Special Meeting of Council Council Chambers, Service Centre 275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe 28 October 2014 commencing at 7.00
APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON ............................................................. 2 TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE WURUNDJERI PEOPLE .......................................................................................................................... 2 PRESENT .............................................................................................................................. 2 APOLOGIES .......................................................................................................................... 2 LEAVE OF ABSENCE ........................................................................................................... 2 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS ............................................................................................. 2 6. PERFORMANCE - USE OUR RESOURCES WISELY .................................................... 3 6.1 Mayoral Term.......................................................................................................... 3 6.2 Election of Mayor .................................................................................................... 4 6.3 Consideration of Nominations for Deputy Mayor ..................................................... 5 6.4 Appointment of Councillors on Committees............................................................. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS....................................................... 13 CLOSURE OF MEETING ..................................................................................................... 14
These Minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
WELCOME Mr Simon McMillan, Chief Executive Officer.
APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Simon McMillan, called for nominations for a Temporary Chairperson. Cr Craig Langdon was nominated as Temporary Chairperson by Cr Jenny Mulholland, seconded by Cr Tom Melican. Cr Craig Langdon assumed the chair at 7.01pm
The Meeting opened at 7.02pm.
TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE WURUNDJERI PEOPLE The Temporary Chairperson read an acknowledgement of the traditional land owners, the Wurundjeri people.
PRESENT Cr Craig Langdon, Cr Wayne Phillips, Cr Mark Di Pasquale, Cr Tom Melican, Cr Jenny Mulholland.
APOLOGIES Cr Steven Briffa and Cr Rick Garotti
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) stipulates that Council must elect a Mayor. Before a Mayor is elected, the Council may resolve to elect a Mayor for a term of two years. Banyule has traditionally elected a Mayor for a one year term. In accordance with section 71 of the Act, Council is required to determine the Mayoral term. A resolution is required to set the term of the Mayor. Resolution (CO2014/367) That Council resolves to elect the Mayor for a term of one year. Moved: Cr Jenny Mulholland Seconded: Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Mayor is the leader of the Council and has a number of roles which are both legislative and functional. The legislative requirements are outlined in Sections 71 to 73 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act). The Act states that Council must elect a Mayor at a meeting that is open to the public. The Act states that the Mayor not only takes precedence at all municipal proceedings within the municipality but must also take the chair at all meetings of the Council at which he or she is present. The Mayor’s role, however, extends well beyond officiating at Council Meetings or other municipal proceedings. Additional important roles are providing leadership, promoting positive relationships, and modelling good governance. This report relates to the election of the Mayor for Banyule City Council for the 2014/2015 Mayoral term. Resolution (CO2014/368) The Temporary Chairperson called for nominations for the position of Mayor of Banyule City Council for the next twelve (12) months. Cr Jenny Mulholland nominated Cr Craig Langdon, seconded by Cr Tom Melican. Cr Craig Langdon accepted the nomination. Cr Wayne Phillips nominated Cr Mark Di Pasquale, seconded by Cr Mark Di Pasquale Cr Mark Di Pasquale accepted the nomination. The vote was taken in relation to Cr Craig Langdon’s nomination. Cr Mark Di Pasquale called for a division: FOR:
Cr Tom Melican, Cr Jenny Mulholland, Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Mark Di Pasquale, Cr Wayne Phillips
The Acting Chairperson declared the motion
The CEO thereby declared Cr Craig Langdon successfully elected as the Mayor of Banyule City Council for the next 12 months, commencing 28 October 2014, having received an absolute majority of votes cast..
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Local Government Act 1989 does not deal with the election of a Deputy Mayor. Accordingly, councils may choose to appoint a Deputy Mayor if they believe this will assist their governance. The Act does not prescribe a role or permit a level of remuneration over and above that available to councillors. For councils that have a Deputy Mayor, the position is a titular one and does not have a statutory role. Unlike the roles of Deputy Premier or Prime Minister, a Deputy Mayor is not able to automatically step into the role of Mayor if this becomes necessary. An Acting Mayor must be appointed by Council on each occasion whenever an Acting Mayor is required. Traditionally Banyule Council has been in favour of appointing a Deputy Mayor to provide support and assistance to the Mayor in undertaking his/her workload. This report requests Council to consider the appointment of a Deputy Mayor for the 2014/2015 Mayoral term. Resolution (CO2014/369) That Cr Jenny Mulholland be appointed Deputy Mayor of Banyule City Council for 2014/2015 Mayoral term. Moved: Cr Craig Langdon Seconded: Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annually Council appoints Councillor delegates to the Council Advisory Committees and committees. Advisory Committees are made up of Councillors and community members. They have terms of references and meet to discuss issues and advise Council. In addition to Advisory committees, Council is often invited to participate on a range of external committees in partnership. Both advisory and external committees provide important linkages between Council, Community and State agencies and interest groups. Council’s approval of the Councillor appointments to the various committees is required. Resolution (CO2014/370) 1.
That Council determine Councillor delegates to Committees and other bodies as listed below: BANYULE ADVISORY COMMITTEES
Age-Friendly Advisory Committee The initial terms of reference for this committee will be for the development of an Age-Friendly City Plan 2015- 2018. Following Council’s adoption of the Plan, the terms of reference will be reviewed along with membership to the Committee. The Committee will include representation from Council, Residents, Community Organisations, Agencies and Service providers who have a focus on the provision of services to older people in Banyule and Community Groups.
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Arts and Cultural Advisory Group Provide a formal mechanism for Council to consult with key stakeholders, seek specialist advice and enable community participation in arts & cultural planning and development. Asset Management Steering Committee The purpose of the Asset Management Committee is to review Council’s Asset Management Strategy to ensure that it meets the Federal and State Government initiatives to better manage the planning and long term maintenance of infrastructure assets.
Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Tom Melican
Cr Steven Briffa Cr Wayne Phillips
SUBSTITUTE/S Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Mark Di Pasquale
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
Audit Advisory Committee The role of the Audit Committee is to assist Council in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by overseeing compliance with laws and regulations, accountability requirements, ensuring sound ethical standards are practised and the necessary systems controls are in place to manage risks. Banyule Bicycle Advisory Committee This committee with provide advice to on the implementation of the newly adopted Banyule Bicycle Strategy 2010-2020 and Implementation Plan and other related documents/initiatives as well as providing advice to Council on relevant cycling matters and raise cycling issues of local, regional or global interest or concern for consideration by Council. Banyule Community Plan Implementation Committee This committee will monitor the implementation of the Community Plan. It is made up of representatives from each of the project groups undertaking the Community Plan actions and Council to ensure that communication is maintained between the Community Plan and Council’s other planning processes. Banyule Environment Advisory Committee (BEAC) Provide advice to Council and Council staff on the development, implementation and evaluation of Council’s key environmental documents and initiatives including the Environment Strategy and the State of Environment report and other related documents/initiatives. Banyule Multicultural Advisory Committee (BMAC) The aim of BMAC is to provide Council with advice on multicultural issues and on the development and implementation of Council’s Inclusion. Access and Equity Plan (IAEP). Banyule Road Safety Committee This committee will provide advice to Council and Council staff on the implementation of the newly adopted Banyule Road Safety Plan 2010-2015 and other related documents/initiatives as well as providing advice to Council on relevant road safety matters and raising road safety issues of local, regional or global interest or concern for consideration by Council.
Cr Rick Garotti Cr Mark Di Pasquale
Cr Craig Langdon Cr Tom Melican
Cr Tom Melican Cr Steven Briffa
Cr Rick Garotti Cr Mark Di Pasquale
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Steven Briffa
Cr Craig Langdon Cr Tom Melican
Cr Rick Garotti
Cr Mark Di Pasquale
Cr Craig Langdon Cr Steven Briffa
Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
Chief Executive Officer Employment Matters Advisory Committee To make recommendations to Council on contractual matters relating to the Chief Executive. Disability & Inclusion Advisory Committee The aim of BDIAC is to provide Council with advice on disability and inclusion issues and on the implementation of Council’s Inclusion, Access and Equity Framework (IAEF) and Council Disability Action Plan. The priority of the committee is to assist with the development of the 3 year Disability Action Plan 2015-2017. Early Years Advisory Committee Its role is to: Contribute to the identification of key priorities for children and families in Banyule City Council from a parent/carer perspective; Inform Council’s planning in response to early year’s issues and developments; Provide advice in relation to key early years initiatives and activities; & Participate in discussions regarding the progression of early childhood as a priority for our community. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (GLBTI) Advisory Committee The aim of the GLBTI committee is to provide Council with advice and information on issues facing the GLBTI community and on the development and implementation of Council’s Inclusion, Access and Equity Plan (IAEP). Ivanhoe Community Consultative Committee The role of the Committee is to identify and direct the type, level and quantity of land use and development changes in the Ivanhoe precinct for inclusion in the Ivanhoe Structure Plan. Strategic Property Group The purpose of this committee is to review the current and future property requirements of the Council to ensure that adequate provision is made to meet future community needs. The committee reviews current property holdings to ensure that it is still needed for Council requirements or can be better utilised for another purpose. The committee also considers property required for future expansion related to the GPAC Project.
28 OCTOBER 2014
All Councillors
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Mark Di Pasquale
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Wayne Phillips
Cr Mark Di Pasquale Cr Wayne Phillips Cr Steven Briffa Cr Craig Langdon
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
Darebin Creek Management Committee Established to ensure the preservation, restoration, environmental protection, and ecologically sensitive development and maintenance of the Darebin Creek Linear Park. Melbourne’s Valley of the Arts Regional Tourism Board Inc (MVotA) To promote the middle Yarra parklands area to increase recognition of its arts, cultural and environmental heritage amongst local residents and visitors to Melbourne. Metropolitan Transport Forum Provides a framework for strategic regional waste management planning and a waste management coordination role for waste issues in regions. Metropolitan Waste Management Group (MWMG) Provides a framework for strategic regional waste management planning and a waste management coordination role for waste issues in regions. * MWMG Board : On 23 April 2013, the Governor in Council appointed four Councillors after being elected by Metropolitan Local Governments' Waste Forum delegates to represent the 30 metropolitan councils on the MWMG Board. Councillor Tom Melican was elected as a Director on the MWMG Board. Their tenure will run until 28 October 2016. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) & Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Provides leadership by supporting local governments to achieve high levels of respect and recognition through improved performance. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) – Environment Committee To provide strategic advice to the MAV on environment issues of importance to local government and the needs and issues of members in delivery of environmental outcomes. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) – Future of Local Government (FOLG) Strategic Change Group To collectively establish an agreed future vision for local government and to develop frameworks and tools to enable councils to achieve that vision.
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Rick Garotti
Cr Craig Langdon Cr Tom Melican*
Cr Wayne Phillips
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Craig Langdon Cr Mark Di Pasquale Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Tom Melican
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Planning Advisory Group & Metro Strategy Group To provide strategic advice to the MAV on strategic and statutory planning issues impacting on Local Government and to guide MAV policy and position development on planning related issues. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) – Transition Community Working Group Formed by the MAV to assess the Transition Community framework and allow communities to become aware of future global challenges and encourage them to work together to produce plans to achieve a transition to a better future at a local level. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Transport & Infrastructure Advisory Group To advise the MAV on strategic infrastructure and transport issues impacting on local governments and to assist the MAV to carry forward key policies and campaigns in this area. Napier Waller Property Committee of Management To manage the restoration of the house, garden and art collection of the former residence of the artist Napier Waller. Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (NAGA) Investigates, develops and coordinates energy saving and greenhouse gas emissions abatement projects within the NAGA region. Northern Melbourne Regional Development Australia Committee An Australian Government initiative that aims to bring together all levels of government to enhance the growth and development of regional Australia and to ensure that the three levels of government work in partnership to benefit local communities and find local solutions.
Cr Tom Melican
Northland Structure Plan Steering Committee In partnership with Darebin City Council, the Committee is intended to represent Heidelberg West and create a Masterplan for Darebin Creek. The Committee’s vision is for Northland to transform into a vibrant mixed use activity centre that provides for future community needs and new development options in Darebin and Banyule.
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Tom Melican Cr Mark Di Pasquale
Cr Jenny Mulholland
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
Olympia Housing Initiative – Community Liaison Committee The Olympia Housing Initiative is a ten-year program to improve housing in the suburbs of Heidelberg West, Heidelberg Heights and Bellfield, and will contribute to making better neighbourhoods, to improving streetscapes and amenity, and to creating a balanced and sustainable mix of public and private housing. Community Liaison Committees are established in major public housing redevelopments to enhance the stakeholder consultation process and to enable community participation in the project. Responsible Gambling Ministerial Advisory Council The role of this advisory Council is the pre-eminent source of stakeholder advice to the Minister for Gaming on responsible gambling. The Victorian Government, through the Minister for Gaming, seeks the council's advice on how to ensure the Victorian gambling industry operates in a way so as to minimise the harm from problem gambling, whilst creating an environment where those who gamble safely are able to do so. Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) The VLGA is a principal source of democratic and cooperative leadership to municipalities and associated community groups. It assists local governments to maintain peace, order and good government in Victoria. 3081 Connect (formerly West Heidelberg Neighbourhood Renewal Steering Committee) This committee made up of 11 organisation representatives and 11 residents. The role of the Committee is to develop a Community Action Plan in response to the needs of residents and oversee the implementation and evaluation of the activities in the plan. Yarra Plenty Regional Library Audit Committee A sub committee of the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Board which advises on financial and risk management issues. Yarra Plenty Regional Library Board The Board is made up of two representatives of the three municipalities (Banyule, Nillumbik, Whittlesea) that constitute the service. Its role is to set policy and direction for the regional library service.
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Rick Garotti
Cr Tom Melican
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Steven Briffa
Cr Craig Langdon
Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Steven Briffa
Cr Craig Langdon
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
City Development Community Programs Assets & City Services Corporate Services
DELEGATE (TO BE KNOWN AS CHAIR) Cr Wayne Phillips Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Jenny Mulholland Cr Rick Garotti
SUBSTITUTE/S N/A Cr Craig Langdon Cr Tom Melican N/A
The following Banyule Advisory Committee be removed: Neighbourhood Character Focus Group;
The following external committee be removed: MAV Future Growth Reference Group;
In regards to the Portfolios, the word “Delegate” be replaced with “Chair”;
The Committees and other bodies be advised accordingly.
Moved: Cr Jenny Mulholland Seconded: Cr Tom Melican
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS Cr Craig Langdon firstly acknowledged Cr Steven Briffa who has been Deputy Mayor for the past year and paid tribute to his outstanding efforts as Deputy Mayor. He stated that Cr Briffa has been a great sounding board and support for him in his role as Mayor and that he now looks forward to working with Cr Jenny Mulholland as the new Deputy Mayor. On his re-election, Cr Langdon paid tribute to his fellow Councillors and thanked them for their support during his term. He also thanked his family for their ongoing support. He advised that while he had been very busy over the past 12 months, he had tried very hard to stay in touch with the community and would continue to do so over the next Mayoral term. In particular, he highlighted some of his goals for the next year which includes:
In trying to make a difference, Cr Langdon intends to visit every sporting club and pavilion
Setting up a Multicultural Citizen of the Year as he did with the establishment with the Citizen of the Year
Establish a Seniors booklet listing all the services Council provides
Further developments with the Greensborough Project
Banksia Stadium has to be redeveloped in the next 12 months
Shelley Reserve redevelopment
Cr Langdon thanked Sue Sayle, who has been an assistant to the Mayor since the start of Banyule, and Emily Outlaw who has been assisting the Mayor and Councillors since February 2014. He also thanked his family for their support. Cr Tom Melican congratulated the Mayor and wished him all the best for the coming year with the support of all Councillors. Cr Jenny Mulholland congratulated Cr Langdon and acknowledged all his hard work he has done within the community, and to Cr Steven Briffa as Deputy Mayor and wished him well. Cr Wayne Phillips congratulated Cr Langdon and wished him another interesting and challenging year. Cr Mark Di Pasquale commended Cr Langdon for the high standard of work and thanked Cr Briffa on his involvement at community events as well.
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014
28 OCTOBER 2014
CLOSURE OF MEETING The Meeting was closed at 7.27pm.
DATED:........................... DAY OF ........................... 2014
............................................. MAYOR
These minutes are circulated subject to confirmation by Council at the next Ordinary Meeting to be held on 10 November 2014