B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Apply the research from part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design; 2.
Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rulebased design in nature from point 3 to set rules and criteria for composing and configuring space: modularity, subdivision, transforma on, interpenetra ng spaces, juxtaposi on, interpola on, extrapola on, etc. 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on, indeed compose space through structure by using rule-based design methods, techniques and processes; Modularity, assemblage, transforma on, varia on, 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms of the design according to the given func on – design brief and various other external constraints, sitespecific.