Bangla Post Issue - 932

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BRITAIN'S HIGHEST DISTRIBUTED FREE BANGLA NEWSPAPER Bangla P o st Year:19 u Issue: 932 u Friday 02 September - Thursday 08 September 2022 FREE fJ\J oJZ, yJuJu oJÄx S Kjfq k´P~J\jL~ kPeqr \jq FTKa Kmvõ˜ k´KfÔJj †cv÷ † W¯ : BD‡µb-ivwkqvi hz‡×i Kvi‡Y hz³iv‡R¨ R¡vjvwbi `vg evo‡Q û û K‡i| †`kwUi evmvevwoi R¡vjvwbi `vg GiB g‡a¨ 80 fvM evov‡bvi †NvlYv G‡m‡Q| GgbwK G wb‡q weªwUk‡`i ÔRxeb msk‡qÕ Av‡Q e‡jI Avk¼v cÖKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q wewewmi Le‡i| wewewm I †WBwj †gBjmn GKvwaK weªwUk MYgva¨g Rvwb‡q‡Q G Lei| hz³iv‡R¨i R¡vjvwb wbqš¿Y ms¯’v Ad‡Rg Rvwb‡q‡Q AvMvgx A‡±vei †_‡K hz³iv‡R¨i evmvevwoi R¡vjvwb e¨q evo‡e eQ‡i cÖvq mv‡o wZb nvRvi cvD‡ÛiI †ewk (cÖvq 4 jvL UvKv) n‡e| hv Av‡M wQj 1971 cvDÛ (cÖvq 2 jvL 20 nvRvi evZ©vUvKv)|ms¯’v Gwci Le‡i ejv n‡q‡Q, jÛ‡bi evwm›`v †Rvb‡mi g‡Zv AviI A‡b‡KB evwoi R¡vjvwbi AvPgKv g‚j¨e„wׇZ w`‡knviv Ae¯’vq c‡o‡Qb| KviY G‡Z ïaz ivbœvi LiPB ev‡owb, evB‡ii ivbœv Kiv Lvev‡ii LiPI †e‡o‡Q| †Rvbm Gwc‡K ej‡jb, ÔmeB Dc‡ii w`‡K DV‡Q| Avwg †Zv Avgvi fvovUvB w`‡Z cviwQ bv| 16 kOÔJ~ ÷v d 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02 Bangla P o st 02 - 08 September 2022 IJxxJuJoM IJuJATáo, xÿJjLf hJjvLu nJA S ßmJPjrJ IJkjJPhr hJj xJhJTJPfA k´KfKÔf yP~PZ xMjJoV† Fr nJKa FuJTJ xMPuoJj kMPr KmvJu vJy\JuJu (ry:) oJhsJxJ S FKfo UJjJÇ mftoJPj IxÄUq hKrhs FKfo ZJ©Phr gJTJ S KuUJkzJr \J~VJ xÄTáuJj jJ yS~J~ jfáj FTKa Z~fuJ nmj KjotJPer TJ\ Êr∆ yP~PZÇ IJuäJyr S~JP˜ IJkjJr IgmJ IJkjJr oJ mJmJr jJPo FTKa r∆o hJj TPr FKfo ßZPu ßoP~Phr ßTJrIJPj yJKl\ S IJKuo yS~Jr \jq IJkjJr xJyJpq TJojJ TrJ yPóZÇ IJkjJr hJPjr \jq IJuäJy hMKj~J S IJPUrJPf Fr ßZJ~Jm hJj TrPmj AjvJIJuäJyÇ vJy\JuJu oJhrJxJ S FKfo UJjJr k´P~J\j ßoaJPf IJkKj ßpnJPm xJyJpq TrPf kJPrj: Assalamu RespectableAlaikumBrothers and Sisters –Shah Jalal Madrasa and Eatim Khana Trust, is an established UK based charitable organisation which provides and supports poor/ orphan student's education, free living accommodation, food and clothes through your kind donations. Alhamdulillah, we have started construction of a new 6 story building for the students of Shah Jalal Madrasa and Eatim Khana, Sulemanpur, Sunamganj - we are appealing to all our well-wishers and donors to give Sadaqah Jariyah to complete this Maybuilding.Allah (SWT) reward you in this life and hereafter. Ameen. The ways in which you can fulfil the needs of Shah Jalal Madrasa and Eatim Khana: Bank Details : HSBC Shah Jalal Madrasha and Eatim Khana Trust Account No: 81419366, Sort Code: 40-11-43 Contact: Founder Chairman, Syed Moulana Shamsuzzaman, Mobile: 07944 267 205 You can make donations by PayPal by logging into our website ➧ 2500 kJC¥ FTKa r∆o ➧ 1000 kJC¥ uJAl ßoÍJr ➧ 500 kJC¥ yJKl\ ¸¿r ➧ 250 kJC¥ KhP~ FT ßT~Jr \Koj ➧ 150 kJC¥ KhP~ láu aJAPau \JoJPfr FT ßxa KTfJm ➧ 100 kJC¥ KhP~ Kmv m˜J KxPo≤ ➧ 90 kJC¥ KhP~ FT yJ\Jr Aa ➧ 25 kJC¥ KhP~ kÅJY K\uh ßTJrIJj ➧ 20 kJC¥ KhP~ FT m˜J YJCu vJy\JuJu oJhrJxJ S FKfo UJjJr k´P~J\j ßoaJPf IJkKj ßpnJPm xJyJpq TrPf kJPrj: ➧ £2500 - Towards a room in the Madrasa in your name or in the name of your parents ➧ £1000 - Life member ➧ £500 - Sponsor 1 poor/orphan student ➧ £250 - One Kear Land ➧ £150 - Bukhari Sharif, Muslim Sharif, Tafsir set (full title jamat set) ➧ £100 - 20 Bags of cement ➧ £90 - 1000 Bricks ➧ £25 - 5 Zil Quran ➧ £20 - 1 Bag rice The wways iin wwhich yyou ccan ffulfil tthe nneeds oof Shahjalal MMadrasa aand EEatim KKhana: You can also become a life sponsor of poor/orphan student by donating £5, £19 or any amount by setting up monthly direct debit

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 03TKoCKjKa xÄmJh Ourpoint-of-saleall-in-onesolutionBuilttoworkashardasyoudoThe payment part is just the start. Search Barclaycard Payments for offers now on. Stock TrackerSatisfierBookingManagerCustomerandmuchmore Payment Taker ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’cwZ RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 47 Zg kvnv`vZ evwl©Kx, RvZxq †kvK w`em Dcj‡¶ me© BD‡ivcxq e½eÜy cwil`Õi D‡`¨v‡M MZ 25 AvM÷ e„n¯úwZevi ev` gvMwie c~e© jÛ‡bi weªK‡jb Rv‡g gmwR‡` wgjv` I †`vqv gvnwd‡ji Av‡qvRb Kiv nq|gmwR‡`i LwZe gydwZ gvIjvbv bRiæj Bmjv‡gi cwiPvjbvq Ges gvIjvbv mv¾v`yi ingv‡bi mn‡hvwMZvq AbywóZ wgjv` gvnwd‡j ivR‰bwZK I mvgvwRK msMV‡bi †bZ„e„›`mn KwgwbwUi wewfbœ ¯’‡ii e¨w³eM© Ask †bb|‡`vqv c~e© msw¶ß e³‡e¨ msMV‡bi fvicªvß mfvcwZ wk¶vwe` AvdRvj †nv‡mb wmwÏK wgqv 75 m‡bi 15B AvM÷ NvZK‡`i nv‡Z wbg©gfv‡e kvnv`vZ eiYKvix e½eÜy I Zvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨mn Hw`‡bi NUbvq Ab¨vb¨ knx`‡`i iæ‡ni gvM‡divZ cªv_©bv K‡ib| wZwb e½eÜyi Kb¨v cªavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv Ges †kL †invbvi my¯^v¯’&h I `xN©vqy Ges †`k I RvwZi DbœwZ I mg„w×i Rb¨ mK‡ji †`vqv Kvgbv K‡i‡Qb| wgjv` gvnwd‡j Ab¨v‡b¨i g‡a¨ Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb jÛb gnvbMi AvIqvgxjx‡Mi mnmfvcwZ kwdK Avng`, m¤úv`K gÛjxi m`m¨ BDmyd Kvgvjx, hy³ivR¨ AvIqvgx †¯^”Qv‡meK jx‡Mi mfvcwZ mvqv` Avng` mv`, mv‡eK KvDwÝji Avãym knx`, me© BD‡ivcxq e½eÜy cwil‡`i mnmfvcwZ exi gyw³‡hv×v Avãyj gvbœvb, Rwjj †PŠayix, ‡UªRvivi Bmjvg DwÏb, fvicªvß mvaviY m¤úv`K †gvt eveyj †nv‡mb, hyM¥ mvaviY m¤úv`K †gvt gywRe †nv‡mb, Avng` dLi Kvgvj, mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K †LvKb nvq`vi, m¤úv`K gÛjxi m`m¨ mv‡`K Avng` †Kv‡ikx, cªRb¥Õ71 jÛb gnvbM‡ii mnmfvcwZ mvB`yi ingvb, †gvt kvBevb †nv‡mbmn cªgyL| ‡`vqv †k‡l wkibx weZiY Kiv nq| me BD‡ivcxq e½eÜycwil‡`i RvwZ q †k vK w`e‡mi wgjv` I †`vqv gvnwdj AbywóZ `viæj †KivZ gvwRw`qv dzjZjx Uªv÷ BD‡K evwg©snvg I‡q÷ eªgBP jwZwdqv dzjZjx Kg‡cø‡•i w` weªwUk gymwjg ¯‹zj kvLvi D‡`¨v‡M cÖvq gvme¨vwc cweÎ †KviAvb cÖwkÿ‡Yi ci QvÎQvÎx‡`i g‡a¨ GIqvW© I cyi¯‹vi weZiYx Abyôvb m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q| MZ 27 AvM÷ kwbevi `ycy‡i m¨vÛI‡qj MÖvÛ Rv‡g gvmwR‡` Av‡qvwRZ GB Abyôv‡b QvÎQvÎx‡`i GIqvW© I cyi¯‹vi cÖ`vb Kiv nq| kZvwaK wkÿv_©xiv gvme¨vwc G cÖwkÿ‡Y Ask wb‡q weï× fv‡e †KviAvb †ZjvIqv‡Zi wkÿv AR©b K‡ib| w` weªwUk gymwjg ¯‹z‡ji wcÖwÝcvj gvIjvbv Gg G Kvw`i Avj nvmv‡bi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I `viæj †Kiv‡Zi D³ kvLvi cÖavb Kvwi gvIjvbv gvneye Kvgv‡ji Dc¯’vcbvq D³ Abyôv‡b QvÎQvÎxiv cweÎ †KviAvb †_‡K †ZjvIqvZ I bvwk` cwi‡ekb K‡ib| Zv‡`i cwi‡ewkZ †ZjvIqvZ I bvwk` Abyôv‡b GK g‡bvgy»Ki cwi‡e‡ki m„wó D³K‡i| Abyôv‡b e³e¨ iv‡Lb evwg©snvg evsjv‡`k BmjvwgK †m›Uvi GÛ Rv‡g gvmwR‡`i LwZe gvIjvbv †gvt ûmvg DwÏb Avj ûgvq`x, Avãyj jwZd I †`jIqvi †nv‡mb mfvcwZicÖgyL|e³‡e¨ wcÖwÝcvj gvIjvbv Gg G Kvw`i Avj nvmvb e‡jb, `viæj †Kiv‡Zi gva¨‡g mwnn ï× fv‡e cweÎ †KviAvb †ZjvIqv‡Zi †L`gZ wek¦e¨vwc cwiPvwjZ n‡”Q| GB †L`g‡Zi gva¨‡g eZ©gvb cÖR‡b¥i QvÎQvÎxiv weï× fv‡e cweÎ †KviAvb †ZjvIqv‡Zi wkÿv AR©b Ki‡Qb| wZwb ag©vcÖvY gymjgvb‡`i `viæj †Kiv‡Zi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ †_‡K mvwe©K mn‡hvwMZv Kiv Ges wb‡R‡`i mšÍvb‡`i weï× fv‡e †KviAvb wkÿv MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ `viæj †Kiv‡Zi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ _vKvi AvnŸvb Rvbvb| wZwb gvme¨vwc †KviAvb wkÿvi GB Av‡qvR‡b Ae`vb ivLv wkKÿKe„›`, gvZvwcZv I AwffveKM‡Yi cÖwZ ab¨ev` I K…ZÁZv Rvbvb| AvMvwg‡Z D³ cÖwZôv‡bi gva¨‡g eq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ †KviAvb cÖwkÿ‡Yi e¨e¯’v Pvjy Kivi cÖwZkÖæwZ e¨³ K‡ib wZwb| Abyôv‡b Ab¨vb¨‡`i g‡a¨ I‡q÷ eªgBP WvU©gvD_ w÷ªU Rv‡g gvmwR‡`i fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U wgmevn DwÏb, bRiæj Bmjvg, BKevj †nvmvBb †PŠayix, nvwdR †nvmBb Avng` Avj gywgb (jÛb), n¨vÛmIqv_© Rv‡g gvmwR‡`i †cÖwm‡W›U nvRx Avãyj KvDqyg, wewkó KwgDwbwU †bZv KvRx Avs¸i wgqv, evsjv‡`k KvDw݇ji mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb †gvt Gg`v` †nvmvBb, gvIjvbv dviæK Avng`, AvbQvi Avjx, Avjxg DwÏb wkib, wmivRyj Bmjvg MRbfx, KvRx wgjb wgqv, Kvwi Avãyj Lv‡qi, Avãyj ReŸvi (ev`kvn), eRjy†PŠayix, kg‡ki Avjx, Kvwiqvn nvdQv Lvbg, nvwdR ûmvBb Avng`, eveiæj wgqv, Zzndv †PŠayix, Kvwi gvndzRyj nvmvb Lvb I Kvwi BKevj †nv‡mbmn cÖwZôv‡bi wkÿKe„›` Ges KwgDwbwUi wewkó e¨w³eM© Dcw¯’Z cwi‡k‡l,wQ‡jb| we‡kl gybvRv‡Zi gva¨‡g Abyôv‡bi mgvwß nq|-msev` weÁwß evwgsnvg w` we wUk gymwjg ¯‹z‡j `viæj †Kiv ‡Zi GIqvW I cyi¯‹vi weZiYx

04 Bangla P o st 02 - 08 September 2022 TKoCKjKa xÄmJh AvšÍR©vwZK ¸g cªwZ‡iva w`em Dcj‡¶¨ "Centre for democracy and good governance in Bangladesh" Gi D‡`¨v‡M jÛ‡b wewewmi cªavb Kvh©vj‡qi mvg‡b Vf 30 IJVˆ, g½jevi `ycyi 12 Uvq GK gvbeeÜb AbywóZ n‡q‡Q| msMV‡bi cªavb mgš^qKvix gvbevwaKvi Kg©x I hye msMVK †mvqv‡jnxb Kwig †Pvayixi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ I Ab¨Zg msMVK I mv‡eK Qv·bZv Avãyj KvBqy‡gi cwiPvjbvq AbywóZ gvbee܇b wecyj msL¨K evsjv‡`kx wewfbœ ai‡Yi †cø KvW© cª`k©‡bi cvkvcvwk gy‡L Kv‡jv Kvco †eu‡a AskMªnY K‡i| A‡b‡Ki nv‡Z wQ‡jv gvbevwaKvi cªwZôvi `vex msewjZ †cøKvW©| gvbeeÜb †k‡l mfvq msnwZ cªKvk K‡i e³e¨ iv‡Lb UvIqvi †ng‡jU KvDw݇ji mv‡eK †WcywU †gqi KvDwÝji Awn` Avn‡g`, wewkó gvbevwaKvi Kg©x I mv‡eK †mbv Kg©KZ©v †gRi (Aet) wmwÏK, hy³ivR¨ weGbwci Ab¨Zg wmwbqi †bZv kwidy¾vgvb †PŠayix Zcb, Gg`v` û‡mb wUcy, Iqv`y` Avjg I gvbevwaKvi Kg©x Zvmwjgv ZvR| e³viv Zv‡`i e³‡e¨ e‡jb weMZ cªvq GK hyM †_‡K eZ©gvb d¨vwm÷ AvIqvgx miKvi we‡ivax gZ‡K `gb Ki‡Z wM‡q †`‡k ¸g Ly‡bi gva¨‡g GK AvZ‡¼i ms¯‹…wZ Pvjy K‡i‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k AvR gZ cªKv‡ki †Kv‡bv AwaKvi †bB| AvBb k„sLjv i¶vKvix evwnbxi weiæ‡× Av‡Q gvbevwaKvi j•N‡bi AKvU¨ cªgvY| Ggb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z wewewmi g‡Zv g~javivi wgwWqv‡K Bb‡fw÷‡MwUf Rvb©vwjR‡gi gva¨‡g mwVK gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZ we‡k¦i Kv‡Q Zy‡j aivi I gvbevwaKvi wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z n‡e| mfvq Av‡iv hviv msnwZ cªKvk K‡i Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb hye‡bZv †`Iqvb Avãyj evwmZ, Avãyj Rwjj †PŠayix †LvKb, mv‡eK Qv·bZv AvgRv` û‡mb gvwbK, ûgvqyb Kwei wngy, w`cy †PŠayix, Avãyj Mvddvi ¸Ujy, RvwKi û‡mb, Gm ingvb ivweŸ, Rv‡ei †PŠayix, gywReyi ingvb, mvs¯‹…wZK msMVK ivR nvmvb, †gvnv¤§` mvB`yj Bmjvg, hye‡bZv eveyj MwY, Avn‡g` Avjx,Zvbwei Avng` Zv‡iK Avnmvbyj Avw¤^qv ïfb,AvbQvi Avng`mn wewfbœ †kªbx †ckvi gvbyl| Gw`‡K `ycyi 2 Uvq jÛ‡bi I‡qó wgwbóvi ¸g w`em Dcj‡¶ Av‡iv GKwU gvbeeÜb AbywóZ nq| mfvq e³viv miKv‡ii ¸g-Ly‡bi weiæ‡× AvšÍR©vwZK n¯Í¶c Kvgbv K‡ib| jÛ‡b wewewmÕi Awd‡mi mvg‡b AvšRvwZK ¸g w`em Dcj‡¶ gvbe eÜb AbywóZ evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x †¯^”Qv‡meK `j hy³iv‡R¨i D‡`¨v‡M †¯^”Qv‡meK `‡ji 42 Zg cªwZôvevwl©Kx 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A_ev †QvU AvKv‡ii Avw_©K Aby`vb †P‡q wewfbœ ai‡bi P¨vwiwU I A‡M©bvB‡Rkb Gi Kv‡Q Avgiv Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cvwiÓ, ej‡jb Avjx nvwj| ‡h‡Kvb Z_¨ Rvb‡Z ev civg‡k©i Rb¨ †mvgevi †_‡K ïµevi mKvj 10Uv †_‡K weKvj 4Uv ch©šÍ 0203 8555 4472 bv¤^v‡i Kj Kiæb| Kxfv‡e A_© mvkÖq Ki‡eb, †mm¤ú‡K© AviI Z_¨ Ges wUc‡mi Rb¨ wmwU‡Rb GWfvBm B÷ GÛ-‡K AbymiY Kiæbt Instagram @eastendcab orTwitter: @EastEnd_CAB A vw_K msK‡Ui gy‡LvgywL nIqv evwm›`v‡ `i mn‡hvwMZv I civgk mnvqZv w`‡”Q wmwU‡Rb GWf vBm B÷ GÛ

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 07

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 09PhPvr xÄmJh wb‡Z / w`‡Z Pvb? A_ev evmv fvov Rwg µq-weµq Avcwb wK XvKv I wm‡j‡U †hvMv‡hvAvgv‡`iZvn‡j “b `i mv‡_ jvMAvRBKi 0203 6333 5499 PROPERTIES we‡kl msev`` vZv, XvKv : ‡PK wWRAbvi gvgjvq †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K †R‡j cvVv‡bv msweav‡bi 32 Abz‡”Q‡`i cwicwš’ e‡j ch©‡e¶Y w`‡q‡Qb nvB‡KvU©| iv‡q Av`vjZ e‡j‡Qb, †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K Zvi e¨w³ ¯^vaxbZv †_‡K ewÂZ Kiv msweavb cwicwš’| †b‡Mvwm‡qej Bb÷ªæ‡g›U AvB‡bi †PK wWRAbvi msµvšÍ gvgjvq †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K KvivMv‡i ew›` ivLv e¨w³MZ ¯^vaxbZv ni‡Yi bvgvšÍi| ‡PK wWRAbvi msµvšÍ K‡qKwU gvgjv wb®úwË K‡i †iveevi wePvicwZ †gv. Avkivdzj Kvgv‡ji GKK nvB‡KvU© †e G ivq †`b| Av`vjZ †b‡Mvwm‡qej Bb÷ªæ‡g›U AvB‡bi 138 aviv ms‡kvab K‡i †PK wWRAbvi gvgjvq †R‡j cvVv‡bvi weavb evwZj Kivi Rb¨ RvZxq msm`‡K civgk© w`‡q‡Qb| GQvov †b‡Mvwm‡qej Bb÷ª–‡g›U AvB‡bi 138 aviv ms‡kvab bv nIqv ch©šÍ †PK wWRAbv‡ii gvgjv wb®úwËi Rb¨ GKwU MvBW jvBb K‡i nvB‡KvU©w`‡q‡Qb|iv‡qi ch©‡e¶‡Y e‡jb, †PK wWRAbvi gvgjvq †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K KvivMv‡i cvVv‡bv, KvivMv‡i ivLv msweav‡bi 32 Abz‡”Q‡`i cwicwš’ Ges B›Uvib¨vkbvj K‡fb¨v›U Ab wmwfj A¨vÛ cwjwUK¨vj ivBU‡mi Abz‡”Q` 11 Gi cwicwš’| evsjv‡`kGi ¯^v¶iKvix †`k wn‡m‡e †PK wWRAbvi gvgjvq †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K KvivMv‡i cvVv‡Z cv‡i bv| we‡kl msev``vZv, XvKv : hz³iv‡óªi wbD BqK© wmwUi GKwU †j‡Ki cvwb‡Z Wz‡e evsjv‡`‡ki `zB hzeK gviv †M‡Qb| Zviv m¤ú‡K© k¨vjK I fwMœcwZ| wbnZ‡`i MÖv‡gi evwo Kzwgjøvqi eiæov Dc‡Rjvi †cÇv wbnZivMÖv‡g| n‡jb IB MÖv‡gi iæûj Avwg‡bi eo †g‡qi ¯^vgx Avdwi` nvq`vi (33) I Zvi †QvU †Q‡j evwQi Avwgb Avdwi`(18)|nvq`v‡ii MÖv‡gi evwo †bvqvLvjx‡Z e‡j Rvbv †M‡Q| G NUbvq iæûj Avwg‡bi †QvU †g‡q bvQwib Avwgb gzg‚l©z Ae¯’vq ¯’vbxq GKwU nvmcvZv‡j wbweo cwiPh©v †K‡›`ª (AvBwmBD) wPwKrmvaxb| wbD Bq‡K© emevmiZ eiæov Dc‡Rjv A¨v‡mvwm‡qkv‡bi mvaviY m¤úv`K e`iæj nK AvRv` Rvbvb, iweevi wbD Bq‡K©i UvDb Ae †e‡_‡ji †nvqvBU †j‡K IB cÖvYnvwbi NUbv N‡U| cwiev‡ii eivZ w`‡q e`iæj nK AvRv` e‡jb, MZ kwbevi iæûj Avwgb cz‡iv cwievi wb‡q UvDb Ae †e‡_‡j Aemi hvc‡b hvb| iweevi `zcz‡i iæûj Avwg‡bi †g‡qi RvgvB Avdwi` cv‡ki †nvqvBU †j‡K †Mvmj Ki‡Z bv‡gb| G mgq nVvr K‡iB Avdwi` cvwb‡Z Zwj‡q hvb| ZLb `zjvfvB Avdwi`‡K euvPv‡Z k¨vjK evwQi cvwb‡Z Suvwc‡q c‡ob| Zv‡`i `zRb‡K euvPv‡Z GwM‡q hvb iæûj Avwg‡bi †QvU †g‡q bvQwib| G‡Z wZbRbB †j‡Ki cvwb‡Z Zwj‡q hvb| e`iæj nK AvRv` e‡jb, ÔIB cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i m‡½ K_v e‡j Rvb‡Z †c‡iwQ, Zv‡`i †KDB Rvb‡Zb bv †j‡Ki cvwb GZUv Mfxi| G‡Z muvZvi bv Rvbvq k¨vjK `zjvfvB DV‡Z bv cvi‡jI k¨vwjKv †Kv‡bv iKg †eu‡P hvb| Õ G mgq †j‡Ki cvo †_‡K †g‡qi RvgvB, wb‡Ri †Q‡j‡g‡q‡K euvPv‡Z Suvwc‡q c‡ob iûj Avwg‡bi ¯¿x iv‡njv Avwgb| G‡ZI Zv‡`i †kl i¶v nqwb| G NUbvq wbnZ‡`i cwievi Ges ¯^Rb‡`i gv‡S †kv‡Ki Qvqv †b‡g G‡m‡Q Rvwb‡q e`iæj nK e‡jb, ÔAvgiv Rvb‡Z †c‡iwQ g„Z `zRb‡K wbD Bq‡K©B `vdb Kiv n‡e| G NUbvq AvgivI †kvKvnZ| Õ we‡kl msev `` vZv, XvKv : 2007 mv‡ji 6 Rvbzqvwi iv‡Z evwo wdiwQ‡jb Kzwgjøvi wZb ¶z`ª e¨emvqx| c‡_ †Rjvi jvKmv‡g WvKvZ`‡ji Ke‡j c‡ob Zviv| c‡i WvKvZiv wZbR‡bi Kv‡Q GK nvRvi 400 UvKv †c‡q jz‡U †bq| IB wZb ¶z`ª e¨emvqxi GKRb wPb‡Z cv‡ib WvKvZ`‡ji GK m`m¨‡K| G NUbvi GK ch©v‡q WvKvZ m`m¨iv wbg©gfv‡e Mjv †K‡U nZ¨v K‡ib IB wZb e¨emvqx‡K| jvKmv‡gi PvÂj¨Ki IB wZb nZ¨vKv‡Ði Ab¨Zg †nvZv WvKvZ m`m¨ †bIqvR kixd iv‡mj Ii‡d mezR‡K `xN© mv‡o 15 eQi ci †MÖßvi K‡i‡Q i¨ve| i¨v‡ei fvl¨, GB `xN© mgq QÙbvg I cwiP‡q XvKvi mvfvi, Kgjvczi I me©‡kl Kzwgjøvi eiæovq AvZ¥‡Mvc‡b wQ‡jb iv‡mj| GiB g‡a¨ Av`vj‡Zi iv‡q g„Zz¨`Ðv‡`k †c‡q‡Qb iv‡mj| wZwb jvKmvg Dc‡Rjvi gz`vd&diMÄ `w¶Y BDwbq‡bi kªxqvs MÖv‡gi †mwjg wgqvi †Q‡j| ‡mvgevi (29 AvM÷) `zcz‡i wbR Kvh©vj‡q GK msev` m‡¤§j‡b Av‡jvwPZ IB wZb Lz‡bi we¯ÍvwiZ Rvwb‡q‡Qb i¨ve-11, wmwcwm-2 Kzwgjøvi K¤úvwb AwabvqK †gRi †gvnv¤§` mvwKe †nv‡mb| Gi Av‡M iweevi w`evMZ Mfxi iv‡Z †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi Av‡jLviPi GjvKv †_‡K Zv‡K †MÖßvi Kiv nq| ‡gRi †gvnv¤§` mvwKe †nv‡mb Rvbvb, g„Zz¨`ÐcÖvß iv‡mj GKRb †ckv`vi WvKvZ m`m¨ wQ‡jb| Gi Avov‡j ev‡mi †njcvwiI K‡iwQ‡jb| 2007 mv‡ji 6 Rvbzqvwi iv‡Z iv‡mjmn Zvi K‡qKRb mn‡hvMx WvKvwZ D‡Ï‡k¨ †Rjvi jvKmvg Dc‡Rjvi kªxqvs GjvKvi ew`i czKzicvo msjMœ GKwU R½‡j jzwK‡q wQ‡jb| IB w`b iv‡Z ¯’vbxq kªxqvs evRv‡ii KuvPvgvj e¨emvqx cv‡ki g‡bvniMÄ Dc‡Rjvi cÖZvcczi MÖv‡gi gwb›` †`ebv‡_i †Q‡j DËg †`ebv_ I cixw¶Z †`ebv_ Ges cvb e¨emvqx jvKmvg Dc‡Rjvi RMrczi MÖv‡gi mvgQzj n‡Ki †Q‡j ev”Pz wgqv iv‡Z evwo wdiwQ‡jb| cw_g‡a¨ Zv‡`i †c‡q iv‡mj I Zvi mn‡hvMxiv wN‡i †d‡j gviai K‡i GK nvRvi 400 UvKv jz‡U †bb| nvgjvi GK ch©v‡q nVvr e¨emvqx DËg †`ebv_ Avmvwg iv‡mj I Zvi mn‡hvMx‡`i wPb‡Z †c‡i‡Qb Ges c‡ii w`b welqwU ¯’vbxq †g¤^vi I †Pqvig¨v‡bi wbKU bvwjk Ki‡eb g‡g© ûgwK †`b| G‡Z iv‡mj I Zvi mn‡hvMxiv wZb e¨emvqx‡K nZ¨vi wm×všÍ †bb| c‡i Zv‡`i cvk¦©eZ©x GKwU gv‡V wb‡q PvcvwZ I †Qviv w`‡q Mjv †K‡U nZ¨v Kiv nq| G NUbvq wbnZ ev”Pzwgqvi fvB Kwei †nv‡mb ciw`b ev`x n‡q jvKmvg _vbvq WvKvwZmn nZ¨v gvgjv `v‡qi K‡ib| Z`šÍ †k‡l czwjk Av`vj‡Z gvgjvi PvR©wkU †`Iqvi ci ïbvwb †k‡l 2018 mv‡ji 14 b‡f¤^i Kzwgjøvi ZrKvjxb AwZwi³ †Rjv I `vqiv RR PZz_© Av`vj‡Zi wePviK bzi bvnvi †eMg wkDjx IB gvgjvi ivq cÖ`vb K‡ib| G‡Z Awfhz³ cuvP Avmvwgi weiæ‡× g„Zz¨`‡Ði ivq cÖ`vb K‡ib wZwb| ‡gRi mvwKe Av‡iv e‡jb, Ô‡MÖßvK…Z Avmvwg iv‡mj wRÁvmvev‡` nZ¨vi welqwU ¯^xKvi K‡i Rvwb‡q‡Q, NUbvi c‡ii w`b mKv‡j †m I Zvi cwievi Kzwgjøv †Rjv Z¨vM K‡i XvKvi mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi WMigzov GjvKvq Zvi evevi GK eÜzi evwo‡Z Avkªq †bq| c‡i mcwiev‡i †mLv‡b fvov evmvq emevm ïiæ K‡i Zviv| Gici †m G‡KK mgq G‡KK bvg I ¯’vb cwieZ©b K‡i wewfbœ †ckvq Rwo‡q c‡o| me©‡kl 2020 mvj †_‡K †Rjvi eiæovq Zvi gv‡qi mv‡_ fvov evmvq emevm ïiæ K‡i Ges Avkcv‡k ivRwgw¯¿i mn‡hvMx wn‡m‡e KvR ïiæ K‡i| GK eQi a‡i †m czbivq ev‡mi †njcv‡ii †ckvq Rwo‡q c‡o| Õ jvKmvg _vbvq n¯ÍvšÍ‡ii ci †mvgevi we‡K‡j Zv‡K Av`vj‡Zi gva¨‡g †RjnvR‡Z cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q| IB wZb Lz‡b g„Zz¨`ÐcÖvß Aci PviRb n‡jb jvKmvg kªxqvs GjvKvi Avãzj Kv‡`‡ii †Q‡j Avãzi ingvb, BqvKze Avjxi †Q‡j knx`zjøvn, Avãzj gvbœv‡bi †Q‡j dviæK †nv‡mb I †gvnv¤§` Djøvni †Q‡j ¯^cb| `ÐcÖvß cuvPRb Avmvwgi g‡a¨ GiB g‡a¨ Avãzi ingvb, knx`zjøvn I dviæK †nv‡mb †MÖßvi n‡q KvivMv‡i Av‡Qb| Aci Avmvwg ¯^cb cjvZK i‡q‡Qb e‡j Rvbvb †gRi mvwKe| 1400 U vKv jyU Ki‡Z 3 Lyb! 15 eQi c i aiv Avmvwg ‡PK wWRAbvi gvgjvq †Rj ms weavb cwicwš : nvB‡KvU hy³iv‡ó †j‡K W z ‡e Kzwgjvi k ¨vjK-`yjvfvB‡qi g„Zz ¨ we‡kl msev``vZv, XvKv : DmKvwbg‚jK I RbRxe‡b Aw¯’iZv ˆZwi K‡i Ggb fzqv msev` I wfwWI †dmezK Ges BDwUDe †_‡K miv‡bvi wb‡`©k w`‡q‡Qb nvB‡KvU©| AvMvgx `zB mßv‡ni g‡a¨ †dmezKBDwUDe KZ©„c¶ I wewUAviwm‡K G wb‡`©k cvjb Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| g½jevi G wb‡q wiU Av‡e`‡bi ïbvwb †k‡l nvB‡Kv‡U©i wePvicwZ †gv. Lmiæ¾vgvb I wePvicwZ †gv.BKevj Kex‡ii mgš^q MwVZ †e G Av‡`k †`b| wi‡Ui c‡¶ ïbvwb K‡ib evsjv‡`k mzwcÖg †Kv‡U©i AvBbRxex e¨vwi÷vi AvivdvZ †nv‡mb Lvb| Gi Av‡M MZ 21 AvM÷ AvBbRxex wbjzdvi AvbRzg I e¨vwi÷vi Avkivdzj Bmjv‡gi c‡¶ G wjM¨vj †bvwUk cvVvb e¨vwi÷vi AvivdvZ †nv‡mb Lvb| c‡i G wel‡q wiU `v‡qi K‡ib| D¯‹vwbg~jK wfwWI †d meyK I B DwUDe †_‡K miv‡bvi wb‡`k nvB‡Kv‡Ui

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 15Kmvõ xÄmJh ‡cv÷ †W ¯‹ : AvšÍR©vwZK ¸g cÖwZ‡iva w`e‡m evsjv‡`‡k ¸‡gi Awf‡hvM¸‡jv Mfxifv‡e Z`‡šÍi AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Q XvKvq Aew¯’Z gvwK©b `‚Zvevm| g½jevi mKv‡j wb‡R‡`i Awdwmqvj †dmezK †cR †_‡K †`qv GK †cv‡÷ GB AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Q Zviv| G‡Z ejv nq, m¤cÖwZ RvwZms‡Ni gvbevwaKvi welqK nvB Kwgkbvi wg‡kj e¨v‡P‡jU evsjv‡`‡k †Rvic‚e©K ¸‡gi Awf‡hvM¸‡jv wb‡q †h Mfxi Z`‡šÍi AvnŸvb Rvwb‡qwQ‡jb, Zv czbe¨©³ Ki‡Q gvwK©b `‚Zvevm| G gv‡mi gvSvgvwS mg‡q evsjv‡`k md‡ii mgq e¨v‡P‡jU e‡jwQ‡jb, miKv‡ii gš¿x‡`i weiæ‡× †h ¸iæZi Awf‡hvM¸‡jv Avbv n‡q‡Q Zv wb‡q Avwg Mfxifv‡e DwØMœ| wZwb Gme Awf‡hv‡Mi wbi‡c¶, ¯^vaxb Ges ¯^”Q Z`‡šÍi Ic‡i †Rvi †`b| GQvov wbivcËv †¶‡Î ms¯‹v‡ii K_vI e‡jb wZwb| gvwK©b `‚Zvevm †dmez‡K Rvbvq, hz³ivóª wek¦Rz‡o ¸‡gi wkKvi nIqv e¨w³ Ges Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii m‡½ msnwZ cÖKvk Ki‡Q| IB †cv‡÷i m‡½ wg‡kj e¨v‡P‡j‡Ui e³‡e¨i wjsK hz³ K‡i w`‡q‡Q gvwK©b `‚Zvevm| evsjv‡`k mdi †k‡l XvKvi GKwU †nv‡U‡j msev` m‡¤§jb K‡iwQ‡jb e¨v‡P‡jU| G‡Z wZwb e‡jwQ‡jb, MZ K‡qK eQi a‡i RvwZms‡Ni wewfbœ ms¯’v ¸g wb‡q Zv‡`i D‡ØM cÖKvk K‡i hvw”Qj| XvKvq miKv‡ii wewfbœ gš¿xi m‡½ mv¶v‡Zi mgq G wb‡q Zvi Mfxi D‡Ø‡Mi K_v wZwb wZwbRvwb‡q‡Qb|miKvi‡K GKwU ¯^vaxb Ges we‡kl e¨e¯’v M‡o Zzj‡Z e‡j‡Qb, hv‡Z K‡i G ai‡Yi NUbvi wkKvi e¨w³, cwievi Ges wmwfj †mvmvBwUi m‡½ Nwbôfv‡e KvR K‡i wePvi ewnf©‚Z nZ¨vKvÐ Ges ¸‡gi NUbv¸‡jv Z`šÍ Kiv hvq| wKfv‡e AvšÍR©vwZK gvb`Ð †g‡b GiKg GKwU ms¯’v M‡o †Zvjv hvq †mR‡b¨ Zvi `dZi evsjv‡`k‡K cÖ‡qvRbxq mnvqZv w`‡Z cÖ¯‘Z, wZwb e‡jb| D‡jøL¨, 30‡k AvM÷ wek¦Rz‡o cvwjZ nq AvšÍR©vwZK ¸g cÖwZ‡iva w`em| mviv c„w_ex‡Z ¸‡gi wkKvi e¨w³‡`i ¯§i‡Y w`emwU cvwjZ nq G w`bwU‡Z| 2006 mv‡ji 20 wW‡m¤^i ¸g nIqv me e¨w³i Rb¨ AvšÍR©vwZK mb` wnmv‡e RvwZms‡Ni mvaviY cwil‡` M„nxZ nq| Gici 2010 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^‡i ÔB›Uvib¨vkbvj Kb‡fbkb di cÖ‡UKkb Ae Aj cvimÝ A¨v‡MBb÷ Gb‡dvm©W wWmA¨vwcq¨v‡iÝÕ m‡¤§j‡b †h AvšÍR©vwZK mb` Kvh©Ki nq Zv‡Z 30 AvM÷‡K AvšÍR©vwZK ¸g cÖwZ‡iva w`em †NvlYv Kiv nq| 2011 mvj †_‡K cÖwZ eQi 30 AvM÷ ¸g nIqv gvbzl¸‡jv‡K ¯§iY Ges †mB m‡½ Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii cÖwZ mg‡e`bv Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ w`emwU cvjb Kiv n‡”Q wek¦e¨vcx| ev sjv ‡`‡k ¸‡gi Awf‡hvM¸‡jv Mfxi Z`‡ši AvnŸvb R vbvj XvKvi g vwKb `~Zv evm ‡cv÷ †W¯ : ‡dvW© GmKU© AviGm Uv‡e©v wmwiR 1- MvwowUi GK mgq gvwjK wQ‡jb cÖqvZ wcÖ‡Ým Wvqvbv| kwbevi Zv weª‡U‡b wbjv‡g wewµ n‡q‡Q 6 jvL 50 nvRvi cvD‡Û| evZ©v ms¯’v Avbv‡`vjz‡K DׄZ K‡i G Lei w`‡q‡Q evibvgv| G‡Z ejv nq, wmjfvi‡÷vb AKk‡Ý wewµ nIqv IB MvwowU wK‡b‡Qb weªwUk GKRb †µZv| wcÖ‡Ým Ae I‡qjm Wvqvbv GB MvwowU Pvjv‡Zb 1985 †_‡K 1988 mvj ch©šÍ| GB Mvwoi m‡½ wZwb Qwe Zz‡j‡Qb| MvwowU Pvjv‡bv n‡q‡Q gvÎ 24 nvRvi 961 gvBj| †dvW© Ges Wvqvbvi wbivcËv wU‡gi g‡a¨ m¤úvw`Z GK Pzw³i Aax‡b GB MvwowU Kv‡jv i‡Oi Kiv n‡qwQj e‡j g‡b Kiv nq| GwUB GB wmwi‡R †dv‡W©i GKgvÎ Kv‡jv i‡Oi Mvwo| Gi evB‡i wmwi‡Ri Ab¨ hZ Mvwo Av‡Q, Zvi meUvB mv`v| d‡j g‡b Kiv nq, hv‡Z mevi `„wó AvK…ó nq †m Rb¨ Wvqvbvi Rb¨ GB MvwowU Kv‡jv i‡Oi ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj| G‡Z bZzb hv hz³ Kiv n‡qwQj Zv n‡jv GKwU wØZxq †iqviwfD Avqbv Ges GKwU †iwWI| Gi Av‡M MZ eQi Wvqvbvi gvwjKvbvaxb Av‡iKwU †dvW© GmKU© wbjv‡g wewµ nq 52 nvRvi cvD‡Û| wc‡Ým Wvqvbvi e¨eüZ Mvwo wbjv‡g wewµ ‡cv÷ †W¯ : Biv‡Ki kw³kvjx wkqv †bZv †gvKZv`v Avj-m`i †mvgevi ivRbxwZ †_‡K m‡i hvIqvi †NvlYv †`b| Biv‡K miKvi MVb wb‡q MZ K‡qKw`b a‡i APjve¯’v Pj‡Q| Gig‡a¨B †gvKZv`v Avj-m`i ivRbxwZ †_‡K m‡i hvIqvi K_v Avie‡jb|GiciB ivRavbx evM`v‡` Qwo‡q c‡o msNvZ| ga¨cÖvP¨wfwËK MYgva¨g Avj Avivweqv Rvwb‡q‡Q, evM`v‡` ¸wj‡Z `zBRb wbnZ n‡q‡Qb| ‡gvKZv`v Avj-m`‡ii Abzmvixiiv evM`v‡`i wMÖb †Rv‡bi miKvwi evwo¸‡jv‡Z Xz‡K c‡o| ZvQvov A‡b‡K iv¯Ívq †b‡g Av‡mb| GiciB †gvKZv`v Avj-m`i I Ab¨b¨ wkqv ivR‰bwZK `‡ji Kg©x‡`i g‡a¨ msNvZ ïiæ nq| ejv n‡”Q, †gvKZv`vi we‡ivaxiv ¸wj Pvwj‡q‡Q| Gme NUbvi ci ivRavbx evM`v‡` KviwdD Rvwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| †mbvevwnbxi c¶ †_‡K AvnŸvb Rvbv‡bv n‡q‡Q, miKvwi evwo¸‡jv †_‡K mevB †hb †ei n‡q hvb; bqZ ej cÖ‡qvM K‡i w¯’wZkxjZv Avbv Gw`‡Kn‡e| MZ eQ‡ii A‡±vei gv‡m †gvKZv`v Avj m`‡ii Abzmvixiv Biv‡Ki msm` wbe©vP‡bi †ewkifvM Avm‡b Rq cvq| wKš‘ ZezI miKvi MVb Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb wZwb| ivR‰bwZK APjve¯’v Pjvi g‡a¨ G eQ‡ii Rz‡b wbR `‡ji mKj msm` m`m¨‡`i c`Z¨vM Ki‡Z wb‡`©k †`b GiciwZwb| RzjvB gv‡m Zvi we‡ivaxiv miKvi MVb I cÖavbgš¿x wbe©vPb Kivi †Póv K‡i| Gici †gvKZv`v Avj-m`‡ii mg_©Kiv msm‡`i †fZi Xz‡K c‡ob Ges msm‡`i evB‡i Ae¯’vb †bb| IB mgq †_‡KB Zv‡`i Ae¯’vb Kg©m‚wP Pj‡Q| Gi gv‡SB Avj-m`i ivRbxwZ †_‡K `‚‡i m‡i hvIqvi †NvlYv †`Iqvq welqwU Zvi mg_©Kiv †g‡b wb‡Z cv‡iwb| d‡j Zviv msN‡l© Rwo‡q c‡ob| Gw`‡K hz³ivóª I Bivb we‡ivax †gvKZv`v Avj-m`i Gi Av‡MI ivRbxwZ Qvovi †NvlYv w`‡qwQ‡jb| wKš‘ Gici Avevi ivRbxwZi gv‡V wd‡i G‡mwQ‡jb wZwb| 2003 mv‡j hLb hz³ivóª BivK AvµgY K‡i ZLb †_‡KB Gi weiæ‡× bv‡gb †gvKZv`v Avj-m`i| Zvi †bZ„‡Z¡ hz³ivóª we‡ivax evwnbx MVb Kiv nq| ïazhz³ivóª bv| wZwb BivK‡K Biv‡bi cÖfvegz³ ivLvi Rb¨I KvR K‡i _v‡Kb| G Kvi‡Y Bivbcwš’ wkqv ivR‰bwZK `j¸‡jvi m‡½ †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †RvU MVb K‡ib bv wZwb| Biv‡K msNvZ Qwo‡q covi Avk¼v ‡cv÷ †W¯ : wMÖ‡mi G‡_‡Ý 36 eQi eqmx GK evsjv‡`wk hzeZx‡K QzwiKvNv‡Z nZ¨v Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖKvk¨ iv¯Ívq w`‡bi Av‡jv‡Z G NUbv N‡U‡Q| wMÖ‡mi AbjvBb †cÖv‡Uvw_gv G Lei w`‡q Rvbvq, †iveevi ¯’vbxq mgq we‡Kj 3Uvi mvgvb¨ c‡i G NUbv N‡U G‡_‡Ýi wKc‡mwj GjvKvq| G Rb¨ `vqx Kiv n‡q‡Q 40 eQi eqmx GK evsjv‡`wk‡K| wbnZ hzeZxi cvU©bv‡ii m‡½ Avw_©K weev‡`i Kvi‡Y NvZK Zv‡K nZ¨v K‡i‡Q e‡j `vwe K‡i‡Q| Gw`b wKc‡mwj‡Z 10 †U‡b`z w÷ª‡U IB hzeZxi m‡½ NvZ‡Ki mv¶vr nq| G mgq Zv‡`i g‡a¨ K_v KvUvKvwU nq| GiB GK ch©v‡q aviv‡jv wKQzw`‡q †m IB hzeZx‡K A‡bKevi AvNvZ K‡i| G‡Z wZwb gvivZ¥K BbRzwii wkKvi nb| m‡½ m‡½ gvwU‡Z c‡o hvb IB i‡³hzeZx|†f‡m †h‡Z _v‡K Zvi Pvicvk| G¤^z‡j‡Ý K‡i Zv‡K †iW µm nvmcvZv‡j †bqv nq| Gi K‡qK N›Uv c‡iB wZwb gviv hvb| cÖv_wgK Z‡_¨ Rvbv †M‡Q, wbnZ hzeZxi cvU©bv‡ii m‡½ Avw_©K gZwe‡iv‡ai Kvi‡YB GB nZ¨vKvÐ N‡U‡Q| Zez AvwÆKv wmwKDwiwU mve-wW‡i±‡iU GB nZ¨vi cÖv_wgK Z`šÍ m¤úbœ Ki‡Q| wM‡mi G‡_‡Ý cKv‡k¨ evsjv‡`wk hyeZx‡K nZ¨v ‡cv÷ †W¯‹ : fvi‡Zi cwðge‡½i gzL¨gš¿x ggZv e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i m¤úwË A¯^vfvweK nv‡i e„w× cvIqvi Awf‡hv‡M KjKvZv nvB‡Kv‡U© Rb¯^v_© gvgjv Ki‡jb we‡Rwc †bZv Z_v AvBbRxex ZiæY‡R¨vwZ wZIqvwi| ZiæY‡R¨vwZ we‡Rwci AvBbRxex †m‡ji m`m¨I| AvMvgx mßv‡n KjKvZv nvB‡Kv‡U©i cÖavb wePvicwZ cÖKvk kªxev¯Íe Ges wePvicwZ ivRwl© fiØv‡Ri wWwfkb †e‡Â gvgjvwUi ïbvwbi m¤¢vebv gvgjvKvixii‡q‡Q| c¶ †_‡K Awf‡hvM Kiv n‡q‡Q, 2011 mv‡j cwðge‡½ cvjve`‡ji ci gzL¨gš¿xi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i m¤úwËi cwigvY DˇivËi e„w× gzL¨gš¿x†c‡q‡Q|ggZvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i GKvsk wewfbœ mgq †h miKvwi njdbvgv Dc¯’vcb K‡i‡Qb, Zv‡Z welqwU ¯úó †evSv hv‡”Q e‡j gvgjvKvixi Awf‡hvM| G cÖm‡½ gvgjvKvixi c¶ †_‡K KvRix e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi bvg D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q, whwb gzL¨gš¿xi fvB mgxi e‡›`¨vcva¨v‡qi wKQzw`b¯¿x| Av‡M KjKvZv czimfv wbe©vP‡b cÖv_©x wn‡m‡e KvRix Zvi †`Iqv njdbvgvq A‡bK Z_¨ †`bwb e‡j Awf‡hvM gvgjvKvixi| G †¶‡Î gvgjvKvixi c¶ †_‡K `zwU ms¯’vi bvg D‡jøL K‡i ejv n‡q‡Q, Ggb A‡bK ms¯’vq IB `¤úwZi bvg bw_fz³ _vK‡jI wbe©vPbx njdbvgvq †m¸‡jvi †Kv‡bv D‡jøL Kiv nqwb| KvRix njdbvgvq `vwe K‡iwQ‡jb, wZwb Ges Zvi ¯^vgx mgvR‡mevi m‡½ hz³| Zv m‡Ë¡I Zv‡`i GZ weczj cwigvY Av‡qi Drm Kx Zv wb‡q cÖkœ †Zvjv n‡q‡Q gvgjvKvixi c¶ †_‡K| Zviv Zv‡`i †Q‡ji m¤úwËi †Kv‡bv LwZqvb Dc¯’vcb K‡ibwb e‡jI Awf‡hvM Kiv gvgjvKvixin‡q‡Q| Av‡iv Awf‡hvM, cwðge‡½i wewfbœ †iwR÷ªv‡ii KvQ †_‡K cÖvß bw_‡Z †`Lv †M‡Q, GKvwaK miKvwi m¤úwË evRvi`‡ii †P‡q A‡bK Kg UvKvq wK‡b‡Qb gzL¨gš¿xi cwiev‡ii m`m¨iv| ggZvi cwiev‡ii m¤úwË A¯vfvweK nv‡i evo‡Q, we‡Rwc †bZvi gvgjv

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 19PUuJiMuJ ‡cv÷ †W¯‹ : evwg©snv‡g †Ljv ev` w`‡q jÛ‡b †eov‡Z wM‡q kvw¯Íi gz‡L †mvbg mzjZvbv †mvgv I mvw`qv ingvb †gŠ| ÔGB AcK‡g©i Rb¨ †Kb Zv‡`i wbwl× Kiv n‡e bvÕ --- GB g‡g© `zB wUwU †L‡jvqvo‡K KviY `k©vI †bvwUk cvwV‡q‡Q evsjv‡`k †Uwej †Uwbm KgbI‡qj_†dWv‡ikb| †Mg‡m 5 AvM÷ wgkª ˆØ‡Z †mvgvi †Ljvi K_v wQj nvgRvi m‡½, Avi †g‡q‡`i ˆØ‡Z g¨vP wQj †mvgv-‡gŠ RzwUi| †mw`b `z‡Uv g¨v‡PB evsjv‡`k IqvKIfvi KviYw`‡qwQj|GB `zRb †Ljv ev` w`‡q jÛ‡b †eov‡Z wM‡qwQj AvZ¥x‡qi evwo‡Z| IB w`b †dmezK ÷¨vUv‡mI Zviv wj‡LwQj ÔAvgiv GLb jÛ‡bÕ| A_P Av‡Mi w`b †g‡q‡`i GK‡K †mvgv e¨_v †c‡qwQj e‡j `vwe K‡iwQ‡jb| wKš‘ MZ 26 ZvwiL †dWv‡ikb mfvq cÖkœ D‡V, ÔBbRzwi n‡j Zvi †Mgm wf‡j‡R wekªv‡g _vKvi K_v| †mUv bv K‡i †eov‡Z hvIqvi Kvi‡Y Zvi BbRzwi wb‡qI m‡›`n nq| Õ G e¨vcv‡i wUwU `‡ji g¨v‡bRvi I †dWv‡ik‡bi mvaviY m¤úv`K Rvnv½xi Avjg e‡j‡Qb, Ô‡mvgv I †gŠ †Ljvq Ask bv wb‡q jÛ‡b †eov‡Z wM‡q evsjv‡`‡ki m¤§vb nvwb K‡i‡Q AvšÍR©vwZK A½‡b| ZvB kvw¯Íi wm×v‡šÍi Av‡M GB `zRb‡K AvZ¥c¶ mg_©‡bi Rb¨ KviY `k©vI †bvwUk †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| Zv‡`i Reve nv‡Z cvIqvi ci †dWv‡ikb wm×všÍ †b‡e| Õ ‡cv÷ †W¯‹ : fvB‡q-fvB‡q weev` ïiæ n‡q‡Q cMev cwiev‡i| dÖv‡Ýi wek¦KvcRqx ZviKv cj cMevi weiæ‡× we‡ùviK gšÍe¨ K‡i‡Qb Zvi fvB g¨vw_qvm cMev| Zvi `vwe, cj cMev 'Kvcziæl, wek¦vmNvZK I fÐ'! †Kb wb‡Ri fvB m¤ú‡K© Ggb gšÍe¨ Ki‡jb, Zvi e¨L¨vI bvwK `ªæZB †`‡eb g¨vw_qvm| Gici cj cMevI Zvi weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM G‡b‡Qb †h, g¨vw_qv‡mi GKwU Puv`vevR P‡µi m‡½ †RvMmvRk K‡i Zv‡K Uv‡M©U K‡i‡Qb| MZ iweevi †mvk¨vj mvB‡U GK wfwWIevZ©vq g¨vw_qvm cMev †QvU fvB cj I Zvi G‡R›U wc‡gšÍv m¤ú‡K© 'we‡ùviK Z_¨' D‡b¥vP‡bi †NvlYv †`b| hw`I PviwU fvlvq cÖKvk Kiv GB wfwWI‡Z Awf‡hvM wb‡q we¯ÍvwiZ wKQz Rvbvbwb g¨vw_Dm| Gi c‡i Avm‡i bv‡gb cj cMevI| wZwb gvP© gv‡mi GKwU NUbvi K_v D‡jøL K‡i Rvbvb, gv‡P© dÖvÝ RvZxq `‡ji n‡q †Lj‡Z †`‡k hvIqvi ci eÜziv Zv‡K c¨vwi‡mi GKwU evmvq wb‡q hvb| ‡mB evmvq ûwW cwiwnZ mk¯¿ `zRb e¨w³ wQ‡jb| eÜziv cMev‡K e‡jb, †ckv`vi dzUejvi nIqvi ciI †Kb wZwb Zv‡`i‡K Avw_©Kfv‡e mnvqZv K‡ib bv? 13 eQi a‡i wbiew”Qbœ mzi¶v †`Iqvi wewbg‡q cMev‡K ZLb 13 wgwjqb BD‡iv w`‡Z ejv nq| Gici IB Acivax‡`i GKvwaKevi †`‡L‡Qb cMev| GKevi GwcÖ‡j g¨vb‡P÷v‡i, Av‡iKevi RzjvB‡q Rz‡f›Uv‡mi Abzkxjb gv‡V| †mB e¨w³‡`i m‡½ wb‡Ri fvB g¨vw_qvm‡K †`‡L czwjk Ges K¬ve‡K Rvbvb cj Gw`‡KcMev| cj cMev czwj‡ki Kv‡Q wM‡q‡Qb Rvb‡Z †c‡i g¨vw_qvm UzBU K‡i `vwe K‡ib, me Awf‡hvM wg_¨v| wZwb wj‡L‡Qb, 'hv Abzgvb K‡iwQjvg, †mUvB N‡U‡Q| Ae‡k‡l wb‡Ri Avmj †Pnviv †`Lv‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q Avgvi fvB| †m czwj‡ki Kv‡Q wg_¨v e‡j‡Q| cj, Zzwg Avgvi gzL eÜ Kwi‡q KvivMv‡i cvVv‡Z PvBQ| GgbUvB Avwg m‡›`n K‡iwQjvg, hv GLb mwZ¨| †Zvgvi K_v †h wg_¨v Avi Avgvi K_v mwZ¨, Zv cÖwZwôZ Kivi g‡Zv h‡_ó cÖgvY Av‡Q Avgvi Kv‡Q| ' cj cMev 'Kvcyiæl, wekvmNvZK I fÐ' ‡cv÷ † W¯ : wb‡R‡`i cÖ_g g¨vP †`wi‡Z _vKvq `zevB †cuŠ‡Q K‡qKw`b mgq †c‡q‡Qb mvwKeiv| GB mz‡hv‡M wb‡R‡`i cÖ¯‘Z Kivi mz‡hvM †c‡q‡Qb UvBMviiv| Gev‡ii wU-20 Avm‡i cÖwZwU Bwbs‡mB †kl Ifv‡ii ej Kivi Rb¨ GKwU wbw`©ó mgq †eu‡a †`Iqv nq| wba©vwiZ mg‡q †kl Ifvi ïiæ Ki‡Z bv cvi‡j ZLb hZ Ifvi evwK _v‡K, Zvi cz‡ivUv mgq ej Ki‡Z nq e„‡Ëi †fZi cuvP wdìvi †i‡L| AvBwmwm GB kvw¯Íi bvg w`‡q‡Q ÔBb-g¨vP †cbvwëÕ| Gev‡ii Gwkqv Kv‡c fviZcvwK¯Ívb g¨v‡P `zB Bwbs‡mB Bb-g¨vP †cbvwëi NUbv N‡U‡Q| fvi‡Zi AwabvqK †ivwnZ kg©v I cvwK¯Ív‡bi AwabvqK evei AvRg‡K †W_ Ifv‡i wdwìs Ki‡Z nq 30 M‡Ri †fZi cuvP wdìvi †i‡L| ¶wZUv †ewk n‡q‡Q evei‡`iB| ivb Zvovi nvÇvnvwÇ jovB‡q †kl 3 Ifv‡i GKRb wdìvi‡K mxgvbvq ivL‡Z cv‡iwb cvwK¯Ívb| fviZI †m mzweav wb‡q g¨vP wR‡Z wb‡q‡Q| cvwK¯ÍvbI Aek¨ GB GKB mzweav †c‡q‡Q wb‡R‡`i e¨vwUs‡q| ZLb fvi‡Zi AwabvqK †ivwnZ kg©v‡KI kvw¯Í wn‡m‡e 30 M‡Ri g‡a¨ GKRb wdìvi †ewk †i‡L †evwjs Kiv‡Z nq| evsjv‡`k `‡ji AwabvqK mvwKe Avj nvmvb GB fzj Ki‡Z Pvb bv| e¨vwUs, †evwjs I wdwìs‡qi cvkvcvwk wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evwjs †kl KivI Av‡Q Zvi cÖ¯‘wZi g‡a¨| Awabvq‡Ki Wv‡K mvov w`‡q GwM‡q G‡m‡Qb †evjvi I wdìviiv| cÖ‡Z¨‡KB †Póv Ki‡Qb ÔBb-g¨vP †cbvwëÕ Gov‡Z| `zevB‡q hvIqvi Av‡M 21 I 22 AvM÷ wgiczi †k‡ievsjv †÷wWqv‡g wb‡Riv fvM n‡q `zwU cÖ¯‘wZ g¨vP †L‡j‡Q evsjv‡`k| GKUv‡Z †evjviiv Ifvi †kl K‡iwQ‡jb wba©vwiZ mg‡qi mvZ wgwbU Av‡M, Ab¨wU Qq wgwbU Av‡M| Av¤úvqvi‡`iI mg‡qi e¨vcv‡i KovKwo nIqvi Abz‡iva Rvbvb mvwKe wb‡RB| ‡mvgevi †mB cÖ¯‘wZ g¨v‡Pi D`vniY †U‡b GK Av¤úvqvi ejwQ‡jb, ÔmvwKe Avgv‡`i ejwQj, GKUzI Qvo †`‡eb bv| Avwg Bwbsm wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ †kl Ki‡Z mvwK‡eiPvB|Õ KovKwo‡Z `‡ji evwKivI mZK© n‡”Qb| dv÷ †evjvi Bev`Z †nv‡m‡bi K_vB aiæb| j¤^v ivbAv‡ci Rb¨ GB †cmv‡ii mgq GKUz†ewkB jv‡M| AvRKvj wZwbI wZb-mv‡o wZb wgwb‡U Ifvi †kl Ki‡Qb| f z j Ki‡ Z Pvb bv mvwKe ‡cv÷ † W¯ : 2021-22 †gŠmz‡g Av‡m©bvj †_‡K ev‡m©‡jvbvq †hvM †`b wc‡q‡i-G‡gwiK Aev‡gqvs| eøvDMÖvbv‡`i `ztmgq KvUv‡bvi wgk‡b Q›`I †`Lvb wZwb| Z‡e bZzb †gŠmz‡g ievU© †jfvb‡`vfw¯‹, ivwdbnv‡`i Kvi‡Y wbqwgZ GKv`‡k mz‡hvM n‡”Q bv Aev‡gqvs‡qi| M¨vewbR ÷ªvBKvi‡K †jv‡b Ab¨ K¬v‡e cvVv‡bvi cwiKíbvI Pj‡Q| Amg‡q Av‡iK ev‡R AwfÁZvi wkKvi n‡jb Aev‡gqvs| wb‡Ri evwo‡Z WvKv‡Zi wcUzwb †L‡q‡Qb wZwb| BGmwcG‡bi GK cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv nq, †mvgevi mKv‡j WvKvZ `j nvbv †`q Aev‡gqvs‡qi ev‡m©‡jvbvi evwo‡Z| evm©v ÷ªvBKvi I Zvi ¯¿x Gmgq evwo‡Z wQ‡jb| Zv‡`i A‡¯¿i gz‡L wRw¤§ K‡i g‚j¨evb AjsKvi I A_© jzU K‡i wb‡q hvq `ze©„Ëiv| czwj‡ki Kv‡Q NUbvi eY©bv w`‡q Aev‡gqvs‡qi ¯¿x A¨vwjkv †envwM Rvbvb, WvKv‡Ziv Zvi ¯^vgx‡K †g‡i‡QI| ¯ú¨vwbk msev`gva¨g Gj cvBm KvZvjzwbqv czwj‡ki m‚‡Î Rvbvq, Aev‡gqvs‡qi evwo‡Z cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj 4 Rb WvKvZ| Zviv mevB gz‡Lvk cov wQj| ‡`qvj Uc‡K evwo‡Z cÖ‡ek K‡i Ges WvKvwZ †k‡l GKwU mv`v iO‡qi Mvwo‡Z K‡i cvwj‡q hvq| BGmwcG‡bi cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv nq, Awf‡hvM cvIqvi ci NUbvi Z`šÍ ïiæ K‡i‡Q ¯’vbxq czwjk| Z‡e GL‡bv WvKvZ `j‡K ai‡Z mg_¨© nqwb Zvi| Pvi †gŠmzg Av‡m©jv‡b KvwU‡q ev‡m©‡jvbvq G‡m‡Qb Aev‡gqvs| KvZvjvb‡`i n‡q GLb ch©šÍ 18 g¨v‡P 11 †Mvj K‡i‡Qb wZwb| Z‡e GK †gŠmzg bv †h‡ZB †¯úb Qvovi ¸Äb D‡V‡Q Aev‡gqvs‡qi| Bswjk †Kv‡bv K¬v‡e M¨vewbR ÷ªvBKvi‡K †jv‡b cvVv‡Z cv‡i ev‡m©‡jvbv| WvKv‡Zi wcUzwb †L‡jb evmv ZviKv wb‡lavÁvi gy‡L `yB evsjv‡`wk µxovwe`!

Claims of torture of China Uyghurs credible

Liz Truss rules out new taxes if elected PM

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 21

Mr Sunak defended his plan to introduce £10 fines for missed GP appointments, saying it was required to "change the culture in this country so that's not Heacceptable"also suggested Britons should overcome their "aversion to flat-pack housing" as a potential solution to deliver more homes Mr Johnson's successor will be announced on Monday, and he or she will then take over as the new occupant in Downing Street the next day. In a break with tradition, the winner will travel to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to be appointed by the Queen. She has been suffering from mobility issues and it is understood the change was made to prevent the need for any last-minute rearrangements.

Asked whether he would do the same, Mr Sunak - who introduced such a tax as chancellor in May - did not say whether he would extend it. But he said it had been "absolutely the right thing" to introduce a windfall tax when he did, saying firms had made billions in profits due to the effect on energy markets of the war in Ukraine. Asked if he would rule out energy rationing, he replied: "We shouldn't rule anything out, because the challenges that we face with this crisis are significant."

Post Desk : The UN has accused China of "serious human rights violations" in a long-awaited report into allegations of abuse in Xinjiang province. China had urged the UN not to release the report - with Beijing calling it a "farce" arranged by Western powers. The report assesses claims of abuse against Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities, which China denies. But investigators said they uncovered a pattern of mass detentions and "credible evidence" of torture. They accused China of using vague national security laws to clamp down on the rights of minorities and establishing "systems of arbitrary detenThetion".report, which was commissioned by the UN's Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, said prisoners had been subjected to "patterns of ill-treatment" which included "incidents of sexual and gender-based violence". Others, they said, faced forced medical treatment and "discriminatory enforcement of family planning and birth control policies". The UN recommended that China immediately takes steps to release "all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty" and suggested that some of Beijing's actions could amount to "crimes against humanWhileity". the UN said it could not be sure how many people have been held by the government, human rights groups estimate that more than a million people have been detained at camps in the Xinjiang region, in north-east China. Several countries have previously described China's actions in Xinjiang as a genocide. But Beijing - which saw the report in advance - denies allegations of abuse and argued that the camps are a tool to fight terrorism. The report was released on Ms Bachelet final day on the job after four year as the UN's high commissioner for human rights. Her term has been dominated by the accusations of abuse against the Uyghurs. Ms Bachelet's office indicated that an investigation into allegations of genocide in Xinjiang was under way over a year ago. But publication was delayed several times, leading to accusations by some Western human rights groups that Beijing was urging her to bury damaging findings in the Andreport.even in the final hours before the report was published, China has been putting pressure on Ms Bachelet not to release it. In a news conference last Thursday, she admitted that she was under "tremendous pressure to publish or not to publish" the report. But she defended the delay, arguing that seeking dialogue with Beijing over the report did not mean she was "turning a blind eye" to the contents of the report.

Post Desk : Tory leadership hopeful Liz Truss has ruled out introducing new taxes if she becomes the UK's next prime minister. The foreign secretary also hinted she would look at providing further support to businesses and households with soaring energy costs. She also ruled out energy rationing - unlike her rival Rishi Sunak, who said it should not be taken off the table. The pair were speaking at the final hustings of the leadership contest, with the winner announced next week.

Economic questions have dominated the race in recent weeks, amid rising inflation and soaring energy costs for households and Bothfirms.candidates have come under pressure to spell out what they would do to help with energy if they replace Boris Johnson in Downing Street Ms Truss, tipped by pollsters as the favourite in the contest, has said she would reverse April's National Insurance rise and temporarily ditch energy levies to help people cope with increased costs. She has not given details of any further help for households, but said her chancellor would look to "address the issue of household support" in an emergency Budget she would reportedly hold next Speakingmonth. at the hustings in London, the last and twelfth of the contest, she said she would "absolutely be looking to act on business energy costs". Asked if she could pledge not to introduce new taxes if she wins power, she replied: "Yes, no new taxes." She also ruled out any new windfall tax on energy firm profits - something demanded by opposition parties to pay for support to help households with bills.

Ms Truss also said she would take action to boost the UK's domestic energy supplies, saying "short-term decisions" had left the UK "dependent on the global energy Sheprice".also said she would conduct a "full review of our tax system" - including business rates paid paid by firms and the tax burden on families. Elsewhere at the London hustings: Ms Truss said the "experiment" in all-lane running smart motorways - which use the hard shoulder as a live traffic lane - "hasn't worked" and she would get rid of them where they are not working She also said she was "prepared to look at" introducing advisory speed limits on motorways

Bangla P o st

Swiss launch energy conservation drive, plan rationing moves

The British Council has partnered with the sixth Edinburgh International Culture Summit, is being held on the occasion of Edinburgh’s 75th anniversary as a Festival City at the Scottish Parliament from August 26-28, 2022.

Edinburgh International Culture Summit organized in partnership with British Council Minister of State for Cultural Affairs KM Khalid is representing Bangladesh at world’s leading cultural exchange

K M Khalid, Minister of State, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, is representing Bangladesh at the grand cultural Theexchange.summit aims to offer a unique and global opportunity to inspire a positive change and lasting impact through cultural policy and investment. The event’s overarching theme reflects one of the major concerns of our timeCulture and a Sustainable Future. Partners of the event, including the British Council, Edinburgh International Festival, Scottish Parliament, and the Scottish and UK Governments, have welcomed artists, Culture Ministers, and global influencers from across the world to the sixth Edinburgh International Culture Summit. K M Khalid, Minister of State, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, attended the Summit representing Bangladesh, with a delegation including Kazi Nurul Islam, Deputy Secretary (Cultural Exchange Section), Ministry of Cultural Affairs; and Nahin Idris, Head of Arts, the British Council. At the world’s leading cultural exchange, the Minister of State for cultural affairs has shared Bangladesh’s cultural position and examples of practice with the gathering of other ministers from across the globe, alongside cultural, academic, and industry Overleaders.three days at the Scottish Parliament, the Summit will address Culture and Freedom, Culture and Education and Culture and Sustainability across a plethora of cultural, social, environmental, and political challenges experienced across the world. Each theme is the focus of a plenary session in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament, supported both by private policy discussions and workshops. Culture Ministers from across the globe are in the process of announcing their attendance at the first physical Culture Summit to take place in Edinburgh since 2018. Contributing to the conversation on Culture and Education, keynote presentations will be given by international violinist and Director Designate of the Edinburgh International Festival Nicola Benedetti and Deirdre Quarnstrom, Vice President of Education Experiences at Microsoft Education. Ministers and contributors will explore practical steps to ensure environmental sustainability across a wide range of artistic activities. There will be many more voices from around the world, including Mina Girgis, founder of the Nile Project; and Dame Meg Taylor, who served as Secretary General to the Pacific Islands Forum until 2021. Extraordinary young artists and cultural leaders will also share their vision for the future and inspire multinational, crossgenerational cultural exchange. could resort to rolling four-hour regional blackouts should the crisis lead to power Switzerlandshortages. gets its gas via trading hubs in neighbouring countries in the European Union. The country has relatively low demand for gas, which traditionally covers around 15 percent of total energy consumption. Around 42 percent of gas is used to heat households, and the rest in industry and in the service and transport sectors.

The Swiss government launched a voluntary campaign on Wednesday to urge consumers and businesses to conserve energy as shortages of gas and power loom this winter that could lead to rationing in a worst-case

Sir Jonathan Mills, Director of the Edinburgh International Culture Summit Foundation, said, “We’re thrilled to be returning to an inperson Culture Summit at the Scottish Parliament during Edinburgh’s world-famous festivals as they celebrate their 75th year. The Summit’s Partners – the British Council, Edinburgh International Festival, Scottish Parliament, the Scottish & UK Governments – have come together again to advocate strongly for the power of culture to transform lives and societies, even in the most challenging circumstances.”

K M Khalid, Minister of State, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, said, “We have been working towards achieving a culturally sustainable Bangladesh and have been working with different development partners like the British Council and UNESCO. We truly believe that these international collaborations are the heart of our work for a culturally balanced sustainable Bangladesh. A “whole-of-society” approach has been adopted to accelerate the SDGs implementation. In our journey, we believe in the motto that no one will be left behind as we aspire to build an equal, progressive, peaceful, and prosperous country.”

22 Bangla P o st 02 - 08 September 2022 [Dhaka, August 27, 2022]

"The aim is for as many people as possible to participate voluntarily - and to help prevent Switzerland from getting into a shortage situation in the first place," it said. The campaign is scheduled to last until April and features tips on how to cut demand, for instance by turning down thermostats, using less hot water, and turning off appliances and lighting when not in use. The government plans a series of increasingly strict steps, including bans and rationing, should conservation fail to head off Ashortages.draftdecree under discussion calls for banning gas for heating vacant buildings, swimming pools, spas or saunas. Gas could not be used in fireplaces or heated tents. Rooms heated with gas cannot be warmed greater than 19 degrees Celsius (66.2°F), with water heaters capped at 60 degrees. Households and services such as hospitals, homes for the elderly, police, firefighters, sewage treatment and trash collection would not be subject to rationing under a proposal the government sent out for three weeks of Lastconsultations.week,Switzerland set a voluntary gas savings target of 15 percent for the winter as Europe faces a potential gas shortage as a consequence of the Ukraine

Morescenario.than 40 partners from the public and private sector are backing the drive with the motto "Energy is scarce. Let's not waste it", the government said.

The city is surrounded by rivers and tributaries: the Buriganga to the south, the Turag to the west, the Tongi Khal to the north, and the Balu to the east.

Citing a recent analysis of Dhaka’s population since 2000, published in the Nature magazine, the article said growth has been particularly rapid along the Buriganga and the Balu rivers. The study cited in the Earth Observatory article was conducted by a team of researchers from Penn State, Curtin University, and Chattogram University. They analysed satellite observations of nighttime lights and land use to track population growth in floodprone areas. In June 2022, they reported that roughly 70 million people in Bangladesh now live in flood-prone areas within 2 kilometres of a river, about 1.5 million more than in 2000. In Dhaka, about 6 million people live in flood zones.

NASA Earth Observatory flags rising flood risks in Bangladesh

02 - 08 September 2022 Bangla P o st 23 Tower Hamlets pupils have achieved great success in their GCSEs this year. This year, examinations returned to normality, after being disrupted by the pandemic for the past two years. This is the first year since 2019 that students have been assessed through examinations using a similar process as in 2019. Last year, due to the Covid19 pandemic, students were assessed in a different way with different grade boundaries, so grade comparisons to last year do not compare like to like. 87 per cent of students achieved grades 9-4 in English (equivalent to the old A* to C grades), an improvement of two per cent compared to 2019. In maths, 79 per cent of students achieved grades 9-4, up four per cent on the comparable figure in Councillor2019.

Iqbal Hossain, Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation, and Councillor Abdul Wahid, Ward Councillor for Stepney Green, joined students at St Paul’s Way Trust School on results day to congratulate them on their Lutfursuccesses.Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “Well done to all the students who collected their GCSE results. The young people in our borough have shown tenacity throughout the pandemic and I’m so pleased that their hard work has paid off. Thank you to all the education staff who have supported students throughout these challenging times to achieve such fantastic Councillorresults.” Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning, said: “Congratulations to everyone who has received GCSE results today. This is an exciting time for young people as they choose to continue their education or enter the world of work. We remain committed to developing young people and will support them to reach their goals through our education and lifelong learning Supportingpledges.”students with their next steps Careers Young Workpath, a council service, provides careers information, advice and guidance about the next steps available to young people, no matter the results they have got in their A-levels or ForGCSEs.young people who received their results but are not sure what to do next, the service offers careers interviews in person, over the phone or via Findvideo.out more at: Young WorkPath

Class of 2022 achieve GCSE success across the borough US space agency NASA’s Earth Observatory has flagged the rising risks of flooding in Bangladesh with more people choosing to live in areas susceptible to floods near the Earthrivers.Observatory on Wednesday chose a satellite image of nighttime lights, taken on Dec 1, 2021, as the Image of the Day. In an article accompanying the image, it cited a study to describe how rising population density along the rivers is putting lives at risk. The researchers based part of their analysis on nighttime observations from the Operational Linescan System on US Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellites and the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi-NPP satellite.

The observations showed cities throughout Bangladesh saw increased light in floodplains throughout the country from 2000 to Dhaka,2018.Chattogram, Khulna, Sylhet, and Mymensingh were among the cities with “pronounced” increases.

“The total nighttime light luminosity within 2 kilometres of rivers increased by 235 percent throughout Bangladesh,” the article quoted Arif Masrur, the Penn State University geographer who co-authored the study, as “Assaying.the population grows, the scarcity of land is fueling unplanned development in floodplains. More people are moving into floodplains to farm rice or fish, or to simply have somewhere to live.” The number of people in floodplains may even be larger than the nighttime luminosity data suggests, said Ashraf Dewan, an environmental geographer based at Curtin University and co-author of the study. “It is safe to assume that many households within 2 kilometres of rivers lack connections to the electrical grid,” he explained. This bridge connects Sunamganj's Dowarabazar with several villages in Mannargaon. But as floods swept through the region, the Surma River's water has almost reached the bridge. This bridge connects Sunamganj's Dowarabazar with several villages in Mannargaon. But as floods swept through the region, the Surma River's water has almost reached the bridge. Floods in 1988 swamped Dhaka and led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people. Another catastrophic flood in 1998 killed 900 people and caused $3.5 billion in damages, according to Dewan. In some parts of the low-lying city, shanty towns and other informal settlements have pushed into ephemeral wetlands known as khals, sharply increasing the risks from damaging monsoon season example is Korail slum that has spread into a lake, the article said. Homes are built on stilts and the neighbourhood routinely floods during heavy “Werains.hope this research makes the scale of the issue clear for policymakers,” said Dewan. “If this trend continues, more homes will be destroyed, and more lives will be lost.”

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