mMu ßuAZ, oJÓJr @KoÀu AxuJo, @uyJ\ô @»Mu yJKoh, TJCK¿ur j\Àu AxuJo, FcPnJPTa j\Àu AxuJo,@mMu ßyJPxj, \MPjhMr ryoJj \MPjh, @uyJ\ô @»Mu TJKhr mKvr, @uyJ\ô @»Mu oJKuT kJPrn\, yJ\L À˛ @uL, yJ\L YKor CK¨j, PoRuJjJ AxuJo, PoJ” ßoJvJKyh @uL, PoJyJÿh @ÜJr, rKo\ CK¨j, @»Mv vyLh ßYRiMrL, ßoJyJÿh oKjr, k´oNUÇ ßk´x KmùK¬
TKoCKjKa xÄmJh oJKgCzJ ACKj~Pjr ßY~JroqJj k´JgLt KvyJm CK¨Pjr xogtPj mJKotÄyJPo ofKmKjo~ xnJ
Km~JjLmJ\Jr CkP\uJr 7jÄ oJKgCzJ ACKj~Pjr @xjú KjmJtYPj PY~JroqJj khk´JtgL mftoJj PY~JroqJj KvyJm CK¨Pjr xogtPj mJKotÄyJPo FT ofKmKjo~ xnJ IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ mJKotÄyJPo mxmJxrf k´mJxL oJKgCzJmJxLr CPhqJPV Vf 25 ßo mJKotÄyJPor ߲gCAPTr FTKa yPu IjMKÔf FA ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ mÜJrJ FuJTJr Cjú~Pj jJjJnJPm TJ\ TPr pJS~J mftoJj ßY~JroqJj KvyJm CK¨jPT FT\j x“ @hvtmJj mqKÜ KyPxPm @UqJ KhP~ fJÅPT @xjú
KjmtJYPj ßY~JroqJj KyPxPm KjmtJKYf TrJr \jq oJKgCzJ ACKj~Pjr xTPur k´Kf @ymJj \JjJjÇ k´mLe TKoCKjKa ßjfJ @uyJ\ô @K\r CK¨Pjr xnJkKfPfô S KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L KV~Jx CK¨Pjr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf FA ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ IjqJjqPhr oPiq mÜmq rJPUj oMKÜPpJ≠J oKfCr ryoJj, Kyl\Mr ryoJj UJj, jMÀu AxuJo ßmuJu, PoJ” VJmÀ Ko~J,TP~Z CK¨j, TmLr CK¨j lKrh, TJoÀu @uo hMuJu k´oUN Ç
@uyJ\ô @»Mu oKfj Fr AP∂TJPu ßvJT k´TJv AÄuqJP¥r FPxé k´mJxL @uyJ\ô @»Mu oKfj CrPl ßVhJ Ko~J Vf 26 ßo mOy¸KfmJr mJK\uaj yJxkJfJPu AP∂TJu TPrPZjÇ AjúJ---rJK\CjÇ fJr oOfáqPf mJÄuJPhPv fJr Kj\ FuJTJ~ S k´mJPx @®L~ ˝\j S mºámJºmPhr oPiq ßvJPTr ZJ~J ßjPo @PxÇ oOfáqTJPu ˘L, KfjkM©, hMA
TjqJ, jJKf jJfjLxy IxÄUq @®L~ ßrPUPVPZjÇ fJr ßhPvr mJzL KxPua hKãj xMroJr xJKuokMr V´JPoÇ FKhPT orÉo @uyJ\ô @»Mu oKfj ßVhJ Ko~Jr oOfqá Pf VnLr ßvJT k´TJv TPrPZj KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa ßjfJ S pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr xy xnJkKf vJoxMK¨j @yoh oJˆJrÇ
KakaPj kKm© rJoJÆJPjr k´˜áKf KjP~ @PuJYjJ xnJ @†MoJPj @u AuxJy xJ¥SP~u vJUJr CPhqJPV IjMKÔf yP~PZ kKm© rJoJÆJPjr k´˜áKf vLwtT FT @PuJYjJ xnJÇ Vf 23Pv Po mJKotÄyJPor KakaPjr vJy\JuJu \JPo oxK\Ph IjMKÔf FA @PuJYjJ xnJ~ @†MoJPj @u AuxJy xJ¥SP~u vJUJr xnJkKf oJSuJjJ rKlT @yoPhr xnJkKfPfô, PxPâaJKr yJKl\ @uL ÉPxj mJmMu S xy-PxPâaJKr oJSuJjJ oJymMm TJoJPur PpRg kKrYJujJ~ ÊÀPf PTJr@j KfuJS~Jf TPrj vJy\JuJu \JPo oxK\h KakaPjr AoJo yJKl\ oMxPuy CK¨jÇ jJPf rJxMu (x:) kKrPmvj TPrj KVuoJj @yohÇ @PuJYjJ xnJ~ k´iJj IKfKg KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj KmKvÓ yJhLx KmvJrh oMlJKx&xPr TMr@j c” @uäJoJ TJKlu CK¨j xJPuyLÇ KmPvw IKfKg KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj @†MoJPj @u AuxJy KocuqJ¥x Fr xnJkKf KksK¿kJu oJSuJjJ TJKhr @u yJxJj, lMufKu AxuJKoT Px≤Jr TPnK≤sr Ijqfo kKrYJuT oJSuJjJ @mMu yJxJjÇ xnJ~ @rS CkK˙f KZPuj KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô uKfKl~J lMufKu ToPkäé mJKotÄyJPor Ijqfo lJC¥Jr Po’Jr TJCK¿uJr @yohMu yT FoKmA, KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô @uyJ\ô jJKxr @yPoh, KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L oJymMmMr
ryoJj PYRiMrL ÀPyu, @†MoJPj @u AuxJy AC PTr PTªsL~ kKrwPhr xy-xnJkKf PoJ” PUJrPvhMu yT, KocuqJ¥x KcKnvPjr PxPâaJKr KoZmJCr ryoJj, @†MoJPj @u AuxJy S~Juxu Fr xnJkKf yJ\L @»Mu TJKhr, PxPâaJKr oJSuJjJ èu\Jr @yPoh, mJKotÄyJo @u AxuJyr PxPâaJKr oJSuJjJ ÉxJo CK¨j, xy PxPâaJKr oJSuJjJ @»Mu oMKjo k´oNUÇ FZJzJ IjqJjqPhr oPiq CkK˙f KZPuj oJSuJjJ @»Mu @uL, yJKl\ oJSuJjJ vKlTMr ryoJj, oJSuJjJ @»Mu VJllJr oxK\h, oJSuJjJ oJylM\Mu yJxJj UJj KouäJf, oJSuJjJ jMÀu @uo, oJSuJjJ ymLm CuäJy, oJSuJjJ vJyLj @yPoh, yJKl\ @mMu TJuJo, yJKl\ TKmr @yoh, yJKl\ @Krl @yPoh, yJ\L PVRZ @yoh, yJ\L AxoJBu @uL, PoJ: VJmÀ Ko~J, PoJ” vJy\JyJj, PoJ: @KoÀu AxuJo, yJ\L fJ\Mu AxuJo, vJy ForJj @yoh, yJ\L yTuMZ CK¨j, PoJ:vJyJm CK¨j, PoJ:ZKor CK¨jÇ PoJ:\JoJu @yoh, PoJ:KxrJ\ Ko~J, PoJ:@»Mu yJA, yJ\L PoJ:@»Mx xJ•Jr, yJ\L @»Mu S~JhMh, PoJ:@jZJr Ko~J,yJmLmMr ryoJj, Ahj @uL, xJöJh @yoh, oMKTo CuäJy, @mMu TJuJo, @»Mv vyLh ksoMUÇ
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 37
l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT KhuS~Jr ßyJPxAj TP~Z xÄmKitf
l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT KjmtJKYf yS~J~ KhuS~Jr PyJPxAj TP~ZPT xÄmitjJ kshJj TrJ yP~PZÇ KmvõjJg CkP\uJ FPxJKxP~vj l∑J¿ Fr CPhqJPV KxPuPar KmvõjJg CkP\uJr F TífL rJ\jLKfKmhPT xÄmitjJ kshJj TrJ y~Ç kqJKrPxr VJhtjPht TqJPl kqJKrKx~Jj PrP˜JrJ~ ßrJmmJr l∑JP¿ Im˙Jjrf KmvõjJg ksmJxLPhr CkK˙KfPf KmvõjJg CkP\uJ FPxJKxP~vj Fr xnJkKf TJjM Ko~Jr xnJkKfPfô ATmJu PyJPxj \VuM S FrvJh PyJPxj Fr PpRg kKrYJujJ~ ÊPnòJ mÜmq rJPUj xoJ\PxmL S KvãJjMrJVL ßoJ” oPjJ~Jr PyJPxjÇ IjMÔJPj ksiJj IKfKgr mÜmq rJPUj xMjJoV† PkRrxnJr xJPmT kqJPju Po~r \Kxo CK¨j lJÀTÇ KmPvw IKfKgr mÜmq rJPUj KxPua KmnJV xoJ\ TuqJe xKoKf l∑J¿ Fr CkPhÓJ xMjJo CK¨j UJKuT, l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPVr xy xnJkKf oj\MÀu @yxJj PxKuo, jK\r PyJPxj TJoJu, @Kor @uLÇ IjMÔJPj CkK˙f KZPuj l~xJu @yPoh, yJxJj KxrJ\, TJoJu
PyJPxj, xJAhMr ryoJj xJAh, PxKuo @uhLj, @\ou PyJPxj, @UfJr PyJPxj, KvKær @yPoh, @»Mx PxJmyJj, TJorJj @yPoh,@ÑJx @uL, jK\r @yPoh, @jZJr @uL, lryJh PyJPxj, xJoZMu AxuJo, rJ~yJj lryJh, vJKoo @yPoh, PrJPou @yPoh, rJPxu Ko~J, uMf&lr ryoJj, @yPoh PyuJu xy FPxJKxP~vj ßjfímOªÇ xÄmKitf IKfKgr mÜPmq PhuS~Jr PyJPxAj TP~Z mPuj, KmvõjJg CkP\uJr ksmJxLPhr TuqJPe VKbf KmvõjJg CkP\uJ FPxJKxP~vj l∑J¿ FTKa xJoJK\T xÄVbjÇ xÄVbjKa l∑JP¿r VK¥ PkKrP~ xJrJ KmPvõ xMjJo I\tj TrPZ ßjfímOPªr mqJkT Totf“krfJr oJiqPoÇ ÊiMoJ© Kj\ FuJTJr ksmJxLPhr TuqJPe j~, l∑JP¿r mJÄuJPhvL TKoCKjKar Cjú~Pj KmrJa nMKoTJ S rJUPZ xÄVbjKaÇ fJPT xÄmitjJ k´hJPjr \jq KmvõjJg xÄVbPjr ßjfímOPªr k´Kf ÊPnòJ \JjJj FmÄ xmxo~ F xÄVbPjr kJPv gJTJr S ksmJxLPhr TuqJPe TJ\ TrJr IñLTJr mqÜ TPrjÇ
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TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
38 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
k´mJxL xMjJoV†mJxLr CPhqJPV mJKotÄyJPo Igt S kKrT·jJ k´KfoπL Fo F oJjúJjPT VexÄmitjJ mOPaj xlrrf Igt S kKrT·jJ k´KfoπL xMjJoV†-3 @xPjr FoKk Fo F oJjúJjPT VexÄmitjJ KhP~PZ KocuqJ¥Px mxmJxrf k´mJxL xMjJoV†mJxLÇ xMjJoV†mJxLrJ ZJzJS mJKotÄyJPor mJXJuL TKoCKjKar KmKnjú ßjfímOPªr CkK˙KfPf Vf 25 ßo mJKotÄyJPor ˛uyLPgr KoKÓPhv ßrÓáPrP≤ FA VexÄmitjJ k´hJj TrJ y~Ç KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô @uyJ\ô mKvr Ko~J TJKhPrr xnJkKfPfô,@»Mx ÊTár S fJ\Mu AxuJPor ßpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf FA VexÄmitjJ~ xÄmKitf IKfKg Igt S kKrT·jJ k´KfoπL FmÄ xMjJoV†-3 @xPjr FoKk Fo F oJjúJj ZJzJS KmPvw mÜJr mÜmq rJPUj pMÜrJ\q @S~JoL uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT ‰x~h xJP\hMr ryoJj lJÀTÇ @r KmPvw IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj mJKotÄyJPor mJÄuJPhvL xyTJrL yJA TKovjJr \MuTJr jJAj, mJKotÄyJo KxKa TJCK¿Prr xJPmT utc ßo~r TJCK¿ur vKlT vJy, mJKotÄyJo
@S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf TKmr CK¨j S xJiJre xŒJhT oJymMm @uo ßYRiMrL oJUj, KocuqJ¥ @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf Kyl\Mr ryoJj UJj, TPnK≤s @S~JKouLPVr xnJkKf oMT¨Jx @uL, pMÜrJ\q ß˝òJPxmT uLPVr xnJkKf vJKoo @yPoh ZJzJS ˙JjL~ @S~JKouLV, pMmuLV S ZJ©uLPVr KmKnjú ßjfímOPªr oPiq mMuj ßYRiMrL, vJy ÀTj @yPoh, xJAláu @uo, TJoJu @yPoh, jMÀu AxuJo KTxuM, lUÀu AxuJo, @jyJr
@uL, jJKZr @yPoh vqJou, TuJKoÓ ßxmMu ßYRiMrL, KhkM ßvU, ryof @uL, Kyrj Ko~J, ßyJPxj @yPoh, @KvT Ko~J, oKfj Ko~J, KxrJ\Mu AxuJo fxuM, ÀPyu @Koj UÅJj, \~jJu @PmhLj, hMuM Ko~J, ßmuJu mhÀu, oJ~J @uL, ˝kúJ ßmVo, ßmVo ÀPT~J, KvoMu UªTJr, vqJou @yPoh, \JKou @yPoh, \MPjhMr ryoJj, oBj ßYRiMrL, ßuJToJj ßYRiMrL, @mM @K’~J, rJAyJj fJuMThJr, mJhvJ Ko~J k´oMUÇ
l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPVr k´KfmJh xnJ
Vf 8 Por xPÿujPT KWPr l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPV Pp PãJPnr xíKÓ yP~KZu fJ FUj ksKfmJPh Àk KjP~PZ Ç l∑J¿ @S~JoLuLPVr xnJkKf oMKÜPpJ≠J PmjK\r @yPoh PxKuPor xnJkKfPfô S xJiJrj xŒJhT oMKÜPpJ≠J PoJ” @mMu TJPvPor kKrYJujJ~ ksKfmJh xnJ~ mÜmq rJPUj, l∑J¿ @S~JoL uLPVr xJPmT xnJkKf S mftoJj xPÿuj ks˜áKf TKoKar xnJkKf jJK\o CK¨j @yPoh, l∑J¿ @S~JoL uLPVr ksKfÔJfJ xJiJrj xŒJhT S mftoJj xy-xnJkKf Fo F TJPvo, xJPmT xJiJrj xŒJhT PxJyrJm oíitJ, ksKfÔJfJ xy-xnJkKf j\Àu AxuJo xJiM, xy-xnJkKf TJoÀu PyJPxj mTMu, xy-xnJkKf xJPyh @uL, \JKTr PyJPxj nNA~J, pMVìxŒJhT oK\mr ryoJj, Q\Ôq xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT Qx~h ATmJu yJPxoL, l∑J¿ ZJ©uLPVr xJiJrj xŒJhT xJAlMu AxuJo rKj, l∑J¿ @S~JoL uLPVr CkPhÓJ TKoKar xhxq oKvCr ryoJj TJoJu, xPÿuj
ks˜áKf TKoKar xhxq rJjJ PYRiMrL, xy-ksYJr xŒJhT j\Àu AxuJo PYRiMrL, ˝J˙q xŒJhT \KyÀu AxuJo Kmkäm, TJptTrL xhxq xJAlMu
PjfJ-TotLPhr hJmL CPkãJ TPr fgJTKgf TKoKa PWJweJ TPr pJj Ç FUj @mJr mPuj pJrJ FA TKoKa jJ oJPj fJrJ Ppj hu PZPz YPu pJj,
AxuJo hMuJu, TJoJu PyJxJAj ksoUM Ç ksKfmJh xnJ~ mÜJrJ mPuj, Pjfímª í PT rJ\jLKf PgPT KmfJzPjr jLu jTvJ~ PjPoPZjÇ hM”U\jTnJPm rJf xJPz 3 aJ~
F Ppj PYJPrr oJP~r mz VuJ Ç mÜJrJ mPuj, ACPrJKk~Jj @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf IKju hJv è¬ S xJiJrj xŒJhT Fo F VKj oPj y~ @PV PgPT hM \j mqKÜPT kPh mxJPf l∑JP¿ FPxKZPuj fJ jJyPu l∑J¿ @S~JoL uLV TKoKaPT kJv TJKaP~ VnLr rJPf xJÄmJKhT xPÿuj TPr Foj FTKa Kx≠J∂ KjPf kJrPfj jJÇ fJrJ mPuj, Pj©L PpUJPj mPuj @oJr yJAmsLc @S~JoL uLVJrPhr ksP~J\j PjA kMrJfjrJA @oJr hPur ksJeÇ PxUJPj @oJPhr of kMrJfjPhr rJ\jLKf PgPT mJh KhP~ ACPrJPk @S~JoL uLV PT Pjfífô vNjq TrPf YJj Ç KT∂á @orJ fJ yPf KhPmJ jJÇ mÜJrJ @PrJ mPuj, @orJ xJoKrT xrTJPrr KmÀP≠ @PªJuj TPrKZ, KjP\Phr \Lmj PpRmj Kmx\tj KhP~ pJrJ l∑J¿ @S~JoL uLV PT @\PTr FA Im˙J~ FPjKZ fJPhrPT pJrJ mPuj hu PZPz YPu PpPf, fJ PoPj PjS~J pJ~ jJ mrÄ fJPhr CKYf hu PZPz YPu pJS~JrÇ fJrJ mPuj, @\ ACPrJPkr PhPv PhPv @S~JoL uLPVr Kmví⁄uJ \jq hJ~L IKju hJv è¬Ç IKju hJv è¬ fJr mÜPmqr \jq ãoJ jJ YJAPu ACPrJPkr ksKfKa PhPv fJPT ksKfyf TrJ yPm Ç
jJVKrTfô @Aj xÄPvJiPjr hJmLPf xÄmJh xPÿuj xŒsKf oπLxnJ~ jLKfVfnJPm IjMPoJhj PkP~PZ k´˜JKmf jJVKrTfô @Aj 2016Ç pJ kJv yPu KmPvõr KmKnjú PhPv jJVKrTfô V´yeTJrL mJÄuJPhvLrJ Km’zjJ KvTJr yPmjÇ Vf 30 ßo ßxJomJr nP~x lr mJÄuJPhPvr CPhqJPV kNmt u¥Pjr oJAPâJKm\Pjx ßx≤JPr xÄVbPjr ßTªsL~ TKoKar @ymJ~T @fJCuqJy lJÀPTr kKrYJuJj~ xÄmJh xÿuPj dJTJ KmvõKmhqJuP~ xJPmT IiqJkT c.yJxjJf ßyJxJAj FoKmA KuKUf mÜPmq FA TgJ \JjJjÇ KuKUf mÜPmq KfKj @PrJ mPuj mJÄuJPhPv k´gomJPrr of FTKa KmKim≠ jJVKrTfô @Aj TrJr CPhqJVPT ˝JVf \JjJPjJ PVPuS @AjKar hMmut UxzJ FmÄ nMumvf: mJ IPxYfjoNuT nJPm xÄPpJK\f KTZM iJrJ xKfqTJr IPgtA @APj ÀkJ∂Krf yPu k´mJxL pJrJ QÆf jJVKrTfô V´ye TPrPZj fJrJ nLwjnJPm ãKfV´˙ yPmjÇ Fxo~ @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj xJÄmJKhT PT Fo @mM fJPyr ßYRiMrL, @Aj\LKm mqJKrˆJr jJK\r @yoh, \JuJuuJmJh FPxJKvP~xPjr xnJkKf @KvTár ryoJj @KvT, KmFxAC Fr xJiJre
xŒJhT Fx FAY ßxJyJV, nP~r lr mJÄuJPhv ACPTr vJUJr @ymJ~T l~xJu \JKou, mJÄuJPhvL kNfVt Ju FPxJKx~vPjr xJiJre xŒJhT @mM \Jlr, TJKjx lJPfoJ, lryJh ßyJPxj, @uJCK¨j rJPxu, kJrKnj mKm, l~xJu @yoh, oJyoMhu M yJxJj, uM“flár ryoJj, @mhMuJä y @u ßjJoJj, Ç @PrJ mPuj, @VJoL 15A \Mj KmPvõr 30 ßhPvr k´mJKx mJÄuJPhvLrJ mJÄuJPhv yJATKovPjr
oJiqPo oJjjL~ k´iJjoπL mrJmr ˝JrTuLKk k´hJj TPr @AjKa xÄPvJij TrJr @ymJj \JjJPmjÇ pKh xKfqTJrnJPmA k´˜JKmf @AjKa ÉmÉ kJv yP~ pJ~ fJyPu k´mJxLrJ fJPhr oJfínKN or xJPg Pp xŒTt rãJ TPr @xPZj fJ KmKWúf ymJr x÷JmjJ rP~PZÇ @AjKar UxzJ k´˜JPm muJ yP~PZ pJrJ k´mJxL jJVKrPTr optJhJ kJPmj fJrJ Pmv KTZM IKiTJr
V´Jo mJÄuJ ßrÓáPr≤ AlfJrLr ßxa ßojM ßU\Mr, KkÅ~J\M, YJjJ, TÅJYJ YJjJ, xJuJh, IJuMYk, ßmèKj, ßkJuJS, KUYMrL, Vro K\uJmL, vrmf S l∑Ma xJuJhÇ FZJzJ AlfJPrr \jq KoKÓr mqm˙J IJPZ; ßpoj Vro K\uJmL, UJ\J, KjoKT IJrS IJPZ IJuMYk, ßmèKj, KUYMrL, ßkJuJS, xoMYJ FmÄ YJjJ AfqJKh
yJrJPmj, ßpoj mJÄuJPhPv KmKjP~JV FmÄ mqmxJ mJKj\q kKrYJujJr PãP© mJiJr xÿMULj yPm, jfáj k´\jìPT C•rJKiTJr xNP© mJÄuJPhvL xŒK• y˜J∂r TrPf \KaufJ~ kzPf yPm, mÄv xMP© jJVKrTfô kJS~Jr ßãP© vft xJPkPã KkfJ oJfJPT FA @Aj TJptTr yS~Jr kNPmt mJÄuJPhPvr jJVKrTfô yPf yPm Ç \JfL~ xÄxh KjmtJYj, rJÓskKf KjmtJYj FmÄ ˙JjL~ xrTJrxy PTJj kPh KjmtJYj TrPf kJrPmj jJÇ Có @hJuPfr KmYJrTxy k´\JfPπr PTJj TPot KjP~JV uJn TrPf kJrPm jJ FmÄ PTJj rJ\QjKfT xÄVbPjr xhxq yPf kJrPmj jJÇ @AjKa xÄKmiJPjr KTZM KTZM IjMPòPhr xJPgS xJÄWKwtTÇ xÄKmiJj PpUJPj xTu jJVKrPTr \jq xoJj IKiTJPrr xMPpJV KhP~PZ PxUJPj FA @Aj kJv yPu QÆf jJVKrTfô I\tjTJrLrJ QmwPoqr ˝LTJr yPmÇ k´mJxLPhr k´˜JKmf jJVKrTfô @Aj 2016 KmwP~ xPYfj TrJr kJvJkJKv xrTJPrT IjMPrJi TrKZ FA @AjKa xÄPvJij TPr k´mJxL mJÄuJPhvLPhr jJVKrT IKiTJrèPuJ Ppj IãMjú rJUJ y~ Ç
rJoJÆJj ßoJmJrT AlfJr kJKat, ßxKojJr, ßk´x-TjlJPr¿ xy ßp ßTJj kJKatPf IJorJ
AlfJr kJKat CjúfoJPjr UJmJr UMm To xoP~ xrmrJy TPr gJKTÇ mMKTÄP~r \jq IJ\A ßp ßTJj irPjr KoKaÄ IgmJ ßk´x TjlJPrP¿r \jq ßrÓáPrP≤r ßlJj Tr∆jÇ CkPr rP~PZ 40 IJxj KmKvÓ KoKaÄ ÀoÇ 68 Brick Lane, London E1 6RL Tel: 020 7377 6116
TKoCKjKa xÄmJh
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 39
rJoJÆJPj VrLmPhr kJPv hJÅzJj k´mJxL mJuJV†-SxoJjLjVr @hvt FAc F¥ ßT~Jr asJPˆr @ymJj xKoKfr mJKwtT xnJ IjMKÔf
Vf 1 ßo mMimJr mJh @xr FAc F¥ ßT~Jr asJˆ ACPTr CPhqJPV mJ~fáu @oJj oxK\Ph rJoJÆJj vLwtT @PuJYjJ xnJ xÄVbPjr xnJkKf ßvU oKl\Mr ryoJPjr xnJkKfPfô S KoKc~J FcnJA\Jr ‰x~h \KyÀu yPTr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf y~Ç xnJ~ ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj k´KfÔJfJ xnJkKf oJSuJjJ @»Mu oJKuTÇ mÜmq rJPUj xÄVbPjr k´iJj CkPhÓJ KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô F
ßT Fo @mM fJPyr ßYRiMrL, ßvU @KojMr ryoJj, oJSuJjJ jJK\oM¨Lj, ßVJ~JAjWJa SP~uPl~Jr Fr ßxPâaJrL xMKl xMPyu @yoh, TKoCKjKa ßjfJ yJKl\ oJSuJjJ @jS~Jr ßyJPxAj, oJSuJjJ @jyJr ryoJj, oJSuJjJ oMyJÿh @uL, yJ\L vJoxMu yT k´oMUÇ xÄVbPjr ßxPâaJrL @UuJTár ryoJj kJjúJ xÄVbPjr KmKnjú TJptâo fáPu iPrj FmÄ nKmwqf kKrT·jJ ßkv TPrjÇ xÄVbPjr
ßas\JrJr oJSuJjJ oMyJÿh @uL KmVf mZPrr @~ mq~ xÄâJ∂ KyxJmJhL Ck˙Jkj TrPu CkK˙f xTPu fJ IjMPoJhj TPrjÇ Fxo~ CkK˙f ßjfímOª nKmwqPf @PrJ xJyJpq xyPpJKVfJr @võJxPhjÇ xnJ~ fJ“ãKjT 200 kJC¥ TJPuTvj TrJ y~Ç CPuäUq FAc F¥ ßT~Jr asJÓ KmsPaPjr VeqoJjq mqKÜmPVtr oJiqPo kKrYJKuf yP~ @xPZÇ pJ YqJKrKa ßrK\PˆsvjnáÜ FTKa xÄ˙JÇ FKa k´mJxLPhr xJyJPpq kKrYJKuf yP~ @xPZÇ xÄVbPjr TJptâoPT FKVP~ ßj~Jr \jq @VJoL 12\Mj rKmmJr KmTJu 5aJ ßgPT FjKaKnPf uJAn lJ¥ ßrAK\Ä @KkPur Kx≠J∂ ßj~J yP~PZÇ pJ mJÄuJPhPvr IxyJ~ oJjMPwr TuqJPj mq~ TrJ yPmÇ FPf xTPur xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TrJ yP~PZ&
IJkKj KT IKnù Kmør UM\PÅ Zj u yJCx KrkJtKmx u u¡ Tj\JrKmvj u KTPYj FÖPajvj u KlPaa KTPYj u KlPaa mJfr∆o u 16 mZPrr IKnùfJ
PpJVJPpJV 07497192933 Shaleh : 30-33
Grocery Shop For Sale PyJ~JAaYqJPku ßoAj ßrJPc xŒNet YJuM Im˙J~ xMkKrKYf FTKa ßV´JxJrL/TqJv F¥ TqJKr mqmxJ Kmâ~ yAPmÇ w A1 A5 Permision w Leas : 5 year (open) w Rent : £150,000.00 (year) w Price of Business
£100,000.00 mftoJPj mJfxKrT ßr≤ AÄTJo IJjMoJKjT £100,000 IJPrJ ßr≤ AjTJPor xNPpJV IJPZ, (IJjMoJKjT £24,000-£30,000 mZPr)
IJV´yL ßâfJrJ ßpJVJPpJV Tr∆jÇ PoJmJAu: 07508 558 113 Email:
rJPUj asJPˆr xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT yJÀjMr rKvh PYRiMrL, xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT fJK\r CK¨j oJjúJj, xKoKfr xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT oKxCr ryoJj oxjM, xKoKfr xJPmT xnJkKf yJ\L TKmr CK¨j, ksPlxr oJxMh @yPoh, PVJuJo KTmrL~J, PoJfJPyr @uL, xMKl Ko~J, PxKuo PYRiMrL, @mMu TJuJo PxfM, oJoMj PYRiMrL, mKvr @yPoh, @mMmÑr KxK¨T, mhÀöJoJj PYRiMrLÇ TKoKar xhxqPhr oPiq CkK˙f KZPuj KxKj~r xnJkKf @»Mu TM¨Mx, IPVtjJAK\Ä PxPâaJrL
@mMu lP~\, xhxq PrJPyu @yPoh, PrJPyu Ko~J, KhuS~Jr PyJPxjÇ @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj SxoJj VKj, YJj Ko~J, Qx~h lJÀT TJoJu, vJKoo @yPoh, FoFx PYRiMrL, @PrJT PYRiMrL, UJKuZ Ko~J, PoJyJÿh @uL K\uM, mJmMu VKj, TP~Z @yPoh, jMr∆öJoJj, vJy TP~Z, vJy \JyJj, PjJoJj PYRiMrL, l~Zu @yPoh xMoj, jJKyh @yPoh \JKVrhJr, oyKxj fJuMThJr, ZJjJ Ko~J, TKmÀu AxuJo, xJjM Ko~J, Kuaj Ko~J, hMuj @yPoh, @mMu TJPvo k´oMUÇ
u¥Pj ÈmñmºM mJÄuJPhv S @PkKãT KTZM TgJ' V´∫ k´iJjoπLPT k´hJj
mñmºár \Lmj TgJ, fJr kNmt kMÀw S ‰TPvJPrr Totf“krfJ FmÄ nJwJ @PªJuj, Z~hlJr @PªJuj ßgPT ˝JiLjfJ pM≠ FmÄ ßvU yJKxjJ S ßvU ßryJjJPT KjP~ KmPuPfr KmKnjú xÄmJhkP© k´TJKvf ßuUJ KjP~ pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLPVr xyxnJkKf k´mLj rJ\jLKfKmh S TuJKoˆ xJoxMK¨j @yoh oJˆJr rKYf 'mñmºM mJÄuJPhv S @PkKãT KTZM TgJ' V´∫ xŒsKf k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ pMÜrJ\q xlPr @xPu fJPT k´hJj TrJ yP~PZÇ Fxo~ CkK˙f KZPuj ßuUT xJoxMK¨j @yoh oJˆJr, pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr KxKj~r xy xnJkKf \JuJu CK¨jxy KxKj~r ßjfímª O Ç
Shaleh: 27-30
CkvyPr \J~VJ KmKâ KxPuPar CkvyPr Kc mäPT KjPnt\Ju 6 TJbJ \J~VJ KmKâ yPmÇ
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k´mJxL mJuJV† SxoJjLjVr @hvt xKoKfr mJKwtT xnJ Vf 30 ßo kNmt u¥Pjr oJAPâJKm\Pjx ßx≤JPr IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ xKoKfr xnJkKf PjZJr @uLr xJoZMr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ xJiJrj xŒJhT PoJyJÿh @»Mu TJA~MPor kKrYJujJ~ xnJr ÊÀPf kKm© PTJr@j PgPT PfuJS~Jf TPrj xKoKfr xJPmT xnJkKf ksPlxr oJxMh @yPohÇ xnJkKfr ˝JVfo mÜPmqr kr xJiJrj xŒJhT fJr mJKwtT KrPkJat S PTJwJiqã @\JhMr ryoJj @\Jh @KgtT KrPkJat Pkv TPrjÇ xnJ~ IjqJjqPhr oPiq mÜmq
A: 74 Cambridge Heath Road, London E1 5QJ
Jayanal : 27-30
T: 020 7001 1115, M: 07904 77 86 55, W:
40 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
xJrJ Kmvõ
dJTJ ßcÛ, 30 ßo : pMÜrJPÓsr SyJAP~J IñrJP\qr KxjKxjJKa KYKz~JUJjJr VKruJ UJÅYJ ßmP~ FTKa ßZJa KvÊ dMPT kzJr kr TotLrJ fJPT mJÅYJPf èKu TPr FTKa VKruJPT yfqJ TPrPZÇ Vf vKjmJr F WajJ WPaÇ Kfj mZPrr FTKa KvÊ SA VKruJr UJÅYJ ßmP~ CPb UJÅYJr oPiq kPz ßVPu KvÊKar k´Je rãJ TrPf VKruJKaT ßoPr ßluJ y~Ç TotTftJrJ F TgJ \JjJjÇ KYKz~JUJjJr kKrYJuT gJPj oJAjJct xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuj, KvÊKa yJoJèÅKz KhP~ FTKa ßmzJ kJr yP~ ˙JjL~ xo~ KmPTu 4aJ~ (KV´KjY oJj xo~ 1600) SA UJÅYJ~ kPz pJ~Ç KfKj @PrJ mPuj, 17 mZr m~xL 400 kJC¥ S\Pjr yJrJP’ jJPor kMÀw VKruJKa KvÊKaPT iPr ßlPuÇ ˙JjL~ VeoJiqPo k´fqãhvtLPhr mrJf KhP~ \JjJj y~, VKruJKa KvÊKaPT oJKaPf ßaPj ßyÅYPz KjP~ pJKòuÇ KvÊKa UJÅYJ~ kPz pJS~Jr k´J~ 10 KoKja kPr KYKz~JUJjJr KmköjT kÊ Kjmí•TJrL hPur xhxqrJ VKruJKaPT èKu TPr yfqJ TPrÇ KvÊKaPT yJxkJfJPu kJbJPjJ yP~PZÇ fJr \Uo èÀfr j~ mPu KYKT“xPTrJ \JKjP~PZjÇ oJAjJct mPuj, KYKz~JUJjJr kÊ Kjmí•hu asqJïMAuJAP\r kKrmPft kÊKaPT yfqJ TrJr Kx≠J∂ ßj~Ç TJre asqJïMuJA\Jr fJ“ãKeTnJPm TJ\ TPr jJÇ CPuäUq, KYKz~JUJjJKaPf 11Ka VKruJ rP~PZÇ
yJa mJ\Jr TqJx F¥ TqJrL
yJuJu oJÄx, ßoJrV, mJÄuJPhvL fJ\J oJZ S vJT xK«r \jq Kjntr ßpJVq k´KfÓJj
xTJu 8aJ ßgPT rJ© 2 WKaTJ kpt∂ ßUJuJ
279 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1BY
Tel: 020 7539 3634
K\-PxPnj xPÿuPj IgtjLKf vKÜvJuL TrJr IñLTJr
dJTJ ßcÛ, 30 ßo : vLwt xPÿuPj KvP·Jjúf ßhvèPuJr ßjfJrJ ‰mKvõT k´mKí ≠PT \ÀKr IV´JKiTJr KyPxPm KmPmYjJ TrJr ßWJweJ ßhjÇ FTA xPñ xπJxmJh FmÄ CV´mJhL TJptTuJkPT ‰mKvõT k´mKí ≠r \jq ÉoKT KyPxPm @UqJK~f TrJ y~Ç xπJxmJh ßoJTJKmuJxy KmPvõr IgtjLKfPT @PrJ VKfvLu TrPf FTPpJPV TJ\ TrJr IñLTJr TPrj Kmvõ ßjfímª í IgtQjKfT xyPpJKVfJ mJzJPjJr uãq KjP~ VKbf @∂\tJKfT xÄVbj V´∆k Im ßxPnPjr (K\-7) xPÿuPj mrJmrA èÀfôkeN t Kmw~èPuJ KjP~ KmPvw @PuJYjJ y~Ç \JkJPj IjMKÔf xPÿuPjS ˙Jj ßkP~KZPuJ ßmv KTZM @ûKuT S @∂\tJKfT èÀfôkeN t AxMqÇ fPm oNu IñLTJr KZu IgtjLKfPT vKÜvJuL TrJÇ FmJPrr K\-7 xPÿuPj oJKTtj ßk´KxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJ, KmsKav k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJPorj, AfJKur k´iJjoπL oJK•S ßrjK\, lrJKx ßk´KxPc≤ l∑JPÅ xJ~J SuJÅh, TJjJcJr k´iJjoπL \JKˆj asPM cJ, \JotJKjr YqJP¿ur FPñuJ oJPTtu, \JkJPjr k´iJjoπL KvjP\J IqJPmr kJvJkJKv KZPuj ACPrJkL~Jj TKovPjr ßk´KxPc≤ ß\j-Tîh \JPïr S ACPrJKk~Jj TJCK¿Pur ßk´KxPc≤ ßcJjJæ aJÛÇ FmJPrr xPÿuPj xmPYP~ ßmKv èÀfô ßh~J yP~PZ hKãe YLj xJVPrr oJKuTJjJ KjP~ @ûKuT ßhvèPuJr oPiq KmPrJPir Kmw~KaPTÇ hKãe YLj xJVPrr oJKuTJjJ KjP~ k´J~A YLj, \JkJj, fJAS~Jj, oJuP~Kv~J S
TP’JKc~Jr oPiq CP•\jJ ßhUJ ßh~Ç fPm hKãe YLj xJVPrr oJKuTJjJ KjP~ xm ßgPT FTPrJUJ @Yre TPr YLjÇ fJA FmJr \JkJPjr xPÿuPj Kmw~KaPT KmPvw ß\Jr KhP~ KZPuj \JkJPjr k´iJjoπL KvjP\J IqJPmÇ xPÿuj ßgPT YLPjr KmÀP≠ @∂\tJKfT oyPu ÉÅKv~JKr CóJrPe FTof yP~PZj K\-7 ßjfJrJÇ K\-7 xPÿuPjr ßWJweJ~ Kmvõ ßjfímª í ACPrJkL~ ACKj~j (AAC) ßgPT pMÜrJP\qr ßmKrP~ pJS~Jr Kmw~Ka KjP~ KmPvw èÀfô KhP~PZjÇ Kmvõ ßjfímª í oPj TPrj, pMÜrJ\q K\-7 ßgPT ßmKrP~ ßVPu oJrJ®T ^MKÅ Tr oPiq kzPf kJPr xJrJKmPvõr IgtQjKfT k´mKí ≠Ç hMA KhPjr xPÿuPjr k´go KhPjr xPÿuj ßvPw @jMÔJKjT ßWJweJ~ pMÜrJP\qS AAC ßgPT ßmr yP~ pJS~Jr Kmw~Ka KjP~ xfTt TPr muJ y~, pMÜrJ\q xKfq xKfq AAC ßgPT ßmr yP~ ßVPu IV´xr k´mKí ≠ CPæJKhPT WMPr pJPmÇ ãKfV´˜ yPm Kmvõ mJKe\q, KmKjP~JV S YJTKrr mJ\JrÇ @VJoL oJPxA F KjP~ pMÜrJP\q VePnJa yS~Jr TgJ rP~PZÇ vLwt xPÿuPjr FT x¬Jy @PV K\-7 ßhvèPuJr IgtoπLPhr ‰mbPTS pMÜrJP\qr AAC ßf gJTJ jJ gJTJr kKreKf KjP~ @PuJYjJ yP~PZÇ IgtoπL kptJP~r G ‰mbPTS CPÆV k´TJv TrJ y~Ç \JkJjxy TP~TKa ßhPvr k´iJjoπL Kmvõ IgtQjKfT Im˙Jr Skr KmPvw èÀfôJPrJk TPrjÇ KmPvõr IgtQjKfT IV´VKfPf KvP·Jjúf ßhvèPuJr nNKoTJ @PrJ ß\JrhJr TrJr Skr ß\Jr ßhj fJrJÇ K\-7
ßjfJrJ Kmvõ IgtjLKf UJrJk Im˙Jr oiq KhP~ pJPò ˝LTJr TrPuS fJPhr oPf, F Im˙J FUPjJ xÄTPar kptJP~ ßkRÅZJ~KjÇ Kmvõ IgtjLKfr kJvJkJKv IKnmJxL xoxqJ KjP~S KmPvw @PuJYjJ yP~PZ K\7 xPÿuPjÇ ßmv KTZMKhj iPrA ArJT FmÄ KxKr~J ßgPT ACPrJPk kJKz ßh~J IKnmJxj k´fqJvLPhr KjP~ oJrJ®T YJPkr oPiq rP~PZ ACPrJkÇ AKfoPiq FTaJ CPuäUPpJVq IÄv IKnmJxLPT @vs~ KhP~PZ ACPrJPkr TP~TKa ßhvÇ KT∂á oiqk´JYq ßgPT ACPrJPk IKnmJxLPhr FA ßxsJf ßpj gJoJr j~Ç fJA Fr FTKa ˙J~L xoJiJPjr KhPTA ßmKv èÀfô KhPf YJj K\-7 ßjfJrJÇ fJPhr kJvJkJKv ACPrJkL~ TJCK¿u FmÄ ACPrJkL~ TKovPjr ßk´KxPc≤rJ K\7 ßjfJPhr xyPpJKVfJ YJjÇ kPr vLwt ßjfJrJ ßpRg ßWJweJ~ FPT ÈQmKvõT YqJPu†' KyPxPm CPuäU TPr FKa ßoJTJPmuJ~ @KgtT k´KfÔJj S hJfJ ßhvèPuJPT FTxPñ TJ\ TrJr @øJj \JjJjÇ xPÿuPj jJrLr ãofJ~Pjr Kmw~KaPT KmPvw èÀfô ßh~J y~Ç hMAKhPjr F vLwt xPÿuPj KvP·Jjúf ßhvèPuJr ßjfJrJ ‰mKvõT k´mKí ≠PT \ÀKr IV´JKiTJr KyxJPm KmPmYjJ TrJr ßWJweJ ßhjÇ FTA xJPg xπJxmJh FmÄ CV´mJhL TJptTuJkPT ‰mKvõT k´mKí ≠r \jq ÉoKT KyxJPm @UqJK~f TrJ y~Ç xπJxmJh ßoJTJPmuJxy KmPvõr IgtjLKfPT @PrJ VKfvLu TrPf FTPpJPV TJ\ TrJr IñLTJr TPrj Kmvõ ßjfímª í Ç
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03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 41
ßrJPˆa TqJ¿Jr
xfTt gJTMj
FTaM ßmKv m~x yPuA kMÀwPhr ßk´JPˆPar xoxqJ ßhUJ KhPf kJPr, pJ IPjT ßãP© kKref yPf kJPr TqJ¿JPrSÇ IgY KTZM xfTtfJ Imu’j TrPu mJÅYJ pJ~ ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr ßgPTSÇ KuPUPZj ACPrJuK\ IqJ¥ asJ¿käJP≤vj lJCP¥vj Im mJÄuJPhPvr (ACKaFlKm) k´KfÔJfJ xnJkKf IiqJkT Fo F xJuJo kMÀwPhr Inq∂rLe èÀfôkeN t Iñ ßk´JPˆa, pJ mJAPr ßgPT ßhUJ pJ~ jJ mJ IK˜fô IjMnm TrJ pJ~ jJÇ FKa @xPu FTKa VäqJ¥ mJ V´K∫Ç oN©gKur KbT KjY ßgPT ßpUJPj oN©jJKu ßmr yP~PZ ßxKar YJrkJv \MPz FA V´K∫ gJPTÇ Fr oiq KhP~A oN© S mLpt k´mJKyf y~Ç Fr @TJr IPjTaJ TJ\MmJhJPor oPfJÇ oN©jJKu ßk´JPˆa V´K∫r ßnfr KhP~ KjPYr KhPT ßjPo @PxÇ ÊiM kMÀwPhrA gJPT ßk´JPˆa V´K∫Ç Fr oNu TJ\ yPò mLPptr \jq KTZMaJ fru khJgt ‰fKr TrJÇ jJjJ TJrPe èÀfôkeN t FA V´K∫Kar xoxqJ yPf kJPrÇ k´PˆPar ßpPTJPjJ irPjr xoxqJPT yJuTJ TPr ßhUJr ßTJPjJ xMPpJV ßjAÇ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr Pk´JPˆa V´K∫r xoxqJ kMÀwPhr xJiJre xoxqJ, pJ @TK˛TnJPmA TqJ¿JPr „k KjPf kJPrÇ pJ ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr jJPo kKrKYfÇ ßk´JPˆa V´K∫r oPiq ßTJwèPuJ pUj IKj~KπfnJPm mJzPf ÊÀ TPr fUjA TqJ¿Jr yPf kJPrÇ F \jq KmPvw TPr YKuäPvJ±t kMÀwPhr mZPr I∂f FTmJr IjqJjq ˝J˙q krLãJr kJvJkJKv k´PˆPar KTZM krLãJKjrLãJ TrJPjJ CKYfÇ xJiJref 50 mZPrr kr kMÀwPhr ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPr @âJ∂ yS~Jr ^MÅKT ßmKv y~Ç I· m~PxS F TqJ¿Jr yPf kJPr, fPm ßxaJ xYrJYr ßhUJ pJ~ jJÇ FA TqJ¿JrPT jLrm WJfTS muJ y~Ç m~x pf mJzPf gJPT, ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPr @âJ∂ yS~Jr ^MKÅ T ffA ßmPz pJ~Ç kKÁoJ ßhPv ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr yJr ßmKvÇ mJÄuJPhPvS Fr k´JhMnJt m @PVr fMujJ~ IPjT ßmKv ßhUJ pJPòÇ CkxVt Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr iLPr iLPr míK≠ ßkPf gJPTÇ fJA @âJ∂ yS~J xP•ôS TP~T mZr kpt∂ ßrJVL ßTJPjJ irPjr uãe IjMnm jJS TrPf kJPrjÇ ßk´JPˆa pUj pPgÓ mz yP~ oN©jJKuPT (oN©Jv~ ßgPT oN© myjTJrL ju) @âJ∂ TPr, ÊiM fUjA uãeèPuJ k´TJv ßkP~ gJPTÇ IKiTJÄv ßãP© FA TqJ¿Jr mJAPr Km˜íKf uJPnr @PV vjJÜ TrJ x÷m y~ jJÇ ßmKvr nJV ßãP© Kj~Kof KÙKjÄ TrJr xo~ vjJÜ TrJ y~Ç Fr CkxVt Kjntr TPr oNuf TqJ¿Jr TfaMTM IV´xr yP~PZ mJ ZKzP~ kPzPZ fJr SkrÇ ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr k´go KhPT V´K∫r oPiqA xLoJm≠ gJPTÇ fPm KYKT“xJ jJ KjPu @P˜ @P˜ ßhPyr IjqJjq IÄPvS ZKzP~ kzPf kJPrÇ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr k´JgKoT CkxVt KyPxPm k´xJs Pm xoxqJ yS~J, ßk´JPˆa V´K∫r míK≠, oN©JvP~r xÄâoe, ßk´JPˆa AjPlTvj AfqJKh gJTPf kJPrÇ @PrJ gJTPf kJPr∏ 1. Wj Wj k´xJs m y~, KmPvw TPr rJPfr ßmuJ~ 2. k´xJs m TrPf TÓ y~ mJ ybJ“ mº yP~ @mJr ÊÀ y~ 3. KYTj iJrJ~ mJ iLr VKfPf k´xJs m 4. k´xJs m TrJr kr oN©gKuPf @PrJ k´xJs m rP~PZ Foj IjMnKN f 5. k´xJs Pm mJ mLPpt rÜ @xJ 6. kJP~ kJKj \oJ 7. PkuKnx mJ IK˙k´PhPv mqgJ mJ I˝K˜ uJVJ 8. yJPz mqgJ yS~J mJ xyP\ Ckvo jJ yS~J
9. KmjJ @WJPf mJ ˝· @WJPf yJz ßnPX pJS~J 10. PoÀhP§r ßnfr TqJ¿Jr Km˜íKfr TJrPe yJf-kJP~ kqJrJuJAKxx yS~J 11. IKmvõJx, n~, rJV, KmweúfJ, CP•\jJ, vNjqfJPmJi AfqJKh ßhUJ ßhS~JÇ TJre Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr TJreèPuJ FUPjJ I\JjJ yPuS mÄvVKf, xÄâoe UJhqJnqJx k´nKí f TJrePT hJ~L TrJ y~Ç ßk´JPˆPar ßnfr oJÄx I˝JnJKmT ßmPz ßVPu, xÄâoe yPu S hLWtKhj ßTJPjJ KYKT“xJ jJ KjPuS F TqJ¿Jr yPf kJPrÇ @mJr vrLPrr Inq∂Pr FjPcsJP\j oJ©Jr fJrfPoqr TJrPeS FA TqJ¿Jr yPf kJPrÇ xJŒ´KfT VPmweJ~ \JjJ ßVPZ, ˙NufJ mJ IKfKrÜ S\j ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPr @âJ∂ yS~Jr xPñ xŒKTtfÇ uãe Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr yPu ßpxm uãe ßhUJ KhPf kJPr∏ 1. KkPbr KjPYr KhPT mqgJ 2. KuPñJ™JPj xoxqJ 3. Kjf’ mJ fJr @vkJPv jfMj TPr mqgJ TqJ¿Jr krLãJr \jq xmèPuJ CkxPVtr CkK˙Kfr hrTJr ßjAÇ TJre ßmKvr nJV xo~A ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr k´JgKoT kptJP~ ßTJPjJ uãe ßhUJ pJ~ jJÇ fJA SkPrr CkxVtèPuJr FT mJ FTJKiT ßhUJ KhPu ßhKr jJ TPr KYKT“xPTr TJPZ pJS~J CKYfÇ krLãJ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr ßyJT mJ jJ ßyJT, 50 mZPrr kr ßgPT ßpPTJPjJ kMÀPwr mZPr FTmJr KÙKjÄxy KYKT“xPTr krJovt ßjS~J CKYfÇ KÙKjÄ krLãJèPuJ yPuJ : 1. Pk´JPˆa ߸KxKlT FK≤P\j (KkFxF) ßaˆ 2. ouÆJPr @XMu KhP~ krLãJ (Kc@rA) 3. ouÆJPr @fisJxJC¥ 4. Pk´JPˆa mJP~JkKx 5. yJPzr ÛqJj 6. TKŒCaJrJA\c ßaJPoJV´JKl (KxKa) ÛqJj 7. oqJVPjKaT ßrPxJPu¿ APoK\Ä 8. (Fo@r@A) 9. KuœPjJc mJP~JkKx 10. Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr ßV´KcÄ 11. Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr ߈K\Ä AfqJKhÇ KYKT“xJ 1. KgsKc TjlroJu ßrKcSPgrJKk, @AFo@rKa mJ @AK\@rKa 2. IP˘JkYJr 3. @oNu ßk´JPˆa IkxJre FmÄ uKxTJ V´K∫ IkxJre 4. yrPoJj KYKT“xJ k´nKí fÇ \KaufJ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr rÜ S KvrJr oJiqPo k´iJjf yJz S lMxlMPx ZzJ~Ç FKa pUj iLPr iLPr ZKzP~ kzPf ÊÀ TPr fUj iJrJmJKyTnJPm @vkJPvr KaxMqèPuJS @âJ∂ yPf gJPTÇ fuPkPa mqgJ, oN©jJKur xoxqJ, k´xJs Pmr xPñ rÜ kzJ, ßyPoJxPkKo~J, k´xJs m iPr rJUJr ãofJ iLPr iLPr TPo @PxÇ k´JgKoT kptJP~ FA TqJ¿Jr mqgJyLj yPuS yJPz ZKzP~ kzPu k´Y§ mqgJ yPf kJPrÇ fPm KYKT“xJr oJiqPo TqJ¿JrPT Kj~πe TrPf kJrPu mqgJ k´vKof y~Ç yrPoJj KYKT“xJ TrJPu fJrS KTZM kJvõtk´KfKâ~J yPf kJPrÇ IkJPrvPjr kr ßpRj IãofJxy KTZM xoxqJ ßhUJ KhPf kJPrÇ fPm ˚J~M KbT ßrPU IkJPrvj TrJPu F xoxqJ xJiJref y~ jJÇ
k´KfPrJPi TreL~ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿Jr k´KfPrJPir ßfoj mqm˙J ßjA, fPm Fr ^MKÅ T ToJPf mJ VKf míK≠ ToJPf KTZM khPãk ßjS~J ßpPf kJPrÇ
Kj~Kof mqJ~Jo Kj~Kof mqJ~Jo ßpPTJPjJ TqJ¿JPrr ^MKÅ T ToJ~Ç FKa ßhPyr k´KfPrJi vKÜ mJzJ~, rÜ YuJYu TPr, y\ovKÜ míK≠ TPr, KmweúfJ S TqJ¿Jr k´KfPrJPi xyJ~TÇ
CkpMÜ UJmJr V´ye Có YKmtpMÜ, oxuJpMÜ UJmJr S iNokJj m\tj, kKrKof @Kow, luoNu, xmK\ S @Åv\JfL~ UJmJr V´yeÇ uJAPkJPTj xoí≠ (IqJK≤-IKéPc≤) UJmJr ßpoj : TJÅYJ mJ rJjúJ TrJ aPoPaJ, VJ\r, @XMr, froM\, rxMj, ßmsJTKu, mJÅiJTKk, lMuTKk, x~JKmj\Jf UJmJr AfqJKh V´yeÇ F ZJzJ KnaJKoj Kx, Kc, A FmÄ ßxPrKj~Jo ßk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr ^MKÅ T ToJ~Ç
\Lmj pJkPjr kKrmftj ˝JnJKmT \Lmj pJkj TrJÇ Ãoe, Kj~Kof yJKxUMKv \Lmj pJkjÇ Kj~Kof KÙKjÄ Pk´JPˆa TqJ¿JPrr kJKrmJKrT AKfyJx gJTPu IgmJ TJPrJ kûJPvJ±t m~x yPuA Kj~Kof krLãJ-KjrLãJ TrJ CKYfÇ
42 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
Kr~JPur FTJhPv mOy¸Kf
dJTJ, 30 ßo : YqJKŒ~jx KuPV 10 j’r KvPrJkJr \jq Kr~Ju oJKhshPT IPkãJ TrPf yP~KZu FT pMV, 10 ßgPT 11-Pf ßpPf uJVu oJ© hMA mZrÇ 2014 xJPu KuxmPj FPxKZu ÈuJ ßcKxoJ' IgtJ“ hvo KvPrJkJ, krÊ KouJPj Fu FTJhv KvPrJkJ ÈuJ CjPcKxoJ'Ç k´Kfkã ßxA IqJaPuKaPTJ oJKhshA, fPm FmJr KY©jJaq KTZMaJ mhPuPZÇ KuxmPj k´gPo IqJaPuKaPTJ FKVP~ pJS~Jr kr 90 KoKjPa xofJ KlKrP~ Kr~Ju K\PfKZu IKfKrÜ xoP~ 4-1 ßVJuÇ krÊ Kr~Ju FKVP~ pJS~Jr kr A~JKjT TJrJxPTJr 79 KoKjPar ßVJPu xofJ ßlrJ~ IqJaPuKaPTJÇ IKfKrÜ xo~ ßvPwS 1-1 xofJ gJTJ~ oqJY VzJ~ aJAPmsTJPrÇ ßxUJPjA IqJaPuKaPTJPT 5-3 mqmiJPj yJKrP~ FTJhPv míy¸Kf y~ Kr~JPurÇ KouJPjr ßxA ßrJoJûTr lJAjJPur ˛reL~ kJÅYKa oMyNft∏ hMA mZr @PV KuxmPjr lJAjJPu ßpJV yS~J xoP~r ßvw oMyNPft fJÅr ßVJu oqJPY KaKTP~ ßrPUKZu Kr~Ju oJKhshPTÇ krÊ KouJPjS @rS FTmJr IqJaPuKaPTJr yfJvJr TJre yPuj xJK\tS rJPoJxÇ 15 KoKjPa aKj âMPxr Kl∑-KTPT VqJPrg ßmPur ßyPcr kr fJÅr kJ ZMÅP~ mu IqJaPuKaPTJr \JPuÇ FKVP~ ßVu Kr~JuÇ KrPkäPf ßhPU Imvq ßVJuaJPT IlxJAc oPj yP~PZÇ fPm F ßVJu KhP~A AKfyJx VPzj rJPoJxÇ hMKa YqJKŒ~jx KuV lJAjJPu ßVJu TrJr TLKft ßjA @r ßTJPjJ KcPl¥JPrrÇ mqgt ÈKmKmKx' ÊÀPfA TJPxKoPrJr hMhtJ∂ FTaJ va ßbKTP~ KhP~KZPuj IqJaPuKaPTJ ßVJurãT A~Jj SmuJTÇ KT∂á ßxaJA ßvw j~Ç 70 KoKjPa k´Kf @âoPe TKro ßmjP\oJ hJÀe FTaJ xMPpJV kJS~Jr kr fJÅPTS KlKrP~ KhP~PZj SmuJTÇ Fr 8
KoKja kr ßxäJPnKj~Jj F ßVJurãT ßbKTP~PZj KâKˆ~JPjJ ßrJjJuPhJr vaSÇ krãPeA VqJPrg ßmPur KlrKf vaaJ ßgPT IqJaPuKaPTJPT mJÅKYP~ ßhj ߈lJj xJKnYÇ TJrJxPTJr ßVJPu xofJ hMA mZr @PV rJPoJPxr ßxA ßVJu ßpoj oqJPY KaKTP~ ßrPUKZu Kr~JuPT, krÊ IqJaPuKaPTJr yP~ ßxA TJ\aJ TPrPZj mhKu jJoJ A~JKjT TJrJxPTJÇ KÆfL~JPitr ÊÀPfA oJPb jJoJ F ßmuK\~Jj
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lJAjJPu ßkjJKæ jÓ TrJ kûo ßUPuJ~Jz yP~ KV´\oJj, xmtPvw F hMntJVq yP~KZu mJ~Jjt KoCKjPUr @KrP~j ßrJPmPjr, 2012 xJPu ßYuKxr KmkPãÇ PvPwr jJ~T ßrJjJuPhJ kMPrJ oqJPY ßfoj KTZMA TrPf kJPrjKjÇ KT∂á ßxA KâKˆ~JPjJ ßrJjJuPhJA jJ~T yP~ ßVPuj ßvwPmuJ~Ç KjitJKrf xoP~r 1-1 xofJ ßgPT pJ~ IKfKrÜ xo~ ßvPwSÇ aJAPmsTJPr Kr~JPur yP~
k´go YJrKa vPa ßVJu TPrj nJxPT\, oJPxtPuJ, ßmu @r rJPoJxÇ IqJaPuKaPTJr k´go KfjKa vPa KV´\oJj, VqJKm, ßxJu ßVJu TrJr kr YfMgt vaKa jÓ TPrj É~Jjl∑JjÇ kûo vPa ßrJjJuPhJ ßVJu TrPuA Kr~Ju YqJKŒ~j∏jJ~T yS~Jr FA hJÀe xMPpJV KT @r yJfZJzJ TPrj kftMKV\ CAñJr! cJj kJP~r hJÀe vaaJ ßVu IqJaPuKaPTJr \JPu, CòôJPx nJxu Kr~JuÇ
YqJKŒ~j oM˜JKlP\r yJ~hrJmJh yfJv KxKoSPjr ÈjfMj nJmjJ' dJTJ, 30 ßo : FPuj, ßUuPuj, K\fPuj! oJPb jJoJ KjP~A xÄv~ KZu oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJPjrÇ oqJY ÊÀr @PVA Imvq ßlxmMPT oM˜JKl\ \JjJPuj, ßUuPZj KfKjÇ ßUuPuj, K\fu fJÅr huSÇ r~qJu YqJPu†Jxt ßmñJuMÀPT 8 rJPj yJKrP~ k´gomJPrr oPfJ @AKkFu KvPrJkJ K\Pf Kju xJjrJA\Jxt yJ~hrJmJhÇ lJAjJuKa Imvq yP~PZ KbT lJAjJPur oPfJAÇ ßvw SnJr kpt∂ KZu aJjaJj CP•\jJÇ ßvw 5 SnJPr ßmñJuMÀr k´P~J\j KZu 51 rJj, yJPf 7 CAPTaÇ F Im˙J~ yJ~hrJmJPhr kPã mJK\ irJr ßuJT KZu jJ UMm ßmKvÇ fPm oqJYPxrJ ßmj TJKaÄP~r TrJ 15fo SnJPr WMPr ßVu oqJPYr nJVq, 4 rJPj KjPuj 1 CAPTaÇ kPrr SnJPr TJÅaJ yP~ gJTJ S~JaxjPTS ßlrJPuj oM˜JKl\Ç ßvw YJr SnJPr oM˜JKl\ S nMmPjvõr
TMoJr KhPuj oJ© 38 rJjÇ FA hM\Pjr ßmJKuÄA KjKÁf TPr Khu @mJrS KjvõJx ßluJ hNrfô ßgPT UJKu yJPf KlrPf yPm ßmñJuMÀPTÇ IgY 209 fJzJ TrPf ßjPo 10.2 SnJPr KmjJ CAPTPaA 114 rJj TPr ßlPuKZu ßmñJuMÀÇ 38 mPu 76 rJj TPr ßVAu ßlrJr krA ozT uJPV ßmñJuMÀ AKjÄPxÇ FTaM kPr ßlPrj
KmrJa ßTJyKu (54) S FKm Kc KnKu~Jxt (5)Ç Fr @PV 38 mPu 8 YJr S 3 ZÑJ~ 69 rJj TPr mz ßÛJPrr KnK• FPj KhP~KZPuj ßcKnc S~JjtJrÇ ßxA KnK• TJP\ uJKVP~PZj TJKaÄ, 15 mPu 39 rJPjr ^z fMPu KfKjA huPT KjP~PZj 208 rJPjr KjrJkh hNrPfôÇ xKj
dJTJ, 30 ßo : @rS FTKa YqJKŒ~jx KuV lJAjJu, @rS FTmJr \P~r UMm TJPZ KVP~S yJrÇ Kfj mZPrr oPiq hMmJr YqJKŒ~jx KuV lJAjJPu ÊiM ßmhjJA xñL yPuJ KcP~PVJ KxKoSPjrÇ 2014 xJPu KuxmPj \~ ßgPT TP~T ßxPT¥ hNPr gJTPf asKlaJ yJfZJzJ y~ IqJaPuKaPTJ oJKhsPhrÇ @r FmJr kMzPf yPuJ aJAPmsTJr-yfJvJ~Ç TL muPmj FPT? hMntJVq, mz oPûr IKnùfJr InJm? KxKoSPj Imvq nJVqfP•ô KmvõJx TPrj jJ, IqJaPuKaPTJ ßTJPYr TJPZ F ßp ÊiMA mqgtfJÇ KouJPj krÊ Kr~JPur \P~J“xPmr oMyNftKaPf yfJv ßYJPU FTmJr @TJPvr KhPT fJKTP~KZPuj KxKoSPjÇ fPm oqJPYr kr xÄmJh xPÿuPj IhíÓmJhL KfKj jj, TP£ KZu @®xoJPuJYjJr ZJk, ÈhMKa lJAjJPu CPb, xmaMTM KhP~ uPzS ßyPr
ßVuJoÇ krJK\f hPur TgJ ßTC oPj rJPU jJÇ hMKa lJAjJu FnJPm ßyPr pJS~J @xPu mqgtfJÇ xmPYP~ ßmKv TÓ uJVPZ pJÅrJ @oJPhr ßUuJ ßhUJr \jq Ff hNr FPxPZj, fJÅPhr
ßTPaPZ, Kfj mZPr hMKa lJAjJu IxJiJre I\tjÇ KT∂á pJ ßkP~KZ fJPf @Ko x∂áÓ jAÇ jfMj TPr nJmJr xo~ y~PfJ YPu FPxPZÇ' hJK~fô ßjS~Jr kr ßgPT
TÓ ßhPUÇ' FA mqgtfJ fJÅPT ßkJzJPòS nLweÇ FojA ßp, Kk´~ TîJmPT KmhJ~ muJr TgJS nJmPZj KxKoSPj, ÈIqJaPuKaPTJPf @oJr xo~aJ hMhJt ∂
IqJaPuKaPTJr oPfJ ÈVKrm' huPT ÊiM KjkMe ßTRvu, @r IPjT @PmPV \KzP~ xJluqS FPj KhP~PZjÇ fLms @PmPVr kr KxKoSPjPT ßpj KWPr iPrPZ ImxJhÇ r~aJxtÇ
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 43
Scientific Research Confirms Dates And Water Best For Iftar By Shofi Ahmed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended us to break fasting with dates and water. Scientific research now confirms the tremendous benefits of the two as the best starter for the iftar. Scientists have found that a single drop of water contains five thousand million of water molecules. It’s been a laboratory’s stunning discovery. And nothing like Ramadan presents that very moment to enjoy this great niyamah of Allah SWT. Nothing tests as sweet as the water in Ramadan. It’s missed most during the fasting. Likewise it’s best enjoyed at the Iftar. Water is universally known as the best drink.
For our body for our mind it’s most healthy. Researches suggest it’s better to stay away from the energy drinks. After a day long fasting and in needs of energy boost indeed the water and dates are enough for it. These provide the energy that the body can abundantly benefit from at the iftar time and beyond. I have listed some of the proven benefits below. However it’s been going on for some years. Research shows that energy drinks like Red Bull gained a huge popularity among Muslims. Particularly among the youth. United Nations researchers too have warned that energy drinks will become a significant public health problem if their use among young people is not addressed through a cap on caffeine levels and restrictions on their sale and marketing. Besides health issue the question for us and it’s a bold one are these halal? Substances which can be found in energy drinks are Caffeine, Ephedrine, Guarana, Sugar, Vitamin B, Taurine, Inositol, Glucoronolactone, Carnitine, Creatine, Sweeteners, and Ethanol. Even though “energy drinks” contain about 0.3% ethanol, they are categorized as non-alcoholic beverages. Besides caffeine, they also contain a specific amount of stimulants such as taurine, inositol, glucuronolactone, carnitine and creatine. Although they are named as energy drinks, in reality, they only make the consumers feel energetic through the selfstimulating agents mentioned above. Experts stated that these drinks contain high amounts of caffeine and the amino acid, “Taurine”. Aside from providing energy, these two
substances can increase the blood pressure and severely influence the heart’s functions. High caffeine containing drinks, that are commonly referred to as “energy drinks” by the general public, can lead to abnormal blood pressures which in turn increase the negative impact on the heart. American experts have carried out a research regarding this matter, and strongly advise that patients with high blood pressure and cardiac problems stay away from such drinks. These highly doubtful drinks are banned from being served by most restaurants in Sweden, and are being treated as “drugs” in Norway. In France and Denmark, their sale has been completely banned. Placing warning texts on the cans and stating that “we have provided
warnings texts” does not eliminate the responsibility of the manufacturer. “Energy drinks” that are brought to us through modern technology, and free competition still maintain its risks and should be abstained by us Muslims. Six proven health benefits of eating dates at iftar: 1. Dates are easy to digest so they don’t exhaust the fasting person stomach. 2. Dates decrease the great hunger feeling of the fasting person and so he doesn’t rush into excessive food eating which causes digestive disorders. 3. Dates prepare the stomach to receive the food after being inactive throughout the day with activating the release of digestive secretions and juices. 4. Dates are very rich with sugary energy and so the body is supplied with the most important nutrients which is sugar that is irreplaceable as a nutrient for the brain cells and nerves. 5. Dates protect the fasting person from having constipation as a result of changing meals times or as a result of having low fiber amounts in meals. 6. The alkaline salts in dates adjust the acidity of blood which result from excessiveness eating of meat and carbohydrates which causes a lot of hereditary diseases as diabetes, gout, renal stones, gall bladder inflammations, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids).
English section
US-backed fighters gain ground against IS
US-backed Syrian fighters including Kurds advanced against Islamic State in the last tract of territory the group holds near the Turkish border on Wednesday, a monitoring group said, opening a major new front with US-led air support. US officials separately told Reuters that thousands of fighters, supported by a small number of US special forces, were launching an offensive to capture the crucial swathe of northern Syria that militants have long used as a logistics base. The operation could take weeks. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Kurdish YPG militia made up the majority of the fighters taking part in the assault by the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance, with the initial target of capturing the town of Manbij, contradicting US officials who said the bulk were Arabs. This is seen as important to NATO member Turkey, which has opposed any further expansion of Syrian Kurdish sway at the frontier. The Syrian Kurdish YPG militia already controls an uninterrupted 400 km (250 mile) stretch of the border. A US official said Turkey supported the offensive. SDF and YPG officials could not immediately be reached for comment. The Observatory said USled air strikes in support of the ground operation killed 15 civilians including three
children near Manbij in the last 24 hours. The Observatory's reporting is based on an activist network in Syria. It said the SDF fighters had taken 16 villages and were at a distance of 15 km (9 miles) from Manbij. Driving Islamic State from its last remaining foothold at the Turkish border has been a top priority of the US-led campaign against the group. The group controls around 80 km (50 miles) of the frontier stretching west from Jarablus. Syrian rebel groups deemed moderate by the West have been waging a separate campaign against Islamic State in the same corridor, but further west near Azaz. The going has proved tough, with Islamic State repeatedly counter attacking. The US officials said the operation got underway on Tuesday and aims to choke off Islamic State's access to territory that militants have long used to move foreign fighters back and forth to Europe. "It's significant in that it's their last remaining funnel" to Europe, a US military official said. The US officials said Kurdish YPG fighters would only represent a fifth or a sixth of the overall force. Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist group due to its links with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is waging an armed insurrection in southeastern Turkey.
The US officials said the YPG will only fight to help clear Islamic State from the area around Manbij. Syrian Arab fighters would be the ones to stabilize and secure it once Islamic State is gone, according to the operational plans. "After they take Manbij, the agreement is the YPG will not be staying ... So you'll have Syrian Arabs occupying traditional Syrian Arab land," the official said. But Observatory Director Rami Abdulrahman said: "The majority are from (YPG), and the operation is basically a YPG operation." Syrian Kurdish groups have established their own government in northeastern Syria since 2011. Capturing the last remaining Islamic State foothold at the Turkish border would help them to link up with the area of Afrin, which is controlled by the same Kurdish groups in northwestern Syria. The YPG has been the most effective ally on the ground for U.S.-led air strikes against IS, and last year captured large areas from it in Hasaka province. The SDF alliance, including some Arab militias, was formed in October, since when it has led the campaign against IS with US support. The SDF last week began attacks against Islamic State in areas north of its de facto capital of Raqqa, but says the city was not a target of that operation.
44 Bangla Post 03 - 09 June, 2016
MusliM Aid lAunches 2016 RAMAdAn cAMpAign M
uslim Aid has officially launched its 2016 Ramadan Campaign. Dignitaries from across all sectors came together on 26th May to attend the launch which took place in the House of Commons. The event outlined Muslim Aid's plans for this Ramadan and gave feedback from last year's campaign. The evening began with a recitation by Imam Ahmed Dahdouh, Imam of Al Manaar Muslim Cultural and Heritage Centre in West London. Dr Suhaib Hasan introduced the theme of this year’s campaign; ‘You Give, We Serve’. He went on to explain the work that Muslim Aid carries out during Ramadan, including its ‘Feed the Fasting’ Programme, going on to state that “the issue of poverty in the UK should also not go amiss, and like last year, we are extending our Feed the Fasting Programme this Ramadan to low-income families and the homeless that are right in our neighbourhood”. Speaking at the launch, Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, made note of the effectiveness of Muslim Aid’s work across the world, commenting that, “Muslim Aid has done a fantastic job of reaching people who need it most across the world”. He also highlighted the importance of interfaith work which Muslim Aid engages in to tackle poverty through collaboration. Rt Hon Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh OBE, spoke of the need for Muslims to engage in charity work such as that carried out by Muslim Aid, in order to tackle extremism in all its forms and to counter the narrative that acts of extremism are not in the name of Islam. Rt Hon Lord Woolf, former Lord Chief Justice spoke at the event, commenting that it is “wise” of Muslim Aid to include prison-
ers’ rehabilitation as part of its work, and that Muslim Aid is, “successful at encouraging the community to do good around the world”. He concluded his speech by wishing the Muslim community a “rewarding and satisfying Ramadan”. Muslim Aid’s Acting CEO, Mr Shuaib Yusaf, highlighted the difficulties that NGOs are facing, particularly Muslim NGOs, stating that it “matters not who saves a life but that the life is saved”, and asked for government and regulators to work with the
sector to find solutions to issues such as working in sanctioned countries and the transfer to funds. The Khayaal Theatre Company also performed a storytelling of a Sudanese folktale about a man renowned for his bravery and another for his courage. Actress and storyteller Eleanor Martin concluded by wishing that “Muslim Aid be blessed to continue their work with the same qualities of bravery and courage”. Sir Iqbal Sacranie OBE closed the event by
thanking attendees, particularly those who came from overseas, as well as the speakers and co-sponsors of the event. Each year Muslim Aid runs its Ramadan Campaign which is the primary campaign of the year. Last year, Muslim Aid raised over £5.6million for the campaign which went toward international emergencies, feeding programmes for some of the world's poorest communities, development programmes and domestic aid to support those in need within the UK.
Another Bengali takes oath as a Mayor Derby day sees Barking Ansar Ahmed Ullah
Luton Borough Council has appointed its first Mayor of Bangladesh origin at a special meeting held on 25 May at Luton Town Hall. The Mayoral Investiture held at Council Chamber formally appointed Tahir Khan as the new Mayor of Luton to serve 2016-2017. Tahir Khan was elected Mayor of the Borough of Luton at Annual Meeting of the Council on 17 May. The event started with prayers from Imam Uddin. Tahir Khan took the oath declaring, 'Having been elected to the office of Mayor of Luton Borough Council, hereby declare that I take that office upon myself, and will duly & faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to best of my judgement and ability.' And with that the Chief Executive formally presented the Chain and Badge of
Office of Mayor. Tahir Khan's wife Shubeerar Akthar was also invested with Mayoress's Badge. In a brief address the new Mayor Tahir Khan thanked his parents, family & the Bengali community for their support and almighty Allah. He appealed to all to assist him in working towards the betterment of Luton as a whole. He was elected as Councillor in 2007 and has served on a number of committees. He successfully served as Lead Executive Member for Children Services for five years. He is
also on the Board of Directors at London Luton Airport Limited and has served as a school governor for over 15 years, currently acting as Chair of Governors at Denbigh Primary. Tahir Khan has lived in Luton for almost twenty five years. He comes from youth & community work background and is currently working as senior manager in local government. He has worked for Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council and some of the London boroughs. His special interests include young
people's issues and developing opportunities for them to participate in positive activities. His involvement with the community started with the Bangladesh Youth League and Centre for Youth & Community Development in Bury Park. Tahir Khan spent his teenage years in Luton. He studied Community Management at the University of Bedfordshire. He is originally from Jagannathpur, Sylhet. He completed his primary and secondary education in Bangladesh. But before finishing high school he came to the UK in 1982 to join his father. His parents are Warish Khan and Meherunnesa Khanom. Tahir Khan is married with two daughters and a son who were all present at the investiture. He was elected as a councillor in 2007, then in 2011, 2015 and finally became Mayor in 2016.
progress to the semis
Emdad Rahman The bank holiday cup fixture bought together borough rivals Barking CC and Scintilla CC Essex in a high profile ECCL League Cup Quarter final. Barking decided to bat first and a commanding 62 from skipper Ehsaan Afzal was enough to set up a 225 total. Scintilla players who were playing a third consecutive
opponents for 112 to earn an impressive 113 run win. Captain Ehsaan Afzal said: "A derby win always adds an extra spring in our footsteps and the win sets us up nicely for the next round. The boys were strong throughout." Scintilla skipper Ayaz Karim added: "The boys were tired but that does not detract anything from an impressive
days of cricket looked tired and jaded throughout. Barking were in no charitable mood and bowled out their
Barking victory. We uncharacteristically conceded 55 extras and this is what has annoyed our team the most."
03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 45
Community News
Guildford celebrates banGla new year
On May 30th . the inaugural “Guildford Bangla Mela” was hosted by the Bangladeshi community in Guildford. First of all we would like to thank everyone who came to the event and helped us make it successful. We achieved several milestones for just our first year of the event and we hope to continue building on these. We aim to make the festival a signature event not just for the Bangladeshi community in Guildford but also all Bangladeshis around the UK. We believe that this is something that the whole community can look forward to all
year and that it would be a great platform to showcase our vibrant culture and heritage, while promoting talented individuals from the community as well. This event also aims to celebrate and recognise the achievements of notable individuals in the community who have continuously contributed to its well-being and also educate younger generations of British-Bangladeshis on the history and heritage of the nation. The Guildford Bangla Mela 2016 was attended by more than 400 people mostly consisting of families. Performances consisted of a
glittering mix of live music, dance and poetry, while the audience enjoyed a varied mix of authentic Bangladeshi cuisine. We are really grateful especially to have had a live performance this year by the renowned singer Selim Chowdhury. we are proud and honoured to have Sue doughty and Fionna White with us . They said that they are amazed to see such a grand event and crowd. We aim to continue organising the event on an annual basis and make it bigger and better every year. A list of performers and notable attendees are mentioned below:Group Singers: Madiha, Nazifah, Faizah, Noshin, Mehdi, Maaknun,
Nabib, Nuzhat & Anika. Musical performers: Tamanna Shams, Sifat Hasan, Noor Jahan, Shiblu Rahman & Selim Chowdhury.
Dancers: Ilaiza Poetry Recitation: Juwayriah Raffle Draw Conductor: Murad Hosts: Murad, Deedar , Raisa & Mitul
Year : 13 u Issue: 629 u Friday 03 June - Thursday 09 June 2016
Bangla Post Britain's HiGHEst DistriBUtED BanGLa nEWsPaPEr
FTA oPû Po~r xJKhT UJPjr xPñ k´iJjoπLr TqJPŒAj ˆJl KrPkJatJr : oJ© FT oJx @PV kJutPoP≤ hÅJKzP~ ßumJr huL~ ßo~r k´JgtL xJKhT UJPjr KmÀP≠ mÜmq KhP~KZPuj k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJPorjÇ IKnPpJV TPrKZPuj, xπJPxr k´Kf PumJr huL~ oMxKuo ßo~r k´JgtL xJKhT UJPjr KmPvw xŒTt FmÄ xyoKotfJ rP~PZÇ @r k´J~ FT oJx kPr jmKjmtJKYf u¥j ßo~r xJKhT UJPjr xPñ FT oPû hÅJKzP~ AAC ßrlJPr¥JPor TqJPŒAj TrPuj ßaJKr k´iJjoπL ßcKnc
TrPuj mOKav k´iJjoπL ßcKnc TqJorj FmÄ u¥j ßo~r xJKhT UJjÇ
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03 - 09 June, 2016 Bangla Post 47
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IFTAR APPEAL 2016 Last Ramadan, your generous donations helped us to provide a decent Sehri and Iftar meal to over 500,000 people. Today, we are launching our Sehri & Iftar Appeal 2016 so that, with your help, we can feed over 600,000 people this Ramadan!
Last year, the Ehsaas Trust held â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sehri and Iftar Food Campsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in 11 locations in Karachi and Pakpattan Shareef, Pakistan. This Ramadan, the Ehsaas Trust is running this project again and are aiming, with your support, to hold food camps in an extra over 50 locations in Thar, Badin and Ajmer Sharif (India) and feed over 600,000 people!
OR VISIT DONATIONS 020 3617 7786
Ehsaas Trust, PO Box 69000 London NW26 9GY, UK Charity Registration No. 1144950
Year : 13 u Issue: 629 u Friday 03 June - Thursday 09 June 2016
Bangla Post Britain's HiGHEst DistriBUtED BanGLa nEWsPaPEr
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