Just like Marcos, many before him have come forward to support Miami Cancer Institute in helping create opportunities to enhance patient experience, which can have a direct impact on lives like Dr. Kulkarni. Philanthropy at the Institute has made it possible for Integrative Medicine, for example, to play a role during one’s treatment by seeking nutrition counseling, art and music therapy, physical activity and exercise training, massage therapy and acupuncture. Funded in part by the generosity of donors, the Integrative Medicine Program promotes lifestyle changes that work together with traditional medical treatments to enhance a patient’s health and wellness. Generosity through philanthropy helps shape patients’ experiences. Because of the support and dedication shown by the many who support Miami Cancer Institute, patients just like Marcos and Dr. Kulkarni will be positively impacted by additional resources made available by philanthropy.
TWIST OF FATE: How a Cancer Diag n
osis Made Me a Bet
NCER SURVIVOR A C T, N IE T A P L U EF MEMBER, GRAT ment facility, D R A O B N IO e-art cancer treat T -th A of eat st a – FOUND te Institu to Miami Cancer
ve access are fortunate to ha e w a, id one roof. or Fl h ut s together under Here in So ice rv se er nc ca nt later, I walked into alth’s outpatie 2019. Two days of y ar nu bringing Baptist He Ja in er with prostate canc The welcoming as first diagnosed a treatment plan. w te I n ea cr he w to s ed an ar ici sc d atment y phys I was shocked an anxiety. Two tre d to meet with m y an m s d am ce ex du p re -u w ly te itute for follo Beam radiation, te staff immedia Miami Cancer Inst e forward with True d compassiona ov an m g to rin ed ca e cid th de e ly w eated by t also deliver high Rodrigues, M.D., environment cr ly treat quickly, bu with Maria Amelia on er t th no ge to to er d w an po d e ente curacy. Having th options were pres nced speed and ac ha en ith w s et rg ta system. designed to treat iami Cancer ks of the TrueBeam ar llm ha e ar ith the team at M s w te p ra hi se ns do tio la ise re y ec pr ,m was aware g those five weeks ry beginning, I five weeks. Durin r ve fo e k th ee w om a Fr ice g. ndin diation tw n oncology urney was outsta I underwent this ra vanced radiatio ort through this jo ad pp d su an r ei ve th si d en an five, it close mpreh ations. On week world’s most co Institute grew very ct e pe th ex of y e m on ed rs ed er Institute offe interaction exce -free life. that Miami Canc t and the human en tm ea tr e nning of a cancer th gi be of e ity th al d an qu t e en m programs, but th end of active treat i Cancer pe, signaling the Ho of ll Be e eryone at Miam th g ev om fr lt fe I t was time to rin or ed and the supp d I made a y wife, Rosita, an l of care I receiv m ve at le th e e th nc r rie fo pe ul ex n so gratef so moved by my Health Foundatio Because I was give back. I was ber of the Baptist to em d m te a an As . w I pe at Ho d th lls of unity and me one of the Be Institute, I decide better our comm na to to do te ey itu th st k In or er w the t of Miami Canc e what I did, th stands for and donation in suppor what Baptist Heal and you experienc in nt d tie ve pa lie e be th s e m ay co s, I have alw But when you be Board of Director yone they serve. er ev to re ca th al on one’s life. level of he Health can have bring the highest ist pt Ba at th ct pa t that I also gnize the true im saved my life, bu ho w ns ia ic you come to reco ys ph day. by world-class fference every ve been treated tion makes a di ha za ly ni on ga t or no is to th eful how ion will help I am forever grat that my contribut and shed light on g in ity ow un m Kn m e. co lif y e m story with th dest moments of ent through get to share my through what I w en one of the prou g be in s go ha ls te ua itu st vid In di iami Cancer impact for other in Giving back to M and have a positive e riv th to ue in nt itute co Miami Cancer Inst n change lives. r – generosity ca no ho se en m im e brings m
Marcos Perez
Baptist Health Foundation 2019
ter Physi
cian The Monday after Than ksgiving will never be forgotten. On this day, dread – cancer. Even I was told I had the on though I have been an e diagnosis both phys an es icians and patients the sio log ist for 30 years, I found my after learning of my ton self feeling very alone gue cancer diagnosis. an In d a twist of fate, I would unprepared insurance companies now experience the ho from a perspective tha spitals, clinics and de t wa s rat aling with her foreign to me – the emotions I experienced physician had just be that day were unlike an co me the patient. The range y I have ever felt befor the next steps after I of e. I started to immedia gathered myself emoti tel y pu t tog eth er on all a pla y an n d to me de nta ter mi lly an oncologist at Miam ne from the shock. My firs i Cancer Institute and t call was to Siddhart a personal friend. His ha Venkatappa, M.D., greatly alleviate my an compassion, knowled xiety. My next call wa ge and understanding s to Minesh Mehta, M. of cancer helped who again, was incred D. , a radiation oncologist ibly kind and understoo an d de pu ty dir ector of the Institute d what I was going thr we discussed the differ ough. He explained the ent treatment options dis ea se to me in great detail and . I feel fortunate to have fortunate to be able to these two wonderful call on them as a patie ph ys ici ans as friends, but ev nt. Both Drs. Venkata en more an oncologic head an ppa and Mehta strongly d neck surgeon. recommended Geoffrey Young, M.D., My wife and I went to Miami Cancer Institute to meet with Dr. Youn professionalism an g and I was thorough d compassion show ly impressed with th n by th e e st af f every step of the wa by someone asking me y. While waiting, I wa if I was OK or if they co s reg ularly approached uld do something for he was the right surge me – I felt understo on to help me through od. As soon as I met thi s. Dr. Young, I knew His understanding of the bedside manner put my disease, knowledge of wife and me at ease. the latest research and kin He thoroughly, and pa d medical opinions from tiently, answered all qu Memorial Sloan Kette es tio ns an d ev en rin pro g. vid Tw ed o ve us ry wi pa th inful surgeries and fiv family the news we ha e weeks later, Dr. Youn d been praying for - I g finally gave me and was cancer free! my As a patient going thr ough this journey, the re were many things dedicated to help increa that stood out in my mi se cancer awareness nd that will stay with me forever. I am by reaching out to as difference in someon many people as poss e’s life. Vigilance is im ibl e in ho pe s of making even a sm portant, but it’s even all physician to ask ques more important to ke tions, advocate for yo ep going back to your urs elf an d tru st yo ur gut feeling if you su is wrong. Since becomi spect something ng a physician, I have always been careful no problems, but as a pa t to pe rso na lize tient, it was becoming patients’ more and more clear staff to personalize me to me tha t I wa nte d and treat me as some the medical one more than just a as a physician, I hope patient. Keeping this to become better at co in mind, mmunicating with pa empathy and compas tie nts an d sh owing more sion.
Samir Kulkarni, M.D .
Medical Director, Anes thesiology Homestead Hospital President, HH Founda tion Council