Ordinary Meeting of Council Council Chambers, Service Centre 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe 8 August 2016 commencing at 7.45pm
ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Naming of Reserve in Ironbark Crescent, Ivanhoe Attachment 1.
Ivanhoe Development Site - Community Update - June 2016 .....................................................................................................3
4.2 Construction of a multi-level apartment building at 1 Vine Street, Heidelberg - P326/2016 Attachment 1.
1 Vine Street HEIDELBERG - Background information.........................5
Attachment 2.
1 Vine Street HEIDELBERG - Assessment against Heritage Guidelines...........................................................................................15
Attachment 3.
1 Vine Street HEIDELBERG - Assessment against Clause 55 .......................................................................................................17
Attachment 4.
1 Vine Street HEIDELBERG - Plans ...................................................25
4.3 LaTrobe National Employment Cluster Attachment 1.
Metropolitan Planning Authority's June 2016 Ideas Brochure for the LaTrobe National Employment Cluster .....................43
4.5 Proposed five to six storey apartment building at 15-17 Livingstone Street, Ivanhoe - P1244/2015 Attachment 1.
VCAT Consent Order..........................................................................45
Attachment 2.
Proposed permit conditions ................................................................49
Attachment 3.
Original plans......................................................................................55
5.1 Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) - State Council Motions 2016 Attachment 1.
Banyule City Council- MAV State Council Motions..............................71
6.1 Report on property transactions for the six months ending 30 June 2016 Attachment 1.
List of Land and Property acquired, transferred, exchanged or sold by Council between 1 November 2012 and 31 December 2015 ..................................................................................73
6.2 Items for Noting Attachment 1.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Minutes - 9 June 2016 ........................................................................75
Attachment 2.
LGBTI Advisory Committee - Minutes - 21 June 2016 ........................81
Attachment 3.
Multicultural Advisory Committee - Minutes - 27 June 2016................85
Attachment 4.
Disability and Inclusion Advisory Committee - Minutes - 29 June 16...............................................................................................91
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Kincaid Projects
Banyule City Council
20th July 2016
Plans 1 Before the development starts, amended plans to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the plans will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The plans must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The plans must be generally in accordance with the application plans drawn by Kincaid Projects, Project No.1612 Revision D dated 6th July 2016 but modified to show: (a) Vehicular access to the site to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority; (b) Built form to be compliant with Standard B17 – Side and rear setbacks of Clause 55.04-1 of the Banyule Planning Scheme unless otherwise agreed by the Responsible Authority (c) The height of the ground level of the building to be raised to address any flooding concerns to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority; (d) Overlooking to be compliant with Standard B22-Overlooking of Clause 55.04-6 of the Banyule Planning Scheme (e) Allocation of car parking to specific apartments within the development (f) Basement access ramp designed and car parking laid out in accordance with Clause 52.06-8 – Design standards for car parking of the Banyule Planning Scheme (g) Number of bicycle parking spaces reduced to a maximum of 14 and designed in compliance with Clause 52.34 – Bicycle facilities of the Banyule Planning Scheme (h) Details of external facing materials, colours and finishes (i) Engineering plans showing a properly prepared design with computations for the internal drainage and method for of disposal of stormwater from all roofed areas and sealed areas including: (i) The use of an On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD) system; (ii) The connection to the Council nominated legal point of discharge; (iii) The specified flood level for the property. (iv) Flood modelling to prove that flooding of neighbouring properties will not be increased (vi) The integration, details and connections of all Water Sensitive Urban Design features in accordance with the endorsed Sustainable Management Plan and STORM report and include drainage details as a result of landscaping.
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Attachment 2: Proposed permit conditions
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Please note the Engineering plans must show all protected and/or retained trees on the development site, on adjoining properties where tree canopies encroach the development site and along proposed outfall drainage and roadway alignments (where applicable) and every effort must be made to locate services away from the canopy drip line of trees and where unavoidable, details of hand work or trenchless installation must be provided.. 2
Attachment 2
Attachment 2: Proposed permit conditions
The development as shown on the endorsed plans or described in the endorsed documents must not be altered or modified except with the written consent of the Responsible Authority.
Landscape Plan 3 Before the development starts, a landscape plan to the satisfaction of the responsible authority must be submitted to and approved by the responsible authority. When approved, the plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The plan must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The plan must show: (a) a survey (including botanical names) of all existing vegetation to be retained and/or removed; (b) buildings and trees (including botanical names) on neighbouring properties within three metres of the boundary; (c) details of surface finishes of pathways and driveways; (d) a planting schedule of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, including botanical names, common names, pot sizes, sizes at maturity, and quantities of each plant to be planted throughout the site including four medium sized canopy trees within the front setback and three medium sized canopy trees within the rear setback (mature height of at least 10 metres) planted at a semi-advanced state (minimum pot size 16 litres); (e) All species selected must be to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. (f) The landscape plan must also include an in-ground irrigation system provided to all landscaped areas. (g) Before the use/occupation of the development starts or by such later date as is approved by the responsible authority in writing, the landscaping works shown on the endorsed plans must be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. (h) The landscaping shown on the endorsed plans must be maintained to the satisfaction of the responsible authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced. Residential Noise 4
The operation of fixed plant and equipment (spa pump/pool pumps/airconditioning unit/ vacuum unit etc.) must not cause a Nuisance (as defined under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008). A Nuisance may include noise, odour or any other thing deemed a “nuisance� under the Act. It is recommended that fixed plant is not located within close proximity to neighbouring residential properties and where practicable, enclosed.
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Urban Design / External Appearance 5
All external materials, finishes and paint colours are to be to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
Any air-conditioning or cooling units, condensers and the like must not be located on external walls or on balconies without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.
All pipes (except down-pipes), fixtures, fittings and vents servicing any building on the site must be concealed in service ducts or otherwise hidden from external view to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
Car Parking / Access 8 Areas set aside for the parking of vehicles together with the aisles and access lanes must be properly formed to such levels that they can be utilised in accordance with the endorsed plans and must be drained and provided with an all weather seal coat. The areas must be constructed, drained and maintained in a continuously useable condition to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. 9
Areas set aside for the parking and movement of vehicles as shown on the endorsed plan(s) must be made available for such use and must not be used for any other purpose.
Vehicular access or egress to the subject land from any roadway or service lane must be by way of a vehicle crossing constructed in accordance with Council’s Vehicle Crossing Specifications to suit the proposed driveway(s) and the vehicles that will use the crossing(s). The location, design and construction of the vehicle crossing(s) must be approved by the Responsible Authority. Any existing unused crossing(s) must be removed and replaced with concrete kerb, channel and nature strip to the satisfaction of the Council prior to occupation of the building. All vehicle crossing works are to be carried out with Council Supervision under a Memorandum of Consent for Works which must be obtained prior to commencement of works.
The boundaries of all car spaces, access and egress lanes and the direction in which vehicles should proceed along the access lanes must at all times be clearly indicated on the ground to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
Rubbish Collection 12 Prior to the commencement of the use, a Waste Management Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The Waste Management Plan must include: (a) Dimensions of waste areas. (b) The number of bins to be provided and capacity. (c) Details on method and frequency of cleaning and maintenance of waste areas. (d) Details of ventilation. (e) Details of unwanted goods storage. (f) Method of waste and recyclables collection including the need to provide for private services. (g) Hours of waste and recyclables collection. (h) Measures to minimise impact upon residential amenity. (i) Method of presentation of bins for waste collection.
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Attachment 2: Proposed permit conditions
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Attachment 2: Proposed permit conditions (j)
Strategies for how the generation of waste and recyclables from the development will be minimised. (k) Details as to how prospective purchasers will be advised that all refuse and recycling collection for the property shall be provided internally by a private contractor at the expense of the owner of the land. When approved, the plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit and must be complied with at all times. Waste collection from the development must be in accordance with the plan, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. ESD Report and Plan 13 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Responsible Authority, prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, a Sustainability Management Plan must be submitted to and approved to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Such a plan may consider an implementation plan for measures such as: (a) An average Energy Rating of 6 Stars (b) Central solar gas boosted hot water system (c) Double Glazing. (d) Energy efficient glazing. (e) Energy efficient Heating and Cooling. (f) Reduction of car park mechanical Ventilation including CO2 sensors installed throughout the two car parking areas and connected to mechanical exhaust equipment to lower operational time while maintaining good air quality. (g) Storm water control. (h) Rainwater storage and grey water recycling. (i) Indoor Environment Quality. (j) Ceiling fans to create air movement for warmer winters and cooler summers without air conditioning (k) Light roof colour to help reduce the material heat gains to top floor apartments by reflecting suns rays. (l) Solar roofing panels installed to power all shared lighting systems and car park lighting. (m) Provision of indigenous and/or drought tolerant plants in landscaping areas. Prior to Occupation 14 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Responsible Authority the proposed development must not be occupied until:(a) The parking area(s) shown on the endorsed plan(s) have been constructed to the requirements and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority; (b) The garden and landscape area(s) shown on the endorsed plan(s) have been planted to the requirements and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority; (c) Drainage works have been undertaken and completed to the requirements and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority; and (d) The submission and approval of a Waste Management Plan in accordance with condition (12) of this permit.
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Attachment 2: Proposed permit conditions (e) (f) (g)
The bicycle parking area is made available for residents and commercial tenants. Basement and under croft lighting is installed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. At least one replacement street tree has been replanted within Cape Street.
Item: 4.5
Please note that the proposed development requires reinstatement of disused crossovers to kerb and channel. Separate approval under the Road management Act for this activity may be required from VicRoads (the Roads Corporation). Please contact VicRoads prior to commencing works. Time Limits 16 In accordance with section 68 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, this permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies: • The development is not commenced within two years of the date of this permit; •
The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit;
In accordance with section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing: (a) Before the permit expires, or (b) Within six months afterwards, or (c) Within 12 months afterwards if the development started lawfully before the permit expired.
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Attachment 2
VicRoads 15 All discussed or redundant vehicle crossings must be removed and the area reinstated to kerb and channel to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and at no cost to the roads Corporation prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved
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Attachment 1: Banyule City Council- MAV State Council Motions
MAV State Council Meeting – 9 September 2016 To submit a motion for consideration by State Council on 9 September 2016, please complete this form and email to State Council, no later than 12 August 2016. Please note, motions received by 4 August will be distributed to all MAV representatives on 5 August. Submitters may amend their own motions up to 5pm on 19 August 2016.
Item: 5.1
MOTION INDIAN MYNA BIRD CONTROL Submitted by: Banyule City Council
‘That the Municipal Association of Victoria advocates to the State and Federal Government to ensure the Indian Myna Bird is classified as a pest species in relevant legislation and advocates to establish a coordinated Indian Myna bird control strategy.’
Banyule City Council, like numerous other municipalities, has significant numbers of Indian Myna birds. The large numbers can have negative impacts on native bird species due to competition for nesting hollows and territorial behaviour. At a Federal and Victorian Government level there is no program or process to address the population growth of the species or undertake coordinated eradication.
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Item: 5.1
Attachment 1: Banyule City Council- MAV State Council Motions
MAV State Council Meeting – 9 September 2016 To submit a motion for consideration by State Council on 9 September 2016, please complete this form and email to State Council, no later than 12 August 2016. Please note, motions received by 4 August will be distributed to all MAV representatives on 5 August. Submitters may amend their own motions up to 5pm on 19 August 2016. MOTION APPOINTMENTS TO THE VISION SUPER BOARD Submitted by: Banyule City Council
Attachment 1
‘That the Municipal Association of Victoria establish a formal and structured application process to nominate and appoint members to the Vision Super Board and that all Victorian Councillors and Executive Officers (ie. CEO and Directors) be encouraged to apply as part of this process.’ RATIONALE: The Vision Super Board requires two members to be nominated by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). Historically the MAV has nominated its own Board members for the positions. A review of the MAV’s process of nominations for the Vision Super Board would enable a more transparent method and allow for a number of qualified individuals from Local Councils to be given an opportunity to sit on the Board.
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Attachment 1: List of Land and Property acquired, transferred, exchanged or sold by Council between 1 November 2012 and 31 December 2015
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Attachment 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9 June 2016
Item: 6.2
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Advisory Committee Minutes from committee meeting 9/6/16, 3-5pm Location: Council Chambers, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd Ivanhoe 1. Attendances & Apologies
Apologies: Daria Atkinson, Madison Connors, Stephanie Clark, Prue Stewart, Nicole Bloomfield, Mark Mann, John Price, Allison Beckwith 2. Welcome and Introductions Cr Craig Langdon opened the meeting and acknowledged the Wurundjeri as the traditional owners of the land in which we met. Previous Minutes from our meeting on 14th April 14th April: adopted 17/5/16 & noted by Council on 30/5/16 3. Feedback on Reconciliation week activities The Advisory Group noted the great success of this year’s Reconciliation Week. Much of the success was due to the Nhaliggu Bagung art exhibition and also the work of Natashia Corrigan in engaging with the local community. A total of 20 events were held over a six week period. Council is currently writing an evaluation report to reflect on achievements, areas for improvement and assist planning for next year. Reconciliation Week activities included: • Sorry Day Flag raising, smoking ceremony & morning tea at Hatch on 26th May – attended by 200 people including 100 primary school children who then went to see the Film Babakueria in •
Two screenings of the film Putaparri and the Rainmaker hosted by Reconciliation Banyule
Activities were scheduled in all three libraries, the most successful was at Ivanhoe library. This was an evening talk on Aboriginal Languages by the Victorian Aboriginal languages Corporation.
Aboriginal Cultural Walks in Heidelberg. The two walks were booked out within days of promotion and further walks will be organised
Warrior Games Demonstration at Babarrbunin Beek on Mabo Day, June 3, was very successful. We are currently recruiting for 10 men to sign up to the program for 6 months and compete in a demonstration event at Malahang
4. Nhalinggu Bagung (Come Gather) Art Exhibition and workshops around Reconciliation week 2016
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Attendees: Cr Craig Langdon (Chair), Uncle Colin Hunter, Sharyn Lovett, Cr Jenny Mulholland, Paula Russell, Terry Makin, Theonie Tacticos, Natashia Corrigan, Charles Pakana, Kelvin Onus, Charley Woolmore, Lisa Raywood, Monique Gaskin
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Attachment 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9 June 2016
It was noted that the launch of the exhibition on 20th April, well-attended by Aboriginal and wider community. This exhibition has now finished and Steph Neoh (Council’s Art Curator) is organising the logistics for the Telstra extension of the exhibition. This is being held in two sites: a chapel gallery at the Abbotsford Convent (which is the home of the Wurundjeri Land Council) and the foyer of the Telstra head office in Exhibition St (CBD) 5. Barrbunin Beek Update– work is progressing well in reinvigorating community activities Natashia Corrigan provided an update. Work is progressing well reinvigorating community activities • Sista Circle women’s group – meets weekly on Tuesdays • Yuloo Kids dance group – following the 14th May workshop held as part of Nhalinggu Bagung activities, a kids dance group has been established that meets Saturdays • Storyline artwork – this is the commitment from the Council Arts grant to tell the story of Barrbunin Beek through artwork panels on the building. Work is on track to have this completed in August • Warrior Games Demonstration – this is the precursor to re-establishing a men’s group • Foodshare continues on a Friday • Community Planting day has been organised with the Bushland crew for 17/6/16 6. Correction to name Barrbunin Beek. It was reported that at the Ivanhoe Library Aboriginal languages corporation talk on 6 June, Many Nicholson highlighted that name of the Gathering Place was being written and pronounced incorrectly. The correct spelling is Barrbunin Beek. The Advisory Group recommended that this be updated in all our documentation – including the sign at the gathering Place. We will need to investigate the process and costs associated with this – i.e. whether a whole new sign is needed or whether some correction can be made?
Action: Amend the spelling of the Gathering Place to its correct spelling of Barrbunin Beek in all documentation, including the signage at the Gathering Place. Responsibility: Council officer.
7. Progress on other Council Activities Council approves three years of funding for positions Members were informed of Council’s decision on the May 30th Council meeting to approve funding for three years for to support our activities with and for Aboriginal communities. • 16 hours Barrbunin Beek Cultural Project Officer • 4 hours Aboriginal Cultural Educator to work with Council service units on staff cultural education, partnerships & changes to service delivery. This is being done in collaboration with Banyule Community health Early Years Partnership with Banyule Community Health Aboriginal Health Team Council’s partnership with the Aboriginal Health Team at Banyule Community Health is continuing in Councils five Child Care Centres, and is now being extended with the Maternal & Child Health nurses Swimming & Lifesaver scholarship program
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Attachment 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9 June 2016
Banyule’s Aquatic training scholarships will soon commence. An information session is scheduled for 22/7/16.
Item: 6.2
Open Space Strategy Due to our full agenda, we were not able to accommodate a 20 minute presentation and discussion about the Open Space Strategy. Copies of the Open Space Strategy were available at the meeting and Members were encouraged to provide feedback directly. It was noted that there was no mention of Aboriginal Heritage overlay and that this omission should be rectified.
Action: Feedback that the Aboriginal Heritage Overlay should be noted in the Banyule Open Space Strategy Responsibility: Council officer.
8. NAIDOC Week 3-10 July
Action: Provide feedback on the Banyule Open Space Strategy Responsibility: Advisory Group members.
8. NAIDOC Week Given the extent of other NAIDOC events, it was decided not to organise a Barrbunin Beek event. Council will still fly the flag for the week. 9. Update from the Wurundjeri Land Council Uncle Colin Hunter gave an update about some of the ongoing work of the Wurundjeri Land Council, including treaty discussions in response to recent changes. This is still being clarified, and Uncle Colin Hunter will provide further information when it is available. There was some concern expressed that the Victorian State government had convened meetings to discuss Treaty issues on May 26th, when many of the Traditional Owners had pre-existing Sorry Day Commitments. It was also suggested that it would be useful to have a presentation from the Victorian government to provide clarification.
Action: Invite a representative from the State Government to our next Advisory Committee to discuss the progress, issues & next steps regarding Treaty Responsibility: Council officer
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Acknowledgement of Aboriginal soldiers Cr Landgon discussed the proposed work to acknowledge Aboriginal soldiers who served in the Australian Armed forces
Attachment 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9 June 2016
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Charley Woolmore also provided an update on the unsuccessful Wurundjeri crowdsourcing campaign to purchase historically and culturally significant Wurundjeri artwork. Instead, Uncle William Barak’s 1897 painting ‘Ceremony’ was bought by a private collector at the 7th June auction. This is a disappointing result for all Victorians, that this significant historical artwork is in a private collection rather than on public display.
10. Emerging advocacy issues & Other Business 10.1 Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) discontinuing Aboriginal Employment Advisor position It was noted with concern that the MAV was discontinuing funding their position of Aboriginal Employment Advisory as of 30th June 2016. This position had been held by Lidia Thorpe. The Advisory Committee noted the considerable progress made through having this dedicated position support and encourage Councils to promote and provide services for and with Aboriginal communities. Concern was expressed that this progress would falter without the support of a dedicated position within the MAV. It was also noted that this could be raised at the MAV Council meeting.
Action: Recommendation that Council write to the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to commend their work over the past three years supporting Aboriginal employment and inclusion, and encourage the MAV to continue funding for their 11. NAIDOC Week 3-10 July Aboriginal Employment Advisory position Responsibility: Council officer.
Reconciliation Banyule letter for Yarra Plenty Regional Library (YPRL) to adopt a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
This was delayed until the next Advisory Committee meeting as the meeting between Reconciliation Banyule and the new the CEO of the Yarra Plenty Regional Library was yet to occur. 11. Review of meeting times As members have different availability, it was agreed to keep the current arrangement of alternating meeting times and venues. As meetings are every two months, this will still allow a range of viewpoints to be heard: 3-5pm for meetings at Council Chambers – 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd Ivanhoe 6-8pm for meetings Barrbunin Beek, Olympic Park, off Catalina St West Heidelberg
12. Thank you and next meeting Cr Craig Langdon concluded the meeting at 6.15pm. Next meeting: 6-8pm Thursday 11th August 2016 at
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Attachment 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9 June 2016
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Barrbunin Beek, Olympic Park, off Catalina St West Heidelberg
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Attachment 2: LGBTI Advisory Committee - Minutes - 21 June 2016
Item: 6.2
Minutes 21 June 2016, 5.30pm-7pm LGBTI Advisory Committee Tom Robert Room, Ivanhoe Town Hall
1. Attendances & Apologies
Cr Jenny Mulholland (Chair), Karen Joy Mccoll, Vita Catalano, Nicole Coad, Sharelle Rowe, Karen Bain, Thomas Conley, India Mortlock, Theonie Tacticos, Allison Beckwith
Cr Craig Langdon (Chair), Meaghan Holden, Samantha Soggee, Jane Grace, Rachel Jovic, Paul Wiseman, Rhett Mcphie
Welcome and Introductions Councillor Mulholland opened the meeting and welcomed Committee members.
2. Previous Minutes Previous minutes were noted by Council on 30 May
3. Business Arising 3.1 Review of Inclusive Toilet Policies Council officers provided an update on this item. At the previous committee meeting, the committee recommended that Council change the language around toilets from disabled to accessible. Council officers checked internally with Buildings maintenance and the language used for signage is ‘accessible’ however often the signage is without explanatory text and just has the symbol of a person in a wheelchair and a male and female symbol. This signage is heavily regulated. Council will shortly start the process of developing a public toilet strategy. The committee agreed that it would be good to provide input into the strategy to advocate for toilet design that is inclusive of LGBTIQ communities. The Committee also agreed that it would be important to have input from transgender community members. Action: Monitor the development of the public toilet strategy and notify the committee when the consultation begins Responsibility: Council Officer
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3.2 Review of IDAHOT Events The Committee reviewed the three events for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). There was an overall discussion about the need to change the term from IDAHOT to IDAHOBIT in order to incorporate the ‘biphobia’. The Flag Raising Ceremony
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The feedback from the committee included: •
The speaker, a representative from Transgender Victoria, was really excellent. Her speech was long but really informative and she clearly put a lot of effort in. The committee recommended trying to find a younger speaker next year but recognised that this can be difficult to find
The minute’s noise worked well again
The turnout was less than last year because Ivanhoe Girls grammar only sent a handful of students rather than a whole year group. However there were more community members, representatives from other organisations and politicians than previous years
The muffins were not good. Consider a rainbow cake for next year
Also consider flying the transgender flag next year
Also consider hosting the ceremony at twilight as this may mean more people can attend
Also consider reaching out to traders association to get their involvement in the flag raising ceremony. Note that Council will have moved to Greensborough next year so it is yet to be decided where the flag raising ceremony would take place
IDAHOBIT Party in Montmorency The feedback from the committee included: •
The event had a completely different feel to previous years. It had a great atmosphere. It didn’t feel insular, it felt like a community event. It needs to remain a community event in future years and we should continue to partner with a traders association to host the event
There could have been more directions and instruction about how the event worked; including where the toilets were, where drinks could be purchased from and what was free and what wasn’t, and which venues were included in the event.
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It was also quite hard to manoeuvre throughout the restaurant as it was very packed at certain points
There was not enough food early on and it would have been good if food had labels on it and info about the ingredients
The comedian Tom Ballard was great, very funny although some of the language was a bit too rude. However no complaints were received about this
It was great that the Gender and Sexuality Discrimination Commissioner was able to come
There was also a suggestion to invite a community radio station to attend the event next year
Inclusion: What Makes a Family photography exhibition This project was led by the Montmorency Traders Association. It aimed to celebrate diverse families. Twenty three entries were submitted and then displayed at hair and body works for one week. Despite efforts to engage schools, no schools got involved in the competition The feedback from the committee included: •
One barrier could have been the requirement for hard copy entries
There could have been a stronger link between the exhibition and the IDAHOBIT party
If a similar project is done next year, the Arts team could provide assistance by connecting with schools
All this feedback about all of the events will be incorporated into the evaluation report of the events.
New Business: 4.1 LGBTI Plan 2016-17 A Council officer presented the draft 2016-17 LGBTI Plan. There are 19 actions overall. The committee discussed the actions where the committee would have a role. These actions will now be entered into Council’s internal monitoring system and the Committee will have an opportunity to review progress on the actions throughout the year.
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Attachment 2: LGBTI Advisory Committee - Minutes - 21 June 2016
4.2 New Mind Australia LGBTI Service A representative from Mind Australia presented to the committee about the new LGBTI mental health service that Mind is opening. The service will be in Fitzroy North based out of Northside Clinic and will open in February 2017. The service will include group work, peer work and 1:1 counselling.
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4.3 Gayby Baby Schools Resource A council officer reported that the Gayby Baby franchise has launched two resources; one for year 5 and 6 students and one for years 7-10. The resources have been mapped against the school curriculum in health and physical education. It was launched by the Minister for Equality so it has the State Government’s support. Council has shared the resources with youth services and will continue to promote it to schools.
5 Other Business A council officer reported to the Committee that Council raised the rainbow flag at half mast on Wednesday 15 June to express solidarity with the victims of the Orlando shooting. A committee member also raised that there would be a marriage equality rally in the Melbourne CBD on Saturday 25 June.
6 Thank you and next meeting The next meeting will be on Tuesday 16 August. This will be the final meeting for this term of the committee.
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Attachment 3: Multicultural Advisory Committee - Minutes - 27 June 2016
Item: 6.2
Banyule Multicultural Advisory Committee (BMAC): Minutes from committee meeting 27/6/16 Nellie Ibbott room – Ivanhoe Town Hall
Attendees: Cr Mark Di Pasquale, Cr Craig Langdon, Cr Steven Briffa, Cr Tom Melican, George Giuliani, Rosemary Crosthwaite, Hussein Haraco, Uma Vijay, Albert Fatileh, Maxine Matthews, Gillian Hirst, Ryoko Williams, Allison Beckwith, India Mortlock, Theonie Tacticos. Apologies: Abdirizak Mohamed, Spectrum Representative, Jane Grace, Beverley Moss, Simeon Yang, 2. Welcome and Minutes of previous meeting Cr Di Pasquale formally opened the meeting and the apologies were noted. Previous minutes were sent to Council for noting on 30/5/16 3. Business Arising 3.1 Engagement with Victorian Multicultural Commission
A council officer provided an update on the engagement with the VMC around the Regional Advisory Councils. Council has requested access to the minutes from the meetings of the North and West Metropolitan Regional Advisory Council (RAC) however the VMC only makes copies of the minutes available to the members of the Council. Instead, the VMC will get the MAV to send out a list of the key issues raised by the relevant RACs. Council has also requested information about when there will be an opportunity to apply for a position on the next term of the North and West Metropolitan Regional Advisory Council. We have been informed that the current term of the Council is due to finish and expressions of interest for the new Council will open in October. A council officer proposed that a member from the community and social planning team will apply to be on the Council as it would provide a link with the multicultural advisory committee. The committee agreed with this proposal. Other committee members are also encouraged to apply as representatives of their communities. Action: When expressions of interest open, apply to be on the North and West Metropolitan Regional Advisory Council meetings Responsible: Council officer from Community and Social Planning team
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1. Attendances & Apologies
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3.2 Northland Faith Room A council officer provided an update on the advocacy around the faith room at Northland Shopping Centre. A letter has been sent to the Marketing Manager of Northland Shopping Centre advocating for a faith room to be established. A response was received acknowledging the letter. Council officers are following up again to request a meeting.
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Action: Follow up with the Centre Manager of Northland Shopping Centre to request a meeting about the faith room Responsibility: Council Officer
3.3 Preparation for the Census A council officer provided an update about work to prepare for the Census. The Census is on 9 August and will be online for the first time and only in English. Council wants to work in partnership with CALD communities to ensure there is a high rate of completion of the census. Committee members were encouraged to consider whether the communities they represent will require special assistance, such as translating key messages or holding a special session to assist people to complete the Census. One session is already planned at Shop 48 in West Heidelberg on Census night. A committee member expressed concern about the barriers that people will face, both in terms of low English proficiency and low IT proficiency and/or access to internet. Council will write to the Australian Bureau of Statistics to register this concern. The committee also recommended that Council seek to promote the Census widely and recommended that Council investigate whether the Leader is planning to write any articles. Action: Write to the Bureau of Statistics to register concern about the Census and investigate whether the Leader is planning any articles around the Census Responsibility: Council officer
4. New Business 4.1 Multicultural Arts Projects for 2016-17 A council officer from the Arts and Culture team provided an overview of the planned arts and culture activities for 2016-17. The team is committed to ensure participation from CALD communities and more celebration of diversity. The planned activities include: -
A multicultural food demonstration tent at Malahang
Celebrating cultural diversity through the Grand Parade
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A workshop with Multicultural Arts Victoria around collaborating with culturally diverse communities
Action: Send through suggestions of cultural performers to Council’s arts officer Responsibility: Committee members
4.2 Fact Sheets in other languages A council officer provided an update on the fact sheet project. Council has revised nine fact sheets on key council issues and will get these translated into eight languages. The topics are: About Banyule, Animals, Your Home, Leisure, Help for older people, Services for children, young people and families, Parking, Planning and Rubbish and Recycling. They will be translated into eight languages (based on 2011 census results of proficiency in English): Mandarin, Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Somali, Vietnamese and Macedonian. The committee suggested a number of other languages and requested that Council consider also translating these fact sheets into those languages. A council officer undertook to look at the number of low English proficiency in these languages. Action: Check the low English proficiency rates for the suggested languages Responsibility: Council officer
4.3 Multicultural Plan 2016-17 A council officer gave an overview of the proposed actions for the 2016-17 implementation of the Multicultural Plan. There are 27 actions in total including a range of staff training, advocacy, projects to improve accessibility and events. A committee member commented that it is important to move cultural events across the municipality in order to reach new audiences. Another committee member also commented that within the multicultural plan they would like to see an emphasis on trying to engage all Australians in multiculturalism because many Australians do not feel that multiculturalism is something that involves them.
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The committee was positive about the idea of the multicultural food demonstration and suggested some famous chefs who could be approached to be involved. The Arts officer also encouraged the committee to contact her with any suggestions of great cultural performers who could perform in the Grand Parade or in the festivals. The contact details of the arts officer be circulated with the minutes.
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Attachment 3: Multicultural Advisory Committee - Minutes - 27 June 2016
This feedback will be captured during the development of the new multicultural plan 201721. 5. Other Business
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A committee member gave an overview of events and Iftars that took place throughout Banyule during Ramadan. These included: - Bell St Mall Iftar - SACOV Iftar - Heidelberg Mosque Iftar It was suggested that Council consider hosting an Iftar dinner in 2017. 6. Thank you and next meeting Cr Di Pasquale closed the meeting. The next meeting will be held on 22 August 2016.
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Banyule Multicultural Advisory Committee – Action Progress Sheet – 27 June 2016 Note: The actions in the Action Progress Sheet have come out of the Committee meetings. They are in addition to the actions being progressed through the Multicultural Plan. Item:
Action Required:
Engaging with Victorian Multicultural Commission Regional Advisory Councils Prayer Room at Northland Shopping Centre
When expressions of interest open, apply to be on the North and West Metropolitan Regional Advisory Council meetings
Council Officer
In progress
Follow up with the Centre Manager of Northland Shopping Centre to request a meeting about the faith room Write to the Bureau of Statistics to register concern about the Census and investigate whether the Leader is planning any articles around the Census Send through suggestions of cultural performers to Council’s arts officer
Council Officer
In progress
Council Officer
In progress
Committee members
In progress
Check the low English proficiency rates for the suggested languages
Council officer
In progress
Census 2016
2016-17 Arts projects Fact Sheet Project
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Attachment 4: Disability and Inclusion Advisory Committee - Minutes - 29 June 16
Banyule Disability and Inclusion Advisory Committee (BDIAC) Minutes
Item: 6.2
Committee Meeting 29/06/2016, 5.30 - 7.00pm Council Offices 44 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna 1. Attendance and apologies
Jeff Walkley, Shawn Neilsen (Social Planner), Barbara Brook, Robert Runco, Lisa Raywood (Manager, Health, Aged Services and Community Planning), Nancy Sadka, Luke Nelson, Louise Pearson, Mick Hollman, Simon Chong, Theonie Tacticos, Janice Castledine, Stephanie Krt. Apologies: Sherridan Bourne, Cr Craig Langdon (Mayor), Anna Constas, Cr Jenny Mulholland (Chair) 1. Welcome and introductions Lisa Raywood opened the meeting and noted apologies. In the absence of a Councillor Representative, Lisa substituted as chairperson for the meeting. Previous minutes The minutes from the April 13th meeting were emailed to the Committee on May 5th and considered adopted on May 9th. The minutes were presented to Council and noted at the May 30th meeting of Council. 2. Member Update Due to this item being deferred from previous meetings it was decided to move this item forward in the meeting to give members time for information sharing. NDIS issues and information Members noted that they are aware of many people who are still unprepared for the NDIS and understand little about the scheme. Members reported positive experiences and feedback related to the programs being run by VALID, including the Parents as Planning Partners program which assists families to be ready for the NDIS. It was reported that one member had been encouraged by a Council HACC worker that they should join the NDIS, despite the member stating that they didn’t necessarily feel that the NDIS was relevant to them. Another member reported that they had been approached by a community member with concern and confusion about Council services in the NDIS. They were under the impression that Council services would cease as at July 1. It was confirmed by Council staff that this is not the case and noted that Council needs to continue to liaise with its staff to ensure communications about the NDIS and Council services are clear and understandable to clients and their families.
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Members discussed what systems were being set up to ensure that learnings from the NDIS roll out in NEMA are being recorded and captured. It was also noted that there is a need for independent advocacy to ensure that people and services have opportunities to input and influence the roll out the scheme as learnings are gained. Concern was raised around the options available for people to participate in community activities. The example of sport was given, where more people may receive funding to support them to participate in sporting activities but sporting clubs and opportunities may not be available or not adequately ready to cope with increasing demand.
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Members discussed the commencement of Local Area Coordination (LAC) services through the Brotherhood of St Lawrence. One member shared that they have commenced employment with the Brotherhood as a LAC and that staff are currently receiving training and that the specific nature of the role and how it will operate on the ground are still being finalised. Actions: Council to contact VALID about the possibility of hosting a Parents as Planning Partners workshop series in Banyule. Council to invite representatives from the Brotherhood of St Lawrence – LAC service to the next Advisory Committee meeting. Council to ask NDIS about local arrangements for monitoring the roll out and learning from local experiences.
3. Council Update – NDIS Service Provision Update The committee was informed that on May 9 Council made the decision to not register as a NDIS service provider. Council committed to supporting current clients to transition to the NDIS through the employment of a dedicated NDIS transition officer. The role of this officer will be to work with families and individuals who access services from Council and are eligible for the NDIS and to assist them to understand the NDIS and make a smooth transition to the scheme. The transition officer will commence on July 5th 2016. All clients have received a letter informing them of Council’s decision and the role of the transition officer. Council is finalising an updated fact sheet which explains Council’s decision and will be placed on the Council NDIS webpage shortly. Members asked about the future of the MetroAccess program which is currently funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Council informed the Committee that this program is currently funded until July 2016 and that Council had advocated and would continue to advocate for the continuation of this program. LAC The Committee was updated about the Local Area Coordination (LAC) service being delivered by the Brotherhood of St Lawrence (BSL). The BSL has recently completed recruitment of LAC staff and is currently in the process of training them. The LAC staff for Banyule and Nillumbik will be based out of Greensborough at their Main Street office.
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Council is represented on a reference group with the NDIA, BSL and others which will meet to discuss and provide input into the delivery of LAC services across the NEMA region.
Item: 6.2
The committee was informed that in the upcoming August 9th 2016 Census some changes had been made that could affect people’s participation. From this year the default option will be to complete the Census online. People will have the option to request a paper form however they will only be informed of this option and the changes via a posted letter. There is some concern that people may disregard the information letter and thus not participate in the Census. The committee was informed that Council was working with the ABS to deliver an information session locally and was also working with local services who could make available internet and computers for those without these facilities. A committee representative from a local community organisation offered to make their free internet computer service available during this time.
5. Disability Action Plan The Committee was taken presented with the draft actions for Council’s 2016/17 Disability Action Plan. This includes a range of actions to be implemented while Council develops its longer term Disability Plan which is likely to cover the period of 2017 – 2021. A copy of the draft actions will be circulated to the committee for comment before a final versions of the plan is presented at the August meeting.
6. Next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for August 10th. It was noted that this is the last meeting of the term of the current committee. After the Council elections, Council determines which committees it will have and allocates Councillors to serve as representatives of these committees. During August and September Council conduct a review of its Advisory Committees including the Disability & Inclusion Committee and members will have the opportunities to provide feedback. 7. Meeting close and Next meeting: Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10th August 5:30pm – 7:00pm.
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4. 2016 CENSUS
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