Banyule Banner Mar/Apr 2014

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mar ch — APRI L 2014

Banner Banyule



Mayor Cr Craig Langdon's Message Lions House opening I was honoured to attend the official opening of Lions House last month at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital with the Governor of Victoria Alex Chernov. The Boronia Centre has been magnificently refurbished and now provides affordable accommodation to people who travel to Melbourne to visit lovedones in care at Austin Health, the Mercy Hospital for Women, as well as other nearby hospitals. To see the fruition of such a vital community asset has been the result of many years of fundraising throughout the community by Lions’ members, who raised over $1m. I would like to thank the many generous organisations who committed funds, support and assistance including the Council. A courtyard area was named after the late Margaret Heathorn OAM for her great work in establishing the Foundation over 10 years ago. Its pavers feature donors’ names as recognition of those who have supported the Foundation. It is a fitting reminder how support from all parts of the community can lay the foundation for success.

Festival time It always gets me excited knowing our popular festival weekend is almost here again. For around 30 years, I’ve watched the community come together to enjoy an amazing festive spirit. This year, Twilight Sounds will see award-winning artist Clare Bowditch as the main drawcard on Saturday 22 March, joined by a host of crowdpleasing performers, including The Bombay Royale and Shaun Kirk. Then on Sunday, the Grand Parade below: Pauline

Harris and me at Lions House.

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takes over Burgundy Street as it kicks off the family-friendly Kids ArtyFarty Fest that keeps adults and children amused all day with fun activities, music and entertainment. I am particularly thrilled that this year the Defence Force School of Signals (from Simpson Barracks in Greensborough) will be participating in the parade. Over 140 members will march with a band through Burgundy Street; it really will be a sight to behold. These really are some of the year’s most magical events and held in one of Banyule’s most spellbinding locations. If you have yet to attend, I urge you to come down and enjoy the festivities. See pages 8 and 9 for all the details, plus there is a tear-out program on the back page.

City Plan: engage, discuss and respond A large part of our work at Council involves ensuring we look after the long term vision, objectives and key directions of Banyule. T   he City Plan 2013-2017 implemented mid last year outlines the priorities for Council over four years. It is continually reviewed and updated to keep it on track and relevant to the changing needs of the community. Over the coming months, we would like to hear your ideas about what is important to you as a community member and how you feel about Council’s current initiatives and direction. T   his is an ideal opportunity to help shape the plan and ensure that in Year 2 (2014/15) we continue delivering the most appropriate services and projects for residents. The feedback we receive from community consultation is invaluable. So join us, to engage, discuss and respond (see page 7 for more details). below: Elevate

yourself at the Grand Parade.

Leaf clean up Council’s Cleansing Department allocates extra resources for 8–12 weeks each autumn depending on the season. A dedicated road sweeper conducts the Autumn Leaf Program and additional staff move leaves from fence lines to kerb so the sweeper can pick them up. About 65 tonnes of autumn leaves are collected each year by Council’s cleansing staff – ensuring that they aren’t blowing around, blocking Banyule’s drains.

Avoid the flu The influenza vaccine protects against the three current main strains of flu and helps prevent the serious complications that the influenza virus could cause, particularly those with chronic illness. Influenza viruses have the ability to change so the vaccine is formulated every year to include the strains most likely to be a problem and is recommended to be given in autumn. The injection is free through your GP for: all people aged 65 years and older, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 15 years and over, pregnant women, and everyone aged from six months and over that have medical conditions that put them at risk of complications from influenza infection. Council provides the vaccine to other residents for $25 per dose. Contact your GP for further advice or go to Council’s website www. for session details.

Watering trees This sweltering summer has seen many trees struggle for survival, especially young trees of two years age or less. Council encourages residents to water trees on their nature strips to help retain as many of these valuable community assets as we can.

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Reconnect with nature Come play in the great outdoors Bring the family along for a free and fun nature play afternoon in one of our local bushland reserves on Sunday 6 April from 1–4pm. Learn how to tie knots, make bush shelters, weave with natural materials, and play in the mud. Explore natural bushland settings without toys and electronics and let your imagination run wild. Relax and share a yarn over a steaming cup of billy tea and damper. Visit our website for further information and location details at Remember the time when a child’s playground was their neighbourhood? When children were encouraged to explore, imagine, observe and play all day in the great outdoors? Remember that sense of freedom when you played outside as a child? Improved internet access and advances in technology has led to children spending more time on screen-based activities than organised sports. As concern grows for children about the effects of excessive screen time, Banyule Council is actively promoting the childhood development benefits of outdoor play and exploring natural environments.

So why play in nature? Play in natural environments enables children to develop advanced coordination, balance and agility. It encourages imaginative play, cooperation and divergent thinking. Nature provides children with an opportunity to develop confidence, independence, a sense of wonder and get away from the pressures of everyday life. Banyule is home to around 606 hectares of public open space and 285 hectares managed by Parks Victoria. The opportunity for outdoor discovery and play in our municipality is near endless!

Find places to visit in Banyule and Melbourne: Regions/Melbourne/Activities-andattractions/Nature-and-wildlife virtualtour/finding-nature-in-the-city. aspx

Celebrating nature play in Banyule Does your child’s school or early childhood centre provide children with inspiring opportunities to play with natural materials and natural settings? During the inaugural Victorian Nature Play Week, Banyule Council will celebrate natural play activities and settings in our schools, kindergartens, playgroups and childcare centres.

You are invited to share your Banyule nature play stories and photos (via email to sherryn.prinzi@banyule.vic. for the chance to win a $300 Eco Toys gift voucher. Closing date 21 March 2014. For more information please phone Sherryn Prinzi on 9457 9908.

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Celebrating our volunteers Banyule will acknowledge the contribution of some of our community’s most inspirational people at its 2014 Community Volunteer Awards at a gala dinner at The Centre, Ivanhoe on 15 May. If you know a person deserving recognition for their commitment to volunteering, now is their chance to be recognised for these awards: • Community Volunteer • NEW! Senior Volunteer (aged 60 or over as of 1 January 2014) • Young Volunteer (aged 12-25 as of 1 January 2014) • NEW! Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Volunteer • Community Group • Good Neighbour

New Citizen of the Year Award announced Outstanding contributions made to the Banyule community will be recognised each year with a new Banyule Citizen of the Year Award, presented as part of the Banyule Community Volunteer Awards. This new award is not solely for volunteers and recognises any field of endeavour, performance and expertise whether paid or unpaid. Nominations can come from any area, including the business community, community services, environment, sports, arts and education. The winner of the award will be offered the opportunity to participate in key civic functions throughout the year in which they hold the award. Full eligibility criteria for both the Banyule Community Volunteer Awards and Banyule Citizen of the Year Award is at www.banyule.vic. Nominations are open until midnight on Sunday 23 March.

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Our inspirational leading ladies International Women’s Day will be held around the world on 8 March, continuing the fight for female equality and advancement. To acknowledge some of Banyule’s outstanding female role models, nine residents have been invited to attend the International Women’s Day breakfast at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 4 March. The Council sponsored table will be hosted by Cr Jenny Mulholland and is made up of inspirational women from across a diverse range of organisations, all of whom have made incredible contributions to the community. below: (from left to right) Rosemary Vecchies from Heidelcare, Carolyn Jury from Yarra Plenty Regional Library, Cr Jenny Mulholland, Jennifer Fayers from St Johns Ambulance, Noella Jacobs from Greensborough Chamber of Commerce, immunisation volunteer Angela McIntosh, Karen Van Donkelaar from Diamond Valley Foodshare.

left: Last year’s deserving winners celebrated at The Centre Ivanhoe.

Road safety and transport The Victoria road toll has halved since 1989, and Banyule is committed to continually improving safety for all road users.

To achieve this objective, Banyule has an active Road Safety Committee which provides relevant road safety advice to Council and implements road safety programs and initiatives. The Committee consists of members from various organisations, including Councillors, VicRoads, VicPolice, and meets quarterly every year. The Committee is currently seeking representatives from the community who have a keen interest in road safety to join. Expressions of Interest for membership close 31 March 2014. Further details, contact Kevin Ayen on or call 9490 4222. Download application form

Banyule Community Transport Forum Are you interested in transport in your suburb and the wider sphere? Banyule City Council is to hold a community transport forum in the near future. Look out for more information on our website, customer service centres and local libraries soon.

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Who to call in an emergency In times of emergency, every second counts. It’s important to assess the situation and make the right call. Triple Zero (000) The Triple Zero (000) service is the quickest way to get the right emergency service to help you – whether that is Police, Fire or Ambulance – in life threatening or emergency situations. SES (132 500) Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) is the control agency for natural emergencies such as flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake. Following severe storms, SES units can provide temporary repairs to damaged buildings and clear fallen trees and branches so they no longer pose a danger or hazard. If the storm is widespread, SES will be very busy and it may take some time before they contact you. SES services should not be used to clear fallen trees where there is no risk to

health or safety, for example, if a tree has fallen in your garden and has not injured anyone or damaged habitable property then you should call a tree services contractor. SES does not remove debris from your property. If a fallen tree has damaged your home or is posing a safety risk, call

Children at play – please don’t smoke here!

132 500 for assistance. You should also contact your insurance company straight away, as they may engage a contractor to assist. For more information and advice on calling emergency services visit or

training or practice sessions and during breaks or intervals in play • in an outdoor area of a swimming pool complex that is a public place The intention of the new ban is to stop people from smoking in outdoor public areas commonly From 1 April 2014, smoking will be used by children and young people banned at areas commonly used for sporting and recreational by children and young people for recreational and sporting activities. activities. Under the Tobacco Act 1987 smoking Banyule Council is encouraging the community to be aware of the new will be banned: Victoria wide bans and respect the • at or within 10 metres of right of everyone to enjoy clean children’s playground equipment places to play and fresh air, by not that is an outdoor public place smoking at playgrounds, skate parks, • at or within 10 metres of a skate children’s sporting events and at park that is an outdoor public public swimming pools. place For further information • at or within 10 metres of a sporting venue that is an outdoor tobaccoreforms public place during an organised underage sporting event, including


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A greener future Council’s State of the Environment Report 2012–2013 features information about how Council and the community are working together to ensure a greener, more sustainable future. The report showcases the direction, drive and co-operation between Council and the community to nurture our environment, and looks at solutions to the environmental challenges we continue to face. From educational programs, recycling water and waste, to caring for nature, planting trees and changing lifestyles, there are many initiatives we are undertaking now to help secure our future. For example, did you know that in 2012–2013: • Council’s Bushland Management Unit oversaw more than 11,000 plantings in Banyule with the help of over 700 volunteers from community, friends and school groups. • 4884 plants were provided to residents and community groups to support Banyule’s existing wildlife corridors through planting on adjacent land, supporting indigenous flora and local bird and wildlife. • Banyule inspected and pruned over 35,000 trees under Council’s routine Street Tree Maintenance Contract.

• The recently completed $6 million Banyule Stormwater Harvesting Project will provide up to 138 million litres of stormwater per year to replace mains water for irrigation to help keep over 30 hectares of open space green. • Council has allocated $4.7 million over the next two years to improve streetlight energy efficiency. Existing 80 watts Mercury Vapour lights will be replaced with new technology that uses 67% less electricity per light. • 29% of waste collected was recycled and another 23% was made up of green organic waste. • During 2012–2013, Council established recycling stations for mobile phones, batteries, x-rays, cameras, fluorescent globes, eyeglasses, DVDs, CDs and videos at its three customer services centres. Read the full report at

Family waste day Ever stopped to consider how much waste we create each day? Want to do something to help reduce the piles of rubbish sent to landfill? The average Australian generates over two tonnes of rubbish each year, but there are many easy ways you can do your bit to help reduce waste. Come along to an afternoon of fun and educational waste minimisation

activities for all the family! Learn some of the top tips and clever waste reducing techniques you can employ to help save the environment. The event will be held on Sunday 25 May at Old Shire Offices, 60 Beverley Road, Heidelberg. Visit www.sustainablecommunities.vic. or call 8470 8373 for more details and the event time closer to the date.

Clean Up Australia Day 2014 Do your bit for the environment. Last year, there was a fantastic response from volunteers across the nation with over 593,400 individuals donning their Clean Up gloves at 7,363 Clean Up sites, removing an estimated 16,243 tonnes of rubbish from our environment. Banyule Council encourages volunteers to take part in Australia’s largest community participation event, Clean Up Australia Day, on Sunday March 2. To join a group, please check our Banyule website, www.banyule.vic. or Clean Up Australia Day website au to find a local spot.

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City Plan Year 2 under review The Year 2 review of Banyule’s City Plan 2013–2017 is continuing over the coming months, so there is still time for you to provide your views and ideas and help shape the plan. We are reviewing the plan to make sure that in Year 2 (2014/15) we continue delivering the most appropriate services and projects for Banyule.

we receive your feedback the better, as we will use it to develop a draft of the City Plan 2013–2017 (Year 2). You will have further opportunities during April to May 2014, before the plan is finalised and presented to Council for adoption in June. We are continuing to attend community events and talk to the community to: • Highlight what has been achieved over the past 12–18 months. • Seek your views on whether we are on track. • Ask you if there are any areas The City Plan sets the direction and where things could be improved. priorities for Council over four years under the themes of people, planet, We also have a range of online place, participation and performance. surveys, from brief to more It is reviewed and updated each year comprehensive, or you can complete after comprehensive consultation a paper survey at one with Councillors, the community of Council’s Service Centres. and staff. The valuable information During April – Draft City Plan collected through consultation is (Year 2) available for comment being considered together with The first draft of the City Plan 2013– other information such as legislative changes, reviews of service standards 2017 (Year 2) will be available from 9–23 April, via Council’s website and and industry trends. Service Centres, and at local libraries and neighbourhood houses. Specific initiatives will be detailed in the draft plan, and these are also linked to the proposals in the draft Budget 20142015. Community groups and individuals are invited to comment on the draft plan. Please provide your comments in writing to: Peter Utri, Manager of Organisational Performance, PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079 or via email at During May – Final draft available The final draft will be on public exhibition from 6 May to 4 June, providing the last chance for comment. You will receive more information in the May-June Banner and on our website. For more information about this Up to the end of March 2014, you consultation, please contact Theonie can give your feedback to help us Tacticos in our Community and plan specific initiatives and priorities for Year 2 of the City Plan. The earlier Social Planning Team on 9490 4222.

Wombat rescue Bushland Management team were called to an Abercorne Avenue property in Ivanhoe to remove an unwanted intruder. After a small struggle, a weighty wombat was escorted in the back of a Council vehicle and released to dig in the greener pastures of Darebin Parklands.

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Twilight Sounds and Kids ArtyFarty Fest Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March 2014 Banyule’s biggest and brightest festival is just around the corner with Twilight Sounds and the Kids ArtyFarty Fest again set to make up a fantastic, fun-filled and FREE weekend of music, entertainment, workshops and activities for the young, old and everyone in between! Find the full program on the back page of this publication!

Twilight Sounds A PBS 106.7FM Presents event Saturday 22 March 5:30pm–10pm Sills bend, Warringal Parklands, Beverley Road, Heidelberg Sills stage 5:30pm Kid Sidney 6pm The Royal Jellies 7pm Sean Kirk 8pm The Bombay Royale 9pm Clare Bowditch Wander down to Sills Bend for an afternoon picnic; bring along your friends and family and take in the vibrant atmosphere as you watch the sun set on another autumn day. As you relax under the stars you can

listen to the sounds of some great Australian artists, grab a bite to eat from one of the festival vendors or a brew from local microbrewery Kooinda Boutique Brewery, wander around the market stalls and let the children get creative in the art tent. This year Twilight Sounds has partnered with PBS 106.7FM who will be hosting the night and broadcasting the event live to air from 6pm with MCs Cat and Crispi from PBS’ The Breakfast Spread. You’ll want to get in early to reserve your spot up close to see the hottest new band from Banyule, Kid Sidney. This seven member all-girl band was selected from a pool of local talent to work with Banyule’s Jets Studio and a hot shot producer of their choice to record, mix and master a single, which they will launch at the festival! Next you will witness the Royal Jellies, a rabble that snaps a hyper-coloured homage to the polyphonic sounds of an era when jazz was king. Modern Melbourne meets the New Orleans old school – frontline horns duke-itout while the rhythm section cooks up raucous grooves in a neo-vintage stew of pop hooks, trad jazz and straight-up songwriting. Born and bred in Melbourne, blues and soul troubadour Shaun Kirk began as a quiet acoustic singer/

songwriter playing to small audiences in Melbourne’s boutique bars and cafés.Three years later Shaun has become one of the most entertaining one-man shows on the festival scene. The magic and mayhem of vintage Bollywood collides in spectacular fashion with a dizzying blend of Tarantino-esque surf, wild disco, flamboyant theatrics, swirls of kaleidoscopic colour, outrageous costumes and utterly irresistible dance. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when The Bombay Royale hits the stage. To bring home the evening the one and only Clare Bowditch will take the stage with her band. Clare is an ARIA award-winning musician, and a local to Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Clare has recorded seven albums and is universally loved throughout the Australian music scene. Banyule City Council is proud to be going green at this year’s festivals with new festival partner Natural Event supplying compostable toilets over the two days. Come along and find out more and you can even paint your own dunny door!

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Grand Parade Presented by Heidelberg Central Traders Sunday 23 March 10am–11am Burgundy Street, Heidelberg The Grand Parade is a spectacular way to kick off the festivities on Sunday morning. Get into the festival spirit and harness your inner greatness through this year’s theme Land of the Giants; there’ll be music, laughter, dancing, lots of colour, costumes and floats! It’s also not too late to get involved – if your school, sports club, community group, choir or friends would like to participate then head to our website for more information. As an additional incentive for groups participating this year, one group will win an outdoor movie hosted by Banyule City Council! The movie will be awarded to the group that interprets the theme in the most exciting way, so get creative and bring out your inner giant!

Thank you to our generous sponsors


The generous folks at Heidelberg Central Traders are once again very pleased to invite you to this fantastic event; and don’t forget you can have breakfast on Burgundy Street before the parade kicks off. The parade will pass through Heidelberg – from Mount Street and down Burgundy Street to Sills Bend where we will present the awards for best parade entries before you head into the Kids ArtyFarty Fest. Come along and watch the local community celebrate the Land of the Giants street parade!

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At Kids ArtyFarty Fest you can: • Build a cardboard city • Learn about the environment • Dance to the music • Get your hands dirty • Climb up really high • Jump on a bouncy castle • Learn about other cultures from around the globe • Paint a picture • Sing a song • Plus much more! Grab your parents, bring your sense of adventure and join us for an awesome day out in the park. For the latest information please visit Sunday 23 March or 11am–4pm BanyuleFestivals Sills Bend, Warringal Parklands, Ride your bike to the Kids ArtyFarty Beverley Road, Heidelberg Fest! The amazing folks from the This year’s Kids ArtyFarty Fest will be Banyule Bicycle Users Group will jam-packed full of fun, interactive and be providing FREE supervised bike creative activities to sink your teeth parking! into. Some of your old favourites will be back but there will be plenty of new and exciting things to take your fancy.

Kids Arty Farty Fest


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Water wise We’ve undoubtedly seen it at some time and shaken our heads in dismay. A sporting ground with sprinklers sprouting water high into the air as the heavens open and rain buckets down. It’s a sight Banyule Parks is making a thing of the past as they improve open space irrigation efficiency with the help of a centrally-controlled computer. Monitoring evaporation in the soil and using hi-tech flow sensors from its base station, Banyule is able to automatically adjust sprinklers to over 40 sports ovals and grounds. Since its inception over eight months ago, thousands of litres have been saved each month. Irrigation infrastructure upgrades continue across our green spaces, with more and more water savings flowing back.

Connecting artists Banyule Council is looking to further connect with our arts community by creating the Banyule Artist Register, a database of artists living or practising within the municipality. The database will aim to uncover, celebrate and promote the wealth of artists we have residing and working in Banyule. It will also be a starting point for organisations and businesses to find artists with specialist skills and local knowledge.

If you are an artist, practising in any medium, who has a strong connection to Banyule, please fill in the registration survey available on the Banyule Arts webpage at www. or call 9490 4222 to receive a hard copy of the survey. The survey will also be available at our libraries and community centres across Banyule.

Fast Lane

Want to get somewhere quick but don’t want to drive? Travel further with less effort and less pollution? Perhaps try a pedelec – an electric bike – that can easily tackle the hilly topography of Banyule. In 2012, the Victorian Government changed the road rules so pedelecs can be used as standard bikes on Victoria’s roads and bike lanes. Electric bikes are beneficial for traffic congestion, the environment and personal health.

Come along on Saturday 15 March 9am to 1pm at Ivanhoe Civic Centre car park (north east corner facing Ivanhoe Parade). A selection of electric bikes courtesy of Dolomiti Cycles will be available for testing. In order to have enough personnel and bikes on hand, please call customer service on 9490 4222 to let them know an approximate attendance time. Open to everyone. Helmets provided.


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Building a successful business Banyule Business Breakfast Featuring Mark Bouris Executive Chairman Yellow Brick Road Host of Channel 9’s Apprentice series Mark Bouris has established a successful career from building disruptive businesses that challenge the market and provide smarter solutions for customers. Host of The Apprentice Australia and Celebrity Apprentice Australia, Mark holds board positions in a number of national and international companies. Mark is passionate about making an impact by assisting Australians plan and build for their future through quality financial advice. Join us to learn from one of Australia’s most recognised businessmen and hear Mark’s incredible story, including his journey establishing wealth management company Yellow Brick Road, which has built a national branch network to bring first class financial services to the suburbs. Mark will also reveal his outlook for 2014 with tips on how businesses can position themselves to thrive in tough competitive markets. An opportunity not to be missed!

Event details Date and time Wednesday 26 March 6:45am for 7am – 9am Venue The Great Hall, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe Cost $49 per registration $450 for a table of 10 (Prices are inclusive of GST) Bookings essential Book online at Enquiries: 9457 9816 Registrations close Wednesday 19 March unless sold out prior. Please note: Registrations to the breakfast are subject to Council’s standard terms and conditions, which include provisions relating to cancellations. For more information, visit This event is held in partnership with Yellow Brick Road Rosanna and is proudly sponsored by Small Business Victoria and The Centre Ivanhoe. above: Mark

Bouris will host the Banyule Business Breakfast.

Starting Your Own Business Workshop However good your business idea, taking the plunge and starting your own business can be a daunting process. Making the right moves at this early stage can help set your new business on the road to success. Offering clear, straightforward advice and a free mentoring session from an experienced business adviser, this workshop covers all the essentials. From carrying out a feasibility study and determining the best company structure to preparing a business plan, you will leave this workshop with a clearer idea of how your business will look. *A voucher for one free mentoring session is provided for participants in this workshop.

Event details Date and time Tuesday 11 March, 5.30pm – 9.00pm Venue Withers Room, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe Cost $30 per registration Bookings essential Please book online at Enquiries: 9457 9865 This session is held in collaboration with Small Business Victoria.

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New rules in the pools The Watch Around Water program is now at all three of Banyule’s aquatic centres, helping parents understand the role they need to play in actively supervising their children around water. Ivanhoe Aquatic and Fitness Centre and Olympic Leisure Centre are now accredited Watch Around Water facilities, joining WaterMarc which was previously accredited. The state-wide program, a joint initiative between Aquatics & Recreation Victoria, Life Saving Victoria and the Play it Safe by the Water campaign, provides new guidelines for parents visiting pools with children: • Children under 5 must be constantly supervised and remain within arms’ reach of their parents/

Jets – what’s going on Jets is a multifunctional creative arts youth facility run by Council. Here are some programs and activities that are helping create the artistic talent of tomorrow. Monday Night Rock Stars Discover things you never knew you could do. Learn to be a DJ, and create visuals for VJing (visual projections) at an upcoming music festival. For 13–25 year olds with a disability. Become a Jets Crew Member The Jets Crew Member Program gives people aged 15–25 access to and training in the use of Jets facilities in a fun and informal setting. Inductions are held regularly throughout the year. Saturday Sessions Do you love making art? We can help you find your creative voice. Create huge puppets, art installations and projections. For 13–17 year olds with a disability.

Book a Recording at Jets Jets professional recording studio is open to the public for hire accompanied by our skilled audio engineers. No matter the size of your project, Jets can work with you to make high quality music. Learn How to DJ Over four weeks learn DJ basics in a small group setting with a professional DJ. Topics covered will be beat matching, scratching, setting up equipment, using CDs, vinyl and computers. Jets Crew members only.

guardians, which means that if they are in the water their parent/ guardian must also be in the water. • Children under 10 must be accompanied into the facility and constantly supervised by a parent/ guardian, who must have a clear view of the child at all time. • Unsupervised children can be removed from the water by the pool lifeguard. With large numbers of families attending pools it is unrealistic to expect lifeguards to keep an eye on everyone all the time. As the campaign promotes – Your Child Your Focus. More information is available at each of our aquatic centres or on our website.

Getting into shape Council and YMCA Victoria are preparing to get the ageing Macleod Recreation and Fitness Centre into better condition. The Centre, located at 157 Wungan Street, Macleod, attracts approximately 320,000 visits annually and has served the community in its current form for 21 years, with some areas even older. A master plan for the centre is being prepared by Council and YMCA Victoria, which manages the Centre, to ensure that the fitness needs of the community are met well into the future. While the redevelopment is a number of years away, the planning phase is critical to develop concepts that take into account community wants and needs, as well as fitness trends. Contact Dr Ken Marriott to express your view:; 9399 1614.


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Dogs delight Banyule’s four-legged friends have been wagging their tails over the opening of Malcolm Blair Reserve’s off-lead exercise area. Fully fenced, the 5000 square metre enclosure allows pooches to race around or mingle with mates at their leisure. Pet owners, meanwhile, can relax knowing their dogs are free to roam without the possibility of fleeing the park or being hit by a car. Ken Marks from Greensborough said the off-lead park was becoming

quite popular with local dog owners since it opened just before Christmas. He often comes twice a day and finds it the perfect training ground for his Border Collie puppy Cooper. The off-lead area includes park benches, dog waste bins, and drinking fountains with attached dog bowls. below: Cooper learning the art of retrieval at Malcolm Blair Reserve’s new off-lead exercise area.

Plenty more to come Users of the Plenty River Trail will be soon gliding along on a new section of track between Montmorency Tennis Club and Willinda Park. Cyclists will particularly welcome the reinforced sand coloured concrete widened to 2.5 metres. Centre line marking will make travel safer for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as accommodate more traffic. A realignment of the share trail through Sims Road Reserve will reduce its length by several hundred metres, making it a more direct route. Originally built in the 1980s, the trail is continually being upgraded to current day standards and close to 50 per cent of the trail Banyule is responsible for has now been upgraded.

Animal registrations due Animal Registration is an annual charge and must be renewed by 10 April each year. The Domestic Animals Act requires that all cats and dogs over the age of three months be registered with Council. They must also be microchipped and proof provided to Council for your pet to be registered.

Your pet must wear the Council tag provided. It is the link to you in the event that your pet becomes lost. Registration renewals can be paid by credit card via Council’s website Look out for the renewal forms, which are being sent out to pet owners in March.

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Free community events This autumn get outdoors and make the most of our free, family-friendly events.

Exercise in Our Parks

Movies on the Move

Looking to get yourself fit and active in March? Come join us at Ivanhoe, Bundoora or Macleod for free outdoor exercise sessions at a time to suit you. The sessions include strengthening and body weight exercise, and body weight exercises using outdoor fitness equipment. Strengthening and Body Weight Exercise Classes Tuesday 4, 11, 18, 25 March 10.30am–11.30am Ivanhoe Park, Lower Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe Outdoor Gym Equipment and Body Weight Exercise Classes Wednesday 5, 12, 19, 26 March 6pm–7pm Binnak Park, Anderson Parade, Bundoora Strengthening and Body Weight Exercise Classes Thursday 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6am–7am Macleod Park, Aberdeen Road, Macleod Bookings essential by calling our customer service team on 9490 4222.

Join us and watch a family-friendly movie in the open air. There will be children's activities, including face painting and more. Bring along a picnic or enjoy a BBQ from a local community club (small cost may apply) and enjoy the surroundings of the park and play equipment. BYO blanket or deck chair. Children's activities from 6.30pm and films begin at 8.30pm. Free events. The Goonies Saturday 29 March From 6.30pm Price Park, Lyon Road,Viewbank Freaky Friday Saturday 12 April From 6.30pm Macleod Rotunda, Aberdeen Road, Macleod

Be Neighbourly Sunday 30 March Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, bringing together the people next door, down the road or round the corner for a beer, a barbie or just a cuppa. Held on the last Sunday in March every year, it’s the perfect day to say thanks for being a great neighbour, as well as strengthening ties within the community. It’s a great way to build relationships, create safer suburbs and look out for the elderly and vulnerable.

If you are interested in celebrating Neighbour Day and would like to hold a party in your street, Council can assist with road closures and public liability – visit our website and search for Neighbourhood Street Party guide. Call 9490 4222 or visit

Billy Cart Action Sunday 18 May 2pm–5pm Banyule Men’s Shed 103 St Hellier St, Heidelberg West Experience the thrill of a building your very own billy cart. Families are invited to help their kids construct and paint their own ‘old school’ billy cart. Step-by-step expert guidance will be provided to help create a race-ready vehicle, with the assistance of Bunning’s Northland and the BCHS Men’s Shed. One free billy cart kit per family – bookings are essential as places are limited. Light refreshments provided. Sunday 25 May 2pm–4pm Ready, set, roll! Join us to test drive your billy cart along our beginners racing track. Wear your racing gear (b.y.o. helmet and padding) to win one of our great prizes! Light refreshments provided. Bookings preferred. Limited spaces available. For location details please visit our website or call 9490 4222.

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9490 4222

Kindergarten open day

Ward rounds What's happening in your Ward and contacting your councillors

Cr Craig Langdon Olympia Ward As you may be aware, the Council’s recent acquisition of the three former school sites in Heidelberg Heights, Bellfield and Ivanhoe from the state government presents an exciting opportunity to improve community facilities and redevelop the areas. The closure of the three schools has seen many residents voice their concern to me about the depletion of schooling options within the local area, particularly given the Ivanhoe Structure Plan, The Olympia Housing Initiative and other private developments were never factored

On Saturday 3 May, 9am to noon, 29 kindergartens across Banyule, including two Council managed preschools, are throwing open their doors. Kindergarten Open Day provides a wonderful opportunity for families to visit their local preschools, meet early childhood teachers and other

families, as well as giving children the opportunity to explore facilities. For participating centres visit: and type ‘kindergartens’ into the search box. For kindergarten information call 9490 4222 or email

Cr Craig Langdon, Mayor Olympia Ward 0401 097 032

Cr Rick Garotti, Grimshaw Ward 0402 846 845

Cr Steven Briffa, Deputy Mayor Hawdon Ward 0411 472 669 Cr Mark Di Pasquale Bakewell Ward 0481 002 299

into the school closures. There has also been subsequent flow on effects, such as the reliance upon car travel to get to school and the increased demands on current schools. Increased student numbers are applying to Ivanhoe Primary School. Council has sent a letter to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development urging them to consider the education needs of the area and Council will retain some of the land until we are absolutely certain that there is no interest from the state government in building a new school in the area. When the state government sold the three sites to Council it was the result of the schools being no longer viable. I will be strongly advocating

Cr Tom Melican, Ibbott Ward 0413 043 015 Cr Jenny Mulholland, Griffin Ward 0413 986 912 Cr Wayne Phillips, Beale Ward 0408 999 189 that the State Government and Education Department build a new school to cater for the growing demand and the needs of the area. A modern school in the area attached to an existing school would appear to be the solution. below: The former Bellfield Primary School Sports Centre that I officially opened 13 July 2006.

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Cr Steven Briffa Hawdon Ward I have the pleasure of representing a ward that has enormous character. The treed, hilly, natural character of our streets and landscape are the reason many of us live here. And this character needs to be protected. That’s why I am delighted to report that I am currently working with Council on a proposal for State Government that will protect most of our ward against unreasonable development. The impetus for the proposal came 12 months ago when the Planning

Cr Mark Di Pasquale Bakewell Ward As we saw out another baking summer, where temperatures soared and gardens and parks became parched, it is good to see Council embracing innovative projects that save water, the environment, and improve playing conditions at our sporting grounds. Our Stormwater Harvesting Project alone will save us $300,000 per year in water bills. Sport, recreation and open space irrigation account for our biggest use of mains water. During times of drought, water restrictions have

Cr Rick Garotti Grimshaw Ward I take this opportunity to reflect on the successful Watsonia Motor Show staged in November last year that has become one of the highlights in our local calendar in Banyule. This colourful event demonstrates the wonderful community spirit we have in the Grimshaw Ward. Working with the Watsonia traders, Council has strengthened our involvement in this event which is a drawcard day-out for local residents, particularly in Watsonia and Bundoora, as well for car enthusiasts across Victoria. It also

16 Minister, Matthew Guy, brought in new planning regulations that introduced a suite of three new zones: Neighbourhood Residential Zone, General Residential Zone and Residential Growth Zone. The gradual splitting up of blocks into smaller ones for more homes that leaves little space for trees to grow or be placed is not welcome in Banyule’s hilly, treed and historic parts of our City, such as our ward. We are proposing to the Minister that within Banyule, all areas east of the Plenty River be considered a Neighbourhood Residential Zone, where development can only occur under fairly strict conditions. The aim of these zones is to preserve

9490 4222 their inherently attractive character and environs. Property development is part of our modern way-of-life but a well-considered and balanced approach is needed. You can find more information about the proposal on the Council website. below: A typical tree-lined Montmorency street in Hawdon Ward.

a significant impact on sport and recreation, often making grounds unplayable. These are the main reasons that Banyule Council has invested in a Stormwater Harvesting Project. It is one of Melbourne’s largest such projects and it captures, filters and stores stormwater underground to irrigate parks and sporting grounds. The benefits of such a project are immense. Approximately 138 million litres of stormwater will be harvested annually, reducing the need to purchase water, and 70 tonnes of litter will be removed. With improved irrigation to grounds, fewer sporting injuries will result and fewer fixtures will be cancelled.

At Kalparrin Gardens, the harvested stormwater project has become a leading example of innovation. Rainfall in a relatively dry year results in about 700 million litres of stormwater run-off of which 6 per cent will be harvested.

provides an opportunity to lend our support for White Ribbon to end men’s violence against women and to raise community awareness and funds for their work. Showcasing modern and vintage vehicles, eclectic musical performers, delicious food and fun activities for the kids, the Watsonia Motor Show celebrates what a diverse and vibrant community we live in. Over 100 cars, as well as a remarkably lifelike elephant, helped attract thousands of people to Watsonia Road and into its local businesses. As a new councillor, I take great pride in supporting such events and look forward to the continued

involvement of Council in engaging more of our community in local activities and festivals. I’m sure Watsonia Motor Show 2014 will be bigger and better, and continue to put Watsonia on the map!

below: Award-winning project at Kalparrin Lake.

below: One of the fine automobiles that had heads turning at the Watsonia Motor Show.

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Cr Tom Melican Ibbott Ward There are a lot of places in our neighbourhoods that do amazing work and provide useful services and contact points for our community. One such place that stands as a beacon for caring, learning and belonging is Rosanna Community House. Behind the old Fire Station’s impressive red doors, the centre provides a plethora of pursuits and offers professional, practical and affordable education. From African drumming to strumming a ukulele, broadband for seniors to

Cr Jenny Mulholland Griffin Ward One of the joys and responsibilities of being a councillor is to help provide our local community with open space and state-of-the-art facilities needed to enjoy playing their chosen sports. Back in 1911, Council acquired an appealing 13.25 acres of the Chelsworth Estate at the princely sum of 1500 pounds, and Ivanhoe Park was born. Today, over 100 years later, it’s still home to local sporting clubs, and getting ready for a new facelift to usher in another century of sporting

Cr Wayne Phillips Beale Ward Among the challenges we face, Mother Nature seems to throw up her fair share. The Christmas Day floods of 2011 was one such occasion. Among the many Banyule businesses and houses that bore the brunt of such a devastating downpour, Briar Hill Preschool found itself dealing with floodwaters. Located at the bottom of a slope, the kindergarten was always going to be prone to flooding after excessive rainfall. Unfortunately, it seems as Parkland Avenue flows onto Karingal


9490 4222

sewing for beginners, there really is something for everyone. It offers numerous children's activities, and has a child care centre that has 3 ½ hour sessions several times a week. A Special Needs Program provides activities for people with different types of disabilities, including art, health, music, singing and games. The Community House greatly encourages inclusiveness within the community. Its dedicated staff and volunteers are positively endearing and help create the warmth the centre exudes. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Community House, as well as 60 years since the Fire Station was built.

The building is heritage listed and owned by Council, who purchased it in 1993. Like the iconic Banyule Homestead that was under threat late last year from a development proposal, it’s another historic treasure we must keep. below: Janice Brandon, me and Jasdip Singh at

memories and club champions. Last year, a master plan was developed through Council and it’s now starting to take shape and whet the appetites of sports stars and club committees alike. As participation levels in local sport has grown, particularly among juniors and females, so has the need for a bigger and better clubroom. The entire project has an expected budget of $1m–$1.5m. To see its fruition, Council is working closely with the three tenant clubs, Ivanhoe Football Club, Ivanhoe Junior Football Club and Ivanhoe Cricket Club, to identify grants and other possible funding opportunities from

sporting governing bodies, the state government and banks. Once the level of other funding sources has been ascertained, Council will know the funding gaps that could then be addressed in the next budget.

Drive, so does the water down onto Briar Hill Preschool’s doorstep. However, I’m delighted to report that work has now been completed to combat the effects of flash flooding on the Council managed kindergarten. Council undertook several measures, including redirecting stormwater from the front entrance by installing strip drains to relocate the stormwater discharge; installed a new spoon drain to help redirect water; and reconstructed and extended the retaining wall in the staff car park to prevent the build-up of gravel in drains.

Rosanna Fire Station Community House.

below: Ivanhoe Park’s clubrooms are ready to be revamped.

Now, thanks to the Council's work, kindergarten staff, and more importantly our children, can be less worried about the centre being inundated by rising waters and more engulfed by laughter and learning. below: All set to go for another year of wondrous learning at Briar Hill Preschool.


b a nyul e .vi c .gov.a u mar ch — APRI L 2014

9490 4222

Community Calendar Community groups wanting their events considered for the May-June calendar should send their submissions to by 17 March 2014.

1st Saturday of the month Rotary Club of Rosanna Farmers’ Market Fresh food regional farmers’ market at Bundoora Park, Plenty Road, Bundoora. 8am–1pm, gold coin donation.

24 March Yarra Valley U3A Monday Talks Yarra Valley U3A Monday Talks are held at the rear of 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Ivanhoe at 2pm on the 4th Monday of each month.

4 March & 1 April Banyule View Club Enjoy an informative talk to help learning for life students from 11am at Greensborough RSL, Main St.

The talks are free and are followed by light refreshments.

4 March – The Chocolatier: learn all about making fine chocolates. 1 April – Through Her Eyes: discover life in Cambodia with Lorna Holliday. Further information, call Margaret on 9439 9965.

Contacting us All enquiries 9490 4222 PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079 Council Service Centres 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe 44 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna 9-13 Flintoff Street, Greensborough Opening Hours All: Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm Rosanna: Wednesday until 7pm Greensborough: Saturday 9am-noon Hearing or Speech Impaired Call us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 (ordinary handset) and ask for 9490 4222. Connect with us on Facebook facebook/banyulecitycouncil

This month’s guest Mark ‘Squiz’ Squirrel is a former Special Forces soldier, humanitarian aid worker and Everest summiteer. He will talk about fighting hunger on Everest. Note – 30 March Autumn Flower Show Cancelled The Ivanhoe Garden Club advertised its Autumn Flower Show in this year’s Banyule Calendar as being on 30 March at Bellfield Community Centre. The Club has since decided to cancel its Autumn Flower Show.

ma rc h — A PR I L 2014

8 April Heidelberg Historical Society Free talks open to the public held at Uniting Church Community Centre, Seddon St, Ivanhoe, from 8pm. Dr Kim Torney walks us through From ‘Lost in the Woods’ to ‘Babes in the Bush’: making of an Australian image. Community groups in Banyule are invited to register on our new website to create and manage their own listing and post events to promote their activities. Community groups simply visit the registration page of our website (type ‘create community directory or event’ into the website search box) to create their profile. If you have any questions or need help, please email

Interpreter Service

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FESTIVAL PROGRAM SILLS Stage with MCs Girls Uninterrupted Presented by Bendigo Bank East Ivanhoe and Heidelberg Community Branches



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11:05-11:15am East Ivanhoe School of Dance Gotta move, gotta groove, gotta dance! 11:20-11:40am Gandan Djalbu dance troupe Traditional Indigenous dance by some talented local ladies 11:45-12:15pm The Listies Impossible to explain, brilliant to watch! 12:20-12:50pm Itchy Scabs The Wiggles meets The Ramones… Garage punk rock for kids! 1:00-1:20pm Daniel Oldaker Rediscover the joy of playfulness as Daniel sweeps you up in this invigorating and crazy world 1:30-1:50pm The Salsa Foundation Believe it or not, the Salsa Foundation will bring the world of Bollywood to life on our stage! 2:00-2:30pm Keshie A unique combination of musicians who will focus on putting a smile on your face and a wiggle in your booty! 2:30-3:00pm The Circus Firemen Slapstick, fire, juggling and ladders… need we say more? 3:10-3:50pm Sounds of Polynesia Watch and enjoy as the songs and dance of Polynesia are brought to life

Kids ArtyFarty Fest Grand Parade

Something Amazing


Adventure Land

Presented by Nandos Heidelberg

Presented by Kids Own Publishing

Presented by Banyule District Scouts

Presented by Heidelberg Central Traders

Hosted by Curious Legends Theatre, this space will be full of… SOMETHING AMAZING! • Indigenous storytelling and gumleaf music workshop with Uncle Herb Patten • Music making workshops for all ages with local artist Eva Popov • Traditional Chinese dance and performance • Theatre, storytelling and fun and games with Curious Legends Theatre • Polynesian dance workshops with Sounds of Polynesia • Circus from some of Westside Circus’ most talented and twisty performers

Come on in to our marquee and become a published author! Kids Own Publishing will give every child attending the festival the chance to write, illustrate and publish their very own book.

The Scouts are setting up to entertain children young and old. Climb on the rope bridge, build things with your own hands – this is the spot for young adventurers!

Sunday 23 March 10 – 11am Burgundy Street, Heidelberg The Grand Parade is a spectacular way to kick off the festivities on Sunday morning. Get into the festival spirit and harness your inner greatness through this year’s theme Land of the Giants! This year we are excited to be joined by our very special guests from the Simpson Barracks the Defence Force School of Signals who will be marching along with their band in their full regalia! The generous folks at Heidelberg Central Traders once again invite you to this fantastic event; don’t forget to grab breakfast on Burgundy Street before the parade kicks off. The parade will travel down Burgundy Street to Sills Bend - where we’ll lead the way into the 2014 Kids ArtyFarty Fest.

Little Acorns Craft Club Presented by Banyule City Council’s Children’s Services Face painting, a sandpit to play in, make your own pictures and craft from natural materials and much much more. A perfect spot for your Little Acorns to play and learn.

Discovery Land Presented by Banyule City Council’s Environment Team Get involved with the environment and you’ll not only learn something new you can also make crafts, hear some stories and get some plants for your garden.

Cardboard City Presented by Miles Real Estate Design and build your very own cardboard house, cubby, shop, ship or castle. Join it up with others to form a Cardboard City! Miles the Builder will be on hand to help you create and decorate your cardboard creation.

Look What We Built! Presented by Bunnings Warehouse This interactive installation is sure to excite! It’s big… it’s fun… you can play with it… and you will have to come to the Festival to find out what it is!

Create And Play Presented by Epworth Health Join in these fun activities and you never know what you might learn about yourself and your friends.

yum yum yum… Presented Aussie Farmers Direct Hand up who likes to eat? Come along and learn how to create fun, colourful and tasty food, and the best bit? You get to eat it at the end!

But wait, there’s more… • The BRAND NEW Library Reading Rover – drop in and say hi to the team from Yarra Plenty Regional Libraries • Circus workshops with Westside Circus, drop in and learn how to juggle, hula hoop and find out exactly what a yo-ho diablo is! • Watch out for the Ferry Man and Tubby the Robot who’ll be wandering through the trees • Have your face painted or paint your parents face at the Face Painting by Children stall


6pm The Royal Jellies

A rabble that snaps a hyper-coloured homage to the polyphonic sounds of an era when jazz was king.

7pm Shaun Kirk

Born and bred in Melbourne, this blues and soul troubadour has fashioned his craft into one of the most impressive and entertaining one-man displays Australia has to offer.

8pm The Bombay Royale

The magic and mayhem of vintage Bollywood collides in spectacular fashion with a dizzying blend of Tarantino-esque surf, wild disco and outrageous costumes that sweep entire crowds off their feet.

9pm Clare Bowditch

Clare is an ARIA award-winning musician, and a local to Melbourne’s northern suburbs and by the end of her set you will no doubt adore her as much as the rest of Australia already does!

Just for Kids Head to the art tent to dive into your creativity with some kooky arts activities.

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Winners of the Jet Start competition, this local seven piece all-girl band will kick the night off with a bang!


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5:30pm Kid Sidney

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Wander down to Sills Bend, bring along your friends and family and take in the vibrant atmosphere as you watch the sun set over the Yarra River. Pack a picnic or grab a bite to eat from one of the festival vendors or a brew from local microbrewery Kooinda Boutique Brewery, wander around the market stalls and let the children get creative in the art tent. EVENT





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PBS 106.7 FM live outside broadcast with MCs Cat and Crispi from PBS’ The Breakfast Spread hosting the event




Saturday 22 March, 5:30-10pm


Clare Bowditch

Manningham Rd West

Melway Ref: 32 C4

P PARKING Parking will be limited for both events, visit the Banyule website for exact parking locations OR USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT Sills Bend is located near the Heidelberg Train Station and the 903 bus route. Plus there is a free shuttle bus service provided by Mee’s Bus Lines OR TRANSPORT YOURSELF! Ride or walk to the event along the Main Yarra Trail. Supervised bike parking is provided by the Banyule Bicycle Users Group at the Kids ArtyFarty Fest. ACCESS The Phonic Ear system is available along with accessible toilets and a Recharge Point for those with motorised scooters or electric wheelchairs. Limited accessible parking is available to people with a disabled parking permit. Please note: The Festival is set in a parkland which includes rough terrain and unpaved paths. Breastfeeding is Welcome at the Banyule Festival. If you would like a quiet spot, The Australian Breastfeeding Association has a Parents Retreat at Kids ArtyFarty Fest. This program was correct at time of printing. Changes may be made without notice.

Banyule Festival is a SMOKE FREE ZONE

We couldn’t do it without the support of …

If your hearing or speech is impaired, you can call us through the National Relay Services on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 (ordinary handset) and ask for 9490 4222.

For more information on the Festival program, parking, how to get there or in case of unfavourable weather call 9490 4222 or visit

Tear me off and stick me on your fridge so you don’t forget!


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