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ARCHITECT DESA: Baptiste Guastavino

D E G R E E S : 2015/2016 : 2011/2014 : 2011 : 1995/2010 :

A C A D E M I C 2015/2016: 2014: 2010/2013: 2008/2010: 1995/2010:

Birth date: 0 8 / 1 0 / 1 9 9 1 French, born and raised in Holland

Master Degree in Architecture (ESA, Paris, France) Bachelor degree in Architecture (ESA, Paris, France) European B-driving licence. Prior studies at the British School in the Netherlands. A Levels: Psychology, Art and French. AS levels: Biology and Physical Education.

Contact info:


S P E C I F I E D A R C H I E C T U R E T R A I N I N G : I N T E R N S H I P S A N D V O L U N T E E R I N G 2015 : h2o Architectes, five months - Paris (fr). 2014 : McGill university and CIRMMT Research center: Research assistant in soundscape, two months, Montréal (Ca). 2013/2014 : Bullhorst Architecten; Project delivered and accepted for initial contract agreement, The Hague (nl). 2013 : C Concept Design, one month - The Hague (nl). 2012 : H B architectes, one month - paris (fr). 2011 : C concept Design-three weeks, The Hague (nl). 2010/2016 : Workshops at l’ESA and two participation in Bellastock Architecture festival. E X T R A - C U R R I C U L E U M : J O B S A N D D I S T I N C T I O N S 2016 : 3D modelling of a horse for ‘‘Petit H’’ and artist ‘‘J osé Levy ’’. 2015/2016 : Assistant in printing for ‘‘ESA’’ (paper and 3D). 2015 : Furniture design (cardboard) with ‘‘Nebaje’’. 2014 : Assembling a 3m x 3m model for ‘‘ Vinci’’ exposed at l’Institut du Monde Arabe. 2014 : Poster designer (graphic work), Integration weekend for Telecom Management School, (Paris, fr). 2012/2014 : Photoshop and Rhinoceros 3D private tutor. 2010/2013 : Mountain guide during summer (Corisca, fr). 2010 : Manual worker in warehouse ‘‘Etam’’ (Zoetermeer, nl). 2009 : Participation in THIMUN (model united nations, (The Hague, nl). 2008/2010 : Football coaching for ‘‘SV Wassenaar ’’ and the ‘‘BSN’’, (nl). 2008/2009 : Duke Of Edinburgh bronze award, (Breda, nl). 2008 : Football captain B1, champion of (Zuid-Holland, nl) -16.

10 Bavoylaan, 2594 BT, Den Haag (nl)

Blo g: P u blicat io n s:

T R A I N I N G :

Semester 9-10; École Spéciale d’Architecture (Paris, France). Semester 8; Carleton University, (Ottawa, Canada). Semester 1-7, École Spéciale d’Architecture (Paris, France). A-levels (english degree) in the Hague (Holland). British School in the Netherlands (Voorschoten, Holland).

P h o n e n u mber: 0033 623456436 E- mail:


S K I L L S :

Favo r i t e t o o ls : Rhinoceros 3d, Modeling, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. S e c o n dar y t o ol s : Hand drawing, Autocad, Sketch-up, Microsoft office, iMovie. O c c asi o n al t ool s : Cinema 4d, Revit, Vectorworks, After Effects, V-Ray render. L A N G U A G E S : English & French - B il ing u a l German, Spanish & Dutch - M od er a t e v oca b u l a r y A RC H I T E C T UR A L IN TER E S TS: Nomade architecture, curved folding architecture, minimal impact structure & skin, vernacular architecture, castle architecture, sense and interactive architecture, Air-architecture and Renaissance Architecture.

I N S P I R I N G A R C H I T E C T S & E N G I N E E R S W O R K E D W I T H / W H O T A U G H T M E :


Carl Fredrik Svenstedt, Thomas Raynaud, Jean-Christophe Quinton, Ricardo de Ostos, Cerdric Libert, Reza Azard, Hans-Walter Müller, Philipp Eversmann, Paul Ehret, Jean-Jacques Hubert, Stéphane Bonzani, Serge Joly, Rainer Bullhorst, Michael Halter, Bruno Barbot, Larr y Hately & Pierre Engel.


P R O J E C T :


P R O J E C T :

THESIS: Human habitat, a protective enveloppe: Ecologie, economy, durability and efficiency. Online link: w w w. is suu.c o m/ bapt ist eg uast avino / do c s/ memo ir e_bapt is t e_g uas t avino

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