F E B RUARY 2014
Mayor Cr Craig Langdon's Message
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Walking a mile in another’s shoes I am delighted to be writing this column, my first as Banyule Mayor. It was a privilege being elected Mayor by my peers and I was also deeply touched by the number of community representatives who attended the November election to support and encourage me. It is also only the second time that a Mayor has come from Olympia Ward and I’m already feeling the buzz in the area. I have lived all my life in Banyule and first served as a Councillor with the City of Heidelberg from 1988 to 1994. I continued to represent the area as the State MP for Ivanhoe from 1996 to 2010 and was then elected a Banyule Councillor in 2011.
Working hard During my year as Mayor I’m determined to work hard for the community, ensuring that individual and collective voices are heard and considered in all that Council does. I think, no matter what our differences, we all want to play a part in Building a Better Banyule and it is essential that we do so in partnership. I want Council and its staff to be viewed as friendly and cooperative; to have an attitude of service extending to all. I am looking forward to working with staff from across Council, who each day deliver a vast number of services across the spectrum of life, from infants to older people, and across every facet of life, from garbage collection to health and environmental services, and our very popular festivals and events. I recently took the opportunity, and will continue to do so, to walk a mile in another’s shoes, accompanying Adam on his garbage collection. From my experience, I encourage residents to: not overload their bins; not place bins under trees, signs and
Accompanying Adam on his garbage run.
any other overhanging object, or against walls; and to make sure bins are away from vehicles and at least 30 centimetres apart. Last financial year, Adam and his colleagues at our Banyule Waste Recovery Centre processed a staggering 22,004 tonnes of kerbside garbage, 14,185 tonnes of recyclable materials and 10,657 tonnes of green organic waste. Something to think about when next we put out the garbage!
A bold new program of work We have a lot happening in 2014 beside day to day service delivery, with a bold new program of work covering the breadth of Banyule. Major projects include the $5 million Ivanhoe Aquatic and Leisure Centre redevelopment, the construction of a $2 million Child and Family Centre in Heidelberg West, and the $850,000 redevelopment of the Simms Road pavilion and sports ground. We also have an ambitious but necessary program renewing existing assets, such as roads, streets and bridges, and making our street lighting energy efficient - a move that will, long term, be good for the environment as well as our hip pocket.
Improved communication With so much happening, I am cognisant of the need to improve communication between Council and the community - giving you more opportunities to not only hear what we are doing, but also to engage, discuss and respond via our community consultations. We are supplementing our existing communications, such as the bimonthly Banyule Banner, with increased publicity in local newspapers, and greater use of social media. Apart from Council's presence on social media, I now have and so that I and Mayors into the future can keep in touch more easily.
Please contact me As Mayor, I am the face of Banyule and I encourage you to contact me directly about anything - be it a question, concern, complaint, or praise for one of our services or staff members. I am also very happy to attend community events. I look forward to working with you and for you in 2014.
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A farthing, a pig, a bridge and a bike trail Some 150 years ago, toll keeper Henry Holloway charged one farthing for every pig, and up to 18 pence for a carriage with four horses crossing the bluestone bridge over Darebin Creek on Heidelberg Road. Today, the bridge is little noticed by drivers using this busy road but now a $680,000 extension to the Darebin Creek Shared Trail is ensuring that cyclists, walkers and joggers get a fresh perspective on the historic and beautiful 1864 bluestone bridge, which is featured on our cover. The new 303 metre section of trail, including a boardwalk, now travels under the historic bridge arch. The project was an excellent example of State and Local Government working in partnership, with both parties contributing equally. Until the path’s construction, Heidelberg Road formed a major barrier to walkers and cyclists. It is already very popular, providing easy off-road access to a host of important destinations along the Darebin Creek corridor, including
Darebin Parklands, Northland, La Trobe University, Bundoora Park and other recreational and sporting facilities. This year, the State Government is expecting to start work on an $18 million, 1.8 kilometre section of trail continuing from Sparks Reserve to the Main Yarra Trail, which will complete the missing link between two of Melbourne’s most popular cycling trails. Once finished, the trail will open up access for people in the northern suburbs to hundreds of kilometres of bike paths throughout Melbourne, providing even more options for commuting to work in the CBD and for all cyclists, including recreational cyclists and families, to more safely travel on bikes while enjoying the great outdoors. right: The Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy, was joined at the opening of the trail by a team of cycling enthusiasts from Banyule Council who, with 26 other staff and Councillors, completed the 2013 Smith Family Bupa Around the Bay.
Team Banyule cycled a collective 4,110 kilometres, raising $7,673 for disadvantaged children and checking in as the 14th top team overall in fundraising.
Making recycling even easier Banyule residents can now recycle a range of items, simply by posting them through a colourful slot at any of our three service centres at Ivanhoe, Rosanna or Greensborough. Our new specially designed recycling stations devour your: • Household batteries • DVDs, CDs and videos without their covers and no floppy discs or cassettes • Compact fluorescent tubes - but not incandescent light bulbs • Fluorescent tubes
• Cameras • Mobile phones and accessories • Eyeglasses • X-rays If you have large quantities of videos or x-rays, for example more than 10, they should be recycled for free directly at our Waste Recovery Centre, 307-325 Waterdale Road, Bellfield.
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Residential zone reform The Victorian Government has introduced reformed residential zones into the Victorian Planning Provisions to simplify requirements, allow a broader range of activities to be considered, and better manage growth. The Government has asked all councils to prepare proposals to put the new zones into their local planning schemes by July 2014. More information about the zones is available at For many years Council has been working with the community to create strategies to manage our unique and diverse neighbourhoods. While much work has been done, we continue to want a better planning scheme for sensitive development. We recently received the Government’s support for our revised neighbourhood guidelines to go into our planning scheme. These guidelines, along with other existing policies in the Banyule Planning Scheme, have helped us map the proposed locations of the Government’s new zones (see right) taking into account the preferred character of our neighbourhoods, areas for development and the need to maintain and improve Banyule as a great place to live. This proposal has been sent to the Minister for Planning, with a request for its approval. More information, including detailed maps, is available from our three Customer Service Centres, on our website (type ‘new
residential zones’ into the search box), or by calling Strategic Planning on 9457 9830. We invite comment on the proposal to help us look at future improvements for our planning
scheme. Email any comments to or mail them to: Attention Strategic Planning (new zones), Banyule City Council, PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079.
Rights of way consultation - have your say Did you know there are over 260 rights of way, also known as laneways, scattered throughout Banyule? We would like your opinion on our draft Banyule Rights of Way Policy and Strategy, which is designed to
provide a well-managed, safe and accessible rights of way network. The draft documents are available for inspection at our three Customer Service Centres, local libraries and on our website.
If you would like to make a submission on the draft policy and strategy, please email or post to Engineering Services Coordinator, Banyule City Council, PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079 by 7 March 2014.
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Bush teaching blooms In a classroom like no other, RMIT University students are using Banyule’s bushland reserves to learn about more than 400 species of indigenous plants, many of which are rare or threatened. The 11-year partnership between the University and Banyule Council sees students in conservation and land management taking part in field trips to some of Banyule’s 380 hectares of semi-natural and natural bushland, which include remnant indigenous vegetation. David Legat, of Banyule’s Bushland Management Unit, said students gain valuable experience in some of the most significant ecological areas within metropolitan Melbourne "Sites like this provide students with vegetation communities in which they can exercise and hone their skills in a practical manner, which no classroom can replicate," he said. "Harold Pottage Reserve in Macleod is species rich and Banyule has more than 30 reserves containing species
that are regionally threatened. By maintaining these bushland reserves we are in effect creating a ‘Noah’s Ark’ where the remnants of species can survive." A number of RMIT students do work experience with Banyule’s Bushland Management Unit and three have gained full time jobs.
Left to right, Diploma in Conservation and Land Management Lecturer Nevil Schultz, with students Sam and Bree, and Banyule’s David Legat, on a field trip to Harold Pottage Reserve in Macleod. The group is examining a weed called Salsify or Oyster Plant.
The first image is a photo of a ceiling, followed by the thermal image showing an area (in purple) with missing insulation, which creates a temperature drop, as shown in the graph.
Saving with thermal imaging A thermal camera bought by the Montmorency Community Group with a 2013/14 Banyule Environmental Sustainability Grant is helping people save money by identifying places where heat is escaping homes. The camera shows an image of a room, using colour to identify different temperatures. It easily shows where heat is being lost, for example where insulation is missing or where there are draughts.
It can also check if and where refrigerators are leaking. Alan Cuthbertson of the Montmorency Community Group said it was also an excellent tool for highlighting the inefficiency of downlights and the value of good curtains. The group is visiting homes, at a small charge of $20 per visit to cover expenses, to identify energy inefficient areas and recommend
solutions. They are also looking for people interested in helping to run the program. It involves visiting a house, discussing issues and solutions with residents, and then writing a brief report. People can do one assessment a month or one a week it’s their choice. If you are interested in being involved or having an assessment of your home, email Alan at
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Join our environment advisory committee
Ivanhoe boy wins national Prime Minister's award William Lynch, a student at Mary Immaculate Primary School in Ivanhoe, has won an inaugural Prime Minister’s Award Medal in the Council supported 2013 NAIDOC Week School Initiatives. William, aged 5, is one of just 20 recipients of the medal in Victoria, gaining it for a painting he did of turtles. Banyule Council supports and promotes the competition to all Banyule schools each year as part of its Commitment to Indigenous Australians Plan. The competition promotes awareness of Indigenous
culture and traditions and last year attracted over 112,000 entries from across Australia. Cr Langdon, who presented William with his medal at the end of last year, said the competition was a great way of ensuring that even the youngest members of the community were aware of and respected the customs and traditions of Indigenous Australians. above: Banyule
Mayor Cr Craig Langdon with William and his medal. William's twin brother, Jack, and parents Elly and Joe share William's pride.
Nominations are now open for two-year terms on the Banyule Environment Advisory Committee, which assists with implementing and monitoring our Environmental Sustainability Policy and Strategy, producing annual State of the Environment reports and providing advice and comment on environmental matters. Expressions of interest for membership close on 3 March 2014 and can be lodged by filling in the form on our website (type BEAC into the search box). The Committee meets from 7.30pm-9.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month at our Rosanna Service Centre. For more information contact our Environment Officer, Fleur O’Luanaigh, on 9457 9828 or by email at
Giant swap day and small garden tips Sustainable Macleod is running two great events to help you become more sustainable. The Great Big Swap Day 11am-3pm, Saturday 15 February Head to Macleod Park for the Giant Veggie Swap from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm swap your spare plants and books on cooking, gardening and sustainability. At 3pm enjoy the fun of an auction of green services and items. This is a Sustainable Living Festival event. More information at
Gardening in Small Spaces 2pm-4pm, Saturday 1 March This free workshop, presented by Paul Gale-Baker from Urban Shepherd which advises on and builds edible and sustainable gardens, is ideal for people living in flats or apartments or those with small gardens. All participants will prepare and take home a planter of vegetable seedlings. The workshop is in Macleod and you will be given the address when you book via
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Volunteer drives triple results Long-term Banyule volunteer Mel Boak, a recipient of a Banyule Community Volunteer Award last year, recently helped triplets gain their P plates after donating a staggering 360 hours of driving tuition.
Mel, pictured above, of Viewbank, has helped 50 young people get their probationary licence through the Banyule L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program. The story of the Watsonia girls, now aged 18, made the front cover of the Diamond Valley Leader. with Lauren, Deanne
and Cara pictured left to right. The L2P program is for 16-20 year olds who have their L plates but who do not have the capability, because of family or financial circumstances, to complete the required 120 hours driving experience necessary to get their P plates. Mentors use cars supplied by the program. Mel started supervising the girls when they were 16, working with them over 18 months at the same time as helping three other learners. "All of the girls are competitive and talented drivers, and enjoyed the diversity of the L2P program. In October last year, they decided they all wanted to pass their driving test on the same day - their 18th birthday in November,� Mel said. "Being an L2P volunteer is undoubtedly one of the most important and rewarding experiences of my commercial or
personal life - and, I hope, of value for those I teach to drive." The girls’ mother, Carol, said that without programs like L2P, her daughters would not have been able to attain their licences or accrued the amount of hours required.
Can you help? The Banyule L2P Program is looking for volunteer mentors. If you are interested, please contact the Program Co-ordinator Michael Light on 9431 8006 or email
Nominations open for 2014 Banyule Community Volunteer Awards Nominations for the 2014 Banyule Community Volunteer Awards open on 3 February, with three new categories - Senior Volunteer of the Year, Indigenous Volunteer of the Year and Banyule Citizen of the Year. The other categories are: Community Volunteer Award; Young Volunteer Award Good Neighbour Award; and Community Group Award. The very popular gala awards night, which is held during National Volunteers Week, is on Thursday 15 May at The Centre Ivanhoe.
It will be the ninth year for the Awards, which last year attracted 500 attendees who were entertained by actor and singer Tim Campbell. For more information and to nominate a volunteer, visit our website from 3 February and type 'volunteer awards' into the search box. There will be more information about the awards in the March-April Banner. Nominations close on 21 March.
Last year's winners Community Volunteer: Jocelyn Gray, Montmorency; Mel Boak, Viewbank; Maxine Mathews, Heidelberg West. Lifetime Achievement Award: Kelvin Chamier, Eaglemont; Joy Crampton, Preston. Young Volunteer: Darren Anderson. Community Group: St John Ambulance - Banyule Division; West Heidelberg Neighbourhood Renewal. Good Neighbour Award: Pippa Griffith, East Ivanhoe.
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Rethink waste Ever wondered where all your empty baked bean tins, jam jars and plastic milk bottles go when they are emptied from your recycling bin? Find out at our Rethink Centre which is holding three great events as part of this year’s Sustainable Living Festival, which runs from 8-23 February.
Rethink Recycling, 6pm-7.30pm Tuesday 11 February
Building better neighbourhoods The Olympia Housing Initiative, a 10-year State Government program to dramatically improve housing in the suburbs of Heidelberg West, Heidelberg Heights and Bellfield, is working with Council and residents to build homes better suited to community need. At an estimated cost of $160 million over 10 years, the initiative will see the gradual replacement of more than 600 unsuitable or outdated public housing properties with new, quality housing that caters to the ongoing and diverse needs of residents. The Olympic Housing Initiative Community Liaison Committee is ensuring local views are heard and taken into account as properties are redeveloped and built, transforming neighbourhoods and lives. One of the latest developments in the project is the conversion of vacant land in Perth Street, Heidelberg West. Late last year,
Council issued a planning permit to the Department of Human Services to build a multi-dwelling development on the site. The Chair of the Community Liaison Committee, Michelle Penson, said the development had something for everyone. “Its mix of accommodation options lends itself to a true sense of community. It is not one size fits all but different sizes of units and designs that meet the diverse needs of the old or young, single or family.” Eighteen units will be built within two contemporary apartment buildings, with one comprising three, one bedroom units and the other comprising four, two bedroom family units and 11 units for older people. above:
North East Melbourne Assistant Director of the Department of Human Services, Brendan Fogarty, Olympia Ward Councillor and Banyule Mayor Cr Craig Langdon, and Michelle Penson, from the Olympia Housinig Initiative, review plans to transform the Perth Street site.
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Enter the depths of a material recovery facility and see it shake and rattle as it separates recyclable packaging waste into material types ready for new life as recycled plastic products, food and drink cans, bottles and jars.
Rethink Food, 6pm-7.30pm Wednesday 12 February Stroll through a sustainable garden and find out about recycling and how to avoid food waste.
Rethink Design, 6pm-7.30pm, Thursday 13 February See some of the work of Banyule’s sustainable furniture designers and hear Ash Allen and Tobias Horrocks, winners of the Banyule Waste Wise Sustainable Design Award, talk about their winning work. All events are being held at the Rethink Education Centre and the Visy Recycling Material Recovery Facility, located on the corner of Waterdale Road and Banksia Street, Bellfield. There are only 50 places available at each event, so book now on 9490 4222. Refreshments will be provided - let us know special dietary requirements when you book. Events are not suitable for children under 12.
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It's not all child's play for this group Playgroups across Banyule are providing hours of fun and social interaction for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, and are invaluable for parents. "It has been a lifesaver for me. With 15 months between my boys I could always come here where there was a safe, happy environment for all and a great support network," Cherie Hazelman, the Treasurer of Bundoora’s Concord Playgroup, said. Playgroups are usually run by parents and are in a variety of locations including maternal and child health centres, kindergartens, halls and community centres. Parents stay with children during the sessions. Concord Playgroup runs three two-hour sessions, five days a week, during school terms, welcoming 156 children from 101 families. While each playgroup sets its own fees, most are less than $5 a week. Playgroup provides a safe and nurturing environment for children. Babies are offered play experiences to stimulate their senses; toddlers get active and use emerging language skills; and preschool children develop
Ben, 3, and his sister, Emma, 8 months, benefit from attending Concord Playgroup.
self confidence and practise the social skills of negotiating with peers, resolving conflict, learning to share and developing friendships. Cherie said parents benefit too. "It‘s a great time to talk, de-stress, make friends and share experiences - both good and not so good! It's also very rewarding for me to give back through the Committee of Management." Congratulations to St Andrew’s Playgroup in Rosanna for winning
the 2013 Playgroup Victoria’s Minister’s Award for their efforts to save the group from closure. The hard working members increased membership through Maternal and Child Health nurses and new mothers’ groups, securing this valuable group for Rosanna families. For more information on playgroups contact Kate Beckford, our Early Years and Community Support Officer on 9457 9944, or see your Maternal and Child Health nurse, or visit
Free circus skills program for girls Our Youth Services’ team is partnering with Westside Circus to offer a free circus program for girls aged 11-14 at Olympic Leisure Centre in Heidelberg West after school on Tuesday afternoons during Terms 1 and 2 this year. The sessions will be all about having fun, getting active and meeting new people. You will get the chance to play games and learn circus skills in a friendly and safe space, as well as getting an opportunity to chat to a youth worker who will be there each week joining in on the fun! For more information contact Kate on 9457 9995 or email
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Preparing Year 2 of our City Plan We are currently reviewing Banyule’s City Plan 2013-2017 to make sure that in Year 2 (2014/15) we continue delivering the most appropriate services and projects for Banyule. The City Plan sets the direction and priorities for Council over four years and is reviewed and updated each year after comprehensive consultation with Councillors, the community and staff. During their planning sessions, Councillors highlighted seven key themes of importance to them: 1. Environment - protecting our environment and becoming even more sustainable 2. Communication - continuing to effectively engage and communicate with our community 3. Infrastructure - renewing and maintaining infrastructure, from drains to buildings 4. Fiscal responsibility and reporting - maximising return to the community 5. Good governance - sound decision making that is timely and based on facts 6. Planning - a thorough and thoughtful planning framework and process 7. Community partnerships - strengthening existing partnerships and identifying new ones.
The views of Councillors will be considered, together with those of community and staff, as well as legislative changes, service and industry trends, and other relevant factors, as we develop City Plan key initiatives for 2014/15.
In late 2012 and early 2013, over 1,200 people shared their thoughts on how to make Banyule an even better place to live, work and play. We used your valuable feedback to develop our City Plan 2013-2017. Each year, we are checking in with the community to see if you think we are on track in implementing the City Plan and asking you where we can do better. Your feedback helps us plan specific initiatives and priorities for each year of the City Plan. Starting our consultations in November 2013, we are continuing to attend community events, including this month, and talking to the community to: • Highlight achievements over the past 12-18 months • Seek your views on whether we are on track • Ask you where we can improve.
Nellie, our vintage caravan, is a community consultation hub at events..
We have also created a range of online surveys, from brief to more comprehensive, covering our City Plan areas of: People, Planet, Place and Participation. It’s your choice, depending on your interests and the amount of time you have. The surveys are on our website. We are seeking your feedback until March 2014 and will use it to develop a draft Year 2 plan, which we will again seek your feedback on from April to May 2014, before the plan is finalised and presented to Council for adoption in June. If you have questions or want to share your views, contact our Community and Social Planning Team on 9490 4222.
Food and film fest The Greensborough Food and Film event - a local student short film Festival competition on the theme ‘Love’, 3.30pm-10pm, Friday 14 February and a family movie screening of Town Square opposite WaterMarc, Turbo at 8pm. Briing your own chair 1 Flintoff Street, Greensborough or bean bag. The festival, in its second year, The event is a celebration of our showcases local traders, market local area, bringing together all age and food stalls, local music and groups on St Valentine’s Day. More entertainment, pop-up fashion shows, information at children’s activities and the main
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News in brief Kindergarten enrolments
It's time but not quite yet! A time capsule buried in November 1985, which is not to be opened until 2035, was discovered in December during demolition of the former Bellfield Primary School. Richard Hayes, an excavator with Guilfoyle Wreckers, found the capsule under the old library floor. "I just saw plastic pipes but thought hang on, it’s got a lid and writing - it’s not normal. It nearly went into the rubbish," Richard said. It is made from 150mm sewer pipe and despite having a screw lid, it wasn't opened, earning Banyule an honourable mention for ‘restraint’ from an international website on time capsule finds. Discussions are continuing about where the capsule will be reburied. In November 2013, Banyule Council bought the site and two other former school sites - the Haig Street Primary School in Heidelberg Heights and Banksia-Latrobe Secondary College in Bellfield. Buying the three sites provided an opportunity to gain ownership of important community facilities (the basketball and netball stadium on the former secondary college site) and lead local planning outcomes. Neither opportunity would have
been as easy had private developers bought the sites. The Haig Street site was the first to be cleared. The Expression of Interest for its development closed on 19 December and an invitation to tender is expected this month. The future direction for the development will be set by May, with planning permit applications expected to be lodged after this. A 2,400 square metre park is being incorporated into the site following extensive community consultation which highlighted resident concern about losing open space once available via the former school’s oval. "We listened to what residents were saying and went back to the drawing board and worked out a way to incorporate a park... so that it would be a win-win for residents and Council," Banyule Mayor Cr Craig Langdon said. Community consultation will also occur as the other sites are prepared for residential development. More information about the former school sites is available on our website. above:
Banyule Mayor Cr Craig Langdon and Richard Hayes with the time caspule found during demolition.
Banyule Council facilitates central enrolments for all stand-alone kindergartens within Banyule, a total of over 1,300 places for funded 4-year-old kindergarten. There are 29 kindergartens located across Banyule. We currently maintain enrolments for 2014 and 2015. From 1 March 2014, enrolments will open for 2016 for children born between 1 January 2011 and 30 April 2012. If you are interested in 3-yearold kinder, you need to contact kindergartens directly. More information is available on our website by typing ‘kindergartens’ into the search box.
Thank you The community once again rallied to help local disadvantaged children through Banyule's annual Toys for Tots campaign, providing 252 children with Christmas gifts. This was a 35% increase on the previous year. The campaign was supported by Heidelberg and East Ivanhoe Community Bank branches, Rosanna Rotary, WaterMarc, Andrew Place Clinic, the Ivanhoe Grammarians, Ivanhoe Grammar School, and Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre. Volunteers from Ivanhoe Girls Grammar, CBA and BankWest sorted and packed the gifts ready for delivery. Residents, along with Heidelberg and East Ivanhoe Community Bank branches, Rosanna Rotary, Ivanhoe Rotary, the Barkley and Old England Hotels, and Olympic Village Combined Pensioner Association also dug deep to send 26 local disadvantaged children on summer camps.
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Reducing our stray cat population The success of a pilot program, the first of its kind in Victoria offering free desexing and microchipping of cats to reduce cat populations and euthanasia rates, may lead to similar programs across Banyule. Late last year, Banyule Council and the RSPCA joined forces to pilot the program, using the RSPCA’s Mobile Animal Care Unit, in Heidelberg West. The trial, which attracted television news coverage and interest from around Australia, saw 40 cats booked in over the three-day program. Cats can fall pregnant from five months old, producing three to four litters from August to April. Each litter comprises up to six kittens and cats can fall pregnant again only days after giving birth. Banyule Mayor Cr Craig Langdon said he was hoping to make it an ongoing program, targeting other areas of cat overpopulation. “It has so many benefits for Council, residents, our native bird and animal species, and the cats themselves,” he said.
We receive around 300 complaints about stray cats each year and up to 800 cats are impounded each year. Maria Mercurio, RSPCA Victoria’s Chief Executive Officer, said they were excited about the initiative and hoped other councils would follow Banyule's lead. Lynne was one resident who took advantage of the program to get Atilla, who was a stray kitten that she adopted, desexed and microchipped. “To have this service was such a godsend as I’m on a disability pension and I would have really struggled to get the money for the $500 that my local vet quoted me for desexing Atilla,” she said.
Desexing vouchers Banyule also runs a desexing voucher scheme, enabling qualifying residents to have their dog and/or cat desexed for a reduced fee. To qualify you must hold: • a Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Department of Social Security or the Department of Veteran Affairs; or
Lynne picks Atilla up after his operation from the RSPCA's Mobile Animal Care Unit.
• a Gold Card specifying War Widow issued by the Department of Veteran Affairs; or • a Gold Card specifying TPI issued by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Holders of Health Care Cards and Senior Cards are ineligible. For more information call us on 9490 4222.
Sunday lunch club On the first Sunday of each month, St George’s Anglican Church in Warncliffe Road, Ivanhoe East, provides older Banyule residents with an opportunity to meet, socialise and enjoy a traditional three course Sunday roast in the church hall. Students from Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School and La Trobe University help set tables, serve meals and clean up. The 2014 lunch program starts on 2 March.
Billy looks forward to the lunch each month. “It’s good food and good company and I’d encourage others to come along,” she said. A donation of $10 covers costs and transport can be provided. f you are interested in attending or know of an older person who would benefit from this community outreach, call Rosalie Prince on 9459 1554 or 0438 455 641. left: Billy is a regular at the Sunday lunches and encourages others to join in.
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Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest coming soon All the FREE fun of Twilight Sounds and the Kids ArtyFarty Fest returns to Sills Bend on Saturday and Sunday, 22 and 23 March. Sills Bend, a perfect patch of bushland tucked away in a crook of the Yarra River in the heart of Heidelberg, will come alive with music, arts and activities for everyone on the weekend.
Twilight Sounds - 5.30pm-10pm Saturday 22 March
Come and enjoy music from some of Australia’s biggest artists alongside Banyule’s brightest up-and-comers. This year will see ARIA award winner Clare Bowditch headlining with a supporting cast featuring energetic world influenced music from Bombay Royale, foot stomping blues from Shaun Kirk, and Dixieland tunes from
the Royal Jellies that will have you up and dancing! Along with these giants of the Melbourne music scene, a young Banyule band is being given the chance to join the show via a competition run by our Jets music studio. So pack a picnic (don’t forget your rug or chair) or grab something from the food court at this free open air concert. Also, new in 2014 will be the festival bar run by Heidelberg West microbrewery, Kooinda Boutique Brewery.
Kids ArtyFarty Fest - 10am-4pm Sunday 23 March Featuring art, activities, music, games, stories and performance for children aged 2-12 and their families, this popular day starts with the Grand Parade, a procession down Burgundy Street that will see schools, sports clubs and community groups
marching in costumes inspired by the theme Land of the Giants. The parade, kicking off at 10am, will snake its way to Sills Bend where prizes will be awarded for best dressed. Want to join in? There is still time for your group/school/club to get involved. More information on our website. From 11am-4pm there will be music on the main stage, arts activities under the canopies of giant acorn trees, roving performers, storytelling and interactive art installations to keep you captivated all day long. Traverse a rope bridge, have your face painted, build a cubby house, sing, dance, learn about the environment, discover other cultures, or just enjoy the beautiful surrounds. And don’t forget about our market where some of Melbourne’s finest artisans will offer beautiful goods for you to take home. If all this activity makes you hungry, chow down on a range of food available on-site, bring a picnic or sample one of the many Burgundy Street cafes. More details about both great events will be in the March edition of the Banyule Banner and on our website. clockwise from top left: Clare Bowditch; The Royal Jellies; all the fun of the Kids ArtyFarty Fest.
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New service for home based business Banyule digiDECL will open its doors at the end of this month, providing homebased businesses in Banyule and surrounding areas with a shared space to do business and get mentoring for online business activities. Run by the Darebin Enterprise Centre, and supported by Banyule Council, Banyule digiDECL is located above Australia Post in the Bell Street Mall in Heidelberg West. It provides an energetic, fast-paced and community-minded work space for start-up businesses, freelancers, microbusinesses and other professionals who would otherwise work from home. The co-working space features shared office space and infrastructure and encourages a creative exchange between members through digital training sessions and events. Membership of digiDECL includes access to: • Professional co-working space • Digital technology - internet and interactive whiteboards • Digital business mentoring - assistance with website and online presence • Digital training sessions social media, cloud computing, building a basic website, etc • Networking opportunities with other members For more information and membership enquiries, visit www. or call 9499 9100.
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Are you prepared? Severe storms occur in Banyule more frequently than any other major natural hazard. Although severe storms can occur at any time, they often occur between October and April, and can cause damage from lightening, hail, high winds, heavy rain and flash flooding. What can you do to prepare for severe storms? • Monitor weather conditions and listen to media bulletins for updates and warnings. • Clean gutters, spouting and downpipes regularly. • Keep your roof in good repair by fixing loose tiles, roofing iron and ridge capping. • Trim or remove trees or branches overhanging your home, and inspect and fix fences.
• Keep your yard or porch free of clutter. • Have your emergency plan and kit prepared. • Check you have adequate building and contents insurance. • Ensure your house number is visible from the street. • Ensure everyone knows where, how and when to turn off the main power, water and gas. The Bureau of Meteorology website ( provides up to date weather warnings. For SES assistance due to flood or storm damage, call 132 500. For lifethreatening emergencies call 000. More information is available on the SES website -
Free TV recycling Banyule residents can recycle their old analogue televisions for free, giving them new life as park benches or car bumper bars. The switch over to digital television was completed on 10 December 2013, which has led to an increase in the dumping of old analogue televisions on nature strips. This is not only unsightly but can lead to you being fined. All you need to do is take unwanted televisions to the Banyule Waste Recovery Centre in Waterdale Road, Bellfield, which is open Monday
to Friday, 7.30am-3pm, and from 7.30am to noon on weekends and public holidays, excepting Good Friday, Anzac Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
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Mayoral recognition of significant life events Do you know someone celebrating a significant birthday, wedding anniversary or other life event? If you do, the Mayor of Banyule can help celebrate by sending a personal message of congratulations. All you need to do is write to us: Attention: Mayoral Congratulations, Banyule City Council, PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079; or email us at You will need to provide supporting documentation like birth certificates
or marriage certificates. If these are not available you can provide a statutory declaration. Statutory declaration forms are available at any post office. By providing this documentation, it ensures that events are legitimate celebrations and helps guard against misuse, for example practical jokes. You can make arrangements for congratulatory messages up to two months before the celebration and you can request a belated message
up to one month after the birthday or wedding anniversary has passed. Congratulatory messages can be delivered directly to the recipient or to a ‘care of ’ address for surprises. Please include the full details of the name and address of the person to whom the congratulatory message needs to be sent, or the details of the person receiving it on their behalf, as well as any relevant information about the particular event being recognised.
Ward rounds
Cr Craig Langdon, Mayor Olympia Ward 0401 097 032
Cr Rick Garotti, Grimshaw Ward 0402 846 845
What's happening in your Ward and contacting your councillors Cr Craig Langdon Olympia Ward In rain or searing sun, waiting at an exposed bus stop is no fun, particularly if you are elderly. While many bus stops provide shelters and seats, many do not. In Bond Street, Ivanhoe, the bus stop on the edge of Donaldson’s Reserve has a seat and no nearby shelter. In winter, the Reserve has the tendency to become a wind tunnel. The bus stop provides transport to Ivanhoe Station and Northland Shopping Centre, two destinations enabling you to shop and connect to other
Cr Steven Briffa, Deputy Mayor Hawdon Ward 0429 807 052 Cr Mark Di Pasquale Bakewell Ward 0481 002 299
destinations. It is also on the walking path that cuts through Ivanhoe, which is a major thoroughfare for children walking to school and people walking to Ivanhoe’s shops. Council has recognised the strategic importance of this bus stop and is planning to build a shelter for protection from the weather and a place for people to sit, either as a break in their walk or while waiting for the bus. We have researched bus shelters and have identified two styles that would work well here. I would love your opinion as to which you prefer, Option A or Option B. Go onto our website and comment in our ‘Have Your Say’ area or email me at
Cr Tom Melican, Ibbott Ward 0413 043 015 Cr Jenny Mulholland, Griffin Ward 0413 986 912 Cr Wayne Phillips, Beale Ward 0408 999 189
ABOVE: Option A
BELOW: Option B
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Cr Steven Briffa Hawdon Ward An enjoyable duty as a Councillor is attending our Citizenship Ceremonies, of which we hold four each year, with the largest on Australia Day welcoming 189 new citizens including children on Australia Day just gone. Across 2013, a total of 437 new citizens were welcomed to Banyule. We take great pride in involving as many local entertainers as possible in our events and festivals. At our three evening Citizenship Ceremonies, we open with one of our local primary school choirs singing the national
Cr Mark Di Pasquale Bakewell Ward On time and on budget... Now that we have seen out the festive season and the ‘normal life’ of 2014 has started I am happy to see the budget tracking in the black. I have been keeping a close eye on Bakewell Ward and Banyule city-wide projects and am happy with the number coming in on time and on budget. Council has been very willing to put their spending and savings under the microscope for this new councillor even to the point that monthly
Cr Rick Garotti Grimshaw Ward The proliferation of graffiti, not just in Banyule, is a major concern for us all. Our inaugural Graffiti Summit late last year involved over 60 key stakeholders from the community, government departments, organisations and Council discussing graffiti and identifying ways to better manage it. The work done on this very successful day is now helping inform our Banyule Graffiti Management Strategy, which will be distributed for public comment before going to Council this year.
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anthem and they close with the iconic song ‘I am Australian’ or a medley of their choosing. Primary schools with choirs take turns performing so no one misses out. In addition, we invite other local artists, such as Morgan Lobe, Jade Ingvarson-Favretto, and Laura Pollock, who also featured in Banyule’s Carols by Candlelight, to perform. Morgan and Jade, are both associated with Viewbank College. Morgan was College Captain in 2011 and Jade, who is also a singer-songwriter on Triple J, is in Year 12 this year. Morgan enjoyed performing and loves seeing local people at local events. I hope you agree that we are very fortunate to draw on the talents of
so many local musicians, singers and entertainers, who make our events so representative of our diverse and talented Banyule community. I thank them all for their support.
budget summaries are being used. In any business it is important to see at every step that the budget is being followed as it is too late at the end of the financial year to change anything. I am going to make this year the stepping stone for an extremely efficient Council for the next 3-5 years. This will put our community in good stead to bridge our infrastructure funding gap and enjoy all the services we currently have. I look forward to Council continuing to support all residents in their day to day life and also to have every resident comfortable with the management of the finances of the community. Let's keep Bakewell Cookin'.
Stepping up in 2014 with the replacement of the Willinda Park steps, pictured below.
Council was also successful in securing funding for two projects under the Victorian Department of Justice’s Graffiti Prevention and Removal Grants initiative. Graffiti: Everyone’s Business, which received a $21,941 grant, is a six month project that started in January. It is working with Watsonia Traders Association, community groups and residents to remove graffiti, primarily around the shopping centre, and ensuring a more effective response to keeping it at bay into the future. We will also be making use of Portable Graffiti Removal Kits we obtained from the Department of Justice. These kits include high pressure cleaning equipment and we
are arranging for two of these kits to be available in Watsonia for a rapid response to new graffiti. Working together, I hope we can reduce graffiti's impact on our community.
Morgan joined me at last October's Citizenship Ceremony.
Ray Kopke from Neighbourhood Watch joined me at the Summit.
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Cr Tom Melican Ibbott Ward Rosanna Village is one of Banyule’s important local shopping centres, with 75 shops and businesses. Centres like this are important for economic prosperity, local jobs and community connection. That’s why I’m delighted Rosanna Village is undergoing $12,000 in improvements, including new uplights to make the area welcoming at night. Landscaping will occur in autumn. Opportunities for improvement were raised by the Rosanna Traders Association and Council recognised
Cr Jenny Mulholland Griffin Ward I am once again planning a fundraising barbecue at Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest, on 22 and 23 March, to support this year’s Heidelberg Anzac Day Service and March. Last year, I organised the fundraiser because the Heidelberg RSL subbranch had closed and members wanted to continue a local march. We were very fortunate to have the support of Bill McKenna, the President of the MontmorencyEltham RSL, who is again assisting. Many members from Heidelberg
Cr Wayne Phillips Beale Ward Banyule is renowned for its parks and here in Beale Ward we enjoy many parks and bush reserves for sport, walking, cycling, exercise, relaxing, children’s play and community events. The fenced dog exercise park is finished at Malcolm Blair Reserve and is already receiving great feedback from happy dogs and their owners. It provides a safe place for off leash dogs and has seating, a water fountain and dog waste disposal bins. Council is also planning its fourth regional playground at Anthony Beale
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there had been no significant streetscape work for some years. The blue lights chosen match the Association's updated branding and differentiate the centre from neighbouring strips. While much of the Village is along Lower Plenty Road, near Rosanna Train Station, it extends along Beetham Parade, Bellevue Avenue, Ellesmere Avenue and Turnham Avenue, where our Rosanna Service Centre and the Rosanna Library are situated. From restaurants and cafes to clothing boutiques, and from grocery stores to medical services, the Village has it all. It also hosts a myriad of community events throughout the year. If you haven’t
visited for a while, drop by and enjoy the friendly service and great atmosphere.
moved across to Bill’s sub-branch. Last year’s march saw 500 people travel from Remembrance Park, off the Bell-Banksia Link, past the Austin Hospital to the Cenotaph on the corner of Burgundy Street. There was a great community atmosphere, with young and old commemorating this most important of national days. This year, the service is starting at the Cenotaph, with the march down Burgundy Street, which will be closed, to the Heidelberg Football Club for a gunfire breakfast. There will also be an inaugural football match, kicking off at 1.30pm, between A grade sides from Heidelberg and Northcote Park. I hope you can support our ‘diggers’ by buying a snag from our fundraising
barbecue at next month’s Banyule Festival and joining us on Anzac Day.
Reserve in Greensborough, which should prove as well loved as those at Malahang Reserve, Binnak Park and Warringal Parklands. Consultation has started with local preschools, schools and young people to see what they would like and this month, consultation continues with the broader community. The collective views we receive will help develop a concept and plan, which once drafted will return for community consultation before it is finished, costed and taken to Council. As with other regional playgrounds, this one at Anthony Beale Reserve will be developed in stages. Enjoy the last days of summer in our beautiful parks and I hope to see
you at the free Movies on the Move outdoor family screening of Gnomeo & Juliet at Anthony Beale Reserve at 6.30pm on Saturday 13 February. More information on page 18.
The beautiful lights illuminate gum trees, creating quite a dramatic entry into this busy centre.
Bill McKenna joined me at the Cenotaph.
The popular flying fox at the regional playground in Warringal Parklands, Heidelberg.
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Free events for all ages and interests We are hosting a great selection of free, family friendly events in the great outdoors - and one idoors this February and March.
Binnak Park Playground Launch 2pm-3.30pm, Saturday 8 February Binnak Park, Anderson Parade, Watsonia North
Binnak Park is one of three regional playgrounds which, with neighbourhood playgrounds, comprise Banyule’s 154 playgrounds that provide hours of fun, adventure and exercise for children. We recently installed even more play equipment and are celebrating with a free BBQ at Binnak Park. Meet local Grimshaw Ward Councillor Rick Garotti and our Out and About customer service team.
Create from a Crate 10am-5pm, Tuesday to Saturday, 8-23 February, Hatch Contemporary Arts Space, 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Ivanhoe
This innovative exhibition highlights the inherent beauty of wood while promoting recycling and waste reduction. All exhibits are made from discarded timber pallets and
crates. Marvel at the furniture and other wood art made by skilled furniture makers, sculptors, turners and carvers from timber provided by Waste Converters Recycling.
Bix Beiderbecke, C.W. Stoneking and Tom Waits. They will get your toes tapping! Bring a picnic or check out the food options available at Macleod Village.
Gnomeo & Juliet
Exercise in our parks for all ages
6.30pm, Saturday 15 February Anthony Beale Reserve, St Helena Road, Greensborough
Join us and watch this great family movie. There will be children’s activities including face painting, popcorn and more. Bring a picnic or enjoy a BBQ from a local Community Club (small cost may apply) and enjoy the park and new play equipment. BYO blanket or deck chair. Meet local Beale Ward Councillor Wayne Phillips and our Out and About customer service team.
Summer Sounds - Music in the Park 6.30pm-8.30pm, Friday 21 February Macleod Park, Aberdeen Road, Macleod
Enjoy the Royal Jellies performing in the Rotunda. Harking back to an era when jazz was king, this group draws on the styles of Louis Armstrong,
Indulged too much over the New Year? Then join us at Ivanhoe, Bundoora or Macleod for free outdoor exercise sessions in February and March at a time to suit you. The sessions include strengthening and body weight exercise and body weight exercises using outdoor fitness equipment.
Strengthening and Body Weight Exercise Classes 6am-7am, Thursday 20 and 27 February and 6, 13, 20, 27 March Macleod Park, Aberdeen Road, Macleod Strengthening and Body Weight Exercise Classes 10.30am-11.30am, Tuesday 18 and 25 February and 4, 11, 18, 25 March Ivanhoe Park, Lower Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe Outdoor Gym Equipment and Body Weight Exercise Classes 6pm-7pm, Wednesday 19 and 26 February and 5, 12, 19, 26 March Binnak Park, Anderson Parade, Bundoora Bookings essential by calling our customer service team on 9490 4222.
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Community Calendar Community groups wanting their events considered for the May-June calendar should send their submissions to by 17 March 2014.
1st Saturday of the month Rotary Club of Rosanna Farmers' Market Fresh food regional farmers' market at Bundoora Park, Plenty Road, Bundoora. 8am-1pm, gold coin donation. 3 February Watsonia Neighbourhood House Watsonia Neighbourhood House returns for Term 1 on 3 February, with a program full of community activities and events, social groups and classes. Bookings are essential as classes and groups fill quickly. Contact us: on 9434 6717, at or via Facebook. Office hours are 9.30am-3pm. 20 February-8 March Heidelberg Theatre Company This popular company at 36 Turnham Avenue,
Rosanna, presents a delicate, moving and beautifully written American classic, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Bookings online at or via the Box Office on 9457 4117. 2 March Arden Crescent Concert Series 2pm, Uniting Church, Arden Crescent, Rosanna. Royal Command Variety Performance - a wonderful afternoon of songs from opera, music theatre and the lighter classics. Bookings and information on 9457 2595. 24 February Yarra Valley U3A Monday Talks Yarra Valley U3A Monday Talks, are held at the rear of 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Ivanhoe
F E B RUA RY 2014
at 2pm on the 4th Monday of each month. The talks are free and are followed by light refreshments. This month’s guest speaker is Vicki Hamblin, coordinator of the home tutor scheme with the Northern Adult Migrant English program Consortium, which delivers English to newly arrived migrants and refugees in their homes. The intention is to support people to learn English but sometimes it is a much broader role, as Vicki will explain. Note - 30 March Autum Flower Show Cancelled The Ivanhoe Garden Club advertised its Autumn Flower Show in this year’s Banyule Calendar as being on 30 March at Bellfield Community Centre. The Club has since decided to cancel its Autumn Flower Show.
Business events in February Free Small Business Mentoring
Get Your Business Organised
Back for 2014, this popular service gives prospective, new and established Banyule businesses access to free one-on-one advice from an experienced Box Hill Business Enterprise Centre advisor. The one hour sessions help with assessing your ideas, business planning, growth strategies, addressing challenges and more. When: first Tuesday of the month from Tuesday 4 February 2014 Where: Banyule Customer Service Centre, 44 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna Bookings essential: call 9457 9865 or email
Small business owners are often told they should work on their business, not just in it. If your response is "I don't have time", this seminar is for you. It will help you analyse your work day, identify distractions, develop strategies to unlock hidden time, increase your productivity and help you focus on your business while still doing day-to-day tasks. Held in collaboration with Small Business Victoria. When: 6pm-8pm, Tuesday 18 February Where: The Withers Room, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe Cost: $20 per registration Bookings essential; Enquiries: 9457 9865
Wedding open day 10am-3pm, Sunday 16 February, The Centre Ivanhoe Come and experience the grandeur of The Centre Ivanhoe and see how this heritage venue can sparkle for your special day. Meet wedding suppliers and our wedding coordinator Kym West while you sip on a glass of bubbles and sample our delicious canapés. The venue will be styled in different themes, from traditional to not so traditional. We cater for ceremonies of all sizes. RSVP to Kym via email at or by calling her on 9049 3352.
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Tobacco retailers pass underage test For the first time in five years, all 40 Banyule tobacco retailers visited during a test purchasing program passed, refusing to sell tobacco to a teenager under the age of 18. Our health officers regularly visit tobacconists to educate them about their obligations and encourage them to ask anyone who looks under the age of 25 for proof of their age before selling them tobacco. The test purchasing program is part of a Department of Health statewide program ensuring tobacco retailers comply with the Tobacco Act 1987.
Contacting us All enquiries 9490 4222 PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079 Council Service Centres 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe 44 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna 9-13 Flintoff Street, Greensborough Opening Hours All: Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm Rosanna: Wednesday until 7pm Greensborough: Saturday 9am-noon Hearing or Speech Impaired Call us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 (ordinary handset) and ask for 9490 4222. Connect with us on social media
Previous results were: • June 2013 - 3 sales out of 44 premises • Dec 2012 - 13 sales out of 46 premises • April 2012 - 7 sales out of 42 premises • Sept 2011 - 3 sales out of 52 premises • April 2011 - 5 sales out of 44 premises According to 2011 Department of Health figures, 17.8 per cent of 15 to 17 year olds in Banyule reported that they had smoked cigarettes.
Interpreter Service