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- official balmun newspaper -

Issue 2/2009 • Saturday, June 13th

CRISIS! North Korea launches Atomic Missile again! This was just fiction. But read below...


GA. After a vivid discussion with Dipl. Jur. Philippe Sacher the peace was suddenly disturbed in the assembly hall. The latest issue of the Baltic Herald and the ISGNews came up with breaking news: North Korea launches Atomic Missile again. It was now up to the 15 delegates of the Security Council to come up with an adequate resolution to this threatening situation. But soon the council’s eagerness met it’s limits: The Presidents of the Security Council - Randolf Carr and Aitzaz Rehman Sheikh – decided to first finish the regular resolution on the problem of piracy in Somalia and not until then dedicate the

Council´s work to the crisis The Security Council takes it´s time. Although the nuclear weapon did not seem to enter the border to South Korea, all members felt alarmed and reacted by taking three main positions. Croatia pointed out that the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea aimed to attack South Korea - but failed - in a long tradition of hostile behaviour : “North Korea stepped up, come to take them back down.” Instantly the call for diplomatic ways to solve the current crisis occured. Especially Vietnam and the five permanent members of the Council unmistakably stated their position: It is of highest importance to prevent war.

appeared. Being asked for reasons that led to the military action the delegate underlined that by increasing the sanctions the Security Council caused extreme economic problems. North Korea feels threatened by it´s neighbours and by nuclear powers as the U.S. or Russia. Costa Rica asked what seemed to be everyone’s Vivid discussions in the Security Council question: How shall Photos Thomas Wegener the international community react? After short debating the deleThe answer of North Korea gate of North Korea – eagerwas clear: Any measure of ly awaited to arrive from the pressure leads to the use of Disarmament Committee –

Political Guest in the GA by Laura Michel

Sylvia Bretschneider yesterday visited BALMUN. Since 1990 she’s a member of the SPD. Until 2009 she achieved many different functions, like the president of the SPD Neubrandenburg or the assistant president of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The speech of her turned to a small dissertation about several touristic attractions

and locations in M-V. For example this year‘s Buga in Schwerin, the “FischlandDarss” or Warnemünde. Mrs. Bretschneider mentioned the touristic aspects of M-V again and again but beside this she also talked about problems within the Pomeranian population. The number of older people increases steadily while the young population decreases more and more. To lighten up her speech Mrs. Bretschneider men-

tioned that we can change the low rate of new-born children especially. The relations between her speech and this year BalMUN-conference weren’t very clear. At the end Mrs. Bretschneider calls on all delegates to making sure, that young people have to be heard and have to be included in important decisions.


nuclear weapon technology. The P5 countries agreed on decreasing the pressure on the North Korean government in reaction to the menaces of the North Korean delegate. Furthermore the members of the Security Council decided not to apply any sanctions against DPR Korea. But will that action really prevent further provocations by the threatening nation? Is it not more likely that it actually strengthens North Koreas exaggerated self-confidence? The Security Council essentially needs to consider: How much impact on world´s politics can it further loose until it falls into inconsequential obscurity?

Do you want to have BALMUN 2010 at ISG? We want it! Therefore we need all helping hands! Take part in a developing and amazing project!

Page 2 • Issue 3/2009

Editor‘s note

At the End stands the Beginning BALMUN is over. Fortunetly, unfortunetly. Whatever. Glad to have some sleep again, sad that I have to stop producing "The Baltic Herald“. For me, it was a sucessful conference, once again. But I‘m a little scared about the future of this project. It‘s the baby of our school. I don‘t want it shifted to another school like I heard yesterday. However, I want to say thank you to all of you, the delegates, managers, staff, teachers - and of course, my press team. You did a great job. Maybe we‘ll see us again next year. And you know: It‘s gonna be bigger and better. We built bridges, bitches!

Read what the Editor-in-chief thinks during BALMUN egyptianrevival or on Facebook

IMPRINT Head of Press / Editor-in-chief Matthias Bannert Duty editor Christine Ruppert Layout Matthias Bannert, Christine Ruppert Editorial staff Karoline Darmüntzel, Anja Dietzmann, Kate Ilyina, Wencke Lubojanski, Luise Jacobs, Laura Michel, Valeria Nieberg, Daniel Redkozubov, Josefine Rosse, Paula Taube, Thomas Wegener, Maria Wunderlich Produced by

Executive Managers Matthias Bannert, Erik Muttersbach © 2009 Bannert Media All rights reserved.

How to become a Youth Delegate by LAURA MICHEL

The World Program of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond calls upon Member States to: „Include Youth Representatives in their national delegations to the General Assembly and other relevant United Nations meetings, thus enhancing and strengthening the channels of communication through the discussion of youth related issues, with a view to find solutions to the problems confronting youth in the contemporary world.“ This sounds quite nice, but how can pupils like us become such a „Youth Representative“? At first, there has to be a program for selecting a Youth Delegate in your country. If there is none, you have to convince your country on the importance of having a Youth Representative at the UN General Assembly. This will be much easier, if

contact former Youth Delegates or the responsible ministries. In the following, we will present a few ways, how Youth Delegates are selected in different countries: Germany selects their Youth Delegates in three stages. The first step is a written application including Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and numerous questions on youth issues and the UN system, the second step is a telephone interview, and in the third step, final candidates are invited Youth delegate Emily Brüning. to participate in a 3-day PHOTO MATTHIAS BANNERT assessment in Berlin. you cooperate with existing The selection process youth organizations. Than, if for Youth Delegates in the your country has established Netherlands begins with a the position, you will have to review of applicant’s résuinitiate a selection process. més and their answers to a This process can differ. The questionnaire. The next staUN-Youth created a special ge involves a debate between guide, which can be found 16 young people from which in the internet on www.un6 semi-finalists are chosen. You may also These candidates compete

in pairs to receive the largest number of SMS messages from supporters. The winner of each of these pairs makes it into the finals. The three finalists are presented at a big event on the evening of UN Day, 24 October, where attendees vote for a winner. The Youth Delegates of Slovakia are selected in a nation-wide competition. As well as in Mexico, where the contestants additionally need to write an essay, CV and do a high-level interview. The Australian Youth Delegates are selected by the United Nations Youth Association of Australia (UNYA) and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) through a national selection process. The most important source for information about Youth Delegates in your country is definitely the National Youth Council. They can tell you, if your country involves youth delegates in its UN.

Dresscode, please!

Spontaneous dance and delicate discussions in the Security Council



It is universally acknowledged that during the conference we have a dress code. But I’m not sure that everybody knows it. In general everything is OK. But there are still people wearing only one pair of shoes, some dirtied up their black trousers so they have to wear jeans. Do you believe them? I do not! Some of the delegates are really sporty. But speaking frankly, not only delegates but also chairs should be a good standard. But what about red sneakers? Some countries decided to show us some detail of their national costumes. Good Idea! I hope during the BALMUN dance you will also wear them?

Is that dresscode, dear friends? PHOTO THOMAS WEGENER

“We have certain rules which have to be observed“. With these words the president of the Security Council, Aitzaz Rehman Sheikh, started the commitee in session yesterday at 11pm. Because the Chinese delegate Eric S. did not follow these rules – he was not on time – he had to be punished. The punishment Entertainment for everyone: Eric and Eugenia PHOTO LUISE JACOBS was chosen by the other delegates: dedicated delegates. Finding the motto: “Yes we can!“ shaking a leg and simultanesolutions for the situation in Delegates do not only disously singing Celine Dion’s Somalia in order to exempcuss resolutions according “My Heart Will Go On“. But larily prevent possible global to Somalia but also deal a decent dance requires two effects of local crises – that with another precarious cripartners, so Turkey’s delegais what they actually should sis. Therefore the Security te Eugenia D. had to take the do. And they do it! And how Council is the most imporrap for Eric´s late arrival. they do it! Somalia is one of tant backbone on which This dance truly had been a the topics in the center of every MUN conference is great variety for the Council, discussions and the delebased upon. Working in this though serious issues definigates are absolutely serious committee is really no bed of tively didn´t get a raw deal. about it. Some of them even roses and the delegates have The Chairs had a fulltime job had extraordinary ideas to to bear up and argue about restraining the excessively change the world – based on extensive issues.

Issue 3/2009 • Page 3

Numbers, numbers and...numbers! Can you imagine how much time you need when you prepare the assembly hall? Over 200 hours! The staff, about 50 persons, did a great job. In 200 hours of work they placed: over 170 chairs, 30 desks, installed 4 cameras, 10 beamers, 5 screens, 7 switcher, 2 power mixers, 10 computer, 300 duct fane, 2 audio mixers, 3 video mixers, 8 audio boxes and over 2230 meters of cable. There were around 200 participants, it means that everyone needed a badge, that was the reason to install 2 color printers. 0 trees were planted 1 pizza was ordered for the press team 3 Baltic Heralds were printed and 3 packets of coffee were bought 4 cameras were installed and 8 walkie-talkies used 30 packages of cookies were purchased for Saturday, in total 20 kg of cookies have been consumed 42 host families were available 144 bottles of water were bought for yesterday 200 hours and more were spent for preparing the conferences 300 participants finally got here 500 and more sandwiches were served at the GetTogether 1200 emails Robert Martens had to send to you before BALMUN started over 8000 sheets of paper have been used the youngest participant is 14 and the oldest 23 By DANIEL REDKOZUOV AND PAULA TAUBE

Thank you so much!

Again Hostfamilies made it possible to welcome pupils from almost all over the world Delegates tell their impressions of nordic hostfamilies which are important for the taking place of BALMUN and.

Steffen Goergen, Germany (DC, Saudia Arabia)


BALMUN has already been prepared since a few months and every aspect had to be carefully thought through: How many participants take part? Where do they come from? When will they arrive and especially where do we find an accommodation for them? The latter was of great importance for this year‘s Model United Nations. BALMUN‘s slogan “Building Bridges” presupposes a place where foreign guests can stay for the Satisfied: Ariel Remund and Hannah Dawson you stories about three day stay. Consequently PHOTO LUISE JACOBS the town´s hisnot only the connection bettory which you ween countries and cultures tively the best! They are so will never find in belong to bridges. Offering nice and friendly, pick me up any travelling guide!” a place behind a bridge will and really care for me!” (NatNatwara D. from Thailand make guest want to come wara D., from Thailand, 16) notices another aspect of an back again. Ariel R. and Hannah D., accommodation at a host faFortunately a lot of kind both 17, from Australia will mily: “My host family cares host families reported for stay for one year in Germany so much for me that I don’t accommodating guests even and consider a host family as have to pay almost anything. though space and time aca great way to be integrated: With this gesture they take a tually didn‘t make collabora“You become part of the falittle burden from my shoultions possible in some cases. mily which is a great experiders.” Although a few delegates had ence!” In the behalf of every partispecial requirements accorLasse K. From Hamburg cipant who found lodgings at ding to their eating habits (Germany) has a similar opia family from Rostock I like most of the host families were nion according to the advanto thank all host families for able to meet the demands. tages of a host family: “Finbuilding bridges and I hope Therefore the delegates felt ding a place to stay at a host that the Nordic people keep really comfortable. family is more personal. You their charming cheeriness “My host family is definimeet new people who can tell and friendliness.

Peaceful disarmament committee! On Friday I came in DC and was shocked. They were sitting in a circle and discussed…one resolution! Can you imagine how friendly ! But chairs afraid they will nothing to do on Saturday and advice them to create just 2. The result is two opposite resolutions by Iran and USA. Except debating they try

to find some funny tasks – games or physical training. The Iranian delegate told about good tradition when some minutes are left before the lunch, delegates singing national songs. So we listen to Pakistanian, Belarusian, German and Australian. Of cause except games the DC had fruitful debates! And of cause after the crisis the delegate of Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea was invited to Security council!


The Human Rights Council preferres to keep calm... On Saturday morning the Human Rights Council was in a creative crisis. There was no floor of debate, because nobody did amendments or mentioned any other points. Because of that the Chair of The Human Rights decided to suspend the debate and encourage the member states and non-governmental orga-

One word to describe your day? - Diverse Lettuce with jam? - Yeah, sure. Bridge or boat? - A boat to live on. BALMUN Dance: drink, dance or date? Drink After the Closing Ceremony you are...? - Free

Ariel Remund, Austraila (DC, India) One word to describe your day? - Interesting Lettuce with jam? - I might be on the French side. Bridge or boat? - Bridge. BALMUN Dance: drink, dance or date? - All three. After the Closing Ceremony you are...? Releaved

Carolina Martinez Pamo, Bolivia (HRC, Germany) One word to describe your day? - Discussion Lettuce with jam? - No, I wouldn’t eat it. Maybe if I was really hungry. Bridge or boat? - A boat to live on. BALMUN Dance: drink, dance or date? - Date, if it’s possible.After the Closing Ceremony you are...? -I’m ready to take the next step!

What‘s going on in the committees? by KATE ILYINA


nisation to form groups and find further amendments worth discussing. The chair also gave some current topics to inspire the delegates. These topics included the focus on children, environmental circumstances or the treatment of sudden illnesses.

Guido Haffke,Germany, MUN director One word to describe your day? - Sneaking around Lettuce with jam? - Another very interesting story from the principal of our school. Bridge or boat? -Bridge, you get seasick on a boat sometimes. BALMUN Dance: drink, dance or date? Dance After the Closing Ceremony you are...? Absolutely tired.


Page 4 • Issue 3/2009

Matthias Bannert

Head Of Press, Journalist, Student

21, Rostock " My journalistic skills were the reason why Mrs. Koch asked me if I want to become the head of press.Because of my interests in designing and writing, I decided to accept that challenge. It was fun to work with talented people. The team did a really good job and I want thank who made the conference possible.“

Thomas Wegener Photographer

20, Rostock "It started all with my passion regarding to photography. The press is the only constitution at BALMUN who gives the opportunity to take pictures. Working in team is amusing. The people are great and hardworking. It is the second time I take photos here and I would do it again and again and again...“

Luise Jacobs

Journalist, Pupil

17, Geesthacht „ A teacher told me about BALMUN and I thought that it will be great to work for the Herald. It makes me proud that itlooks good. To see pleasant result of hard work is a nice feeling. Working in press team is a good opportunity to collect experiences and to prove my writing skills.“

Christine Ruppert,

Duty Editor, Layouter, Student

Kate Ilyina

19, Rostock

21, Belarus

"It´s my second time at Balmun. I like to work for the press team because I can be creative: Own ideas, thoughts and impressions are necessary to create a good newspaper. Working as a layouter is stressful, I work up to 14 hours these days. But I love it. And there are a lot of helpful people her, it‘s fun.“

Journalist, Student

"This year‘s press team is high qualified. Everybody is working 48/ hours a day. Especially the layouters had sleepless nights, because of working so hard. I enjoy working together with the team. It‘s the second conference I could enjoy and I‘ll be glad, if I can be a part next year. I hope I will not be too old.“

What rocks most? Press Team! by JOSEFINE ROSSE

The job of a press team consists of working together, finding themes, writing articles, designing layouts and shooting photos. Therein everybody step into different roles. Somebody is responsible for writing, others for organizing the whole team. But as a group the press team always has to find solutions, to make compromises and to be an entity. The collaboration is sometimes stressful and hard to manage, but everybody tries to establish a harmonious surrounding. Helping each other is a duty in press team. We work hand in hand

and deal respectful with each other. Every single person of the press team accomplished good work. The results of our work look presentable and very impressive. We can be proud of us and grateful that we could work in such a great team. It was a pleasure to work with all of you!

"There‘s nothing better than being in this team.“ PHOTO THOMAS WEGENER

“First BALMUN was a baby, second is a toddler!” by KATE ILYINA

This year is the second BALMUN conference. Those who were there last year remember how great it was, but what about BALMUN 2009? Do these 2 conferences have equal level? Is the second better or, maybe, worth? We decided to ask those who took part in both of them. Participants compared and made some conclusions. Berni Reifeld was and is a delegate in the Environmental committee. He is sure that both conferences were and are great! Last year – because it was the first one, but everything was perfect, and this year because everything is in the same way! There were some problems with approval panel but these were only moments. What about delegates? There are a lot of newcomers, and he thinks that it is good! Some of the participants changed there status. Just

for instance, Benedikt Achatz former delegate at Special conference. Now he is a chair in the Political Committee. He supposes that the main diffe-

rence is the amount of first time and unexperienced delegates. Last year the percentage was 50/50 and this year it increased. But also he adds that he sees this conference

in other perspectives. Also Kai Budde changed his position. Former President of the

G A now is Pres i dent of ECOSOC. He said that it’s too early to compare both conferences – different

topics, different delegates. But just now BALMUN 2009 at least has the same quality. But he is sure that the technical equipment of this year is much better. The same opinion about the technical staff has Regine Koch, deputy headmaster of ISG. They began preparation in autumn, tried to find sponsors, even sometimes worked without days off. In general, for comparison of two conferences she found a great metaphor. “Last year‘s conference was a newborn baby, BALMUN 2009 has grown up – it is a

toddler!” After the fist one we became ambitious. We had a good effort and tried to do it at least as good, as the former one. And though, the weather doesn’t like us, these conference is well organized! We understand that except delegates, chairs and conference managers there are others: Administrative staff or Press staff. Their Heads also share their opinions with me. Robert Straβburg says that it’s impossible to compare different conferences. Every conference has another atmosphere. This year Adminstaff became larger: more people – more work! The Head of Press Matthias Bannert adds: "This year‘s conference is bigger and better. Every year our newsletter will become better and better because we have experiences from last year.“ So their opinions all differ, but still we can come to the conclusion: Both BALMUNs are great!

Issue 3/2009 • Page 5

“We knew what we got into” The Conference Managers about BALMUN 2009 by VALERIA NIEBERG And Maria Wunderlich

Conference Managers Carolin Kieckhäfer and Robert Martens are satisfied with the course of the BALMUN Conference of 2009: “Everything flows smoothly.” They have not always been so sure about it, though. After last year’s conference the team changed the organisational structure of conference preparation which turned out to be problematic at some stages. While the student officers only decided to split up in groups for different ressorts in September the main positions for 2009 were already nominated at the end of the first simulation. In order to keep on track of the progress that the group reached the Conference Managers set up weekly meetings for the entire BAL-

MUN Team. According to Martens the preparatorary stage went up to an intensive level from December on. To a notably extent it was a visionary group of a few students and alumni - especially Annemarie Nack and Johann Mikkat - that enabled BALMUN 2009. Thanks to them the conference can be enjoyed by every participant. So does Kieckhäfer, even though she experiences this year as Conference Manager very differently than last year as delegate of Latvia. This is partly because a number of things have changed at this simulation: For instance the Approval Panel extended it´s competences. They not only check the resolutions concerning formal aspects but also with regards to content. In addition the crisis was simulated in the General Assembly rather than solely in the Security Council. Carolin Kieckhäfer mainly percieves the responsibility that she is assigned with. In many situations she nervously notices “minic a t a s t r o p h i e s” that delegates are not even aware of: “Damn, the flowers are in the wrong place.”

Meal at BALMUN conference

by Daniel REdkozubov

As you know, during the 3 days of the conference we had an open cafeteria with a lot of delicious meals. For example on Friday there was: I) Chopped Pork with Mushroom – souse and Rice. II) Chickpea – Stew with Rice and Tomatoes, Bread. Also we had a possibility to choose between vanilla and fruit pudding. Saturday includes such meals as: I) Pasta with tomato

sauce, Hunter Schnitzel ( Pork ), or grated Cheese. II) Vegetable Stew with a Wiener (Pork ) and Bread. III) Fillet of fish with cooked Potatoes and Dill – sauce. And also a dessert, of an apple, a mandarin or a kiwi. Sunday the last day of our conference, what include a very simple lunch, a French sandwich with different filling. I don’t write what meal is better because different people have different tastes.


Delicious and Healthy

Page 6 • Issue 3/2009

Mister President

and the President of the GA Victor Boadum with Leah Wiedenmann...

... and his (probably) girlfriend Ina Fischer ... by Matthias Bannert

He is definitely a womenizer: Victor Boadum, this year‘s President of the Ge-

... chair Friederik Jantzen ...

neral Assembly, from Berlin. He was seen with several girls during BALMUN. Most with Ina Fischer. "Ina is a close fri-


... and finally Leah Wiedenmann and Ina Fischer.

end", he said. Cute: Someone from his school told us: "Ina is his girlfriend since Christmas. Victor wrote her name

into the snow during ice skating on their first date. They want to keep the secret." We keep it too and ask no further

questions. Facts: Victor is the best looking President of the GA of this year‘s conference and definitely a womanizer.

“Auferstanden aus Ruinen…“

BALMUN turns into Shibuya

by Laura Michel

On Saturday morning the delegate of Greenpeace in the Security Council Paul St. sang the hymn of the German Democratic Republic because of being late. Special honour for this!

Everybody Dance Now! Searched for a girlfriend: Chris Photos Matthias Bannert

Gossip news more interesting than Atomic Bombs

Herald-readers during crisis in the General Assembly

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