The Baltic Herald 2/2010

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- official balmun newspaper -

Issue 2/2010 • Saturday, June 12th




This year‘s Secreatary Gereral is Oliver Hartwich. Herald Editor-in-chief talked with him about his aims and hopes. PAGE 2

We take you on a walk through the best places in Rostock. Have a look on the shopping mile Kröpeliner Straße. PAGE 3

You‘ll find in the heart of Rostock our University. Find out how it‘s like to study where others make holidays. PAGE 5


Facing Global Problems House meets for the first time: Ambassadors open third BALMUN conference / Special guest Dr. Joachim Dippner

Interview by Dorothea Nauenburg

First of all, the president checked the presence of the participating countries by raising their placards. Then the delegates who are in the special conference left the room. Afterwards, the participating countries and NGOs had to come to the front in alphabetic order and in groups of five to hold their

opening speeches. Most of the countries reminded the audience of the duty to act now and to face the problems of climate change and global warming together, as well as keeping peace and cope with the financial crisis and fight the hunger in the world. These problems can only be solved united. The only exceptions were Iran and Cuba. Cuba pointed

out that capitalism triggers the climate change indirectly because the capitalists own the companies who cause air pollution. Moreover the Iran held the most aggressive opening speech. The delegate asked: ‘Who are the bad guys? Why do we get sanctions?’ In addition to this he said that the western states caused the climate change. For further information

take a look at the interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Rostock-Warnemünde sent a special guest for opening ceremony. Now the delegates are well informed: According to this year‘s main topic Mr Joachim W. Dippner told about the climate change. He‘s an expert on this area.

Web Specials PHOTO GALLERY See all of our photos from the Opening ceremony on our website. Don‘t forget to become our fan on facebook or follow us on


PAGE 2 • ISSUE 2/2010

Editor‘s note

1st Day of BALMUN 11.49 AM Three girls of the press team (Antje, Leonie and Lotti) and I are sitting here in front of our computers. We just phoned the radio station “N-JOY” and asked for “Wavin Flag” to be played. And of course we greeted all Balmun members! Balmun goes public!

“I want everybody saying that it was a great decision“ Herald Editor-in-chief talkes with Secretary General Oliver Hartwich

1.39 PM Press Team - Caught In The Computer Room We wanted to go out of our computer room (where two computers fell off the holding device!) to look for white paper – but there was no escape. The doors were locked - by a teacher. And the press team was locked in the room. But with the help with our walkietalkies and the other friendly Balmun members from “outside”, we were rescued. And then the show went on! Johanna-Katharina Möller

IMPRINT Editor-in-chief Johanna-Katharina Möller Coordination, layout Matthias Bannert Editorial staff Luise Jacobs, Leonie Vetter, Franziska Van Heiden, Charlotte Schliebs, Antje Strafiel, Franziska Weigt, Tom Schwelps, Dorothea Nauenburg Driver Jacob Maxa Printing ODR GmbH Executive Managers Matthias Bannert, Erik Muttersbach © 2010 Bannert Media All rights reserved.

Head of the United Nations for one weekend: Secretary General Oliver Hartwich (16)

June 8th, 2010 (only two days left till Balmun!),1 p.m at ISG Rostock: The Secretary General, Oliver Hartwich, and I are leaving the biology room. We are going to the cafeteria. Interviewing a class mate? First I thought this could be difficult but.... we are pro‘s. :) Interview by Johanna-Katharina Möller

Oliver, you are the Secretary General of this year‘s conference: How does it feel? Of course I‘m really happy and proud because it‘s a great challenge. But I have to say: I was a bit lucky. In which way?

Well, to be honest: First, someone else was the real Secretary General. Some months ago, when we started working on Balmun, Mrs Koch, the main responsible person, asked me to be the Deputy Secretary General. And of course I agreed. But then, the Secretary General couldn’t go on working for Balmun and he left our team. So I became the new one. Secretary General – what does this mean? Which tasks do or did you have? I helped arranging the conference and now I‘m responsible for a smoothly going event. Of course I had to talk to, phone and mail many important people but I also had other tasks, for example counting Balmun stuff like biros or buttons.

Was the last time very stressful for you? I really liked doing all these things so I never felt stressed or anything like that. Sure, there were times when I felt a bit under presser but I think this is how it works. And now I‘m looking forward to the conference and I think it will be great. In what way are you interested in the topic Caring for Climate? I think protecting the environment gets more and more important. Everybody is responsible for the climate. And I think every person can protect it and can put an eye on it. So I‘m really glad our delegates will debate this topic during the next days. At last I want to know something about your wishes

Photo Antje Strafiel

and hopes for the conference.... I hope that I will meet many great people. And of course I want to hear good and interesting debates because I hope that everybody says in the end: “It was a great decision to take part in Balmun 2010. And what about amusement? That‘s important, too. Such an event wouldn‘t work without fun. And I‘m sure that this conference will be fun, too, for example because of the Baltic Herald and its gossip page which I really enjoy. And with these words Oliver says goodbye to me. With a little fearful smile he adds: “I have an appointment at the dentist‘s” What a very busy young man....

PAGE 3 • ISSUE 2/2010

Religious Intolerance at BALMUN by Charlotte Schliebs

Discrimination at BALMUN: Yesterday three delegates from the Iran were searching for the Press team. They had special news for us: At a bar table they told us the whole story. Listen carefully, guys: They knocked on the door from the Security Council because they wanted to take their friend out for praying to Allah! But the chair Friedrich Leukert didn’t allow it. “This is very disrespectful!”

What a shock for the delegates from the Iran! When they talked with us, they were very very upset. Delegate Ludwig Küster said that the big countries from the West are very intolerant. Do you want to see and hear what he had to say, then watch the video announcement. VIDEO Watch the video announcement from the delegation of the Iran on our website.


Special Conf learns about Climate

Specialists for water and climate: The Baltic Sea Research Institute in Warnemünde by Felix and Felix

Special day for the Special Conference: Yesterday at noon the delegates arrived at the huge building of the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. After they had been welcomed by the three scientists Sven Hille, Kristine Neumann and Bernd Schneider, Mr. Hille told them something about the Institute and the Baltic Sea in general. Kristina Neumann showed with her presentation about the “Greenhouse-effect” and a little experiment about the

pollution of water from the Baltic Sea how important it is not to pollute the environment with too much CO2. Who would imagine that we would only have a temperature of -33°C without this effect, which describes the reflection of solar radiation with the help of CO2?! Subsequent to the third presentation of Bernd Schneider the delegates made some experiments concerning the solubility of CO2 in tap water and salty water. In the end Dr. Nausch, guest speaker of the EC, gave a presentation about the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.


Photo The Baltic Herald

PAGE 4 • ISSUE 2/2010

Faces of BALMUN Chocolate or cookies? Cookies

Chocolate or cookies? I think the best are chocolate cookies.

Basketball or soccer? Basketball, of course.

Soccer or basketball? Soccer.

I like Balmun, because… It’s very professional.

The world cup 2010 will win… Netherlands.

It’s my …time at a MUN. 1st

When I arrived at Rostock I was… Very tired.

Leon (15) France

Fleur (17) USA

Downtown with by Johanna-Katharina Möller

3, 2, 1 – Our tour through the longest shopping street in Rostock, which is called “Kröpi”, can start. You want to relax, see something of Rostock, meet people, go shopping or only want to eat and drink something? Then you should come with us.... Fastfood and Fishfood Of course, there are a lot of fast food stores like McDonald‘s (e.g., Pizza Hut, Subway (Sub of the day for about 2,50 €) and Burger King) in the “Kröpeliner Street”. But if you want to eat something typical from Rostock you should have a look for a fish-store (e.g. “Portola” or “Nordsee” where you can buy a fish-roll for about 2-3 €). If you want to spend a little more money you should eat something at a Chinese or Italian restaurant. Smoothies for 3 Euro How would be a coffee or a hot chocolate now? Visit “Stadtbäckerei” (Hot Chocolate for about 2 €) or “Meyerbeer Coffee” (try the Latte Macchiato for about 3 €). For the one‘s, who like to drink something healthier and colder, there is the “Fruteria”. That offers great smoothies for about 3 €. What fits better to a warm summer day than ice-cream? Nothing! Visit ice café “Mila-

no”. Sit down there and order a great sundae (5-10 €). If you don‘t have the time to sit down you can order a scoop of ice cream for 0,80 €, too. Another ice café that is cheaper but smaller is “Janny‘s Ice Café”. There you can eat a crêpes, too. Listen carefully, girls: During a walk through “Kröpi” you‘ll see many clothes stores like H&M. But if you want to see more you should go in “KTC”. It’s the biggest (and only) shopping center in the street. There you can find for example New Yorker and Zara (and Swarovski! ;)) While the girls are shopping, you, dear boys, can go to Saturn and Sport 2000, which you can find in “KTC”, too. Relaxing in Downtown After this long walk you might want to relax a bit. Sit down at “Universitätsplatz”, a nice meadow in front of the beautiful university. You won‘t meet only students there. Take a look at the fountain in the near of “Universitätsplatz” or the typical hanseatic houses. Another good place to relax and to feel the hanseatic flair is our port. Buying a second chocolate or an ice cream at the “Schokoladerie de Prie”, watching the sunrise or just sitting there and relax, our “Stadthafen” is also a very famous place of our lovely hometown.

Beautiful Rostock: Start your shopping tour in KTC (right) and relax on the Universitätsplatz, which is the heart of Rostock. Photos Antje Strafiel

PAGE 5 • ISSUE 2/2010

Faces of BALMUN

Shu-Yi (15) Staff coordinator

Coffee or water? Coffee

Skirt, dress or trousers? Dress

If I had 1000€ I would… Make a trip to the Caribbean

Chocolate or cookie? Cookie

It’s my…time at a MUN 3rd

Cat or dog? dog

The world champion ship will win… Germany

I like Balmun, because… It’s very interesting to discuss political themes.

Sanjana (14) Canada DC

Studying seaside – where others spend their holidays

Structure of University Faculties/Schools It is divided into the following nine faculties: evangelical theology philosophy (and arts) mathematics and natural sciences law engineering agriculture and environmental sciences medicine economic and social sciences electrical engineering and informatics Research

In the heart of Rostock: The main building of the University of Rostock.

by Dr. Ulrich Vetter*

The marvellous Hanseatic City of Rostock convinces with its excellent university characterized by individual support for students, proximity to the Baltic Sea, Hanseatic charme and low living expenses. The University of Rostock was founded in 1419 as the first university in the baltic-sea-region. The city of Rostock is familial, but not provincial at all. Rostock is a major city with 200,000 inhabitants still, the university is not a „mass university“. Gorgeously restored or modern new buildings accommodate the single faculties. Individual

support and full-value communication and consultancy times are one indicator for top quality. Furthermore: Rostock is not a pricey place, it has a high living standard but is not cost-intensive. One will quickly get in touch with other students but also with professors and lecturers. Many students are involved into current research projects of the institutes, e.g. as student assistants – the quality of your studies and your purse will profit from this. Currently, there are about 15,000 students enrolled at the University of Rostock. Studies and teaching are characterized by a close teacherstudent relation. Central

Photo The Baltic Herald

service facilities like the language centre, the university computing centre and the career service provide students with important assistance to enhance their expertise and skills. The International Office helps to organize studies and internships abroad and gives consultancy and support to foreign students at the university. Come and see – you are welcome! See website:

*Dr. Ulrich Vetter is Head of Communication of the University of Rostock

Info Traditio et innovatio The University of Rostock defines its position in today‘s knowledge society with the guiding principle „Traditio et Innovatio“ - reflection on a history rich in tradition, starting with the foundation of the university back in 1419, and a clear focus on innovation in all areas of research and education. The university is managed by a rectorate which comprises of the Rector, two Vice-Rectors, the unique Vice-Rector of Student Affairs and the chancellor.

The university co-operates with several independent research centres. Among those: Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Physics at Kühlungsborn Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research at Warnemünde Leibniz Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals at Dummerstorf, in cooperation with the German federal government Leibniz-Institut for Catalysis Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Fraunhofer-Institut for Graphic Data Processing

PAGE 6 • ISSUE 2/2010

BALMUN‘s Next Top Checker “Wir haben heute leider kein Mädchen für dich!“ by Charlotte Schliebs

Do you know this guy? Andreas checks out girls at BALMUN conference. Press team is sceptical. Photos Tom Schwelp

Can you imagine that we have one BALMUN-delegate who doesn’t like BALMUN? That’s unbelievable, isn’t it? When we heard this we were shocked. It was in the first cookie break of the opening ceremony when the Press-Team was looking for some interviews. He – the BALMUN-hater was the first one we interviewed. Our BALMUN-hater likes cof-

fee and chocolate. Until yet it sounds very normal. But than he said, that he doesn’t like BALMUN! SHOCK! But why is our BALMUN-hater here? Does he want to eat some Burgers from Burger King? We know it! Yesterday he and his friends sat on the meadow in front of the University of Rostock. And what did he do? He was flirting with us! Is he only here for flirting with other girls? We think YES. Let’s call him “BALMUN-checker”. But there is another surprising point. He isn’t single! But what will happen when his girlfriend will read this article? We’ll see …

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