Best Value highlights report 2012 2013

Page 1


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Service Highlights for 2012-2013 This ‘Service Highlights’ document provides a snapshot of the performance of Banyule Services in 2012-2013. It supports Council’s Annual Report 2012-2013 and Banyule’s commitment to reporting to our community on the ongoing application of the Best Value principles. For each service, this report incorporates the following information: x Key Performance indicator results (KPIs) x Key Highlights for 2012-2013 x Future Challenges for 2013-2014

Service Page


Aged and Disability Services (HACC)


Aquatics and Leisure Facilities


Building Control Service


Business Services, Community and Social Planning


Communications Service


Customer Service


Development Planning Service


Early Years Services


Engineering Services


Financial Services


Fleet Management Services


Functions (The Centre Ivanhoe)


Governance Service


Health Services


Human Resources


Information Technology


Leisure and Cultural Services


Major Projects and Infrastructure


Municipal Laws Service


Parks and Gardens


Records Management Service


Strategic and Economic Development Services


Street Sweeping and Cleansing Service


Waste Management and Education Services


Youth and Community Partnerships


Aged and Disability Services (HACC) SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +9.45% ($385,381 less than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $9,381,035 and total income budget was $5,304,614.)

69* CSI score for Elderly Support Services (performance)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +13.10% ($571,867 less than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $9,779,382 and total income budget was $5,415,123.)

Inner Group average 68* CSI score for Elderly Support Services (performance)

67* CSI score for Elderly Support Services (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

91%* Elderly Support Services (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Completed a major service review for Council’s Home and Community Care Services (HACC). This information will be used to inform future service delivery models in line with the National reforms.


Conducted a review of the delivered meals services in response to changing community needs and restructured the service to maximise efficiency.


Achieved a high customer satisfaction rating of 95% for the delivered meals service. This represents the percentage of delivered meals recipients satisfied with the service (rating the service as excellent, very good or good).


Streamlined the provision of property maintenance services resulting in reduced waiting times and greater clarity around service provision and eligibility.


Introduced a community access program for disability respite to provide opportunities for younger clients to participate in group activities (eg ten pin bowling).


Commenced a joint project with Deakin University to measure biomechanics of home support tasks to promote safe work practices and to identify strategies to minimise OH&S risks.


Successful funding application for a health promotion focused social support group.


Developed the HACC Diversity Plan and submitted the plan to the Department of Health.


Participation by all Aged & Disability staff in training and activities to address diversity in relation to service provision.


Successfully completed the ‘Aged & Community Care Common Standards Audit’.



Conducted Seniors Program during October 2012 with record attendance numbers and fantastic community feedback.


Promoted the concept of Aged Friendly Cities approach being introduced across Council projects (eg accessible housing)


Engaged in an ongoing partnership work with Banyule Community Health to improve service coordination for client care.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Prepare the service for transition and potential changes due to National Aged Care Reforms


Conduct service planning to address the impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on HACC services


Scope community transport needs, particularly for older and more vulnerable people


Manage cost shifting and budget implications of HACC growth funds


Respond to reducing meal numbers and associated funding targets


Managing an ageing workforce and service delivery needs


Prepare for the pending Enterprise Bargaining negotiations


Ongoing service innovation and development activities during transition to National Aged Care Framework.


Aquatics and Leisure Facilities SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer satisfaction with the service. Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

Attendance at Council provided aquatic centres

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +0.42% ($7,993 less than the budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $4,927,175 and total income budget was $3,005,988)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 -5.41% ($112,109 more than the budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $5,582,466 and total income budget was $3,509,002)

72* CSI score for Recreational Facilities (performance)

Inner Group average 73* CSI score for Recreational Facilities (performance)

75* CSI score for Recreational Facilities (performance)


60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

96%* Recreational Facilities (performance)







Notes: * Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD. ^ Attendance figures were 1,418,500 in 2012-2013, compared with 575,094 in 2011-2012 (representing a 147% increase). This significant increase can be attributed to the opening of the new WaterMarc regional aquatic and leisure facility (in September 2012), and to improvements in systems and processes to enable more accurate capture of attendance data. In 2013-2014 the figures for this indicator will include WaterMarc and Macleod Recreation Centre.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 WaterMarc ¾ The opening of WaterMarc, Banyule’s new premier aquatic facility, tops the list of highlights for the year. This state of the art aquatic and recreation centre has welcomed thousands of visitors from day one. The facility commenced operation in September 2012. Visitor levels have surpassed initial expectations, overall visitor numbers have been high, and membership numbers are also meeting anticipated targets. The attendance figure for 2012-13 was 553,600. ¾ Completed the development of the specifications for the Management and Operations of the facility. Worked with the Project Steering Group and Procurement team to implement an Expressions of Interest and Tender Process to award a three year contract. This resulted in the subsequent appointment of Belgravia Leisure for the contract term. ¾ Effectively developed and launched the branding of the WaterMarc facility. In conjunction with Communications team, developed a marketing strategy and collateral for WaterMarc. ¾ Successfully implemented lease arrangements for the Café facility located at WaterMarc. 3

¾ Successfully completed the procurement processes for ‘Fit Out and Fixtures’ for the facility – including health and fitness equipment, point of sale hardware and access control systems, facility signage and precinct ‘way finding’ signage, furniture and pool equipment. Note: The Aquatics and Leisure Facilities team continues to work closely with the Leisure and Cultural Services (LCS) team in co-ordinating leisure and recreation aspects related to the WaterMarc facility. The team provides support services, and the highlights and challenges related to the WaterMarc facility have therefore been captured in this highlights report. (The separate best value highlights report for the LCS team includes information about WaterMarc in terms of the role of the LCS team and the net budget for the facility.) Ivanhoe Aquatic & Fitness Centre (IAFC) and Olympic Leisure Centre (OLC) ¾

The design and documentation for Stage 1 of the redevelopment of Ivanhoe Aquatic & Fitness Centre (IAFC) was the completed in early 2013 in preparation for the building tender process. This included several community, member and staff consultation sessions, generating a good level of excitement and expectation. Stage 1 includes: expansion of existing gym floor, new entry and reception, inclusion of a café facility, addition of lift and stairwell, refurbishment of existing change areas and pool hall, and additional car parking.


Completed the total refit of the Olympic Leisure Centre (OLC) gymnasium in June 2013, including a full refurbishment and installation of new equipment. There has been a 25% increase in memberships at the Centre.


IAFC and OLC each achieved their highest ever enrolments in the Learn to Swim programs. In addition, Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre also hosted the highest number of participants in Victoria for ‘Summer KIDZ’, the learn to swim program subsidised/supported by the state government.


Appointment and integration of three new members of the Banyule Leisure Facilities Management (BLFM) leadership team, in three important roles of a new Manager, Coordinator Operations and Coordinator Health & Fitness.


Glenda Barnhard, long standing Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre swimming teacher, was awarded the Teacher of the Year (for students with a disability) at the 2013 Aquatics & Recreation Victoria (ARV) Annual Awards.


Demonstration of an effective Facebook-based Water Safety Awareness promotion, resulted in IAFC winning a brand new item of play equipment, a giant pool inflatable nicknamed “PIF”. The new inflatable has already delighted many children, both in the pool and on a float, promoting water safety in the Banyule Arty-Farty Kids Festival.


Banyule’s Leisure Equity Grants program continued to be provided to agencies who apply on behalf of disadvantaged community members. The equity grants provide individuals with the opportunity to access their local leisure facilities. In 2012-13 the number of applications almost doubled, from 19 (in 2011-12) to 37 while the number of recipients almost trebled, rising from 37 to 99. The subsidy (an average of approximately $100 per participant) enabled community members to participate in learn to swim classes, exercise with friends in the gym, have a swim with neighbours or enjoy a group exercise class with others.


Banyule Leisure Facilities Management staff from IAFC worked closely with teams from Leisure, Recreation and Culture and Youth Services to enhance the diversity of programs offered at community events, including Kids Arty-Farty Festival, Malahang Festival and the Olympic Maker’s Markets, amongst others.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Maintaining levels of normal business activity at IAFC during Stage 1 of the redevelopment works will present challenges. Planning is well underway to ensure the provision of key services within suitable alternative locations on the existing site.


Completing the IAFC redevelopment within estimated timeframes and then rebuilding and growing the business activities into the future will be critical issues. Re-badging and re-signing of Banyule Leisure Facilities Management will assist in the brand recognition of the Banyule 4

City Council managed facilities - Ivanhoe Aquatic & Fitness Centre, Olympic Leisure Centre and Banyule Netball Stadium. ¾

Growing and maintaining the Olympic Leisure Centre membership base and providing cost effective, yet affordable, membership or participation options.


BLFM anticipates that the development of the residential portions of the Banksia College school site will increase demand from the community for even more local leisure and recreational opportunities. Re-establishment of functional stadia facilities on the site will assist in meeting some levels of these demands, however this could possibly increase demand for services at Olympic Leisure Centre.


Finalisation of the Olympic Leisure Centre Master plan and preparation for Council consideration and adoption will become an ever higher priority. While this facility is physically well located to address many local community needs, the aged design of this facility does not permit its full potential to be realised.


Enhanced and intelligent use of timely and informative eCommunication media will be one of the additional challenges to be addressed in 2013-14. Expectations of members, residents and visitors to access timely and useful information, resolution of issues and communication of changes to operation are already matters identified as needing quick responses. Further development of website presence, intelligent use of Facebook and similar media, and more regular use of email and SMS will all require ongoing consideration and refinement so as to ensure that Banyule’s Aquatic and Leisure facilities meet community expectations in relation to communication.


Strengthening the Learn to Swim school program will be the next key challenge at WaterMarc over the next 12 months.


Develop new maintenance schedules and tenders in line with the completion of the warranty and liability period of WaterMarc after year 1.


Continue to work with the operators in increasing usage and membership base of the WaterMarc facility.


Implement new community based activities and events on the walk and community spaces at WaterMarc and the Town Square.


Building Control Service SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Processing of Building -

Permits within 15 working days. Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 -165.40% (a return of $206,542 less than the budgeted net result)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +151.08% (a return of $13,056 better than the budgeted net result)




58* CSI score for Planning and building permits (performance)

Inner Group average 53* CSI score for Planning and building permits (performance)

55* CSI score for Planning and building permits (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

79%* Planning and building permits (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule Building Permits and Inspections (BPi) staff continued to deliver a high quality service to the Banyule community and external clients over the year. ¾ Issued a total of 1,431 building permits for the year with a value of $194,793,090. Of this total, some 401 building permits were issued for development within Banyule, with a value of $43,103,975. ¾ Conducted a total of 6,207 building permit inspections throughout the year. ¾ BPi kept residents and clients informed about compliance with building regulation changes including the Australian Standards: ‘AS 1926.1 2010 Swimming Pool Safety’ and ‘AS 1428.1 2009 Design for Access and Mobility’ ¾ Continued to identify illegal works and dangerous buildings within the municipality and, where appropriate, enforce the Building Code. The outstanding and active complaints have been reduced from 104 to 75. ¾ Issued the occupancy permit for the Greensborough Watermarc Aquatic and Leisure Centre building, with over 100 inspections completed. ¾ BPi was audited on four occasions this year and achieved great results. These included audits conducted by the Building Commission, including a Building Commission Levy Financial audit and Building Commission Site Specific Audits, in addition to other internal and external audits.


Key Challenges for 2013-2014 他

Further development of the online building permit system and onsite mobile technology to enhance service delivery and customer expectations.

Update policy and procedures related to private building surveyor building permits, deriving from the VAGO report into the former Building Commission.

Review income streams and the potential to attract new clients and maintain market share in a declining market.

Improve service delivery in all areas of permit processing, delivery and enforcement.


Business Services, Community and Social Planning SERVICE ASPECT Financial

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual result against Council’s Budget.

ACTUAL 2011-2012

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group


Achieve at or better than budget

($11,833 over the budgeted net expenditure of $494,433) BSU

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +13.76% ($126,031 less than the budgeted net expenditure of $916,022)

+35.74% ($159,975 less than budgeted net expenditure of $447,580.) CSPU


Customer satisfaction with the service. - Based on Internal Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

CSI 77 (based on June 2012 internal survey)

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) rating = 85 (‘Overall satisfaction with service support’. Internal survey.)

CSI 77 (based on June 2012 internal survey)

Internal Survey rating = 7.4

Internal Survey rating = 7.5

Internal Survey rating = 7.4

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

(Overall Customer Service Satisfaction. Average rating out of 10.)

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Disadvantaged Support Services 64*

Disadvantaged Support Services 63*

Disadvantaged Support Services 64*

Community Consultation and Engagement 58*

Community Consultation and Engagement 58*

Community Consultation and Engagement 57*

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

Disadvantaged Support Services 90%* Community Consultation and Engagement 81%*

Notes: - The ‘Business Services’ unit and ‘Community and Social Planning’ unit merged during 2012-2013. - *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Facilitated and supported the organisational and Council processes to develop the new Banyule City Plan 2013-2017, incorporating community feedback. ¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisation’s Annual Business Planning Program, including: consultation with staff, an Annual Planning Day and development of an Annual Business Plan for 2013-14 with strong alignment to the new City Plan. 8

¾ Successfully supported the organisation through the Best Value Plus (Banyule Management System) External Surveillance audits for Australian and International Standards in Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental Management. ¾ Reviewed and maintained organisational systems related to Best Value Plus (Banyule Management System) including providing support to the Steering Committee and Working Group, facilitating the Internal Audit Program, maintaining system documentation and communication, facilitating training to relevant staff members, liaising with external auditors and assisting with the close-out of audit findings. ¾ Continued implementation of the organisation’s ‘Interplan’ planning and reporting system to: x

Strengthen the integration of service planning, reporting, risk assessment and management across the organisation


Manage project proposal, assessment, planning and evaluation information and to assist with project prioritisation and decision making (including training and support).

¾ Played a key role in Stage 1 of the EDRMS (Electronic Document Records Management System) project including: x

Managing communication and staff engagement, with a focus on timely and consistent information.


Co-ordinating key business improvement activities, including the Business Classification Scheme, ‘AS IS’ process mapping, business requirements for EDRMS integrations, cleanup and classification of network drives in preparation of data migration and workflow development.


Working with the Project Team on settings and configurations to meet the business needs of end users and to formulate an appropriate implementation plan.

¾ Assisted service units with their annual reporting and planning processes. ¾ Prepared Banyule’s Best Value Victoria Report on the ongoing implementation and achievement of Banyule’s Best Value Program, reporting progress to the community and Minister for Local Government. Also co-ordinated and provided relevant corporate reporting for Banyule’s Annual Report in line with relevant legislation. This involved working with the Communications and Financial Services teams to prepare and finalise the Annual Report for 2011-12 (responding to new guidelines and recommendations), and commencing work for the Annual Report 2012-13. ¾ Supported the Communications and Financial Services teams in the preparation of the Budget document for 2013-2014. This Budget was based on information gathered from extensive community consultation, a defined legislative context , and has been prepared with reference to The Institute of Chartered Accountants ‘Victorian City Council Model Budget 2013-2014’, a best practice guide for reporting local government budgets in Victoria. ¾ Provided ongoing corporate information management, including maintenance of documentation on the Banyule Council website and intranet (e.g. Best Value, City Plan), and assistance in the development and review of a range of key plans and internal policies and guidelines. ¾ Further developed the framework and process for service unit planning throughout the organisation with a focus on expected outcomes and alignment with key organisational priorities. ¾ Supported service units in the continuous improvement of corporate systems and processes. ¾ Established an in-depth service development review program to strengthen continuous improvement activity across Council provision and address service challenges. ¾ Provided project support and guidance in the Home and Community Care (HACC) services review to assess service issues and identify emerging challenges, for both strategic and client levels. HACC provides a variety of client focussed services to assist those with aged or disability care needs living in their home within the community. The review examined current operating environment complexities and established an ongoing response for future service provision. ¾ Provided project support and guidance in the Local Laws services extensive review to evaluate existing service provision and developing improvements to ongoing service delivery. Locals 9

Laws provides important roles in supporting community well-being, including areas such as enforcement of local laws (e.g. dumped rubbish, footpath trading), enforcement of traffic management (e.g. clearways, retail parking, residential permits), Animal Management (e.g. pet registration, lost dogs), Fire Prevention, and provision of School Crossings supervisors at sites throughout the municipality. ¾ Provided sector advice and input for the Department of Planning and Community Development initiative to establish a Performance Reporting Framework across the local government sector. ¾ Co-ordinated Council’s participation in Local Government Victoria’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey as benchmark feedback on general service provision. ¾ Co-ordinated the community consultation, community engagement and social research analysis for the development of the City Plan 2013-2017, and the 2013-2017 Action Plan for the Community Plan. Numerous service units have been involved and engaged with their respective customer groups to enable a more co-ordinated and shared approach to consultation across Council, and engage with their various target groups, for example: Youth team engage young people, Early Years with children etc. This broadened the consultation base to engage typically under represented views. In addition to the City Plan and Community Plan, the consultation gathered information for the Arts, Recreation, Open Space, and Early Years Plans. A range of approaches were used to engage a wide variety of view in the consultation which included: online and paper surveys, use of giant blackboards at community events, attendance of community group meetings, and short surveys at community activities and sports. The consultation results were complemented with other recent research and consultation data such as the census, the household survey. ¾ Involvement in a range of organisational projects, including: x

supported the review and development of key supporting policy and strategy documents informing the City Plan (this included Banyule’s People: Health and Wellbeing Policy & Strategy, Planet: Environmental Sustainability Policy & Strategy, Place Policy & Strategy, and Participation Policy & Strategy)


supported the Community Plan and provided information for our corporate planning


supported integrated planning to achieve a consistent planning direction for key plans, consultation and other activities.

¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisation’s data analysis, including: x

organising introductory and advanced training in using the ID data products


developing profiles for: Health and Wellbeing; Youth; Early Years; and HACC


developing a short demographic profile of Banyule following the 2011 census


working with service units to update their data analysis with the 2011 census data, and to develop skills of staff to interpret and utilise data sources to inform their business


establishing a ‘data buddies’ group to enhance data expertise within the organisation


developing population data intranet pages that link through to internal and external demographic resources.

¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisational and Council processes to finalise the People Policy and Strategy 2013-2017, adopted by Council in June 2012. It provides the broad ‘Health and Wellbeing’ policy context for all Council related strategies, policies, plans and activities. The development process included extensive community engagement and consultation with key stakeholders during 2012-2013. An application was submitted to the Victorian Department of Health to recognise that the combination of the relevant sections of the Banyule City Plan and the Banyule People Policy & Strategy satisfies the statutory requirements for a Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, as required by the Victorian Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. The Department of Health approved and commended Banyule's approach.


¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisation’s approach to inclusion, access and equity, which included: x

the development of an Inclusion, Access and Equity framework to guide Council's work,


provision of advice to Council and community stakeholders on strategies to improve community and social wellbeing,


development and support of internal and external partnerships to improve community and social wellbeing,


implementation of the Age Friendly and Accessible Housing Guidelines Project in conjunction with the Strategic and Economic Development team.

¾ Conducted a mapping of stakeholder networks (both internal and external) to capture and demonstrate the links and partnerships between various organisations, agencies and Council service areas. There are a number of external partnerships that are important to implementing the plans that sit within the framework of the People Policy and Strategy. ¾ Co-ordinated and supported the implementation of the Statement of Indigenous Commitment (first year of the action plan), which included: x

Development of a calendar of events and activities to commemorate significant dates.


A celebration of 2013 National Reconciliation Week in May 2013 - an Indigenous Flag Raising ceremony and Morning Tea.


Participation in the Austin and Mercy Hospitals Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Reconciliation Victoria activities and LG Pro Special Indigenous Australians Group.


NAIDOC week - Council funds National NAIDOC Week activities for children and young people attending local schools to celebrate Aboriginal culture.


Participation in development of Council's Human Rights Charter responsibilities to include the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents.


Council and Banyule Community Health Centre (Aboriginal Health Service) setting up a "yarning circle" to engage regularly with Indigenous residents.

¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisational and Council processes to finalise the Participation Policy and Strategy 2013-2017, adopted by Council in June 2012. This involved extensive community and internal consultation and engagement. ¾ Co-ordinated Council’s objection to an application for an increase in Electronic Gaming Machines, considered at a hearing of the Victorian Commission for Gaming and Liquor Regulation. Council’s objection to the application was rejected and the increase was approved. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Lead the organisational and Council process to review Banyule’s City Plan 2013-2017 (Council Plan) for year 2. ¾ Support the organisation in undertaking annual planning program actions (2013-2014), and develop a program for 2014-2015 to further strengthen Council’s approach to planning, project and service delivery, in alignment with the City Plan priorities. ¾ Continue to facilitate and support further integration of key Council policy and strategy documents, key supporting plans, actions, and ensure alignment with the City Plan priorities. ¾ Assist service units in action planning and reporting processes through the service unit planning process. ¾ Further develop the organisation’s performance measures to support and strengthen the alignment of service unit outcomes with City Plan priorities. ¾ Implement the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework for Banyule pending finalisation and legislation of this activity by the State Government. ¾ Provision of key summary information to support the executive and senior management team in their role to deliver business outcomes. 11

¾ Continue to undertake in-depth service development reviews with identified business units to improve efficient and effective service provision. These are to take into account activity trends, service and user needs, financial data, stakeholder consultation, benchmarking, and the external environment. ¾ Continue to develop, promote and support Council’s ‘Interplan’ system through the implementation of the Project Management module and reporting tools to achieve business improvements. This includes integration with action plans and performance measures. ¾ Assist the organisation in maintaining certification to Australian and International Standards in Quality, Occupational Health & Safety, and Environmental Management, including the scheduled Recertification Audit in August 2013. ¾ Manage the change management and business improvement aspects of the EDRMS project during the phased roll-out of TRIM by co-ordinating key activities, including the Business Classification Scheme, ‘To Be’ process mapping, business requirements for EDRMS integrations, clean-up and classification of network drives and document migration, workflow development, user acceptance testing, and training and support planning. ¾ Redesign Council’s Intranet to create a central location for internal information and communication including corporate processes and documentation, staff contact details and team collaboration sites. ¾ Promote, support and assist the organisation to strengthen advocacy and engagement with the community. ¾ Continue to develop, promote and support the organisation’s Access, Equity and Inclusion Framework. This will involve the adoption of the framework and the development of an implementation plan to ensure a co-ordinated and streamlined approach to Access, Equity and Inclusion. ¾ Continue to develop, promote and support the implementation of the Indigenous Statement of Commitment (Banyule Indigenous Australians Commitment Plan). ¾ Review the Electronic Gaming Plan (subject to funding) and develop an information and implementation process for the plan. ¾ Promote, support and assist the organisation to have a co-ordinated and consistent approach to community engagement. This includes developing Community Consultation Guidelines and supporting the establishment of a Consultation Group. ¾ Continue to develop, promote and support a shared approach to: x

implementation and reporting across the People related plans, including meetings with key stakeholders responsible for the plans to assist with communication and co-ordinated planning


use of data to inform the development of Council actions and service unit plans.

¾ Develop an implementation process for the Participation Policy and Strategy. ¾ Develop an implementation process for the Community Plan.


Communications Service SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual result against Council’s Budget.

Customer satisfaction with the service. - Based on Banyule City Council/ Internal Customer Satisfaction Surveys -

Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +11.51% ($103,840 less than budgeted net expenditure of $901,906.)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 -0.08% ($780 more than budgeted net expenditure of $963,325.)

Internal Survey rating = 7.3

Internal Survey rating = 7.3

Internal Survey rating = 7.3

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

(Overall Customer Service Satisfaction. Average rating out of 10.)

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

68* CSI score for Informing the community (performance)

Inner Group average 62* CSI score for Informing the community (performance)

62* CSI score for Informing the community (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

84%* Informing the community (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Redevelopment of Council’s website and launch including re-write of over 500 content pages, implementation of electronic newsletter and social media integration


Provision of marketing services (inc. advertising/marketing plan development/brochures etc) for projects including: -


Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest Volunteer awards (including sponsorship development) Water Harvesting Project I love 3081 Report to Government Community Emergency Management Preparedness Survey Early Years Promotion Smoke Free Playgrounds Seniors Festival Liveable Housing Guidelines assessment Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre redevelopment Malahang Festival Carols by Candlelight and Boulevard Lights (including sponsorship development)

Production of Community Engagement Communication strategy focused around the City Plan, Community Plan, Recreation Plan and Arts Plan.



Development of a media and communications strategy to generate public awareness and help reduce the volume of dumped rubbish at the Salvation Army Op Shop in Watsonia, with a result of 75% reduction in the volume of rubbish dumped. It is estimated that the campaign reached an audience of 5 million Australians.


Developed a media strategy to promote the Sustainable Community Awards in partnership with Darebin and Moreland City Councils


Production of Bus Shelter campaigns for Twilight Sounds, Kids ArtyFarty Fest (10 sites) and the opening of the Artspace exhibition (10 sites)


Provision of a signage audit: replacement/refurbishment of 25 signs


Provision of media coverage for WaterMarc including: -

2 cover stories and 7 articles in Government sector publications 3 stories in leisure and aquatic industry publications Broadcast coverage on Coxy’s Big Break and 3AW/PVFM Media release published in Local Today Ongoing interest with Diamond Valley Leader


Execution of Grand Opening Celebration event for Watermarc, attended by 5,000 people


Developed award submissions for the LGPro awards: -


Watermarc: Greensborough Walk and Main Street Young Achievers Salvation Army/CCT Initiative

Developed submissions for Banksia Awards: -

Built in Environments Award - Harmonious Manmade Landscapes Banyule Flats Reserve Sports Field Lighting Project


Developed award submissions for WaterMarc for: National Local Government Awards, Planning Institute of Australia, 2013 Australian Property Institute - Excellence in Property Awards, 2013 Australia Award for Urban Design and the Australian Institute of Project Management.


Developed 2 submissions for SACS Leadership Awards


Production of new profiles written for all Councillors for use on website, the Banner and Leader Newspaper ads


Achievement of 10,000 ‘views’ on YouTube channel from 1 January 2013 to end of financial year


Development and launch of Banyule’s Facebook page


Provision of consistent media coverage and promotion of Water Harvesting project, including published articles and groundwork for management of official opening


Production of digital signage on TV’s in 3 Service Centres, Olympic Leisure Centre and Nets Stadium


Production of Banyule City Council’s Budget 2012-2013, and supported the Financial Services and Business Services teams in the preparation of the Budget document for 2013-2014.


Worked with the Financial Services and Business Services teams to prepare and finalise the Annual Report for 2011-12 (responding to new guidelines and recommendations), and commencing work for the Annual Report 2012-13.


Publishing a range of Council’s key documents and publications including the annual Calendar, City Plan, key Policy and Strategy documents, and key supporting plans.


Provided marketing and communication support for Volunteer Awards and Banyule Sport Awards 14

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Conduct Stage 2 development of Council’s website, including on-line credit card payments, ability to be able to complete more online transactions (eg: bookings and payments) and introduction of online surveying capabilities.


Implementing a communications strategy to assist Councillor/Community engagement and profile development. This includes ‘Ward Rounds’ in the Banner, Ward Update newsletters three times a year, and an ‘Out and About’ program for Councillors to be accompanied by Customer Service attending key locations in their ward.


Reinvigorate and modernise corporate branding, ie: new look Banner, staff name tags, letterhead, with compliments slips and business cards.


Upgrade the intranet’s content management system to Sharepoint 2013 in conjunction with Business Services to create a more dynamic, user friendly and interactive intranet.


Rebranding of Council’s leisure facilities – Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre, Nets Stadium and Olympic Leisure Centre.


Develop and implement communications plans for major projects including School Sites and Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre redevelopment.


Move digital assets to ‘TRIM’, Banyule’s new electronic document and records management system.


Customer Service SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. -

Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +2.26% ($13,899 less than budgeted net expenditure of $616,090).

74* CSI score for Customer Service (performance)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget Inner Group average 73* CSI score for Customer Service (performance) 60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

ACTUAL 2012-2013 -12.77% ($79,112 more than budgeted net expenditure of $619,352).

78* CSI score for Customer Service (performance) Customer Service 91%*

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Continued high level of community satisfaction with customer service. Banyule achieved a result of 78 for ‘Customer Service (performance)’ in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013. ¾ Dealt with challenges associated with the introduction of the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system and call centre system. ¾ Built on our Customer Request Management (CRM) system with a further work undertaken in the area of Parks and Gardens. ¾ Conducted four training sessions for Development Services staff reinforcing customer service standards. ¾ Continued to make Customer Service staff available to work in a variety of different service areas, including Planning, Strategic and Economic Development, Construction and City Services Executive. ¾ Continued to participate in industry forums, including the LGPro Customer Service Special Interest Group. ¾ Visited East Gippsland Shire Council and made several changes to workstations and practices based on observations made on the day. ¾ Participated in Banyule’s Municipal Emergency Management Plan exercises and events. ¾ Conducted Best Value Plus audits as part of Council’s BV+ internal audit program. ¾ Conducted 12 Out and About sessions with the community. ¾ Continued to build our knowledge base through the Customer Service intranet page and CRM help notes.


¾ Preparing for times of high demand by the commissioning of extra call centre seats at the former Greensborough Project office. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Maintain the highest levels of customer service within the sector through the implementation of the Customer Service Standards. ¾ Continue to develop the knowledge bank of the Customer Service team by building on the comprehensive Customer Service information page on Banyule Central and our successful ‘Buddy’ program. ¾ Build on the ‘CRM’ customer request system to cover all Council service areas. ¾ Managing the high volume of calls associated with the mail-out of the 2013/14 rates notices incorporating a change to payment dates, an increase in rates and municipal charge and the introduction of the Fire Services Property Levy. ¾ Attending 14 ward-based ‘Out and About’ functions and working with Councillors to engage actively with the Community.


Development Planning Service SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

Percentage of planning applications completed within statutory timeframe (60 days)

ACTUAL 2011-2012 -12.72% ($223,143 more than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget of $3,025,329 and a total income budget of $1,271,270)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +6.38% ($122,197 less than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget of $3,506,976 and a total income budget of $1,591,142)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Planning and building permits: 58*

Planning and building permits: 53*

Planning and building permits: 55*

Council’s general town planning policy: 57*

Council’s general town planning policy: 54* 60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

Council’s general town planning policy: 57* Planning and building permits: 79%*



Council’s general town planning policy: 82%* 67%

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Development Planning received a total of 1,392 applications for development, subdivision, tree removal and formal amendments to existing permits. Further to this, 107 requests for secondary consent applications were received as well as 106 requests to extend permit timeframes, 184 certification applications and 20 development plan approvals.


Completed the assessment of 1,439 applications for development, subdivision, tree removal and formal amendments to existing permits. This is again a productive financial year with 47 more applications being completed than received. Further to this, 104 requests for secondary consent applications were completed as well as 100 requests to extend permit timeframes, 116 certification applications and 15 development plan approvals.


Banyule achieved a result of 55 for ‘Planning and building permits (performance) in the State Government’s Annual Customer Service Satisfaction Survey 2013. This result is higher than


that of the State average for the Inner Group (53). Banyule’s result for general town planning policy was 57 which is also greater than the average for the Inner Group (54). ¾

Implementation of Sustainable Housing and Liveable Housing Guidelines and assessment for multi-dwelling developments (3 or more dwellings).


Systemisation of planning investigations and enforcement including provision of monthly statistics for matters closed, finalised and live, infringements issued and infringements paid.


Received 343 complaints in relation to alleged breaches of planning permits and the Banyule Planning Scheme, 221 complaints were closed during the financial year.


Introduced a streamlined electronic development pre-application process.


Continued preparation of a twice yearly VCAT activities report to Council which has also been enhanced to include a ‘State of Planning’ focus and commentary.


The total number of live applications was reduced by 48 from 425 to 377.


The live average gross days has reduced from 123 days to 102 days (a 17% reduction) over the financial year.


Formation of Business Improvement Teams focused across seven key areas.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Development of an Investigation and Enforcement Policy including a risk based approach to Planning investigations.


Conduct a Sustainability Forum to engage the development community to promote design initiatives in relation to sustainable housing.


Implementation of the new Neighbourhood Character Strategy.


Implementation of the new Residential, Industrial and Commercial Zones introduced by the State Government.


Implementation of the State Government’s VicSmart permit process.


Utilisation of Council’s new website to deliver a better service to our customers.


Implementation of Business Improvement Team outcomes.


Early Years Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +1.57% ($56,015 less than the budgeted net expenditure. Total income budget of $3,863,439 and total expenditure budget of $7,435,796.)

64* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

+9.96% ($368,019 less than the budgeted net expenditure. Total income budget of $3,328,819 and total expenditure budget of $7,024,066.)

Inner Group average 68* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance)

68* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance) 94%* Family Support Services (performance)


Based on BCC annual users survey for Early Childhood Services


60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* 90%

Key Ages and Stages: participation rate for 3.5 year visits




ACTUAL 2012-2013


Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 Early Childhood Services (ECS) ¾

Partnered with Maternal and Child Health (MCH) to enable the delivery of 3.5 year old checks on site at Audrey Brooks Memorial and Olympic Village Pre-schools.


Developed veggie patches at all five Early Childhood Service sites (Morobe Street Children’s Centre, Audrey Brooks Memorial Pre School, Olympic Village Pre School, St Hellier Street Children’s Centre, and Joyce Avenue Children’s Centre).


Implemented Universal Access of Early Childhood Education (15 hours kindergarten per week) across all kindergartens in the municipality including the 3 Council managed Long Day Care centres.


Completed the upgrade of Nappy Change benches at Morobe Street Children’s Centre


As part of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Quality and Assessment rating system, Morobe Street Children Centre was deemed to be meeting National Quality Standards. Assessment ratings are available on the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority’s (ACECQA) website.



Council also secured $1.1 million in DEECD Capital Grants for works at Audrey Brooks Memorial Pre-school, Morobe Street Children’s Centre, Interlaken Pre-school, and Winston Hills Pre-School. This builds on Council’s efforts to increase capacity of all Preschools in Banyule to support the move to the federal government objective of Kindergarten Universal Access.


Quarterly Banyule Child Care Services Network meetings were well attended, with an increased number of requests received from external speakers – particularly agencies that support children and their families.


Received positive feedback on the Early Years Bulletin distributed across the municipality.


Introduced improved processing, efficiency and professionalism of Central Kindergarten enrolments.


Commenced a review of the Central Kindergarten Enrolment policy to better align practises, maintain priority of access, and to continue to meet community needs.


Introduced a new waiting list system on Xpedite to better support priority of access and increase utilisation across Council Managed Long Day Care services.


Delivered “Embedding Indigenous Practises” training to Early Childhood Professionals across Banyule and other bordering municipalities.


Continued partnership by ECS with CPS (Children’s Protection Society) to continue to support and engage vulnerable families, to increase staff networks and continue to support and offer training to all ECS Educators.


Undertook regular routine excursions for children at Morobe St Children’s Centre to Malahang Reserve to participate and engage with our local community.


Organised the Playgroup van to visit Malahang Reserve to engage with local playgroups across the municipality.


Conducted a successful Children’s Week program at Bell St Mall, including activities run across the week at all five Council-managed sites.


Continued to provide free fruit to children and families at ECS managed sites for the promotion of healthy lifestyles and oral health.

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) ¾

Council’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) service has continued to work in partnership with Banyule Community Health Centre. A number of initiatives have significantly improved participation rates for Key Ages and Stages visits, particularly for 18 months and 3.5 year olds, providing opportunity for assessment and referral (where necessary) to other professionals. The program was highlighted at the MaCFHN’s Conference in Canberra where the West Heidelberg Continuity of Care program was presented. Integration and collaboration models continue to develop, ensuring better outcomes for the children and families in disadvantaged areas.


Improved MCH outcomes for families and children by working with colleagues and peers across disciplines, particularly our partners at Banyule Community Health and Child Protection Society (CPS).


Improved participation rates for the 3.5 year old group Key Ages and Stages (KAS) consultations at Audrey Brooks Memorial Pre-school. Case conferences were held at MCH centres to discuss at risk children being given priority at childcare, and to disseminate information more efficiently across services.


The 18 month KAS consultations achieved a 7% improvement this financial year.


Reached and exceeded all other relevant DEECD KPI’s. This came about due to a team effort including the MCH administration team and Maternal Child Health Nurses.



A Sing and Grow program was introduced for vulnerable families with parenting and attachment difficulties, helping them learn important parenting skills in a supportive environment, with positive results. Facilitators for new parents have provided programs for new mums and dads which have been well received. Generous feedback has been received from participants.


Conducted more outreach initiatives for ‘difficult to engage’ clients, working with DHS (Department of Human Services) and having case conferences at centres.


Provided supervision and reflective practice for staff in order to share learning and experiences and improve practice and well-being.


Successful Children’s week, working with Nillumbik to provide the miniature trains at Eltham Park and Bell Street Mall event.


Successful use of volunteers to provide the Toys for Tots and assist with other festivals and initiatives.


Implemented an improved referrals process for the Camps for disadvantaged children program. Children are now referred directly to camp providers making the management of the program more efficient, with excellent feedback received from children and families.


Successful recruitment of staff and maintenance of a flexible casual relieving pool.


The improvements in our MCH systems and processes, including the introduction of SMS reminders of appointments, has also contributed greatly to the improved take up rates for Key Ages and Stages appointments.

Early Years Strategic (ECS & MCH) ¾

The Municipal Early Years Plan (MEYP) has progressed with the development and endorsement of a project management plan, the establishment of internal and external MEYP Advisory Groups and the completion of a literature review, including sector research of existing data and frameworks. In addition, it has included the analysis of data and information collated from the 950 surveys completed by parents and guardians.


The vision for the Olympic Village Learning Hub (OVLH) revolves around life-long learning and pathways to education and employment, with planning for integration across the site ongoing for several years now. In May 2012, the project was successful in securing $1.34m capital infrastructure funding from the Victorian Government. This funding, together with Council contribution of $750,000, will deliver stage one of the OVLH development - the Child and Family Centre. In proceeding with the design phase of the Child and Family Centre, the opportunity was taken to review all four elements of the Hub for size and siting based on new demographic data, in particular the increasing population in the 3081 area. This review has resulted in a redesigned OVLH siting plan to allow for a larger future primary school building. The OVLH Strategic Partnership Group has continued to work toward promoting and advocating to potential funding partners the benefits of this project.


The vision for the proposed Watsonia Community Hub is based on the concept of co-located and integrated services providing benefits to the community through better access and awareness of services, with a focus on creating healthy communities, supporting social inclusion and enhancing the wellbeing of local residents. With these benefits in mind, Banyule City Council has progressed the planning of a community hub in the South of the municipality to service the current and future needs of the community. Detailed design for the proposed Watsonia Community Hub has commenced with the appointment of DesignInc Melbourne as lead consultant. Discovery and design workshops facilitated by DesignInc have been held with stakeholders. These workshops have informed a preliminary preferred design solution which is now being explored further though a detailed design phase.


Council has continued to implement the National Quality Framework for child care centres across the municipality. Quality Improvement Plans have been developed across 5 Council managed services to record achievements and strength, highlight opportunities for 22

improvement, and to document family and staff input. Support for Quality Improvement Plans and the National Quality framework has been offered to the broader early childhood services in Banyule through email, Child care network meetings and Kindergarten Cluster meetings. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 Early Childhood Services (ECS) ¾

Addressing the issues of ageing infrastructure and related building maintenance.


Recruitment of suitably qualified staff - with changes in the Early Years industry sector, there is a skills shortage. Banyule, as with the industry as a whole, is finding it difficult to employ suitably qualified staff to work directly in Diploma and Degree positions. This is can be challenging when covering maternity leave replacements.


Marketing of ECS - continue to work with Communications to better advocate our services in the local community to maximise enrolment numbers.


Continue compliance with National Reforms, in particular ensuring services comply with the new National Quality Standards.


The construction and operations of the Olympic Village Child and Family Centre within relevant timelines.


Continue to seek funding opportunities to progress further stages of the Olympic Village Learning Hub and the proposed Watsonia Hub.

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) ¾

The impact of a state government review being conducted and the outcome on the Maternal and Child Health service.


Actions that may arise out of the Victorian Auditor General’s report on Vulnerable Children and implications for practice.


IT software issues for MCH – the DSI provider of the MaChs program is no longer providing adequate support in further developing the program. The MAV is investigating new options.


Staffing and recruitment are ongoing issues with an ageing workforce.


Continue to respond to service user expectations and needs.


Responding to increasing pressure on service delivery - the balance between innovation and technology, multi-tasking, capturing of data required and resulting pressure on the service within existing resourcing. Enhancing partnerships both internally and externally to improve service delivery can create another level of complexity.

Early Years Strategic (ECS & MCH) ¾

Municipal Early Years Plan - Progress the development and implementation of the Municipal Early Years Plan.


Progress the development of the Heidelberg West Olympic Village Learning Hub - Stage 1: Child & Family Centre


Progress planning for the Watsonia Community hub in a way that will genuinely consider the needs and aspirations of the local community


Continue to implement the National Quality Framework for child care centres across the municipality.


Engineering Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. -

Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +10.84% ($185,343 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,709,282)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +13.89% ($250,117 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,800,843)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Traffic management: 58*

Traffic management: 58*

Traffic management: 61*

Parking facilities: 56*

Parking facilities: 56* 60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

Parking facilities: 57* Traffic management: 80%* Parking facilities: 78%*

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule achieved solid results in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013 across the selected performance measures related to Engineering Services. The results compared favourably with the average scores for the Inner Group and State-wide averages. Importantly they also show minor improvements from the previous year. ¾ Prepared 29 Council Reports, to inform Council and provide recommendations on the appropriate course of action for key issues including: major projects, transport and road safety issues, parking management, drainage and road design. ¾ Completed 1,270 Transport and Road Safety related customer requests, an average of approximately 102 a month, with 93% completed on time ¾ Completed 1,956 Drainage and Development related customer requests and Referrals, an average of approximately 163 a month. ¾ Delivered approximately $90,000 in Transport and Road Safety related Capital Works. ¾ Delivered approximately $90,000 in Drainage related Capital Works. ¾ Commenced the Strategic Stormwater Network Catchment Analysis study for the municipality delivering around $170,000 in modelling and investigations. ¾ Investigated and recommended the installation of bicycle lanes throughout the municipality to improve links to the existing bicycle network in line with Council Bicycle Strategy. ¾ Continued to work with and advocate to the Department of Transport and the Minister for Transport to improve: 24


service frequencies and accessibility to our activity centres


access and facilities at railway stations

¾ Commenced development of the Banyule Right of Way Policy and Strategy. ¾ Implemented the WaterMarc Parking Management Plan. ¾ Revised engineering information to be available on Banyule’s new web site.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Finalise the Strategic Stormwater Network Catchment Analysis study for the municipality and define a 10 year Prioritised Stormwater Mitigation Capital Works Program.


Continue development of the Banyule Right of Way Policy and Plan.


Continue to review, develop and update the Banyule Integrated Transport Plan.


Commence investigations and development of the Heidelberg Parking Plan.


Deliver approximately $550,000 in Transport and Drainage related Capital works.


Provide engineering advice and input on other Council Capital Works Projects as required.


Review and update Council’s Development Guidelines.


Develop a Build Over Easement policy for Council adoption.


Investigate improving parking management outcomes by extending paid parking within activity centres in our city


Improve the engineering information available on Banyule’s new Web site.


Financial Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. -

(based on Internal Satisfaction Surveys)

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +3.57% ($54,877 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,538,216)

TARGET 2012-2013 Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +3.57% ($56,196 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,572,441)

Internal Survey rating = 7.6

Internal Survey rating = 8.0

Internal Survey rating = 7.6

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

(Overall Customer Service Satisfaction. Average rating out of 10.)

(Average rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Worked with Councillors and the management team to review and prepare Council’s 20132014 budget.


Prepared and provided relevant financial information for Banyule’s Annual Report for year ended 30/06/2013, and the development of the new City Plan 2013-2017.


Continued to work closely with the Communications and Business Services units, to further enhance and improve the new format of Council’s Budget for 2013-2014 using the model budget guidelines.


Attendance at conferences, seminars and contributed to working group to address potential issues with the introduction of the Fire Services Property Levy and the impact on Council’s ratepayers.


Arranged for State Revenue Office staff to provide training to Council staff including Customer Service and Revenue and other affected staff regarding the application of the Fire Services Property Levy.


Introduction of quarterly rate instalments, to assist customers financial management to minimise the impact of the Fire Services Property Levy.


Improved design of rate notices and collateral to enhance legibility and accessibility.


Developed BPay View option for issue of rate notices to improve access, reduce environmental impacts and provide cost savings to Council.


The Procurement team has continued to provide education and support for procurement activities and contract management for service units. Monitoring of adherence to the Procurement Policy and the Procurement and Contract Guidelines (based on legislative requirements under S186 of the Local Government Act) has continued and been reported to management as required.


Worked closely with other areas of Council in establishing loans for the purchase of the school sites in Heidelberg West.


Participated in the annual internal audit conducted by external contractor using computer assisted audit technique reviews of Council held financial data.


Participated in internal audits and risk assessments undertaken by Council’s internal audit firm as part of its scheduled program.


Produced management month end reports and bi-monthly financial reports for Council.


Complied with external statutory and taxation requirements within the required timeframes.


Continued to refine and develop the information and system used to determine Council’s long term strategic financial planning estimates.



Reviewed Business Continuity Plan for Financial Services and updated them to reflect changes in systems, processes and dependencies.


Participated in the EDRMS project (Electronic Document and Records Management System providing feedback on the business classification scheme and process mapping.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Providing State Revenue Office with forecast report and quarterly payment and reconciliation, for the Fire Services Property Levy, without impacting on Council’s current resources.


Process refinement for issue of all types of rate notices including supplementary rates, bin allocation and changes, pension rebates.


Implementation of Authority On Line Requisition for Procurement activities.


Explore opportunities for collaborative procurement via third party agency or cross-council tenders.


Provide timely financial advice for the school sites project and up to date accurate financial reporting.


Fleet Management Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on Internal Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +3.85% ($8,595 less than budgeted net expenditure of $223,302). CSI 78 (Based on Dec 2011 internal survey)

TARGET 2012-2013 Achieve at or better than budget CSI 80 (‘Overall satisfaction with the service’)

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +8.54% ($20,451 less than budgeted net expenditure of $239,479). CSI 78 (Based on Dec 2011 internal survey)

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Undertook workshop environment assessment (air quality, lighting) and implemented improvement measures to increase safety of staff. ¾ Continued to transition trucks to Euro 5 diesel technology. ¾ Purchased a filter crusher to improve workshop waste recycling. ¾ Continued to provide a cost effective fleet through the purchase of suitable vehicles and plant, and ensuring appropriate maintenance and programmed replacement. ¾ Continued to provide a timely and responsive maintenance service that enables maximum utilisation and minimal downtime, for: x Council’s fleet - light passenger and commercial fleet, trucks, mobile plant (eg. tractors) x Small equipment x Council’s Waste Recovery Centre ¾ Continued to review the Fleet Policy and the organisation vehicle list, expanding the availability of smaller, more environmentally efficient vehicles. ¾ Continued to evaluate new vehicle technologies and fuel options to help improve Council’s transport carbon footprint and operating cost. ¾ The team also reviewed light fleet management actions and recommend options for improving financial sustainability. Currently fleet is being retained longer to reduce depreciation losses. Smaller cars have replaced large cars in many instances thus reducing capital investment. As fleet is replaced, more fuel efficient vehicles are introduced into the fleet, reducing running costs. LPGas is considered (in consultation with customers) with each purchase, instead of petrol or diesel. Better utilisation is investigated with every replacement vehicle and plant item. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Continue to renew workshop facility assets so as to maintain operational performance and staff safety. ¾ Investigate opportunities for using technology to improve fleet management and workshop administration systems. ¾ Continue to keep abreast of new fleet technologies to improve vehicle operational and environmental efficiency.


Functions (The Centre Ivanhoe) SERVICE ASPECT



Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with service. - Based on an on-line

ACTUAL 2011-2012 -7.31% on total expenditure budget of $2,931,375. +4.19% on total income budget of $2,925,361. (Net variance was $91,916 more than the budgeted net expenditure.) 86% (Overall)

TARGET 2012-2013 Achieve at or better than set budget


ACTUAL 2012-2013 +0.00% on total expenditure budget of $3,065,632 -2.02% on total income budget of $2,828,144. (Net variance was $57,323 more than the budgeted net expenditure.) 96%*

survey methodology Note: *The result for 2012-2013 is based on customer rating of service as being either: excellent, good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. The survey tool and method is to be reviewed in 2013-2014.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 The Centre Ivanhoe ¾ The Centre Ivanhoe celebrated 75 years since its official opening in 1937, which was acknowledged by the hosting of its first ticketed event, “Back to the Berg”. This gala event was a great success with over 330 guests attending for a fabulous night of entertainment and dancing. Not surprisingly, the event organisers received fantastic feedback from guests acknowledging the high quality of the food, presentation of the venue & the Art Deco furnishings on display. ¾

Successful achievement of all sales targets by the Functions Team, with an increase of approximately 16% in income. This was due in part to The Centre playing host to a record breaking 50 weddings in a single calendar year. This was a fantastic result and reflects the significant promotion and marketing efforts of The Centre Ivanhoe Functions Team.


Installation of several major Capital Improvements to the facility included: - New furniture for the Great Hall foyer - New furniture in the Streeton Bridal Suite - Wireless Internet Access - established throughout the venue - New roller door for the Streeton kitchen - New Rationale oven in the Great Hall kitchen These improvements will continue to allow The Centre Ivanhoe to meet the function and event requirements of both new and existing clients.


Adoption and commencement of a New Catering Contract Model in early 2013. This resulted in the redeployment or voluntary redundancy of all members of The Centre’s Functions team. One staff member was redeployed to the Function Contract Co-ordinator position.

Community Halls & Buses ¾

Provision of sponsorship by way of Banyule City Council’s Facility Access Grants was well used by many community groups, enabling them to hold numerous fundraising events at several of Council’s community venues and halls.


Continuous improvement to our halls, particularly the provision of new tables, chairs and blinds, has resulted in receipt of ongoing, positive feedback from many clients. Cooperation with Council’s Building Maintenance team has facilitated the successful upgrade of the Lower Plenty Senior Citizens Community Hall. 29


Introduction of bookings of the revamped Lower Plenty Senior Citizens Hall will now by administered by the Leisure & Cultural Bookings Officer at Banyule.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Further development and refining of the New Catering Model, including further developing stronger working relationships with the successful contractor, Liberty Catering. This includes the implementation and on-going review of new processes and procedures which will be required as this new service delivery model is somewhat different from the previous methods of operation.


Obtaining a commitment for capital works funds will be important, so as to continue the provision of planned upgrading of the building and to ensure The Centre Ivanhoe can continue to meet the needs and demands of new and existing clients.


Ensuring the provision of sufficient capital works funds will also be necessary in order to continue the planned and ongoing cyclical upgrading of the furnishings and fittings of all Community Halls.


Oversee and assist with the coordination of Banyule City Council Special Events at The Centre Ivanhoe and provide ongoing regular liaison with Liberty Catering to get the best possible outcomes.


Governance Service SERVICE ASPECT



Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on internal Customer Satisfaction Surveys. -

Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +6.99% ($61,062 less than budgeted net expenditure of $874,114)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +1.31% ($10,566 less than budgeted net expenditure of $803,791)




(based on satisfaction of citizenship ceremonies participants)

(based on satisfaction of citizenship ceremonies participants)

(based on satisfaction of citizenship ceremonies participants)


Inner Group average 62* CSI score for Informing the community (performance)


CSI score for Informing the community (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

CSI score for Informing the community (performance) 84%* Informing the community (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Held 21 Ordinary Meetings and 2 Special Meeting of Council. ¾ Held 4 Citizenship Ceremonies this year, with over 340 Banyule residents becoming Australian Citizens from a variety of nationalities/countries. This included an Australia Day citizenship ceremony with a local Banyule resident as Banyule’s Australia Day guest Speaker. ¾ Recorded 79 Assemblies of Councillors, indicating Councillors are being provided with a greater understanding of issues to assist them to make informed decisions. ¾ Surveyed Citizenship Ceremony attendees to measure satisfaction with the ceremony, achieving a 98% satisfaction rating. ¾ Processed 15 Freedom of Information requests. All requests have been processed within the statutory timeframe of 45 days. ¾ Preparation and Planning for the General Election in October 2012. The media was utilised to advertise the Stand for Council Campaign and a General Advertising Plan was utilised for the elections. Regular updates on Council’s website information on the elections included how to enrol to vote, where to vote and becoming a Councillor. An information session for Prospective Candidates was held with the Municipal Association of Victoria and attracted a good number of people.


¾ Reviewed The Election Caretaker Guidelines to ensure best practice after review undertaken by the Local Government Inspectorate of the entire sector. Inclusions included making the guidelines applicable to social media. ¾ Conducted and supervised the election contract. The Victorian Electoral Commission conducted the Election, information sessions for candidates were held for candidates, organised the count of ballots and votes and undertook the non-voting process. ¾ Developed an Induction Program for Councillors to ensure they are kept abreast of the key requirements of office and the key challenges facing the organisation. ¾ Expanded Governance Practice notes were developed to assist staff with key legislative requirements including Election Caretaker Guidelines ¾

Rollout of hand-held technology for Councillors has reduced the requirement for hardcopies of Agendas, Minutes and briefing notes and ensure Councillors have the most up to date information. On Ordinary Agendas and Minutes alone we have saved 29,886 pages of paper.


Development of new ward fund applications forms, information for applicants and guidelines for staff after Council adopted a new Ward Fund Policy


Recruitment of a Senior Governance Officer for a maternity leave replacement in a current environment where Governance employees are difficult to source and recruit.


Development and presentation of a new Report to Council on the status of Councillors Motions presented to Council, this helps track progress on items that often relate to advocacy and are referred to Members of Parliament or Government departments.


Reported Councillor expenses to Council for the first time continuing with providing open and honest communication with our community. The report included Councillor expenses on Broadband/Computer, Conferences/Training Telephone/Mobiles and Stationery for the previous four years. This will be reported to Council annually.


Held four Cemetery Trust meetings to discuss operating matters, future use of the cemetery and adopt the budget for the Cemeteries.


Successful Grant Applications submitted to the Department of Health. Full grants received to allow for maintenance works at the Warringal Cemetery and Greensborough Cemetery.


Successful completion an audit of the Banyule Cemeteries Trust Abstract of Accounts.


Introduced a Code Red Policy for the Warringal Cemetery and Greensborough Cemetery.


Participation by Banyule Cemeteries Trust in the development of the CCAV Metropolitan Planning Strategy submission, and consequently contributing to the submission from Banyule City Council.


Continued Advocacy to both Levels of Government on the future of cemeteries and grave tenure issues.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Prepare and Develop Protected Disclosure Procedures. Agencies such as local councils must develop new guidelines on how to receive and deal with Protected Disclosures by August 10th 2013. The New Protected Disclosure Act came into force February 2013 and has replaced the Whistleblower Act.


Work with Councillors to review and update the Councillor Code of Conduct which must be reviewed within 12 months after the last General Election being October 2013.


Undertake a major review of council delegations. legislative timeframe after the General election.


Redevelop new Governance section for the Induction of Staff/Contractors to include Conflicts of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality, Protected Disclosures and Information Privacy.

These must be reviewed within the



Prepare and commence the Review of Council’s Local Laws; Local Law no 1 General Local Law and Local Law No 2, Conduct of Meetings. The review involves a process outlined in Guidelines published by the Victorian State Government that Councils must adhere to. The review of the Meeting Procedures Code is to occur concurrently with the local law review.


Implement further improvements to the Ward Fund Policy.


Design and installation of new wall niches at Warringal Cemetery to allow for ashes placement.


Commence investigations on a new Cemetery Data Base system, which will allow for the public to search the database on-line.


Health Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

MAV Insurance (overall score) Food Safety.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +8.85% ($92,483 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,044,690. Total expenditure budget was $1,631,899 and total income budget was $587,209.) Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group Achieve at or better than budget

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +25.92% ($309,713 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,194,915. Total expenditure budget was $1,813,416 and total income budget was $618,501.) Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Family Support Services: 64*

Family Support Services: 68*

Family Support Services: 68*

Enforcement of local laws: 68*

Enforcement of local laws: 65*

Enforcement of local laws: 67*

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

Family Support Services: 94%*


Enforcement of local laws: 90%*

100% (based on 2011-12 audit for Banyule)


100% (based on 2012-13 audit for Banyule)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 Food Safety ¾ Completed 1,176 statutory inspections/assessments of food premises in the year ending 31 December 2012. ¾ In the 2012 calendar year, seven new food businesses opened in the municipality (resulting in a total of 700 food premises registered under the Food Act 1984 as at end June 2013) ¾ Statutory food sampling requirements were met with a total of 198 food samples submitted for the purpose of analysis in the set period of 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2013. ¾ Progressed with a Mobile Technology project to streamline the inspection and assessment processes. ¾ Implemented changes to the registration renewal process. Renewals now allow for a 6 week timeframe for payment in line with the Council rates system. ¾ Implemented ‘Streatrader’ (Statewide temporary online food database). Temporary Food applications are now received and approved through ‘Streatrader’.


Immunisation ¾ During the 2012 calendar year, 10,589 vaccines were provided at public immunisation sessions, 6,261 vaccines at school sessions and 864 via commercial sessions. ¾ Maintained an average of 93.06% immunisation coverage for the age cohort of 12 months, higher than the Victorian average of 92.35% and the Australian average of 91.68%. ¾ Maintained an average of 94.06% immunisation coverage for the cohort of 24 months, higher than the Victorian average of 93.38% and the Australian average of 92.59%. ¾ Implemented the first years of the HPV vaccine for boys program at Secondary Schools. ¾ Further streamlined the school immunisation process, and staffing roles leading to further staffing efficiency and increased career development opportunities. Public Health ¾ Conducted a total of 213 statutory inspections of Public Health and Wellbeing Act premises during the 2012 calendar year. ¾ A total of 216 premises were registered under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act as at end June 2013. ¾ In 2012 there were a total of 450 health/nuisance related complaints investigated. ¾ Conducted 113 Tobacco education visits in the 2012/2013 financial year. ¾ Conducted 86 Tobacco Test Purchases in 2012/2013, resulting in 10 sales to minors. ¾ Council adopted the Smoke free Outdoor Areas Policy in March 2013, designating specific areas within the municipality as smoke free. ¾ The Municipal Public Health Emergency Management Sub Plan was adopted by the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC)

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Implement the state-wide database for rooming houses (complete training and provide continual updates to the state-wide register)


Continue the Mobile Technology Project - including the purchase of hardware


Manage the health impacts and remediation of residential premises used for the manufacturing of illicit drugs (ie clandestine labs)


Implement Council’s new information management system (TRIM) in aspects related to the Health Services team


Continue to provide new HPV vaccine to Year 7 school boys from 2013 and Year 9 school boys under the last year of a catch-up program


Manage staff time during increased immunisation workload periods due to an increased school immunisation program


Implement Council’s Smoke free Outdoor Areas Policy


Complete the identification of all unsewered properties within Banyule for electronic recording and data management purposes.


Human Resources SERVICE KEY PERFORMANCE ASPECT INDICATOR Financial Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. - based on internal Council Survey.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +30.59% ($345,020 less than the budgeted net expenditure of $1,127,778) Workforce Development Internal Survey Rating = 7.1 (Average Rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

TARGET 2012-2013 Achieve at or better that budget

Internal Survey Rating = 8.0 (Overall Customer Service Satisfaction. Average rating out of 10)

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +26.53% ($327,172 less than the budgeted net expenditure of $1,233,220) Workforce Development Internal Survey Rating = 7.1 (Average Rating out of 10. Based on June 2012 survey)

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Establishment of a cross-organisational learning and development advisory group to provide advice and assistance to Human Resources, with the aim of providing a more centralised approach to learning and development across the organisation and to simplify and facilitate training processes.


Preparation of a revised Learning and Development policy.


Delivery of a number of ‘high need’ learning sessions across the organisation, including Performance Management (encompassing performance review process for both managers and staff), Writing Skills, Train the Trainer, Time Management, Managing Difficult Conversations, Recruitment and Selection, among others.


Implemented a senior leadership development program to ensure we have the skills and capabilities to lead our teams now and into the future. Feedback from participants has been positive with flow on effects to other parts of the organisation.


BLN (Banyule Leadership Network) program continued to evolve and included a number of topics which were followed up in separate programs, including the Voice of Banyule, Fraud Awareness and Control, the Human Rights Charter, and Leading Teams.


Human Resources was instrumental in facilitating the culture work of the Voice of Banyule program for the Corporate Services department in collating the data and developing action plans.


Participation in the Workforce Planning Audit.


Researched providers and engaged a vendor for an e-Recruitment system.


Council has expanded the Consultative Committee model to include quarterly local area committees in Parks and Gardens, Operations, Home and Community Care (HACC), and Banyule Leisure Facilities Management (BLFM) to discuss and address area specific employee relation matters.


Council also introduced a Recruitment Panel register of trained staff who are available to assist with recruitment in order to meet the principles of merit and equity


Council has moved from utilising a recruitment agency to undertake Senior Officer recruitment to conducting the recruitment and selection process internally.


Preliminary discussions with Managers from Community Programs and City Services commenced on relevant Enterprise Agreement (EA) Schedules as part of preparation for negotiating Enterprise Agreement No. 6 in 2013/2014.


Established a collaborative work plan to improve safety and promote safety culture within Banyule Leisure Facility Management (BLFM). This included assisting with training, participating in weekly OHS meetings, and implementing an OHS Bulletin. 36


Partnered with Leisure and Culture to deliver effective management and delivery of public, contractor, volunteer and staff safety for successful festivals and events.


Provided assistance to Early Years Services to look into the design and development of nappy change benches in order to minimise ergonomic and manual handling hazards to staff, and reduce the risk of children suffering an injury from a fall.


Continued collaboration with Council’s injury management consultant to assist with workplace injuries, training and education, and hazard minimisation for ergonomic/task-related activities resulting in consistent processes and reduced injuries.


Partnered with Deakin University to undertake a study into identifying and measuring musculoskeletal stresses placed on the body resulting from the tasks performed by Home and Community Care (HACC) workers. This information will be used to inform reviews and changes of procedures, task scheduling, and assist with recruitment, retaining current employees, and returning injured staff to work. The study promises to lead change across the HACC sector, and has possible applications for all manual tasks across Council.


Formed an effective partnership with Corporate Bodies International to develop and deliver a staff health and wellbeing program. This included successfully applying for a WorkSafe health grant to supplement and enhance proposed health and wellbeing activities in 2013/14.


Continued delivery of proactive health initiatives, including Workplace Health Checks, mental health awareness sessions, drug and alcohol awareness sessions, expanding fruit box deliveries across more staff sites, to encourage healthy eating, and continuing to provide an Employee Assistance Programme in collaboration with D’Accord.


Completion of insurance renewals, with near “roll-over” (no increases) terms achieved for almost all classes of insurance.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Implement and integrate the e-Recruitment system to streamline Council’s recruitment practices.


Continue to co-ordinate the senior officer recruitment process internally.


Address potential impacts associated with an Ageing workforce - The demographics of Banyule’s workforce, expected retirements, reduced capacity, and difficulties attracting and retaining professional and skilled staff, combined with general labour market trends in Australia, mean that Council may face challenges to meet current and/or future demands in areas such as: -

Ageing workforce and replacing the talent pool


Trade shortages – employing qualified trade staff and being seen as an employer of choice in a competitive employment market


Providing career progression and promotion opportunities, particularly to retain Gen X and Y staff


Attracting and retaining staff in areas of high staff turnover particularly in areas of service delivery requiring professionally qualified staff


Enterprise Agreement No. 5 is due to expire 30/06/2013. Consultative Committee meetings are scheduled to commence in November 2013, and will continue until such time as Enterprise Agreement No. 6 is successfully negotiated and ratified by Fair Work Australia. Again it is anticipated that this process will be resource intensive for Human Resources.


Address challenges associated with changes in Modern Awards and Agreements, including: -

Victorian Local Authorities Award (2001) is set to expire December 2013 and transition to a Modern Award.


Educational Services - Early Childhood Assistants (Victoria) Award (1999) and Early Childhood Teachers Interim Award (1999) is set to expire in 2013 and transition to a Modern Award. Local Government Early Childhood Education Employee’s Agreement (2009) expired in April 2013, with a successor yet to be adopted.


Provide ongoing learning and development opportunities for staff to ensure the right staff are being trained in the right skills 37


Evaluate learning and development activities to ensure there is a return on investment


Sourcing and implementation of e-Learning system


Assist with organisational cultural development activities that foster constructive behaviour and support Banyule’s values across our large and diverse organisation.


Supporting the continued development of the safety culture across the organisation, to ensure consistency of practice and attitudes to safety, and to assist Banyule become a local government safety leader.


Continued monitoring of potential changes in Work Health and Safety Legislation and prepare for Council’s response and due diligence should Victoria embrace Harmonised Legislation.


Continued enhancement of Human Resources and Occupational Health and Safety policies and practices.


Ongoing implementation of task-related training videos, self-assessment and action-planning manual handling and safety learning.


Provision of on-site support across the organisation to enhance health, safety and risk management practices, balancing proactive projects with responsive service to all areas of Council.


Providing accurate, concise and responsive procedures, tools and documentation in relation to Business Continuity Planning (BCP), to ensure a resilient organisation that can manage disruptions that may occur, and to maintain customer and operational services despite such interruptions.


Continue to provide and oversee the safety leadership program, identifying teams with this need and assisting in developing and implementing relevant projects to improve safety in these areas.


Supporting the organisation in recruiting and training staff in additional support functions such as: Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Occupational Health Safety (OHS) committee members, wardens, workplace first aid officers, internal auditors, etc.


Continue to provide support with respect to risk and safety issues arising from major projects undertaken by Council in 2013/14, such as: purchase and development of former school sites, preparing for office consolidation (in Greensborough), changing records document management system (TRIM), a changing IT environment (business continuity), etc, whilst also supporting teams to carry out their normal operational roles.


Management and Operation of Information Technology SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. -

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +20.93% (Net expenditure was $346,292 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,654,443)


TARGET 2012-2013 Achieve at or better than budget


ACTUAL 2012-2013 +41.59% (Net expenditure was $705,152 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,695,461)


Percentage of core IT systems availability

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 Projects: ¾ Implemented a technology platform delivering effective, efficient and reliable IT services at WaterMarc, Greensborough by:x

Designing & building a new purpose-built data centre for the leisure facility


Implementing server infrastructure and a data storage system to enable utilisation of the above data centre as a primary data centre for Council, enhancing our system reliability and stability


Installing a series of network switches and VMWare servers for the computer & VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) network, POS (Point of Sale) Access Control and the connection of Technogym equipment.

¾ Delivered a range of foundation technologies identified in the ‘Technology Vision 2020 and Delivery Plan’ to best position Banyule City Council to meet future technological challenges. Some of the key achievements included:x

Working with several Service Units to improve operational efficiencies and maximise the utilisation of Corporate Applications, eg. Together with the Human Resources team we delivered a HR Module


Resolving all critical and challenging operational issues related to the VoIP/Unified Communication Solution (Microsoft Lync and Geomant Contact Expert System)


Presenting a business case, aligning with Banyule’s Business Continuity Plan, regarding IT Disaster Recovery Solution options, highlighting respective options, benefits and shortcomings. The Executive team has made the decision to establish a dedicated connectivity between Ivanhoe and WaterMarc to establish a secondary Datacentre.


Aligning with the ‘Technology Vision 2020 and Delivery Plan’ we decommissioned several legacy servers, upgraded ESX Environments and the Firewall to improve operational reliability and efficiency.


Completing Phases 1 & 2 of Windows 7 rollout and PC replacement. This included the testing and modification of in excess of 50 business applications ensuring compliance with Windows 7 operating environment and the Windows 7 & Office 2010 training for more than 200 staff members.

¾ Upgraded the Corporate Authority system from Version 6.3 to Version 6.6 to facilitate the implementation of Authority CRM & AIM modules into Parks & Gardens. Following the upgrade Civica were able to successfully demonstrate the essential CRM & AIM module functionalities required by the Service Unit and have delivered a Go Live project plan.


¾ Introduced iPads and a Cloud services application (The Hub) to effectively and efficiently manage Council Meetings Minutes & Agendas, offering secure storage and distribution of documents. iPads were rolled out to all Councillors, the Senior Management Team and relevant support staff. ¾ Working with the Communications team an AMX Digital Signage system was installed at 5 Banyule offices. The project included training of the Communications team to manage content and ongoing operation of the system. ¾ Worked with the Business Services Team to implement the organisation’s ‘Interplan’ planning and reporting system. This included data migration from the internally hosted CID system into Interplan’s cloud system. ¾ Replaced unsupported Crystal ePortfolio (an old report server) with SAP Crystal Server 2008 (an advanced report server). This introduced a self-help reporting system which will be utilised by various service units eg. Workforce Development, Payroll, BLFM making them self sufficient with reporting and reducing their reliance on IT. ¾ Worked with the Banyule Leisure Facilities Management (BLFM) Team to upgrade their POS from SportsMan to LINKS POS to enable alignment with corporate requirements and to improve efficiency. ¾ Managed the upgrade of the Council Chamber AV and Wireless Sound Systems including training of the Governance Team to enable their effective management of its operations. ¾ Commenced working with the EDRMS Project Team, AlphaWest Implementation Team and the IM Steering Committee providing necessary technical support and IT infrastructure to ensure long term organisational objectives and implementation schedule are met. ¾ Worked with the Communications Team for the Website redevelopment project, evaluating tenders, selection of appropriate vendor and development of the business and technical specification. Operational Achievements: ¾ Provided responsive and quality IT services to Council, with more than 6,000 IT requests logged and resolved. In addition: x In excess of 3 million emails were received and distributed – an increase of approx 500,000+ from last year. x In excess of 1.8M spam email was quarantined – an increase of 1.4M from last year which demonstrates that active blocking is occurring at the gateway (firewall) rather than in the internal network x In excess of 31,000 viruses were prevented from accessing our network – an increase of 11,500 from last year. x More than 2,500 system patches were applied for Microsoft Applications, systems and servers to make the IT Network Infrastructure stable and reliable x IT Infrastructure uptime was more than 99%. ¾ Provided a reliable corporate application environment by: x

Successfully upgrading the corporate application Authority from Version 6.3 to Version 6.6.


Applying in excess of 1,500 Authority patches into the production (LIVE) environment


Applying in excess of 7,000 patched into the 5 test environments


Logging and following up to resolution in excess of 100 Authority system hotline issues

Working closely with several Service Units, investigated and delivered a range of business IT solutions enabling operational efficiency and effectiveness in the management of customer expectations. This included:

Successfully introduced the corporate application functionality of emailing Purchase Order instead of faxing. 40

Implemented Xpedite waiting list module for Early Childhood Services

Installed remote access system for WaterMarc Data Centre

Commissioned and delivered the WiFi network and SecureLink

Provided microwave connectivity between Ivanhoe Art Centre (Hatch) and the datacentre at Ivanhoe.

Refreshed all the relevant office & home equipment for newly elected Council members

Created a new Windows 7 Standard Operating Environment (SOE), Citrix Server & Launchpad to improve remote connectivity for staff & relevant support technicians

Replaced Google Maps with Near Maps for Development Services

Developed and enhanced Authority Crystal reports for various business units inc. Local Laws, Revenue & Accounts Payable

Completed the Authority Cheque Printing on A4 Laser Printer and email transmittance project in Authority

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ IT Innovation for Greensborough Office Accommodation – Work with the management team to identify, investigate and recommend technology appropriate for the proposed Flintoff Street office facility ¾ Communication and Corporate Education – Regularly communicate with key stakeholders about the IT Vision and opportunities: Executive Management Team, Senior Management Team, Banyule Leadership Network and other user group forums ¾ Users Training Requirements - Work with the HR Team to determine needs and provide necessary support where required. ¾ Creation of Resilient ICT Environment - Implement primary and secondary data centres ensuring all audit recommendations have been considered thereby eliminating or minimising all risk ¾ Investigate the opportunity of emerging technologies, e.g., Social Media, Cloud Computing, Smartphone/Tablet and others ¾ Support business units to review and improve service delivery, e.g. CRM, Asset Management, Capital Value Register, HR module, reviewing eServices functionalities. ¾ Implement and upgrade core information systems and technology as required, e.g. Authority corporate system, server and network hardware and network security upgrades, PC replacement program. ¾ Provide responsive and quality IT services to Council by resolving user requests in a timely manner, providing application version control & patch management and regular monitoring of network security. ¾ Investigate and develop innovative solutions that will enhance business units’ operational efficiency and effectiveness via Executive Management Team and the Strategic Review Committee i.e. EDRMS, Mobile Technology, Website redevelopment, Online Sharepoint Forms/Workflow and others etc. ¾ Continue to work with the Business Services Team to implement and develop the organisation’s ‘Interplan’ planning and reporting system and to provide connectivity with other Corporate Applications. ¾ Support corporate and business unit specific unsupported legacy applications by further enhancement, modifications and upgrades to the new platform. ¾ Improvement of technology systems by undertaking research and development of emerging technologies to ascertain appropriate business solutions, e.g. Windows 7 rollout, Virtual Desktop, GreenIT and other initiatives. 41

Leisure and Cultural Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +4.04% ($58,204 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,438,535. Total expenditure budget was $1,627,120 and total income budget was $188,585)^

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +1.59% ($21,883 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,378,512. Total expenditure budget was $1,550,807 and total income budget was $172,295)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Recreational Facilities 72*

Recreational Facilities 73*

Recreational Facilities 75*

Community and cultural activities 69*

Community and cultural activities 70*

Community and cultural activities 69*

Art centres and libraries 74*

Art centres and libraries 76*

Art centres and libraries 72*

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

Recreational Facilities: 96%* Community and cultural activities: 93%* Art centres and libraries: 95%*

Note: * Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD. ^ Minor adjustments have been made to the 2011-2012 financial KPI actual result to enable direct comparison with the 2012-2013 actual result.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule achieved good results in the Victorian Local Government CSS for 2013 across the selected performance measures related to Leisure and Cultural Services. The results were amongst the highest service performance scores for Banyule and compare well with the average scores for the Inner Group average CSI. Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, over 90% of respondents provided a rating of average or better in the three categories of recreational facilities, community and cultural activities, and arts centres and libraries. ¾ The Leisure and Culture teams developed draft four year plans to drive Council arts and recreation into the future. The Draft Recreation Plan 2013-2017 and Draft Banyule Arts Plan


2013–2017 were developed after extensive consultation with the community, key stakeholders and the internal organisation. Sport and Leisure Projects and & Events ¾ Australian Somali Football Association Tournament – worked in partnership with the Football Federation Victoria, Heidelberg Stars Soccer Club, Heidelberg United Soccer Club and the local community to host a day of this tournament. This is now an annual Melbourne wide tournament that is represented by teams from overseas and interstate along with our own local teams at Olympic Park in West Heidelberg. Over 1000 people attended this day alone with over 4000 people attending the final as a part of the event. ¾ Leisure Programs - A range of new and innovative leisure programs have been developed for the Banyule Community to improve people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. The programs aim is to build partnership with existing organisations, to develop a range of programs that engage with and bring the community together. The free programs have included: Exercise in the Parks in partnership with Banyule Leisure Facility Management (BLFM), a Family Bike Ride in partnership with Banyule Bug User Group, Games Night at the Watsonia library in partnership with the YPR Library Service, Antiques and Heirlooms Workshops, and Street parties were held throughout Banyule. ¾ Older Adults: Christmas luncheon - Over 120 older adults attended the annual Older Adults Christmas luncheon hosted by Banyule City Council. The event is for isolated older adults in the Banyule community who come together to share a meal and celebrate. The Older Adults Recreation Program ran a variety of events, trips and activities with over 700 people attending the program this year. ¾ Access for All Abilities – Council was informed in 2013 that this program will no longer be receiving State funding from the 2013/2014 Financial year onwards. The work completed by the AAA Officers was an important feature in the service delivery of Leisure and Culture. Some other highlights of the AAA program include: -

The continued work with the Football Integration Development Association Football Team which was successfully established at the Lower Plenty Football Club last year. The team doubled in size and continues to go from strength to strength.


A series of satellite events around International Day for People with a Disability incorporating Council’s Leisure Centres and WaterMarc facility.


The development and implementation of the needs analysis for leisure programs. The needs analysis aimed to identify barriers and enablers along with areas of strength and areas for improvement to participation in sport, recreation and leisure for people with a disability living in the Banyule municipality.


Banyule continues to support Extended Families in the ‘Live Your Community–Sporting Mates’ program which has been a continued success.

Capital Works Projects & Planning ¾ Hatch Contemporary Art Space – The former Banyule Art Space was relaunched as Hatch Contemporary Art Space following a facelift and some interior works. The space is now a dedicated Arts facility within the Banyule Community. ¾ Greensborough Bowls Club Retractable Shade – A shade structure was installed at Greensborough Bowls Club. It allows play to continue when it otherwise would be cancelled and it is the only one of its kind in Banyule. ¾ Arts and Recreational Facilities Audit – Council engaged an external consultant to produce audits on various arts and recreation facilities throughout Banyule. This will assist the Leisure and Culture team in Capital Works planning for the next 10 years.


Arts & Cultural Development ¾ Winter in Banyule – The 2012 Winter in Banyule Festival was themed as ‘Art Up Close’. Various elements included ’24hr Emergency Art’, projections on Main Street in Greensborough, Eid Celebrations, Antiques and Heirlooms and various Workshops. ¾ Malahang Festival – The theme of this year’s festival, as determined by the Malahang Festival Reference Group, was Sport and the Olympics celebrating the 56th anniversary since the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. Attendance at the festival was fantastic with approximately 3000 people attending over the course of the day. ¾ Banyule Festival incorporating Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest – Banyule Festival continues to be very well attended and enjoyed by the Banyule Community. Twilight Sounds attracted over 2,000 with a great line up of Australian acts. The Kids Artyfarty Fest attracted well over 8,000 people throughout the day with the annual Grand Street Parade having a near record number of participants with over 800 people singing, dancing and marching down Burgundy Street. ¾ Home Art Exhibition – Home - Reframing Craft & Domesticity was undoubtedly the most successful Banyule City Council art exhibition so far. As the first exhibition since the opening of Hatch Contemporary Arts Space, Home has set a solid grounding for the future development of the Arts in Banyule and the potential for Hatch to connect with diverse community members. Home presented 83 works by 56 artists and artisans who worked in a wide range of craft-based mediums. Artworks were displayed in ‘rooms’ set up within the gallery, creating a narrative of a home and providing an immersive experience. This exhibition received extremely positive feedback from the local community and the art community more widely. ¾ Inclusive Arts Forum – Banyule gathered 13 leading inclusive arts agencies and peak bodies together with 70 members of the local community to talk about raising the profile of artists who have a disability, pathways in the creative industries for artists with a disability, and practical strategies for making creative environments inclusive. This forum was in partnership with Metro Access. ¾ Impressionist Lab (Gallery) – The team continues to work in partnership with the Heidelberg School Art Foundation and Parks Victoria on the development of Council’s first purpose built art gallery to celebrate the Heidelberg School of Artists and Impressionism. Consultation with the community will continue as Council moves forward on the proposed development. Community Development and Engagement ¾ E-Newsletters and Social Media - introduced two new monthly e-newsletters to keep the community informed and engaged with what is happening in sports and leisure and arts and culture across Banyule. An Arts & Culture and Sports & Leisure E-Newsletter is distributed to approximately 600 individual and groups each month. ¾ Consultation from the Arts and Recreation Plans - A major step in the development of the Recreation and Arts Plans was the consultation with the community. This was undertaken in a variety of ways including face to face conversations, surveys with qualitative and quantitative responses, research and benchmarking, community forums and external reference group involvement, among other forms of consultation. ¾ Arts and Cultural Committees - continued to consult and engage with the community through four Arts Committees Arts & Cultural Advisory Committee, Public Art Advisory Committee, Cultural Vault Reference Group and the Art Collection Advisory Committee. Over 40 committee members meet with Council Officers on a regular basis to provide advice on projects and contribute to the development of Council’s strategic direction for arts and cultural development across Banyule. ¾ Internship and Volunteer Opportunities - Leisure and Culture continued to provide opportunities for the community to assist in the development and delivery of some of Council’s programs and services such as the Older Adults Program, the Free Leisure Programs, the Festivals and Events and the Arts Exhibitions.


¾ Sports Forums - A range of sports forums for all sporting clubs, including liquor licence education on recent law changes and first aid training. Strategic planning workshops were conducted for soccer, cricket, baseball and football clubs specifically looking to improve club direction and understanding of Council processes. Grants, Recognition & Support ¾ 2013 Sports Achievement Awards and Club Recognition Night – 43 nominations were received this year and over 200 people attended the night held at The Centre Ivanhoe hosted by Cameron Ling. ¾ Sports Development Grants – Council once again provided valuable funding to the sporting community for sports people and teams to cover travel costs, equipment costs and uniform costs. General The Leisure and Cultural Services (LCS) team: ¾ Played an important role in the development of the WaterMarc facility and continues to be involved in terms of facility and resource management. The team also co-ordinated the contract management and administration aspects for the WaterMarc facility (which had a net budget of approximately $553,000 for 2012-2013). Belgravia Leisure has been appointed with a three year contract to operate and manage Council's WaterMarc facility. Monthly contract meeting are held with Belgravia Leisure and monthly reports submitted, including profit and loss statements for the facility. Note: The Leisure and Cultural Services team continues to work closely with the Aquatics and Leisure Facilities team in co-ordinating leisure and recreation aspects related to the WaterMarc facility – highlights and challenges have been captured in the separate best value highlights report for the Aquatics and Leisure Facilities team. ¾ Provided contract management and administration support for several facilities and services currently provided to the community by external contractors on behalf of Council. Some of the key leases and contracts administered include the Macleod YMCA, Ivanhoe Golf Course and Yarra Plenty Swim School. (An example is Sports Pavilions (Ivanhoe Golf Course and Sports Grounds) which had a net income budget of approximately $222,000 in 2012-13). ¾ Continued its role in supporting Banyule’s local Libraries - Yarra Plenty Regional Library (YPRL) network’s Ivanhoe, Rosanna and Watsonia libraries (with a budget of approximately $4,039,000 in 2012-13, including an operating grant). Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Implementation of the Arts Plan and Recreation Plan including Year 1 Actions. ¾ Implementation of a full range of programming at Hatch Contemporary Art Space. ¾ A key goal across both Arts and Recreation plans is to continue to improve the way in which the programs and services are delivered by the team and communicated. ¾ A range of feasibility studies and master plans were undertaken in 2012/2013. A key challenge will be seeking and securing funding to enable Council to implement the recommendations of these reports and studies. ¾ Data management systems are a high priority for the Leisure and Cultural Service Unit due to the amount of data generated via consultation, applications and marketing, and the need to manage this data in line with privacy legislation. ¾ Allocation of sporting grounds and facilities, given the increasing demand for sports grounds and pavilions and the issue of supply and demand. This will remain a challenge to maintain the safety of grounds when unable to reduce the use of these grounds. ¾ Continue to address ageing infrastructure issues associated with Council facilities.


Major Projects & Infrastructure SERVICE ASPECT



Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. -

Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +3.50% ($249,601 less than budgeted net expenditure of $7,127,085).

61* CSI score for The condition of local streets and footpaths in your area (performance)

Target 20122013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 -0.46% ($34,252 more than budgeted net expenditure of $7,501,729).

Inner Group 63* average 63* CSI score for CSI score for The condition of The condition of local streets and local streets and footpaths in your footpaths in your area area (performance) (performance) 80%* 60% of The condition of respondents local streets and providing a footpaths in your rating of area average or (performance) better*

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 The Major Projects and Infrastructure team completed a range of major projects and activities in line with Council’s Capital Works Plan. This involved working together with relevant service units, and co-ordinating and supervising a range of contractors. Key projects included: WaterMarc Project ¾ Construction of WaterMarc, including the commissioning of associated plant. The Project Team played a key role in co-ordinating the development and construction of the WaterMarc facility. This role included managing and supervising the works for the construction of the facility, and associated works at Greensborough. Building & Civil Works and Infrastructure Maintenance ¾ Water harvesting and reuse projects at Kalparrin Gardens, DeWinton Reserve and Chelsworth Park ¾ Stage 3 of Darebin Creek Shared Trail and Board Walk ¾ Installation of a retractable shade system at Greensborough Bowling Club ¾ Construction and upgrade of footpaths and installation of pedestrian signal in Main Street, Greensborough ¾ Reconstruction of carpark at Flintoff Street, Greensborough ¾ Road re-sheeting: 38,422 m2 of local roads have been re-sheeted with 13 roads completed 46

¾ Conducted 35.1 km of road crack sealing, with 54 local streets crack sealed ¾ Drainage works - 5 projects completed totalling $51,000 ¾ Construction and maintenance of bike paths - $40,000 of repairs completed ¾ 4 projects for local area traffic management totalling $100,000 ¾ Road reconstruction of Oriel Road - Malahang to Tobruk section. Infrastructure Maintenance Unit ¾ Replaced 14,950 sqm or 6,680 bays of footpath ¾ Replaced 367 lineal metres of kerb and channel ¾ Replaced 18 pram crossings ¾ Repaired and replaced street signs and other street furniture worth $116,190 ¾ Conducted line marking for 65 streets - line marked with long life paint ¾ Major road patching works were performed on 10 streets with 1,000 sqm of patching completed ¾ Completed footbridge works: x

Banyule Rd / Graham Rd deck replaced (with non-slip)


Binnak Park repaired due to vandalism


Elder St drainage works to approach


Willinda Park handrails replaced


10 bridges repaired due to storm damage

¾ Received approx. 2,470 customer requests for infrastructure maintenance Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Redevelopment of Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre stage 1 ¾ Construction of Olympic Village Child Family Centre ¾ Redevelopment of three school sites at Bellfield, Banksia Sec College & Haig Street ¾ Installation of lift at Rosanna Bowling Club ¾ Detailed design of proposed Council office at Greensborough ¾ Installation of energy efficient street lights Stage 1 ¾ Completion of detailed design of Watsonia Community Hub, Knight Street Watsonia ¾ Construction of Plenty River Trail, Montmorency to Willinda Park ¾ Construction of Plenty River Trail, Willinda Park to Greensborough ¾ Completion of Simms Road Pavilion Extension ¾ Completion of detailed design of Ivanhoe Library Accommodation ¾ Replacement of four Courts at MacLeod Tennis Club ¾ Extension of Audrey Brooks Memorial Preschool ¾ Redevelopment of Morobe Street Children’s Centre ¾ Completion of Extension of Interlaken Kindergarten ¾ Completion of Winston Hills Preschool extension ¾ Finalise Asset Management Plans for roads, pathways, playgrounds, bridges & buildings ¾ Update the current 10 year Capital Works and asset renewal program 47

Municipal Laws Service SERVICE ASPECT


ACTUAL 2011-2012

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

ACTUAL 2012-2013


Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

-6.73% on total expenditure budget of $2,314,406. -5.75% on total income budget of $2,449,065.

Achieve at or better than budget

+0.64% on total expenditure budget of $3,235,880. -4.73% on total income budget of $2,624,865.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State


Inner Group average 65* CSI score for Enforcement of local laws (performance)


Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

CSI score for Enforcement of local laws (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

CSI score for Enforcement of local laws (performance) 90%* Enforcement of local laws (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Achieved a significant improvement in responding to customer requests - 90% of customer requests were responded to within time compared with 77% last year. Customer requests have increased by an average of 2% from the previous year and this has been handled within existing resources. ¾ Provided an increased focus on enforcement of traffic issues around schools in the morning and afternoon for the protection of children. ¾ Completed the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2012-2016. The plan was adopted by Council in June 2013 and contains actions which support and facilitate the benefits of animal ownership and companionship and contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents. It also aims to educate residents about the accepted standards of animal welfare including the care, feeding and physical wellbeing of domestic pets. The key issues for Council which are addressed in the Plan include continuing to encourage responsible pet ownership; dealing with dangerous and restricted breed dogs, and addressing the overpopulation of dogs and cats. ¾ In collaboration with the Salvation Army and Victoria Police, Council has successfully implemented a project to tackle illegal dumping of rubbish at the Watsonia Salvation Army Store. The project which involved Council installing CCTV technology has resulted in a 98% reduction in rubbish dumping, the prosecution of offenders and a huge cost saving to the Salvation Army in having to get rid of the rubbish. ¾ A new Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee has been established as a Sub Committee of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee and the Municipal Fire Prevention Committee disbanded.


¾ A new Fire Management Plan has been prepared and adopted by council in May 2013 as per the recommendations of the Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission. ¾ Continued auditing of building sites with site inspections while providing education to building contractors. This proactive approach helps to keep building sites clean, tidy and safe for the surrounding community. ¾

Commenced and completed detailed Municipal Laws Service Review including benchmarking with other Councils.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Implement the recommendations of the Municipal Laws Service review to ensure the service is achieving best value and continues to meet community needs into the future. ¾ Continue to focus on proactive fire prevention, including Council’s responsibilities in relation to compliance with municipal fire prevention planning. ¾ Continue to review the prosecutions and recovery processes for infringements to ensure that a high level of performance is maintained. ¾ Continue to focus on responsible animal ownership, including enforcement of animal management, local laws, education and raising awareness (eg. control of dogs off leads, picking up after dogs and desexing of pets). ¾ Review and update the current 4 year Domestic Animal Management Plan ¾ Continue to provide a high level of service to our community in relation to parking enforcement, animal management, local law enforcement, fire prevention and school crossings supervision, to ensure a safer environment for the community. ¾ Continue to focus on customer service, timely management of requests, and community education and awareness. ¾ Continue to trial different CCTV technology for the future use in reducing illegal dumping of rubbish in Banyule at dumping hotspots. ¾ Continue to work with the Community Safety Working Group, to provide safety and a good relationship with the residents and stakeholders in the community. The Group involves a number of stakeholders, including the Department of Housing, Neighbourhood Watch, Victoria Police, various departments from Banyule City Council, and residents of Banyule. Various police and local laws issues are addressed by the working group, for example, overhanging branches, abandoned vehicles, damaged footpaths, unsightly premises and monkey bike issues.


Management and Maintenance of Parks and Gardens SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +2.16% ($224,616 less than budgeted net expenditure of $10,415,420)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +5.57% ($630,019 less than budgeted net expenditure of $11,308,906)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

The appearance of public areas: 70*

The appearance of public areas: 72*

The appearance of public areas: 71*

Recreational facilities: 72*

Recreational facilities: 73*

Recreational facilities: 75*

Environmental sustainability: 68*

Environmental sustainability: 65*

Environmental sustainability: 67*

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

The appearance of public areas: 92%* Recreational facilities: 96%* Environmental sustainability: 91%*

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule achieved favourable results in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013 across the selected performance measures related to Parks and Gardens. The results were amongst the highest service performance scores for Banyule, and they compared well with the average scores for the Inner Group and State-wide averages. Banyule’s result of 67 for Environmental sustainability (performance) was significantly higher than the average for the Inner Group (65). ¾ Continued to advocate on behalf of Council and the community in relation to maintenance issues for the city. This included working with and advocating to various government agencies on amenity and safety issues related to asset damage, weed control, and public amenity. The Parks and Gardens service has facilitated the delivery of a range of projects in collaboration with relevant Council service units and key stakeholders. These include: ¾ Completion of Stage 1 of the implementation of the Price Park Masterplan, including replacing and substantially upgrading the playground, tree removal, pruning and general risk reduction, and steps towards addressing soil erosion and excess water run-off from the site. ¾ Completion of Stage 2 of the Binnak Park Regional Playground.


¾ Playgrounds at Streamline Reserve, Greensborough War Memorial and Price Park have been renewed and expanded in accordance with Council’s asset management plans. ¾ The conversion of Binnak Park sporting oval surface to a warm season grass. ¾ Installation of a Basketball Half Court including netball ring at Greensborough War Memorial Park. ¾ Improvement works and facility upgrades that have been undertaken include: -

Renewed park fencing at Elder Street Reserve


Renewed cricket net facilities at Chelsworth Park, Seddon Reserve, Olympic Park, Shelley Reserve


Upgrading of the path and steps on the Montmorency Park escarpment to improve safety


Completion of a heritage landscape installation at the Ivanhoe Town Hall


Construction of high screen fencing at Binnak Park behind goals to prevent balls from going into adjoining properties


Renewed Barbeque facilities at Banyule Flats and Price Park.

¾ Researched, assessed and co-ordinated significant plant and equipment upgrades, including several new mowers, to enable improved service delivery. ¾ Improved maintenance and service facilities at the parks depot, including the installation of wash down bays to reduce rick of spreading noxious weeds. ¾ Successful implementation of fire breaks in parks and reserves deemed as having a high fire risk. ¾ Regular grass cutting and maintenance of over 200 parks within Banyule. ¾ Continued to ensure compliance with Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010; the new State Government standards for ensuring there is adequate space between power lines and trees. ¾ Inspected and pruned 35,000 trees throughout the municipality under Council’s Routine Street Tree Maintenance Contract. ¾ Planted 1,250 street and park trees in line with the scheduled tree planting program for 20122013, which was increased from 1,000 to 1,250 plants (representing a 25% increase). In addition, a total of 9,835 local native (indigenous) plants made up of tube-stock trees, shrubs and ground species, were planted throughout Banyule’s bushland reserves, creeks and river reserves. This was part of the ongoing revegetation program for 2012-2013, including community working bees (local volunteers and friends groups). ¾ Commenced the process of preparing an Urban Forestry Policy and Strategic Plan for Banyule. ¾ Introduced a new leadership structure to the Tree Care Team, a new asset management system and new mobile technology to improve service delivery and outcomes. ¾ Facilitation of three major stormwater harvesting projects which will result in recycled stormwater being used for watering sports ovals and the Ivanhoe Golf Course instead of mains water. ¾ Completion of the Darebin Trail link beneath Heidelberg Road to Sparks Reserve. ¾ Together with other Councils in the Northern Region, successfully lobbied for State Government funding of $18 million to complete the final stage of the Darebin Creek Trail to link it to the Main Yarra Trail. ¾ Works were conducted to raise garden beds at the Buna Reserve Community Garden to better cater for elderly and disabled residents. ¾ Completed a feasibility study into the potential of creating fenced off-lead dog parks in Banyule, and into the upgrade of the pavilion facilities of the Kintala Dog Club. 51

¾ Conducted community consultation into the feasibility of providing a safe, improved bicycle route between Banksia Street and Burke Road North. ¾ Obtained State Government funding to assist Council to upgrade the section of the Plenty River Trail west of Willinda Park and to provide improved linkages between the trail and the Greensborough Principal Activity Centre. ¾ Provided ongoing support of environmental programs throughout the year. Bushland reserves have continued to receive carefully planned management to ensure the survival of rare and threatened species such as the Eltham Copper Butterfly. ¾ Conducted a successful ecological burn undertaken in St Helena Bush Reserve in conjunction with the Country Fire Authority (CFA) in December 2012, resulting in the regeneration and an increased population of rare orchid species. A carpet of wildflowers including orchids, peas, daisies and lilies has been generated by cool burning of this bushland. ¾ Continuation of weed control programs aimed at reducing weed cover within bush reserves and to encourage regeneration of indigenous plant species. Works were undertaken in 35 reserves, covering approximately 280 hectares of bush and natural areas, including St Helena Bush Reserve, Dalvida Reserve and Darebin Creek Northern Grasslands. ¾ Continued to foster relationships with friends groups and school groups through participation in local park working bees such as Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Day, Waterwatch activities, including: -

Co-ordination of 90 volunteers who collected 144 bags of litter weighing in at 915 kilograms of total rubbish across 6 sites as part of the Clean Up Australia Day Program.


Co-ordinated 65 Working Bees during the year with local Friends groups, resulting in 9,835 local native (indigenous) plants being planted by Bushland staff and volunteers.


During National Tree Day the Bushland crew oversaw 65 volunteers as they planted approximately 1,900 indigenous trees.

¾ Continued to implement the works program that protects and enhances Banyule’s waterways, and wetlands. The Bushland Management team has a regular weed control, planting and maintenance program for various streamside plantings, including: -

Yallambie Park South, Plenty River,


Mandell Crt, Ivanhoe, Darebin Creek


Banyule Swamp South drainline habitat link, Viewbank

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Balancing the increasing demands of the community for sports grounds with the need to protect the sporting grounds from over-use. ¾ Advocate for improved road side vegetation maintenance by non-council agencies – to minimise potential damage to trees and other public assets. ¾ Incorporating stormwater harvesting initiatives where possible to assist in keeping the cost of maintaining Council open space down. ¾ Managing peak demands for maintenance of Council public open space and associated assets. ¾ Reviewing Council’s Street Tree Strategy and preparing an Urban Forestry Policy and Strategic Plan for Banyule. ¾ Review Council’s routine street tree maintenance contract. ¾ Continuing to meet the demands of the new Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010.


¾ Advocating for the public utilities to manage weeds and perform maintenance on public land adjacent to their assets. ¾ Managing landscapes through extreme climate conditions. ¾ Co-ordination of the complex design process for Plenty River Trail between Willinda Park and Greensborough Principal Activity Centre. ¾ Obtaining State Government funding for the Darebin Creek Masterplan in conjunction with the Darebin City Council. ¾ Preparation of an Urban Agriculture Policy for Banyule. ¾ Revision of Council’s Public Open Space Strategy. ¾ Facilitating the detailed design of a proposed new pavilion and traffic management plan for Telfer Reserve. ¾ Working with other Councils in the Northern Region to develop a regional off-road trails strategy. ¾ Continue to provide support to environmental programs throughout the year, to ensure the survival of rare and threatened species such as the Eltham Copper Butterfly. ¾ Prepare a concept plan and detailed design for proposed new regional playground at Anthony Beale Reserve. ¾ Construct a fenced off-lead dog exercise park at Malcolm Blair Reserve.


Records Management Service SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service.

ACTUAL 2011/12 +0.41% ($2,305 less than budgeted net expenditure of $560,095)

TARGET 2013/14 Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012/13 +4.58% ($35,019 less than budgeted net expenditure of $765,223)

CSI 83

CSI 80

CSI 83

(based on overall internal customer satisfaction rating – December 2008)

(based on overall internal customer satisfaction rating)

(based on overall internal customer satisfaction rating – December 2008)

Key Highlights/Features for 2012-2013 ¾ Registered over 65,510 records in Council’s Records Management System (InfoVision). The types of documents registered included inwards and outwards correspondence, internal files, notes, memos and emails. ¾ Assessed, sentenced and transferred 142.8 shelf metres of files to the secondary storage facility. ¾ Successfully retrieved 90% of files requested by staff from the secondary storage area, demonstrating the effectiveness of the management of our paper records. ¾ Registered, bar-coded and sent 3,320 building files to offsite storage provider. ¾ Registered, bar-coded and sent 160 shelf metres of inactive property files to the offsite storage provider to make space for active files. ¾ Sentenced and destroyed 48.7 gigabytes of images. ¾ Conducted cleansing of InfoVision data (Council’s outdated records management system), in readiness for the migration of data to a new Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDMRS). ¾ Reviewed and introduced an improved ‘Mail Protocol’ for Councillors to increase record capture and to align the management of Councillor correspondence with Council’s records management policy. ¾ Completed a range of activities as recommended by the Municipal Association of Victoria, to inform staff about the Royal Commission’s enquiry into institutional child abuse and Council’s “disposal freeze” on all documents or data relating to children/adults aged 0-25yrs. ¾ Formation of an Information Management Working Group consisting of Business Services, Information Technology and Records Management key staff to undertake the following tasks in readiness for the implementation of a new Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS): x

Tender evaluation and selection of vendor to implement TRIM as Banyule’s new Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS).


Project Management to ensure the project is implemented in-time and on budget.


Facilitation of Information Management (IM) Steering Committee to capture IM decisions.


Consultation with staff across the organisation to develop ‘as is’ process maps of how records are currently managed across the organisation to identify process improvements with the implementation of the EDRMS.


Various change management activities undertaken with staff to assist with cultural change pre and post implementation. 54


In consultation with every area of the business, developed Business Classification Scheme to provide a better structure for the capture and management of Records.


Trial data migration of InfoVision data into the EDRMS to enable staff to have access to legacy data at go-live, supporting the ‘one-stop-shop’ philosophy.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Implement TRIM as Council’s new EDMRS to increase the capture of information and records across Council. This includes: x

Development of business rules and naming conventions to improve consistency of naming of records


Review of all Records Procedures and Protocols to improve workflow for specific mail types


Review of Records structure to support the implementation of the new EDRMS


Implement integrations with key corporate systems and the EDRMS


Undertake rigorous training program to ensure staff are trained before EDRMS go-live.


Review post-implementation business improvement opportunities that have been identified through the EDRMS planning process.

¾ Work with staff to reduce paper records and prepare documents for secondary storage. ¾ Develop and implement an education program to assist staff with the management and archiving of records. ¾ Implement the Storage Plan Recommendations to free up space for corporate records. ¾ Introduce a new reporting tool to report on hard copy storage levels. ¾ Development of Digitisation Plan to enable the organisation to destroy hard copy records that are now being managed in the EDRMS. ¾ Participate in the MAV Records Step Program to identify any gaps and improvements to ensure legislative requirements are met. ¾ Review PROV standards in-line with new EDRMS processes to ensure standards are being met.


Strategic and Economic Development Services SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +27.83% ($434,949 less than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $3,459,153 and total income budget was $1,892,683)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +35.46% ($584,601 less than budgeted net expenditure. Total expenditure budget was $3,513,093 and total income budget was $1,864,410)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Environmental sustainability 68*

Environmental sustainability 65*

Environmental sustainability 67*

Business and community development and tourism 60*

Business and community development and tourism 61*

Business and community development and tourism 61*

Council’s general town planning policy 57*

Council’s general town planning policy 54*

Council’s general town planning policy 57*

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

Environmental sustainability: 91%* Business and community development and tourism:89%* Council’s general town planning policy: 82%*

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule achieved solid results in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013 across the selected performance measures related to Strategic and Economic Development Services. The results compared favourably with the average scores for the Inner Group and the average State-wide scores. Banyule’s results for Environmental sustainability (performance) and Council’s general town planning policy (performance) were both significantly higher than the average results for the Inner Group.


¾ Co-ordinated and supported the organisational and Council processes to finalise the Planet (Environmental Sustainability) Policy and Strategy 2013-2017 and the Place Policy & Strategy 2013-2017, adopted by Council in June 2012. ¾ Managed funding contributions and supported the construction of the $6m plus 138-megalitre Banyule Stormwater Harvesting Project that will provide water for about 40 per cent of Council’s active open space. ¾ Continued to support the installation of a cogeneration system in WaterMarc to generate electricity and pool heating from waste heat to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. ¾ Secured $53,000 of Federal Government funds for a $90,000 solar hot water program for key Council buildings. ¾ Established community recycling stations for mobile phones, batteries, x-rays, fluorescent globes, eyeglasses and other items in the Ivanhoe, Greensborough and Rosanna customer service centres. ¾ Completed a planning scheme amendment for a new Residential Neighbourhood Character Policy, now in the Banyule Planning Scheme, to improve local design outcomes for housing, landscaping, setbacks and the protection of ridgelines and trees. ¾ Completed public exhibition of permanent planning controls for substantial trees in residential neighbourhoods in Heidelberg West, Bundoora, Watsonia, Viewbank and parts of Greensborough. A State Planning Panel will consider the amendment. ¾ Completed a Heritage Strategy and planning scheme amendments to guide local heritage planning decisions and protect 65 additional heritage properties, put Maroondah Aqueduct on the Victorian Heritage Inventory and nominated Sparks Reserve for State heritage significance. ¾ Completed public exhibition of a local Environmentally Efficient Design amendment for the Banyule Planning Scheme to improve Council’s assessment of development requiring a permit. ¾ Started trialling Livable Housing guidelines to make new housing more accessible for people in Banyule. ¾ Facilitated Council’s commitment to the purchase of three former school sites in Bellfield and Heidelberg Heights to ensure the retention of community facilities, including local basketball courts. ¾ Supported initiatives in the Mall including a new business incubator, Our Mall Our Place cultural diversity events, and a visual merchandising program, in keeping with Council’s vision for the Mall. ¾ Finalised the Ivanhoe Structure Plan for Council adoption and commenced a planning scheme amendment for interim and potentially permanent controls in the Banyule Planning Scheme. ¾ Commenced work on a draft Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Master plan including recommendations on improved community facilities and public spaces and the future of the library. ¾ Completed Special Rates and Charges schemes for shopping centres in Greensborough, Montmorency, Watsonia, Macleod, East Ivanhoe and Lower Plenty and commenced work on Rosanna, Ivanhoe. ¾ Delivered or supported a total of 25 economic development events in partnership with other organisations (eg. neighbouring Councils, State and Federal Government, Regional Development organisations, traders associations, etc). The events included: 10 Banyule Business Events, 4 Northern Business Achievement Awards Breakfasts, 9 Business Mentoring Days (Banyule advisory service), and 2 Victorian Government Mentoring Bus Visits (mobile business centre/ mini bus). There was a high level of participation with 486 people attending, comprised of 51 mentoring bookings (Banyule advisory service) and 435 event registrations (Banyule Business events). ¾ Pursued funding for energy efficient street lighting to save up to 67 per cent of Council’s streetlight energy on about 8,000 lights. 57

¾ Continued to refine the 10 -Year Capital Works Plan to help prioritise the city’s capital works. ¾ Determined funding gaps in the management of the city’s assets including roads, pathways, bridges, drainage, playgrounds, open space and buildings. ¾ Continued to apply Council’s policy commitments to direct development towards appropriate locations, encourage good design and maximise the value of Council’s existing assets. ¾ Undertook the final year of the three-year $640,000 Sustainable Homes and Communities Education Program for residents, together with Darebin Council and with the support of the State Government. ¾ Continued Community and Council environmental sustainability engagement programs and events including Sustainable Homes and Communities, Home Harvest Festival, Kids Teaching Kids Conference, Wildlife Corridor, Healthy Waterways Waterwatch, EnviroReps and Spring Outdoors. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾ Commence the planning for the installation of energy efficient street lighting to save up to 67 per cent of Council’s streetlight energy on about 8,000 lights. ¾ Develop environmental stewardship, water, biodiversity and energy savings plans to sit under the Planet Policy and Strategy for Council consideration. ¾ Promote water conservation and quality through the $6m plus 138-megalitre Banyule Stormwater Harvesting Project that will provide water for about 40 per cent of Council’s active open space. ¾ Support the installation of a cogeneration system in WaterMarc to generate electricity and pool heating from waste heat to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. ¾ Support the installation of solar hot water systems in key buildings as part of a $90,000 solar hot water program - $53,000 of which is from the Federal Government. ¾ Translate Banyule’s existing residential zones to the most appropriate new residential zones developed by the State Government by 1 July 2014. ¾ Confirm the heritage significance of Banyule Flats and Warringal Parklands and commence investigations into their environmental significance. ¾ Finalise permanent planning controls for substantial trees in residential neighbourhoods in Heidelberg West, Bundoora, Watsonia, Viewbank and parts of Greensborough. A State Planning Panel will consider the amendment. ¾ Finalise a local Environmentally Efficient Design amendment for the Banyule Planning Scheme to improve Council’s assessment of development requiring a permit. ¾ Finalise Livable Housing guidelines to make new housing more accessible for people in Banyule. ¾ Facilitate Council’s purchase of the three former school sites in Bellfield and Heidelberg Heights to ensure the retention of community facilities, including local basketball courts. ¾ Develop a Draft Economic Development Plan for public consultation. ¾ Work with regional partners to develop a Northern Knowledge Cluster in keeping with a new Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy. ¾ Continue to support initiatives in the Mall including opening a new business incubator, encouraging property redevelopment and investment, improving visual merchandising and exploring streetscape improvements. ¾ Finalise interim and exhibit permanent planning controls for the Ivanhoe Major Activity Area. Commence a review of the Ivanhoe Structure Plan to include the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Area.


¾ Finish the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Master plan including recommendations on improved community facilities and public spaces and the future of the library. ¾ Start a review of the Municipal Strategic Statement in the Banyule Planning Scheme. ¾ Complete Special Rates and Charges schemes for shopping centres in Rosanna and Ivanhoe. ¾ Continue to apply Council’s policy commitments to direct development towards appropriate locations, encourage good design and maximise the value of Council’s existing assets. ¾ Continue Community and Council environmental sustainability engagement programs and events including the Sustainable Homes and Communities Program, Positive Charge (a localised sustainable energy advice service), Home Harvest Festival, Kids Teaching Kids Conference, Wildlife Corridor, Stormwater Education Project, Healthy Waterways Waterwatch, EnviroReps and Spring Outdoors. ¾ Respond effectively to valuation queries about the new Fire Services Levy.


Street Sweeping and Cleansing Services SERVICE ASPECT



Actual Result against Council’s Budget.


Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 -1.00% ($24,947 more than budgeted net expenditure of $2,485,714) 70* CSI score for The Appearance of Public Areas (performance).

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget Inner Group average 72* CSI score for The Appearance of Public Areas (performance). 60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +6.88% ($192,676 less than budgeted net expenditure of $2,800,394) 71* CSI score for The Appearance of Public Areas (performance). 92%* The appearance of public areas: (performance)

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾ Banyule achieved a result of 71 for ‘The Appearance of Public Areas (performance)’ in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013. The result of 71 was similar to the Inner Group average (72). ¾ Undertook clean-up of dumped rubbish and implemented preventative measures for further dumping where possible. ¾ Implemented technology to improve investigation of drainage assets. ¾ Continued to deliver a quality service to Banyule residents, with a focus on: x Maintaining roads, drains and other installations to a standard which ensures public safety and protects the natural environment. x Providing a responsive and effective street sweeping and cleansing service to the streets, drains, shopping areas and public conveniences, and maintaining these assets with the required high level of cleanliness. ¾ Provided a comprehensive service, including the following: x Twice-weekly mechanical sweeping of roads and gutters, car parks and laneways associated with major shopping centres. Other shopping centres and residential streets were swept on a five-weekly cycle, and sweeping in industrial areas was conducted on a three-weekly cycle. x Additional resources to assist the mechanical street sweeper for the 8-12 week autumn program, for leaf collection in designated streets. x Inspection and maintenance of stormwater pits and drains - with trouble spots serviced four times a year, and pits and drains (including those located in easements) cleaned in response to customer requests.


x Conducted clearance of litter from shopping centres, Council litter bins and specified main roads. x Conducted cleaning of Council’s public toilet blocks and barbeques x Undertook cleaning and waste collection at Festivals (eg. Banyule Festival events, Boulevard Christmas Lights). ¾

Responded to emergency callouts – continued to respond to out of hours requests requiring urgent attention.

Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Undertake a review of shopping centre cleaning requirements.


Complete a review of the street sweeping program.


Investigate options for proactive response to dumping of rubbish


Work with the Municipal Laws team to improve enforcement of local laws for dumped rubbish.


Implement an electronic drainage asset management system.


Waste Management and Education Services, Incorporating Operations Management SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

Percentage of waste diverted from landfill

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +0.92% ($71,837 less than budgeted net expenditure of $7,784,673)

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +16.15% ($1,375,663 less than budgeted net expenditure of $8,518,719)

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Inner Group average CSI scores (performance):

Banyule CSI scores (performance):

Waste Management: 77*

Waste Management: 74*

Waste Management: 79*

Environmental sustainability: 68*

Environmental sustainability: 65*

Environmental sustainability: 67*


60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better* (performance)

Waste Management: 96%*



Environmental sustainability: 91%* 53%^

Notes: * Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD. ^ Percentage of waste diverted from landfill has reduced slightly as a result of a 16% reduction in the amount of green waste collected and 6% reduction in the amount of recyclables collected. The annual variation in green waste occurs frequently due to climatic conditions. This reduction is a result of less paper collected (recycling) which could be due to a shift toward the use of electronic media. Also, less contamination levels in recycling collection due to improved waste education will impact the diversion. Further analysis is required to gain a better understanding of the changes to kerbside recycling behaviour by residents.

Key Highlights for 2012-2013 ¾

Continued high level of community satisfaction with waste management. Banyule achieved a result of 79 for ‘Waste Management (performance)’ in the State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Survey 2013. The result of 79 was the highest for all the Inner Group whose average was 74. Banyule’s result of 67 for ‘Environmental sustainability (performance)’ was also significantly higher than the average result for the Inner Group (65).

¾ Finalised work with 10 municipal Councils in the northern and western suburbs to enter into a contract for the long-term processing of green organic waste collected within Banyule. ¾ Worked with the Metropolitan Waste Management Group to ensure due diligence to the impact of the Carbon Price on landfill gate fees and negotiate a good result. ¾ Over 4,400 visitors came to the Rethink Centre in 2012-2013, which brings the total attendance to more than 55,000 since its opening in 2000. 62

¾ Commenced the Districts, Lifestyles and Avoiding Waste Project that will develop tools to understand behaviours in the household with regard to food waste. The project has engaged 28 households over three areas to assist with the research, by providing food use and purchasing behaviour information. ¾ Facilitated a School Waste Conference involving 8 schools and 150 students to assist schools in developing waste programs and activities. ¾ Undertook a ‘Community Emergency Preparedness Survey’ which identifies shared issues and enables Council to plan for and develop problem solving strategies that are consistent with the community’s needs. ¾ Commenced development of Council’s new Strategic Plan for Building Disaster Resilience. ¾ Identified and mapped facilities likely to have vulnerable people residing in them, vulnerable communities and individuals, as well as areas of higher risk (e.g. flood prone areas, extreme fire danger areas). ¾ Assisted with the Co-ordination of Council’s Vulnerable Person’s Register and maintenance of the Vulnerable Person’s in Facilities List. ¾ In conjunction with VicSES completed development of the Banyule Flood Emergency Management Plan. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 ¾

Finalise development of the new Waste Management Plan and submit to Council for consideration and adoption.


Investigate opportunities for improving recycling systems within the municipality.


Finalise development of Council’s new Strategic Plan for Building Disaster Resilience.


Continue to work with the Banyule community, by providing waste education and information on sustainable consumption, to reduce the cost of waste.


Commence development of a new Home Emergency Information Pack.


Review the Banyule Municipal Emergency Management Plan and commence transitioning the Banyule Recovery Plan into the North West Metropolitan model.


Continue to be actively involved in the North West Emergency Collaboration Project.


Youth and Community Partnerships SERVICE ASPECT Financial


KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Actual Result against Council’s Budget.

Customer Satisfaction with the service. - Based on State Government’s Annual Community Satisfaction Surveys.

ACTUAL 2011-2012 +6.32% ($111,047 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,755,904)

64* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance)

95% Percentage of people who feel safe in Banyule

Target 2012-2013/ Benchmark comparison with Inner Group

Achieve at or better than budget

ACTUAL 2012-2013 +5.00% ($93,889 less than budgeted net expenditure of $1,878,133)

Inner Group average 68* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance)

68* CSI score for Family Support Services (performance)

60% of respondents providing a rating of average or better*

94%* Family Support Services (performance)

80% Percentage of people who feel safe in Banyule

97% Percentage of people who feel safe in Banyule

Note: *Indicators and results are based on survey measures in the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for 2013. These are listed for comparison with the average results for the Inner Melbourne Metropolitan Group of councils (Inner Group). CSI % targets are based on: Of the respondents that were able to provide a rating, 60% provided a rating of average or better (ie. average, good or very good), in accordance with the scale provided by the DPCD.

Key Highlights/Features for 2012-2013 Community Development Grants ¾ In the 2012-13 grant round 52 applications were received. Council distributed $140,000 in grants to 36 approved applications (21 equipment based and 15 activity based) totalling $107,000 with the residual funds distributed to community groups who met the funding criteria, who applied for assistance throughout the financial year. Heidelberg West Neighbourhood Renewal ¾ Council successfully completed its contracted Place Manager role with the State Government funded Heidelberg West Neighbourhood Renewal project. At its completion in June 2013 the initiative has been transitioned to a new community based governance group ‘3081 Connect’ with many activities ongoing. The NR Hub located at 155 Oriel Road, Heidelberg West, will continue to operate as a community hub for a further two years under the auspice of E-Focus. ¾ The “Our Voice Our Community” project, funded by the Federal Government for 18 months, was completed in January 2013. The project developed a number of community engagement activities including: Summer in the Village; Makers Market; pop up art installations at the Olympic Village shops; aesthetic improvements to shopfronts at Olympic Village shops, children’s art activities at Tarakan Housing Estate; Graffiti Expo and Safety Expo. The project was highly successful in turning around negative perceptions of public space in key hot spot areas.


¾ The “Our Mall Our Place”: project was successfully funded by State Government for a period of 12 months and commenced in February 2013. The project applies a community development approach to strengthen the community’s engagement with the Bell Street Mall through cultural activities and improved business approaches. Volunteer Celebration and Awards ¾ The Banyule Community Volunteers Awards and Celebration Dinner was held on 16th May 2013 during National Volunteers Week with over 500 guests in attendance. A total of 45 nominations were received of which 9 were recognised including two Lifetime Achievements, three individuals, one young person, two groups and one Good Neighbour. Preventing Violence Against Women ¾ White Ribbon Day (25 November 2012) events were held across the community and within Council. One example was a video production with staff talking about the issue, which was then available on line, reaching a larger audience. ¾ Council’s Workplace Family Violence Policy was further progressed through staff training and key presentations. ¾ Council became a signatory to the Women’s Health In the North Regional Strategy on the Prevention of Violence Against Women. This is an organisational commitment to work in partnership on key initiatives. ¾ Council’s White Ribbon Action Team implemented the first of a two year strategy focused on primary Prevention of Violence Against Women. Community Safety ¾ Co-ordinated and supported Council’s implementation of Year 1 of the Community Safety Plan. It provides Banyule with clear direction and priorities for the next four years. Key goals focus on coordination, advocacy, education and primary prevention. ¾ Followed up 83 residents’ issues. These were direct contacts to Council officers not through Infovision or CRM. Overwhelming issue was graffiti (46%), followed by issues associated with rubbish dumping, anti-social behaviour, public drinking, drug dealing, and lighting. ¾ Council and Victoria Police initiated a pilot partnership program of informal street briefings in West Heidelberg from October 2012. This followed a successful London model and aimed to increase positive engagement between the police and the community, information sharing and reduce levels of community concerns and perceptions about crime. There has also been interest expressed by other Council Departments and external agencies to join these briefings. ¾ Council completed a State Government funded community safety project at Watsonia Train station for improved lighting. Graffiti Management ¾ The StreetArt program continued to attract approximately 25 young people (predominantly male) per month as part of a graffiti diversion program. The majority of these young people would be considered at risk and often presented with multiple issues. Additional funding from Northern Melbourne Institute of Tafe (NMIT) Youth Connections program resulted in an additional worker being present at sessions to provide referral and pathway support around legal, housing and drug and alcohol issues. The group completed 3 legal murals as well as an exhibit “come and try” session at Splashdown Youth Festival in April 2013. ¾ An innovative partnership project with the Greensborough Plaza, the Banyule “Street Art Awards”, was held in March 2013 recognising a number of local artists. ¾ Council presented the street art program at the “2013 Australasian Youth Justice Conference” in Canberra, and as part of this process undertook the development of a multimedia presentation resource around the program.


¾ The Memorandum of Understanding for the Graffiti Removal Program (Department of Justice) was negotiated and signed to continue the very positive partnership between Council and the Community Corrections Program for a further two years expiring in June 2015. ¾ Community Corrections Program has resulted in removal of approximately 6,000 m2 of graffiti across the municipality. Council now has 45 sites which are visited by the work team on a regular basis. Over the past 12 months, the program has increased its hours in Banyule by 24% from last year, being a total of 1,805 hours of work. ¾ A coordinated approach across Council was established which included regular on site visits to monitor and respond to “hot spots” and reported graffiti incidents from residents. This was in recognition of the complexities of issues around graffiti and the various stakeholders. ¾ “Adopt Your Space” program – Council distributed 104 graffiti removal kits to residents, community groups and traders. Promotion of the kits has been through a targeted media campaign, attendance at the Banyule Festival, networking with the local branches of the Victoria Police, Neighbourhood Watch and promotion of the program through Banyule Banner, ‘on hold’ messages and at a number of local community events. Community Building/ Metro Access ¾ The ‘Good Access Good Business’ project was piloted in two shopping centres, East Ivanhoe and Rosanna. 34% of businesses located in these areas participated in the pilot. The goal of the project was to develop a business access awards program that rewards businesses which are accessible for people with disabilities, older people and people who use prams in the municipality of Banyule. The project was also designed to encourage businesses to see the benefits of being accessible and help them become accessible by encouraging them to adopt access principles. ¾ Mini grants were distributed to 2 community organisations to host inclusive events that celebrated International Day of People with Disability 2012. ¾ MetroAccess continued to strengthen a range of partnerships with local community and disability services which have resulted in increased opportunities for people with a disability, including: x x

Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service (YPRL) - working to increase access for the Deaf community through staff training, increased programming and capacity building; Banyule Community Health Service (BCHS) - working in partnership with local families to support an Auslan playgroup

Youth Services ¾ The Banyule Youth Service has continued to offer a variety of recreational and engagement opportunities in the last 12 months. Some of these have included open basketball sessions, youth fitness scholarships, bag making, journalism, illustration and paste-up workshops. The service has also had the opportunity to partner with Skateboarding Australia which provides free skateboarding workshops for the next 12 months at Malahang Reserve every fortnight. ¾ ‘Waterslide youth nights’ were trialled at WaterMarc over the 12 month period and held on the first Friday of each school holiday period. The interest and attendance has continued to grow. Three events were held with an average participation rate of 113 young people per session. ¾ Youth officers continued to successfully deliver short term individual support to young people to enable successful referral into appropriate agencies. Anxiety, school refusal, legal issues, drug and alcohol use and family conflict are the largest presenting issues faced by young people. ¾ A number of school based youth development programs were developed around the issues of respectful relationships, safe partying and mindfulness and these were delivered into 5 secondary colleges in Banyule. ¾ The Heidelberg West youth community has been a priority with strong partnerships across a number of services including the Somali Council of Victoria, e-Focus, Exodus, Victoria Police, Transition 3081. Some of these partnerships have included: 66


A partnership with the Community Hub, the Mall Traders Association and local young people to deliver a public street art (paste up) project at the Mall to contribute to the development of a creative and unique space. From the success of this project, traders have requested more public art projects which will be delivered in 2013-2014.


A strong relationship with the Heidelberg West Scouts including attending and supporting the re-launch of their re-invigorated hall. This scout group is operating under new leadership and has worked hard to re-build scouting numbers and a meaningful connection with the community.


A partnership with Express Media and Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) to deliver the “Express Yourself” program that engaged young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in writing and creative expression workshops.


The Bike Hut at Malahang Reserve continued to be a well utilised community resource and Council convened the management committee, supported community agencies in their use of the space and collected bikes donated by the local community for re-building or parts.


A youth worker regularly located at the youth space within the NR Hub (Community Hub) to support activities as well as guidance on programming and promotion.

¾ The 2013 Splashdown Youth Festival was held at Watermarc and Greensborough Town Square in April 2013 during National Youth Week. The day featured young bands, free amusements rides, art activities and discounted unlimited access to WaterMarc. An estimated 400 young people attended the festival. All activities were youth led, with more than 60 young people participating in running stalls, activities and stages. Several local community agencies were also involved with running activities. ¾ Jets has continued its significant growth over the past 12 months and partnerships have been sustained and strengthened. Participation of young people increased by 13% from 2011/12. An average of 212 individuals accessed Jets each month. 63% were male and 37% were female, with 30% of the total being people with a disability and 2% from Indigenous and/or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds. ¾ Jets implemented a significantly expanded respite program for both 13-17 and 18-25 year old young people following Innovative Respite funding from the State Government. Jets successfully obtained quality accreditation to the DHS Standards, either meeting or exceeding recommended standards. The program met an identified service need for after school programs for 13-17 year old young people, and after hours activities for 18-25 year old young people. ¾ FReeZA – The FIAB committee (supported by the Macleod YMCA) successfully delivered 5 music events in Banyule to the end of 2012. A new funding round for FReeZA was announced in late 2012 and a successful application was approved for the program to be managed and delivered by Jets. The new FReeZA committee (Studio F) has an average participation of between 12 to 15 young people. The group delivered two events to June 2013. ¾ The ‘Time Out’ action research project was funded by Council’s Capital Works program and commenced in December 2012 for 12 months. The project aims to proactively support young people at risk of homelessness by maintaining their local support networks and education where possible. The Time Out service also incorporates a research component with host families. This research project aims at capturing data on the experiences of families who informally support young people who are living away from home. Since its commencement, Time Out has received 13 referrals for support and from these, 6 have been directly supported in the program. Council has extended funding to the end of June 2014. This extension of funding will allow for the Time Out processes to be further cemented and for the tools and resources developed as part of the service to be fully developed. ¾ The SHYNE (Showcasing How Youth iNspire and Engage) project funded for 3 years by the State Government aims to showcase positive profiles of young people through a range of initiatives:



Successfully launched the SHYNE Showcase initiative where five young people were trained for public presentations that are currently being delivered in a number of schools across Banyule. These young people address issues including resilience, commitment to the community (local and global) and preserving our national history. The project is in its infancy with presentations to 250 young people to date.


The Banyule 100 project has profiled 29 outstanding community members to date; they are either young people who are outstanding in their endeavours or adults who support young people. The website has experienced over 10,000 visits and continues to gain momentum.


Truth 4 Youth youth blog has been led by a committee of young people, supported by a journalist and youth worker; the committee upload regular contributions to their blog site. Part of this process includes professional development opportunities and the chance to connect more broadly with their community.


A number of exhibitions and an art installation have occurred over the past 12 months. All projects have been created and installed by young people and have included a photographic exhibition at Splashdown and a mural at the Greensborough Skate park.


A number of workshops have occurred including photography workshops to participate in Banyule 100, writing workshops to enhance skills required for Truth 4 Youth and public speaking workshops for participants in the Showcase project.


A fast growing component of SHYNE has been an organic process of linking young people into existing community events and projects. This has included nominations for awards and recognition, recommendations of young people to event managers so that they consider young entertainers as part of their programming and the provision of networking opportunities for young people with other young people and the broader community.

LINK-U youth outreach and program support ¾ 3,299 contacts were made with young people in the past 12 months in street outreach. ¾ Link-U increased program support for a range of community events and activities including Youth Fest; scooter competitions, several school activities and events, Freeza events; Malahang activities, street art murals, etc. ¾ Link U has secured funding from Youth Connections (a federally funded education reengagement program) after a successful trial model of local outreach targeting ‘at risk’ young people who are disengaged from employment, education and training. The aim of these Youth Connection outreach shifts is to increase referrals into the Youth Connections service. As a result of our successful trial this is being offered to other LGA’s as “best practice” model. Banyule & Nillumbik Youth Services Network ¾ The Youth Practitioners Network was successfully re-established with a high level of ownership from youth workers in the sector. Attendances averaged approximately 30 participants. Meetings were held bi-monthly incorporating professional development and training, information sharing, networking and professional support. ¾ A professional social media network through YAMMER was established with over 180 members making regular contributions and sharing information.


Youth Services Communication ¾ The e-Loop, Youth Services electronic newsletter, was delivered to an average of 476 young people per month (plus approximately 30 agencies and organisations). ¾ The Banyule Youth Services (general) brochure together with seven youth specific service brochures have been reviewed and updated. An additional service specific brochure was added relating to Disability. Postcards on Individual Support, Privacy and Photos have also been developed. ¾ The Banyule Youth website continued to grow in popularity with 15,054 visits in the past 12 months, an increase of 16% or 2,105 visits from last year. ¾ The Banyule Youth Services Facebook Page currently has 960 “likes”, an increase of 19% or 154 from last year. The service has also linked an Instagram account which is a photo sharing network as another social media method of engaging with young people. ¾ Council’s Youth Service was included as a case study in the YacVic “What Makes You Tweet” Report which highlighted the significant role of social media in engagement of young people. The service’s social media strategy is well regarded by peer youth services and the report showcased the good practice. Contracted Youth Services ¾ Banyule L2P Learner Driver Program – successfully completed Year 3 of the Vic Roads funded project delivered by the Banyule and Nillumbik Local Learning and Employment Network in partnership with Council and other key stakeholders, to provide 120 hours supervised driving training to disadvantaged young people. In Year 3, 25 young people obtained their Probationary Drivers Licence. An average of 47 young people participated in the program ranging from 16 – 21 years of age, logging a total of 2,404 hours of driving. The program also supports approx 23 adult mentors. Funding for the program by VicRoads/TAC has been extended for the next 2 years to June 2015. Key Challenges for 2013-2014 Youth Services ¾ The Youth Services team has increased its individual support role to young people over the past 12 months. The impact on the service needs to be continuously monitored. Strategic planning is underway to determine core functions and priorities across the service, including the level of individual support and managing expectations of the community and young people. ¾ The Youth Services currently has two significant projects funded outside of recurrent budget. One is the SHYNE project funded by State Government and the other is the Time Out project funded by Council’s Capital Works program. Both projects have had positive impacts for young people. Funding for both projects is due to cease next financial year in 2014/2015. future funding Options for will be pursued. ¾ There is growing evidence of the need for a dedicated youth space in Banyule. Jets has a specific creative arts role and is not ideally accessible in its current location of Bundoora. A relocation of Jets combined with a broader youth centre has been identified for Greensborough. A proposal will need to be developed and concept planning commenced over the next 12 months. ¾ Youth Services’ role in social media as the major communication strategy for young people has impacted on current resources. Technology is developing at a rapid rate and emerging trends such as Instagram are challenging to keep abreast of. This is placing increasing pressure on staff time, albeit an important function. ¾ Improve the technological capacity of Jets through an appropriate data link


Community Partnerships 他 It is unclear how the introduction of Disability Care (NDIS) will impact on Council services, specifically Respite programs at Jets and Metro Access. Council will need to continue to monitor the roll out of the initiative and potentially position itself for future funding opportunities accordingly to ensure at least the maintenance of current service levels in this area. In addition, community based services are under increasing pressure to amalgamate and realign with like services as part of the roll out and Council will need to play a leadership and advocacy role as required. 他 The development of the Workplace Family Violence policy has been completed. The organisation will require a robust process to support training of key senior management and coordinators to ensure continue to be well supported as required.


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