Beac nomination application form

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Banyule Environment Advisory Committee Application Form Please complete this form and return to: Fleur O’Luanaigh Banyule City Council PO Box 51 IVANHOE VIC 3079 GREENSBOROUGH 9 –13 Flintoff Street Normal Council Hours Of Opening 8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am-12.00 Noon Saturday


Telephone 03 9457 9828 Facsimile 03 9499 1391 DX: 97904 Ivanhoe TTY No. 03 9432 7211 for the hearing impaired IVANHOE 275 Upper Heidelberg Road Normal Council Hours of Opening 8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday

ROSANNA 44 Turnham Avenue Normal Council Hours of Opening 8.30am-5.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8.30am –7.00pm Wednesday

Name Address




Email Age

15-25 

(Please tick appropriate box)


25-35 


45+ 

Please list any relevant community groups, clubs or associations that you have been involved with and in what capacity. Club/Organisation



What skills/area of expertise do you have that will contribute to fulfilling the role of this Committee?


One of the purposes of this Committee will be to assist with the implementation and review of Council's Environment Strategy. What key issues in relation to the Strategy do you wish to pursue?


Is there any other relevant information that you would like to provide in relation to your application to this Committee?

6. Please attach your resume.

Please return completed application and resume to: Fleur O’Luanaigh Environmental Officer Banyule City Council PO Box 51 Ivanhoe 3079 Email:

Applications due 3 March 2013 Enquiries – Fleur O’Luanaigh - 9457 9828

Council respects all personal and confidential information you give and will do everything possible to protect information from unauthorised access, loss or misuse. Information collected from you is required for the delivery of Council Services in accordance with Council’s powers, functions and purposes under the Local Government Act 1989 and other relevant legislation. It may also be used by Council to conduct research and customer satisfaction surveys so that we may better understand community needs and can improve service delivery. Should you need to change or access your personal details, please contact Customer Service on (03) 9490 4222. I …………………………………………………………. understand that the information provided above will be used (please print) in accordance with relevant legislation and declare that this information is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: ………………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………

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