banner BANYULE
2013 PAGE 3 Street art takes centre stage PAGE 5 Focus on children PAGE 7 Celebrating Banyule’s volunteers PAGE 8 & 9 Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest PAGE 11 Plating up diversity PAGE 14 Business news and events Indian classical dancer Mohini Joshi will lead dance workshops at Kids ArtyFarty Fest on Sunday, 24 March
Mayor’s Column
Improving community life Towards the end of 2012, Council was advised that three closed school sites in Banyule were no longer being considered by Places Victoria. Under State Government policy, if land in their ownership is surplus to their needs it is offered first to the relevant local council before public sale. The three school sites are Bellfield Primary School, Banksia Secondary College and Haig Street Primary. There was a large public outcry when the schools, including the facilities used by the community, were closed. Unfortunately because these facilities have remained vacant for so long, they have deteriorated and, in October, the unused Banksia Secondary College was partly gutted by fire. Council is pursuing the option of acquiring the sites given the limited future opportunities available to ensure accessible community facilities in the Heidelberg West area. The outcome of our negotiations with the State Government will
be known in coming months and communicated to residents.
the Grand Parade and the Kids ArtyFarty Fest.
Progress on waterharvesting
As the sun sets on an Autumn day, Sills Bend will come alive with music as Major Tom and The Atoms, Saritah, Rudely Interrupted and Mental as Anything take to the stage for an evening of entertainment.
Work to establish one of the largest stormwater harvesting networks in Melbourne at Kalparrin Gardens in Greensborough, Chelsworth Park in Ivanhoe and DeWinton Park in Rosanna has started. When complete, the $6 million project will capture, filter and store stormwater underground to irrigate sport fields and open spaces in these parks, keeping them green all year round. As part of the environmental clean-up at Kalparrin Lake (pictured), three cars, shopping trollies, bicycles and even a dumped safe were removed from the drained lake. Once completed, this project will filter tonnes of litter, sediment, nitrogen and phosphorous reducing the amount of pollution in our waterways, including Kalparrin Lake, Reedy Billabong and the Plenty and Yarra Rivers.
On Sunday, there will be a carnival atmosphere in Burgundy Street as the community’s Grand Parade leads excited families to the Kids ArtyFarty Fest, which will keep young and old amused all day with activities, market stalls, food and entertainment. For all our festival news and events see pages 8 and 9. I look forward to seeing you there.
Cr Wayne Phillips Mayor
Festival time in Banyule There’s always an air of excitement in Banyule as we approach our ever popular festival, which offers three great events on the weekend of 23 and 24 March: Twilight Sounds,
Are you prepared for an emergency? Emergencies, such as fires, utility failure and storms, may not be something we think about every day, but they can strike at any time.
emergencies and the information you require to be prepared, we are seeking feedback on your emergency planning.
In preparation for an emergency PLAN and GET READY, it can help you reduce the impact of an event on your safety, wellbeing and security.
To be involved simply go to, click on ‘Emergency Management’ and complete the survey.
To help Council understand your readiness for
To find out more or get a survey mailed to you, contact Council’s Emergency Management team on 9490 4222.
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Street art takes centre stage Freestyle Street Art is an innovative program using aerosol and street art to engage young people, aged 10-25, and direct their talents towards the creation of legal murals. Freestyle is just one aspect of the crime prevention strategy undertaken by the Council’s Youth and Community Partnership team. Murals are created in areas that have been heavily ‘tagged’ to try and prevent illegal graffiti. The program also tries to build respect for street art and its community. Participants attending the weekly Freestyle workshops are able to increase skills in sketching and aerosol art as well learning the process of designing and creating legal murals. The program is staffed by youth workers and a street art mentor and enables young people to feel safe and comfortable while working on their craft and also gaining support in areas such as education, employment and training. Banyule Youth Services is excited to be working in partnership with Greensborough Plaza on the 2013 Youth Street Art Awards, which provides an opportunity for young people to exhibit their legal aerosol pieces, based on the theme ‘Greensborough’, on canvases provided by the Plaza and exhibited within the Plaza Centre Court from 4 March. The community is being given the opportunity to vote for their favourites, from 4-18 March, with Greensborough Plaza donating $1 for each vote to WhiteLion, a not-for-profit youth service. Voters also go in the draw to win a $500 Plaza gift card.
Freestyle participants working on a legal mural at YMCA Macleod. The theme was strong words that depicted the culture of the YMCA, such as energy, which is being painted here. The awards night is on Thursday, 21 March, at 6pm in Greensborough Plaza and will feature performances from Nacho Pop, Wicked Force Breakers and beat boxers. For more information visit or Banyule Youth Service on 9457 9855.
Free exercise in the park Council’s Leisure and Cultural Service’s unit is presenting free exercise sessions, all with qualified instructors. Just bring a yoga or exercise mat. Ivanhoe Park (corner Wamba Rd and The Boulevard, Ivanhoe) - Strengthening and body weight, Melissa: 10.30-11.30am, each Tuesday, March 5, 12, 19, 26; and with Elisa: 10.30-11.30am, each Tuesday, April 2, 9, 16, 23.
Binnak Park (Anderson Pde, Bundoora) - Outdoor gym equipment and body weight exercise, Colin: 6-7pm, each Wednesday, March 6, 13, 20, 27. Outdoor gym equipment and body weight exercise, Erlina: 6-7pm, each Wednesday, April 3, 10, 17, 24. Bookings are essential by calling our Customer Service staff on 9490 4222.
Sale of tobacco to children still an issue A recent routine visit by Banyule’s Health Services Unit revealed 13 out of a selected 46 tobacco retailers sold cigarettes to a minor despite regular visits to educate retailers about their obligations under the Tobacco Act 1987. Banyule’s Health Services Unit conducts education visits to ensure retailers are aware of the responsibilities that come with selling tobacco products, including that it is an offence to sell tobacco products to a person under the age of 18. Following the education sessions, a test purchasing program is undertaken, which involves engaging a teenage test purchasing assistant, aged 15, to visit both large and small tobacco retailers and attempt to buy cigarettes. Tobacco retailers who fail to comply with the law may be issued with on the spot fines and may also be prosecuted in the Magistrate Court. Where found guilty, they can lose their ability to sell tobacco products for a specific period of time and/or incur a maximum fine. Education sessions include reinforcement that: • Tobacco products and packaging must be covered and not visible to the public from inside or outside the retail premises.
“We don’t sell tobacco to u/18s.” PenaltIes aPPlY Tobacco Act 1987
• Health warning signs must be displayed. • The ‘We don’t sell tobacco to u/18s sign’ must be displayed and ID must be requested if a purchaser looks like they are 25 years or under. • Staff must be trained about not selling tobacco to minors. • There must be no tobacco advertising within the store or any ‘discounted’ or ‘cheap’ cigarette signs. If you want help giving up smoking, call Quitline on 13 7848. They have helped thousands of Australians to quit with their free advice and Quitpacks. The line is open from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday.
Homeward bound, a spotlight on art and craft A new, free exhibition - Home: Reframing Craft and Domesticity - explores the intimate and intriguing world of the home within an exhibition space depicting different rooms, such as the living room, bedroom and kitchen. Craft-based works from the Banyule Art Collection will be displayed along with contemporary furniture and selected contemporary works relating to each room. The exhibition, from 4 April to 11 May, is at the Banyule Arts Space, 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Ivanhoe, and is open Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm. Right: Liz Walker, Stacks 2,3,4, 2012, Recycled pot lids
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China meets Adelaide at Macleod The Director of the Tianjin Child Health Service in China recently visited the Macleod Maternal and Child Health Care Centre to see how the health and development of children is assessed and supported in Banyule. During her visit, Dr Liu, who was accompanied by her daughter Yang, as translator, met mum Julie Tilley and her daughter Adelaide, pictured above, who were completing an 8-month Key Age Assessment. Tianjin is China’s third largest city and approximately 110,000 babies are born there each year, compared to the 1,700 babies born to Banyule residents each year. Banyule’s 11 Maternal and Child Health Centres conducted 15,000 Key Age consultations last financial year on children aged 0-4. They provide a range of services to support families, including developmental assessment, health education and promotion, parenting education, immunisation
information, breast feeding support, post-natal depression help and support, child safety information, and support for families in crisis.
Is your child up to date? Are your child’s Key Age Maternal and Child Health visits up to date? Check the caterpillar below and if you’ve missed a visit or are due for one, contact the Banyule Maternal and Child Health Service for an appointment on 9435 4955 or book online at
Kindergarten Open Day On Saturday, 4 May, 9am to noon, kindergartens across Banyule, as well as Council’s three Child Care Centres, are opening their doors for their annual Open Day.
This is a wonderful opportunity for families to visit their local kindergartens, meet early childhood teachers and other families, as well as giving children the opportunity to explore kindergarten facilities. For participating centres visit: For kindergarten information call 9490 4222 or email
Community feedback brings City Plan closer Residents, traders and community organisations have been enthusiastically contributing their views and ideas to help Banyule develop its next City Plan 2013-2017. The City Plan sets the strategic direction for Council over the next four years and establishes the vision, objectives and key directions guiding our work under themes including people, planet, place, participation and performance. It outlines priorities and helps guide the services we provide to you and the broader community. Some of the priorities flagged already by Councillors and the community include: • Building a strong and vibrant community. • Improving communication and engagement with our community. • Identifying opportunities that bring social and economic benefits to the community. • Developing local activity centres.
• Making land-use planning more consistent and linked to transport planning. • Delivering quality, value for money services. • Ensuring financial sustainability. The first stage of community consultation, which started in February, finishes on 7 March. We will take the feedback we have received and use it to help develop the first draft of the City Plan 2013-2017. Community groups and individuals are invited to comment on the draft plan, which will be available from 10-24 April. The final draft will be on public exhibition from 7 May to 5 June, providing the last chance for comment if critical issues remain. Submissions will only be accepted in writing to: Peter Utri, Manager of Organisational Performance, PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079 or via email at More information about this consultation is available at There’s still time to fill in the survey before 7 March.
Let’s talk Melbourne A discussion paper - Melbourne, Let’s Talk About the Future - has been released to prompt debate around the challenges and ideas for Melbourne’s future. Feedback will help shape a new Metropolitan Planning Strategy, which will provide a blueprint for the next 30-40 years, ensuring Melbourne remains one of the most diverse, distinctive and liveable cities in the world.
View the Discussion Paper at and join the discussion by:
Hosting a community consultation event - a Conversation Toolkit has been developed to assist community members to host their own discussions about planning for Melbourne’s future. Once you have held your event, submit your feedback by filling out the workbook in the toolkit.
Register for a forum - during March 2013 the State Government is hosting consultation forums to explore ideas presented in the Discussion Paper. They are seeking representation from a cross section of the community, business, industry and planning professionals. Register your interest at
Make a formal submission - a formal submission is designed to capture feedback through a series of questions about what we want to achieve, what needs to change and how to make it happen. Download a submission template from
Join an online discussion the online forums provide an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with other Melburnians and hear their views. All feedback is due 5pm, Thursday 28 March 2013.
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Celebrating Banyule volunteers The extraordinary contribution of volunteers will be celebrated during National Volunteers Week with the 2013 Banyule Community Volunteer Awards at a gala dinner on 16 May. An invitation is extended to volunteers working within the Banyule community to attend the awards night, which will be held in the Grand Hall at The Centre Ivanhoe. All shortlisted volunteers are invited to attend the ceremony. If you know a volunteer deserving recognition, nominations close on Monday, 18 March.
What’s on at your local library
Award categories are: Community Volunteer (individuals and Life Time Achievement);Young Volunteer (between ages of 12-25); Group Award (groups, schools, organisations); and the Good Neighbour Award. Information about nominating an individual or group, as well as about the awards night, can be found at volunteerawards. More information: Bianca Ellis on 9457 9841 or via email at
With thanks to the Awards Sponsors: East Ivanhoe and Heidelberg Community Bank branches, Greensborough Plaza, Grensborough Town Centre, and The Weekly Review Ivanhoe & Valley.
Women sing it loud
Technology Adventures, March and April Embark on a technology adventure, learn a new skill, discover something new, or get help. Learn how to make the best use of new technologies for travel, explore the iPad, learn a language online, or read your favourite magazines online, or catch up on missed TV shows.
Celebrating diversity, 16 March - 24 March Celebrate local cultural diversity (also see page 12) with dancing, singing, delectable tidbits and interesting films.
Youth Week - 5 April - 14 April Young people are invited to be themselves and explore their interests at libraries during this week long party. Take part in a movement and drama workshop or a drumming workshop, learn how to draw Manga and make your own comic, and hear author Lili Wilkinson talk about her books and love of eating cheese.
When: Where:
Friday, 8 March, 6pm-8pm Heidelberg Gardens, Corner Rosanna Road and Jika Street, Heidelberg
Banyule Council invites women, their partners, friends and families to celebrate International Women’s Day through song. This FREE event includes music, dance and performances from women, including Mohini Joshi, Danielle Faour, pictured, Rosie Burgess and Sam Lohs. Why not bring a picnic (refreshments will be available) and enjoy a night of music. International Women’s Day recognises women for their achievements. It marks past struggles and accomplishments, but looks ahead to the potential and opportunities that await future generations of women.
FREE festiv
Banyule’s biggest and brightest festival celebrates its10th music, entertainment, workshops and activities discover what’s hap
8pm Mental As Anything
Twilight Sounds
Saturday, 23 March; 5pm-9.30pm, Sills Bend, Warringal Parklands, Beverley Road, Heidelberg
udely Interr u p t
mR 7p
m Sarit p 6
Pack a picnic and bring along your friends and family to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere at sunset. As you relax under the stars and take in the surrounds you can grab a bite to eat from one of the festival vendors, wander the markets or let the kids get creative in the art tent.
observations weave with sounds inspired by dancehall, reggae, soul, world and pop music. A festival favourite, Saritah loves connecting with the audience. Her vocals are delivered with a captivating blend of attitude and grace.
Get in early to claim your spot up close! Be seduced by the strange brew of funkytonk blues, psychedelic tunes and howlin’ growlin’ jungle
Rudely Interrupted
grooves of Major Tom
The Atoms, an explosive
ajor Tom and The M At m o 5p
rhythm’n’blues orchestra featuring Little Red’s original baritone crooner ‘Major’ Tom Hartney. After six years touring the world with Little Red, Major Tom has returned to his classic honkytonk roots and a dazzling six piece band. With Saritah you’ll enjoy the inspiring, uplifting and playfully powerful songstress whose shows are colourful celebrations of life. Lyrical affirmations, inspirations, and
A big thank you to our generous Sponsors
Bringing some truly unique indie rock to the lineup, is an inspiring and talented group of musicians with uplifting pitch perfect tunes. They effortlessly breeze through the catchiest of melodies and write tunes from a very honest and vulnerable place. Put simply, they are brilliantly different!
Mental As Anything
will bring home the evening, with their classic pop meets new wave sound delivered with a quirky, ironic sense of humour and a decidedly local flavour. Get up close and personal and live it up with these legends of Australian rock as they play some of your favourites!
Your Council | 9490 4222
val weekend
4 March
anniversary! Join us for a fantastic, fun-filled and free weekend of s for young and old. Held in beautiful Sills Bend, come and ppening in your own backyard.
Grand Parade
Presented by Heidelberg Central Traders Sunday, 24 March; 10am-11am, Burgundy Street, Heidelberg The spectacular Grand Parade kicks off Sunday’s festivities. Get into the festival spirit with this year’s Carnival theme with music, laughter, dancing, lots of colour, costumes and floats! If your school, sports club, community group, choir or friends want to participate it’s not too late. For more info:
Kids ArtyFarty Fest Kids ArtyFarty Fest will be jam-packed full of fun, interactive and creative activities to sink your teeth into. Some of your old favourites will be back as well as plenty of new and exciting activities. At the Kids ArtyFarty Fest you can: • • • • • • • • • •
Build a cardboard city Learn about the environment Dance to the music or sing a song Get your hands dirty and climb up high Tackle an obstacle course Jump on a bouncy castle Learn about other cultures Paint a picture Learn to juggle And much, much more!
Grab your parents, bring your sense of adventure and join us for an awesome day out in the park.
The generous Heidelberg Central Traders are again hosting this fantastic event. Starting at Mount Street, the parade marches down Burgundy Street to Sills Bend where awards will be given to the best parade entries. Come early and have breakfast on Burgundy Street before the parade kicks off!
Sunday, 24 March; 11am-4pm Sills Bend, Warringal Parklands, Beverley Road, Heidelberg
Visit: Like us on Facebook: Ride your bike to KidsArtyFarty Fest for FREE supervised bike parking with the brilliant Banyule Bicycle Users Group! The amazing team from Mee’s Buslines is again running a free shuttle bus service to the ArtyFarty Fest. For the timetable, visit: Aussie Farmers Direct Good Start Early Learning
Taking Positive Charge against rising energy costs With power bills and petrol costs continually rising, now, more than ever, it pays to find new ways to stop wasting energy and money. But making the right choices can be confusing and it’s hard to know what products work and which companies you can trust. That’s why Council is supporting a new not-for-profit service, Positive Charge, which enables households of all shapes and sizes to plug in to smart energy answers. Positive Charge energy experts do the hard work for you, offering: • Straight-talking, tailored advice. • Links to great deals on top-quality products. • Ongoing support when it is needed. The service is free and powered-up in February with great deals on solar, home energy efficiency and electric bicycles. New offers and more ways to save will continue to be offered by Positive Charge. Run by independent sustainability gurus, the Moreland Energy Foundation, Positive Charge has researched a range of products and companies, selecting those offering excellent value and quality.
An award-winning, trusted, sustainability organisation, the Foundation has been bringing communities smart energy solutions for more than 12 years. Everything on offer has an independent stamp of approval from technical experts, the Alternative Technology Association, so purchases can be made with peace of mind. Visit or call 9385 8555, 9.30am-5pm weekdays.
Australian Army Band Melbourne presents the best of Broadway Thursday, 7 March at 11.00am-Noon Admission by gold coin donation Proudly supporting Legacy Group bookings and special access arrangements call 9490 4300
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Trialling sharrows A new bicycle symbol – called a sharrow – is being trialled in Banyule to guide cyclists to the best place to ride on a road and remind drivers to share roads with cyclists. The symbols are being trialled on the approaches to two roundabouts at the intersections of Banyule Road and Graham Road and Banyule Road and Rutherford Road in Viewbank. Sharrows were developed in North America and have been used extensively in the United States and Canada, as well as across inner city surburban councils such as Yarra and Moreland. Unlike bicycle lane markings, the sharrows (bicycle symbols with two arrows/chevrons above them) do not designate areas of the road for exclusive use of cyclists but act as a guide about the best place to ride, and alert motorists to cyclists and the need to share lanes. Community feedback so far is that the sharrows are working well at the two Viewbank roundabouts where previously there had been issues between cyclists and cars sharing the road. In Banyule Road, the sharrows, pictured right, have been used to direct cyclists to take a middle of lane approach to roundabouts to minimise conflict points with motorists on entering and using the roundabout, hopefully leading to less accidents.
What do they mean for: Motorists • Expect to see cyclists • Share road and give cyclists plenty of space • Follow road rules as if there were no sharrows
Cyclists • Use sharrow to guide where you ride in the lane • Remember not to ride too close to parked cars • Follow road rules as if there were no sharrows
Keeping your bicycle in ‘wheely’ good order Come along to this practical workshop and learn the basics of bicycle maintenance so that you can keep your bicycle in top working order and save money. The event will also feature a range of commuter, specialist and even home-constructed bicycles that you can view, test and learn more about. There will also be information about other forms of green travel like public transport and walking groups. When: Saturday, 20 April, 10am–1pm Where: Ivanhoe Primary School, 122 Waterdale Road, Ivanhoe Register: or call 8470 8373.
Celebrating Banyule’s diversity Did you know that Banyule’s cultural diversity is growing and that 20% - or one in five - of our community speak a language other than English at home? Cultural Diversity Week, from 18-24 March, enables Banyule residents to come together to share aspects of their culture, faith and language, and celebrate the benefits that multiculturalism brings to our community. In the same week, we celebrate and mark Harmony Day, which coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is a day of cultural respect, widely celebrated across schools, childcare centres, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies. Harmony Day, Bell Street Mall – Thursday, 21 March Join us from Noon to 2pm in Heidelberg West and celebrate with the Taste of Harmony event. The Mall Traders Association is providing a spread of assorted delicacies reflecting cuisines from Banyule’s new, emerging and established cultural groups. There will also be live music, fashion and cultural costumes, creative activities for children and the launch of The Mall’s new ‘food discovery’ project, Home Grown. The Harmony Day message is ‘Many Stories – One Australia’.
Animal registrations due Animal Registration is an annual charge and must be renewed by 10 April each year. The Domestic Animals Act requires that all cats and dogs over the age of three months be registered with Council. Registration renewals can be paid by credit card via Council’s website - Look out for the Renewal Forms, which are being sent out to pet owners in March.
The event encourages conversations about the foods we make to celebrate and bring joy to community. Food also offers a way we can learn and understand. This project is funded by Bell Street Mall Traders Association and the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship through the Diversity and Social Cohesion Program. For more information, visit Kids ArtyFarty Fest – Sunday, 24 March To celebrate Cultural Diversity Week, the Kids ArtyFarty Fest (see page 9) features multicultural dance and music performances and interactive workshops, including Mohini Joshi, an Indian classical dancer, pictured on the front of the Banner, who will lead dance workshops. The Kids Arty Farty Fest is an exciting and inclusive event for all the family and we encourage you to attend for a great family day full of activities for young and old.
Join us on facebook today Want to know what’s on in Banyule and keep in touch with all the latest news? We are now on Facebook and would love to see you at
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Gardening in the rain Residents are being encouraged to build rain gardens to reduce stormwater pollution entering local waterways and their reliance on drinking water to keep gardens healthy. Mayor Cr Wayne Phillips said Council was eager to improve the health of local rivers and creeks, such as Darebin Creek, Plenty River and the Yarra, by helping Melbourne Water achieve its target of encouraging the building of 10,000 rain gardens across Melbourne. “A rain garden is a water saving garden capturing and filtering stormwater. The benefits to households are reduced water use and bills. For the environment there is significant reduction in stormwater pollution,” he said. “Rain gardens are changing the way we think about gardening and are rapidly becoming an important part of garden design.” Visit Melbourne Water’s website for guidelines and information, or to register your rain garden. The website is
How do rain gardens work? By capturing stormwater, rain gardens are self-watering and are therefore easier to maintain and use less drinking water than regular gardens. Beneath a rain garden are layers of sandy soil which help slow the rate of stormwater entering our rivers and creeks. These layers also assist in removing pollution, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, fertilisers, dust, leaves and animal droppings, which are washed off these hard surfaces.
Grace and Lachlan Allen check out the rain garden at Briar Hill Primary School during a recent working bee at the school. The plants in rain gardens also help filter out pollution that would otherwise end up in rivers and creeks. Rain gardens are rapidly becoming an essential addition to sustainable garden design.
Building your business online and in person Going online: a start up guide Is it time your business went online? The internet has changed the way we buy and sell. For the small business owner it is an important way to communicate with customers, sell products or services and improve efficiency. This seminar, held in partnership with Small Business Victoria, covers all the basics including setting up a website, using social media, e-business basics and how to find and communicate with customers online.
Business networking evening
Date: Wednesday, 13 March, 6.30pm-8.30pm Venue: WaterMarc, 1 Flintoff St, Greensborough Cost: $20 per registration Bookings: Enquiries: 9457 9865
Building your online strategy Being online is about more than just your website; it is an interactive way of communicating with your customers, building relationships with potential customers and selling your products and services. This workshop, held in partnership with Small Business Victoria, will help you develop a strategic plan for improving your online presence and will cover: how to improve and measure social media communication, developing your online voice, search engine optimisation, search engine marketing and online sales channels. Date: Tuesday, 16 April, 5.30pm-9pm Venue: Council Chambers, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe Cost: $30 per registration Bookings: Enquiries: 9457 9865
Revaluing the customer experience The customer experience is the difference between what a customer expects and what is delivered. All retailers have internal customers (staff) and external customers (consumers). Meeting and exceeding their expectations leads to repeat shoppers, an increase in staff morale and ultimately greater sales. This seminar focuses on building a point of difference in your business while developing lasting customer relationships. Date: Wednesday, 27 March, 10am–1pm Venue: WaterMarc, 1 Flintoff St, Greensborough Cost: $25 per registration Bookings: Enquiries: 9457 9865 This session is held in collaboration with the Australian Retailers Association, supported by the Greensborough Plaza and the Greensborough Chamber of Commerce.
Save time and increase the profitability of your business with strategic socialising. Master networker Beverley Brough, pictured, delivers an engaging business session where you will meet at least seven new beneficial contacts. She provides networking tips and strategies to support you in maximising opportunities and building business connections. Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2013, 6pm-8pm Venue: The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe Cost: $25 per registration (includes beverages and light finger food) Enquiries: 9457 9816 Bookings essential: Registrations close Thursday, 18 April 2013, unless sold out prior. This session is a partnership of The Centre Ivanhoe and Banyule City Council.
The Victorian Mobile Business Centre is coming to Macleod! The Victorian Government’s mobile business centre offers free oneon-one mentoring sessions for locals needing guidance on starting or building their small business. There will also be information about Small Business Victoria’s programs and services as well as other relevant information for businesses. More information and bookings at or call Small Business Victoria on 13 22 15. Date: Venue:
Thursday, 21 March, 10am-4pm Corner Aberdeen Road and Leith Road, Macleod (near the Rotunda)
Parent and baby courses Banyule’s Maternal and Child Health Services are once again running a series of popular courses designed to help new parents with babies. The Baby Sleep and Settling Program, tackles what is often one of the greatest challenges - sleep settling - and is suitable for infants up to 4 months of age. The program will help you understand how infants develop emotionally and physically so that you can better design sleep and settling strategies suited to your family. It runs 9.15am-11am at WaterMarc in Greensborough. Choose the Saturday morning that suits you: 9 March, 13 April, 4 May, 1 June, 29 June. Cost $20 per adult, $35 for non-Banyule residents, and $12 concession. The Infant and Child Resuscitation Program teaches life-saving skills, including resuscitation, treatment of febrile convulsions and what to do if your baby is choking. This program, which runs from 10.30am12.30pm at WaterMarc in Greensborough, is also run on a Saturday morning (choose either 16 March, 6 April, 11 May, 15 June) and costs $40 per person. Bookings for the two programs are essential at and more information is available at
Baby Massage is fun and enjoyable for both baby and parent, and has a range of benefits including better sleep, improving colic and constipation, and establishing a close, loving bond with your baby. This four-session program costs $120 and is available at two different locations: • WaterMarc in Greensborough, from10.30am to 11.30am, on 20 and 27 March and 3 and 10 April; and • Watsonia Library Community Room, from 1.30pm-2.30pm, on 17 and 24 April, and 1 and 8 May. Bookings for baby massage are essential at More information about the programs is available at
Community Calendar - Events 11am, 5 March 11am, 2 April Banyule View Club
Noon - 8pm, 16 March Vodafest - Celebrating Czech and Slovak culture
1.30pm - 3.30pm, 21 March Respecting patient choices Free talk
1. Guest Senior Constable Maha Sukkar: Victorian Police’s Multicultural Unit. 2. Eric Panther on collectables.
Enjoy a day of music, Eastern European cuisine, beer, and traditional arts and crafts.
An Austin Health speaker talks about what type of medical care you would like if unable to make decisions for yourself.
Greensborough RSL, Main Street, Greensborough. Telephone 9439 9965
Austrian Club, 90 Sheehan Road, Heidelberg West
Watsonia Neighbourhood House Bookings essential on 9434 6717 or via
10am - Noon, 22 March & 26 April 1.30pm - 3.30pm, 24 March Ryder-Chesire Homes - Coffee Autumn Flower Show
2pm - 4pm, 25 March & 22 April Yarra Valley U3A Monday Talks
1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder recovery program speaker 2. Yarra River Keeper - health of River
Ivanhoe Garden Club - Devonshire teas, white elephant stall, cut flower sales, plant stalls. Free admission.
1. Leadership Victoria speaker 2. Fromelles, the Missing - a historian involved in repatriatiating WW1 remains
Ryder-Cheshire Homes, 14 Donaldson St, Ivanhoe. Tel 9524 2400 or visit
Bellfield Community Centre, corner Banksia St and Oriel Rd, Ivanhoe Tel: Julie Stafford 9499 4659
U3A Hall, rear, 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Ivanhoe Free, all seniors welcome
11.30am - 12.30pm, 12 April Rotary Charity Golf Day
10am - Noon, 14 April Reduced fee pet microchipping
2pm, 21 April Arden Crescent Concert Series
Shotgun start. Enquiries to Ian Bushby on 0431 510 110
$25 fee - bring your pet to Ivanhoe Town Hall, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe
Silvie Paladino - One Voice Rosanna Uniting Church 21 Ardent Crescent. Tel 9457 2595
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Deputy Mayor’s contact details
Free immunisations Immunisation cards have been distributed to Year 7, 9 (boys only) and 10 students. Sign and return the consent card if you want your child to be part of the National Immunisation Program, which provides free immunisations to help protect against a number of preventable diseases. Vaccines offered: Year 7,Varicella (Chickenpox) and Human Papillomavirus; Year 9 (boys only) Human Papillomavirus; and Year 10, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (whooping cough). These vaccines are only currently funded for children in these age groups. Parents not wanting their child immunised, should tick ‘No’ on the consent card.
How to contact your Council For all enquires please call
9490 4222 Fax: 9499 9475 Email: Website: If your hearing or speech is impaired, you can call us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 (ordinary handset) and ask for 9490 4222. All correspondence to: PO Box 51, Ivanhoe, 3079 DX 97904 Ivanhoe Council Service Centres: Ivanhoe - 275 Upper Heidelberg Road Rosanna - 44 Turnham Avenue Greensborough - 9-13 Flintoff Street All offices are open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm Rosanna - Wednesday night until 7pm Greensborough - Saturday 9am-noon The Banner is produced by Banyule City Council. For May/June community event listings, pick up a form at any service centre or email eventslisting @ by 5 April 2013.
In the February issue of the Banyule Banner, the PO Box address for Deputy Mayor, Cr Craig Langdon, was incomplete. His correct contact details are: PO Box 283, Rosanna VIC 3084 Phone: 9497 3087 (9am-9pm) Mobile: 0401 097 032 Email:
Rates If you have recently been granted a Pension by Centrelink or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and have not applied for the Pensioner Rebate, please complete an application form at or at Council’s Service Centres by 30 June 2013. The maximum rebate for 2012-2013 is $198.